Crafts from a tree house. Tree crafts with their own hands - Drawings and instructions for simple and beautiful homemade products (photo)

According to the author. In this first article, I want to show you what simple crafts can be made from wood - both children and adults. Many ideas will fit for labor classes at school - for boys. Some ideas will fit for school competition crafts from natural material.

Some wooden crafts will be able to become decoration of your cottage or yard. Here you will find a storehouse of inspiration and joy from anticipation of such interesting and easy work. In this article I will prove - what to do beautiful crafts from wood maybe each. Because here you will find simple and worships. Even a fragile woman with a manicure can take half of the crafts from this article. So - let's fall in love with wooden creativity.

Let's start with simple magic.

Crafts that are glowing love.

Here are the simplest and cute country crafts from a tree. For a craft, you need a speaker of the log (ask when you cut the sawing with a grinder of firewood to make some thin sleeps). Or you can without drink - just take the board of any size.

In the tree we drill holes such a thickness so that a glass pebble bought in the store is entered. Such sets of multi-colored decorative glass stones are sold - in the gifts department, and in the department where candles, vases and everything for the decor of the holiday.

You can screw such holes with glass just in the board - and hang it on the apple tree. You can drill such holes in the fence - if the sun is at least once a day shines at a low angle.

That's very beautiful. Magically. As in the country of Fay. Your children will be delighted with such a craft from a tree.

Simple wooden crafts

If you have in the courtyard in the courtyard there is sawing logs on the firewood - you are lucky. You can freely gain invaluable diverse material. Ask men to cut to you flat sleeps, both from small logs and from large. Lovingly fold them away from the woods of firewood and start to come up with future crafts from the tree. For example, let it be wooden owls. It is done just and looks beautiful. Spies can be tipped to each other with nails. You can plant them on liquid nails (like glue).

The surface of the sleeps can be rude unusual (as in the photo with a craft bunnies). And you can pass out sandpaper and even coat with varnish such an intermediate material. Or paint the color you need.

From large sleeps, you can make large country crafts from the tree. And small logs (from thinner bans and logs) are suitable for miniature crafts - for example, such birds. Brying of such a thickness you yourself can be knocked out - manually, without chainsaws.

Spiles from the logs can become canvas for artistic installations. Such wooden crafts paintings can be made from any natural material. Go to the river and find smooth flat pebbles. They will become a source of interesting crafts. Stones are easily painted with markers, office fat markers or just a gouache (after work, fasten the gouache with a lacquer for hair, or nail polish).

And here is another way to make beautiful air crafts from wooden sleeps. Openwork end-to-end pumping of electric jib (photo with a maple leaf) looks simply magical.

Here is a small master class, from which it can be seen how the process of drinking openwork patterns on the thick heap of the tree is.

First, we will supply the stencil with a pencil. Then drill drill holes in key nodes of the pattern. And then the jigsion go from one holey knot to another.

You can come up with the device yourself which will help you drink products from wood with the help of a regular drill. Do it yourself make an electric jigsaw. Holding hands for comfortable handles You just move the device - following your drawing lines. The thinner the drill the smaller details of the picture you can cut them out. Perfectly invented.

Or it is possible buy electroballs - It stands on average 100 dollars. You can find and for 50 it is not on an industrial scale to work, so it is not necessarily a very powerful expensive tool to buy.

If you have a boring wall of the shed right on you on the summer yard. That you need to make it disqual. Explain the Saratik using a craft from a tree. Do it applique Mosaic From wood spins small size. Such sleeps are obtained if you cook with hacksaw (or chainsaw) thick bows or thin logs.

Foundation Under such a craft from a tree, cut out of the sheet of plywood. First, we draw a silhouette of the future craft on it. We cut the plywood base with a manual logby or special power tool. And we stick wooden rounds on it - on liquid nails, on joinery glue or hot glue from a pistol.

And even at home you can make from sleep decorative frame for mirrors from wooden greek(master class in the photo below).

  1. Also buy a circular mirror. Put it on a sheet of plywood - to circle a pencil.
  2. Around the resulting circle, retreat several centimeters (on the width you want for the frame). And with this indentation to draw a second circle.
  3. Cut a large circle from plywood. And enclose the outer ring with spikes from the tree. It turns out a beautiful wooden dealing frame - it remains on liquid nails into the middle of the mirror.

This is probably my favorite view of a tree craft. Here, the boiled shields fall on his friend creating a puff volume of crafts.

Here is a drawing of a cow of three layers of a wooden shield. The first layer is the body, the second - head, the third - bangs and nose.

You can paint all the layers of your crafts in one color (as a craft polar bear from wood) or in different colors (like a craft mouse on the moon - photo below).

Or you can leave the factory pattern of the tree (as on the crafts with the photo below).

Wooden Lisa It has a two-layer design - a layer of the back, and the head and tail are stacked on it.

Slicer duck It has 5 layers - the central layer of head, and two layers on both sides (tummy + wing).

The more layers You will apply on each other, the volume and convex will be your craft. Here is an example with a craft "Lions from a tree" can be seen like put forward the face of the beastThanks to the four layers of the thick wooden board.

If you paint your crafts. Dorisupe a fairytale, add small parts - folds, stains and so on. You can get very realistic and expensive crafts from a tree. Your little hobby can be your business. Such work can be safely put up for sale.

You can invent your characters yourself. Patch on a sheet of paper of their layers. Increase the cradle first in the paper template - to translate the contours to the wooden shield and cut off. Or find pictures in a children's brazer - and redraw them in an enlarged amount.

Such puff crafts made of wood can not be cut out of thick shields, but from thin plywood sheet. And then such work can be carried out in labor classes within the framework of the school program. On the topic "Lobzik on plywood".

Here's the idea - how out of 3 plywood shields Make a two-color craft-puppy. The first top layer of white plywood peeps only the tips of the ears, tail and one rear paw. We will cover the second layer (so that it darkened). Eyes, nose and lines can be drawn with a marker, or burn a special device to burning on wood.

In the same technique of shields with different colors, you can make a lot of volumetric crafts from the tree in school lessons in school or in a circle of wooden creativity.

In a very similar technique, you can make an applique of wood. It also takes the basis of a wooden tree array board (that is, not glued shield, but a solid board). Because we will grind it, and the glue shield from grinding can fuse and glue seams will be visible.

  1. On the paper drawn all the future handicraft. Shares lines to the details. Each detail is numbered. And is photographed (to then check the location of each element in the photo).
  2. Next, the drawing is cut through the lines to the elements. Each element we circle on a pencil board. Drink element from flat board. All elements are flat on top, rude over the edges of the cut and with sharp edges of the saw.
  3. Now our task all edges of each detail smoothed, wrestral. We put the sharp edges of the sawing agent. And we are calculated on the grinding machine (if you have it) or we make grinding by hand with sandpaper of varying degrees of rigidity-roughness.
  4. After grinding all the details stain in the satellite veil (Sold in construction stores). Depending on how many times you wipe the Detail of the Morilka - you will get the tone lighter or darker. Very bright details can be wrapped in just vegetable oil. You can check in advance Shades of painting on tree trimming left after sawing crafts.

You can also collect the details of the crafts from the tree in watercolor or gouache (Using not a brush, but a foam sponge). After painting, the item does not pack your hands, you can sprinkle her hair lacquer or impregnate with a cracker with another turning maker for wood (only before trimming what color will be).

It only seemsWhat a cow (in the photo of a craft from a tree above) is located behind the moon. In fact, all the details are in the same plane. On a sheet of paper. But thanks to the streamlord of the edges of the parts - everything looks in bulk, soft and as if depressed in friend. In fact, nothing is pressed - everything is simply lying along with each other.

Ideas for such flat craft appliques from wood You can take inside children's bookkeeping books. There are just pictures with large details. Children's picture-rationa can be found in Google - zoom and print. Or redraw directly from the monitor screen, putting the paper sheet on the glowing screen.

Methods of pollovka details

So that it was easier to open smooth edges of the details, without rubbing the corns in your arms, I want to give a few useful tips.

You can clamp a sandy grinding tape in special vice, also chocated from wood. This is how it is done on the left photo below. Or come up with your version of the device.

Here on the left photo - sandpaper turns around a thick plate with a semicircular edge. And the edges of the emery paper are wrapped in the grooves, and clamping the bolt twisted through the round cylindrical wood-clamp.

Also there are grinding nozzles on the drill. And then you can make a silvism of parts using rotary power drills and magic power strength.

Here we see grinding nozzles on a drill - plate and drum form.

There are grinding devices for a drill, where you yourself can change Entround paper - remove the old screaming sand and refill a new one.

By the way, it is possible to buy on Aliexpress at once the grinding drums on a drill for 3-4 dollars per batch of 100 pieces. If you can look and cheaper to find.

And in order for the drill when working, you cannot create a special fastening structure in your hand, which fixes Your homemade grinding machine in one place, and all that you will remain to bring items to the grinding drum.

The design of the mounting pallet may be different, with a wooden clamp (photo above), or with a retainer in the form of a metal bracket (as in the photo below).

With such an assistant to make crafts from wood with their own hands - one pleasure. Quickly nice and immediately beautiful the result. Such work can be put on the flow - and establish a whole manufacture of beautiful wooden (smooth and safe) toys for children, gift wooden paintings.

You can become a successful master. Completely unexpected for himself. That's so simple, looking at this article and falling in love with the idea.

Fantasy wooden craft is limitless. Remember the success formula - everything can be done from the tree. The main thing to start ... then continue ... and finish.

For example, puffing toys. Beautiful fun and for children and to decorate cottages. Such a hammer or woodpecker can knock on your door, reporting a guest on the porch. As in the fairy tale, you can drown for the rope, and you will open the door.

You can do your own decorations for the children's room. In essence, reincarnate and become a designer of interesting interior crafts from a tree. Any boy will be happy if his children's room will play with the jungle motifs.

You know ... I will probably continue the theme of wooden crafts for the design of the children's room in one of the following articles. I want to see what ideas are glowing here. And fall in love with someone in this good thing.

And also, perhaps, you need to create an article with wood toys for children - handmade. Also need to write. And then it will earn link.

In the meantime continue ...

Where do future crafts live? .... Old half-satiest boards. For example, from grandmother's fence. Which usually go on firewood or exported from the yard as an extra garbage. Stop. Let's not throw them out. Run in this heap and create something wonderful - do it yourself from the tree.

Wooden mop-brush, if you cut it in half - turns into a mouth of an evil pp. A little fantasy and work. And now the service dog has grown and rocks on you.

Elegant artistic design. Tree and throwing material.

Any throw material (hardware, plastics) and old woods can populate your house with fabulous characters. They are alive. They have a soul and their own story.

Displaced veneer , from old furniture shields, quietly reacted in your Saraike - can also be a source for craft appliqués from a tree.

From this thin woody material It is possible to cut the details of the future craft right scissors and stick on hot gun glue (or on joinery glue).

And instead of a veneer, you can use a thin birch bark. And also make interesting flat crafts from the tree.

Ordinary firewood from your lunite can become a source of inspiration for wooden crafts to the cottage.

If the round is crawled to cut down the painter, then you get a figurine with a person turned to you. It remains only to draw this face, add the elements of the eyes, ears, nose to it.

You can fold the body of the animal from the lanes and round chumbs. Churbans will be legs and laminated back. You can do the head from the round sleeve a small log. Or sleep the ax The face to the desired form from the same is full as the body of your four-legged trees from the tree.

Show fantasy, do not stop before a difficult task. Squirrel from a tree or a snail from the lane - there is nothing complicated. We turn on the head and sense of humor - it will tell the most ridiculous, but effective ways to convey the delicate image of the animal using a coarse tree and another natural material.

You can work with a chainsaw or ax - drinking or shining your craft from a tree. You can make such pretty pigs with your own hands as a funny craft from a tree to the cottage.

And in the thickets of shrub, you can put a beautiful proud deer - too, a simple and fast craft of wood and branches.

It happens that when the cutting of firewood, a figured big chip is chopped off. This church often has a bizarre form - already similar to something (bird, panther, face profile). You need such a gift of fate carefully to put aside in order to return to him and complete the cradle, started by nature. Something to cut a knife, to allocate paint, stick something like an additional part. And it turns out an exercise from the tree with their own hands - beautiful and original.

These ideas managed to find me for masters of wooden creativity.

Now you can also make beautiful crafts from wood with your own hands. Especially since this article is only the first of the cycle on the topic of wooden craftswhich are understandable and easy to do at home. You probably already fell in love with some ideas and fulfill their determination - I hold the cams for you - let everything get out best. And your handicraft from the tree will enjoy your whole family pile.

Successful to you work and bright ideas.

Dutch drawings of wood and branches: do it yourself

Upon references to the crafts from a tree, the imagination draws an equipped workshop, arsenal of serious tools, harvesting of valuable wood species. The reality also offers more easy ways to perform a dream.

The quality and intricateness of the product depends on the skill of the author. But you should not lower your hands if there is no experience. For beginners, master classes have been developed, including clear instructions.

As a working material, branches collected in the park or forest, spins, sheets of plywood and even chopsticks from ice cream are suitable. And as a toolkit - jigsaw, saw and glue.

Crafts do it yourself from branches of trees

The main requirement for the execution of such products is the work of fantasy and a sense of composition. Adults and children can cope with work. The branches of any size and invoiced branches are shown.

  • Branches;
  • Plastic eyes (can be purchased at any needlework);
  • Poppers matter chopped with smooth squares. Wrap around the figures and perform the function of clothing.

Children love such crafts. In addition to the game, they can be used as decorative decorations.

as decorations for furniture, wall surfaces and doors.

The list does not have borders. Spils of large diameter are suitable for large-scale work. Little - for the manufacture of compact products. Height determines the volume of crafts.

After working to care for the garden, there is a lot of waste at the disposal of a dacket: starting from thin twigs, ending with massive logs. They can be used on firewood, but much better make garden crafts from wood with their own hands, which will decorate your site and will attract universal attention.

Landscape design elements

Garden buildings

Wood can serve as a material for construction and decoration of various structures: a shed, well, gazebos, skelting and so on. Such wooden crafts for the garden are especially attractive on the background of a country house from a log or planed timber, forming a single style landscaped area.

It should be remembered that even a very small structure will be needed to build a fairly large amount of wood. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the missing number of sawn timber will have to arrive. However, the result is worth it.

Organically combining rounded logs and branches obtained after trimming trees in the garden, you can create unique and unique exteriors.

garden path

Make your country area beautiful and unusual paths paved with spikes trees. To do this, trimming the thick branches and cutting wood trunks that remained after cleaning in the garden are perfect. It is only necessary to trace them so that they are not sacrificed by pests, as it affects the strength and durability of the coating.

Work software is done like this:

  • the tree must be seen on the segments of the same length (the diameter does not matter here);
  • process the blanks with a special composition protecting them from rotting;
  • according to a predetermined markup to dig a trench, the depth of which is equal to the length of the prepared cylinders plus 15-20 cm;
  • at the bottom of the deepening, pour out a sand pillow, which after that carefully tumped;
  • only after that you can install sleep.

The slots between large elements can be filled with thin billets that you have chosen from the branches of trees.

After the end of work, the remaining gaps fall asleep with sand or earth. The latter can be mixed with seeds, after germination of which the track will acquire an even more attractive appearance.

Fences and support walls

Wood is well suited for the construction of various fences. In addition to the main purpose - zoning of the site or restrictions of people and animal access - a wooden stakenik or woven also perform a decorative function, complementing or emphasizing various design solutions in landscape design. Such a fence can easily make from the girlfriend, without spending money on their purchase.

The zoning of the site can be carried out with the help of support walls made of dry branches of trees or logs of suitable thickness. This solution will be effectively combined with a house from a bar, spille tracks, wooden garden furniture and so on. It is important only to overdo it and keep a sense of measure.

Decorative bridges

Complete the ensemble of crafts from wood can bridges made of logs and branches, perched through the streams or artificial reservoirs. They look very colorful and are often used by designers to design landscapes of country sites.

The lack of them is one - the need to use a large amount of material. It is unlikely that you have enough logs and thick branches in the country. However, in this case, it can help the nearest fishing line. Surely there there is a sufficient amount of dry, which can be used with benefit.

In front of the spins of trees in the forest, it is necessary to make sure that these actions you do not violate the current regulations relating to the use of natural resources.

Decor elements

Flower beds

After speaking an old or dried tree, a massive barrel remains at your disposal, which is most often cut to the firewood and is burned in the fireplace or bath. However, showing a little imagination, you can turn it into a unique and attractive club, which will decorate the courtyard, a barbecue area or an open summer kitchen.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  • the trunk of the old tree;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • chainsaw;
  • plancock or grinding machine.

Instructions for the manufacture you hardly need. It is only necessary to arm patience and fantasy, and then give an unsightly piece of wood any desired shape. Also, do not forget about the deepening, which later needs to be filled with soil and plant flowers there.

Choosing plants, make sure that they are combined with each other in shape, color and flowering time.
So you will achieve the best effect and get rid of dry in the flower bed.

garden furniture

Last distribution recently received crafts for the garden with their own trees, which operate the role of furniture. The price of such products performed by professional masters is quite high, but a simple chair, a table or chair can be made independently.

You only need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. For the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to use wood with a thick cross section, which is hard to find in the country area.
  2. In the process of manufacture uses professional tools and equipment. If you do not have them, the desired power tool can be rented in the nearest construction supermarket.

Wood processing and furniture manufacturing is made in such a sequence:

  • the log or branches of the suitable thickness and length are treated with an ax to remove the remains of the bark and the bitch;
  • using chainsaws, subjects are given the final form and dimensions;
  • after fastening parts with each other, their final finishing with a hammer and a chisel;
  • at the very end, all surfaces should be cleaned with sandpaper, having achieved perfect smoothness.

In order for the resulting garden furniture to serve for a long time, it must be treated with an antiseptic, getting rid of pests inside the wood, and to cover with varnish, protecting products from the effects of negative external factors (sun, water, and so on).

Registration of the playground

Wood can be used to make various features adorning playgrounds. They will serve not only an element of design, but also a game item. For example, a wooden horse. Its manufacture will not require much effort.

Work is made in such a sequence:

  1. Initially, the body is constructed. To do this, you need to take two sleeves of a large diameter log and combine them with small powder. The thickness of the spike should be about 3-4 centimeters, and the diameter of at least 25 centimeters. Thus, a box is formed, which, if you wish, you can subsequently fill the earth in which the flowers plan.

  1. The next step will be the manufacture of legs. In order for the horse does not fall during games, they must be durable and steadily hold the body. A wooden beam is suitable for a cross section of at least 5-6 cm or branches of trees of similar diameter. It is advisable to select the length on the basis of the growth of children.
    Remember that legs should be firmly attached to the body and installed in the ground. You can use metal corners for stiffness, and the lower ends of the bars bury into the ground.
  2. The final stage is decorative details. This includes head, mane and tail. The latter make the easiest way. You only need to fix several cuts of the rope. The head is made of plywood, which, with the help of the jigs, the desired form is given. You can attach my head to the body using a wooden bar with a length of 30-40 cm.
  3. Do not forget to paint the figure. This will not only give her an attractive appearance, but also protects the wood from the negative effects of the sun, rain and snow. Remember that it is necessary to use varnish or paint for a tree that is safe for children and does not highlight harmful substances into the atmosphere.
    Another way to produce a horse from a tree - use trimming branches and logs left after cleaning the garden. But in this case, it is necessary to show an incomplete fantasy, building some kind of sculpture from them.

From wood you can also make children's swings and sandbox. Showing a little imagination, you construct lasagna stairs, labyrinths and many other items that you like the younger generation.

All items installed on the playground must be safe.
Make sure that the base of the swings and stairs is carefully concreted, all parts were securely connected, and on the surface of the wood there were no nails, offices, swirls and various defects that kid could damage.

By the way, the old logs available at your disposal can be successfully used to make machines, trainings and so on. It is necessary only chainsaw and a little paint. And delight, which will affect the faces of your offspring, will serve you with the best reward.


To give an exhaustive list of sodes for the garden, which can be made of wood, is hardly possible. Showing a fantasy you can come up with many more ideas, each of which is worthy of incarnation. After reading the video in this article, you will handle more interesting things for yourself.

A tree is the most affordable and cheapest material that can use each at its discretion. In our country, a huge number of forests where you can find both dried trees and fragments of trees. And even the seasons are not powerful over what can be made of wood with their own hands.

Tree crafts can be both small all-in-house items and souvenirs, toys. Family or even children's crafts. In addition, you can make furniture from wood, small buildings and much more. It all depends on what you want, how much time you have on these classes, and the experience of wood processing. If you have a small carpentry machine and any tools, then processing questions can not be installed, as well as questions about the experience.

The simplest crafts can be homemade ego problems. So, for example, from the treated sticks and bombs, you can make wonderful hangers for clothes that will serve for a long time, and look like you want it. Alias \u200b\u200bare sufficiently thick bruises or shafts of small trees, you can add legs for chairs, rolling, make cuttings for mop and much more. And if we talk here about furniture, then we have a few more elements, you can collect chairs and tables.

The problem of modern furniture is that it is assembled mainly from the treated secondary raw materials. This means that the materials for furniture are now for the most part there are sawdust and chips from the main production. And due to the high cost of materials made of wood for industrial production, furniture factories are moving to cheaper raw materials, without following the deterioration of product quality. If you make furniture with your own hands, even the most primitive, and invest your soul and experience in it, then it will last much longer than purchased.

If you need any additional materials that cannot be found in the forest, for example, such as plywood, processed boards and similar things, you can always buy them in specialized stores. In this case, quality will increase even more, and you will have more space for creativity.

From the primary wood materials, you can also build a house, barn, salas or gazebo without any problems. For these buildings, treated sticks, blesses and fragments of trees, trunks and everything you can find are well fit. The main thing is to consider initially that you may need, and try to make a small drawing to plan an assembly.

An excellent occupation will also create crafts with the whole family or with children. The main thing to teach home use tools. And the things made together will become for a long time in your home, giving the warmth of the family hearth.

The best gift is the one that is done with your own hands and from an environmentally friendly material. The tree surrounds us everywhere: branches, hemps, bars - from everything you can create a real work of art.

Think, it is very difficult? Give mom, try making crafts from wood with your own hands. For beginner masters, we have prepared detailed instructions.

In contact with

Ideas of trees from wood

Add wooden accents to the interior. From the bar material it turns out, a drawer for toys, even the table. In just a few hours, make an unusual candlestick or frame for photo in Scandinavian style.

Make what is missing in your home, right up to small and useful things: hanger, tray, cutting board, vase or christmas holder.

The country season opens a new period of creativity. Do not rush to harde the old stumps, turn them into fantastic creatures.When things on the garden becomes less, take the time to build a house on a tree for children or

Time will have to spend a lot, but the result will delight. Subscribe a seating area at the house with hanging toys from a tree, cut off the bench or create an unusual wooden.

If you have small helpers, you will certainly deal with the joint manufacture of simple products from the tree with your own hands. Children such a pastime will have to do, and the result of collaboration will be a unique wooden toy . Make a plywash from plywash for a boy or doll from branches for a girl. From wooden clothespins, the guys will be able even without your help to make a snowflake for the New Year's decoration.

Tip!Before the manufacture, draw a sketch. Transfer the paper drawing onto a tree and cut out unique decor items.

How to make simple crafts from the tree do it yourself

Workshop, a huge amount of tools, varnishes and paints - it is not necessary to complicate the task, there is a way easier . The main thing is the presence of material, cutter and grinding. If you have never worked with wood, follow the step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of light crafts from the tree.

Pupa from branches

If you do not know what to do with the tree with your own hands, nature itself will throw the idea. Select the material from which you will create. From the branches, you can make not only hanger, Iquiban, but also an unusual doll.

Tools and materials

For the manufacture you will need:

  • branches;
  • tape, scotch;
  • the cloth;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • toy eyes or buttons;
  • felt.

Step-by-step instruction

Before proceeding with work, collect dry and strong branches of small in the yard. Rinse and dry the tree during the day. For the safety of follow-up, treat the branches with special varnish for. This method will retain the natural texture of the tree. Next, proceed according to plan:

  1. Pick over the branches for the pupa. Connect the parts using a painting tape or tape to get a little man with legs, handles.
  2. Make your head toys from felt, stitching two round items together. Put the head on the branch, give realism to the face of the doll with a little eye or bright butt.
  3. From woolen threads, from Moulin, make hair, stick or sushach them to the fetal head. You can braid braid.
  4. From the fabric loskuts, cut clothes, from felt - slippers for dolls.
  5. Complete fantasy image with the child. Make several sets of clothing, from long threaded hair, create incredible hairstyles.

Little handicraft made of wood can be not just a toy for a child, but also to the interior decoration.

Polystone craft prices


Clothes hanger do it yourself

The manufacturing process is more difficult, it will take more time and materials. Such a shelf-shelf can be placed in the corridor, make a variety of apartments in the style of a designer craft from a tree with your own hands.

Tools and materials

For the shelf hangers you will need:

  • dense branches of the same size;
  • boards or plywood;
  • nails;
  • glue;
  • wood paint;
  • saw.

Step-by-step instruction

Choose the same branches in thickness and height. For the foundation of an interesting craft from a tree, you can use a finished shelf. Then:

  1. Treat the tree with a special impregnation or cover the paint layer.
  2. Saw patch branches at the height of the shelf. They should fit tightly to the boards.
  3. Secure the branch on the shelf using glue or nails, lay them close to each other and bumps out. It is wooden protrusions that will play the role of hooks for clothes.
  4. Color ready-made paint product for wood.

Prices for Faneru

Tip!Observe the security technique. Wash the original crafts from the tree in the garage or on the balcony, process wood in a well-ventilated room. Protect small children from accessing crossing and cutting tools.

Wooden crafts with their own hands using cut parts

There is no limit to perfection. Experienced masters, armed with a bulk and grinding machine, can create lamps, decorative stands and various artistic crafts from wood. Professionals are honored by the skills of the years. What kindcrafts from wood do it yourselfcan be donefor home Without special machines and machines?

Mug for kvass

Tableware for real men! Such a craft of wood bars is easy to make themselves with your own hands, fulfilling recommendations. Men's work, but the woman will be able to sharpen the product in the presence of tools.

Tools and materials

Prepare in advance:

  1. tree bars or cutting board;
  2. grinding nozzle on the grinder;
  3. pVA glue;
  4. tight rope;
  5. tin jar;
  6. harness;
  7. iron rings;
  8. cutter.

Step-by-step instruction

If you have already ready and polished pieces of bars, then the making time is reduced twice. If only the board is available, you must start from scratch:

  1. Make the board markup every 2-5 cm, saw, polish with a special nozzle on the grinder.
  2. Around the Iron Bank tightly place the bars, wrapping the lateral sides glue, cover the harness or rubber band.
  3. The drying product is grinding inside and outside.
  4. Cut from the board the bottom and handle, glue the items.
  5. Secure the mug with iron rings.

You can decorate the finished product to your taste: cut the initials or make a commemorative inscription. Such a mug will be an excellent gift to a friend.

Important! Carefully grind the circle so that there are no sharp corners left.

Tie from wood

New-fashioned treachery - manual crafts made of wood ... in the design of clothes! On New Year's Eve or at the prom, no one will have a similar tie.

Tools and materials

For work needed:

  • plywood or board;
  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • sewing kit;
  • grinding machine;
  • cutter.

Step-by-step instruction

The bow tie is placed to order experienced masters, and it costs quite expensive. An interesting product made of wood can make any beginner. Such an accessory will complement an unusual male image. Let's proceed:

  1. Draw a sketch. Think out all the details, from size to form.
  2. Cut the butterfly-tie from the tree, polish the edges and treat.
  3. Sew the tissue holder, secure the wooden accessory by the knot, forming a classic pillow in the middle of the butterfly.
  4. Decorate a ready-made tie with an inscription or engraving.

Wood butterfly will be the highlight of the master style or musician.

Flowers from wood

Flowers are an excellent idea for crafts from a tree. The universal decor is suitable for decorating the living room, bedroom or hallway. Choose dense types of wood. To make wooden flowers, take out cut triangular shapes with a special knife.

Tools and materials

Prepare in advance:

  • wooden bar;
  • knife cutter;
  • knife-jamb;
  • plasticine;
  • wire;
  • elastic nozzle;
  • paints, varnishes.

Step-by-step instruction

Draft crashes. The first floral experience will be a simple model of an uncomplicated form. Later you can cut sophisticated lilies with a detailed structure of petals. Stick up the next algorithm:

  1. Think out the flower model: how many petals will be, size, form, etc.
  2. Transfer the drawing to the wooden paneur, cut the elements.
  3. With plasticine, secure the petals on the core. Metal wire make stem.
  4. Treat the parts with a knife-shock, give the shape of the flower.
  5. Collect the flowers by the emery nozzle.
  6. Give the will creativity. Color the flower to your taste.

Tip! Make a toopiary or bouquet. Give on the birthday of girlfriend flowers that never started.

How to grind the details of the trees from the tree do it yourself

The most important stage of creating crafts from a tree - grinding. With the help of a grinding machine, you can handle the surface of large elements and wooden items. How and how to make the surface of the details smooth?

Knowing what crafts can be made of wood, make the material perfectly smooth with help:

  • grinding machine;
  • drill nozzles;
  • bulgarian;
  • emery paper.

Manual grinding is convenient to handle edges of small parts. Guide in small rules of procedure:

  1. Grind along the fibers, parallel to the plane of the part.
  2. Treat edges with different types of sandpaper: from rough to fine-grained.

What can be used to create crafts with your own hands

Would you like to create, and the materials are not suiced? Do not buy an expensive tree. For the manufacture of crafts, use everything at hand:

  1. From the lane at the cottage, you can make fantastic dwarfs.
  2. Spiles of wood will be excellent supports under the hot or base for wooden clock in Scandinavian style.
  3. Puppetchables, hangers, unusual bouquets are created from the branches.