Rating of the most harmful for man building and finishing materials. True and false about modern building materials Concrete Alex is harmful to the body

The acquisition of materials for construction and repair is complex and responsible. Most Russians upon purchase primarily pay attention to the appearance, the manufacturability and cost of materials, and not on their safety. This approach is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences. Some modern building materials can adversely affect the human body, and many sellers who are concerned exceptionally increasing income, prefer not to bring complete information about all the qualities of the goods being implemented.

We will try to fill this gap and introduce readers with a list of building materials, unsafe for health.


In the recent past, slate was one of the most inexpensive and common roofing materials. The harm that he is able to inflict human health is associated primarily, so that slate sheets are made from compressed asbestos fibers, which over time disintegrates on the smallest pieces. These particles are so small and easy that they are in the air in the form of the finest suspension and inhalation can fall into the respiratory tract, settling there. The rate of asbestos is increased by heating. This means that the roof made from slate sheets, in hot summer days literally poisoning residents at home.

Asbestos is one of the strongest carcinogens. Long inhalation of its particles is fraught with the development of not only inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, but also malignant tumors.

If you decide to use slate during the construction of housing, try to make it so that it is not exposed to high temperatures and weather drops. It is easiest to paint the surface of the sheets that to some extent will reduce the likelihood of the harmful effects of material on health.


Concrete is used as the main material for filling the foundations, erection of bearing walls and durable partitions. It makes separate building elements (blocks and plates), as well as massive structures. The material is technological, durable and inexpensive. Unfortunately, it is practically impenetrable for air, and live in a house built from concrete elements is quite harmful. In addition, plates and blocks are strengthened with metal frames, which act as peculiar traps of electromagnetic waves. It has been established that the tenants of houses raised from reinforced concrete often suffer from increased fatigue, problems with sleep. Specialists associate such ailments with the effects of electromagnetic radiation.

When building monolithic structures, a method of filling the seal with a concrete mixture is used. As the base, use fine crushed stone, which is obtained from durable rocks (for example, granite). Not too good construction firms at the same time are not driving the security check of the seal, in particular its radioactivity. As a result, the tenants are often settled in apartments whose walls create an increased radioactive background for decades.


Plasterboard is used for interior decoration of residential premises: alignment of walls and floors, creating complex forms of ceilings and a variety of light partitions. But few suspect that this material may be dangerous to health.

Only high-quality plasterboard can be considered harmless, which includes purified gypsum. It does not destroy the air and does not have a negative impact on the respiratory tract. The problem is that inexperienced buyers often acquire cheaper technical plasterboard, not intended for decoration of residential premises. Such savings are unacceptable: poor-quality material is not only less durable, but also harmful to health.

Polystyrene foam

The construction uses two modifications of expanded polystyrene: extruded (foam) and extruded. Both are used as insulation. In addition, some types of finishing wall and ceiling panels are made of foam.

The polystyrene foam is released into air such chemical compounds as styrene, phenol and formaldehyde. They not only annoy the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, but also accumulate in the body, gradually poisoning it. Therefore, experts do not recommend using polystyrene foam for interior decoration of housing. Long-term stay in the room lined with foam plates is poorly reflected in the liver and cardiovascular system. There is evidence that the accumulation of sputter products of polystyrene foam in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to malformations of the fetus.

Mineral wool

In modern construction, mineral wool is widely used for insulation and noise insulation. Material can highlight phenol and formaldehyde, toxic to humans. The probability of harm to health is high, since mineral wool is easily disintegrated into microparticles entering the body through respiratory organs.

To avoid the harmful effects, mineral wool layers should be used exclusively as a heater, which should be placed between the layers of other building materials. Walls and partitions erected using mineral wool is not recommended to drill.

Dry plastering mixes

Dry mixes for preparing plaster, putty pastes, adhesives and other finishing materials should not contain any harmful components. The danger of materials of this kind is due to the fact that they are very easy and profitable to fake. According to some reports, the proportion of counterfeit dry mixtures implemented in the domestic market is about 60%. With control purchases in the composition of powders sold in falsified "branded" packages, poorly cleaned chalk, and chemicals, toxic to humans, and even components with a distinct radioactive background.

Products from PVC

Their polyvinyl chloride (PVC) make materials for stretch ceilings, wall panels (siding), pipes, various elements of the finishing of the premises (plinths, moldings, installation fittings for electrical wiring, etc.). The so-called plastic windows are widespread, in the manufacture of which PVC is also used. Products manufactured by European firms that support high quality standards are practically safe. The trouble is that the domestic market is overflowed by their poor-quality analogues and fakes. Such materials can be separated by dioxin, which is a powerful carcinogen, and toxic phenol.


Linoleum is designed for finishing floors. It is natural and polymeric. The first is made on the basis of jooty tissue or wood crumb with natural oils and resins. It is harmless, but not cheaps and is quite complicated in the laying. In the production of polymer linoleum, synthetic resins are used, which can be separated in air benzene, inhibiting respiratory organs, and phthalates, adversely affect the reproductive system. The most dangerous is the material made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, especially in cases where they are separated by floors that are constantly exposed to humidity or high temperatures.


Vinyl wallpaper do not distinguish harmful substances, but absolutely do not let the air. Under them can be a colony of pathogenic fungi. Such material should not be covered with bedrooms, children's rooms, as well as rooms with high humidity. Low-quality varieties of washing wallpapers over time begin to collapse, highlighting benzene and styrene.

The optimal option is pasting walls with paper wallpaper. They are not as technological, like linker or vinyl, but do not harm health, and they are cheaper. Wallpaper from natural plant materials (jute, bamboo, etc.) eco-friendly, but very expensive.

Paints and varnish

Safety are considered water-based paints. They do not contain toxic solvents and are suitable for interior finishing works.

Most oil paints and varnishes are manufactured using toluene and xylene. These substances in high concentrations lead to the development of diseases of the respiratory system and blood, affect mucous membranes and skin. Some variations of paint and varnish coatings are made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, which can highlight dioxin into the air for six months after color.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is practically no system of mandatory certification of construction and finishing goods. The domestic market is oversaturated with materials representing real health hazard. To at least somehow secure yourself, you need:

  • acquire materials made by famous European or American manufacturers;
  • choose construction products in large specialized stores;
  • thoroughly study the composition of the acquired materials;
  • accurately follow the recommendations of manufacturers for the use of materials for construction and repair;
  • do not save on the quality of additional materials (adhesives, mastic, finishing mixtures, etc.).

Apartment repair (especially the construction of new housing) is carried out quite rarely. This process requires careful planning, including financial. It is important to approach the choice of building materials and take into account all their properties. Only in this case, your home will become not only beautiful and cozy, but also safe.

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The walls of our house must protect and protect us from danger. In what cases does the house begins to be dangerous for us and our loved ones?

In the air of the apartment there may be more than 100 toxic substances. After cosmetic repair, we can worsen the radiation background in your apartment. Not only varnishes and paints can be dangerous when inhaling vapors, but also ordinary linoleum or furniture from chipboard.

Today I want to stay on the topic "Harmful building materials, poisoning our body." Let's deal with what building materials are distinguished by hazardous substances and try to replace them with safer.

The most harmful building materials

High-tech substances benzene and ethyl benzene enter our apartment from building materials - linoleum, varnishes, paints. These substances provoke cancer.

The large concentrations of harmful chemicals - xylene and toluene, which in varnish, paints, plastic, linoleum can cause lesion of skin, mucous, pulmonary diseases.

The presence of such poisons can be found in the air of any apartment. Phenol is used in the production of synthetic resins and different chemicals.

Phenol is contained in:

  • varnishes and paints;
  • linoleum;
  • furniture from DVP and chipboard;
  • bitumen and tar impregnation;
  • ruberoid.

No one thinks that phenol poisoning is not only striking the liver and kidneys, but also changes the composition of the blood.

Another harmful substance is formaldehyde which is contained in chipped and wood-fibrous plates, foam, plywood. Its concentration is very high in apartments, where there are furniture from chipboard.

Formaldehyde The most common pollutant and carcinogen. If he gets into the human body, then headaches begin, nausea, the upper respiratory tract is affected. Let's give up so harmful materials.

The most harmful finishing materials

Styrene is a dangerous substance, whose pairs are irritated, cause headache, nausea, dizziness, spasms.

It contains:

  • facing plastic;
  • polystyrene thermal insulation foams;
  • moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Panels made of polystyrene foaming constantly isolated gas and applied in residential premises. Polychlorvinyl highlights vinyl chloride, affecting the nervous system. This process is enhanced by heating. If the linoleum is at the battery, then it heats up and vinyl chloride stands out faster.

Building materials such as phosphogyps and silicate brick can be a radon source, radioactive gas that is a radium decay product. Dose of irradiation from poisonous radon, even more doses from other radiation sources.

Therefore, it is necessary to intensively ventilate the room.

When you choose materials for repair, try to pay attention to environmental friendliness. For the floor, the parquet is best suited. Linoleum is more harmful, it is better not to sharpen it in the nursery and the bedroom, stopped on the laminate.

In nursery, do not use foam as insulation, replace it with natural materials.

When choosing paints, choose water-level, alkyd, latex or polyester. They dry quickly, and there will be no dangerous evaporations in the air.

Very harmful products made of polystyrene foam and polystyrene. A huge number of people makes ceilings with polystyrene foam tiles and other thermal insulation materials made of polystyrene foam. Remember, they are very toxic.

Replace polystyrene tiles for safe mineral wool slabs, which are also an excellent insulation.

Sealants are unsafe, contain a foaming reagent. Remember the sharp smell it is always a sign of toxicity sealant.

Very harmful adhesive masses for gluing tiles or linoleum, which contains a solvent.

Plastic double-glazed windows are also not harmless, polyvinyl chloride frames and profiles highlights many toxic substances. It is always better to stop your choice on wooden frames.

Harmful materials in the kitchen utensil

Also pay attention to the kitchen utensil, it can also be made from harmful materials. The melamine products are especially dangerous. Melamine is a brightly painted plastic that highlights formaldehyde.

Even crystal can be dangerous, because it turned out, it is a source of weak radioactive radiation and highlights lead. Therefore, it is often not recommended to use this dish. You can not hold drinks for a long time in a crystal countess. With a long stay in a crystal compote, lead can absorb lead. Therefore, pour drinks to crystal dishes immediately before serving.

The oxidized aluminum pots can harm, especially they are dangerous to people with patients with kidneys. Do not try aluminum dishes to a gloss with a metal sponge. An old saucepan coated with an oxide layer may not be beautiful, but no longer oxidized.

Our favorite Teflon frying pan contains many toxic substances that fall into the food. The more often we warm up the pan, the faster the coating and the poisons are damaged in the air. The standing particles of the Teflon fall into the lungs, the cells are affected. All workers of enterprises producing teflon products work in masks.

Couples allocated from Teflon increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer.

Old cast iron frying pan is the best and safest. Also eco-friendly pans with a ceramic coating.

How can I replace harmful building materials?

For the floor, the safest coating is the Parquet and cork coating. Choose them for children's rooms. Kavrolin does not secrete hazardous substances, but can cause allergies.

Laminate can highlight toxic substances. Linoleum is not an eco-friendly material.

What to choose a heater? Ceramzit-safe, but not effective. Glasswater is effective, but over time it can be asked. Polyfoam, polystyrene foam durable, but adherent can be released poisons and poorly remove pairs from the room, forming fungus, condensate.

Stone wool protects perfectly from heat and cold, safe and recommended for residential premises.

When choosing wallpaper, stopped on paper, glass windows, vegetable-based jute, crutches, bamboo or cane, they are made from natural components. Glue for wallpaper is better to choose on a starch or casein basis.

When the materials are selected for repair, pay attention to:

  • quality certificates;
  • sharp smell, products should not be a source of sharp smell;
  • products of famous firms, it is more reliable.

The most harmful materials, varnishes, paints, masses of poor quality, linoleum, vinyl wallpaper, decorative film. Discard them, do not use for repair. When choosing building materials, pay attention to Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Today, very often the construction of your own home costs cheaper apartments.
However, in the construction of the house there are many of its advantages and minuses, about which you always have to remember.
The most commonly the man in the construction of the house is guided?
Answer: Unfortunately, mainly the cost-effective value of building materials. Of course, this applies far from all. However, the average house-building is often forced to calculate each penny to build a house.

So the question is: "How much is the house standing?" Usually review solely in the monetary equivalent. Much later comes to understanding that the cheavering of building materials will have to compensate for the health of health.

If you want to accommodate all households in a new house, it is safe in terms of health, you first need to pay attention not only to the price of building material for the future at home.

First of all, you need to explore the characteristics of all building materials for home and their consumer qualities and properties.

Traditionally, when the "box" is built at home, the choice is between two building materials - a tree or brick. Pros and cons has both.

In addition, you should not forget that the tree over time is subjected to rotting, that is, to process it at least two compositions need.

And now imagine that over time happens to these compositions?

After all, they not only evaporate and, with time, wood processing must be carried out again and again.

Well-burned brick in this plan is safer, however, if the house is on the basis with high humidity, the walls even with very thorough heating rarely warm up to the desired temperature. If the house is heated irregularly, then frequent colds all living in your home are provided.

The third on ecology building material for the construction of the house is concrete and its derivatives: foam concrete, aerated concrete.

Asbestos from which slate is made, in Europe is simply forbidden. If you want to save on high-quality tile, you can cover the roof by slate. However, think about the smallest particles asbestos in the air, causes irritation of lungs, and when heated, it may cause lung cancer during heating. The same applies to products from various kinds of plastic mass. Sewer pipes and fittings today are made from plastics.
As for the interior and interior, there are even more harmful finishing materials. You can start, for example, from varnishes and paints, which, by the way, are used not only for internal, but also outdoor work. Impregnation for parquet, varnishes and paints can be dangerous not only after time, but immediately after the color, as it is easily caused to burn the respiratory tract.

From the paints it is worth with caution to relate to synthetic and the fact that they are produced with solvents. They make a sharp smell and are very toxic. When dried, metal-containing paints of metal particles can fall on furniture, food, in the air, and already from there to the body without adding joy to health.

To not paint, for example, windows, people preferred PVC windows. The substance, so often used at the internal finishing of the premises (plinths, moldings and corners) - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) decomposes and distinguishes harmful substances into the air when contacting air at room temperature and sunlight. Polystyrene foam and polystyrene, which are part of many eliminates, stand in the row of harmfulness as polyvinyl chloride.

Chipboard, which is now found almost everywhere, is used when finishing and manufacturing furniture. At a temperature of 20 with phenol contained in the chipboard, it begins to evaporate. If the surface of the chipboard is saved by material with a weak air exchange, the concentration of phenol under it becomes not just a harmful, but dangerous. Phenol has long been recognized as carcinogen actively affecting the central nervous system. The furniture from the chipboard is preferably leaving in a disassembled form for ventilation.

The danger in his own house can proceed from linoleum and furniture from Feds and Chipboard. These materials also contain phenol and formaldehyde. Even a special term - phenol-formaldehyde houses appeared. In such houses, the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the norm 5-7 times! And in such houses with mines of slow motion, people live, not knowing that every day cause devastating harm to their health. Plinth, plaster, wallpaper also lead their "vital activity" in our apartments - they accumulate and distinguish harmful substances. The greatest content of formaldehyde is diagnosed in apartments with new furniture from chipboard and fiberboard, as well as in private houses, which use mineral wool insulation. In wall cavities of apartment buildings, ureformaldehyde thermal insulation can be used. All these cute interior items and building materials themselves may also be harmless, but turning out to be together in close space they create a synergistic effect and have a detrimental effect on the human body. And even if the liver cirrhosis of the liver vapor of phenol does not occur, then headaches and imminent immunity are practically guaranteed. Is it worthwhile after that, that in Russia is not a high life expectancy, if in the West most building components used in Russia are prohibited?

A person can be added to the list of enemies of the housing of a person's housing, PVC windows, comfortable and practical oilcloths from polyvinyl chloride. According to the study of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alla Malysheva, in apartments with a new synthetic linoleum, the level of volatile organic substances exceeds the norm in 70! If the furniture is made of such an apartment, the level of harmful volatile substances in the room is significantly reduced - the excess of the norm "total" is fixed 30 times!

How to deal with all this "household chemicals"? In order not to live in the barocamera, the experts advise to refuse the detachment of materials. In particular, you should not bold the ceiling with vinyl. Bicycle or paint a water-free ceiling significantly more correct step in terms of care for your own health. Do not force your own apartment cheap furniture from chipboard. Refuse the synthetic linoleum, replace it with a parquet or parquet board, resins, as well as vegetable oils, are a binding component in these materials. Even laminate is a smaller danger of the ecology of residential space compared to the synthetic linoleum. Does not contain any harmful substances cork coating and carpet. True, the latter is contraindicated allergic.

If you cannot spend money on wooden furniture, buy furniture from the Class E1 chipboard plates, that is, the first class, and not E2. The chipboard of the first class is safer. It looks very beautiful to the furniture from the rattan, but the rattan is more suitable for making coffee tables, shelves and shelves.

In the kitchen, replace the polyvinyl chloride into the polyethylene, PVC windows to modern and fashionable wooden frames that are equipped with sealing gaskets.

If you want to build a cottage safe from an ecological point of view, you can choose blocks of cellular concrete as a building material. They are practically not inferior to the tree by environmental properties. However, for the production of concrete with additives, a concrete mixer is required - equipment designed to prepare concrete mixes. In order not to buy a concrete mixer and other expensive equipment, it is easier to immediately buy ready-made building blocks from an interesting material. Before buying any building material, ask the seller a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Mineral wool insulation replace clay gravel or stone or glass. True, it should be borne in mind that the glass wool sooner or later sends, forming a laptile plots in the building.

Some of the most toxic materials are polymeric materials. It is possible to reduce the harmful "emissions" if a long time to store polymer-containing building materials in air. Then harmful substances contained in building materials are weathered. If there is no such possibility, we recommend that you apply a kind of protective layer on the surface of the building material, for example, using a silicone coating.

The level of harmful substances in apartments are measured by experts. They measure the electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency, which create household appliances, wiring, transformers and power lines outside the window. Measurement in the air of phenol, formaldehyde and toluene occurs during chemical gas analysis. During microbiological analysis in the air, the presence of dangerous bacteria is detected. The level of radiation depends on the presence of gamma, beta, and alpha particles in the room.

Wallpaper. Fashionable Moisture-resistant (washable) Wallpapers can be very toxic if they highlight styrene - a substance that is used to produce synthetic polymers. His pairs are annoyed by the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat, and also cause headache, nausea, dizziness and even loss of consciousness.

Silicate brick, phosphogyps. These building materials can become a source of radon - an inert radioactive gas, which, if a person gets into the body, contributes to the processes leading to lung cancer. Inhaled alpha particles begin to bombard the inner tissues of respiratory organs, causing micro-coolers in them. It is believed that the dose of irradiation, obtained by a person from Radon, is more than a dose that he receives from any other sources of radiation combined.

Linoleum. The cheapest flooring. Bad linoleum pollutes the air with benzene and ethylbenzene, and they are able to cause cancer and blood disease. Such substances such as xylene and toluene are distinguished - in large concentrations, they also lead to blood diseases, lungs and skin, affix the mucous membranes. Carcinogenic vinyl chloride affects the nervous system. Finally, in the conditions of an ordinary apartment, polymers - namely, linoleum is made - disintegrated into monomers, which are very toxic. The process is enhanced when the linoleum is heated (from the heating battery, for example). Side effects - headaches, allergies, respiratory disruption.

Lucky, paints, mastic, glue. Since the same xylene and toluene are the source material in the production of varnishes and paints, in any newly renovated room, it will smell this nastiness, extremely harmful in large concentrations.

In general, if desired, of course, harmful substances can be found in almost all building materials. What are there construction materials? They are everywhere: in the air, soil, food!

However, consider! Environmentally friendly parquet with normal radioactivity can be covered with toxic lacquer and make it a slow killer. Therefore, negligently refers to the choice of coating or any construction and eliminating material is not worth it.

Be sure to pay attention to the range of building and finishing materials during the construction and repair of the house: learn instructions, see customer reviews. Most often, construction and finishing materials manufactured by the PRC and Turkey are adopted by the most dangerous to human health, i.e. the cheapest.

The money saved by you when buying low-quality building materials will still go to buy medicines and inviting doctors for you and your loved ones. And what could be more expensive than health? Obviously not cheap and most importantly, harmful building material for the future of your home!

How to protect yourself

■ Buy repair products in large specialized stores, and not in markets. If doubt, ask the seller to show quality certificates.
■ Refuse linoleum in favor of laminate, and even better - parquet. This is the case when you should not save, especially if you are a feet of the floors in a nursery or bedroom. From wallpaper, you may prefer to paper.
■ When choosing paints, stop at water-level, alkyd, latex or polyester - they will quickly dry, and harmful evaporation will be less. When painting, try to apply as few layers as possible.
■ Residential premises are desirable to air every 20 minutes. Helps and regular wet cleaning of the apartment.
■ If it is not possible to get rid of the smells of repairs too long, consult an environmental impact. Now such services provide a number of organizations formed on the basis of various research institutes and having the necessary licenses. Depending on the type of examination and volume of work, the service costs 5-9 thousand rubles. But the environmentology will definitely establish a pollutant and its source, and will also give you recommendations, which is better to do in this situation.

By itself, the material is absolutely safe, but with severe heating there is a risk that polystyrene granules will start melting, highlighting toxic gas. However, this material refers to the category of non-combustible, therefore the risk of such a situation is minimal. Also need to be remembered that open pores of such materials can be populated with fungi or pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain the minimum level of masonry humidity, but it is enough to comply with the construction and decoration technology. The masonry should be protected from moisture, as shown in the photo for the environment separately it is worth discussing the impact material on the environment. Here, the radiation characteristics of concrete come to the fore.

Foottonal blocks are harmful to health: True and myths

From the point of view of radiation danger, the material is harmless to other pluses of aerated concrete in the point of view of ecology include:

  • The absence of synthetic materials (phenols, resins, polymers).
  • Low flammability even with direct exposure to open flame.

Note! When the gasoblock is heated into the atmosphere, toxins do not fall into the atmosphere. The hydrogen in the pores is simply oxidized to the water, which immediately evaporates.

  • The stable structure of the material that ensures extremely slow decomposition during disposal and inclusion in the natural cycle of the elements. Aerated concrete is quite inert, therefore, falling into the water or in the soil, does not poison their decay products.

The output to learn information about whether foam concrete is harmful to health, aerated concrete, etc., of course, you need.

10 building materials hazardous health

The thing is that both the ash, and slags may have the most different origin, and therefore it is impossible to eliminate the content of heavy metals and toxins in them (lead, arsenic, etc.). Of course, their share in the material will be meager, but in any case it should be avoided.

  • The exit from the current situation is quite simple: it is necessary to purchase gas blocks from certified manufacturers. Yes, the price will be slightly higher, but it can be confident that all the components before entering the solution were radiological and toxicological verification.

Slands and ashs may contain heavy metals to also say a few words about other varieties of porous concrete:

  • Foam concrete does not contain anything that can have a negative impact on our body.
  • But the question is harmful to the health of polystyrevbeton, quite complicated.

Is concrete harmful to human health?

  • After completion of the reaction, the mixture is first subjected to primary opening when heated, then saw and autoclave ready-made blocks, processing them with a heated steam.

Industrial production of blocks actually, other cellular concretes are also produced according to the similar scheme. True, there are differences in technological processes:

  • For example, for the manufacture of foam concrete instead of aluminum composition, a synthetic or protein foaming agent is added to the solution.
  • And in the production of polystyrenebetone, the cellular structure is formed by polymer granules, which are made from waste of construction or packaging foam.

The polystyrene filler is pretty toxic with combustion of course, the instruction for the manufacture of these materials contains many other nuances not mentioned here, but we are interested in the first stage.

It consists of a huge amount of toxic elements: phenol, benzene, formaldehyde, etc. An unpleasant smell emanating from the material is the first call saying that it is not worth acquiring the material. Evaporation from it can cause skin and allergic diseases, and provoke an oncological disease.

  • Laminate.

Laminate is a beautiful floor covering with excellent technical properties, for its durability, manufacturers are covered with plastic film, it is the cause of the discharge of harmful substances. The best option for flooring is environmentally friendly and natural materials - parquet or wooden array.
  • Plastic windows. Plastic windows perfectly retain heat and protect the house from street noise, but polyvinyl chloride is used for their production, which is harmful to health.
  • Damages a block of cellular concrete for human health


    In response to skeptics, we can say that we use the dishes from aluminum, for quite a long time for the interior decoration, the same lime was used. Let's try to figure out the technology of manufacturing a gas-silicate. Safety of aerated concrete Features of the production of aerated concrete blocks for the production of aerated concrete is made of four components, these are mineral components: portland cement, finely phrase quartz sand, water, aluminum, lime.

    Porosity is formed as a result of a chemical reaction, aluminum (powder) is used as a gas formator. Hydrogen, released during the reaction, swells the solution. Thus, aluminum oxide occurs. At this time, the mixture increases in volumes due to the appearance of empty cells.
    The technology of the production of aerated concrete so that the material has become strength, he needs to harden.

    Is a healthy health amazing

    The surface of the walls from any material should be primed, plastered or lined. You can see the finishing of walls from aerated concrete and the inner cast of walls from foam concrete in other articles on our website. The indoor moisture is influenced by the ventilation system and heating.

    Sometimes in a gas-concrete mixture, unfair manufacturers can add slags, ashes. They can bear danger, since they are found in them such elements like cadmium, lead, copper. An indicator of radioactivity can also change. Recommendations When purchasing building materials, it is recommended to check certificates of conformity, documents, sanitary and hygienic conclusions.
    And not always a cheap material can be safe. Certificates for aerated concrete blocks The environmental friendliness of the aerated concrete blocks is one of the safest building materials after the tree.

    Foot concrete blocks are harmful to health? Opinions of specialists

    High tightness of window designs reduces natural air exchange. After repair, hazardous substances accumulate indoors.

    How construction materials affect health

    For all building materials, including brick and wood, special building rates have been developed, according to which they must be harmless, that is, not to allocate toxic substances in high concentrations into the environment. Aerated concrete refers to the first class of radiation safety, that is, it is absolutely harmless even with long-term contact with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dkiuwduozixk Another advantage is that when exposed to moisture, high and low temperatures, it does not change its chemical properties and does not allocate harmful chemicals. Aerated concrete does not affect the humidity regime in the room, does not conduct an electric current, not magnetized.

    It includes only natural mineral components (sand, cement) with the exception of the aluminum mixture, but the concentration of aluminum is insignificant, therefore does not affect the health of others.

    What are there construction materials? They are everywhere: in the air, soil, food! However, consider! Environmentally friendly parquet with normal radioactivity can be covered with toxic lacquer and make it a slow killer. Therefore, negligently refers to the choice of coating or any construction and eliminating material is not worth it. Be sure to pay attention to the range of building and finishing materials during the construction and repair of the house: learn instructions, see customer reviews.

    Most often, construction and finishing materials manufactured by the PRC and Turkey are adopted by the most dangerous to human health, i.e. the cheapest. The money saved by you when buying low-quality building materials will still go to buy medicines and inviting doctors for you and your loved ones.

    Harm concrete blocks on the human body

    With a hypertensive type of FMR, blood pressure increases, pulse is rapidly, the body temperature rises. Such an attack is sometimes accompanied by a rapid fear, headache, heartbeat, increased fatigue. The duration of paroxysms can continue from a few minutes to two or three hours. The reason for their participation can be excitement and overwork. Shares | Articles | Questions and Answers | From what to build a house Home Page :: Articles :: Gasilicate blocks and harm to health Current filter: not specified by all articles: Is the gas silicate block of harm causes a gogin harm to health? This question is asked some individual developers before choosing a building material for the construction of a private house. It is important in this regard food to reflement give two components that are used in the production of gas-silicate - lime and aluminum.

    Very often bright colors, design, smell, price or reviews of acquaintances is the main factor when making a decision to purchase. But it is necessary to consider both environmental safety for their health, as much as he is harmless. It is important to look for the best option: price \\ quality. We have conclusions when choosing a building or finishing materials, the manufacturer's company should be carefully examined, certificates of quality.

    No need to rush when buying, do not trust the selection process. Observing simple rules you can protect yourself from many toxic substances. This is your health and health of your loved ones. Bonus suggests your attention to see an interesting video about the dangers of building materials.

    You will be able to learn a lot of necessary and very useful information about hazardous substances that fall into the air during construction.

    Unfortunately, not all building materials are safe.

    Most of the products used for the construction and decoration of buildings are created artificially and carries the potential danger of people's health.

    In many urban apartments, air contains 50 - 150% more than harmful impurities than outside the window.

    But there he is the efforts of the exhaust pipes far from the pristine purity.

    These harmful fit inside the dwelling can be allocated not only by low-quality finishing materials.

    Even the traditional may contain (and allocate in the environment) potentially hazardous substances. The reason is that waste (slags) from metallurgical productions is often used in its production to save.

    List of potentially hazardous materials

    The most common sources of harmful impurities in the air of the room are:

    • Linoleum. The characteristic smell of a new linoleum indicates that it can allocate harmful gases. And this is true: I can serve as a source of benzene and its derivatives, which have extremely negatively affect the respiratory system.
    • Chipboard without special coatings. May allocate formaldehyde.
    • Diverse lucky and paint - Can be distinguished not only by the above-mentioned derivatives of benzene, but also heavy metals (lead, copper). First of all, this applies, of course, to cheap paints.
    • Plates insulationconsisting of polystyrene and polyurethane polystyrene can also be a source of toxichexix substances gradually accumulating in the body (specifically - styrene, hexabromocyclododekan).
    • Products from PVC (Polyvinyl chloride). On them, due to high popularity, it should be stopped.

    Is PVC dangerous (vinyl)?

    The widespread use of PVC gave rise to a mass of concerns in its environmental and hygienic safety. If you search for information about the harmfulness of vinyl materials, you can find a lot of frankly "yellow" articles that make a murder of humanity number 1 from PVC.

    So is it true that the polyvinyl chloride is dangerous?

    To answer this question, it is necessary to deal with the physical and chemical properties of this substance, as well as consider the production technology of PVC products.

    Pay attention to the model of the molecule of this substance:

    Not even knowing chemistry, it is easy to see the completion and symmetry of the molecule. This speaks of its high chemical and physical stability.

    Indeed, the main properties clean PVC are such (according to Wikipedia):

    As you can see, the material is stable and resistant to the action of tempcriptors, chemical agents. That is, if PVC does not burn, nothing can be allocated out of it. Does this mean that all plastic products with vinyl use are absolutely safe? Unfortunately no.

    The fact is that plastic usually contains a significant number of additives, for the harmlessness of which it is impossible to vouch. They can serve as sources of harmful gases.

    In addition, not always polyvinyl products are used properly.

    For example, placing the vinyl wallpaper so that they are heated by a gas stove, it is quite possible to achieve a bad effect of gradual decomposition (charring) of the upper layer of vinyl with the release of hazardous carcinogens - dioxins.

    Therefore, PVC-based coverage can also be a threat to health.

    It is important to note that by themselves (taken "in vacuum") all types of finishing and repair materials can be completely safe. Most often hergan to human health makes either improper production technology, or inappropriate operating conditions.