The smallest puppies. The smallest dog in the world

Funny and serious, loud barking and silent, grave and very bold, fluffy and smooth-haired - different dogs that combine one - compact sizes. There are many small breeds of dogs, alone act as pets, and others have working qualities. What little dogs are greater popularity, and what do they get acquainted their future owners? It is worth considering the most common breeds.

The face of this funny pose looks like a monkey or on a grimace. At the same time, the dog is very positive and cheerful. There is some similarity of the affontanecher with griffins, but these two breeds are still different.

In ancient times, these pesters performed an important function - they destroyed rodents, they rank them today, and they are mainly companions. The character of affhenepiners is not sugar. Sometimes pets exhibit harmful and stubbornness, but at the same time they remain family pets. The maximum growth of representatives of the breed reaches 28 cm, they weigh up to 4.5 kg.

Representatives of this young breed are abbreviated called Beaver York. These are cute pets that are characterized by activity, playfulness and mobility. The dogs are so balanced that it is calmly tolerated any hygienic procedures. They can be trained by applying a game form.

Beaver Yorki is big fashionable and not surprising, because they have a long, silky wool, allowing to do various hairstyles. The wool also requires special care, which is better to know about the future owners in advance. The height of the dog is 24-27 cm, they weigh up to 3.5 kg.

Motherland of these little curly dogs is France. The unusual name of the breed is translated as "Curly Bologna". Externally, they resemble a soft toy with a snow-white fur coat. Bishons value attention, affection and benevolent attitude. And their curiosity and desire to learn make it possible to easily master the circus program.

Suitable to people active, purposeful, loving travel - such a pet will be happy to make a company. In the withers, the bishons reach 29 cm, and the weight varies from 2.5 to 5.5 kg.

Brussels Griffons are mischievous babies, funny appearance and bright character allow them to be not only pets, but also practically family members. Such a pet can be started if there are already animals in the house, they also get along with young children and show amazing patience and exposure.

Their main qualities - kindness and devotion, they are very fond of communication and do not mind to be a facility for universal attention. People who have previously not having a pet dog can start such a pet. The growth of these kids reaches 28 cm, and Griffons weigh no more than 4.5 kg.

This little snow-white dog-toy has literally angelic patience. It is very easy to train various tricks, and its intelligence allows you to master even a complex program. Taking at home this amazing creation, a person receives an excellent companion, which only requires - attention and special care for wool.

Bologna can be done as a friend for the child, they will definitely find a common language. Also, such a pet can accompany his owner almost everywhere - and on trips, and to go out. The height of the dog does not exceed 30 cm, and the weight of the maximum reaches 4 kg.

Perhaps one of the most common breeds. Many secular lions appear with in secular receptions. Once they were used to combat rodents, they are exclusively decorative pets. These dogs can be said that they are very devoted, affectionate and positive. They feel perfectly perfectly both in apartment conditions and in country houses.

Such a kid is very easy to train, especially if you hold classes in a game form. Yorkie is deprived of aggression and get along well with other animals. Yorkshire terriers weigh are not more than 3.2 kg, and the height in the withers does not exceed 23 cm.

It will be interesting:

Like all spanidices, Cavalers have a pleasant, posing appearance and a very accurate character, but they do not lose their own dignity. The latter and not surprises, because once the dogs of this breed were the pets of the royal persons.

Modern British consider representatives of this breed "Antistresses" dogs that can create comfort. And so far, at the Dutch and English Royal yard, they hold the cavalier king.

Such pesters are not guards or worshi, but they are real companions that can crack without communication. Weigh the dogs of this breed no more than 6.5 kg, and their growth reaches a maximum of up to 27 cm.

This is the smallest of the dachshund, however, having the same hunting instincts and skills, like larger counterparts. Such a pet is not in the wonder to go beyond the passing cat, a mouse, a bird or make an excellent nouper from home blankets.

The rabbit dachshund is an overly moving, an active animal, which often exists in nature, so the future owner should be aware of - to raise this baby should be approached with all seriousness.

The pet will be incredibly devoted to its owner, and the long-term separation can cause irreparable psychological trauma. The growth of rabbit taxis is 17 cm and less, and the weight does not exceed 5 kg.

The official name of the breed is more complex - continental spaniel, and translated from French means "Butterfly". Despite the presence in the title of the word "spaniel", papillones are not hunting dogs, and their fun view confirms it again. Yes, in their family were really spanled, but, except for some external characteristics, they did not particularly affect the working qualities.

Such a dog stands for the soul, she knows how to listen, happy to participate in joint activities and good-natured to all others. But the butterfly dog \u200b\u200bis a thunderstorm for rats and mice, so the benefit can bring huge. Growth in the withers reaches 28 cm, weighing papilions up to 4.5 kg.

A representative of the ancient Chinese breed, which for a long time died at the court of the emperor and was a sacred special, which could not not affect the character. These compact long-haired dogs have self-confidence, independence, which makes a somewhat difficult process of learning and education. However, knowing the features of the breed, it is easy to find an approach.

Unobtrusive and will not require attention, however, do not mind swimming in the rays of glory. With the younger family members, they get along, but will not suffer bullying and dismissive relationship. Dogs weigh from 3.2 to 6.5 kg, and the height in the withers does not exceed 23 cm.

Like all the spits, has a pretty appearance and rich, fluffy fur coat. If you need a small bell into the house, which will notify about the expected and unexpected visitors, you can safely start a puppy of Pomeranian spitz. This pet will not get bored, and if there are children in the house, it successfully flies into a small noisy company.

Representatives of this breed are not recommended to raise the elderly, as Spitz requires not only constant attention, but also activity. In addition, their rich fur coat requires special care. The growth of oranges is only 20-22 cm, and the weight is no more than 3 kg.

Excellent companion dogs come from Belgium with a very expressive face. The owner is just enough to look at the pet, to understand what the mood is in.

Representatives of this breed are very good-natured, playful and find a common language with almost all, including other pets. The dog loves her affection very much, gives back to training and, with the right approach, even complex tricks can perform. The growth of such kids is a maximum of 22 cm, the weight is 4.5-6 kg.

The breed is relatively new, its appearance is associated with fashion on dwarf dogs. And still the ladies feed weakness to these pretty graceful peels on thin legs - compact and good-natured. The terrier will make a company in any journey, do not require complex care and a lot of space.

Despite the modest sizes, these are bold dogs that will definitely be thrown on the protection of their owner. But at the same time they are pretty points, obedient and not conflict. An important aspect is mandatory communication with your pet. Toy terriers weigh up to 3 kg, and the height in the withers reaches 25 cm.

A representative from America, which, although not very popular, but deserves attention. This little dog is not averse to sow on the sofa with his master, go hiking and participate in joint games. The terrier is very easy to teach, especially if for certain achievements and successes will hear praise to their address, not conflict and good-natured.

It finds a common language even with cats, and at the same time pretty fearless. With such pets, you can safely go to sports competitions - they show excellent results. The growth of focterers is not higher than 25 cm in the withers, and the weight does not exceed 3.5 kg.

Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dogs in the world. Motherland are Mexico. These are really manual pets that can be literally worn in the ladies or pocket, well, how can I leave this amazing tiny creature unattended, alone?

But their toy appearance is deceptive, in case of danger, they can show teeth and, without thinking about the size of the enemy, rush into the attack. But, in general, these are good-natured pets who are able to have even dog lovers. The kids of this breed may have a height of 15 cm, but some individuals reach 23 cm, weight varies from 0.5 kg to 5.5 kg.

The leaving from Tibet, Shi-Tzu almost completely retained the primordial appearance of those ancient dogs who lived in the territory of the monasteries. They are also called chrysanthemum dogs for their luxurious, silky wool. In those distant times, these beautiful dogs perfectly carried a guard service, feeding a voice at the sight of an impending danger. Today, these actions are not required.

Representatives of this breed are smart, beautiful and possess their own dignity. They love to meet guests and participate in secular conversations. Yes, they need attention and care for their luxurious coat. And yes, Shih-Tzu is not very mobile - they like it more to be at home, than running and jumping out on the street.

This is a miniature dog with harmonious appearance and a funny face with a funny face. But in his genes there is a security instinct, and such a pet is very alert, and often aggressive to the outsider.

Like all the spitts, this baby is perfectly prohibited and even able to show excellent results in competitions. The growth of Japanese spitz can reach 39 cm, the weight varies from 4.5 to 10 kg.

This is an eastern handsome man with luxurious wool and smart, slightly convexed eyes. He refers to both people and other animals, does not like conflicts and disagreements. Such a pet does not like to sit in one place, participates in all household matters and is not averse to frolic in nature.

For him, it is vital to be in a family circle, and loneliness for such a pet will be real torture. In growth, Japanese chins do not exceed 25 cm, and in weight - 4 kg.

Representatives of small breeds are different dogs possessing charisma. Some are true Domsides, others are not able to stop in place and minutes. Therefore, when choosing a representative of a small breed, it is worth considering their features, and then the little peak will become a true friend and an excellent companion.

The section is dedicated little breeds of dogs with photos.

You can find out how to properly care for dogs of small sizes, in what conditions it is better to contain one or another breed.

Caring for the hair of long-haired pets, whether the dog breed needs in a regular walk, whether it is easily for training, and whether they like them constantly worn on their hands.

It is also very important to know what is better to feed the little dogs, ready-made dry feeds or to make a diet independently.

For each breed, we accounted for a diet from the allowed products and the forbidden list of products is indicated. Details of the description of the dog, the right content in the apartment and possible diseases.

Little cheerful dog will make an excellent company for people of any age. He can be an excellent friend to your child, and can make a company and older people. Pug is very tied to the owner, and ready to share with him all joys and sorrows, and he will always raise his mood to all others.

Little decorative breed. Yorki, in our country are becoming increasingly popular, and it is not surprising, because this cute dog is different not only with beautiful and fashionable appearance, but also because it does not cause an allergic reaction from its long wool, and does not touch at all. This little dog does not take a lot of space and can easily live even in a small apartment.

This dog resembles a deer with his appearance. Many dog \u200b\u200blovers cannot stay indifferent, looking into these innocent, full of love and tears of eyes. Sometimes, because of his gaze, the terrier themselves suffer, the owner all the time it seems that he is hungry and tries to feed him more, and as a result, a "bang" on the legs.

These jumpers of kids are distinguished by a good character and an acute warehouse of the mind. They have a sufficiently stable psyche, as for dogs of small breeds, and an absolutely fearless soul. If you wanted such a baby, and the family has small children, it will be better to postpone this idea for a while. Very often, not quite specifically, children can damage the dog's legs, to the best of their negligence, can come, or press the door, and then your pet may have health problems.

Little representative of proud genus Pincher. Very often, he conquers his appearance and causes a smile among others, probably because of this it was nicknamed with a little meticulous banenal with a monkey fruit. Despite its growth, this is quite clever hunters, with a strong almost bulldog bite, and it is not surprisingly used to be used to exterminate rats.

Small little breed dog. Looking at him, I immediately remember the Yorkshire terrier, and it is not surprising, because he is his direct relative. He owns good small and is an excellent rat hunter and small rodents. Some individuals are not afraid even to attack a snake. Australian terrier will make you an excellent company with a long journey.

This reduced English Bulldog` Their funny little face can always raise your mood. This is a smart creature, a very loyal owner. It can be an excellent companion, and in case of danger, it will always want to protect the owner. This is active, brave and temperamental dog. Differs good and strong health. Does not take much time to care for wool.

This is a decisive, lively and brave dog. Easily leaving for training and can perform the most complex tricks. In everyday life is a friendly and delicate animal. They are completely not capricious and very devoted to their owner. Not suitable for a family with young children, no intrinsicity and familiarity from them.

Decorative little breed. He just fascinates with her puppetier and forces everyone to admire them. Despite the toy appearance, it is a movable, energetic and smart dog. Quietly can live both in a small apartment and in a country house. Easily taught to the diaper and the tray, and does not need long walks.

Scotch - Terrier or Scottish Terrier Little "Bearded Gentleman". It is honest can be called a big dog in a small body. He is brave, playful, mischievous, but at the same time very reasonable and discreet by nature. The main feature of the nature of this breed is independence and independence.

He is considered the smallest service dog in the world. Initially, they were used for service on a farm and for catching rats and small rodents, but over time, the miniature schnauzer turned into a room pet.

Jack Russell Terrier is smart, inquisitive, active, playful and immensely loving breed children. It is a funny, movable, total energy and power of the creature, a large low-body hunter. Be sure to require long walks with physical exertion. The breed is suitable for active and sports people, for a hunter or traveler, it will become a reliable companion.

Cheerful, energetic, radiant kid always attracts attention to others. Its wide-open ears resembling butterfly wings The main decoration of this cute breed. Affectionate and kind character, aristocratic appearance, proud posture and ringing voice make their favorites of the whole family. For a child, he will be an indispensable friend in all pans and games, because papillon is a fountain of energy.

Pekingese is a small decorative breed, it is beautiful dogs with fluffy long wool. These smart creatures are not devoid of pride and their own dignity. They need constant attention, and can be jealous of the owner.

The nature of Bichon Frieze is cheerful, loving, confident, playful. But in the upbringing a little complicated, although with the persistent patience of the owner, you can raise a good and dedicated friend. This breed easily adapts to any living conditions, very affectionate and smart.

Since a long time, decorative pets attracted the attention of breeders, they are advantageously distinguished by small sizes, colorful exterior and progress.

The smaller the dog, the topics it seems to be Mile and more practical.

Miniature four-legged friends friendly, miles and non-hazardous for a person. Children perceive them as revived toys, adults pleases an attractive appearance, a contrary character and unpretentiousness in everyday life.

Such dogs are always in the spotlight and the smaller the little friend, the more attractive. Psychologists recommend to start a little miracle to people lonely, prone to depression, is such a "dog" therapy.

Chihuahua Milli - the smallest dog in the world

So, the smallest dog in the world is officially registered in the Book of Records of the Guinies - this is a bitch of Chihuahua's Chicken Milli, she was born in 2011, weighed 28g. Thanks to Milli, but not only to her, it takes an honorable first place in the ranking of the smallest breeds of dogs.

1. Chihuahua

Growth of Chihuahua 18-25 cm, weight 1.8-3 kg. It is a very active doggy of an ancient breed, sometime considered the sacred animals. Her facet often sticks out of the handbag of secular liones, flashes in films and bangs in the paintings of artists. Greasy popularity has acquired for courage, resourcefulness and speed of the reaction.

Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest breed of the American Cubics Club (AKS).

2. Yorkshire terrier

York height in the withers 18-20 cm, weight - up to 3.2 kg. He inherited fully - it faithful friend and fearless defender. Cute dog and does not cause allergies, however. It occupies an honorable second place in the list of the smallest breeds of dogs in the world.

Yorkkov has no undercoat, so they need clothing in the cold time.

Initially, York used to combat rodents. Breed

3. Prague Krysarik

The growth of Prague rats 21-23 cm, weight - 1-3 kg. it classical companion dog Little size, calm in the lava and harmonious exterior:

  • smart and brave;
  • not hysterical;
  • easily leaving for training;
  • he knows his place and will not deliver problems with the tray.

This active breed full of life, prone to love for a person and is filled with emotions.

Ratrick is loved by all family members, and not one owner. It is often confused with the terrier () - different rocks in character, shape of the head and size.

4. Russian Toye

Russian height in the withers 25-30 cm, weight 1-3 kg. This is noisy, fast, energetic four-legged friend with whom they will not get bored.

Cute dog makes the impression of a small, fragile, defenseless animal, and in fact, this is a very brave dog, ready to stand up for yourself and its owner.

Eye Button, proudly raised head and graceful gait make them similar to Bambi.

Toy is a decorative homemade breed, not adapted to life on the street.

5. Pomeranian Spitz

Redhead chanterelle, wool and charming exterior - Favorite public. Height 18-22 cm, weight 1.8-2.5 kg.

Pomeranian spitz

It has a very non-flawful character, so it is necessary to raise it, train. This is a bold, extravagant, but at the same time a devotee is a ready-made to please the owner. Abundant wool makes it possible to create a variety of haircuts and hairstyles.

6. Brussels Griffon

Extravagant European comes from Belgium combines cheerful temper and aristocratic manners. His height is 16-28 cm, weight 3.5-6 kg.

This decorative breed very popular in EuropeShe fell in love with cheerfulness, stagnation and goodwill. Griffon is unpretentious and suitable for a novice dog excellent option of a family dog.

The ancestors of Brussels Griffon lived in royal families.

7. Papillon (Continental Toy-Spaniel)

Homemade (height 20-28 cm, weight 3-5 kg) with charming shaggy ears, so similar to a butterfly, favorite non-wellhead.

With French papillon translates as a "butterfly".

Highly cute little mini spaniel face, thoughtful look, elegant gait, all this is a dog of an aristocratic species, he knows his place and is proud of him, Mila and Elegant, like a real woman.

8. Japanese Hin

Imperial dog designed to entertain man. Standard growth of Japanese Hina 25 cm, weight 2-5 kg.

The color of the breed is multifaceted as a precious diamond, the wool is thick and silky, character balanced.

Japanese Hin is practically not barking, it is difficult to pour out.

Sports physique Dogs allows you to participate in and be a wonderful swimmer.

9. Bolognese

Miniature curly dog \u200b\u200b(height 25-30 cm, weight 2.5-4 kg), friendly and modest, loves to play and will not give up.

Snow White has a luxurious chapel, which requires special care. Like a secular lady bolognese loves cosmetic procedures, haircuts, hairstyles, etc. Breeders loved her for affairs and love for people, especially children.

10. Pekingese

Create a special mood, a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the house. Pekingese - miniature facilities (height 15-25 cm, weight 3.2-5.5 kg), proud, calm, bold and wise dogs.

Distinctive features - unobtrusive clumsy, pretty face with big smart eyes, thick wool. The breed is named after the capital of China - the city of Beijing.

Little dogs created to give joy and love to man, most of them have original exterior, good nature and priest character.

They take up little space, cheerful and entertain the owners. Designers sew for them stylish clothes, jewelers adorn their collars with diamonds, and the owners simply love them.

Additionally, read the short video about the smallest breeds of dogs:

Little breeds of dogs have been very popular for a long time, and every year it increases more and more. These tiny, as if toy, dogs besides their charming species also have a wonderful friendly character and perfectly own the art of communicating with people. Abroad, they are even used in therapeutic practice, and this is not surprising, because such a positive creation will necessarily have a healing effect on a person. An important argument in favor of representatives of small breeds is their "portability" - crumbs can always be taken with you, placing in a small handbag. Miniature dogs do not require a lot of space and feel great in small houses and apartments.
In this selection, we will talk about 27 of the smallest breeds of dogs. In the preparation of the rating, first of all, the average mass of the bodies of dogs of each breed was taken into account, as well as height in the withers (the withers - a place on the spine between the blades, the highest point of the dog's body).

27th place: represents one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, originated on the expanses of Tibet. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were forbidden dogs owned by an exclusively family of the Chinese emperor. According to the breed standards, Shi-Tzu growth should not exceed 28 cmand weight can hesitate from 4 to 7.25 kg. This beautiful dog has a very independent character, sometimes it can be a proud and arrogant, but at the same time it is very brazed, gentle and faithful to its owner.

26th place: - Another breed of dogs originated in Tibet. The breed has long been very popular with Buddhist monks who trained these dogs to rotate prayer drums. This dog does not really apply to true spaniels and is named so only because of the external similarity with European spaniels. The growth of Tibetan spaniel is 25 cmand the mass of the body fluctuates within 4.1-6.8 kg.

24 Location: - Popular Decorative Dog Breed, represented by two varieties: Naked and PoureDuff, covered with soft wool all over the body. Her weight is 4.5-5.9 kg,and growth - 23-33 cm. Chinese Crested - active, cheerful, elegant and very devoted to their owner of animals.

23 Location: - Little dog breed, originated in Germany at the end of the XIX century. In the withers, the dog can reach 25-30 cmand its weight fluctuates in the borders from 4 to 6 kg. Representatives of this breed of dogs are very independent and independent animals, but with proper upbringing from a dwarf Pincher will grow a wonderful companion security guard.

22nd place: - Little breed of dogs of French origin from the Bolon group. Dogs of this breed were frequent satellites of sailors who happily took these excellent rats and just fun companions with themselves. The growth of French Bishon varies within 23-30 cm,and the weight begins from 3 and comes to 7 kg. It can be described as a smart, sensitive and playful dog, which adores human society. With proper training from Bishon, the obedient and intelligent companion will grow.

21st place: King Charles Spaniel - English breed of small dogs, derived in the XVI century. The first representatives of this breed were the favorites of English Lords and were used for hunting. The growth of the English aristocrat varies from 23 to 28 cm, and weight is 3.6-6.4 kg. This cheerful companion dog is very devoted to his owner and, despite his miniature dimensions, always ready to help him. This breed is not to be confused with a slightly larger breed of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

20th place: - The breed of decorative dogs, derived in the expanses of Cuba. Cuban crumbs can weigh from 3 to 7.3 kg,and their growth is 21-29 cm. Havana Bishon has an energetic, friendly and curious temper, which makes it a wonderful companion. This affectionate and playful dog with a high level of intelligence is easy to learn and get wonderfully with children.

19th place: - Dog breed, derived on Madagascar Island. The devotee of the owner, the intelligent and obedient dog, gets along well with other animals in the house. Growth of these dogs 22-28 cm,weight from 3.5 to 6 kg.

18th place: It is a miniature species of Pincher, derived in Germany at the beginning of the XVII century. Height in the withers is 23-30 cmand weight can hesitate from 2.9 to 6 kg. Affentpinchers, wonderful character owners and acute mind, will truly perfect companions. In addition, they are very playful, independent, hardy and sensitive animals with a very brave heart.

17th place: Pekingese - A very ancient breed of decorative dogs, which was bred in China more than 2 thousand years ago for royal families. Pekingese weight is 3.2-6.4 kg, and height - 15-23 cm. Representatives of this breed are inherent in stubbornness and self-confidence, which can create some difficulties in the process of upbringing and training. Pekingese are perfectly bypass without exercise and not at all picky care.

16th place: - the most miniature breed of taxis, the weight of which hesitates within 3.6-5 kg, and maximum growth is 12-16 cm. At the expense of their short legs rabbit Dachshund is a dog with the lowest average height in the withersHowever, her rather large weight does not allow her to take a higher place in our ranking. Initially, the taxis used for a rabbit hunting, and today they serve beautiful companion dogs. Rabbit dachshunds are very soft, they are smart, obedient and inquisitive, easily adapt to each member of the family. These tiny dogs are hardy and simple in content, but their upbringing requires a special approach.

15th place: - breed of dogs whose history began in Australia at the end of the XIX century. These terriers can weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg and have growth from 23 to 26 cm. Despite the fact that he was taken as a companion dog, he has a well-developed hunting instinct, which is characteristic of the terriers. They have a sharp mind, a cheerful temperament and an inexhaustible reserve of energy. Despite its excessive mobility, the Australian terrier is balanced, obedient and very well learns.

14th place: - Little decorative breed of dogs, named by the name of its origin - Brussels, Belgium. The growth of these cute animals begins from 18 and comes to 25 cm,and weight fluctuate from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. Brussels Griffins are funny, active, curious and charming companions, possessing good watchdogs. Representatives of this breed have a huge good heart, but at the same time they are very sensitive and stubborn, which sometimes creates difficulties in raising and training.

13th place: - very popular currently in the US breed of dwarf spice. Its height can vary from 23 to 30.5 cm, and weight is 2.7-4.5 kg. This breed of dogs is characterized by exceptional intelligence and excellent watchdogs. In addition, they are very energetic, loving and playful companion dogs that need a solid leader who will be engaged in their upbringing and training.

12th place: - One of the four types of poodles, a small decorative dog, derived in England in the XVIII century. His weight can hesitate from 3 to 4 kg, and height from 24 to 28 cm. That poodle is calm, elegant and beautiful dog, a wonderful companion and a devotee friend. In addition, this deft and obedient crumb is considered one of the smartest and easily trained breeds.

11 Location: - One of the most ancient breeds of dogs, originally from the Central Mediterranean. The growth of this snow-white crumbbeans fluctuates within the borders. 20-25 cm, and weight - 3-4 kg. A wonderful character and calm temperament make the Maltese Bologna perfect companion. Dogs of this breed are very cheerful, devotees, intelligent and easily leaving for training. Despite its tiny dimensions, they are distinguished by courage and endlessness.

10th place: - Miniature breed of dogs, derived in Italy and received its name in honor of the Italian city of Bologna. The growth of the Bologna varies from 25 to 30 cm, and the weight is from 2.5 to 4 kg. Representatives of this breed can be described as discreet, gentle and smart dogs, which quickly learn and are well trained. And the inherent cheerful and kind knife makes it from the Italian Bologna of excellent companions.

9th place: - an ancient decorative rock of small dogs, derived in the XVI century and received its name from the French word "Papillon", which means "Butterfly". According to one of the versions, their homeland is Spain, on the other - Belgium. Breed standards say that papillons must weigh from 2.3 to 4.5 kgand the height can vary from 20 to 28 cm. They are very funny, affectionate and movable animals who love to run around the perimeter of the house and scare rodents and other small creatures. Occupy the 8th place.

8th place: - Miniature dog, derived in England in the XIX century. According to the standards of the club of dog breeding, the dogs of this breed should weigh from 2.7 to 3.6 kgand their growth can fluctuate within 25-30 cm. Most English terriers are attractive, friendly and playful dogs, infinitely loyal owner. At the same time, they possess a kind of character, and some of the excessive "characteristic" representatives need to be seriously trained.

7th place: - Decorative breed of dogs, which has previously popular in Chinese and Japanese imperial courtyards. The weight of this little long-haired dog can hesitate from 1.8 to 4 kgand height from 20 to 27 cm. Japanese Hin - playful, sociable and cheerful dog, having a calm temperament and excellent character. It is very fast and easy to study, able to master the mass of complex teams at minimal effort.

6th place: That focister (american toy Terrier)it is a small dog that directly comes from a large focister. Representatives of this breed may weigh from 1.5 to 4 kgand their height varies within 21.5-29 cm. That focister smart and active dogs that are well learning and can easily learn to respond to a large number of teams. They are very funny, loving and endlessly dedicated animals, truly perfect homemade companions.

5th place: - The most tiny representative of Spites, named after Pomerania, the historical region of Germany. Known as a favorite breed of the English Queen Victoria. Representatives of this breed originating from large riding dogs today have growth 13-28 cm, and weight 1.9-3.5 kg. Pomeranian Spitz is a smart, friendly, sociable and faithful baby, without fear that falls on the defense of his owner. Its small size will successfully compensate for exceptional intelligence, thanks to which he is well learning. Pomeranian spitz takes the 23rd place in.

4th place: - Little breed of dogs, which was led in the Czech Republic in the 9th century. In those distant times, representatives of this breed on a par with other rats protected the property of their owners from rodents. Currently, the rats are mainly used as companion dogs, but at the same time they have not lost their dexterity and hunting instinct. The ideal weight of the tiny rat is 2.6 kgand height from 20 to 23 cm. They are very smart, playful, obedient, human loving, perfectly leaving for training and perfectly get along with children.

3 place: - the breed of miniature dogs, derived by Russian filmmakers in the second half of the twentieth century. There are two varieties of data of dogs-companion: long-haired and smooth-haired. The growth of Russian Toya varies from 20 to 28 cm, and the weight is from 1.4 to 3 kg. This breed is characterized by an extremely playful and friendly temper, a very devoted to his owner and perfectly beats with all family members, regardless of their age.

2nd place: - Little decorative breed of dogs, originated in the XIX century in the county of Yorkshire, England. The weight of York, according to the breed standards, should not exceed 3.2 kg. Growth does not exceed 23 cm. Despite the fact that the smallest dog from now living is Chihuahua by nickname bu, the smallest dog in history is recognized by Yorkshire Terrier Sylvia. She died in 1945 at the age of 2, her height in the withers was 6.3 cm, length from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail 9.5 cm and the weight of 113 grams.
Affectionate, energetic, inquisitive and bold yorks are ideal for keeping in an urban apartment. Thanks to its intelligence and the mind, they are easily trained and remember new teams at speed above average.

1st place: - The smallest breed of dogs in the world, found in 1850 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, in honor of which was named. Dogs of this breed usually weigh from 0.5 to 3 kgand height can hesitate from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua nickname BU bu rose 10.16 cm, weight 675 grams and is the smallest of living dogs.
Chihuahua is distinguished by a large variety of colors and types of wool. Dogs of this breed are very kind, obedient, cheerful kids with the character of the real watchdogs, but at the same time very vapor and touchy.

Do you think about getting a dog? If so, that is, many things you should know, including these 25 facts that will be discussed below. One of the most important is the size of your future dog.

If you like big dogs, and you have enough space in order to fully care about them, you can choose a large dog. However, if you live in a small apartment without a courtyard, you should pay attention to the miniature breeds of dogs.

We will tell you about the smallest dogs in the world. These breeds also call indoor-decorative. Such dogs can achieve just a few cm in the withers, but, despite the lack of growth, they are very miles. Here are 25 of the smallest dogs in the world, including the Yorkshire Terrier and Chihuahua.

25. Russian Toy Terrier

He is also called "Russian Toy" or "Moscow Toy Terrier". This is a small dog, which was brought in Russia in the 19th century. Then these dogs were popular in the aristocratic environment. It weighs only 1.3-2.7 kg, it is one of the smallest breeds in the world. This is a very faithful, smart and loving friend. The Russian Toy Terrier can be both long-haired and smooth-haired.

24. Brussels Griffon

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Initially, this breed was brought to hunt the rats. Brussels Griffin is a smart, cheerful dog with a terrier moral and almost human fruit expression. Dogs of this affectionate breed can be of different colors: red, beige, black and brown. Despite the small size, Brussels Griffin can replace the real watchdogs, and it can be learned to execute commands.

23. Chihuahua

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Probably the most famous of "Pocket Dogs", Chihuahua can be of different colors and species. No more than 13 cm in the withers, these small dogs, come from Mexico, are very popular among dog breeders of the whole world because they are distinguished by a wonderful temper, liveliness and completely unpretentious.

22. Japanese Hin.

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As implies his name, Japanese Hin from Japan, where this dog is considered the best pet for a thousand years. Smart and educated, Japanese Hin is easy to study, but sometimes it can be stubborn. Usually friendly to other pets and strangers, this dog can become an excellent friend for older children (kids may accidentally inflict injury).

21. Maltese Bologun

Photo: Ann via CC BY-SA 2.0

Maltese Bolonka is known as one of the most ancient breeds in the world and the most ancient European "pocket" breed of dogs. Maltesers have a very interesting story. It is believed that the first dogs of this breed discovered the Phoenicians on the island of Malta about 1500 BC. e. Today, the Maltese Bologna knows as a pretty, playful dog that loves to be in the society of its owners.

20. Yorkshire terrier

Photo: shutterstock

Weight only 1.8 - 3.2 kg, Yorkshire terrier is classified as a "pocket" dog, but inside it is a real terrier. Calm and smart dog loves to play, gets well with cats and can manage big dogs to manage big dogs that are in the family. This wonderful breed has one significant drawback - the wonderful wool of the Yorkshire terrier requires constant care, even if the dogs are briefly cut.

19. That Fox Terrier

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The descendant of a smooth-haired Foxcriere, that Foxterier became a separate breed recognized by the American club of dog breeders (AKS) not so long ago, in 2003. Very energetic and smart, this dog demonstrates excellent results in agility and training competitions, and will become an excellent pet for those who dream of an active, easily trained dog, a fairly miniature for living in an urban apartment.

18. Prague Krysarik

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Prague Rhodicaric, derived in Central Europe in the Middle Ages, is often called the smallest dog in the world. His weight is usually 2 kg, the dog is excellent, therefore Prague rats used to hunt rats. Today, the dog is valued for living temper and primeness.

17. Pomeranian Spitz

Photo: Public domain

At the widely known as "Pom", Pomeranian Spitz, there is a very interesting story, since this breed has formed from large dogs. As a result of long-term dilution, it is now considered one of the smallest in the world, and the average weight of spitts is only 2.2 kg. Pomoi love to be the center of attention and to attract it, can even throw out several funny forts.

16. That Poodle

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Like his relatives of the usual size, the poodle is distinguished by extraordinary ingenuity, curiosity and playfulness. Despite the small size, these dogs are very bold and always on guard, which makes them beautiful watchdogs. That poodle feel great both in a small apartment and in the courtyard.

15. Affentpinercher

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Also known as "Monkeys Terrier", Affentpinscher is a small dog, similar to an ordinary terrier, it is easy to learn on a typical shaggy muzzle. Affentpinchers are usually soldered with other domestic dogs, pets and children. They are engaged, bold, curious and playful, but if they do not pay for their training due attention, can become authoritarian.

14. Havansky Bishon

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Havana Bishons were almost completely extinct in their homeland - Cuba, but recently this breed has become very popular. Reaching only 25 cm in the withers, Bishons are very playful, and always strive to please. Easy are trained, and can participate in dog championships, and the historical experience of participating in circus performances helps the dog to be very clever.

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Dachshund refers to a miniature breed of dogs, but it really may be even less. Decorative dachshund usually grows up to 13-18 cm in the withers, which makes it the lowest dog in the world. Nevertheless, these tiny dachshunds are very affectionate and playful. They love to be outdoors, but will be no less happy in the urban apartment.

12. Norfolk Terrier

Photo: shutterstock

Initially derived in order to hunt pests in the barn, Norfolk Terrier appeared in England in the 1800s. It is probably one of the smallest terriers, but in its temperament and life it can well compete with larger dogs. Norfolk Terrier is independent, fearless, hardworking, affectionate and very smart dog.

11. Pekingese

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The "manual" dog, which Chinese emperors loved very much, Pekingese is an ancient decorative breed. Her noble origin sometimes makes it difficult for training, but this dog is very gentle and is predicted by their members. His vigilance turns Pekingese in an excellent watchdog, which, thanks to its compact sizes, is suitable for any home.

10. Shi-Tzu

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Another decorative dog breed, derived in China, Shi-Tzu, is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. It turned out that these dogs existed already at 8,000 g BC. At first, Shih Tzu dwells exclusively in the imperial palaces as "manual" dogs, but recently they began to actively attract to dog sports, especially for training, rally and agility competitions.

9. Shipperke

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In the past, the dog of Belgian sailors, the spit is considered one of the most miniature dog-shepherds in the world. This is a very lively and energetic dog that loves to pursue everything that moves. Excellent watchman, chipperke, usually restrained with unfamiliar people. The dog of this breed can be a wonderful pet, but it will require daily exercises.

8. Silk Terrier

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Very similar to Yorkshire Terrier, the Terrier Silk was led in Australia in the 19th century. A small dog, whose weight varies from 4 to 4.5 kg, is characterized by silky shiny wool. The terrier is a firm character, always ready for challenges and adventures. Despite his small size, he likes to pursue hooligans always when he falls for this chance.

7. Papillon

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Papillon (from the French "Butterfly"), named as the visual similarity of the shape of the ears with the wings of this insect is one of the oldest, smart, trained and popular decorative rocks. A very energetic and active papillon usually choose the owners who want their pet to participate in specialized exhibitions and competitions, where dexterity and learning is required. And also dream of a small but competitive dog.

Photo: shutterstock

Delegated to catch rats, decorative Schnauzer is easily recognizable by a long beard and bush eyebrows. This tiny dog \u200b\u200bwith a huge heart is always included in the 20th of the most popular breeds of the United States, Great Britain and Germany, but bred it everywhere in the world. Decorative Schnauzer is a very smart and affectionate dog, adoring to be in the center of any event.

5. Chinese Crested Dog

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Chinese crested dog can be two types: naked and fluffy. Naked breed is not covered with wool except for legs, head and tail. Pooh is covered with long soft wool. These dogs are very pretty, vigilant and movable. They love to play with children, but because of a small size and lack of wool, can easily get injured or freeze.

4. Bishon Frieze

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Touching only 25 cm in the withers, Bishon Frieze - a small decorative dog that appeared probably in Spain. Lost as a reliable friend of man, Bishon Frieze - a very affectionate dog. Since its main task was to entertain, this dog can become an ideal circus dog, having many different tricks in arsenal. Nevertheless, today it can be seen more often, entertaining family members at home.

3. Lancashir chieler

Photo: Svenska Mässan, Sweden, via CC BY 2.0

Sometime Lancashir Hilera brought to accompany cattle to the market and hunting rats and rabbits, but today it is a popular pet in his native Great Britain. Externally, he resembles his cousin Chergi, but less in size and weighs usually about 6 kg. Lancashirsky chiiler is alert, friendly, energetic, clever and playful partner.

2. Italian Volpino

Photo: Lilly M through CC BY-SA 3.0

The size and externally similar to Pomeran Spitz, Wolpino Italiano - a rare variety of spitz. Detached in ancient Italy, this dog breed was beloved among aristocrats and simple people, since it is distinguished by friendliness and energeticness. This is a wonderful dog for the family - she is loyal and is very tied to the owners. Long and thick dog wool requires weekly cleaning and regular bathing.

1. Baiver Terrier

Photo: shutterstock

Relatively new breed, derived in Germany. Beaver terrier is a long-haired decorative terrier. Despite the fact that it is one of the smallest representatives of the terriers - the weight of the Biver is usually not more than 3 kg, the dog is very energetic, dare, loyal, smart and always ready for adventure. Live and gentle temper makes Beaver Terrier with excellent pets for adults and older children (kids may accidentally inflict injury).