Construction of a soling system of a two-sheet roof. Slinged system of the bone roof

Construction of a private house is quite a long and responsible occupation. It is extremely important not to rush and competently plan not only the nuances of the inside of the house, but also take care of its appearance. One of the main components of the overall interior is the roof.

Double roof with your own hands

There are many roofing options, however, it is a two-tight roof that is most common, especially if it comes to private construction. It is a simple design (consists of beams and boards that are installed without special physical effort) the most inclined the owners of private houses to choose this type of roof.

When erecting an individual house, a roof is considered one of the main steps, so many people often wonder: how to perform a two-tie roof?

Despite the fact that in recent decades, various options for the roof configuration appeared on the construction market, the two-tie remains most common, as it has a number of operational advantages.

The technology of work on installation, fastening and trimming roof is carefully worked out. When using metal tile, professional sheet, slate, ondulin or other materials, and the sequence of operations remains the same.

Before starting building a house, cottage or any other building, it is necessary to develop drawings of individual elements and the project of all buildings of the structure. And the roof is no exception.

The shape and construction of the roof is selected with the dimensions and parameters of the future building. In addition, the load indicators will be taken, which will test the roof of a two-bund type during operation.

The smaller angle of inclination, the less effect on it is raining, wind and snow. At the same time, you do not need to forget that if the angle of inclination is less than 40 o, it limits the use of an attic room.

In this case, to equip the attic can only allow the broken version of the form of a two-tie roof. And if the width between the walls of the building exceeds 6 m, the rafters need to be increased by run.

It should also be aware that for different types of buildings there are indicators and features of the construction of roofs. For example, when the roof arranged for the bath, the most optimal option is to use a two-screw roof with a bias at an angle of 45 o - 50 o.

Performing the calculation of the need for materials should be remembered that the mass of the future design of the professional flooring should be as minimal as possible, which will allow not to create additional loads on the foundation and walls.

The strength of the board, timber and other lumber is determined by several factors:

  • the magnitude of the cross section;
  • wood texture.

FRONTON is not necessary to separate the same material. If only old things and magazines are planned to be stored in the attic, which is sorry to throw it out, it can be sewn.

In order to determine the need for the roof material, you need to find out the total area. The calculation is considered one of the main design stages. Almost all measurements should be done correctly, without any inaccuracies.

Even a small insignificant error can lead to unplanned extensive costs for the additional purchase of materials. When the construction of a new building is carried out personally without the help of specialists or building brigades, each penny on the account. And there should be no errors.

When determining the total area of \u200b\u200bthe two-tie roof, it suffices to calculate the parameters of one slope and multiply by two. Similar trifles like holes for the chimney tube or a mansard window can be easily neglected.

Features of the design of the two-tie roof with their own hands

Starting to design a two-screw type of roof and develop drawings, it is assumed that it will be installed on two walls of the building. The shape of the roof is developed simultaneously and in accordance with the project of the house.

During the construction of a bath, a country house or another similar building, the most convenient to use hanging rafters. During the construction of a large house, rafters are used more often. In this case, the rafter system has a more complex configuration. On the photo shown by our portal, the variants of the rafter system are shown.

By installing a two-tie roof with their own hands, it is necessary to accurately comply with the sequence of action during the installation of the rafter. But you need to remember that without third-party help you can not do.

This design includes the following elements and nodes:

  • maurylalat;
  • skates and soils;
  • slinge system;
  • doom;
  • roofing material;
  • insulation.

But if it was decided to equip under the roof attic, it is best to use a broken configuration. The attic is limited to several slots and frontions.

The device of the indoor indoor requires additional costs. And at the same time, building a building with a residential premises in the attic significantly increases the level of comfort including, and its market value.

Installing Mauerlat with your own hands

Bar, which lies around the perimeter of the construction on the top of the walls, builders are called Mauerlat. His upper strapping is responsible for accepting all loads from the roofing system and additionally distributes it onto walls and foundation.

For the construction of Maurolalat takes timber with a cross section that meets the width of the walls. Before starting the installation process, it is necessarily impregnated with special solutions to protect against rotting and fire. Installation of Mauerlat is carried out in stages. Its external face should be cleaned with a wall plane.

From our video and photo files it can be seen that the timber is attached to the wall with the help of studs. Mauelalat needs to be installed correctly and reliably, as it plays the role of the foundation for the roofing ditch system.

Installation can be carried out in different ways. In the event that the walls are made of bricks, then at the initial stage of construction in the masonry, wire is tinted - the roller. The bar is drilled through a hole through which this wire is skipped. Then it should be securely twisted.

Sometimes metal studs are fixed instead of wire. Their diameter is from 10 mm. Accordingly, the timber is put on the hairpins and is attached to nuts with wide washers.

In both options, the fastening can be carried out with their own hands without third-party help. In some cases, Mauerlat is fixed by the bottom of the fronton, which increases the level of stability.

Installation of beams overlapping with your own hands

In order to carry out the competent installation of overlapping for the house, a timing segment is used with a cross section of 200x100 mm. For example, for a bath or a small cottage house, the cross section is selected, based on the size of the structure.

First, two extreme beams are attached, which are spread over the entire length of the structure. The next step is to schedule fixation points for other overlap beams.

With the help of a construction roulette and a conventional cord, the distance is broken between the extreme beams on the segments of 60 cm long. Exactly with the same step on the beams will be mounted rafters.

All beams are attached to Mauerlat with nails of 200 mm, after which it is advisable to put temporary flooring from the board or proflist on the beams. Mounting can be done using metal corners and screws. When installing beams, it is necessary to withstand the specific amount of removal beyond the walls of the house. From the size of the removal will depend on the width of the cornice. As practice shows, it is enough 50 to 60 cm. At this stage, it is necessary to envisage the fact that the frontton's ends will be watted. For a garden house or bath, you can perform it on a simplified form.

If the plan is provided for an attic broken roof, the fronton must have a significant area. It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of arranging the sink and low tide. Before fastening, the beams posted on the walls need to be aligned in the horizontal plane.

Installation of the rafter system of the two-tie roof with their own hands

The device of the charter system needs to be applied to each other components. After laying and fixing the ceiling beams, the installation of a skate timber is installed. To do this, through the center of the building are mounted 100x50 mm racks. Their height must correspond to the height of the height of the floor to the top of Mauerlat. Rack fasteners are performed using spacers.

When the construction of a double roof is done with your own hands, it is necessary after executing each stage to control the level of the quality of the operation. Make a template personally very simple. The chalkboard for rafters is applied to the beam in one end, and the other to the bruus. Both of both ends are underlined control lines for which extra pieces are unscrewed. Thus, the template is ready, and it is possible to prepare the amount of rafters required for the building.

Installation is performed in a specific order. Setting one raftered, you need to immediately begin the attachment of the opposite. The mounting to the skate bruus is carried out by nails, and to the beam of overlapping - with a bracket or metal corners.

The video demonstrated how it is done. Regardless of the roof form, horizontal rigle and vertical racks are installed under the rafter.

Selection of material for rafters

When calculating the material on a double-wing roof, it is necessary to choose high quality wood without worm and damage. The presence of bitch for rafters, beams or mauelalat is not allowed.

If we are talking about the bunch of bitch, must be at a minimum. Wood must be as strong as possible and pre-treated with special drugs to improve the quality and properties.

Double roof inclination angle

The angle of inclination is determined by many factors, but the first thing that matters is the roofing material. Since each of them puts out its own operational requirements:

  • soft roof - 5-20 °;
  • slate, professional flooring, metal tile, Ondulin - 20-45 °.
It must be borne in mind that an increase in the angle increases the area of \u200b\u200bspace under the roof, but the same affects the amount of material used. In addition, there is one nuance: the minimum inclination angle for a bartal type of roof should not be less than 5 °.

FRONTON arrangement with their own hands

After the installation of the rafter design is completed, the frontton is sewn. Build a house and not to arrange the frontoth is extremely unacceptable. Recently, it is equipped from a professional flooring. This is the right decision, although, in such an case, certain difficulties may occur in this case.

In order to execute the frontout, you must install the frame. It does not need to forget about the window opening. In the attic room, the window is required for ventilation. Very often, the fronton is truncated with a clapboard or sex rack. Upon completion of the facade finish, the frontton is issued in various ways.

Correspond's registration with your own hands

The competent device of the two-tie roof implies the presence of a cornice building around the entire perimeter. Practice shows that for any building you have to svew cornice. It is designed to drive rainwater from falling under the foundation.

If the building is equipped with a metal water-feling system, then the brackets for fastening the tumps must be installed and fixed at this stage. The reflection system made of plastic is attached directly to the eaves. In order to sunmate the cornice from below, you can use siding or sheets of professional flooring.

Doom and insulation do it yourself

First, on the roof you need to fix the strip of the waterproofing film. This should be performed at the bottom of the skate. It is attached to the rafaling construction stiprolers. After that, the rakes are mounted on the racks. In the event that the roofing device will be insulated, then the heat insulating material is placed on the film.

The lamp for any building is performed with the calculation of a specific roofing material. To secure the proflist, the neck is the same as when using slate. The use of professional flooring significantly increases the design, but it makes it much stronger.

The crate device can be performed in several options. The first is designed for the rigid roof of the metal tile, a professional sheet or slate. The second is performed under the soft roof. For example, for the bath I use runneroid.

Specific types of crates and roofing material are selected when designing. It is possible to build a modern building with a two-screw type of roof, only if you take into account many nuances and details.

Installation of roof crates

The lamp is installed in any case and is intended for a more convenient and safe movement on the roof in the process of conducting work, as well as for fastening the roofing material.

The step for the crate is determined by the type of roofing material, for example:

  • under metal tile - 350 mm;
  • under the soft roof the solid doomle is laid;
  • for slate and professional flooring - 440 mm.

What instruments may need to build a double roof with their own hands

After selecting the design of roofing pie and a rafter system, you can adjust the list of necessary tools that will be needed for the construction of the roof. To work at the top it is very convenient to have a professional tool strap. They will always be at hand in one place. His kit should include:

  1. Pencil or marker.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Lace (chopping).
  4. A hammer.
  5. Putty knife.
  6. Scissors for roofing material.
  7. Roelf knife.
  8. Hacksaw.
  9. Construction Scotch.
  10. Screwdriver with nozzle for self-tapping screws.

Sometimes there may be a need for mounting foam and adhesive compositions based on mastic. Some devices are largely able to simplify the installation process.

Roofing little things

Attention should be paid to additional components that also affect the durability and functionality of the roofing system. The use of low-quality screws (with a thickness of EPDM-pads less than 2 mm or without the brand of manufacturer), leads to subteps roofs and deformations. The poor-quality paintwork on the accessories can over time to break and spoil the appearance of the whole roof.

Another component that is important in the roof device is snow-settresters, the absence of which increases the risk of avalanche lot of snow masses from the roof. In addition, it may entail the emergence of damage to the drainage system, a building or car under the roof.

The next problem is also impossible to ignore - condensate. It is associated with insufficiency of ventilation in the underpants space. To improve air exchange in the roof, it is necessary to envisage the installation of ventilation output elements that will allow ventilated space.

Installation of roofing material

Recently, a lot of new products appeared on the construction market. This trend touched a two-tight type of roof.

The tested time and the usual sector came metal tile and Ondulin. The roof from the proflist serves longer and more reliable, subject to its competent installation. To fulfill roofing events with your own hands, you should know well the technology and the correct sequence of actions, starting at how to properly cut the material and ensure its rise to the fastening site.

General rules

To build a good house or building, it is quite necessary to buy an original project. Much more effectively familiarize himself with the device of buildings, which are already built in the district. Buildings with spiers and domes look quite attractive.

However, the usual two-tight roofs are characterized by harmony of style and shapes. Their main advantage is in functionality and reliability.


As can be seen, despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of a rafter system of the duplex roof contains with his own hands with many pitfalls. However, relying on the recommendations given, you can easily build a reliable design.

The rafter system of any object is equivalent to the value of the carrying structural elements of the house. The roof plays the role of a node under which the ribs of the stiffness of the building are collected. Accordingly, when installing the roof, with their own hands, it is necessary to pay the maximum value to all units of the design, even when using a simple version - double.

Advantages of bantal roofs

Options for scanty rafaling systems mass. Among them are extremely popular with simple symmetrical. Why? Here is its advantages:

  • On the base of the row roof, variations are created to display a special architecture of the building.
  • Simple calculations available for understanding.
  • One-piece design creates favorable conditions for drying the indoor space and the unimpeded drain of water, snowing snow, nondes.
  • Maintainability, strength and durability of the bartal roof are much higher than other options.

Depending on the size of the homeowners there is always the opportunity to equip the underfloor space, make a full-fledged floor or attic of it. In a word, a row roof is a correct and advantageous solution for any object, whether it is a residential building, cottage or a bath.

Elements of the rafting system

Depending on the type of roof, the structural elements differ. Without knowledge of the appointments of each, to arrange a reliable coating of the house - it is impossible. We will analyze in detail:


The basis of the rafter system. It is a bar of a cross section at least 150 mm, or a 2-way channel, if the roof design is metallic. Located on the bearing walls of the object. His appointment is to distribute the load of the system evenly throughout the construction of the house.

Leg Stropyl

Constructive basic unit system. Together with others forms a farm system - strengthen the strength of the whole roof. It is made of a wooden bar that is not inferior to Mauerlat or profile pipes in cross section.

Rack of rafter

Vertical timber or pipes. Depending on the variant of the bartal roof, the rack can be located in the center and / or sides. Take part of the weight of the entire rafter system, due to the size of the section - 150 mm.

Terminal runs

Horizontal beams stacked on racks and under the horse to support rafting legs. Provide stiffness structures and remove the rates of farms.

Tightening and scrollings

Connecting timber for rafters. The action is similar to the removal of the voltage of the bar or metal and giving the stiffness design.


Installation support for racks and subposses. To securely connect these two elements, a large cross section is required - 150 mm or a thick-walled tube of an impressive diameter.

Creshing bar

Elements, fired perpendicular to rafters. Serve to install the selected roofing and creating a multilayer protective cake. The section is small - 40-50 mm.

If the planned design of the roof is made of wooden bars, it is necessary to carefully consider the quality of the wood when purchased - the bar should not have plugs of the bitch, to be made of soft wood species.

Also, wood must have a natural humidity, otherwise it will begin to dry directly in the design of the system, cracking, deforming the roof model, depriving it reliability and safety.

Calculation of the rafter system

Duscate roof is a complex design. The project takes into account many factors - natural nuances, wind, constant and variable loads. Independently produce calculations is extremely difficult, without special knowledge of the climate of the terrain, the characteristics of the material for the manufacture of the system, the nuances of the pressure distribution.

Ideally, the calculations are given to the deposit professionals, you can only choose the material for the coating - the following parameter depends on its view:

Tilt angle

The minimum inclination angle of the roof relative to the parallel of the Earth is 5 degrees. However, its dependence comes from the selected roofing material. In this capacity, they use traditional slate, a straightened, flexible and metal tile.

They are guided by the following rule: the steeper the skate, the fact that the roof can be.
From 5 degrees for flooring rolled protective insulation of the roof. Masses the number of layers - up to 15 degrees three-layer coatings, above - two- and single-layer.

  • From 6 - Ondulin.
  • From 11 - slate.
  • From 12 - professional flooring.
  • From 14 to 20 - metal tile.
  • From 15 to 45 - soft roof.

Thus, the resulting precipitation - snow, water - will not be lingering on the surface, although their own efforts are required or attracting specialists for the installation of the Antiy Customization system.

Definition of parameters of the rafter - step, length, section

The less often the step, the more impressive cross section of the bar or the diameter of the pipes should be. As a rule, for supporting structures, this parameter is at least 150 mm, 100 mm - for country houses and related construction - gazebo, baths, hozpostroy.

Further, you need to set the number of rafted on one slope: its length is divided into an installation step, component of 60 to 100 cm + 1 extreme leg. Multiplying the result obtained by 2, get the total. Depending on the cross section of the bar, the sum of the rafter legs and the installation step varies.

The length of the rafter is simply calculated if school knowledge about the rectangular triangle remained in the baggage. The rafter foot is equal to the hypothenose of the resulting figure. The calculation is as follows: a² + c² \u003d c², where - a - the height of the roof, in - half the length of the fronton, C is the length of the rafter foot. The resulting value is always added from 30 to 70 cm on cornice skes.

Types of rafter systems

Before how to work for work, it is important to choose a variant of the rafter system for a bone roof. There are few of them, each has its own advantages and disadvantages:


Suitable only for the standard width of the roof in 6 m, respectively, is the length of the rafting leg. The mount occurs due to the fixation of the ends to the skate run and the bearing wall. Be sure to install a tightening, leveling voltage and design pressure.

In addition, they will play the role of beams. Without them, the design is silent under the weight. The advantages of the variant in the absolute dryness of the roof surface during the off-season, and in a lesser deformation at the time of shrinkage.


Option is suitable for any width of the roof. Reliability and stability is provided by fixing the Lengne to Mauerlat. Thus, the pressure is leveled by a resistant, why the voltage in the rafter feet is reduced. The advantage of the system in simplicity, but the design requires large investments - additional sawn timber is required for the improvement of the Lena.


These systems are characteristic of multicate roofs, where transitions are accompanied by numerous strengthening, beams, racks, leptback, hide and other elements for the sustainability of the entire design. The device is expensive and difficult, so only a professional should be engaged in the project and construction. At least to oversee it.

Montage of a double roof with your own hands

So, when the option of the rafter system is chosen, a sawn timber is purchased, a roof project is compiled, you can start working. It is impossible to deviate from the sequence of stages. It threatens tightening the installation and loss of reliability of the design.

Mount Mauerlat.

If the length of the bar for the installation of Mauerlat is insufficient, make extension. The words are connected by the word in the way. Anchor bolts protrude additional fasteners. You can not use selflessness, brazen or nails - they are unreliable. Fastening to the wall occurs as follows:

  • The indentation from the edge of at least 5 cm is observed.
  • Over the wall drill holes to insert fasteners. Similar actions are carried out with a timber.
  • Maurylalat is attached to the edge with steel spills. The fastening step is more often 2 times than the distance between the rapid legs. Subsequently, before installing the main units, focus on metal tags.

It is important - before laying Mauerlat, the edge of the wall is protected by waterproofing. Ensure one layer even if the house is assembled from wood.

Making and fastening rafters

The rafting farms are convenient because they can be collected on the ground into the finished design and move to the roof. This will reduce the installation time, however, the model of hard and the lifting equipment will be required, which, naturally, will refine the project.

For budget construction, another way is suitable:

  • At the bottom and at the top of the rafter feet was made for joining Mauerlat and the skate run. It is necessary to do it separately with each unit, having pre-raising the wood upstairs.
  • On Mauerlate, there are places for fixation and install the skateback: they set the racks on which the timber is placed on the front. If the lengths are not enough, it is increased, but in a different way, unlike Maurolalat - the board will be screwed from two sides to the joint.
  • Depending on the selected model of the rafter system, the sleeves, hanging - they make it down in the skating timber, Mauerlat, or drill holes in them for fasteners.
  • Next, begin the installation of rafting legs from the opposite ends of the roof, gradually moving towards the middle. Between the angles of the extreme farms thoroughly pull the cord to accurately coincide the entire horizontal part.
  • Between themselves, the rafting legs are associated with tightening and pins. Under the skunk part, on an angle formed by the rafters, wooden lining is stuffed, and the ends themselves are tightened by bolts.

More recently, professional builders began to use sliding fasteners for installing the roof. Metal plates reliably hold the carrier elements and at the same time moving, thanks to the shrinkage. This leverals its consequences.

Work on the attachment of rafters is severe and long. You should calculate the time in advance - it is impossible to leave the wrong roof in the rain period, otherwise the stiffness of the structure will be lost in the future due to absorbed humidity.


The side parts of the roof are the frontones, made in the form of finished shields from the boards and are completely installed at the top. There should be no difficulties - it is important only to pacify them at the desired angle. Fasten the crate only after the final type of roofing is known. For example:

  • Under the professional flooring step of the cerebral bar will be 440 mm.
  • Metal tile is strengthened to the crate in a step of 350 mm.
  • Soft roof needed solid plywood coating.

It is important to note the places for the passage of the chimney - the doomlet should not touch the brick or metal surface. The distance to the hot unit is at least 15 cm. Prior to the installation of the crate, the finished roof is covered with waterproofing with allowances that are suitable for the edges of the walls. Then mount the timber.

If it is decided to make the patter of insulation on top, then first strengthen the vapor barrier from the inner side, then the selected material is inserted into the boxes formed by rapid legs. Next, waterproofing and windproof.

Then it is required to re-indicate the contours of the rafting legs with a timber 20 * 20 and after stuffing the new layer of the crates, which will pass the laying of the roofing material - the formation of ventilation channels. This method will maintain the capacity of the underwear space if the owners are going to use it at a specific purpose.

Roofing flooring

Regardless of the type of roofing raw materials, the installation starts from the roof edges and lead it up, overlapping one unit to another. Thus, the rain moisture will not fall under the material.

The mounting method depends on the type of material - soft tiles or tiles having a bitumen or polymer base - apply. Solid professional products - Ondulin, metal tile - fixed in advance drilled holes to the crate, using rubber lining to seal and preserve the anti-corrosion layer.

As a result: Description of the mounting of the rafter and roof is easy only on the screen or paper. In reality, the process is complicated and multifaceted. Therefore, if knowledge is not enough, it is better to invite to work professionals - a guarantee always applies to their work.

Variations of the plumbing design of a two-tie roof mass. Its appearance will largely depend on how the attic room is heated or cold, from the presence of carrying partitions, the choice of roofing material and, of course, from the flavoring addictions of the developer. Despite the diversity of the roof devices (rafting system and roofing cake), the main rules of installation remain unchanged.

The main stages of the installation of a two-sheet roof

Double roof projects

Before starting the installation of the roof, it is necessary to read the external forms of the future frame, denoting its configuration and height so that a total of a two-tie roof looks in proportion to the overall structure, one word is clearly presenting the device of the double-screw roof. This can be done in any way convenient for you, the main thing is to maintain the scale for the real vision of the prospects. From experience, it can be said that the optimal height of the roof is 1/3 of the part of the length of the house. Immediately embody your ideas with respect to direct or broken skate, branching in the main lines (Fig. 1), residential or not a residential attic space and the type of roof itself, it can be hanging and a weak. The latter option is more often used in the construction of double roofs, since it is more practical and economically economical on the flow rate of lumber.

After deciding with the external appearance and functional design, it is necessary to draw the scheme of the rafter system and make it layout in the projection. It is necessary in order to calculate the required amount of material for the construction of the roof.

From how full of full and rational calculations will be carried out in many ways depend on the expenditure article of the total budget for the installation of the roof. For example, if you know in advance that you will need a number of romance meters of timber, then when you have to take into account the standard length of the sawn timber and the size of the rafter foot. As a rule, long elements of the design have to be docking, so without competent cutting, you can get an overestimated percentage of waste.

Despite the fact that the duplex roofs are considered the most comfortable and economical to lay the roofing coating, it will not be superfluous to calculate the number of sheets or pieces. Since in the installation of each of them there are its own characteristics, the need to adopted, the number of crests or waves, technical signs (one-sided capillary groove), etc., when calculating the total surface area, it is necessary to take into account all these subtleties.

Slate wave height and sheet thickness, also matter if slate is selected as roofing material.

According to C GOST 30340-95, the slate 8 wave and 7 wave is available with the following parameters: the wave height H is 40 mm, the wave step (the distance between adjacent ridges) is 150 mm, and the thickness of the sheet is 5.2 or 5.8 mm.

Example of calculation of consumables

In the perfect version, when the installation of a double roof is made by the project, a sample of all structural elements are made with the length of the length and the number of each position. Applying a system of rational cutting, summarizes the volumes of:

  • Lumber (M.P.)
  • Insulation (m2)
  • Vaporizoation membrane (m2)
  • Roofing (amount per pcs, m2)

For clarity of calculations, we will take the basis of a house with concrete sizes

  • Width (a) - 5 m
  • Length (B) - 8 m
  • Angle at the top () - 1200
  • Corner of the skate (A, C) - 300

We begin with the calculation of the height of the roof, it is calculated as follows.

h \u003d ½ x A / TG \u200b\u200b / 2 \u003d 0.5 x 5 / 1.73 \u003d 1.44 mm

the length of the rafters (AV) according to the theorem of the rectangular triangle, will be equal to the product ½ width of the house divided

on the sine ½ angle at the top

L (AV) \u003d 1/2 x A / SIN  / 2 \u003d 1/2 x 5 / 0.87 + 0.5 \u003d 2.87 m

To the resulting length, do not forget to add the length of the eaves, it is determined in the range of 0.5 ÷ 0.8 m. Therefore, the final size of the rafter leg will be 2.87 + 0.5 ÷ 0.8 \u003d 3.37 ÷ 3.87 m (Let's stop at an option 3.5m)

S top. roofs \u003d a x l (av) x 2 \u003d 5 x 3.5 x 2 \u003d 35 m2

This is not the total number of roofing material, which will be needed to cover the roof. It will be necessary to add a waste percentage based on the cutting on the roof configuration. For each option, it will be individual, so the end result will be known after specific calculations.

The sawn timber is also calculated too. The step between obreshetins (M) is accepted 300 mm. Total amount

M \u003d L (AV) / M X V \u003d 3.5 / 0.3 x 8 x2 \u003d 187 pm

The chalkboard for rafters is calculated in the same way. The step is set between the rafters, it can vary from 600 to 1000 mm, the cross section of the board, the weight of the roofing cake is taken into account, the multiplicity is played, which is dictated by the width of thermal insulation mats and the size of the sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or OSP plates when performing a solid crate.

All other elements are calculated according to the diagram.

Set of roof tools

After being fully determined from the designs of the rafting system and roofing pie, you can adjust the classic list of tools that you will need to build the roof. It is very convenient to work at the top to have a belt for tools, so they will always be in one place and at hand. His kit should include:

  • Roulette
  • Pencil or marker
  • Lace (Billing)
  • A hammer
  • Roofing scissors
  • Putty knife
  • Roelf knife
  • Building Scotch
  • Hacksaw
  • Screwdriver with nozzle for self-tapping

In some cases, adhesive compositions based on mastic and mounting foam may be needed.

Some fixtures largely simplify the installation process, these are patterns and rains with marking.

Roofing little things

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called roofing little things, which the developer often does not pay attention, and they also affect the functionality and durability of the roofing system. The use of non-high-quality screws (without a brand stamping and with a thickness of EPDM-pads less than 2 mm) leads to the subteps roof. No durable paintwork on accessories over time can break and spoil the appearance of the roof. Another element that is important in the roof device is snowstores, their absence increases the risk of avalanche snow from the roof. In turn, it can entail damage to the drainage system, buildings or cars under the roof. The next problem that worries developers is a condensate problem, it is connected with the insufficiency of ventilation of the undergrade space. To improve the air exchange, in the roof surface, it is necessary to establish the installation elements of the ventilation output, they allow you to ventilate the underpants space more intensively, respectively avoid the condensate problem.

The item in the expenditure article forget to prescribe and antiseptic compositions, without which it is impossible to present modern construction from the tree.

Slinge system of a double roof. Installation and its features.

The start of installation starts with the installation of the support bar - Mauerlat. It is installed on the bearing walls and fasten with pre-built-in anchor bolts or metal spills. The accuracy of the installation of the entire rafter design depends on how much the accuracy of the installation of the entire rafter design will be mounted. His straightness

it is checked using a level, if necessary, alignment is performed using linings or shy of protruding parts. The flatness of the support bar allows you to apply one template for the manufacture of all capital legs on the ground, and not engage in fit each place. The support node rafters on Mauerlat is recommended to be performed in one of the methods specified in Figure 3.

It was extremely desirable to perform on Mauerlate or at the skating run, it can reduce the supporting ability of the support elements.

If the project is provided by the skunk run, and this is a more reliable option, the next step is the installation of the beam at the top point of the frontal. Mounting nodes A and B Figure 1 are made according to the schemes shown in Figure 4

The ski run is made from the board 50x200-250 mm, the ends of the beams are treated with an antiseptic composition and wrapped with waterproofing material, the end part is left open to air access. The assembly of the rafter design with a skate run is much easier than without it. The fact is that the presence of a longitudinal bar allows you to install a pair of rafters separately, which saves time and labor costs.

Device of roofing cake

Upon completion of the installation of the rafter system, they switch the laying of the vaporizolizing layer. Rolled material is rolled parallel to the skate run and fasten from the inside of the roof to the rafters. The butt compounds are produced by braziness and sealed with scotch.

From above, the interconnection space is filled with insulation. To ensure the protection of thermal insulation from moisture due to possible damasses of the roof or condensate forming on the inner surface of the roofing coating, the underpants waterproofing are installed. It is nailed from the outside, rafted with nails or brackets and fasten the counter rails.

Next set the crate, its design is selected depending on the roofing material. With the help of Rake and the crates, a ventilated clearance is created, it provides an air dry condition of all roof materials.

Laying the roofing is the final step in the roof device. It is applied according to the instructions from the manufacturer. At the end of the basic work, they start assembling and installing drainage systems, ventilation, snow-saw holders and stairs for maintenance of the roof.

The roof is a complex and responsible architectural element of any building. It is necessary to relate to its construction with special attention, it is necessary to remember that for the installation of the rafter system, there is a considerable experience of performing such works and a special tool. It is not necessary to take for the creation of the roof to those who first keep a carpenter and measuring instrument in their hands - the results of activity can be very negative.

There are two types of roofs depending on the amount and placement of the plot points of the rafter, but each developer can, at its discretion, change the specific design of the soling system. At the same time, the conditions of operation of the structure, the purpose of the attic premises, the climatic zone of location, technical parameters of sawn timber and roofing coatings are taken into account. Of course, the type of the rafter system has the influence of personal experience and preferences of developers.

Before entering the production of rafters, it is necessary to determine their view, the method of fastening and linear dimensions. Only in this case can be confident in the strength and safety of the design.

How do various factors affect the parameters of Stropilin?

Physical factorBrief description of the effects on the parameters of Stropilin

The rafters must withstand snow and wind load. During the calculations you need to take from tables of construction norms and the rules actual maximum values \u200b\u200bof snow cover, take into account the strength and rose of the winds. The data allows you to find out the overall load on the roof straps depending on its area and angle of inclination. Next, it is already possible to determine the dimensions of the stringlin, their number and step. At the same time, the safety reserve coefficient is laid. The fact is that lumber do not have stable and identical strength values, too much unexpected factors affect these indicators. For most cases, 50 × 150 mm or 50 × 200 mm boards are used for the manufacture of rafting legs or 50 × 200 mm.

Duscal roofs can be urban and hanging. For hanging roofs you need to make rafters from more durable boards. At the same time, a method for fixing elements to Mauerlat is taken into account. If a wrist is done, then the width of the boards should increase by the amount of liveliness. The fact is that the propyl in this place automatically reduces the width of the material that perceives the load. If on a blackboard with a thickness of 200 mm make a transverse cut with a length of 60 mm, then only the remaining width of 140 mm is taken into account. Accordingly, if the loads of 200 mm boards are selected when calculating the loads, but during the attachment, there are unforeseen cuts of 60 mm, the width of the blanks for Stropilin is increased to 260 mm. This comment is made for those who like to abuse various scubons and cuts for the stubborn sites of the ends of Stropilin. Currently, there are many special devices that allow firmly to fix the rafylic in the desired position without pokeing.

For residential buildings, rafyrers should have a stock for strength in the amount of at least 1.4 of the calculated values. For non-residential structures, the coefficient decreases to 1.2. Conclusion - the size of the rafting boards on houses is greater than on garages and other extensions.

Residential attic rooms (attic) must have a warmed roof. Stropilin width must correspond to the thickness of the insulating layer. At the same time, you need to adjust the step between the rapid legs, depending on the standard width of the insulation. If in this climatic zone the optimum thickness of the insulation of the roof of 200mm, then the same width is recommended to choose for rafaline. The various buildings of narrow rafting legs during the insulation of the roof are not considered the right solution.

These knowledge will help make the right decisions both during the production of rafters and during their fixation directly in place. Errors in the construction of the rafter system are too expensive, it is not necessary to exercise excessive self-confidence.

What affects the choicesizes I.methodsfastening Stropyl

Very important moment. The task of any fixation is to ensure the stability of the compound node, and it can be fixed or have one or more degrees of freedom. This cannot be achieved without knowledge of loads affecting the rafter legs. Loads can be permanent and temporary, dynamic and static, unidirectional and multidirectional.

  1. Permanent vertical efforts. Arise due to the effects of roofing and insulating roof materials. Due to the fact that the rafter legs are arranged at an angle to vertical strength, bending and driving loads affect them. The magnitude of the forces is determined after the construction of the plume, the thickness and width of the boards for Stropilin is chosen on the basis of specific bending and sawing efforts. Fastenings should warn the spreading of the rafter system.
  2. Variable vertical efforts. Appear in winter, the value depends on the height of the snow cover.
  3. Rising wind efforts. As a result of the busting winds on the roof, lifting forces are affected. The dimensions of the rafter feet have no effect, the efforts are taken into account only when the type of fixation is selected, it should provide and retain such loads.
  4. Side effort. The value depends on the roof sailing. As a result of the winds of the wind on the rafter system affect the lateral efforts. They increase bending loads and to the separation. This feature should also be taken into account during the manufacture and installation of rafting legs.

There are options for hard fastenings of rafting farms, for this, metal plates, corners, self-tapping screws and nails are used.

Sometimes it is necessary to use floating plumbing connections to compensate for the size of wooden houses. For floating compounds, special fasteners and bolts are used. The second allows rafter feet in the upper part to turn a little.

Another example of the free connection of Stropilin is sliding. Used on wooden logs and makes it possible to compensate for a natural shrinkage at home.

What elements are used to increase the stability and carrier capacity of Stropilin

As a result of the correct selection of the rafter system and methods for fixing its elements, the design should be stable, compensate for the natural fluctuations of linear parameters and withstand various loads that occur on time. To fulfill the conditions during fixation of the rafaline, additional fixation elements can be applied.


Most often mounted in the skunk part of the system, the upper ends of the rafter feet are escaping. To increase sustainability, pressure may be provided. The upper connection is rigid or floating on bolts. On large roofs, runs can be installed in the middle of the rafter feet or in other places with critical loads.

Vitabutflax racks

Mounted for strengthening strings, due to the use of racks, it is possible to make elements from thinner lumber. Vertical racks upper end rests from rafters, and the bottom of the litter or ceiling beams of overlapping.


Hold an effort on bending and expansion, universal use. Corner stops can be placed in any places of the rafter, causing concerns about strength. Due to such persisions, the resistance of rafinilis bending and disrupting efforts is significantly increased.

Tightening (Rigel)

The appointment is to keep the rafting legs from the spreading, are used on hanging rafting systems. Most often placed in the top of the farm, you can use boards with a thickness of approximately 20-25mm. The fact is that they work for stretching, lumber holds such efforts well. The boards are poorly working on compression, quickly begged and lose the initial durability indicators.


Used in the upper skunk part of the rafaline, due to the use of tensions, the strength of the node connection increases. Tightening can be made of wood, plywood, OSP or metal plates.

Baries (stops)

Have a lot of specific items. There are ordinary segments of boards with a length of 30-40 cm and a thickness of 40-50 mm, fixed in the lower part of the rafaline. Remove about Mauerlat and do not allow gliding design. The use of bobbies allows you to perform a rigid connection of the elements without stinging the stringlin. We were told about the problems arising in connection with the storage.

Prices for various types of timber

Options for connecting the skate assembly of the rafter

Konk - one of the main and most loaded elements of the rafter system. The node has several connection options, select specific follows depending on the total roof parameters.

With a large length of the skate, the skate bar is better not to use, but instead it is to put two parallel runs and riglel tightening. This design is easier to do, it is more stable and safe.

For hanging roofs, you should choose the most reliable methods for connecting the rafter feet, these systems have a minimum number of additional stops.

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Fasteners for timing

Stephal In.fromt.communicationbutnovki Lropil

For rafting legs, coniferous boards are used 50 × 200 mm, lumber of the first grade. Boards cannot have traces of rot or fungus, significant defects of development and deep cracks. Apply for the manufacture of a rafter system low-quality lumber is strictly prohibited.

To increase the protection of the elements of the roofing from rotting, it is recommended to use flame abstract.

Stropilin blanks should be soaked at least two times, while the material should be dry and clean. Processing is done on a flat area with dry and clear weather.

Can be soaked with roller, tassel or pneumatic sprout. Apply household hand sprayers are not recommended - too long and hard. Top boards can be lifted after complete impregnation drying.

Our bartal roof has a ski run, vertical supports rest about the liter located on the bearing wall in the middle of the structure.

Practical advice. If the house is quite high, and the boards are heavy, it is recommended to protect the window openings from damage to make an elementary device. For this, two boards, length and width are chosen, taking into account the parameters of the opening. The device is installed on the windowsill, and the rafter boards do not damage foam blocks during the rise.

Fireball Prices for Impregnation

Preparatory operations

Manufacturing rafters begins with preparatory operations.

Step 1.Raise on the attic chalkboard for Stropilin. For convenience, place them evenly along the length of the building, one end put on the Mauerlat, and the second on the hedgehog of the run. Initially, you need to set the extreme rafters on both sides of the roof of the house, stretch between them the thread and install and align all the remaining.

Step 2. Check out the position of the skate run. It should be located exactly in the middle of the roof. His displacement of 1-2 centimeters will not affect the strength of the roof as a whole, but somewhat complicates the production of rafaline and laying roofing materials. In addition, an experienced builder can notice the mismatch of the size of the rods and, accordingly, the asymmetry of the roof. It is recommended to seek a situation that the skate run is located along the symmetry line, if this is not related to great difficulties. The final decision is made by a wizard in place and depends on the magnitude of the offset and the amount of error correction work.

How to align run?

  1. Attach the board for the crate to Mauerlat, it is easier, it is easier to raise it and fix it. The second end should lie on the run. The board to Mauerlat is nailed by an ordinary smooth nail or fastened with a self-tapping screw.
  2. Climb on the top of the run and tape measure check the distance from the edge of the pursuit to Mauerlatam installed on the opposite walls. Work very carefully, it is advisable to use insurance. Unfortunately, in practice, few people comply with safety regulations, and in vain. Falls from the height becomes very serious injuries.
  3. Align run down the center and secure the board. To increase the stiffness, lock the same board and on the other side of the run.

Now everything is ready, you can start making and install Stropilin.

Installation Stropile legs

If you are working alone, then to run at the place of fixation of the first rafyrene, you need to screw the cutting segment. It will be temporarily fixed to the rafting board to prevent its scaling down.

And at this time you can perform work on the manufacture and preparation for the connection of the upper part of the rafaline.

Step 1.Raise and replace the plaque for the rafter, clamp clamp it to the rake fixed earlier.

Step 2.Draw a line for cutting a stubborn area. It is done in two stages. First - Spend a horizontal line. To do this, the rail, the square or other is a smooth item firmly press to the horizontal surface of the run.

Second - spend the vertical line. Now a ruler or a square should be pressed to the side surface of the run.

Important. The width of the line should be no more than 2-3 cm, it is not necessary to make deep peeling and far reduce the width of the rafter leg, it loses its maximum settlement strength.

Make the same markup at the bottom of the rafylic. Only now the line must be pressed to the surfaces of Maurolat.

Step 3. Remove the board and carefully cut the seats. You can work with a hack or electrical disk hand saw.

Practical advice. If the rods are made by an electric disk saw, then cut better in two receptions. The first time to cut forward up to the mark, then turn the board with the back side and cut again to the label. Hammer knock off the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece, and the remaining protrusion to remove the chisel or bit. No need to enter the saw behind the line and try to cut off the ledge from one right. This method increases the propyl by 3-5 cm depending on the diameter of the disk, which significantly reduces the carrier rafting parameters.

Step 4. Install the prepared rafying in place and check the correctness of its manufacture. Same operations and with the second leg of the farm.

Step 5. Put the rafyroids with a focus on Maurylalat and run, roll their clamp at the top. Find the middle of the run and transfer the linen on the rafyroids, use the level or construction kit (only when the run plane is strictly horizontal).

Step 6. Singing at the same time two rafyled vertical line. Boards must be tightly clamped clamps. Apply maximum attention, the saw blade should be perpendicular to the plane of the Stropilin. If you wash the debris, the skiing unit of the compound will be easy to lay down, and this reduces the stability of the rafter system and is considered an explicit construction marriage.

With a lack of practical experience of performing such works, the first leg can have a gap in the skunk part, if it is within 1-2mm, then there is nothing terrible. If it is more than 4 millimeters, then you need to correct the element. See which planes of stubborn areas do not allow the upper cut to fit tightly. Approximately designate the amount of additional propyl. Remove the rapid and remove the interfering protrusions. Check the connection again if the gaps remained - repeat the operation. As practice shows, experience and no further corrections do not need to do experience in the second-third rafyranch.

Step 8.Firmly secure the rafting legs in the places. To do this, it is recommended to use metal plates and corners, working with them simply and easily, the strength fully meets the requirements for the rafter system.

On each pair of rafter, you will need one large reformed plate for connecting the skate node, two corners of 50 × 50mm for fixing to run and two 60 × 80mm for screwing to Mauerlat. Metal thickness at least two millimeters.

In the same way, install extreme rafters on the other side of the house, tension the threads between them. One at the top and below and one in the middle. So that they do not interfere during the manufacture of strings, make a gap between the thread and the plane about one centimeter.

These professionals never make one line in the attic at home. Such an algorithm of work significantly increases the construction time, complicates the process itself and makes it unsafe. Working with electric tools on unsuitable sites is very dangerous, injuries from them heavy, often cause disability.

If the house is rated qualitatively with accurate observance of sizes and rules, then the rafter legs are made by one template not land. Finished elements are assembled on the roof. Such a technology increases productivity of labor 3-5 times, the quality of the rafter system is submitted at the same time, it is more reliable and durable. Of course, the salary of builders increases in proportion. They work with the development and receive money not during the time spent in the attic, but for the collected roof.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Video - Production and installation of rafted on a bartal roof

At the heart of each roof lies a large number of beams, rafters, racks and runs, which are all together called the rafter system. For a centuries-old history of species and methods of its organization, a lot has accumulated, and each has its own characteristics in building knots and wrist. For more information about what a dual-tie roof is a rafter system and how rafters must be attached and other elements of the system will talk in more detail.

Design of the rafting system of the bone roof

In the context, the double roof is a triangle. It consists of two rectangular inclined planes. The two of these planes are connected at the highest point in a single skate bar system (run).

Scheme of a bone roof

Now about the components of the system and their appointment:

  • Mauerlat - a bar, which connects the roof and walls of the building, serves as a support for the rafter feet and other elements of the system.
  • Stropile legs - they form the inclined planes of the roof and are support for the crate under the roofing material.
  • The ski run (bead or horse) - combines two planes of the roof.
  • The tightening is a transverse item that connects opposite rafting legs. It serves to increase the rigidity of the design and compensation of the suspension loads.
  • Lecky - Bars located along Mauerlat. Redistinate the load from the roof.
  • Sidebreaks - support rafting legs.
  • Racks - transmit a load from the run to liter.

The system can still be attended by the Falinka. These are boards that lengthen the rafting legs to form a sink. The fact is that to protect the walls and the foundation of the house from precipitation, it is desirable that the roofing ending as far as possible from the walls. To do this, you can take long rafting legs. But the standard length of sawn timber 6 meters is not enough for this. Order non-standard is very expensive. Therefore, the rafters simply fuse, but the boards that they do are called "Films".

Stropile construction systems are quite a lot. First of all, they are divided into two groups - with urban and hanging rafters.

The difference in the design of the sleeves and hanging rafters

With hanging rafyles

These are systems in which rafter legs are based on the outer walls without intermediate supports (bearing walls). For bantal roofs, the maximum span is 9 meters. When installing a vertical support and sub-vessel systems, it can be increased to 14 meters.

The suspension type of the rafter system of the duplex roof is good because in most cases there is no need to put Mauerlat, and this makes the installation of rafting legs easier: no need to make anything, it is enough to throw the boards. For the connection of the walls and rafters, the lining is used - a wide board, which is fixed on studs, nails, bolts, riglel. With such a structure, most of the driving loads are compensated, the effects on the walls are directed vertically down.

Types of rafter systems with hanging rafters for different spans between carrier walls

Slinged system of two-tie roof for small houses

There is a cheap version of the solo system when it is a triangle (photo below). Such a structure is possible if the distance between the outer walls is not more than 6 meters. For such a rafter system, you can not make a calculation over the angle of inclination: the horse must be raised over the tightening to the height of at least 1/6 of the length of the span.

But with such a construction of rafters, significant bending loads are experiencing. To compensate or take the rafted larger cross section or the word of the skunk part make so that they are partially neutralized. To give greater stiffness at the top of both sides, wooden or metal linings are nourished, which reliably fasten the top of the triangle (see also not pictures).

The photo also shows how to grow rafting legs to create a saint of a roof. There is a wrist, which should go beyond the limits of a line spent from the inner wall up. It is necessary to shift the place of the outbreak and reduce the likelihood of deadlock.

The ski knot and the mounting of the rafter feet to the lining board at a simple version of the system

For mansard roofs

The option with the installation of the rigleel is used when organizing under the roof of the residential premises - attic. In this case, it is the basis for covering the ceiling located below the room. For reliable operation of the system of this type, the womb of the riglel should be awesome (tough). The best option is half-fertility (see figure below). Otherwise, the roof will become unstable to the loads.

Slinged system of two-tie roof with raised tightening and knot

Please note that in this scheme there is Mauerlat, and the rafting legs to increase the stability of the design should go beyond the walls of the walls. To secure and docking with Mauerlat, a word is made in the form of a triangle. In this case, with uneven load on the rods, the roof will be more stable.

With such a scheme, almost the entire load falls on the rafter, and therefore they need to take a larger cross section. Sometimes raised tightening strengthen the suspension. This is necessary to prevent its deflection if it serves as a support for the ceiling sheat materials. If the tightening is small, it can be used in the center on both sides by boards, nails. With a significant load and the length of such insurance, there may be several. In this case, too, enough boards and nails.

For large houses

At a considerable distance between the two outer walls, a grandmother and a sawmill is installed. This design has high rigidity, since the loads are compensated.

Slingening system of two-tie roof for a large span and knots Skate and rafters

With such a long span (up to 14 meters), make a delay one-piece complex and expensive, therefore, they make it from two beams. It connects with direct or oblique bore (drawing below).

Direct and oblique overall

For reliable docking, the connection site is enhanced by a steel plate planted on the bolts. Its dimensions should be greater than the dimensions of the Wheel - the extreme bolts are screwed into solid wood at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the wrist.

In order for the scheme to work fine, it is necessary to make a spreader right. They transmit and distribute part of the load from the rafter tightening legs and provide stiffness of the structure. Metal linings are used to enhance compounds

Fastening pods for the truss system hanging rafters

When assembling a two-sheet roof with hanging rafters, a lumber cross-section is always greater than in systems with spots rafters: load transmission points are less, therefore, each element accounts for a large load.

How the attic roof is arranged (with drawings and diagrams) read here.

With urban rafyles

In duct roofs with sputum rafters, they rest on the walls, and the middle part is based on the bearing walls or columns. Some schemes cut the walls, some are not. In any case, the presence of Mauerlat is necessarily.

The simplest version of the sleeves

Furgent schemes and knots

Houses folded from logs or timber react poorly to spacer loads. For them, they are critical: the wall can fall apart. For wooden houses, the solid system of the two-tie roof should be faithful. We will talk about these systems in more detail.

The simplest faded diagram of the rafter system is shown in the photo below. In it, the rafter foot resumes in Mauerlat. In this option, it works on bending, without cutting the wall.

Simple Furgeless System of Duscal Roof with Slots

Pay attention to the mounting options for the rafter feet to Mauerlat. In the first, the platform of opira is usually mounted, its length is no more than the sections of the beam. Sword depth is no more than 0.25 of its height.

The top of the rafter feet is laid on the ski bar, without fastening it with the opposite rafter. It turns out in the structure of two single roofs, which in the upper part are adjacent (but not connected) one on the other.

It is much easier to assemble the option with a rapid foot fastened in the skunk part. They almost never give the walls on the walls.

Fastening option rafters without space on the wall

For the operation of this scheme, the rafter legs are attached at the bottom with the help of a moving connection. To secure a rafter foot to Mauerlat, one nail is clogged or the bottom of the flexible steel plate is clogged. Options for fastening the rafter feet to the skate run, see the photo.

If the roofing material is planned to use heavy, it is necessary to increase the carrying capacity. This is achieved by an increase in the cross section of the elements of the rafter and amplification of the skate assembly. It is shown in the photo below.

Strengthening the skate assembly under heavy roofing material or with significant snow loads

All the above diagrams of the bantal roofs are stable in the presence of uniform loads. But in practice, this is practically no happening. You can prevent the roof location towards the larger load in two ways: installation at an altitude of about 2 meters of contractions or pins.

Options for rafter systems with bats

Installation kits increases the reliability of the structure. So that it worked normally, in the places of its intersection with the drains, it is necessary to fix it with nails. The bruse cross section for the fight is used as as for the rafter.

Schemes of rafter systems of bartal roofs with bats

Slingetts are attached to bots or nails. Can be installed from one or two sides. The attachment assembly to the rafters and the skate run look in the figure below.

Fastening the fight to the rafter feet and skate bruus

In order for the system to be rigid and not "crawled", even with emergency loads, it is enough to ensure a rigid fastening of the skate bar. In the absence of the possibility of its displacement in the horizontal, the roof will solve even significant loads.

How to make a twin roof (photo report) read here.

Systems of spitting rafters

In these embodiments, subcording legs are added for greater stiffness, which are also called piping. They are installed at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the horizon. Their installation allows you to increase the length of the span (up to 14 meters) or reduce the cross section of the beams (rafted).

The pump is simply substituted under the desired angle to beams and is nailed with nails from the sides and below. An important requirement: the boolean must be cut accurately and tightly lay down to the racks and the racking leg, eliminating the possibility of its deflection.

Systems with substropic legs. From above the spacer system, the bottom - the fault. Nodes of proper cuts for each are located nearby. Downstairs - Possible Toward Fastening Schemes

But not in all homes the average carrier wall is located in the middle. In this case, it is possible to establish a pitch with an angle of nnnone relative to the horizon of 45-53 °.

System of rafters with shifted relative to the center vertical run

Systems with pins are needed if significant uneven shrinkage of the foundation or walls are possible. The walls can be sitting in different ways on wooden houses, and the foundations are on layered or bright soils. In all these cases, consider the device of rafting systems of this type.

System for houses with two inner carrier walls

If there are two bearing walls in the house, there are two subcupile beams that are located above each of the walls. The intermediate bearing walls are stacked, the load from the substropyl beams is transmitted to the litters through the racks.

Systems with substropyle beams

In these systems, the ski runs do not put: it gives spacer forces. The rafters in the upper part are connected one on the other (clipped and fit without gaps), the connection location is amplified by steel or wooden linings that are nailed.

In the upper factional system, the tightening is neutralized with a driving force. Please note that the tightening is placed under the run. Then it works efficiently (upper diagram in the figure). Sustainability can be provided by racks, or extends - beams installed by defective. In the spacer system (in the picture it below), the crossbar is a blower. It is installed above the run.

There is a version of the system with racks, but without inferior beams. Then the rack is nailed to each rafter foot, which rely on the intermediate bearing wall.

Fastening the rack and tightening in the rafter system without a substropsy run

For mounting racks, nails are used for 150 mm and a 12 mm bolts. The dimensions and distance in the figure are in millimeters.

The rafters perform a number of significant roofing functions. They define the configuration of the future roof, perceive atmospheric loads, hold the material. Among the rafter duties, the formation of smooth planes for laying the coating and ensuring space under the components of the roofing cake. In order for such a valuable part of the roof perfectly coped with the objectives listed, information on the rules and principles of its device are needed. The information is also useful and those who are constructed by a rafter system of a two-tie roof with her own hands, and those who decide to resort to the services of the hired brigade of builders.

Stropile structures for double roofs

A wooden and metal beams are used in the solpted framework for pitf roofs. The source material for the first option is the board, log, bar. The second is constructed from metal: channel, profile tube, ductavra, corner. There are combined structures with steel the most loadable parts and elements of wood in less responsible sections.

In addition to the "iron" strength from the metal there is a lot of flaws. These include heat engineering qualities, unsatisfying residential buildings. Disappointing the need to apply welded connections. Most often with steel rafters to equip industrial buildings, less often private cells collected from metal modules.

In the independent construction of rafal structures for private houses in the priority of wood. It is easy to work with it, it is easier, "warm", attractive on environmental criteria. In addition, the welding machine and the welder skills will not need to perform the nodal connections.

Rafyled - fundamental element

The main "player" of the frame for the roof structure - raftered, in the roofer environment called a rafter foot. Lecks, discolutions, grandmothers, runs, tightening, even Mauerlat can be used or not used depending on the architectural complexity and size of the roof.

The rafters used in the construction of the frame of two-tie roofs, according to technical grounds and method of laying are divided into:

  • Current Stropile legs, both heels of which have reliable structural supports. The lower edge of the rolling rafter rests on Maurylalat or to the ceiling crown of the cut. The support for the upper edge can be a mirror analog of adjacent rafylic or a run, which is horizontally laid under the skate beam. In the first case, the rafter system is called spacer, in the second faithful.
  • Hanging rafters, the top of which rests on each other, and the bottom is based on an extra beam - tightening. The latter connects two lower heels of adjacent rafting legs, resulting in a triangular module, called a rafter farm. The tightening is extinguished by the processes of stretching, so that only vertically directed load is valid for the walls. The design with hanging rafters is although it is spacer, but it does not transmit to the walls.

In accordance with the technological specifics of the rafter feet, the structures constructed are divided into urinary and hanging. For stability, the design is equipped with piping and additional racks. For the device, the tops of the vertex strings are mounted or runs. In reality, the rafter design is much more complicated than the elementary patterns described.

Note that the formation of a dual-tie roof frame may generally be produced without a lifting design. In such situations, the alleged planes of the rods are formed by slopes - beams laid directly on the bearing frontones. However, we are now interested in a specific device of the solid system of a two-tie roof, and it can be used both hanging or spree rafters and a combination of both types.

Throwing Throwing Fastening

Fastening the rafter system to brick, foam concrete, aerated concrete walls is made through Mauerlat, which in turn is fixed by anchors. Between the Mauerlat, which is a wooden frame, and the walls of these materials, a waterproofing layer of rubberoid, waterproofing, etc. is mandatory.

The top of brick walls is sometimes specifically laid out so that something like a low parapet is obtained along the external perimeter. So it is necessary that the Mauerlat and walls placed inside the parapet and the walls did not cut the rafting legs.

The rafted frame of the roofs of wooden houses is based on the upper crown or on the ceiling beams. The connection in all cases is performed by wrinkles and is duplicated with nails, bolts, metal or wooden plates.

How to do without non-shuttle calculations?

It is extremely desirable that the section and linear dimensions of wooden beams are determined by the project. The designer will give clear estimates of the geometric parameters of the board or timber, taking into account the entire spectrum of loads and weather conditions. If there is no design development master's homemade master, it lies on the construction site of the house with a similar roofing design.

You can not pay attention to the flood of the building of the building. It is easier and more correct to find out the required sizes from the Proba than to recognize them with the owners of the shaky self-container. After all, in the hands of the Proba, documentation with a clear calculation of loads on 1mqm roofs in a particular region.

The installation step of the Stropilin determines the type and weight of the roofing coating. What it is harder, the less should be the distance between the rapid legs. For laying the clay tiles, for example, the optimal distance between the rafters will be 0.6-0.7 m, and for mounting the metal tile and the professional leaf is permissible 1.5-2.0 m. However, even when the step is exceeded, which requires the roof for correctly, there is an output . This is a device that enhances the counterclaim. True, it will increase the weight of the roof, and the construction budget. Therefore, in a step of the rafter to figure it out better before the construction of the rafter system.

The folk craftsmen calculate the step of rafaline according to the constructive features of the construction, trite separating the length of the skate at equal distances. For insulated roofs, the step between the rafalines is selected, based on the width of the insulation plates.

On our site you can find a calculator for calculating a double roof that may also help you very much during construction.

Stropil designs of the utility type

The rafter structures of the utility type are much easier to perform than their hanging fellows. The reasonable plus of the sound scheme is to ensure full-fledged ventilation, which is directly related to the long-term service.

Distinctive design features:

  • Mandatory presence of support under the skunk heel of the rafting leg. The role of support can play a run - a wooden beam, based on the rack or on the inner wall of the structure, or the upper end of the adjacent rafylic.
  • Using Maurolat for the construction of a rafter design on the walls of brick or artificial stone.
  • The use of additional runs and racks where the rapid legs due to large width dimensions require additional support points.

The minus of the scheme is the presence of structural elements affecting the planning of the internal space of the attic exploited. If the attic is cold and it does not assume the organization of useful premises, then the roller construction of the rafter system for the device of a double roof is worth a preference.

Typical sequence of work on the construction of a slump truck design:

  • The first thing is precipitate the heights of the construction, the diagonal and the horizontal of the top cutting of the island. When identifying vertical deviations of brick and concrete walls, we eliminate their cement-sand tie. Exceeding the heights of the logs we put. By lining chips under Mauerlat with vertical flamns, it is possible to fight if the magnitude is insignificant.
  • The surface of the ceiling under the laying of Lenzny must also be aligned. He, Mauerlat and Runs should be clearly horizontal, but the location of the listed elements in the same plane is not necessary.
  • We process all the wooden design details before installing with antipirens and antiseptic preparations.
  • On concrete and brick walls, we lay waterproofing for the installation of Mauerlat.
  • We put the Mauerlala Bar on the walls, measure it diagonally. If you need, slightly move the bars and turn the corners, seeking to achieve perfect geometry. Align the frame horizontally, if necessary.
  • Mount Mauerlat Frame. The splicing of bars in a single frame is made by means of oblique wrist, the locations of the connections are duplicated by bolts.
  • Fix the position of Mauerlat. Fasteners are made either with brackets to ahead of the walls laid into the wall, or anchor bolts.
  • Place the position of Lenzny. Its axis must retreat from Mauerlat's BRUSEV for equal distances on each side. If the run will be relying only on the stand without Lengne, we carry out the markup procedure only for these columns.
  • We establish a layer on two-layer waterproofing. To the base of its secure anchor bolts, with the inner wall we combine with wire twists or brackets.
  • Mark the installation points of the rafter feet.
  • We cut the racks for single sizes, because Liezhalan is put in the horizon. The height of the racks should take into account the dimensions of the cross section of the run and Lenzny.
  • Install the racks. If provided for by the project, we will relate them to the struts.
  • We put a run on the racks. We again check the geometry, then set the brackets, metal lining, wooden mounting plates.
  • We establish a trial slinging board, place the samples of trimming on it. If Mauerlat is set strictly to the horizon, there is no need to fit the rafalle on the roof. The first board can be used as a template for the manufacture of the rest.
  • Place the installation points of Stropilin. Folk wizards for marking usually harvest a couple of rails, the length of which is equal to the lumen between the rafalines.
  • On the markup, we set the rafting legs and fasten them first at the bottom to Mauerlat, then at the top of the run to each other. Each second rafaline is screwed to Mauerlate with a wire bundle. In wooden houses, the rafylans are screwed to the second from the top row.

If the trimmer is made perfectly, the sloping boards are mounted in an arbitrary order. If there is no confidence in the perfect construction, then the extreme pairs of rafaline are installed. Between them is tensioning the control of the twine or a fishing line, according to which the position of the newly installed rafters is adjusted.

The installation of the rafter design of the installation of the koblok is completed if the length of the rafter feet does not allow to form a sample of the required length. By the way, for wooden buildings, Svet must "go out" for the contour of the building 50cm. If the visor organization is planned, separate mini rafters are installed under it.

Another useful video about the construction of a two-tie rafting base with your own hands:

Hanging rafter systems

Hanging variety of rafting systems is a triangle. The two tops of the triangle are folded by a pair of rafaline, and the base is served by connecting the lower heels of the tightening. The use of tightening makes it possible to neutralize the action of the space, because only the weight of the crate, the roof plus, depending on the season, affects the walls.

Specificity of hanging rafter systems

Characteristic features of the rafter designs of a hanging type:

  • Mandatory tightening made most often from wood, less often from metal.
  • The ability to refuse to use Mauerlat. Frame from a bar with success will be replaced by a board laid on a two-layer waterproofing.
  • Installation on walls of finished closed triangles - rafter farms.

The advantages of hanging schemes are the space free of the root space, allowing to organize an attic without pillars and partitions. There are flaws. The first of these is the limitations on the ridge of the skates: the angle of their slope can be at least 1/6 of the span of a triangular farm, strongly recommended cooler roofs. The second minus lies in the need for thorough calculations for the competent device of the cornisic nodes.

Among other things, the angle of the rafter farm will have to set with jewelry accuracy, because The axis of the combined components of the suspended stage system must intersect at the point, the projection of which is obliged to fall on the central axis of the Mauerlala or the replacement of its lining board.

Threads of large-year hanging systems

The tightening is the longest element of hanging rafter designs. Over time, it, as it is characteristic of all sawn timber, is deformed and saves under the action of its own mass. Owners of households with flights 3-5m This circumstance is not too bothering, but the owners of buildings with flights of 6 or more meters should be thought about the installation of additional parts that exclude geometric changes in tightening.

To prevent sagging in the mounting scheme of the rafting system for the Bolshnaya Double Roof there is a very significant component. This is a suspension called a grandmother. Most often, it represents a bar attached by wooden sibods to the top of the rafter farm. Sticks with racks should not be confused, because Its lower part should not touch the tightening. And installing racks as a support in hanging systems does not apply.

The essence is that the grandmother is hanging on the skate node, and the tightening is connected to it with the help of bolts or nailed wooden linings. To adjust the saving tighten, the threaded or collet type clamps are used.

The adjustment of the tightening position can be arranged in the zone of the skate unit, and the grandmother with it to join a rigid wrist. Instead of a bar on non-residential attacks for the manufacture of the described tightening element, fittings can be used. A grandmother or suspension is recommended also to arrange there, where the tightening is going out of two bars, to support the connection site.

In an improved hanging system of this type, the grandmother complements the sub-vehicle beams. The voltage forces in the resulting rhombus are quenched spontaneously thanks to the competent arrangement of the vector loads operating on the system. As a result, the rafter system pleases with stability with a minor and not too expensive modernization.

Hanging type for mansard

In order to increase the useful space, the tightening of the rafting triangles for the attic is transferred closer to the skate. It has additional advantages to have additional advantages: it allows the use of tightening as a base for covering the ceiling. It is joined to the rafters. It is by heart by semi-fever with duplication bolt. From saving it is protected by installing a short grandmother.

A tangible drawback of the mansard hanging design is the need for accurate calculations. It is too difficult to calculate it yourself, it is better to use the finished project.

What kind of design is more economically profitable?

The cost is an important argument for an independent builder. Naturally, the price of the structure in both types of rafter systems cannot be the same, because:

  • In the construction of a sphere design for the manufacture of rafting legs, a chalkboard or a small secting bar is used. Because Current rafylics have two reliable supports, requirements for their power lower than in a hanging version.
  • In the construction of the hang bags, the rafter is performed from a thick bar. For the manufacture of tightening, the material is required in cross section. Even taking into account the refusal of Mauerlat, the flow rate will be significantly more.

Save on the types of material will not work. For the supporting elements of both systems: Stropilin, runs, Lecking, Mauerlat, grandmothers, struts needed a sawn timber. For riggers and tensions running on stretching, 1 grader will be required. In the manufacture of less responsible wooden linings, a 3rd grade can be applied. Without counting, it can be said that in the construction of hanging systems, expensive material is used in greater volume.

Hanging farms are collected in the open area near the object, then transported to the assembled form. To lift the huge triangular arches from the bar, it will be necessary for the technique for renting which will have to pay. Yes, and the project for complex knots of the hanging option is also worth something.

Video instructions on the device of the trigger design of the hanging category:

Methods of the construction of rafting systems for the roofs with two slopes are actually much more. We described only basic varieties that are applicable in reality for small country houses and buildings without architectural clauses. However, the information provided is enough to cope with the construction of a simple rafter design.

Design Options Stropyl Systems

  • Current or hanging
  • Specific or fearless
  • Methods of fastening

Modern buildings sometimes affect our imagination with the most unusual roofing forms. With its stylish and spectacular species, they are obliged to a variety of rafting structures. However, all of them in the skilled hands of the architect-designer "collected", as a designer connected in a certain order from standard elements.

Design options

Slingers of scanty roof systems depend on their features.

Single car - The simplest option in the manufacture. The peculiarity of its design is in the absence of a skate, racks and pods. Such roofs, as a rule, cover buildings with 6-8 meter spans. Despite the simplicity of design, with a reasonable approach and such a simple design has its advantages. For example, from the south side directed to the north, you can set quite large windows. This is the most convenient rafting system of extension, garage, etc., especially since it allows you to "collect" the roof from large-sized sheet materials.

Another simple and cheap design is considered to be double. However, it is not devoid of flaws. For example, in the usual roof of this type too little space for attic.

Walmovaya - Not two, but a four-page. From a certain angle, it resembles the usual two-tie. However, its skates are not entirely closed the surface of the house - the space remaining on the sides is closed by side triangular valves. Thus, the roof is obtained by a four-page and for its device use rafters of two types.

Multi-type - This is a design that, as it were, consists of a set of two-sheet roofs with multidirectional skates. The rafter system of such roofs is the most expensive, but it makes it possible to arrange an additional area in the attic.

TentDue to its form resembling a pyramid, the maximum resistant to wind load. It also does not delay snow. And this is despite the fact that the system of rafters is one of the most simple. True, the absence of frontones does not allow to equip in the attic even a small room.

Stropil systems

Current or hanging

The framework for the device consists of elements of a triangular form, due to which, even experiencing a large number of variable loads, the design does not lose stiffness. Slingers of pitched roofs are divided into hanging and voted.

At the heart of choosing one or another type, the fastening method is the following parameters:

  • the size of the structure itself;
  • bias and shape of the roof;


For structures with a single or bartal roof, the use of sprinkled rafters is more characteristic. It is a design collected from short bars or boards with two or three rigid attachments. In the first embodiment, these are the walls of the structure, in the case of a bounce - a horse is added, and the skiing bar in this case should be reinforced with racks. Supports for the latter serve Legene. The length of the rafter in buildings that differ in large dimensions exceeds 6 m. It is possible that it will be necessary to establish additional supporting structures. For example, to build inside capital walls or columnar supports.


This design is distinguished by the absence of intermediate supports. Such rafters are often overlapped by spills exceeding 7 m. The only reference point for the rafter foot remains the wall. As for the second end, in this case the upper pieces of the rafter timber and the counter leg are docked. For this, various ways are used: by means of rubber spikes or plates made of metal, the connection is edited.

Specific or fearless

The reliability of the roof primarily provides a thorough calculation of the loads, under the influence of which its framework is located. The rafters become as it were "conductors" of these loads on the external supports of the structure. The load that the rafting legs put on their supports, there are two species - spacer and faded.


The rafted beams in such a design work on compression and bending, which causes a significant driving force horizontally. It is naturally transmitted to the walls. When installing a horizontal tightening, it will put on it, and this effort will decrease. This farm element performs several functions:

  • connects rafters
  • serves for them support,
  • does not allow the beam bases.

The tightening can be installed at the base of the rafted, then it will appear as the beam overlap. It can be installed above. With such a device, the tighten is called the Riguel. For large spans, as a rule, the complication of the Farm design is required, that is, not only tightening, but other additional elements.


The support of the lower ends of the rafter foot in this system is:

  • walls, and the upper ends, they are interconnected on a run, which, in turn, relies on the rack or
  • supported frames formed by upper and lower runs, racks and pins

Elements of the system function like beams, that is, exclusively on bending.

Methods of fastening

Furgent systems. Rafters of this type are set so that one support it turned out to be fixed, and the other - mobile, and both of them should be able to free spin. In practice, exclude dangerous loads acting in this case on the walls, in three ways. The lines of the bottom end be rest in Mauerlat. It is laid by bar and fixed using a word tooth. It is also desirable to insure the fastening of the wire. The top of the bar is mounted on the ski run. For fasteners, use the principle of a sliding support. An example can serve as a rapid veranda system.

  • The bottom of the rafter is fixed using a moving connection. To fix the upper part after it laying on the ski run, the bolt, nails, etc. are used. This is the most common option for dual-bone roofs.
  • Hard fastening to run with nails, studs or other fasteners.

In any variant, the following principle is observed: one end of the rafter foot is fixed on a support that acts on the principle of sliding, allowing the turn, to another - on a hinge, allowing only a turn.

Specific. Both supports, in contrast to the fault, are fixed. The installation is carried out according to the same construction schemes, only at the same time the lower supports are not fixed on the slider, but on a hinge that allows one degree of freedom. To the lower part of the rafter, you can nurture the supporting bars about a meter or fasten the support to Mauerlat to the tooth.

For small lungs, the roofs can be arranged without Mauerlat, but it is necessary to take into account that in this case the load on the wall is unevenly distributed.


A duplex roof or tweezing is a roof of two skate, i.e. Having 2 inclined surfaces (skates) of rectangular shape.

The frame of the two-sheet roof due to the design features perfectly combines the simplicity of device and maintenance with reliability and durability. These and many other parameters make the construction of a double roof with a practical and rational solution for private and commercial home-building.

As part of this article, we consider how to make a soling system of a two-tie roof with your own hands. For effective perception of the material, it is presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction from A to Z, from the choice and calculations, before the installation of Mauerlat and crates under the roof. Each step is accompanied by tables, diagrams, drawings, drawings and photos.

The popularity of the roof of the house is due to a number of benefits:

  • design variability;
  • easy in calculations;
  • natural water flow;
  • the integrity of the structure reduces the probability of leakage;
  • economy;
  • preservation of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic or the possibility of arrangement of the attic;
  • high maintainability;
  • strength and durability.

Types of two-sheet roof

Installation of the rafter system of the bone roof depends primarily from its design.

Several options for two-tie roofs (types, species) are distinguished:

1. Simple double roof - symmetrical

A simple duplex roof - symmetricly common because of the simplicity and reliability option of the roof device. Thanks to the symmetry, a uniform distribution of loads for bearing walls and Mauerlat is achieved. The view and thickness of the insulation do not affect the choice of material.

The cross section of the bar makes it possible to ensure the reserve of bearing ability. There is no likelihood of rafting. The backups and spacers can be put almost anywhere.

An explicit drawback is the impossibility of arranging a full-fledged indoor floor. Due to acute corners, "deaf" zones are appear, which are not suitable for use.

2. Simple asymmetric bone roof

A simple asymmetric duct roof of one angle of more than 45 ° leads to a decrease in the magnitude of the unused area. There is an opportunity to make residential rooms under the roof. At the same time, the requirements for the calculation are increasing, because Load on the walls and foundation will be distributed unevenly.

3. Loars of a row roof, with an external and / or inner break

The broken rope roof, with an outer and / or inner breaking roof design allows you to equip a full-fledged second floor under the roof.

Naturally, a simple double rafting roof is different from broken, not only visually. The main difficulty is to fade in the complexity of calculations.

Construction of a soling system of a two-sheet roof

Building the roof of any complexity with their own hands involves the knowledge of the appointment of the main structural elements.

The location of the elements is shown in the photo.

Elements of the rafting system of the two-tie roof Elements of the solo system of the two-sheet roof - scheme 2
Elements of the rafting system of the two-tie roof - scheme 3

  • Mauerlat.. Designed to distribute the load from the rafting system on the bearing walls of the building. For the arrangement of Maurolalat, a timber timber is chosen from durable wood. Preferably larch, pine, oak. The cross section of the bar depends on its type - one-piece or glued, as well as from the alleged century of the structure. The most popular sizes are 100x100, 150x150 mm.

    Council. For a rafter system made of metal Maurylalat should also be metallic. For example, a chawler or a foreign profile.

  • Stropile foot. The main element of the system. For the manufacture of rafting legs, a durable timber or log is used. United legs form a farm.

The silhouette of the rafting farm determines the appearance of the structure. Examples of farms in the photo.

Farm options for the rafting roof system

The parameters of the rafter are important. We will talk about them just below.

  • Tightening - connects the rafting legs and gives them stiffness.
  • Run:
  • Skown runMounted in the place of the adjoining of one rafted to another. In the future, the roof lobs will be installed on it.
  • SidebreaksThey provide farm extra hardness. Their number and size depends on the load on the system.
  • Rack for timber - Vertically located bar. Also taken part of the load from the weight of the roof. A simple double roof is usually located in the center. With a significant width of the span - in the center and on the sides. In an asymmetric double roof - the installation site depends on the length of the rafted. With broken roof and arrangement of one room on the attic attic - racks are located on the sides, leaving a free space for moving. If the rooms are supposed to be two - the racks are located in the center and sides.

The location of the rack depending on the roof length is shown in the figure.

Location rack depending on the roof length

  • Troop. Serves support for the rack.

Council. The installation of a pan at an angle of 45 ° significantly reduces the risk of deformation from the wind and snow load.

In the regions with significant wind and snow load, not only the longitudinal pump (located in the same plane with a plumbing pair), but also diagonal.

  • Sill. Its purpose is to serve as a support for the rack and the mounting place of the pan.
  • Okeekhet. Designed for movement during construction and fixation of roofing material. It is established perpendicular to the rafter feet.

Council. An important assignment of the crate is the redistribution of the load from the roofing material on the rafter system.

The presence of drawing and schemes indicating the location of all listed structural elements will help in operation.

Council. Be sure to add data about the device for the passage of the ventilation mine and the smoke pipe into the diagram of the double-circuit roof.

The technology of their device is determined by the type of roof.

Selection of material for rafters

When calculating the material on a double-wing roof, you need to choose high-quality wood without damage and wormochin. The presence of bones for beams, Maurolat and rafters is not allowed.

For the boards of the bumps of the bitch must be at the same time, while they should not fall out. Wood must be strong and treated with necessary drugs that increase its properties.

Council. The length of the bitch should not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the bar.

Calculation of the solo system of the two-tie roof

The calculation of the parameters of the material is an important stage, therefore, we give the calculation algorithm step by step.

The calculation of the rafter system is to know: the entire rafter system consists of a plurality of triangles, as the most rigid item. In turn, if the rods have a different form, i.e. They are an irregular rectangle, then you need to divide it into separate components and calculate the load and the number of materials for each. After calculating the data to summarize.

1. Calculation of load on the truss system

Load on rafters can be three types:

  • Permanent loads. Their action will always be felt by the rafter system. Such loads include roofing, crates, insulation, films, good elements of the roof, finishing materials for the attic floor. The weight of the roof is the sum of weight of all its components, such a load is easier to consider. On average, the size of the constant load on the rafter is 40-45 kg / m.kv.

Council. To make a margin of strength for the rafter system better to calculate 10%.

For reference: Weight of some roofing materials per 1 m.kv. Presents in the table

Council. It is desirable that the weight of the roofing material coming on 1 m.kv. The roof area, did not exceed 50 kg.

  • Variable loads. Act in different periods and with different strengths. Such loads include: wind load and its strength, snow load, precipitation intensity.

In fact, the roof slide is similar to the sail and, if we take into account the wind load, the entire roof design can be destroyed.

Roof wind load

The calculation is carried out by the formula: Wind load is equal to the region, multiplied by the correction coefficient. These indicators are kept in lowering "load and exposure" and are determined not only by the region, but also the location of the house. For example, a private house, surrounded by multi-storey buildings, accounts for less loads. A separate country house or cottage is experiencing increased wind loads.

2. Calculation of snow load on roof

The calculation of the roof on the snow load is carried out by the formula:

The complete snow load is equal to the weight of the snow multiplied by the correction coefficient. The coefficient takes into account wind pressure and aerodynamic effect.

Snow weight, which falls on 1 m.kv. The roof area (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85) is in the range of 80-320 kg / m.kv.

The coefficients showing the dependence on the angle of the slope are presented in the photo.

Calculation scheme of snow load on the roof

Nuance. At the corner of the slope of the skate over 60 ° The burden of snow on the calculation does not affect. Since the snow quickly slips down and will not affect the strength of the bar.

  • Special loads. Accounting for such loads is carried out in places with high seismic activity, tornadoes, storm winds. For our latitudes, it is enough to make a stock for strength.

Nuance. The simultaneous action of many factors causes the synergies effect. It is worth considering (see photo).

Assessment of the condition and bearing ability of walls and foundation

It should be borne in mind that the roof has a significant weight that is able to harm the rest of the building.

Determining the roof configuration:

  • simple symmetric;
  • simple asymmetric;
  • loaven.

The harder the shape of the roof, the greater the number of rafter farms and the subcording elements you need to create the necessary stock by strength.

3. Calculation of the roof inclination angle

The angle of inclination of the two-sheet roof is determined primarily with roofing material. After all, each of them puts forward its demands.

  • soft roof - 5-20 °;
  • metal tile, slate, professional flooring, ondulin - 20-45 °.

It should be noted that an increase in the angle increases the area of \u200b\u200bspace under the roof, but also the amount of material. What affects the total cost of work.

Calculation of the angle of inclination of the roof

Nuance. The minimum inclination angle of the bone roof should be at least 5 °.

5. Calculation of the step

The step of the rafted bartal roof for residential buildings can be from 60 to 100 cm. The selection depends on the roofing material and the weight of the roof design. Then the amount of rafter feet is calculated by dividing the length of the slope to the distance between the rapid pairs plus 1. The resulting number determines the number of legs on one slope. For the second number you need to multiply by 2.

6. Calculation of the length of the roof rafters

The length of the rafted for an attic roof is calculated by the Pythagorean theorem.

Parameter "A" (The height of the roof) is set independently. Its value determines the possibility of arranging residential premises under the roof, the convenience of finding in the attic, the consumption of material for the construction of the roof.

Parameter "B" equal to half of the width of the building.

Parameter "C"it is a triangle hypothen.

Council. To the resulting value you need to add 60-70 cm. For the marked and removal of the rafter foot behind the wall.

It is worth noting that the maximum length of the bar is 6 mp. Therefore, if necessary, the timing for rafters can be spliced \u200b\u200b(extension, docking, compound).

The method of splicing rafters in length is shown in the photo.

Methods of splicing rafters in length

The width of the rafted for the roof depends on the distance between the opposite carriages.

7. Calculation of the cross section of rafters

The cross section of the rafted double roof depends on several factors:

  • loads, we have already written about it;
  • views of the material used. For example, the log stands over one load, the timber - the other, glued bar - the third;
  • the length of the rafting leg;
  • wood type, which is used in construction;
  • distances between rafyles (stepped step).

Determine the section of a bar for rafters, knowing the distance between the rafters and the length of the rafter can be using the data below.

Surface Side - Table

Council. The greater the installation step of the rafter, the greater the load falls on one rafter pair. So, the cross section of the rafter should be increased.

Sizes of lumber (timber and boards) for a two-tie rafter system:

  • thickness (section) Maurolat - 10x10 or 15x15 cm;
  • the thickness of the rafting leg and tightening is 10x15 or 10x20 cm. Sometimes the timing of 5x15 or 5x20 cm is used;
  • run and pump - 5x15 or 5x20. Depending on the width of the leg;
  • rack - 10x10 or 10x15;
  • liezer - 5x10 or 5x15 (depending on the width of the rack);
  • thickness (cross section) of the roof crates - 2x10, 2.5x15 (depending on the roofing material).

Types of the solo system of the two-tie roof

For the design of the roof design, there are 2 options: urban and hanging rafters.

Types of roof systems: with rolling and hanging rafters

Consider each kind of detailed in order to make a weighted choice.

Hanging rafal

Applied with a width of the roof no more than 6 mp. Installation of hanging rafters is performed due to the fastening of the foot for the bearing wall and the ski run. The design of the hanging rafters is especially the fact that the rafting legs are under the influence of the suspension. Hanging rafters with a tightening mounted between the legs allow to reduce its effect. The tightening in the rafter system can be wooden or metal. Often, tightening are put down, then they play the role of beams. It is important to ensure reliable fastening of the tightening on the rapid leg. Because it is also transmitted by a pilot effort.

The higher the tightening is located, the greater the strength it should have.
If the tighten is not to install, the bearing walls can simply "disperse" from the pressure generated by the solo system.


Applied when arranged roofs of any size. The design of the spelling rafters provides for the presence of a chunk and rack. Liezer, lying parallel to Mauerlat takes part of the load. Thus, the rafting legs are working on each other and are supported by the rack. The rafting legs of the sleeve system work only on bending. Yes, and the simplicity of installation also inclues the scales in their favor. The only drawback is the presence of a rack.


Due to the fact that modern roofs are distinguished by a large variety of forms and complexity of configurations, a combined view of the solo system is used.

Combined view of the rafter system

After selecting the type of the rafter system, you can accurately calculate the number of materials. The results of the calculations write. At the same time, professionals are recommended to draw up drawings for each element of the roof.

Installation of the rafting system of a two-tie roof

After the rainbow roof rafters are calculated, you can start mounting. The process will break into the steps and give the characteristic to each of them. It will be a kind of step-by-step instruction, containing additional information on each stage.

1. Mount Mauerlat to the wall

The timber is installed along the length of the wall to which rafters will be relying.

In the logs of the log, the role of Mauerlat plays the upper crown. In buildings constructed from porous material (aerated concrete, foam concrete) or brick, Maurylalat is installed along the entire length of the carrier wall. In other cases, it can be installed between rapid legs.

Material prepared for site

The splicing of Mauerlat with each other (direct lock with bolts) Since the Mauerlat's length exceeds the standard lumber sizes, it is necessary to sprust.

The connection of Mauerlat is done with each other as shown in the figure.

How to connect Mauerlat?

The bars washed it only at an angle of 90 °. The compounds occurs with the use of bolts. Nails, wire, wooden brazening are not used.

How to mount Mauerlat?

Installing Mauerlat is performed on the top of the wall. Installation technology provides several ways to mount Mauerlat:

  • strictly in the center of the carrier wall;
  • with offset in one of the sides.

Maurylalat cannot be located closer than 5 cm. To the outer edge of the wall.

To protect the timber for Mauerlat from damage to it, it is placed on a layer of waterproofing material, which is most often the usual runner.

The reliability of the Mauerlat attachment is an important aspect of construction. This is due to the fact that the slop of the roof is similar to the sail. That is, it is experiencing a strong wind load. Consequently, Mauerlat needs to firmly fix on the wall.

Moveda Mounting Methods for wall and rafters

Mounting Mauerlat Anchorumanker bolts. Ideal for monolithic structure.

Mounting Maurolalat wooden antheamymed brazening. Used for log cabins from logs and timber. But, they are always used with additional fasteners.

Mounting Mauerlala's brackets.

Mounting Mauerlat on studs or fittings or fittings. It is used if the cottage is built of porous materials (aerated concrete, foam concrete).

Mounting Mauerlated with a sliding fastening attachment (hinged). A bundle in this way allows to ensure the displacement of the rafting legs during the shrinkage of the house.

Mounting Maurolalat War-and-aided wire (knitting, steel). Used as an additional fastening in most cases.

2. Production of truss farms or steam

Installation is performed in two ways:

  • installation of bars directly on the roof. It is not used often because to carry out all the work, measurements, trimming at a height problematic. But allows you to fully accomplish your own hand;
  • assembly on earth. Those., Individual elements (triangles or pairs) for the rafter system can be collected downstairs and then lift them to the roof. The advantage of such a system in a more rapid completion of high-rise works. And the disadvantage is that the weight of the collected design of the rafter farm can be significant. To raise it will be required special equipment.

Council. Before collecting rafter legs, you need to put markup. Very convenient to use templates for these purposes. The rafter collected pairs will be absolutely the same. For the manufacture of a template, you need to take two boards, the length of each of which is equal to the length of one rafter, and are connected.

3. Installing rafting legs

The collected pairs rise upstairs and are installed on Maurylalat. To do this, at the bottom of the rafter feet should be done.

Council. Since the slots on Mauerlate will weaken it, you can take a pressure only on the rafter foot. To the same washed the same and firmly lightened to the base, you need to use a pattern. It is cut out of plywood.

Methods for attaching a rafter foot showing in the figure.

Methods for fastening a rafter foot

Starting the installation of rafting steam is needed from opposite roof ends.

Council. To properly set the rafter legs, it is better to use temporary soap and struts.

Between the rapid pairs, the twine must be tightened with fixed pairs. It will simplify the installation of subsequent rafting steam. And also, denotes the level of the skate.

If the rafter system is mounted directly on the roof of the house, then the skate support is installed after installing the two extreme rafal legs. Next to it are fixed half of the rafter pairs.

It is worth noting that in this matter the opinions of professionals diverge. Some advise the use of a chess order of attachment, which will evenly distribute the increasing load on the walls and the foundation is more evenly. Such an order assumes the installation of one rafter in a checker order. After part of the rafter feet installed, the missing parts of the pair are assembled. Others, insist that you need to make a consistent installation of each pair. Depending on the size of the design and configuration of the farm, the strengthening of the rafting legs is performed by backups and racks.

Fixing with rapid brackets. Additional structural elements are connected with cutting down. Fix them preferably with construction brackets.

If necessary, you can lengthen the rafter foot.

Methods of splicing of the rafter feet are shown in the photo.

Methods of splice of the rafter

Council. The method to be lengthened by Mauerlat (washed at 90 °) in this case cannot be applied. It will weaken the raftered.

4. Installing the rope

The ridge of the roof is manufactured by connecting the rafter foot at the top.

The roof ridge device:

  • The method without using the support bar (see Fig.).

Installing the roof of the roof without using the support bar

  • Method using a rafter bar. The bar is needed for large roofs. In the future, it can be support for the rack.
  • The laying method on the bar.

Installing the roof of the roof by the laying on the bar
Installation of the roof of the roof in the case of the lining on the bar

  • The method shown in the photo can be considered a more modern variety of manufacture of the skate assembly.

Method for making a skate node

  • Word method.

Setting the roof of the roof by the word

After the solo system is installed, we make the capital consolidation of all structural elements.

5. Installation of roof crates

It is mounted in any case, and is designed for a more convenient movement on the roof in the process of performing work, as well as for fastening the roofing material.

The shap of the crate depends on the type of roofing material, for example:

  • under metal tile - 350 mm (the distance between the two bottoms of the crates should be 300 mm).
  • under the professional and slate - 440 mm.
  • under the soft roof we fill a solid crate.

Slinged Double Roof System with Athenor - Video:


As we see, despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of the rafter system of the bone roof contains many pitfalls. But, relying on the recommendations given, you can easily build a reliable design with your own hands.

Tags: Roof Double Row Roof