Daily dosage of folic acid. Folic acid rate per day for men and women

Other Names: Folate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B9

Many of you, especially this concerns representatives of the fine sex, the doctors prescribed to feed the folic acid course or simply speaking vitamin B9.

The name of folic acid happened from the Latin Folium - a sheet. Folic acid refers to the water-soluble vitamins of the B. B9 group is necessary to strengthen the immune system, the formation and development of nervous and blood systems.

In large quantities, folic acid contains vegetable products: in bean, green salad, spinach, cabbage, green onions, green peas, beans, sowing, beets, carrots, tomatoes, in the flour of coarse grinding and bakery products from such flour, in buckwheat and oatmeal Groats, as well as in yeast. Also, folic acid is contained in some animal products: cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk, liver, kidney, caviar.

Vitamin B9 requires our body to create and fully the development of new cells, the formation and maintenance of DNA and RNA, as well as it actively participates in the transfer of hereditary information from the mother to the child. It is for this reason that the folic acid is mandatory assigned to take pregnant women. Folic acid participates in the formation of leukocytes, red blood cells, platelets, in updating cells of internal organs and tissues.

Lack of folic acid

The lack of folic acid is primarily reflected in the bone marrow, because it is precisely there the most active cell division occurs. In the bone marrow, cells are formed, which further turn into erythrocytes (red blood tales). With foliaic acid shortage, these very cells formed in the bone marrow increase in size. This can lead to the development of such a serious disease as megaloblastic anemia.

It should be noted that the low level of folic acid, significantly increases the risk of cancer cells.
Folic acid deficiency is extremely negatively affecting the development of the fetus during pregnancy. There may be the occurrence of such defects as anencephalia (lack of brain), hydrocephalus (brain water), underdevelopment of the nervous tube, etc.
During pregnancy, folic acid is actively involved not only in the formation of the fetus, but also in the formation of placenta tissues and new vessels in the uterus.

Lack of vitamin B9 causes a violation of exchange amino acidsthat contain sulfur. This leads to gomocysteine \u200b\u200bblood cluster. This substance damages the walls of blood vessels, and this is a turn contributes to the rapid development of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of infarction and strokes.

Daily rate of folic acid

Synthetic folic acid (vitamins) is more bioavailable (it is better absorbed and normalized) than folic acid competed with food. The daily rate of folic acid use is measured in micrograms (μg).

So, the need for folic acid during the day

  • adult man - 400 μg,
  • pregnant women - 600 μg,
  • nursing mothers - 500 MGK,
  • children (up to 1 year) - 40-60 μg.

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Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is a water-soluble element, which is destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet rays and high temperatures.

Folic acid participates in oxidative and rehabilitation processes of the body. This vitamin actively participates in blood formation processes, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and intestines.

  • Supports the organism resistance to viral diseases;
  • Promotes the formation and normal functioning of blood cells;
  • Contributes to the proper development of the nervous system in the fetus during the period of toal;
  • Prevents the abortion of pregnancy in late and early time;
  • Helps to cope with women with postpartum depression;
  • Prevents the formation of precancerous cells (in the presence of a precancerous state);
  • Slows down the onset of menopause and weakens its symptoms;
  • Corrects sexual delay.

Folic acid is necessary for developing and supporting new cells, so it is very important to include in the daily diet foods rich in this element, children at an early age and pregnant women.

Sources of vitamin B9.

Folic acid is contained in food products of vegetable and animal origin. Predestly, this element is rich in green vegetables and meat. About 90% of vitamin B9 is lost due to thermal processing of food. Vegetables and meat are losing with cooking from 70 to 90% of folic acid, with frying food - 95%, and when cooking vegetables in the peel- 50%.

Vegetable sources

  • Vegetables - leafy green vegetables, pumpkin, carrots;
  • Fruits - bananas, melon, apricots, oranges, dates;
  • Legumes - beans, peas;
  • Cereals - oatmeal, barley, bran, buckwheat;
  • Mushrooms, yeast, root.

Animals sources

  • Meat - beef, lamb, pork, chicken;
  • Sub-products - Beef liver;
  • Fish - tuna, salmon;
  • Dairy products - milk, cheese;
  • Egg (egg yolk).

Vitamin B9 daily rate

The daily need for folic acid varies depending on the age and lifestyle of a person. This element needs the body in small quantities - about 200 μg per day, but regularly. The lack of vitamin B12 prevents the absorption of folic acid, and the excess of methionine, which are rich in cheese and meat products, contribute to its rapid flow.

Daily rate for children

To ensure normal development and growth, the children's body needs the daily flow of folic acid. Additional dosage is necessary for moving children, as well as fans sunbathe in the sun. For better absorption of vitamin B9, you need to use vitamin C.

  • 0-6 months - 40 μg;
  • 6-12 months - 60 μg;
  • 1-3 years - 100 μg;
  • 4-6 years - 200 μg;
  • 7-10 years - 200 μg.

Daily rate for men

Persons that consume alcoholic beverages, diuretic herbs and bactericidal drugs need additional adhere to vitamin B9. The daily need of men in folic acid is satisfied when receiving 200 μg of vitamin per day.

Daily rate for women

Women need daily arrival of vitamin B9 into the body, in an amount of from 200 to 400 μg, depending on the lifestyle. Folic acid can be called "female" vitamin, since its impact on the body of representatives of the fine sex allows you to cope with many ailments and diseases (PMS, toxicosis during pregnancy, pregnancy pregnancy, period of menopause, etc.). Pregnant women need vitamin B9 in the amount of 300 μg per day, and nursing - 260 μg.

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Signs of lack of vitamin B9

The lack of folic acid in the body is expressed by the following symptomatics:

  1. "Red" language;
  2. Anemia;
  3. Apathy, insomnia and fatigue;
  4. Indigestion;
  5. Feeling of anxiety;
  6. White hair;
  7. Slowdown in growth and development;
  8. Labored breathing;
  9. The defect of the offspring;
  10. Memory disorder.

Overdose vitamin B9.

The long-term use of large folic acid dosages can lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency in the blood. Large doses of this compound may cause dyspeptation in childhood, excitability of the central nervous system, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of epithelial renal tissue.

Vitamin B9 Water soluble. Folic acid has no properties of self-activity, it acts as a coenzyme. Finding into the body, in its living cells it is converted into biologically active tetrahydrofole acid. As a coenzyme it participates in the intracellular production of proteins, the formation of red blood cells, in the construction of nervous tissue.

Vitamin B9, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, excites appetite. It protects skin and hair health. Also, the actions of folic acid include participation in the development of the hormone of the joy of serotonin than she provides a good mood to us, increases stress resistance.

Sources of folic acid intake in the body

In the thick division of the intestine, a slight amount of folic acid is produced. But its main absorption is carried out in a thin department.

Folic acid is rather unstable, easily destroyed by sunlight. Culinary processing of products destroys up to 90% vitamin B9. And when storing fresh green vegetables, for 3 days, Vitamin B9 collapses by 70%.

Where, in which foods are contained folic acid (or, if you please, vitamin B9)?

Natural sources of vitamin B9 are leafy vegetables, yeast, bean, liver. From greenery it is worth mentioning the leaves of currant and raspberry, mint, nettle, dandelions, beets and beet breeds, bananas.

The table shows products rich in folic acid. Interestable content is calculated from the average daily need for folic acid.

Chemically synthesized folic acid is easier to be absorbed by the body. Applicating with food is adsorbed by only 50%. 0.01 mg of folic acid in products are equivalent to 0.6 mg in its synthetic form.

Do I need to drink synthetic folic acid and why? Since the usual daily diet does not cover our needs in Vitamin B9, it is recommended to fill it in order to avoid a lack of folic acid in the body. Folic acid is produced in the form of powder, tablets, capsules, is included in the multivitamine complexes. There are ampoules with a solution of vitamins for hair, the composition includes vitamin B9.

The average value of the cost of folic acid preparations in Moscow pharmacies:

  • folic acid tablets 1 mg No. 50 - 25 rubles;
  • "9 months folic acid" 400 μg №30 - 85-93 rubles;
  • Bades with folic acid, capsules №90 - 101 rub.

There are pharmacy analogs of vitamin B9: Askophol (with ascorbic acid), Foliber.

Take pills with vitamin B9 just once a day, better during meals. The dosage is determined by the individual need. In order to prevent the prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency (folic acid), take 1-2 mg or 20-50 μg per day.

Daily rate by age

Required dose depending on age:

  • 0-1 year - 25-35 μg.
  • 1-7 years old - 50-75 μg.
  • 7-14 years old - 100-150 μg.
  • From 15 years - 200 μg.
  • Pregnant women - 400 μg.
  • Nursing mothers - 300 μg.
  • When planning pregnancy, a dose of folic acid must be increased to 400 μg per day.
  • Older people - 200-400 μg.

Diseases caused by vitamin B9 deficiency

Normal folic acid indicator in blood - 6-25 ng / l. The deficiency indicator is 3-5.9 ng / l. An indicator of hypovitaminosis - 3ng / l and below. Normal folic acid content in red blood cells 100 ng / l and above.

Symptoms lack of folic acid nonspecific:

  • weakness,
  • reduced performance
  • headaches,
  • emotional instability
  • violation of sleep and memory.

The reasons of the lack are: impairment of transportation of folic acid from the intestine to the blood caused by chronic colitis; defective admission with food; Increased need due to pregnancy, diseases with increased cell division (oncology, infection).

Alcoholism as chronic intoxication is a serious factor in the development of deficiency in B9. It depletes folic acid stocks and disrupts its suction in the small intestine.

The hard form of vitamin B9 deficiency causes the development of megaloblastic anemia. With this pathology, bone marrow produces immature red blood cells of gigantic sizes. They quickly destroy and the content of normal erythrocytes in the blood decreases sharply. The disease can endally end, if the patient is not given help.

The causes of Hypovitaminosis B9 may be diets to reduce weight. It may occur in patients who are conducted by hemodialysis and intensive therapy and parenteral nutrition.

The lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy is especially dangerous.. Risk of developing toxicosis of pregnant women, depression, anemia increases. There is a danger of spontaneous abortions, stillbirth, placenta detachment.

Fetal lack of vitamin B9 It may cause pathologies for the development of the nervous tube, subsequently arise hydrocephalius, brain hernia, in severe cases - anencephalia.

In newborns, the deficit contributes The emergence of enteritis, diarmions, hypotrophy. The risk of complications in infections, the delay of physical and mental development increases.

People of elderly and middle ageneuritis are developing, polyneuritis, and with more severe deficit - depressive disorders, memory disturbances. Hypovitaminosis Vitamin B9 contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

With a deficiency of vitamin B9, the synthesis of enzymes involved in the transformation of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin methionine is disturbed. This increases the amount of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood plasma. Endogenous amino acid Homocysteine \u200b\u200bis able to destroy the surface layer of vessel walls and contribute to the deposition of cholesterol.

Men has a lack of folic acid Finds infertility. Sprimatozoa synthesis is disturbed, they are defective on chromosome set. This leads to congenital deformities and hereditary diseases in offspring (Down syndrome).

Combination with other drugs

  1. The reception of oral contraceptives and antiepileptic drugs reduces the level of B9 in the blood plasma.
  2. Biseptol reduces its adsorption in the intestine.
  3. Antibiotics depress the intestinal microflora, which produces folic acid in the body.

The ability to overdose when taking B9 there is more theoretically.

Folic acid is contained in most modern multivitamine complexes. And if the packaging with one of them will always be present at our desk and complement our diet, you can be sure that we are reliably protected from avitaminosis.

Useful video

In this video, Elena Malysheva tells the whole truth about folic acid - why it is vital and where it contains:

Everybody, the human body should receive about 30 vitamins and minerals. The lack of these substances leads to general weakness, failures in the work of organs and their systems and other health problems. This is especially true for women and men who are planning to conceive a child. Folic acid when planning pregnancy is one of the most important substances. How and in what dosage it needs to be drunk, tell me the medic.

The benefits of vitamin

If a woman in the body lacks folic acid, or vitamin B9, the conception may not come. Its normal quantity, on the contrary, contributes to the occurrence of pregnancy and light tooling the fetus. Thanks to this substance, a nervous tube is formed - the main nervous system of the future child. A sufficient amount of vitamin B9 prevents malformations.

And what will happen if the woman's body lack vitamin B9?

There is a risk of such difficulties:

  1. Pulling placenta. May be partial or complete.
  2. An unexpected abortion of pregnancy in the initial timing.
  3. Stop the development of the embryo.
  4. So-called development errors. These are the hunger of the lip, complications in the formation of viable cells of the brain, defects of the nervous tube. These include severe damage to the spinal cord due to the fact that the channel did not close completely; Anediephalia (brain is not fully developed).
  5. Interene death of a child.
  6. Anemia, articular pains in pregnant women.

Each of these vices may occur even in the first 20-30 days of pregnancy. Why so early? Because at this time the formation of organs and their systems occurs. That is why it is even important before conception to normalize the level of folic acid in the body.

Vitamin B9 is responsible for the formation of DNA from the embryo. And that, in turn, is the basis for the formation of tissues and organs. Also, folic acid when planning pregnancy contributes to the correct development of the placenta.

Not always the deficiency of folic acid is accompanied by some special features. Take, for example, anemia. It occurs when the number of erythrocytes produced by the bone marrow decreases. At first, the woman often changes the mood, irritability appears, it quickly gets tired. The following symptoms are stomach disorder, vomiting, and even hair loss. Ulzes may appear on the mucous membranes. And if the woman suffers from hypertension, the risk of childbirth with complications will increase.

Pharmacy drugs

The daily rate of folic acid consumption, according to the instructions for use, is 400 μg. In the period before conception, a woman needs to increase the dose of twice (800 μg).

It is necessary to increase the dosage and in cases where there are visible signs of a lack of vitamin, as well as when there are factors that contribute to its rapid elimination, for example, the use of oral contraceptives and preparations against seizures. More folic acid need to drink both women who were sitting on protein diets before pregnancy or suffer from toxicosis of pregnant women.

Special attention should be paid to suffering sugar diabetes or epilepsy. With such diseases B9 will help prevent violations in the development of the central nervous system of the child.

In all of the above cases, the daily rate of consumption is 3 tablets. A large dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is shown to those who use alcohol, smokes, does not add vegetables and greens to the diet or often suffer from constipation / diarrhea. It will be better if the dosage will determine the doctor.

Is there a risk of overdose?

Hardly ever. This state may occur if several times exceed the daily rate of vitamin consumption.

The excess does not affect the body. The only thing that may occur is an allergic reaction.

Vitamin B9 does not accumulate in our body "about the supply". Its excess is immediately displayed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that daily consumption covers the needs of a person.

How to use?

In most cases, doctors advise to drink one tablet 1-4 times throughout the day. According to the instructions, its use can last up to three months.

You need to drink folic acid immediately after meals, drinking with a small amount of water.

Sometimes for complex therapy, the doctors prescribe vitamin E. Together with B9, it protects the cells of the body from adverse external influence, improves sexual functions and women, and men restores the equilibrium in the hormone system, contributes to the formation of female and male hormones of progesterone and testosterone, speeds up conception.


There are diseases when using vitamin B9 strictly contraindicated:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • renal failure
  • pyelonephritis
  • allergic reactions.

Sometimes the body reacts to the substance in an unpredictable manner. Vomiting, stomach disorder, sleep disorders, cramps and pain in the abdomen may occur. How to be in this case? Urgently consult a doctor. It will revise the feasibility of using the drug and its dosage.

Does foliaic acid need for future dads to representatives?

Experts meet the affirmative. If there are few folic acid in the body, it develops atherosclerosis of vessels or anemia:

  • Atherosclerosis is a consequence of metabolic disorders, in particular, amino acids containing sulfur. In the body of the man there is a substance called Homocysteine. It provokes the weakening and destruction of blood vessels.
  • Anemia, or anemia, appears when the bone marrow produces large, but not matured red blood cells. "Thanks" to them, the disease progresses.

Scientists have proven that the lack of folic acid in the body of a man provokes the formation of untenable spermatozoa, that is, those who cannot fertilize the egg. That is why the use of a man B9 before the child's conception is considered the norm.

The lack of folic acid Men is better to compensate for its products containing it, for example, green vegetables.

"Men's" dosage

The optimal level B9 is 3-17 ng per 1 ml of blood. Norm - 400 μg. According to the instructions, you need to drink 1 tablet (1 mg) 1 time per day.

As in the case of women, to determine the optimal dose, men need to go to the doctor.

Folic acid is represented in pharmacies in the form of drugs. Their use without appointing a doctor is strictly prohibited. Such an amateur may harm both the future mother, and the baby.

  • Vitamin B9 in tablets. The number of the main substance is 1 mg. Such a dosage is considered ideal for both men, and for women during child planning.
  • Flavin. According to the instructions, there are 5 mg of substances in each tablet. It is much larger than the body requires per day.
  • Folio. This preparation is 400 μg B9 and 200 μg iodine. It satisfies the need of the body in these substances both during the planning period and at the pregnancy.

Among other things, B9 can be found in vitamins designed for pregnant women. Usually they contain a prophylactic dose.

Where to look for vitamin?

Proper, rational food will provide a future kid with a sufficient number of necessary vitamins. Folic acid is in vegetable, and in animal products.

Most of it contains:

  • green and lettuce leaves,
  • bean
  • khrena leaves,
  • pumpkin,
  • carrot,
  • beet,
  • cucumbers
  • bananas
  • melons
  • mushrooms (especially white and champignons).

Record holders in the number of vitamin B9 in the right of law are considered to be the nuts.

The level of folic acid can be normalized, if you drink juice from orange and apricot, there are dishes with bark and bakery products made of coarse grinding flour.

Of the animal products, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bpreference to fish (especially tuna and salmon), liver, meat, chicken, eggs, fermented milk products.

Like all other vitamins, B9 is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. In the process of cooking, about 90% of folic acid disintegrates. Therefore, sometimes doctors advise to take special vitamin complexes.

Take folic acid in the period before conception costs both men and women.

The lack of vitamin in the body of a woman leads to crying consequences - this is the backlog in the growth of the fetus, and the detachment of the placenta, and even stinging. Poor well-being threatens and the future mother - she develops anemia, as a result of weakness and fatigue.

For the future Father, the lack of B9 is fraught with the appearance of poor-quality spermatozoa, which will not be able to participate in fertilization. A sufficient amount of this substance in the body of both parents will speed up conception and will significantly increase the chance of birth of an absolutely healthy baby.

Most often, folic acid deficiency is due to three reasons:

  • Insufficient admission to food.It should be borne in mind that with heat treatment up to 90% of folic acid, contained in crude food, but nevertheless, to ensure a sufficient amount of folic acid coming from food is easy. In addition to the leaves of the garden greenery, it is also contained in the liver, meat, cheese, calamity, egg yolk, legumes, tomatoes, sunflower seeds,
  • Increased need.The need for this substance increases when the rapid growth and refreshment of tissues prevails: during the period of rapid growth in small children and adolescents, with severe oncological diseases, anemia, skin diseases, etc. The need for folic acid in pregnant women increases as the fetus grows. In the period of breastfeeding, the need for this vitamin is also increased, as well as the need for other vitamins.
  • Violation of the absorption of folic acid in the intestine.Diseases of the stomach and small intestine can lead to a deficiency due to insufficient absorption, while in the normal composition of the intestine microflora, the body can synthesize folic acid independently.

Folic acidThe drugs contained in drugs are absorbed much better than its natural analogue.

Folic acid action mechanism

As is known, in order for any live cell to enter into the division process, its genetic material enclosed in the DNA helix should double, it is in the process of doubling DNA folic acid takes an active part. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of RNA (ribonucleic acid), amino acids, contributes to the best absorption of iron.

Accordingly, the deficit of this factor is especially dangerous for actively breeding cells, folic acid is necessary for the growth and development of all organs and tissues, normal development of the embryo, blood formation processes. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is especially important, because already at the 2nd week of conception in the embryo, we can determine the part from which the brain begins to develop. It was during this period that, despite the fact that the woman still does not suspect about his pregnancy, even a short-term deficiency of folic acid is fraught with the development of defects in the development of the nervous system in the fetus.

In addition to participating in the creation of fetal cells, this vitamin is spent on the replacement of the cells of the body of a pregnant woman, since human cells are constantly updated. Folic acid takes part in the formation of all uniform elements of blood. In addition, it provides a good mood, participating in the exchange of biologically active substances of serotonin and adrenaline, which significantly affect the state of the nervous system, stimulates appetite at the sight of food, participating in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach,

During pregnancy, folic acid deficiency leads to the formation of a nervous tube defects: the absence of a brain, hydrocephalus (brain water), the formation of brain hernia, the spinal cleavage, in addition, it is possible to form the defects of the development of the cardiovascular system and the splitting of the lip and heaven (holy lip and cleft palate). With the lack of this vitamin, the formation of the placenta is disturbed, the likelihood of non-pregnancy is increasing, partial detachment of placenta, stillbirth, delays in the development of the fetus. Studies have shown that about 75% of cases of such defects can be prevented if the woman begins to take folic acid preparations before the start of pregnancy.

It is important to continue the use of folic acid and in the period of breastfeeding, when the need for it even exceeds the need for a pregnant woman. Folic acid deficiency has a significant impact on the formation of postpartum depression, apathy, weakness, causes a decrease in the amount of milk. In addition, the deficiency of this vitamin in a nursing mother leads to its low content in breast milk and, as a result, to the shortage of his child. In children with a deficiency of folic acid, in addition to anemia, there is a lag in weight, psychomotor development delay, a decrease in immunity, disruption of the intestinal work.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

The minimum daily need for folic acid is 50 μg, but when needed, for example, during pregnancy, it may increase several times. Russia believes that the need for folic acid of pregnant women without signs of the deficit of this vitamin is 400 μg per day. In nursing mothers, such a need is 600 μg per day. Considering that folic acid deficiency is especially dangerous at the first weeks of pregnancy, this vitamin is recommended to be taken in the process of preparing for pregnancy (minimum-days), as well as during the entire period of the baby tooling. A standard folic acid tablet contains 1 mg, a folic acid content in polyvitamins is from 300 μg to 1 mg. Thus, the reception of one tablet of folic acid per day or polyvitamins containing this vitamin, overlapped with a daily need for 100-200%, the reception of such doses of folic acid is safe.

In women with therapeutic goal, the dose can increase to 5 mg per day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. High doses of folic acid during the preparation for pregnancy and in the first third of it are also prescribed to women who have already had the birth of children with folic-dependent malformations.

Safety of folic acid

Folic acid is not toxic for humans. There are studies on the long-term use of 15 mg of folic acid per day (excess of daily dosage 40 times), which did not reveal any toxic effects of this drug. However, long-term use (over 3 months) of high doses of folic acid can contribute to a decrease in blood content of vitamin B 12, which can lead to anemia, large doses of folic acid sometimes cause gastrointestinal disorders, increasing the nervous excitability, functional changes in the kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid are cases of an individual allergic response to the drug.

It is important to take folic acid regularly. However, given that any folic acid drug overlaps the daily need for it, should not be worried if you missed the next reception. Just accept the drug when remember this.

Many drugs can affect the suction, disposal and safety of folic acid in the body. Folic acid is better to be taken together with vitamins in 12 and C. Additional reception of bifidobacteria contributes to an increase in folic acid synthesis in a thick intestine.

On the contrary, when taking alcohol, antacids (drugs neutralizing hydrochloric acid - Almagel, Maaloksetc.), sulfonamides, anti-epileptic means. The absorption of folic acid in the intestine is significantly reduced. Reception Aspirinin high doses, nitrofuran drugs (prescribed with urinary tract infections), oral contraceptives, corticosteroid hormones reduces the concentration of folic acid in the blood.

Checked: no risk!

In the US, there is a law obliging the manufacturer to add fairly high doses of folic acid into the flour in order to prevent the deficit of this vitamin from the population. In addition, in the US, the prophylactic dosage of folic acid is higher than in Russia, 2 times. No negative effects on the genotype of folic acid doses used in Russia have not been detected.