Smart and useful things for the house: homemade with their own hands. What homemade housekeeping can be made with their own hands homemade crafts with their own hands

Make your home much more comfortable crafts made from old items and things that can be returned to the second life. Some manufactured homemade housekeepings can significantly save home budget, facilitate work or make the surrounding interior more interesting. And even if difficulties arise in the process, their overcoming will cost.

Homemade homemade workshop

Almost in any house there will always be any set of instruments necessary for the economy. But sometimes there are situations when to work in your own workshop or garage requires any device, which is no longer possible to purchase in the store or it is very expensive. In this case, the output can be found by making it yourself.

Blacksmith Mountain from Callon

This metal heating device will become an indispensable assistant in a home workshop. Mountains can be safely used to make original items using artistic forging. It will be truly unique forged items.

For the mining, it is best to use an empty gas cylinder with a capacity of 25 liters. Its ends are cut by a grinder, and the door of the mountain and its rear will be made of the cut-off pieces. The inner part of the balloon is covered with a refractory ceramic wool, which is capable of withstanding the temperature of more than 1200 0 C. From above, it is cooked chamotte clay (fuled), withstanding temperatures up to 1500 0 C. On the bottom of the mountain after a lining, chamotte slabs or refractory bricks are stacked.

The hole is drilled on top and a small slight is inserted, which allows inserting a nozzle of a burner burner, which can create in a mountain temperature more than 1000 0 C - is quite sufficient to heat the metal to a certain temperature suitable for forging.

Collapsible garage crane-beam

In the manufacture of such a lift, cash spending will be much less than buying a factory model. For its manufacture, you will have to spend only on materials, half of which may be found in the garage.

Materials required for lift assembly:

  1. Two racks - profile pipe 100x100x2350.
  2. Transverse rod - steel pipe arbitrary length with a diameter of 100 mm.
  3. Four rod supports - profile pipe 100x100x600.
  4. Base and discontroll - a corner with shelves of 100 mm.
  5. Two metal rollers for cable.
  6. Four wheels for movement.

For the lifting mechanism, it is best to use a manual winch with a worm transmission with a maximum load of up to 500 kg, which is attached to one of the stracks of the crane-beam.

The design does not take up much space in the workshop, easily moves through solid coating and is quite convenient for removing the engine from the car.

Mobile instrumental stellage

The main highlight of this rack is its small amountBut at the same time it can accommodate a large number of tools, and if it is necessary to - quickly move it to any place or neighboring room. It is very convenient to use such a rack in your workshop or when maintaining construction and repair work in large rooms, especially when you often transfer tools.

The rack can be collected on the basis of a collapsible rack of plastic installed on a homemade platform with wheels (trolley). The platform is made clearly under the size of the rack of a metal corner with the shelves of 45x45 mm or a plywood sheet with a thickness of at least 10 mm. For movement, furniture metal wheels are used.

To the rack additionally you can make and fasten fastenings for building levels, extension cords and other tools that can be stored in a hanging position.

To help hostess

There is no financial opportunity to buy, for example, any of the new furniture in the furniture salon or make an order for its manufacture. But you can always get out of this situation, making the right thing with your own hands, while making it attractive and unique, using remedies for this.

Kitchen Apron from traffic jams

The kitchen apron is a wall surface between the worktop and mounted cabinets. Usually this part of the wall is facing tiled tiles. But for its coverage it is possible to apply many other materials, for example, gluing wine plugs on the wall.

Such an exclusive decor looks pretty great.

Before the sticker, each plug is cut along a length of two halves with a sharp stationery knife. The wall is preferably painted in black, which will emphasize the seams between the corks.

The plugs are glued onto the wall using liquid nails in a chess order either with a specific pattern, as ideally exactly it is unlikely to lay them out, and curved rows will visually look disgusting.

The plugs themselves are not afraid of moisture, but quickly dumps and are poorly laundered, so it is best to close them with a glass screen from a calene glass. True, it will have to spend a little to spend a little and order glass in a special workshop, where they will cut it on the specified size and make holes for sockets and fasteners.

Glass fixes to the wall anchor dowelsthat can be purchased almost in any construction store.

Although the apron, decorated with wine stoppers, may be expensive, but the result achieved will cost this.

The surface of the table top, as well as the wall, you can decorate traffic jams and cover with rotable glass.

Hinged folding table

The folding table attached to the wall allows you to save some square in the apartment. In the crowded state, it can perform from the wall at a distance of no more than 10 cm and does not interfere with anyone, but in the unfolded form it can replace a full-fledged table.

Options where you can use a hinge table fixed to the wall, a lot. Here are just a few of the most basic:

Shower for dacha

Probably nothing is better than refreshing under the jet of water hot summer day, especially if he passed the work in the garden. Naturally, only the souls will solve this problem and remove fatigue accumulated in the day.

The shower can be installed on their own without attracting assistance, the main thing is to choose the place for it and decide on the type of shower cabin.

Three types of cabins stand out among summer showerwho can freely build on their own:

Installing a simple shower is made in this way:

  1. A frame of a shower cabin is manufactured, which can be assembled from metal, wooden bars or other girlfriends.
  2. A metallic or plastic water container is installed on the roof of the collected frame, which can be from 50 to 200 liters.
  3. Metal capacity is desirable to paint black for better water warming up. Additionally, several heating electric tanks can be installed in the container, then the shower can be taken in cloudy weather.

Cabinet can be seen by boards, plywood, slate or simply cover with tarpaulo or cellophane film with folding pads.

For construction on their own

The topic of construction or repair, probably, worries everyone. And, of course, everyone who does it wants to end it with minimal financial costs. Therefore, if you want to save, you can make some materials for construction to make on our own. For example, it may be a wall sip-panel or such a useful tool like vibratinglitis, the need to which often occurs in many landlord owners.

Homemade sip panels

For their manufacture, you need to prepare a flat rigid platform. Putting a sheet with a thickness of a thickness of 10-12 mm rubber spatula with a thickness with a thinker with a rubber with teeth on it.

Then to glue the sheets of foam of the brand 25-30. After that, on top of the stacked foam, the adhesive mass is applied to the bottom slab, and the second sheet of OSP is stacked on top.

If simultaneously is made by several stacks stacks, work should be performed quickly until the glue is freezing. Usually in this way you can prepare for more than 4-5 panels at a time.

After the workpiece for the formed plates you need to create pressure using the press. Since at home, naturally, there is no hydraulic press, it can be replaced with a thick plywood sheet laid on the prepared sip-plates throughout the plane and twisted for 2-3 hours, for example, several bags with cement, sand or other cargo. You can take advantage of even a passenger car, having stopped on a plywood sheet according to a pre-made overpack.

After the glue is finally dried, the homemade panels will be ready, they can be folded into a separate stack and begin in the workpiece of new panels. Made panels should be left without cargo still, after which they can be used for their intended purpose.

Production of vibratinglitis

To make homemade vibrating plates, you will need to cook:

  1. Electric engine with an eccentric of the brand IV-98E, which is the main part of the vibrating plates.
  2. Steel sheet, a thickness of at least 8 mm in size 450х800 mm. It can be ordered on any metal bondage.
  3. Two slices of chapellery long no more than 400 mm.
  4. Inch tube for handle and two rubber bushings for its attachment.
  5. From the tools you will need a device for welding, Bulgarian and a set of wrench keys.

From the narrow sides of the plate, retreating from the edges of 80-100 mm, make an incision with a grinder about a depth of about 5 mm. After that, get the edges in the direction of the outbreak at an angle of about 25 0 and weld them. The bend is needed so that the vibratinglitis does not immersed in the material that seal it and fluently moved along its surface.

Then across the plate at a certain distance designed to fasten the electric motor, two channels are welded with shelves down. Through pre-drilled holes in a channel, with the help of M10 bolts, an electrovibrator is attached to them.

The handle made from the pipe is attached to the vibrator through soft rubber bushings, which can be bought in the auto parts store or in a construction store in the fastener department.

Thus, you can make a lot of things useful in the farm, having spent only part of the money that would have to pay when buying a finished product. We just need to make some effort and have certain skills.

As they say, there is no place in the garage. Men who spend a lot of time in the garage will agree that in some cases there is every minute and every square centimeter of free space. That is why garage cases master needs the competent organization of the working space. Here in every way they help and help various fixtures for storing building materials, work inventory, machine parts and other things necessary for the work. In order for your electronic, garden and garage garades always in their places, use the following devices:

    • stands;
    • shelves;
    • logging panels;
    • racks;
    • organizers for tools.

Also, for clarity, we offer homemade for a garage and a homemade master with your own hands -outub video will reveal all the nuances of the organization of the workspace and prompts fresh ideas.

Homemade at home with their own hands

Humid homemade man began to study from prehistoric times. Actually, all industrial processes are improved non-vertical or home development of folk craftsmen. We sometimes do not even think that we pay for those things that can make with your own hands. Schemes of homemade homemade It is easy to find on the Internet, and materials can be bought in a shopping store or find at home.

For example, from a cardboard box and a piece of fabric You can make a convenient portable organizer for towels and other textile products.
The topic of storing all the little things is inexhaustible, fortunately, as well as the number of ideas. Successful ideas for decor You can also draw from ordinary things - let it be buttons or empty tin cans.
Steep shelves are obtained from ordinary boxes. How do you like this idea?

As you managed to understand, in the presence of detailed instructions, it is not difficult to instantly masse the homemade handmakers at home. The video will help you comprehend all the nuances of this pleasant occupation. Useful tips, interesting ideas - to watch everyone necessarily.

Homemade for giving and gardening with their own hands

At the cottage, a little free time appears for creativity and the arrangement of the surrounding space. therefore worth having a few fresh ideas at handTo bring them on your own summer cottage. Catering homemade housekeeping at home with their own hands can be ingenious simple. From the primary materials you can make the unexpected and extremely useful things in the home everyday use.

Conventional pebbles turn into fairy-tale bells.From old kettle It turns out a beautiful flower pot.

Used tires - It has already become a classic in the world of garden figures. Stylish lamps for dacha interior - make yourself from the usual bank and candles (do not forget about safety technology).
- Gorgeous idea for a small cottage.
Homemade for giving and gardening with their own hands is often obtained by themselves, without unnecessary temporary and financial costs. Perhaps you did not guesses how much useful for the household will be plastic bottles.Plastic bottles that came out of everybody can serve as the basis for incredible decorative flower beds. Funny "blooming" pillars Significantly decorate your country space.

Garden furniture with your own hands Successful homemade: photos and drawings

In the previous sections, we told you about homemade, which will become indispensable for the farm and home life. However, do not forget about the rest, in front of which, still, have to work a little. Cozy Chairs, different tables and shops, swings and hammocks - All this class-garden bliss can stay on your site. We offer to familiarize yourself with the photo instructions and drawings for the manufacture of garden furniture. We picked up the best options for you.

Everyone got used to treat her house as a fortress, a cozy place where you can escape from the bustle and alarms. It is doubly more pleasant when the own home is covered, everything in it is done at the request of the owner and under hand are the necessary things. It is nice to return to such a house after a working day or long vacation, the atmosphere in it acts soothing and fascinatingly.

In contact with

It is possible to reflect your own dwelling. Homemade homemade This is not just an interesting idea for the author's design, such things are gaining popularity in the world and even the most famous designers hunt for masters "", capable of making a real work of art. In addition, such a cute heart organizers will seriously facilitate cleaning, help streamline materials under hobbies, books, baubles and jewelry. The variants of the crafts for the house with their own hands a great set, each by the author introduces something to the project, but in the end, it always gets something warm, homemade and cozy.

Options for household organizers for home

There are several variations of various crafts from, metal, clay and plastic, but they are all directed to the only goal - to make a person's life in the house easier and more cozy. therefore all crafts for home can be classified to:

Ultimately you can make a crawler just like thatwithout bothering the need to find useful use. Ultimately, the manufacture of useful things for the house with your own hands from wood, metal, plastic or is just a hobby, which, however, can become a major business.

As before, where to get the materials and tools, then, fortunately, the modern market infrastructure allows you to find absolutely everything for needlework or joinery craft in the nearest store.

Tool stool

Among the homemade home, which can be done with your own hands, toolbox - This is perhaps the first thing to do a home master. Such a stool is extremely functional and simple when creating, the cost of consumables is incomparable with a market price of a good chair, and due to the extremely primitive design, the bench will serve quite a long time. All that is needed in order to make such a homemade for the house, it is:

  • screws, 20-26 pieces;
  • salazki, 4 pieces;
  • timber bar, 17 pieces;
  • wooden panel, 9 pieces;
  • screwdriver, hammer, varnish, brush.

A tree for such a homemade is worth choosing a simple job, that is pine or beech. Extremely undesirable solid wood species, for example, oak, work with which is incredibly difficult to work at home, not to mention the fact that in full processing with their own hands is a costly occupation in time.

From the bars you need to make four P-shaped blanks, one more different. This is the basis of the bench and stage on the sled. Then you need to strengthen the legs with an additional bar. For a step on it, fasten a salazzo on both sides. Make a niche in the form of a small drawer under the dressing of the toaster, after which fasten the side panels. Finished homemade covered with varnish.


Such homemade will come in handy in any campaign. Buying it consideration, because the cost is even the most simple higher price of consumables. And in order to make a bag yourself, you will need only a few simple items:

  • roll of insulation;
  • old bag;
  • scotch and scissors.

From the options of the insulation, it is recommended to choose polyethylene foamed, widely applicable for domestic purposes. It is enough 1-2 meters of this material. From the insulation, you need to make a cross with a central part, after which pack the old bag. The "cover" of the homemakes is better to cut off and attach to the tape, the side joints fill in the remnants of the insulation or the foam rubber. It is possible to make such a homemade yourself in 20 minutes, no more, and in efficiency it does not give way to shop analogues, because the insulation is an excellent insulation material.

Cat's house-scheduling

Tree Cogttechka - This is the most productive way to maintain all other items in the house, giving a pet for the confusion of a new toy. It is quite simple to make it, since the variations of the project there are many. For the initial level there is enough single house with a cylindrical braketop. This will require:

  • wooden panel, 5 pieces;
  • cylindrical bar, 1 piece;
  • wooden rail, 12 pieces.

The most simple house with a square roof, but can be performed for a pet and a more complex project - with lowered top or several levels.

Before working, wooden elements should be covered with carpet, make it better on the self-tapping screw, but making sure that their tips do not look and do not harm the pet's legs. One of the panels will perform the role of the foundation, the "foundation" of the house is mounted on it - 4 Reiki is mounted, the panel is fixed on each of the rails, then the level of the rail should be added from above and cover the roof design. Installation occurs on corners or screws. In the front panel, drill or cut input. Next to the entrance to secure the cylinder, after which it is covered with a special glue.

Useful craft options are a lot, most options - author And invented literally if necessary, that is, to solve a certain problem. In order to come up with something, it is enough to overcome too lazy and pay attention to those problems that interfere with living in their own home, after which it is very nice to solve them.