Storm sewage device. Storm sewing with their own hands - an example of work from "A to Z Outdoor Storm sewage

There are many reasons why the house has to build on a plot with high groundwater. But the investigation is always one thing - if you do not equip the protection against the sleeve, then every spring water will arrive at the site, wash the soil, the foundation and basement at home.

Solve the problem will help the correctly installed drainage system and storm sewage system. If the level of groundwater is known at the stage of buying a plot, then it is most profitable to plan the improvement of drainage and lavety together with the construction of the house itself. In such cases, you can save and make the lavety and drainage in one trench.

Conducting storm and drainage sewage at the construction stage, you can get rid of many problems in the future Source

What do you need drainage and storm sewers

The main task of "Livnevka" (i.e. the storm system) is to collect with the help of a jetty and pipes, water from the roof - rain or talu. Livnevka consists of two parts - the outer (gutter under the roof) and underground (receivers and pipes, removing water from the house) to the part that is in the ground, the water from the roof and the scene falls, and then output from the site.

Drainage sewage is needed in order to collect excess water from the soil, i.e. drain it. The main task of the drainage is to prevent the increase in the level of groundwater, prevent flooding of the site.

Since both systems provide for water removal into special drives, the combined drainage and lavety work circuit looks very attractive in terms of functionality and economy. The collected water can be used for technical purposes, for example, for watering.

It is important! "In one trench" does not mean that the same pipes are used for the lavety and drainage. Such a scheme is categorically prohibited for the reason that during seasonal increases in the number of atmospheric precipitation, the Livnevka is systematically overwhelmed. If the same pipe will work as a drainage, then at best the drainage will temporarily stop functioning.

Drainage and storm sewage: varieties of these systems and their features

Systems have an absolutely different structure, from similar elements only pipes and wells. At the same time, they differ not only in the structure, but also by the installation method.

Drainage sewage (closed type)

It is only underground, respectively, refers to the closed type of sewage systems. The only elements that are partially located above the surface are wells.


There are several factors that determine if the drainage system is needed or not. It is done in such cases:

    if the plot is high enough aquiferous layer;

    the soil is clay or loamy;

    in the area where the plot is located, floods often occur;

    it is placed outlanded foundation;

    the plot is located in the lowland.

If one of these conditions is performed, it is most likely without drainage, problems with flooding or high humidity of the basement and the foundation will appear.

The drainage system consists of the following elements:

    Drenna (drainage pipes for sewage, made of geotextile and having perforation through which water enters drainage).

    Peskovochâteters (Do not give pipes to cling at a fraction of the snack and sand).

    System drainage. Water purified from snack and sand directly to drainage wells.

    Multiple types wells.

After the wells, where the water is cleared, it enters the overall drive, and then, or used for personal needs, or is displayed in the wastewater system.

Materials from which drain are manufactured:

    Plastic. Durable, not very expensive, very strong and resistant to low temperatures.

This looks like a plastic drainage intermediate well. Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the water supply and sewage design and installation service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

    Asbestocent. Cheap, but very short-lived - after a few years, growths may appear on asbestos-cement pipes.

    Ceramics. Before the appearance of plastic ceramics was the best option.

Standards Pipes:

    marking SN 2-4 (depth up to 3 meters);

    sN 6 marking and what goes above for a depth of up to 5 meters.

Video Description

An example of an arrangement of the drainage system is shown in the video:

Storm sewage device (open type)

"Livnevka" consists of two parts - upper and lower. The system includes:

    gutter, in which water falls from the roof, and that lead it further;

    funnels and vertical pipes. Water falls into the funnel and further, along vertical pipes falls into the lower part of the "Livnevka";

    khomuta to strengthen pipes when they are connected;

    tees and swivel kneeswhich bind horizontal and vertical pipes among themselves, the funnel can be attached there;


The system is collected as a constructor, you need to make a drawing of the system, carefully copold the parts and get the finished strain sewer.

Most often for gutters are used materials:

    galvanized iron;

  • plastic (PVC).

Of which the lavety will be made, it is selected depending on the device at home, its architecture and material from which the roof is made. It is possible to add a gutter with grids and an anti-icing cable so that in the spring ice does not block the water output.

Arrangement of the anti-icing system on the roof of the house Source RMNT.RU

For the manufacture of intermediate and basic wells, the following materials are used:

    PVC (expensive, but very effective option);

    Brick and stone (Durable, but should be collected correctly);

    Rings from reinforced concrete (difficult to install);

The design of them is exactly the same as the closed drainage.

Combination of storm and drainage sewers

The entire system is installed in one trench. The drainage and storm sewage diagram on the plot is quite simple. Through an assembly tee water outside and from the inside (precipitation and groundwater) will fall into the drainage well.

Drainage pipes pass throughout the site, collect water and further it is displayed in the wells, where it is pumped out by the pump beyond the site. In the "Livnevka", the water is collected and excreted into the collector drain, after which, through the well mentioned above, it falls into the main system of pipes that exists autonomously from drainage, but in one trench (for the storm perforation is not needed). According to the system of trunk pipes, water falls into the bypass well, in which the same as in the drainage is pumped up by the pump.

Usually the main well is at the bottom point of the site and water from it has to pump off the pump source DP32.RU

The connection of storm and drainage systems is very beneficial, only a wide trench is required, everything that is necessary is to designate a place for a tap highway, in which water from both systems will follow different ways so that they are not overwhelmed.

Through an assembly tee water outside and from the inside (precipitation and groundwater) will fall into the drainage well.

Principle of operation of drainage and storm sewage

Storm sewage: dot drainage. Point elements are necessary for collecting precipitation, be it rain, a melting snow that melted. It is possible to send water on the grooves to the drainage, and then send to special ditches with grilles through which the water will be deleted from the site. Very relevant, when the building is located on the slope, since when choosing the right corner, it will not be necessary to build additional gutters, but to output water directly into ditch.

With a linear drainage, water is discharged by gutters, funnels in a special trunk system consisting of pipes that are suitable for drainage and storm sewage. Further on this main system, the drains fall into the collector, and then, depending on the project, water can go to the drive, and maybe for the site.


With deep drainage, water from rising groundwater, gradually, separate parts are displayed in the well, and from there is pumped out the pump and is displayed. Such a system has 3 types:



    Wasted. If there is a basement or basement in the house, it is required to remove groundwater from them. Wailed drainage is most effective - a moisture acceptor is arranged near the walls, and the wall itself is carefully picked up.

Care and Operation Rules

Both systems require regular checks and cleaning from sludge, sand, clay and other garbage. Seasonal inspections are required - at the end of autumn, when the rainy season ends at the end of winter to make sure that the waterproof ability is not broken. Despite the various filters, sandcloths and grid for garbage, dirt penetrates inside. They are everywhere: in pipes, gutters and in wells. In the absence of care, the system simply clogs and stops functioning.

Timely cleaning of pipes of the drainage and storm drainage system in the country will avoid many problems source DP32.RU

To clean the pipe sufficiently turn on the pump to the maximum power and drive in the pipes of ordinary water from the hose, it will collect all the dirt and bring to the well. You can pour water into the gutter and it will also collect all the dirt and then go to vertical pipes. The stronger the pressure will be, the more dirt and garbage will leave.

Already in the pump, all the water is pumped up even more powerful pump or ulosos when all the water is over, it will be necessary to clean the walls. Most often, the flushing ends, but if they did not care for the system for a long time, it happens so that you have to clean the walls and the bottom of the well using a scraper. Therefore, regular cleaning is necessary to ensure that both systems work stably.

Double System Installation Rules

The competent installation of the combined system is necessarily performed according to the previously created project, which indicates the nuances concerning the binding to the site and synchronization of the wells, so that both drainage and the "lavetyne" operate in both normal mode and overload.

When installing, the following nuances take into account:

    The arrangement of the drainage system is sufficiently not cheap pleasure. If something goes wrong and after a few years, the drainage will stop working, then its recovery will have to spend money no less than on holding a new one, especially considering that the landscape design will have to "decorating". As a result, professionals should be engaged in the development of drainage.

    In the period of flooding each of the systems will be overloaded. Since they collect moisture from different sources, then the drains should be laid for each system separately. You can do it in one trench, but at different depths. Well for collecting water can be used common.

    When digging trenches for drains, it is necessary to consider that the bottom of the pit will be eliminated with rubble and sand. This means that, if necessary, place the drain at a certain depth, the pit must be pulled out deeper on the thickness of the layers of sand and rubble.

Drinking for a drainage system should be quite deep source

    Usually, water is going to the drive (pit or reservoir), from where it is used for technical needs or pumped into water bodies or simply away from the site. If perforated pipes are used for drainage, then the distinguished are always solid. When combining them in one trench vertical, perforated laid down, and the usual tops.

    If the highway and drain are combined into the trench tube, they are parallel, they are parallel, at a short distance from each other (so that if the main pipe is damaged, water from there did not fall into the drainage system and did not overload it).

Video Description

About the installation of a storm system and drainage in the following video:


The combined drainage and storm sewage system is not only an effective means for getting rid of the seduction of the site, but also a rather advantageous offer, as it will simplify the system and save when purchasing many additional elements. It turns out that the integrity of the foundation will be preserved and money will be saved on waterproofing and arrangement of both sewers separately.

Storm sewage is a hydrological engineering system that consists of channels and special equipment carrying out the collection, filtering and removal of atmospheric precipitation in the collectors intended for this - collectors, filtration fields, water bodies.

LANTR-PARK Landscape Design Studio Designs and Mounting Storm Systems:

  • around residential buildings;
  • around social and industrial buildings and structures;
  • on household plots;
  • in the territories of parks, squares, recreation areas;
  • in areas and around buildings and agricultural structures.

Order a shower system turnkey and solve the problem:

  • flooding buildings during the periods of melting of snow and intensive precipitation;
  • shocking green spaces from excess surface water;
  • destruction of road surfaces;
  • soil erosion, landslide formations, ravines;
  • enhance groundwater levels.

5 Proposals for collaboration with LANTR-PARK Landscape Studio:

  1. we design, mount the storm systems and give a warranty for 3 years;
  2. projects "Turnkey" (design and installation) are cheaper by 7%;
  3. we select special equipment from your own fleet, corresponding to the size and conditions of the site. This approach allows work locally and neatly;
  4. we use components of only high quality European manufacturers (Germany, Switzerland) and domestic brands;
  5. we form loyal prices, on average, on the market of landscape services, below 10-15%.

Call the phone +7 499-397-82-02 or leave your phone in the feedback form and get a free consultation on the storm system on your site or territory.

LENONR-PARK specialists work only on the principles of an individual approach. We do not use typical solutions. When designing and installing a storm system for your site, all the nuances will be taken into account. In this case, all the requirements of the corresponding SNiP are carried out strictly. You can apply for the arrangement of the storm system in the form of feedback, or by calling the indicated telephone.

Probably, everyone happened to observe dirty water flows along the roads and huge puddles, in which cars were drilled, failing to overcome self-educated reservoirs. This is a visual example of a faulty or incorrectly laid storm system, or the lack of it. Similar phenomena in any case are fraught with economic damage - ranging from spoiled shoes (in pedestrian zones) and ending with the destruction of foundations and road surfaces (with multiple repetition).

In order to avoid the above situations, the organization (as an event) of the surface runoff is undertaken through the arrangement of storm systems.

Types of storm systems

Depending on the type of drains, the storm systems are divided into point and linear, and according to the method of decoration of precipitation - on open and closed.

Point drainage systems

Spot systems Installed to collect water from roofing drains, and consist of rain-seekers and pipeline pipes that connect them. Water on the pipeline is allocated to the drive or is outputting outside the site. Rainhery machines are equipped with an internal garbage collection basket that falls into the system and a mesh for water filtration.

The arrangement of the point storm system around the perimeter of the house provides for the presence of a roof drainage system.

Linear drainage systems

Linear drainage systems Designed for removal of water not only falling with roofing gutters, but also flowing from tracks, sites, transport highways, etc. Those. The linear system covers a much larger number of objects. It is a network of channels, terrestrial or underground. The precipitation is also outlined outside the territory of the site, or used for other purposes, accumulating in the collector.

The linear drainage system in turn can be open or closed. Often, when arranging "Livnevka" uses a mixed type of system design.

Open storm systems

Open storm system It consists of laid in a small depth and a small groove bias, along which water flows into local sewers or to the collector. Trays for collecting water and gutters are equipped with lattices and sands along the entire length of the channels.
The gutter can be a semicircular, triangular or trapezoidal form. Their size and form are determined according to the corresponding SNIP, based on the data on the intensity, the frequency and the duration of the average annual rainfall norms characteristic of one or another region. The gutter can be closed with lattices or not close.

Lattices are used for open shepheric systems:

  • steel. Dignity - inexpensive, disadvantage - rust are covered;
  • cast iron - a long service life, disadvantage - paint flies quickly;
  • aluminum alloys are the most expensive products, but also the most durable, not losing the original design.

With examples of open "Livnevok" we meet everywhere - along the perimeter of sites, along pedestrian tracks, transport highways, etc. The indisputable advantage of an open storm system is simplicity of laying and small financial investments.

Closed storm systems

Closed storm systems They represent a more complex and expensive version, since it is possible to remove moisture from rain-seekers on pipes laid at a certain depth. Such a system is used in large territories - industrial enterprises, social facilities, private ownership of the area, measured in hectares, etc.

The bias of laying pipes, the diameter of the pipes, the size of the water receivers is calculated for each individual case. Pipes are usually used PVC for outdoor use. But for large bias are recommended - metal.

In the storm systems of this type, viewing wells are required through which periodically clean pipes. These are typical products that are manufactured by the industry of different sizes and configurations.
In the depth of the occurrence, closed storm systems can be freezing and unscrewing. The first is laid on a depth of less than a meter (within the depth of the fruit of the soil) and the early spring they do not work. Their advantage is in a simpler, and it has become a cheaper, technological process. The second, which are incommerizing, are laid below the level of soil freezing (for the Moscow region it is within 150-170 cm). The advantages and disadvantages of such a system are obvious - reliably, but expensive (and not always appropriate, if it comes to private houses).

When arranging closed lavety you can not combine drainage with a drainage system. This is fraught with the overflow of the system and the water outlet to the surface, with all the consequences arising from here. And another potential threat is the drainage of drainage pipes that cannot be cleaned. Those. The drainage system fails.

Do not also dump surface water into the sewage system. During good shower, the speed of water is large enough - from 10 m³ / hour. The likelihood of a well overflow and water to enter the sewage system is great.

Mixed Storm System Design Type

Mixed drainage systems - A compromise option, and, I must say, optimal, in quality, water removal speeds and cost. In this system, the part is performed closed, and the part is open, part is point, and part is linear. In gutters, through wells and water collectors, water enters the pipeline and is outputting outside the site.

But in any case, a uniform, universal model of the surface of the surface of surface water does not exist. For each object, the structure of the drainage system is determined separately. Calculations are made for each object, the climatic features that absorb the abilities of the soil, the relief, the shape and area of \u200b\u200bthe plot are taken into account.

Where to give stock water

Utilization of stock water - far from idle question. Not all areas are located on the banks of the river or lake, where they can be outlined, not everyone needs water for watering or other economic needs, and not everywhere it is possible to connect to urban storm sewage.

Options for output or use of stormwater:

  • watering the beds and tracks is possible if poisonous substances do not fall into the water. The moisture is accumulated in the wells, from where it is pumped into the watering system. Such use of water (we emphasize if it remains clean) well fits into the environmental concept;
  • discharge of water into urban storm sewers;
  • discharge of water into a wastewater or a reservoir located not far away;
  • resetting water into the ground - is carried out when the previous options are not possible. Water is displayed in the system of perforated pipes, disposable deep enough. The depth of their occurrence is calculated in such a way that the rave water entering the soil does not raise the level of groundwater to the critical mark.

Standing system styling sequence

The first and, perhaps, the main stage, which will protect the owner of the site from incorrect decisions, is extra costs - this is the development of a project of a storm system. Of course, specialists will cope with this task, in the arsenal of which - the base of the necessary knowledge, and great experience.

If a comprehensive project improvement project is ordered, the process of arranging the Livnevka is possible to be largely optimized at cost, labor costs and time, since all the work associated with the garment is carried out in parallel. Those. Drainage and storm systems can be mounted in conjugation.

As for the installation of the storm system directly, the order, in general, will be the following. By the way, if there are no drainage on the roof, they must be installed.

Sequence of action when installing the lavetyl:

  • cuts out trenches for rain-seekers, sandwickers, gutters and pipelines;
  • trenches are rambling, a slope is checked;
  • the rubble layer is plugged in 10 cm (the layer is determined by the nature of the soil);
  • pipes are stacked;
  • challenges are installed, rain-seekers, viewing wells (may be placed on concrete bases, depending on the design solutions);
  • there is a connection of parts and sections of the system;
  • trenches fall asleep rubble, then sand or land;
  • lattices are installed above the gutters and rainmakers;
  • the output tube is connected to the collector.

Water, which accumulates after precipitation, and is not timely allocated from the structure and the land plot, leads to the destruction of the foundation and structures, the appearance of dampness inside the building, and in the winter, an ice appears around the house. If the land plot has high underground water, that is, the risk of fearing the local area. Under the strongest blow, basement and basement rooms enter, in which without a liquid removal, constantly wet, the walls are covered with mold and fungus. You can confront such misfortunes with the help of a landfill. Storm sewage is a complex engineering structure for accumulation and output of wastewater.

- dramatically reduce the number of puddles in the yard and get rid of the land;

- reduce risks to destroy the sidewalks, the breakfast and the founding of the building;

- eliminate the likelihood of dampness in the first and basement floor;

- almost completely exclude moisture in the basement;

- eliminate the process of soil fever or soil erosion;

- Do not worry about the preservation of the aesthetic attractiveness of the local area and the building itself.

And the most basic, the storm system allows preventing the interaction of the soil moisture.

Types of Livnevok:

Point. The principle of the sewage operation is an organized network from rain-seekers and connecting pipes. Protective lattices and special sandowkers, peculiar filters be installed on rain-seekers.

Linear. Such sewage is a network of channels, which allows you to collect and transport the streams of water, under a slope towards the collector. If the required slope on the landscape cannot be achieved, the slopes for pumping water are installed.

Storm sewage has another classification:

- Open type, is considered the simplest, both on installation work and in design. The cost of installing such a mountaineering is minimal. The principle of operation is also the easiest - open gutter and channels are collected and removed surface drains;

- Closed type. System with rainmakers and with a closed or underground system of pipelines;

- Mixed type. The storm system is a combination of an open and closed system. Rationally use such a system on land plots of large sizes.

Storm systems are subdivided by the type of removal:

- Distrow to side. Such a system involves a device for the foundation for accumulation of storm precipitation;

- Drop down. In this case, the water is assigned to the point and the system necessarily has a grid to contain the dirt.

The principle of any landfill is a collection, direction and distribution of incoming water into the system. Even the most elementary rave system has many elements:

- pipes that can be on the surface of the soil can be buried to the ground, coated with concrete or asphalt coating, paving slabs;

- Water collection trays and canals, rain-seekers, from rational distribution of their perimeter of the land plot, may depend on the efficiency of the entire system;

- viewing wells intended for controlling the performance of the entire system;

- distributing and filtering elements, that is, sandsworthers.

Each element is important for storm sewage and failure even the smallest part can be completely reduced to zero bandwidth of the entire system.

Water tank

The water tank is designed primarily to collect liquid and further transportation, in the place of lead. To date, the containers are made of polymer concrete, ordinary concrete and polymeric materials.

Capacities from ordinary concrete have a high degree of reliability, cheap, but have a lot of weight. The process of production of tanks is based on vibropressing, which causes their durability.

Polymer concrete containers will serve even longer than designs from ordinary concrete. However, the cost of such tanks is high.

Polymer containers are the most popular. They are easily and quickly mounted, have a low cost. The containers from polymers are very lungs and at the expense of a smooth surface almost never clog.


All hatches for storm sewer is classified by the type of material from which they are produced:

  • Cast iron. Such hatches are distinguished by a long service life, not less than 80 years. The cast-iron hatch can withstand the load in 90 tons and it moves the sharp drops of temperature well.

Cast iron has two main minuses:

- high cost of products from it;

- Large weight.

Cast-iron hatches are produced for main needs for installation on motorways. Heavy hatches for roads with intense movement. Middle severity are mounted in residential areas and lungs, designed for lawns and pedestrian zones. In the private sector, cast-iron hatches are installed exclusively on the roadway, in the other places it is not advisable to spend money on cast iron products.

  • Plastic. Plastic hatches are perhaps one minus - they are unable to withstand heavy loads. Otherwise, plastic has some advantages:

- the possibility of operation for 50 years;

- low weight;

- high resistance to aggressive medium;

- resistance to temperature drops;

- Wide color scheme, which allows you to install a hatch on any landscape;

- a huge range of diverse forms;

- Ability to independently install plastic hatch.

  • Composite and polymer composite. In this case, the composite hatch can be made of fiberglass, powder filler or polyester resin.

Polymer-composite hatches are plastic and sand, with the addition of other materials and the product is made by pressing, using high temperatures.

The main minus of such hatches is the minimum degree of opposition to the loads. Supervisor such a design will be able for no more than 20 years. But perfectly carry temperatures from -60 to +60, do not be afraid of the effects of harmful substances, petroleum products. Not subject to the formation of corrosion.

The cost of composite and composite-polymeric hatches is low, but it is better to install them in places where high loads are not expected, on lawns or in park areas.

  • Another classification of hatches is in shape. Most manufacturers manufacture square, round and rectangular hatches.

Most often you can meet the hatches of the round shape, in this case the minimum amount of material is consumed for the manufacture of the design, therefore the cost of their low. Round hatches are best distributed throughout the area and are practically no deformation.

The advantage of plastic and composite hatches is that they can not only be installed independently, but also decorated. As a decor of elements, you can use stones that, if necessary, you can remove and clean the storm sewage.

This element of storm sewage is used in the case of installation of a system on asphalt sites, roofs.

The rainmaker is a rectangular funnel with the discreets to which the entire sewage system is mounted. This element of the system is made of:

- plastic;

- cast iron;

- polymer concrete;

- polypropylene.

Plastic rain-seekers are very popular in private construction. Cast iron receivers are usually installed in places with a large crossway, as they can withstand heavy loads.

Plastic rain-seekers have a slight weight and simplicity of editing. It can be operated both at high and low temperatures. Well transfer mechanical and chemical impact. Such rain-seekers can be installed even below the level of freezing.

As a rule, rain-seekers are produced in the form of Cuba, 30x40 cm. All facets have adaptive nozzles so that you can mount the pipes of any diameter.

The second most popular is the cast-iron rainmaker, although it has a lot of weight.

You can find stainless steel receivers, which are additionally covered with an anti-corrosion layer.

Despite this, the biggest timelines for plastic and concrete raids, especially since few people want to steal such designs.

Regardless of the material from which the rain-seeker is made, it must be equipped with filter baskets that will prevent foreign particles from entering the system.

So that the rain-seeker did not have an unpleasant smell, it can be equipped with a special siphon, and the design of the funnel must allow you to clean it freely.


The main purpose of the lattice in the system of storm sewage is protection against large sera. It is important where the lattice will be used, on the household site or in the pedestrian zone, on the automotive track, that is, by the type of load. For example, marking on the lattice - DN 100, means that it is suitable for a gutter with a channel width of 10 cm. The lattices of this type are in the range from A15, that is, for sidewalks, squares and pedestrian zones.

Livnevoy grids can be made of:

- cast iron, which is not subject to corrosion and serves as long as possible, is usually used on industrial facilities, at airports, in the territories of sea and river stations, on terminals;

- gray cast iron for lattices is used for the device in garages, on car parking and pedestrian zones, that is, in places where the average level of traffic intensity;

- Stainless steel, hatches are used by the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, in pools and baths.


It is necessary to realize that with the improper location of the rainer, water will still accumulate and the sewage will not be effective. In order for all the water all the water to the water receiver, it is necessary to find the lowest dots on the site so that the water can be able to drain on their own. The tube of sewage must be clearly located above the rain-seeker, that is, the water must clearly fall into the target. When carrying out land, it is necessary to adhere to the slope.

Conducting work should be carried out in a clear accordance with the standards of SNiP. For storm sewers there are certain requirements - at a distance of 5 meters from the system it is impossible to build anything, parking, dump trash or planting plants. That is, Livnev has been a security zone.

The moisture stagnation on the site is the cause of many inconvenience, moreover, the moisture inevitably destroys the foundation of the house, ensures dampness in the basement, etc. From excess moisture, you can get rid of the laying of storm sewage. It allows you to significantly prevent the private house.
It should be noted that the storm sewage is not a complete solution to the problem of the foundation flooding, it complements the classic draenage of the foundation, helping it to cope with the necessary volumes of incoming moisture from the rain and melting of snow.
Installation of storm sewage in the country area does not represent a special difficulty, so work is quite possible to do it with your own hands.
Livnevka is a totality of filters, water pipes and other elements that allow you to remove excess water beyond the site.

Composition of storm sewage

Properly chosen storm sewage is collected as cubes in the children's designer, and consists of the following components:
● Linear and accurate water reservations;
● revision, swivel wells;
● Filters for oil and gasoline - are used for garages, parking, highways, gas stations, etc.;
● sandwalkers;
● Abbuilt block - it is possible to use on sandy, water-saturated soils.
In addition to buying materials, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements of the SNIP and the principle of operation of the entire system as a whole.

Installation of effective storm sewer

To begin, it is necessary to make a project - for this you can use the standard option, making adjustments, taking into account the real features of the available area. It is necessary to take into account the presence of slopes, relief, choose the location of the well for storm sewage - In most cases, such a well is located in angle or low.

If the site implies the arrangement of the drainage system, then they first take the improvement of drainage and only then for the landfill. Communications of both systems can be laid in one trench, but the drainage system is located below, while the lavety is closer to the surface.

Important moments:
● When working on the creation of storm sewage, it is necessary to use water and corrosion-resistant materials;
● Pipes with an internal corrugated layer for storm sewers are not used because they quickly clog;
● It is not recommended to use complex schemes for pipe wiring - it is necessary to strive to lay pipes, without laying additional turns and wiring;
● All design parts of the pipeline are tightly connected, although leaks are allowed for existing legislation, about 10-15%;
● The slope of the storm sewage sewage is directed towards the waterborg - it is necessary to adhere to the specified standards, warning the freezing of water in the system and its failure.

Deciding with the plan, it is necessary to calculate the patterns of pipes and other elements necessary to start the installation work. Our recommendation: Having considered the length of all the storm pipes, it is necessary to take into account the additional 5-10% that will be lost on the compounds, and minor deviations with a cup of recovery. In the case of sewer PVC pipes, the pipes are used instead of specialized storm pipes, then the lights are available in various segments for example 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 meters, and it is desirable to collect the entire length of the track from the entire range, it is easier to choose the required segment without a complex cut.

When installing the storm sewage, it is necessary to schedule the presence of protective lattices to avoid entering the system of large-sized garbage.
If the water removal area is large, it is necessary to schedule additional technological wells for cleaning.

Choosing the pipes, it is necessary to give preference with polypropylene and PVC pipes - such materials can be cleaned without problems using a metal cable, they are tougher than polyethylene pipes, and at the same time they have a low internal roughness coefficient - which will be perfectly affected by operational characteristics.

Conducting installation work

Mounting rules for storm sewage implies the following sequence of actions:
● We allocate in the site of the place where the swivel wells will be located, rain-seekers. If it is necessary to ensure the collection of water from the porch, it is also provided for special pallets equipped with lattices. Excellent solutions offers ACO concern, releasing incident systems with fixed width, and see
Under the drainage, we establish point water reservations, which in most cases are selected in appearance and method of entering stormwater in them.

Water receiving funnels are produced as a classic jet break, where water from the drain pipe enters the plastic or cast-iron grille and completely closed - in which the drain pipe is tight and hermetically connected, there are no jet breaks and no splashes fall into the breakdown and building.
Along the pedestrian tracks, parking, and across the entrance to the site it is necessary to position linear water reservations, these are special channels closed with lattices, the main purpose is to take the streams of water coming from hard coatings, and transport the collected water into rave revision wells. After all of the listed, you can proceed to the preparation of pits and trenches to set all the elements of the system.

● First you want to mark the site markup in accordance with the approved plan. It is not necessary to strive to fit all the landing in one branch, much more intelligently divide it into independent parts, which will collect water from the roof, tracks and a plot. For each of the branches it is worth making a control well and, accordingly, a separate system of pipelines.

● We carry out earthworks - trenches, which will fit the rave pipeline, are aligned with a sand pillow - after checking the slope, it is possible to start mounting the storm sewage. In the equipped trenches, we put the pipes, connecting them in the well - such works must be carried out for each branch of storm sewage.

If there is on the plan of linear sections of the railway, you need to dig up the grooves for trays - the sand pillow is also laid and it is thoroughly tamped. After that, it is possible to lay the trays themselves that are attached with the help of a solution for sites where transport is expected to travel to the special foundation for trays. The grid for storm sewage is fixed in various ways, it may be latches, clamps, and a classic bolted compound. Slit grilles are used for premium systems, in them the visible part is two strips of stainless steel, with a gap of near a centimeter.

● Installing rain-seekers - Remember that after installation and backfill - transfer the location will be very difficult.

● Connecting all system elements occurs with the use of standard, generally accepted sizes 110 and 160 mm, in some cases 200mm. Try to avoid unique solutions with the size of connections 90, 100, 125, 150 and 175mm, if it is necessary to be unaccounted when planning an element, it will be very problematic.

● After the installation of storm sewage is completed, we fall asleep the trenches of the soil and seal it.

● The final stage of the creation of the lavety is a test test that will confirm the correctness of all stages of work. It is necessary to begin the process of flushing the lavety from the roof and track the ingress of the effluent in the rain-seeker, and after and in the main collector, and in the rave well.

For beginners, the complexity can be balancing on the flow of water from each of the branches of the lavety.

The amount of water coming over each water receiver and the throughput of pipes must correspond to each other.
As for the calculations, they should be conducted on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bthe served surface. Here are the requirements that provide a normal stable operation of the rain and flood water collection and removal system:

● Holding the cross-section of the pipeline, you should not choose the pipes back to the calculations made - it is better to make a stock that should be at least 20%. This will allow not only to survive peak loads without the destruction of the system, but also to get a workable landing, even if there are errors in the calculations.
The angle of inclination of drainage pipes should be within 4-5 degrees - such a bias is needed in case of contamination inside the pipeline. The perfectly clean pipe without obstacles passes water even with a bias of 1-1.5 degrees - it moves under the action of gravity.
But if the pipeline is contaminated, and therefore its diameter will decrease, it may cause a decrease in system performance to almost 0.

● For linear lavety, it is necessary to provide an additional sandy and mud filter, which is installed in the audit well, or at the end of the flow of the channel.
In other words, speaking on each branch of a linear rainmaker, a sand broker must be mounted, which will look like the whole system when installing, but its underground part has a larger volume designed to capture sand and various candy and leaves that can get inside.

● On each single branch of the storm sewer should have one revision well, which will effectively eliminate blockages and generally monitor the system status. It is also worth equipping a well to be used to collect water from all the water reservations on the square around the house. Another well can be made directly for the water receiver collecting water along the tracks and sites. With the help of the bypass pipe, we combine both wells - it will be possible if necessary, it will be possible to align the load on the storm sewage sewer.

Installation of rainmobiles of storm sewage

The depth of the drainage pipes for storm sewage is approximately 30-60 cm (below the main depth of the soil freezing), therefore the trenches for drainage must be cut down in the range of 60-90 cm.
To install a point rain-seeker, it will be necessary to prepare a strong base, not forgetting about a number of moments associated with the design, for example, common square raids 30x30x30cm made of plastic, constructively, during the entire period of operation, contain a decent amount of water, which in winter freezes, and may cause destruction in winter Not only products but also scenes. For such products, a very durable foundation and monumental embankment cement mixture is required.
The installation of the pipeline implies not only the connection of the pipes, but also the connection of other elements of the railway, be something connecting clutches, tees, sandcloths, revision wells, and so on.
Construction levels check the presence of a slope throughout the communication.

The most common errors when installing the storm sewer

1. Unnecessary savings

The desire of the developer to save on trifles may cause inconvenience for the future homeowner. If, instead of a point raincoat, ordinary scene is equipped, then no effect does it. Water still will flush into the ground, facing the foundation, causing the sediment and deformation of the materials.
An attempt to save at the construction stage always becomes the cause of expensive repairs.
An excellent example of unjustified economy is the pipes, most of the specialists, choose communications do not think about operating conditions, namely what flows and at what temperatures, what loads come on communications.

2. Lack of maintenance
The next widespread error that the owners of sections with storm sewage are allowed are lack of maintenance and prevention. Cleaning the system should be carried out 2 times a year - it implies the following actions:
● Clean the wells from the sludge;
● We remove garbage from the funnels;
● Rinse trays - it is enough to have in the garden hose;
● Cleaning sand-trap;
● If there is a garbage basket in the rainer, also clean it.
A simple care for the lavety allows the system to be operated without interruptions for many years, and homeowners are not spent on repairs.

3. Insufficient bias of the pipeline
The insufficient slope of the pivine sewage pipeline leads to casing, clogging, freezing pipes in the autumn-spring period. But you should not be guided by the rule "the more, the better," because the increase in the structure of the drain above the standard leads to an increase in the speed of water in the system, and oddly enough particles of the sludge and sand simply do not have time behind the flow of water and settle on the inner walls of the pipe.

All this ensures an increased load on all elements of storm sewage, and therefore the sewage itself begins to intensively wear out. As a result, one of the sections will inevitably fail, not to withstand the intensity of operation, which is not designed.
If all the requirements and standards have been made at the storm sewage construction stage, and all the work was performed qualitatively, such a system looks aesthetically, does not spoil the landscape and is operated without problems with decades.

In some regions there are shrines, in others - snowy winter. In such situations, there is often the need for a device of a whole system of removal of rain and melt water. This question is relevant for both settlements of different levels and private households.

When it comes to such an important building as storm sewage, SNiP, GOST and the like regulatory documents are very important. After all, only a properly built storm wrapper system will work properly and truly long.

This is an engineering network, the purpose of which is to collect from a certain territory excess moisture with the subsequent tap. Requirements for the construction of storm sewage (livnevka) are installed SNiP 2.04.03-85.

It is this document that needs to be guided at all stages: with preliminary calculations, design and proper construction. It is important to draw attention to that SNiP 2.04.03 - It is such a writing that sometimes meets - do not exist, this is an incorrect writing of the norms, the number of which is indicated above.

Sometimes there is a question in the need to respect SNiP: Is the sewage system in small sites can not be built without complex calculations and designs, "on the eyes"?

No, since non-compliance with certain rules often turns into violation of the entire system, problems due to water stagnation, as well as loss. Hence, the conclusion: if the plot really requires storm sewage, SNiP is a mandatory document.

What happens the rave sewage

The execution of the level of the system type can be point, or linear. In the first case, everything is relatively simple. Point storm sewage is a certain amount of rain-seekers, which are installed under the drainage pipes of the buildings and then are connected to the tap system. One of the main elements of such a straightener is special sandowers and protective lattices.

The linear type of strain is much more complicated by its organization. Here we are talking about the discharge of Waste not only from buildings, but also from the adjacent land. A network of channels is added to the rainmakers (it is suitable with the help of drainage trays or pipes), as well as the main collector. Calling pallets may also be required - the same raids, only used in front of the gate, wickets and doors.

The construction of the storm sewage in large areas of land is also involved in the presence of revision wells. With their help, you can check how the entire system works and carry out the prophylactic cleaning of the storm sewer.

When the lingual sewage device of a linear type has to take into account the mass of important points. Here are just some parameters, taken into account Snip:

  • type of pipes,
  • burning depth plus much more.

By type of location relative to the surface of the Earth, the storm sewage can be external or internal.

Outer storm sewage

The most common example is a drainage of drains along the tracks. The system of this type involves the installation of special drainage trays, closed with lattices.

The outer storm sewage often serves as aesthetic purposes, since the external elements of the system can be decorative. The undoubted plus of the outdoor decoder of the storm and thawa drains can be recognized by the relative simplicity of the device, as well as the convenience of operation: light flushing with stamps and pollution, replace damaged items if necessary.

Inner storm sewage

Such a system is much more complicated, as it implies serious calculations. The inner storm sewage implies a significant amount of work on the coppe and equipment of trenches in the ground, laying the pipes, the device of viewing wells. At the same time, the inner storm sewers with the right arrangement perfectly copes with any volume of waste and melt waters.

What does the design begins?

The calculation of the storm sewage is the most important part. SNIP on sewage contains the necessary formulas, as well as a number of values \u200b\u200bthat will be required for substitution. To start the calculation, this information is needed:

  1. How many precipitation on average falls in the area?
  2. What is the area of \u200b\u200bthe drain? This value is seen from the areas of all roofs and other waterproof surfaces (lined with concrete tracks, canopies).
  3. What type of ground in the plot?
  4. Where there are underground communications (if any).

All data are assembled - it's time to calculate on the bottom of the theoretical volume of water. It is important not to forget about the correction coefficients and the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the drop-down precipitation, which in the rules are collected in a special table.

Installation of the slave is not possible without these preliminary calculations. Storm sewage, the calculation of which is incorrect, is hardly completely resolved the problem of drainage of wastewall. The essence of the error is not particularly important: an incorrectly selected rave tube, an angle of inclination or a collector volume.

The result of an error in a smaller side usually becomes overloading the entire system with significant rains and / or snow melting. If you lay materials with an excessive reserve, laying of storm sewage can be very expensive.

The full project of the slave device must take into account not only SNIP on the sewage. Storm sewage involves following GOST 21.604-82, which is dedicated to external water supply and sewage networks.

The document contains a list of sections that must be in a full-fledged project.

What depth to lay pipes?

It depends here a lot depends on the diameter of the pipes, climate, as well as the type of soil. For a reference point, we take the average values: in the middle strip of the pipe with a diameter of 50 cm and less permissible to be laid at a depth of 0.3 meters. Such depth of storm sewage is recognized as sufficient. With a larger diameter of pipes, it should be large and shrouded: 0.7 meters.

If the pipes for the storm sewage are not sufficiently bundled, it does not exclude the formation of inside ice plugs and even the pipeline breakdown. Elimination of such damage is a time-consuming and often expensive.

Why is it so important to withstand a slope?

Here everything is simple: if the pipes of the storm sewage are laid at the right angle, the wastewater "go" to the collector by self. With an insufficient slope in the pipes / trays, stagnation of water is formed, which in the frost can turn into a lot. If you make a slope too big, it is fraught with rapid casing of the pipeline.

Calculate the minimum bias is recommended for SNiP. There are situations where to pave pipes under proper angle is impossible (usually in rock or murge soils). In this case, the project needs to take into account the use of special drainage pumps.

Livnevka in the sewer

This is one of the often emerging issues. Practice shows: private homeowners at times appear thoughts to combine the house sewage with rain. Usually such ideas are associated with the fact that in the systems of both types we are talking about drains.

Implement such ideas are not strongly recommended. Livnevka, derived in the sewer, may seriously make it difficult to work the system for the removal of liquid household waste. For storm sewers are characterized by sharp jumps of pipe filling.

During serious rainfall or mass melting of snow, a facal pipeline may not be elementary not enough bandwidth. By virtue of the reasons, the reasons for the livnevka in the sewer becomes simply an unacceptable version of the device for the removal of rain and tales.

What is the security zone of storm sewage?

This concept of many is perplexed. But the device of the security zone of the storm sewage is a direct requirement of SNiP. We are talking about the distance in both directions from the site of the device of any element of the drainage system (or from its projection on the surface of the Earth, if the system is bueled). This distance is five meters. In the specified zone it is impossible.