Installation nodes of balcony doors with low threshold. Options for performing thresholds on the balcony door

Even a small threshold on the balcony door without additional insulation, several problems will be solved at once. On the one hand, the access to the balcony will be comfortable, and the zone between the room and the door is aesthetic. On the other hand, the threshold will exclude the formation of the "cold bridge", will strengthen the waterproofing, protect the flooring fitting to the balcony.

The balcony threshold can be made of several options for materials:

  • brick;
  • cement (bay);
  • metal profile with trimming of drywall;
  • tree;
  • plastic.

Each of the materials as the basis for creating and finishing the threshold implies an individual arrangement scheme.

Simple and accessible - bay design from cement mortar

The cement-sandy solution is based on the balcony - the simplest and most affordable solution. The arrangement will require some work on the preparation of space in front of the door.

If an initially balcony door without a threshold (see photo), then you need to clean the space between the slopes from the walls to the door frame from the old floor covering. The base under the threshold should be without dust and dirt, repeatedly projected for the optimal bundle.

The formwork is mounted on the prepared base with the fantasy primer. There is enough wooden board with a thickness of up to 3 cm. The solution is prepared in a standard proportion from cement and sand (1: 3). Increase the water repellent properties of the threshold added to the solution liquid glass.

Cement-sand design takes time for drying - at least 5 days. Only after this period, the outer formwork is removed and executed
Finishing the threshold of a balcony door suitable under the overall interior materials, such as stone, tile, laminate or carpet.

The French glazing of the balcony with a sliding door design will require the development of the casting threshold in several stages. At the initial stage, only half of the mixture is poured, on top of which the metal mesh is placed, connecting the sheets with each other. Only then use the rest of the solution to fill the threshold of the desired height.

The height of the thoring is regulated depending on the requirements for operational characteristics.

Brick masonry at the balcony door - how to do?

Reliable installation of the threshold on the balcony door can be made of brick. Just as in the previous case, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a basis. The spatula plane under the future threshold is carefully cleaned, ground, give her time to dry.

The next step is to prepare the cement-sand mortar in the above proportions. In order for the solution to the faster, it is possible to add a little isogene or stengips, thoroughly mixing the mixture with a construction mixer.

Brickwork is performed according to the rules, carefully laughing the joints with a solution, processing bricks for masonry in the reversal of slopes. The finished brick design, fixed by the perforated corner, is coated with a solution, aligning it with a spatula, not allowing the formation of voids. As soon as the threshold is dry, you can move to the finish.

Metal Profile Based on Designs - Features

Metal profile is suitable for the arrangement of complex thresholds of balcony doors. It will also be necessary to prepare the basis and perform markup on the floor for the convenience of installing the metal profile. Self-tapping screws and fastening angles are used. Considering the degree of load on the threshold, the number of fasteners should be maximally increased.

As a thermal insulating layer, mineral wool is used, clay gravel.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is suitable for facing the surface, which can be mixed in water before use. The finished threshold is putty and align.

Plastic elevation at the balcony door - about the advantages

By affordability and simplicity of installation, the plastic threshold can only compete with a cement-sand-sulfur-based. Such designs are appropriate in cases of small elevation at the balcony door above the floor level.

It is noteworthy that to build the threshold to the balcony door from the window sill from PVC windows that came out of operation will be able to each. Make it comfortably in two ways: open using self-tapping and closed - on a metal profile with mounting foam in the role of substrate.

The plastic threshold has several significant advantages:

  • aesthetic look;
  • comfortable in using;
  • protects the room from cold and moisture penetrating from the balcony;
  • available at a price;
  • easy mounted.

The lack of one, but weighing - the plastic design is short-lived. Active exploitation will lead to the appearance of cracks in a few years and it is inevitable.

In such cases, the only way out will remove the threshold for repair or replacement to a more practical, for example, wooden.

Designs made of wood for the design of the balcony protrusion - what is special?

The wooden threshold is distinguished by a high level of reliability - this is the main thing. The design almost does not miss the cold and moisture even without additional insulation. Make a threshold from a tree will be able to each do it with its own technologies, similar to the technology of creating a plasterboard design with a metal profile based on.

Environmentally friendly, beautiful and durable wood threshold is equipped with wooden bars, the dimensions of which must be responsible for the size of the design intended for use. Additionally need:

  • chipboard sheet for top;
  • a set of joinery tools;
  • drill;
  • corners;
  • saws.

If you need to change the plastic threshold on the wooden, then the process starts with dismantling the old design and surface preparation for the arrangement of the new one. The next step is to create a frame. To do this, use bars, customizing them under the dimension of the threshold with a hacksaw. Finished bars fasten with self-draws together, fixing the angles with metal corners. In each corner additionally prepare holes for fastening on the floor.

The wooden frame is placed on a prepared area, a pencil is labeled its location, after which the holes under the dowel drill. The next stage is the installation of the frame on the floor with the fixing of the chipboard sheet screws at the top. The finished threshold is lined with suitable materials.

In conclusion, we note that the threshold is indeed an important condition not only for the aesthetic appearance of the zone in front of the balcony, but also to preserve heat indoors with the onset of cold weather.

You can equip the threshold with your own hands from the girlfriend, ranging from the old plastic window sill and ending with wooden slats. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the structure, taking into account the distance from the floor to the door plank and think over the insulation material that enhancing the operational properties of the finished product.

It is also important to consider finishing options for the finished design. The threshold should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room, despite the fact that most of the time will be disguised as curtains.\u003d6ZnQreyWiq. Video CAN "T BE LOODED: The best solution for finishing the thresholds (exit to the" cold "balcony or loggia) (\u003d6ZNQREYWIQ)

The need to replace the balcony door occurs not so rarely. For example, when the apartment is completed by overhaul, and the old wooden design spoils the interior with its appearance. Or she came into disrepair, and repair, painting, it does not make sense to insulate it. As a rule, not only balcony doors change, but the entire block (along with the window) is updated the windowsill, tump, slopes. Planning the installation, do everything according to the rules.

Balcony block - reliable cold protection

Before starting work on installing a new design, you need to deal with the old door.

  • The first step will be the dismantling of the door canvase. It just needs to be removed from the loops.
  • Next, we disassemble the box itself - usually done with a small scrap. If necessary, you can break or soak it. Do not forget to "flick" from the wall opening old nails, self-tapping screws, screws, on which it was fixed.
  • After removing the balcony doors, the entire block should be carefully cleaned the opening of dust, dirt formed by small garbage (slit plaster, concrete). Boldly use suitable cleaning products. Then give the surface to dry carefully.

Take roulette

Now the time of one of the most important stages occurs - the implementation of measurements for new doors. You will definitely define several parameters.

The main thing is to measure correctly
  • We define the width as follows - first we determine the overall (this is the distance between the two side slopes). With the help of the metal line, the width of the slopes themselves are measured. Next, these two figures are folded, and 4 cm are subtracted from the resulting amount. This value will become the desired width. Measurements are carried out at the bottom of the opening.
  • The height is measured by side slopes (right, on the left - from the outside of the balcony). Try to apply a tape measure as close as possible.

Measure everything a few times - Check yourself

Professionals are advised in addition to the roulette to use the construction level in order to reveal the possible curvature on time horizontally, vertical. This situation is typical of old building houses. Sometimes, because of this, serious errors are allowed when determining the width and height. If the surface is necessary, the surface of the balcony doors is aligned with cement-sandy solutions

If you are not sure about the figures received, call for measurements of an experienced master. Errors at this stage will further result in problems with installation, difficulty of operation

Put new one

So, you brought a new door. Before starting the installation, check if the product has defects (scratches, chips, low-quality fittings, etc.). Disassemble the design (remove the door cloth with the loops, secure the handle on it).
Initially, make it possible to fix the new door box (leave a small clearance between it and the wall). Dowels attach the design to the wall, align it (using spacer wedges and levels). Having finished with this, install fasteners, pre-drumped holes.

Before installing the door, you need to remove the double-glazed

Note. It is better to leave the box and the mounting surfaces to leave the gap (just a few millimeters) to avoid fast wear of the frame, reduce the load on it.

  • Mount the windowsill and threshold (it is better to choose to tone outdoor coating).
  • Fill the slit insulation (polymer foam, mineral wool, other material).
  • Take the door leaf on the loop. It is better to attract assistant to this process. Make sure that there is no distortion.
  • The final stroke will be the assembly of accessories. Having finished with this, check how everything works.

If the installation of the balcony door is made correctly, it will be easy to open, closes, in the closed position between the doors and the frame there will not be seams.

What to choose?

Planning to replace the balcony block, the owners of the apartments today are increasingly stopping the choice on PVC doors and windows. Causes of this - affordable price, durability of operation, attractive appearance. In addition, it is possible to accomplish yourself if problems have appeared.

After installed a new balcony door, there is a need for a threshold. At first, you might think that there is nothing complicated in this, but when you start to understand, you will understand that there is a lot of nuances. Accordingly, today we will talk about how to make the threshold on the balcony own. An inexperienced person will first be difficult. We strongly recommend accurately follow the advice of more experienced builders, and then everything will turn out, the main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

The threshold on the balcony has two functions. The first is aesthetic, that is, the door with a beautiful threshold looks much better. The second function is insulating. Thanks to him, he penetrates less cold winter period.

The threshold on the balcony can be made of:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • bricks (better use silicate);
  • properly prepared cement-sandy solution.


It is much easier to remove the threshold than to build a new one, but here there are nuances. Wooden products are not completely difficult to dismantle, but if it was made of brick, then everything is much more complicated. You need to do everything as careful, as you have to use a hammer and chisel. If these tools do not help, then it's time to let the perforator in the case.

IMPORTANT!!! In places near the wall it is better to work with a grinder with a nozzle to work with a stone. If the disk in some places does not get, then we are already trying to work with the previously mentioned hammer and chisel. The work is sufficiently dusty, so we advise you to purchase a respirator and building glasses.

Brick threshold

Most often, the brick threshold on the balcony is used in cases where the level of the balcony unit is much higher than the floor level. Thanks to the brick, namely, its thickness, it is possible without problems and quickly eliminate this difference, thereby saving money on a sandy-cement solution. Facing makes either laminate or ceramic tile. See that the brick is not too high, otherwise the door will not open.

To build a brick threshold, we need:

  1. Putty knife
  2. Roulette
  3. A hammer
  4. Gypsum mix
  5. Metal lighthouse
  6. Perforated corner
  7. Drill
  8. Nozzle on the drill "Mixer"
  9. Sand
  10. Cement
  11. Silicate brick

To begin with, it is advisable to take care, perfectly wash the floor. After cleaning, we start it all primrate. Primer helps to increase adhesion. We advise you to choose the soil mixture, after the drying of which the weak roughness remains.

High threshold in the doorway do it yourself

Next, mix the sand and cement in proportion 1 part of the cement + 3 parts of the sand. In order for the solution to grab faster, add in the resulting mixture of isoips or stengips. The nozzle "Mixer" in the tandem with a drill perfectly mix all the ingredients.

We take the spatula and evenly put the mixture on the projected place and the edge of the bricks. Thus, bricks grab not only with the floor, but also with each other.

A perforated corner is put on the corner of bricks, and on the door - the lighthouse. They are fixed in the same solution as the bricks, there should be no emptiness anywhere.

Plastic threshold

The plastic threshold on the balcony looks excellent, but has a relatively low service life. The installation of a plastic threshold takes no more than one day. All work is to install parts for profile using self-tapping screws. We advise you to use the mounting foam for the layer.

The best material for the manufacture of plastic thresholds is considered to be all known and existing in almost every construction store PVC window sills. They are strong enough to withstand human weight. With a beautiful threshold, the door looks quite different.

Wooden threshold on the balcony

The greatest advantage of the wooden threshold is that it practically does not miss the cold air. If it is additionally insulated with high-quality mineral wool, the effect is even better.

For a start, we take wooden bars and collect the crate of them. It will have to fasten to the floor. Use the plate from the pressed wood chips as a sheath. It can easily withstand serious loads without deformations.

In the process of making a wooden threshold you need:

  • Self-tapping screws
  • Corners for connecting timber with floor
  • Scoring screws with dowels
  • Hacksaw
  • A hammer
  • Hammer drill
  • Solid wood timber

To begin with, we take a harvested bar and make a frame, in size comparable to the size of the future threshold. Self-tapping screws that will fasten the frame, should be twice as long than the edge of the bar.

If the frame is fully ready, put it on the place where the threshold should be, the inner edges mark the construction pencil. Internal corners need to drill holes for dowels. Next, we put the ready-made frame and with the help of the previously done holes in the corner of the BRUSEV, fastened the frame to the floor. It should turn out firmly and reliably.

Next, cut out the leaf of the tree dining plate and gently fit, fastened on the self-tapping screw. Optionally, you can insulate the design of the polystolter or mineral wool. As a facing, we advise you to use good linoleum or laminate.

Cement-sandy solution threshold

If the threshold on the balcony is not high, we advise you to make a concrete version of the product from a good cement-sand solution. This is the easiest and most quick way to listed ways. To begin with, we make a formwork, the height of which corresponds to the height of the future threshold. To achieve the maximum strength of the design, it is necessary to use gravel or brick pieces.

"Tip: Before filling with a solution, be sure to prcribsenate the surface of the floor, install the formwork and knead the cement, sand and water. The solution is needed as when laying bricks. Finished mixture poured into the formwork and thoroughly align the surface. "

As soon as everything dries, cover the surface of the dried concrete by what the soul wishes: linoleum, laminate, tiles ...

As a rule, the arrangement of the threshold on the balcony door is the final stage of the installation and finishing of the balcony block (doors). In the overwhelming majority of cases, professional installers offer the manufacture of thresholds from PVC material - a submool board, which is mounted on an existing threshold.

The submool board has both its advantages and disadvantages. The first is the aesthetics of the appearance of the balcony block, especially if the PVC profile has a painting other than white, in such cases a threshold from the suboofer PVC panel looks like a single whole with the entire balcony unit. It is easy to care for such a threshold, it does not absorb moisture, it is easy to clean. The disadvantages include: short-life, fast wear, especially if the balcony is used everyday, almost inevitable creak, developing with such a threshold, strong freezing, because plastic is a bad heat insulator ...

Why do you need a threshold?

Arrangement of the threshold before the balcony door pursues several purposes. First, it allows you to smooth the difference in the height between the floor and the balcony profile, that is, to make a more convenient access to the balcony. Secondly, it seals the place of proportion of the lower gap between the doorway of the wall and the door frame, this simultaneously eliminates the possible "cold bridge" that can be formed at the place of propution, and enhances waterproofing, since the foam can be soaked in the apartment in the apartment, Under flooring.

These and other reasons sometimes make it necessary to equip the thresholds in front of the balcony door from other materials.

They can be:

  • brick;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal profile covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • wooden bar, with a chipboard wall-shaped stove (OSB), or made of boards.

The arrangement of each of these types of thresholds has its own characteristics that we describe below.

Bay threshold

The simplest in the arrangement is the threshold, flooded with cement-sandy solution. To improve its arrangement, it is necessary to release the space before the balcony door from the floor covering, if it is available, remove the boards of laminate or parquet so that the space between slopes and on the wall level to the door box can be poured with a solution. The base on which the threshold will be equipped should be cleaned from the construction dust, to predelve two times acrylic or silicate primer, which will completely connect the remnants of dust and will not allow the infused threshold to clean out of the base.

After the primer dries, it will be necessary to equip the formwork. In this case, there will be a single board, 2,54 cm thick. And the corresponding width, screwed or pressed by heavy items to flush with a wall in which the balcony door is installed. The solution is prepared from a mixture of building sand and grade 200-400 cement. Standard proportion: 1 piece of cement / 3 parts of sand. To increase the speed of setting and making the threshold of additional moisture-repellent properties, you can add liquid glass into the solution.

The threshold can be arranged any height, but if it is high enough, it is possible to use claymzite gravel as a filler as a filler, which is placed in one layer in the resulting niche and on top are poured with a solution.

After setting the solution, it is given to dial strength, that is, to operate such a threshold should begin not earlier than 5-7 days after the fill. When the solution fully captures, the outer formwork is removed, and the threshold itself can have a finish from both laminate or linoleum, and is lined with ceramic tiles or decorative stone.

If the door is wide, more than 80 cm. Or the design of the balcony door sliding (French doors), then the pouring of the threshold should be made in two stages.

First pour half the thickness of the mixture, then put a masonry mesh (metallic) linking the selected sheets with a steel wire, and then pour the threshold to the required height.

Brick threshold

In order to save cement, especially when the difference between the floor and the bottom edge of the balcony frame is large enough, you can use a brick (it does not matter what). Preparation of the base is carried out in the same way as for the bay threshold. Formwork arrangement is not required, but when working may need "Bulgarian" with cutting around the stone, for fitting bricks in size.

The masonry is carried out on the cement solution prepared in the same proportions as for the fill. After grappling the solution, it is possible to exploit such a threshold after a day. The finish of the brick threshold is also made depending on the design concept of the room.

Metal profile threshold

In some cases, when it comes to the arrangement of the door threshold of a complex (non-rectilinear form), it is necessary to use a metal profile used for mounting drywall and water-resistant drywall with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Preparation of the foundation, with the exception of cleaning it from excess construction garbage and dust is not required.

On the lecture, or markup on the floor, the metal profile is mounted, screwed to the concrete base by self-strokes in a dowel or anchors, then the vertical racks of the required height, fastened with the profile by means of fastening nodes and screws for metal, and then the upper horizontal, symmetrical lower, circuit. It should be borne in mind that the threshold will experience a permanent load, therefore the number of fastening elements and the frequency of their location during the arrangement of the threshold should be increased at least 3 times, compared with the recommended frequency of their use when cladding plasterboard walls or ceiling.

For additional thermal insulation, the space between the concrete base and the upper gypsum of the threshold is filled with mineral wool or falling asleep with clay gravel. If the core threshold has curved lines, the facing of the end surfaces should be made from the usual (non-fat) drywall with a thickness of 5 mm, pre-operated in water, to give it flexibility. After installation, the end part of the threshold should be covered with an adhesive spike, to impart water-repellent properties.

Threshold from a tree

The arrangement of the tree threshold is as similar to the arrangement of the threshold of plasterboard. To attach wooden bars to the concrete base, the holes in the diameter of an anchors in a length of 100-150 mm are drilled - depending on the thickness of the bar, the bars are laid out on the base and nail or a thin missile, through the drilled holes, the base of the base drilling places are outlined. After that, the bar is cleaned.

The holes of the required depth are drilled by the perforator or shock drill. After that, the bar is reappeared into place and tightening and tightening the anchors fasteners. It is possible to attach a self-assembly, then polyethylene dowels are pre-inserted into the drilled holes.

Subsequent finish

The mounted threshold usually needs additional finishes. It can be like laminate and parquet, ceramic tile or just linoleum. It all depends on what coating you have on the floor and whether you want the threshold to stand out as an element of the balcony block or on the contrary, you wish it to be the same with a flood of invoice.

All types of materials that are used for the manufacture of thresholds can be decorated by any of the materials listed above. Some difficulty can represent the selection of adhesive composition for cladding wood with ceramic tiles. But for this there are many polymer mastic and adhesives that provide excellent adhesion (gluing) to any of the well-known building materials.

Let's summarize

Independent arrangement of the threshold in front of the door leading to the balcony, a rather time-consuming process that may take several hours in time. Therefore, it follows it when you have free time. In case of filling the threshold with concrete solution - it is advisable to perform it at a time when you do not plan to use a balcony for several days so as not to step up to a non-fixed solution.

The threshold on the balcony or loggia performs many functions. But first of all, it is thermal insulation, and decor. In the last version, such an element needs an additional finish with one of the types of flooring: tiles, boards, linoleum and others. Most often the question arises how to make a threshold for a balcony from laminate, as such material today has become quite common, reassuring competitors. What is worth knowing about such a finish, and the principles of the installation of a laminated board on the transition between two premises?

This looks like a threshold from the laminate between the room and the balcony.

Despite the fact that such an element like the threshold on the balcony is indoors, it performs several important functions that improve comfort and accommodation in the apartment:

These are the main reasons for which it is necessary to make and separate the threshold between the rooms. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur, from drafts or freezing, to falling through the non-beaming room of water in the form of precipitation.

However, most often such an element as the threshold is already in the design of the apartment, and it needs to be simply separated, and optionally laminate, because the nomenclature of materials is more extensive.

Various options for balcony thresholds

Choosing one or another material for the manufacture or finish of the threshold between the balcony and the room, it is necessary to be guided by the rule that this item should be seamless under the door leading to the balcony, or with the main flooring of the floors in the room. They should be selected in one color scheme without creating too sharp contrasts, which will rush into the eyes.

The design version of the threshold from the laminate between the room and the balcony

So, depending on the design decision on design, it is possible to use such types of trimming of a loggia or a balcony:

  • Tile coating. Ceramic tile is used if it is performed by the flooring of the entire room. Usually this option is used in the presence of a balcony with a kitchen. Tile is very practical material, it is easy to clean and wash it, and the laying does not take much time. But it is worth carefully approaching the choice of material, and try to choose a non-slip species, otherwise it will be created difficulties in moving on a wet surface;
  • Wood. Natural tree remains the most popular sexual flooring, despite the emergence of many of its substitutes. The threshold and the floor with such material have excellent indicators for thermal insulation. However, the main reason for popularity is that no artificial material can exactly repeat the individuality of the natural analogue. Going to make the trim of a threshold with a tree, it is worth remembering that it is possible to resume a protective paintwork coating to protect against wear and damage;

    Wooden threshold for balcony

  • Plastic. With the distribution of metal-plastic input systems, the thresholds from the same material were greatly distributed. After all, in fact, the finish does not require constant care and renewal, and the operating time is quite large. Plastic floor is practical, it is easy to maintain in order, periodically wiping with a cloth. The only drawback, such a threshold can be broken at a strong load on the surface;
  • Linoleum. The most budget type of the threshold finish used during sexual flooring from the same material. It is very easy to care, and the strength and durability is comparable with plastic analogues. The only minus surface can be scratched or break;

    Example of a linoleum threshold on the balcony

  • Laminate. The cheaper analogue of natural wood, but does not require prophylactic renewal of the coating. The ideal threshold surfaces obtained can easily be cleaned of contamination. Minus When damaged the laminated layer, the material will lose its qualities.

The most common types of coating thresholds today are linoleum, tile and laminated board, selected depending on the room design.

But, if with the first two options everything is clear, how to make a threshold for a balcony from laminate?