Vertical flowerbeds and flower beds - ideas for vertical gardening. Vertical flowerbed How to make a flowerbed in the form of a bowl

A vertically standing flower garden is the best solution in a situation where it is necessary to close some not very presentable wall (design), it also saves space on the summer site. It looks beautiful and original.

Depending on the place where the flower bed is attached, they can be located:

  • on the ground;
  • on the wall or near her;
  • suspended.

A variety of forms and appearance depend solely from the imagination of who decided to make such a flower.

The advantage of such structures:

  • their compactness and a large number of forms;
  • ease of creation;
  • uncomplicated care for planted plants;
  • isolation from the main soil, which closes the access of pests.

The choice of plants is carried out taking into account the limited volume of the soil and substances necessary for the growth and development of plants. The ideal option will be petunias, lusts or velvets.

Preparation period

Before starting the manufacture of vertical flower beds, you need to do:

  • preparation of the Foundation: So that the soil does not have the ability to fall out for the fixation of the root system of plants, most often use meshes or plastic lattices;
  • provide the gasket of irrigation system: a pipe with holes with holes are given to the space of the landing capacity, the upper edge must be above the soil and a funnel for irrigation is put into it;
  • the soil bookmark, which, if necessary, need to fix the grid;
  • plant selection and planting: it is important to pick up flowers so that the flower bed fit into the style of the desired cottage or a private house.

Vertical flower varieties

The choice of flower beds depends on the space that flowerba will occupy, and the selected plants.

  1. Recommended when you need to combine flowers and flavored plants. For construction, the slides need stones and earth. When selecting and installing, it is important to preserve the shape of the pyramid, but the plants can be placed perfectly chaotic (low with high). Often, when building a slide, parts of bricks or wood are used.
  2. The flowerbed in the form of shirma (wall) usually consists of curly plants, is installed on the fence, a gazebo or porch.
  3. Several ways using plastic pipes:
    • from plastic sewer pipes;
    • Planting plants in double pipes (an internal smaller pipe is used for watering);
    • Suspended beds from halves of pipes (hang on the tree branches, part of the arbor, visor at home).
  4. Decorative beds from old furniture (for example, an old table with drawers, in which the earth falls asleep and plant flowers).

Arrangement of wall-mounted flower beds

The first option is to plant plants in the boxes, over which the mesh is stretched, then the entire design is attached to the wall.

Another option is a modular flower bed, consisting of separate elements of different configurations:

  • it is necessary to prepare the wooden frame (you can photo frames);
  • on the back of the mesh is attached;
  • soil is falling asleep, over everything is covered with polyethylene;
  • frames are fixed with plywood;
  • on the front, recesses are made to plant planting;
  • the design for 2-3 weeks is placed in a horizontal position so that the plants are rooted;
  • then flowerbed is installed vertically or slightly obliquely.

Interesting! As a decorative plant, many dackets land in the vertical beds of strawberry seedlings (ampels). When the strawberry starts to ripen, then bright berries will not only decorate the club, but also give her originality.

From the subwoofers

The vertical flower las is easy to make with their own hands on the countryside, using the remedies and putting creative fantasy.

Such suitable foundations may be: plastic bottles or pipes, unnecessary car tires, bricks, geotextiles, wooden boxes and etc.

Using tires

The most common way is plant planting in automotive tires. At the same time, they can be located in different ways:

  1. The tires are located in several layers on top of the previous one, while the earth is filled with completely all the volume of the tire (better if the tires are different diameter so that the pyramid is obtained).
  2. Tires are in a checker order, then only areas of tires filled with soil are suitable for plants.
  3. To decorate the tire, you can cover acrylic paint.
  4. You can add decorative elements that will help create a garden sculpture.
  5. Another way: tires are cut into lengths, which are then folded into the rings, fastening the wire. The whole design resembles a tower with a gradual decrease to the radius of the rings.

Original solution! To create vertical suspended beds, you can use old bags, briefcases, bags. The only problem is to choose to plant plants in them, non-great-incredible, otherwise such a "flowerbed" will not reach the end of the season.

Flowerba sculptures

The flowerbeds in the form of sculptures (balls, cube or animals) always produce a strong impression and will be remembered for a long time by all the guests of the country area. Make such a completely simple:

  • in the ground the pegs of the desired length are fixed (optimally 4 pieces);
  • around them you need to wrap the grid with geotextiles and give it the necessary shape;
  • top in the center there are 2 pipes (with holes), through which the flower beds will occur;
  • the whole design is filled with land;
  • in geotextile, you need to make holes and plant seedlings in them;

What flowerbeds can be bought

The simplest solution is to purchase ready forms for the layout of vertical flower beds. There are standard containers consisting of several modules that can be connected to a pyramid. The soil is embanked in each, and plants are arbitrarily planted.

Another option offered by garden shops is a metal stand on which floral porridge is suspended. Modules are usually sold different colors.

Such vertical flower beds are used not only in landscaping urban streets and courtyards, but also beautiful will look at the country or summer.

Photos of ready-made containers:

From plastic bottles

For the manufacture of such a flower bags, pure plastic bottles will need (labels are removed).


  1. The bottle is cut in half, the rope or wire is mounted on top of it.
  2. The bottle pour the ground for planting a flower.
  3. Hang it horizontally to the ground on the wall surface or any other.

For the device of a solid screen of bottles, they must be fixed at a short distance on the fence or wall. But it must be borne in mind that the volume of land in the bottle is small.

Flowers with a small root system are suitable for bottles with a small root system: Matioles, Ministers, Lobelia, etc.

Photo of various flower beds or beds from plastic bottles.

For Petunia

Petunia is the most suitable option when planning vertical flower beds, because Caring for her is quite simple, the plant is steadily for drought, the heat is not afraid of the heat, but does not like stagnant water. The most important thing is that it begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and continues to the onset of cold months.

A wide variety of colors and hybrid varieties of petunia will allow creating very beautiful and multicolor flower beds. Petunia has a good root system, which allows it to grow it in small amounts of soil.

There are many options for landing in flower beds located vertically:

From plastic pipes

To facilitate vertical flower beds with a plastic pipe, you will need a sewer tube of plastic, a plastic container, a wire mesh, for drainage - clay, construction tape, garden film, knife or scissors, petunias and soil saplings.


  1. A piece of wire mesh put vertically into a container or plastic bucket. At the bottom of pouring a clay layer 2 cm thick.
  2. A plastic pipe is taken in the desired size, it makes small holes along the entire length and diameter, one end is rushed with scotch, so that the water does not go down.
  3. The pipe is installed in the center of the structure of the grid and bucket, it will serve to supply water for watering.
  4. A film is put on the entire outer edge of the mesh, and then all space falls asleep with soil.
  5. From the outside of the flower beds in the film in the holes made by the petunition seedlings.
  6. For watering, it is enough to pour water from above into a pipe located in the center of the flower beds, after which the water is absorbed into the soil evenly and reaches the roots of plants.
  7. A few weeks later, the vertical flower bed will please the eye of the dacha master and its guests.

Photo of a phased collection of flower beds:

What other flowers are good in vertical flowerbed

It is best to use ampel plants having a flexible long stem that is usually fused down. Such plants, most often, are fast-growing annuals that bloom throughout the summer.

Note! Many gardeners grow in such flower beds not only flowers, but also vegetables, berries and spicy herbs.

These colors include:

  • begonia - a plant with aluminum flowers on long hanging stems (does not like heat, and you need to pour it often) - put it better in shaded places;
  • geranium (Pelagronia), loves the sun and heat, will not disappear even with the absence of irrigation;
  • lobelia - loves the sun and a small shadow, prefers wet and rich land fertilizers;
  • buckop - a perennial plant with white flowers, blooms all summer;
  • forget-me-not, velvets, violets, gusts and many other plants.
  • Instructions for video

    Step-by-step master class on the arrangement of vertical flower beds for Petunia - on the video from the Channel Stretch.

Monday, November 23, 2015 02:58 + in quotation

Vertically oriented flower garden - an excellent solution not only to decorate the country areaBut for saving its useful space. It is not difficult to create vertical flower beds, but they look very original and beautiful, while they can close some unsightly walls, designs and dried trees.

Features of creating vertical flower beds

Depending on the type of construction and the method of their attachment distinguish vertical flower beds:



wall mounted


Their form and execution can be very diverse and depends only on the fantasy of the creator.

Any vertical flower beds are manufactured by about the same scheme:

the basis is prepared;

watering system is laid;

soil is laid and, if necessary, secured by a grid;

plants are planted.

So that the soil does not pumped out, it is better to use hydroponics, special anti-erosion geomates, as well as ordinary plastic grids or grilles. They provide reliable fixation of soil, seeds and root system of plants.

It is also necessary to take care of watering if the vertical flower beds are arranged in a closed space, for example, in a barrel or polyethylene package. To do this, you must start inside the capacitance of the hose or a tube with pre-punctured holes, output one edge into the upper part of the structure and insert a funnel into it.

Options for land vertical flower

These are the simplest and most common vertical flower beds with their own hands, the photos of which are most often.
You can purchase a special basis for such a flower beds, create a watering system, fill it with soil and plant a plant. The result is such a flower garden:

A similar floweruba can be made from a plastic barrel, cutting into it triangular holes. For more comfortable growth of plants, the lower end is not cut off, but flexing down.

Another option is old car tires. They can be used in several ways:

  • cut in half and fold the slide of several parts of the tires of different diameters. If you plan the curly plants, you will get a great cascade flower garden, which will completely close the foundation;
  • cut in half and fold the slide of several parts of the tires of the same diameter, having paved bars between them, bricks, tiles to create space for plant growth, access to them air and light;
  • fold the tires with a slide, fill in the ground and make slots on the sides.

If there are no tires, you can build a flowerbed from stone residues or building materials.
It is easy to build vertical decorations from colors for giving on the principle of an alpine slide.

To do this, the wall or fence is laid out beautiful stones and are shown by the soil, in which bright annual plants of low-spirited varieties are planted.

You can use for flower beds of pots of different shapes or size: Insert the reinforcement rod into the ground, put on it the biggest pot, fall asleep the soil, is less than above, etc. - Depending on how many pots are and what height is required. The rod must be pre-covered with paint to prevent its corrosion.

Such a design, but with a slightly different base and tilted in different sides.

Beautiful vertical flower beds are obtained from an ordinary hose. To create them, you need to install a pillar or any other support of an arbitrary shape (you can use the truncated tree cut to the end). Take a large diameter hose, skip the thin tube with holes for watering. Then the hose fill the soil and crush it around the support or base. In its upper part of the holes, where and plant plants.

Methods for creating viscent flower beds

Another way how to decorate the cottage with flowers, without taking the useful area - to create auxinous flower beds. Options for such arrangements can be very different. The easiest thing is to plant the fusing plants and put them on the supports stretched or installed in the wall.

You can create a special design with shelves and install containers with flowers on it.

You can also not equip the shelves, but attach boxes directly to the support. For this, the containers are best suitable, the rear side of which forms a straight angle with the base, which will allow you to securely secure them on the grille.

You can take an old pallet, tighten it from the inside by polyethylene, consolidate, install and make slots for colors.

Arrangement of wall clubs

Wall vertical flower beds are one of the most attractive species of such flower beds. They can be not just an element of landscaping, but by the real work of floral art.
Phytosna and phytocartines are the most original way to decorate the country area, which can be seen below:

Such elements can close some unsightly design, as well as are often used not only as vertical flower beds, but also as decoration for interior rooms.

They can be consolidated by almost anywhere - in the gazebo, on the terrace, on the tree.

Also, phytosnes can be applied as portable wide, if you attach a reliable stand to them.

Plants are planted in small solid boxes, tighten the grid on top and attached to the base. For watering, they need to be removed from the wall or just abundantly spray.
You can also make a modular vertical flower leaf. For this, individual elements that can have the most different configuration, and in the assembled form will create a real panel.

The procedure is quite simple. First, the frames of the wooden planks are harvested (or a ready-made photo frames are bought), a grid is attached to them from the back side, then the soil is poured, the ground is covered with polyethylene and is fixed with plywood.
For plant landing, recesses are made in the soil on the front side of the structure. For 15-20 days it must be left in a horizontal position. Then we collect panels, fixing future "pictures" in the appropriate order, and decorate the gift with your own hands, creating a real work of art.

It is quite easy to care for such a masterpiece - you sometimes need to cut and regularly water by spraying.

Creating suspended vertical clubs

For suspension clubs, in most cases, a very reliable support is required, which will be able to withstand the weight of the design, soil and growing plants. If there is no such support, you can create a similarity of the cone-shaped column in the cassBy landing several curly plants. The lower the pot will be lowered, the higher it will turn out "Flowerba».

Recently, the whole "hanging" gardens have received great distribution. According to their principle, you can create a flower garden. For this now sell special containers, already ready for planting plants. But since we decorate the garden plot with their own hands, we will construct them yourself.

The easiest way to take a plastic barrel and prepare it in the same way as for the ground-based version described above. The main thing is to correctly and secure it on the support, since the whole design will have a considerable weight.
Instead of barrels, you can make a frame made of metal mesh, rolling it with a cylinder or cone, fasten the wire, fill a large tight bag for garbage to it, make holes in it and plant plants in them. Such a floweruba can be suspended or installed on the ground in a large vase.

If we talk about universal versions that are suitable for all types of vertical flower beds, we should not forget about plastic bottles. Here their practicality will be most in demand. First, they are very lungs and small, so they can be fixed almost on any support. Secondly, you can create a capacity of any configuration, cutting the hole or cut off the unnecessary part. If you leave only the lower half, you can insert such pots into a specially prepared torter.

If you make a side opening, you can simply hang them on the fence in any quantity, vertically or horizontally, creating a wide variety of compositions.

Plastic sliced \u200b\u200bbottom bottles can be combined with each other, fastening with wire or glue and forming various shapes. Then fill them with soil and plant flowers. There may be very unusual flower beds absolutely any form.

Selection of flowers for vertical flower beds

Due to the characteristics of the building of vertical clubs, not all colors are suitable for their arrangement. The most appropriate is the lowest and curly varieties that have a not strongly developed root system and do not need a large number of soil. In addition, it is precisely such plants that will create an original and harmonious composition.

Choosing beautiful annuals for flower beds, growing vertically, you should pay attention to the velvets, Petunia and Gubastics. They are ideal for such landings, since they create a very bright carpet that does not close the rest of the design elements.

Pleet roses, ivy, manchurian grapes, Clematis are considered the best option for curly plants. They will create original vertical flower beds without requiring large sections and careful care.

It also looks good in vertical landing lawn grass. In addition, it is reliably fixed in the soil and can well hold even without girlfriend. For the same reason, it is recommended to plant moss. Along with the lawn, he can become an excellent background for bright blooming annuals.

Vertical flower beds and flower beds in the country - this is a real miracle that you can create your own hands. This does not require high costs and acquire any special materials. Everyone can be found among the girlfriend and apparently unnecessary trash, harmoniously connect it and decorate the most simple, but colorful colors. The best assistant is your fantasy and our recommendations!

Decorative cement balls for the garden. Ideas and master class

Do not want to decorate your floweruba, garden or country area garden sculpture - decorative cement ball? I like this idea very much, I will definitely do. Moreover, the work is completely simple, a woman can be able to cope with her without the help of male hands) The main thing is that someone will be a bag with cement, but made it necessary) making a decorative ball, you can decorate it to your taste, for example, to align it putty, paint it with facade paint in the desired color, decorate a mosaic from tile, broken glass or mirrors, mosaic from broken dishes, decorate moss, decorative glass balls, decorate with a lot of plastic bottles and so on, ideas and methods.

And these balls are covered with mirror paint, see how beautiful)

In order for the decorative ball to scatter and did not crack from the weather, it is best to do from concrete. Conventional proportion for concrete: 1-2-3, one shovel of cement, two sand shovels, three shovels of rubble, water on the eyes. For all the work on creating a decorative round sculpture, only two days will leave, and but the decoration will delight you for many years. You just imagine how pleasant will sit in the garden next to the ball and admire your creation) now warm, and at home is no longer sitting, I want to carry out all your free time to spend on the outdoor, to do, read, play ... by the way, I have useful information For anyone who loves spending time with game consoles. You can repair any electrical engineering by contacting the services of repair professionals. One of the most popular services of the company is a modification and firmware of game consoles and flashing Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 SLIM. Learn about the advantages of such a firmware and whether it is possible to do it yourself, you can find out on the company's website.

So, we will need:

Cement, sand, water, rubber ball and blade.

Mix the solution: cement + sand + water, 1 to 3rd. Cut the hole in the ball, allowing the passage for a small blade. Fill the ball with mortar

We are waiting for hardening 24-48 hours

Remove the "skirt" of the ball

If necessary, hang roughness

You can leave the ball in this form, what it is. Can be painted beautiful acrylic

And one more way if you want to make big-sized balls. It will take a construction grid for work.

Vertical flower beds are considered one of the most beautiful elements of the decor of the indent. Often they are used to save space. They amazed with their unusual and diversity. There are several types of such flower. The choice is determined by preferences, the capabilities and the presence of the necessary materials. It is important to remember that the vertical flower bed must support the selected style style.

Types and design of vertical flower beds

Fans combine flowering plants with non-blooming can be recommended the alpine slide. To build it, you will need a small hill of the earth and stones. Stones do not need to lay in size, it is important when they are installed to keep the shape of the pyramid. Plants are chaotic. Little flowers can quietly adjacent to high. From low blooming the most common viola, primulous, forget-me-not, are considered. See interesting options.

The varieties of the Alpine slide consider the cascade and pyramid. They consist of an odd number of tiers. Their difference is that the upper layer must be completed by the stones: the cascade is flat, the pyramid is sharp. Stones can be replaced by bricks (even neaseous) and spins of trees.

One of the most common options is the flower bed in the form of a screen. It is drawn up with the help of curly plants and adorns the fence, porch, gazebo.

The bulk figure is a variety of flower-shirms. With the help of metal or wooden rods, any desired figure is created. At the base of the flower garden, curly plants are planted, which then wrap the whole figure.

Raised flower beds leave a big space for the work of the gardener. They can be performed from any girlfriend. They consist of individual flower beds, each of which rises over another, creating a multi-level space.

As a material, you can use auto strokes, buckets, vases, baskets, chairs. It is very impressive in them looks blooming plants of different heights. The shape and size of the raised flower beds can be any.

The simplest vases are considered the easiest view. They are fixed on the fence, walls. Only designed flowers can grow in them (only they can bloom in the limited number of land).

The main advantage of vertical clubs is that they do not need to pick up plants in color and height. It is not necessary to comply with the rules for their placement. So, all your favorite types of colors will decorate them, pleaseing the owner of the site.

How to create a flowerbed from petunia

The private yard of the hosts will certainly be addressed by blooming cultures. According to the aesthetic rules, non-smooth beds are decorated, and decorative garden plants. So that they do not crawl throughout the site and did not take too much space (tortured sorry beauty sorry!), They are limited to flower beds. It turns out such bouquets blooming from early spring to late autumn. It depends on what cultures to plant them.

To make the flower beds in front of the house, it is standing in their creation to use flowers - immigrants from hot countries. This is where the real holiday of the paints! And not in vain petunia, a native of South America (more precisely - Brazil) so love to grow as a flower decorative culture. Its flowers are painted with saturated shades of red, pink, orange, lilac and spotty white ... The size of the petals of the petals is small, and there is a large one. What is not suitable planting material?

So, having decided on the view of the flower, select the flower gamut. Flowerbed may be monochromic, and maybe with a gradient of the transition from a dark color to lighter. What form of the picture to choose? Concentric circles, contrasting stripes, "petals" of a large flower, geometric shapes and generally fantasy patterns invented by you personally. The main thing is that the pattern is well visible from the side.

Although petunias are found in nature and long-term, in flower growing the annual form of culture is common. So even better. Every year you can create different patterns. In different color solutions.

Along with the reprehensive stems, some varieties of Petunia have curly stems. Such mini-lianas are also beneficial to use in the flower beds. For multi-stage design, combined with smooth stems, lianas will suitable as it is possible.

The root system of petunition is such that it does not need large spaces or containers. It makes a great fit in small flower shapes. Even in the wrapper of the old tree or in the pnenet void. Recommend the same landscape designers unusual solutions! It feels perfectly petunia and as a vase.

Petunia is well adjacent to other plants. Compositions in combination with Leftovers, lion zev, velvets, begonias will look impressive.

Petunia heat are not afraid. They have immunity. But, as the plants of the subtropical climate, prefers abundant irrigation (in no case swamp). It is better to plant these flowers and on sunny plots, but they will also take place.

Petunia is one of the most suitable and non-precious plants for vertical flower.

A small plot often does not allow the gardeners to deploy chic flower beds. But after all, everyone wants to decorate his plot so that it becomes proud and decorating the courtyard. In this case, they advise the vertical flower beds.

Of course, if you contact the landscape designer, you will create elegant multi-level compositions with often bizarre forms with an ideal combination of colors.

But you can create it with your own hands, putting quite a bit effort.

1. The easiest way to create such a flower is as follows. Take two or three plastic or wooden column of different heights. In the second case, wood is necessarily pre-treated with a spray to rot.

You still need old plastic buckets that have handles and attach the columns in different places. Make sure that they are securely secure. The next step is extremely simple. Put the land in the bucket and fall out the flowers. As a rule, it is worth choosing curly plants that grow out to cover the entire composition, creating a waterfall of color.

2. Another interesting way to create flower beds involves the use of flower pots. If your garden has an old tree that does not be fruit, do not rush to get rid of it. Treat its barrel by removing the dry branches and branches. You should not touch the living branches of the tree, they will also be useful in creating the composition.

For attaching pots, we will need self-tapping screws or special planks. Pots to acquire light, plastic. They are placed in random order along the entire tree trunk and on its branches. After that, they are filled with land or substrate and plant a variety of plants. The closer to each other the pot will be located and the brighter there will be flowers in them, the composition itself will look like.

3. The usual tube that is used for the sewage can also be your helper in creating original flower beds. There are several options for its use. The first simple implies cutting pipes along, resulting in two equal parts with a chute.

At the edges set restrictive elements that will not allow the earth to be filled out of the design, and hang our "bed" with the help of cakes at any convenient location. For example, on the visor of the threshold, on the horizontally located branch of the tree, at the entrance to the gazebo. In such a flower, you can land both curly flowers and small bright. It is possible to create several tiers, placing such flowerbeds on the suspensions of different lengths.

4. The second method of using plastic pipes is even easier. You need to bury the pipe to the ground by one third of its length in a place convenient for you. Next, small holes are made in the pipe, and its cavity is falling asleep by the substrate, which is pre-mixed by plant seeds. After a short time, the plants will be sprout through holes, and you will get unique colorful vertical flower beds.

Vertical flowerbed master class step by step

For this vertical flower, we take a plastic barrel and make such holes. Then we plant ready-made seedlings of petunias, as shown in the photo.

As a result, this is such a multicolored vertical flower bed.

Video lesson - how to make a simple vertical flower leaf of plastic bottles

Vertical flowerbed photo gallery

Place the flowers in the garden plot can not only horizontally. Vertical flowerbed from Petunia with their own hands is an interesting design solution that will help to decorate the space of the household site.

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    Main advantages

    The flower beds placed in space vertically are known since the famous hanging gardens of seminimides. Recently, the device of flower beds placed perpendicular to the surface of the Earth becomes a fashionable trend in landscape design.

    The original form of color accommodation on the household plot is distinguished by several features:

    • is an unusual art decision when designing space;
    • vertical flower beds for petunia can be divided by space on the zone;
    • decorate architectural elements (windows, doors, balconies, terraces, etc.);
    • it is distinguished by a variety of models, it allows to give the area a unique view;
    • compactly placed on a small area;
    • elementary mounted, does not require complex care procedures;
    • protects plants from pests living in soil.

    There are a variety of options, how can you make vertical flower beds with your own hands. There is:

    • arched shape;
    • pyramidal version;
    • vegetable panel on the wall;
    • shirma partition;
    • flowerbed column;
    • roofing low buildings;
    • sculpture;
    • decorative composition from plants, etc.

    Consider how to make a vertical flower lee with your own hands without special temporary and material costs.

    Materials for manufacture

    It is possible to make a vertical flowerbed from Petunia and create trendy and fairly durable masterpieces from pots, flowers for flowers, porridge, pyro, special drawers, stands and other devices produced by industrial method and offered in stores for gardeners or shopping centers for the sale of construction (Fig. 1).

    Having decided to make a vertical flower lady with her own hands, each designer begins with the selection of model and source materials or remedies that will be the basis for the product. As such materials and funds from which vertical flower beds are created, let's call several:

    • plastic and metal pipes;
    • the intake mesh, which is given a bulk form (cylindrical, cone-shaped);
    • diverse containers (containers, pallets, drawers);
    • wire that allows you to create a flower garden of any shape (spherical, cubic);
    • fabric bags or other types of packaging materials from artificial raw materials;
    • roll Material (Old Furniture and Shoes, Broken Umbrellas, Empty Bottles from Cool Drinks, Food Capacities, Automotive Tires, Barrels).

    The list can be continued endlessly. The flower beds can be created with almost any things. The imagination will help from almost all breeding materials to create different models of vertical clubs for petunia.

    Vegetable diversity

    Creating a vertical flower with your own hands, you can choose from a large number of blooming and ill-dimensional plants.

    Favorites of vertical flower beds do it yourself - these are ampel plants that have hanging or pinching branches, quickly form long curly shoots. These include plants for rooms grown in greenhouses, as well as species that are planted into the ground. Ampelnic can be flowering breeds of plants, as well as herbaceous, shrub species.

    Simple in the care of ampellable plants are the following:

    • petunia;
    • nasturtium;
    • lobelia;
    • mattiola;
    • geranium;
    • begonia;
    • fuchsia, etc.

    To create a flowerbed, with their own hands, which is a contrast composition, the artists are actively used by various varieties of ordinary velvets, pansies, catarantus, verbena, etc.

    Options for designer decisions

    Petunia is a perennial plant in the form of a semi-staple, popular in gardening and flower growing, with large bright colors. In the height of the petition can be from 10 cm to 1 m. Petunia refers to the parlor family, includes a large number of species. Her homeland is South American tropics. In the wild, petunia can be found in Brazilian, Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan, Bolivian forests.

    This plant is particularly active in the decoration of residential rooms, urban buildings and gardens, in landscape design.

    Quickly and easy, you can build up vertical flower beds from containers or porridge the same form, but of different magnitude, set on each other.

    For example, you can use 5 ordinary flower pots with a diameter of 20 to 80 cm. In pots having holes in the bottom of the opening to exit excessive moisture, it is placed with wet soil prepared for plants, then they are installed in the form of a pyramid on each other (Fig. 2). Creating a flowerbed with her own hands, for fastening the structure, it is necessary to use a rod from a tree or metal, which is installed in the holes at the bottom of the pots, which are rolled on it so that the bottom is the largest of them. Soil is added to the resulting vertical flower beds and sit down petunias with the addition of multi-colored velvets.

    The second option can be made of the pots of the same size, also rented on the metal rod, but located obliquely, at an angle of 45 °. Such a flower can be performed with your own hands within an hour.

    Running, green shoots and colorful flowers closed the surface of the flower pot (Fig. 3).

    An interesting solution is the alternation of petunias with other plants having bright flowers (Lobelia or Mattiolo).

    When watering, water should flow into each container. Watering is carried out as drying.

    Flowering balls

    You can make the suspended flower bed with your own hands from a small amount of materials using several tools. A simple variant of the flower beds for petunitions is the original and suitable for use for several seasons in a row mounted spherical flower bed from the grid. To perform it, you will need the following materials:

    • wire of different thickness or metal grid;
    • polyethylene film;
    • epoxy resin;
    • pliers;
    • universal soil;
    • sphagnum;
    • petunia seedlings;
    • seedlings of violets.

    Work algorithm simple:

    • wire or mesh bends pliers, the sphere is formed;
    • wire is covered with epoxy resin to prevent corrosive phenomena;
    • the film is placed inside the ball in such a way that the possibility of watering the plants (or the tube is installed at the top of the ball, through which water will be carried out);
    • a wet soil is placed in the ball with a film;
    • outside in the film, holes are made (every 7-10 cm), in which plants are planted;
    • the flower bed is suspended on a well-covered territory.

    You can plant the colors of one color in the spherical flower, but the plants planted or chaotic mixtures of different colors will look original.

    Pyramid from fence mesh

    Each gardener and flower wear it is interesting to know how to independently equip a flower garden for petunia and other colors with their own hands from an ordinary grid.

    Production procedure Next:

    • the base of the design is the large diameter vase purchased in the store;
    • a grid is fixed in the vase, rolled in the desired way, inside which is geotextiles;
    • the cavity is filled with a peat in a peat with a universal soil and a small amount of sand;
    • after the design was securely fastened, in the mesh cells at a distance of 8-10 cm, the holes in which the seedlings of the petunia are placed with the addition of velvetsev on the lower tier.

    Such a pyramid can be height from 1 to 4 m. It is easy to enter into the space of any site.

    Wall caspo

    Original and very simple in the manufacture of the options are wall paintings.

    Such vertical flower beds are placed near a monochrome laundry wall.

    There are several options, how to arrange a colorful porridge on the wall with your own hands from the remedies and get exclusive vertical flower beds.

    For this, the best suitable soil and succulent plants, having a powerful, quickly growing root system, and thanks to this, well-fixed on the vertical surface of the flower beds for petunia made by their own hands.

    The basis for such a kashpo can serve as the following materials:

    • industrial pallets put on a rib vertically at the wall;
    • fissure bags fixed on the wall, of which there are peculiar pockets with earth and lined with flowers;
    • plastic bottles fixed on the wall, staggered and others.

    Mounted along the walls of the flower beds can be performed from a homemade tray (incomotable in the form of an industrial pallet), which has one stitching wall, adjacent to the wall of the construction.

    In order for the design made in the form of flower beds with their own hands, the earth did not wake up, inside the mesh and geotextile or polyethylene film.

    Designs from pipes

    If building materials remained in the household in the form of pipes or it is possible to specifically purchase ordinary plastic or metal pipes, you can make a colorful unusual flower garden in the form of vertical flower beds for petunia with your own hands.

    You need to have 2 pipes of different diameters. Wider required to securely secure in the desired position. This can be done vertically (as a column) or horizontally (along the wall). Then you should insert a narrow pipe into wide. In the outer tube it is necessary to perform holes for planting seedlings. In the inner tube, too, we also need small holes so that through them the surplus of water after watering.

    In the space between the pipes are petty gravel, then the soil. In the prepared ground through the holes planted seedlings.

    Vertical flower beds are a way to decorate a garden or urban area, allowing to express color accents in space, expand it and fill with an unusual content.

    The flower beds are performed from the easiest, often unnecessary materials. After that, they turn into real works of art.

    Create beauty with your own hands!