Vertical gas Gazgolder. GasGolder for giving: mini options for the arrangement of country sites

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Suga tanks, which are from a wide range of products of the best domestic and European manufacturers, our company offers, differ not only by volume, but above all with their own species.

Based on the constructive performance, all models for liquefied gases are made to divide on horizontal and vertical gazgolders.

Among the products offered by us are also presented with those and other varieties of vessels for SUG, so before making the final choice, customers should pay for five minutes of their time and understand the advantages of a particular type of gasgolders.

Vertical Gas Agolders for Country Houses

Vertical Gas Agolders for Country Houses Different with less capacity. The only argument on the basis of which the customer is worth choosing a vertical gasgolder for 1000 liters or more - a shortage of space available under its placement. If your land plot does not differ in impressive sizes, there are other objects nearby, and the gasification consumption at the gasification facility is a seasonal or short periodic nature, to use vertical Gazgolder It seems reasonable and rational choice.

It is worth remembering that the mirror of evaporation at the vertical Gazgolder is three or four times less than the horizontal. Therefore, for high-quality operation, such models need additional costs for the purchase of evaporators of Sug and especially high-quality thermal insulation. Otherwise, the low performance of gas evaporation, especially expressing in the autumn-winter season with significant frosts, will not allow to ensure the normal operation of gas consumers in the house. Exactly because of this reason vertical Gazagolder for Dacha It is installed in the utility room or a compact arrangement of the cottage, and if there is no such possibility - it is installed under the ground for a significant depth (depending on the volume - up to 4-5 meters). The dimensions and specificity of the vertical capacity for liquefied gas implies a significant amount of earthworks, which affects the final value of the installation of such a gas golder.

If you plan to install gasGolder Vertical, Russian The tank will be the best choice. This is due to the fact that the vertical bodies of European production with rare exceptions do not provide for the possibilities of reliable and high-quality exploitation at temperatures -30 ° C ... -35 ° C, which are infrequent, but happen in our latitudes. And if you do not warm the prospects to be in the most severe frost without gas and heating, we strongly recommend to follow our advice and prefer a vessel for the gas of domestic production.

Horizontal gas holders for country house

As already mentioned, desire buy vertical Gazgolder (Ground or underground) is a forced step dictated by the disadvantage of the place under its placement. If such a problem for the suburban land plot is not peculiar, the candidate for the acquisition is unambiguously charged from the horizontal gas holder catalog. Such a choice of capacity is more profitable for a variety of reasons:

  • Horizontal Gazgolders They have a greater area of \u200b\u200bgas evaporation and, accordingly, greater productivity than vertical. Thus, with other things being equal, the reliability of gas supplies for the needs of its consuming equipment in horizontal reservoirs is repeatedly higher even without the use of evaporative equipment.
  • The use of a high neck eliminates the need for additional thermal insulation of the reservoir walls when it is heated into the ground.
  • Horizontal gas containers are characterized by a smaller cost of one volume cubic meter.
  • Horizontal gas holders are distinguished by a large volume. Due to this, choosing a horizontal tank for SUG, you will be less likely to call the autogasnator and thereby save additional funds.
  • Horizontal gas holders are distinguished by a large model side (in our catalog they are represented by a wide selection of Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Russian brands, as well as / utteable Gazgolders).
  • Horizontal gas holders require a smaller volume of earthworks, which gives savings when performing installation work of the autonomous gasification system.

What gas Agolders - Vertical or Horizontal, new or used - you would not prefer as the basis for the gasification of your housing in Moscow and the Moscow region, the specialists of the company "ASGAZ" will be happy to help you with the implementation of the project, regardless of its complexity. At your disposal is not only an impressive spectrum of models of reservoirs for liquefied gas, but also a full range of services and equipment necessary to install the autonomous gas supply system. Subsequent maintenance and gas stations of gas containers We also propose to entrust to the employees of our company offering the guaranteed high quality of all products and services for the most profitable rates.

Country life every year is becoming increasingly popular and about buying if not a cottage, then, at least a cottage plot, they probably dreamed at least once in every family. Modern technologies allowing the use of gas where there is no main gas pipeline - make a dream even more affordable.
No less attractive topic and for today's country household owners - because it is no secret that even around large cities and regional centers, the private sector often does not have a gas highway in the nearest access. The idea of \u200b\u200bstoring and the further use of a large amount of liquefied gas comes to help in this case.

If everything is clear using everything, the storage causes a number of questions and concerns. And completely in vain - the capacity of a large volume for the storage of gaseous substances (methane, propane, butane and mixtures thereof) - gas rods, which will continue to be speaking, at times safer than the old gas pipelines and the usual gas cylinders. But we will understand more - what is a gasgolder and is it safe.


If we talk quite simply - then the Gazagolder is the same well-known gas cylinder, only greater capacity and installed for several decades. The design is the following - a container of steel sheets with a thickness of at least 6 mm, painted in several layers of paint with the addition of epoxy resin to increase tightness and strength. The filling neck is located at the top of the tanks. What it is higher - the higher the protection of the Gazgolder from precipitation and freezing. What is the shut-off fittings:

  1. safety valve;
  2. level gauge (gas filling indicator);
  3. condensate plum valve;
  4. filling valve;
  5. pressure gauge;
  6. two-stage reducer (allows you to adjust the working pressure).

Is it possible to connect to one tank to several neighbors? Of course, if its volume is sufficient to ensure all buildings. But in this case it will be quite problematic to share the costs of refueling.

Of course, the easiest way is to install the Gazagolder in the process of building a house or at least during the arrangement of technical communications. Then you can immediately not only comply with all the installation rules, but also acquire all components of the system with the desired characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pluses from the installation of the Gazgolder are obvious - the presence of autonomous, independent of the gas highway, the versatility of fuel - as well as electricity, gas can provide 100% of the needs of country housing - to be used for the stove in the kitchen, and for heating water and for heating at the same time a large house is used for heating Electricity or boiler on dieselopliva - extremely unprofitable.

The advantage of the presence of a Gazgolder in comparison with the main gas is also known to all who used the last time - stable pressure in the pipe, no interruptions and shutdowns. It is no secret that the main gas supply systems are not properly serviced, the total length of pipes - thousands of kilometers, the equipment is often so outdated that it does not pass from the breakage to the breakdown.

The sad experience of many owners of country houses heated with the use of the highway showed that at least a couple of times for the season they will have to come down with the turning off of the gas. And if someone is not in the house constantly, that is, the risk to move the system and get on a large amount for its replacement. Gazagolder for the cottage (country house) will provide a stable autonomous gas supply of your heating system even in your absence.

The main disadvantage is quite impressive initial costs and the need to comply with safety requirements when placing a container for storing SUG in the site. For example, the distance to residential premises should be at least 10 meters to high-voltage pillars - 15 meters. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of gaze (access roads for gas) and plan periodic maintenance of equipment.

Varieties of structures

Reservoirs for autonomous gasification are primarily divided into two groups - underground and. The first exist in several modifications: Eurostandard, with high nozzles, with a high neck. In the harsh climate, in Russian conditions, it is preferable to use an underground gas grolder.

What you need to know before you buy a Gazgolder - Features and Criteria

Of course, first of all you need to know the volume of gas that you will spend throughout the year. The continuity of gas supply and frequency of it depends on the correct selected volume of the reservoir. Specialists recommend to make calculations and development of a gas supply project at the construction stage of the house.

When choosing a reservoir, you must pay attention to an important point. The gas container "to the edges" is never filled, its useful volume is usually not more than 85%.

Private residential buildings (country cottages, cottages) are enough to equip up to 10 cubic tanks. On average, gas holders for private use varies from 2.7 to 10 cubic meters.

The choice of sufficient size of the reservoir affects not only the area of \u200b\u200ball heated premises. But also, it is important, the level of building insulation, the minimum and average annual temperature in the region. And the power of the installed heating equipment and the presence of panoramic windows.

The frequency directly depends on its volume. However, if the house is planned for permanent residence - to refuel the repository will have to be at least twice a year. This is due to the fact that summer gas has an excellent proportion of Bhutan and propane from the winter. And in winter to stay in warmth - it is necessary to use the gas composition intended for this season.

Our company offers its customers installation of vertical reservoirs of two types:

The cost of the system with a vertical gas grolder without plastic casing

Vertical Gazgolders are an order of magnitude more advantages than that of horizontal analogs. The main advantage becomes apparent when installing: the container in this version will require much less area on the plot.

Secondly advantage The highest stability of the "evaporation mirror" is considered in the cold period of the year. At the vertical Gazgolder, the lower point is located three meters deeper than that of the horizontal, and there the temperature zone is saved in the area of \u200b\u200b6 degrees and more.

This causes third advantageWhen the consumer can calmly connect a fairly powerful boiler to a tank with smaller dimensions. In particular, the magoller of the vertical design of a volume of 2700 liters will provide a normal functional of the boiler, with a power up to 40 kW. Its horizontal analog has a "ceiling" in 20 kW.

The cost of the system with a vertical gas tower in a plastic casing

When choosing Gazgolders, many experts recommend paying attention to vertical reservoirs that are able to provide more comfort in operation than horizontal analogs. In the form of such a Gazgolder, it is obvious that the pit for it will be deeper, but the container itself will take almost three times smaller area on the site. Because of the greater depth of the occurrence, the aggressive environment is less affected by the tank body, so that it is less prone to corrosion, as a result of which its service life exceeds 50 years!

Additional protection will provide plastic casing of GazgolderBut this is displayed on the performance of the "evaporation mirror". The material of the housing, as well as the air layer between the plastic and the metal walls of the container, create obstacles to heat exchange, which reduces the volume of evaporation. Considering this nuance, we recommend to pick the boiler for the same parameters for the Gazagolder of the vertical version as for the tank in the horizontal version.

(Fig. 32.1 - 10 reasons for which you
do not buy a vertical Gazagolder)

  1. You seem weak solutions to Italian engineers companies "ANTONIO MERLONI CYLINDERS GHERGO GROUP S.P.A." ("Antonio Merloni"): in the field of autonomous gasification, compared with other manufacturers.
  2. You have never compared the weight of the Gazgolder with the weight of the capacities of other manufacturers. Its impressive weight flowing out of the thickness of the wall of the reservoir and the quality of the material, which is a visual criterion for reliability and long service life, you do not say anything.
  3. You fell to the fishing rod "Autonomous gas supply turnkey" and the difference in price categories is not in favor of vertical gas holders "ANTONIO MERLONI CYLINDERS GHERGO GROUP S.P.A."And you do not pay attention to global differences in the configuration.
    You are not confused that other manufacturers are missing:
  • Two-stage reduction.
  • Three-component anode-cathode protection against the effects of wandering and leading underground currents.
  • The protective bag "Marsupio" from a durable electrically conductive polymer.
  • Concrete-alkaline base, not fearful underground currents, loads and acid-alkaline media.
  1. You do not care at what temperatures a horizontal gas grolder will work in the winter time.

(Fig. 32.2 - Antonio Merloni Leader
in the field of autonomous gasification)

  1. You do not trust photos and articles about the cemetery of horizontal gas holders (). You are not important for the reasons why people get rid of tanks after 10 years and stored them, thereby fueling the used market for horizontal gas holders. You do not ask yourself a question: "Why is there any used vertical gas storage tank in the market?"
  1. You are a thrust person and are not afraid of "pop-up" horizontal gas riflers. You do not suffer work to eliminate "pop-ups".
  2. You do not frighten additional costs for installing evaporators to horizontal gas golder for gauze evaporation at temperatures below -20º.
  3. You fully and completely trust your friends, neighbors and relatives who have established horizontal tanks and arguing that they have no problems with autonomous gas supply.
  4. For you, the minimum payment is important today and the service life of the equipment being purchased for this money is not important.
  5. You trust more promoted products - equipment with massive advertising, not equipped with better technical characteristics.

These areas are divorced by our ways in different directions, but if you still need a really reliable and high-quality autonomous gas supply system - come back ... and who knows, you may not find yourself in the list of reasons "against".

One of the main problems associated with the content of country houses - cottage, cottage, is the need to solve this seemingly simple at first glance, the question: "How, at the expense of what resources you can provide the process of cooking, heated at home and economic attacks in Autumn-winter period to feel comfortable in his house? "

"Dedov methods" - the use of firewood for furnace heating, coal or fuel oil was almost outdated. Electricity - has become expensive. Now there is a possibility to take this less expensive and more affordable energy as gas.

In case the country house is under construction or acquired country house is removed from centralized gas networks, you can use the system. Its main element is.

It is a cylindrical or spherical tank in which liquefied gas is stored (compressed hydrocarbon gas (SUG) - most often, propane-butane mixture), equipped with a special shut-off and measuring equipment.

Comprehensive installation of equipment

Today, many companies when contacting them buyers of the vertical Gazgolder offer to establish it "turnkey".

This means that in addition to the delivery of Gazagolder-container, the company-supplier offers a whole range of additional services, including the following items indicated in the contract:

  • to inspect and carry out measurements, the company's engineer leaves;
  • gas container is delivered, refueling equipment and elements associated with the safety system of this equipment;
  • land work is carried out - they pull the pit / pit, establish concrete or imperative base;
  • conduct gas pipeline (also underground) - from Gazagolder to the house;
  • the pressure regulator and other measuring instruments are established;
  • machine installation of the entire system is performed;
  • compiled (at the request of the client) a contract for warranty service.

Thus, given the above, it should be noted that the acquisition of a Gazgolder horizontal or vertical type and it is a fairly serious step towards comfortable living conditions in a private house. Therefore, before buying it is recommended:

  • explore consumer reviews on Internet spaces;
  • to seek advice from the specialists who will be prompting on the basis of the features of your home (the number of square meters, the degree of insulation, the number of living and the like), the required volume, model and manufacturer of Gazgolder;
  • when choosing a seller's company to focus on the presence of a federal license for the provision of services for the software and installation of autonomous gasification systems.

You can get acquainted with the reviews of the owner of the unit on this page:

See the video in which the vertical gas golder mounting stages are shown in detail: