Taking advantage of fastest money plot, you can significantly improve your financial situation. Technique on rapid attraction of money Here is one of the best conspiracy on the stolen money

In the life of every person there are difficulties, to solve which it is necessary to find a certain amount of money, and do it immediately. If you urgently need money - find out how to get money urgently with the help of witchcraft.

In the article:

Conspiracy for quick money with candles

To rituals candle witchcraft All those that are as their main component include the use of a candle - one or more, conventional or church, color or unpainted. In order to strengthen and attract cash energy, the candles can be rubbed with aromatic oils, pour into herbs with an appropriate value. They are an essential attribute of any witchcraft, and the wax from the candles burnt with rigging becomes a faith.

For one of the conspiracies, only five church candles will be required for the rapid receipt of money. Behind them will have to go to church. Knowing people hold church candles at home about the reserve, in case you need the help of higher strength. So, the candles should be viewed and reading, stalling on them:

Christ Jesus Delica Yes Support, Holy Devo Marie, Jesus Puzzle, passed on the nebushka with God's son, carried money bags, bags opened, the money was poured. I, the Slave of God (name), was walking around the Earth, I found money, I brought the house, Ichilled with candles, Gota. Candles burn, fly money to the house! Forever and ever! Amen!

Looking at Flaming Clamps, imagine a safe resolution of your problem. They cannot be awake, the fire is obliged to ruin completely. It is strictly forbidden to be distracted and depart from them. Wax from church candles is collected and subsequently stored in the wallet, like. Do not get rid of it after you get the desired amount of money. Do it only when you feel that the power of his magic ends.

The use of church attributes is not suitable for everyone. If you do not have a desire to refer to Christian Egregor, try another rite from candle magic. This will require three candles - brown, white and green tones. In this magic you will symbolize a white candle, and the rest of two are money colors, often applied in witchcraft for profit and wealth. Place the candles on the table with a triangle vertex to you. White candle should be closer to you, green - on the left, brown - right.

Light a white candle with such words:

Flame as a soul, soul as a flame.

Lighting the green candle, say:

Profit in profits, money in money.

And finally, words during the insight of the brown candle:

Cases in affairs, paths in paths, all vozoses.

Now you need to connect all the candles into one. At the same time, they must continue to burn. So you seem to associate yourself with the cash flows of the universe. Install the candles so that they do not fall, and tell me:

In force - power, in power - power, I am with strength and with the authority of that.

Candles are obliged to turn to the end. During their combustion, you should look at fiery tongues and visualize how your money will come true. With wax, it should be done in the same way as described earlier - to collect it and put it in a wallet, without showing anyone.

Money conspiracy

This strong plot for quick money should be remembered by heart. However, it consists of only three proposals - it will not be difficult. A good solution is to get a conspiracy and apply when the need arises. To do this, go to any place with the accumulation of people. The more passersby - the better. When you come there, count 21 step, and then stop and read:

I go, and money towards me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully go. How many people here walk, so much money will come to me. Amen.

You can read in a whisper, to myself or very quietly, it depends on the place where you are. For example, someone is unlikely to pay attention to a person murdering conspiracies. But it is impossible to attract attention, it is better not to risk and read a conspiracy about myself. He reads 21 times.

After reading again, count the 21st step and return strictly to the place from which they came. Only after that you can return home. On the way to a crowded place and back to the house it is impossible to talk to anyone. Avoid contacts with others, do not apply alms, don't even look at passersby. You can talk only after you return home.

Conspiracy on the rapid attraction of money for coins

If money is urgently needed, and weakness will come to the rescue. The rite with coins is one of the simplest, because it will require only 12 coins that are available in a wallet for each person. They must be the same nominal. Excuse money in advance to score the right amount of coins.

This plot for very quick money is read only for a young month. If you do not have time to expect this phase of the moon, pick another conspiracy. However, any money magic is going on only on the growing moon, in the new moon or full moon. On a decreasing moon, a challenge for money can not, no matter how important the need for them is.

So, when a young month appears in the sky, go out on the street, holding 12 coins in my hands. Watch the time of its sunrise and sunset in advance you can in the calendar. Open palms with coins so that the light of the night shine got on them, and read seven times:

All that grows and lives, multiplies from sunlight, and money from the light of the moon. Grow money. Set money. Adjust money. Me (name) robe, come to me. May it be so!

After the seven-time reading of the conspiracy words, hush the coins in your hand and hurry home. On the way, you can not be distracted and discouraged with anyone. Do not look back, even if the sounds behind will seriously scare you. The unclean power loves to organize the tests, and especially for beginner magicians. Copy coins are put in the wallet, you constantly use you. Spend them are prohibited.

Conspiracy on urgent receipt of money for bills

For this conspiracy, the bill will need a bill of any dignity. But there is a condition - it should be in circulation at least in some country of the world. Its corners should be adjusted in such a way as to get a triangle. The way of adding bills can choose any, the main thing is to get a figure with three corners, similar to the arrow, which will indicate the money path to you. Now tell the bill:

As the river mighty streams attracts, and the sea - the mighty river, as a man's woman attracts, and a man - a woman, as the night, attracts the day, and the day is the night, so that you attract the like yourself. May it be so. Amen.

The larger the bills - the better. In the text of the conspiracy, it is indicated that it will attract the like herself. Therefore, you do not need to be greedy, take the largest money available to you. Corrected bills carry with me, it is best to store it in a wallet. She must be where you store money. It is impossible to spend this bill, remove from the wallet too.

When you receive bills of the same nominal that the conspiracy money, put them next to it. During the use of this money talisman, you cannot recalculate money in the wallet. Do it only during spending or receiving income.

Green witchcraft to green presidents

Green is called magic, which implies the use of plants. Do not underestimate the strength concluded in plants. With their help, you can heal, you can be perished, and you can establish a financial position. This conspiracy on the urgent acquisition of money is only suitable for people who love houseplants and have time to care for them. You must have more than two plants that are suitable for monetary magic.

Categorically not suitable for witchcraft for money cacti - These are plants protection against negative, they will not miss even positive energy if it is not peculiar to your home or you. The plant brings the plant to grant, Aukuba or a gold bush, bougvillery and many others. Under each pot you need to put a note with the following plot:

For the tried lands, the Garden Eden stands,
In Garden-Eden, the wonder tree grows.
On the miracle tree, what will you write, then the Lord will give you.
So I write myself riches, good luck yes.
From wood paper, burns, in the ground is sisted, the flowers are surrounded.
As colors bloom-blossom, so the money grow-grow!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Behind plants need to carefully care. If one of them dries down, for two or three days should be replaced with a new one. Your magic garden can grow and expand, make new money plants, under which there will be a note with a plot, no one prohibits.

Strong conspiracy on urgent money for milk

There is an old and very strong plot - if money urgently needs money, try to speak milk. It is necessary to buy it not in the supermarket, but on the market. The seller must cause sympathy. According to the old one, buy milk for witchcraft follows an elderly woman. Milk will need a lot - 10-12 liters. It is impossible to save on its purchase, it is desirable to fit with the amount of money to give the seller a little more than the cost of milk. It is impossible to pick up.

At home, run milk to 12 capacities in which it will be stored. During this, you need to continuously read a strong conspiracy on urgent money:

In the pure hill field, and the mountain is high, under the mountain the meadow is green, there is a bull with a cow on a meadow. Beach horn to the sun delivered, Bourously fluttering half of the ground of Ogbalo. In the field, I go out, on the hill a large one, I find a green meadow. The bull of the horns cut off, I give out the cow of milk. The horns of the bull immediately grow up, Korovkino udder will fill the milk. So in my house, my wealth grows, wearing wealth to visit me. Amen!

Now you have to come up with 12 dishes, the composition of which will be milk - all 12 bottles. In each dish you need to use only one bottle. You need to prepare them in one day, and to use in food - for three. Most of the food should be handed over to good people. Cohere your colleagues, bosses, customers, if possible. Invite friends or neighbors for dinner.

Please note that the people you have treated cooked from the conspiracy of milk treats will bring you money in the near future. Perhaps it will be an increase or an additional source of income. You can also get a valuable advice or just money in debt that will help you in a difficult situation.

Women's Magic \u003d Quick Money

There is a conspiracy on an urgent, which is available only to women. It is done only for himself or his family - you will not work with a friend with such a witchcraft. Men can not use this witchcraft. But they can offer a spouse to hold a rite - he will work for the whole family, including you.

Purchase a new nightie - any color, from any material. It should be laid out and stroke, clearing from extraneous energy influences. In addition to shirt, it will take a long red thread of natural silk. It should be passed through the wax of the candle, which was bought in the church. After that, inhale the red thread into the Gypsy needle and place somewhere near your bed. Now everything is ready for ritual. Put the night shirt and go to sleep in it.

Wake up to dawn. First of all, you should do not wash or cooking coffee, and the heating of the hem of the heaters. During this, it must still be as hoping for you. The hem must be sewn to "to themselves" with such words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, nice me, my servant of God (name). My words are weak, and my sins are stronger and great. You, Lord, rich and merciful. Give me, Most High, not for sins, and in your infinite wealth! Amen!

During the heating of the hem, read these words continuously. The number of readings does not play. The conspiracy in the middle is impossible, even if you have finished sewing, read the conspiracy to the end, and only then cut the thread.

In general, conspiracies for urgent receipt of money are able to come in handy every person. Monetary witchcraft will come to help in any situation. If you do not have additional sources of income, and money to solve the problem is urgently needed, ask for help from the highest strength.

In contact with

There are white magic rituals that help to attract customers services. This is especially important to those people who directly depends on their customers: hairdressers, manicure masters, massage, vendors, repairmen, etc. They work 100% and help to ensure uninterrupted flow of people, their increased interest in your work, and therefore funds in your pocket.

Most rituals can be carried out at home. The main thing is not to tell anyone about the rite of attracting customers in order not to sighing his luck.

A strong conspiracy

For the execution of the ritual, you must purchase a small bell. He should immediately like you, as it depends on how your business will be successful. To spend a ritual, you should wait for the new moon and in the evening over the bell tape the words of the conspiracy:

"Link, bell, long and ringing! Click guests, invite rich people! All animals will wake up in the forest, let the client comes to me! ".

After that, the guard of good luck should hang out on the street for the whole night. Then the bell bring to the workplace. Thus, a small assistant will attract the right and rich customers of your services.

For money (ritual with bill)

This ritual will especially help when stagnation appears in the affairs, and the influx of visitors does not increase or starts to dry out.

Rite spend on a growing moon:

  • it is necessary to take a cash bill (than it will be larger, the better);
  • at night, open the window;
  • taking bills in the hands, say the words of the conspiracy: "As in the sea-ocean of water, there is a lot of salt, at the bottom of the sand it is not difficult, so let me not be from customers, and the cash inflow will not run out of me. May it be so!".

After that, the bill must be put as far as possible in the working office, it is advisable to hide in the table. After a few days, your business in business will dramatically improve, as a magic wand.

Conspiracy on medical

The ritual is carried out when a full moon will be in the sky. You need to buy in advance the bank of natural honey, to open it in full moon and turn such words to the moon:

"The Luna-Beauty, the clever and my assistant! Delivered me luck in the affairs! Let it be sweet and useful as this honey! Let people fly to me, my work, on the smell sweet and looks shine! "

After that, in the morning, it is necessary to lubricate the front door slightly with honey through which customers come to you. The result will exceed all expectations.

This rite will come in handy in trade so that buyers willingly come to your store and took the goods. For a ritual for sugar, a number of such actions must be taken:

  • prepare a candle in advance, a little sand sugar, any light clean cloth and a strong thread of green;
  • in the evening at home to light a candle, spread the fabric, throw there exactly three chips of a sweet product and pronounce a plot: "My sweet sugar, a great product! You have sweetness from shopping, good and wealth. May it be so!";
  • after that, roll the cloth with sugar, tied up on a triple node with green thread.

The resulting bag with sugar bring to work and hide at your workplace so that no one saw. People will start visiting your store much more often and making large purchases.

Conspiracies for hairdressers and salons

White magic will help attract visitors to your beauty salon, will strengthen the influx of customers if you work a hairdresser. These rituals will also protect your business from the guests of competitors and "will reflect" with their potential customers of the services.

On the comb, so that customers are crowded

This simple ritual can be spent on any day of the week. For him, it will be necessary to buy a new comb, take it into hand and solemnly pronounce a plot:

"Comb with cloths, bring people with swirls! My hair is smooth, all customers are falling on me. Man - Beauty, I - wealth and praise! For the client will be, and I am money in the wallet! May it be so!".

It is advisable to use the haul several times a day. A month later, the effective effect of magic will begin to weaken, so it will have to repeat it, but already with a new comb.

On salt

With the help of this famous magic product (salt eliminates negative emotions and discontinuities of evil competitors) you can protect your business and attract many customers.

The rite is carried out as follows:

  • in a glass of pure water, you need to add a pinch of salt;
  • before the start of the labor day, pronounce over a glass with salt of a conspiracy: "Salt with water will speak, all customers prize. As in the sea-ocean, droplets are not difficult, so I have so much customers that do not count. Bring people to me of good, rich, and evil and unkind ass cast me! Amen".
  • then the water needs to spill a little over and around its workplace.

Thus, the Master will be protected from attacks of unpleasant people and at the same time will attract many conscientious customers of services.

On scissors for manicure salons

Scissors have long been known in magical rites, therefore requires compliance with a number of necessary conditions. Among them:

  • you can not rush with scissors: in this way, you break the thread of good luck;
  • during the ritual, the scissors keep in their right hand, even if you are left-hand;
  • your scissors after the ritual in no way should take another person in hand: it can lead to "care" arrived on the side.

The rite is carried out in this order. On a piece of paper, you need to write out all the comments that, in your opinion, interfere with successful business. You need to try not to forget the slightest details. Then with the help of scissors for manicure cut the paper on small nurses. In this case, pronounce these words:

"I cut out all the troubles and barriers, take only money and rewards."

After that, small blocks of paper need to burn, the ashes throw out in the toilet or dispel over the reservoir.

To trade in the store

The rich merchants have long been gained by supporting black and white magic and used the most different ways for successful trading and attracting rich buyers. Many mysterious rituals reached our contemporaries. The strength of ancient words and actions to this day remains unchanged and brings a real good luck at work.

Large revenue

To make things to go to the mountain and buyers acquired a large product, it is necessary to commit the following ritual:

  • at midnight on the growing moon to stay in the workplace alone;
  • get financial documents;
  • dispatch them on the table and pronounce such text:

"Moon and sun, silver and gold, share your power, give me favor. Fly to me, bills are large, like a night moth shimmering. Let it be in all the affairs of luck, and only envy to competitors. Sun and Moon, Moon and Sun, thank you! Amen".

After that, you need to remove documents in your place and go home. From the next day, revenue from the sale will become larger every day.

Help of unclean power

Bold people are resorted to this rite when it is necessary to urgently establish business in trade. Especially it will be useful to those merchants, who needs to sell the stuck goods and not to be accommodated.

"Damn, damn, come to me, help me. We need to sell the goods, people to convene and collect money. You have a prank, I have prosperity. "

Prayers for attracting customers

Often, for help in business contact the Orthodox Saints. However, it should be remembered: the prayers of heavenly intercessors need to read when things really shaken up, and people stopped coming to you for services or a product. If things are doing well enough, it is better not worth it to disturb the saints and ask them about the super powers - the result may be such that you will "teach" to live by means.

Prayers for help should be carried out at home in front of the saint, it should be lit candle purchased in the church.

Nikolay Wonderworthy

"Saint Nicholas, our assistant and assistant! Help me in my affairs, protect against the misfortunes. Do not lie, I work for the benefit of human da females. Fence me from troubles and anxiety, protect and increase my work my hands! Amen".

Seraphim Sarovsky

"Saint Seraphim, bless me and the works of my righteous! Support me and give your wisdom of your, mind of the clear and strength of strong to work for the benefit of the human, so that customers walked! Hold me grace, sinner, hear the requests of my help! Amen".

Use these conspiracies for yourself, but also do not be lazy, and provide our customers with high-quality goods and services.

A free conspiracy to attract good luck to your life should be done before sunset. The person must reach the nearest church, and by three times by going against a clockwise arrow, cross in the main entrance and pronounce:

"I will become blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door to the eastern side. On the east side there is a holy church. In the church - the throne, on the throne - God's Mother. I am, the Most Holy Mother of God, pumped up. I am, the Most Holy Mother of God, conquer. Help me from my trouble to get rid of me, help me from the adequail of my get rid of my, I find my money, my money back will be back. Money from my saved. My family. Be, my words, strong, modeling, harder stone. Amen".

Then get around the church three times clockwise, cross in the main entrance.

And again say free conspiracy to attract good luck in life

If the church is poorly sitting, take them down. If you can't see this day, then throw a coin on the ground and tell me: "It fell on the ground, I will be given a storm. Amen".

Good luck - thin matter. It can be stolen by a wizard way. One of the signs may be a sudden and noticeable deterioration in your affairs, whereas your enemy make it much better. If you are tormented by vague doubts if you think that your luck has left you not by your fault, correct the situation and return good luck as follows.

On Thursday at dawn, when a young moon in the sky, pour into a glass of saint or live water, next to a piece of rye bread. Light a candle, and, taking bread into the left hand, and in the right glass.

Look at the candle and three times, tell me a free strong conspiracy to quickly attract good luck to yourself:

"How truth is that the Lord gave five breads, and the fact that Jesus Christ is God's Son, so the truth is that the Lord is merciful. Turn, Lord, my luck from the west to the east, from the north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my threshold. And you, Mount-Zlosta, find yourself a way to Snake Warrough. There is your place. There is your life. There is your being. And I rolled up in the charm, I will assign silver with silver. Consider me money - do not recount, grief-zonchast never know. Close the key lock. Key in the sea throwing. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Having done this, eat bread, drink water, and ritual candle with your fingers. Go to the church to the church, burn your witchcraft and install it in front of the Savior icon. Ask for help. After the rite, refrain from any food a few hours and keep silence. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy, feeding alms and says: "The hand of the giving one does not care. Amen".

Many dreams suddenly get rich or get a weighty cash reward. And in order to embody the desired reality, it is not necessary to resort to the fundamental methods, becoming a fraudster. It is enough to know several magical conspiracies that will save from financial difficulties and needs. You can find them by reading the information in this article. You will learn what conspiracies to attract money reached our time, and what rituals need to be carried out to lure wealth to their house.

Easy witchcraft and bright magic can help solve money problems. Using the ancient rites, you can call in your life financial well-being and manage it through natural energy.

Among the many magical methods, you can allocate the most severe conspiracy on the attraction of money. As a rule, rites of this type are carried out using church attributes and reading special prayer. This conspiracy is no exception. To spend a ritual and attract wealth to your life, you must prepare:

  • five church candles from white wax;
  • saucer;
  • matches.

In the evening, burn the candles and turn around three times. Now to speed up the receipt of the sum of money, you can read the text of the prayer:

"Jesus Christ, Vestnubeeva Maria and Hope across the sky, and bags with gold-silver were carried. Suddenly the bags opened, all the money on the bottom fell. I, the servant of God (say your name) on the ground she went and all the money collected. I came home, all Zlato-silver brought, and church candles lit. Fool candles, burn, attract wealth to the house. Let money come, and the need retreats! Yes, it will be so, and confessed and forever. Amen".

Wait for the candles to store. Then, collect the remains of wax from the saucer and, while it is warm, roll into the ball. It will need to put it in his wallet and wear there constantly. The effect that enlisions this conspiracy to attract money will be strong. In addition to the fact that you will notice the result for the first few days, the conspiracy energy will not leave your home for a long time.

Simple method to raise wealth

To attract large wealth to your life and financial stability, do not necessarily carry out complex rites. It is enough to perform simple procedures and faith in perfecting conceived.

To one of the available ways to attract money in his own home and to his hands are the following conspiracy. It should be spent in the evening at sunset. To attract wealth to your home and cause the rapid receipt of remuneration in any form, you will need:

  • two clay bowls;
  • handful of yellow metal coins;
  • liquid honey.

Similar rituals to attract monetary amounts to their lives should be performed with a growing moon.

Choosing a specific day to read a conspiracy to attract money, open the window on the evening dawn. So that the fulfillment of the desired was quick, it is necessary to clearly fulfill all the recommendations. Therefore, before reading the text of the prayer, prepare two containers. In one placing as many coins as possible. To another you need to pour honey.

Turning to the Coming Sun, lower your hands into the bowl with honey. After that, remove and give them a little drain. To attract material and financial benefits to your life and dwelling, lower the sweet hands into the coins. Riding all coins in the bowl, read a plot:

"Honey is maliciously and on honey it is risen. I spell denyuzhki to me, and I was wealth to find. My word is firmly, the slaves of God (name your name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

After reading the prayer for a while for some time, move coins. The rapid implementation of the energy conspiracy can be observed very soon. Attracting money and financial advantage to her house will manifest itself in the form of unscheduled rewards, winnings that returned debts and other things.

Rite for attracting

To increase your permanent income, you can apply another strong conspiracy. For its holding, church candles will also need. Such conspiracies to attract money and contributing to this rites are recommended only for the benefit, guided by pure thoughts.

If you want to pull a lot of money into your life and to your home, two thick candles should be purchased in the church. One candle should be given to church ministers in the altar and order them "Sorokoust about health." To fulfill a conspiracy for the long-awaited wealth, there was a quick, second candle will strain him. For this daily in the morning for 40 days, ignite the candle. While the flame burns it, you should read a conspiracy to receive a cash remuneration.

The words of prayers look like this:

"The Holy Mountain Athos is on the east side. The Church of the Lord is built on it, where it is the holy throne of Jesus Christ. As the throne, this will holy and always rich, as he stands and will not move, so let the servant of God (say your name) will become rich and will not know the needs. I call for my house Zlatto, Silver and other wealth. Amen".

Saying the text of the prayer, blow the flame and remove the candle from the eye to the next morning. By the fortieth day, the candle should exorret. The remainder of the wax from it can be put in a wallet or keep in the most secluded corner of the house.

Like other conspiracies for attracting money, this will only affect the condition of their own financial well-being. If you think about the rapid receipt of wealth at the expense of the collapse of another person, the effect will be completely opposite.

Rite to increase the level of financial condition of the family

There is also another strong conspiracy to attract money. Its, like most effective magical sessions, should be carried out in full moon. Such rites "work" are best if you believe in them and sincerely read the text of the prayer.

To spend this ritual and cause the rapid receipt of money remuneration, increasing financial wealth as a whole, you need to prepare:

  • candlestick;
  • long candle of green wax;
  • box of matches.

By installing a candle in a candlestick, burn it. Seving at the table, put it in front of yourself and look at the flame. Think of how to make richness in my house, how to spend money on joy to yourself, relatives and friends. Holding a mentally powerful sphere, think only about the good one that will bring you the money. At the same time, commemorate the candle in the palms and say three times a conspiracy on rapid enrichment.

The text of this prayer looks like this:

"Soon this money will be mine. They fill my life with joy and happiness. They will help me make more happy and those who need it. My wealth will not harm anyone, as the need leads me, not a care and hatred. Amen"

As a rule, such rituals require a serious concentration of forces and energy. After reading the conspiracy, you can feel strong exhaustion, but do not be afraid. This is a normal phenomenon. Restore forces after you have used a conspiracy to attract money, you can rested a bit.

Fast execution of the desired will not make himself wait. If rituals spend correctly and follow clearly all recommendations, soon the money will be included in your life with a stream.

Rite on the Taste of Weight and Profit in Housing

To lure in your life and your home financial wealth and not to experience the need, spend the ritual by photography. Such rites also refer to more complex. They cause a strong and long effect.

To carry out a ritual, prepare a photo. The snapshot should necessarily depict the house, you or your close in it. In addition, it will be necessary:

  • candle bought in the church;
  • cork tube from a bottle of red wine;
  • new mail envelope.

Having waited for the evenings, begin to hold a rite to rapidly attracting money and financial well-being. Seving at the table, put and burn the candle in front of you. Taking in the hands of the photo, read the plot looking at him:

"I'll go, the servant of God (his name) on the zory, the sun meet. Meet the Most Holy Mother of the Virgin, worship her and pray. Show your mercy, get rid of me from grief, ailments and needs. Save me in the way and at home, defend and help! In the world, everything ruins and gets laid, so let me be fulfilled. Amen".

Taking the text of this prayer, remove the photo in the envelope. Then close it and cut the place to print wax, sealing it with a cortical cork. The conspiracy on attracting money will affect if you remove this envelope in the most secluded place in the house. So that the effect is long-term, and conspiracies to attract money acted as long as possible, do not talk about them anyone. And the envelope that will remove away from the strange eyes, do not open. As soon as the envelope is printed, the effect of the conspiracy will immediately disappear.

Such rites and conspiracies in tiping in their life (home) of wealth came to us from our ancestors. This confirmation may be a story in which you can detect cases of rapid enrichment. In order not to resort to bad ways to attract financial wealth, consult me. They contribute to the solution of many monetary problems in need.

Mudra "urgent attraction of money"

The execution of this wise will help urgently get money for unforeseen expenses. Thus, you can overcome the critical situation and go to a stable life. The result from the practice of wise will appear in a short time. It is not necessary to do this often, otherwise you will comprehend the energy imbalance.


Keep your brushes in front of yourself at the level of the top of the abdomen in the middle line of the body.

Compact pads of large and index fingers of the left brush. The remaining fingers are free to divert.

Right little finger Couple with left nameless finger pads.

Left Mysinetseed Couple with right nameless finger pads.

Medium fingers keep freely, do not strain (Fig. 139).

Concentrate sensations at the top of the abdomen on the middle line of the body. Feel the warmth and tide of energy in this place.

Feel confidence in the need to obtain a certain amount of money and power for this. Keep such a state for a few minutes.