Why dream of losing consciousness. Fainting: interpretation from different dream books

Fainting in a dream is quite a funny phenomenon. Most often, it indicates some kind of inadequacy in the real world. In fact, this is a symbolic death, calling for reflection and rethinking. Dream Interpretations will give a clearer indication of what this plot is dreaming of.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

Miller's dream book is convinced that a dreamy faint predicts the illness of a loved one or tragic news about a familiar person. If a woman dreamed of such a dream, then her own carelessness will cause bitter disappointment. If the loss of consciousness scared you terribly, then the dream book promises a tough life struggle and overcoming difficulties with unpredictable consequences.

The opinion of the dream book of the spouses Winter

What is the dream of fainting for? In night dreams, he symbolizes illusion and self-deception. Had a dream that you fainted? In reality, you literally close your eyes to something very important.

Or the circumstances are such that you cannot comprehend the essence of a certain Divine plan. Dreams like this suggest that only doubts about their own righteousness and spiritual searches will lead to the desired result.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

What is the dream of fainting for? Probably in reality you are losing control on certain situation and even his whole life. To regain confidence, carefully unravel other dream signs, they will give the right clue.

If you dreamed that you learned something shocking, why did you immediately faint? In real life, get ready to receive good news. If in a dream you only pretended to have lost consciousness, then you are deliberately misleading someone. The further interpretation of sleep depends on the behavior of others. If he is worried about your fainting, then expect good luck, if they are indifferent, then a scandal and parting is coming.

Seeing that someone has lost consciousness due to complete exhaustion of strength means that you will need the help of strangers in the implementation of your plan. What is the dream of a hungry faint? Alas, he guarantees financial problems, debts and family quarrels on this basis.

Decryptions of other dream books

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov believes that fainting in a dream is a harbinger of a truly shocking waking incident. If you dream about loss of consciousness regularly, then you clearly have serious problems in your personal life.

Complete dream book of a new era considers fainting as a reminder that current behavior and, in particular, the perception of the world leads to a waste of vital energy.

What he thinks about fainting dream book of birthday people? Did you dream that you collapsed unconscious? Some news will literally knock you out of your usual rut. This is a sign of real breakdown or extreme surprise.

Dreamy fainting of one's own, another

Had a dream that you personally fainted? Receive bad news about an absent friend or news of a relative's illness. Sometimes losing consciousness in a dream literally means falling madly in love in reality.

Happened to see another character faint for no reason? The enterprise that you considered promising and reliable will suddenly collapse. What does fainting on the go mean? This is a bad omen, promising a serious obstacle from an unexpected side.

What does fainting of a loved one, mother, child mean in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream is identical to the above values. Moreover, they should be applied exclusively to the designated person. In general, the fainting of a loved one promises a deterioration in his health, big troubles, bad deeds and even serious trouble.

Fainting in Sleep - Specific Variations

What is the dream of fainting for? It is very important to establish exactly where you lost consciousness and why it happened.

  • sunstroke is tragic news
  • from the heat - the inability to fulfill the plan
  • thirst - a bad ending
  • hunger - an unexpected twist
  • blow - damages, losses
  • happiness - failure of plans on the love front
  • diseases are sad events
  • on the street - bustle, chores
  • in the crowd - loss of individuality
  • alone - spiritual search

Fainting in sleep is like a momentary death. After such a plot, you can prepare for major changes that will come after a number of unusual events.

Dream interpretation fainting

Enough strange visions with loss of consciousness in dreams, they hint at frivolous behavior, reckless actions, wastefulness. The dreamer will receive an unambiguous interpretation only if he takes into account the pre-fainting state of the body, the emotional picture, the person who fainted in a dream.

As he assures family dream book, fainting dreams, foreshadowing all sorts of troubles, sorrows, receiving unpleasant news.

Losing consciousness from happiness is a favorable sign, since in reality a person is accompanied by good luck. After the vision, some will be able to improve their financial situation, while others will meet the love of a lifetime.

Losing your senses in a dream - experiencing intense excitement in reality

General characteristics of a dream

People who fall unconscious in dreams live with illusions and hopes, even if there is no prospect of improvement. The subconscious mind correlates deprivation of feelings with a detachment from reality.

In order not to regret missed opportunities in the future, you should change the tactics of an outside observer to the behavior of an active, purposeful person.

If, on the eve of a responsible event or interview, you dreamed of fainting, then the excitement reached the limit, you need to take a sedative, defuse the situation, try to relax.

The upcoming events will not turn out to be joyful, expectations will not come true when, according to the plot, the earth begins to slip out from under our feet.

Loss of consciousness according to Miller

The famous psychoanalyst, when analyzing night dreams, relies on the features of conscious and unconscious perception. What values ​​can you find in Miller's dream book?

Sometimes darkening in the eyes speaks of a desire to avoid responsibility, impatience, a thirst to step aside from business, the need to blame the worries on the people around.

Modern interpretations

It will help you figure out why you dream of fainting, in a dream a person falls dead, a modern combined interpreter.

When a stranger loses his feelings, then it is worth thinking about the manner of behavior with others, perhaps one of the friends harbored a grudge.

For girls, loss of consciousness in a dream is a signal of health problems

If a relative falls out of reality, plunging into sleep, then the family will be tested, the household may be overtaken by illness, there is a threat to the life of the parents.

Does a loved one or a loved one faint in hunger? Soon after the vision, the dreamer will be asked for help. Do not refuse the asking person, because good deeds will be rewarded at their dignity.

A witness to fainting in dreams will experience an emotional shock, the coming events are shocking.

Meaning for girls

Deterioration of health in a dream, loss of connection with reality - all this has great importance for the beautiful half of humanity.

  • Mental experiences do not give rest when a young lady dreams of losing consciousness.
  • Fainting for a married woman is to take on the role of a breadwinner, to provide for a family.
  • They will reveal insidious intentions, reveal the secrets of the girl, if she saw a loss of consciousness the day before.
  • Unsettled from surging feelings - love will turn your head.

The lifestyle of a young beauty is far from ideal, when one dreams of a deterioration in well-being, up to the loss of connection with reality.

The cause of weakness

His own fainting from the horrors he saw means that the dreamer will face a difficult task, the solution of which will require a lot of money and energy.

Causal relationships operate not only in reality, but are also characteristic of night adventures in the kingdom of Morpheus.

  • If a person is unconscious due to exhaustion, then material difficulties will drag on for a long time.
  • To act out a play with falling unconscious - trying on masks, playing a role, hiding true intentions.
  • To see in dreams that no one is going to help - friends will not provide proper attention, support.

The interpreter assures: if the sleeping person was given the first medical assistance, then the mental wounds will quickly heal, the person will find like-minded people.

What other dream books will tell

For the birthday people of May-September, fainting is to experience surprise, and for those born in the fall-winter, the interpreter portends a breakdown. Spring birthdays will have to deal with stress at work.

Self-deception symbolizes the fall without feelings according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Maly Velesov interpreter promises the loss of a friend.

"I'm going to faint now!" - we automatically exclaim at some unexpected news. Fortunately, most often we do not fall into a real faint, the maximum that can happen is that we suddenly catch our breath and tachycardia lasts for several seconds. This is how the nervous system responds to stress. But in the 19th century. and before, some beautiful ladies really lost consciousness when, for example, a passionate gentleman confessed his love to them. This romantic short-term loss of consciousness in medical parlance is called vasodepressor syncope and is caused by severe stress in exceptional circumstances.

These circumstances, in the case of beautiful ladies, are overly narrow corsets that prevented the beauties from breathing deeply. So much for the romance.

What is fainting

Short-term fainting is a lack of consciousness for a short period, usually no more than 5 minutes. The reason for this phenomenon is the violation of cerebral circulation.

Loss of consciousness does not always happen due to serious illnesses. Almost every person at least once in their life faced this trouble during:

  • strong excitement;
  • impact unfavorable factors external environment(most often - extreme heat, especially if a person has a weak heart or problems with blood vessels);
  • carrying a child (in pregnant women, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases sharply, and hormonal changes take place, which are difficult to adapt to at first);
  • the recovery period after a serious illness (due to general asthenization, since a lot of energy was spent on fighting an infection or a virus).

If these are rare cases, then you don't have to worry: nothing terrible happens, just the body gave out such a reaction. For young women who have just established their menstrual cycle, short fainting spells are characteristic due to severe soreness during menstruation. Ladies in the "elegant" age are also susceptible to this trouble due to hormonal changes.

What are the types of fainting

Fainting is subdivided into:

  • vasodepressor;
  • orthostatic;

Of all these, the last form of syncope causes the greatest concern, since the appearance of such disorders of cerebral circulation indicates the development of epilepsy. Is fainting possible during sleep? With epileptic seizures, yes. For the first two varieties, such an option - loss of consciousness in a dream - is almost impossible.

How can you lose consciousness in a dream

Why do you faint in a dream? With the gradual development of epilepsy (most often it begins to manifest itself in childhood), a person feels short-term loss of consciousness, literally for a few seconds. The child himself does not realize this, he only feels that something is wrong, so adults need to watch him very carefully.

In fact, this phenomenon is characterized as simple small epileptic seizures, they are most often found in children.

Seizures can be caused by different forms disease. Distinguish between cortical epilepsy, in which a seizure can occur mainly in reality, and subcortical. In the first case, a person feels the precursors: the so-called aura appears - auditory, visual, sometimes olfactory.

In the second case, everything happens frighteningly suddenly. In the subcortical form of the disease, a seizure begins with a short-term loss of consciousness and seizures. After the cramps stop, the patient falls into a state that can be confused with sleep. The skin turns red during the peak of the attack, then takes on a normal color. The patient does not recover immediately, he comes to himself gradually. Often, headaches persist for some time after an attack.

Often there is an exacerbation and increased frequency of attacks during puberty, against the background of a general restructuring of the body. In adulthood, these phenomena may occur less frequently.

Is it possible to faint in a dream? If a person is prone to fainting during sleep, doctors immediately have serious suspicions of developing epilepsy. A possible fainting at night is especially dangerous, because there may not be any loved ones nearby, and the person will not be provided with the necessary assistance.

A patient who has such attacks should be closely monitored. Over time, a person changes: he becomes irritable, prone to mood changes, the manifestation of aggression. It serves indirect sign the development of epilepsy. The personality is undergoing changes.

The causes of epilepsy

Persons with a tendency to loss of consciousness during sleep must be tested to rule out epilepsy. The reasons for the development of the disease are not completely clear, we can only say that the provoking factors are often:

  • severe stress;
  • a serious illness in early childhood (for example, tonsillitis or flu with high, up to +40 0 C, body temperature).

In the future, when the patient already knows about his illness, he is able to say for himself what circumstances contribute to the onset of an attack.

An epileptic seizure is possible during sleep. Vasopressor or orthostatic loss of consciousness never occurs during sleep, although it may well occur at night. In all cases, one of the triggering factors is the lack of oxygen supply to the brain cells.

Required examinations

If you suspect epilepsy, as well as in any cases of loss of consciousness during sleep, it is imperative to undergo an examination.

The doctor will send the patient to an encephalographic study to find out what the activity of different areas of the brain is. It is often carried out using functional tests. In most patients with subcortical epilepsy, changes are found that are expressed as a slow wave-peak combination.

Cortical epilepsy gives a different picture: erratic peaks, slow waves and bursts follow each other rather chaotically.

In addition, the patient must be examined. functionality heart muscle. An echocardiogram is performed, during which the size, volume, filling, and functioning of large vessels are assessed. Sometimes it is also necessary to undergo daily ECG monitoring (Holter). The need for this study is due to the fact that the doctor needs to exclude pathologies of the heart rhythm, which can also give a picture similar to fainting, especially at night.

Fainting or complete loss of consciousness

In medicine, simple fainting and loss of consciousness are distinguished. The first is distinguished by its short duration: it lasts no more than 5 minutes. During this time, there are no significant disorders of brain activity, after fainting, a person is fully restored.

Complete loss of consciousness can lead to changes in the activity of the brain and internal organs, since cell death occurs. The task of the doctor is to get the patient out of this state as quickly as possible.

Fainting in pregnant women

Pregnant women often complain of loss of consciousness, which happens from time to time.

This category of patients is special, and therefore we can say that fainting should not be too scary. If a woman occasionally faints in the first trimester, this is considered a normal variant. In the second and third trimesters, fainting is dangerous, as it may indicate the development of preeclampsia, which poses a threat to the health and life of the expectant mother and fetus.

Short fainting spells are caused by:

  • a sharp change in body position;
  • exit from a hot room to the cold and vice versa;
  • a sudden drop in blood sugar levels;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • squeezing of the blood vessels by the growing uterus, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain.

Sometimes women complain of dizziness and lightheadedness at night.

Most often, the reason lies in the fact that during sleep future mother turned over on her back, as a result of which the inferior vena cava was pinched. As a result, the woman may lose consciousness. This is possible in late pregnancy, when the fetus is already large enough. Therefore, in order to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, doctors advise expectant mothers to get rid of the habit of sleeping on their backs. The optimal position is on your side, with your knees slightly bent. You can put a pillow between your legs for comfort.

Dreamed of fainting

If a person in a dream feels that he is about to lose consciousness, this may be caused by harmless reasons, for example, the fact that the room is too stuffy. Therefore, doctors recommend, if possible, take an evening exercise to calm nervous system, saturate the blood with oxygen, and after a walk, be sure to ventilate the bedroom. Airing must be arranged even in winter in frosty weather. It's great if, over time, you manage to accustom yourself to sleep always with the window open - this will ensure a constant flow of fresh air.

If a person dreams that he is fainting, what meaning can be hidden behind such a dream? It is believed that fate gives signs in a dream, only you need to be able to recognize them and learn to "read" correctly in order to take advantage of the prompts of providence in time and avoid possible troubles.

You cannot specifically cause a dream - it comes on its own, the subconscious mind works independently of us. In the hustle and bustle of ordinary life, the voice of the subconscious is drowned out by consciousness, which dictates what needs to be done and when. In a dream, the subconscious is released.

So, if you dreamed about fainting - what can this mean? In most dream books, a dream is interpreted as a warning of serious trouble. Fate warns that one should prepare for possible bad events in the family and personal life.

So, Miller's dream book says that loss of consciousness in a dream portends the illness of someone close to the dreamer or tragic news about a friend. If a young woman sees a dream, she needs to prepare herself for the disappointment that will soon befall her in reality.

The eastern (Islamic) dream book also does not bode well for the dreamer: he assures that such a dream indicates the development of a serious illness in one of the dreamer's relatives. You need to be more attentive to loved ones and persuade them to see a doctor at the first sign of illness. If a young woman saw such a dream, it is possible that she will be tormented by emotional experiences.

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the bustle of the train station portends a failure in business. If you lost your companion in the midst of the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found another one for himself.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will have to deal with flatterers who will fool your head to the point that you just send them away. If lost wedding ring- in reality, such a dream can lead to shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sorrow, gold chain- miss out on your own shortsightedness, maybe the only chance to get rich significantly.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that unexpected trouble will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles at the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with your friend. To lose the oars in a dream and be carried away far from the coast - do not try to realize your plan, for all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder box or lipstick in a dream is a good luck in business. Lost Keys portend the loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events in the circle of true friends.

Losing completely new fur gloves - to unreasonable behavior with people who are benevolent to you. The loss of a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and rotozy.

The loss at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place of some detail of the toilet portends obstacles in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing a wig, being drunk, and returning to a restaurant table without it portends that you will be rendered services, mistaking for another person.

The dream where you lost your coat portends that you will have to reorganize your fate and you will bitterly regret, cursing yourself for your own shortsightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream, fleeing persecution, means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is deliberately doomed to failure. If in a dream you have lost the right to significant property, such as a house or a car, this portends the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream - in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from

Eastern dream book

Fainting is a sign that your loved ones are in danger of a serious illness.

For a young woman, a dream in which she loses consciousness portends a deterioration in well-being, which may be associated with emotional experiences.

Icelandic dream book

Fainting is a serious sin.

Small Velesov dream book

Fainting - sadness, loss of a friend.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why is Fainting in a dream?

Fainting is an event that will overwhelm you.

New dream book 1918

Fainting is boredom.

Family dream book

Fainting dreams - to unpleasant news.

If a young woman dreamed that she fainted, she should stop being so careless. Otherwise, she has solid disappointments ahead of her.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fainting?

If you dream that you fainted, this portends the illness of someone close to you and unpleasant news about absent friends.

If a young woman dreams that she fainted - in real life she is in danger of deteriorating health and frustration due to a frivolous lifestyle.

Dream interpretation 2012

Fainting is a reminder that the current perception leads to the loss of personal Power.

Dream interpretation for lovers

If a young girl dreams that she fainted, this means that she will be disappointed in love because of her dissolute behavior.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Fainting in a dream - symbolizes self-deception.

If you dream that someone has fainted or you yourself faint, this is a warning that in reality you did not notice something important or close your eyes to some urgent problem. Such dreams suggest that self-deception will not help fix the situation and will only harm you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how you faint is a breakdown.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Seeing in a dream how you faint is to extreme surprise.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fainting - you will be knocked out of the rut by some news.

Miller's dream book

Fainting in a dream means possible illness in your family and bad news.

If a young woman sees a dream, this means that she will experience disappointment, which will be the fault of her carefree lifestyle.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Fainting in a dream?

If in a dream you are greatly struck by some unpleasant news and supposedly faint, in reality you will receive the most joyful news. Pretending that you faint to check the man's reaction to your weakness, if he kisses you - to happy marriage if confused or fussy - to a spat.

Seeing someone faint from exhaustion - you will need the help of friends to implement your plan. Hungry fainting - portends financial difficulties, debts and troubles in the family.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Fainting in a dream - portends unpleasant news or illness of someone close. Such a dream for a young woman portends disappointment in her own way of life.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Fainting according to the dream book?

If you faint in a dream, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the information received from relatives or people close to you.

Fainting in a dream - Felomena's dream book portends events that will take you by surprise. Such a dream can also be an omen of physical weakness and loss of strength. The body, with the help of the subconscious, sends signals that its condition is unstable and may require additional attention.

Depending on who has lost his senses, you can interpret the dream in different ways. If you dream that you have lost consciousness, then events are coming that will bring some discomfort. Their cause will be primarily your carelessness. You should take what is happening more seriously and think over your actions more carefully.

I dreamed that another person fainted - a dream warns of impending difficulties on the path of life. You can overcome and even avoid them if you eradicate the habit of ignoring and turning a blind eye to problems.

Who Fainted In Sleep?

Fainting of your own in a dream

If you faint in a dream - this is an omen of unpleasant news about close person, which is at a considerable distance from you.

Perhaps we are talking about a disease of a blood relative. Do not delay the resolution of this issue, pay attention to the health of the family.

See in a dream how the ex fainted

The dream notifies that the ex-partner did not have the best better times... It is possible that he needs help and only you can deal with the problems that have piled up.

Dreams that another person fainted

If you saw in a dream how another person lost consciousness, expect bad news with his participation in the near future. Unfortunately, there is no way you can influence the situation.

I dreamed that my mother fainted

A dream in which mom fainted is a warning of a possible illness. Symptoms may not have manifested themselves yet; such a dream makes it possible to prevent the disease at the very beginning.

See in a dream how a girl fainted

Had a dream that a girl fainted? Such a dream promises disappointment, the cause of which was your reckless and frivolous behavior. They can only be avoided by getting rid of the carefree and carefree perception of life.

If a child fainted in a dream

To see a child fainting in a dream is a pleasant surprise. Expect good news from family or close friends. Such can be the news of a wedding or an imminent replenishment in the family.

Why dream of a friend fainted

A dream in which a friend lost consciousness can be interpreted as a warning that in the near future a considerable number of problems will fall on you. Their successful solution is possible only if you are sufficiently restrained and patient.

You dreamed Fainting for what it is - to an unpleasant incident that will amaze you.

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina What does fainting mean in a dream:

What does Fainting mean in a dream - Illness or sad news. Imagine that a fainted person is quickly revived.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Fainting - had a dream.

What does it mean in a dream Fainting what is it - disappointment.

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Fainting mean in a dream book?

Why dream What does it mean in a dream Fainting - It is as if you had a faint - you will soon receive unpleasant news; most likely, the news will relate to the illness of someone from the family. A young woman dreams that she had a faint - this woman leads a too careless lifestyle and gives many reasons for backbiting; this woman is too smart to waste her life for a long time, and one day she will radically change everything in her behavior.

What is the dream of Fainting for?

On this page, there are interpretations of our users' dreams on the topic Fainting, if you want to know what is the dream of Fainting in a dream, then we recommend that you go to our dream book at the link below:

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of Fainting for?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of Fainting by reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Fainting, but something else - use the search form online interpretations dreams.

What is the dream of Fainting

Fainting in a dream means a possible illness in your family and bad news.

If a young woman sees a dream, this means that she will experience disappointment, which will be the fault of her carefree lifestyle.

Dreaming Fainting

longing and loss of a close friend

What does sleep mean Fainting

If you dream that you fainted in a dream, then disappointment, unpleasant news, illness or the loss of a friend await you.

See in a dream Fainting

Sadness, loss of a friend.

What do dreams mean Fainting

Seeing in a dream how you faint is a breakdown.

Dream about Fainting

You will be unsettled by some news.

What does fainting mean in a dream

Seeing in a dream how you faint is to extreme surprise.

Meaning of dreams Fainting

If a young girl dreams that she fainted, this means that she will be disappointed in love because of her dissolute behavior.

What does fainting mean in a dream

If in a dream you are greatly struck by some unpleasant news and supposedly faint, in reality you will receive the most joyful news. Pretending to faint in order to test the man's reaction to your weakness - to a happy marriage if he kisses you, and to a spat if he is confused or fussy.

Seeing someone faint from exhaustion - you will need the help of friends to implement your plan. A hungry fainting foreshadows financial difficulties, debts and troubles in the family.

The meaning of sleep Fainting

Fainting in a dream portends unpleasant news or illness of someone close to you. For a young woman, such a dream portends disappointment in her own lifestyle.

Indicates possible illness in the family and bad news.

What in a dream predicts Fainting

to see in a dream a person who has fainted, - to sadness and grief.

What does it mean to see Fainting in a dream

Fainting in a dream or seeing how they faint - you will receive sad news or you will get sick.

Imagine that a fainted person is quickly revived.

Sleep Interpretation Fainting

Fainting dreams of unpleasant news.

The young woman dreamed that she fainted - in reality she should stop being so careless. Otherwise, she has solid disappointments ahead of her.

What the dream predicts Fainting

Fainting in a dream: symbolizes self-deception.

If you dream that someone has fainted or you yourself faint: this is a warning that in reality you did not notice something important or you close your eyes to some urgent problem.

Such dreams suggest that self-deception will not help fix the situation and will only harm you.

Dream meaning Fainting

An event that will shock you beyond belief.

In a dream, see Fainting

If you faint in a dream, you will be disappointed.

Where else did the fainting come from? Are they losing consciousness now over trifles? Yes! They lose and faint - in Mexican TV shows. I've seen enough!

Sleep prediction Fainting

For an unpleasant incident that will amaze you.

What is the dream of Fainting

Fainting is a serious sin.

Mom fainted

Dream Interpretation - After the flight, I fell into the mud

SLEEP is the dreamer's experience of her life. FLY with my husband on homemade apparatus- great ambitions of the dreamer, but with minimal personal capabilities. The husband below, the dreamer ABOVE Lying - a visual life position of the dreamer (from above - on public display, but still passive, HOLDING for your simple structure - the fruit of your own actions, the chosen life strategy). The aircraft descends and begins to fall - a sign of an approaching crisis in relationships and the ability to avoid it through self-control and control over emotions (and this is the right way out - and it happened in a dream). But ... The dreamer, instead of a height, found herself at the STOP of public TRANSPORT - a period of comprehensive stagnation in relations with her husband and in business due to uncertainty, an attempt to understand the reasons for what was happening. At the bus stop, the GUY HITS THE GIRL, then puts a bag with brown contents (tobacco or drugs) in her pocket - the dreamer's fear of family disagreements due to dependence on high level life, which was kindly provided to her by a wealthy husband ((the husband bought tobacco - a drug, and he himself does not smoke - the husband is not a "malicious consumer", he himself is the source of all the "pleasures" of the dreamer, as well as misfortunes (brown powder)). on DARK STREET, walking in front, husband behind - the situation is a harbinger of the dreamer's loneliness with unclear prospects.The dreamer wants to GO TO THE STREET, but FALLS into the DIRT, getting stuck in it - the dreamer is not ready to overpower major changes in her life (not ready to part with her husband), because, in this case, the dreamer is fixated (bogged down) on financial well-being(the mud is homogeneous, as for cosmetics / procedures - finances are very necessary for the dreamer to maintain her image / appearance). The dreamer almost LOSES THE LEFT BOOT, but picks it up - the dreamer's "left" plans are not destined to come true, the dreamer decides to leave everything as it is, but she is overwhelmed with negative emotions due to her dependence on her husband (the dreamer scolds her husband for being greedy) ... The dreamer really wants to free herself from her husband and find her own, more independent position, but she is completely and completely absorbed in the business personality of her husband, who is absolutely unpleasant to her in life, like a man (the husband wants to kiss the dreamer, the kiss is old, like historical event- the fatal, fateful relationship of the dreamer with her husband). The dreamer insists on a TAXI, wants HOME - the dreamer really wants a true, sincere relationship, and not those in reality. The dreamer looks at her clean, undressed LEGS - the dreamer dreams of renewing her life, changing for the better (from a clean slate, in her opinion). The dreamer fell, leaning on HANDS - a timely hint in a dream to the dreamer that she will not lose her status and position in reality if she relies on cooperation and personal "ingenuity" (rather, in marriage), that is, the dreamer's fate in reality, according to in fact, in HER HANDS. Best regards LIBYA.

Dream interpretation - the child fell

Sleep is a reflection of your strong feelings and worries about your son. In order not to program an unwanted event with unnecessary experiences (thoughts can materialize), and to be calmer yourself, do this exercise: Transformation of negative energy When we are possessed by bad thoughts, we become a source of negative energy, which harms the world around us, but first of all ourselves. When you feel your condition, do the following technique. 1. While inhaling, collect a frightening (aggressive) thought into a tight lump. An unpleasant sensation will be a heavy clot to collect in your chest. 2. With a slow exhalation, push out the pressure lump in the form of a dark ball, release it up through your head and imagine how high above your head it bursts, turning into sparks of light, into flower petals. Thereby you transform negative energy and destroy the resulting bad program.

Dream interpretation - the child fell

Does your mother look after him? She can make a mistake. We must give her a rest so that nothing bad happens.

Dream interpretation - the child fell

Do not worry, the dream of course reflects your excitement about the child, but speaks of something else. To realize some idea (child), you need to attract all your wisdom (mother, well). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dilapidated balcony - the son fell

These dreams reflected the realization of the meaning of life by the Dreamer as a Whole - the Dreamer got out from some unknown Room to the dilapidated Balcony; The Son can help, but does not hold on to That, falls from the Balcony; uncomfortable Place downstairs under the balcony; A Son on a Bed with bruises, where the Son himself is the hope and meaning of the Dreamer's life at the moment in reality, the life of her Soul in the Body (Energy Forces of the Soul that need to be replenished and supported now). An Old Apartment in the city center, on the First Floor, without Repair, but with a Balcony (Recovery), which the Dreamer can take for a ridiculous Price, but through the necessary manipulations with Documents, symbolizes the Dreamer's previous Life Attitudes (an overestimated material level of perception of life, not consistent with Soul - the Son fell from the Fifth floor and disappeared), which need to be revised-lower (First floor, no repairs) so that the life of the Soul continues. A neighbor who entered old apartment and passed through the Dressing Room and Toilet with Bathroom - means in reality the ultimate (necessary) level of material perception of life, so as not to interfere with the life of the Soul (energy balance, internal balance of Forces, the prosperous Neighborhood of Body and Soul - Apartment with secrets in a dream). This is a dream about this, to help the Dreamer, who has everything ahead. Best regards Libya.

Dream interpretation - the ceiling fell, then rose

Highly good dream, prompting the Dreamer to realize her emotions and take them under the control of Consciousness, thereby arriving at a balanced and calm state in reality - stretched ceiling by itself stretches and begins to sag in a dream, hold it with Hands so that it Keeps at its level, the Ceiling does not stretch further and stabilizes (this is the level of rigid Consciousness, in contrast to the flexible psyche - a sagging ceiling). It is clear that unconscious emotions, as a reaction to the outside world, led the Dreamer's fragile psyche to a nervous breakdown at one time, and it could not be otherwise. But now the Dreamer already knows the nature of a nervous breakdown (unconscious and uncontrollable Emotions of her own and those of those around her), therefore, a conscious state for her, stability and good luck in the future.

Dream interpretation - The child fell from the roof

The dream reflected the feeling of your insecurity (uncomfortable on the roof), you really want to make your life easier (they want to help, hands). This will help you to change the relationship with your child (she dies, you go down safely), and you need to be a little more practical (grass) and calmer (birch trees). The paradox of the thought of work, so that the dream is remembered and a reminder that only you are able to change anything in your life (to get you to work). The right choice and good luck.

Dream interpretation - Mother's death

In view of emotional outbursts, you might have had such a dream. You should understand that your mother is no longer the same as in childhood and that it’s probably time for you to grow up. Even if not everything is going well with her husband, you should not go to your mother, hope for her support, she is no longer able to help you, imagine for a moment that she is no longer there, where will you go then, who will you bring your problems to? Get used to treating your mother like your child (she is now weak) - have pity on her, become more caring for your loved ones, have less pity on yourself and more than others - this attitude towards life will make you stronger and wiser! You shouldn't once again upset your mom over little things, you will kiss your husband and make up later, but what about your mom - it is not always easy for her to understand and forgive your husband, the fact that you do not live very well, but is it so bad for really? There is no need, because of your whims and some youthful immaturity, to bother your parents, literally forcing everyone to experience your love scenes and "soap operas" - after all, the price of such performances can be the health of your mother. Do I need to throw around such dear people in order to satisfy my whims and selfishness ?! By your behavior, you are digging a hole for yourself and your mother, because all the hassles, tears - all this is not so easy to forget and survive at her age! Of course, it’s easier for you because of your youth, but what will happen later, you cannot bring back yesterday, you cannot rewrite your memory. Mom will not be and there will be no one to ask for forgiveness! Think before you complain and run to your mom. Are you not able to solve your problems without your parents? After all, you probably did not ask your mother when you went to bed with your future husband ?! What do you want now ?! To return everything back? Themselves wanted to be an adult - be! Or do you use your mother as a means to tease, annoy your husband - trying to make him your own toy in your hands ?! Your dream - so far only warns you.