Braised hazel grouse. How to cook hazel grouse: the most delicious recipes

The hazel grouse is a very desirable trophy for every hunting enthusiast, also because of its great culinary value. Since the hazel grouse chooses only unpolluted, ecologically clean forests for their habitat and nesting, the meat of this bird is considered very useful.

The hazel grouse dish is a truly royal table decoration. Properly cooked, hazel grouse will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmet.

This is a small bird with a carcass weight of about 400 grams. The meat is very tender and tasty. No wonder this upland bird is more valuable than a partridge, pheasant, black grouse or wood grouse.

Cooking any game has its own characteristics due to the specific taste of meat. How to properly cook hazel grouse so that it becomes a signature dish of any table, we will tell you in this article.

Features of hazel grouse meat

Slightly noticeable bitterness gives the meat an exquisite piquancy. There is also a light nutty flavor.

Grouse belongs to the order of chickens, and he cooks like poultry. Despite the fact that this is a wild bird, the meat is very soft and delicate in taste, white-pink in color.

By its qualities, hazel grouse meat is extremely useful, it is low-fat and is considered dietary. Its calorie content is 25 calories per 100 grams. It is highly valued for its high content of phosphorus, potassium and sodium, as well as B vitamins. In addition, it is rich in protein, which makes it the nutritional leader among upland game.

Cooking secrets

It is very important that during the culinary processing of the meat of this valuable bird, nutrients are preserved.

To do this, you need to know the rules of how to cook hazel grouse:

  1. Immediately before cooking, the carcass must be placed in a container with cold water, and left to lie down for 1 hour. Better yet, pour in milk, bring to a boil. Then quickly remove it from the pan with milk, no need to boil it. By pre-processing the carcass, you will get more juicy meat without damaging its nutritional value and taste.
  2. To prevent the bird from becoming dry, fill the carcass with fresh lard. The fat must be cut into fairly large pieces.
  3. If the meat is dark, then the bird is stale, or the storage rules have been violated.
  4. You need to cook this bird by turning on the high temperature. You need to cook quickly so that the meat does not dry out. The dish is ready in half an hour. You can check the readiness with a cooking needle (the needle pierces the meat easily, and also comes out easily).
  5. Hazel grouse can be subjected to any culinary treatment. It can be stewed, boiled, baked, fried. It is important to remember that this bird is not pickled.
  6. For the preparation of game, spices and salt are used in minimal quantities.

How to cook outdoors

Hunters often cook the bird immediately after prey. What could be tastier than game fried on skewers or a spit? In field conditions, the carcass can be baked in clay.

However, experienced hunters know that hazel grouse makes a wonderful stew on fire. The scents of smoke and the surrounding forest lend a unique flavor to this camping dish.

To cook hazel grouse soup in field conditions, you need:

  1. The carcass is gutted, cut into pieces (optimally 4) and boiled over a fire. Water is poured in such an amount that it is twice as much as meat. To make the broth rich, you need to get 2 or 3 birds.
  2. Next, prepare a dressing for the chowder: finely chop the potatoes, salt, and add pepper to taste (spices and salt should be used to a minimum).
  3. Fried onions are added.
  4. The game is boiled for half an hour, then washed rice is added.

After laying the rice, the hazel grouse soup is cooked over low heat until tender.

You can add mushrooms found during the trip to the soup. They must be fried with onions. Mushrooms will give the game an indescribable flavor.

The best recipes

In home cooking, a huge variety of recipes for how to cook hazel grouse are known.

This bird, amazing in its taste, goes well with vegetables. The choice of mushrooms or berries (especially forest berries) as a sauce for dietary game meat will be good.

The French, for example, are very fond of hazel grouse pies. These pies are baked from puff pastry. In addition, there is a known recipe for Olivier salad, where fillets of this wild bird are used.

When there is a choice of which hazel grouse dishes to cook, it is no wonder to get confused. There are a lot of them: dietary and savory salads, roast (with cheese and pineapples), baked in the oven, stewed in sauce or with vegetables. Now this bird is cooked even in a slow cooker. The most delicious and aromatic dishes are broths and soups cooked on its basis.

Let's consider the most interesting and uncomplicated ways of how to cook hazel grouse.

The easiest recipe

  • hazel grouse carcass;
  • lard - 150 g;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.
  • cream (or sour cream) - 200 ml;
  • broth - 200 ml.

First, the carcass (whole) is gutted. Then rub it with salt and black pepper. Processed meat must be stuffed with lard. Then the bird is fried over high heat for half an hour. Serve with vegetables.

The main sauce for this bird is prepared on the basis of the oil used in frying. You need to add cream (or sour cream) to the butter, you can add broth. Then everything is boiled. It turns out a very tasty dressing.

Delicious meatballs


  • hazel grouses -2 pcs.;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • loaf (or white bread);
  • broth - 200 ml.

You need to make minced meat from poultry fillets, add a loaf soaked in milk (white bread) to it. Then salt and pepper are added to taste. The whole mass is kneaded and small balls are formed.

Stew the meatballs in a deep saucepan for about 15 minutes. A little butter is put on the bottom of the saucepan, broth is poured, in which the meatballs are stewed.

Rice sprinkled with any sauce is an ideal side dish for the most tender meatballs.

Oven-baked hazel grouse with pineapple and white wine

How to cook a hazel grouse in the oven tasty and unusual?

For this recipe you will need:

  • poultry carcass;
  • half a pineapple;
  • some olive (or vegetable) oil;
  • 100 ml of white wine;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The poultry must be cut lengthwise, sprinkled with salt and pepper, then fry. Exotic fruit needs to be peeled. Pineapple cut into small pieces should also be fried.

Put the fried pineapple in the first layer in the form, on top - the prepared carcass. Pour wine over everything, sprinkle with spices. The hazel grouse is baked in the oven for at least 20 minutes. When serving such a dish for a festive feast, or to add even more piquancy, you can pour pineapple juice on the dish.

Fried hazel grouses with sour cream sauce

This cooking method will appeal to those who like unusual food combinations.

Required products:

  • poultry carcass - 3-4 pcs.;
  • milk - 1.5 l;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • roasted hazelnuts - a handful;
  • greens (optional);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Washed and gutted carcasses are stacked in a saucepan. Pour milk there and bring to a boil. After boiling, immediately remove the bird and place on a paper towel.

You need to rub the dried poultry with salt and spices, and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Chop greens and combine with chopped hazelnuts. Stuff with this mixture of hazel grouse, and place the bird in a baking dish, previously greased with sour cream.

In an oven heated to 180 degrees, the dish should stand for at least half an hour. During cooking, it is necessary to periodically water the hazel grouse with sour cream and the released juice. When the hazel grouse is ready in the oven, cover the dish with foil, after 10-15 minutes you can enjoy a great taste.

Fried hazel grouse with lingonberries

An amazingly tasting way of cooking game - fried hazel grouses, a recipe with lingonberries. This recipe is suitable for a festive table, lingonberry perfectly sets off the specific taste of game, and gives the dish a unique aroma.

You will need:

  • whole carcass;
  • fresh lingonberries (in extreme cases, you can use good quality frozen ones) - 200-300 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • lump sugar - 1-2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 200 ml.

Wash and gut the hazel grouse, fill it fresh or frozen (first defrost it). Put sugar and butter inside the carcass.

The bird needs to be coated with sour cream and fry it until golden brown. Then add sour cream to the pan, put the fried hazel grouse and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

The royal dish is ready! Not a single guest will remain indifferent to such a delicious treat.

Grouse salad with vegetables and pasta

Required ingredients per serving - 4 servings:

  • fried game fillet - 300 g;
  • dry pasta - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • celery root - 50 g;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare pasta, pre-salt the water, rinse in cold water when ready, and leave in a colander. Peel carrots and celery. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes. Boil carrots, mushrooms, celery in salted water, and then cool.
Season the fried meat with pepper and cut into cubes. Squeeze lemon juice into mayonnaise sauce. Combine boiled vegetables, meat and pasta. Season with sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Complement the salad with a tomato and boiled egg decoration.


By watching our video, you will learn how to cook a delicious roast hazel grouse with tomatoes.

Photos of fried hazel grouses, which I once cooked at home, after a successful autumn hunt. By tradition, before going through the cooking options for a particular game, the first thing I try to do is always prepare the first specimens using very simple methods in order, so to speak, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe product. So it was this time. I rubbed the hazel grouse with salt, black pepper and olive oil, and then just fried it until cooked in a pan. The platter of this game of birds turned out great except for one thing - a little birdie, and ended very quickly!

  • Grouse - 1 pc.;
  • One sprig of thyme and one rosemary;
  • Olive or vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt, black pepper;

One of the simplest recipes for cooking hazel grouse, since the game lightly marinated in spicy herbs and black pepper is simply fried in a pan until a beautiful golden brown crust.

Grouse fried step by step photo recipe

I am telling you how to quickly and easily cook fried hazel grouse. The recipe is very simple, so we can do without lengthy introductions.

Pluck and gut the hazel grouse, rinse and cut into four parts (cut off the breast, then cut the resulting both parts of the game in half, but along the length). I cleaned and gutted my hazel grouse while hunting, and what can you say, did not become zealous with plucking, but simply removed the skin from it. If you have the time and desire, of course, it is better to pluck the bird, of course, and not preach as I did ...

Put the prepared pieces of game on a flat dish, salt them to taste and pepper with freshly ground black pepper,

Pinch off the leaves from the thyme sprig (optional),

Sprinkle with a little vegetable oil,

Thoroughly coat the pieces of hazel grouse with the resulting marinade,

And we leave the game in this form, salt and marinate for 20 minutes,

Then pour some more olive oil into the pan, then (in cold oil) send garlic chopped into plastics, and a sprig of rosemary, mix everything and wait until the oil warms up,

And when the oil heats up and is saturated with the aroma of garlic and rosemary (garlic and rosemary should not start to burn!), Send pieces of hazel grouse into the pan, fry the game on one side for 2-3 minutes,

Then we turn the pieces of game over, and fry them for a couple of minutes on the other side,

After that, cover the pan with a lid, and periodically stirring the hazel grouses,

Fry them under the lid for 10-12 minutes until about this ruddy state. Maybe, of course, cover it with a lid and it was not very necessary, but I began to worry about something on the topic “how can I, foolishly, not dry out this tender game”.

After that, fried hazel grouses can be immediately served by decorating the game with sprigs of greens, fresh vegetables (and even with slices of pineapple!),

Or, serve the game with mashed potatoes as a side dish, which will also be very tasty and somewhat more satisfying! Bon appetit, everyone, and good luck in preparing the recipe for fried hazel grouses described above!

Useful properties of game

Grouse has white, lean and tender meat, which contains a lot of proteins and fats, which makes it quite nutritious. This game is very highly valued for the content of potassium, sodium and phosphorus in meat, as well as a large amount of vitamins of group B. Also, the nutritional value of hazel grouse meat lies in its balanced composition, which, in addition to proteins and fats, contains vitamins of groups A, E, and PP. In addition, it is full of valuable trace elements: calcium, sulfur and choline. The calorie content of hazel grouse meat is 250 calories per 100 g.

Regular consumption of hazel grouse meat reduces fatigue, helps to regulate metabolic processes, improves human brain activity and is an excellent prevention of many cardiovascular diseases.

In the field

Optimal hazel grouse during the hike fry on skewers or cook a delicious chowder... To do this, the gutted carcass is cut into 4 parts and boiled in a cauldron. For a rich broth, it is better to use 2-3 birds. There should be twice as much water. Refueling can be of two options:

  1. If it was possible to collect mushrooms during the hunt, then they are fried along with onions, added to the broth. After 10-15 minutes, finely chopped potatoes, salt and pepper to taste are sent to the soup.
  2. Finely chopped onions are fried in lard. The fry is dipped into a cauldron. After 20-25 minutes, the chowder is seasoned with salt, pepper and well-washed rice. Cook over low heat until tender.

In home kitchen the menu of grouse dishes is much more extensive: from diet salad, simple roast to French grouse (with red wine) and pineapple for gourmets.

Hazel grouse with wild berries

This dish is even worthy of a festive table, the bird turns out to be very tasty and tender. How to cook hazel grouse with wild berries? The recipe is simple, even a novice hostess can handle it.


  • hazel grouse carcass - 1 pc .;
  • cranberries - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

For cooking, it is better to use chilled poultry, but you can also use frozen poultry. Cover the cranberries with granulated sugar and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then fill the carcass with the mixture. You also need to put a piece of butter inside the hazel grouse. After that, coat the carcass with sour cream and place in the rooster. You need to bake the bird at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. When serving, it is advisable to pour the carcass with the resulting juice, then the hazel grouse dish will be especially tender.

Cooking secrets

Grouse dishes have a specific flavor, so it is important to know some of the features of its preparation. Grouse is cooked like any poultry, but in order to preserve valuable nutrients during cooking, you need to know the basic rules of preparation.

Culinary experts highly appreciate this product for its beneficial properties and excellent taste. The hazel grouse meat, although tender, is somewhat dry compared to chicken. It has an exquisite nutty aroma, a subtle coniferous flavor and a slight bitterness, which gives the finished dish a unique piquancy and sophistication. Properly cooked, hazel grouse will amaze the most sophisticated gourmet.

Meat, due to the large amount of connective tissue, is tough and difficult to heat treatment. Old birds are kept a little longer than young ones. If the meat is old, it is tough and dark, and the bones are strong. Also, if the carcass is dark in color, the bird may be stale or the rules for its storage have been violated.

Immediately before cooking the hazel grouse, its carcass must be soaked in a container of cold water for at least an hour. Better yet, pour milk, which must be brought to a boil, but not boiled. To prevent the poultry from becoming dry after cooking, you can fill it with fresh pork lard, which must be cut into large pieces. Having previously processed the carcass in one of the ways, you will get more juicy and softer meat without spoiling its taste and nutritional value.

This delicacy should be cooked at a high temperature and so that the meat does not dry out - this is done very quickly. Almost any grouse dish is ready in half an hour. You can check the readiness of the dish with a culinary needle (if ready, the needle easily pierces the meat).

This bird can be subjected to any culinary treatment: meat can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked. However, it is important to remember that this bird is not pickled. Before frying, the wings and head of the game are chopped off, and the legs are tucked into the body and tied with threads, and after cooking they are removed. For the preparation of hazel grouses, salt and spices are used in minimal quantities.

Cooking features

Experienced chefs advise leave the poultry in cold water for an hour before cooking, or it is better to put it in a saucepan with milk and heat to the boiling point, immediately taking it out (do not boil!). Pre-treatment makes the meat more juicy without affecting its nutritional value.

To avoid overdrying the hazel grouse dish, stuff the carcass with lard (fresh, pre-cut into large pieces).

The hazel grouse lends itself to all types of processing: it is boiled, fried, baked, stewed, but do not pickle! Moreover, it is prepared quite quickly in 20-30 minutes.

If the meat has darkened, then the storage rules have been violated..

Grouse grouse harmonizes well with wild berries (especially with lingonberries) and vegetables, matches well with mushrooms (especially chanterelles). This bird has become widespread in French cuisine. By the way, in the original, hazel grouse fillet was added to the famous Olivier.

What can be cooked from hazel grouse? It has long been known in Russia many options for cooking hazel grouse: fillet is suitable for savory salads, roast is combined with vegetables or cheese crust. Thanks to Mayakovsky, a combination of hazel grouse and exotic pineapples is known. Grouse dishes are good both on the table of an exquisite restaurant and at a campfire.

How to cook hazel grouse at home? There are many ways, both simple and complex. This bird is very popular with French chefs. Even the famous Olivier salad originally contained hazel grouse meat. But this delicious bird needs to be cooked correctly, without observing some of the subtleties, the dish can be spoiled.

Do not use hazel grouses that have changed their color in food, because darkened meat is a sign of improper storage of the product. To make the bird juicy, you must first stuff it with lard or pieces of vegetable oil. It is recommended to soak the hazel grouse in warm water, but not in boiling water.

Pork hazel grouses are very often mentioned in many recipes, but not every housewife knows what this is about. In fact, everything is very simple "pork grouse" - this is the upper part of the leg. To obtain a "pork hazel grouse", the back of the ham is separated, eliminating the thick bone, while the thin bone remains inside. Let's find out with you how to cook deliciously pork hazel grouses.

Pork hazel grouses - recipe


  • pork knuckle with skin - 4 pcs .;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic to taste;
  • beer - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


To prepare pork hazel grouses, first unfold them. In the middle, rub with salt and spices, put the squeezed garlic there. Next, cut the peeled onions into small cubes. Put the pickled meat in a pre-oiled cast iron and sprinkle the meat with onions and spices, put the bay leaf. We press everything from above well and close the lid. We put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

After 50 minutes, open the lid, pour a glass of beer there, and then send the iron pot back to the oven for 3 hours. That's all, after a long wait, our pork hazel grouses are ready!

Pork hazel grouse with sour cream


  • pork hazel grouse - 6 pcs.;
  • champignons - 700 g;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, spices to taste.


Rinse the hazel grouses thoroughly in cold water, put them in a saucepan and fill them with cold water. Cook with spices, onions, salt and garlic. Then we take out the meat, filter the broth and boil the washed mushrooms in it.

Then we take a cast iron pot, fry the onion, add the mushrooms, spread the hazel grouses and fill everything with broth. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Add sour cream at the very end 10 minutes before cooking.

If you put the dish in the oven too late, and it won't ripen for dinner, then we suggest you use other meat and cook pork with beans or pork with apples.

Pork hazel grouse in the oven

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Many people do not know what pork hazel grouse is, they have no idea why this recipe is so good, and, of course, they do not know how to cook it at all. This is the back shank, cut from the thick bone in a special way, in which the thin bone remains inside, i.e. meat on the bone.

Due to ignorance, excellent dishes are left unattended, but it is never too late to fix it. If there are several pork knuckles in the kitchen - "hazel grouse", onions, garlic, spices and fresh good sour cream, then you can safely get down to business and create real kitchen magic.

  • Pork hazel grouses 1 kg
  • Sour cream 500 gr
  • Onions 5 pcs
  • Garlic cloves 5 pcs
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices to taste
  1. Rinse and dry pork with a towel and unfold as far as possible to better marinate.
  2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Or the garlic can be grated or chopped with a garlic press.
  3. All meat slices must be gently grated with spices and salt, and then add onion and garlic to the center.
  4. Each "hazel grouse" must be wrapped and fixed so that the meat does not disintegrate during heat treatment, for this you can use toothpicks or wooden skewers.
  5. Prepare a small mold or pot, brush with oil. Put the pork on the bottom, sprinkle with the rest of the garlic, onion and spices.
  6. The form is sent to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1.5 hours (the time depends on the size and amount of meat).
  7. The last step is adding sour cream. Sour cream should be poured over "hazel grouses" 30 minutes before serving, and so that it does not completely evaporate and does not burn, the form can be covered with a lid or ordinary foil on top.
  8. Garnish with vegetables before serving. As for the side dish, any will do, but pork goes especially well with potatoes in any form.

Meat dishes have always been highly valued in every family and for good reason, because a hearty treat prepared with your own hands for loved ones becomes a real work of art. However, even the most beloved recipe loses its relevance over time. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cook something new as often as possible.

Delicious tender pork hazel grouse with sour cream will surely please everyone who tries them. This dish can be used to decorate both a modest dinner and a chic celebration.

Cook deliciously and enjoy your meal!

Recipe: baked pork hazel grouses with prunes

I asked my husband to buy pork for the second course. When I get back from the store, I saw this. Pork grouse. I immediately remembered the song: "Eat pineapples, chew hazel grouses, your last day is coming bourgeois."

I tell those who do not know. "Pork hazel grouse" is the back knuckle so cut from the thick bone that the thin one remains inside. It was decided to pickle the hazel grouse and think about what to do with them next. Marinated with the seasoning that was in the house and garlic.

And I would like to draw your attention - I DIDN'T SALT. ... Wrapped up with cling film and sent to the refrigerator overnight

In fact, you don't need to marinate for so long, 20 minutes is enough - while the oven is warming up.

She wrapped it in cling film and sent it to the refrigerator overnight. In fact, you don't need to marinate for so long, 20 minutes is enough - while the oven is warming up.

In order to bring the dish to the end, I took salt, prunes (it’s painfully prunes go well with pork)

The next day I got it. Rubbed with salt. I put 2 prunes in the middle and stabbed them with toothpicks. Put in a baking dish

and put it in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The baking time may increase or decrease depending on the size of the hazel grouse. Decorated with vegetables before serving.

It turned out to be a very original and at the same time dish, which is not a shame to treat guests. Enjoy your meal!

Pork hazel grouse with spices and plums

Like a little bird, but already a pig!

For the first time a friend introduced me to the term “pork hazel grouse”. We girls had a tradition to gather once a year for a pork knuckle. But once instead of a knuckle, my friend cooked "hazel grouses". It was incredibly tasty and vodka! So I learned about the existence of this interesting product. But let's not be distracted by memories, otherwise Man will say, I’m opening my tongue again, yyyy. Let's go back to the recipe. We do not often manage to buy good “hazel grouses”, but this time I was lucky. So let's get started.

For "hazel grouses" in the amount of 4 pieces, we need: onion - 4 pieces. carrots - 4 large garlic - 5-6 cloves black and allspice pepper - 10-15 peas each mixture of spices for meat (bought on the market) - 1 tsp. hot peppers (I have 3 pieces of cayenne). I say right away - this is sharp! But we love it so much, and you take it according to your taste. cumin - 1 tsp. cinnamon - half a stick of prunes (I have pickled plums of my own preparation) - 20 pieces, vegetable oil.

I grind the peppers in a mortar.

I add the spice mixture and hot pepper.

I cut the garlic into small pieces and stuff our "hazel grouses" with it.

I sprinkle the meat on all sides with spices and give it a light massage.

I unfold the hazel grouse and put 2 plums in the middle.

I fold the "hazel grouse" back, I do not fasten anything with toothpicks, everything is holding on so well. I cut the onions and carrots into half rings, not very thinly.

I take out a cast-iron goose-maker, which I inherited from my grandmother, and which continues to serve me faithfully.

I grease the walls of the cast iron with vegetable oil and send a layer of onions and carrots there (half of the chopped one).

Now plums and spices (also half)

I put the "hazel grouse" with a cut down.

Second layer of onions, carrots and plums.

I add the remaining spices and cinnamon. The aroma of cinnamon will dominate, so if you don't like this intense flavor, add less.

I add water to the marinade that I have left from the plums. It came out somewhere about a glass of liquid.

I pour all this into the meat and send the cast iron into the oven. For a long time ...

First, I cook for 45-50 minutes at 200 C, then a little more than 2 hours at 170 C. In total, the meat should be stewed for 3-3.5 hours. Since it is quite tough, it needs a long quenching. Wait a long time. It's time to pour yourself and my husband a glass of beer and do something else besides cooking.

The moment of truth has arrived. I take it out, open it ...

I try not to lose my mind from the aromas that have escaped to freedom. And the aromas, I can tell you, are unbearably beautiful! We serve and enjoy.

It's worth repeating! Enjoy your culinary discoveries!

Oven baked pork in foil

Pork meat 1 kg. Pork steaks in the oven. Culinary recipe Grouse with mushroom sauce.

Pork grouse is the piece of leg that is closest to the hoof. Salt the chopped cabbage, mash well with your hands, mix with rice.

A very simple steak recipe for dinner. If you like the recipe, please subscribe to my channel. Prepare hazel grouses Put the finished meat on a dish, cut into portions and pour over the resulting meat juice.

Can be cooked in any heat-resistant saucepan or even on the stove. Issue 4 - Grilled pork hazel grouse with vegetables Put the ovens out yesterday after lunch, so that those who look before lunch do not have saliva dripping, but something comp.

Issue 4 - Grilled pork hazel grouse with vegetables. Especially for our Guests, read "Hazel" - a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, as well as my grandmother's signature dish.

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Also read what you can cook from hazel grouse (poultry).

Cooking hazel grouses

You can stuff with hazel grouse or only onions, or one lingonberry. Onions add sweetness, and lingonberries add light sourness. We propose to combine these two ingredients so that the filling is juicy and spicy, this will have a positive effect on the taste of the finished hazel grouses.

  1. According to the step-by-step photo recipe, you need to start cooking hazel grouses in the oven with the preparation of meat. Take the grouse carcasses and rinse them thoroughly under running water. Then put them in a bowl, cover with cold water and soak for six to seven hours. The water needs to be changed from time to time. As a result, the meat will become softer, and the bitterness (it is sometimes present, since one of the main food of hazel grouses is birch buds) will go away.
  2. After the specified time, the carcasses must be removed from the water and allowed to dry. You can use a paper towel.
  3. Now salt each carcass and rub with the selected spices. Next, onions need to be peeled, washed and dried. Chop the vegetable finely. Wash the lingonberries too. Stuff the hazel grouse with the onion and lingonberry mixture. The legs must be attached to the carcass with a toothpick so that they do not burn. Next, the hazel grouse breast should be stuffed with medium-sized chopped pork lard. This will take care of the juiciness of the finished dish.
  4. Place the prepared carcasses on an ovenproof dish and microwave. Bake them for ten minutes at full power. At this time, you need to peel the potatoes and one onion. Wash and dry the vegetables. Next, the potatoes need to be coarsely chopped, salt to taste and rolled in spices, cut the onions into rings. After ten minutes, remove the hazel grouses from the microwave. You can see that they are almost ready.
  5. Prepare an ovenproof baking dish. Add a small amount of vegetable (any, for example, olive or sunflower oil) oil to it. Coat the carcasses with mayonnaise on top and place in a container.
  6. In the remaining space in the mold, carefully place the potatoes and onion rings.
  7. Top the ingredients with mayonnaise and add some soy sauce for spice if desired (you need a little). Place the mold in the oven and turn it on at 250 degrees. The baking time is one hour.
  8. After that, the hazel grouses, baked in the oven, are ready. As you can see, making them at home using a recipe with step by step photos is quite simple. Every culinary specialist can do this. You can supplement a delicious dish with pickles or your favorite salad, but, in fact, it is already a full-fledged delicacy for lunch or dinner, because there is both a meat component and a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

Another recipe

Vegetable oil to grease the cast iron. We will expose the meat to a long stewing, I give a link, we stock up on drinks and the patience of patience rkcept more than enough, but the drinks are hidden somewhere. You can take any spices to your taste. I took these, which were closer.

So, we unfold the hazel grouse, rub it with salt, pepper and spices, lay the chopped garlic. We manage with the rest of the game.

Cut the onion into squares or cubes. We put the meat in a greased pot, I don’t know why, sprinkling it with onions and spices, add lavrushka. Close it tightly with a lid and send it to the oven at gr. Now you can relax a little and have a drink to read the article. A mug of beer is drunk, a new one is poured. I got out of the situation like this - I poured a glass of beer into a cast iron, closed it and left it to stew for another 5 hours. In the meantime, let's think about the side dish.

After the May Day rains, the forest is full of morels. Morel is the earliest mushroom and is very tasty. Fried or rather stewed mushrooms with onions and prunes.

Delicious hazel grouse dishes

Various cooking options for this bird have long been known in Russia: fillet is great for savory salads, and roast is combined with cheese crust, vegetables or exotic pineapples. Delicacy hazel grouse goes well with wild berries (for example, lingonberries), and a successful combination with mushrooms (especially chanterelles) deserves the praise of the most refined gourmets. Grouse meat has become widespread in French cuisine: in the original recipe, the famous cook Olivier added the hazel grouse fillet to his signature salad. Dishes made from this exquisite game are good both on the table of any gourmet restaurant and around the fire.

Oven baked poultry with a side dish

Hazel grouse, cooked in the oven at home, will become a favorite of any festive table. The recipe for this dish with a spicy taste and golden brown crust is quite simple, and any housewife can cook it. So:

  • hazel grouse carcass - 2-3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • cheese (parmesan) - 200-250 g;
  • 1 beaten egg white;
  • mayonnaise - 80 g;
  • flour, butter, dill and spices (to your taste).

To prepare the dish, beat one protein with salt (a pinch) until a lush foam is formed. Mix flour with grated cheese. Pre-processed carcasses should be rubbed with salt, spices, and then thickly greased with whipped protein. Treat the carcasses with breading (in flour mixed with parmesan) and put it all on a greased baking sheet.

Place whole potatoes wrapped in foil next to the bird on a baking sheet and send to the oven to bake. After 30-40 minutes, remove the potatoes from the oven, cut into two parts, grease each of them with mayonnaise and bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown. Grouse is served uncut, with baked ruddy potatoes on the sides and chopped dill sprinkled on the dish.

Grouse baked in the oven with pineapple and white wine

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 1 poultry carcass;
  • pineapple - half;
  • 100 ml of white wine;
  • some vegetable (olive) oil;
  • salt, spices to taste.

The carcass should be cut, sprinkled with salt, spices and fried. The pineapple must be peeled, cut into small pieces and also fried.

Put the dish in a special form in layers: first - fried pineapple, on top - fried carcass. Pour white wine over the dish and sprinkle with spices. Grouse is baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serving a treat to the festive table for more piquancy, you can pour pineapple juice on this dish.

Grouse fried with lingonberry filling

This is a classic dish of Russian folk cuisine. To know how to cook a dish that will delight everyone with subtle taste sensations, use the recipe:

  • poultry carcasses - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 300 g fresh or soaked lingonberries;
  • 20 g sl. butter or heavy cream;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Fill the carcasses with lingonberries mixed with butter or granulated sugar, then grease them with sour cream and fry on the maximum setting in the oven for 30 minutes until a delicious crust forms. The result is an exquisite culinary masterpiece: the most tender hazel grouse meat in sour cream-lingonberry sauce.


  1. Put the hazel grouse and the rest of the ingredients on the desktop. If the hazel grouse is frozen, then it must first be defrosted. After that, the game must be soaked in water for 1 hour. Then the carcass must be divided lengthwise into two halves, as shown in the photo.
  2. Sprinkle the half carcasses with pepper and salt, then rub with any refined vegetable (except olive) oil. In view of the fact that the hazel grouse will be fried, you should choose an oil suitable for such a procedure.
  3. While the halves of the bird are marinating, melt the lard in a skillet over medium heat. Since hazel grouse meat is slightly dry by nature, pork fat will serve as a moisturizing component.
  4. After a sufficient amount of fat has been melted (see photo), the remaining fat must be removed from the pan.
  5. Put the prepared parts of the hazel grouse, soaked in spices, with the skin down on a hot frying pan and reduce the heat.
  6. It is necessary to fry the meat halves on both sides until a dark, brown crust.
  7. Then the parts, leaning on top of each other, put on unroasted edges and brown the remaining light places.
  8. Onions, finely diced or thinly cut into half rings, must be added to the almost finished hazel grouse. While the onions are fried, the halves of the carcass must be constantly turned over so that they are saturated with the onion aroma. After the onion turns golden, lower the temperature to a minimum, put a sprig of rosemary on the pieces of meat and cover with a lid. Stew the meat and grass for just a couple of minutes, remove from the stove and remove the rosemary. Optionally, this herb can be substituted with oregano, thyme, or garlic. Those who like the pristine smell of game can completely eliminate spices.
  9. That's the whole step-by-step photo recipe. Fried hazel grouses are ready. They can be served hot with any side dish or as an independent dish, garnished with fresh vegetables and herbs. Enjoy your meal!

The hazel grouses have a surprising difference from the rest of the game: their meat, regardless of age and gender, is always soft and healthy. Any recipes according to which dishes from this bird are made are always obtained at the highest level.

Preparation of hazel grouse begins with plucking and gutting, which must be done as soon as possible after being caught or purchased. Carcasses are often plucked like an ordinary feathered bird, less often feathers are stripped off along with the skin. They gut the bird, again, like a domestic one, with the only difference that the game is still examined for the presence of fractions. Usually, the trail from the shot is visible with the naked eye: this is a round hole with a bruise. Lead balls are carefully removed with a sharp, thin knife.

But even cooked game should always be eaten with care, because no one can give a 100% guarantee that there will be no fractions. Unless, of course, the bird was caught in a noose

Bird with pineapple

This combination is one of the most successful, so the dish can be safely put on the festive table. The bird is spicy with a light nutty flavor. Grouse baked in the oven with pineapple and white wine, do not cook for long.


  • hazel grouse carcass - 1 pc .;
  • small pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • natural white wine (red is also suitable) - 120 ml;
  • salt and spices to taste.

The carcass needs to be cut into 2 halves, as this dish has 2 servings. After the hazel grouse, pepper, salt, put in a pan and fry. At this time, you need to peel the pineapple and chop it. The fruit must also be fried until soft in a pan. Then you should take out the baking sheet and put the pineapple pieces on it first, and on top - the hazel grouse. The dish is filled with wine and seasoned with spices. Then you can send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 20 minutes. This recipe for cooking hazel grouse will not leave anyone indifferent.

Poultry soup

The recipe for hazel grouse chowder is loved by housewives. Both guests and households always like the unusual taste of the dish. Plus, making delicious soup is not difficult at all.


  • hazel grouse carcass - 3 pcs.;
  • rice - 120 g;
  • medium onion - 320 g;
  • lard - 65 g;
  • spices and herbs to taste.

To prepare hazel grouse stew, you need 2 liters of water. The poultry carcass must be washed and cut so that four parts are obtained. After the same procedure must be done with the rest of the hazel grouse. Put the game in a cauldron, add water and put on medium heat. It is necessary to monitor the preparation of the dish and remove the formed foam in time.

Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in lard. If not, you can use butter. Put the ready-made onion in a cauldron along with the washed rice. The chowder should be cooked until tender: the cereal should acquire softness, and the hazel grouse should be easily pierced with a knife. Leave the soup for 5-10 minutes and serve. The recipe for hazel grouse chowder is very simple and delicious.

Grouse recipes

Grouse is the smallest representative of the grouse family - the maximum carcass weight rarely reaches 500 g. The bird is well known to hunting enthusiasts and gourmets all over the world, and its meat at all times was considered a delicacy accessible only to the aristocratic class and wealthy people. In Russia, hazel grouses are hunting objects and are included in the list of birds that can be hunted at a certain time. Due to the fact that farms are engaged in poultry breeding, the delicacy has become available to everyone.

Useful properties of game

In wildlife, hazel grouses choose ecologically clean habitats, so the product is considered useful and recommended for dietary nutrition. The main nutritional value of meat lies in its ideally balanced composition, which contains proteins, fats, vitamins of groups B, E, A and PP, and is also saturated with valuable trace elements: potassium, calcium, sulfur, choline and phosphorus. Regular consumption of delicious meat improves human brain activity, reduces fatigue, contributes to the regulation of metabolic processes in the body and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Taste features and nuances of cooking

Culinary experts highly appreciate the product for its excellent taste and useful properties. The meat is tender, but a little dry compared to ordinary chicken. It has an exquisite nutty aroma, light bitterness and a subtle coniferous aftertaste, which gives the finished dish sophistication and unique piquancy. How to cook hazel grouse to make an exquisite dish? There are many ways and recipes: boil the bird, cook in the oven, slow cooker, grill, bake on a spit. To achieve juiciness, the carcass is placed in a saucepan with cold milk and brought to a boil, after which the product is ready to turn into a culinary masterpiece. Diet meal preparation time is no more than 20-25 minutes. The readiness of the meat is checked with a wooden stick or skewer, which should easily pierce the carcass. Boiled fillets are used to make tartlets and gourmet salads. For example, the chef Olivier added only finely chopped hazel grouse to his famous salad! The garnish is usually served with wild mushrooms, pickles, assorted fresh vegetables and berry sauces. Pineapple and kiwi will help digestion and accentuate the taste of game. Also hazel grouse goes well with traditional Russian side dishes: porridge, potatoes, pasta.

Pay attention to some of the nuances of cooking, and you will truly enjoy the dish.

I knew, frankly, little about hazel grouses, and even then mainly thanks to Mayakovsky: that bourgeois chew them. Along with pineapples. And I didn't care about these birds, in general.

But one fact made me completely change my attitude towards this type of game, turning it from apathetic disinterest into a state of constant search. Namely: according to the oldest recipe "Olivier", not Soviet, but published in the 19th century, this salad was supposed to be made from hazel grouse. The recipe is generally very interesting, unlike the Soviet one, it is beautiful and decorative, I will definitely show it! So, since I got to know him, I literally fell ill with the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking that very classic Olivier. People, I "hunted" these damned hazel grouses for 2 years, finally I bought them, and what ?! With trepidation I open the cherished page (I forgot a little in 2 years, I remembered only the ingredients with which I had difficulties) and read: "... Cut the fillets of fried good hazel grouse into blankets ..." State, to be honest, like Sharik from Prostokvashin: "Yeah ! And now you will run after him for another half day! To give the photo! " The question is, how did they fry those hazel grouses in their 19th century ?!

Books by P.P. Unfortunately, I did not find Alexandrova's “Guide to Studying the Basics of Culinary Art” on the Internet in a quick way; only a quote from the salad recipe itself has been preserved in my archive, so I had to turn to E.I. Molokhovets.

As always, I got a lot of interesting information from “Gift to Young Housewives”. For example, that peacocks are sold at a price of 2 rubles per pair in the period from November to April, that Caucasian pheasants are better than Astrakhan ones, and - urrah! finally! - that “hazel grouses are delivered in the summer from the outskirts of St. Petersburg, and in the winter from Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Mezen, Kazan; are not on sale only in May and June. They are divided into 4 grades, namely:

1st grade - large and white, without lumbago fillets, from 50 to 1 rub. couple.

2nd grade - silky, red or with a small lumbago.

Grade 3 - with a back shot or with broken legs and with little damage.

4th grade - marriage from 6 to 12 kopecks. couple."

Fear not, the recipe for fried hazel grouse was also there, but further. I will not adhere to it strictly, but the most important thing that was important for me to know, I still found out.

What is important - the hazel grouses were then fried, and not baked in the oven. Both were called frying, but in the "Gift to young housewives", if anyone is suddenly interested, there is a decoding of which game, depending on the size, should be subjected to which type of "roasting".

The hazel grouses have a surprising difference from the rest of the game: their meat, regardless of age and gender, is always soft and healthy. Any recipes according to which dishes from this bird are made are always obtained at the highest level.

Preparation of hazel grouse begins with plucking and gutting, which must be done as soon as possible after being caught or purchased. Carcasses are often plucked like an ordinary feathered bird, less often feathers are stripped off along with the skin. They gut the bird, again, like a domestic one, with the only difference that the game is still examined for the presence of fractions. Usually, the trail from the shot is visible with the naked eye: this is a round hole with a bruise. Using a sharp thin knife, the lead balls are carefully removed. But even cooked game should always be eaten with care, because no one can give a 100% guarantee that there will be no fractions. Unless, of course, the bird was caught in the loop.


  • Grouse 1 carcass
  • Bulb onions 1-2 pcs.
  • Pork lard 100-150 g
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Edible salt to taste
  • Spices and seasonings to taste
  • Rosemary 1 pc.


    Put the hazel grouse and the rest of the ingredients on the desktop. If the hazel grouse is frozen, then it must first be defrosted. After that, the game must be soaked in water for 1 hour. Then the carcass must be divided lengthwise into two halves, as shown in the photo.

    Sprinkle the half carcasses with pepper and salt, then rub with any refined vegetable (except olive) oil. In view of the fact that the hazel grouse will be fried, you should choose an oil suitable for such a procedure.

    While the halves of the bird are marinating, melt the lard in a skillet over medium heat. Since hazel grouse meat is slightly dry by nature, pork fat will serve as a moisturizing component.

    After a sufficient amount of fat has been melted (see photo), the remaining fat must be removed from the pan.

    Put the prepared parts of the hazel grouse, soaked in spices, with the skin down on a hot frying pan and reduce the heat.

    It is necessary to fry the meat halves on both sides until a dark, brown crust.

    Then the parts, leaning on top of each other, put on unroasted edges and brown the remaining light places.

    Onions, finely diced or thinly cut into half rings, must be added to the almost finished hazel grouse. While the onions are fried, the halves of the carcass must be constantly turned over so that they are saturated with the onion aroma. After the onion turns golden, lower the temperature to a minimum, put a sprig of rosemary on the pieces of meat and cover with a lid. Stew the meat and grass for just a couple of minutes, remove from the stove and remove the rosemary. Optionally, this herb can be substituted with oregano, thyme, or garlic. Those who like the pristine smell of game can completely eliminate spices.

    That's the whole step-by-step photo recipe. Fried hazel grouses are ready. They can be served hot with any side dish or as an independent dish, garnished with fresh vegetables and herbs. Enjoy your meal!

KBZHU and composition for the whole dish