Arch from drywall do it yourself: the best ideas and projects from world-famous designers (130 photos). How to independently make a half-year of plasterboard? Half and half of the gypsum

Arched structures in the interior stay at the peak of fashion for many years: they allow you to beautifully place the doorway in those places where there is no possibility for any reason to put the door. The most common options for using plasterboard seven colors are inside the residential premises. Such arches and semi-colors will become a decent decoration of the doorway or part of the interior partition in the living room, will be convenient in the kitchen or in the corridor - in those places where daily passability is high enough, and add charm to the interior design. Easy to work with plasterboard, the main material for the semi-colon, allows you to make such a design with your own hands even novice masters.

Half a day from plasterboard: where to start training

What is a half dine? This design, which, like the classic arch, is based on a circle, but if half the circumference is taken to make an arched arch, it is quite logical, you will need only a quarter.

Important: GLK has a small thickness (up to 6.5 mm), which allows it to be easily curved to create curvilinear parts. In the absence of GCL, you can use the ceiling plasterboard GLC.

Often a half-year is an option overlap with one rounded angle, the second can remain straightforward. Rounding can be based on the circle diameter for the classic arch, inscribed in the opening. Another option is a half-year created based on the circumference of a larger diameter than the width of the opening, then the rounding angle will be small.

To create a half downtime, the following materials will be needed with your own hands:

  • Arched plasterboard sheets (GLC);
  • Profiles for mounting plasterboard: guide 27x28mm and ceiling 60x27mm;
  • Plasterboard putty;
  • Reinforcement tape (serpent);
  • Acrylic soil;
  • Putty for internal works;
  • Corner arched protective (plastic or aluminum);
  • Self-tapping screws on plasterboard 25 or 30mm;
  • Dowel-nails for mounting guides (size 6xc0 or 6x60);
  • Sealer for profiles.

The amount of materials is calculated depending on the size of the opening and the shape of the semi-day.

How to make a plasterboard arch

Gypsum and profiles for mounting Arches made of plasterboard in Petrovich - How to make an arc from plaster ...

In addition, special tools will be useful:

  1. A knife, greasy for cutting of drywall (can be used electrolybiz);
  2. Roulette;
  3. Level of water or laser;
  4. Scissors for metal for cutting profiles and corners;
  5. A hammer;
  6. Perforator;
  7. Screwdriver;
  8. Spatulas.

The manufacture of a semi-year is simple and inexpensive process, but it requires care in measurements and accuracy in the calculations.

It is from this that all work begins to create a semi-arms in the opening:

  • Remove measurements from the opening;
  • We plan the shape of a half year and we calculate the number of necessary material;
  • We make molds (template) for cutting curvilinear elements;
  • We clean the opening from the remnants of the old finish (we remove the platbands, we remove the old putty and plaster);
  • With the help of roulette and level, we mark the places in which the arch profile guides will be attached.

After all the preparation works are made, you can proceed directly to the creation of a profile frame and cutting drywall.

Step-by-step production of a semide with their hands from drywall

The first step in the manufacture of a seven martar - fastening the guide profiles. They are mounted on the side sides of the doorway at a distance from the edge equal to the thickness of the plasterboard sheet on both sides: so the edges of the seven marters will not stand out relative to the wall. Mounting guides needed with a dowel-nail with a pitch of about 40 cm. Then, if there is a sealing tape for guides, on top to fix it. Let me measure the arc of the future half and the roulette. We cut off the guide profile of the same length and make notches on its sides every 5-6 cm throughout the length - it will serve as a lower guide arch.

After that, it is necessary to draw an arc of the desired size and diameter on the sheet of drywall, and on the template to make a second similar part in the mirror reflection - they will be attached on both sides of the opening.

Finally, it will remain fastening the plasterboard and the lower guide in the opening.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Breppy first sheets of drywall self-assembly to already mounted profiles, and then, gradually flexing, fix the lower guide profile to them;
  2. You can fix the initially guide profile to the lower part of the arc from the plasterboard, and then the entire assembled design is attached to the side profiles in the opening.

Both methods will require a certain skill, but at the same time will allow carefully to fix the plasterboard design in the opening.

How to make a half-year of plasterboard with your own hands: bending drywall

It remains quite a bit before the finishing work: it is necessary to fix the lower lane of the plasterboard in the midst. The end stripe is cut from the drywall of the length equal to the length of the arc half the morning, and the width of equal depth of the opening. To fasten the drywall on the curvilinear surface, it must be curled.

This can be done in several ways:

  • For a small bend, you can use a "dry way - to set the strip on the backups and slightly load in the middle with a low weight until the plasterboard takes the necessary form;
  • You can apply on the inner side of the notches every 10 centimeters and gradually bending the band by hand, immediately fixing it with self-draws to the profile;
  • The most common - "wet way: Moisten the inner surface of the strip with water with a wide brush and set a tilt so that it bends under its own weight.

Important: a curved "wet method can be immediately fastened to the self-tapping screw, and you can leave up to dry, if it curved the desired arc.

Now it remains to perform a half-year processing and conduct finishing work.

Final processing half dead row from drywall

To begin the place of the joint of the sheets of plasterboard should be saved the reinforcement ribbon. It is attached to the primer and on top immediately close with a putty on plasterboard. The edges of the arch and finished opening are frozen by protective corners. For direct lines, plastic corners can be used, and the arc itself is separated by aluminum.

Bashed them stands on liquid nails or putty, carefully lightening to the surface. You can even "plant corners on the self-tapping screw in some places for reliability.

After setting the corners, the entire surface of the semi-killer must be primed, and then coated with a putty into several layers. After that, finishing works continue in the same way as with conventional walls: stripping, grinding and paint, wallpaper or other types of finishes.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a half-day of plasterboard (video)

A half and a half of the plasterboard is beautiful and convenient. She gives the way to the room easily, visually lifts the ceiling and fills the space with light. It is simple and inexpensive. Observe accuracy in measurements, the sequence in the installation and thoroughly secure all the elements - and the finished half dawn will rejoice for a long time.

Rules for the construction of a half-year of plasterboard with their own hands

Plasterboard is ideal for the embodiment of a wide variety of designer ideas - from elementary structures to very complex and unique solutions. A half-year - one of the examples of such an application, which is used for the decorative design of interroom and doorways or wall niches. In the frame of the windows, the half-year of plasterboard rarely participates, although if you are a hot fan of the architectural masterpieces of the Great Antonio Gaudi, then why not.

In which cases is installed half a day from plasterboard

Already from the name it becomes clear that this design is a truncated arch - its peak coincides with one of the supports, so only one angle is rounded in the opening.

The choice of such a form is due to the technical inability to implement a different solution, for example, for narrow or low opening, or an attempt to transform space due to visual effects. Another reason is associated with the desire of the owner to vividly emphasize the individuality and modernity of its dwelling, to get away from dull and boring standard geometric forms that cause a feeling of discomfort.

A half-day of plasterboard can be used to design openings connecting the premises, and with functional zoning of space. It will serve as a decoration of wall niches with purely decorative functions (concealing engineering communications and protrusions of building structures) and having an independent applied destination (stand for vases and colors, part of the Bouire of the bedroom, a place for a TV or aquarium, a fireplace, and so on).

Design options

The appearance of a half-day from drywall is characterized by the wealth of potential styles and configurations limited only by the author's fantasy.

The classic half darker has an ideal round bending, and the romantic style looks like almost a straight line with a slight rounding at the end. Oval Arch in Art Nouveau style will be appropriate to look at a small height and excellently combine with intricate decorative elements, stained glass windows or panels. The semi-colors of the abstract or intricate figure shape, trapezoidal, with a barely noticeable rounding and a sharp bend ending at the floor level - all possible samples are not listed.

As real or imitation supports can serve as a column. Often the side of the main opening is done through niches equipped with shelves, the result is a beautiful half-year-rack.

The choice of a specific option affect:

  • the area and the height of the ceilings of the room;
  • dimensional dimensions;
  • interior style;
  • functional purpose of the room and half aigar.

By making a choice, it should not only evaluate aesthetics and design, but also take into account the convenience of movement. The semi-colors separating two different rooms are usually narrow, and breaking the space on functional zones, for example, separating the kitchen from the dining room is much wider.

Procedure for performing work

The half-year of plasterboard with their own hands is easily constructed with small experience and some skills of working with this building material. The asymmetric form allows you to hide some deviations from the calculations, which would be impossible in the case of a full-fledged arch. Installation is also characterized by simplicity compared to multi-level curvilinear structures, so the task does not represent special problems.

General scheme

The technological framework of the semicircle is largely similar to the installation of a plasterboard partition and includes the following main steps:

  • frame assembly;
  • saving frame plasterboard;
  • sealing and reinforcing seams, strengthening of the ends and the creation of perfectly smooth edges using a M-shaped perforated profile;
  • sleeping surface;
  • finish finish.

Some features are connected only with the installation of the frame and the bend of drywall, we will stop in more detail.

Secrets of mounting carcass

At the perimeter of the future half and the rectilinear guides are installed. The lower ends of the vertical rack profiles are cut off by the painter in accordance with the shape of the semi-day. The so-called snake is mounted - the guide profile of the curved shape to which the curvilinear drywall surface will subsequently be attached.

Curved profile can be made on a special machine in production conditions, making an order at the factory under its dimensions. Because it is troublesome, more often a snake is made independently. For the profile of the profile, metal scissors on the side shelves every 30 - 50 mm are made by P-shaped or V-shaped cuts. You can curb profile in any direction. To give stiffness to the profile, the rods are attached to the strips of a similar shape, carved from the galvanized steel sheet.

Council. To exclude possible inconsistencies, it is recommended to install the snake not on the frame, but right on the plasterboard on the edge of the bend before or even after it is attached to the frame.

With a large distance between the side surfaces of the semi-arrest, both snakes for rigidity of the frame are combined with transverse jumpers.

Types of used plasterboard, methods of bending and fastening

Most of the issues relating to how to make a half-year of plasterboard, occurs when the leaf is bent.

Although, when erecting a half, you can use ordinary plasterboard, it is better to take a special arched, characterized by a smaller thickness and, accordingly, better flexibility that allows you to easily take a curved shape. The thickness of the arched drywall production of the company KNAUF is 6.5 mm.

Cut the plasterboard can be in three ways:

  1. Dry method. Suitable for arched plasterboard or small curvature designs. The bending is carried out when directly fastened on the frame. Installation lead from one edge of the sheet to another, consistently and carefully fixing drywall with screws. To avoid a breakthrough, seeking to raise under the influence of internal stress, fasteners, self-tapping screws are installed through a washer. Two or three days later, after the form of the sheet stabilizes and the voltage will fall, the washers can be removed.
  2. With moisture. It is used with a cool leaf bending. The method is based on the wonderful ability of drywall becomes plastic when the moisture is set and restore the previous properties after drying, while while maintaining the form and strength perceived form. Initially, a special needle roller rolled the sheet with a concave side, then put it with a snap-out side up on the profile stand and wetted with a roller, sponge, sprayer, or brush about 10 minutes until water stops absorbed. Moisture should not get to the other side of the sheet, otherwise, when flexing, cardboard breaks. Place plasterboard on a special template that copies the bending of the frame, and bend, slowly and gently pusing to the edge of the sheet through the profile or bar to avoid donomas. The minimum bend radius: for drywall 12.5 mm thick - 1000 mm, for 9.5 mm - 500 mm, for 6.5 mm - 300 mm. The ends of the sheet clamps are fixed and leave for drying on day or two. If you need to do several parts, the drywall can be removed after 7-8 hours, pulling the ends of the sheet of scotch.
  3. Milling. The advantage of this method to two previous two is that with its help, the harpper from drywall can be bent not only in length, but also in width. The sheet is caught with parallel lines with a convex side through a predetermined distance (usually 5-10 cm) and shifted through an incision, strictly following the cardboard shell on the opposite side of the sheet remained intact. Then they put the leaf on the template with cuts up, sting and put off the places of the cuts and the rest of the surface with the reinforcement of the fiberglass mesh. Hold on the template before drying the putty.

Important. The curved sheet of drywall is as follows, so that its joint with the side planes of the seven martar is located not below, and on the side. It simplifies the increase in the curvilinear surface to the perfectly even state during the subsequent shtcloth.

Additional decorative design

In the process of installation, you can perform a liner to a half-year of lighting with the installation of point lights or LED tapes that emphasize the contours of the design and give comfort to the room. Another stroke in the design will be stucco, mosaic or painted panels.

Arched designs made of drywall are often selected when designing doorways in apartments, offices and private homes, they create a feeling of open space and look original. When the passage to the wall is adjusted, only one angle is performed, the execution in this case is considered more harmonious and easy to implement. Processing of surfaces and joints.

At this stage, the arch is covered with 1-2 layers of soil, the seams are labeled with a thin layer of putty and amplified by the sickle ribbon, the angles are protected by special nozzles. After drying, the entire area of \u200b\u200bconstruction is put on 2 layers at least and slightly grinding. Important: GLK has a small thickness (up to 6.5 mm), which allows it to be easily curved to create curvilinear parts. In the absence of GLK, you can use the ceiling plasterboard GLC. For the start of the joint of the sheets of plasterboard sheets should be saved by reinforcement ribbon.

It is attached to the primer and on top immediately close with a putty on plasterboard. The edges of the arch and finished opening are frozen by protective corners. For direct lines, plastic corners can be used, and the arc itself is separated by aluminum.

Half a day from plasterboard do it yourself

First, the guide profiles are fixed in the sides. The edges of a half downt should not look out, they are mounted by a dowel - nails with a 40 cm interval at the same distance of drywall thickness. You should get 6 parts: 2 central, with arcuate cut, and 4 side. So that the sidewalls turned out to be smooth, first cut one, attach it to the sheet, outline the contours and cut the second part according to the resulting pattern.

Similarly, the rest. For a semi-killer, it will have to cut from drywall 2 parts - top and sidewall, the rest on the template. In order to save items, you can use an acrylic putty, but it is better to buy a special, designed to work with plasterboard. It provides strength in the seams and prevents the formation of cracking. To confuse, use an electric drill with a nozzle.

The consistency of the working solution should be homogeneous, not fluid, and thick, as sour cream. Before making the arch of drywall, be sure to read the instructions so as not to miss important nuances. After making the decision to establish it, it is important to take into account the possibility of convenient movement.

Models that share space on zones already than distinctive, such as kitchen and dining room. When everything is prepared, determine where the design will be located. Door arch of drywall do it yourself - an excellent solution, but your design can be in any other place.

Installation of a half harvest of plasterboard

  1. When it is impossible for technical reasons to equip another design due to low openings or for visual changes in space.
  2. This may be associated with the readiness of the owner to make a dwelling with modern and unique, add comfort and comfort to the interior.
  3. A half and a half can be used to decorate interior partitions and doorways, niches in the walls when they want to hide engineering communications, various construction protrusions, as well as in economic needs - as a stand for flowers and other items.
  1. It is at the beginning that this is done - everyone is carefully measured.
  2. Then you should plan a half-year configuration and calculate how much material it is necessary.
  3. A template is performed to cut curvilinear elements.
  4. Applying measuring instruments, places are noted, where you need to attach the arch profile guides.
  5. When preparatory work is completed, accepted for the framework of the framework, then cut the model from plasterboard.

With the help of a large spatula, the surface of the whole structure is further laying the arched perforated corner on the arc-shaped corners of the design, it is attached to a construction stapler.

    With a constant radius of curvature. It is best formed in rooms with high-door openings, more than 2 m 50 cm. Can be decorated in a classic suitable for all rooms, or in a more compact version of the modern.

If it is clearly followed by step-by-step instructions, the process of manufacturing a half year will seem elementary, and most importantly, inexpensive.

  • wet. With the help of a special roller, holes are made in the sheet, and the material itself is wetted with water;
  • dry. On the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of material make vertical cuts through equal intervals. Remember that cuts should be done only on one side of the sheet.
  • all joints process the reinforcing ribbon;
  • apply a thin layer putty. Special attention should be paid to the places of screwing the screws and joints of the plates with each other; After drying, putty, sanding all irregularities;
  • further, the entire half and the ground with a deep penetration solution.

Such a procedure is necessary to obtain the lower contour of the future half a day. Bend the plate of GLCs in different ways that are selected depending on the specific situation. For convenience, the space of the opening is also broken into two parts: The direct plot is performed by one piece, and the bending is processed. The doorway in the form of a half day looks much more spectacular if the design is wide, high and provides a free passage. But for this it may be necessary to expand the existing space that needs to be coordinated.

With the spatula, apply the composition on the hats of the screws. Remember that you must apply enough putty to create a perfectly smooth surface. If you have finished the shit and satisfied with the result, you can proceed to the next step - the stools and edges of drywall to hide the irregularities, imparting the strength gypsum and prevent cracking. There are two alternative material intended for these purposes - a special paper tape and a fiberglass mesh. You can choose any of them - they are both good enough.

We used a fiberglass mesh in this project.

Arch from drywall do it yourself: Step-by-step instructions

But at first it is necessary to decide whether the height of the arch will be sufficient. And if for a niche in the wall dimensions do not play a special role, then for the passage between rooms there means a lot of the width of the arches and the distance from the floor to the point of pairing the arch with the wall of the opening. When the argy's production was for only a professional.

So it was before the appearance of plasterboard. Now make an arc from drywall can both beginner. To do this, do not need a special tool, the technology itself is simple and understandable - just adhere to our instructions.

For the walls of the arch, you need to cut two rectangles from GLC. The size of the workpiece is the width of the opening and the distance from the point of pairing the arch in the opening before the opening of the outlook itself (or before the ceiling for new partitions). After the approximate values \u200b\u200bfor the pairing points with the opening and for the height of the arch are installed, the arch in the opening can be simulated from the subwoofers and make sure that it corresponds to the overall plan. The most common arches of simple forms - parts of the circle or oval.

They are best suited for most traditional interior styles, where the right forms and symmetry are welcome. In addition, they are easiest to make it yourself.

How to make the arc from the plasterboard do it yourself

It should be noted - it is quite difficult to make a beautiful arch at home for a non-specialist. Therefore, novice repairmen usually stop the choice for relatively simple design variants, for example, "Classic or" Modern ".

  • fully curvilinear - in such structures direct is only the surface of the floor, the opening is fully formed by crooked lines;
  • partially curvilinear - with straight and curvilinear segments;
  • the correct (based on parts of the circle and straight lines) and incorrect - with curved lines more complex than the circumference parts.
  • In addition, symmetric and asymmetric structures are isolated, options with a single opening or several (multi-separation). The most popular arches forms are shown in the illustration.

Depending on the existing dimensions of the opening and permissible reduction of the distance from its top point to the ceiling, a semi-curvous (right) or a binding (left) arc shape is selected. The possibility of bending of plasterboard sheets is also taken into account (only in the longitudinal direction), for conventional panels, let's say the bending with a radius of 300 ... 1000 mm and more, the thickness of the sheet affects the bending radius. The thinner of the leaf, the more the opportunity to bend it in the desired way. The layout of the house can assume several options for the width and height of the opening. Below are three types of classic arches for different dimensions.

The design of door openings in the form of the arch has a number of advantages over the standard installation of doors. First, it is not always necessary to close the opening, secondly, the arch allows you to visually expand the space and at the same time visually delimit the premises. Especially appropriate look - and exploited - arched openings from the corridor in the premises of general use (kitchen, living room, loggia). Let's figure out which structures are used and how to make a door arch of drywall.

To create beautiful arches from drywall it needs to be able to properly. To do this, the framework is created under the entire sheet. This should be a curved frame with the same radius, which will be at the arch. The wall of the wall drywall is placed on the floor and from its back side there are many holes with a needle roller. Then his ten minutes moisturize the wet roller.

Then the sheet is shifted on the frame and on both sides it is neatly bent. It is necessary to moisturize carefully so that the sheet does not splash completely. The extensive putty is cleaned immediately, and when it dries, it will be difficult to remove problematic.
Also for better adhesion, all slices of the hypocrapper are desirable to predict.

One way will increase the living space - remove the doors. But it is not always possible or the desire to destroy the walls. Then the former doorway is drawn up in the form of an arch. Another option to use arched openings is to divide the long corridor on the zone, breaking too simple geometry. When repairing on its own, the plasterboard arches are most often made: they are easiest to make them the easiest.

Types of Arok.

Interroom or corridor arches can have a different form. They differ in the main form of the upper part and sometimes - a way to connect with vertical parts. Their main types are presented in the photo.

In this group there is no one of the most popular recent - half a day. They have a rounded corner only on the one hand, on the other it remains direct. Hence the name - half a day. It looks good in modern inverters: minimalism, high-tech, maybe in Art Deco.

The classic is distinguished by the right form of the vertex. It is strictly harder, the radius of which is equal to half the width of the doorway. This species looks good at the height of the opening of at least 2.5 m. It fits well in any interior, but it looks best in in a long corridor, or instead of the entrance door in the kitchen.

Arched opening in the style of "Modern" is distinguished by a small radius of curvature and a sharp transition at the place of a joint with vertical components of the opening. It looks good if the walls and ceiling have a more or less simple design. It looks great on the site of the former balcony door, good at the entrance to the office.

The arch of the style "Romance" is more likely rounded angles (mostly the master so called it). It looks good with great width and not the highest altitude.

The form "Romance" is good with great width and low height

The form "Ellipse" "is very close to" romance ". It differs only greater curvature in the middle. Also suitable for low and wide opening. Looks just a little softer.

The trapezium is a non-standard design consisting of broken lines. It is difficult to play in the interior, therefore it is used infrequently: for some non-standard designs.

One of the design options - a trapezium

Very similar to the usual opening, yes it is essentially it is, only without the door canvase. For greater originality, it is often accompanied by wooden carved elements in the form of columns on the sides. In this form, it is good for classic interiors, as well as ethno-style - Greek or Roman, depending on the type of columns.

For decoration in modern styles, another approx - next to the main arch, have smaller portals. This technique allows you to "beat" a simple form.

More option Arch "Portal"

Before you begin to make the Arch, you need to decide on its parameters. Select the type and then the parameters: where it will start, and which radius of curvature will be. This can be really steep bending, and can only some rounding corners.

To understand how the form you selected look, you can cut a pattern from cardboard and attach it on the doorway. Rate effect. If everything suits you, you can make a blank on this template. But only one - for one side of the opening. The second should be done at the place, otherwise it will be crooked.

Step-by-step instructions with photos: the fastest way

Arches from plasterboard do with their own hands in different ways. This one takes a minimum period of time. Deciding with the form proceeding to the installation. On the prepared opening - purified from the peeling plaster and relatively aligned, in size for the future arch, the framework of the framework. It is made from the profile for drywall or a dry wooden bar of a suitable size. Sometimes, if the wall is narrow, you can only pick up wood.

To begin with, we cut a rectangle from drywall in size to the sizes of the future arch, we find it middle, mark, after which we are temporarily screwed into place. We retreat from the edge of 12.5 mm - the thickness of the sheet of plasterboard. If the adjacent walls are already plastered, add a couple more millimeters on putty - so that you can align the surface.

Now we take a piece of profile or a hard corner, from one edge laying half the width of the opening. At this place in the corner we do a hole, insert the carnations into it. This nail stick to the middle of the doorway marked earlier on the sheet. It turns out a kind of circuit, with which it is easy to draw the perfect line.

Devices for delineation of arc

Changing the fastening height can be obtained more or less than a high arch. If you need a more common curve, increase the length of the "Circular".

Removing the sheet, on the outlined contour arc cut out. This can be made with a special sawmaker on plasterboard, saw for metal - with a small tooth for a more level edge, an electroll (there will be a lot of dust). If the slice was not very smooth, aligned with the sandpaper fixed on the grater. This adaptation is achieved by the perfectly smooth curve of the form we need. The carved fragment of the arch - the side wall - again secure in place.

If everything is exactly, no distortion or irregularities, on the other hand, we attach the same sheet of plasterboard, as a few steps earlier - a rectangle or square - depending on the form. It must be fixed strictly vertically. Now transfer the shape of the arch on it. We take the square, a straight angle and one side we are pressed to the plasterboard, on which we carry the arch, the second side - to the sum. Having put the carbon perpendicular to the pencil point. We make such points throughout the arc. The more often they will be made, the easier it will draw a line and more accurate will be the coincidence - the less will have to begden.

Why is it so difficult, and not just make a copy of the first sheet? Because few of the openings are symmetrical. As a result, install the second sheet so that the arches lines coincide very problematic.

Noting all the points, leaf removed, draw the line, drink it on it. Mount to your previous place. Now we take the smoothness with emery paper and now there are both edges before the complete coincidence. One moment - the ironing should be wider than the opening so that both walls of the arch be captured in one pass.

We measure the length of the arc, cut out a piece of the profile of the same length, we make notches on the walls every 3-4 cm. This tape will need to fasten along the arch of the arch from one side.

Breppy on the self-tapping screw, neatly, pressing the profile and holding it with Bru, and not with his fingers: to get a screw in the fingers elementary. By the way, you need to work with a chopped profile in gloves. If without - the hands cut exactly.

By the way, the back of the profile can be placed on the edge - it is easier to work, and the junction will still have to be embedded. Similarly, screw the strip to the other side.

This is the bottom view - on the sides are attached profile.

There is a second method of fastening the profile - to plant it on a rapidly grappling universal glue, such as liquid nails. This method is acceptable if the width of the opening is small. With a large thickness of the arch, the glue may not withstand the masses of the plasterboard, which will be attached from the bottom.

The next step is krepaim jumpers. First, the depth of the arch will be lost, 1-1.5 cm is deducted from it. This will be the length of the jumpers. Cut pieces of a profile of such a length.

Jumpers are cut from the same profile

In places of attachment, the jumpers are cut off "petals", the trained fragment is installed and fixed. It should not be restricted into the walls, is approximately 5 mm from the back. The jumpers are needed that the design is more rigid, otherwise she "walks" when pressed.

Next of the plasterboard it is necessary to cut a rectangle that will close the design below. Its width is simply determined - from the outer edge of one sheet of GLC, to the outer edge of the second sheet. Length is measured by a flexible tape (tailoring) or tape measure with an assistant. This leaf is attic self-drawing to the frame of the arch. The sheet has to bend, and how to do it just below - closer to the end of the article.

Arched opening of drywall: second way (photo report)

This method is good if the thickness of the partition is small: try to cover the profiles, if the gap between them is a few centimeters, and then pull the jumpers. It all starts: the first wall of the arch is cut, attached and transferred to the second sheet.

After the width of the gap between the two sheets, wooden crossbars are cut out, which are attached along the edge of the arches on the self-tapping screw.

The carved drywall strip is fixed, starting with one of the sides. To make it more convenient, it is possible to fix clamps, the benefit of the thickness of the simpleness is small. When attaching the band, you can navigate on the self-tapping screws that bruks were screwed. So accurately get into the crossbar.

Then it remains only on the corner to consolidate a special perforated corner and charm the irregularities.

A corner is attached along the arch, everything is putting

It is also more convenient to smoothly put the dry putty to the entire plane of the sandpaper, fixed on the grater. It is unpleasant that at the same time dust fun in the eye, so it is almost impossible to work without glasses.

How to make an arch instead of the door: the way the third is a typical technique

Another way to make arches from drywall do it yourself - a set. The arch is broken into segments and collect from pieces that create a close to the desired curvature.

Fasten them on a putty, diluted with a mixture of PVA with water. It dries such a knee quickly, therefore, we first cut the plates and try on. You can be folded on the table, only the arch will be turned upside down, but how surely the plates are assembled will allow.

Then the plates begin to mount to the impex, for reliability, periodically strengthening with self-draws. Under the heads put the washers - so as not to sell the cardboard. Remove excess putty immediately. If it grabs, tear off unreal. The finished surface is primer to improve adhesion (clutch), and then put sand, aligning the arch. To make it easier to output, you can use the template attached from both sides.

It is not easy to do steep in this technology, but for rounded corners and seven marters - a great way to do without profiles.

How to bend plasterboard

One important detail: Standard wall plasterboard beeps badly. For curved surfaces, thin - 6 and 6 mm thickness were made specifically. This bent part is easier to do from it. With a small curvature, such a thin sheet may be easily reached without trustees. If the subtle GVL buy no desire, there are two ways to bend standard.

First - Take a needle roller and hire a carved cut on one side. It is necessary to roll with effort to break the plaster. Then the sheet is water with water and leave for two or three hours. After such procedures, he must be neglected. You take it fix on the one hand, and gradually pressing the arches to the frame, bend, screwing gradually at the edges of the self-draws. The method is not bad, just with a lack of experience and insufficient processing of plaster sheets can burst. We will have to do or then mask the gap, or start first.

Second The method bend plasterboard: On the one hand, to make a knife with a knife about every 4-5 cm. Shells should cut the paper. Such a lane is also gradually fasten, breaking as necessary plaster. It bursts on the lines of the cut from light pressed.

Video on the topic

It often turns out that you don't need the door to the room, and leave the rectangular doorway at the entrance to the room also do not want to be a banal reason, it is not beautiful . There are several decent solutions to this problem, such as arch or half a day with spot backlight which will continue to be regulated by a dimmer (lighting regulator). Actually the last and will be discussed.

Based on the fact that you will see and read here, you can, work in essence identical only material and time spend twice as much. Here how best to choose you!

Blackmake diamonds.

Like any other thing to repair it starts with marking. We place indents under the profile, taking into account 12mm under the sheet of plasterboard. You can even place it even better to post this way so that the "gypsum" drank in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls on both sides to a not significant difference in a couple of millimeters. Such a reception will allow you to be flawlessly and in terms of the alignment of the wall on the manufactured decorative product.

Any design of drywall, whether it is an arch or ordinary, does not work out without metal profiles. And the manufacture of a seven kits here is no exception.

We screw the billets from drywall from both sides of the walls.

Fasten the dowel with nails 6 per 40mm metal profile along the entire adjoining of the semi-day to the impact. I forgot to remind, until all above, it is necessary to carry out an electrician for point lighting. Also more often, you need to spend two wires in the distribution-cutting and connect them in such a way that the electricity closure in one place came to another wire (that is, on the incandescent lamp), I think everyone studied at school, we will understand.

So, the profile is coming. Now cut off a piece of drywall in the width of the doorway and screw it to the place where the seven dawn has a curved radius. Pay attention to the photos.

Jumpers from the profile must be set in such a way that in the future they did not interfere with the installation of point lamps.

You need to come up with an improvised circulation to outline the radius, it is also the main silhouette of a half-year. You can apply a piece of rope at the end to attach a pencil, fit successfully for it and pieces of a perforated corner (its holes are perfectly suitable for fixing the pencil on different circles size), I just took and screwed the touch on the plasterboard on the outlined center a piece of soft wire and hand holding a pencil Strained the semicircle from the edge to the edge.

Remove the sheet and lie it into two stools. The task to cut down everything is exactly the silhouette than even better. Therefore, I do not recommend as usual, it is better to use an electrolybiz or a special saw under these goals. Try to cut carefully, in no case should you break the workpiece, otherwise the draw all over again and the attempt number two. We are not sure that we can handle alone, better since the assistant how to spoil the material and scratch back to the warehouse for the new one.

The design of the frame must be rigidly and securely attached to the base.

The workpiece is that you just cut out turns over and falls on top of another piece of "gypsum", you can only remain on the opposite side. We supply as a pattern and again sawing the part of the part of the half aim. I forgot to say, the whole design with respect to the walls of the opening should be placed at least 6cm, this distance is required for the width of two profiles in a row (each having 3 cm), and also need to hide somewhere.

Both disconnected billets are screwed on both sides of the discharge of metal screws. Be sure to apply a screwdriver with a crossbit, not like. Next, recruit the rest of the framework from the profile.

Pay attention to the homemade device, absolutely more reliable than a simple straight suspension, I recommend!

The complexity of this work is the curved form of a plasterboard design. But in fact, I do not see anything difficult here, it's enough to know the technology of manufacturing bends on drywall and not curved hands. This process, I recommend reading.

Holes for the lamps drill do not rush , It is much more effective and reasonable to do them then after or, for example.

Now, with the help of a construction stapler, install arched. Try very much than even better they will fall, the more attractive and the natural will look like your job.

In principle, the main one has done, it remains to align all sides with plaster plaster and sharpen the finish putty. Little amendment and advice, if you want to decorate your arch with a glass or other mosaic, then in that place where it will better level the area under its laying with tiled glue, the solution must be dissolved a little "liquid", so it is easier and better and better.

How to glue a plastic arched corner, all the same at the end of all repairs will have to stick it to closing the corners. Know that under the arches are on sale there are special plastic corners, they are so arranged that, without much effort, all the bends interspersed in design are perfectly enveloped.

Letlyaga Gennady Petrovich

Arches and semi-colors in the interior are an element that over time does not come out of fashion. This configuration has already become classic, so during the repair, many owners think, and not make a similar design with their own hands.

A half-year is the curvilinear overlap of the opening, in which one angle will be rounded. Types This design may have different, it is a quarter of the circle, and a circle with a large diameter, where one angle is negative. Literally any complexity design can be made with your own hands.

The shape of the semi-colors is comparable to the form of the arches, i.e. According to style, they will coincide.

The most common forms of the semi-colors:

  • Classic;
  • Romantic style;
  • Modern;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Portal;
  • Transom.

This means that the form of the arch will form the basis for the formation of the configuration and half aigar.

How to determine which form is suitable for your half kart? It depends on several factors.

Criteria for selecting a half-year form

There are at least five conditions that affect the choice of configuration of the future design.

Selection Conditions:

  • Placing Metage;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Interior style;
  • Functionality of the room;
  • The appointment of a semi-day.

For example, interroom seven marters will not be done very wide, and no matter what it is. The modest size looks more convincingly in the conditions of not the most spacious typical apartments.

But a half and a half, which zonies one room (for example, a kitchen / dining room) can be wider. You need to do this at least for the convenience of moving in a single space, with your own hands divided into zones.

How to make a half-year of plasterboard with your own hands (video)

Instructions and stages of work


  • Preparation of tools and materials themselves. Profiles, drywall, sealing tape, mix for primer and putty, as well as finishing materials, fasteners.
  • Creating a template. The perfect option, practically a guarantee of obtaining the design that you have conceived. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe template can be found on the Internet, but he is done with her own hands, it's not entirely difficult.
  • Clearing place. Free the opening, in which there will be a half and the old finish, and also make it a good clean.
  • Fixing profiles. On both sides of the opening, the guide profiles are installed, retreating from the edge distance equal to the thickness of the plasterboard plate.
  • Set horizontal profile. The bottom edge of the profile must have the desired bend. The profiles of dowels are attached, and the fixation of the elements with each other is carried out by special fasteners for metal.
  • Clamping profiles. Clean profiles with a special sealing ribbon.
  • Saving framework. Pre-cut the plasterboard that all the necessary elements for the skin have already been. Fastening the plates is made according to the drawing. You can cut the plasterboard with a hacksaw, and the easiest way to use a knife for cutting GCL.
  • Sealing seams. For this, be sure to be ground the surface of the half and then expose it to a putty, and then you can begin to finish.
  • Finish finish. As a rule, it is wallpapers, panels, tile or artificial stone.

Since the seven martar - not the simplest geometrically design, the drawing and template is better to do, it will simplify your work and coordinates actions.

How do you decorate a half year

The easiest option is to install the backlight. Often, the LED tape or point lamps is used.

More complex options can be spacked on the network - this is the artistic stucco on the perimeter of the semi-day, and the mosaic, and painting. In the presence of some skills, you can decorate a half and a half.

For example, using special stencils, acrylic colors to paint the seaside seaside. This, of course, looks very impressive - and your dwelling will only benefit from his own work done on the decoration of the house.

A half and a half - a beautiful element capable of transforming a modest interior by making it more refined. Even novice home repairs wizard will be able to create such a simple and stylish design for a short time.