Frameless installation of plasterboard. Wall decoration with plasterboard without frame and profile: We make the finish according to your own hands

It is unlikely that there is a person in our country who would not know what plasterboard is, and moreover, would not know how to work with him. The mass of information on the network, and numerous telecasts telling how to make repairs with the help of this material made many of these masters.

But, despite this, in most cases everything comes down to the construction of complex does and frames, and we will talk about how to mount drywall on the walls without a frame, and tell about situations when this installation method is more applied and relevant. So, let's begin!

Reasoning logically, it can be understood that the walls of the walls with plasterboard without a frame are much more profitable and convenient. Indeed, we save building materials, and as a result and money, and won time, because basically it takes exactly on the installation of the frame.

So why is this method less popular among builders, and it is practically not mentioned about telecasts?

The fact is that the mounting of drywall to the wall without profiles has a number of restrictions, which in a private house or apartment is quite often found.

Here are just some of them:

  • Humidity of walls. Moisture is the first enemy of plasterboard. Even if you buy moisture-resistant sheets, with frequent, and even more so, constant contact with moisture, they will quickly come into disrepair. Gypsum, in itself does not tolerate water, like paper, but they are the main components of this material. So, if your walls are "sweating" or need to be corrected, or it is better to abandon this method of installation.

  • Curvature. The mounting of drywall to the wall without a profile is possible only with the relative evenness of the base. The maximum permissible drop is 2 centimeters. It can still be compensated by small inserts. If the difference is greater, the walls will have to align, and these are the costs both financial and temporary.
  • Communications. Often, under the plasterboard mounted on the frame hide all communications passing along the walls. It is electrical wiring, and heating pipes, and even ventilation channels. Mounting sheets directly to the wall, hide all this you will not succeed, and therefore all communications have to have or hide inside the wall, or let them outside the finish, which does not always look attractive.

As can be seen, there are not much restrictions, but they are very often found, and, probably, it is in this secret of the popularity of the framework design that all of the listed problems can easily decide.

As for the advantages of the frameless fastening method, in addition to the fact that the price of such a finish is significantly lower, you also save space. Even the narrowest profile, when installing on the walls, you will have at least 5 centimeters of the square, and multiply it for 4 walls and now you do not have enough 20 centimeters.

It is especially important for the apartments of the Old Fund, where every square centimeter by gold weight, and one of the main tasks of repair, it does not shrink the already small space. So, with the question whether it is possible to mount the plasterboard on the wall we figured out, and therefore it is possible to move directly to the process itself, which is not difficult, but requires knowledge of certain subtleties and nuances.

Preparation and installation

Any repair, and the alignment of the walls of the plasterboard without a frame, all the more, begins with thorough preparation. As for the set of tools that we need, it is so infertility that we will not even emphasize attention, but the preparation of the surface should be given to the maximum of their time, since it is from this that will depend on how long your finish will last, and How high-quality it will be.

The first thing we need to do is remove all the unnecessary from the walls, which can interfere with the work. It concerns not only communications or decorative interior items, this is granted, but also the remains of the old finish.

If you have the walls with wallpaper, then soak them with soapy water and remove the spatula (see how it is right and without torment to remove wallpaper from the walls), if the surface is painted, then everything is somewhat more complicated. We'll have to buy a special bow in the store, apply it on the walls and wait a few hours, after which the paint can be removed by the same spatula or trowel.

Important! Working with paint washes, be sure to protect the respiratory tract and eyes, as well as thoroughly carry out the room. The fact is that the washing itself is a very poisonous substance based on the solvent, so you prepare that the next couple of hours in the house will stand a steady smell of chemistry.

Now that the walls are cleaned, they must be treated with a primer with an antiseptic or special impregnation of deep penetration. This moment is very important, since the primer creates a medium in which the bacteria is not able to multiply, which means that the fungus and mold will not appear on the walls.

After applying, the walls must be carefully dry, and only after that you can move directly to the installation. The drying process, depending on the temperature in the room and the level of moisture, can occupy from an hour to several days, but in no case begin to work until the walls have a drop of low primer.

Installation: Method first

There are two options how to mount drywall to the wall without profiles, and we will stop in detail each, and you can already choose which method fits you more on the basis of the features of the room in which you make repairs. So, the first method is to glue the sheets of plasterboard to the base.

It is believed that this is the easiest and fastest way, but he has several drawbacks:

  • Glue for drywall, has poor adhesion with non-mineral surfaces. If your walls are stone or concrete, then there will be no problems, but if they are built of wood, then it is better to abandon the installation.

  • Gypsum gluing occurs in one approach, Therefore, if you have left some kind of plot without glue, you accidentally missed it or smeared the mass is not so abundantly, it will not be possible to correct the situation.
  • If the elements of the old finish remained on the wall, which you could not delete, the likelihood is that in these places, the sheet of drywall will break down over time.

If nothing of the above is not afraid of you, it means that you can safely take the case.

First of all, we cut the sheets of plasterboard to the size we need. On how to do it, it is written in detail in one of the articles on our site, so we will not repeat, and go to the application of glue.

There are several of the most optimal methods to apply glue, in which the surface will be maximally missed, and will remain at least the unused sections:

  • Cross-cross.
  • Smooth lines in one direction.
  • Cage. Lines are applied in two directions.
  • Snake.
  • Around the perimeter and crosswise.

Immediately after applying glue, we apply a sheet to the wall and clutch it tightly. The setting of the solution occurs within a minute, but for loyalty it is better to hold a minute of three-four minutes.

That's all, the first element is ready, and you can go to the next, and so on the entire perimeter of the room. As you can see, the process is incredibly simple, and if you make repair with your own hands, then this is the easiest option that you can think of, and if you still have any questions, we recommend that you watch the video in this article showing detailed Instructions, how to attach plasterboard to the wall without a profile.

Method of the second

The second way of installation is that the plasterboard sheet is attached to the wall with the help of construction dowels with plastic caps, as shown in the photo.

This option is considered to be more preferable, since the pulp strength to the base you can adjust yourself. It is also very convenient in cases where weaknesses revealed on the attached sheet. As you remember, when using glue, this defect has already been impossible to fix, and here you just just score another dowel and that's it.

Important! Drinking a dowel, control the pressure of the clamp. If you score fasteners deeper, pull it out no longer work.

So, for this method of installation, we will need a perforator and the drill of the corresponding diameter. Everything is done very simple: apply a sheet to the wall, and drill through it the foundation itself. Start the fastening is better from the center of the sheet, and from this place to move on the parties.

Depending on the evenness of the walls, you may need from 8 to 20 dowels, but you should not save on them, the stronger the fastening will be, the longer the vaga finish will last.

And in conclusion

As can be seen, the installation of plasterboard on the walls without a frame - the process is not complicated, and most importantly fast. But if you, reading our article to this place, still do not determine how you will do it, and whether the frame is needed in your particular case, we will give a small table that will certainly help you decide.

Features of walls indoorsMethod of fastening plasterboard
On glueOn dowelOn frame
Walls almost smooth and without dropsyesyesOptional
Walls are built of non-mineral materialsnotyesOptional
Walls go out and are not insulatednotNot desiredyes
The walls sweat and moat, and get rid of it is not possiblenotnotyes
Repair room has a small areayesyesnot
On the wall a lot of communications and hide inside there is no possibilitynotnotyes

Well, now you are fully armed with the necessary knowledge, which means you can safely take care of work, and remember, no matter how much the way you are chosen is, it is primarily a thorough preparation of the foundation and then your finish will serve faithfully for more than a dozen years .

Plasterboard firmly occupies one of the most sought-after construction and finishing materials, and it is easily explained by its numerous advantages. It can be safely attributed to its environmental purity, ease of installation, the ability to use in a wide variety of rooms, relatively small mass and publicly available cost.

Plasterboard sheets are used to align the walls and for, and, work with them is available not only to the experienced builder, but also a novice master. The decoration of the walls of plasterboard without a frame and the profile is possible for different adhesive compositions and on surfaces built from various materials. The advantages of such an attachment compared to the framework of the framework are that the decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is not as noticeable, the decent amount is saved on the elements of the crate, and the assembly works themselves pass quite quickly and may well be produced by their own.

Main methods of mounting drywall on the surface of the wall

To assess the advantage of the frameless installation of plasterboard, it is also possible to briefly consider both existing method by comparing them.

For example, it should be noted that sometimes when installing drywall without installation of a frame, it is impossible to do without installing, so this case is also worth mentioning in consideration of the methods of installing the material.

So, there are two main technologies for fixing plasterboard sheets to the wall in order to align it:

  1. Installation of sheets with screws on a frame made of metal profile or wooden bar. This method is chosen in cases where the wall requires additional thermal or sound insulation, and the insulation is installed in the frame structure, or in the event that the wall has very large distortions that are difficult to align plastering layers.
  2. Fixing sheets on the wall using self-tapping screws and mounting foam or on a glued composition made on a plaster basis. Self-tapping screws and foam for fixing drywall are used if it is required not only a wooden wall, but also the surfaces derived from other materials that require correction. The adhesive gypsum composition is more often used to align the concrete or brick wall. However, it is necessary to immediately note that the frameless method of fastening the plasterboard is worth using only when the walls have a height that does not exceed 3000 mm.

This publication will consider the nuances of only the frameless attachment of plasterboard.

Necessary materials and tools

Set of tools

To align the walls of plasterboard with the use of one of the adhesive compositions, it will take much less tools than if the frame was fixed to the wall. The list of all necessary consists of the following names:

  1. The plumb, the construction level and the rule, preferably 1500 mm long - to control the evenness of the original wall and the vertical plane being created.
  2. Electric jigsaw or acute stationery knife - for cutting plasterboard.
  3. Line of different lengths, square, roulette and simple pencil - for marking.
  4. A wide, medium and narrow spatula, and maybe a trowel (Kelma) - for applying and distributing the solution.
  5. Construction grater - for processing a covered surface.
  6. Roller and brush - to handle the walls of the primer.
  7. Rubber hammer - to adjust the plasterboard sheets glued on the wall.
  8. Electric drill and nozzle-mixer - to knead the solution.
  9. In some cases, it is necessary - for additional fixation by self-draws.

Prices for plasterboard


Necessary materials

Now it is necessary to consider the materials that will be required to prepare the surface of the walls and for high-quality installation of plasterboard:

  1. Primer solution with antiseptic additives.
  2. The replacement mixture on a plaster basis, basic and finishing.
  3. Dry building mixture - glitter glue, or mounting foam.
  4. Ribbon from the sickle grid - for sealing the jacks between sheets.
  5. Long self-tapping screws may be required to align the wall, by adjusting drywall sheets. The size of the fasteners will depend on the smooth surface, taking into account the fact that they should be bundled at 50 ÷ 60 mm into the wall.
  6. For one of the levels of alignment, pieces of foam rubber will be required - it will be told about it at one time.

On some materials - several more.


KNAUF manufactures not only a variety of construction and finishing mixes, but also plasterboard sheets of various purposes are simple, moisture resistant, fire-resistant and moisture-heating finishing material:

  1. The usual drywall (GLC or, according to Knauf - GSP-A corporate classification) is used for premises with normal humidity.
  2. Moisture-resistant sheets (GPCV or GSP-H2) can be applied to align the walls in the bathrooms or bathrooms. After processing such a surface, the ceramic tile will perfectly fall on it.
  3. Fire resistant sheets (GKLO or GSP-DF) is used to finish the walls around the fireplace, furnaces, chimney pipes.
  4. Fire-resistant plasterboard (Glozo or GSP-DFN2) is well suited for wall decoration in boiler houses, in mansard and attic rooms.

It is also possible to briefly say about that does not require special efforts, experience and special tools - it is enough to have an ordinary sharp stationery knife at hand. The cutting process takes place in the following order:

  1. The sheet is stacked on a solid base - it can be a large table, floor or several stools put up near some distance from each other.
  2. Then, with the help of a roulette or ruler, the sheet is placed, the necessary lines are stuck with a simple pencil.
  3. The next step on the battered line, as the line, is carried out with a knife, which must cut the upper layer of cardboard.
  4. The sheet is shifted to the edge of the solid surface, and stacked on it along the end line.
  5. Then, on the edge of the drywall, which is based on the basis, is performed by pressure, which will trigger the leaf on the cutting line.
  6. The last step is to cut a cardboard located on the other side of the sheet.

Everyone heard about the drywall, who wondered about the repair of walls or ceiling. It is commonly used to align curves of surfaces, creating interroom partitions and various structures. However, everyone believes that it is necessary to create a special design of metal profiles. In fact, you can fix plasterboard on the walls without a frame, but it is possible not in all situations.

If there is an opportunity, you need to abandon the creation of a frame in favor of other ways to fasten the plasterboard. Selection of guides, marking the walls, their fixation and other aspects of working with profiles cause major difficulties in the repair of the wall using drywall.

Claudual process of attaching GLC on glue

I would like not to use guides if possible. However, it turns out not always. In what situations you can reduce the amount of work, refusing to create a crate?

  1. If the walls are smooth. It is allowed to be curvature in 2 cm, because if it is more, then without creating a crate, it will not extend the surface. We will consider the option with good walls that do not need alignment.
  2. No communications. If you need to hide the wiring, counters or other elements of communications, then you need a framework. When the walls are carried out with plasterboard without a frame, the sheets are attached in such a way that there are no gaps for anything.

While the coincidence of both points makes sense to think about the frameless method of attaching GLC. Not only the time is saved, but also space indoors, because the installation of the profile steals at least 5 centimeters.

The ideal will be the situation when there are smooth wooden walls in the house. Then you can editdrywall without frame on self-tapping screwwhich are very easily included in the tree.

Preparatory work

When it comes to a frameless method of fastening drywall, then consider the option with a special adhesive mixture. This mixture is applied to the sheet, which is attached to the wall with it. Therefore, the wall surface must be carefully prepared.

These four steps will lead to the fact that the lining of the walls of the plasterboard without a frame will be as efficient as possible. For further work you need to start only after the primer is completely dry.

The installation of drywall on the wall without a frame is possible if a high-quality adhesive mixture is used. It is best to buy dry mixes that are bred by water. In this form, they are kept longer and can not be used immediately. It is necessary to choose glue-based glue, because it is precisely with such a mixture of plasterboard that is most firmly attached to the wall.

Usually used the adhesive composition "Knauf-Perlfix", but you can choose another mixture, which has these qualities:

To install drywall on the walls without a frame, it was successfully to knead the adhesive composition according to the instructions on the package. It is also worth considering that the mixture must be developed within 30 minutes, so it is not necessary to try to put the entire bag at once.

To knead the adhesive, it is best to use a drill with a special nozzle mixer.

When the solution is mixed up to the consistency of very thick sour cream, it can be applied. Someone puts it on the wall, but it is not very correct. It is best to lay the adhesive composition on the back side of the plasterboard sheet. So the material will evenly spread over the surface and all will be used. On the wall it makes sense to apply glue if the work is performed independently (so as not to make GLCs are even harder).

When the walls are finished with plasterboard without a frame, it is very important to apply a solution to a smooth layer so as not to create curvature on the wall. Therefore, each time you need to recruit the same amount of solution on the Kelma to apply on the sheet of drywall. For this purpose, you can use construction bucket. Then it will be released as evenly apply glue.

Priming, kneading glue and applying it to GLC

The solution is applied on a leaf with pile at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. It is necessary to place the adhesive composition around the perimeter, and then another strip along the sheet in the center. Along the sheet it is impossible to raise the sheet, because it has become too heavy for this. Such attempts may lead to the fact that the plasterboard is simply crawling.

The sheet is applied to the wall and slightly pressed. You do not need to harm in one place, because the GLC will then fall not exactly. The sheet needs to be drunk not in the floor, but on pegs or trimming of drywall. It is necessary to leave the gap with the floor of about 1 cm. The same indents must be made from the ceiling and side walls. Between the lens of the gap of 1-2 mm are quite enough. This is done so that in the case of a small deformation of the plasterboard was where to expand, and it did not flex.

The evenness of each sheet is checked by the level.

Before you see the walls with plasterboard without a frame, you will need to get a long level. With it, it is always possible to determine how much GLK is laid.

Speakers are neatly closed with a rubber hammer to align the surface. After that, the presence of curvature is determined using a level, not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally.

The remaining sheets are installed in the same way and level first. The sheets are needed on the principle of brickwork, performing, the so-called, dressing of the seams.

Method using selflessness

It is possible to carry out work without using adhesive compositions with the help of self-screws alone. Such a procedure can be carried out without preliminary surface preparation. Fastening the GLC to the wall without a frame by self-drawing can only be carried out in the case of an ideal wall that does not need alignment.

In this method, the material plays a large role from which the wall is made. It can be concrete, brick, made of foam blocks, etc. If the screws are easily screwed, you can simply lean the plasterboard to the wall and secure it right away. If the screw is not included in the surface, then you will have to go for a trick.

You can safely mount drywall on a brick wall without a frame using self-tapping screws. This surface should be smooth, which means you can screw the sheets straight to the wall without additional preparation. Schupol is difficult to screw into the brick, but it is possible. Just have to make a little effort.

Self-tapping screws with mounting foam

With a concrete base or any other, into which the screws are not twisted, attaching the plasterboard on the walls without a frame on the self-tapping screw only using the mounting foam. For this, the sheet is applied to the working surface and in it, together with the wall, several holes are drilled. 10-15 holes need to be evenly distributed throughout the leaf.

Dowels are clogged into the wall, and then GLK is sisted on the self-tapping screw. You need to screw them up not until the end, but leave a small gap of 1-2 cm between the sheet and the wall. So the whole wall is mounted, and then it is aligned at one level. At the same time, it is possible to overlap small drops on the surface.

Now, throughout the level surface in the drywall, the drill is made by holes of this diameter, so that the nose of the tip of the tip from the cylinder with the mounting foam entered. About 15-25 holes on the sheet are made, which is evenly distributed throughout its surface. From the edge you need to retreat centimeters 10-15.

Speaking foam sweat neatly cuts off with a knife

Before plasterboard to attach to the wall without a frame on this method, you will need to buy a small-loving mounting foam. Otherwise, it inflates greatly and crept the plasterboard. Foam is fascinated by the velocked holes in small quantities. It will expand and serve as a reliable fastening of plasterboard to the wall.

It must be remembered that, regardless of the selected attachment method, it will be necessary to take care of the sealing of the seams using a putty and reinforcing tape.

Plasterboard plates are often used to align the walls during repair. There are two ways to install them - with the use of a frame, and without it. The first way is more reliable, but it is not suitable for small rooms, since the thickness of the structure reduces the already small size of the room. In this case, fastening the plasterboard on the walls without a frame, as a way that is simpler and less expensive.

The essence of the method is to fasten the plasterboard sheets to the wall using special adhesive compositions, but provided that the height of the ceilings does not exceed 3 m, that is, not higher than the length of the sheet. It is performed after the complete completion of the work, in which water is used - putty or plaster, as well as with fully dried walls.

Preparation of the Wall

The following devices and materials will be needed for work:

  • Rules, roulettes and markers for measurements;
  • Construction or stationery knife for cutting plates and chamfering;
  • Construction level, rule, smooth rack, rubber hammer;
  • Capacity for kneading glue and drill with a nozzle;
  • Primer and construction glue.

The complexity of surface preparation depends on the material from which it is made. A convenient option is a brickwork, which is enough to cover with primer. If you make an attachment on the old plaster, it will eventually begin to disappear and deform the plate from the inside. To exclude it, all old coatings are removed to a solid base, including bliss, wallpaper, painting and non-wetted spots, after which the surface is processed by the corresponding soil. If the old base is durable, the preparation procedure will be the following:

  1. "Colding" walls of the Wall to identify places where part of the layer can disappear.
  2. Removal of old coatings, wallpaper, and weak coverage sections.
  3. Shipping of crissed places.
  4. Cleaning the walls from dust.
  5. Primer deep penetrating compositions.

Before starting the main work, all the necessary communications are carried out. High voltage lines should be hidden in the strides and fire hazard. Low-voltage wires are attached directly to the wall.

Installation on glue

Before direct installation, the main walls are measured for proper cutting sheets. There are fragments so as to prevent cruciform joints. The adhesive mass is prepared, for which the gypsum putty is used, stirred up to the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the pre-primed drywall. Based on the degree of irregularities on the wall, the glue is applied as follows:

  • If the height difference is less than 4 mm, fixation is made with a putty "Funenfüller", which is imposed with a small layer on the entire perimeter;
  • With a difference of up to 2 cm Plates fasten the "perfluch" by applying separate stains with an interval of up to 35 cm;
  • With a difference of up to 40 mm In such places, plasterboard strips are fastened with 10 cm wide, and they are basic sheets.

The sheet is applied quickly and gently on the wall. First, gaskets are installed from the bottom edge, and after it is installed in accordance with the labels on the floor, the rest is pressed.

Rule or long level corrected convex places that are aligned with light tapping. By the instrument, it is not recommended to knock. It is cleaned, the place is leveling, and is checked again. After alignment, the sheet is supported for several hours wooden board.

Instead of glue, a mounting foam can serve as a low expansion coefficient. But at the same time the sheet is fixed reliably. If this is not done, due to the expansion of the foam will appear bumps, remove which is impossible.

If the variations of the wall are significant (up to 4 cm)When installing, guides are used that are fixed in places of maximum deviation. Large differences are compensated by a higher amount of glue. Plate alignment in this case is more careful, since an excessive force can bent the surface. For convenience of positioning, you need to place the floor and walls, this measure will help to avoid errors and alterations of admitted inaccuracies.

After the end of the installation of the place of the joints is punctured by sickle, and, as they dry up, put a putty on top. Unequality after drying is grouped by sandpaper, and the surface is cleaned from dust and is covered with primer.

Installation on a self-tapping screw

The method is more complex in comparison with the previous one, but the fastening is reliable, and the method is successfully used on the walls with a large curvature. For this, you will additionally need:

  • Electric drill and screwdriver;
  • Glue and mounting foam;
  • A set of self-tapping screws and screws with washers, with a diameter of more than 1 cm;
  • Thick foam.

With a frameless installation of plasterboard plates, the ceiling height should not be higher than 3 m, since the technology does not provide the horizontal seam device.

After the primer of the surface of the wall with all prepared sheets, the following steps are carried out:

  1. The plate is applied to the wall, and in it with a distance of 8-10 points uniform from each other, the holes are drilled, which are tags;
  2. The sheet is cleaned, and on the labels in the drilled holes scoring a dowel;
  3. The plasterboard is placed on 10-12 cm from the holes, which will play the role of the shock absorber during installation;
  4. The sheet is applied to the wall and fasten screws with the washers kicked on them;
  5. With the help of the level, the installation of a sheet in a strictly vertical position by screwing or unscrewing the screws;
  6. The above-described steps are carried out with all plasterboard plates;
  7. Near each screws, a hole is done in diameter up to 7 mm for injection of mounting foam for fixing. Its feed is carried out blindly, and it is predefined to carry out an experiment with a dosage, so that a stain with a diameter of up to 15 cm was obtained;
  8. All the plates are fixed with the simultaneous control of their position by the construction level;
  9. Screws are extracted after frozen foam, and the remaining holes are shaky;
  10. Works are completed with standard putty seams with further grinding sandpaper after drying.

Frameless alignment of walls with plates of drywall - a complex technology that requires knowledge of the properties of the materials used, and the skill of work in this area. You need to be able to choose putty and glue, based on the conditions for performing work and surface features that will be installed. It is necessary to take on an independent execution of this task if you have confidence in your capabilities. Otherwise, faster and cheaper to entrust the repair of professionals.

If you prefer to perform repair work in the house solely on your own, and also always try to save, read our article to the end. We will tell you how to fix plasterboard with your own hands on the walls without a frame. In order, they became perfectly even at a minimum of material costs.

Scope of use of material

Plasterboard is a composite material manufactured in the form of sheets with high flexibility and durability (GKC). Many characteristics of the material depend on its type. And the species pick up the specific parameters of the room: moisture-resistant use in the bathroom and kitchen, non-fatty in the bedroom or hall.

Its use allows you to align the curvature of the walls of the already built country cottage or urban apartment. And then we will talk about how it is done with your own hands the walls of the walls with a sheet of plasterboard without a preliminary structure of a metal frame.

Possible use of plasterboard designs

Advantages of GLC

Operational characteristics that demonstrate a sheet of drywall are ideally suited for residential premises. Therefore, experts say that when aligning the surface of the walls of a country house or a city apartment of a better material is not found.

Among other advantages, such qualities can be distinguished:

  • environmental purity, lack of toxins and as a result, harmlessness for others;
  • complies with the standards of radiation indicators;
  • features energy-saving parameters;
  • characterized by an excellent soundproofing ability;
  • fire resistant and does not burn;
  • there are species resistant to elevated moisture level;
  • it has a fairly wide scope of application, as it allows builders and designers of interiors to implement the most incredible architectural fantasies and decorator plans.

Plasterboard plates

Required tools

In a person's arsenal, the following tools must be present when working with GCC.

  • measuring tape measure: to perform measurements;
  • construction knife: for booting GLK;
  • spatula: for applying putty in places of sheets of sheets;
  • small-dispersed sandpaper for grinding joints;
  • electric jigsaw: If you need to create curly inserts;
  • level: To determine the curvature of the surface.

Required tools

How to fix plasterboard on the wall

In most cases, a frame of metal profiles is pre-built for fastening plasterboard sheets. However, this technique can not always be applied without any problems.

There are situations when the installation of the frame is simply impossible. So, in small rooms, the decoration of the walls of plasterboard can be organized and without a similar design. After all, the profile frame "eats" is quite a lot of free space, which is so limited in a small room.

The prerequisite for the effectiveness and durability of the repair is dry surface. If the wall in the work of the wall was wet, the finish will not last on it for a long time.

Frameless method of fastening of plasterboard
Frame method for fastening drywall

Perform measurements and calculations

The obligatory stage of the work is to perform relevant for the premises of measurements and calculations. Measurements of the height and width of the walls are performed by measuring tape measure. Specific figures will allow to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe working surface and calculate the actual volume of materials.

Study the wall for which the slab will be mounted, for curvature. After all, this parameter will largely depend on the features of the foundation of the base of plasterboard without a frame.

Using the level check irregularities

When choosing plasterboard plates, first of all, it is necessary to determine the current conditions in your room. Be sure to note that GLCs need to be laid with a displacement. This technique allows you to prevent the cruciate of the joints.

Mounting scheme of plasterboard plates with displacement

How to cut the material

To cut the product, make a plot line on it with a simple pencil. Then, perform an incision GLK with one building knife and reduce it, bending the product inside the intended line. Now you can make an incision on the other side and the final dorms of GKL. Thus, the edges of the sheets will be neat.

Scheme cutting plasterboard

Cooking the wall to the trim GLC

The next stage of work is the preparation of surfaces. It implies the purification of the base from dust, dirt and detachments of the previous finish. The porous surface is to be projected. In the case of a new structure, other repairs in the room should already be completed. So, before starting the installation of plates on its walls, all communications must be installed. Then you can safely choose one of the methods for performing this task.

We use adhesive composition

In order to fix drywall on the wall, you can apply starting putty. It is also permissible to use building gypsum, which add water and PVA. This composition will be highly high quality characteristics. But the best option is the finished glue.

Mass should be applied on drywall with large drops using a toothed spatula.

Application of glue on plasterboard

Montage GLK

And at shutdown, you need to install plasterboard sheets. The construction of the carcass under the plasterboard here is inappropriate, as it requires enough free space in the room. And the technique and the actual adhesive composition for this operation is determined by the degree of curvature of the surface.

If a very smooth wall is trimmed with plasterboard, then it must be prejected to a special means. So, an excellent option will be the soil "concrete contact", which significantly increases the adhesion of the foundation. And to equalize the bases, the gypsum can be preferred by "Perlfix" and "fogenfuller" from the well-known brand Knauff. These compositions reliably fix the GLCs on the basis without losing their initial qualities.

If the walls of the house are constructed from concrete, the GLC installation must be carried out after they are treated with a "RicoBigrount" or "Tiefengrund" primer. Such compositions prevent glue absorption with concrete structures.

Surface primer

The wall cladding with plasterboard with drops of less than 4 mm involves gluing the GCC to the work wall using a spacing mixture by the type "fogenfuller". It is applied by subtle longitudinal rows. To perform this operation, take a toothed spatula. Such a tool work with putty will be very comfortable.

If the irregularities of the base do not exceed 20 mm, then it is necessary to take advantage of the more reliable glue "Perlfix" for gluing HCL. Moreover, the composition should be applied with the help of a workshop cumulatively, observing a pitch of 35 cm. Hands must have the same size and height less than 25 mm. If the wall defects exceed an indicator of 40 mm, the installation of drywall on the base is performed on top of the crate with a putty by the type "fogenfuller" and on the tapping screw.

Facing the walls of plasterboard with glue

After the beds are applied to the wall, it will be necessary to make linings from drywall trimming. You can also use wooden rails. They are mounted around the perimeter of the working surface. And then the bottom on the created lining is installed GLC. Through the light blows of the xianca of rubber sheets sit down in place more tight. Also, experts advise not to regret glue, but to carry out the layer thickening.

Application of glue mixture on the wall
Installation of plasterboard on the wall with glue

Finish finish

When the installation of GLC is completed, the joints of the sheets are putting off and squeakly sandpaper to perfect evenness. Further, the walls can be covered with decorative plaster, paint, sack with wallpaper and the like.

Finish finish
Shp clashes

Installation of HCL on the walls without a frame for the purpose of alignment is quite simple to perform with your own hands. To do this, it is fairly accurate to measure the curvature of the grounds, read our article to the end, and also have plasterboard sheets, wooden slats and glue.