What to cook for the new year Caucasian cuisine. Kitchen of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Caucasian) - national recipes of home dishes with photos

Kitchen of the peoples of the Caucasus or National Caucasian cuisine - This is a prefabricated concept that combines the kitchen Abkhaz, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian Lezgin, Ossetian, Chechen. Of course, each of them has its own dishes, but most of them are similar, such as a kebab. This dish is a solid sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of pork or lamb, pickled, and then roasted on the grill. The principle of cooking the dish is the same, the same marinades differ. They are the most diverse.

The community of previously listed Caucasian cuisines is that in each of them you will find snacks, salads, first dishes in the form of thick soups, second hot dishes, desserts, pastries, billets for the winter. This kind of pattern is traced in the food used. So, for example, the basis of many dishes is meat. Most popular - lamb, then goes kozdyatin and beef, as well as poultry meat. Pork is practically not used, due to a religious factor. The thing is that many Caucasians adhere to Islam, which just imposes a ban (haram) for the use of pig meat. In addition, milk and dairy products are pretty widely used. Pretty popular skis milk and drinks based on it, as well as all sorts of cheeses. By the way, cheeseing for Caucasian peoples is an integral part of their traditional cooking. Also on the traditional Caucasian table you will see a large variety of greenery, as well as local seasonal vegetables. Another similar feature is the use of wheat flour to baking the cakes.

The peoples of the Caucasus jealously protect their traditions. So, for example, by going to the Caucasus, you will again see the tandoor - a traditional stove of a tiny, in which a wide variety of dishes are manufactured. Belief and the truth served such a device is not one hundred years, and will last no less!

Speaking about the kitchen of the peoples of the Caucasus, we would like to note that she is gaining popularity on global scale every year and more. Today, millions of people are hearing such names: Harcho, Pilaf, Lobio, Satziva, Khachapuri, Lulle-Kebab and many others. And it is not surprising, because these dishes are not only unusual and eastern piquant, but also very tasty!

If you are interested in the national Caucasian cuisine, then we suggest to get acquainted with it closer. For this you do not have to go to an expensive restaurant, or look for a suitable cafe. You can join the Caucasian cuisine without leaving your own home. It is enough just to take advantage of the recipes with the photo that they are given here! We hope that the dishes prepared by you will turn out in the best traditions of real oriental cuisine!

This is delicious.

Caucasian cuisine - bright and unusual. This is, first of all, meat, greens, cheese and spices, of which are very tasty things.

  1. Dagestan

    Previously, lamb was used for the preparation of Avar Khinkal, now more often take beef.


    300 g beef

    5 tomatoes fresh

    salt, pepper, bay leaf

    bulb onions

    1 head garlic

    1 tsp. soda

    vegetable oil


    Serve meat, dough, garlic sauce and broth separately

    Cover with cooking test should be tightly closed


    Weld up large pieces of meat.

    Wheat dough, kneaded in kefir, roll in a layer of 6 millimeters with a thickness of 6 millimeters, cut into diamonds or squares and throw in boiling broth left after meat. Cooking five minutes, sometimes stirring.

    As soon as the dough is ready, urgently remove, not forgetting to pierce each piece for a fork or toothpick.

    For sauce, mix sour cream or stewed tomatoes with garlic in broth.

  2. Chechnya


    Chepalgash is thin cakes with cottage cheese. Despite the stereotype of kebabs, the basis of North Caucasian cuisine is flour, cereal and cheese, that is, simple, cheap and calorie food.


    100 g of wheat flour

    100 g kefira

    0.2 g of food soda

    For filling:

    75 gr of cottage cheese

    several green bow bundles

    20 g of butter


    Prepare on a dry frying pan


    Wheat dough. Surface on the kefir, divide into pieces of about 200 grams in the form of balls and finely roll. To put a couple of tablespoons of filling from homemade cottage cheese, green onions, eggs and salts. The edges are combined and encountered, roll out the pellet to the thickness of less centimeter.

    Fry on both sides in a frying pan (first side - with a lid, the second - without a lid). Finished pellets dip in hot water, fold on each other, dustly miss each layer of cream oil.

    Cut the whole slide, like a cake, on 6 parts. Eat, not yet cooled.

  3. Ossetia

    Ossetia on holidays are often found pies with meat, beet tops, potatoes, cabbage. There are beets and cheese in Tsakharajina, it is a very tasty and satisfying pie.


    2 chicken eggs

    400 g of wheat flour

    150 g cheese Suluguni

    150 g of Ossetian cheese

    80 g beetroot topping

    30 ml of auxy oil

    5 g of sugar

    5 g salts

    10 g dry yeast



    After in the end, lubricate the oil at the end, cover with a towel and let it stand for 5 minutes


    Check the dough on yeast with milk, salt and shallow oil. Cover and leave in a warm place for an hour.

    Make a stuffing from fresh young cheese and sliced \u200b\u200bstraw beet trees without stems. For fatty, you can add foiled oil or sour cream. Sung and pepper.

    Make a cake with a thickness of a slightly less centimeter. Put the filling on the middle. Torn the ends of the dough on the middle, take off. Turn over, carefully crumple the surface of the cake, in the middle, make an incision for steam.

    Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Then smear the oil.

  4. Ingushetia


    Meat in Ingushetia is usually served with a special sauce. Here is his recipe.


    meat broth

    several potatoes

    bunch of greenery

    salt pepper

    1 Loux

    1 carrot



    Potatoes are welded on meat broth, carefully from, adding raw eggs in the process.

    Mix with broth so that the puree in it dissolved.

    Boil a couple of minutes, then remove from the fire, add finely chopped green onions and other greens to taste.

    Sung down, pepper, tomit 10-15 minutes. Add grip from the onion and carrots stewed on creamy oil.

  5. Adygea


    In addition to the Adygei cheese, which everyone knows, it is worth trying hedlibzh. This is a chicken stew in sour cream or cream.


    5 pieces. Chicken Hearts

    2-3 tbsp. sour cream

    1 Lukovitsa

    1.5 tbsp. flour

    salt, paprika, mixture of peppers to taste


    Onions and garlic finely cut and separately fry until a golden shade.

    Fold all together in a saucepan, sprinkle paprika. Pour some water, salt, extinguish 15 minutes.

    Add sauce from sour cream, flour and water, extinguish between half an hour before readiness.

  6. Azerbaijan


    Dov is one of the popular and favorite dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine. This dish is good because it is beautiful and hot, and cold.

    Ingredients on a 2-liter homemage cylinder:

    2 sour cream 200 g

    1 big bunch of kinse, dill, spinach, tops, mint

    1 Small Garlic Head

    0.5 Art. Round rice

    0.5 Art. Boiled pea nuta


    It is better to use homemade Maconi, you can buy it on the market

    Mix the remote when cooking is needed continuously to boil, otherwise Maconi will come

    Mix better wooden spoon


    Wash all the greens in advance, set finely, dry. Separately boil rice. Pour Maconi and sour cream in a saucepan and stir well. Wheel there 2 eggs. Add boiled rice along with water.

    Put a saucepan on a large fire and, continuously stirring, bring to a boil.

    When Martsona boils - put the greenery and finely chopped garlic into the pan, without ceasing to interfere.

    Bring once to boil.

    Add boiled peas. Lid do not cover the first couple of hours.

  7. Armenia

    Ishhan in wine

    Until now, Ishhan is considered the main culinary masterpiece of Armenia, or Sevan Trout. It will get it with a spoon through the gills, without plowing the abdomen. Then the tender fish is stuffed with tarragon and allowed in wine.


    1kg trout

    1 bundle Estragona

    300 g Alychi.

    1 Lukovitsa

    dry white wine


    From the sewan trout, remove the gills, through them with a spoon, remove the insides. The cavity is thoroughly rinse and climb the chopped mixture of allyci, pomegranate, onions and etragon.

    You need to write on a weak heat for about 10 minutes in white wine at the rate of 1 cup per 1 kilogram of the dish, not allowing the contact of the fish with the bottom of the pan. To do this, it can be put on stones or wooden sticks.

  8. Georgia


    Delicious chicken recipe from Georgian national cuisine.


    500 ml of cream

    box kinse

    bunch of parsley

    several cloves of garlic

    salt, Pepper, Hmeli Sunneli


    Chickens Alive along the breast, remove the excess fat, the ruin and the tips of the wings, slightly take away.

    Sattail salt, pepper and smear with vegetable oil. Put on the hot frying pan under the rift, fry from two sides to a golden crust.

    Pour with cream sauce, crushed garlic, kinse, parsley and hops-Sunnels. Close the lid, cutting into the oven for about 20 minutes.

Nowadays, difficult to find a person who would not love Caucasian dishes. Recipes that we have gathered for you in this article will help you cook in oriental style. Do not forget about the popular Caucasian pastries that you can easily comprehend yourself in your kitchen.

Ossetian pies

If you try this amazing dish at least once, then fall in love with his taste. The menu cannot be imagined without this unique baking, and if you learn how to cook it yourself, your loved ones will be grateful to you. Recipe:

  • Weigh on a stove 200 ml of milk, add 15 grams of yeast and 10 grams of sugar. Add a bit of flour, mix and leave the scheduling to rise for 20-30 minutes. As soon as it is ready, you can knead the dough. For this, ask for a bowl of 350 grams of flour and add a bit of salt.
  • For filling Stodite 250 grams of Suluguni, add to it 20 grams of crushed dill and green onions. A bunch of a bug of young beets cut into a knife, put in the stuff and mix with your hands.
  • In order for the pie to succeed, filling and dough should coincide in volume. Shatting a piece of dough into a small cake, place the stuffing and secure the edges. With the help of a rolling pin, rolling the pie is quite thin, and on top of the round hole.
  • Put the workpiece on the baking sheet and send it to the heated oven for 10 minutes.

A ready-made dish lubricate the creamy oil and serve to the table. Setshot pies are prepared with different fillings, but always in odd quantities. Therefore, to please close, surprise them with fragrant treats with meat or chicken.


Caucasian dishes prepared with their own hands and in their kitchen will make your usual menu more diverse. And for juicy and delicious cheese pies, your loved ones will say a separate "thank you." How to cook Khachapuri:

  • Packets are operating in warm water. Check the simple dough by adding flour and salt. After that, lubricate it with oil and send to a warm place to rise.
  • For filling, soda cheese and mix it with a raw egg.
  • From the test, roll the cake, put the center in the center and take the edges. Roll a flat round pie.

Khachapuri can be baked in the oven or on a dry frying pan without adding oil. Before serving, smear the cake with butter. If you have a filling left, then lubricate the surface of the finished cake. After that, put baking into the preheated oven for another few minutes. Cut the treat to the portion pieces and call close to the table.


Without this satisfying snack, it is impossible to present the traditional Caucasian feast. Add it to it cut from fresh vegetables, soft bread and fragrant greens, and will be a rich dinner for the whole family. Recipe:

  • 300 grams of dry red beans are supervised for four hours. After that, it needs to be rinsed and boiled until readiness.
  • Three bulbs and two cloves of garlic cleanse from the peel, grind the knife and fry on vegetable oil. At the end, add remove the frying pan from the fire and cool down.
  • Grind 100 grams of purified walnuts, add the chopped cilantro and mix everything with the rest of the products. Add salt, pepper and, if necessary, some water.

Soup with greens

Kitchens are distinguished by a bright taste due to their composition of spices and fresh greenery. Prepare such a dish very easy:

  • Cool 600 grams of kefira or morig.
  • Two potatoes, two bulbs and two cloves of garlic cleanse from the peel, and then grind.
  • Pour a little oil into the pan, and then fry onions and garlic on it. After that, add potatoes and fill all the hot broth.
  • 300 grams of greenery finely cut, put in a sieve and warm up a few minutes over the ferry. After that, grind it with a blender and add to the soup. Pour the kefir there, put spices and salt.

Before serving, season with sharp pepper.

Delicious meat dishes. Chakhochili.

If you want to cook this delicious dish, then carefully read our recipe:

  • Put the chicken in a saucepan weighing 1.5-2 kilograms and boil until half-ready. After that, divide it into portion pieces.
  • Fry the chicken in the cauldron or pan with a thick bottom to a ruddy crust. At the end, add the crushed onion and sweet pepper. Fry all together for a few more minutes.
  • Pour a grade broth in the pan in the pan, close the lid and extinguish everything together for 40 minutes.
  • With a tomato, remove the skin, and then grind them with a blender. Add them to the chicken along with chopped garlic, basil and cilantro. If you like sharp, add chicken chicken burning pepper or adjika. At the end, put salt and

Like other delicious meat dishes, chakhokhbils should be served to the table with hot with plenty of fresh vegetables.

Shawarma. Classic recipe

Caucasian dishes firmly entered our lives, and Shawarma has long become native to our fellow citizens. We regularly buy it in stores, tents and attractive stalls. However, if you decide to pamper yourself with a delicious delicacy, it is better to prepare it yourself. Moreover, the recipe for its cooking is very simple:

  • 500 grams of chicken meat Forex on a spit or in the oven. To give him a unique fragrance, you can use liquid smoke. Divide the chicken on the fiber with hands or finely cut it.
  • Slim pita lubricate ketchup and mayonnaise, and on top of a thin layer put pieces of pre-prepared chicken.
  • Next, you can experiment with ingredients, but we suggest trying our option. To do this, laid french fries, chopped with straw cabbage, Korean carrots and onions.
  • Wrap the lava with the envelope and warm it up in a frying pan or in the oven.

You can prepare this dish for a picnic or cottage. If you attract your guests to this process, everyone can create a unique dish to their taste.


Popular Caucasian dishes whose recipes we describe in our article are known since childhood every Russian. However, they often differ in the method of preparation, and each cooking tries to bring something new to it. This is especially true of a kebab, which everyone prepares in its own way. We suggest you try to prepare it in the following way:

  • Four kilograms of pork cut into pieces of medium size and put them in a saucepan.
  • Each layer should be suspended with seasoning (ground black or red pepper) and crushed onions.
  • Fill the meat with mineral water and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Prepare a kebab on an outdoor with a grid or skewers.

We hope that you will like Caucasian dishes, whose recipes we have described in this article.

Caucasian kitchen - The concept is quite conditional. A large number of peoples live in the Caucasus Mountains region, the kitchen of which has many common features. Caucasian cuisine is, first of all, meat, vegetables, greens, spices and red wine. The names of many Caucasian dishes are well acquainted even those who did not have to have in the Caucasus, since this national food in Russia simply adore.

Dishes are generally inherent in the grace of taste, saturation and special ritual of cooking and eating with mandatory abundance of herbs, spices, and delicious drinks combine the collective name of traditional dishes of peoples inhabiting the Caucasian area.

Nature generously gave this region - this is a fertile pashnya, a lot of sun, noble mountains with an abundance of fragrant herbs, fragrant gardens and vineyards. Therefore, Caucasian cuisine is a real national heritage that does not like others, because it combines secrets of various dishes.

All dishes are very appetizing, juicy, satisfying, with their unique flavor of flavors and original recipes. This is a well-known kebab, appetizing pilaf, sazivi, shuffling, dolma, chinkiali, kebab, khachapuri - the list can be continued to infinity. And of course, it is impossible to not pay attention to the unimaginable abundance of various sauces, seasonings and famous fragrant wines. Magic unique recipes give us peoples that are well versed in food and able to cook it. Coloring culinary ideas are loved and in demand far beyond the Caucasus.

In this review, we chose five famous Caucasian dishes and gathered their classic recipes.

In order to start cooking a real and delicious kebab, you must first select a suitable meat. What should I buy meat? Someone loves only lamb, others do not eat pork, and the third use any meat. For a good kebab, the pork is well suited, not very fat, only fresh and not ice cream. What part of the pork to take for better results? Take the neck.
Ingredients for marination - at the rate of 3-4 kilograms. The main secret of the kebab marination is not in what the ingredients are put there, but in what sequence.


  • Salt (approximately 4-5 ppm)
  • Pepper black large ground
  • Coriander - He Kinza. 15-20 peas. They need to be frozen in a step, first slightly delight. If the coriander is already ground: a little more than half a teaspoon
  • Basil - as much as a ground coriander, 1/2 teaspoon
  • Thyme - he is a chamber at the rate of kilogram - one, two chopping

  • Zira. Very specific seasoning, there will be enough less than half a teaspoon. Zira, very specific taste, so be careful in its quantity
  • Bay leaf, couple pieces
  • Red pepper, paprika. Ground, sweet. You can have a teaspoon without a slide. It will give a little desired fragrance and beautiful color with frying. Want to add sharpness? One tooth crushed garlic, add sharp, podpper, but attention, the taste of meat can be very interrupted, everything is necessary in moderation
  • Onion - 5-6 bulbs
  • Sunflower oil - 5-6 tablespoons

Mix all, add half lemon. Several hours of meat should be marinated, after a kebab is fried on the mangale.

Ossetian millennia bake their traditional pies with a variety of stuffing. The shape of pies is usually round, about 30-35 cm in diameter.

The name of the pies can be different depending on the type of filling :

  • Walibach, Ch (K) Iri, Hubizjyn (in the unit) - Cheese Pies
  • Potatjyn - Pies with potatoes and cheese
  • Tsakarajyn - Pies with crushed beets and cheese leaves
  • Kabuskagen - Pies with chopped cabbage and cheese
  • Fydjyn - Pies with meat (more often beef) minced
  • Davonjyn - Cakes with crushed leaves of abrade and cheese
  • Nashjyn - Pies with crushed pumpkin and cheese (bug and without)
  • X (B) Adurjyn - Pies with beans

In different areas of Ossetia there may be other variations of the filling.

Ossetian Pie.


For dough:

  • Wheat flour - 500 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Salt - 60 g
  • Yeast (better live) - 50 g
  • Water - 1.5 L.

For filling:

  • Beef (Breast) - 450 g
  • Bulb onions - 2 medium bulbs
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves

Ossetian Pie.


  • Prepare opar - Mix one and a half liters of warm water, yeast, salt and sugar. Let break in 10-12 minutes
  • Mix flour and opara So that the dough is enough elastic and not too hard. At the end add a little sunflower oil so that the dough does not stick to the hands
  • Skip meat through a meat grinder, the same to do with garlic and onions. Add salt and pepper to the masse
  • Put dough On the table, roll a little and put in the middle of the filling. Then the edges of the test close it from above. After rolling to thickness in two and a half centimeters. Share the cake into the cast-iron pan or shape (in diameter of about 32 centimeters). Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 300 degrees. When applying, lubricate the cake with a small amount of cream oil

To prepare real chinkly, you need to follow several rules. First, the meat is desirable not to scroll through the meat grinder, but to chop finely: the chopped meat will give more natural juice during cooking, and this is the most valuable part of the dish. In addition, mince should not be dry, it needs to add some water and stir thoroughly. It is hard to knead the dough for chinkially, as it should be dense and elastic, so if there is a test mixer, it is better to use it.

The more folds on the tail, the kinder than the Khinkali are considered: ideally the folds should be 19, but often about 10 there are. The quantity does not affect the taste, but speaks about the professionalism of the chef.

There is a chinkie needed by hand: take over the tail, flip, contact a small hole and first drink juice, and then bite off.



  • Veal - 1 kg
  • Onion - 200 gr
  • Chili pepper - 10-12 gr
  • Salt - 10-15 gr
  • Black pepper - 3-4 gr
  • Fresh kinza - 5 gr
  • Water - 100 gr


  • Flour - 2 kg
  • Water - 650 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 20-30 gr
  • Salt - 20 gr


Dough. In the deep container, pour flour, salt and start kneading, gradually adding water and sunflower oil. After the mass becomes homogeneous and elastic, to make it in a lump, cover with food film and leave for 20 minutes.

Minced meat. Meat finely chop. Cut into small onions on small cubes, finely chop chili and chop the kint. In the deep tank mix meat, onions, chili, cilantro, mint, salt and pepper. Add water and mix thoroughly (the consistency should be liquid, but uniform).

Roll the dough into a sausage with a diameter of about four centimeters and cut it into pieces of three or four centimeters. To make each piece into the ball, and then, sprinkling the flour, roll three millimeter thick into the thin cake. It is necessary to roll over the same ball at least ten times that the dough becomes more elastic.

Put about 50 grams. Minor in the middle of a thin cake and, lifting up the edge of the test, roll them in a circle of harmonica: clamp the dough with one hand, and the other collected folds. The resulting tail to press and cut off the knife over the top. Slightly pull the chinkly so that after cooking the juice from meat is left below.

In the saucepan of sunflowered boiling water spoons with a spoon of funnel, omit in her center Khinkali, scroll once (so that Hinkali probably do not stick together with each other) and leave to boil for seven-nine minutes.

(Kebab in Persian "Fried Meat") - the oblong cutlet roasted on the skewer.

Traditional lulle-Kebab Prepare from lamb and bouquet. In this case, the lamb must be rather fatty, and the bow will need a lot. Unlike the kitlet, neither eggs or bread do not put in the lula-kebab. Only spices add to meat with onions: pepper, basil, cilantro, garlic.

For cooking lulle-Kebab. The lamb must be skipped through the meat grinder and rzyuate with his hands for a very long time, with the power of throwing on the table. The minced mell must become viscous to keep on skewers and did not fall apart on the mangale. It is very important to knead the minced meat - it also depends on how gentle meat.

So that mince, made without bread and eggs, did not fall asleep during frying, it must be pre-repel, that is, with force to hit the entire mass of minced meat on the table for 8-10 minutes.


  • Lamb - 1 kg
  • Onion - 4 pcs
  • Kurdyut fat - 100 gr
  • Basil - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  • Leek Clear, together with half larch grin in the meat grinder
  • Muffle wash, cut into pieces and also crushed in the meat grinder. Add a mixture of onion and sala, just once to skip through a meat grinder
  • Puffs delivered by seasonings and basil. Mix 7-8 min. Then how to repel, cover with a food film and put for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Cut out minced sausages 12-14 cm long, ride on skewers. Fry on coals or on a hot frying pan, constantly turning over, 20 minutes. A plum sauce is very well suitable for Lulia Kababam.


Khachapuri recipe in Ajars


  • flour - 500 gr
  • salt - 1/4 h. l.
  • milk warm - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • egg chicken - 8 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • yeast dry - 1 bag
  • cheese grated (Adygei or Suluguni) - 250-350 gr
  • creamy oil - 100 gr


  • Dough. In a bowl, we pour milk, add salt, sugar, 1 egg, flour and yeast and mix well. Men as long as it turns out smooth and elastic dough
  • Lubricate the saucepan with oil, shift the dough into it and run in oil, after which we cover the foil and put in a warm place for an hour. An hour later, we will firm the dough and re-remove to heat for half an hour
  • After half an hour, we ignore the dough and divide on 6 equal parts by the number of future Khachapuri. Hands sparing dough so that soft oval cakes come up, pull up the edges of these cakes so that in the dough it is a fond. In the middle laying the grated cheese, the edges wrap up and we form a boat. 1 egg whipped and lubricate them the edges

  • We send Khachapuri to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25-30 minutes. Then get the hacapuri and drive in the middle of each egg. Finish Khachapuri with an egg in the oven, so that the protein is baked, and the yolk remained liquid (do not miss this moment !!!)And get out. Serve khachapuri need hot, putting on top of each piece of butter

Bon Appetit everyone!!!

In the Caucasus, food is related to love and sincere reverence: it is believed that the food is sent to people of heaven to live and gain strength. Baking in this important case is given not the last role. The exact recipes are transmitted from generation to generation. Each family certainly keeps a special secret, making baking such that "swallow your own language, I swear in my mother!" And anyone who visited the Caucasus will confirm: being in the right mind and clear consciousness, it is impossible to refuse crispy Cheburek with a chopped lamb inside. No one will turn away from Khachapuri - boats with a yellow egg eye in the middle. Only a fool snorted at the sight of walnut smellava. And only a madman says: "I don't want!", Seeing Caucasian cakes, when baking which there is a rule: the dough is smaller, and the filling - juicy, spicy - more.

Stuffs for pies There is a great set: meat, cheese, chicken bumbry, cottage cheese, greens, beans, vegetables, fruit and ... love. True experts and connoisseurs assure that it is just not enough to mix the ingredients. In addition to them, they say, you need to add a part of the soul to the dish, otherwise it will not be suitable anywhere. Sleeves do not belong to baking pies - they are like a quality certificate: the better and thinner rolling the dough, the more experienced the mistress, and the generous and richer filling, the hospitality of the house.

In the properly cooked Caucasian cake, everything is fine - both the form and content. Therefore, do the dough yourself, not trusting the purchase, and do not skimp on the stuffing - let it be like that I want: sweet, salty, spicy ... Expand the taste of freshly baked cake will help a cup of tea, brewed with herbs, or a glass of wine and a good Caucasian toast, then There is a story in which the sublime poetry is mixed, the fairy tale, edification, laughter over evil and stupidity (agree, this is a separate work of packaging art). In our case, this: "Once one mountain eagle flew to hunt. He flew in search of mining for a long time, but could not choose her. The mouse was too small for such jigita. Lamb disgustly blurred. And the eagle did not look at Suslik at all - I was tired! Choosing, the eagle noded his wings, lost his strength and returned to the nest, and not so much. So let's drink for us to always choose the desired option! " Choose the recipe you like and know: in any case, no one will remain hungry and displeased. Prepare, treat and enjoy!

For 8 persons: flour - 500 g, Maconi - 250 ml, milk - 100 ml, eggs - 1 pc., butter creamy - 50 g, vegetable oil - 75 g, yeast dry - 6 g, sugar - 1 tsp, salt - 0 , 5 h. L., Pork - 700 g, onion - 2 pcs., Salo Pork salty - 150 g, garlic - 2 teeth, pepper red burning - 0, 5 h., Coriander ground - 0, 5 h . l, Zira - 1ch. l., Utso-Sunnel - 1 tbsp. l., Adzhik Georgian - 1 tsp, salt

Dilute yeast in milk with sugar, pour the mixture into flour with salt. Add Mazhoney and butter, drive the egg. To knead the dough, fill vegetable oil. Put the dough in a warm place for 2 hours. Cut the meat with pieces, bass and onions - cubes, garlic - plates. Mix, salt, pepper, pour spices, add Adzhik, leave for 30 minutes. Split the dough into two parts, roll out. On one layer, lay out the filling, cover the second layer, to protect the edges. Bake in the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C, about 20 minutes.

Calorie of one portion 260 kcal

Time for preparing 180 minutes

6 points

For 4 Persons: kefir - 125 ml, sour cream - 160 ml, butter creamy - 125 g, flour - 300 g, solid cheese - 250 g, cheese - 100 g, salt - 0.5 h. l., Soda - 0.5 h. l ., Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Kefir mix with sour cream (125 ml), add salt, sugar, soda, stir. Pour 100 g of melted butter. Add flour, knead the dough. Leave it for the cooking point. In grate cheese, add 25 g of butter, the remaining sour cream and mix. Dough and stuffing to divide into four parts. From each part of the test, shape a cake, put the center to the center. Collect the dough from the edges to the middle, flatten with a cake with hands. Fry Khachapuri on a preheated pan, without adding oil. Fry with a closed lid. Finished khachapuri lubricate with butter.

Calorie of one portion 344 kcal

Time for preparing 100 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 4 points

For 4 Persons: Soda - 1 tsp, flour - 1 kg, salt - 1 tsp, potatoes - 800 g, eggs - 2 pcs., kefir - 500 ml, onion green - 1 pc., butter creamy - 400 g

To sift the flour, connect with salt. In kefir add soda, mix. Pour kefir in flour, knead the dough, leave under a towel for 20 minutes. Potatoes clear, cook make a puree from it with the addition of eggs, finely chopped onion and salt. Split the dough and filling on equal parts. Dough roll over the layers. To each put a stuffing, wrap on all sides and roll out again so that it turns out a thin pellet with a filling. Fry cakes on a preheated pan, lubricate with a whipped egg and is well hammer with melted oil.

Calorie of one portion 280 kcal

Time for preparing 2 hours

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 4 points

For 6 persons: Flour - 250 g, dried yeast - 2 l., Sunflower oil deodorized - 2 tsp., Milk solid - 130 ml, Suluguni - 300 g, sour cream - 50 g, butter creamy - 30 g, parsley - 30 g , onion green - 30 g, sugar - 1 tsp., Salt - 1 tsp.

Heat 50 ml of milk. Add Yeast, Sugar Sand, Stir, Leave for 10-15 minutes. Plill in a bowl with sifted flour, add the remaining milk with salt and sunflower oil. Endress soft dough, cover with a towel, leave for 40 minutes. Grate cheese. Add finely naked greens and sour cream. To stir thoroughly. Dough to roll out, put it on it filling. Collapse the dough so that the filling is inside. Press your hands, cover with a towel, give to stand 3-5 minutes. Take the cake with your hands so that it turns out a large non-fat cord. Make an incision in the form of a cross for the exit of hot air, bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 ° C, after completing the process, lubricate with creamy oil.

Calorie of one portion 240 kcal

Time for preparing 100 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 4 points

For 3 Persons:flour - 400 g, salt - 1.5 h., Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l., yeast dry - 0.5 h., Butter butter - 100 g, eggs - 4 pcs., Suluguni - 400 g

In deep dishes pour 300 ml of water, slightly warm. Add salt, sugar, mix. Pour a little flour, mix the wedge. Put yeast and portions of the remaining flour. Swimming until the dough is behind the hands. Prepassed dough cover with a towel, put in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. Grate the Sulugun on a large grater, mix thoroughly. Distribute the dough into three equal parts, roll out each in a cake. Share on each stuffing, distributed throughout the area, wrap the sides, give the shape of the boat, slightly expand the middle and add some more fillings. Grease khachapuri whipped egg. Bake in preheated to 180 ° C overtake 25-30 minutes. In the center of the ready-made Khachapuri, put yolks of eggs and oven another 3-4 minutes. Then Khachapuri lubricate with butter.

Calorie of one portion 255 kcal

Cooking time 90 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 5 persons:vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., oil foam (or creamy) - 3 tbsp. l., Onions onions - 1 pc., Flour - 3.5 glasses, greens (any) - 400 g, salt

Sift flour, add a pinch of salt. Mixing the dough, gradually pouring water mixed with vegetable oil so that the dough does not work too cool. Cover the dough with a towel, leave for 30 minutes. The bulb is finely cut, 1 tbsp. l. Heat oil heat into the pan, put onions into it, tomorrow for 7 minutes until soft. Finely chopped green add to bow, mix, remove from the fire. Salt the stuffing, cool. Dough separated by 15 parts, roll out into thin pellets. Put on the middle fire dry frying pan with a thick bottom. At half of each squeeze, put the filling, cover the second half and carefully press the edges. Fry the Kutabs on both sides for one and a half minutes. Ready couches to lubricate the remaining foam oil. Serve hot or warm.

Calorie of one portion 236 kcal

Time for preparing 90 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 8 persons:flour - 500 g, sour cream - 200 g, butter butter - 300 g, eggs - 2 pcs., Bustyer - 1 tsp., walnuts - 2.5 glasses, small grinding sugar - 2.5 glasses, vanillin, cardamom , Cinnamon, Honey - 50 g

Soften 200 g of butter, add an egg, sour cream, mix, connect with flour, pour a baking powder. To knead the soft dough, send to the fridge. Quarters of walnuts (24 pcs.) To postpone for the decoration, the rest are crushed. Add 1.5 cup sugar and spices. Chilled dough is divided into four parts, roll out into a subtle layer. Divide the stuffing into three parts, lay out the dough layers into a lubricated form, mocking them with stuffing. Select the top layer on the portion pieces, cutting parallel lines with a knife, without cutting at the same time the bottom layer of the test. Make some more cuts to get rhombus. Grease the surface with a yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Cold water, in every rhombus stick nut. Place a form with a blank in the oven, heated to 200 ° C. It is 15 minutes later, to "update" cuts, pour 100 g of melted butter, get into the oven for 35-40 minutes. Swift syrup: bring water to boil (150 ml), add 1 cup of sugar, cook to easy thickening, cool. Mix with a portion of honey and shedding a bucked Pahlav.

Calorie of one portion 338 kcal

Time for preparing 80 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 6 persons:flour - 300 g, extruded yeast - 10 g, kefir - 350 ml, sugar - 5 g, margarine - 30 g, beans - 100 g, Barbus fat - 50 g, onion - 50 g, oil - 100 g, salt , Pepper

To sift the flour, pour out a hill on the table, pour kefir, put soften margarine, salt, yeast, sugar. To knead the dough and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Wash the exhaled beans, cook until complete readiness, spill, lean on the colander. Skip through a meat grinder, add finely chopped curd fat and finely chopped onions. Salt, pepper, mix. The finished dough is divided into two parts, roll out 0.5-1 with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm. Put the middle of one tortillas, to dissolve it so that 3-4 cm remains to the edges, cover the second cake. Wrap the edges of the pellets to the middle, to protect. Put the pie in a slightly heated frying pan, lubricated with fat and flourished. Make in the middle of an incision and put in the oven, heated to 210-230 ° C. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Serve, lubricating oil.

Calorie of one portion 160 kcal

Time for preparing 4 hours

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 6 points

Photo: iStock.com/gettyimages.ru.