What is a wet floor screed. Concrete screed floor with their own hands: a detailed process, how to fill the floors with a concrete tie

Producers of floor coverings argue that the durability of their products depends on the state of the draft floor. If there are restrictions for classic cement-sand alignment, then the dry tie technology has been used.

SP 29.13330.2011 / SNiP 2.03.13-88 The base for decorative and protective materials should be rigid, smooth, durable, monolithic. The following technologies are used to eliminate defects:

  1. The classic mineral screed of the "wet" type from cement-sand, gypsum and other types of solutions. This also includes the bulk sex.
  2. Semi-dry black floor alignment using a mixture of sandbetone and fiber fiber.
  3. Dry screed - the national team flooring on the base base or overlap.

Let's focus on the last. Technology involves alignment with sheet building materials such as GVL, SML, chipboard, plywood, OSP and others. There are even special sheets of MDF and cork composite used in a set with finishing materials of special purpose.

Dry screed should be preferred in cases where:

  • It is required to speed up the work as much as possible;
  • "Wet" processes are undesirable;
  • In the room there are strong differences, irregularities or it is necessary to significantly raise the level of the available floor.

Specialists have developed several design options. For apartments, houses and offices, the following types are most often applied:

  1. Frame floor (on lags).
  2. Adjustable design.
  3. Hard black floor.

Consider each view with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Floor screed

Most actively, this type of flooring on the Russian market promotes. It is recommended for use on slab and beam types of overlaps.

A bulk screed is a multi-layered design consisting of:

  • Waterproofing film, based on the walls on the wall. It is strongly recommended to use to prevent small suspension and dust into lower rooms, as well as as a shut-off pair and moisture transferrer. Since the layers lying on top provide aerial sound insulation (that is, they level the sounds of human speech, TV, etc.), experts advise to take care of the shock noise. Especially in cases where it is planned to be coatings with the resonance effect (laminate, parquet board, etc.) To do this, the rolled or slab vibro-acoustic materials are mounted under waterproofing;
  • Nermetful backfill. It can be crushed or fine-grained clay, strolled perlite, slag crushed, slag pumice, vermiculite mass, silica or quartz sand and other types of fillers. The recommended granule size module is from 0 to 7 mm, humidity is not more than 1%. Fasting thickness - from 20 to 100 mm;
  • Sheet building materials. Preferences should be given to tipped products like Knauf-Superfield (GVL) with mounting folding 50 mm depth or chickeren chipboard chipsers from QuickDeck. As analogue, the use of plywood, OSP, CPS and others is allowed.

For unloaded surfaces or rooms with a small operational load (for example, attic, summer annexes, relaxation rooms, etc.) Some manufacturers offer to use laid foam polystyrene foam or high density mineral wool.

Table 1. Funny dry band screed: pros and cons

Positive traits Negative characteristics
Low weight compared to classical mineral tie. In the absence of experience, the errors that entail many problems (screens, irregularities, dust, etc.).
High speed of work - from 1 day or more depending on the area and complexity of the object. Over time, partial shrinkage is possible, as well as the appearance of the "hourglass" effect due to uneven loads, dynamic movements, etc.
An insignificant level of dust during installation. Weak sound insulation, especially by structural and impact noise, which requires an additional layer.
Difficult equipment (concrete mixers, etc.) is not required. Service life approving manufacturers of components - 5-10 years.
It is allowed to lay it with your own hands.
High heat insulation.
Maintainability and ease of dismantling.

The technique of a bulk screed device at first glance seems simple, but in practice in this case a lot of "pitfalls". Due to the lack of specific knowledge, the wizard after laying there are various difficulty defects, such as:

  • Raised angles;
  • The absence of evenness, which is especially visible on the joints of the plates (when using products with smooth, unfolded edges);
  • The formation of emptiness under the flooring;
  • Slelling some areas;
  • Dust formation.

As a result - a violation of the integrity of the finishing finishing material, multiple screens and so on. But the cost of mounting a bulk screed is a considerable cycle from about 900 r. / M².

Briefly alignment of the floor with the use of non-metallic materials is made as follows.

table 2. Laying the dry team flooring using frustration.

Process name Scheme
1. Preparation of the foundation: removal of old coatings, cleaning from garbage, partial alignment.
2. Check floor level, applying wall markup.
3. Laying the polyethylene film to ensure hydro and vaporizolation with the allen on the walls by about 10-20 cm. If necessary, vibro-acoustic materials are labeled before the polyethylene film.
4. Fixation of damping tape around the perimeter.
5. Failure of the non-earthen filler, its alignment with the help of guide and leveling rail. Mandatory rambling and re-smoothing the surface to obtain a dense layer without shrinkage and movement.
6. Cutting sheets of GVL or chipboard, laying from a long wall with a displacement of end joints in adjacent rows of at least 25 cm. For t-shirt elements of the floor: the edges are applied "Liquid nails" adhesive, and hardware is screwed to ensure the monolith of the flooring.
7. Seel the joints with elastic putty.
8. Under ceramic and stone plates, additional treatment with moisture protection primers is recommended.

The dry screed includes a frame system, better known as the floor on the lags. It is clear from the name that the design is a "skeleton" from rails or metal profiles, fixed with a step of 40-50 cm to a concrete or wooden base. For alignment under the frame elements, lined lines are made of fiberboard, chipboard, wooden bolsters.

Available leafy materials are attached to the prepared frame: OSP, chipboard, MDF, plywood, etc. The finished black floor is suitable for any floor materials, including laminate, parquet, tiles from natural or artificial stone, and with high-quality handling of joints - under linoleum, carpet and Other types of elastic and semi-rigid finishing materials. Since its strength does not exceed 15 MPa, it should be mounted lag in rooms in rooms with non-intensive load: private houses frame, panel, monolithic, block, wooden; Apartments, offices, small cafes, etc. The cost of such a floor begins from 1100 r. / m².

Table 3.. Advantages and disadvantages of gender on lags

pros Minuses
A relatively small mass is unlike the "wet" screed. Labor-intensive installation process.
Independent laying is possible in dry and wet rooms, including baths and laundry. For the latter, waterproofing or the use of moisture-resistant sheet materials is required. The decent height of the structure is from 5 cm to 15 cm.
Perhaps the device of water warm floor and the "soft" electrical heating of the base. In violation of technology, violets, sizing, gender premium, geometry disorder and other defects appear.
Easy disassembly and maintainability. The maximum level of floor strength is up to 15 MPa.
High sound and thermal insulation.
Under technology, the service life is at least 10 years.

The flooring device technique on the lags has long been worked out and is successfully performed by both professionals and their own hands.

Table 4.. Montage of a frame dry screed.

Process name Scheme
1. Preparation of the foundation: Cleaning from old flooring, garbage, elimination of strong drops, protrusions, filling the pits and chosen by repair quick-drying compositions, waterproofing, noise insulation.
2. Check the basics of laser or hydrorer, if desired, drawing markings.
3. Treatment of wooden floor elements with protective compositions.
4. Forming a frame of lag.
5. Laying in the intervals of the heat insulator.
6. Installation of leafy materials with screws, nails and other types of hardware.
7. Floor finishing.

When using industrial insulation, it is desirable to work in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For example, if a mineral wool is used, the pair-and windproof membrane is needed under the lags. And after mounting the plates of stone or glass gambles - flooring pair-shutters. And only then - fixation of plywood or chipboard sheets.

Adjustable floor

The third type of dry tie is reasonably considered the most time-consuming performed, requiring the masters of professionalism and the ability to solve non-standard tasks. In this case, the design is in demand, as it allows to correct the shortcomings in both new buildings and during the reconstruction of the objects of the Old Fund.

Structural consists of wooden lags or plywood sheets / chipboard, which are installed on the fastening elements screwed into them. As the latter, threaded rods, racks, rack bolts, anchor and other similar hardware are used. The level of supports in height is adjusted by rotating the locking bolt around the console axis. For fixing the position of the floor element, special stops are used, dowel-nails. The cost of the device of such a draft base is from 1200 r. / M².

Table 5. Installation of adjustable flooring.

Process name Scheme
1. Preparation of the base gender: removal of garbage, large floor defects, if necessary, waterproofing.
2. Check the base of the level and the elimination of the level of the future floor.
3. Setting the support elements (brackets, anchors, etc.).
4. Installation of intermediate lag, insulation or laying of plywood sheets on adjustable hardware, their fixation.
5. Checking finished flooring, removal of protruding elements, if necessary - surface grinding.

Adjustable floors are used for mineral and wooden bases, including sprinkled, fragile, as well as with low bearing capacity. In addition, they have many other advantages.

Table 6. Advantages and disadvantages of the adjustable floor.

pros Minuses
The ability to align any, even the most difficult grounds. With violation of technology, various defects are quickly manifested: screens, irregularities, etc.
Relatively low weight and small load on the supporting structures. The process requires professionalism from installers, as well as considerable labor and time costs.
A laying of any communications under the flooring is allowed. Not suitable for rooms with low ceilings.
The device is additional heat and noise insulation.
If necessary, it is possible to quickly change the floor level.
Suitable for almost all outdoor finishing materials.
Service life - at least 7 years.

Tough dry tie

The latter type of dry flooring is also formed from chipboard, GVL, OSP and other analogues. It is considered the easiest performed, since all sheets are installed directly on the concrete base without additional linings. It is recommended to align the surface of the ceiling slabs or after the device of the traditional cement-sand tie. Levels small defects and provides minimal thermal insulation for laminate, parquet, linoleum, carpet and other finishing materials.

Table 7. Strong and weaknesses of hard flooring

Dignity disadvantages
Simple and fast installation. In case of violation of technology, the appearance of creaks and small irregularities.
Small construction weight. Aligns only minor defects, that is, the differences are not more than 5 mm.
The device of warm floor systems "Soft type" (infrared mats, rod kits) under laminate, parquet board is allowed. The device is impossible for additional thermal insulation.
Suitable for all finishing materials, but when laying a tile or stone, the sheets of moisture-resistant series are required.
Service life is at least 10 years.
Optimally for rooms with low ceilings, as well as any level of loads.

Installation of a rigid dry tie is simple. For this, plywood sheets, chipboard, CSPs in 1-2 layers are recorded for clean, prepared base with the help of hardware or polymer adhesives. The thickness of the finished coating is 12-24 mm. The price of the flooring device is from 300 r. / M².

Table 8. Installation of a rigid dry type screed.

Process name Scheme
1. Preparation of the foundation: removal of construction garbage and dust. As well as elimination of tubercles, filling the chosable, pits repair compositions. Waterproofing or processing of strengthening soil is made at the request of the customer.
2. Checking the floor leveling level.
3. Flooring sheet materials and their fixation with hardware.
4. Grinding floor for smoothing the smallest drops on the edges.

Comparison of classic, semi-dry and team screed

All types of dry floor alignment are an efficient, convenient and fast way to bring the base to the conditional condition. In addition (with a proper device!) A wonderful alternative to wet and semi-dry species. Each of them has its own goals, tolerances and restrictions. Compare all three technologies in tabular format.

Table 9. Comparison of types of tiery work.

Characteristic Classical cement-sand screed Semi-dry alignment Dry national flooring
Combination with finishing floor coatings. Everything Everything Waterproofing is required for ceramics and stone.
Term of work for premises with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 m 2, from beginning to full operation. Not less than 30 days. 1-2 weeks. 2-5 days.
Application for rooms with high levels of humidity. Yes Yes Lentimily
Device in buildings with a normal level of loads. Yes Yes Yes
Restriction on use due to low ceilings. Yes Yes Not
Formation in rooms with intensive loads. Yes Yes Not
Restriction for device due to weight. Yes Yes Not
Price (for full cycle). From 1000 r. / M 2 From 1100 r. / M 2 From 300 r. / M 2
Life time. 10-30 years old 5-15 years old 5-15 years.

According to customers, the most durable and durable is still considered a classic cement-sand screed. All other types of alignment The owners of apartments and houses are not as reliable, but quite efficient and convenient for the device of smooth floors under laminate, linoleum, parquet, tile. As the analysis of the situation shows a peculiar shaft of negative opinions associated with dry and semi-dry tie, caused by multiple violations of the technology of their device. Therefore, considering someone else's experience, carefully approach the selection of repairs and be sure to control the process at all stages.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.

Floor screed arrangement is this important event during repair and construction. However, what kind of floor screed is better? After all, the reliability and ease of laying decorative flooring are dependent on its quality. Smoothness and flatness of the floor, the ability to make high mechanical loads, sound, heat, waterproofing - a plurality of functions perform a screed, and therefore requires a serious approach to its installation.

To date, there are two main types of screed: "semi-dry" and "wet" floor screed. Before choosing one of them, it is necessary to figure out which floor screed will be better and what are the pros and cons of each option.

"Wet" and "semi-dry" tie

The wet embodiment of the floor screed is older, the essence of this method in the creation of a liquid solution based on concrete or cement, which is directly poured on the base of the base floor.

Due to the fact that the screed easily spread over the surface, it practically was characterized by self-leveling properties. However, in reality, additional processing is needed to improve high-quality wet screed. The first thing the surface was rolled through the roller to remove air bubbles, and after solidification, aligned with a spatula.

This technology has a significant drawback - a long time of drying the solution, which, as a rule, led to cracking the surface, even if the floor screed reinforcement was previously carried out. Of course, all this slowed down the repair work. That is why a regular step in the development of technology was the creation of a more advanced semi-drying of the floor, which, depending on the material used, is divided into a concrete and cement-sand tie.

Cement strainer

The distinctive characteristics of the mixture prepared for the device of semi-dry cement screed, the additive of fiber fiber and plasticizer is considered. These components make a screed more elastic and facilitate its installation. In addition, thus, the amount of water is reduced, due to which the problem of the wet screed is eliminated - the high moisture content in the building solution, which results in a cement screed more durable and easy.

When performing a cement-sand screed in the "semi-dry" version of the drying period decreases to 12 hours after installation, and after 4 days it can already be laminated or a parquet board.

Of course, in the process of installing a cement screed floor, a semi-dry method has its own defined nuances. In particular, to create a solution of the desired consistency, special equipment of the type of mortar pumps, clutter machines, with which the procedure of the screed device will be high-quality and fast.

Another enjoyable advantage of the cement screed prepared semi-dry method is a small cost. The use of low-cost components and a significantly reduced material consumption, compared with a wet cement tie, determine the price of its installation.

Concrete screed

Another method of laying a semi-dry screed can be carried out with concrete solution. In fact, the technology differs little from cement. In addition, the majority of building mixtures contain cement, so the alignment of the floor by concrete screed can be safely attributed to the variety of concrete cement screed. The only principal dignity is the lighter weight. Such an explicit advantage of the floor tie concrete can be explained by using lighter aggregates in dry building mixtures under the sandbetone brand.

As a rule, the tie of concrete floors is used to align surfaces with strong protrusions and slopes. After all, the relatively small weight of the concrete screed makes it possible to make a slightly compensating high thickness of its installation.

As you understand, the impressive thickness of the solution when the floor screed from the sandbetone needs additional events aimed at ensuring the surface from cracking. These include the arrangement of a ceramzit-concrete screed or reinforced concrete screed. In both cases, the presence of a porous material in a layer of cement-concrete solution increases the clutch of the solution with the base and improves the conditions for uniform drying of the screed.

Otherwise, the laying of a concrete screed is not different from cement. It will dry, too, about 12 hours, after which it is already possible to walk, and after 3-4 days after laying, it is possible to carry a decorative coating: laminate, linoleum, parquet board, and after 7-8 days tiles.

In the case of concrete and cement screed, it is necessary to take care of the waterproofing, if the fill occurs in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in another room, where there is a probability of water strait.

The concrete base of the floor is currently, perhaps the most common and in residential, and in industrial construction. It is suitable for almost any finish coatings or maybe, after appropriate processing, operated and independently. Its main advantages, subject to filling technology - high strength, resistance to destruction, durability of use. It is not surprising that when conducting private construction or under repair in an apartment in the overwhelming majority of cases, housing owners stop at such a field of floor arrangement.

Is it worth inviting builders' specialists, or a concrete band screed with their own hands is a completely affordable process for the average housing owner? The present publication is devoted to these questions.

Types of concrete tie

Concrete talls of the floor can have a different design, perform a few different technologies and target various purposes.

  • So, they can serve solely for alignment of the floor performed before mounting the finishing coating. Powerful ties serve as a reliable base in the rooms where elevated mechanical loads are envisaged. They can perform both the functions of providing the required thermobalansa, speaking, for example, powerful heat accumulators in the "warm floor" systems. Schedules often cover communication systems. Maybe they are used And in order to create a specific slope in the premises where it is necessary.
  • Concrete screeds in the number of layers are distinguished:

- They can be single-layer, that is, poured simultaneously to the entire calculated height. This is usually applied in industrial, economic or utility non-residential premises, where there are no higher requirements for the pulmonary of the floor.

- Multilayer ties are poured into several techniques. Typically, the first layer serves as a gross base, and the upper creates a flat surface for further work on the coating flooring. This approach is applied and in cases where the overall thickness of the required screed reaches too large, and it is more expedient to perform it in layers.

  • There are screed and clutch with the basis:

- Related ties have direct contact with the base. Of course, with such a fill technology, the maximum homogeneity of materials and their high adhesion among themselves should be ensured. Such coatings are characterized by good strength qualities in terms of holding high mechanical loads. However, the condition of the surface layer will largely depend on the level of humidity of the base. Such ties are predominantly performed on dry ceiling plates on the floors of buildings.

- In the event that the base has no sufficient waterproofing, apply a splitting layer to a split layer. The layer from the waterproofing material (rubberoid, the polymer film, the coating composition) becomes an obstacle to the penetration of moisture from the bottom, and the contact of the contact itself does not have. With such a technology, the layer of the poured solution cannot be less than 30 mm and, as a rule, needs reinforcement.

Such technology is often used in the device screed on the soil, for example, in garages, sheds, basements, on the first floors of houses without basements. Resort to it and in rooms with elevated moisture levels.

- Where enhanced floor insulation is required or there is a need for sound insulation, floating screeds are used. In this case, the concrete solution is poured over the heaters of the insulation of one or another type. The screed turns into a completely independent design - a slab that is not associated with the base or with the walls of the room. The minimum fill thickness in this case is at least 50 mm, and the reinforcement of the screed becomes a prerequisite.

The humidity of such a screed is absolutely independent of the state of the base, it is achieved good insulating and effect. Disadvantages - excessively large thickness, and therefore - the load on the overlap. Typically, such ties are used only on the first floors of residential or utility buildings, especially if the fill is carried out on the soil.

  • Screeds can be performed with a homogeneous solution or include certain fillers:

- Additive with a cement-sandy solution of polystyrene foam crumb substantially increases the thermal insulation quality of the coating.

Typically, such ties require a second, reinforcing and leveling layer.

- Where there are large thickness screeds or with elevated thermal insulation qualities, clamzite is added to the concrete solution.

The ceramzite concrete has sufficient strength, but for the flooring of some coatings, the fill of the facial layer from the conventional solution will be required. But the ceramic tile can be easy to lay directly on such a base.

Good performance features showing ties with micarimization fibrovolok. This technology allows you to dramatically increase the strength of the coating to mechanical loads, to stretching, bending.

Such ties typically do not give a T of Cordin, less defeated by shrinkage when frozen, they have less dust formation. They are great for floating floors.

  • Floor can be performed on classical, wet technology, or by lusukh. Semi-dry screed - it's relatively new, and not all yet Ready to try it in practice. In addition, it requires special professionalism in the preparation of the mortar mixture, calculated, seal and resurrecting the solution. Most home builders prefer to apply proven "wet" technology, which will be discussed in the article in the future. However, if you are limited in time, consider the option with the invitation of specialists in laying a semi-dry screed. When choosing a contractor, pay attention to the technology used - the presence of a mechanized composition of the composition will ensure purity in the apartment. For example, the styling of a semi-short screed on the newest technology is engaged in the company Eurostroce 21 Century (WWW.PRestigeHouse Web site).

Concrete screed pouring solutions

It is quite natural that if necessary, pour a concrete screed first need to decide on the type of solution. This issue is possible some options.

According to the existing canons of SNiP, the minimum strength of a conventional concrete screed, regardless of the form of its further cladding, should be at least M-150 (the coating withstands the force of 150 kg / cm²). If used self-confined The bay composition, then the requirements are even higher - from M-200. In accordance with these requirements and should be selected.

1. The "classic" concrete solution used to fill the ordinary screed of the floor is considered a cement-sand mixture in proportion 1: 3. "Recipe" This - time-tested and fully justifies itself. However, there are several nuances, without taking into account which you can easily spoil the future screed:

  • To prepare concrete, it is impossible to use the usual "washed" river sand, which has not passed special processing. The frozen surface will not be durable, starts to crumble over time, crumble and crack. The fact is that the grave is smoothed from the long exposure to water outlines, do not provide due clutch. In this regard, much better career sand, e of its grave graves in the wrong shape. True, when choosing, you need to carefully watch so that it does not come across a large amount of clay inclusions - it will also reduce the strength of the screed.

The presence of a small amount of gravel component of the shallow fraction on the strength qualities of the screed will not affect. However, if a flat surface is required, it will be necessary to sift sand through a sieve.

  • A very important condition for the strength and durability of the poured screed becomes the optimally selected amount of water. It is no secret that some novice home builders seeking to facilitate their work on the fill and recreak concrete, use excessive water, getting half aim, Easily spreading solution. These most, they laid down "mini slow motion" - at the exit, the screed will not have the required qualities.

First, an overly liquid solution will definitely give a strong shrinkage when solidified. Smooth surface, in accordance with the exposed level, in this case it is not necessary to expect. And secondly, the violation of the cement-water balance will necessarily reduce the strength qualities of the frozen concrete. The surface is obtained by loose, unrelated, with increased formation of dust.

There are certainly specifically the amount of water in concrete solution, but they usually adhere to technology of enterprises for the production of reinforced concrete structures and large mortar units. In terms of household conditions, they are more often relying on their own experience, intuition and common sense. In addition, accurately calculate the amount of water is very difficult and from the fact that it largely depends on the moisture content of the filler. Sand may be wet, heavy - and this is also water that will participate in the process of preparing the solution.

Ideally, the concrete solution should turn out to be dense, but rather plastic, so that when it is pouring and resurring into the thickness of the floor there is no air emptiness. You can approximately navigate the next ratio - a liter of water by five kilograms of cement-sand dry mixture.

It is important to choose the right "golden middle" so that the solution is and dense, and plastic

Mix the solution for the screed manually, with the help of a shovel, it is very difficult. It is better for this to use a concrete mixer or a building mixer sufficiently high power. Initially, stirred in the desired ratio of dry components (can be with a slight moisture), and then very carefully, portion, water is added.

An important condition for the quality of the future concrete screed is water purity. It is recruited using technical water with fat content, oils, petroleum residues, and the like. Also cannot be used to carry water to the place of kneading concrete dirty grinding containers.

2. The modern range of stroit materials presented on sale allows you to significantly simplify the process of filling the screed. For these purposes, ready-made dry building mixes can be applied.

Compared to the use of the usual cement-sand mixture, such technology has a number of advantages:

  • According to the strength and other operating indicators, the screeds made of finished mixtures are not inferior to the usual concrete, and even exceed it in a number of parameters.
  • For the preparation of the solution, there is no powerful technique or heavy manual work - enough mixer or even powerful electric drill (perforator) with an appropriate nozzle.
  • There is no problem with the dosage of components in principle - everything is already provided by the manufacturer, and the master remains only clearly follow the instructions for preparing the solution.
  • Many solutions prepared from such mixtures are much easier, which reduces the load on the overlap, reduces the cost of transportation and facilitates the lifting of materials on floors.

  • It is possible to select the desired composition for specific operating conditions. So, there are solutions for coarse or leveling screeds, for a "warm floor" system and for rooms with high humidity. Special plasticizers or microfibers added to their composition not only increase the strength characteristics of the coating, but also reduce the deadlines for the full pouring of the screed, reducing the overall duration of construction work.
  • What is very important for beginners - work with such compositions is simple and does not require particularly high skills. The main thing is to follow the recommendations on the fill technology, which are necessarily attached to any batch of material.

All this will be true only if a high-quality dry mixture is purchased. Alas, but in the building materials market in this segment there are a lot of fakes or base mixtures. It is best to choose compounds from authoritative manufacturers, be sure to check the certificate so as not to run into counterfeit. It is also important to test the flow of material - it is limited, and the overdue mixture can significantly lose its qualities.

The only drawback of a similar approach to the pouring of the screed is the price for it can be somewhat higher than with an independent making of the solution. Well, for amenities and quality you need to pay.

Prices for various types of screeds and bulk floors

Screeds and bulk floors

Preparation of the surface to the pouring of a concrete screed

The surface under the fill of the screed is prepared in different ways, based on the conditions:

  • If the floor is laid on the ground, for example, in a private house without a soda or basement, then work is carried out in next sequence:

- The soil is selected to a depth of 500 mm.

Pillow pillow from sand, 100 mm thick, thoroughly tram. The gravel layer is embroidered on top of it.

- The coarse fill is made with concrete with the addition of ceramisit to height 150 200 mm- for insulation of the floor surface.

- After finding the foundation, it is necessarily waterproof - rubberoid or dense polyethylene film to exclude dumplings from the bottom. Waterproofing material must fail on the walls on the walls Height, slightly greater than the height of the planned screed. If necessary, on top can be filled with another layer of the insulation, and then pour a reinforced finish tie.

  • In the apartments first need to remove the old tie. This is done for several reasons:

- First, the old screed does not guarantee integrity, as it can be derained, crack, and these deformations are transferred to the newly flooded layer.

- Secondly, you should not forget about the maximum permissible loads on the ceiling plates. So, in serial high-rise buildings of the old building, the allowable load of about 400 kg per square meter is static and 150 kg - dynamic. And the vest of one square meter of a concrete screed, 50 mm thick approaches 100 kg. Therefore, all works related to the thickening screed will have to be coordinated in design organizations. And far from the fact that such permission will be received.

- Thirdly, the height of the forces in apartments is usually not so significant so that it is possible to afford to raise the floor level.

The old screed is dismantled by a perforator, but very careful to prevent destruction or damage to the slab of the overlap. The remains of the slot concrete are taken out, and then careful cleaning and dedusting the surface.

  • If a related screed is planned, then it is necessary to carefully clean the available recesses, partition the cracks or cracks to a width of at least 5 mm so that it can freely penetrate the concrete solution when filling.
  • If the screed is floating or on a divided layer, then all flaws need to be repaired immediately. It is impossible to leave voids under the waterproofing layer - condensate can accumulate there, and these parts of high humidity can be accumulated, they will probably become a "problem place".

Separation of defects are made by repair makeup, epoxy putty or conventional concrete solution. In the case of large defects, you can sometimes apply the mounting foam.

The angles between the walls and the floor are especially checked and repaired - water from a concrete solution When pouring a screed can penetrate into the depths of overlaps or even give a leak to neighbors from below.

  • Then, in any case, the surface of the overlap should be treated with penetrating primer. Such a measure and will be dedicated additionally the surface of the plate, and will improve its adhesion to the concrete poured. In addition, the overlapping will not actively absorb moisture from the solution. It is extremely important. The lack of water in a layer of raw concrete adjacent to the base will lead to incomplete maturation of the cement stone, the screed will be peeling or collapsed with even the most significant loads.

The soil is spilled along the top strips and evenly distribute the roller. In hard-to-reach places, for example, in the corners, it is better to use a brush.

  • The elastic damper tape is sized around the perimeter of the walls. It will become a compensator of the concrete screed extensions, which will prevent its deformation or cracking. In addition, the screed under no circumstances should be contacted with vertical structures, be it walls, partitions or columns.

  • If the screed is on the dividing layer, then at first the entire surface of the overlap is closed with a dense polyethylene film, a thickness of at least 0.2 mm. The bands are stacked by a cleaner, not less than 100 mm. The joints are necessarily sampled by waterproof construction scotch. It is necessary to try very carefully to put the film in the corners, so that strong jams and folds are not formed - there may be air "pockets". A picture of the walls on the walls should be higher than the planned screed of 5 ÷ 10 mm - then it will be easy to trim.

Schematically - waterproofing film and damping tape on the dividing layer

After the polyethylene is experiented, the damper tape is glued - as mentioned above.

Lighthouse and reinforcement system

To achieve the horizontal screed and its required height, it is necessary to create a beacon system for which a concrete solution will be carried out.

Determination of zero level

Very well, if there is a farm or it is possible to take it from acquaintances. Work in this case is greatly simplified - to beat off the horizontal strips on the walls and control the level of sending the guides will be much easier.

If there is no such possibility, it is not worse than you can set beacons with the help of a water and conventional construction level.

The water level is two cylindrical transparent vessels with an applied scale, connected by a long elastic thin hose. According to the physical law of the reporting vessels, the fluid level in them is always at one height of the horizon. Thus, by making one mark at a certain level, it is possible to transfer it to other surfaces with high accuracy within the length of the flexible hose.

Start marking from determining the zero level of the future screed. For this, first of all, you need to carry out a basic horizontal line. This is done as follows:

  • Visually determined the estimated highest angle of the room. On the wall in this corner there is a mark on an arbitrary height. It is better, of course, to make it so that it is convenient to work as convenient as possible, for example, a half meter from the floor.

  • Using a water level, this mark is transferred to all walls of the room. The distance between the risks should allow to connect their line using the existing ruler (you can use a long construction level or net rule).
  • The line must pass throughout the perimeter of the room and come out at one point - it will talk about the correctness of the industrial.
  • Prombs are produced from the applied baseline to the floor surface. Points of Promers usually - every 0, 5 M.. Be sure to ensure that the measurement is carried out strictly vertically. The obtained values \u200b\u200bmust be recorded (on a piece of paper or even on a pencil wall).

The point of the dimmer, which will give the minimum height of this distance, will correspond to the highest portion of the base.

  • From the resulting value at the highest point, the thickness of the future screed (minimum - 30 mm) is taken away. For example, the minimum height is 1420 mm. We take the thickness of the screed (30 mm) and we get 1390 mm. This is the distance from the applied reference line to zero.
  • Now it will be easy to carry out the entire line of the zero level around the perimeter of the room - for this you need to measure from the basic down the value obtained, mark the points and connect them straight. To simplify work, you can make a rail - template and quickly transfer the mark from the baseline. After their connection, the main zero line line will be obtained.
  • In construction practice, it is rare, but still happens when the floor level is somewhat higher than at the walls. This must be checked by pulling the cord along the zero level between the opposite walls and measuring the height from it to the floor. Such a check should be carried out in several places. In the case when it is revealed that there is an elevation in the center, it will be necessary to shift the zero level up to ensure the minimum allowable screed thickness throughout the area area.

Marking under the beacon system

The markup of the beacons and the directions should be appropriate immediately after chopping the zero level, guided by the following principles:

  • The orientation of the guides must be consistent with the intended direction of the most convenient fill of the screed. This is usually done along the room, from the far wall to the exit.
  • It happens that in view of the complexity of the room configuration, it will be necessary to change the direction of the fill on a specific area. It should also immediately be taken into account when marking a beacon lines.
  • The distance between the wall and the nearest parallel guide is usually maintained by no more than 250 - 300 mm. If you leave it big, then a poorly aligned site or even fail, which will require additional intervention subsequently may be formed along the wall.

  • Distances between adjacent guides are particularly not regulated. The main thing is that the rule-mounted rule that is set to them performed on both sides by about 200 mm. It does not follow too much to carry guides - in the center between them after the shrinkage of the frozen concrete may appear quite large gaps.
  • Direction lines distributing the width of the room usually at the same distance one from another.

How lighthouses and guides are exhibited by zero

Previously, various infringement materials were used as a guide for a guide system, such as wooden bars or unnecessary pipes. Today, metal profiles are used for these purposes.

  • So, galvanized P-shaped profiles from plasterboard systems show themselves very well. They are resistant to deflection and create a reliable "rail" to work as a rule.
  • Plastering profiles are very popular, although they are not deprived of some drawbacks. They have a rib stiffness, however, in long sites, when working as a rule, they can still be fed. In this way, with their use, the number of support points must be increased.
  • In some cases, you can do without the use of profiles.

Methods of installation of the beacon a lot, and it is impossible to consider everything. Let us dwell on some of them.

  • One of their most accurate and simple - with the use of self-use.

- In the far end of the room at a distance of 250 - 300 mm from the angle between the opposite walls, a durable cord is stretched along with a zero level (for example, a fishing line or a thick caprochy thread). It is important to pull it to the maximum so that there is no savings in the center.

- at the intersection of the stretched cord line with the line close to the wall guiding the floor is extended The hole where the plastic dowel is clogged and the self-tapping screw is screwed. With a screwdriver, it is screwed in such a way that the upper edge of its caps should be exactly coincided with the zero level.

- This operation is repeated in the opposite, close to the output, side of the room.

- Two self-reassembly defining the line of the guide are connected to a tightly stretched cord, so that it goes to the top of their caps.

- On this segment, the holes under the dowels are placed and drilled, distributing them evenly so that the interval of 350 ÷ 400 mm is withstanding between them.

- Self-tapping screws are screwed into a dowel before the coincidence of their hat with a stretched cord. Be sure to check with the help of a construction level - if necessary, you can make the required adjustments.

- In the same way, the line of self-tapping screws is performed on the opposite guide, and then - and on the intermediate. At the same time, the check should be carried out in all directions - longitudinal, transverse and diagonally.

- After all the lines are reached the same zero level, the stretched cords are removed. Prepare a thick concrete solution. It is laid out by small slides along the line of screwed screws. Then the top profile is put on top and pressed into the solution. The transverse shelf of the profile must continue to the head of the self-press. It is important that the profile "sat down" is evenly on both sides, without distortion.

Installation and fixation of metal profiles - guides

- After the solution grabs and reliably fix profiles in the set position, you can move to the pouring of the screed.

With plastering profiles, it turns out somewhat more complicated - they are harder to fix the heads of the screws. To this end, special fastening elements can be used - "ears" that dress on the self-tapping screws, and the side shelves of the profile are covered with their petals.

Video: Introducing beacons with the help of screws and fasteners- " ushastikov»

Another subtlety - plaster profiles also have their own height, and it is also necessary to take into account when setting the screws in the zero level.

In addition, the solution for fixation will be significantly larger than the flesh to the fact that I even resort to the calculation of even a solid shaft, in which the profile is configured with the focusing in the hats of the screws.

  • Some masters are accustomed to and do without metal profiles at all.

Exhibited chassis beaches they Bind into thin wire, thus creating a kind of reinforcing frame. Then the solution is laid over the entire line, so that the resulting shaft is slightly higher than the zero level.

- When the solution begins to collapse, form a guide plane. Using the rule, the top edge of this shaft is compared and loaded up to the hats of the screws.

- After the frozen, there will be excellent guides, for which it is quite possible to work as a rule, and then they will enter the structure of the flooded screed.

  • If the screed is performed on the onset, then the method of self-sufficiency becomes not applicable - it is impossible to break the tightness of the film, and in addition, there should be no rigid clutch of a new screed with a base. In this case, it will have to tinker more, laying out the slides of the solution and accurately inserting the guides to zero levels along the stretched cords.

To speed up the readiness of the beacon system often, instead of a conventional solution, tile glue is used - the term of its frozen is much smaller. But the gypsum compositions are not allowed. First, they practically do not give shrinkage, unlike cement. Secondly, gypsum compositions have completely different indicators of water absorption, adhesion, strength, plasticity, and the like. It is possible to argue with one hundred percent confidence that at the locations of the lighthouses on the tie will go tons.

Nuances reinforcement screed

Of course, this measure is useful, especially when tie a large thickness. It is used for this, most often, a metal grid made of steel galvanized wire with cells from 50 to 100 mm - it can be purchased in the finished form in stores. Only here, with its placement, many make a serious mistake.

If you look at numerous photos on the Internet, you can see the grid laid directly onto the slab or on the waterproofing layer. In the utility of such reinforcement there are a lot of doubts. Ideally, that the reinforcement belt played its role, it should be accommodated in the thickening of the poured solution, approximately in the middle of the height of the screed.

To do this, you can purchase special polymer coasters. However, it will not be worth the ruda to make backups from the wire or even lift the grid on the lining from pieces of broken tiles or fragments of an old concrete screed. Wooden lining to use in no case.

Obviously, it is necessary to install a reinforcing lattice. It is necessary to place the guides. Most often, the installation of a system of beacons and reinforcement is carried out in parallel, and the grid can also be fixed on those slides of cement in which metal profiles are mixed.

Pouring tie.

Oddly enough, but the process of filling the screed looks in a series of all technological operations, probably the most simple. If all preparatory work is done correctly, then this stage of complexity will not submit.

  • For normal fill and frozen the screed is optimal, the temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees. Work is allowed at lower temperatures (but not lower than +5), but the ripening period of concrete will increase significantly. In too hot weather, it is also better to refrain from the pouring - \u003d the upper layer can quickly dry and go cracks. He does not like screed and drafts, although completely accessing fresh air can not be overlapped.
  • Best of all, of course, work together - one is engaged in the preparation of a concrete solution, and the second is directly filling and aligning the screed. The technology of kneading the solution was already described above.
  • Work lead from a long corner of the room, gradually moving to the exit. It is necessary to try to fulfill the fill for one working day - so the screed will be the most homogeneous and durable. If for some reason it is impossible, then the surface of the floor is divided in advance to the plots (they are called fill cards) with the installation of jumpers between them.
  • In excessive amounts laying out between the guides, so that its layer is 15 -, 20 mm above the zero level. The initial distribution is carried out using a trowel or shovels. Must be monitored so as not to remain unfilled seats - It often happens under the guides, under the rods Armatures or in the corners. Maximum sealing of a concrete solution should be achieved, the exit of the air bubbles from it. To do this, you can carry out a "pin" - the solution is pushed with a shovel or trowel.
  • Next, by on thethe booming is set by the rule. The solution and transverse zigzag movements are smoothed to the level of the guides, so that it turns out a smooth smooth surface.

If the sand was not sieved and large fragments (pebbles or shells) remained, then certain difficulties may arise - these inclusions can leave the furrows and will have to suffer a lot, removing them and aligning irregularities to remove the surface to the perfect state.

Concrete solution is added as needed, so that the work went continuously. Excess the solution at the end of the pouring of the room is neatly removed.

Video: a visual example of fill screeds for lighthouses

After the fill will be completed, it is necessary provide measures, eliminating a random entrance to the premises of people or pets during the first 5 - 7 days. In order for the process from a whining to go efficiently, the surface is needed daily (starting from the second day) with water, maintaining it in a wet state. With a strong heat, it makes sense after the primary setting to hide it with a film, in order to avoid drying.

If a conventional sandy cement solution was used, then the readiness of the screed with operational can not speak no earlier than for 3 weeks. When using dry building mixtures, time can be different - they are necessarily indicated in the attached instruction.

After the screed is ready, it is checked on even the surface quality. To do this, set the rule to the implanted guides and measure the resulting clearance in the center. From the shrinkage of concrete is not anywhere, and if the clearance does not exceed 1 - 2 mm, it will be within the normal range.

Often, the thin layer composition is poured on top of the package to make the surface perfectly smooth. However, this is the topic for separate consideration.

Instructions for the customer.

- The period of full ripening of the semi-drying floor screed ranges from 21 to 30 days, depending on the temperature mode and humidity of the room. The main and most important moment when leaving the screed is to provide it with sufficient humidity. In accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87, it is necessary to provide a tie to sufficient moisture for 7-10 days.

- In order to avoid premature drying, it is necessary for 4-5 days from the date of the end of the work the screed is wateted with water, but not plentiful. At elevated temperature in the room, for the best effect, the screed can be covered with a polyethylene film for the first 7 days. After holding the specified timing, the screed should be given to dry by naturally, for the maximum possible time.

- For the natural drying of the cement-sandy solution, it is necessary to ensure the temperature at the facility not lower than +5 degrees Celsius for the time of work, as well as for the period of initial maturation of the screed.

In the process of a durability of a semi-dry screed, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations for its operation:

  • Pedestrian loads (up to 100 kg) are allowed every day since the end of work.
  • Loads over 100 kg are allowed after 5 days from the end of the work.

During operation, the tie is prohibited:

  • The drop of sharp and heavy items.
  • In the case of laying a screed on a warm floor system, it is prohibited to include warm floors for 30 days from the end of the work.
  • Establishing a tour, stepladder, forests within 10 days from the end of the work on the device of a semi-dry tie of the floor.

Semi-humped flooring after mounting

Semi-drying care is required only in the first week and is not to give it to dry during the first few days after the end of the work.

Rates for Care Services Services

1) Polyethylene film - 12 r. / M.kv. (Object area + 10%)

2) laying the film - 20 r. / M.KV. (Object area)

3) trimming of damping tape (with cleaning) - 20 r. / M.Pog. (Perimeter of the object on the walls of the adjustment of the tape)

4) Departure outside Dzerzhinsk - 10 r. / Km.

Caring for the tie of the floor after the fill is one of the important stages when leveling the base. It is often underestimated, but if it is wrong to care, then the flooring will turn out with defects and will be unsuitable for use. Because of the cracks and splits in the screed, all work will be ruined and you will have to redo. Such failure will hit the pocket and requires a significant investment of forces and time.

Correct care

So that the screed has become a reliable base for the floor, it is necessary to prevent the bundle and the formation of cracks. Therefore, it is important to ensure uniform drying of the surface.

Work on the protection of the screed begins with the elimination of external threats. It is important for the surface of the sun's straight rays to the surface. Then protect the floor from the effects of drafts.

The screed will receive the desired level of protection and avoid deformation due to temperature drops.


Using polyethylene

So that the solution does not crumble, and the water after moisturizing did not evaporate from the screed too quickly, the film from polyethylene is used. It is covered with a surface, after which the floor leaves to dry for 24 hours.

Under the film, all drying responses pass at the desired pace. Therefore, as a result, cracks, thickness changes and bundles arise. The surface of the floor is smooth and strong.

After 24 hours of screed, remove lighthouses. After that, work should be carried out on cleaning and sealing the furrows formed in the floor. Close the same solution from which the screed is made.

When the furrows are embedded with a mixture, their surface is lost. And to do without delay, until the solution is completely died. Otherwise, in the future you will have to level the floor with serious tools.



To the screed turned out to be durable, the solution should dry correctly. The result will be only provided that the screed after filling the mixture for 3 days periodically moistened.

Such work should be done carefully. It is impossible to liters just pour water to the floor and count that everything will turn out. Moisture should be applied gradually with a roller. This will reduce the risk of cracks and give the necessary level of moisture.

Upon completion of each moisture, the screed is covered with polyethylene.

If work takes place in the heat, make moisturizing twice a day, and the duration of drying increases twice.

If the rules non-compliance, the solution will not get the right care, and the floor will be deformed, fragile and unreliable. Its thickness will be uneven, and the surface is covered with holes.

Ready result


The time of finally drying depends on which solution is also applied in what quantity. For example: at a layer of 4 cm full drying takes 3-4 weeks. At the same time, after the turn of 28 days, an artificial pear can be applied.

If after drying the solution, the depressions were formed, they will have to use the finish coating. It is bulk and serves to correct small defects. Thickness when pouring starts from 1 mm.

The main quality for avoiding errors is attentiveness. Do not hurry, you need to clearly follow the rules and not forcing work.

Styling cement tie

The classic cement-sand tie refers to the "wet" method of alignment of the floor, that is, it is necessary to create a dry mix for its manufacture (dilute) with water. It is mainly designed to create a smooth surface and preparation for the subsequent decoration of the room. But besides this, a cement screed has a number of features, due to which it is a popular option for the formation of the inner layer (draft) floor.

Benefits of the floor from a cement-sand tie

  • Strength: Screed is one of the most durable floor layers, its minimum thickness is 30 mm. The maximum thickness is limited only by the carrying strength of the overlap. But usually a cement-sand tie thicker is thicker than 70-80 mm.
  • Hiding communications: under the tie, you can hide wiring in pipes or corrugations. And considering the high thermal conductivity of the screed, which is ideal for creating a warm floor (water or electric) - can be hidden electrical and aqueous heating elements of a warm floor.

Disadvantages of the floor from the cement-sand tie

  • Weight: such a layer of floor is very heavy. The weight of one meter of the screed when laying a thickness of 10 mm is 18-20 kg. This will create an additional load on the supporting structures.
  • Drying speed: the term of complete drying of the cement screed from 21 to 28 days. In addition, during this period of time it takes care.
  • Surprise surface: perfectly removing manually the screed is very difficult. For this, most likely, it will also be necessary to fill the finishing filling floor with a thickness of 2-5 mm. Note: If the subsequent surface finish is carried out by ceramic tiles, then the finish alignment will not be required.
  • Thoughtfulness: Before you get the finished floor, you will need to go through a plurality of steps, ranging from the preparation of the base and laying the lag, and ending with the screed and subsequent care for it.

Cement-sand tie fill technology

1. Preparatory work

First, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis of the floor. To do this, remove old coatings, inspect the surface for any defects, and if they are detected - to eliminate them. Thus, rust spots on the floor can be removed with a copper sulfate, plots with fungus or mold - with a special antiseptic fluid, and a conventional soap solution or cleaning agents can be used to eliminate fatty spots.

1.1. Floor Waterproofing (Mandatory Stage)

Next, it is necessary to miss with waterproofing mastic or liquid hydroelectric shelves of the slab slabs and places of floor adjustment to the walls. This is necessary in order for the water that is released from the tie of the floor did not flow to the next floor below. Special attention should be paid to cracks, various holes, for example, for water supply or heating pipes. They should be embedded by alabaster and also thoroughly wrapped with waterproofing.

2. Installation of damper connection

The damper connection is the isolation of the screed layer from the walls, as well as places of floor adjustment to the walls of the room. This is done:

  • First, to seal the joints of the walls of the wall and floor, as well as the butts of the slabs of the ceiling.
  • Secondly, the damper connection isolates the screed from contact with the wall, which will not allow the horizontal voltage in the screed when it is dried, so the screed will not break down towards the walls.
  • The third appointment of the damper connection is compensation for temperature and humidity changes of the screed during its operation.

The damper tape is installed simply: you need to wind up the tape from the bay, remove the protective film and glue the ribbon to the wall and the floor, bending it at the place of technological bending. The tape is jammed. Only the bottom of the tape is cut on the corners and the flashes is also glued. After completely drying the screed, the protruding edges of the damper connections are cut along the edge of the screed.

3. Installment of lighthouses for screed

Floor screed lighthouses are the level of the new floor, designated throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. There are many types of them, each of which has its pros and cons. On the choice of the most appropriate lighthouse, and on the procedure for working with them, you can learn from the article "Installing beacons for a screed." But whatever material you have chosen, it must be set over the entire surface of the floor of the room.

4. Dry recessing and reinforcement of the screed (optional stage)

If the floor level needs to be raised to a height of more than 50 mm, then there will be a swing under the screed. It is recommended to use clamzit for this, and it is desirable that it be a large fraction.

5. Pouring cement-sand tie

5.1. Preparation of solution

If a dry bearing is carried out with a clay, then for the start, the entire surface is required to moisten with water. Next you can proceed to the pouring screed. To do this, it is possible to use a dry cement-sand mixture (for example, "sandbetone M-300" or "Cement-sand mix M200").

In order not to be afraid of the convergence and, as consequences, detachment and cracks on the screed, you can add plasticizers to the solution. From this, it becomes easier with the solution: it is easily stirred, it is easier to recall and practically does not give a shrinkage when drying.

It is necessary to knead the solution to obtain a homogeneous mass. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare it in such a volume in order to completely spend the whole lot somewhere in 1 hour. The finished solution should not be destructed on the floor. For its laid out and movement, you need to use a scooping shovel, trowel, two-way or spatula.

5.2. Laying mix

After kneading the solution, it is laid out on the distant corner of the room between installed beacons. Running the solution first by half-sash. The level of the solution should be slightly above the level of beacons. Aligns a screed rule. The rule is moving on the mounted beacons, comparing the screed with their level.

Stacking the mixture is better to do in a pair. One worker constantly kneads the solution, the second - it pours out and smoking. Stop it better immediately, between two, three lighthouses, as far as the long rule is enough.

After filling the screed, it is required to be covered with a plastic film or rubberoid and leave for a day. This is done in order to limit the evaporation of water from the screed. Water should evenly join the reaction with cement in the solution, as well as evaporate evenly from the solution.

After the day of the screed, you need to knock out the installed lighthouses. The grooves from the lighthouses should be cleaned, to close the same solution, how the screed itself was done and immediately swee.

You can walk on the laid tie already the next day. But the full load on the floor is allowed only after 3-4 days. It should also be taken into account that the screed completely dries somewhere in 28 days, therefore, during this period, it is impossible to carry out a subsequent finish of the floor (for example, plywood flooring, Fiberboard or parquet board). In addition, to obtain a high-quality surface without any cracks, you need to carefully care for the tie.

6. Caring for tie

The care of the screed is as follows:

  • Firstly, there is no drafts in the room.
  • Secondly, straight sun rays should not fall on the laid floor.
  • Thirdly, in the process of drying the screed, you must avoid cracking the surface. To do this, it is required to be made abundantly with water using a roller for 3-4 days. After each wetting, the screed need to be covered with polyethylene. A day after the end of wetting, polyethylene can be removed. If the screed is done in the heat, then the period of this stage must be increased from 3-4 days to 7-8 days. And wetting itself should be done 2 times a day.

After the above work, the screed must be checked for the presence of large depressions, and if they are detected, you will have to do the finishing filling floor. Approximately 28 days, the screed is gaining technological strength and it can be artificially dried, until this point, artificial drying is strictly prohibited!

Next follows work on laying decorative coating. For example, you can put carpet or linoleum carpet or linoleum on top of the screed, glue ceramic tiles and much more. But if you decide on the screed to lay a parquet or a cork board, then before that it will be necessary to create an intermediate layer of plywood or fiberboard. All of the above finishes and work on their installation, you can find on the pages of our site.


It's not enough just to arrange a semi-dry tie indoors. After the end of all works there is a certain time during which care should be care for the basis of the "draft" floor. It should gain strength and hardness so that it is possible to carry out flooring. The strength of the semi-drying screed will also depend on the quality of all stages on the installation. There are some subtleties and nuances in courtship with which everyone should familiarize himself with who decided to repair in his own apartment.


When you need a semi-dry band screed, it is important to remember its main feature - a small amount of water in the finished solution. The cement hydration process is not as rapid, so it is very careful to follow the "maturation". If this is not done, then it will give a semi-dry crash, which will later have to close.

A large amount of water, over the norm, will lead to the reverse process. In specific places, the rapid expansion of the cement mortar will begin, which will lead to a different kind of destruction of the surface. Many also say that the semi-dry band will enhance. If this happens, it is best to immediately remove this section to a solid base and fill over, but using a metal mesh. So it will be more reliable in this case.

The temperature also contributes its own adjustments. They must be maintained at a certain level, especially in the first days of sprinkling the screed. It is impossible to allow drafts and winds, and it is better to immediately cover the entire surface with polyethylene film.


During the work on laying a semi-dry screed, special attention is paid to the process itself. The same applies to thorough care for the finished option. Here will help to answer numerous issues of a technological map of a semi-dry screed, including how much you need to water the screed in the apartment.

The map is compiled on the basis of numerous construction standards and rules, namely:

  • SNiP 2.03.13-88 "Floors".
  • MDS 31-6.2000, in which recommendations on a high-quality device of the floors are prescribed.
  • Numerous Gosty.

Among all points are spelled out and paragraphs for the semi-drying floor care is simply necessary. In addition to the polymer film, plastic sheets can be used. At the same time, they all have to overlap each other in those places where they are connected to each other. But it is best to get a whole film on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Regarding the humidity in the technological map on the device, a semi-drying screed is a response to whether it is necessary to water the screed after the fill. If the room temperature is high, and the humidity is low, then during the first 3-5 days it is simply necessary so that the surface cracking does not happen.

Technological map The device of a semi-dry screed prescribes that after drying, shrinking cracks are allowed. But you can easily get rid of them if you repair a semi-dry screed.

Conditions of ripening

The strength of the semi-drying of the floor will depend only on how high-quality installation works are carried out, as well as care for it. The process of normal maturation of the screed can only be performed if two important conditions are followed:

In the presence of drafts in the room and minor temperature drops, it will not be superfluous to cover the semi-dry tie with a polyethylene film. It will provide the necessary humidity level and sufficient ventilation.

Humidity level

It is the humidity in the room that pays great importance. Here everything should adhere to regulatory requirements, namely construction standards and rules 3.04.01-87. In the first 8-10 days after styling, these indicators must remain at the appropriate level. In the following days up to 25 days, cement will be able to gain maximum strength equal to 90%.

Moisturizing a semi-dry tie of the floor after laying should be made only if necessary. After all, the screed is able to dial the required amount of moisture from the prepared solution. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the finished screed can only dry out when the required density of the semi-dry screed is typed. In the process of drying, it is important to monitor the condition of the surface throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If necessary, you can water the semi-dry screed on your own.

When moisture is not enough for the strength of the cement mortar, and the screed will remain no moistened, it will begin to crack and pour. It will be necessary to apply additional efforts to restore it and surface repair.

But not everyone knows how to water the screed after the fill. This should be done in the first 3-5 days after the installation. Abundant can not be filling the surface with water, but only spray slightly. You can use the polyethylene film that covers the screed for uniform drying. But even in this case, attention should be paid to its readiness. Moisture may not get it and then will have to intervene. But how many times watered a dry tie? It will be enough and several times during the day. Everything will depend on the circumstances and the ripening process.

After one week, the screed must dry out naturally. To achieve the maximum result, it is impossible to hurry anywhere, and give the "black" floor to stand as long as possible. At the same time, artificial drying is not recommended under any circumstances. After it, cracks often appear, and drying is not quite evenly. So that the moisture does not evaporate ahead of time, there should be no drafts indoors. They should be avoided about two weeks after work.

All types of work on technology should be carried out at minimal ambient temperatures not lower than five degrees. Also concerns the initial stage of ripening the finished solution on the floor surface. In order to fulfill the seasons to perform at the proper level, you should adhere to certain operational recommendations:

  • Any load of walking with a maximum weight up to 100 kg is permissible only 12-18 hours after filling and grouting the solution.
  • If there is a need for more weighty loads, over 100 kg, you will have to wait at least five days.

In these cases, you can experiment, expect ahead of time. But no one is insured against negative consequences that can lead to the remake of the "rough" floor.

There are several tips that should be followed during the operation of a semi-dry screed. No heavy items should fall on the surface, especially if they are sharp. When the installation of warm floor under the tie, it should not be in working condition for 30 days after pouring the solution. Finishing works in the room can be performed, but for at least ten days, no one advises to put forests, stepladers on the basis of the "rough" floor.

Each of these items can only harm the freshly made screed, damage it.

Drying time

Some are wondering if you need to rein the semi-dry tie of the floor. For this, there is a sufficient amount of materials in the modern world, among which fiber fiber is enormous. It does not have any influence on the time of complete drying. But in the end, it turns out a reliable design for any type of floor covering.

Deformational seams

In addition, the installation of a damper tape is carried out along the perimeter of the room in the places of adjustment in the subsequent "draft" floor to the walls and architectural structures, a deformation seam of a semi-dry screed is made. It is necessary to compensate for the expansion of the solution under the action of changes in temperature modes. This is especially necessary when the device is screed over warm floors.

These gaps have their own classification:

  • Insulating. That is, to accommodate from other existing designs. Thus, the voltage is removed, which could pass to each other. Even on the wall, the semi-dry screed should not be crushed, for which the damper tape is used. Seams are performed around each of the elements (columns, recesses, walls).
  • Shrinking. The depth of such seams is usually 20-30 mm (a layer of concrete at the same time should be about 100 mm). After completion of work on the grout of the surface, they are cut uniformly throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. All distances between them must correspond to SNiP. This number is approximately equal to a 30-fold size of the thickness of the layer of the solution. Configuration - only rectangular. On the floor map, all other existing gaps should be taken into account. Diagonal can be performed with a rectangular room of minor size.

An example of a structural seam

  • Structural. Perform them with a screed device in several steps when there are separate sections. A very simple option - upon completion of the work on a certain section of the region, are performed in the form of a comb. The subsequent stage and the fill of the solution will be cling to this area, engage in engagement. Under certain circumstances, special compensation rails are used.
  • Repairs

    As it was said above that it requires a semi-dry care, they can still have situations when a semi-dry band cracked. In this case, it is very important to take all measures to restore the design.

    It is important to see if there are lumen on the floor. This is done after 3-4 days after filling the base. There will be no lumen if the technology of the device is semi-drying was observed. Minor deviations are allowed, it will not be critical. When the enlighitives are obvious and noticeable, special mixtures are used to organize them. But it is impossible to do until the moment until the strength of the flooded solution did not reach maximum indicators. Variable strength is achieved only 4 weeks after the installation of the "draft" floor. Only in this case can you try to apply an artificial dryer to flooring flooring. It will not be able to damage, if everyone is done in moderation.

    caring for tie

    Many topics on this question and everything is different.
    The screed profits is a monolith, a thickness of 5 -6 cm with a reinforcement of a mesh 10 by 10 thickness 4 mm on a foam 1 cm in places with a slotting of a clamzite to 10 cm. Diffade.
    Fry shed and closed the lighthouses with the film, how many days to shed and strengthen it again?
    Even the walls of the Rotband wet want to weak moisture, but I am afraid to open the windows on what day you can soak and finish moisturizes and remove the film Lee, let it dangle 25 days less garbage will be on the tie
    The first 2 rooms are already flooded 6 days ago, 2 large areas on Monday and Tuesday. bathroom on Wednesday.

    People. On the floor, the film today I was impregnated. Is it possible to air already?
    Very wet in the apartment Rotband will not dry by places.

    Thank you. I start to ventilate.

    In general, a month has passed a little more film removed in the same room there were cracks somewhere in a millimeter thick. Screed floating on a clay slope with sound insulation over the subfolder is tormented by a foam. Of course, the cracks of the crack slightly raised. The plan is stripped with a baccorcle to squeeze it for 1 cm and close the remnants of the glue cereste cm16. What do you say?
    Yes, and in the places of the demospheas tape between the ties when you eat, it's noticeable that the screed is shook off on foam?
    Let me remind you the thickness of the screed 3 on the shoots of not large and so 5-7 cm with the reinforcement of the grid.

    artemnsk, here is a photo and photo sealing, which got 4 days ago:

    artemnsk wrote:
    Here is a photo and photos of sealing, which got 4 days ago

    Here is the repair:

    In general, in another room the same thing Shrena a week after removing the film with a screed that the month was under it.

    In general, it was separated three times cerezite st17. Film film and stamp laminate on the weekend. The screed is strong and everything will be fine. What do you say?

    artemnsk wrote:
    In general, in another room the same thing Shrena a week after removing the film with a screed that month was under it

    This is a common error.

    After removing the film, the screed is still periodically to moisturize.

    I have a personal opinion on this account, the screed that was made initially in compliance with all the rules at its place of its device, taking into account the conditions for its maturation after the device, in covering the film - does not need absolutely.

    Tarlev, everything is done according to those. Water did not shimmer during the knead, the grid at a height of 2 cm of 4 -6 cm full of extract, the shutter speed was moistened once then closed the film.
    Yesterday covered with a film. For the night, there are no shripes, put the laminate.

    artemnsk wrote:
    Everything is done according to those. Water did not overflow during the knee, the grid at a height of 2 cm out of 4 -6 cm full of extract, the shutter speed was moistened once then closed the film ..

    It's not all, not all. Inert (sand) its composition, fraction, binding (cement) its class, grinding, production period, compensation seams, damper tape, all this has more value, priority value.

    Tarlev wrote:
    After removing the film, the screed is still periodically to moisturize.
    I have a personal opinion on this account, the screed that was made initially in compliance with all the rules at its place of its device, taking into account the conditions for its maturation after the device, in covering the film - does not need absolutely.

    Where is the connection of these statements?
    The film is steles so that humidity does not fall during maturation, without the need for frequent moisturizes (ideally, if there are no water absurries, the screed is not moisturized at all). Of course, you can not cover with a film and just more often moisturize, still primers are special to prevent evaporation of water, only their drawback - then they do not remove them as easy as the film, will dry longer.

    All in damper ribbons are installed 10 mm thick in all rooms ribbon break. Changing ready in bags Rough Safety Profit Monolith.

    psnsergey wrote:
    Of course, you can not cover with a film and just more often moisturize, still primers are special to prevent evaporation of water, only their drawback - then they do not remove them as easy as the film, will dry longer.
    After ripening, if it is covered with a film, it can be removed and everything is dried.

    To argue with a person, by whose shoulders hundreds of thousands of meters, EEE. In erroneous, perhaps, when performing such a number of one and the same work, there is always possible to observe the behavior made in different conditions.
    I had a long-term holding experience under the film (one object-month, another-more than two, record holders-from November to March). Everything is good until you decide the film as soon as the complete drying begins, the warning and cracking begins.
    By sampling errors, the reflection I can conclude that the fault of that is inappropriate sand + overdose of cement.
    Now they also changed the sand-we have problems.

    Electric concrete mixer with their own hands: the original solution in construction

    Wet Floor Screed Mounting Method

    Operation number 1. Definition of horizontal.

    For this you need First of all, determine the zero level. If the workers have no laser devices, then it is best to do this water level (Waterpas). Linear, or speech - carpentry level, for this is not suitable. The zero level should be "repulsed" immediately in all rooms, on an arbitrary height (the height is most convenient, approximately 1.2-1.5 m. From the floor).

    Technology is simple: At first, in an arbitrary place, the first mark is put. Then, it is transferred with the help of a water level to other sections of the wall, other walls and to other rooms (with a laser device it is still easier). As a result, we obtain many marks located strictly at the same level relative to the horizon (and not relative to the existing gender).

    Separate marks are connected in between it is a solid horizontal line. This line is considered to be zero, and will be used in the future to determine the horizontal plane, at all major stages of work. The zero level should be exposed exactly, and it is better to check personally.

    Operation number 2. Determination of the maximum height of the existing floor and the level of height drop.

    It is necessary then To correctly set the level of the screed - from the maximum upper point of the existing floor, and correctly calculate the consumption of the solution - on the average thickness of the floor screed.

    To perform this operation It is required to measure the distance from the zero level, to the existing gender in different places of the room (the more such measurements - the better). At each point of measurement, on the wall, chalk, the resulting value is recorded. The smallest value will indicate the highest point of the existing floor. The biggest thing is the lowest. The difference between these values \u200b\u200bwill speak of the level of height difference, according to the existing floor.

    Suppose that the minimum value will be 1.22 m., And the maximum - 1, 27 m. In this case, the height difference will be 0.05 m, or 5 cm.

    Minimum floor screed thickness in the apartment Of the polymer cement (cement solution with the addition of plasticizer) should be 30 mm. If the layer is thinner - the screed is cracking and crumbling. Therefore, it is categorically not allowed to reduce the screed "under zero"!

    The exception to this rule is the alignment of the floor with special compositions (so-called "levels" or "self-leveling mixtures"). The minimum and maximum thickness of the layer in this case is determined by the manufacturer for each specific composition.

    Operation number 3. Calculation of height drops when device of a multi-level wet floor screed.

    If your room is planned to use Several floor coatings, it is necessary that their external parties are on the same level (the floors did not have drops and steps at the joints of different coatings). Since various coatings have different thicknesses, it is necessary to plan a screed at different levels, so that the height differences compensate for the different thickness of the coatings.

    Suppose that two floor coverings will be used in your apartment: parquet and ceramic tiles.
    For laying of parquet, a multilayer coating is created - so-called. "pie". It includes: parquet, plywood, glue and mastic itself.

    Calculation of cake thickness may look like :

    • 2 mm (adhesive mastic) + 12 mm (plywood) + 1 mm (parquet adhesive) + 16 mm (parquet) \u003d only 31 mm. - 1 mm on parquet cyclove \u003d 30 mm.
    • "Pie" for ceramic tiles - thinner:
    • 6 mm (tile glue) + 10 mm (tile) \u003d 16 mm.
    • Thus, at the junction of parquet and tiles, the roll of screed must be:
    • 30-16 \u003d 14 mm.

    This is in theory. In practice, it is better to increase the difference - A couple of millimeters. The thickness of the parquet "cake" is always fixed - there is nothing to add, nor down. And the thickness of the tile coating can always be slightly reduced - due to the thickness of the adhesive layer. Therefore, it is better to leave a stock in 2 mm. - In case a parquet "pie" falls a little higher.

    A few words about the quality of the material for the floor screed device.

    Usually builders buy for these purposes. Ready dry cement-sandy mixture, packaged in bags. Sometimes one additionally add to it cement and various plasticizers. Ask a dry mixture of which specifically, the manufacturer is going to use your builders. If the first thing that happened, which in the market will meet, - it is not good anywhere. The dry cement mixture is very different in quality and price. The amount of marriage just shakes! In addition, different types of dry mixes are designed for different works.

    In the estimate you can lay a high-quality mixture of 90-120 rubles per bag, and in the screed to pour third-time material for 70-75 rubles. Taking into account the fact that on the screed of 75-80 m.kv. It takes up to 100 bags of a dry mix, then "savings" is not bad - just shipping to pay. Just why do not you save, and on you?

    The normal color of the dry cement mixture is pure-gray. The mixture should not have a yellow, brown, or red shade. This happens during an excessive content in a mixture of sand, or if the mixture was used in the preparation of the mixture, with an admixture of clay.

    In a high-quality dry mixture, it is not necessary to additionally add cement - it will only worsen its properties. It is also not recommended to use PVA glue instead of special plasticizers - it is possible to crack the screed after drying. All plasticizers should be added strictly in the proportions specified by manufacturers of additives.

    Operation No. 4. Preparation of the surface for fill the wet tie

    Before the device Wet tie It is necessary to properly prepare the basis. For this, the surface of the floor is carefully swept and inspected.

    Sometimes builders produce the so-called. The "ironing" of the floors - the floors of "cement milk" - a liquid solution of pure cement. Before the device, this film layer must be removed because It has a bad clutch (adhesion) with the basis.

    The base in general should be durable, not having details and dusty. All detacities are cleaned, large cracks are lubricated with dense cement mortar (better - based on the non-shy cement - beats).

    Dust is removed (ideally) a special "construction" vacuum cleaner, if it is not - the surface is carefully swept. Additional dedusting is carried out by primer. Ideal for these purposes fits "Betokontakt", giving a rough surface and creating excellent adhesion between the base and the tie. Although "Betokontakt" is quite expensive and permissible to use other soils.

    Walls and partitions with which the screed will be in contact, we need to temporarily hydroize. To do this, the ribbon from the runneroid is sticking to them, it is glued to the top edge to be 10-15 cm above the level of filling tie.

    Some builders recommend customers a floor insulation device, in all rooms. It is categorically wrong! First, waterproofing will create a layer between the tie and the base, which will prevent adhesion. This will reduce the strength of the screed. Secondly, in the event of a leakage from the neighbors on top, all the water will remain in your apartment, filling the "trough" of waterproofing. This can be regarded as a touching concern for neighbors from below, but hardly, doing repairs, you seek this.

    However, since the fill of the screed is conjugate With the fact that the floor turns out to be quite a large amount of water, so as not to disturb the neighbors from the bottom, it is necessary to carefully examine the base for the presence of through holes, cracks and cracks (especially in the places of pairing plates of overlapping and floor with walls). If they are detected, they should be melted with beans.

    Operation number 5. Installing beacons

    In this case, "lighthouses" we will call the guides for which the plane of the screed is aligned. From the correctness of their installation directly depends on how even your screed will be.

    For lighthouses builders use (usually) metal pipes or profiles. The main requirement for the lighthouse is that it ensure sufficient rigidity - did not be fed and could be securely fixed in the right position.

    Methods for installing beacons in all their own: someone puts them on the "slide" from a dense solution, someone is attached to the ground on adjustable screws. The main thing here is the possibility of accurate adjustment in height and hard fixation.

    Lighthouses are installed parallel So that the distance between the beacons allowed to be restored to two parallel lighthouse Ends of the Rake Rules, which will be rareling the solution.

    Leveling beacons produced with the help of a rack-level - both through the length of each lighthouse and all the lighthouses among themselves.
    In those places where the screed will have a level drop, a formwork is installed from plywood, which will not give the solution to flow from one zone to another.

    Operation number 6. Preparation of the solution and fill of the floor tie

    Now almost none of the builders It does not prepare a solution manually - portable concrete mixers got quite widespread. The quality of the solution prepared in the concrete mixer is usually higher - because The mechanization of the process allows to ensure better mixing of the composition.

    To facilitate yourself a job to align the screed , Builders sometimes increase the amount of water in the solution. This can not be done. The result will be the loss of tie strength. To increase the plasticity of the solution and facilitate its leveling, special additives are used (eskode-p80), which allow you to achieve good plasticity with a small amount of water.

    Strictly speaking, the normal water content in the cement test (density of the solution) is determined using special (very simple) devices. In practice, builders make it "on the eyes" and, in the presence of sufficient experience and a conscientious approach, are not mistaken. On the eye, the solution should have a consistency of a thick dough - not to be a merciful, crumbly, lightly break onto the smooth surface, but not spread.

    The prepared solution should be used within 1 - 1.5 hours. If a part of the solution is not used per day, then leave it overnight, covering the film and adding water (as sometimes some builders come) - it is impossible.

    Filling a wet tie of the floor in each room (or on each plane) should be done at a time. You can not fill half the room today, and half - tomorrow. This is allowed only in different rooms, or on the drops of the screed level. In this case, between the tie planes, filled at different times or having a different level, it is better to leave a damper seam with a width of 1-2 cm.

    When pouring a screed, it is recommended that it is often "to pour" freshly lined, liquid solution with a thin metal rod. This is done in order to avoid the appearance of air emptiness in the thickness of the screed. Sometimes when pouring the solution in the thickness of the cement test, air "lenses" are formed, and the severity and viscosity of the solution prevents their independent output to the surface. The puncture allows you to solve this problem.

    Operation number 7. Wet floor screed - care

    Failure to comply with this operation - The main cause of the marriage allowed by the builders when the floor screed device. Although nothing complicated in it.

    To care for the floor, it is necessary to simply provide its sufficient humidity within 7 - 10 days. (Snip 3.04.01-87 p. 4.8). The fact is that cement is gaining 90% of strength within 24-28 days after the preparation of the solution. For chemical processes that occur in this solution, water is required - the solution should be bought, and not dry. Natural burial drying leads to the fact that the solution does not have time to frozen. Saving the screed is "permitted" only after the necessary strength is achieved - otherwise it is necessarily cracking.

    To prevent premature drying of the floor screed , First, you need to moderately make it water 2-3 times a day. After two or three days, after filling the screed, you need to extract lighthouses, process the recesses that remain from them the soil and lure them with a fresh solution. Then the screed must once again be rich in mixed and cover with a plastic film for 2 weeks. If this for some reason is undesirable, then it should be continued to evenly wet the screed 2-3 times a day.

    In any case, it is impossible to hurry here! The result of "acceleration" of the technological process may be very crying, - the screed will have to completely redo.

    Operation number 8. Acceptance of work

    Now about how to evaluate the result.

    1. First stage - Visual inspection. Ideally, the wet screed of the floor should have a smooth, homogeneous gray color. The presence of "stailated" shine is undesirable - it indicates an excessive "fatty" solution (increased amount of cement). However, subject to the rules for the care of the screed, it should not have fatal consequences. There should be no cracks on the screed.
    2. Second phase - Verification of evenness. The smoothness of the screed is checked by a two-meter ruler. The rule should be attached to the surface of the screed in several places, orienting it in different directions. The norm (according to Russian quality criteria) is considered if the gap between the rule and the screed in any place does not exceed 4 mm. (Snip 3.04.01-87 Table 25).
    3. Third stage - Checking the slope of the surface to the horizon that is checked by any level. The permissible value is 0.2%, but not more than 50 mm. (Snip 3.04.01-87 Table 25). That is, with the length of the room 4 meters, the allowable deviation of the horizontal screed must be no more:
      (4 m \u003d 4000 mm)
    4. 4 000/100 * 0.2 \u003d 8 mm.
    5. Fourth stage - Cooking. You need to take a wooden bar and his end to catch up the entire surface of the screed. The sound from the blows should be the same all over the entire screed area, "solid", "ringing". If the sound is "deaf", "empty" means, there is a detachment of the screed from the base, which is unacceptable. The builders say about such a tie that she "enclosed".


    If you have found a marriage, I recommend that you immediately call the expert. Professional knowledge and experience are required to determine the disaster scales and how to eliminate it. Yes, and talk to the proclaims better than a professional. Of course, the work of the expert is paid at the expense of marriage perpetrators.
    If you want to independently understand the situation, you can advise you the following:

    All further actions must be documented!

    Violations of quality standards should be immediately fixed on paper (preferably and photograph them). If the builders refuse to sign a bilateral act - call those who are understood and activate the marriage alone.

    With the uneven surface of the floor screed or an unacceptable slope - to oblige construction workers, by their account, eliminate the marriage. To do this, it is best to apply an alignment composition that is applied with a thin layer (because you do not need to increase the thickness of the screed due to someone else's oversight). Such a composition is quite expensive, but this (agree) is not your problem. Application requires special attention to the observance of technology and highly qualified builders. If your builders call you in doubt this plan - hire specialists, and pay their work at the expense of builders who have marriage.

    In the presence of cracks - "squeeze" cracks, process to and smelling them in the buts. Although with a large number of cracks, the screed will have to completely shoot. Here much depends on the character of cracks - it is better to invite an expert.

    If there are emptiness in the screed (determined by the climbing) - remove the detached areas, to project and fill. Although it may be necessary to take full removal of the screed - without inspection not to determine.

    From this article you found out that such a wet screed of the floor and how to fill it.