Design of the hallway in the apartment: tips and ideas of the interior. Entrance hall in the apartment and comfortable lighting in the hallway

The corridor is the first thing they see guests entering the apartment. Its appearance fully determines the impression of housing. But the hallway in high-rise buildings rarely has a large space. The owners have to balance on such a face between style and functionality because of which the design of a narrow corridor turns into real art, not all available.

Style for a narrow corridor

Holders of small rooms live at the right time. There were years when fashion required litter the abundance of parts and elements even relatively small premises. Well, that's already in the past. Modern repair technologies, together with a concise fashion, are able to make the perfect space from a narrow corridor, without inferior to a wide room on functionality.

Design of the corridor in a three-bedroom apartment

The first stage of the design of the corridor will be the choice of its style. There are such options:

  • Minimalism. The simplest solution for a small space. Preferably, the use of light tones and lighting, as close as possible to the natural one. Characterized by the installation of one single accent.
  • Classic. Thanks to the classic style of design, the effect of aristocraticity is achieved, high costs. In the interior are used natural materials: light wood, marble. The laconic decor emphasizes the general restraint.
  • Provence. French style is distinguished by its romantic and soft, pastel colors. The effect is achieved at the expense of floral motifs, artificial formation of surfaces, rushes and elegant forms.
  • Country Thanks to simple natural materials, a rustic decor and an abundance of warm tones, the maximum cozy atmosphere has a comfortable atmosphere.
  • . Dear, but perfectly suitable for a narrow corridor style. Due to the figured legs of the furniture, the effect of lightness and airiness is created, which is so lacking with a small space.

Finishing surfaces

Properly selected finish - half of the successful design. The specificity of the room does not require moisture or heat-resistant materials, the owners are able to make the choice based only on their own preferences.

In no case cannot align the walls in such a corridor plasterboard. The frame method used for this will steal the intimate centimeters of the width, thus making a "bear service".

For the walls of the corridor use:

  • liquid wallpaper;
  • glassworks;
  • textured wallpaper;
  • venetian plaster;
  • vinyl wallpapers.

As for the pattern, it is categorically impossible in a narrow elongated corridor to use neither straight or large symmetrical pattern. Both options are only stronger and squeezed the room. But chaotic abstraction is what you need for this place.

The ceiling is best or easy to paint white, or use a modern stretch option. Completely inappropriate here the design of a multi-level ceiling.

Traditionally, a ceramic tile is put on the floor of the corridor: it requires minimal care, is not afraid of erasing and will not become a "fatal sentence" for dishes as in the kitchen.

Color solution

With the help of color games, you can fix absolutely any room. A narrow corridor is no exception, but one of the main confirmations of this rule. The best choice when the design of a long corridor is created, there will be blonde cold colors.

It is possible to combine different colors: the wide walls are separated by a warm tint, and the narrow-cold light is the "short-range" room.

Without words, it is clear that the excessiveness of dark tones will make the corridor gloomy and negatively affect the perception of space. However, the view of the Hospital Chamber through the use of too light colors in the interior of a narrow corridor is also not practical: the walls and furniture will often be contaminated and will require additional care. At the same time, the feeling of comfort will suffer significantly.

Psychologists argue that one of the best color solutions for the corridor will be green. Believe it or not their opinion is the case of the owners of the housing.

The main elements of the corridor

In the conditions of space deficiency, it is important to determine the basic elements necessary for the corridor. Each item must be functional. In the corridor are installed:

  • closet;
  • shelf;
  • stands;
  • hanger;
  • puffy or other seats;
  • chest of drawers
  • entrance and interior doors.

Tile on the semi corridor of a two-bedroom apartment

Close up most of the corridor is not worth it. Ideal the use of hidden elements built into one of the walls. If its facade is covered, the space increases almost twice.

Andresol is a good option for seasonal storage of things or shoes. The best headset for a narrow corridor is placed on order.

Jubica will help maintain order in the corridor, especially in apartments where more than one person lives. A variety of available materials allows you to enter this item in any interior.

The hanger is a mandatory attribute of the hallway. And although in a small corridor, it is often combined with a closet, there are many successful options for its use in, for example, its angular design.

Parquet floor

Immediately little attention when designing a hallway, the doors are given. But in a small room they can take up to 30% of the wall space. The main rule - the doors should always if the latter are used. As in the case of other surfaces, it is preferable to use not dark colors. Well expand the space. If there is such an opportunity, interior doors can be removed, leaving arches in their place.

Furniture design

The most popular object of the interior of the hallway in Khrushchev - the wardrobe. This is due to the wrong form of the room. Instead of the absorption of the space, the only wardrobe with a modular system is installed in a multitude of the interior details. Such a furniture element is placed on order, which allows you to get the most efficient place to store things, and create an object, perfectly suitable design room.

The facade of the cabinet can be separated by mirror panels, small photos, prints, or even completely covered by wallpaper in the style of the opposite wall, which allows you to hide the presence of furniture as such.

There are the following rules to successfully enter a wardrobe in the interior of a long corridor in the apartment:

  • the depth of the furniture wall should not exceed 50 centimeters;
  • storage systems are located along a wide wall, whipped empty. Due to this, it is possible to fix a little form of the room into a square;
  • furniture should not begin immediately near the door. Having cut the space with one of the sides, inexperienced in the layout of the hosts not only create interference to normal operation of the cabinet, but also visually narrow the already small hallway.


The approach, when only one central light source is installed in the room, has long been outdated. Lighting will help to emphasize the decorative elements, viewing the irregular form of the room and expand its area.

If the interior uses mirrors or mirror surfaces, emphasize them with light - a great solution. Near them, opposite or under them are often used. The reflection of light can give a stunning effect, make a lighter hallway.

But do not get carried away. The location of the light sources along the whole wall can play the evil joke: instead of expanding space, it will attract too much attention and narrows the already long corridor.

Since there is no natural light, one of the most successful solutions will be the use of halogen lamps, the color reproduction will allow us to bring lighting light to the maximum. Professionals recommended point lamps that can be mounted directly into furniture items.

Corridor decor

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but a narrow corridor, it is due to its form, it can become a real art object in skillful hands. The decor can be performed even with a small budget.

Corridor in the panel house

Options for decorative design hallways can be:

  • Pictures are the most common option. Did the long non-smoke space reminds the gallery in the museum? You can place along the wall as the art of famous artists, and the extraordinary work of modern creators - it all depends only on the style of the room and the preferences of the owners. Instead of purchased pictures, the atmospheric looks at the photo from the family archive. It is possible to use additional backlight under each frame.
  • The bulk sex is able to become not only a successful option for finishing, but also successfully perform the role of decor. This type of flooring can be performed in the most different colors.
  • The use of a stone for the decor of individual sites will help to additionally reflect the interior of a narrow corridor in the apartment.
  • With spot lighting is a classic option for an entrance hall. Such an object is able to emphasize the individuality of the owners: someone will place here art objects, someone's books, and someone their own awards.

Receptions and ideas to increase space

If all of the above tips were used, and the visual space is still missing, the additional effect will help create:

To create a harmonious interior of the hallway in the apartment, it is worth thinking in advance design, his concept, taking note of the created style, a range of colors.

Hallway - "Business card" of each house, because guests from the threshold, and simply fleeting passersby with an open door often immediately understand who lives in a particular house.

Each house begins with a corridor, because every owner of the housing, whether it is an apartment or a mansion, dreams of the existing housing make the most pleasant impression.

Not everyone knows that it is possible to make a comfortable hallway not only through the use of new products.

Rarely when curtains are used in the design of the corridor, because it is believed that in the design of the hallway in the apartment, a special role belongs to the details.

Sometimes it happens that, when entering the house, the "emptiness" can be seen, as if there is not enough of something. In this error of all designers, because they must be guided in advance in the mass of the nuances of that room, which will be equipped.

Pastel design

In order not to be gloomy and too dark entrance hall in the apartment, light textiles are used, and the furniture is selected under the core modern interior with glasses and mirrors.

The facade of the furniture, the design of all surfaces, the comfort is given to the comfort, visually spacious making space. The backlight is best done artificial to focus on the details.

Presented in the photo of the hallway in the apartment The solution of designers is successfully combined with a mirror wardrobe.

Outwardly, everything looks like a shelf, quite massive, leaving under the ceiling, but such a solution will like the owners of the house. In particular, who in the hallway wishes to see both the backlight and plants, curtains.

In a bright entrance hall, it is often reduced to a minimum equipment furniture, a display showcase is created, arches, niche, are used.

In the event that a very narrow entrance hall in the apartment, but at the same time high and long, it is better to equip a niche and as a decor of the picture, panel, because it is not enough that it is a decoration of space, it is also the opportunity to emphasize the taste of housing owners.

Since the place is the passage, then it is worth considering the zoning of a particular platform - the hall, the parade.

Walls stylizing a properly selected decor, and further thinking of lighting, choose both sconium and diode illumination. Thanks to the point lighting, the consumption of electrical energy is noticeably saved, it creates the lighting, which will be most comfortable.

All design principles

Create the most original design of the hallway, which has an area like a living room, of course, the easiest way than if the layout of the Hall is non-standard.

The hallway is nothing but the "island", to which several doors come out. Since the room is a passage, it is performed in bright colors, it is better to choose the appropriate decor.

Stylization in natural natural colors looks much better with large mirrors. In this case, the pastel curtains are not simply selected, but the walls can be decorated. It is best to choose light furniture, because the space will look much brighter, spacious.

What do you need to know?

Carrying out the repair of an entrance hall in the apartment, thinking on the interior based on several photos on the network, you can always make your ideas, choose other furniture or some kind of attribute.

In addition to the wardrobe, shoes, pouf, you can buy a ottoo, upholstered furniture. Yes Yes! There are a hallway, in which there is even a sofa.

If the plans to create the design of the most modern hallway in the apartment, makes sense in advance to provide a place for such furniture as a sofa, a mirror that is located at the door, before going out, to leaving the house could be put in order, conveniently located.

If a light flooring, a spacious lounge, then it is better to consider the presence of a diode backlight. With this solution it is possible to achieve more comfort in the aircraft location.

An entrance hall in a small apartment can easily be framed without the use of curtains, but only with the help of a wardrobe, which will be located in the corner of the "Rooms" to save space.

If there are no windows in the corridor and little natural light, then the curtains are logical that they are not needed, it is better to equip a light suspended ceiling, and consider diode lighting.

Matte ceiling as it is impossible to echoes the glass of interior structures, as well as with the facade of furniture.

Thinking the design of a small hallway in the apartment is very important to think about the lighting.

When choosing a light coverage of walls, ceiling and floor, suitable furniture ordered in advance. It has a white facade in a layout with contrasting shelves, finishing, fittings.

Probably wildly sounds when it comes to the design of the corridor, because it would seem, this is a trite corridor. But even the design of the hallway, the corridor, will show the random guest, which is the taste of the owners of housing, and thus you can position the guests.

Color decoration

When decorated in the beige tones of the corridor, it is necessary to properly arrange accents in those colors, which is as close as possible to natural.

Best of all, if black, green, brown, gray, white are used. In the mixing mix, there can be no more than three colors, which is shown on most photos of finished work of real hallways in the apartment.

Unique decisions of designers in zoning the existing space, before the smallelers, the calculated choice of those or other elements will noticeably save the place in a small narrow hallway, studio, office, hall.

Stock Foto Hallway design in apartment

A business card of any home isparishion . It is from her that the dwelling begins, she first meets the coming and creates the impression of the taste and financial capabilities of the owners. Despite the cramped spacehallway and Corridor Design Must be beautiful and comfortable. Such a simple and simplethe room is linked to the overall design of the apartment.

The rare owner of the urban apartment can be congratulated with the possession of the spacious hallway of the right form.

Hall and corridor - Bright representatives of specificpremises. Finish Works that are held must respond to a number of requirements. They are mainly related to the choice of material. Necessary use Only durable, wear-resistant coatings, which are resistant to different mechanical exposures, dirt, sand.

The hallway is the first room that he sees any entrance or apartment and arrangement, it deserves the appropriate.

Hall and corridor - The first room, where the person gets from the street. In this regard, the degree of their pollution is overestimated. To B to Room It was clean, it is necessary to clean regularly. It is important to use such an outdoor coating that will allow it easy and simple. At the same time, it should well transfer the effect of moisture and cleaning agents.

The correct design of the corridor or a wide hallway determines not only the comfort of tenants and their aesthetic pleasure, but also psychological harmony.

If we are talking about an entrance hall in a private house, then the requirements for flooring are tougher. And it is not surprising. To get intoapartment , the owner overcomes the entrance and staircase. In private possession, these elements are absent. In the end, he immediately falls from the streethall. As for the walls, then they require a special approach in the processfinishes. Material It is better to choose a non-primary. Caring for it must be as simple as possible.

In some cases, it is necessary to clean the surface daily. Especially when there are pets or small children in the house.

Choose the color of the infant materials It is necessary according to the totalhouse design. Interior of the hallway must be harmoniously combined with otherspremises . This will create an attractive picture of the housing. And it does not matter privatehouse or apartment in the city.

The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment may not be reduced to create a holistic interior and spoil the first impression.

The finish directly depends on the type of corridor.

Whatever modern ideas of the hallway did not attend the project, in the desire for beauty, it is impossible to forget the main thing - the appointment of this part of the housing.

Interior The lobby should be easy to operate and practical. Beauty and attractivenessdesign Looks into the background. Stylishparishion May be uncomfortable owners and deliver a lot of trouble. If the system is not thought out Storage Things, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time to decide where it is better to arrange them. As a result, there is a chance to be late for work. In additioninterior of the room It will become littered and unsightly.

Before planning the design of this room, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the corridor performs.

As a rule, entrance Zone in apartments Small sizes. Configurationpremises Extreme uncomfortable. As a result, its arrangement becomes a real problem. You can cope with them if we competently approach the solution of the problem. Before starting the arrangementhallway and corridor , It is necessary to prepare a clear plan. It will be indicated, as allzones of the apartment Depending on their functional purpose. This will make it possible to distributespace.

We have all different needs, styles of life and tastes in the design of the premises.

Place for storing shoes in the hallway Must be located near the door. Next to it is worth installing pouf or chair. It will help quickly and easily shovel. Hooks with hooks do not have far away. Sufficient distance from shoezones is an elongated hand. You can wear a jacket or coat immediately before going out. Para is wellshelves Open type. They are used to store various trifles, handbags.

Often the only way out for avoiding the litterness of small parishings is more than an ascetic situation of this room.

Small premises: What to take into account when arranged?

Lobby of large sizes - rarity for modernapartments. Input zone Residents in many cases is limited. Its dimensions and square square. Place the necessaryfurniture It is always difficult in it.

In such a space, only hooks on which clothing is stored, and the shoe shelf.

Specialists are recommendedmake small corridors In the style of minimalism. It will allow rationally to applyspace , make it comfortable and beautiful. Appropriate to usefurniture Custom. Its sizes and volumes will be optimal for thishall, as shown in the photo.

Thus, the owners will be able to realize their interesting ideas of arrangement.

In a small hallway There should be only necessary furniture. Do not climb it differentsubjects. Keep Things can be in a compact and spacious cabinet. Well if it is equipped with sliding mirror doors, as shown onphoto. They will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Shoes, slippers place in the junction. This design looks modern and original.

Visual perception of the hallway forms a shadewalls, items and lighting. For a small hallway, light tones are good. They allow you to create an attractiveinterior of the corridor.

It is important to note that such furniture is quickly dumping and requires careful care.

Parishion can be separated from the main residentialzones in the apartment . For this, a glass sliding door canvas is perfect. It is transparent and light stream without obstacles will penetrate the corridor.

Thanks to this, the space will visually increase.

Mostly in the hallway There are no windows that fill the room with natural light. This must be taken into account when arranged. It is refunded with artificial sources, set a large number of lamp. Otherwise, the lobby will be gloomily, which visually reduces its area.

If it is competent, any entrance zone will acquire a stylish and beautiful view, it will be comfortable.

Narrow room

Narrow parishion has a number of minuses. They are especially noticeable in the process of herregistration. Modern design ideas Let them hide them, the room will be cozy and original. They are given on Photo below.

First, it is necessary to highlight the functional zones to the room: for storing shoes and clothing.

The placement of furniture and other objects of the situation is thought out. Be sure to stay free space. In a narrow hallway, the main dimensions are disproportionate. You can smooth out this minus finishing materials. If you competently combine the surface, the room will have a new look.

Great for this Interior Use mirrors and photo wallpaper. They are placed on longwalls . If the interroom door is provided, then it is better to refuse it.

The opening in the form of the arch will look harmonious.

As for the tintwalls That elongated should be blond, and the short on the tone is darker. This will allow you to visually change the configuration.corridor. Instead of narrow, it will acquire a square form. In the center of the elongated wall is placed lamp. It will create an end dimming effect in the room. Suchdesign idea always looks winning.

Corner shape of the room

Corner entrance hall is not the cute layer of the premises configuration option. Fix cabinet In such a small size room simply. The main thing is to choose its shape correctly. A good option will be the angularfurniture. It features high capacity, occupies a little square and allows xraise not only things, but also othersredmenets, as shown in the photo.

An excellent interior solution for the corridor will be a wardrobe, which will ideally help hide from outsiders with different clothes and accessories.

If the cabinet decorated with mirror inserts, thenspace Visually will not have losses. The choice of furniture on the market is huge. This allows you to choose that option which will be optimal for narrow inputzones . Its area is rational will take shape.

In order to further visually expand the space of the hallway, to make it visually spacious, you can order a wardrobe with a mirror door.

Staircase in the hallway

Staircase in the corridor It can become an important element. Under it isspace, which is easily useful to use. It is perfect for the organization of the of things. At this site can be placed as shown in the photo:

  • Shelves for shoes;
  • Small locker;
  • Pouf, armchair;
  • Hooks for clothes.

Before starting to equip the staircase, it is necessary to determine what the design is used.

If the hall and the corridor combines, it can be used as a recreation area. To do this, it establishes a small sofa and a coffee table.

Khrushchev Apartment: Features of the hallway

Apartments Khrushchev, built during the reign, are not distinguished by a thoughtful layout. It is quite uncomfortable and typical. Presented in the form of narrowpremises With the doors that lead in residential rooms. To equipcorridor, You can use suchideas:

  • Run reproach;
  • Install a shoe shelf, on the wall fasten the hooks for things;
  • Change visual perceptionpremises.

The latest design idea is to create special color design.

For decoration of walls Mirrors are used. The ceiling is trimmed with a brilliant coating. The shade of walls and furniture is light. If the area does not allow you to install a closet, then the ceiling surface can be consolidated by the mezzanine that are designed to store things as shown onphoto.

This will all allow visually expanding the entrance of the housing.

Private house ownership

Country house is different fromapartments . Its construction is carried out according to an individual project decision. As a result, the premises of the structure of non-standard layouts. Corridor Not exception.

In such houses it is necessary to install metal doors. It opens directly into the street, which forms the temperature dissonance inside and outside the house. Also perfectly suitable for this case double door. One of them is usually wooden.

Do not use plasterboard or paper materials in such corridors. They are unstable to moisture.

Such rooms are bettertrim practical materials. Forwall The paint is suitable, and the floor is a tile.

Furniture From a tree or chipboard in country houses is not appropriate. The impact of moisture will lead to the fact that it will quickly lose its kind and will become unsuitable for operation. It is better to choose metal products decorated with wrought-iron elements.

Such a setting will be aesthetic and functional.

What furniture to choose?

Today, often for arrangement is used modularfurniture or ready-made designs. Such walls are an excellent place tostorage Things, shoes. If necessary, you can make a female corner. It provides for the presence of a roomy chest and mirror.

Furniture in a small hallway must be mostly bright shades.

Lobby - an important part in anyapartment. Despite modest sizes and non-standard configuration, correctregistration It is capable of turning it to the main dignity of the house.

If you show fantasy, your entrance will be comfortable, stylish and beautiful.

Video: Hallway design ideas and corridor.

50 ideas of modern design of the corridor and hallway:

Under the hallway there is a separate room. It serves as a kind of transition barrier between the street and residential room.

Design narrow hallway Requires attention. This room is furnished so that it becomes stylish and practical.

Designer tips will allow you to equip the interior and create the visibility of a larger space. At the same time are used.

To turn a small-sized hallway to a modern and cozy room, it is necessary to abandon extra and large elements in the interior. It is worth consider materials for furniture and finishing and ways to illuminate space.

The following rules will help to competently furnish the hallway:

  1. The passage must remain free. It is not worth doing this premises of the storage of all sorts of things that only narrow the space. The width of the corridor should be at least 90 cm so that two people can freely disperse.
  2. For visual increase in space, light shades are applied. Allows you to combine pastel tones with a common interior style.
  3. Creating long hallway design, you need to remember zoning. The corridor is visually divided into several parts using partitions or arches. Zoning emphasizes the finishing with contrasting colors or finishing materials.
  4. The walls are wary without decor, so experts recommend hanging photos, panels or paintings. Used niches with backlit.
  5. The correction of the geometry of a narrow corridor is performed using wall decoration. One IL two end walls are painted in saturated colors or are trimmed with wood panels. Such a decor will make the room more accurate and compact.
  6. An excellent visual reception is the use of mirrors in the interior. You can add mirrors per wall, which visually expand the room. Mirrors are used in the frame or individual web.
  7. Storage systems require increased attention. Do not use spacious and massive cabinets. In this case, niches apply, compact dressers or cabinets - a compartment with a small width. Transform the space is a narrow wardrobe into the hallway with a mirror.
  8. Unpacked door canvas are better not to apply, as it eats a part of the area. It is worth thinking about installing doors that open the inside room. You can replace ordinary doors to sliding.

If the room is imperfect, the use of decorative elements will help in this case. In this case, the door is painted in a bright color or the original lamp hangs.

And correctly selected photo wallpapers will help create the illusion of transition to another reality.

If you remove the interior door between the hallway and the rest of the rooms, then the perception of the room will become holistic. An open passage is decorated with an arch, and is also made simply a wide opening, which will add light into the room.

For decoration, materials with a small pattern are selected. This rule refers to tile, laminate, linoleum and wallpaper.

The design of the hallway is determined by its area. At the same time, it is important not to clutter the constraint space. A remarkable solution is considered to divide the space for individual zones. At the same time, you can separate the hallway from the hall. In the hall of the hall is used finish in the dairy, coffee or beige color scheme.

With the help of different shades, the space is distinguished on the zone.

Experts recommend using the minimum number of furniture and make the main focus on small details.

Doors that go into the hallway must be decorated in a single style with furniture. For a narrow hallway, a wardrobe is recommended in which a variety of shelves and niches. They have shoes, umbrellas, clothes and minor items.

In limited space, modular structures are used: the cabinet for shoes and the shoe stand.

In the interior of the hallway, natural materials look: a tree of light and dark shades. Applied materials that mimic wood.

If it allows the height of the hallway, the mezzanine is equipped under the ceiling. This piece of furniture can be ordered with the cabinet. It turns out a stylish ensemble.

There is little light in the hallway, so the finish must be selected with this factor. Selected wallpapers should be harmonized with a furniture header.

When choosing the color of finishing materials, preference is given to more practical and dark colors. But this is not the best solution for a small room. Now many materials differ in the surface for which all kinds of cleaning are suitable.

It is worth considering the ornament, since large prints affect visual decrease in area.

Spearly lifting ceilings vertical stripes. Horizontal bands are used to distinguish between space. At the same time, the lower part of the wall is frozen with dark materials, and the upper wall is lighter: pastel and even white colors. The drawing in all parts is selected the same. This method will make the hallway wider.

If the room is narrow and with high ceilings, then the upper part is performed in dark colors, and the lower in light.

To finish the corridor, it is worth choosing wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster or cork panels. Not the best solution is the tile, MDF and PVC panel.

Ceramic tile applies for floor covering. The ceiling can be suspended, stretched or plastic.

Decorate the long room wallpaper neutral tones with simple patterns.

  1. Stylishly look at the interior of the sconce, flooring and dotted lamps on the wall.
  2. Pictures are well covered.
  3. Switches are placed at the entrance door for ease of use.
  4. Energy-saving lamps are chosen to save electricity.

Choosing how many luminaires need, you need to focus on the degree of lighting the surrounding rooms.

It is recommended to use moderately bright and scattered light. A similar effect is obtained using matte lamps or lamps that are directed to the ceiling. In this case, the light reflects from the ceiling and ceiling surfaces seem higher and more spacious.

If a ceiling lamp is used as the main light source, then it is mounted closer to the surface.

Additional illumination is required by the zone in front of the mirror. For this, point lamps are purchased, which are placed around the perimeter. Also used wall braids. The design of the lamps coincides with the style of furniture. If the mirror is located on the cabinet door, the light cornice is used as a backlight.

The hallway and the corridor are "clothes" on which they meet an apartment, so the value of a carefully thought-out design can not be underestimated. This is the premises that you see, returning home, and I want it to look friendly and cozy. In addition, the hallway has an equally important practical function: there should be enough space for outerwear, shoes and other accessories.

However, the practical function of the corridor should not go against the decorative. To decorate the corridor there is a huge area, which may not be taken seriously. We are talking about the wall. With the help of a vertical space where clothing does not hang, you can completely change the atmosphere in the hallway.

Corridor registration by wallpaper

Properly selected wallpapers are creating miracles. Whatever the design option you like is a classic style, bright colors, elegant restraint, - nothing limits your capabilities. Huge selection of colors, patterns, textures! Do you prefer strips or floral motifs (by the way, there are very cute samples on the site, screaming tones or pastel, you will always find your perfect wallpapers for the corridor.

Corridor design with wall panels

Walls always look spectacular, including in the corridor. Here you can choose not only between natural and geometric patterns, but also among the large palette of colors. Do you prefer natural materials? Noble wooden panels will create a warm atmosphere in your corridor.

Corridor decoration by tree

The tree can be left in its natural form or paint in any color, as well as combine with wallpaper or painted walls. Classic Option: Position the wooden panels only on the bottom half of the wall, and the upper wage.

Painted walls of corridor

Doesn't the soul lie to the wallpaper, nor to the panels? Old kind paint for walls will always come to the rescue! It is easily applied, it does not require much time to repair, especially given the fact that there are usually very few furniture that will have to be taken out. Choose a one-window pastel shade or combine calm and bright colors. Minimum costs and delightful result!

Corridor Design Idea: Mirror

The mirror is an integral part of the corridor, otherwise where to look with an unplanned return home? :) If you are not sure about the style of your entrance hall, make a choice in favor of a simple mirror without frame. It will fit into any style without attracting excess attention. And the mirrored panels as in the photo can be positioned in any sequence. It turns out your individual mirror.

If you want to emphasize some particular style, then a properly selected frame will come to your aid. For example, a carved frame in the photo above harmoniously complements the classic style of the hallway.

Interior stickers for hallway and corridor

Perhaps the easiest way to change something in the situation, without resorting to the cardinal measures, is the use of interior stickers. Great idea: They can with hooks for clothes. It turns out valid and reduces the degree of seriousness :)

We picked up for you a lot of photos of the corridor design for every taste and color. Inspire!

Silver Wallpaper for Striped Corridor

Restrained corridor design

Contrast Wallpaper for the corridor

Corridor design with photo

Romantic design with many colors

Wooden panels and black and white pictures in the corridor

Designer design of the walls of the corridor stone

Library in the corridor

Brick in the interior of the corridor

Soft lines, wallpaper with openwork pattern and large space

Facing the walls under pebbles