Motor composition of action in psychology. Vocabulary

Butler Vitaly Petrovich

From the position of the theory of motor activity, an analysis of the psychological characteristics of the development of modifications of motor actions during shooting from a combat gun is carried out.

Psychological structure of motor action in hand-to-hand combat

E. A. Chigoryaev, A. V. Bakin

The interaction of physical and needs-motivational components in the motor activity of the student

Uvarov Evgeny Alekseevich, Alawi Heydar M. Alavi

It is shown that the basis of physical education is the motivational component. The need for movements is the psychological foundations of motivating classes in physical culture and sports.

Composition and structure of human motor abilities

Himazov Rinat Maratovich

The article provides an analysis of human motor abilities on its composition and structure. The abilities are considered as deposit, as the skills, as the special properties of the executive apparatus of a person.

Combining motor skills of servicemen when aquatic environment

Oleg Evgenevich Oleg

The article examines the possibilities of teaching applied swimming based on coordination of technical elements. The concept of motor associations is formulated.

Pravda Dmitry Mikhailovich

Temporary settings for moving motor actions in children of preschool age

Pravda Dmitry Mikhailovich

The article presents a material that characterizes the features of the formation of a motor program based on the analysis of the duration of the latent and motor phases in the overall structure of motor actions with the target

Technological approach in teaching students at sports motor actions © 2012 Omarov O. M.,

Omarov Omarkada Magomedzagirovich, Kashkaeva Eminekhanum Abakarovna

The article discusses the possibilities of a technological approach in relation to the process of the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills and skills of students of physical education faculties in the exercise of the SPO

Development of mental abilities in junior schoolchildren in the process of learning motor actions

Fedorova Marina Yuryevna

The impact of developing learning in the formation of a "ball school" on basketball based on a modular learning system, including learning and memorizing the main reference points (OOT),

Motor Composition (Actions) (eng. Motor Content) - A set of motor operations performed in a certain space-time mode in accordance with the content of the motor task and the subject of the subject by external and internal means of solving it.

The motor composition is determined by the biomechanical properties of the kinematics of the body, innervation resources, cash inventors of sensory corrections, as well as an instrument that is used to perform action. The motor composition "There is a function of both the tasks and its artist" (Bernstein N.A.). Motor composition m. B. A priori is defined only partially, in general terms available to the verbal or sample description; Its full identification of the subject occurs only during exercises and training, which employs an individual movement style. Cm . Motor skill . (A.I. Nazarov)

Psychological dictionary. A.V. Petrovsky MG Yaroshevsky

Dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Blaikher, I.V. Crook

no meaning and interpretation words

Neurology. Full explanatory dictionary. Nikiforov A.S.

Category. Structure of motor skills. Specificity. The system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical development, when the individual style of movements is specified.

Watch value Motor composition of action in other dictionaries

Motor - Motor, motor (book.). 1. Admission, according to the meaning. associated with the movement of body organs, motor (physiol. Anat.). Motor nerves. Motor cortex centers. 2 .........
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Motor admission - 1. Related by meaning. With S.: Movement (5) associated with it. 2. Sophisticated motion (5), characteristic of it. 3. Driving in motion, controlling the movement (2-5) of something .........
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Actions MN. - 1. Military operations. 2. Behavior, actions of
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Composition M. - 1. The set of individual parts forming themselves whole. 2. Compound, mix, solution consisting of some substances, elements. 3. A combination of people from which ........
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Motor - -th.
1. To move (4 zn). D. act. D. reaction. Little skills.
2. Driving in motion that controlling the movement of D whit nerves. D-Aya power. D. Installation.
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Military actions - For researchers who consider the conflict as hostile relations, hostilities are a key concept when distinguishing the state of dispute and conflict. Term........
Political Dictionary

Non-violent policies - - the type of political activity oriented to civil disobedience to the authorities and overthrowing the moral standards of mutual tolerance in solving conflict situations .........
Political Dictionary

Acts of regulatory and legal limits - - cm.
Actions of regulatory and legal acts.
Economic Dictionary

Currency actions — -
conclusion of contracts and (or) the commission of other actions, as a result of which arise
Currency accounts (
Redistribution of property rights or ownership ........
Economic Dictionary

Including intellectual property objects in the composition of intangible assets — -
the form
accounting of intellectual property objects;
Intellectual property objects are included in
The cost of the privatized property of scientific and technical ........
Economic Dictionary

Inflammable composition - - chemical compounds in standard cartridges and
Employees to ignite the powder charge. Substances that are not components of B.c., which can ........
Economic Dictionary

Time before expiration - The time remaining before the expiration of the financial contract. Also named "Time to Maturity".
Economic Dictionary

The expiration time of contracts with option - The deadline after the end of the option is to be received, to which the buyer's notification should be received about the consent to the implementation of the option.
Economic Dictionary

Expiry date - In insurance
date starting with which insurance
Polis or
Bond stops him
Economic Dictionary

Date of the expiration date of the contract - the last day (by American style) or the only day (by European style), when it can be executed
option. In the case of stock options, this is the first Saturday ........
Economic Dictionary

OPTION expiration date — -
date after which
The rights associated with the option lose their strength. This is the last date when
The option can be implemented.
Economic Dictionary

Actions - - Such legal
Facts whose offensive depends on the will and consciousness of people. D. is divided into legitimate and unlawful (offenses).
Economic Dictionary

Exchange rates illegal - To illegal
Actions on the stock exchange include:
misleading; Deception or attempt to deceive
Order on the transaction or ........
Economic Dictionary

Confident actions - action,
A sign without words showing a desire, intention to enter into a deal or start negotiations.
Economic Dictionary

Actions at your own risk - reason to relieve responsibility in case of negligence, negligence, negligence. In legal relationship can be interpreted as
Consent to possible violations of adopted norms.
Economic Dictionary

Actions of an independent contractor - in liability insurance: independent
Contractor has
The right to fulfill its work chosen by him, without exposing direct control from ........
Economic Dictionary

Actions illegal - Illegal Acts, conflict with the established law or
The concept of `D.N.` includes such
actions like illegal
Contributions ........
Economic Dictionary

Acting together coordinated actions - two or more
Investor working together to achieve a single investment
goals, for example, they buy
control over which ........
Economic Dictionary

The sole actions of the judge - Processional
the actions committed by the judge alone
Without the participation of people's assessors or other judges belonging to this composition of the court. Allowed only ........
Economic Dictionary

The Law on Measures for Illegal Actions in connection with the transfer of internal - Confidential Insider Trading Sanctions Act of 1984). The law that has increased punishment against persons extracting profits from the illegal use of `inner` (confidential) ........
Economic Dictionary

Law on Measures of Liability for Illegal Operations and Fraudual Actions with Securities Ins - Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988Federal Law, adopted in order to prevent illegal operations and fraudulent actions with securities based on `inner ..........
Economic Dictionary

Parallel law - Social
law according to which
The influence is purposefully rendered to
The team has an impact on each member of the team, and, on the contrary, in ........
Economic Dictionary

Prohibited actions against the victims of the war - - encroachment on life and physical integrity, including murders, injury, cruel
appeal, torture, torture, collective punishments; encroachment ........
Economic Dictionary

Structure - composition, m. 1. Only units. The totality of parts, elements forming any. whole. - Can we, Marxists, bypass in the Constitution about the class of our society? ........
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Expiration of validity - Time when the option contract ceases to exist.
Economic Dictionary

Action: Composition Movement - is a system of motor operations performed according to the problem of the motor, the final formation of which is possible only during practical development leading to the clarification of individual movement style.

  • Coordination of movements - Coordination of movements - a combination of certain specific movements in complex acts - walking, running, etc. Nervous mechanisms K. movements are laid mainly in cerebellar and an oblong brain. See walking ...
  • Ergograph - ergograph - invented by the physiologist A. Mosso (see) the device, noting the amount of muscular work of the fingers. The hand to the elbow is strengthened on a fixed basis and only the middle finger is left free; ...
  • Automation of movements - Automation of movements (eng. Movement Automatization) - one of the ways of forming a response of the operator, characteristic of the last stage of learning. At the initial stage of education skill ...
  • Apraxia - Apraquession (from Greek. A - negative particle + Praxia - action; letters. Inaction) - a violation of arbitrary purposeful movements and actions arising from the defeat of the cerebral cortex ....
  • Bernstein Nikolay Alexandrovich - Bernstein Nikolay Alexandrovich (1896-1966) - outstanding owls. Psychophysiologist. The concept of physiology of activity, created by B. based on theoretical and empirical analysis of natural movements of human ...
  • Version Movements - Version movies (from Lat. Versare - rotate) - one of the 2 types of eye mapping. V. D. Unlike Vengette movements, do not lead to a change in the angle between the audience axes of the left and the rule ...
  • Motor task - Motor task (eng. Motor Task). 1. An external or imaginary standard (sample) of the movement, which the subject should reproduce through motor manipulations; object manipulation m. b ....
  • Motor skill - Motor skill (eng. Motor Skill) - mastered until the ability to solve one or another view of a motor problem based on a multi-level coordination structure formed in ...
  • Motor Composition (Actions) - Motor Composition (Actions) (Eng. Motor Content) - a set of motor operations performed in a certain spatial-temporal mode in accordance with the content of the motor task ...
  • Disavomaticization - Deazavomatization (English desautomatization) - impaired motor skills and higher forms of automated movements (Praxis), as a result of which each link is started to require ...
  • Zaporozhets Alexandrevladimirovich - Zaporozhets Alexandervladimirovich (1905-1981) - owls. Psychologist, student L. S. Vygotsky. In the 1930s, being a member of the Kharkov school of psychologists, stood at the origins of the activity approach to psychologists ...
  • Monomanual - Monomanual O. (from Lat. Mono - one + manus - hand) - spatial-tactile distinction carried out by one hand. Perception is achieved in the course of active feeling when the movement of the hand ...
  • Construction of motion - Construction of the movement (Eng. Formation of Movements) is a fundamental concept in the theory of structure and functioning of the human motor skills developed by N. A. Bernstein. P. d. - This is the composition of everything ...
  • Praxis - Praxis (from Greek. Praxis - action) is a collective concept for arbitrary targeted motor actions of a person (Sin. Prakia). P. may be broken at various lesions of the head mo ...

Motor Composition (Actions)

(eng. motor Content) - Motor set operationsperformed in a specific space-time mode in accordance with the content motor taskand available to the subject by external and internal means of its decision. D. s. Determined by the biomechanical properties of the kinematics of the body, innervation resources, cash inventory of sensory corrections, as well as an instrument that is used to perform actions. D. s. "There is a function of both the tasks and its artist" ( Bernstein N.. BUT.). D. s. m. b. A priori is defined only partially, in general terms available to the verbal or sample description; Its full identification of the subject occurs only during exercises and training, which employs an individual movement style. Cm. . (A. I. Nazarov.)

Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

Watch what is "Motor Composition (Actions)" in other dictionaries:

    Motor composition of action - The system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only during the practical development, in which the individual style of movements is specified ... Psychological Dictionary

    Category. Structure of motor skills. Specificity. The system of motor operations performed in accordance with the motor task, the final formation of which is possible only during practical development, when it is specified ... ...

    It is a system of motor operations performed according to the problem of motor, the final formation of which is possible only in the course of practical development leading to the clarification of the individual movement style. Vocabulary… … Big psychological encyclopedia

    Motor Maintenance - (actions) A set of motor operations performed in a certain spatial mode in accordance with the content of the motor task and the subject of the subject by external and internal means of solving it is available at the disposal. D. s. ... ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Category. Skill shape. Specificity. The ability to implement one or another movement without conscious control over it, formed in training, by automating the movement. . Psychological dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    - (action and operation) Any complicated action consists of a layer of action and a layer of operations subject to them. The boundary of the layers of actions and operations is movable: its movement up means the transformation of certain actions, mostly elementary, in the operation: ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    In its value goes beyond the problem of the organization of movements; There are numerous attempts to apply its provisions to the processes of perception, attention, thinking, etc. As a result of research on the quality of afferent signals, it was found that in ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

    Muscles - Muscles. I. Histology. The total phodogically fabric of the contracting substance is characterized by the presence of a differential in the protoplasm of its specificity elements. fibril structure; The latest spatially oriented towards their reduction and ... ...

    NERVOUS SYSTEM - NERVOUS SYSTEM. Content: I. Embrygenesis, histogenesis and phylogenesis N.S. . 518 II. Anatomy N. with ................. 524 III. Physiology N. with ................ 525 IV. Pathology N.S. ................. 54? I. Embrygenesis, histogenesis and phylogenesis N. E. ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    Nervous system* - peculiar to all multicellular animals, with the exception of sponges, system of organs, managing the activities of the remaining organs of the animal and uniting this activity, perceiving changes committed in the external world or body of the animal, and ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron