These are the most ugly colors for staining in your home according to science. The most terrible colors for home dazzling yellow

Colors can cause many associations, but obviously, only one specific shade is able to "minimize attractiveness" and "maximize perceived harm". That's right - the researchers have determined the most ugly color in the world, and it is described with love as "dirty", "resinous" and even "deadly", just to name several associations.

Pantone 448 C, also called an "opaque couch", can get bad rap, but this shade of wastewater actually has an important mission. From the entire rainbow, the experts chose a green brown tint to prevent smoking. And one look at this sample will convince you of his ability to destroy habits. It is not for the faint of heart, but here it is:

Disgusting, right? Back in 2012, the Government of Australia hired a GFK research agency to lead a new packaging design for all tobacco products. But instead of the usual goal of the marketing firm, they had to achieve the opposite. Each box was supposed to look as soon as possible.

It took three months, seven studies and more than 1000 permanent smokers, but the researchers finally determined the most offensive color for printing along with new graphic warnings about the dangers of health. Also in running? Light green, white, beige, dark gray and mustard. The dark brown came in the near future, but his rich (and chocolate!) Shades seemed too appetizing - like the "class" associations of the middle olive.

After finding an explicit winner (or losing, in this case), the government first announced the shade of "olive-green". But after an urgent letter from the Australian Olive Association, they changed the nickname "gray-brown" - no offense, olives?

Thanks to the bright breakthrough of Australia and GFK, other governments also take this tint. Ireland, the United Kingdom and France recently adopted their own laws on "simple packaging" whose layouts have exactly the same shade. Perhaps an opaque bed could get a better reputation for all the lives that it might save.

[h / t Metro United Kingdom

Selecting the color of the paint for your home, you will meet with a whole range of shades of brown, which, according to designers and psychologists, "visually make the room warmer" or "add a sensation of drama". But a shade having a Pantone 448C encoding, too dramatically dramatically.

Experiment results

The team of Australian researchers tried to determine the most terrible color in the world, according to the subjects. In the experiment held in 2012 in seven stages, 1000 volunteers took part. In their opinion, the mentioned shade, Pantone 448c, is the color of "wastewater", "resins" and even "death." According to the researchers, his long examination can cause instinctive fear, panic and even nausea!

Experts in a joke note that the positive quality in it is only one thing: this brown-gray shade, resembling dirt, can be obtained by mixing all the best and pleasant colors.

Moreover, this shade is so unpleasant and ugly that in some countries began to use it for cigarette boxes, it was assumed that this trick would reduce the number of existing and potential smokers. As the time has shown, this experiment can really be considered successful.

After intensive research, Australian scientists believe that they found the most ugly color in the world. In fact, they use a repulsive tint to beat the hunt to smoke in people, and the government of other countries can follow their example.

So what terrifying shade may be so bad that it can get people to get rid of the most dirty lifetimes habits?

Drum fraction, please! It turns out that Pantone 448 C., delicious shade of greenish-brownish bile with beautiful title OPAQUE COUCHE.

Cute, isn't it?

But we like the brown color, as a rule, (hello, chocolate) and green, too. So what about this particular color, what makes us do "Fu"? Apparently, this is how we process it.

Fortunately, (and, apparently, not surprising) Opaque Couche did not appear in any house, who saw Humphrey, but this does not mean that the world of interior design is safe. There are many "ugly colors" - winners that can be found inside houses. In fact, they can even be in your home.

Check out what colors interior design experts call the worst you might have in your home, and then go and buy some new paint, for God's sake. "

Peach Fuzz

Peach color was in fashion home decor in 1960, but he began to go to the background in 1970 and never returned to fashion, probably because he is terrible as a mortal sin. Not that he caused strong feelings or something like that.

"The peach is exactly in this color with which it is difficult to work. It's almost impossible to create a design around him, "says Humphrey -" And in fact, he is very outdated. "

From the point of view of color psychology, when it comes to accessories for home or clothing, peach can make us feel warm and sunny (and a little feminine), but when you apply it to the walls and try to squeeze it into a color gamut, peach moves from fun By destroying the mood, according to Humphrey.

Orange Popsicle.

Orange shades are not easy. In small doses, we basically see orange color, like a warm, little fiery, and a little vintage. And this is not the color that people immediately hate. Orange occurs every few years for a short stay in the house design, but it never lasts long.

"While in general I love this color, I think it is quite difficult to work with him," says Humphrey. - "He is just too active. Entered onto the walls, it produces the effect of "wow", but not in good sense. "

Blazing Yellow

Yellow was always in the design of the house. He is sunny. He is bright. This is a fine mood generator for your home, isn't it?

Not always.

"You must be very careful with him," says Humphrey. - "While I can see that some oil yellow colors are perceived with bright and cheerful, bright yellow colors are aggressive. They can make people feel anxious. "

Even without a panic attack, a large room, full of bright yellow color looks all-consuming. And the overabundance is always ugly.

Poppy red

"Red is also very aggressive," says Humphrey. And if you see a lot of red, you probably expect to see it, look at the red color. Clear?

But some shades are not only annoying, they are also a bit nauseous. This shade of red coral combines the worst moments: a little pink, a little pure red, a little neon 80s and their connection is what we want to have far away from our walls.

But this does not mean that all red shades are disgusting. Deep, bright red is an excellent color for the entrance door. "Who does not love a bright door on a beautiful house?", "Humphrey asks.

Parfait Pink

Dusty pastel shades appear in design magazines, but be careful before you cover the walls of the bedroom with these muted pinkish-lilac shades. They head the list of Humphrey the worst colors for the house.

"The brightness in the paint raises the mood in the room," she says. And the dusty appearance of this shade sucks all the brightness from the room. Also, let's be honest, it is really more color that you expect to see on the covers for toilet paper hand-knitting your grandmother, and not on the walls of your living room.

So what should you use instead? As you probably, you can imagine neutral shades, as a rule, are best suited for walls.

"I like what is on the border between modern and timeless," says Humphrey. She recommends REVERE PEWTER from Benjamin Moore - gray with a combination of beige for a timeless, stylish appearance, because in the end, maybe the thought of what I thought about ???.

According to scientists, all the shades listed below negatively affect both the mood of a person and the style of his life. What were bright, saturated and such beautiful colors? Read in our article.

And although everyone has the right to his personal opinion, we think that many will agree with the results of a study conducted by Australian scientists, which sheds light on the most ugly colors in the world.

A little earlier was identified a color outsider: "Olive green" colorwho was recognized as ugly that they decided to use it for the design of packs of cigarettes. And everything is to dare people from a detrimental habit.

I can not say that this color is ugly. I saw the pants of a similar shade, and they looked just excellent. But when people choose paint color, they are a priori want him to deliver joyful emotions to them. And the olive green color will rather make you feel oppressed and lifeless. A real killer of good mood.Hizer HumphreyPartner-founder of the designer company Alder and Tweed

And, of course, olive green is not the only color that becomes "ugly", occupying too much space in the space of your home. So, what colors are better to avoid when interior design at home?

Dark peach color

Incredibly popular in the 60s of the 20th century, today this color in the blink of an eye is able to constitute the interior of your home. As for the psychology of color, Humphrey says that in small quantities (for example, in home accessories) the dark peach is only welcomed. But when it comes to large spaces, decorated by this shade, it becomes overwhelming and depressing for the mood of the owner.

Orange color

Humphrey believes that orange color causes the effect of "Wow!", But by no means in a positive aspect. The color is too overwhelming for the walls of the house, besides, orange stimulates appetite. Long live a rumbling in the stomach!

Dazzling yellow color

Yellow oily - invigorating and joyful, but it is too bright ... This "happy color" turns into a real aggressor and makes people feel anxious and restless. When used in large quantities, it becomes so obsessive, which turns into just a disgusting color.


Bright colors usually act as "provocateurs" of human emotions, hardly you want to create such an equalized atmosphere in your home. And Humphrey notes that the orange-red shade is a combination of the whole two bright colors, which are better to stay away when designing.