Cold bituminous mastic. Choosing bitumen mastic: Application and consumption of hot bitumen or bitumen mastic

Bituminous mastic is a multicomponent bitumen material that is used to create a seamless waterproof coating during the waterproofing of the foundation, roofs, carrying house structures, interior rooms, as well as for gluing bitumen rolled and leaf building materials

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Consumption of bitumen mastic

Bituminous mastic has such an indicator as a flow rate of 1 m2, which depends on its composition. The larger the modifiers are added to the mastic, (substances that improve the quality and plasticity of the material). The less cost is at the M2 of the processed area. Mastics consumption varies from 0.4 to 4.0 kg per m2. The exact flow rate manufacturer indicates a package.

If at the stage of construction of any structure do not take care of high-quality waterproofing, then it can soon be affected by the performance characteristics of the house. Therefore, it is very important to make the right choice of bitumen mastic for waterproofing the foundation or roof.

The most advantageous bitumen mastic consumption per 1 m2 of the area of \u200b\u200bwhich ranges from the 1st to 1.5 kg. As a rule, it is a cold application mastic, it is already fully ready for work and do not require heating or additional dilution to achieve the desired consistency. It is used for coating waterproofing of the foundations and basement floors of buildings, for waterproofing floors in bathrooms and shower rooms, for waterproofing of wooden and metal structures, plundered in the ground.

To glue bitumen roofing materials, repairing the roof or appliant roofing device, a more thick bitumen mastic with a flow rate of up to 3 kg per 1 m2 is used. This page presents bitumen masses TechnoNIKOL and other manufacturers from the easiest and most inexpensive to the latest innovative developments.

Properties and classification of bitumen mastics

Bituminous mastic is made from high-quality bitumen, solvents, fillers and polymer additives. Each type of mastic has its own original recipe, which provides the specified properties of each particular brand of this material. But there are general properties that all types of bituminous mastics possess, namely:

  • excellent waterproofing characteristics
  • good heat resistance
  • elasticity after drying
  • full compatibility with other bitumen materials

Types of bitumen mastik

Each type of bitumen mastic is designed to achieve a specific purpose, so they are divided into:

  • mastics Bituminous universal
  • mastics Bituminous for waterproofing
  • mastics Bituminous roofing
  • mastics Bituminous rubber
  • mastics bitumen-polymer
  • bitumen mastic for gluing
  • bitumen Mastics Aligning
  • bitumen protective mastic
  • anticorrosive bitumen mastics
  • emulsion Bituminous Mastiki

According to the method of application, bitumen mastics are divided into:

  • bitumen Mastics Cold Applications (These are ready-made masts that need only thoroughly mix before use)
  • bitumen Mastics Hot Application (These mastic before use must be heated to a temperature of 160 - 180 ° C).

In the composition of mastic are divided into:

  • bitumen Mastics on Oil Based
  • bitumen water-based masts
  • bituminous Mastics based on organic solvents

What bitumen mastic to choose

Our site presents a rather large list of bitumen mastics, the price per kg of which varies from 20 to 150 rubles. The choice of customers is what mastic and what manufacturer to choose. On one page you can familiarize yourself with bitumen mastics, prices for them, technical characteristics, expenses for sq.m. and methods of application. If you do not know which bitumen mastic you need, contact our managers, and you will be given complete information about the product you are interested in or offer cheaper counterparts.

At the very beginning of our price list, there are the most inexpensive and most popular brands of bitumen mastics - MBU, Mby. These are masses on an oil basis (long-drying), which go to the coating waterproofing of various surfaces going under land or working in a humid environment.

MBH bitumen mastic is the most inexpensive of all multicomponent mastics, which has excellent physicomechanical properties and a wide range of applications.

All brands of bitumen mastics have accompanying regulatory documentation.

The method of using bitumen mastics

All finished bitumen mastic are applied to the insulated surface of approximately the same.

For waterproofing work, it is necessary:

  • free the insulated surface from garbage, dirt, dust, ice;
  • processing primer for better clutch of the base and mastic;
  • thoroughly stir mastic;
  • apply a layered with a brush, roller, spatula or pouring method with subsequent leveling with special rowing.

Bitumen mastics of hot use are sold in briquettes or pieces packed in special kraft bags with siliconized inner layer. Such bitumen masts have a low price, but require warming up before applying and thoroughly comply with all rules in the process of applying.

To carry out roofing work, it is necessary to prepare the surface and heat the mastic to a temperature of 160-180 ° C, apply it by the pouring method or using a brush or roller, and then also to dissolve it.
The use of these mastic ensures the creation of a reliable, holistic roofing system.

More detailed instructions for the use of each type of mastic manufacturer indicates labels or directly on the packaging container. Be sure to read before applying and successful you waterproofing!

Mastics can be bought:

  • on one of our warehouse complexes in Moscow or Podphok
  • order delivery to an object from our warehouse or from the manufacturer
  • order a collection machine with various types of bitumen materials
  • order Wholesale delivery

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Mastic is a rather strong binding building material. With its help, you can perform sealing of walls, ceilings, floors, windows, make the laying of the tile and waterproofing. Mastic in a liquid or pasty form is made, as well as in the form of a thick adhesive mass. In the modern market, the finished powder composition is often found, which remains only to breed with water before direct use.

Types of bitumen compositions

Absolutely all kinds of mastics have high adhesive properties and most of them are similar in their composition. To select the required type of material, the surface and type of work should be used to begin.

Bituminous mastic is a modern and convenient waterproofing material that is widely used in the roofing device, hydro and vaporizolation, as well as when processing inter-storey overlaps. This species consists of a bitumen binder, herbicides, antiseptics and fillers.

Bitumen mastic has many advantages, namely:

  • elasticity, good stretchability and restability;
  • high heat resistance;
  • durability and reliability.

Waterproofing. Created on the basis of bitumen mastic in the form of a semi-liquid paste ready for use. It consists of various mineralonapplerability, bitumen emulsions, special additives based on synthetic resins.

This material has all the characteristics of bitumen mastic, but its mechanical strength is much higher. The material is used for waterproofing walls, roofs, foundations, balconies, pipes, cement or metal gutters.

Cold bitumen coucertic. It is made of Cherkersol and Slant resin solution. To improve the characteristics, latex emulsions based on dispersed rubber are introduced into the composition of bitumen mastic. Such materials are called bitumen latex and are used to attach roofing.

Roofing.Also called bulk roof and can be used as an independent roofing material. Mastic is produced in the form of a viscous homogeneous mass, which is applied to the surface with a sprayer or brush.

When using roofing mastic, there are no joints and seams, since a solid, monolithic coating is created. This insulating material can be covered steel, rubberoid, concrete and other materials. Also roofing mastic perform the repair of the old roof, sealing of joints and seams.

The coating from this material has the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • resistance to sunlight and temperature differences;
  • elasticity;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • minor weight.

Bituminous rubber . Produced in the form of a homogeneous mass of black color ready for use. The composition includes a mixture of oil bitumen varieties, synthetic rubber, rubber crumb of fine fraction, mineral fillers, natural resin acids, target additives and various solvents.

This material is rather elastic, has good heat resistance and withstands the temperature differences from -30˚C - + 130˚C. It is also used to repair the mastic roofs and performs the function of the adhesive composition when using rolled roofing materials and to create waterproofing structures and structures.

Polymer mastic . This is quick-drying environmentally friendly bituminous material on a water basis, improved by special polymers. Used for coating waterproofing of underground structures, sealing of sewerage and wells. After applying to the surface, the mastic forms a waterproof rubber film, which has a very long service life.

Sealing mastic. It is produced in the form of a thick white mass used to seal joints, cracks, cracks and seams in reinforced concrete and concrete structures. It has excellent adhesion to metal, wood and concrete. After complete drying, the mastic can be treated with paint coatings.

Refractory.This mastic is produced in the form of a viscous plastic mass of gray. It is made of a binding inorganic substance with the addition of silicate additives and mineral fillers. This mastic is used to insulate ovens and gas ducts and withstands the temperature to + 1600˚C.

Not hard sealing mastic. A homogeneous viscous mass consisting of several varieties of rubber, fillers and plasticizers. Sold in Briquettes and is used to seal outdoor walls, seals of door and window blocks in places of adjustment to the wall.

Universal. This is a homogeneous mass of bitumen and various fillers. Mastic is intended for waterproofing and roofing, creating anti-corrosion protection of various designs and pipelines. Also, through universal mastic, you can glue various building materials.

Noise insulating. The sprayed mass with good vibrarous and sound insulation characteristics, produced based on the aqueous dispersion of synthetic resins with the addition of anti-reflator components.

Mastic butyl rubber. This material is made from environmentally friendly components and is not subject to rotten processes. Mastics are widely used to create insulation of ventilation systems.

Acrylic waterproofing. The most popular material that creates with a waterproof film when applied to the surface and protects the coating from mold, dampness and rust. It has high strength, ease of use and is used only for sealing indoors.

Epoxy.This type of material is produced in the form of thick mass from bitumen resin dissolved in an organic diluent, a dry pigment and filler with a plasticizer. A hardener is added before direct use in mastic. Thanks to this material, very durable and wear-resistant floors of production workshops are obtained, and it is used as an adhesive agent.

Polyurethane two-component. Liquid weight of white, non-smell and forming a strong elastic coating after applying. Two-component polyurethane mastic is used for waterproofing drinking water tanks, water pipes and rooms with high humidity.

Application of mastic

Bituminous mastic can be applied both by hand, with a brush or roller, and mechanical, using a special air sprayer.

Both of these methods of application are rather technological and give a good opportunity to produce work related to the roofing device, quite easily and quickly regardless of the angle of the roof surface. This is especially noticeable when the device is roofing with a large number of adjoins and various elements.

During coating on the roof of mines, pipes, supporting structures and so on, rolled materials are required to spend a lot of time and forces on the cut of pieces of material sometimes very difficult configuration, while mastic in this case allows the coating in the same way as on the smooth surfaces. Therefore, mastic in this respect has certain advantages over rolled materials.

Bitumen Mastic Consumption for 1m²

It is impossible to normalize the work normally and make a estimate, not knowing how much material is necessary for processing 1M². To determine the consumption of mastic, the easiest way to look at the label, and if there are no current data on it, at least it is written the recommended minimum material for applying one layer. Therefore, it will be easy to calculate the required amount of material. Mastics are mainly 30-70% consisting of volatile solvents, which means the same percentage of the shrinkage of the bituminous composition after its application.

Average material consumption for 1m²

Safety technique

Since many solvents used to create mastic are rather toxic and very easily flammable, then when working with such materials, certain security measures should be followed. Bituminous mastic should be prepared indoors with a good air-exhaust ventilation system or on an open air.

When working with bitumen mastic outdoors, it is necessary to use protective glasses and a respirator, and in closed rooms - gas masks. After each hour of operation in closed rooms, a break by 15-20 minutes and carry it out in the fresh air.

To prevent elevated fogging with a mechanized method of working with mastic, a sprayer must be kept strictly perpendicular to the surface and no further than 0.5 meters from it. After working with such materials, hand should be well wipe, then wash them with soap and warm water.

Attention ! Smoking in areas of work with bitumen mastic is strictly prohibited.

Works that cause sparking or requiring open fire should be performed at a distance of at least 25 meters from the site of using bitumen compositions. In rooms in which work with mastic is performed, the use of electrical equipment only explosion-proof type is required.

The roof is the main element of any structure that protects the inner part of it from rain, wind, snow and other atmospheric phenomena. And first of all - precisely from precipitation. That is why the reliability of this part of the building and, in particular, its waterproofing is important to devote as much attention as possible. To prevent leaks when creating a new roof or to eliminate them, a bitumen mastic for the roof is often used when repairing the old, easy to use, but a reliable means.

Bituminous mastic is a fairly plastic building composition, which is based on bitumen and all sorts of additives that give material by those or other properties. The substance has high values \u200b\u200bof waterproofing, freezes in a short time after applying, there can be different types. And it can be used independently, without resorting to the help of experienced masters. The consistency is sufficiently thick, in the heated state becomes liquid.

Various additives and fillers present in the form of a mastic give a substance a certain degree of viscosity, frost speed, resistance to temperature, etc. As a rule, both mineral components and organic substances can be used as additives. Make a more dense and low-temperature mastic will help mineral wool, combined asbestos dust, limestone. But the components of the type of chalk or peat crumbs used to give the composition of the puzzles will make the substance more convenient and rapidly, reduce consumption, and the thermal insulation of the bituminous layer will increase. Fibrous fillers reinforce material, and polymers will help to increase waterproofing qualities.

After the distribution over the surface of the base, the mastic is frozen - a certain membrane is formed or a film without junctions and seams. Also, with the help of mastic, you can glue various materials.

On a note! The basis for which mastic will be applied, in particular preparation does not need - the substance is perfectly glued even on the rusty surfaces. However, the builders are still recommended to conduct certain preparatory work.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mastya is not in vain, it is popular with both experienced builders and those who simply conduct any repair roofing work. She has a lot of advantages:

  • high waterproofing;
  • the ability to hide small defects and align the surface;
  • resistance to the formation on the surface of the bituminous layer of colonies of living microorganisms, mold, etc.;
  • ideal adhesion properties to any surface - the material is not peeled and does not swell over time;
  • high elasticity and lack of a tendency to the appearance of cracks.

On a note! Possessing such an impressive set of advantages, mastic is also cheap. So repair or waterproofing work on the roof can be reduced to the maximum.

But the material has its own cons of use. For example, it is impossible to use mastic under certain weather conditions (in rain), and it is quite difficult to control the thickness of the applied layer, it is quite difficult - uneven surfaces can increase the consumption of material, which is why the cost of work increases.

Bitumen mastic can be applied for various works in the construction industry. For example, one of the main areas of use is the waterproofing of floors, the foundation, pipelines, the installation of parquet floors, the pool, etc. Also, the mastic is used to treat the wood, plugged into the ground, concrete products. You can even lay linoleum using this tool. Of course, it is used for waterproofing and repairing roofing works.

Functionality of mastic against roofing

Mastic can be used for various roofing works and on any surfaces. It is often used on scanty and dome roofs, used to finish spiers, applicable on flat roofs. The optimal use option is waterproofing, coating with rolled materials, repair of certain types of roof.

On a note! In some cases, it is possible to use mastic, not even by removing the old roofing coating.

Bituminous mastic perfectly seals the seams and the surface itself, due to high elasticity, reliably protects the roof from leaks. It is also suitable for sealing chimneys, ventilation and drainage channels. Moreover, the roof can be made absolutely from any materials, be it tile, concrete, rubberoid, etc. It uses bitumen mastic almost everywhere, ranging from eliminating roofing defects and ending with junctions and seams.

On a note! Bituminous mastic in the construction and building of the roof can be used not only as a waterproofing and sealing material, but also as an adhesive composition.

Types of mastik

There are a large number of different types of mastic that can be classified depending on the type, method and purpose of use, methods of application, composition, etc. For example, two main categories of existing materials - mastics Hot and cold. They differ in the method of application. In the first case, the substance needs to warm up to high temperatures and simply pour into the prepared base, and then thoroughly dissolve. In the second, the mastic is applied to certain sections with a spatula, has a more dense consistency.

When the solvent evaporates, the mastic becomes like rubber, which has physical and mechanical and hydrophobic properties

Hot mastic is distinguished by increased elasticity, strength, lack of porosity and leaning towards shrinkage. It can be used even at low air temperature indicators. The cold is much easier to use, does not require heating, it has various coloring options, which means it is easiest to use it in cases where it is necessary to make seams of invisible. And it is not afraid of the effects of ultraviolet.

Also, all mastic can be divided into two main types by cooking method:

  • one-component - Mastics used without adding other components, they can be used immediately after the opening of the container. The main disadvantage - it is necessary to immediately spend the whole composition;
  • two-component - Mastics that need to mix with special thickeners before use.

Mastics may differ in composition. Depending on this, the parameter differ:

  • rubber-bituminous (It is manufactured using mineral type fillers, oil bitumen, rubber crumbs, solvents and synthetic rubber. It has a high level of adhesion, stroke resistance, to temperature fluctuations);

  • BCM mastic (with rubber filler. Has high elasticity indicators, does not break, used to glue the runneroid);
  • bituminous polymer (based on a modified latex, aqueous bitumen emulsion. There are no organic solvents in the composition. It can be used for internal and external work).

On a note! The most popular ready-made masts are the compositions released under the Tekhnonikol brand and Shinglas.

Table. Technical characteristics of bitumen mastic.

CharacteristicCold water-based masticHot masticCold solvent-based mastic
Layer thickness, mm 1 2 1
Drying time in air (T \u003d 20 degrees, humidity 50%) 5 4 24
Consumption, kg / m square. (1 layer) 1,5 2-2,5 1-2
The humidity of the base, not more,% 8 4 4
Temperature, degrees +5 - +40 -10 - +40 -10 - +40

Prices for bitumen mastic

Bituminous mastic


The consumption of the means largely depends on what type of composition is used. So, for example, hot mastic does not "sit down" after drying, the thickness of its layer does not change. In this case, the approximate consumption is 0.8-1 kg / m 2. To create a waterproofing film, you will have to spend about 2.5-3 kg / m 2 if the final layer must be a thickness of about 1 mm. It will take less cold - about 1.2-1.5 kg / m 2.

Attention! If the mastic needs to be applied to several layers, then each subsequent is necessarily applied only after drying the previously applied previous one.

It is important to remember about this aspect as a dry residue. This is the name of the amount of substance that remains on the surfaces covered after the material is completely drying. A dry residue can affect the flow rate in one direction or another. Usually ready-made compositions have a dry residue within 20-70%.

Roof repair using mastic

Step 1. The first thing is to prepare the mastic or purchase of a ready-made mixture of a suitable type. It is important to mix the substance thoroughly, if necessary, using and adding recommended solvents to the mixture.

Step 2. Next, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface of the roof. Yes, it is believed that mastic can be applied to any, even weakly purified surface, but, nevertheless, the highest quality work will be only if the surface is pre-cleaned from garbage and dirt. It is important to remove and pieces of the deformed coating - it is better to cut them and replace them with smooth patch.

Important! If the instructions for mastic does not specify that it can be used in a wet environment, then the roof is also pre-dry as much as possible.

Step 3. Ruberoid designed to create patches, you need to cut into segments of the required sizes. Next, mastic with the help of an ordinary metal spatula is required to be applied to the wrong side of the prepared patch.

Step 4. It is also required to miss the base of the roof in the area of \u200b\u200bthe repaired area.

Step 6. Then you need to mark the edge of the surface of the patch surface, thoroughly closing all the joints and the place of the compound of the patch with the surface of the roof. After that, the patch is recommended to sprinkle with sand so that they do not overheat in the sun.

In this case, the works were carried out using cold mastic. In turn, the hot need to be treated with a warm and several layers (2-3), using a brush. It is usually applied with a thickness of 1-3 mm in total. It is important to remember that when working with mastic, the weather should be dry and solar - to repair the roof during the rain or at low temperature indicators (below -5 degrees) is categorically not recommended.

Important! It is necessary to work with hot mastic at a decent distance from any sources of fire - this is a combustible material.

Other rules for work with mastic

To work as high quality, it is important to comply with a number of rules.

Video - roof repair with mastic

Simple repair of roof leaks

There are other compositions for repairing roofing surfaces, in appearance resembling conventional mastics based on bitumen. However, they are more liquid than cold mastic, and do not require severe heating before use. For example, the so-called "liquid roof".

Step 1. Roofing surface is required to carefully clean from vegetation and dirt. You can use brushes, spatulas and any techniques.

Step 3. The prepared mixture can be pulled out on the purified surface of the roof.

Step 4. Next, it needs to be evenly applied to the surface being repaired, distributing a wide spatula. If necessary, the amount of the mixture can be increased. The thickness of the final layer should be 1-2 mm. It is necessary to distribute the mixture, ranging from the ridge of the roof and moving to its edge.

Bituminous mastic is a real "chopper-cutting" for those who want to quickly repair the roof and not be afraid that in the near future it will penetrate. In general, this universal tool is applicable in almost any construction sphere, but it is for the roof, as well as for the foundation to arrange the foundation, this material is most often used.

They are processed by bitumen. Although this material in its pure form is inherent in certain minuses - the material is quite complex in applying, and under the influence of external temperature drops, its protective film can crack. As part of modern bitumen mastic, there are substances that increase the hardness and resistance of the waterproofing outer coating.

Below we consider in more detail the technical and operational properties of the bitumen, as well as which technology must be adhere to when applied to the surface of this material.

Mastic - Very plastic material. It has high knitting and waterproofing indicators. Based on the material, in addition to bitumen, astringent organic substances and mineral supplements are located.

  • mastic "hydroizol";
  • bitumen roofing mastic technomaist (21);
  • mastic waterproofing (24);
  • water-emulsion mastic (33);
  • mastic hot "Eureka" (41);
  • bituminous rubber mastic (20);
  • "Teknonikol" (31);
  • aluminum mastic (57);
  • hot mastic "Izhora";
  • bitumen-polymer cold mastic "Slavyanka".

Mastics of such companies are also good in demand as: Remmers Elastoplast and Bitumast.

Calculation of the consumption of bitumen mastic

This indicator, as a rule, indicate the packaging. If the consumption is not specified, then you can easily calculate it on your own, based on the following recommendations:

  1. Mastics consumption will directly depend on the percentage ratio of volatile solvents. This indicator is ranging from 25 to 70%. With a greater indicator, the consumption of bitumen mastic will be several times less than with a smaller indicator.
  2. Holding the consumption of mastic, the cost of consumption should be taken into account for the implementation of various works.
  3. When applying mastic on vertical surfaces, it is applied in several layers. Moreover, the second layer is applied only after completely drying the first layer.

Having considered the classification, we can say that there are two main ways of applying mastic: hot and cold. And the cold bitumen mastic is applied by manual and mechanically. Let us consider in more detail the methods of mastic applying:

  1. With manual method use Large painting brushes with short and rigid bristles. This is usually flint brushes. You can also use a short-circuitated racking roller. In the processing of horizontal surfaces, the emulsion neatly spacing the oakly, and after roller triturated or brush.
  2. With a mechanized method useairless sprayer with a pressure of 150 bar.

For such a work, only sprayers mixing components inside the unit will be suitable.

Below, consider the progress of work on waterproofing mastic of bituminous roofing cold applications:

  1. According to the instructions, add a solvent to mastic and mix well.
  2. Before using roofing mastic, it is necessary to heat at room temperature during the day.
  3. From the surface that we will process, you need to remove all the garbage.
  4. All roof base is treated with a special bitumen primer.
  5. The whole area of \u200b\u200bthe roof dried.
  6. A minor amount of mastic pour onto the roof and disperse the mop over the entire surface.

Before applying mastic, you need to test the determination of the degree of humidity of the base.

⚫bituminous mastic is one of the most necessary building materials used for waterproofing. It has a viscous consistency. In essence, it is a resin, which is based on bitumen. Additives can be various polymers, asbestos, quartz, talc, dolomite, and other materials, including products obtained as a result of waste recycling.

Types of bitumen mastik

Distinguish cold mastic and hot: they differ in the way of cooking. Hot is preparing a couple of hours before use directly at the site of application. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly follow safety. Basically, hot mastic is needed by building companies that are elevated large objects. In the manufacture of the material, there are significant means in large quantities, since it is hot enough to be cold.

Bituminous Cold Application Mastics is prepared without cost-related costs: the process does not involve the use of high temperatures. It comes on sale already ready, so it is more convenient for use and safe. However, it is much more expensive than hot, which is a disadvantage.

Application in construction

This material is widely used in the production of building materials and in construction. This material is necessary for the manufacture of construction stoves, it is used with its waterproofing of foundations, basements, overlap, used during roofing works. They are processed by underground communications pipes.


With this material, waterproofing protection of objects underground is carried out. These can be the pipes of sewage, gas and oil wire, plumbing communications. The material is used for waterproofing work if it is necessary to protect concrete, arm-change and wooden structures. Mastic from bitumen is able to protect the metal from corrosion, which is used in waterproofing reinforced concrete structures. It is processed by welded seams of metal structures and bottoms of cars, places of metal adjoining to concrete and brick in building structures, horizontal surfaces in pools and bathrooms.

Bonding materials

Bituminous mastic is suitable for creating an adhesive connection between silicate brick and tiles. When roofing works, the ability of material to gluing is also used: it is used for coating roll materials.

Road works

Road bitumen mastic with fillers is used in the construction of roads and when they are repaired. It close the seams, cracks and depressions in the asphalt coating. At the same time, the mass of hot preparation is used, which is heated at the site of work. The bitumen, placed in a special closed container, heated to the required temperature and then boil until the foaming stops. This means that all moisture contained in the material was separated. Then, this mass is added fillers that improve quality. Such fillers can serversion of recycled waste. This composition can increase the service life of the road linen, and also to save the material itself.

Sometimes cold mastic is used for this purpose. It is convenient for sealing small defects in the asphalt coating of private courtyards: such work can be performed in a short time and without the use of open fire, which is important in conditions of small distances to residential facilities.

The requirements for road mastic are set out in regulatory documents (in SNIPU, in GOST), where the features of the application of the material and its composition are indicated.

Dignity of material

Bitumen mastics are able to protect any surface from dampness, resist the appearance of mold and fungus. They do not swell when they are exposed to water vapor and create solid, without joints and seams, waterproof film. This material does not crack and has high mechanical strength. It is quite simple to use: special qualifications for working with it is not needed. Application method is similar to applying oil paint. Bituminous mastic without damage and loss of qualities withstands the conditions of high humidity, increased or reduced temperature.

Bitumen mastics are able to protect any surface from dampness, resist the appearance of mold and fungus.

In climatic zones with low average ambient temperature, it is desirable to use Bituminous and oil mastic M-50 brand. The main advantage of this material is that it can withstand low (up to -50 ° C) and high (up to + 100 ° C) temperature. Eating (epoxy-bituminous) possess similar characteristics. The quality of the material is confirmed by the certificate of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of conditions for quality and safety (environmental, sanitary, fire).

Bituminous mastic is successfully applied together with other bitumen-containing materials, such as Ruberoid. They are good to protect against moisture of wood, which is used in the construction of wooden fences, when processing bottoms of boats.