Interesting information about hats mushrooms. The most interesting facts about mushrooms

Mushrooms are a special type of plant organisms living everywhere. Perhaps it is difficult to find a place on Earth where mushrooms could not find suitable conditions for growing. Sultry tropics and plains, plains and mountainous terrain, swamps and deserts, gardens and gardens, drying and water are for mushrooms by their own home.

Mushrooms are characterized by a kind of structure: their basic body is a mushroom, consisting of woven mushroom yarns. This is such a kind of fungal Internet by which plants can transmit information about the danger, about the rain or drought.
Here is such a wonderful picture on the Internet dug up: this is a mushroom :))

And now - the most interesting facts about mushrooms that managed in books and dig in the internet:

Spores of mushrooms for a long time can maintain their ability to germinate. They can wait for a convenient case for a year or not two, but ten years old - and as soon as possible - start growing. Sometimes, in the most unexpected places.

They may start growing and on a shishke, and on the tree, and on the bag with grain, and on the walls ... if only damp, it was comfortable :)

These are fitlights ...
Selecting the material for the article involuntarily thought that some plots for horror films, where people die under the nest of certain flooded plants or creatures, could well be inspired by the study of mushrooms :)

In 2002, mushrooms inside the atomic reactor were discovered by the robot.

Predatory mushrooms

It turns out that even predatory mushrooms exist! They feed with worms. How catching, you ask ... It turns out that predatory mushrooms are able to build traps! Their mushroom is located peculiar rings resembling a sticky cellular network. The more victim tries to escape from Put - the stronger the loops and rings of the ominous network are compressed. The victim, carelessly falling in a trap - is doomed. The process of absorption and digestion of nematodes lasts about 24 hours.

In these photos, you can see the devices for catching nematodes: loops, trashing rings, sticky heads. At one of the photos - the rings captured and compressed the worm.

Perhaps enough of predators - mushrooms. Let's talk about other mushroom representatives living in wildlife.
For example, about chanterelles.

And here's:

Do you know that stickingness ants know how to grow mushrooms that are subsequently eating? Moreover, they did it 20 million years ago.

About truffles of real and artificial

Truffles are growing not only in France, but also in many other countries. In Australia, for example, their several dozen species! Especially popular Romanian truffles. But the Chinese have learned not to grow, but fake mushrooms!

These underground mushrooms are really like French "black diamonds". There are worthy specimens, which from their native French will be able to distinguish the one who really knows a lot of trifles.

At the same time, French truffles are 400-700 euros per kilogram. The Chinese answer is the same amount of delicacy for 20 euros. True, Chinese truffles are colorless, but resourceful entrepreneurs tinker them into black. Another headache of French producers is frogs from China, also cheap and literally flooded market.

According to statistics - the best varieties of truffle are sold for 2 thousand euros per 1 kg.

Glowing mushrooms

Some mushrooms are glowing in the dark. Easy greenish glow occurs as a result of chemical oxidative reactions occurring in mushroom cells at the time of absorption with them oxygen. By the way, about 68 types of lumyant mushrooms and 7 species of them were found by Mikogoli and 7 species of them are rather solid yellowish-green light.
10 of 68 types of luminous mushrooms grow in Japan, and 8 - in Brazil, and some of them are inside the filled trunks of trees ... Picture, believe me, crazy ...

Mold mushrooms

Mold Mushroom Aspergillus Niger (Black Mold) is a source of obtaining ... citric acid. Only the technology of obtaining should be observed very clearly, for itself asperigous - is strongly toxic and can cause severe poisoning.

Mold mushrooms can live on kerosene, fuel and brake fluids, machine oil. Mushrooms can destroy skin, glass, fane, wood, many organic materials. Remember that even rust ... Iron it is not a hindrance ...

Mushrooms are so different and so unusual in shape! There are funny, there are terrible, there are cute or unpleasant, repulsive ... The world of mushrooms is very diverse. Today we have plunged into this world ... But they have not yet emerged, only we translate the Spirit - and "Swim further" :)

Orange trees.

A studentist something that changes its color depending on the humidity of the air. It can be white or yellow, can become almost brown ... Some trembling look very beautiful, like fabulous flowers.


These mushrooms can grow to gigantic sizes. This and the case find mushrooms weighing up to 5 kg. Raincoats are used in medicine as a means for bringing radionuclides, with some tumor diseases, for the treatment of lymphosystem and an endocrine system.

Also - for some gastrointestinal diseases. In the rain, there are substances capable of stopping the development of the tumor, hepatitis, tuberculosis. The resorption of mushroom pieces in antiquity was used to treat mastopathy and many other diseases. And used successfully :)
Raincoat is a kind of natural antibiotic.

Shiitake - Japanese mushroom against french champignons

In Japan, too, there is a mushroom, which is treated by many diseases. It is called Shiitake.

Thanks to its food and therapeutic properties, Shiitake is the most cultivated edible mushroom in the world, its production reaches 450 thousand tons per year.

The healing properties of the Shiitake mushroom are used in cosmetology.

Applied in cosmetics extract of shiitake mushrooms, penetrating deep into, is able to replenish the natural resources of the skin, accelerate the process of regeneration of its cells, that is, it has a strong rejuvenating effect. So, in 2002 Yves Roche has created a special line based on Mushrooms from SERUM Vegetal de Shiitake Shiitake, designed for women over 40 years old with any skin type.

And the French say there is nothing, it is useful for champignons.

By the way, the treatment of mushrooms is called Fungotherapy specialists.

This is the most amazing mushroom in the world! In addition to its strange look, this mushroom has a skill ... walk. Well, not walk, of course, but - moving around. Of course, even the most unhurried out of the snails compared to the plasmodium - the sword ... But, nevertheless, this is the only "walking" mushroom! Other his name is a tearshevik.

This mushroom can be tiny - only 1 mm. And maybe huge - up to one and a half meters! A tearshevik grows in dark, raw places, preferring to settle down under the crust of fallen trees. Including it is found with us. Mushroom movement - approximately 1 cm per hour! Plasmods calmly boil to a stump or trunk of a tree and convenient to get a job there until he "wants" to move on.

Photos show all the stages of reproduction of this amazing mushroom.

In this way, plasmodium reproduction occurs ...

By the way ... the reproduction of plasmodes is also very unusual ... By the time the mushroom is ready, the mushroom is chosen on the open space and is assembled into a dense lump covered with a crust. Multicolored fruit bodies of strange diverse forms grow out of the lumps ... There are disputes in them, which with the wind will be transferred to a new place of settlement ...


This is the most rare mushroom in the world! He's size with chicken yatszo. As soon as this "egg" matures on the sun - it will seem to shoot up a white arrow! For several hours, the arrow (or umbrella) expires mucus (by the way, quite smellingly smelling). And by the morning you can no longer be able to find a place where the divechae chose this miracle.

This mushroom fun is able to defeat even cancer cells.

Perhaps today is enough useful information. Let's just see photos with various mushrooms. If someone is really interested in someone - write, I'm glad to pick up the material and the square it in the article specifically for you.

In the meantime - the promised photo Amazing mushrooms

The most poisonous mushrooms

There are more than 100 kinds of mushrooms that can kill. Pale refraining is one of the most dangerous, poisonous fungi in the world.
This mushroom is known because it was he who caused the greatest number of death poisoning than any other mushroom.

Mushrooms are important for ecology

Mushrooms play an important environmental role, decomposing organic matter and returning important ecosystem nutrients. Mushrooms digest organic matter on rotting wood and on lawns. Many plants need mushrooms for survival, since mushrooms isolated minerals and water from the soil for the plant, while plants supply mushrooms with sugar connections.

In the 4th century BC, the Greek scientist Theophrast mentioned in his writings about truffles, curls, champignons. After 5 centuries, Roman naturalist Pliny also wrote about mushrooms. He first tried to divide mushrooms for useful and harmful.

In Switzerland, the inhabitants are not at all collecting and do not eat white mushrooms that grow there in abundance. And in Finland, on Russian tourists with baskets, they generally look with a smile - like that to take them: Russians :))
the most interesting facts about mushrooms
Mushrooms contain an average of 90% water.

In 1864, in Ireland, the potatoes died from a fungus, called potato rot. At the same time, it was found that potato fields located near the copperlavyl plants were completely uta damaged from fungus.

So little fungus gave impetus to the development of science on the fight against agricultural pests.

It turns out that mushrooms also have sex! Scientists have allocated a gene regulating "sexual differences" of mushrooms.

Microscopic Mushrooms Pilobolus Kleinii, which decompose the manure of herbal animals, have the ability to shoot their disputes on a large distance, informing them the highest acceleration in nature, 180 thousand times higher than the acceleration of free fall, the article published in the PLOS One magazine.

We eat mushrooms every day without even suspecting it.

We use mushroom products every day, without even suspecting it. For example, yeast, which relate to the group of fungi, are used in the preparation of bread, wine and beer. Medicines derived from mushrooms are treated from diseases and prevent the rehabilitation of the transplanted heart and other organs. Mushrooms are also grown in huge quantities in the production of flavors for cooking, vitamins and enzymes to remove stains.

And finally - news from researchers from John Hopkins University:
Experts believe that Mushrooms make us better
What is the essence of research? Everything is simple!

It turns out that people who use hallucinogenic mushrooms in the desired quantity can extract tangible benefit from their gourmet hobbies.
Recent studies confirm that with proper use of hallucinogenic mushrooms make a person kinder, calmer, happier.

Mushrooms and people - really the creatures are amazing

Mushrooms are another civilization, while the most ancient, almost eternal substance.

Mitten mushrooms from the human body is very, very difficult. If the fungus has already settled, and, relatively speaking, developed his fungouncing, then there are quite complex problems.

Mushrooms are different. There are allegedly noble mushrooms, there are lower mushrooms (called mold). Mushrooms have a lot of brands, a lot of titles, more than 50 species. There are mushrooms small-toxic, there are forest mushrooms, there are lower, there are higher. Higher Mushrooms Whole Class is a Chinese Cordyceps, Rechik.

What is the meaning of the mushroom?

The meaning is that he has a genetic code and this is not a single part, but a person who lives colonies. With that, between these colonies, there is an accurate relationship of segments. That is, each mushroom element is associated with other mushroom elements of thousands of segment connections.

If we want our body to be free from mushrooms, the only thing we can do not give him food. Because if there are food for mushrooms in our body, they will be in it. For example, the bread is lying in the bread. On it was formed mold. If you remove bread and leave the mold, then gradually this mold will perish. Because she has nothing to eat. It will dry, will not multiply, because it needs nutrients for reproduction. It feeds the mold in the main protein products, because she needs amino acids.

For example, we take flour, add sugar, butter - energy, add water, add yeast - this is the mold of a special kind - bread mold.. Then we give the temperature to this mold, be sure to 37, then give it special moisture and oxygen. And then she begins to multiply, reanimate. Moreover, before that she lay in the refrigerator at a temperature of -18. Or lying in a dry form for another 10 years. Her germination will decrease a little, but slightly, she will still go. Kill mold, even if you push bread, it is impossible. Because if you leave the crackers pierced into kvass, kvass will be brown. This suggests that as soon as she falls into the Belkovo - a carbohydrate environment, it begins to multiply.

Everything that is yeast, for us carries a certain mold danger. Because the types of mold, they are all partly, that is, this is their class. And where one mold lives, another, third, can live.

One of the most pathogenic splashes for us is still Candida.

But there are more, much more harmful molds, such as asphirgirus, black mold, Mukurusumuzus.

Mold is a word uniting, in fact every fungus mushroom mushrooms.

Nail fungi is not the same as Candida.

Some fungi are striking lymphatic knots in groin, others under the breast, are the third affect the nail plate and live only on the nails.

Only mucous membranes are affected and live in the mouth, in the form of candidiasis and stomatitis or in the vagina in the form of candidiasis and vaginites.

Some fungi are striking skin cover and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermit, but everywhere - this is a class of mushrooms.

How do mushrooms get into the body?

Mushrooms fall into the body:

  • with spoiled food
  • with water,
  • from the air,
  • with old dusty things.

It is very true that if apricot or grapes with mold, then they can not be. But if there is a mold in the box, then it is on all fruits.

Our body has a good factor - this is the concentration of gastric juice, which this mold suppresses, and, in theory, it should not penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.

Mold can invade us through the skin. Wherever we are parry, where we walk barefoot, wherever there are conditions for it, that is, humidity, temperature, organic residues (for example, dirt or human fat) - There is food for mold.

How does the fungus penetrate between the fingers?It does not care through intact skin, he is not even magnetic. But if in the skin there are microcracks: scratches, diameters, damage to the skin, then the fungus instantly clings there. And it stands for him to pass the skin barrier, as he carries out.

Signs of the mushroom in the human body

1. Everything that Zudit.

Here they say:

- My dog \u200b\u200bgot sick.

- What about the dog?

- The ear has withered.

- What is he doing?

- scratch.

If the dog scratches the ear, then she has fungus in her ear.

If a person scratches the ear with a match, toothpick, then there is one option - fungus, there are no other options. Something my ear happened in my ear, something hurts there, something flows there, but if itching it is a fungus.

2. Cracks, bubbles, scuff (not corn, but formed the failure of an incomprehensible nature, it seems to be notged anything, for example, in the inguinal folds - something moathing is formed). Everywhere, where it is peeling, cracks and mock at the same time.

3. People often come and are shown on the palms, on the rear, Something incomprehensible, as if replaced - burned. All that in the arms, under the mouse, in the inguinal folds is all mushrooms. If somewhere it is distinguished by something white, curls, then it is also mushrooms. It doesn't matter if the mouth of Lee, vagina, or bronchi, almonds.

4. All that in the White language, cotton, Crooked is all mushrooms.In the evening went to sleep - the tongue was normal, in the morning got up - it was covered with a white rode. White plaque is a fungus. The lymphatic system collects this white plaque on the natives of the language, as on the door mats, postpones, because it goes on the release. Sit down from the language and gets spoiled with meals, or expectors.

It is necessary to score a tongue with a stick or a spoon. There should be no plaque in the language. The language should be pink, with severe papillas.

5. All that does not hurt is a fungus. Because mushrooms are overloaded nervous endings. The skin goes a huge number of nervous endings. What would feel sick with psoriasis, if the huge surfaces of his skin constantly, every second annoyed, he would just be crazy with pain. When we click the finger button, the pain is what we jump. If the surfaces of the psoriasis were painful, it would be a strong pain recreation, and a person would die from pain. The fungus is purposefully working with it, it all blesses, conquers the skin and makes it controlled. He has his castles there, his palaces.

6. Everything that is sprinkled on the skin, disappears, towers, peeling rings (evenly uneven), wherever there are scales.

As a rule, the fungus is located in the zone of large lymph nodes, for one simple reason - the fungus is in the intercellular space. Here is a cell, here is the intercellular space - water, the potential of this water is 50 approximately. The medium must be either alkaline, or sour, the fungus multiplies around the cells. It falls here with a blood current from the digestive tract into intercellular water. Intercellular water should flow, water should come here every morning and every morning it should be watered and leave. It blends through the lymphatic system. Lymphatic ducts end with lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes of the compartments, 10 inputs, one output. And here is the treatment of lymphocytes of those life molecular forms that sucked here and purification occurs. Clean lymph goes in one direction, and dirty lymph goes to another, on the release.

Human has a knee joint. Here is one Mosel, here is another Mosel. Between them cartilage. What can be sick here? The bones can not hurt, cartilage, too, there are no pain. There is a liquid between cartilage. She does not hurt either, but she can be inflamed, someone can live in it. Behind the joint, on the side of the patent fifth, there are lymph nodes. If there is a fungus on the legs, it will climb up, to the popliteal lymph nodes. Lymph nodes of the fungus will detain, and at this point they will stop passing the water upstairs. The joint will swollen. And when he will be swollen, he will overtake.

What makes the body? It will raise the temperature to enhance the microcirculation so that leukocytes come to the joint.

What will the doctor do? Necking, appoint aspirin.

Will it help? Will not help.
Bellil will help? Will not help.
Diclofenac will help? Will not help.
Ultrasound will help? Not.
First you need to figure it out that here in the joint. Either mushrooms or bacteria.

If a person has all the nails on the legs in fungi, guess from three times, what is he in the joint? Mushrooms. And no antibiotics will help here. Because the lymphatic system of the upper segment will keep the same thing that is in the lower segment so that they do not go further, otherwise the fungus will conquer everything. This is a cordon, it is a border ward. Nobody will pass above it. If someone somewhere settled, then the war develops there. The war between leukocytes and those who settled.

The one who settled is 5 species:

  • viruses
  • mushrooms
  • helminths
  • simplest
  • bacteria.

The simplest in the joints do not live. Here do not live toxoplasm, giardia, apistorhi. If someone settled in the joint, the disease will end on - IT. Bronchitis, arthritis, sinusitis, gastritis, sinusitis, conjuctivit, stomatitis, jade and so on. Someone lives there, there is a war, infection.

Infection is 5 species

To be clear, sinusitis, this is how? Some pus in the nose. What a pus in the nose, where did he come from there? The nose is a hole, just a hole, and just a sinus. There is nothing more, there can be no pus. It can be suitable on the escalator of the lymphatic system. But it is suitable on his way. Why is he going to the nose? On the release, exit outside.

May go to bronchi, in the vagina, in the intestine. From the top of the body goes into the nose, it will not go out of the sex tract.

From the genital paths, it falls around on the first floor of the elevator. It is not necessary to fight white and selections, you don't need to fight with it. If they are, it says about what? What is fungus and that the lymphatic system works. When you did not touch him, and he in itself passed, what does it mean? That everything is fine that everything has coped if he has stopped independently.

Here is your stomach, and what are you, for example, eat this? Garlic, or take the bitter pepper and 20 pieces were eaten right away, straight peas. And you will stop the whole diarrhea.

Essential oil of grapefruit, tea tree - everything acts in the same way as the product itself. Plant can have several types of us. Plant itself, decoction of plants, fear plants, plants essential oil, plant oil, plant leaves, plant legs, plant tincture. Any products prepared from the plant will act in the same way as the plant itself. You will take a parsley or juice from parsley, cranberry juice or cranberry itself, without a difference, everything works equally.

Let's look around yourself inside yourself. Our central nervous system is so powerful that any immunity can send to any place, to dig any war and stop it.

But for this you need what? Energy, dedication, for this you need knowledge, you need a big faith, for this you need the right lifestyle, the algorithm that will need to do every day. It is said, garlic every day, it means garlic every day. Do not tolerate garlic, it means that hell every day. Fuck do not tolerate, then radish every day.

Find what you carry. 10 kinds of pepper tolerate, white, red, yellow, but it should be. Because the fungus will conquer everything if you give him a pasta every day, he has a yeast bread for breakfast, he has a condensed milk for dinner, his dinner is potato.

Have you seen a potato mold covered? Three seconds.

Try redish mold cover. Mortitate. It happens sometimes when there is a lot of dispute or sour cream in the air nearby.

It is very important, to understand what makes mushrooms in the body. Just live. They feed on, multiply, moving, move. What are we doing? I grow, grow, and constantly add, every God's day. Then we drink a kefir fungus, then we drink a snotty tea mushroom, then we drink Cordheps, we drink beer, then in the morning I eat yeast bread from morning, then you start drinking yeast.

Antifungal food

Needles, fir, pine, spruce. All Zhvitsa is added here. Zhivitsa, this is what flows, resin from ate, so that she did not eat the fungus. Pine is mothballed, that is, it is not afraid of fungus, she lives not 30 years old like birch. And so cedar lives for a long time, the entire coniferous breed.

The resin can be put in compote, making decoctions, fear, you can insist on the water, you can boil and inhale steam. Best of all young pine needles paws, fir have dried, just put in tea, you can cook any drinks. The resin can be chewed, add to the chewing.

All that has antifungal action has this action in oils. Cedar walnut oil, it is also antifungal. Tea tree and all products from a tea tree.

If there is severe fungal pathology, it is possible to breed in a 1 teaside of the tea tree in one teaspoon and eat, because it does not dissolve in water. Many not needed, it is 1 droplet, an adult can have 2 droplets. If this is done in a row for 2 months, then with fungus it will be possible to seriously argue and sort. Essential oil is better dissolved in fat. It can be any faults, for example, cream.

Propolis. You can drink the tincture of propolis or a water broth, or fear, or put the propolis in honey, or put it in the jam, or just chew it, or eat honeycomb, you can shove a piece of propolis about the cheek, let him lies and absorbs in saliva. It doesn't matter what methods to deliver it there. You can make a tincture from it. Do not want tincture - make a water fever. Do not want to walk, just chew it as a chewing. As it falls inside, this is another story, the main thing is that he got there.

All that is anthelmintic, at the same time is (most) and antifungal. This pepper, all kinds, it is radish, it's horseradish, all seasonings, starting with Zira and ending with turmeric.

Nail fungi can be cured. Treatment is needed from the inside and outside. Only outside the nail fungi is definitely not cured. From the inside separately too difficult. But if with that and on the other hand, you can cure during even six months. But again, you need to understand the mechanism, the fungi live not on the nails, but inside the articular fluid. From the knee and to the foot, all the lymph is infected with fungus.

What else acts on fungi?

All that is a sour organic. This is a currant, gooseberry, viburnum, rowan, lingonberry, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, blackberry, blueberries - all acid berries, they are antifungal. The mold sometimes happens on them, but it turns out as a result of the fact that they are interfered with sugar. Because on a clean, dry lingonberry will not be mold for a whole year. And if you sprinkled with sugar, if the water fell, then individual berries can spill, if they are also slightly pitched. And the entire lingonberry will remain intact.

Mushrooms are full of surprises: they boast of intelligence and can save the world. Here are 10 interesting facts about mushrooms.

10. This is the most numerous kingdom on the planet.

We do not know how many different species (any kind, mushrooms or not) exists on Earth, but the latest estimates show that they are 8.7 million-6.5 million on land and 2.2 million in the sea.

Of these, the staggering 5.1 million species-more than half of the total number is considered to be mushrooms that are superior to the number of plant species of more than 6 to 1. and, according to one of the leading Mologologists of the world, the floor of the staples (Paul Stamets), this ratio may Being closer to 10: 1. Of course, about 30% of the soil mass under our legs, both alive and dead, is fungal in nature, and is a "the largest carbon storage in the world." "In fact, for each meter of the root of a tree," strata says, "a kilometer of mycelium, which has grown the underground network of branched tubular threads, or gifs that make up the basis for the growth of mushrooms on the surface."

Even if, as some suggest, the total number of species is approaching 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000), most of them are probably microbial mushrooms. And since many of them live on your body, there are no salvation from them. Mushrooms everywhere.

9. They are ancient, huge and incredibly alive

We know that mushrooms have appeared earlier than people for millions, even billions of years, and not only in the recent past. We found 90 million-year-old copies of Cordyceps mushrooms and petrifers of Prototaxites, whose age is 420 million years old. We also know that the mushroom kingdom has long been proud of some of the largest organisms on earth. What Prototaxites Prehistoric Mushrooms, for example, achieved 7 m at one time, while even the highest trees were several dozen centimeters below.

Even today, the largest living mushroom is able to absorb many cities and even adult blue whale. Possessing a huge mycelium of 9.5 square meters. km, Giant Mushroom Armillaria Ostoyae from Blue Oregon Mountains aged 2400 to 8,650 years old, covers 10 square meters. km - equivalent of almost 2000 football fields.

Mushrooms are also surprisingly stable. Some species can survive at minus temperatures, producing their own heat (therefore, it is necessary to freeze meat to -20 ° C or lower), as well as at relatively high temperatures up to 65 ° C.

There is a confirmation that disputes of mushrooms can survive in the interstellar space for hundreds of years, or perhaps even tens of millions of years, if they fall into dark molecular clouds. Theoretically, it allows them to drift from one solar system as a whole eternity, potentially dispel life in all galaxies.

8. Mushrooms are creating wonders in medicine.

For thousands of years, mushrooms were used in medicine. Ancient Chinese used Ophiocordyceps Sinensis (a mushroom that grows on insects) as a panacea from all diseases, Hippocrates used Fomes Fomentarius as an anti-inflammatory agent, and the indigenous Americans used yeast for wound healing. Recently, Penicillin (obtained from Penicillium Fungi mushrooms) is used as an antibiotic.

And in the future, we can expect the emergence of a much larger number of "mushroom" funds. One of the most promising and potential innovative species is the larch sponge Agarikon (Laricifomes officinalis) - a mushroom, which grows on the eldes of Douglas in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. This commercial mushroom, which a little resembles an aspen nest, is extremely resistant to a variety of influenza viruses, including (in combination with other mushrooms) potentially destructive bird flu, and at the same time it is completely harmless to us.

It can also be the key to developing efficient vaccines against smallpox, which is an excellent news, given that few of us were vaccinated, and how little vaccine exists. Thus, the Ministry of Health and Social Services launched the Bioshield project (Bioshield), aimed at studying the Mushroom Agarikon, and the Stamets biologist (Stamets) called the preservation of the centuries-old mushroom habitats with the issue of national security.

7. Raw mushrooms are inedible (especially those you eat)

They like them, or not, but we all tend to think about edible mushrooms as a healthy food. And we are not entirely mistaken, especially when it comes to medicinal mushrooms, such as Reisi (Lingzhi), Shiitake and "Lion Mane". Nevertheless, there is an important nuance: all mushrooms must be prepared.

Because of their coarse cell shells, consisting mainly of chitin (of the same protective fibrous substance, from which exoskels of arthropods), not cooked mushrooms are not assisted by people. Worse, many species (or even individual samples of "edible" due to their porosity) contain harmful pathogens and toxins, which can lead to damage to cells and digestive irritation among other complaints.

Careful culinary treatment will not only withdraw these toxins from mushrooms, but also will allow the outwards to the proteins, vitamins and minerals, for which we actually use mushrooms.
Surprisingly, this warning is especially important for ordinary "Salad Mushrooms" - White / Shapminon / Portobello / Brown / Ryzhikov - those that many of us love eating raw.

There is a truly terrible part of the stove interview with Joe Rogan, where he says that these mushrooms should be prepared at high temperatures, but refuses to explain why it is. When Rogan is trying to press on the stove, and find out what the negative consequences can be, he simply looks into his eyes and seriously says: "This is an explosive conversation area, and it poses my life to my life, so I reserve the right not to respond to this question".

It is not entirely clear that he meant, but we know that the "unsuccessful group of compounds" in this type of fungi (Agaricus Bisporus) has carcinogenic properties. And although such mushrooms break easily during preparation, they need to be prepared quite carefully, since even the boiling of these mushrooms within 2 hours does not eliminate the connections completely.

6. They can be used to create paper and clothing

Mushrooms carry great benefits other than therapeutic action and gourmet satisfaction. For example, the same chitin, which makes them largely inconsistent for people, can also be used to make paper. Scientists understood this in the 1970s when the possibilities of chitin shrimps were investigated to use as an alternative to wood.

In addition, some of the best-fit for the production of paper mushrooms - Cavaratka and Reishi are easily growing massively. In fact, you will need only several units of equipment so that you can quickly grow them at home, and then you will only need to grind the pulp in the blender to the puree state to form in sheets for drying.

Also mushrooms can be used to produce fabric and paints to paint it. Romanians have long removed the Amada Material from Fomes Fomentarius mushrooms to, for example, do traditional felt hats. But it turns out, clothing can be grown as mushrooms, from scratch. First, in Petri dishes, live mycelium "fabric samples" are placed around 3D models and then turn into an individual, the only one of its kind clothes. In the same way you can do even shoes. And, of course, all this will be 100% biodegradable, as well as, in many cases, possess water-repellent, antimicrobial properties and will be really useful for the skin.

5. They can be used to shine in darkness

Tervic Presents? (Fomes Fomentarius) began to use much earlier for much more goals than the production of hats. It has a wonderful ability to capture and hold cold, inert sparks arising from a silicon strike - from which you can ignite and keep the fire in the wild. Perhaps that is why the end of a snow man (? Tzi The Iceman), frozen 5,000-year-old mummy, discovered a piece of such a mushroom in a bag.

But there is another way when using the mushroom you can shine in the dark, and this is not associated with any flame. Bioluminescent species of mushrooms produce green glow or "fox fire", when luciferine's light-sound molecules react with oxygen - the same thing happens in fireflies, risers, and other bioluminescent organisms. It is known that more than 80 types of mushrooms, including Neonothopanus Gardneri (Coconut Flower), are glowing in the dark and, interestingly, they are glowing only in the dark, attracting insects at night so that they scattered their disputes.

Naturally, it is very interesting to us. First, due to the compatibility of mushroom luciferine with biochemistry of plants, scientists believe that one day it can be used for genetic design of bioluminescent trees as a stable green alternative to street lamps.

4. They do not even close to plants

They can grow like plants, and in some cases even look like plants, but genetically mushrooms have much more common with animals. Just like us, they "inhale" oxygen and distinguish CO2, they do not need sunlight for breeding, and they feed on other organisms. In addition, the chitin, which makes up their cellular shells, was not found anywhere in the plant kingdom, but everywhere occurs among the animals, including crab shells and insect shells. As you probably noticed, mushrooms even resemble meat, when you eat them, so they are used (somewhat erroneously) used in vegetarianism as a meat substitute.

About 650 billion years ago, animals and mushrooms came out of the overall super-kingdom, known as OpisThokonta. And it is believed that our common ancestors - opiisthocons had both animals and fungal features. In other words, as stressed stoves, the animals originated from mushrooms; People are fungal bodies.

And although we have much less common with the trafficking than with chimpanzees, our common genetic pedigree can explain why fungal diseases in humans are difficult to identify and treat without causing harm to man.

3. They invented the Internet (for a billion years before we did)

Whether they are cousins \u200b\u200bin evolution, or not, but rather tempting to think about mushrooms as something that was to animals and, of course, people, in the so-called "march of progress". They do not move, they do not say, they have no pronounced culture (except for the purely biological meaning of this term), and they do not even realize themselves. At first glance, they are more "stupid" than jellyfish.

But are any of these features are really necessary or even desirable as a measure of practical intelligence?

According to 2010 studies, even the mucous mold is smarter than some of the brightest and best representatives of humanity. By installing oatmeal on the sample of cities around Tokyo, scientists were observed as a sample of yellow mold mucosa (Physarum Polycephalum) installed, increased and clarified nutritional bonds between them. And by the end of the experiment, this mycelial network has not only had a striking similarity with the existing system of the Tokyo metro, but also was more efficient. Unlike people, the fungus constantly increased the most busy trunks - on which the most nutrients passed - and removed those that became reserve.

That is how mycelium works in nature, transferring not only food, but also important information about the environment, including the exact location of food sources (for example, fallen branches) and predators (for example, their steps), for huge distances. He even forms mutually beneficial unions, or the "guild," with other organisms.

Thus, the micrologists perceive mycelium as a natural Internet, with separate parts that branch out for the environment, and the entire network benefits from these discoveries. Stanesman calls it a "neurological network of nature" and even believes that one day we can communicate with it. With the "level of complexity that exceeds the computing power of our most advanced supercomputers", mycelium can tell us everything about the environment, as well as about organisms inside it, and it may be vital for our survival on this planet - or on any other. Given the stunning efficacy of mushrooms, similar network organisms can exist in the entire universe.

2. The use of some mushrooms instantly makes us much smarter

According to Etnobotan Terence McKenna (Terence McKenna), the evolution of a person from Homo Erectus to a much clearer Homo Sapiens has become possible due to the use of certain types of mushrooms, the revolutionary psychoactive effect of which we found, descending from trees. And although the hypothesis of McCenna is contradictory, it is not so unreal, as it seems, but less fascinating than the facts.

Increasingly, scientists discover that psilocybin is a psychoactive alkaloid contained in the mushrooms Psilocybe Semilanceata, Cubensis, Azurescens, and Cyanescens is like an activator for the brain. More specifically, the compound contributes to the growth of new neurons (the process known as neurogenesis) and optimizes the relationship between them (neuroplasticity), freeing us from the established models of thinking and behavior and sharply enhance the ability to knowledge. And it can happen for a few hours after consuming even a very small amount of psilocybin, which will strengthen competitive superiority in the workplace.

There are also many reports on almost magical deliverance from depression, anxiety, drug addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, aggression, and other negative mind states. Sex agent himself, thanks to a particularly deep experience of communicating with "magic mushrooms", immediately and forever heredgered from life skating.

Although these substances are prohibited in most countries (although some are doing progress in this area), not only Psilocybin is safe for humans, in fact, they work at the same time with the brain allowing him to do what is supposed to be more efficient.

1. Mushrooms can save the planet

In fact, the mushrooms saves the planet every day, because without them dead plants would not turn into the soil, and life on Earth would soon disappear under the mountains of lifeless fragments. However, there is another, perhaps a more important way to which mushrooms can save the world - from us with you.

It is already well known that many types of fungi are excellent for biological purification-pressure toxic substances, such as pesticides, from a healthy soil. These chemicals are widely used all over the world and cause huge damage to the environment, as well as global populations of bees, which are crucial for natural pollination.

In addition, Micomeda is another Samtez product, promises to stop the collapse among the colonies of bee, which is the main threat to our food. Made from the Mitcelion of the Rutovik, who attracts bees, it prevents the premature death of bees. And this means that younger, sitting houses "bees-nurses" will not replace older, nursing "workers" bees, which die ahead of time from, say, chemical pesticides, and instead can focus on protecting and maintaining hiles. Given that 30% of our cultures and 90% of wild plants depend on pollination, it is really very good news.

Interesting facts about mushrooms

interesting facts about mushrooms

People knew about the mushrooms in the distant past. In the 4th century BC, the Greek scientist Theophrast mentioned in his writings about truffles, curls, champignons. After 5 centuries, Roman naturalist Pliny also wrote about mushrooms. He first tried to divide mushrooms for useful and harmful.

interesting facts about mushrooms

Switzerland are not assembled and do not eat white mushrooms that grow abundant there.

In Japan, one of the types of champignons - Maitak - is considered not only the most useful, but also a healing mushroom. The Japanese argue that it reduces pressure, strengthens immunity, has antioxidant properties. The French believe that in the classic French champignon useful substances much more than in Japanese.

To get fatal poisoning, it is necessary to eat 3-4 kg of red amansor for one sitting.

According to estimates of scientists on Earth, there are about 1.5-2 million species of mushrooms, of which only 80,000 were properly classified. There are so many types of mushrooms that at 1 type of plant on Earth accounts for 6 kinds of fungi.

The biggest mushroom weighing 140 kilograms and covered almost two meters in 1985 in the US state of Wisconsin.

For years, scientists attributed mushrooms to the plant world. However, upon closer examination, they found that mushrooms have more in common with animals than with plants. There is no chlorophyll in mushrooms, because they cannot eat from sunlight like plants. But they also have no stomach to digest food, like animals.

Fungotherapy - Treatment of mushrooms - used in bronchial asthma, wounds, to increase immunity and reduce blood cholesterol.

During the year, the fungita increases by 10-12 cm.

Mushroom can be called the biggest living creature on the planet. Some underground mushrooms living in North America occupy an area of \u200b\u200bhundreds of hectares and have weight, ten times superior whale family weight. One of these fungi is growing in the American state of Oregon. His mushroom occupies almost 900 hectares and has weight of hundreds of tons. It grows along the roots of other plants, gradually killing them. It is known that many mushrooms are very aggressive and cause the death of many other creatures.

Truffle is the most expensive mushroom in the world. His best varieties sell 2.5 thousand dollars for 1 kg.

49% of Russians themselves collect mushrooms, 20% are bought in the market, 16% - prefer to serving in the store and approximately the fifth of the population does not eat mushrooms in general.

There is enough to kill three or four people in the pale meadow.

Ryzhiki, probably, in general, the only Milky mushrooms that can be served in the raw form.

Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Research, Snow and Countryside (WSL) found something that could be the biggest mushroom in Europe. It was determined that the monster mushroom is a poultry (Armillara Ostoyae), however, 800 meters long and 500 meters width. The area that covers the mushroom is 35 hectares of the Swiss National Park near the city of Offpasss, the age of fungus is approximately about a thousand years. The main part of the mushroom is hidden under the ground, and it consists of sometimes very thick threads from the extensive network. Scientists argue that the reason for which the mushroom was not nobody was detected by his incredibility in adulthood.

In the Slavic folk demonology, mushrooms are living beings, possess the gift of speech, they turn into the toad and worms, then in gold, are able to select power and health in people. The growing circles of the mushrooms of Rusichi, the time of the century called "Witch Rings".

The carnivorous plants are widely known, such as flowers that mandate insects. But there are also carnivorous mushrooms. Most of their species hunt for a non-multiode worm, luring them into a trap and tightening with their fungouncing. There are also predatory mushrooms, the victim of which amosa or inheritance becomes.

In the world, there is a one-of-a-kind "walking" mushroom - plasmodium. Snail compared to him is a real sprinter, but still this mushroom may involve a few days in a fallen tree or scribble on the penet. The leg is not needed for this for this, but he doesn't have it at all, because he reminds something average between the jellyfish and a piece of cold. Moving, the mushroom does not stick, but rolling.

Mushrooms are a unique creation of nature. In folk medicine, mushrooms are considered one of the best medicines that can be cured by everything - from the usual cold to a malignant tumor. It is enough to recall that the first antibiotic was isolated from the Penicylum mushroom and is named Penicillin.

The famous fact that mushrooms multiply disputes. Amazes their grand amount! Meadow champignon with a hat with a diameter of eight centimeters throws up to 40 million disputes per hour, while their total amount is about 1.8 billion. And it did not come! The number of gigantic springs is from 5 to 6 billion!

Star-like mushroom, which was nicknamed by the devil cigar (Chorioactis Geaster), is one of the rarest mushrooms in the world. He is also known as the Texas star and was found only in the central part of Texas, in two remote places in Japan, and the last time in the mountains of Nara. The devil cigar is a dark brown cigar-like capsule that takes the shape of a star when revealed to release disputes. An interesting fact is the only mushroom that produces a whistling sound, releasing disputes.

Messel ordinary is the most mysterious mushroom of our forests. And besides the most famous. This amazing representative of the Mushroom World entered the Guinness Book as a record holder in growth rate - in one minute he throws the leg, which grows on 5 mm every minute! Accordingly, the life of this truly healing mushroom lasts only one or two days. The first day - he represents a non-bright grayish journalist egg, and on the second it energizes the leg with an umbrella. By evening, the mushroom expires bad smelling mucus - and only a wet place remains to the morning.

Many mushrooms flies through the air, which is why food molds. There are fungi that live in the upper layers of the atmosphere, at an altitude of more than 30 kilometers. There are mushrooms that live inside mammals. There are fungi, which are withstanding any type of irradiation and even pressure up to 8 thousand atmospheres. Cases of the development of mold fungi on the surface of sulfuric acid are fixed.

Mushrooms are consumed in food throughout the entire history of mankind. In its chemical composition and content of proteins, mushrooms are more approaching meat than to plant products. And in the number and composition of carbohydrates, mineral substances, they are still closer to vegetables and fruits.

Mushrooms, like people, can produce vitamin D, an important nutrient for the body and bones, when they are under the influence of sunlight.

The Greeks called mushrooms of food gods, and Aztecs are God's flesh. In Taoism, they are considered food geniuses and immortal

Gudes are used for renal-stone disease and Blengee.

In 2002, a robot discovered mushrooms in the destroyed reactor of the Chernobyl NPP! They not only did not die, but also spread perfectly. Scientists conducted a number of studies and found out an amazing fact, these mushrooms radiation needed for life, as other plants light. As part of these mushrooms, a huge number of melanin was discovered. This substance is present in the human skin and protects it from ultraviolet. Mushrooms it helps to survive high radiation.

Neon green mushrooms or Mycena Chlorophos grow in the rainy season in the forests of Japan and Brazil, scattering their flaming disputes on the ground. An excellent place to grow is the foundations of tree trunks, fallen trees branches, deciduous heaps and raw soil. Mostly neon mushroom can be found on the island of Mesamiam in Ugoui, in Japan and the National Park of the Tourist Valley of Ribeira. The emergence of these mushrooms in Brazil is due to the bioluminescence, which is one of the strangest, but beautiful reactions that occur in many plants and animals.