How to use the boiler with a tier of the teapot. Electric boilers ruby \u200b\u200bscat: design features

Protherm gas boiler (protema) is produced by the famous Protherm company based in Slovakia more than a quarter century. The model range of this manufacturer is characterized by a successful combination of the level of heating power and energy efficiency indicators.

PROTHERM boilers model range - single-circuit and double-circuit

The gas equipment is produced by a European manufacturer in several modifications, which allows you to choose optimal functionality, as well as practical and most convenient model.

Wall type

Wall-mounted gas equipment has undeniable advantages, including compact sizes, external aesthetics, excellent performance properties, the ability to adapt to functioning with different energy carriers through standard nozzle replacement, as well as efficiency.

  • "Panther". Inexpensive model with two heat exchangers and water heating. Modern heating device with the possibility of functioning in a closed type system. It has reliable protection against freezing, automatic cessation of gas supply and pump control.

Inexpensive version of the heating device in the Protherm line

  • "Jaguar". Budget version of equipment that does not have winter / summer mode. A double-circuit unit with a closed type of combustion chamber and control by means of a handle.

Simple model with a minimally necessary feature set

  • "Cheetah". Two-integted turbocharged boilers with a capacity of 11-23 kW and a closed combustion chamber type. Even low-power models are able to heat 10-11 liters of water in one minute. A wall-mounted device in which the heat carrier movement is carried out in a compulsory manner.

Turnover Copper with High Efficiency

  • "Tiger". It has a neat appearance, an informative LCD display and a very simple control. There is the possibility of programming to different modes of operation or operation in automatic mode "Comfort". It is possible to automatically regulate the combustion process, is distinguished by a special ignition system.

Compact equipment with different modes of work

The main characteristics of the boiler

Outdoor type

Outdoor single-circuit and double-circuit boilers have several advantages that make a similar type of equipment in demand from consumers. It is impossible to leave the high performance performance, the maximum efficiency of thermal return, economical fuel consumption, wide functionality and guaranteed durability.

  • "Bear". A cast iron high-quality heat exchanger makes the unit durable and very reliable. The model has a "winter-summer" regime and convenient control of traction. It has automatic control of the combustion process and is characterized by a special ignition system.

The cast iron heat exchanger involves the durable operation of the boiler

  • "Buffalo". Easy to use and a durable high efficiency boiler capable of working on different types of fuel. A very powerful aggregate with a high degree of reliability.

Powerful equipment that can work on different types of fuel

The main characteristics of the model Bison

Outdoor boiler with reliable heat exchanger

The main characteristics of the model

Stationary heating gas boiler

Main characteristics of the model Bear Klom17

Gas boiler Proterm

Various modifications have individual features of the device.

The manufacture of boilers with the use of low-temperature cast iron contributes to the effective minimization of heat losses. A feature of the device of the heating devices of the brand "Proterm" is also an unusual, fairly environmentally friendly method of burning fuel.

The main nodes of gas heating equipment are presented:

  • ignition system;
  • burner;
  • heat exchanger.

The heat source is represented by the flame of the burner in which the gas is burned, and the heat exchanger is responsible for heating the heat carrier. The gas supply process is regulated by means of a thermostat, while combustion products represented mainly by water vapor and carbon dioxide are derived through the chimney system.

Water boilers are used for heating and hot water supply

How to connect and configure

The main conditions for the installation of heating gas equipment from the producer "Proterm":

  • installation of the boiler and the necessary accessories are carried out in accordance with the project documentation that takes into account the requirements of SNiP and the manufacturer's recommendation;
  • installation of equipment is carried out in a premises specifically designed for these purposes, and with a special modification of the unit - exclusively in well-ventilated extensions;
  • the installation process and commissioning work is carried out by specialists who have passed the course of training installation and maintenance of gas equipment;
  • elimination of any faults of the boiler performs a service organization authorized by the manufacturer of heating and water heating equipment;
  • independent installation work is attracted by the consumer of the guarantee on the unit and its repair;
  • when unpacking the heating equipment, a completeness of the supplied boiler must be checked and the presence of compliance with the fuel type used.

Before starting to install, you need to carefully read the attached instructions, and in the installation process all recommendations provided in the accompanying documents should be observed. Marking on equipment should not be damaged or eliminated.

Standard technology for connecting and adjusting the gas boiler:

  • fixation of the unit on the wall is carried out through screws with appropriate gaskets;
  • nozzles for connecting should not be littered with a pipe heating system, a GVS system or gas feed elements;
  • the installation size of the tubes, including their height and the required distance from the input before the exit, must be strictly observed;
  • the placement of the hydraulic group is carried out at the bottom of the gas equipment, and the system is mandatory equipped with a filler tap and a safety-reset reinforcement;
  • in the conditions of exceeding the maximum pressure indicators inside the system, steam or water is discharged from the safety-reset reinforcement;
  • connecting the unit to the heating system involves the ability to fulfill the total amount of work on prevention and repair;
  • water into the heating system is delivered by a filling crane, and the drainage device is used to reduce the pressure indicators or partial drain of the heat carrier;
  • special outputs installed on highlighted sections of the heating system have full-fledged and bulk functions;
  • the pressure of hot water supply to the equipment must exceed similar indicators in the heating system;
  • in the position of the tap "Filling" (hydraulic group), controlling the operation of the system by means of a boiler pressure gauge;
  • the opening of the reinforcement is made counterclockwise, and the closure is strictly clockwise.

The service provisions of boiler equipment under warranty do not include the activities represented by the monitoring and adjustment of the expansion tank.

Video: Connecting boiler Proterm

Video: Protherm equipment setup

Brief instruction manual

Competent adjustment of Gas boilers PRTHERM provides optimal temperature modes in different premises on purpose. Among other things, the regulation of automation of such equipment contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the unit, and also makes its work reliable and safe. Modern automation solves problems:

  • opening and closing of reinforcement in the supply gas system;
  • the process of launching the unit in automatic mode;
  • installed or emergency shutdown of boiler equipment;
  • adjustment of the flame level in the burner by means of a thermal sensor;
  • display on the screen air temperature indicators, heat heating level of heat carrier and other parameters.

Instructions for setting up a gas boiler:

  • connecting the thermostat to the temperature sensor fixed in the room, and the installation of the necessary values \u200b\u200ballow you to obtain a comfortable temperature of heating;
  • installation of the thermoregulating valve on the feed pipes in front of heating radiators helps to change the cross-tube area and it is easy to perform the process of controlling the temperature of the heat carrier;
  • the first launch of the system at the limiting temperature allows the coolant to be used to be easily falling into the reservoir, which contributes to its maximum filling;
  • an increase in efficiency contributes to the timely removal of scale and soot, as well as control of the lack of air in the system and the installation of the thrust limiter;
  • the regulation of pressure indicators is carried out using special valve regulators, and in order to increase the pressure, a circulation pump is installed;
  • reducing the power of the boiler burner is performed automatically through the service menu, and the power control to increase is carried out by installing additional radiators or replacing the most powerful models for the maximum;
  • many aggregates are characterized by a full-fledged performance at a pressure of 1.5 atm., And normally, such a value is 0.3 atm. lower than indicators in the heating system;
  • a minor reduction in the pressure level in the unit is restored during the standard restart;
  • automatic selection of the functioning mode of the gas boiler helps maintain the desired temperature level even with a long lack of consumers indoors.

The process of the first inclusion of the boiler is accompanied by its short and energetic work after the full connection of the unit to the heating system, making it easy to check the correctness of the installation of boiler equipment and the full functioning of heating.

Common errors and malfunctions

Some of the most common faults of the Proterem gas boilers can be eliminated independently, but the correction of the most complex errors must be entrusted to the professionals of the service center.

Error / malfunction Code / Designation Methods of elimination
Reduced pressure level in the unit or heating system F0. Check the performance of the pressure sensor, make sure that there is no cable damage and integrity of the boiler board
Lack of flame in the burner F1. Check the efficiency of the emergency thermostat and the ignition transformer, make sure that the gas valve gas and the integrity of the gas valve are restarted
Quick overheating of the gas boiler F3. Exclude blockage in the water filter and pump, check the heat exchanger performance, replace the non-freezing mixture
Open in the temperature sensor circuit F4. Check the resistance indicators on the sensor, make sure the integrity of the cables connecting the control panel and the sensor
Input signals are not recognized F7. Ensure the performance of the information panel, check the panel connectors
Blurring of the NTS sensor chain and grounding of the GWS boiler F8. Sink connections, disconnect and re-connect the items or completely replace the sensor
The presence of a short circuit on the traction sensor F15 Disassembled and cleaning terminal connections, clean the tubes, if necessary, make a complete replacement of the node
Low pressure inside the heating circuit F22 Add thermal carrier to the required level, make sure in the complete tightness of the system and the absence of leaks
Rapid increase in the temperature of the coolant F24. Replace not enough productive pumping equipment and get rid of convincing in the system.
Unsuccessful primary risi F28. To eliminate the error / fault, you must attract the service center specialists
Activation of fan anti-corrosive protection F33
Repeat sensor errors for pressure F75

Modern heating equipment from the manufacturer from Slovakia, to the category of which includes one and two-circuit gas boilers PRTHERM, is distinguished by high reliability and model manifold. These good and inexpensive European quality boilers from the "middle class" are very deservedly popular and invariably demanded by domestic consumers.

Famous Slovak Firm Protherm (Protherm) has won confidence due to the high quality and reliability of the equipment produced. Attentive examination of customers' needs, trends in demand for various models of manufactured devices allowed the company to win leading positions in the market.

The company produces tens: outdoor performance and wall, and, with open and closed combustion chambers. Two-integted wall-mounted gas boilers were particularly popularity, which is dedicated to this article.

Description of the two-kilt boiler

Boilers, which have the function of heating the waterproof water, are called dual-circuit, because water is heated for two systems - heating circuit and hot water systems (DHW).

The DHW system in such boilers, if necessary, can function separately from the heating system. Such a regime is required to supply the house with hot water in the summer.

Wall double-circuit models are presented in a wide range of capacity - from 11 to 30 kV, which allows the buyer to choose the optimal version depending on the heated area.

Wall-mounted boilers provide a mechanism for freeing the combustion chamber from exhaust gases. This is done in two ways. The first is a forced removal of residual gases with a fan, such a combustion chamber is called closed. The second option - gases is given the opportunity to independently leave the room through the chimney, this camera is open.

All products of the company protem are equipped with the most modern automatic control, management and protection systems.

Distinctive features

Having installed a double-circuit gas boiler in your home, you will become the owner of a real home boiler room, which, in addition to full-time functions, will provide your household and hot water.

Below are the main distinguishing features of the ruler of the gas boilers. Proterm:

  • efficiency, ease of operation;
  • a large selection of models - by price, power, functionality, protection capabilities;
  • the price-quality ratio is one of the best among the manufacturers of similar techniques;
  • high efficiency (more than 90%);
  • models are produced with a built-in boiler.

Important! Gas boilers are adapted for Russian conditions - they can function normally even under reduced gas pressure or water in highways.

Gas boilers produced by a protema during operation you will not disappoint and justify the most bold expectations.

Flower row of boilers

The range of heating boilers offered by the firm is varied and varied. The product catalog includes:

  1. electric boilers;
  2. solid fuel working on firewood and coal;
  3. universal units that can work on gas and diesel engineering;
  4. industrial boilers of high power;

The nomenclature of gas boilers with a protier includes two types: and. The company produces gas boilers in the range from small wall-mounted devices weighing 30 kg to heavy floor units, the most famous among which is a two-round gas boiler firm with a protier model Bear 30 KLZ weighing 155 kg.

As for the two-circuit wall apparatuses, 5 episodes are produced:

  • Panther.
  • Jaguar.
  • Lynx (Rys).
  • Cheetah (Gepard).
  • Tiger (TIGR).

Each series includes several models, characterized by capacity, performance, price and some other parameters. In particular, the devices of the Panther series, the cheetah and tiger include models of both closed and open combustion chambers. A typical representative is a two-konturic gas boiler of the company Proterm Panther 25 KTV with a capacity of 25kW, which has a device forced removal of exhaust gases from a closed chamber.


The main technical characteristics, for the convenience of comparison and accelerate the search for the necessary information, are reduced to Table 1.

Model Panther Jaguar Cheetah Tiger Lynx
Characteristic 25 Kov, 25 KTV, 30 KTV 11 JTV, 24 JTV 11 MOV, 11MTV, 23 MOV, 23 MTV 12 Koz, 12 KTZ, 24 Koz, 24 KTZ 18/25 MKV 25/30 MKV
The combustion chamber T-closed O-open closed T-closed O-open T-closed O-open closed
Temperature s, ° C 35-85 30-85 30-83 45-85 30-85
DHW temperature, ° C 38-60 30-64 38-65 40-60 30-64
Expansion tank s, l 7,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 8,0

tank gvs, l

2,0 5,0
DHW performance, l / min up to 17.0 up to 10.7 up to 11. up to 12.6 up to 14,2
Natural gas consumption kg / hour 2,84 – 3,44 2,73 1,41 – 2,84
Consumption of liquefied gas, kg / hour 2,08 – 3,21 1,9 0,91 – 2,08
Consumption of liquefied gas GAV, kg / hour 1,02 1,02-2,26
Natural gas consumption s cubic meters / hour 1,39 2,73
Consumption of liquefied gas OV, kg / hour 0,55 1,02
Cumulative tank 45
Weight, kg 34 – 41 29 – 30 31 – 34 70 – 71 35 – 36
Dimensions, mm. 800x338 * 440. 700x280x410 740x310x410 900x410x570 700x280x390.
Price, thousand rubles. 45 – 53 27 – 32 34 – 39 50 – 130 54 – 56

Reduction: OV - heating water, DHW - hot water supply.

Deciphering code in the name of the model:

  1. the double digit number corresponds to the rated power consumption in kW;
  2. the first letter - in combination with the third, denotes the model;
  3. the second letter - the type of combustion chamber: O - open, K, T - closed;
  4. the third letter is the type of the boiler: V, Z -Dvukhonctural, O is one-connecting.

In addition to the parameters specified in the table, all wall double-circuit boilers have another characteristics. In particular, they have the following protection systems:

  • safety valve for resetting the coolant when improving pressure in the system;
  • protection of the circulating pump from the jam;
  • protection of water pipes from moving;
  • gas control - stops supplying gas to the burner if the flame suddenly goes out;
  • the air vent - getting rid of the heating system from the air;
  • protection of the boiler from overheating using a thermostat.

The electronic gas boilers control system performs the following functions:

  1. control using a microprocessor;
  2. monitoring device status;
  3. regulation of air temperature in the premises;
  4. displays the current temperature and fault codes.

Maintenance service center

Every year, better before the first inclusion after the summer break, it is recommended to invite a specialist certified service organization for inspection and checking the boiler. With a prophylactic examination, the state of the gas burner, the power setting, cleaning the injectors of the burner and heat exchangers is performed. Especially important part of the inspection - checking the operation of the emergency thermostat and thermostat of the combustion chamber.

Attention! When cleaning the nozzles of the gas burner in no case cannot be allowed to change their internal diameter!

Boiler service user

Cleaning the facility of the unit without removing the protective casing. Must be carried out after disconnecting the device from the network. Power supply is allowed only after complete drying.

Water pressure in the heating circuit must be checked weekly. If necessary, conduct feedback after cooling the unit below 400 ° C.

It is necessary regularly, at least once every three months, control the tightness of the combustion system connections, the purity of the filter and the mud and remove the dirt if necessary.

In the case of a gas leak detection, the device must be disconnected immediately, close the gas valve and call a service specialist. It is not recommended to repair the aggregate itself. For example, the instruction manual for a wall-mounted two-round gas boiler Cheetah production of the company Proterm does not recommend faults to try to eliminate themselves in order not to lose the guarantees of the company.

For heating and hot water supply apartments and small private houses with one bathroom, two-circuit gas boilers are usually used.

In large homes with several sanitary premises for heating, one-circuit gas boilers with a storage boiler for cooking hot water are more often used. Such a system provides more comfortable use of hot water in the house.

In the apartment of a new house with consumer heating, a two-round gas boiler Protherm Gepard 23 MTV is installed. Next, consider setting the power of the boiler on the example of this apartment.

Gas boilers of the Protherm GEPARD series are almost a complete analogue (simpler version) of the PROTHERM PANTHER (Panther) boilers. This article describes in detail the adjustment, adjusting the gas boilers of Protherm Gepard and Protherm Panther.

It should be noted that the company that produces the boilers of the Protherm series in another plant produces gas boilers of the famous trademark Vaillant. Vaillant gas boilers are located in a higher price category by applying better materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers. But according to the design, other applicable details, the settings of the service menu, the Vaillant brand Gas boilers are very similar to the PROTHERM boilers.

Described in this article, the principles of adjustment, power settings It is also suitable for gas boilers of many other brands and manufacturers.

Internal device of the two-integted gas boiler Protherm Gepard 23 MTV and Panther 25.30 KTV (Panther)

Reasons for tact (impulse work) boiler in heating mode

The instruction manual states that the useful thermal power of the PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler is adjusted from the maximum 23.3 kw. to the minimum 8.5 kw. Factory power setting in heating mode installed on 15 kw.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment that the boiler is heated is 60 m 2.. Heating devices (radiators) of the total maximum thermal power 4 are installed for heating kw.

How to determine the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit in the house or apartment

How to determine the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit? On the sites of manufacturers and sellers of radiators we find the thermal power of each radiator installed in the house. In the catalogs of manufacturers of heat transfer of radiators, it is presented in 2 modes: 1) 90/70/20 degrees and 2) 75/65/20, you need to watch the heat transfer by the parameter "75-65 / 20". The sum of the capacities of all radiators connected to the boiler, and will be equal to the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit. For an apartment from our example, this value was equal to 4 kW.

The installers installed the boiler and included in the work, "forgetting" performing commissioning. The boiler was launched to work with the factory setting of maximum power in heating mode 15 kw.

Obviously, the heating system having the maximum capacity of only 4 kw., I will not be able to take the heat energy produced by a capacity of 15 kw. The power of the boiler burner within certain limits is regulated by automatic. But a huge difference in the magnitude of the boiler power and heating devices leads to the fact that the automation of the boiler is not capable without additional settings to bring the power of the boiler in line with the needs of the heating system.

The big difference between the power of the gas boiler and the power of the heating devices, among other minuses, leads to cyclicity of the boiler.

By the way, about other disadvantages of too powerful boiler. In the service manual of the PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler, its efficiency is indicated in heating mode: 93.2% at maximum thermal power (23.3 kw.) And 79.4% when working with minimal power (8.5 kw.) Imagine how to decrease the efficiency, if this boiler is necessary to work with a power heating system 4 kw. Note that the two-round boiler for the year most of the time operates in heating mode, with minimal power. At least 1/4 part of the gas spent on heating will literally fly useless to the pipe. It will be the payment for the installation in the home of the too powerful heating equipment and DHW.

Tips on "How to increase the efficiency of the gas boiler" You can find if you read this article to the end.

Excessive cyclicity, impulsiveness of work or, as they speak in the people, "boiler tact" It manifests itself in the fact that the burner of the boiler after switching on is quickly disconnected by reaching the desired temperature in a straight pipe at the outlet of the boiler. But the radiators do not remain fragrances to this specified temperature - the water heated in the boiler simply does not have time to walk to heating devices. That is, the boiler produces thermal energy per unit of time more than the less powerful heating circuit is capable of take. Therefore, the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler is growing rapidly and it turns off earlier, without having to heat the radiators.

After a short time, the circulation pump submits to the heat exchanger, the remaining cool water from the reverse pipeline of the heating system and the burner is turned on again. Next, everything is repeated again.

The high-power heating system has an increased pipe diameter and the volume of radiators, which means there are lower hydraulic resistance. In large systems, water flows not exactly also, it flows faster, with a large flow rate (liters per second). During the rapid passage through the heat exchanger of the boiler, every liter of water has time to warm only degrees for 15-20 About S.. And to heat this liter to a given temperature, water in the heating system must pass through the heat exchanger several times.

In the heating systems of low power pipe thinner, smaller radiators, hydraulic resistance higher and water flows slower. If the same power heated slowly the current water, then the water that fell into the heat exchanger immediately, at a time, heats up degrees at 40-60 About S., immediately to the maximum temperature, and the boiler will turn off. And the water remaining in the system, not reaching the boiler, it remains cold, until the next cycle of tact. What happens in the boiler if its power is not adapted to the heating system.

The flame size (burner capacity) in the boiler controls the electronics by a complex algorithm where the time from the start of the burner, and the temperature value, and the rate of temperature change in the heating circuit, and the temperature difference in the direct and inverse tube are taken into account. I don't know all the subtleties of the regulation algorithm, but automatics, without additional service settings, does not provide the normal operation of the boiler at the power below the minimum, which is indicated in the technical specifications.

In a properly configured heating system, the temperature difference in direct and inverse pipe should be no more than 20 About S..

Tact reduces boiler service life and increases gas consumption

Anyone, not even being a mechanic and an electrician, knows that the most difficult mode of operation for equipment is the moment of startup, the inclusion of mechanical and electrical equipment. During the start period, there is the greatest wear, most often refuses to work. Increasing the number of launches as a result of cyclicity, the resource of work has the most expensive parts of the boiler - gas and three-way valves, the circulation pump, the exhaust gas fan.

For ignition at the time of launch, the maximum amount of gas is supplied to the burner. Part of the gas, until the appearance of the flame, literally flies into the pipe. Permanent "re-centering" burners further increases gas consumption and reduces the efficiency of the boiler.

Some cyclicity of the gas boiler is provided by the normal mode of its work. For example, temperature control indoors without a thermostat or using a two-position thermostat occurs due to periodic inclusion and shutdown of the boiler burner.

The task of regulating the power of the boiler is that To eliminate excess cyclicity - a tact caused by the lack of adaptation of the boiler settings to the heating system.

To eliminate boiler tact, it is necessary to equalize the boiler power and the heating circuit

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Reduce the power of the boiler burner to the level in which the automation can provide a normal operation of the boiler with an attached heating system.
  2. Increase the maximum power of the heating circuit by installing additional radiators or replacing existing on more powerful.

You can immediately apply both methods. Reduce the difference between the boiler capacity and the heating circuit by replacing and installing more powerful radiators. And then, the remaining difference is compensated by the boiler power adjustment.

The second way is more costly, but sometimes it has to choose. The fact is that in order to save the builders, radiators are often installed in the house without a reserve of thermal power. As a result, to maintain the required temperature in the premises, in frosts you have to feed the heating water of the maximum temperature in the radiators, more than 75 About S.. At such a temperature on radiators, there is a decomposition (combustion) of organic dust particles and an unpleasant smell appears in the rooms. In addition, the high temperature of the coolant reduces the service life of polymer pipes and other parts of the heating system from plastic and rubber.

Sometimes, the power of radiators is simply not enough to maintain the necessary thermal regime even at the maximum temperature of the heating water. Before engaged in adjusting the boiler power, I recommend to determine the need, and, if necessary, increase the power of radiators by 30 - 100%, at least in the coldest rooms.

Up to the top - the standard temperature of the radiator operation in systems with plastic pipes. At the bottom - the maximum radiator temperatures for comfortable soft heat. To switch from a standard mode to a soft heat (size) of the radiator, it is necessary to increase by about 2 times.

The main advantage of low-temperature heating is the possibility of using modern technologies. We are talking about condensation boilers, solar collectors and thermal pumps. They require the system a low temperature of the heating water.

In case of replacing radiators, it is necessary to take into account that the expansion tank embedded in the boiler is designed for the volume of water in the heating system not more than 50 liters at the GEPard boiler, and 70 liters at Panther. If the amount of water as a result of the installation of new radiators will be greater, then it is necessary to install an external expansion tank.

The external expansion tank is connected to the reverse line of the heating system closer to the boiler. Built-in expansion tank, in this case, it is better to derive from action.

Buy radiators in your city

Heating radiators

How to adjust the power of the gas boiler burner

The useful thermal power of the gas boiler can be reduced by reducing the gas supply to the burner. Do this by changing the settings of the gas valve.

Honeywell Gas Valve ProTherm Gepard (Panther) - work scheme.
EVS1 - Safety electric valve; EVS2. - electric drive control valve; Vm - The stepping motor controls through the gas flow control valve.

In modern boilers "Protherm Gepard" and "Protherm Panther". Basic settings honeywell gas valve Change with a stepper electric motor. The stepping motor control is made from the boiler control panel through the service menu.

It should be noted that the manufacturer in some versions of Protherm Gepard gas boilers (Panther), Vaillant, instead of the Honeywell gas valve, sets the SIT 845 SIGMA gas valve. Settings for the maximum and minimum burner power This valve is made by rotating adjusting screws located on the valve body. About the features of the SIT gas valve adjustment read below, on page 2.

Electromechanical devices of the boiler (electroclaps, stepper and conventional electric motors, sensors) are controlled by the microprocessor of the electronic control board in accordance with the laid program. Settings of the boiler operation program can be changed on the control panel using the two menu - the publicly accessible and hidden service menu.

Access to the Profherm Gepard boiler service (Cheetah)

PROTERM GEPARD boiler management is made from the control panel through a publicly available Custom menu. About how the owner manage the boiler is written in the operating manual.

On the control panel, you can call another, the hidden menu is a service, intended for specialists. The service menu becomes available on the display screen after entering the code.

Press and hold the Mode (1) button for about 7 seconds; View of the display will change - a digit appears 0 . - Use buttons + or (2), enter the code, number 35 . - Confirm the code input by pressing the MODE button (1). After that, the display shows the 1st line of the menu in the form of the characters intermittent on the screen: d. 0..

- Use buttons + or d. **.

- Press the "MODE" button to proceed from the menu indication of the menu line d. **»To the value of the parameter (the" \u003d "symbol and the parameter value) are alternately displayed on the display. - Change the values \u200b\u200bof the displayed parameters using the + or - (3) buttons on the boiler panel. - After 3 seconds after the change, the new values \u200b\u200bare automatically confirmed. To return the display in the original state, press the "MODE" button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of idleness, the display returns to the operating mode yourself.

Access to the service menu of the PROTHERM PANTHER boiler (Panther)

ProTherm Panther Boiler Control Panel has some differences from the Protherm Gepard boiler. The boiler control panel has a hidden service menu that becomes available when entering the code.

To access the Protherm Panther boiler service menu, you must: Press and hold the MODE button (1) for about 7 seconds; View of the display will change. - Via button left + or (2) Enter the access code to the service menu - the number 35 in the left half of the display. - Confirm the code input by pressing the MODE button (1).

After that, the display shows the 1st line of the menu of characters d.00 With the menu bar number in the left half of the display, and the numeric value of the string parameter is in the right half of the display. - Via button left + or (2), enter the number with the required menu string number: d. **.

To change the parameter value in the menu bar: - Change the values \u200b\u200bof the highlighted string parameters using buttons on the right + or (3) on the boiler panel. - After 3 seconds after the change, the new values \u200b\u200bare automatically confirmed. To return the display in the original state, press the "MODE" button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of idleness, the display returns to the operating mode yourself.

Commands of the service menu and the procedure for setting the power of the Protherm Panther boiler (Panther) are similar to those shown for the Protherm Gepard boiler.

Description of some commands of the service menu

Line d.00- Maximum heat output (useful power) of the boiler in heating mode, kw. Range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 9 to \u003d 23, factory setting \u003d 15 (for Protherm GEPARD).

Line d.01 - the time of the elevation of the circulation pump in heating mode, min., Select a value between 2 and 60 min.. Factory setting \u003d 5

Line d.02 - time delay after working in heating for anticyclation, min.. Protects from frequent on-shutting down the burner in heating mode (this function is not applicable in DHW mode). Select a value between 2 and 60 min.. Factory setting \u003d 20 minutes. This delay (called anticycling time) protects against a quick retaining in heating mode after stopping the burner at a given temperature or by the TA room thermostat command. It depends on the temperature setting of the coolant: - at 80 ° C.It is installed for 1 minute and is not regulated. - at 20. ° can be configured from 1 to 60 minutes using the parameter d.02 In the service menu. At intermediate temperatures, between 20 ° C. and 80. ° C., The value of the delay varies in proportion to the range of 1 min. to the established B. d.02 parameter.

The dependence of the time of anticyclation from setting the value of the parameter in the string d.02 and heating temperatures

Line d.18. - mode of operation of the circulation pump; Options for working mode: \u003d 0 - with burner: The pump is working with the burner. \u003d 1 - continuously; RT thermostat: The pump is turned on by a room thermostat team. \u003d 2 - Constantly in winter: the pump is working all the time the boiler is in winter mode. Factory setting \u003d 1.

Line d.19 - speed of the circulation pump; Options of the operating mode: \u003d 0 - the burner works; The speed in the heating mode is automatically selected, the maximum - in the DHW mode, is minimal - if the burner is disabled \u003d 1 - min. Speed \u200b\u200bin heating mode, max. - In DHW mode \u003d 2 - automatically selected in heating mode, Max. - In DHW mode \u003d 3 - Max. Speed \u200b\u200bin heating and DHW mode. Factory setting \u003d 2. With each start of the burner in heating mode, the pump is turned on at a limited rate of at least 30 seconds. If the temperature difference between feed and the return reaches 20 OKThe pump switches to the maximum speed before turning off the burner (even if the temperature difference decreased). The same cycle occurs at the next ignition.

Line d.35. - shows the position of the 3-way valve, heating / DHW (read-only); \u003d 99 - hot water \u003d 0 - heating \u003d 40 - average position

Line d.36. - shows the display of hot water consumption measured by a duct sensor, l / min. When parsing hot water (read-only)

Line d.40 - shows on the display the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler, in the direct pipeline of the heating system, About S.. (only for reading)

Line d.41. - shows the temperature of the water temperature at the inlet to the boiler, in the return pipeline of the heating system, About S.. (only for reading)

Line d.44 - Monitoring the ionization current. This parameter informs that the ionization current is in the optimal range. The displayed value is not a real current value! Range of values: 0 - 10. In the range: \u003d 0 - 4 - the ionization current is sufficient - the flame is in stock; \u003d 4 - 8 - ionization current just below a sufficient level - there is a possibility of loss of flame; \u003d 8 - 10 - ionization current does not correspond to a sufficient level - there is no flame.

Line d.52. - setting the minimum power of the boiler burner by offset by the minimum position of the step electric motor of the Honeywell gas valve. Range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 0 to \u003d 99. The smaller the value of the parameter, the weaker the intensity of the combustion of the gas.

Line d.53. - Setting the maximum power of the boiler burner by offset of the maximum position of the step electric motor of the Honeywell gas valve. The range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 0 to \u003d -99 (negative values \u200b\u200bwith a minus sign). The smaller the value of the parameter, the weaker the intensity of the combustion of the gas.

Line d.62. - Lowering the heating temperature at night. Setting range 0 - 30 About S.. If you connect a timer to the boiler or even a manual switch, then you can switch the boiler in two modes: day or night. In the night mode, the heating temperature setting is reduced by the value specified in D.62. Those. The temperature of the heating water and the temperature in the house is higher, and at night below. You can configure on the contrary.

Line d.67 - Displays the time between the inclusions of the boiler. This parameter displays the cooling time in minutes before turning on the boiler. The countdown of minutes begins at the time of turning off the boiler due to the exceedment of the maximum installed operating temperature of the heating water on the boiler control panel and the room regulator is constantly closed. This parameter is of importance for the anticyclic function of the boiler when the cooling time before the next inclusion is calculated based on the tuned temperature of the boiler's heating water and the configured anti-cycling time interval in the D.0 string.

Line d.70 - Setting the position of the three-way valve. In this mode it is possible to establish the position of the three-way valve, regardless of the requirements for heating in a particular circuit. Three-way valve position: \u003d 0 - Valve is controlled based on standard requirements from the control system; \u003d 1 - three-way valve installed in the middle position for emptying the boiler (and heating, and DHW); \u003d 2 - the three-way valve is set to the heating position.

Line d.71 - Set the maximum temperature in the heating system. Select a value in the range from \u003d 45 to \u003d 80 ° C. Factory setting \u003d 75 ° C.

Line d.88 - Protection against hydrowarders in the wiring of cold water (for KTV and KOV boilers). The ability to change the parameter leads to the elimination of the reaction to the hydrodar, which are found in some cases in the cold water pipelines. For example, at the time of closing the automatic valve in a flip of toilet bowl (or washing, or dishwasher) in the pipe pipes, a pressure leap may occur (hydrate). The consequence of this may be the false response of the flow sensor (turbines) of tap water, which will lead to a short-term unwanted activation of the GVS of the boiler. Factory setting \u003d 0 - activation of the ignition process to heat the tap water with a flow rate of 1.5 l / min. Changing the parameter to value \u003d 1 - activation of the ignition process to heat the tap water with a flow rate of 3.7 l / min. In this case, the flow rate must be at least 2 seconds.

Line d.90 - Identification of the connected room sensor. Using this parameter, it is possible to make sure that the room regulator is properly connected, or the connection is working between the room regulator and the boiler. ATTENTION: This description refers only to regulators supporting EBUS-communication. In the event that a regular knob is connected with a switch, this function cannot be used. Display: \u003d 0 - Controller is not connected or not communicated with the boiler; \u003d 1 - The controller is connected and there is a communication between it and the boiler.

Line d.96. - Setting the boiler to the parameters installed at the factory. In case the setting leads to incorrect operation or failures, it is possible to restore the factory settings of the boiler. Setup: \u003d 0 - Replacing the settings from production will not be performed; \u003d 1 - Return to the factory settings will be returned. Note: When you enter the setting of this parameter, the "0" parameter is always displayed on the display.

How to eliminate boiler tact in heating

Adjusting the maximum power of the heating of the GEPARD or PANTHER boiler through the service menu

At the first stage In the service menu, as described above, we find a string d.0, press the "MODE" button and look at the display value of the boiler power parameter, kw. In our example, the factory setting \u003d 15 was visible. It is necessary to establish a new value of the boiler power, equal to the power attached to the boiler heating devices. This setting will work only in heating mode.

If the power of the heating system corresponds to the working range of the boiler

The maximum power of the heating system in the house can enter the operating range of the boiler power specified in the instructions. For example, the total maximum power of radiators in the house is equal to 11 kw. PROTERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler operating capacity range is within 8.5 - 23.3 kw.

In the service menu, as described above, we find the D.0 string, press the "MODE" button and look at the display value of the boiler power parameter, kw. For example, the factory setting will be visible \u003d 15. Button "-" Set a new boiler power value \u003d 11.

I recommend to try the power of the boiler to set 20-30% less power of the heating circuit, for example, D.00 \u003d 9 kW. This power should be enough to compensate for thermal losses of the house, since the power of radiators is usually chosen with some reserve.

Increase anticyclation time

In the second stage, Increase the anticyclation time in the string d.02 Service menu.

Factory setting D.02 \u003d 20 minutes. According to the graph (see above), we determine that, for the temperature of the heating water specified on the display, 70 About S. , the re-launch of the burner is possible after 4 - 5 minutes, not earlier.

In line d.02 We establish a new value of anticycling time, for our example is the maximum possible, \u003d 60 minutes. The D.67 string displays the time in minutes before the next boiler turn on. Burges in the burner have become a duration of about 10 minutes. Twice more than with factory setting, which is still too often.

An increase in anticycling time leads to the fact that the burner is turned on later, at a lower temperature of the heating water. From the boiler in the contour of heating, heat flow is reduced.

In this way, picking through the service menu settings for the power of the boiler and the time of anticyclation, It seeks the duration of the cycle between the inclusions of the boiler burner was at least 15 minutes. That is, the boiler should turn on for one hour no more than four times.

I note that not all the brands of gas boilers have the ability to adjust the time of anticyclation. In this case, you have to select only the boiler power settings.

On some brands of gas boilers, the rotational speed (performance) of the circulation pump is set manually, the switch on the pump. To reduce the boiler boiler, the pump speed is recommended to increase.

Setting the GEPARD or Panther gas boiler, below the minimum

In the third stage Setting up minimum boiler power, by magnitude, below indicated in the instructions.

This setting is needed not in all cases, but only if the first and second stages do not bring the desired result. As in our case, when at the first stage, the "-" button set the new value of the boiler \u003d 9 (the minimum possible setting corresponds to 8.5 kW.). Newly installed magnitude of the maximum power of the boiler heating (8.5 kw) It is still very different from the power of the heating devices (4 kw).

It should be noted that the setting of the boiler power according to the method described below is useful and in other cases, as it allows you to adjust the heating power of the boiler through the experiment in accordance with the real power of the heating circuit. Real power usually turns out to be less than the calculated one.

Before carrying out work on setting the minimum burner power, need:

  • Fully open thermostatic and other valves on radiators, and a room thermostat is set to the maximum temperature. The thermostat that controls warm floors is adjusted to the maximum permissible temperature so as not to overlay the floors.
  • In the custom menu of the boiler, set the maximum working temperature that the owners are set in the frost, adding another +5 ° S.. It is usually no less than 65 ° S.. If the owners do not remember it, or on the new boiler in the menu set the maximum temperature setting 75 ° S.. The burner of the boiler should automatically turn off at a temperature of 5 ° S. More, i.e. at 80. ° S..
  • The heating circuit is cooled to the heating water temperature below 30 ° C.

Next, run the burner in heating mode, select the string in the service menu d.52., Press the "MODE" button and see the display of the position of the position of the step electric motor of the gas valve in the factory mode of minimum power.

After removing the front cover of the boiler visually observing the magnitude of the flame in the burner. In our example, a factory setting was highlighted on the display, the number \u003d 72, and the height of the flame in the burner was quite large.

Button "-" Set the new parameter value in the string d.52,for example \u003d 20. After 3 seconds after the change, when the new value is automatically confirmed, we observe a significant decrease in the height of the flame in the burner. This suggests that the useful power of the boiler with the specified setting will greatly decrease.

Next, observe the temperature growth in the direct pipeline of heating at the outlet of the boiler. Typically, the temperature rise stops, reaching some value, less than installed, for example 52 ° S. . The boiler works, and the temperature does not grow (or varies very, very slow). This means that the balance of power between the boiler and the heating system at this steady water temperature is reached. At this moment, you increase the parameter in the D.52 of the service menu, set a new value \u003d 30 - the temperature starts to grow again and again stops, for example, by 63 ° S.. Again, add the value of the parameter in the row d.52 \u003d 35 and so select the parameter until the temperature stops at the value, slightly more maximum, for example 77 ° S. . Thus, the balance sheet of the boiler and the heating circuit is achieved at the maximum operating temperature. The boiler power will be installed at the level, minimally necessary for working with an attached heating circuit. In this case, the cycling of the boiler will be minimal.

If the radiators are bad warm up in height, the temperature difference in the direct and inverse pipe at a maximum temperature of more than 15-20 °, then increase the pressure of the bypass valve. How to adjust the bypass valve below. The temperature of the water in direct and reverse pipeline can be seen on the display if you enter the service menu, the rows of D.40 and D.41.

In the case of adjusting the bypass valve, the gas valve setting in the D.52 string must be repeated.

In our example, the burner heats water to the maximum temperature 77 About S. With a minimum parameter value in the string d.52.equal \u003d 28 (the factory setting was \u003d 72). With a smaller value of the burner parameter, it could not heat the water to the specified temperature. And with the greater value of the burner heated water to 80 o C and the automation of the boiler turned off the burning.

It should be noted that the above method of adjusting the gas valve, which allows the experiment to balance the power of the boiler with the power of the heating circuit, is missing in the recommendations of the manufacturer of boilers. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the article, successfully implemented when setting up autonomous heating systems with gas boilers.

Factory Gas Valve Calibration

Honeywell gas valve. 1 - fitting for measuring gas pressure at the exit to the burner; 2 - Fitting for measuring pressure at the entrance.

Manufacturer of boilers prescribes The minimum power calibration on the gas valve is as follows:

In a row D.1, the service menu set the parameter \u003d 9, which limits the boiler power at the minimum level specified in the instructions. Turn on the boiler to work in heating.

The pressure gauge tube is attached to the upper stacker at the outlet of the gas valve. Before connecting, it is necessary to unscrew the locking screw on the fitting to the join.

Call string d.52. Service menu. And changing buttons + and The value of the string parameter d.52.Install at the gas valve outlet minimum pressure specified in the boiler instruction manual. For example, for the GEPARD 23 MTV boiler, the minimum pressure in front of the burner is 1.5 mbar or 15.5 mm.

This setting will ensure the operation of the boiler with the minimum power specified by the manufacturer - 8.5 kw. For an obvious question, what to do if the power of the heating contour is less attached to the boiler, the service instruction manual of the response boilers does not give.

In our example, after setting up and installing in the string d.52. Parameter \u003d 28, pressure measurement at the outlet of the gas valve before the burner showed the amount of 4 mm.

Readers in the comments ask the question: "Are such a significant reduction in gas pressure on the burner?" Is not dangerous for the boiler? " There are many different protection on boilers, but there is no protection against low gas pressure on the burner. From here we conclude that the low pressure in itself is not dangerous for the boiler. It is important to ensure stable ignition and sustainable gas burning, since there are appropriate protection on boilers.

A homemade master can roughly estimate whether the factory, gas valve settings, without resorting to the gas pressure measurement on the valve.

For this, in the line D.00 menu set parameter \u003d 9 and include boilers in the minimum power of heating. Record the testimony of the gas meter. After 15 minutes (1/4 hours), the meter readings are again recorded and the gas consumption is determined during this time. For example, the gas consumption was determined by the meter 0.289 m 3/15 min. This value is multiplied by 4 and receive gas consumption per 1 hour in the minimum power mode 1,156 m 3 / hour. Compare the resulting value with the data of the factory instruction. For example, the regulatory consumption of gas in the minimum power mode for the boiler Cheetah 23 MTV is 1.15 m 3 / hour. Gas consumption according to the meter testimony approximately corresponds to the factory norm. We conclude that the setting of the gas valve in the minimum power mode meets the requirements of the factory instruction. If not, the gas consumption is adjusted by changing the parameter in the D.52 string.

Similarly, according to gas consumption, you can estimate the setting of the gas valve at maximum power, switching the boiler to the DHW mode.

Power 23.3 kW. corresponds to the maximum pressure at the exit of the valve 85 mm.

U - shaped pressure gauge

A simple pressure gauge for measurements on the gas valve can be made from a transparent plastic tube, filling it with water and bent in the form of the letter U. One end of the tube is put on the valve fitting, and the other is left open. The ruler measure the difference in water levels in the branches of the tube. The measured distance and will be equal to pressure in the water column milieters - mm.

On the gas valve fitting, you can tight the tube inner diameter 8 mM.. For the tube of another diameter, you will have to select an adapter.

At the end of the measurements, do not forget to carefully wrap the screw on the measuring fitting and control its tightness.


Starting boiler

A warning: Input of the boiler B.
operation and its first start should
be produced only certified

protherm by Protherm
specialized organization!

Performing the first start of the boiler, make sure

1. The boiler is connected to the electrical network and

in this case, the phase and zero are not confused.

2. Opened gas locking crane;
3. Service cranes for heating and DHW

4. Pressure in the heating system is located

in acceptable limits of 1 - 2 bars.
Install the main switch (Fig. 1,
pos. 7) In position is on (I). Boiler
turns on and starts working in mode
heating water in a boiler (if the boiler
connected to the boiler). After water heating in
boiler boiler switches to mode
heating (provided that the mode
heating is active). In case of protective

disable boilers on the panel display
management will appear about
faults (see "Messages about
errors ", p.8). Use the button
Reset (Fig. 1, pos. 6) Unlock
boiler. If after switching on, protective
disconnection will repeat, or impossible
will unlock the boiler
contact your service organization.

Turning off the boiler

With short-term shutdown of the boiler
install the main switch (Fig.
1, pos. 7) Turn off (o).
When you turn off the boiler for a long
period needs to turn it off from
electrical network and overlapping
gas to the boiler. If in winter boiler
not used, then the heating system
it is necessary to empty. but
it is necessary to avoid frequent plots and
supplication of the heating system to avoid
formation scale and deposits inside

Start and turning off the boiler

Adjusting the boiler

Operation of the boiler without room

according to the readings of the boiler sensor. IN
clepting XT5 on the clamps 5 and 6 stands
jumper (factory setting). Order

Turn on the boiler with the main switch;
Set the desired temperature

the feed line on the control panel.

Operation of the boiler with room

In this mode, the boiler supports
set temperature in the heating system
on the room regulator. Jumper,
installed in the XT5 terminal on the clamps
5 and 6, removed. It connects to her place
room regulator. If indoors
with room regulator on radiators
thermostatic valve has been installed,
need to translate them in full
open position.
A warning:On the control panel


rouge sensor

Boiler works without restrictions, but temperature

the coolant is adjusted by a boiler sensor (see
"Installing heating temperature", p. 5).

If the boiler does not work in the excitermic mode, then
this message can not appear.


Installation, connection and start of the boiler Proterm Panther

Hinged gas boiler Proterm Panther 25 KTV with a compulsory burning of combustion products and a 25 KOV model with a natural tap running on natural gas or propane, designed for heating and hot water supply of country houses, cottages, small garden buildings, utilities and other objects that are equipped with The heating system with forced circulation of the coolant and water supply.

Fig.1. Hinged gas boiler 25 KTV Panther

1 - closed (hermetic) combustion chamber (turbocamera); 2 - atmospheric type burner; 3 - heat exchanger; 4 - circulating pump; 5 - airlightener; 6 - heat exchanger of the DHW system; 7 - three-way valve drive; 8 - gas valve; 9 - ignition electrodes; 10 - control electrode; 11 - ignition unit; 12 - control panel; 13 - heating temperature sensor; 14 - emergency temperature sensor; 15 - traction sensor; 16 - fan; 17 - Water Pressure Sensor

The boiler is designed to work in the temperature range from +5 to 40 ° C and relative humidity up to 85%.

The temperature of the outer surfaces of the boiler unit (side and upper cover) during the operation of the boiler should not exceed the ambient air temperature by no more than 50 ° C.

When placing the boiler, it is not allowed to post items near it:

From the solarmed materials - for a distance less than 100 mm from the surface;

From flammable materials, such as tree fiber plates, polyurethane, lightweight PVC, synthetic fibers, rubber, etc. - at a distance less than 200 mm from the surface.

Before the boiler, it is necessary to leave the free space of at least 1M to perform work on its maintenance.

At the boiler Protherm Panther 25 KTV, the burning of combustion products and air supply for combustion is carried out by a special coaxial pipeline or separate pipelines.

From standard parts, you can create a coaxial chimney for almost all laying options. The length of the chimney, the type and number of sites must be coordinated with the service organization.

The cracking of the chimney must be performed so that the condensate of combustion products can be deleted. For this purpose, special areas are intended to be embedded in the chimney route.

Gas boiler Proterm Panther 25 Kov is designed to remove the combustion products into the chimney with a natural way. Connecting the boiler to chimney is carried out with a pipe with a diameter corresponding to the size of the chimney nozzle.

The pipe is not allowed to establish objects that limit the passage of combustion products (for example, various types of heat exchangers and heat utilizers, etc.).

Installation of gas boiler Proterm Panther

Copper Protherm Panther 25 KTV (KOV) should be installed in closed heating systems with heat carrier - water. The nominal diameter of the system pipes is selected based on the pump characteristics. The pipeline is designed according to the required power of this system, and not the maximum
Heat production capacity of the boiler.

At the same time, the coolant consumption must be such that the temperature difference between the feed and the return is not greater than 20 ° C. The minimum water consumption in the system is 500 l / h. The pipeline system must be made to ensure the removal of air from it.

The air vents are located at the highest location in the system and on all radiators. The heating system is filled to pressure of at least 1 bar. The recommended pressure range in the system is 1.2 - 2 bar.

The expansion tank of the boiler is designed for the tank of the heating system 95l. In more capacious systems, another expansion tank of the membrane type should be installed. Heating radiators can be equipped with thermostatic valves.

If the unit is controlled by indoor regulator, thermostatic valves are not installed indoors where the room regulator is located. Before installing the system must be carefully cleaned.

GVS system

The water pressure in the GVS system should be in the range of 1 - 6 bar. If the pressure exceeds a 6 bar, a reducing valve must be installed on entering. At high rigidity of tap water, it is recommended to take appropriate measures to reduce it.

Connecting nozzles have external threads. They cannot be loaded with the weight of the pipes of the heating system, the GVS system or gas supply. It is necessary to accurately observe the installation dimensions of the connecting pipes (height, distance from the wall and between individual inputs and outputs).

In the lower part of the boiler, a hydraulic group is placed, which is equipped with a safety-dump valve, a filling tap (bay) of the system and a drain crane. When exceeding the maximum pressure in the system (2.5 kgf / cm2), water can flow from the safety-reset valve or steam emissions occur.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system is recommended to be carried out so that when repairing the car's ability to drain the water only from the unit. The feeding system (in small quantity) can be carried out using a fuse crane.

The drain crane is designed to reduce water pressure in the boiler for possible repairs. Make water from the boiler with this crane is possible only partially. Full draining of the water or the entire heating system, as well as the re-bay must be carried out using the valves (plugs) of the bay and plum installed in
certain places of the heating system.

Filling the Pantherm and Systems Boiler Protherm Water should be made in the following order:

Check that the pressure in the GVS system is higher than the water pressure in the heating system.

Carefully open the filling faucet in the hydraulic group and simultaneously monitor the increase in pressure on the boiler pressure gauge. The crane opens with turn counterclockwise, clockwise - closes.

When the required pressure is reached, the filling faucet must be carefully close and controlled whether the water pressure is increasing (the crane must be completely closed).

If the pressure of the DHW in the water supply system is equally or below the pressure in the heating system, water leakage can occur in the plumbing, which is unacceptable. This can be prevented by installing the check valve on the water supply pipe into the boiler.

When repairing adverse construction planning, etc., you can connect the boiler to the heating system, the GVS system and gas supply with special flexible hoses.

When using flexible hoses, they must have a length of no more than 0.5 m, are protected from mechanical loads and damage, the effects of aggressive substances. At the end of the operation of the hoses, they must be replaced with new ones. To attach the boiler to the pipeline from copper pipes, you can use a special connecting kit of the shaped copper pipes with reinforcement.

Dimensions of the tubes:

Input and output - diameter of a tube 22 mm.
- The input and output of the DHW is the diameter of the tube 15 mm.
- Gas connection - a diameter of a tube 22 mm.
- Connecting the safety valve - the diameter of the tube is 22 mm.

Connection Gas

Size 25 KTV (KOV) - ZP is designed to work on natural gas with rated pressure in the distribution network of 1.8 kPa, and the heat of combustion of 35900 kJ / m3. The diameter of pipes, fittings and gas meter must be selected taking into account other consumer gas devices. To the boiler, it is necessary to bring a pipe with a minimum connecting diameter of 1/2 ", but it is better with a nominal 3/4 diameter".

Size 25 KTV (KOV) - P is designed to work on liquefied gas (propane), with calorific value from 12.3 to 13.0 kvChd / kg.

Due to the fact that the exploitation of the boiler with the use of cylinders is problematic, first of all, from the point of view of ensuring sufficient quantity, as well as their further use, it is planned to simultaneously use the Gazagolder near the heated object and its compliant with the authorized organization.

Calculations of the necessary sizes of feeding propane from Gazagolder to the boiler unit or other gas devices are part of the project and supply of Gazgolder. Using a reduction gas valve, it is necessary to ensure the nominal gas pressure in front of the 3.0 kPa boiler.

Air supply and burning products

Air supply and removal of combustion products is performed through the coaxial pipeline outdoor? 100 mm. The equivalent length of the pipeline (numerically equal to the sum of the direct pipe meters and the number of knees 90 °) must be no more than 9 m. With an equivalent pipeline length of more than 3 m from the fan exit, it is necessary to remove the throttle washer.

Horizontal portions of the pipeline must be installed with a slope of at least 1.5% in the direction of the flue gases so that condensate flow from the pipeline. The vertical areas use condensate removal devices.

The output of the pipeline must be located:

At an altitude of at least 2 m from the foundation of the building in places of people visited by people and at least 0.4 m - in places not visited by people;

At a distance of not less than 0.5 m horizontally from windows, constantly open ventilation grids and doors;

Above the upper border of windows, lattices or doors;

In the zone under sheds, balconies and edges of the roofs.

The minimum distance between two nearby pipelines are outputs:

Horizontally - 1 m;
- vertical - 2 m.

The direction of the pipe outlet should be focused so that the combustion products go into open space.

The horizontal distance from the end of the pipeline outlet on the same facade to the other, with the opposite placement of the outputs should be:

2 m, if there are no windows or lattices on one facade;

1 m, if both facades without windows or lattices;

4 m, if both facades with windows or lattices (or if there are neighboring outputs on the same facade).

In the niche of the facade of the building, the distance between the pipeline outlet axis and the adjacent plane of the facade should be:

2 m, if there are windows or lattices on the facade;
- 0.5 m - if they are missing.

All distances are given from the outer border of the window (lattice) or doors to the axis of the pipeline. In space under a canopy (balcony), the tip headband must be at a distance of at least the circle radius.

With a vertical output of pipelines on the roof of their headplains should be placed at a distance of at least 0.4 m horizontally and at a height of at least 0.4 m from the roof surface, taking into account its shape.

The yield of the chimney should not be placed in an explosive space, in the inner parts of a building or structure, tunnels or underground transitions, in closed spaces.

The hole in the wall for the passage of the coaxial pipeline is performed with a specific gap (from 10 to 15 mm). At the end of the installation, the gap is insulated with non-combustible materials (mounting foam, plaster, plaster).

Electrical connection of the gas boiler Proterm Panther

Panther's boiler should be connected to the power grid through a plug with a grounding pin, which eliminates the zero phase connection error. The distance from the boiler to the socket must be within the length of the cord of the power supply of the boiler (1m).

The boiler must be connected to a protective conductor (ground). The grounding conductor must be available for inspection and checking resistance.

For electrical connection it is not allowed to use various tees, extension cords, etc. The boiler is protected from overload and short-circuit fuse P1 -T80 MA / 250V, P2 - T 1.6 A / 250V installed in the control panel. Before working with the electrical equipment of the boiler, it is necessary to disable the boiler from the network by disconnecting the electrical plug from the outlet.

To control the boiler from the room regulator, use a controller with a bottleless output (except for the network to the boiler is not allowed to supply other voltage). Room regulator Connect the suspension with a flexible two-cable cable from 0.5 to 1.5 mm2. Cable output from the boiler. Machine through a plastic cable clutch.

The terminal bar for connecting the room regulator and the external sensor is located at the bottom, inside the boiler and is available after removing the outer cover and turn the control panel. Before connecting from the terminal bar, you must remove the jumper. Minimum load of the output contacts of the 24 V / 0,1A regulator.

The outdoor temperature sensor should be connected with a two-tier copper conductor with a cross section of 0.75 mm2. Wiring resistance must be no more than 10 ohms, the maximum length is 30 m.

Circuits to connect the outdoor temperature sensor and room controller cannot be laid in conjunction with network voltage circuits.

Work on the commissioning of the Pantherm Pantherm boiler:

Remove the screw fixing the lid at the bottom of the boiler;

Out off the cover down (on yourself) and raising, remove it from the pins at the top of the camera.

Make sure that the gas supply is closed.

Loosen the cap on the automatic air separator placed on the pump.

Connect the boiler to the electrical network.

Translate the network switch to the "I" position. The display shows the code F0, the pump will work approximately for 1 min.

Press the BAR / MODE button. The display shows 0.0 (pressure value) and the LED will light.

Pressure magnitude is displayed about 25 seconds. After that, the display returns to its original position. Repeated pressure can be displayed by pressing the BAR / MODE button.

Fill the system with water, the pressure must be from 1.2 to 2 bar.

Carefully release air from all heating devices (water flowing should be continuous, without air bubbles).

Cap on the air separator Leave the boiler weakened during operation.

Open the GVS cranes to remove air from the DHW circuit;

Make sure that the pressure shown on the display is in the range of 1.2 - 2 bar, if necessary, make a feedback.

Starting boiler Proterm Panther

Before starting the boiler, check:

The main gas supply crane is open,
- Gas crane at the entrance is open,
- closing valves (water, heating) at the exit open,
- The unit is connected to the electrical network.

To start the Panther Protherm Boiler, do the following:

Switch the power switch to the "I" position;

Set the temperature of the US 85 ° C and turn off the Equitermic regulation (E-).

Check the condition of the room regulator (it must be closed);

Smoothly raise the temperature in the heating system to the maximum (all radiators should be with open valves). The air located in the water of the heating system is gradually removed through the automatic air separator. At the highest point of the system and in radiators should not be air;

Follow the feed system to a pressure of 1.2 bar;

Turn on the boiler again and heat the system to the maximum temperature;

Turn off the boiler, if necessary, remove the air and appreciate the system again;

Make sure that after cooling the heating system, the pressure gauge shows at least 1.2 bar;

If the pressure in the heating system is heated higher than on. 0.5 bar than cold condition, check the expansion tank setting relative to the system.

Protective Functions of the Boiler Proterm Panther

The boiler is equipped with freezing protection function. When a temperature decreases less than 10 ° C, the pump will automatically turn on. When the temperature decreases below 8 ° C, the device will be divided and will operate until the temperature rises by 25 ° C. When freezing (oke temperatures below 3 ° C) the boiler launch is blocked.

The pump for a short time is automatically turned on if it has not turned on within 24 hours. Thereby protect against its blocking as a result of deposits during long-term disconnection. The pump is constantly working with an increase in temperature above 85 ° C (overheating protection).

When the pressure decreases, the LED flashes, with a further decrease in pressure, the unit goes out (protection against water loss - alarm F0). When improving pressure, the work is automatically resumed.

Protective functions are entered into operation only when the boiler is connected to the mains voltage (the electric cord is in the outlet, and the power switch in the position is on (I).

If the boiler for a long time has been disconnected from the network voltage (month or more), it is recommended to conduct its periodic launch (at least once a month). The boiler is equipped with a safety valve. When resetting the heating water from the valve, disconnect the boiler and disconnect it from the network voltage.

Panther's Protherm Boiler Adjustment

When the boiler is running without a room regulator, it supports the temperature specified on the display.

Operations when adjusting:

- select Equitermic regulation mode - select the heating curve and set the E- symbol;

- select the Equitermic Regulation mode - in the Options parallel movement to put the P- symbol;

- select the temperature mode and set it up;

- The room regulator must be disabled, a jumper must be installed between the terminals to connect it.

When the boiler is running a panther with a room regulator, it supports the temperature specified on the display. In this case, the unit is turned off by the teams of the room temperature regulator installed inside the control room. In this room there should be no thermostatic valve on the radiator.

When installing with the boiler terminals, a jumper is removed and a room thermostat is connected. When operating in the excitermic mode, the temperature varies depending on the change in the outer air temperature.

The outdoor air temperature sensor must be connected to the boiler. The sensor is installed on the cold wall of the building (northern or northwestern) at an altitude of about 2.5 - 3 m. The sensor should not be located in the area of \u200b\u200bventilation emissions from the windows or other ventilation devices.
and covered with straight sunshine.

Gas pressure control at the entrance:

Disconnect the boiler.

Loosen the screw on the gas valve pressure measurement fittings;

Connect the corresponding pressure meter;

Spend start;

Check the gas inlet pressure if it is below the norm, check the tightness of the gas pipeline;

Disconnect the unit and disconnect the pressure meter, carefully wrap the screw on the measuring fitting and control it tightness.