How to handitate wallpaper correctly. How to quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls

Cosmetic repair often begins with removal from the walls of the old coating. To glue new wallpapers or painting walls without flaws, even small former coating fragments should not remain on the surface. How to quickly remove from the walls of the old wallpaper of a different kind, it suggests to meet an article.

Some stick new canvas on the old coating, do not do it.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Due to the presence on the walls of old wallpapers, the surface will not be perfect. On it, after drying, the new cavals will appear hill and other defects.
  • There is the likelihood of dug new and old sheets.
  • Under the layer of the existing coating can be formed mold, developing pathogenic bacteria, which will create risks for human health.

Before you quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls, a way of conducting work is selected, which depends on the type of canvases and glue, which was used with their sticker.

Types of wallpapers in modern interiors

Before you quickly remove old wallpaper from the wall, you need to get acquainted with the types of this coverage.

The most popular of them are presented in the table:

Tools for removing wallpaper of any kinds

Before you quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls, you need to purchase some equipment.

To remove the canvas of any type of need:

  • Sharp spatulas of different widths.
  • Water with the addition of means for removing wallpaper or soap.
  • Steam generator or iron.

  • Cotton cutting fabric.
  • Special roller for applying perforation.
  • Reliable string.
  • Polyethylene film.
  • Knife.
  • Adhesive or insulating tape.

Tip: Wallpaper from the walls should be removed by a wet way. In this case, there will be less dust and time to perform work less.

Before you quickly remove wallpaper from the walls, it is worth learn some recommendations and get to know the video.


  • First you need to determine the basis of the wallpaper, which can be paper or phlizelin.
  • You should not make all the walls at once, it is better to do this in small platforms. Otherwise, wet sections can dry, and it will be necessary to work first.
  • "More - does not mean better": it is necessary to wet the surface abundantly, but in moderation. Especially when removing wallpapers from plasterboard walls.
  • It is necessary to prepare the room: remove or cover heavy furniture, all things to transfer, floor to be placed with polyethylene or paper, turn off the electricity.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is easier to shoot using specialized fluids.
  • After removing the coating, the walls need to be washed out with ordinary water to remove the remnants of glue and cleaning solutions.
  • After drying the surfaces, all defects are closed: holes and cracks are embarked, plaster is adjusted.

Tip: If one-picture wallpaper is well held on the wall: there are no bubbles, they do not depart from the surface, they are not cracking, to update the interior of the canvas, it is easy to repaint with different color.

Removing wallpaper

How to quickly remove wallpaper from the wall in the absence of such work experience?

In this case, the instruction for any kind of cloths is general:

  • Electricity is turned off.
  • Sockets and switches are closed with scotch.
  • Old slices of cloths can be hunted with a spatula under the edge, and then pull over.

  • Related places are approaching and adjusted by the spatula.

  • If dry panels are not removed, they need to be twisted. In this case, it takes throughout the surface to walk with a sponge, pre-dipped warm water, as in the photo. After a few minutes, the wallpaper will easily be removed.

  • It is better to add soap to the water, a means for laundry laundry or washing dishes.
  • The volume of water should be sufficient so that the surface of the wallpaper does not have time to dry, and glue well. But a large amount of fluid can lead to it from the surface of the web, which will not give the desired effect.
  • Less time-consuming option is the use of the steam generator. Couple quickly softens the basis of paper and glue under it.

How to quickly remove wallpaper from the walls

Analogue can be the usual or steam iron.

Tip: To easily remove wallpaper, especially when performing work for the first time, special fluids must be used to remove them. They quickly penetrate the paper layer and swollen glue well.

  • The leaf removal fluid is mixed with water and the sprayer sprinkles the entire area of \u200b\u200bold wallpaper. After a few minutes, the coating is easily removed by the spatula.

To remove old cloths with their own hands glued on the PVE glue, you can use the following ways:

  • On a small segment, the strength of the fitting of the coating is checked.
  • Hands or with a spatula wallpaper are removed from the wall.
  • Faster work is performed by grinding machine.

In this case, after working on the wall, grooves and stripes remain, the plaster is damaged. Therefore, after removing the canvas, it is necessary to align the surface.

Tip: When using special equipment, it is necessary to ensure the safety of work and protect the person from the dust from entering the respiratory tract.

Removing washing wallpaper

Such a coating is separated from the walls the easiest. Vinyl wallpaper and other washable coatings are high-strength vinyl film pasted on paper basis.

To remove them:

  • A knife or wallpaper tigr is perforation on the walls.

  • The wall is well wetted with water.
  • The surface is left for the moisture will not penetrate the polymer film and does not solve the glue.
  • A knife is made at the top of a horizontal incision.
  • Wallpaper is easily removed from the wall.

Polyvinyl chloride is a sufficiently strong coating, so the canvas are separated by whole stripes, without breaking on separate elements. You can use the steam generator.

From the effects of the couple will swell the glue and the walls can be quickly and without dilution of dirt clean from wallpaper. Vinyl wallpaper can be removed by a special liquid with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue.

For this:

  • Walls are coated with solution.
  • Leave for 2 hours.
  • Removed by solid stripes. This is due to the fact that when sticking vinyl wallpaper, special glue is used, and under the influence of PVA glue, it begins to lose its strength.

Removing wallpapers from the walls of plasterboard

A feature of the removal of wallpaper with plasterboard walls is that this material does not tolerate moisture effects, it is easy to injure it. It is necessary to shoot from the walls of drywall, the old web needs very carefully.

For this:

  • Walls are perforated.
  • Watering with water, but not too diligently.
  • It is better to use special compositions for removing vinyl coating.
  • The technology of removal of old canvases is the same as with the use of water.

There are some features of removal of wallpaper with plasterboard:

  • It is easier to dismantle the coating after sticking on a special glue used under vinyl material.
  • There will be no problems with the removal, if the sheets of plasterboard are in front of the blowing cloths.
  • It is easier to remove the wallpaper on the phlizelin-based basis. They can be buried: pry a sharp spatula or knife, and then weave the top layer, and the base is easy to remove after disconnection.
  • When using PVA glue for blending wallpaper, keep the integrity of plasterboard cavities will not work.

It is not difficult to remove the wallpaper from the walls. With such work, you can cope with yourself, it is enough to purchase the necessary tool, equipment and show patience. The wallpaper canvas of any type can easily move away from the surface at a skill-time approach.

If there is no desire to spend your time on the time-consuming procedure yourself, you can invite an experienced master. A qualified specialist knows how to remove wallpaper from the walls quickly, regardless of their kind.

Remove the old finish planted on the usual wallpaper glue, with a posted surface is easy. It is harder to cope with thin paper wallpapers, glued on PVA or Cleaster. In order for the removal of old wallpapers from the walls to give you trouble, consider the options for dismantling the main types of finishes on paper, fliesline, liquid base, as well as with vinyl coating.

Get rid of Soviet wallpapers - water and special tools

It is more difficult to remove old wallpaper from the Soviet walls and with this statement everyone will agree, who at least once tried to do so. There are several reasons for this. Structure of wallpapers, the use of durable CMC, Bustilat, joinery of PVA, which "tightly" glue rolls. It is not possible to contempt wallpaper with a solid layer, they are dug in small areas. Complete the process of dismantling old wallpapers, glued on each other in several layers and newspaper. This finish has to be removed by layers.

To quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls, prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • dishwashing detergent or liquid soap;
  • sprayer or water bucket;
  • foam sponges;
  • own tiger;
  • needle roller;
  • spatula with a sharp blade;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • polyethylene film.

Before removing the wallpaper, take care of safety rules. Disconnect the electricity in the apartment, sockets and switches swipe with painting scotch in order to avoid water from entering. Strong wires also insulate. To make it easier to clean, glue along the plinth plastic bags with a width of at least 0.5 m, which are commonly used for packaging of things and furniture. Cleaning after dismantling will pass faster, the floor will not sprawl with water.

Take a sprayer or a bucket with water, add a couple of drops of dishwasher liquid or soap. Moisten a small section of the wall and wait 10-20 minutes while the water with the degreaser is absorbed into the base and soften the glue. To swelling the wallpaper pass faster, it is better to use hot, and not cold water. Spot the plot gradually. Repeat wetting as drying, do not strive to abundantly moisten the wall from once. For better penetration of water inside the layer, use the knife. Make a few longitudinal notes.

In hard-to-reach places and on the ceiling to do slotes, use a needle roller. An alternative version for tighting scratches will be a bulk tiger. This tool allows you to handle a large wallpaper layer, without damaging concrete coating and plaster, thanks to soft rollers.

We begin to tear off the wallpaper from the corner of the room, from top to bottom. We consider the trim with a sharp spatula, better with a long handle. Around sockets, switches and other electronic devices, we use carefully, we use a narrow spatula.

Washing and excavation - Fighting with complex wallpaper

Modern producers have come up with funds that make it easy to remove old wallpaper - chemical washes. Among famous brands in the market are popular with Quelyd Dissoucol, Zinsser, Atlas Alpan. They deeply penetrate the structure of the wallpaper and destroy the adhesive layer. The use of washes does not cause difficulties. We divorce the composition according to the manufacturer's recommendations, we distribute uniformly liquid with a sponge or through a sprayer. After swelling the finish, it is easily removed along with all the remnants from the wall.

Another effective way to deal with difficult wallpaper is an excrement. For these purposes, you can use a steam mop or steam cleaner, and if they are not at hand, the usual iron and wet fabric fit. Turn on the silence mode, we lean the wet fabric to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe wall and send steam from it from it. Under the influence of a pair, the glue collapses, and you can quickly tear off the old wallpaper from the walls. Just need to do it while they are still hot. Small pieces remaining after silence, consider sandpaper, metal scraper or grinding machine.

Finish on a fliselin substrate - how to deal with it?

The main advantage of the wallpaper on the fliesline basis is the substrate that can not be off from the wall, dismantling only the top layer. It strengthens the wall and provides good fit of the new trim. If you still want to completely clean the walls from old wallpapers, act according to the next instruction.

We take a wide sharp spatula, come up to the edge of the canvas and pull it from top to bottom. The remaining pieces in hard-to-reach places we remove the narrow spatula. If the cloth is poorly understood, we wept the wallpaper, wetting the section with thermal water. In order for water deeper to penetrate into the base, we use a bulk tiger. After 15-20 minutes, the phlizelin wallpaper will swell. Grinding finish is simply removed by a scraper or spatula. If this turns out to be enough, add a pair of dishwashing to water to water and re-moisten the indispensable area with water.

Features of dismantling washing coating

Vinyl or washable double-layered wallpaper. Consist of a paper or flieslinic basis, which is attached to the wall covering, and from above are covered with vinyl. It prevents moisture to the wallpaper, allows you to wash the finish during contamination. It is not necessary to completely remove the washable wallpaper on a fliesline basis, it is enough to dismantle only the outer vinyl layer. However, if the foundation began to lag behind, reinsure yourself and remove the entire finish.

Remove washable wallpaper, applying only wetting surface with water, will not work. Vinyl coating is resistant to moisture, and it is necessary to do on the surface of the material of notches using a needle roller or scraper to remove it. Only after that we make a plot. When the water is well penetrated into the base, the finish will begin to bubble and remove the washable wallpaper from the wall will not be difficult. If some kind of plot is dismissed, we use a steam mop or iron. After the separation of one site, we turn to the other, upholding the remnants of the trimber, until they cooled.

We remove the liquid wallpaper and we use again

From the walls easily. They quickly spill under the action of moisture, not leaving traces on the surface. If you are not paint and other ornamental coatings, after dismantling, dry them up and use to finish in another room. Liquid wallpaper with impurities of varnish and paint is completely utilized and reused. Depending on the final finish, such a coating is removed in several ways. If you cover the surface of liquid lacquer wallpapers or paint, then to remove from the surface, use a construction hairdryer or grinding machine with a nozzle. In the absence of a construction hairdryer, use the usual household hair dryer. True, with him the work will delay. A steam iron will also be effective when removing.

Standard liquid wallpapers without coating are removed by a familiar method with warm water, a metal scraper and a sharp spatula. To improve the efficiency of the work, we recommend adding a couple of Ceresit Ceresit CeresT-17 to the water. After wetting the surface, leave the composition to be absorbed by 10 minutes, open windows and doors to create in the drafts of drafts and speed up the process. The layer sank and softened, tear it up. Small remnants of liquid wallpapers believes the scraper, we grind the surface with sandpaper.

We dismantle the trim from drywall

Plasterboard partitions are increasingly found on construction sites and residential buildings. The peculiarity of the removal of the old coating with drywall is caution with coating. When the upper paper layer is damaged, plasterboard loses its qualitative characteristics. To easily tear off the wallpaper, we recommend chemical washes that are deeply penetrated into the glue structure, allow the base of the finish to quickly retard from the surface. Especially this method is expedient if the plasterboard is spitchable and you do not want to damage the aligning layer with sharp movements of the spatula. In the absence of primer on the walls, the use of chemical washing is also the best option. In order to quickly beat the old wallpaper from drywall, before applying chemistry, scratch the surface with a needle roller or a wallpaper tig.

An alternative and budget version of the removal of wallpaper with a plasterboard partition - applying to the decoration of a cheap wallpaper glue. Due to the fact that such glue will dry long, the wallpaper swell, they begin to bubble, stretching and lagging behind the surface. Carefully use the tied with a sharp spatula, we use a paint knife to work in hard-to-reach places.

For the impregnation of wallpaper will also fit the primer. Compared with water, it evaporates slower, therefore, it affects the material and penetrates deeper into the structure. After the discharge, remove the trim with a metal scraper or spatula. Having finished dismantling, check the walls for the presence of irregularities. If necessary, we remove small residues by sandpaper, applied and ground the surface.

We started repair and do not know how to remove old wallpapers? At first glance, nothing complicated in it, but each type of wallpaper requires its own, a special approach.

In this article, we will look at some quick and efficient ways to get rid of the old coating, depending on the type of wallpaper.

We remove the wallpaper in the traditional way

The easiest and most proven way to get rid of old wallpaper is to use water. First of all, disconnect the power supply in the apartment, and then flash the outlets and switches with painting tape. To facilitate the cleaning process after repairs, check the floor with a plastic film and secure it with a scotch, so that all the dust and garbage fell on it.

You need to twist the wallpaper with hot water with the addition of means for washing dishes. Wait 10-20 minutes and wet reused. When the wallpaper is scattered, they are removed using a spatula, starting from below, fashioning the edge of the canvas and removing it. Please note that you should not handle the whole wall entirely, it is better to wet only part of the wall, during this time the old coating will not have time to dry. Wallpaper residues can be lured with coarse sandpaper, but so as not to damage the plaque.

How to remove phlizelin wallpaper

This type of wallpaper consists of two layers: lower from cellulose and top of synthetic fibers. Typically, the upper layer is well separated from the paper base, it is enough to pick up a piece of phlizelin below.

To begin with, try removing this material with moisturizing. If this way it did not work out to remove the walls of the walls, then try using a "wallpaper tiger". This is a special device that can perflect wallpaper without damaging a layer of putty. It is even easier to use a sharp tip of a spatula or a studded roller to make notches on the surface. This is done so that the moisture penetrates the inside and reached the paper layer, as Flizelin pushes water. Wallpapers are wetted with water or vinegar solution and are easily removed as described above.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is a combination of two layers: the upper, covered with polyvinyl chloride, and the lower woven or paper. PVC gives the surface water-repellent properties. More often, these wallpaper glue on PVA, which is very difficult to remove. Water and special fluids will not help here.

In this case, the mechanical cleaning method is used - grinding machine. To begin with, the wallpaper is removed using a spatula, and then, slightly pressing the grinder to the wall surface, remove the remaining fragments. Note that with this method a lot of dust is formed, so you need to use the respirator and safety glasses. In the absence of grinding, you can use the piece of coarse sandpaper.

The subtleties of removal of washable wallpaper

Washing wallpapers do not let the water, so it is impossible to remove them with a traditional method (wig). But there is another way to use a steam generator. Under the influence of hot pair of cellulose and glue swell and simply depart from the wall. In the event that you have no steam generator in the house or an iron with a steamer, you can use a wet rag. To do this, attach it to the wall and swallow the hot iron. Thus handle the whole wall. After that, you'll find the edge of the wallpaper with a spatula and remove them. They should easily move away from the wall, entirely.

Secrets of removal of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers are removed very simply - it is enough to wet the surface with water, give the material to ravel and you can remove the coating using a scraper or a wide spatula. If a thick layer of coating has been applied, then it is necessary to wet the surface several times. Liquid wallpapers are convenient because they can be repeatedly applied to the wall. To do this, the removed coverage is sufficiently dry, and when you again use simply wet the water and re-apply to the surface.

If there were many gypsum and adhesive in liquid wallpaper, they can be removed using a construction dryer. To do this, they heat the surface of the wall, and after the material starts cracking from the effects of hot air, remove the spatula.

How to clean the plasterboard from old wallpaper

If before you bleach old wallpapers, plasterboard originally shpalled, then special chemicals can be used to remove wallpaper, which are well dissolved by bulk glue. But note that this solution is divorced by water, so they can not be used in large quantities. The fact is that drywall and easily absorbs moisture, losing its strength and deforming.

Another way is to use the cheapest mesh glue. Divide it and apply to the surface, uniform layer. He will dry for a long time and at the same time he tightens the material, because of what the wallpaper is easy to depart from the wall.

If no way approached, you can remove the wallpaper with the top layer of plasterboard. Since it consists of glued sheets of paper, it is enough just to pick up the topmost and gently separate, using a molar knife.

Cleaning the walls from old wallpaper is a painstaking process, but it will not take much time. Be sure to remove the remnants of glue and paper so that new wallpapers stayed for a long time and looked beautiful.

It's no secret that before proceeding to the repair of the walls, you need to completely remove the old finish. But how easy it is to remove old wallpaper from the walls - quickly and effortlessly? After all, they often have to scrape them literally a centimeter for centimeter. Of course, the hygiene just take the paper wallpaper with a wet way. But what to do if they are moisture resistant or vinyl? Let's find out all the tricks of professionals.

Preparatory work

Before removing old wallpaper, the room must be carefully prepared. Then the process will pass quickly and easily. So what should be done?

  1. Fully freeing the room from furniture. If some elements failed, they must be covered with film or rag.
  2. It is also necessary to store the floors. So that the film does not slide, you can lay cardboard on it or dense paper sheets.
  3. If you plan to remove old wallpapers with water, electricity must be disabled. Or you can simply cover the switches and sockets with a polyethylene film, carefully fixing it with a tape. It is necessary to make it necessary, otherwise the short circuit can lead to an accident.
  4. To garbage and dust are not overwritten on the house, you should put a wet cloth on the threshold.
  5. In addition, all tools must be collected in advance so that in the process of work you did not spend time in search of the desired one.

What devices may be needed?

Whether it is vinyl or paper wallpaper, you won't take them with bare hands. Therefore, you need to take care so that the following tools are at hand:

  • ladder;
  • gloves;
  • packages, garbage bags;
  • sharp spatulas of different widths;
  • stationery knife;
  • sponges, rags, roller;
  • capacity with warm water.

In addition, if you need to quickly and easily remove old vinyl wallpapers, it is desirable to get additional tools: a steam generator, a wall-tiger (roller with needles) and a special fluid for removing wall coatings.

Paper wallpapers are several types: single-layer, two-layer (duplex), with moisture-resistant facial surface (washable). Let's find out how to better remove the old wallpaper from the walls of each type.

  • Single-layer paper wallpaper.

This is the simplest coating that is easily removed by conventional warm water. Old wallpaper is moisturized with a wet rag and in 5-7 minutes they are removed in the direction from top to bottom.

  • Two-layer paper wallpaper.

Duplex flows longer, so after moisturizing you need to wait 10 minutes. Also, when removing, they can decrease, but if the walls are smooth and do not need to be repaired, the lower layer can be left (new materials will be better glued at it). If the coating should be removed completely, the wall moisturizing procedure should be repeated again.

  • Washable paper wallpapers.

Moisture-resistant surface does not pass water, so so that water penetrates inside, the top layer must be destroyed. The easiest way to do this with the help of a special tool is a bulk tiger. However, if it did not turn out at hand, it is easy to scratch the washable layer with a knife, an iron washcloth or any other sharp tool. In addition, moisturizing is better repeated several times with an interval of 15 minutes, then old paper wallpapers will be removed quickly and easily.

Vinyl wallpapers in most cases consist of a paper base and a polymer layer (polyvinyl chloride). Thanks to this combination, they are easy to glue, they are durable and well protected from moisture. In addition, the upper coating may have different additional characteristics. There are vinyl wallpapers with silk thread, washable, foamed. Some of them are even adapted to solvent cleansing or alcohol. That is why old vinyl wallpapers remove not as easy as paper. In most cases, without a special roller with needles can not do. So what should I do?

  1. Walk the wallpaper tiger over the entire wall of the walls.
  2. With the help of a cloth or roller moisturize the first cloth, after 5 minutes the second and after the same period of time the third.
  3. Pin pins the top of the wallpaper strip, which was moistened with the first, and then smoothly pull down.
  4. All the remaining small pieces are re-moisturized and proceed to the second canvase.
  5. After removing the 3rd canvase, return to the beginning of the work and daughter scraps with a spatula.
  6. Treat the next trip in the same way.

It is such a way that allows you to remove old wallpaper from the walls very quickly and easily, on average for removal of 3 canvases leaves from 30 to 45 minutes.

No need to moisturize too much surface: while you reach it, it will completely dry out.

Non-easy cases

Very often difficulties occur when, instead of a special water-soluble glue, the vinyl wallpaper "planted" on the PVA, bustylate or any other composition that is not afraid of water exposure. In this case, it is possible to remove them from the walls only with a grinding machine with a coarse eyelet or a drill with a round-brushed rack. However, it is advisable to use the tool only to remove glue traces, as well as small pieces of wallpaper. The rest of the walls of the walls will have to handle a spatula.

It is still very often the question arises: how to remove old wallpapers from the walls covered with plasterboard? In most cases it is impossible, it remains only to glue a new coating from above. The fact is that the upper cardboard layer is fixed with paper and the use of a wet method or special means can simply damage it. If the plasterboard was putty, then there are usually difficulties here. You can use water, spatula or specially intended means.

So that new wallpapers serve for a long time, it is important to give the walls to dry, if necessary to launch or sharpen and finally covered with primer.

Special means

In the case when the timing is strongly pressed, you can use a special tool (steam puller) or to purchase fluid removal fluid. The last folk craftsmen learned to produce from the remedies. Let's consider each option in more detail.

  1. Steam puller. Technical device, which consists of perforated steam sole and water vessel. It works from electricity or heated with balloon gas. Steam penetrates the material much faster than water, thanks to this, the steam puller allows you to significantly save precious time. It is better and more efficient than other devices, removes old wallpapers along with glue, does not spoil the plaster and putty. Some are even trying to replace it with a domestic iron, stroking walls through a wet fabric. However, this is a rather laborious process, and it's not easy to cope with him alone.
  2. Liquid for removing wallpaper walls. Most often uses such as Zinsser, Atlas Alpan, Quelyd Dissoucol. They quickly penetrate through the structure of the wallpaper, which helps to remove them better and more efficiently. Such means do not contain hazardous substances and can be applied in the premises in the presence of people. A solution is preparing strictly according to the instructions, but if there is a desire to strengthen the effect, we can mix the liquid with the wallpaper glue. The resulting jelly is applied with a dense layer on the surface of the walls, and after about 3 hours, wallpaper lags behind the whole slices.
  3. Folk recipes. For greater efficiency of a wet way to remove old wallpapers in water, you can add vinegar, detergent or. For cooking, it is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons in boiling water, and then apply on the wallpaper.

As you can see, remove old wallpaper from the walls with different methods. However, that the process does not take a long time, it is important to take into account all the subtleties and know small tricks. This will avoid many mistakes, reduce repair and, which is important, keep your nerves healthy.

When carrying out repair work, the main stage is the preparation of the surface for applying a new coating. Before you begin to decorate the walls, you must completely remove the old layer of wallpaper. This procedure has its own characteristics. It often requires certain efforts. It is worth considering in more detail how quickly and easily remove old wallpaper from the walls.

Traditional methods

When removing the old wallpaper coating, water is often used. This is the easiest method of cleaning the surface at home.

It is necessary to prepare the premises before applying water on the walls of the room:

  • In the apartment electric, you need to turn off the electricity.
  • All sockets and switches in the room must be sealed with a painting ribbon.
  • Furniture, floor, doors and windows are desirable to cover with a polyethylene film to avoid contamination of surfaces.
  • Old coating need to wet hot water. For a better effect in water, you can add a dishwashing gel gel.
  • After the initial application of the solution on the surface, it is necessary to wait fifteen minutes, then repeat the procedure.
  • After re-processing with soap solution, the coating should begin to swell. Fodding from the bottom of the edge of swollen wallpapers with a metal spatula, you can begin to gently dy the canvas.

It is not always possible to remove the old coating with solid canvas. The remaining pieces can be cleared with sandpaper. If the bulk coating is rather old, already departs from concrete walls, it can be easily and quickly removed without the use of water.

Enough hands or with the help of a spatula to capture the desired edge of the wallpaper, and then remove the web with the wall.


The process of removing the old wallpaper coating can be quite laborious. Before starting the main work, you must prepare all the necessary documents in advance.

To remove the old wall covering, the following devices may be needed:

  • Metal spatula. With this tool, it is convenient to simply submit wallpaper layers for subsequent removal.
  • Malyary scraper.
  • Needle roller. Used to disrupt the integrity of the wallpaper coating, which contributes to the improvement of the moisture permeability of the material.
  • Local "Tiger". Applies for the same purpose as needle roller.
  • Household steam generator
  • The pulverizer will facilitate the process of applying a soap solution to the surface.
  • Foam sponge or soft cloth rag.

  • Bucket.
  • Polyethylene film.
  • Painting tape.
  • Iron. The bulk coating is not necessarily watered with water. Cleaning with a pair is an equally effective way: sufficient, leaning a wet rag to the old layer of wallpaper, stroke the area with iron.
  • Metal brush.
  • Sandpaper.

If you need to delay the coating from the ceiling, the stepladder should be prepared. Do not also forget about your own protection from dirt and dust. Prepare in advance gloves, headdress and safety glasses.

Special compositions

Clean mixtures manufacturers produce special means to remove wallpaper from walls and ceiling. Such mixtures are able to penetrate deep into the structure of the wallpaper material. They allow no extra effort to spare the old layer. The method of making a solution is always indicated by the manufacturer on the package. In order for the special tool more efficiently, you can mix it with a glue mixture for wallpaper. The surface is treated with the resulting composition.

After the walls are completely dry, you can shoot an old coating without applying for this particular effort.

Procedure for performing work

When removing the old coating, it is necessary to take into account that, together with pieces of wallpapers, dust and putty will fly away. Before proceeding with work, you should take care of protection against dust and dirt. Eliminate various surfaces and furniture from pollution with polyethylene. Do not forget about individual means of protection: bandage on the head, gloves, building glasses.

Electricity in the apartment for the time of work should be disabled.

Further order of work depends on the method that you have chosen to remove the old wallpaper layer.

The following general stages of the removal process of the old coating can be distinguished:

  • The old layer of wallpaper must be properly prepared. In the case of two-layer wallpaper, it is pre-trimming the top layer. Then the coating is wetted with water, special composition, ferry is processed - you need to choose something one. It is not necessary to immediately swallow the entire surface. It is enough to start with a small segment of the wall.
  • After processing with special means or water, you need to wait some time so that the moisture is better absorbed into the coating. When the wallpaper will scatter, you can begin to skip them from the wall.
  • With the help of a metal spatula or knife, it is necessary to pose the edge of the wallpaper lagging behind the wall and pull it out. Do it better from below, ranging from the floor.
  • With good pretreatment of the surface, the wallpaper should be removed by solid canvases, however, small fragments of the wallpaper remain on the wall. They can be repeatedly moistened or read by sandpaper.

Features of the basics of the canvas

In the modern market for finishing materials, there is a wide range of wallpapers. Wallpapers are made from a variety of materials. From the specific type of wallpaper coverage will depend on the subtleties of the process of removal of beverages from walls and ceilings.


Flizelin wallpaper is made of cellulose fibers and special additives. Fliseline has a solid structure similar to the fabric. Such material is resistant to moisture and ruptures. The top layer of the coating is removed easily. It is enough to take on the edge of the wallpaper, and then tear the cloth from the bottom layer. For the remaining foundation you can glue new wallpapers.

Split waterproof phlizelin wallpaper is completely quite difficult.First, the top layer is removed, after which it is necessary to remove the base. The easiest method is to twist the surface with a warm soap solution, then remove the bottom layer using a spatula. Washing models on a fliesline basis can be removed using a steam generator. The high temperature pairs softens the glue, after which it is possible to easily remove the coating from the wall with whole canvas.


Old paper wallpapers remove from the wall is not so easy. Such material is very easy to break, so it will not be possible to remove wallpaper with solid canvases. On paper coverage you can pre-make cuts. Surface must be mixed with water. It is also possible to prepare a special solution. For the preparation of a disconnecting solution is enough in warm water to make a vinegar or gel for washing dishes. Within twenty minutes, wallpapers must start to swell. After that, you can proceed to remove paper pieces from the wall.

In case the wallpaper canvases were glued with a mixture of PVA, we will have to resort to a more radical method of stripping the surface. The coating must be removed with a drill with a nozzle as a metal brush. The most effective means for removing paper wallpaper are specialized mixtures, a ferry processing method can also be used. Painted paper wallpaper can be descended using a steam generator. Previously, you must try at least partially remove the top layer of paint.

To make the coating of moisture-proof properties, paper wallpapers are often covered with varnish. If lacquer was used, the wall cleaning procedure requires more strength and time. To remove such wallpapers, you must first clean the top layer of sandpaper. After removal of the lacquer coating, you can swallow the surface in the usual way, then remove the wallpaper with a spatula.


Vinyl wallpapers are a two-layer material. The bottom layer is made of paper or phlizelin. The upper vinyl layer is made from PVC. It has a high level of moisture resistance. To remove such a coating using the standard method of discharging the surface, you need to make a lot of effort. To facilitate moisture access to the bottom layer of wallpaper, it is necessary to disrupt the integrity of the vinyl coating with the help of a woeful "tiger". Then you need to moisten the wallpaper with warm water, remove the coating with a metal spatula.

Wallpapers from PVC are well removed after surface treatment with steam. For such a method, a steam generator or iron will be required. The adhesive layer softened under the influence of steam, which will allow without much effort to remove wallpaper from the wall. In more complex cases, when the vinyl coating is poorly removed, it is worth using special stores to remove wallpaper. Such a means must be mixed with adhesive composition for wallpaper, apply for walls, withstand for three hours. Wallpaper will easily be with solid canvases.


Liquid wallpaper is quite simple to remove from the surface. It is necessary to consider the coating gradually by breaking the entire surface into small sections. The plot of a small area is well wetted with water or special means. The liquid must absorb the structure of liquid wallpaper. To do this, it is enough to wait about ten minutes.

After the layer of liquid wallpapers, it can be easily designed with a spatula of metal, a painting scraper. To remove this type of coating, you can also use a construction hairdryer.

With the help of this tool, it is necessary to warm the bulk coating well, after which the wallpaper layer can easily be written with a spatula.


Self-adhesive wallpapers are PVC film with a coated dry glue layer on the opposite direction. Most species of self-adhesive coatings are easily removed from the surface without the use of any special methods and means. If the film does not turn out to be simply kept off the surface, then the coating of hot water can be coated. The glue composition under the wallpaper should be softered after a few minutes, after which the film can be considered using a spatula. The most effective tool for removing self-adhesive wallpaper is a construction hairdryer. Under the influence of hot air, the coating soften will begin to lag behind the wall.

Dismantling with plasterboard

The difficulty of removing the old layer of wallpaper with drywall is that such a material absorbs moisture well. This leads to deformation of the surface. The outer layer of drywall is glued to each other papers of paper. This layer must be left in safety while removing wallpaper. A simple way to discharge wallpaper with soap solution in this case will not fit. It is necessary to take advantage of special means that affect the wallpaper glue.

Clear wallpaper with a plasterboard surface can be used with an iron with an excipation function. This procedure takes a lot of time, but it allows you to consider the old coating without damaging the plasterboard. If you are faced with the task of removing the fliesline wallpaper with drywall, then this procedure will not be much difficult. The upper phlizelin layer can easily be kept off the wall.