How to put an exhaust umbrella. Exhaust umbrella for ventilation

The root of the building trouble is hiding in the trifles. Neglecting small details, the owner of private housing is ineffectively inflates the family budget for repair by repair. But if the owner belongs to the house as a whole organism, in which everything is interconnected, its money is not pulled out into the pipe, and costs are limited to planned maintenance. Incorrect installation of protective devices on chimney provokes losses - both financial and human.

Installing the umbrella to chimney contributes to maintaining the operation of the heating system in optimal mode, preventing premature aging of the chimney, improving air circulation in the house.

The caps and headings on the pipes are designed for the following purposes:

  • close the ventilation channel, protecting it from rain, snow and dirt. The absence of protection can lead to the accumulation of a large amount of water in the chimney, which helps to reduce the thrust and, accordingly, the fall of the efficiency of the heating system;
  • protect the material of the pipe from damage, removing the accumulated condensate due to the presence of special grooves;
  • do not allow insects and birds to fall into the pipe, serve as an obstacle to the fall of leaves and branches from the trees;
  • perform a decorative function. Feed the roof completed appearance, especially if there are elements of artistic forging in the design.

Note! With the help of an umbrella, you can solve one of the problems of formation of dampness in the house or bath. If the pipe is open to all winds and rains, which fell into her moisture penetrates the room. As a result, the walls and floors are amazed by fungus, an unpleasant smell appears in the air.

Some types of caps have a design that creates a sparse medium at the top of the pipe. Due to this, an improvement in thrust in the chimney is achieved, excessive moisture, spent air and burning products are reached faster.

In the premises where many steam, fat and side products are thrown into the air mass (and this is most often the kitchen), it is necessary to clean the air in a timely manner. To completely absorb the harmful evaporations that contaminate the air mass, exhaust umbrellas are installed above the sources of unpleasant emissions.
These devices perform the function of timely purification of air in catering establishments, in kitchens, canteens, restaurants and supermarkets, in the premises of chemical plants

Internal organization

The exhaust kitchen umbrella is a box of metal in the form of a hood, which is connected through the air duct to the ventilation system. But its functionality increases significantly if the composition of its design is a grease filter, which cleans the air mass from oily pollution and fat impurities. Most often selling an exhaust umbrella without a fan. Positive responses have models with a sparkling grid, intended for installation over the open flame.

The exhaust umbrella eliminates the exhaust air and contamination from the room, but does not provide a sufficient amount of fresh air mass. Therefore, the design is recommended to be installed only where the inflow of fresh air comes independently of the device. It is correct to correctly calculate that the volumes of the drawn and supplied air were the same, only then there will be comfortable conditions in the room.

There is also a supply-exhaust umbrellas that are not only removing the exhaust air, but also pump new. Hot air has a low density and rises to the top, and a cold air mass comes to replace.

The material from which these devices are made are stainless food steel, so when hot air is masshed, the inner walls of the housing does not occur. Benefits of stainless steel:

  1. resistance to corrosion processes;
  2. durability;
  3. fire resistance;
  4. ease of care;
  5. resistance to moisture and steam.

Case seams are treated with argon welding, so they differ in high strength. The main element of the metal structure is the greasel.

Exhaust umbrella on the air duct consists of two parts:

The principle of operation is simple. Airy mass with particles of fat, soot and soot falls into the filtering device. Here the air with force is hit on the inner jumpers of filters and cleaned (with blows of side products of combustion and the air mass itself breaks apart).

After cleaning the air, the fat compounds in the liquid form are slowly settled and moved through the drain channel into the receiving tank, which is located at the bottom of the device. This container after completion of the work is empty and carefully wash with the anti-rig. In order for the next time the glass was fastened faster, 4-5 drops of detergent are poured into it in advance. For ease of use, filters and plugs are removable, they can be easily removed, cleaned and set back.

Classification of exhaust umbrellas

Depending on the scope of use, exhaust umbrellas are divided into two types:

  • household.

These are two separate concepts, but the difference between their internal device is small. Industrial exhaust umbrellas in comparison with household appliances have such features:

  • large dimensions;
  • high fan performance;
  • use of other types of grease filters.

In household models, the sizes are fitted under the dimensions of gas and electric stoves used in homes and apartments. True, the difference between the exhaust device, working in the kitchen of a huge country house, and the industrial model is practically no.

Depending on the location, exhaust umbrellas are:

  1. Western - simple devices that are attached directly to the bearing wall over thermal devices. Filters inside such models are located in one line.
  2. Island - these designs are attached directly to the ceiling on the heels or chains above the equipment in the middle of the room. Such models have two rows of filtering devices.

There are street models for barbecue and mangalls, which are empty inside the dome without additional elements

They caught smoke, heated air and fat impurities. The principle of their work is different from the apparatuses, they function due to the transition umbrellas that have a cone form. Conduct preliminary calculations for their competent installation is more difficult, but they can be used without concern over the open flame. But the devices used in the room are more often equipped with a fan, and cleaners and grille. There are also complex structures called an exhaust umbrella, but they are not used in everyday life, as they are intended for chemical laboratories.

Characteristics of exhaust umbrellas

Exhaust kitchen umbrellas are used everywhere, as these devices are easy to maintain and operate. The main thing is not to forget to clean the accumulative capacity from oily contaminations in a timely manner. Compliance with the rules of use and security measures when working with such equipment will not be difficult.

Stainless steel exhaust umbrellas are manufactured in strict accordance with current standards and norms for the production of food industry. The manufacture of exhaust umbrellas from high-quality materials is the key to their successful and safe work in the future. Therefore, the use of this ventilation equipment is safe for both people indoors and the atmosphere. During operation, no harmful substances are allocated.

The choice of exhaust equipment is wide. There are exhaust umbrellas to the kitchen of any color, configuration and sizes.

The device is selected in accordance with the interior style.

If the presented models do not comply with the requests of the client, the manufacture of umbrellas of ventilation and to order. Many companies offer the opportunity to issue individual production of the ventilation design to order on the developed drawings.

It is important to correctly select the device with the desired performance. If the device is bad to cope with its functions, then it makes no sense to install it at all. If the device will work at the maximum, then it will faster failure, and electricity costs will be significant. Power is the most important characteristic of the device. For high-quality air purification in the usual kitchen, there is enough devices with a capacity of 500-650 m3 / h. Industrial devices with power up to 1800-1900m3 / h are suitable for public catering.

Since in many enterprises there is a problem of the settlement of oily impurities on the surfaces of the appliances, the exhaust umbrellas with grease filters are well-deserved. The exhaust umbrella with the grease trap works for this principle: the contaminated air mass falls inside by self-propelled or with a fan, where fat is settling and flows from the tank, and in the meantime, the air duct enters the air duct. The grease filters are different:

  • cassette

  • from paper.

The control system may be different: push-button, electronic, sensory. Button control is clear for people of all ages, but delivers a lot of inconvenience during harvesting (dust, dirt and fat, which is difficult to wash) are harvested near the buttons. Touch panels are more practical, but are not as available to understand the older people. It is easy to care for an electronic panel: it is enough to regularly wipe its surface with a soft sponge.

Installation of exhaust umbrellas

There are traditional ways to install ventilation umbrellas:

  1. With the help of anchors. This method is considered the easiest. But the main condition - the wall should be carrier, smooth and durable (stone or brickwork). Stripping from the length of the device calculate the number of holes (2 or 3). Gently and symmetrically set the tags for drilling on the rear vertical wall of the umbrella. Drill holes through which the umbrella is attracted to the wall with anchors. If the departure has a length of more than 100 cm, the device is additionally attached to the ceiling.
  2. With spills. In four edges, the device top drills 4 holes (welded ears for studs). Studs are pre-fixed on the ceiling. It's simple, but one condition must be observed - the height of the room should not exceed 4.3 meters.
  3. On cables and chains. This method can be fixed with an exhaust umbrella at any height. In the upper plane of the device weld 4 bracket. Cables or chains are fixed on the ceiling and secure through the carbine on the machine. The only minus of such a design is sharpness, it creates additional inconvenience when strapping by air ducts.
  4. Special support ram. Depending on the size of the umbrella, the reference frame from a stainless steel profile with four legs, which are securely attached to the floor through the plates. The device is installed on it. The design is rectangular or square, the height is installed individually. Looks such constructions presentable and carefully. Therefore, in rooms with high ceilings and with the equipment located in the middle, this option is the most optimal.

Exhaust umbrellas are fixed not only over plates and cooking surfaces, but also over other fuel assemblies (grill, heat closet or fryer)

When choosing exhaust umbrellas, the sizes of the plate or the cooking surface are taken over which the device will be mounted.

The device (umbrella exhaust over the stove) must be at least 10-15 cm wide wired plates. The fastening height over the equipment is from 0.7 to 1.1 m.

The location of the exhaust umbrella into the kitchen is determined by the location of the slab. If the equipment is located near the wall, then the exhaust device is advisable to install on the same surface.

Establish an exhaust umbrella with your own hands to a person who is at least a bit disassembled in construction, repair and tools, easy. When installing, you need to follow such instructions:

  • Determine the place of placement of the exhaust umbrella on the wall, considering all sizes: 10 cm wider plates and above 70-75 cm.
  • Cover the kitchen with a film or paper to facilitate cleaning after completing the work.
  • Take a plug-in saw and cut into the ceiling the opening of the desired size for the air duct.
  • Long drill in the center of the received opening drill a hole (1 cm) - it will be the center of the air duct.
  • Draw the circle outside on the roof of the roof, pushing out from the drilled hole.
  • Gently cutting the roofing coating and lower trim.
  • Put the fan for the exhaust umbrella into the hole in the roof.
  • Fix the nozzle and flange, fill with sealant formed emptiness at the junction.
  • Below to fix the nozzle with the ventilation channel.
  • Connect the fan engine to the outlet and output the cable inside into the kitchen through the ceiling.
  • Take a flexible channel and connect it with a nozzle. Check all connections for strength, wrap them with foil for tightness.
  • Brackets fix on the wall screws and hang an umbrella on them.
  • Connect the fan cable to the outlet.

Install a household exhaust umbrella for drawing easily, and the installation of overall models is better to entrust the employees of a reliable company. It is easy to assemble an exhaust umbrella for a kitchen without a fan. The main thing is to adjust the umbrella closer to the chimney tube go duct, then the polluted air will easily be outlooked.

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In the kitchen, both home and restaurant, air is regularly saturated with flavors of being prepared food. But it is not always pleasant to inhale these smells while in the room or other rooms. Especially if they are preparing not for you. And, for example, for visitors of the restaurant on the first floor of your home.

The reason for the appearance of odors is the propagation of particles falling when cooking in the air above the stove. The higher the temperature in the kitchen, the higher the scattering rate of evaporation in all available destinations.

Distribute the spread of the smell, if:

  • immediately direct hot air towards the ventilation shaft;
  • reduce the temperature in the kitchen room and reduce the speed of movement of food particles.

For the cleaning of air from the kitchen smells, simply by design and the principle of the device is used - exhaust umbrellas. They sue the hot stream from the cooking zone and through the ventilation system will lead it to the street.

The ventilation or exhaust umbrella is a galvanized or stainless steel cap connected to the duct tube.

And the cold air is heavier hot. It goes down and pushes hot air upstairs to the ceiling, where the exhaust umbrella is placed.

Ventilation umbrellas made of stainless steel AISI 430 stainless steel (corrosion-resistant heat-resistant) and AISI 304 (universal heat-resistant, acid-resistant) according to the requirements of hygienic standards GN ("2.3.3. Power hygiene. Tara, dishes, packaging, equipment and other types of products in contact with food products ").

To work in hot cafes and restaurants, the design of the cap is complemented by air and sparkling filters, fat trap and pallet for its collection.

Exhaust umbrellas are often equipped with lamps for lighting the working surface, fans for better air circulation. Make them also cranes to drain fat.

Air ducts connected to kitchen caps are distinguished by a greater thick wall of the walls and require impeccable tightness of the welds so that polluted air can pass by the filters.

Why do not do without an exhaust umbrella?

On the home kitchen the owners of the liberty to solve, clean the air or not. Those who do not take care of the removal of odors, besides irritation of the neighbors, they also will also be scored with fat with dust air ducts. Clean such pipes will be extremely difficult.

In everyday life to prevent ventilation pollution use coal, synthetic and acrylic filters. With small amounts of contaminants, this is quite enough.

The owners of cafes and restaurants have no choice. Clean necessarily. If the removal air is not cleared, the aromas are spread far around.

Residents at home may complain on the smell of a restaurant kitchen in SES. With a high probability, this will lead the hosts of the institution for trouble with the regulatory authorities. When repetition such incidents, it may be even before closing.

When designing kitchen ventilation of restaurants and cafes, MHNSH 4.14-98 are guided (Moscow city building standards for public catering institutions), SNiP 31-05-2003 (public buildings and structures) and Sanpin (sanitary rules for catering enterprises, Including confectionery shops and enterprises that produce soft ice cream).

According to sanitary requirements:

  • for the kitchen of the catering establishment, an independent ventilation scheme is organized;
  • the contaminated exhaust air is thrown above the end of the roof of the building (the "duct-candle" is mounted);
  • the temperature in the hot workshop room should not exceed 27 ° C;
  • it is not allowed to spread odors related to cooking, outside the kitchen of the institution.

Using modern methods of 100% air purification from smell, you can do without removing pipes on the roof of buildings.

The use of exhaust umbrellas from stainless steel is necessary for another reason:

Oils and fats that suspended particles are always in the air above the stove belong to self-turning substances. They are able to flare up, warming up to a certain temperature.

Therefore, to avoid their getting into the ventilation system becomes vital.

How air is cleared

To exemplate the flow raising from the plane from impurities, an exhaust umbrella is equipped with air filters and greasers. Pollution settle on them and do not fall into ventilation pipes.


They can be mesh and labyrinth. They are made, like exhaust umbrellas for the kitchen, stainless steel, as well as from aluminum.

  • Mesh filters have a relatively low cost, but their effectiveness is lower than the labyrinth.
  • The labyrinth filter is a set of alternating steel edges adjacent to each other.

The purification base is a multiple change in the direction of the moving air flow. The impurities are usually heavier than air and the speed of their movement less.

The effectiveness of labyrinth filters is at least 90%.

Heated fat, falling on the steel plate of a smaller temperature, condensed on it. The grease trap is fixed in the umbrellas under the tilt at 45-60 °, so condensate does not eat back on the stove, and flows through the grooves in the drain canal and then in the capacity of the fatrimist.

If the intensity of the climb of polluted air is large, set not one, and 2 grease trap. They are connected at the bottom V-shaped. With two filters, fat condensate flows into one common receiving capacity.

Preferred at the cost of removable greases, but there are and constantly fixed.
In this case, a system of automatic cleaning is included.

Varieties of exhaust umbrellas

The construction and dimensions of the umbrella depend on:

  • intensity of ascending air flow;
  • degree of its pollution;
  • places occupied by the kitchen stove indoors - at the wall or in the middle.

Place airpoints directly above the heat treatment site at a height of 1.5 m to 1.90 m from the floor. In the case of an electrical slab level below, in the case of gas-higher.


It is screwed one of the sides to the wall above the stove and, if required by weight and sizes (more than 1 m²), is additionally attached on the chains to the ceiling.

Such a design is suitable at a low concentration of removal dirt, as the wall prevents the high speed of flooding. Suitable for small rooms, hanging low above the stove.


When the stove is located on the removal from the walls, one or two connected umbrellas is fixed above it.

In this case, the cold air approaches from all 4 sides and the speed of the title to the top of hot evaporation increases.

Such caps are hanging at a distance of 1-1.2 m above the stove.

Mandatory requirement - the umbrella must at least 15 cm go beyond the plates for better capture of evaporation.

At the form of umbrellas are divided into:

  • rectangular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • triangular.

According to the principle of action

Exhaust umbrellas catch the heated air, striving up, and direct it into the air duct and then through the ventilation system to the street.

Supply-exhaust umbrellas are not only sucking preheated air, but also served with a blank cold plate.

Such devices are needed in rooms with insufficient natural ventilation or with constant exceeding the temperature indicators permissible for workplaces.

In this case, the extract must exceed the influx by a third. For example, if 1000 m³ of cold air is blowing out, then at least 1500 m³ of hot is pulled out.


Model Sizes, mm height x departure x width Air Conduct Square in m² Price, rub
Wailed exhaust triangular, 1 removable labyrinth filter, model PR0910, MDS LLC 450x900x1000 3,5 14100
Wailed exhaust triangular, 1 removable labyrinth filter, EuroVentGruit LLC 450 × 900 × 1000 3,5 14600
Island exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V- location), OOO "EvroventGrup" 450x1800x1000 6,01 25100
Island exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V- location), model OST1810, MDS LLC 450x1800x1000 6,01 23600
Wailed forces-exhaust rectangular, 1 removable labyrinth filter, EuroVentGruit LLC 450x900x1000 4,68 20800
Island Supply-exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-location), OOO "EvroventGruit" 450x1800x1000 6,95 29700
Island Supply-exhaust trapezoidal, 2 removable labyrinth filters (V-location), model PVOST1810, MDS LLC 450x1800x1000 6,95 27300

The desired element of any serious kitchen is an exhaust umbrella. Such a device is mandatory installed at industrial enterprises, but also in household kitchen rooms they are quite a worthy place.

This embodiment is extremely effectively removed from air pollution related to cooking. Let's deal with together in the features of this exhaust equipment and the moments for which you need to pay attention to choosing a hood into the kitchen.

The device of this type is a powerful hood designed for efficient air ventilation in the kitchen room. They are most often installed directly above the cooking surfaces in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering facilities.

Such a device can be installed not only over conventional kitchen stoves, but also over other similar equipment: grill, roasting cabinet, etc.

The quality of the dishes from the presence of good drawing will only win. Umbrellas capture water pairs, oil particles and fat, remove odors emanating from the dishes prepared. All these contaminants rise up under the influence of hot air and fall into the working cavity of the ventilation umbrella. Here, polluted air passes through the filtration system where the process of cleaning it occurs.

Exhaust umbrella - stylish and modern device that will ensure efficient air purification in domestic or industrial kitchen facilities

Then the air masses released from unnecessary inclusions are returned to the kitchen room or removed through the ventilation channel, depending on the type of device.

Fat pollution moves across a separate channel and are collected from cumulative glasses, of which they are periodically removed.

Zhirovators are special aluminum elements that are installed inside exhaust umbrellas. They catch particles of fat and others relative to major pollution

To facilitate the process of cleaning the drives from fat deposits, it is recommended to pre-pour a special detergent to the glasses capable of dissolving fat.

The advantages of the exhaust structures of the "umbrella" type include the following points:

  • the ability to use remote control;
  • high degree of automation;
  • the ability to install a suitable model almost on any segment of the kitchen;
  • a wide selection of various models made of various materials with an attractive design;
  • high performance.

Among the shortcomings of such equipment, there are primarily an increased noise formation caused by the work of a powerful fan. To work properly, the unit should be regularly carried out, i.e. Purchase and promptly replace coal filters.

These elements are not subject to cleaning and recovery, so the cost of the operation of the device may be higher than expected. In addition, good equipment of this type and in itself is quite expensive.

The island umbrella can be installed right in the middle of the kitchen if the size of the room allows. In a small room, such a device can be placed above the stove installed by the window.

Exhaust technique in the kitchen is always necessary. Fat particles, hot couples, soot, drops and other contaminants can be invisible at first glance, but over time they form a layer of dirt on different surfaces, which is not easy to remove.

In addition, it is not useful for the health of the surrounding and residues of gas that can fall into the kitchen air, and the smell of accidentally burnt food.

On the device, the ventilation umbrella is a steel domed case, inside of which a fan is located and a set of filtration elements. To collect relatively large particles, a special aluminum grille is intended, which protects the ventilation turbine.

In public catering enterprises, powerful exhaust umbrellas are required for use over cooking surfaces. Such devices are used to disrupt harmful evaporations and on other industrial production

An acrylic filter is usually used to remove a significant part of body pollution. In installations with recycling, a coal filter is used, which carries out thin air purification. The sparkling grid protects the elements from overheating and possible ignition.

It is especially necessary if the umbrella is installed above the instrument with an open flame. All filter elements must be periodically cleaned or replaced. Coal filters are replaced as soon as they are contaminated, these elements are not subject to restoration.

Some types of acrylic filters can be erased and installed again, but from such a treatment they quickly lose the form, therefore the number of cleaning cycles and secondary use is limited.

Exhaust umbrella should be large enough to overlap the parameters of the processed cooking surface at least than 100 mm

The fan or ventilation turbine embedded in the umbrella provides air circulation in the right direction with the necessary intensity. The performance of this element provides the overall power of the exhaust to be correlated with the total room in which it will be installed.

Very part of the hood umbrella are supplied with backlight, which is very convenient. Such lamps can be used as an additional lighting of the kitchen. Along with conventional incandescent lamps, halogen or diode lighting devices are embedded.

The latter provide a sufficient level of illumination with minimal electrical energy consumption and an increased service life.

At industrial public catering enterprises, exhaust umbrellas are installed above the devices of different types: plates, grills, roast cabinets, etc.

If the umbrella is attached to the ventilation channel of the house, it should be equipped with special valves that prevent the return of the air masses enabled to the kitchen.

Types of designs and the problem of choice

The design of the design distinguishes visible and island exhaust umbrellas. The design can be exhaust or subtle-exhaust. In the first case, the device only removes the spent air out of the room, in the second - provides an additional influx of fresh air masses.

When choosing a suitable umbrella, consider the necessary level of air exchange, the size of equipment for cooking, as well as an estimated place for its placement. For industrial cuisine, it is recommended to install a model whose dimensions are 100 mm higher than the size of the hob.

For the manufacture of such devices, stainless steel grades are used. The device is usually equipped not only by a grease trap, but also a coal filter. Useful option may be illumination. Supply exhaust devices, as it is clear from the name, provide not only the lead and purification of contaminated kitchen air, but also the influx of fresh air masses from the street.

Such umbrellas in domestic conditions are extremely rare, it is an appliance technique. Some operations require constant flow of fresh air. The umbrellas of this type allow you to create an exceptionally favorable microclimate in the working room, adjust the humidity and temperature of the air to an acceptable level.

The power of the exhaust element usually exceeds the supply performance in models of this type about one third.

The advantage of using an exhaust umbrella is that it can be installed in almost any suitable place, you only need to choose the right model.

Wounded umbrellas are fixed not on the ceiling, but on the wall. Usually such models are used to connect to the exhaust channel. To facilitate assembly work, the cooking surface is installed as close as possible to the ventilation channel.

In this case, it will be not too long, which contributes to the effective movement of the exhaust air into the ventilation channel.

Wailed exhaust umbrellas can be mounted on the wall. It is more convenient to connect them to the ventilation channel of the building than island models

A short design usually does not need to create a large number of turns when using rigid plastic ducts. Such knees should be no more than three for a single ventilation umbrella. The bevetled type of an island umbrella is highly popular, which allows you to bring the exhaust to the maximum allowable distance to the cooking surface.

Island umbrella, which is attached to the ceiling, is considered universal. As it is clear from the name, it is used for mounting over the kitchen island, specifically - over the stove built into it. The design feature is that when it is installed, it is not necessary to use the wall, the design is attached to the ceiling.

Such devices are usually used in large kitchens, both industrial and homely. On small areas, the use of a kitchen umbrella above the island is usually not applied due to a lack of free space. But this design may be appropriate even in a small kitchen if the cooktop is set near the window.

The presence of two filters allows air purification at a sufficiently high level so that it can be returned to the kitchen room. Of course, you should use the necessary tools to ensure sufficient air exchange, but recycling allows you to maintain part of the thermal energy in the room, which was spent on cooking.

To remove the contaminated air with the exhaust umbrella, it must be connected to the ventilation channel. If it is impossible, models with circulation and coal filter

Recycling is used in island hoods, since establishing such an unit next to the ventilation hatch is usually quite difficult. And about how to work with recycling read in. Some models of island umbrellas can be adjusted in height, which allows you to change the intensity of absorption of contaminated vapors depending on the situation.

If the place to install the drawing is chosen in such a way that the filtered air cannot be displayed into the ventilation channel, it will definitely have to prefer the device with recycling.

When choosing an exhaust umbrella for a kitchen, you should choose correctly. The most powerful option is suitable for the kitchen of up to 25 square meters. m.

However, you should not choose a model with too large power reserves, because, the higher the performance, the more noise makes the extract during operation. For a small room, this can be a real catastrophe.

Distinguish exhaust and supply and exhaust umbrellas. The latter not only ensure the diversion of polluted air, but also make it possible to inflow masses from the street to improve the atmosphere indoors

Acceptable is the level of noise of the device in the area of \u200b\u200b40 dB. It can be a little higher (up to 70 dB), but do not choose an overly noisy model, since the sound of its work can cause irritation. By choosing the type of management, you should consider the height of the installation of the device. If the extractor is installed quite high, the remote option may be very by the way.

This technique is characterized by a high price, so choosing a brand, you should pay attention not only to the well-known name, but also for the warranty period, as well as the availability of service centers and warranty service conditions. Of course, the design of the device plays an important role. Fortunately, the models of exhaust umbrellas are very diverse, you can always find the appropriate option.


Set the exhaust technique of this type relatively simple, but inexperienced masters are still better entrusted to perform these operations to professionals. If it is decided to install on my own, then you should begin with a detailed study of the manufacturer's instructions.

Exhaust umbrellas are usually made of durable aluminum food stamps. For industrial enterprises, such structures are often created by individual order.

After that, you need to explore the installation site, carry out the necessary measurements, prepare tools, fasteners, materials, etc. An important point is the right distance from the cooking surface. It must be at least 60 cm for electric stove and 70 cm - for gas devices, but not more than 85 cm.

If the umbrella needs to be hung above, then you should select a more productive device to compensate the difference in height. To mount the umbrella of ventilation exhaust, you will need tools that usually have in the arsenal of any experienced master: the roulette and the construction level to perform the markup screwdriver, drill, hammer, etc.

Depending on the type of device, you will need to either simply hang it above the stove, or connect the air duct with the ventilation channel. As an air duct uses either a metal corrugated sleeve, or rigid plastic structures.

The corrugation can be bend suitable, and for the execution of the knee of plastic, special adapters should be used, providing a hermetic connection of individual sections of the air duct.

If the power cord is not long enough, you need to install an additional outlet near the device. You need to make sure that the electrical appliance has the necessary grounding.

The correct installation of the ventilation umbrella is only half of the case. To work efficiently, it is necessary to organize its work. Detailed information on such issues are contained in the instruction manual, which is equipped with each device.

Regular cleaning is of great importance. For example, aluminum lattices should be washed with special detergents. A good result also gives the use of funds that will be found in any kitchen: acetic acid, by a third of the diluted with water, a saturated solution of ordinary economic soap or a pasty mixture of water with food soda.

Aluminum lattice grease traps of exhaust umbrellas should be regularly cleaned by contaminants accumulated on them so that the device worked correctly and efficiently

These recipes will be useful to those who suffer from the intolerance to chemicals. Lattices should be reproached from fat and dirt accumulations at least once every three months.

Replacing coal filters is usually performed in the following order:

  • shutdown the device from power supply;
  • dismantling aluminum lattices;
  • removing the filter used;
  • installing a new filter element;
  • installing aluminum lattices;
  • connection and verification of the device.

At the time of installing the new filter, a characteristic click should be sounded. If, after replacing the filter, unusual sounds appeared in the work of the exhaust umbrella or it began to work more noisily, perhaps the filter is not installed correctly, the work should be removed.

If the cleaning and replacement of the filters of the ventilation umbrella is not carried out in a timely manner, the quality of the instrument may deteriorate significantly.

Coal filters are needed in exhaust umbrellas with circulation, they carry out thin air purification and need regular replacement

Removable filters and glasses for grease collection in umbrella models, which are used in catering establishments, in accordance with the instructions should be cleaned daily. It is also necessary to constantly clean the outer surface of the housing of the exhaust device. Some elements are recommended to take off and soak in special cleansing solutions.

At the end of cleaning, they are thoroughly rinsed. Another element in need of periodic cleaning is an air duct. It is necessary to remove the connecting elements and remove deposits from the inner surface of the structure.

Corrugated elements often need such cleaning than smooth plastic channels. Some industrial models of kitchen umbrellas are equipped with a built-in cleaning system, but in everyday life such expensive units are usually not used.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This roller shows the principle of operation of such structures:

The exhaust umbrella can provide the right air exchange, both on the usual and industrial kitchen. Correct installation and regular care will provide long-term and uninterrupted operation of such a device.

The Bastion Ventilation Plant offers its customers quality products manufactured precisely on time. The company is one of the market leaders not only in St. Petersburg, but also throughout Russia.

In this article we will tell about the use of exhaust umbrellas in various conditions.

Principle of operation and varieties

In the kitchen of a modern housewife and in the catering enterprises an exhaust ventilation umbrella or dome is installed. The main task of cleaning the air of the room from high humidity, odors, various impurities, the occurrence of which associated with the cooking process.

The exhaust umbrella is an integral part of the high-quality ventilation system in the premises. The installation takes place above the sources of high temperature, in particular, above the plates, hob open fire. With the help of the dome, wet hot air is removed, unpleasant odors, as well as soot, fat, soot, dust, chemicals.

The purification of air from harmful impurities is also necessary in laboratories, in chemical and industrial production, etc., where the production process occurs with the release of harmful substances into the space, which can harm the working and environment as a whole.

The umbrella is a dome-shaped design, hence the second name - dome. Associated with the system ventilation air duct. There are central (island) and victims, depending on the installation site.

Installation of adventous units is made directly on the wall. With a large weight, additional brackets are used for fixing. The central devices are installed directly above the working surface, without contact with the walls. Island umbrellas have a greater bandwidth.

Modern dome is not only a complex device, but also the decor element. Factory powers allow to produce umbrellas in accordance with the common interior of the room.

There is no fundamental difference in the structure between household ventilation domes used in the structure, and the industrial has a fundamental difference in structure, they are distinguished by only the size and power characteristics. Umbrellas used indoors have a common device:

  • Grease filter. It happens mesh (made of mesh with small cells) and a labyrinth (plate with gutters, along which condensed fat enters a special compartment). The first type of filter is beneficial for the price, it is installed only in a horizontal position, it can be additionally equipped with a sparkling grid, but requires frequent cleaning. The labyrinth grease trap is installed only in the inclined position, does not require frequent washing.
  • Sparkling grid. Mandatory element when installing ventilation domes over open fire sources, such as mangals, grills.
  • Suspension. Some of the fastening system, allowing the umbrella on the wall or ceiling, correctly distributing the weight.
  • Turbines. The equipment is intended for the motion of the air masses from the room. When installing, it is necessary to correctly define the center of the working surface and the dome to achieve maximum efficiency. The cross-section of the exhaust umbrella must exceed the size of the plate or other equipment on which it is suspended. The height of the suspension varies from 0.7 to 1.1 meters.

When choosing a manufacturer of the exhaust dome, give preference to domestic plants, so it will be possible to save the budget, and the quality of modern products of a reliable seller is confirmed by certificates and quality control.