How to put infrared warm floor under laminate. We put a warm floor

Laminate is a very popular type of floor covering due to its characteristics, such as durability, aesthetics, convenience, as well as low cost. However, such a coating does not have the proper level of heat insulation, that is, when laying on a cold concrete without a layer of insulation, the laminated floor will acquire the same low temperature.

To make a coating warm to the touch, you can lay an IR Paul under laminate. What is it, and what is the method of its installation, we will tell further in the material.

First of all, we note that the installation of a warm floor under the laminate is quite forces by an ordinary man, although it is necessary to take into account some nuances and recommendations.

What are the advantages of infrared floors

Laminated panels with their thermal conductivity are simply created to lay an additional heating system. The optimal solution in this case will be a warm floor - a film under laminate. No other type of heating - water pipes, electric heating mats or cables will not be so good option.

Infrared film under laminate has the following differences from other types of heating:

  1. The possibility of smooth adjustment of the temperature regime. The laminate is very sensitive to strong temperature fluctuations, so over time it can deform, start creaking, the slots will arise between the slats. In the case of water heating, its heating can be monitored only if it is autonomous and equipped with a thermostat. However, such a system also requires filling an additional screed, raising the floor level, which is not always appropriate and at the premises.
  2. No need for additional screed. IR Warm floor under laminate does not need an additional screed. But the other heated floors of electric type, like heating mats or heating cables, are based on the principles of resistance, so need to fill the screed. In addition, these types of heating warm the surface unevenly.

Warming up the room occurs due to infrared heat waves with a length of 5-20 microns, increasing the temperature of the air and all in the room, items.

Advantages of film warm floor:

  • uniform distribution of heat all over the room;
  • the effectiveness of heating, as well as the energy saving of infrared heating systems, is higher by 30% compared with resistive warmest floors;
  • the heating temperature of the film does not exceed 30-40 o C, which does not harm the laminated panels;
  • the density of the location of elements emitting heat waves provides uniform heating of the room;
  • fast start of heating of the room;
  • ease of installation, dismantling and movement, as well as the durability of the heating system - reaches several decades;
  • it does not dry the air indoors, eliminates unpleasant odors, ionizes the air, contributing to the anti-allergic effect.

The only lack of infrared warm floor under the laminate is its high initial value, which, nevertheless, pays off during the pair of years of use.

Principle of operation of the film infrared floor

The work of infrared warm floor is based on film heaters. They are located with minimal ranges of the carboxylic paste, charged between two layers of polyester films. When the voltage is applied to these rods, they begin to radiate IR waves.

Connecting carbon elements to the power supply occurs by copper tires with silver-plated contacts. In this case, all strips and individual segments of the film floor are connected in parallel, which eliminates the failure of the entire system in case of breakdowns of one of the elements.

Infrared film warm floor under laminate is produced in 50 cm wide or 1 m, and the length of rolls will also be varied. The selection of the size of the heating film depends on the parameters of the room. If necessary, the film can be cut along a length of special lines located every 25.7 cm. In any other places it is impossible to cut the film.

Infrared heating film is produced with a specific power of 150, 220 and 440 W / m 2. These indicators take into account when calculating the load on the electrical circuit in the apartment before installing the warm floors. As a rule, under the laminate, a film with a power of 150 W / m 2 is used, which is able to heat up to 40-45 ° C, since greater heating is undesirable for this coating.

The thermal sensor and the temperature control cable, a set of terminals for connecting the film to the network, insulation and commuting wires, are supplied with a warm floor. Separately acquire thermostators that are installed in each room in places where there are convenient access to them. The thermostat is connected to the power grid, and the power cables of the film floor are diverged.

Laying film warm floor under laminate

Before starting the installation of infrared warm floor under the laminate, it is necessary to create a scheme for the location of heating elements and indoor wiring.

Initially, the location of the temperature controller is determined to which all wiring cables will be adjusted. The outer part of the cable, connected directly to the thermostat, can be carried out on the corrugated tube and hide in the stroke into the thickness of the wall, or leave the outside, covering the protective box.

The scheme must be marked with laying film elements, given all precautions and restrictions. It is important to consider that the markup is applied on the surface of the heating film, which can be cutting it.

Do not put the thermal film in places where furniture is located, since the heating elements will overheat, spend excessive energy, and can even fail. Not to mention the furniture itself, which can also suffer.

It is necessary to place the neighboring segments of the film at a distance of 5 cm, not allowing their adhesion or intersection.

As a rule, the optimal is considered to be the laying of infrared warm floor under the laminate on a plot of 40-60% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

In another embodiment, the "zero" and "phase" cables are attached from opposite sides of the film, in order to avoid their intersection. This connection method requires care so as not to provoke a short circuit.

The thermal sensor has approximately the center of the laid film elements in such a way that its cable lengths are enough to connect to the thermostat.

When all the nuances are taken into account in the diagram, you can start directly to laying the floor.

Preliminary preparation of the basis

If the installation of infrared sex under laminate on a concrete basis is expected, it must be appropriately prepared - aligned, strengthened, projected and dusty. Next, go to prepare it under the laying of film elements.

The screed is eliminated from dust, dirt and any microparticles with a vacuum cleaner.

Under heating elements, in order to save electricity, laid a thermally insioning foil substrate. The thickness of this layer is 2-3 mm.

Laying the foil layer is made by the metallized side outward. To the floor, such a substrate is fastened with double-sided scotch, and the seams between the canvases are sampled with adhesive tape.

The substrate thickness allows you to disguise all communication cables, terminals, a thermal sensor so that they do not go for the overall level of the warm floor when laying laminated panels.

Laying the heating film

According to the diagram prepared in advance, we cut down and layout on the air area of \u200b\u200bthe heating film. Running the film and moving on it after laying, you should be neat so as not to damage conductive and emitting segments. If this happened, the defective area should be removed.

From the cut line, all cable contacts should be insulated, which will not be needed to connect the film to the network. For these purposes, a bitumen tape is supplied with the material.

Place the segments of the film follow copper elements down. In this case, fix the position of the heating elements relative to each other and can be on the substrate using a tape.

Clips-terminals are inserted into special gaps in the film, and the protruding parts are combined into the thickness of the substrate. After that, the clips are crimped for the subsequent connection of the heating element to the power cable.

Decuting the cable according to the scheme, the ends are cleaned and switched from the terminals, after which they are applied.

When laying heating elements, it is important not to forget about the thermal sensor. It is located under the thermal film, approximately in the center of the canvas so that its working element comes from the radiating dark strip. Fix the sensor can be a bitumen ribbon supplied with a film floor.

After connecting the wiring to the film floor, all cables with connections nodes are hiding in an insulating substrate by making sloshes in it, after which they are fixed with scotch.

Connecting to the electrical stroke

When all work on installation is completed, you can connect the system to the power grid and test launch, to control its operation.

All power cables of the heating elements of the floor stretch to the thermostator pre-installed in the wall. In cases where separate sections of the warm floor are powered by separate cables, they should be connected using connectors, in particular, the "WAGO" terminals are well suited for these purposes.

In no case cannot be cleaned by the wires of the wires of individual lines, since this will reduce the quality of switching and can lead to overheating and sparking of wiring.

If you do not have sufficient theoretical knowledge to work with electrical worker, it is better to consult with a specialist. It will tell you how the power machine should be installed for a warm floor, and also advises relative to the liner of the power cable to the thermostat. At the same time, connect the infrared warm floor system to the usual outlet is prohibited.

To protect the power grid from overvoltage and ensure user security, the warm floor to the network is connected via the RCD.

After completing all the work on the connection of the warm floor to the power grid, it is repeated a thorough check of its correctness according to the scheme. After that, test starting the heating system. If everything works and has not been identified anywhere, you can go to laying the laminate.

On top of infrared film underfloor, it is mandatory layer of waterproofing layer. It can be either dense polyethylene, or a special substrate for the laminate supplied with it. The film is laid with the allen between the adjacent webs of 15-20 cm, after which the seams seal with scotch. This step will serve as the protection of heating elements in the event of an unexpected water from entering the laminate.

Further laying of the laminate is made according to the manufacturer's instructions, taking into account the nuances characteristic of the installation of this coverage.

When all work is completed, you can set a comfortable temperature for you and it's nice to spend time warm and comfortable.

The floor covering with laminated panels chooses most of the owners of urban apartments and country buildings. This material is very practical. And quite affordable in terms of cost. In addition, the successful imitation of natural wood gives comfort and comfort to any room. Of course, laminate is less warm, if comparing with natural wood. However, this problem is easily solved with the organization of the system of the warm floor of the film type. How to make a warm floor under laminate and how much this installation costs, an article will tell.

Laminated panels consist of 90% of wood. During heating, the humidity of the tree decreases. Therefore, many owners are interested, is it possible to lay a warm floor under the laminate, and if you can, then what exactly. This issue is especially relevant in families with young children. After all, the kids love to run on the floor barefoot. And so I want to protect them from various diseases.

Laminate on the warm floor can be. The main thing is to comply with certain conditions during installation. An important meaning has the choice of the type of heating structure. So you can use infrared and cable warm floor under the laminate, but what is best to deal with. Each of the named types of floors is distinguished by certain features. But there are common benefits for all benefits.

The benefits include:

  • Uniform heated room.
  • Lack of dust circulation.
  • Effective system operation.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Heating elements are hidden under flooring, so they do not spoil the interior of the apartment.

Most of all, the laminate fits the heating design of the film type. The product is a film. It is thin enough. On the film there is a conductive material in the form of strips. Mounted a film on the substrate. A substrate for laminate under either electric floor, in any specialized store. The cost of the product is quite affordable. No screed is required. Film floor is very economical in operation. Warming is carried out quickly.

Film floor features the following advantages:

Today, you can find a laminate with an already built-in system of warm sex infrared type. True, the price of such models is high. In mind, not all can be purchased. But before putting a warm floor under the laminate, you need to know which material to use. After all, not all varieties of laminate are well tolerated with the heating system. Manufacturers took into account this and developed a special technology for the manufacture of laminated coating. Such panels are ideal for any type of warm floors. To find out which laminate to use, you can marking, which is either on the box or in the instructions for the product.


To the question, it is possible to lay a laminate for warm floors, the answer was given. But how to carry out the installation of the design on your own, and is it possible? If there is a certain level of knowledge, the minimum set of tools, independent installation - the task is quite feasible. But it is extremely important to comply with a certain technology, adhere to the rules. It should be noted that the installation of a warm floor under the laminate does not need a concrete screed. And it greatly facilitates work.

So, the installation of a warm floor under laminate is carried out as follows:

Thus, work on the equipment of the warm floor is simple and quite fulfilled by their own.

Knowing how to put the warm floor under the laminate, you can create an effective, high-quality heat supply system, and at the same time save funds.

To reduce temperature fluctuations to a minimum, it is desirable to equip the system with a thermostat. It should also be noted that when purchasing a heating structure to the product, instructions are required. Therefore, having bought a film warm floor under the laminate instruction should be carefully read before installing installation.

Price overview

Today the choice is very diverse. On the market you can buy an electric warm floor under the laminate of both imported production and domestic. Designing heat-based heat-based heat supply system in the cottage will cost about 13,000-20000 rubles. The installation itself costs from 800 to 1000 rubles per meter square. If a heat meter needs, it will have to pay another 10,000 rubles.

The price of electric heated floors under the laminate from the quality of the product, the manufacturer. So the square meter of infrared film is a good firm will cost at least 1,200 rubles. Of course, if more budget options. For example, the price of laminate for warm water floors of Chinese production will cost cheaper. But the quality of low cost products will also be low. And the quality is a very important parameter, on which the reliability and durability of the heating structure depends. Therefore, it is not recommended to save. It is advisable to buy products of famous companies.

Today, the Russian market offers manufacturers from South Korea, Great Britain, Germany, USA, China. More than 90% of all products that are presented in the market is Korean products. So good demand is used by ultra-thin heating films of REXVA, which are produced under the XICA brand. SEGGI CENTURY Corporation has proven well-established. The product is known under the brand of Heat Plus. Systems of these firms are distinguished by high quality suitable price. Provide uniform and high-quality heating. As for the gender of English and American production, they are extremely rare. And, as a rule, these are Chinese fakes.


Thus, the warm floor today chooses most of the owners planning to create an effective heat supply system at home.

Finish coating can be used differently.

But most often consumers prefer laminate, linoleum. Many are interested, whether it is possible to make a warm floor under the laminate, is it not harmful for the flooring. In fact, it all depends on the chosen type of heating floor and the laminate brand used. Installation of the film floor is quite simple. The work is facilitated by the fact that no screed is required. Therefore, the laying can be done with your own hands, thus saving a lot of financial resources.

The popularity of laminate floors explain easily - they are beautiful, durable, durable and easy to install. However, not everything is so good as it might be. Laminate, although it can be similar to a tree in texture and color, still does not have enough heat capacity and may seem cold when moving on it. Therefore, many owners of apartments and houses, especially those living on the first floors, are seriously concerned about the heated floor. Infrared warm floor under laminate can be an optimal solution for solving the cold floor.

Infrared warm floor reminds in appearance tight film with black stripes on it. However, thermal mats are only part of a complex electrical system that allows you to warm up the base in the apartment.

Heated floors in this case occurs due to infrared radiation, which appears due to the transparent film of the carboxyo paste between the sheets. It is applied by parallel lines and looks like those of black stripes. Radiated waves have a length of 5-20 microns. The system, due to the additional elements, connects to the power grid, where the current conductor is compounded from copper and silver.

On a note! Carbon has a rather high thermal conductivity indicator, due to which electricity consumption can be significantly reduced. That is why infrared floors can be called a rather economical option for floating floors. At least, the costs of utilities in this case are much lower than when using conventional electrical or water floors.

The main part of the infrared heating system is just the same striped film heaters. They are implemented in rolls and can have a width of 50 cm or 100 cm. It is convenient to cut them, because after about every 25 cm there is a cut-off line here, which allows you to buy exactly so much film as needed to improve the heating system in a particular room. Film sold by meters.

Attention! Produce a segment of film in a non-designated special marking place strictly forbidden! This will disable the cloth and it will not work.

The power of infrared films is 150, 200 or 440 W / m 2. These indicators will be useful during calculations regarding the arrangement of the warm floor system, to detect the load on the electrical system of the house. For laminate, optimally use mats with a capacity of 150 W / m 2. They will warm up the floors to the maximum up to 40-45 degrees, and no longer needed. Otherwise, the floors will be unpleasant to walk, and at the very coverage of higher values \u200b\u200bwill affect negatively. The optimal temperature for the legs is about 27 degrees.

Also in the heated floor system with infrared heating be sure to:

  • thermostat;
  • special clips or clamps;
  • wires for connecting the system.

The infrared gender system has high reliability, since the connection of individual elements is done in parallel - in case of problems in one of the elements, the rest will continue to work.

Is it possible to install infrared warm floor under laminate?

The heat capacity of the laminate is higher than the tiles, and its thermal conductivity compared to the same material below. Laminated floors do not like high temperatures, and therefore should not be heated excessively. If under the laminate to install a water or electrical heating system, then you will have to ensure a constant increase in the temperature of the heater, which will affect negatively and on the material itself, and on the size of utility payments.

Laminate does not like sharp drops of temperatures that cannot be avoided when installing any other heating system. In the case of a negative temperature effect, there is a risk of appearing in the material of the slots, cracks, the floor can begin to creak. Neither water nor the electric floor will provide the optimal heating of the surface in terms of heating and uniformity.

Thanks to a small thickness, the lamellas warmer quickly, because IR rays will quickly spread throughout the material. Also, if the floors are made correctly, the radiation will not go towards the draft base, on which the film is lying, and therefore heat leaks will not. Thus, IR floors are the most optimal option for heating the laminate floors.

Advantages of using film heating

IR Heating floors has a lot of advantages that make it one of the best options for heating laminated floors:

  • optimal and uniform temperature distribution over the entire floor area;
  • economy;
  • the optimal level of floor temperature is within 45 degrees;
  • fast surface heating;
  • easy installation and repair;
  • no need for installation of a screed, since the flooring can be laid on heat mats;
  • long term of smooth operation.

The main drawback of such floors is fairly high cost of equipment and materialsBut attachments will be fully justified if you consider all the advantages of the system.

What to choose a laminate for warm floors IR?

Before you finally stop your choice precisely on the infrared type of floor heating, it is necessary to study information about which laminate can be laid on top of this type of heaters. The appropriate material must have a special labeling in the form of a "snake". It is this designation and informs the future owner of a warm laminated floor that laminate is suitable for the improvement of the heating system.

IR Warm floor under Laminate - Technology Subtleties

Installation of the infrared system, though simple, but requires attention and has certain features. Still, work is made using the power supply system at home, because there should be no errors here. Otherwise, the floors or will not work, or simply become dangerous for the home owner.

Even before the installation starts, a complete and accurate laying scheme of floors is drawn up, on which the IR mats are indicated and all the controls of the system. Also be sure to be places of installation of thermostators, thermal sensors and other equipment. It is important to remember that all the wires that will go from the heating system are summarized just to the thermostat.

The thermostat is usually installed on the wall, and to hide all the wires, it is recommended to label in it the unintelligue groove in which the communications will be laid. Thus, they will not rush into the eyes, because after laying the wires, the cavity is closed. In this case, the wires must be placed in a corrugated tube.

On a note! If there is no desire to stick the walls, then all communications can be hidden into a plastic chute, fixed on the wall.

Also first on paper, and then on the gender itself, the scheme of the location of all infrared films is drawn. This procedure, in addition to convenience, on the subsequent installation, will help and accurately calculate the consumption of all materials - wires, films, etc., the locations of all wires are noted on the diagram.

Nuances when working with IR film, which should be taken into account before the start of installation:

  • the film is converted only to the lines clearly indicated for this;
  • to make less places of compounds of individual cuts, the film must roll along the long wall of the room;
  • there should be a gap between the wall and the first line of the film - its width cannot be less than 25 cm;
  • the scheme is immediately made designations of places where furniture will be standing (stands, cabinets, sofas, etc.) - the film does not fit under them, which will reduce the consumption of the material, and in the future the floor does not overheat in this place, and therefore The system does not exceed;
  • each strip of IR film is laid at a distance of 5 cm from the neighboring;
  • zero and phase wire should not intersect when connected, so they are connected only from opposite sides of the film;
  • the thermal sensor should be located in the coolest place in the room in such a way that it is in the middle of one IR element;
  • the length of one IR band can not be more than 8 m;
  • a suitable place for thermostat - 15 cm from the floor level;
  • separate film strips cannot be laid on the bang or each other.

On a note! Do not worry that the heating of the floor will be insufficient if the film will lie not on the entire floor surface. The fact is that for optimal heating it is enough for the heaters to cover only 40-60% of the base of the room.

Preparing the foundation

The draft floor should be smooth and clean - the litter and large garbage are not allowed, it is also important to remove pebbles, sand, dust. The floor is recommended to check for strength, cracks and gaps to repair, align to acceptable parameters.

Tip! In order for a concrete base less dust, it is recommended to treat the primer mixture, although this procedure is optional.

Also on the draft floors there should be insulating material. It is recommended to use foil. The brilliant side should be at the top. The stripes are stacked in the joint. The thickness of the foil material should be about 2-3 mm. Fasten the material is more convenient with double-sided tape, and the slots between the individual stripes can be closed by the usual scotch. Then in the material will be cut out small sizes of the deepening, which are placed terminals, wires and other communications. Then the base for capricious laminate will be optimally smooth. Also on the base of the floor, it is recommended to lay a layer and a layer of waterproofing material.

Materials and tools

What may be needed to install the IR fields? These can be the following tools and materials:

  • immediately IK heated film;
  • heat transferser;
  • thermal sensor and temperature controller;
  • scotch ordinary and bilateral;
  • electric wires;
  • clamps and material for insulation of wires;
  • waterproofing material (for example, polyethylene film);
  • knife, scissors, pencil, ruler, roulette.

At the beginning of the article, a description of the IR film was brought, but in fact it happens not only carboxy.

Table. Types of heating film.


The optimal version of the IR film used to arrange the floor heating system. Its description and was given in the article above. The heater consists of two layers of the film, between which there are bands of carbon elements, thanks to which heating occurs. Material is environmentally friendly, efficient, reliable, an econthomen does not have a negative impact on human health. Service life - decade. The heat transfer is 97%. The main producers of such floors are the Netherlands and South Korea.

Such a floor is also created from two layers of a polyurethane film, between which the conductor created from copper and aluminum is stacked. Installation of such a system is somewhat more complicated due to the lack of ground wire. The material can also be used under the laminate (it is impossible to use such heating systems under ceramic tiles and porcelain stonewares). The system is functional, well distributes heat, suitable for use in Russian climate conditions.

There is also another kind of IR film. It appeared relatively recently, but already began to enjoy great demand. These are films with a solid carbon coating. In contrast to the standard carbon IR film, such a material practically does not fail in damage - that is, the floors will always be warm.

On a note! If you damage one go several lanes of the usual IR floor, then in the place of their location it will not warm up. However, when using a film with a solid carbon strip, the floor will warm up as evenly, even if it was damaged. Just in the place of the core or the cliff material will be slightly cooler, but will continue to warm.

Installation of film floor

We will get acquainted in more detail with the process of installing IR film under laminate.

Table. Installation of IR floors with your own hands - step-by-step instruction.

Steps, photosDescription of action

It is removed from all over the floor in the room where the installation will be carried out. Also, with a level, it is recommended to check and even a rough base.

A place is selected on the wall where the thermostat will be located.

The surface of the draft floor is closed by heat transfer material. Stripes of material stacked the joint in the junction of a shiny surface up. Corolon can be used as a heat transferser.

The heat transfer layer is fixed on the basis using a tape or stapler.

The joints of the heat transferman are sickling with scotch.

IR film is located on the heat transfer agent so that the copper strip is down.

Cutting film. In this case, all cuts are made by scissors in strictly designated lines.

The strips of the film are stacked in such a way that the distance between them and the distance is the distance of at least 25 cm, and between the individual stripes - 5 cm. Also, the film is also not spilled where large-sized furniture will be to be overheating in the future.

The places where the cut of the copper tire was made are mandatory are isolated using a strip of bitumen insulation. It should close contacts from silver throughout the cut.

Where the wires will be connected, clamps for contacts are installed on copper strips. They are located in such a way that each part of them is inside the IR film, and the second is outside.

The terminal is clamped with pliers.

The strips of the film are fixed on the surface of the heat transferman and among themselves with the help of tape so that the material does not move during operation.

Wires are inserted into the terminal and fixed with the help of pliers.

All locations of wire connecting to IR film are isolated. For each contact site, two pieces of insulating material are used. One is fixed outside the film, another closes the inner side of the film. It is important to ensure that silver contacts on the edges of the film were also exhibited.

The temperature sensor is mounted under the IR film on the black graphite strip of the heater and is fixed with a piece of insulation.

For the sensor in the heat insulating layer with a knife, a small cut is made. The sensor must fit into it when lowering the film.

Cutouts on the heat transfer maker are also made under contacts and wires.

All wires in the recesses are stuck with scotch.

On the wall surface in the selected location, the temperature controller is installed to which the wires are connected according to the instructions and the connection scheme applied to the thermostat.

System testing is performed. The heating system is turned on, the temperature of the floor is set to an indicator not exceeding 30 degrees. Checked the heating of all the strips of thermal blinds.

IR mats are closed with polyethylene film for additional protection. Installation of the heating system is completed.

Flooring for floors is made. The laminate is stacked along the usual technology on top of the film. Works are made carefully to not damage the thermal film.

Prices for IR Warm floor film

infrared warm floor

Video - Installation of a warm floor under laminate

Features of mounting work

And finally, several tips on the installation of the IR heating system:

  • the humidity in the room where the work is made should be no more than 60%;
  • installation of IR floors is performed at a temperature of 0 degrees and above;
  • thermal film Even to check should be connected to the network only in the deployed state - it is impossible to connect it in the roll;
  • if the film was damaged at the site of a graphite (black) layer, the place of damage is necessarily isolated on both sides;
  • the thermal sensor must be connected so that if necessary, it can be easily replaced;
  • if a flood happened in the apartment, the floors are important to turn off and not use until they dry.

If the IR heating system of the floors was connected correctly, then the decade will serve. All work is important to spend carefully and carefully - only in this case you can get the desired result!

Warm floors are an ideal solution for any home or apartment. They provide comfort to accommodation, so many people can not imagine their lives without this system. For apartments, the water floor is considered unacceptable, so the installation of infrared warm floor under laminate is considered the optimal choice, because such a system provides uniform and high-quality heating of rooms, and is also considered suitable for laminate, easily withstanding heat from infrared film.

To the advantages of the application under the laminate, it is infrared:

  • uniform heating is ensured, which is especially important for a laminate, which does not withstand excessive overheating in one section of the coating;
  • there are no temperature drops in the system, which are very often found using water warm floor, and it is precisely the most negative factors for the durability of the coating;
  • the process of laying an infrared film is considered very simple, and if you see the training video in advance, then no difficulties will arise during self-work.
Scheme of infrared warm floor under laminate

In which places it is best to use the system

Initially, it is necessary to figure out which elements the system consists. It includes the following components:

  • electric wiring;
  • direct infrared film, and it should be enough to perform work in a particular room;
  • temperature sensors;
  • clamps for fastening;
  • temperature regulator that allows the placeholder to independently control the heating process;
  • insulation.

The composition of the infrared floor
Film for infrared

Films are produced in different lengths and width, so elements are selected, ideally suitable for a certain room. On each element manufacturers create a special line on which it is cut. In other areas, it is prohibited in any way to deform the material.

You can use infrared floor under laminate in different rooms. Often it is formed directly throughout the apartment. It is optimal to use its use in the kitchen or in another room, in which carpets are not planned.

When planning the location of the film, the following points are taken into account:

  • it is impossible to perform work in a wet room, since the infrared film will last long and in accordance with its appointment exclusively in the dry room;
  • it is allowed to twist the rolls, but you can not create beggars that lead to quick damage to the product;
  • it is impossible that the film is located next to different heating devices or a fireplace.

The installation of infrared warm floors under the laminate is considered to be understandable and simple work, so often the owners of residential real estate prefer to exercise it on their own.
Infrared Heat Floor Installation Scheme

Infrared warm flooring technology for laminate

This work must be performed only in a certain sequence of actions. Each stage is large and important, so you need to clearly follow the instructions. To clearly see the stacking process, it is recommended to see the training video in advance, which takes into account all the nuances and the features of the process.

Preparation of instruments and materials

Installation of infrared film and the creation of a full-fledged floor covering from the top of the laminate is considered an easy work for which the preparation of the following elements will be required:

  • direct infrared film, and its number is calculated in advance, for which the area is taken into account, in which work is planned;
  • electric wires that are usually sold complete with a film, but often they are poor-quality or not enough to perform work, so they have to buy them separately;
  • thermostat;
  • special film with heat transfer effect;
  • bitumen isolation;
  • contact clamps;
  • double sided tape;
  • substrate designed for laying under laminate.

When choosing a heat transfer film, it is important to take into account that it should not be conductive. All you need to connect a warm floor
Head of thermal film system infrared warm floor

Surface preparation

Laying infrared warm floor under the laminate begins with the preparation of an existing foundation. The following features are taken into account here:

  • the screed must differ in perfect evenness, and the presence is not allowed on the basis of any transitions or other problems;
  • if there are essential drawbacks on the basis, it is recommended to make a new screed to get a perfectly smooth surface;
  • it is important to determine the location of the thermostat in advance, and several elements are often required if it is planned to lay a warm floor not only in one room, and immediately in several rooms;
  • laying is made on the base of the heat transfer film, and the isolon presented in the form of rolls, which is raised throughout the room, is most often selected for these purposes, which is filled with a bilateral scotch or stapler.

It is not allowed to lay the infrared film under those sections of the floor on which large-sized and heavy furniture will be located, as this can lead to the destruction of the heating circuit, so the optimal film laying scheme is formed in advance.
Paul alignment
Mounting thermostat
Laying the substrate with heat transfer film

Laying infrared film

Next, the important stage begins, which involves the use of directly heating film. The laying is performed in such a way that the copper stripes are located at the bottom. Often, in the process of work, there is a need to cut the films into individual elements, and it is permitted only by special lines applied by the manufacturer. If you perform an incision elsewhere, it will damage the film.

During the styling of the film, it is important to leave between it and the walls of the room at least 10 cm.

As soon as the film will be completely laid down, connection and insulation will be performed, and these actions are implemented in the following steps:

  • all places where the copper tire was cut, it is necessary to be treated with bitumen insulation, and it is important to make sure that silver contacts are absolutely blocked;
  • contact clamps are mounted, and they are installed on all areas where the wire is connected;
  • the contacts of the copper are clamped by conventional pliers;
  • in the clamps, the wires are stacked, which are pre-canceled, after which they are also fixed with the help of pliers;
  • all connections are isolated, and it is advisable to check each site several times so as not to miss any places;
  • the temperature sensor is set, and it is also fixed with insulation;
  • at the end of the work, the thermostat is installed on the place where it was planned in advance, and then the scheme was performed in advanced in advance its connection.

It is desirable to connect the thermostat to electricity with a separate machine that is installed in the shield.
Fastening infrared film
Brepim clamp to copper coupling - press the clamp of the passage so as to prevent spark
Insulation of the contact compounds of warm infrared floor

Staying protective coating

As soon as the entire system is created, it is important to test it, designed to determine the presence of different errors or other problems in the design. If no shortcomings are detected, the special protective coating is made.

For this, a special film is used, which has high waterproofing parameters. It is important to create a sealed layer from it, so all the joints are securely and correctly skidded with scotch so that there are no passages.
Protective coating is stacked on the infrared film

Installing laminate

The next stage involves the direct creation of an outdoor coating. Laminated material can be laid only after testing the entire system to make sure there are no problems or disadvantages of the design.

The process of laying is considered standard, but certainly the following features are taken into account:

  • since the laying is performed on the heating system, the high temperature will certainly affect the coating, so it will constantly expand a little and narrowed, so a small distance is left between the walls of the room and the coating, for which it is recommended to use special wedges;
  • certainly necessary to smoke joints in the process of glue, in order to prevent the destruction of the coating;
  • all strips are connected to each other very easily and simply, for which special locks are used, which they are equipped in the process of production;
  • the laying should begin with the window, and it is allowed to perform a solid installation, in which all the coating for the apartment and the house is performed by one material without transitions, and in this case the joints can be avoided between separate rooms.

As soon as the floor covering is fully made, the most complex and specific works are completed, so you can use efficient and high-quality heating of the floor.
Laying of laminate

Trial start system

After laying the laminate, it is necessary to fix the thermoregulation block on the wall in the selected area. It is not allowed to connect this system to a conventional outlet available in any apartment or house, so it creates a separate output to the shield.

For infrared heating, a separate automatic is created. After connecting, a test start is performed. If all the work was performed correctly and in accordance with the requirements of security, then the flooring is heated literally in 3 minutes.

Connection schemes

Installation of infrared design should be carried out with its indispensable connection to the electrical system and the thermostat. To do this, use the special instruction applied to the warm floor to ensure the perfect result of the work and safety of the design.

There are the following film connection schemes for electricity:

  • one-sided - connection and wire connection is performed on one side. Therefore, they intersect with each other, but these places of intersections are certainly hiding behind the plinth, to prevent the system failure;
  • bilateral - Connection here is performed from different sides. The process itself is implemented much faster, as well as a small amount of wires. As a rule, connections are executed after the system is connected to electricity.
  • Proper laying of wires

    Possible mistakes

    In the process of creating a system, serious errors may be made, leading to a violation of the system's performance or to the danger of its use. The main mistakes include:

    • before working, the base of the floor is not purified from garbage and dust;
    • there are significant differences and irregularities;
    • lack of heat transfer material;
    • cutting films not by the existing markup, but at the request of the employee itself, which leads to a violation of its main elements;
    • during the laying, the copper strip is located at the top, and not below;
    • installing the thermostat in a hard-to-reach place;
    • poorly broken ends of the wires.

    Thus, the creation of infrared warm floor is a fairly difficult job, to implement which it is necessary to carefully study the appropriate instructions, as well as to remember frequent errors in order to prevent them with independently performing the process. If all actions are implemented correctly, you will get a reliable and high-quality system, providing uniform and optimal heating of any room. At the same time laminate laminated on top, correctly selected, will not collapse or rolled under the action of high temperature. Only following all recommendations, you can make high-quality infrared warm floor under the laminate.

    Video Installation of infrared warm floor under laminate

    The video describes all stages of laying infrared type of warm floor under the laminate.

The heating of the house is one of the most important issues to which it is worth it very seriously. Indeed, in the future, thanks to high-quality heating and will be dependent in cold pores of the year. Walling the walls, ceilings and installing the heating system, it is worth the floor insulation. At the moment, one of the most efficient and economical methods is a film insulation under laminate. Due to its design, this type of insulation does not require preparatory work for installation, which is an important part of work in the laying of cable heating. Everything is much easier and more reliable here, since instead of the cable, a special thermal film is used.

Methods for installing electric heating floor

Often, three types of installation of warm electric floors are used:

  1. Laying right under floor covering (film floor);
  2. Installation in a layer of screed, and after laying the floor covering;
  3. Setting the warm floor on the top of the tile tile.

Laying under flooring is a good method when there is no need to replace the screed. Its design allows without additional work to lay the linoleum or laminate. Installation in the string layer is often used for heating in the kitchen, loggia and in the bathroom, installing the cable warm floor. A layer of waterproofing insulation is polished under the system, and on top of a small layer of screed. If this is a two-storey building and on the first floor, the insulation of the floor is made, the need for a screed and thermal insulation layer is not required. Tile and layer of tiled adhesive are excellent defenders of heating elements, but it is worth paying attention to the instructions before performing work to make sure that such a laying.

Types and advantages of film floor under laminate

If a few years ago, a few of the infrared film warm floor were acquainted, today she gained great popularity.

This heating system works on the basis of infrared radiation, which is safe even for such sensitive materials as laminate and other wood coatings.

To date, there are two types of warm film:

  1. Bimetalic - a subtle polyurethane film, inside of which a two-layer patented compound is laid. The upper layer is an alloy of copper with additives, and the bottom layer is an aluminum alloy with additives.
  2. A carbon is a resistive element that includes two working layers of the lavsan film, the thermal elements of which are connected by a parallel and consistent method.

This type of film is perfectly used not only in sexual work, but also the walls. Its elasticity and sizes (0.585 m × 0.545 m) only contribute to simplification for convenient and fast installation.

Pluses of film warm infrared floor

  • Fast and easy installation on average does not take more than 2 hours
  • 3 mm film thickness will not significantly affect the height of the room
  • High reliability
  • Not mandatory work on the pouring screed, since the film warm floor without problems is settled under linoleum, carpet and laminate
  • Does not affect the humidity of the heated room
  • Promotes antiallergic effect
  • Electricity savings up to 20% compared with other heating systems
  • If you need to move, it is easy to dismantle, which will save money and time, as well as get a new place of residence with warm floors
  • Jonizes air

Required materials for installing warm film floor

In the standard set of materials for laying a warm film floor there is a thermal film that is twisted into a roll, a set of insulation and electrical wiring for the clips of the contact and the clamps themselves. You should also get a temperature regulator with a temperature sensor.

To improve the thermal properties and durability of the structure, for the system of the system you need to purchase additional materials:

  1. Polyethylene film
  2. Two - or one-sided tape
  3. Heat reflective material

Preparation of the foundation for mounting a warm film under laminate

When installing a warm film floor, there is no need to dismantle the old coating. This is carried out only if the old coating can continue to perform its physical purpose. If the coating is in good condition, it should be cleaned of possible types of dirt and dust. The permissibility of the height difference corresponds to the height of the film itself, and this is 3 mm. It is strongly recommended to use to check the surface on irregularities. Finding the irregularities of their surface is desirable to align, and then dried with a vacuum cleaner. Only after all these works performed, you can move to the installation of infrared warm floor.

The area that will be forced to be furnished or technique is not insumed, as it is unreasonable. But if you are planning frequent shifts or furniture updates, then the whole room is treated. Do not forget about the power of a warm floor, which directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bheated room. The larger the room, the less power consumption. In any case, during the choice of film floor, the consultant will calculate the desired amount and the necessary power for optimal efficiency.

Laying isolation

The initial stage is the laying of waterproofing, designed to protect the heat-insulated system from moisture.

The next step is the installation of the heat-insulating layer, the purpose of which is to prevent heat losses from radiation, which is essential, as a result of which energy consumption is significantly reduced and the efficiency of the entire system is increasing.

For such purposes, almost any insulating material can be used. It must be carefully strained and assemble the metallized side up, while smoking the joints of the scotch.

For laminate, according to experts, the foamed material with a thickness of at least 3 mm is best suited as thermal insulation.

It can be both reflective and not reflective, for example, cork. Effective and the other, the main thing that its thickness is in the limit norms. Typically, the reflective coating is made of Lavsana. It is worth noting that the foil coating is not high quality for infrared warm floor under the laminate, so it is extremely recommended to apply it in the installation of thermal blinds.

To reduce thermal losses, the junction of the substrate should be sealed with a metal spraying.

Definition and preparation of a place for thermostat

The thermostat performs temperature reading functions. The main tasks of the thermostat are based in the following:

  • setting the base temperature level;
  • programming periodicity of heating;
  • automating the time of turning on and off the system warm floor.

Before starting the installation work on the installation of infrared heat, it is necessary to determine with the location of the thermostat (optimal are considered - 20 cm from the floor level), since it depends on this, the entire process of fastening the thermal film sheets and the placement of wires depends.

After that, make up a scheme for installing a warm film floor.

Laying system warm floor

Installation of the thermal film is made directly on thermal insulation according to the planned scheme.

Warm floor connection circuit:

In the insulation of the entire floor of the room there is no need, the warm film floor is mounted on the useful sections of the room.

Polyester film laid:

  • 50% of the entire floor area with a capacity of 90-150 W / m2- if an additional heating system is needed when the main thermal source is present and only a comfortable warm floor is provided;
  • at 70-80% with a capacity of 150 W / m2 in the case of the creation of the main heating, when other sources of heat in the room are not provided.

The thermal film should not be installed closer than 20 cm from the wall, and in places of furniture placement to prevent overheating, and in the future and deterioration of the warm floor system. It is also forbidden to have a film closer than 1 meter from strong heating devices, for example, fireplaces.

For the correct and most effective placement of the thermofilm, it can be cut by scissors on the outlined marks (in bright places that are located between the dark sections). It is worth remembering that the maximum strip length should not exceed 8 meters.

Important: It is forbidden to any imposition of individual parts of the film on each other.

The film may be single or double-sided. In the first version, the system is placed in a strengthened side down, in the second embodiment, it is possible to both.

To reduce the length of the wires, the film should be mounted towards the wall, where the temperature regulator will be located in the future.

The film is placed in copper sides of the contacts down, then the clips are joined to the edge of the copper strip, to which the wires are connected.

Isolation of cut-off films

In places of section, the film floor has open sections of copper and to avoid further possible damage, these places should be inhibited. For these purposes, bituminous isolation is most often used. Cut off the rectangular insulating film size is slightly larger than the surface being processed, and we glue copper areas on both sides. In the film, the holes are made to accommodate an islable area by pressing it and further stuffing with scotch. In those places where the wires are mounted, until it is necessary to start to isolate, as it is necessary to initially connect clamps from the metal. They are attached as follows: one side of the clamp must be accurately located between the copper strip and the film, then tightly clamp it with pliers.

Organization of wiring and testing

Connecting wires

The wires of film warm floor should from the center go to the area of \u200b\u200bthe plinth, to the wall, which will prevent the danger of pressure on them. The wiring must pass directly under the thermal film, for this it is made in it, through which the wires are encouraged, which are further fastened with scotch. It is worth not to forget that the wires in no way should be for thermal insulation. Connecting them to the clamps are made in parallel: the left sides are attached only to the left, and the right - to the right, respectively. At the ends of the wire is a sharp tool is removed, then twisted and squises through the clamping holes, after which the pliers are bonded. After that, the place of the attachment is isolated and attached to the tape for the film. For convenience, so that the confusion does not occur initially you can use two colors of wiring.

Connect thermostat

Initially, a well-insulated temperature sensor is connected to the heating film, namely to its underside in the center of the second section. It is a small thermometer with a head in the form of a polymer element that soldered to the wire.

For the sensor itself and its wiring to the thermostat, the holes should be cut. If the wire should be curved, a smooth turn should be made in the film so that to further eliminate the cable breakage.

After all the work on the installation of the sensor and the connectable wires are completed, you can proceed to the direct installation of the thermostat. It is desirable to connect it stationary, however, it is allowed to install it using a socket.

As can be seen from practice, the main amount of wiring is better to position under the plinth.

The principle of connecting the thermostat of film warm floor is the same as in other types of electric floor: on the one hand, the thermal sensor is attached to two contacts, from the opposite side the wires from the warm floor are attached, and in two contacts located in the center, electrical power supply is inserted. Grounding wires are not joined to contact, and connected terminal.

System Testing

Before starting work on fastening the laminate, it is necessary to test the system of the warm floor. The lack of sparking and overheating of individual sites is evidenced about high-quality thermal film.

If any defects are not seen, then the next stage is the covering of heating floor with an additional thick layer of polyethylene film (at least 80 microns), which serves as protection against fluid from entering the heating system, and due to the reduction of thermal deposition during its operation. It spreads overlap along the heating film strips.

Laying finish coating

When laying a laminate should be extremely careful, in order to avoid damage to the thermal film.

When choosing a laminate, it is important to pay attention to its labeling and the ability to use as styling on the warm floors.

The laminate installation process is quite simple. Initially, the side faces of the panels are joined, then each new bar with the previous one is connected. Locks easy to connect if this process is at a low angle. If there are small gaps between the laminate slabs, it is possible to eliminate them with light shocks with a hammer side. After installing the laminate on all area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the plinth is attached, in which the holes are made in the cable output places.

Immediately, it is impossible to connect the warm floor to electricity, it is necessary that it warms it to room temperature and only turn on to the power grid.

  • It is worth not to forget that carrying out installation work on the installation of film warm floor should be at the plus temperature and at moderate humidity, not more than 60%.
  • Before connecting the film floor to the network, it is necessary to carefully check the insulation of the contacts and in places of the canvas.
  • Thermal film in the folding form cannot be connected to the network.
  • In the event that you punctured the place of thermofilm covered with graphite spraying, the breakdown seat should be insulated on both sides.
  • It is forbidden to lay a warm floor on a wet surface.
  • If you randomly by negligence flooded the film warm floor, then it should be turned off immediately from electricity, and then dry in a natural way.
  • Do not forget to draw the diagram of your film floor, as practice shows, it may need to be needed in the future.
  • Do not go to the ready warm floor in the shoes.
  • Warm floor sensor Do not stir up, it should be subject to easy replacement and control.