How the water flow sensor works for the pump. Water duct switch for pump: characteristics, principle of operation, installation

The careful attitude towards a water supply technique significantly prolongs its working resource, guarantees uninterrupted operation of the system. This requires not only timely inspection and proper care, but also equipping pumps with a complete set of protection devices. Prevent the likelihood of serious breakage is much cheaper than repairing or buying a new unit. Agree?

Installing the water flow relay will protect the engine and surface and depth pumping equipment. After all, most often when the motor brave is easier to buy a new pump than to change it. We will tell you how this important protective device works, how to choose it and turn on in the autonomous water supply.

The article presents valuable recommendations on the installation of pump protection devices from work in the "dry stroke". Disassembled technology for customized requirements. For better perception of considerable amount of information, photographs, schemes, video reviews and guides are attached.

In domestic water supply systems, the action of the pumping station without water occurs quite often. A similar problem is called "dry running".

As a rule, the liquid cools and lubricates the elements of the system, thereby ensuring its normal performance. Even short work does the deformation of individual parts, overheating and failure of the equipment engine. Negative consequences relate to both superficial and deep models of pumps.

Dry move occurs for various reasons:

  • wrong selection of pump performance;
  • unsuccessful installation;
  • violation of the integrity of the water pipe;
  • low fluid pressure and no control over its level, for which they use;
  • accumulated garbage in the pumping pipe.

The automatic sensor is necessary in order to fully secure the device from threats created by the lack of water. It measures, controls and maintains the constancy of the water flow parameters.

The pumping equipment equipped with a sensor has many advantages. It serves longer, less often fails, more economically spending electricity. Also there are relay models for boilers

The main purpose of the relay is to independently disconnect the pumping station with insufficient fluid stream power and inclusion after normalization of indicators.

Design and principle of operation

The sensor has a unique device, thanks to which it performs its immediate functions. The most common modification is the petal relay.

The classic structure of the structure includes such important elements:

  • inlet nozzle passing water through the device;
  • valve (petal) located on the wall of the inner chamber;
  • isolated germ switch, flushing and operating power supply circuit;
  • springs of a certain diameter with varying degrees of compression.

At the time when the camera is filled with liquid, the stream force begins to affect the valve, shifting it around the axis.

The magnet built on the reverse side of the petal is close approaching the repetition switch. As a result, contacts are closed, including the pump.

Under the flow of water, the speed of its physical movement is sufficient to turn on the relay. Reducing the speed to zero, leading to a complete stop, returns the switch to the initial position. When installing the trigger threshold, this parameter is specified with the conditions of applying the device.

When the fluid flow stops and the pressure in the system is lowered below the norm, the spring compression is weakening, return valve to its original position. Alive, the magnetic element ceases to act, contacts open and the pumping station stops.

Some modifications are equipped with a return magnet instead of springs. Judging by the reviews of users, they are less exposed to small pressure surges in the system.

The petal relay is characterized by a large number of advantages. Among them are a simple and unpretentious design, instant triggering, the absence of delays between repeated response, the use of an accurate trigger to start the equipment

Depending on the constructive solution, several more relays singled out. These include rotary devices equipped with a paddle wheel rotating in the aqueous stream. The speed of rotation of the blade in them is controlled by sensory sensors. In the presence of fluid in the pipe, the mechanism deviates, closing contacts.

There is also a thermaller operating in accordance with the thermodynamic principles. The device compares the temperature specified on the sensors, with the temperature of the working medium in the system.

If there is a flow, a thermal change is fixed, after which the contacts of the power grid are connected to the pump. In the absence of water movement, the micro-switch disconnects the contacts. The models are characteristic of high sensitivity, but they are pretty expensive.

Criteria for selecting the device

Choosing an equipment that controls the strength of the water flow should be carefully examined its technical characteristics.

Particular attention should be paid to the operating temperature range and pressure to which it is calculated, the diameter of the thread and the seating holes, the protection class, nuances for use. It is also important to clarify, from which materials a product is made.

The most reliable and durable specialists consider devices from brass, stainless steel, aluminum. These materials protect the structure from the critical consequences of frequent in water supply systems of the phenomenon - hydraulic blows

Considering the different modifications of the relay, it makes sense to acquire an option made of metal. The case and the working components of such devices are characterized by increased strength.

This fact allows the equipment for a long time to withstand serious loads arising due to a substantial fluid passing through the sensor.

The pressure value at which the relay works must correspond to the power of the installed pump. From this characteristic, the parameters of the water flow circulating through the pipeline are dependent.

It is advisable to choose a device with two springs, which controls the functioning of the pumping station according to a certain lower and upper pressure marks.

The range of operating temperatures of the sensor directly indicates the possible area of \u200b\u200bits use. For example, for hot water circuits and heating systems, models with high boundary temperature are designed. For cold water pipelines, the range is quite enough to 60 degrees.

Another important criterion, standing in a separate mention, is the climatic conditions necessary to operate the product. We are talking about the recommended air temperature and humidity level that you need to provide the device so that it can work with the best performance.

The maximum permissible loads for a particular device determines the protection class specified in the technical specifications.

When purchasing a duct sensor, check the diameter of the thread cross section and the size of the mounting holes in the equipment: they must be perfectly docked with the elements of the pipeline. It depends on the correctness and accuracy of further installation, as well as the efficiency of the relay after installation.

Certificate devices

Among the entire range of the relay, two models that are approximately one price category are in the greatest demand - about 30 dollars. Consider their characteristics in more detail.

Genyo Lowara Genyo 8A

Development of a Polish company engaged in the release of electronic equipment for management systems. Designed for use in domestic water pipes.

Genyo allows you to automatically control the pump: launch and completion of work based on the actual water consumption, preventing any pressure fluctuations during operation. Also, the electric pump is protected from the work "dry"

The main goal is to control the pump and pressure control in the pipes during operation. This sensor launches the pump when water consumption exceeds 1.6 l per minute. It consumes 2.4 kW electricity. Range of operating temperatures - from 5 to 60 degrees.

Grundfos Upa 120.

It is manufactured in factories in Romania and in China. Supports the stability of water supply in rooms equipped with individual water supply systems. Prevents the operation of pumping installations at idle.

The GRUNDFOS trademark relay is equipped with a high class of protection, allowing him to steal almost any loads. Electricity consumption in it about 2.2 kW

The automation of the device starts at a liquid flow rate of 1.5 l per minute. The boundary parameter of the spanning temperature range is 60 degrees. The unit is made in compact linear dimensions that make up significantly facilitating the installation process.

Fluid flow relays are installed for devices that need to be constantly managed and complying with a specific working mode. Often they are equipped with equipment at the stage of production. However, such circumstances are found when it takes a separate installation of the sensor.

Relay installation rules

Installation of a safety device that determines the presence or absence of water flow in the system is a reasonable step in cases where there is no possibility to be completely present during the operation of the pumping equipment.

It will not be required only in two cases:

  1. Water pumped out a large well with unlimited resources of low power pump.
  2. It seems possible to independently turn off the installation while reducing the water level below the designated norm.

The device is installed on horizontal portions of the pipeline. It is necessary to ensure that the membrane adopts a stable vertical position.

The device is mounted to a drain pipe with a threaded coupling. Usually there is a special nest for this.

If in the pumping equipment there is no hole for the installation of the sensor, it can be replaced with its brass tee. In addition to the relay, a pressure gauge is connected to it, showing the current pressure on the network.

Before proceeding with the direct screwing of the device, it is advisable to be well sealing the threads of flax or thread selling in specialized departments.

Shake it better in the direction of the clockwise to the end. This method of fastening increases the reliability of fixation.

In order not to damage the relay, it should be very careful to faster it, slightly tightening the wrench. The optimal distance between the product and the pipeline is minimum 55 mm

By installing the factory sensor, you must focus on the arrow depicted on the housing. The direction indicated on it should coincide with the direction of the flow of fluid passing through the device.

If polluted water is transported through the pipeline, it is recommended to install cleansing filters by placing them near the sensor. Such a move will ensure the correctness of the work of the product.

At the final stage of mounting work, the dry run relay is connected to the electrical network:

  • the veins of the wires are screwed to the free ends of two contact groups;
  • the grounding is attached to the sensor screw;
  • the device is connected to the pump by connecting two devices to a conventional wire with compliance.

After connecting to the network, it remains small - check system performance. The fact that the device is ready for full exploitation will say the growth of pressure marks on the pressure gauge and the automatic shutdown of the pump at the time of overcoming the boundary value.

Almost always company manufacturers produce equipment with adjusted settings. Despite this, it is sometimes necessary for additional independent adjustment.

In most cases, the setting of automatic equipment does not cause difficulties.

It is advisable to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • drain the liquid from the system while the pressure mark does not accept the zero value;
  • turn on the pumping installation and slowly start the water back;
  • fix the flow pressure indicator when the pump is disconnected by the sensor;
  • again start draining and remember the indicators at which the pumping equipment will start working;
  • open relays and adjust the adjusting bolt the minimum level of greater spring compression level required to trigger the device and start the pump (stronger compression increases the degree of pressure, less - reduces);
  • in the same way, to adjust the strength of compression of a smaller spring mechanism, setting the maximum pressure boundary, when the relay, measuring the water duct, will turn off the pump.

Having finished all the manipulations described, you should make sure that the adjustments performed are correct. For this, the pipeline is filled with liquid, and then drain it, evaluating the sensor reaction during the achievement of configured values.

With unsatisfactory result, the procedure is repeated.

Having insufficient experience and qualifications, it is better to seek help in adjusting to specialists. They analyze a specific situation, take into account the technical characteristics of the equipment and select the most correct values \u200b\u200bof the level of pressure

In order for the pipeline to be fluid, it worked properly and stably, a regular annual test of the duct sensors is carried out. If necessary, setting the operating parameters is adjusted.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Building and principles of work:

The process of connecting the device in steps:

For details on how to adjust the response level in the relay:

The relay controlling the flow of water in the pipeline will significantly increase the ease of use of pumps and for a long time will extend their life. To neglect the installation of the safety device is extremely undesirable, as it not only automates the operation of the equipment, but also to the maximum protects it from possible problems occurring due to idling.

Do you want to independently install a duct relay, but have a little confused in the instructions? Please ask your questions, and we and visitors to our site will try to help you.

Or maybe you successfully coped with the installation and configuration of the device and want to give useful recommendations to other novice? Write your comments in the block below, add the photo installation or setup process photo - your experience will be useful to many home masters.

The water duct sensor is a device that adjusts the pressure inside the water supply system. It connects to pumps through nozzles. The main parameters of the fixtures should include not only the limit pressure, but also the output voltage. Also manufacturers indicate mandatory bandwidth. To date, there are many types of modifications. In order to figure out in more detail on the question, it is primarily to explore the device of the water flow sensor.

Device model

The standard water flow sensor diagram includes a relay and a set of plates. Inside the modification there is a wide camera. The flask is always in a fixed state. Inside it is a small float. The output there is a feeding channel. Many modifications are made with adjustable crane, which is installed at the output. Models with valves are equipped with moving type fittings. Magnetic power is involved for their work.

Sensor: do it yourself

Make a water flow sensor with your own hands is quite simple. First of all, it is recommended to do the installation of the camera. For this, a small plastic container is suitable. Then you will have to cut three plates that are installed in a horizontal position. The flask in the end should not touch them. If we consider a simple model, then a single float is enough. The fitting is expedient to install on two adapters. The valve must withstand the pressure of at least 5 pa.

Types of modifications

On design, only relay and fitting devices are distinguished. Additionally, the separation of modifications is carried out in terms of pressure. In a separate subcategory, devices for circulation pumps are isolated.

Relay models

Relay water flow sensor for gas boiler is suitable for low power pumps. As a rule, models are made with one chamber. Many experts suggest that they have low conductivity. However, it is worth noting that there are devices with a vertical location of the plates. The limit pressure is equal to at least 5 pa. Protection systems are quite commonly used series P48. All this suggests that water leaks are rarely observed. Modifications are characterized by excellent stability. The strength of suction is equal to at least 3 N. Very rarely, the models meet crane.


The most common pumps for pumps are indicator modifications that are produced with one chamber. They are usually located in a horizontal position. Some modifications are equipped with two valves. And the parameter of the limit pressure is equal to about 5 pa. Protection systems are quite commonly used class R58. In this case, conductivity depends on the size of the fitting. Some modifications are capable of boasting high pumping speed. Connections they often have a threaded type. Also on the market presented sensors on clamps that are not very popular.

Low pressure devices

Low pressure modifications are well suited for centrifugal pumps with a capacity of up to 4 kW. Their conductivity depends on the size of the camera. Most often on the market there is a water duct sensor for a pump for two floors. At the same time, the force of pumping on average is 5 N. Protection systems apply to different classes. Many sensors are installed through lining. The output contacts are designed for wired adapters. It is also worth noting that there are many inexpensive models on the market.

High pressure modifications

High pressure models are usually produced with one oblong fitting. The plates on the water duct sensor for the pump are most often installed in a horizontal position. If you believe the reviews of experts, the models are remarkably suitable for centrifugal pumps. When choosing a modification, it is important to pay attention to the bandwidth of the devices. The dimensions are also taken into account. Many models are made with two cameras. However, the valve is used only one. If we consider the standard model, then the limit pressure on average is not more than 6 pa. The protection system in devices is used class P70. It is very rare to meet models with a crane. Mainly set conventional switches.

Devices for circulation pumps

Sensors for circulation pumps are very popular. A distinctive feature of modifications is the low reduction. The limit pressure on average equals 3.3 pa. Protection systems apply to various classes. Very rarely there are devices for two cameras. When the model is selected, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the fitting. He must have a wide head and a narrow canal. Otherwise, there will often be leaks. Additionally, it is worth noting that the market contains devices on floats. They are designed for adapters.

Features of models for two cameras

The sensors into two chambers are usually highlighted by large dimensions and a high pressure parameter. There are many models on the market for two valves. They have a suction force equals 4 N. Protection systems apply to the R88 series. Plates for sensors are always installed in a horizontal position. If we talk about disadvantages of devices, it is important to note that they use strongly large channels at the exit. For pumps with a capacity of up to 8 kW models are not suitable. There are devices with cranes in the market and without them. Additionally, there are modifications based on contact contactor switches.

Devices for three cameras

Sensors are connected to three chambers for centrifugal pumps. The limit force of compression they have very high. It is also worth noting that the models are made with short channels. The valves are used by the rotary type. They are protected by a special membrane. If you believe experts, the conductivity depends on the size of the camera. If we talk about the design, it is worth noting that there are models with oblong fittings on the market. They have an extremely low suction force. However, they are capable of listening to a long time. In stores, devices with switches are very rare. As a rule, models for three cameras are made with small cranes.

Models for low-power pumps

The water duct sensor for low power pumps should be selected only among the agricultural modifications. The limit pressure indicator should be about 5 Pa. The protection system is welcomed by class P48. Many experts praise devices on the basis of two cameras. The power of suction is about 4 N. Relay modifications for small power pumps are not suitable.

Modifications with vertical location of plates

Devices of this type show themselves on centrifugal pumps. They have good conductivity and there are no problems with high pressure. However, do not forget about the shortcomings of modifications. First of all, the channel is often clogged. If we consider an inexpensive water duct sensor, then it can have a valve problem. For normal operation of the system, it is more expedient to select devices with output contacts to 12 V. The protection system must be installed class P55. Another experts suggest that the water duct sensor must be with the contact switch.

Requirements with horizontal plates arrangement

Water duct sensor for the boiler of this type is suitable for a wide variety of pumps. The conductivity of the models depends on the dimensions of the chamber directly, as well as the channel. Additionally, the diameter of the fitting is taken into account. Many experts recommend installing two-chamber modifications. The power of pumping in them, as a rule, does not fall below the mark of 5 N. The protection system is quite often used by the R50 series. All this suggests that the manufacturer is guaranteed a high degree of sealing and overall reliability.

If the device is selected, it is important to estimate the valve parameters. If it is made and ordinary plastic, it is not capable of listening to a long time. Copper analogs show themselves well, but they are expensive. The main flask in the sensors is made of plastic. Very rarely encounter modifications with transitional contacts. Relay modifications are able to boast high conductivity. They are not afraid of overloads. And they use high-quality protection systems.

Now we will understand why the water flow sensor is needed (they call the "Relay of Duch") and look at the principle of its work. Also you will learn what kinds of these sensors and how to install it yourself.

In everyday life, there is sometimes an emergency inclusion of a pump without water, which can lead to equipment breakdown. Due to the so-called "dry stroke", the engine overheats and the parts are deformed. In order for the pump functioning with maximum efficiency, it is important to ensure water supply without interruptions. To do this, equip the heating system and hot water supply with such a device as a water flow sensor.

Water Drift Sensor

Device and principle of operation

The water flow sensor is a device that monitors the pressure inside the water supply system, it is connected to the pump by means of pipes.

Standard water flow sensor diagram:

  • relay;
  • set of plates;
  • inside the device there is a wide chamber;
  • float of small size, which is placed inside the stationary flask;
  • channel feeding at the exit;
  • most models are equipped with an adjustable crane installed at the output.

Principle of the sensor: When there is no fluid flow, it automatically suspends the pumping station and does not allow "dry drive", and when water appears - it starts the device.

Application area

Water duct sensors are usually found in devices where it is necessary to continuously monitor life support system and comply with a certain mode of their work.

Most often, water duct sensors are used in boilers operating on gas. Modern gas boilers equipped with such sensors are used both for heating and water heating.

The device that is located on the pipeline supply of tap water when water enters the signal to the boiler and operation circulating pump stops. Then the board includes nozzles responsible for heating flowing water, and water in the heat exchanger begins to heat up. When the crane is closed, the sensor notifies that the water supply is suspended.

Most of the households are equipped with autonomous water supply systems, thanks to which you can have the most comfortable conditions.

The water flow sensor function is that when you turn on any of the devices connected to the water supply system, the sensor turns on the pump and water begins to flow.

Choosing a water flow sensor, be sure to consider the bandwidth of the devices and their dimensions.

Types of water flow sensors

By type of construction, relay and fitting devices are distinguished. In addition, variations are distinguished by pressure level.

Relay type water duct sensor It is used for pumps with low power. Usually these models are single-chamber. Specialists note their low conductivity. Models are produced with a vertical location of the plates, their maximum pressure is at least 5 pa.

Protection systems are often used by the P48 series. Thanks to all these indicators, water leaks almost does not happen, also similar devices are characterized by good stability.

The most widely used water duct sensors for pumps - equipment models. The plates are usually placed horizontally, separate samples are equipped with two valves. The maximum pressure of them is approximately 5 pa. Protection systems most often class P58. The conductivity is in direct dependence on the size of the fitting.

Low pressure sensors are applicable for pumps with a power of no more than 4 kW. The size of the chamber affects conductivity. Most often in the market, you can find the water flow sensor for the pump for two floors. Their price is low and easily you can choose the desired model.

High pressure models are usually produced with one elongated fitting, the plates are mounted horizontally. Experts advise to establish such samples into centrifugal pumps. Maximum pressure - does not exceed 6 Pa, Class P70 protection system.

Also, the action mechanism is divided into:

  • water sensor based on the principle of the Hall sensor: signals not only about the water duct, but also about the feed rate;
  • the germ sensor acting according to the principle of the magnet: inside it is located a magnetic float, which, as water pressure grows, it moves through the chamber and has an impact on the German.

Device and principle of operation of the generic water flow sensor

Installation and manufacture with your own hands

Most of the water flow sensors are in the design of the devices, so it is required to produce their installation solely in the event of a breakdown and need to replace. However, there are cases when the water duct sensor must be installed separately, for example, if necessary, an increase in water supply pressure. This is due to the fact that in the system of the central water supply system, the pressure is low and does not reach the norm. And in order to turn on the gas boiler in the hot water regime, you need a good pressure.

In such situations auxiliary circulation pumpwhich is equipped with a water duct sensor. First, the pump is mounted, and after the sensor. It follows that as soon as the water starts to flow, the sensor will turn on the pump and the pressure will begin to increase.

Pressure enhancement pump for the water supply system GRUNDFOS UPA 15-90 with built-in water duct sensor

Make a water flow sensor with your own hands is not difficult. First you need to install the chamber, then you need to cut three plates, it should be mounted horizontally, there should be no contact between them and the flask. For a simple design, one float will be enough.

The fitting is rational to install on two adapters, the valve must withstand the pressure of at least 5 pa.


Manufacturer Characteristic
Water flow sensor for pump Grundfos UPA 120 (Denmark) Designed to ensure water supply of an individual house, an apartment equipped with an individual water supply system. The inclusion of the sensor automation occurs at a stable fluid flow in the range of 90-120 liters per hour.
The main function is to protect the pump from idle.
The launch of the pump is performed at a 1.5 liter water consumption per minute.
Operating voltage of the sensor - 220-240 V.
Maximum current consumed - 8 A.
Power consumption - up to 2.2 kW.
Degree of protection - IP 65.
Price - about 1,800 rubles.
Genyo Water Drift Sensor - Lowara Genyo 8A (Poland) Used to control the pump household water supply system based on the actual water consumption.
The main feature of the sensor is to control the pressure in the plumbing during operation.
The launch of the pump is performed at a 1.5 liter water consumption per minute.
Operating voltage - 220-240 V.
Current frequency - 50-60 Hz.
Maximum current consumed - 8a.
Power consumption - up to 2.4 kW.
Range of operating temperatures - 5-60 degrees Celsius.
Degree of protection - IP 65.
Price - about 1,800 rubles.
Duch Sensor 1.028570 (Italy) Designed for installation in the gas double-circuit boilers of the brand immergas.
Compatible with models: Mini 24 3 E, VICTRIX 26, MAJOR EOLO 24 4E | 28 4e.
It is intended for installation in the gas boilers of the trademark Immergaz chimney and turbocharged versions.
Made in a plastic housing with a threaded connection.
The Hall Sensor 1.028570 allows you to receive water from the stable temperature at the output from the contour of the hot water supply.
Price - approximately 2,400 rubles.

Thus, the water flow sensor is designed to protect the operation of boilers and pumping equipment.

Any electric pump pumping water from a well or well, normally functions only in the presence of a working environment. Water for this mechanism is simultaneously lubricating and cooling. If the pompanasosy unit will work out, then after a few minutes later, it may be unusable. Monitor the presence of water flowing through the pump, a dry stroke sensor is called for a pump. According to his team, the diet is supplied to the pump should be disconnected in the absence of water.

So, dry stroke is the most common cause of the pump breakage. Moreover, in this case it will not be possible to even perform warranty repairs if the examination proves the cause of the breakage. Such a trouble may happen in the following situations:

  1. Wrong selection of pump hanging height in a well or in a well. It may happen if the depth of the water tank was not precise in advance. When the pump rolls out water to the level of its location, it will begin to capture the air, resulting in an electric motor overheating.
  2. The source of water has decreased in the source. For example, a well (well) was stolen or water simply did not have time to get into the well after the last renovation. After fully reckoning water from the well, it is necessary to wait a certain time to fill the well.
  3. If the surface pump is used, which is located on the water surface, then the cause of its breakdown may be different. Parts are frequent when the suction nozzle of the pump loses its tightness. The water is absorbed along with the air, as a result of which the pump engine does not receive sufficient cooling.

So, if there is no protection of the well pump from dry stroke, then the pump is overheated and burns. This applies not only to the electric motor. Modern pumps have a large number of plastic parts. Plastic, in the absence of cooling and lubrication, can also be deformed. This will first lead to a decrease in the performance of the device, and then causes it overheating, shaft jamming and engine failure. Masters sign such a type of failure resulting from overheating. After breaking the unit, you can easily detect those parts that have undergone overheating.

Types of dry stroke sensors and features of their work

Expensive models of pumps already have built-in drying sensors. In particular, all pumps from the manufacturer of Grundfos are already originally equipped with similar sensors. When operating cheaper units, the dry stroke sensor for the submersible pump has to be installed additionally. Let's try to understand the intricacies of the device and the operation of the dry move sensors of various types.

Water level sensors

1. Float switch. The diagram of connecting the dry stroke sensor for the pump must be built so that its contacts are included in the pump power supply circuit. Float is afloat. When the water level drops, the float changes its location, its contacts will automatically open, as a result of which the pump is turned off. This is the easiest type of protection that is distinguished by reliability and ease of work.

Tip: So that the float worked on time, it is necessary to properly adjust it. It is important that the pump housing is still immersed in water at the time of operation of the sensor.

2. Water control sensor. Consider in more detail such a dry stroke sensor for the pump and its principle of operation. This is a relay consisting of two separate sensors lowered to different depths. One of them is immersed until the minimum possible level of the pump functioning. The second sensor is located slightly lower. When both sensors are under water, a small current flows between them. If the water level decreases below the minimum value, the flow current stops, the sensor is triggered and the power circuit opens.

Sensors controlling water levels are good because it is allowed to turn off the pump even before the unit of the unit will be above the water surface. Consequently, the equipment is reliably protected from damage.

Relay protection

This is an electromechanical device that controls the water pressure flowing through the pump. When the pressure drops, the pump power circuit opens. The protection relay from the dry stroke of the pump consists of a membrane, contact group and several wires.

The membrane monitors water pressure. In the working position it is open. When the pressure drops, the membrane squeezes the relay contacts. When contacting contacts, the pump is turned off. The membrane is triggered at a pressure of 0.1-0.6 atmospheres. The exact value depends on the settings. The pressure drop to such a level indicates the presence of such problems:

  • the water pressure fell to the minimum value. This can happen for several reasons. Including, the loss of performance by the pump itself due to the development of the resource;
  • the pump filter clogged;
  • the pump was higher than the water level, as a result of which the pressure fell to zero.

The protection relay can be mounted in the pump housing or mounted on the surface as a separate element. If the water pumping system includes a hydroaccumulator, the protective relay is installed in conjunction with the pressure relay, in front of the hydroaccumulator.

Flow and water flow sensors

There are 2 types of sensors controlling the passage of the working medium through the pumping unit and providing protection from the dry pump. This is a duct relay and duct controllers, which will be discussed below.

1. Drive relay is an electromechanical type device. They are turbines and petals. The principle of their work also varies:

  • In the rotor of turbine relays there is an electromagnet that produces an electromagnetic field when water passes through a turbine. Special sensors read electrical pulses generated by turbine. When the pulses disappear, the sensor turns off the pump from the power;
  • In the petals relay there is a flexible plate. If the water does not arrive in the pump, the plate deviates from its initial position, as a result of which the mechanical contacts of the relay are open. In this case, the pump nutrition is interrupted. This version of the relay is distinguished by the simplicity of the design and affordable cost.

Example of a flow sensor

Such blocks are turned off the pumping equipment if there is no water flow and turn it on if the pressure in the system fell below the specified level

2. Duch controllers (automation unit, preset). These are electronic devices tracking at the same time several important parameters of the water flow. They control the pressure of water, signals the termination of its receipt, automatically turn on and disconnect the pump. Many devices are equipped with check valves. High reliability led to the high cost of these instruments.

What protection to choose?

Choose the desired version of the protective device is not easy. You must consider at the same time several factors:

  • depth of water tank;
  • well diameter;
  • features of used pumping equipment. For example, a submersible pump or superficial is used;
  • own opportunities financially.

For example, the simplest and cheap means of protection of the pump from dry running is a float sensor. However, it is necessary to take into account that its use in the well of a small diameter is impossible. But for the well, it will fit perfectly.

If the water in the working capacity is obviously clean, the most optimal option will be the use of the water level sensor. If you are not sure of water supplied to the pump, it is better to use a duct relay or water pressure sensor.

Note: If there is a chance of clogging a pump filter by garbage or mud, then the level sensor is inappropriate. It will show a normal water level, although the water in the pump unit will not be applied. The result will be the bulk of the pump engine.

You can make a small conclusion. It is possible to use the pump without protection from dry running only if there is an opportunity to constantly control the flow of water from the well or well. In this case, you can quickly turn off the power of the pump if the water stops coming from the source. In all other cases, it is better to be restrained by installing a protective sensor. Its price fully pays for itself if we take into account the cost of buying a new pump instead of the burnt equipment.

Highlighting its own source of water supply, each owner is obliged to take care of its additional protection. In addition, not only the well or well, but also the equipment that carries out the work: so-called drainage systems and external pumps is needed in preventing breakdown. For safety and reducing the risk of overheating, the water duct sensor is used, which must be correctly pick up correctly.

The incorrect operation of the pumping station installed on the pond can depend solely on the absence of fluid. Absolutely there is no difference, which reservoir is used to perform water pumping, the problems of dry stroke for the pump are relevant anyway.

The causes of idle work often occur due to improper installation of the pump in the water source, as well as its incorrect selection for these purposes (not compliance with the technical characteristics and methods of the well or well). To exclude, overheating the pump and its possible problems, it is necessary to place a pumping device at a dynamic level, that is, in the place where water does not decrease.

Also, the termination of the supply of the fluid may occur due to a decrease in pressure in the pipeline, due to which the water flow reduction is reduced and an air plug is formed, which penetrates the device mechanism, displays it. When losing the tightness of the hose or pipe, it is also possible to occur such problems.

Note! If your pump is configured solely on manual work and works from a permanent source (from a local pond, river or lake), in this case there is no need to use an automated duct sensor. In the event that the pump is connected to small wells and does not have protection machines, take care of preventing breakage costs.

Types of dry stroke sensors for pumps

In practice, only a few species of sensors engage in protective function in relation to pumping equipment. Today they are divided into three main types:

Some borehole type pumping stations do not require special protective additions, as they provide their own protection as factory parameters.

Dry Stroke Sensor Scheme

Pressure control sensor or idling relay performs its work using a separate principle. The stream device itself is a mechanism with switting contacts. Before installing the relay has open contacts. To start the sensor, you need to press and hold the red button until the pressure level rises to the desired value. If the amount of atmospheres is not enough, the sensor will be disconnected.

Some settings have special nuts on the springs in the design, allowing you to adjust the pressure values \u200b\u200bwhen the mechanism will trigger. Please note how the entire action process is displayed below.

To connect water flow sensors for borehole pumps, it will be necessary to position them sequentially in the power grid together with the pumping equipment. When falling the atmospheres, the pump protection from dry turn is triggered, there is the most blurred electrical network.

Attention! Installation of the flow motion relay for pump substations in the autonomous water supply source occurs strictly according to the schematic diagram. There should be no deviations from the specified values, since the likelihood of incorrect operation of the device and non-protection of protection increases.

How to choose a device and install it at home?

Pick the flow of flow movement necessarily taking into account all sorts of characteristics of its pumping equipment and the capabilities of the water supply source. Before buying and directly installing a protective relay with their own hands, be sure to consult an experienced specialist.

An important step after the selection of the flow movement is considered its correct installation. Be sure to pride the pressure relay to be installed before the first launch of the water supply system. In this case, you can provide possible malfunctions and prevent their consequences.

In order to perform a mechanical type of pressure relay connection, you will need skills in working with fittings. You need to cut the thread if it is not and compressed the design of flax or tape FMU. Cut the device in the pipe will help a special adjustable key. After connecting electricians in the mechanism. Note that the conductors on the sensor should approach the power to the pump in its cross section.

Typical mistakes Masters

With the arrangement of the pipeline with your own hands, it is important that the equipment for the flow control was properly connected. But unfortunately, not a completely experienced user can make violations in the stability of work. To eliminate all troubles, you need to know about typical errors that allow wizards when connecting the relay.

  1. Incorrectly connected the device. It happens, and this when the sensor is connected to the instrument of taking into account the water consumption, due to which the principle of operation becomes incorrect.
  2. The unreoldness of the compounds occurs when special seals are not used or materials are not proper quality.
  3. Equipment for the water supply system itself is not accurate, and there is a non-compliance with the technical characteristics of the pump.
  4. There is no proper connection scheme, as a result, there may be a parallel connection of the device.
  5. Your own fountain outside the city is great. Let them function in the garden or in front of the house! But if you decide to equip it with your own hands, important ...

The water supply system of the private house is impossible without a pump. But it must somehow turn on and off, make sure that it does not work in the absence of water. The turning on-shutdown of the pump corresponds to the water pressure relay, and to monitor the presence of water should protect against dry pump. How to realize this defense in different situations and we will consider further.

What is a dry pump

Where it would not rock the pump water, sometimes it creates a situation that the water is over - with a small debit of a well or well, water can be simply allocated. In case water swinging from centralized water supply, its feed can simply stop. The operation of the pump in the absence of water and is called dry running. Sometimes the term "idle move" is used, although it is not entirely correct.

So that the water supply of the house worked normally, not only the pump, but also a dry WELL protection system, automatics on-shutdown

What is bad in a dry course, except that electricity is wasting? If, in the absence of water, the pump will work, it will overheat and burn - pumping water is used to cool it. No water - no cooling. The engine will overheat and burn. Therefore, protection against dry pump - one of the components of the automation, which will have to arrive. There is, however, models with built-in protection, but they are expensive. Cheaper buy automation.

How can I protect the pump from dry stroke

There are several different devices that will turn off the pump in the absence of water:

  • dry protection relay;
  • water flow control devices;
  • water Level Sensors (Float Switch and Urvny Control Relay).

All these devices are intended for one - turn off the pump in the absence of water. They only work in different ways, have a different scope. Further will figure out in the peculiarities of their work and when they are most effective.

Dry protection relay

A simple electromechanical device controls the presence of pressure in the system. As soon as the pressure drops below the threshold, the supply circuit is broken, the pump stops working.

It consists of a relay from the membrane that responds to pressure and contact group, which is opened in the normal state. When the membrane pressure decreases, the membrane presses, they closes, turning off the power.

It looks like protection against dry pump

The pressure on which the device reacts is from 0.1 atm to 0.6 atm (depending on the factory settings). Such a situation is possible when there is little water or it does not quite, the filter clouted, the self-priming part was too high. In any case, it is the condition of the dry stroke and the pump must be disconnected, which happens.

The protection relay from idling on the surface is established, although there are models and a hermetic case. It works normally in a watering scheme or any system without a hydroaccumulator. It works more effectively with surface pumps when the check valve is set after the pump.

It is possible to put it in the system with HA, but you will not receive 100% protection from dry drum. It's all about the structure of the structure and work of such a system. Put a protective relay in front of the water pressure switch and the hydroacherumilator. In this case, there is usually the return valve between the pump and protection, that is, the membrane is under pressure generated by the hydroaccumulator. This is a regular scheme, but with this method of inclusion, a situation is possible when the pumping pump is not turned off and overheat.

For example, a dry movement situation was created: the pump turned on, the water in the well / well / no container, in the hydroaccumulator there is some quantity. Since the lower threshold of pressure is usually set about 1.4-1.6 atm, the protective relay membrane will not work - there is pressure in the system. In this position, the membrane is pressed, the pump will work dry. It will stop or when it begins or when the hydroaccumulator is spent most of the stock of water. Only then pressure will fall until critical and the relay will be able to work. If this situation arose during the active use of water, nothing terrible will not happen in principle - several tens of liters run out quickly and everything will be normal. But if it happened at night - the water was lowered in the tank, the hands were waved and went to sleep. The pump turned on, there is no signal to shut down. By morning, when the water analysis begins, it will be in a non-working condition. Therefore, in systems with hydroaccumulizers or pumping stations, it is better to use other protection devices from the dry stroke of the water pump.

Water flow control devices

In any situation, which leads to the dry move of the pump, the flow of water is insufficient or absent at all. There are devices that track this situation - relays and water flow controllers. Relay or duct sensors - electromechanical devices, controllers - electronic.

Relay (sensors) duct

The duct relay is two types - petal and turbine. The petals have a flexible plate, which is in the pipeline. In the absence of water current, the plate deviates from a normal state, the contacts that turn off the pump are triggered.

Turbine flow sensors are somewhat more complicated. The base of the device is a small turbine with an electromagnet in the rotor. If there is a stream of water or gas, the turbine rotates, an electromagnetic field is created, which is converted to electromagnetic pulses read by the sensor. This sensor, depending on the number of pulses, includes / turns off the pump power.

Control controllers

These are mainly devices that combine two functions: protection against dry stroke and water pressure relay. Some models plus to these features can have a built-in pressure gauge and check valve. These devices are also called electronic pressure relays. These devices do not call these cheap, but they provide high-quality protection, listening out several parameters immediately, providing the pressure required in the system, turning off the equipment with an insufficient water flow.

NameFunctionsDry protection protection parametersConnecting dimensionsProducing countryPrice
Brio 2000m Italtecnica.Pressure switch + flow sensor7-15 seconds1 "(25 mm)Italy45$
Watercolobot turbipressPressure relay + duct relay0.5 l / min1 "(25 mm) 75$
Al-Ko.Pressure Relay + Reverse Valve + Dry Protection45 seconds1 "(25 mm)Germany68$
unit automation unitPressure relay + idling protection + pressure gauge 1 "(25 mm)Russia38$
aquario automation unitPressure switch + idling protection + pressure gauge + check valve 1 "(25 mm)Italy50$

In the case of using the automatic unit, the hydroaccumulator is an excess device. The system works perfectly on the emergence of consumption - the opening of the crane, the operation of household appliances, etc. But this is if the reserve for pressure is small. If the gap is large, needed, and the pressure relay is also needed. The fact is that the disabling limit in the automation unit is not regulated. The pump will turn off only when it creates maximum pressure. If he is taken with a large margin in the pressure, it can create an overpressure (optimal - no more than 3-4 atm, everything that leads to premature wear of the system). Because after the automation block press the pressure relay and hydroaccumulator. Such a scheme makes it possible to adjust the pressure at which the pump is turned off.

Water level sensors

These sensors are installed in the well, well, capacitance. It is advisable to use them with submersible type pumps, although they are compatible with superficial. There are sensors of two types - float and electronic.


There are two types of water level sensors - to fill the container (protection against overflows) and emptying - just protection against dry stroke. The second option is our first needed when filling. There are still models that can work and so, and the principle of operation depends on the connection scheme (in the instruction).

The principle of operation when used to protect against dry runoff is simple: while there is water, the float sensor is sick up, the pump can work as soon as the water level fell so much that the sensor dropped, the contactor opens the pump power supply, it cannot be engaged until While the water level will not rise. To protect the pump from idling, the cable float is connected to the gap of the phase wire.

Level control relay

These devices can be used not only to control the minimum water level and dry stroke in the well, well or accumulative container. They can also control overflow (overflow), which is often necessary if there is a storage capacity in the system, from which the water is then pumped into the house or when organizing the water supply of the pool.

Electrodes are lowered into water. Their number depends on the parameters that they track. If you need to monitor only the presence of sufficient water, there are two sensors. One - lowers at the level of the minimum possible level, the second is basic - located just below. The water is used in the paper: while both sensors are immersed in water, small currents occur between them. This means that water in the well / well / tank is enough. If there is no current, it means that water dropped below the minimum level sensor. This team opens the pump nutrition chain and it stops working.

These are the main methods that are organized by protection against the dry stroke of the pump in the water supply systems of the private house. There are still frequency converters, but they are expensive, therefore it is advisable to apply them in large systems with powerful pumps. There they quickly pay off due to electricity saving.

The work of modern household and industrial devices depends largely on the correct and uninterrupted operation of electronic devices. In many ways, this state of affairs suits, however, as soon as the failure occurs, the normal rhythm of life turns into a solid nervousness. But in principle, nothing terrible happens just one of the components fails.

It is to such components of modern household appliances and the water flow sensor belongs. A simple device that is equipped with gas water boilers, autonomous water supply systems, watering systems, well pumps.

As with all electronic components, the duct sensor also has the principles for which it works. In principle, everything is simple here, the whole point of its work is to signal whether there is a movement of water or not. The sensor is installed, for example, into the pipe. When the crane is closed, there is no water movement, and as soon as the crane opens, the water movement begins and the sensor is running, the contacts are closed and the signal goes to the control board.

True, it is necessary to immediately indicate that a pre-sensor is configured to a certain sensitivity threshold - this is when the movement of water should reach a certain mark, for example, 1.7 liters per minute. Then the sensor will turn on, and it will continue to work as long as the water supply rate does not decrease below the mark, and then the contacts will open, and the control board will stop receiving the signal.

Areas of use

In domestic conditions, water duct sensors found their use mainly in devices where continuous monitoring of life support systems and compliance with a certain mode of their functioning are required. Controlling water supply, motion sensors make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the homeiness of the home, make life much more comfortable and safer.

For gas boiler

The main site of the water flow sensor in modern houses was gas boilers. Modern gas boilers equipped with such sensors combine the functions of the water heating apparatus and the heating boiler.

Water duct sensor installed on the pipeline supply of tap water reacts to the beginning of water movement when the hot water crane is opened.

The sensor sends a signal to the boiler control board, and the electronics turns off the heating circulation pump, extinguishes the gas heating nozzles, overlaps the water circulation valve in the heating system. And then the board includes nozzles for the heating of flow water and in the heat exchanger begins the process of water heating. When closing the crane, the sensor captures the movement of the water, which signals the control circuit.

For pump

Many modern home ownership are equipped with autonomous water supply systems. Such systems allow you to have in a private house the comfort level comparatable with apartments, but does not depend on the centralized water pipeline.

The system consisting of a pump, water tank and control system allows you to serve all the necessary systems necessary for a comfortable stay - washing machines, dishwashers, enjoy hot water and toilet.

The role of the water flow sensor is that when any of the device connected to the water supply system is turned on or water welding begins, the sensor turns on the pump and the water supply automatically begins. At the same time, it does not matter whether the wash begins whether the crane opens in the kitchen or the toilet tank is descended.

Another option to use water duct sensors are automatic irrigation systems. Here, in addition to the opening function, the flow sensor controls the amount of water used for watering. This function is necessary to control the dosed irrigation and avoiding the oveurgement of the soil. The sensor installed on the center pipeline provides information on the system control panel.


Today, the water duct sensors of two types have found the greatest application - the Hall sensor and the gear relay.

The flowing water sensor, based on the principle of operation of the Hall sensor (it is also called the flow meter) is a small turbine on which a magnet is notaled. When rotating the turbine, the magnet creates a magnetic field and as a turbine on a hydroelectric power station generates small electrical impulses that come to the boiler control board. The speed of rotation of the turbine depends on the water supply rate, the greater the flow, the clearer pulses. Thus, due to the Hall sensor, it is possible not only to signal the water duct, but also about the water supply speed.

The 8th water duct sensor is a sensor based on the use of magnet principles. In principle, this sensor looks like this - inside the chamber of the composite material there is a magnetic float, with an increase in water pressure, the float moves through the chamber and affects the reserves.

Herkeon, and this is nothing more than two magnetic plates in the camera without air, under the action of the magnetic field, the float will open, and the control board translates the operation of the boiler into hot water.


Considering the fact that most water duct sensors are constructively part of the instruments, the installation is required only in case of replacement upon failure. However, there are situations where the water flow sensor must be installed separately, for example, when there is a need to increase the water supply pressure.

After all, there are often situations when there are insufficient pressure in the central water supply system, and to turn on the gas boiler to hot water, it is necessary to create a good pressure. In this case, an additional circulation pump is installed, equipped with a water duct sensor.

In this case, the sensor is installed after the pump, thus, at the beginning of the water movement, the sensor includes a pump, and water pressure rises.

Review of models and prices

Water duct sensor for Grundfos UPA 120 pump

Basic use - automatic pump control of the water supply system. The sensor is designed to provide water supply of an individual house, an apartment equipped with an individual water supply system. The inclusion of the sensor automation occurs at a stable fluid flow in the range of 90-120 liters per hour.

The main purpose is to protect the pump from idle. The sensor is used with Grudfos UPA Series Grundfos Pressure Pump. These aggregates have small linear dimensions, which allows installation directly into the line of the water supply line.

The use of the sensor allows the pump to operate in several modes of operation, allowing both automatic inclusion and inclusion if necessary. The sensor automation turns off the pump in case of increasing the pressure in the plumbing to the normal indicator.


  • power consumption - up to 2.2 kW;
  • degree of protection - IP 65;
  • manufacturer - Grundfos;
  • country producer - Romania, China;

Price - 30 dollars.

Genyo series water duct sensor - Lowara Genyo 8A

Products of the company specializing in the production of various electronic devices for control systems. The model is designed to control the pump household water supply system based on the actual water consumption. The main feature of the sensor is to control the pressure in the plumbing during operation. The LOWARA GENYO 8A sensor is designed to start the pump when the water flow rate is achieved at 1.5-1.6 liters per minute.


  • the launch of the pump is performed at 1,5 liter water consumption per minute;
  • operating voltage of the sensor - 220-240 V;
  • the frequency of consumed current - 50-60 Hz;
  • maximum current consumed - 8a;
  • power consumption - up to 2.4 kW;
  • range of operating temperatures - 5-60 degrees Celsius;
  • degree of protection - IP 65;
  • manufacturer - Lowara. ;
  • country of manufacture - Poland;

Price - 32 dollars.

Designed for installation in the gas double-circuit boilers of the brand immergas. Compatible with models: Mini 24 3 E, VICTRIX 26, MAJOR EOLO 24 4E | 28 4e. The hot water flow sensor is designed to be installed in the gas boilers of the IMmergas trademark of smoking and turbocharged versions. The duct sensor is made in a plastic housing with a threaded connection. The Hall Sensor 1.028570 allows you to receive water from the stable temperature at the output from the contour of hot water supply,

Price 41 dollars.

The fluid flow switch is presented, intended for continuous control of the presence of water flow and a variety of liquid media in the pipeline. The fluid duct sensor is mounted on a given value and when the flow rate (flow rate) displays a discrete signal at the output of the instrument. Fluid flow relays, depending on the principle of operation, can use the mechanical measurement principle, for example, a water flow relay with a spring-loaded valve, vortex (Vortex) or electronic (for example, a calorimetric water flow switch). Each type has its advantages and cons, and to solve each specific task there may be various variants of the Relo Play. Electronic flow sensors have a higher cost, however, are more reliable and versatile than mechanical flow sensors. The novelty in the Assortment of IFM Electronic is the vortex flow sensors. Easy design, reliability and low cost regarding the flow sensors operating on other principles are all advantages of the vortex water flow sensors.
To control and measure the flow rate of the liquid media, the fluid flow sensors with an analog output signal are designed, in which case the output of the device has a linear current or voltage signal, the proportional fluid flow rate.
For aggressive environments, we recommend examining a fluid flow switch with measuring probes from ceramics, khastelloa or titanium. An interesting solution is the IFM Electronic or EGE-ELEKTRONIK flow sensors in a modular version: where the measuring probes from various materials can be connected to the electronics block, depending on the required task. Some electronic stream sensors may also monitor medium temperature and have a separate output for temperature value. In the nomenclature of supplies IFM Electronic and Ege-Elektronik there are flow sensors for an elevated temperature. In these sensors, the electronic and mechanical parts are separated, which allows you to withstand elevated temperatures. For use in food production, we offer to consider electronic calorimetric flow switch sensors from IFM Electronic. Models Si6000, Si6600, Si6700, Si6800 have long been a standoff and standard for use on food and pharmaceutical production. High-quality stainless steel with polishing, an extended temperature range of operation and high reliability allow us to recommend that the IFM Electronic fluid sensors in hygienic design for food production are precisely recommended to use.

Sensor of Duch - a device that generates the output signal in the presence of a fluid or gas flow. Installed in pipelines and air ducts, where the presence of a working fluid is a critical parameter.

Such a sensor is also called flow switch,because Its principle of action is similar to with the only difference that its workshop causes no appearance of the control voltage on the coil, but the presence of fluid or gas flow. But the result of the response of the duct sensor, as well as the usual relay, is to change the state of the output contacts to the opposite.

As a rule, the sensor has a normal-closed (NZ) and normally open contact (but). When the flow of the working medium of the NZ-contact opens, and but it is closed.

There are several types of duct sensors:

Petal Relo Relay

The figure shows the pattern of the petal duct sensor.

As can be seen from the name, the main working element of this type of duct sensor is a flexible petal, which is in contact with the working medium and deviates from the vertical position in the case of flow. The petal is mechanically connected with the output contacts and changes their condition when it is rejected.

Caleffi duct petals and Danfoss (left)

Turbine type duct sensor

The figure shows the turbine duct sensor scheme.

Such sensors are a small turbine, the rotor of which is equipped with a magnet. When the working substance flow passes through the turbine device, the turbine begins to rotate, as a result of which the magnetic field occurs, which is converted to electrical pulses entering the electronic sensor circuit. Electronics causes a change in the state of the output contacts in the presence of a stream, as well as in the petal sensor.

Thus, such duct sensors have two types of outputs: output contacts (but also NZ) and a pulse output. The latter is used to determine the flow rate: the greater the pulse repetition frequency - the greater the flow rate.

Duch sensor (turbine) for the ARISTON boiler

As an example of a sensor of this type, the ARISTON gas boiler gap. When a stream appears (when the user opens a crane of hot water), the sensor generates an output signal and translates the boiler to the heat heating mode.

Using Protok Sensors

Duch sensors most often performed protective, information or control functions.

The protective function is related to the detection of the stream in systems where its absence can lead to emergency situations or equipment breakdowns. So, for example, the pumps protect, because When working in the absence of water flow, their overheating occurs and failure. You can also define the lack of air flow in ventilation systems when the filter is clogged, closes the flap or fan breakage. With the help of a duct relay, you can reveal leaks in water supply systems, determine the absence of water in the accumulative tank, etc.

About the information function of the channel relay speaks when the presence or absence of a duct is not associated with an emergency, but is a significant event in the system that needs to know the user. In such cases, the sensor trigger is used to enable light or sound indication, or form a message to the operator panel.

The control function of the duct relay performs when another equipment is turned on by or turns off or turns off. For example, in DHW systems, when the user opens a hot water faucet, the gas boiler should turn on the pump and go to the heating mode of the DHW. This happens just when the duct sensor is triggered after opening the crane.

Double Relay Connection Scheme

The following figure shows a typical circuit for turning the flow sensor for the pump.

In the absence of duct, the contact 1-2 is open, and the NZ contact 1-3 is closed, the power circuit is open, the pump is stopped. When the flow of water appears through the relay, its contacts change their state, the supply circuit of the pump is closed and it turns on.