How to make a wooden table from the boards. Table: Material, Production technology, Schemes, Designs - Simple and complex

The table is known to be needed in every home. Currently, there are a very large number of different options in stores:

  • dining;
  • kitchen;
  • garden (for cottage or private house);
  • transformer;
  • large;
  • small;
  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square and so on.

However, many want to make this piece of furniture on their own, especially since simple models require minimal skills to have a tool.

Before proceeding directly to work, some should be prepared.
tools, as well as pick up the material. Let's consider in more detail these very important moments. If you plan to make a simple wooden table, then in this case there will be quite a conventional joinery (planer, chisels) and several saws (ionic, for a blank, nipsens, manual) and hacksaws. Thinner work with trimmed forms will require additional tools. This, in particular, electric jigsaw, grinding machine, milling machine. In order to facilitate the process of angular cutting, you will need a stub.

It is also important to choose the material correctly. In the absence of serious work experience, it is better to take cheaper wood, since it will be needed by some stock "just in case." For the manufacture of countertops, such characteristics, as the strength and absorption of moisture, have special importance. The most optimal option here will be larch or pine thickness of at least 3 centimeters. However, if the means allow, then the countertop can be made of oak. For compact tables, slabs made on the basis of wood - OSB, chipboard, and so on.

For the manufacture of legs, birch is best suited. The thing is that this wood has very good strength indicators at a relatively low price.
However, it is necessary to take care of moisture resistance - we will talk about it slightly lower. The most optimal parameters for the legs are the cross section 5 to 5 and the length of about 76 centimeters. Sucks are best made from acacia. When choosing boards, do not forget to examine them carefully. Those on which there are worms, dropping down, cracks, or rot, should be rejected immediately.

The design will not be durable without reliable fasteners. Therefore, their choice should also be suitable with full responsibility. Immediately warn it - nails are not suitable in this case. First, when using them, put the leg strictly vertically very difficult. Secondly, the nail is easy to roll dry wood, and for the manufacture of furniture you need to take just such. Third, such a product will be very difficult to repair, because the dismantling of fasteners is almost always accompanied by damage to adjacent parts.

Therefore, for the manufacture of a wooden table, you need to use the seeds planted for glue, or self-tapping screws. If the design requires additional amplification, the most optimal option will be corners, brackets, metal strips. If planned collapsible design, it is better to connect it to the kings.

It should be noted that the table should not only be reliable, but also practical. Its appearance has an important meaning. Therefore, these moments should also be taken care. In particular, protect the table from rotting is actually using the used machine oil. This tool is not only effectively - they can also be free from free. It is also nice to use the natural product with flaxseed oil. It is good protection desk from fungus and mold. This is not all options. Well protect your product acrylic varnishes or water-polymer emulsion.

To give the table an attractive appearance, you can use paint. Only when buying, specify that you intend to paint wood. Also a very common option - verses. The choice of data of funds is very wide today, so there will be no problems with the acquisition. Very beautifully look at tables covered with toning varnish. To speak as a whole, you can give the table any shade. At the same time, you can even spend several experiments by taking some kind of discarded board.

The next step is determined with the design of the table. In detail to paint all the possible options here is simply impossible, so we will focus on the simplest. We are talking about the usual stationary rectangular table. All items here need to be fixed hard - due to this, the required strength is achieved. You will need to make 3 main parts - worktop, prestole and 4 legs. Previously, of course, it should be decisled. If the table is small, it is quite appropriate to take a one-piece countertop, cutting it out of the OSB-slab.

Podstole is a wooden frame. It is to her we will be attached to the legs. The latter is easiest to be made from a bar having a square section of the desired size. That is, you will need only to cut 4 legs of the required length. After that, it remains to connect all the elements of the tables with each other. At the final stage, take care of the protection of the design made by your hands, as well as give it the desired color. As you can see, there really is nothing complicated.

Well, in conclusion, I want to give a few tips. In particular, if an assembly is planned on self-drawing, it will first need to do the holes in the tree drill a slightly larger diameter. When using the abrasive, it takes large, and then small.

You need to be prepared for the fact that it will take multiple grinding. Here a lot depends on the tree of wood and the quality of drying material. Squares and cracks are easily removed by putty. Wood dust after grinding is removed by a vacuum cleaner. After that, the product is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth. Well, the most important advice is that it is necessary to make the manufacture of complex products only after you confidently handle simple.

The dining table can easily be called the heart of your apartment. You are returning to him after a hard working day, you are going to the whole family behind him, you invite friends and close on weekends to him, cover it to holidays.

Today, the kitchen tables are made of glass, plastic, metal, wood, veneer, and even stone. In stores there are a large selection of dining tables for every taste. You can always choose a table from the assortment of the store, but there is another option - try making a kitchen table from the tree with your own hands. In this case, you should decide on the material. Make a kitchen table with your own hands easier from the tree. Work will be performed in several stages.

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Determine with form and sizes

In order for the product to live for a long time and it was convenient for them to use, you need to choose the right size and shape. Speaking of form, highlight several options for wooden tables:

  1. rectangular;
  2. square;
  3. round;
  4. oval.

The kitchen table of rectangular shape is the most common model that will easily fit into any interior - it can be placed at the wall, or in the center of the kitchen.

Square products are compact. They are chosen for small kitchens. Such tables are suitable for small families consisting of no more than 4 people.

Round and oval products allow you to sear more people, so such a form is in demand in large families. The round or oval table is chosen for large rooms, where it will stand in the center of the room, as it will not be possible to put this table into the corner or move to the wall.

Choosing a product shape, consider the kitchen style, room dimensions and the number of family members.

How to make a kitchen table with your own hands and not guess with the size? There are standards for calculating the size of the dining table. For the standard, a wooden table is accepted capable of accommodating 4 persons. For each person there is an area of \u200b\u200btable tops, equal to 60x40 cm. With such a seating, people will not interfere with each other.

The kitchen table size should be such that in the center there is at least 20 cm² free space for serving items (dish, vase with flowers, etc.).

Given all the nuances, the standard table will be 75 cm in height, 100-120 cm long and about 80 cm wide.

Required tools and materials

For the manufacture of the table will be needed:

  • read-top 60x120 cm or 4 timber bar at 100 cm;
  • two 80 cm long boards (for frame);
  • two 40 cm long boards (for jumpers);
  • furniture waders;
  • ready-made feet for table 73-75 cm;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • roulette and gloves.

Before you collect a dining table in the kitchen, prepare materials and tools: plans, grinding machine or sandpaper, circular saw or jigsaw, drill (with 8 mm drill), carbon black and plow glue. For finishing table, you will need an antiseptic, varnish and a veil. Do not forget about protective glasses.

What a tree use

What tree do the kitchen tables make? In order for the dining table for a long time, his surface did not swell and did not fade, and was also resistant to various damage, give preference to solid and dense varieties of wood: beech, nut, cherry or oak. Such a tree is well processing and drying, keeping its structure. The table from the solid of the tree of such breeds will be solid and resistant to damage. From pine, fir, willow better refuse - these varieties of wood are soft and loose, they will not transfer mechanical impacts.

Preparation and processing of wooden parts

Before starting work, you should impregnate the boards by an antiseptic and give them to dry. Details can be processed at home.

Carefully polish theroll or grinding machine board and worktop. Come on the wooden surface of emery paper. The better you handle the wood, the more smooth and pleasant to the touch there will be the surface of the product.

Table top

If you purchased a ready wooden table top in the store, you can skip this stage. If you decide to make a tabletop yourself, proceed to the manufacture.

It is necessary to prepare 4 boards of the same length - 100 cm. If the boards were not pre-cut, they need to be fired in length and width. So that the countertop does not swear and did not part from the impact of moisture, the boards lay the pattern to each other.

The easiest way to build countertops - stocking. Boards need to be combined with the use of glue and furniture waders. To do this, in the bars drill the grooves in a depth of 10-12 mm at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. If for the future table you chose thin boards, make holes with a depth of 6-8 mm.

Carefully pass the surface of the boards, paying special attention to the edges. So the billets will be more closely fitting each other.

In the holes done, fill the glue. Apply glue to furniture ducts and take them into the holes, alternately connecting all four bar each other. The remnants of the adhesive can be removed by sandpaper.


The next step will be the attachment of the legs. To do this, you will need a bought table legs purchased in advance and two boards of 40 cm. The legs will need to be coppering the jumper board, drilled in it two holes, retreating 1.5 cm from the edge of the leg. In the holes done, screw the screws and secure glue. Connect the boards with legs, tapping with a hammer. Give adhesion to dry, leave the items for 12 hours.


The next step will be the manufacture of the future table support, which fastens the surface of the table top and four legs with each other, is a constructive element called the kard. To do this, you will need boards with a length of 80 cm. While creating a king with legs in the same way - connecting parts with screws and glue. Drill holes for screws for which you put the worktop. When the frame is completely dry, connect the tabletop with a frame with screws.

Cottage is a pleasant place not only for work, but also for rest. In stores you can find many offers for giving, but more economical option to make country tables and chairs yourself.

Dutka table with your own hands

For the manufacture of furniture requires a serious approach, certain tools and skills. But you can make a simple and very economical option from wooden pallets.

Necessary materials:

  • Sandpaper
  • Selfless
  • Pallets
  • Grinding on wood
  • Varnishes and paints for wood

Pallets must be cleared with a grinding machine (for this you can use coarse sandpaper). Then handle fine-grained emery paper in order to facilitate the work, the paper can be fixed on the bar. Next, it is necessary to cover pallets by primer, if necessary, paint and varnish.

If the finished furniture will be outdoors, the workpiece must be lacquered. So she will continue to preserve longer and serves several seasons. Before starting the connection of pallets, it is necessary to determine the view and sizes, the photo tables for the cottage are chosen on the Internet and make it on it.

Two or three pallets can be installed on each other and brake with self-draws. If the table is used at home, you can attach wheels for convenient movement.

Also, you can attach the finished metal legs to the pallets and thus make a full-fledged dining table. Also from the pallets you can make budget chairs, benches and sofas for the veranda. This material is the most affordable, you can buy new pallets, or to get used for the previously used.

Folding country table

Required materials and tools:

  • Hacksaw
  • Screwdriver
  • Roulette
  • A hammer
  • Drill
  • Pencil
  • Wooden Rake Long 5 m
  • Wooden stove for tabletop (board, plywood or osb)
  • Screws and nuts

When using plywood, it turns out at all expensive option. If there is tools to work on wood, it is better to use them, so the process will go faster.

To begin with, cut the workpiece to the following sizes:

  • 4 parts 70 cm
  • 4 parts 45 cm
  • Countertop size 45 cm by 65 cm.

In order to properly collect the folding mechanism, it is necessary to find the drawings of the country's folding tables on the Internet, or step-by-step photos.

On details of 70 cm, I measure 40 cm from the edge and put the mark with a pencil, then drill holes. Two legs connect with the help of the screw, on the other hand, twist the nut, also enter the second pair.

Tabletop divide into two equal parts of 32.5 cm and cut. On the details of 45 cm (for the folding mechanism) from the end of the rail, we retreat 1 cm and drill holes. Details for the folding mechanism must be rounded so that they do not cling to each other.

According to the scheme in photos, we collect all the details together and get a folding table. Next, the table must be primed, painted and covered with varnish. When using sizes, it turns out a very compact table, it will be conveniently taken with him on nature and carry it in the car.

Additional Information

The design of the folding table can be adapted to their sizes and make drawings independently. To better look at the table top, you can smoothly round.

Tree primer helps protect wood from insects, so do not neglect its use.

When painting tables and chairs, you need to use new brushes, during the process you need to ensure that the paint does not bubble. Typically color in two stages, you can go to the finishing stage after the first layer of paint.

Tables for the street need to be lacquered so that dampness and mechanical exposure do not affect the tree. It is necessary to do this in a well-ventilated room, it is better not to endure the product to the street.

If the design is large and there is no possibility to put it in the room, it is possible to cover with varnish on the covered veranda, where the moisture cannot harm.

Lucky differ in the degree of protection, some protect only from moisture, others will help to avoid small scratches, they can also be with the addition of paint.

In the manufacture of tables made of wood, it is necessary to follow the safety technique, to work, use cotton gloves, when working with tools to be careful. If the work happens on the street, you need to follow the moisture does not fall on extension cords and sockets.

Photo of the country table with their own hands

To start a loved to the independent manufacture of furniture, it is worth learning how to create a stool because it is the easiest way. And then the time to study the question of creating a table comes.

Table designs are different, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of creating a stuff.

A simple table for use in the country or during a departure to a picnic you can collect just a few hours. To do this, you need a hacksaw, a hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can be made for residential premises. Since it is able to perfectly replace the current very large option, purchased in the retail point of sales or furniture store.

The process of self-creating the table is interesting and on the other hand, since the freedom of creative expression of the author appears with the help of it. It can be represented as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

The creators of manual amateur furniture are not just called joiners. It does not apply to the usual definition like: Sounders or bedside beds, and maybe lockers.

Having gained experience in this direction, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables that are characterized by advanced characteristics.

Now consider the question of the independent creation of wood-based tables.

Wood is characterized by cleanliness and accessibility, in addition, it is not so difficult to process, like other materials. It transmits the maximum energy of the aesthetic filling of the style of the residential room.

At the expense of its properties condescendingly refers to the mistakes of beginners in the field of independent creation of furniture. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of skill.

To begin with, learning to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use as a material: glass, plastic or even metal.

Selection of tools and room facilities

To engage in independent creation of tables or other wooden furniture elements, it is necessary to use only a non-residential room.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation of a large amount of dust, chips and other waste.

And the process of toning or creating protection for material based on the simulation is capable of forming dangerous release into the air. Actually nitroleki can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal joinery workshop will have to take care of the air ventilation. Specialists advise creating artificial ventilation of the premises.

Many for this use a garage, however, waste production can pollute or damage the car because of this is not the best option.

Joinery tools belong to modern and traditional species

For the most part, for a start, it is possible to limit the simple carpentry tool, however, it may be necessary to see modern versions in the form of:

  • The swivel version of the stub, helps to create a sleep based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all its beneficial properties, first of all, with an ampace saw. This couple is considered universal, it can come in handy for the fulfillment of many works.

  • The handmade version of the universal electric jigsaw, which is characterized by a tilted shoe, helps create a propyl based on the necessary angle with respect to the vertical plane.

  • Disk version of the grinding machine. It will help newcomers to process the tree surface approximately for 5-15 minutes. An experienced joinear together with the skin will be able to perform the same work for about an hour.

And there is also an ordinary grinding ribbon machine and for grooves with in-depth places, characterized by a protruding option for the working part.

Such tools are highlighted by the price and narrow specialization of work, experienced masters recommend that they take them into a short lease term.

The best specialists using, various grinding machines can even create an effect of artificial aging wood, however, it is a very difficult job as for beginners.

What tree is suitable best?

To create a wooden table, any wood, which has an average resistance to the rotation process, however, should be refrained from soft versions like: poplar, willow, wood of ailant, aspen and more alder.

Of the domestic types of wood it is best to use:

  • soft versions in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane, juniper or ate.

  • solid in the form of an ideal oak suitable for many works of beech, maple, nut or ash, larch, as well as fruit rocks represented by apple trees, plums, pears, apricots and quince. And also here should include Elm and Ryabin.

  • pretty solid views based on acacia, tees, stone birch, dogwood and says.


The table and probably all kinds of furniture created by their own hands, I want to decorate with an artistic version of the painting, and not ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the drawing can be spoiled so that this does not happen to rub the paint into the depth of the tree to the varnishing process. This can be done on the basis of equipment - lesing. We are talking about layer-by-layer rubbing, using paints.

Photo tables do it yourself

The table is an integral attribute of the kitchen interior. At the same time, he should not only combine style, beauty and comfort, but also be quite reliable. And what could be more reliable and durable than a natural tree? The problem is that high-quality wooden furniture is expensive, so not everyone may acquire it for his kitchen. However, it is not necessary to despair, because to make a wooden table with your own hands - quite fulfilling the task for a person who is able to distinguish the screw from the nail and knows how to use the drill, pubescom and grinding machine.

Swinging bed made in the pallet. Coffee table from tires. Here is another example, when the boxes are used this time to make a garden chair. Plastic boxes as a chair. Wooden trunks are carved and turned into a coffee table. If you have old tires in the garage, why not use them to make garden puffs, as in the figure below?

Make sapphire from the old tire. You can also make garden furniture with tires. This project will be a little more pleasant, but simply will allow you to imagine freely create chairs and original files. Production of garden furniture with tires. You can find a palette in this garden sofa in Scandinavian style. Attached to the rollers, this sofa can be moved according to your needs.

The choice of the design of the kitchen table depends on several factors, such as kitchen dimensions, the number of tenants and interior design. If you look at the options that are offered by furniture manufacturers, then among all the variety of structures, three categories can be distinguished:

  • medium-sized tables for 4-6 people;
  • overall tables for a large family or reception;
  • practical folding tables for small-sized kitchens.

The table in the kitchen should combine three qualities: aesthetics, convenience and practicality

Garden couch made in the palette: Scandinavian decoration is located on Randevo. Here is a very simple project. Make your own desk from the magazine. You will probably have to sand the surface of the log, but, besides this, you can very quickly enjoy your furniture.

Side table from the magazine. Less common, but more fashionable, slag block - excellent material for use in garden furniture. Discover the originality and simplicity of the garden bench below. Brick and several wooden beams are enough to make this original garden bench.

To make a kitchen table with your own hands, you need to have a drawing of the product, a necessary set of tools and at least small skills of working with wood. Below are options for structures for standard, large and small kitchens with photo instructions and a detailed description of each stage of wood table manufacture.

Creating your own garden furniture never seemed so easy. Whether in the pallet, tree or slag block, your home garden furniture will not leave indifferent! In one corner of the terrace, a small home bed was equipped. Are you tired of the fact that the same furniture models are free used in a variety of contexts? Are you looking for ideas for creating unique wooden furniture for pallets? If your answer to these questions "yes", we suggest you familiarize yourself with the ideas that we have chosen for you in this article, and try to imitate your favorite models.

Rectangular dining table on balasines

A rectangular design with a standard size of 1200x600mm is considered the most popular due to its practicality. At this table, a family of 4 people will calmly be located. In addition, it can be installed as in the center of the kitchen (if the area allows), and put it close to the wall in order to save free space.

You will not be disappointed with the results! Wooden pallets can be easily found in stores with regular supplies produced by heavy trucks. Their biggest advantage is that they are almost always inexpensive, and sometimes free. They are also multifunctional, with unprecedented organic air and at the same time respese the environment.

Garden furniture from recycled pallets. Depending on the complexity of your chosen project, you will use wooden pallets with a very small change or completely convert them to make them unrecognizable. For beginners, it is better to choose a simple project, for example, a small bass, a bench or shelf.

Schematic drawing

In order to make a wooden table more attractive, instead of straight legs we will use balusters. If there is no turn of the lathe, then such legs can be ordered separately in the nearest furniture workshop.

For your information! Balyasins are figure poles that, first of all, are found on the railing of stairs, balconies and roofs. However, the use of these elements in the manufacture of kitchen tables is also not uncommon.

Wooden pallets - more tricks for the construction of your furniture

Many handymen recognize that during the construction of wooden pallets, the most difficult time is the deconstruction of the same before creating a new piece. But the good news is that you can also choose a piece of furniture that does not necessarily require complete disassembly. Using a puzzle, you can simply cut the palette according to the size of your new project. The coffee table is a good starting project for those who prefer not to deconitate the entire palette.

Drawing of a rectangular table on balasines

For the assembly of the product, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • 4 Ready-made legs-balusters with a height of 720 mm;
  • furniture shield with a thickness of 30 mm for table top;
  • board 20x100mm for frame;
  • screws on a tree with a length of about 30 mm;
  • drill (screwdriver);
  • a circular saw;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • sandpaper of different grainability;
  • building level;
  • corolnic;
  • roulette;
  • glue on wood.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

A kitchen table made of wood on balasits with their own hands is done in such a sequence:

Wooden pallets for creating a gorgeous garden hall. If you plan to use the planks as a more plowed building material, you must first remove nails from wooden pallets. You will need about 30 minutes to decompose the pallet, which will provide you with 10-12 meters of wood. The amount you can use after this usually depends on the state of your planks after dismantling.

Sofas covered beige velvet, coffee table in the wooden palette and the corresponding shaggy carpet. In order for you to create your own assortment of furniture, you can first measure the planks, and then cut them according to the desired size. Collect new with nails or wooden screws. Drain the entire pallet with sandpaper to align its surface. Do not forget the places where you cut it, or holes formed by nails.

  1. We prepare the crossbars. To do this, cut the 100-millimeter board on 4 parts (2 to 400 mm, 2 to 1000 mm), after which we remove the burrs and bring the surface to a smooth state using sandpaper or grinding machine.

  1. We take the balusters and in pairwise connect with short crossings (400 mm), making a small indentation from the edge of the leg (about 15 mm). The mount is carried out by means of glue and screws that are tightened at an angle from the inside of the board.

Tip! To prevent the appearance of cracks, it is better to pre-take holes for the screws.

Big corner sofa for your living room

Finally, this is the most creative moment of the entire process - choose a varnish or color of paint and decorate! The only pleasant moment will be for the long chair that you did yourself, or put your cup of coffee on the table made by your own hands! Wooden pallets for bedroom personalization.

We make durable and reliable legs

The platform for supporting your mattress and isolating it from the floor is one of the most simple furniture because it is not even necessary to deconstruct the pallets before you appoint them new instructions. In addition, this project requires only 2 wooden pallet for a single bed! Accordingly, you will need 4 for large beds and one or two additional rooms if you want to add a headboard. Tip Deck: Insert light strings with batteries between pallets boards to make a dream with a sword bright!

Fastening short crossing to legs

  1. Ready pairs of legs connect long crossbones (1000 mm). The attachment algorithm is the same as in the previous stage.

Finishing Stamp Frame Mounting Stage

Natural wooden pallets for sublimation of an industrial interior! Its response mainly depends on your interior design style, as well as from your personal preferences. For example, for industrial attic space, it is better to use only a transparent varnish to save the source texture. Add other raw materials, vintage items and metal furniture to make the appearance of the above-mentioned reading angle completely inspirational!

Coffee table on rollers painted white in Scandinavian style

If, on the other hand, you prefer the Scandinavian style, you have freedom of choice between "natural" and "white". The main reason for this is that light wood and flawless white are trading stamps in the Scandinavian decor. Apparently, a straight sofa in anthracite gray and a coffee table on wheels painted in white color are perfectly combined. An alternative is to use the color of pastel paint, but especially if you want to give a decor with a tint of retro-chic.

  1. After we have made the wooden table frame with their own hands, go to the tabletop. If it comes to the kitchen, then it is better to buy a finished furniture shield. Although for a gazebo or giving, where the requirements for the appearance of the countertops are not as tough, it can be collected from the headboards.

Scandinavian decor is chic and cozy at the same time. But raw boards look equally attractive, especially on a white background and almost untouched pearl-gray. By the way, small tables and large sofas can be mostly equipped with rollers to become mobile. And although the furniture on wheels looks quite industrially, it is necessary to recognize that their practical side has no equal. Who should have shifted a sofa for 3-4 people, he perfectly understood what it means!

Garden sofa in wooden pallets is decorated with decorative pillows. Finally, keep in mind that for furniture you plan to use outside, a special protective layer will be required. Even the most aesthetic and original furniture is useful when it is easily damaged by the weather! Regardless of your choice of design and decor, you will not be disappointed with a unique charm offered by wooden furniture for pallets that you yourself and create your own hands, armed with full creative inspiration!

Furniture shield for table top

  1. The finished countertop must be combined with a frame. To do this, laid it with the front side on a flat and clean surface, and at the top evenly have a base with legs. The fastening of the across the tabletop is carried out by screws by the same principle that was described in paragraph 2. However, in this case, it is necessary to be extremely neat so as not to drill a tabletop through.

Assembling frame for table top

Lift the bed with a wooden pallet. Accessories add comfort to the bedroom. Bedroom in bright colors. Island cuisine has become an indispensable way to think about a modern kitchen. Not only for modern design, but also because island cuisines are equipped with multifunctional additions that make them comfortable and suitable for any purpose. In addition, being an island, usually located in the center of the kitchen, it becomes the center, the center around which the whole family is going or neighbors when cooking dishes.

  1. On this, the manufacture of the kitchen table can be considered practically complete. The last stage is characterized by the surface grinding process, as well as applying the veil or varnish, the color of which is selected under the kitchen interior.

Note! The number of layers of varnish depends on the tree breed. Solid rocks, such as oak or housing, weakly absorb varnish, therefore, in this case, there is enough 1-2 layers. But for pine or ate, you will need at least 3 layers of coating.

Make an island kitchen from the chest

Other furniture, another alternative. Dresser is very well suited for the implementation of your island suitable for any purpose you want to satisfy. This is because it is a reliable, functional mobile phone with a lot of space for storing all the kitchenware that you want to keep in your hand.

Tables for furnishing and decor of the room with their own hands

Again, you can choose the color of the furniture of another color so that it is perfectly combined with the kitchen and other decorative furniture from the environment. Changes in application, if you are going to make your island cuisine with a dresser, not so much. It is mostly integration added as hooks and stands useful to support kitchen utensils. Even in this case, as in the case of low libraries, ideal sizes and maximum functionality and aesthetics will be achieved by the perfect combination of two different boxes to create a separate part.

Dining table made of wood on balasines

Wooden table for big family

The overall table, followed by a large family in a circle or arrange a feast, inviting friends, should have a reliable design. The usual four legs are usually not enough to keep heavy countertop. Therefore, you have to make additional measures to enhance the framework.

If the salon height seems too small, you can overcome this problem by adding your feet to furniture or wheels, which will allow you, among other things, get rid of the island on which you prefer, with a big simplicity, so you can achieve the height you want. However, try to respect the original chest style.

We make important measurements and calculations

If you are using only one chest, and not two superimposed on each other, then think about replacing or returning back if it looks aesthetically different. You can even think about throwing the back of the paint board so that you can have a greater functionality. On this floor you can write a list of purchases, the ingredients for the recipe or leave a place for the work of your children. Finally, as mentioned above, you can add hooks, stands, bars to hang kitchen towels, paper napkins, baking gloves or various items.

Production of product

In this example, consider how to make a large wooden table for the kitchen with your own hands with a size of 2337x978 mm (naturally, minor deviations are allowed in one direction or another).

Tree drawing

Before you start, you should prepare timber for:

Make an island kitchen from the old table

Another option that you have, if you want to make homemade home cooking, is to use the old unused table in which you will give the second life, and the remaining seeds will turn it into something very useful. Apply some retouching and add some finishing.

Enjoy, setting up your island, as you would like by adding a number of multifunctional parts that can be well maintained in the kitchen. Even in this case, you can draw a table, choosing even bright colors, but always respecting the environment of the environment, and then add all the useful items to best organize the available space. Support for paper roll, belt for towels and magazine magazines, where you can store all the best books of recipes.

  • carrier frame (38x90 mm);
  • countertops (38x140 mm);
  • supporting slats (19x64 mm).

The following tools will also need:

  • a circular saw;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill;
  • screws (4x65 mm);
  • drills (3 mm);
  • furniture glue;
  • pencil, roulette, sandpaper.

Stages of manufacture

In order for the table to be reliable and possessed an attractive appearance, it is necessary to accommodively approach each stage. So, proceed:

  1. From purchased lumber, we make parts for the future wooden table:
  • 2 upper transverse beams (38x90x978 mm);
  • 4 legs (38x90x695 mm);
  • 2 tents (38x90x921 mm);
  • 1 Longitudinal lower beam (38x90x1575 mm);
  • 1 Longitudinal upper beam (38x90x1473 mm);
  • 2 cuts (38x90x772 mm);
  • 7 blanks for table tops (38x90x2337);
  • 6 supporting planks (19x64x432 mm).

All the details are carefully grinding, achieving an absolutely smooth surface without burrs.

Important! The quality of the grinding of a wooden surface depends on the properly selected emery grain. For primary grinding, grain size should not be larger than 200 microns. Circumptory processing is carried out by eating with smaller grain - 80-100 μm for soft and 50-63 microns for solid wood.

  1. The legs pairly fasten with each other with the help of transverse beams (at the top) and the guards (below). For each connection we use two screws.

  1. With the help of the longitudinal bottom beam, we connect two tents.

Fastening the bottom transverse beam

  1. Strengthen the design by the top transverse beam.

Tip! So that the beam reliably combined two halves, in addition to screws, additionally should use wooden wars with a diameter of 10 mm.

  1. The ends of the billets for the splines are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, both cutting to the upper and lower transverse beams are conclusing.

Fastening the top transverse beam

  1. Designed for table top wooden boards connect with transverse beams on the inside of the design.

  1. Additionally strengthen the worktop using supporting planks. Watch that they do not go to the wall dimensions.

Strengthening design by supporting planks

  1. If desired, semicircular angles can be made in the kitchen wooden table, which will give the product a more elegant look.

This option is suitable for both large cuisine or dining room and dacha

Folding table made of wood for small-sized kitchen

If there is not enough space in the kitchen to accommodate a large or medium size in the kitchen size, then a more original approach should be sought. One of these solutions is a folding table, which is attached to the wall and is very simply cleaned, freeing the space engaged in itself.

Materials and tools

To make a folding table made of wood to the kitchen with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • furniture shield with a thickness of 30 mm;
  • wooden ram 20x60 mm;
  • loops (6 pcs.);
  • angular lamella (2 pcs.);
  • wooden waders;
  • dowel;
  • screws;
  • drill;
  • electrolovik;
  • grinding or sandpaper;
  • glue;

Assembly: step by step

Tip! Before proceeding with the work, decide on the place where the table will be installed. As the design is attached to the wall, it is very important to take into account all the features of the future interior of the kitchen, so that he subsequently did not have to make a permutation, leaving unsightly holes from the dowels in a prominent place.

Stages of assembling kitchen table with their own hands:

  1. Prepare parts for folding legs. For this, a wooden bar is cut into 8 parts: 4 with a length of 720 mm, 4 with a length of 320 mm. Each element is sketching, removing burrs.

  1. We collect two rectangular frames. Rakes are connected to each other by means of furniture wanks, which is predetermined to drill a deaf hole with a diameter of 8 mm.

  1. Ready frames we connect loops among themselves. In addition, to one frame as well as the hinge, you must attach a narrow rail, which will be attached to the wall.

  1. Fix the frame to the wall by means of a dowel, after which they install the corner slabs on the sides. It is important to locate so that they do not interfere with the legs to develop.

Tip! Instead of angular lamellae, you can use any furniture corners of the appropriate size, selected for the color of the table.

Mounting design to the wall

  1. From a wooden shield, cut the table top of 900x600 mm. For a more spectacular view, the corners can be rounded. After that, all the ends should be handled with a machine.
  1. From the tabletop "separate" a piece of 250 mm long, which will be attached to the wall structure. Two parts are connected to each other by loops.

  1. We establish a 250 mm part on the corner slabs and connect the elements of screws.

The final stage of the installation of a folding table in the kitchen with their own hands

  1. You can reflect the table at your discretion, applying the veil, varnish or paint. But even in pristine form, such a product looks very good.

Wooden folding table - original solution for small kitchen

On the Internet you can find a lot of options, how to make a wooden table with your own hands. We reviewed the three simplest solutions for standard, large and small-sized kitchens, the production of which is quite economical and does not require any specialized machines and a lot of experience with wood. For the manufacture of more complex designs, we recommend to seek help from specialists.

In conclusion, see the video, which shows how the old wooden boards you can make a completely decent kitchen table.

Video: Table of wood do it yourself

The table for the country area is not just the object of the situation, this is a ritual place where all households are invariably. In the summer, go to the house to drink a seagull or lunch, no one seens desire. In the fresh air and appetite is better, and the food is tastier. In order not to carry furniture from the house for gatherings, you can make a street table for giving with your own hands, at the same time taking care of the benches.

table for giving with a built-in bench

The summer table does not imply the complexity of the design, so it will not be even distant from the carpentry and creative work of personalities with its assembly. We will imagine you somewhat very simple and at the same time of the original ideas of its creation, perhaps something from the proposed by us will become an ornament and your site.

table for giving should be durable

Street furniture is subject to serious tests, so it is necessary to make it from durable materials. Specifically for the table you can take:

  1. A rock.
  2. Wood.
  3. Metal.
  4. Screw materials.

Tables from the latter look especially interesting. But first things first.

Wooden table

set of furniture for meals on the street

Selecting the material, pay special attention to wood. Board board - Return and use, in our case, not everyone is suitable. Supported and easy-to-wear breeds, alas, do not fit. In addition to the fact that they need a special impregnation, because too fires, so also the resin allocated by them will spoil the tablecloth and dishes.

Necessary elements need to be sought among hardwood blanks. On the table top you need to dial the boards with a thickness of 30-50 mm. For consumer strength, they are stuffed on the frame. The legs in the design can be saddled with straight or x-shaped. It is important to proceed well all the details so that there is no danger to drive the opposition, wiping the table. Communicable processing of finished product with protective impregnations.

folding wooden table in the country do it yourself

In order to make the table "on the century", cover him with varnish, and do it, which is called, do not regret the brush. The composition must be literally launched in wood, and this will be possible only if you are slightly warming it in a water bath. Varnish coating make three-layer.

Stone table

round table and benches from stone will serve not one dozen years

You want to make a monolithic design, affecting the imagination and creating a special mood for the trapes - try working with a stone. The table of this type can be created with your own hands or buy a finished product. Shops offer granite and marble options in a wide range. There you can choose to choose a bench with a similar material.

to inspire life into the old table, it is enough to make the tabletop cladding tile

It will be expensive to cost it, but if you really want to have such a luxury in the garden, like a stone table, try to keep it. Lay out the foundations of shops and tables yourself. To do this, it will be quite good:

  1. Flagstone.
  2. Brick.
  3. Modern blocks.
  4. Normal cobblestone.

stump table lined with stone

These materials will be much easier to enter into the overall concept of the garden and combine them in already existing buildings. At the worktop, seats and backs, it is quite possible to take artificial stone. View from this, the composition will not lose.

Metal tables

Those who are "friendly" with iron and has a welding machine at hand, may be interested in a variant of metal furniture. Products are obtained elegant and aesthetic, with openwork decor inserts. The metal table will also need to be protected from early destruction. This is done by priming metal before final painting.

round table for giving with a stone countertop and curly metal legs

Forged tables will satisfy the needs of respectable owners, but they are unrealistic to do them with their own hands. Similar structures are ordered by professionals. For forging, the conditions for forge are needed. However, given the fact that products of this species can be miraculously combined with a tree, stone, glass, you can only purchase forged base for the table, and make it a tabletop yourself.

stylization of the table and chairs under the fungal glade will create a kind of highlight in the landscape design of the country area

If you firmly decided to work on creating a country table yourself and are ready to make it a non-standard, look at the "unnecessary" things available in each shed. Perhaps among them there are objects that can become consumables for creativity.

Assorted team

No less practical option for the country table, along with wooden, metal, rathang, stone products, is the national team from all sorts of "Solyanka". This creation will become a multicolor "character" of your garden and will never be ignored. What to make it? You will not believe! Source materials will serve you:

  1. Broken flower stand.
  2. Metallic barrel cover.
  3. Color plastic trim or round glass.

set of bar

Take a sheet of paper and try to portray on it a circular ornament in the spirit of the Moroccan style. Increase creation to the desired size. Make it quickly will help xerox.

The resulting workpiece put under the glass and draw the line with copper contour. Leave to dry for a day or a little less. Recommended drying time The manufacturer indicates.

it is enough to decorate the side pieces of the bench and chairs with wheels to get original garden furniture for giving

Now a turn of the painting of the glass marked with stained in paints. Here the main thing is that the colors are smoothly located inside the site allotted. If you have never worked with specific paints, it makes sense to stretch on a separate piece of glass to understand what quantity they need to be taken for high-quality painting of fragments. The painted painting should also be carefully dried.

The finished glass can be additionally decorated with elements drawn by copper contour.

The barrel cover cover the white paint, which will hide the tracks of rust, and go to the preparation of the main part of the table top.

table for the cottage from vazanka wood

Metal part of the flower stand that will serve as a supportdesk for the cottage created by their own hands, it is necessary to primitive, paint the acrylic paint in the color of copper and partially register.

After granting will be ready, proof the places of contact with the glass window seal. It is necessary for its best fastening.

Now the final stage. Collect all the parts together: put a glass countertop in the lid and waters the composition on the stand.

It can lunch at this table and is not very comfortable, but drinking coffee in the evening coolness, it will be very nice.

decorating the usual foam mosaic, you can get the original table

Models from pallets

After building a country house, you probably have a few pallets left, on which a packed brick or building mixtures were brought. You do not even suspect what a wand-cutter for the decoration of the cottage. With their help, the table will be ready in a few hours, and the view it will have such that it will not be ashamed of it not only in the garden, but also in the home interior. At the same time, notice, you will not even incur special financial costs.

table for cottage from pallets

Table for giving, made with your own pallets, can be constructed in several ways. For example, for the most simple option, you will need:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Brushes.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Rotary wheels.
  5. Color antiseptic style.
  6. Screws.

mobile table for cottage from pallets

First of all, make a grinding pallet. At the first stage of the removal of the coarse layer, use a coarse sandpaper, fine-grained will be required for final processing. If there is a bodice of Bulgarian, in the configuration of which the grinding wheel is provided, use it instead of sandpaper rolls. This will speed up the preparation process.

master class manufacturer table for giving with their own hands

Turn the pallet and attach minor swivel wheels to the bottom. This is done using ordinary screws. For greater fastening reliability, put under the last washers, which can be removed from similar screws used for work with metal tile. Do not neglect this advice. The bases of the wheels have sufficiently large holes, and the screw without lining will not be able to qualitatively deposit the part to the wooden surface.

phased process of manufacturing table

Now it remains to open the finished product with a wax-containing antiseptic. If you want to highlight the tree structure, use a transparent composition. To give the color it will take a veil. You can stylize a table:

  • under oak;
  • larch;
  • rosewood;
  • nut;
  • pine.

A low wide table will be appropriate on the veranda, in the attic room, the interior of the bath.

If you want to make a summer seating area more comfortable, make not just a table from pallets, but a whole set of cottage furniture, adding it stationaryly accumulated benches. Such a kit can be made portable and, if necessary, move it from the mangala, say, to the pool or pergola.

bright table from pallets for the whole family

A creative option for the country situation will be the pallet, transformed into a worktop and equipped with vintage legs, remaining from the old chest, table, closet. This item needs to be isolated by contrast.

You can use such furniture in the bedroom, gazebo, on the terrace.

Table of coil

vertical skulls allow you to place various items

"The coil is heavy by itself, but it is easy to construct a lightweight option. tables for cottages and again, do it with your own hands »

The coil from under the cable is also excellent material for creating a country design. Look at her - the same almost ready-made table! A little decor and it is ready to use. The easiest way to decorate the coil can be twisted twine. For this, it is enough just to wind her trunk tightly. The upper design of the design is grinning and opened with varnish. If you wish, add a functionality product. Set the vertical speech circumference. They can also be reeded by rope. With the advent of the cross, you can store the necessary items under the table.

table of coil with mount under an umbrella

The coil is heavy in itself, but it is easy to construct a lightweight version of the table for giving and again, to do it with your own hands. You will need only the top disk from the product that will appear as a countertop. The frame frame for its installation can be made of metal.

If in the shady garden there is a suitable height and strength of the stump, then it is also, with the help of a coil disk, can be converted to an improvised table. This idea will be good not only for the playground, it is rational to use it and when organizing a relaxal corner for adults. Peeling in half the wooden disk, it will be possible to collect original chairs, which can also be put on legs-hemp. Get a good garden headset.

the table from the coil can be decorated with any pattern.

Water table?

Why not? Such a brutal option can be the decoration of the barbecue area and even the living room. Works - everything is nothing. We find an old thick log, soak it with a verse and align the lower part, giving the product stability.

table on the wheels of stump

No less easy to manufacture and attractive in design Mobile table of hemp. By the way, his functionality can be expanded if not be lazy to sew a foam-wheel seat on it, which will allow a slight movement to convert the design to a comfortable pouf.

Not in the dacha deficiency and keyword. Of these, it is also not a problem to quickly build a comfortable design desk for giving with your own hands. Collect flat base and secure brushing bars in the tabletop belt screed. Put all this's legs and enjoy communication with primitive nature in full.

table for living room cottage from the old log

Tire garden composition

Do not rush to get rid of old tires. They can be made of the magnificent landscape decor of the extended functional: it is not easy to use the table as a table, and the pouf near it is not only like a pouf, but to equip the place within them for gardening inventory, for example.

the table and chairs are made in a single designer style from old tires

Pour the tires in an acceptable color for you, dry, fold the column, bonding the elements with silicone sealant or other suitable composition.

Now make a tabletop and seat. To make the first to do well from durable plastic or cutting into their tree. For puff, also cut the plywood disc of a slightly smaller diameter than that of the tires, glue the foam rubber to it and cover the cloth. Removable parts are ready.

Table welding

mobile table from old welding with wooden table top

Found in the bunches of Babushkina welded? Sumptuously! Transform it into a mobile table warehouse. Bottom with wheels, and for the top we collect a worktop from the boards. Drinking boards in size, we collect them together on transverse strips, the length of which should correspond to the welding diameter. It will help the table top to hold on the spot, and not to move aside and do not turn over with the slightest load. Inside the improvised table will be enough space for the organization of a minibar.

By the same principle, you can convert empty boxes, barrels, etc.

original table with metal big wheels instead of legs and built-in benches


As you can see, collect the table for giving your own hands - the occupation is very fascinating and absolutely unemployed. Here, even newcomers do not have to be afraid, to spoil something, because, it is originally unsuitable for direct use objects and elements. Try your hand in unusual yet for you. Perhaps the final results will be an incentive not to dwell on the achieved, but go further. From the submitted materials you can do many more unusual and necessary things in the country's dacha.

Photo Gallery - Table for giving with your own hands:

Digital Camera.

Without additional processing, the table will serve at least two seasons