How to make a greenhouse from bottles for growing plants all year round for small money. Greenhouse from plastic bottles with their own hands Installation of frame and walls

Want to build a greenhouse in your area and at the same time save? The greenhouse from plastic bottles will be an excellent solution, because these products are usually sent to the landfill in huge quantities. Start collecting unnecessary bottles in the summer, and in the spring you will have enough material for the construction of a full greenhouse.

Benefits of plastic bottle greenhouse

    The main advantage of such a greenhouse is the colossal savings of funds, because for the construction of the whole design you can do with materials that are used.

    Easy installation. Depending on the size of the future greenhouse and the number of people involved in construction, the construction time of construction is 1-3 days.

    Plastic bottles are much stronger than ordinary film. They are able to withstand the impusts of the wind, the weight of snow on the roof, the wall of such a greenhouse will not suffer, if you accidentally get it to the tool - robbles, roast.

    The airspace inside the bottles several times reduces the thermal conductivity of the design walls.

    Durability. If the film greenhouses re-remove each spring, with their own hands from plastic bottles you will serve you not one year.

    Plastic bottles are not only durable, but also light. Such a greenhouse does not require a serious foundation, such as a glazed greenhouse.

    Aesthetic moment - using multicolored bottles (brown, green), you can turn the functional greenhouse into a decorative element of the site. Options "Creative" greenhouses are presented in the photo.

Plastic bottles must be combined into a solid cloth. To do this, bottles cut the bottom and build columns by putting on one bottle to another. Try not to save material and wear bottles with pressing so that they fit tightly to each other. How to make columns from plastic bottles, is shown on the video. Then the walls of the greenhouse are then erected from the received columns.

Bottle columns are connected to each other and with a greenhouse frame with a tape. You cannot use thread for these purposes, as they are susceptible to rotting, as well as the fishing line - the fishing line sooner or later melts in the sun. You can begin to build a wall from the bottom row of bottles. To do this, the bottom of the bottle should be left, and cut the neck. Through the resulting opening, it is convenient to mount the bottle to the bottom of the wooden frame of the greenhouse with a nail or a self-tapping screw. The roof can be performed with the same method - flat or duplex.

The most practical solution will be a bartal roof of bottles, covered on top of a thin film. This will facilitate the removal of rainwater and a melting snow from the roof.

Improved option

If you have free time, you can make a flat plastic can be made from the used bottles, which is subsequently used as a greenhouse coating. For this, the bottle is cut down the bottom and neck, the resulting cylinder is cut by the vertical line. The educated rectangle is recommended to try to try the warm iron, then it will be flat and will not be wrapped.

You can combine plastic rectangles in a solid plate by setting their braziness by about 1.5 cm and gluing using a regular knife. The blade of the knife must be heated and cut into the places of crossing rectangles in the form of a dotted line. You can enhance such a connection by stitching additionally sheets with wire or cord thread. Wire openings are preferably pre-done with a seboard.

Finally, we suggest you see the master class on the construction of greenhouses from plastic bottles. After reading all the stages of this process, you can easily reproduce it on your site.

Plastic bottles are not just a comfortable container. This is also almost universal building materials. In the country house, painting watering systems, garden crafts, borders for beds and glasses for seedlings, but it's not all! From this household debris, the craftsmen are building greenhouses and even full greenhouses.

A greenhouse is mounted from plastic bottles with their own hands very easily - a construction master class prepared for you confirms this. In addition, this design costs completely cheap.

Bottles greenhouse - the cheapest option

Greenhouses and greenhouses from plastic bottles have explicit advantages:

  • High strength. This material is much stronger than ordinary greenhouse film and not so fragile as glass. Plastic will not burn out in the sun, it does not break due to random scratches and will not be reassigned under the weight of snow.
  • Good light light. Transparent plastic passes all the required sprouts of light and dispel the straight sun rays. The use of brown and green containers allows you to adjust the spectrum in accordance with the current tasks - shade if the plants are pulled out, stimulate blossom or accelerate fruiting.
  • Good thermal insulation qualities. In the undiscable bottles, an air layer is formed, which contributes to the preservation of heat in the room. When building shelter from plastic blanks, thermal insulation properties are somewhat worse, but you can always strip the frame with two layers of plastic.
  • Very low cost of construction. PET capacitances do not need to buy. You can collect the required amount of packaging for construction on your own - count how many bottles do you throw out every week? And if you connect to this neighbors, relatives, negotiate with the cafe that you will take away unnecessary plastic, then in three or four months you will have the required amount of building material.
  • Ecology. The use of recyclable for construction (bottles for walls and roofs, pallets or packaging clashes - for a frame, old car tires - for the foundation) allows you to make the world cleaner.

Frameless builder

The only disadvantage of the construction of the greenhouse with their own hands from plastic bottles can be called that for the preparation of the entire material it will take some time - it is necessary to collect from 600 to 2000 for the cutting of the frame of the frame of the frame.

Approximately the same amount will be required for plates. You will also have to spend some time on the treatment of containers and stitching pieces in the cloth.

How to build a small greenhouse from bottle plastic

To build a greenhouse, covered with bottle plastic, you need to prepare material in advance. The number of tanks for walls and roofs depends on the design dimensions and on the shape and volume of the container itself, there will be about 1000 pieces on average.

Preliminary preparation of material for trim

First you need to calibrate the container in color and size. For the plates it is better to take even transparent light and brown bottles with a volume of 2-3 liters.

The labels must be removed, and soak the tank in the soap solution to wash the traces of the adhesive, as the plates must be clean. Then you can start the sewing of the plastic cloth. Washing container should be revealed - cut off the top and bottom of the bottle and cut the resulting cylinder over the side seam. Billets can be put under the press so that they are leveled, but you can also sew it.

Preparation of bottle plates

Prepared plates stitched with sewing machine sewing machine into narrow strips. All overlaps must go in one direction. For sewing, it is better to take the categorous threads of medium thickness. Sometimes the billets are connected by a construction staple or cross-handed a line, but such methods are more expensive, moreover, the fishing line can cut the plastic. The length of the strip is equal to the height of the greenhouse + 20 cm on the bending.

Initially, cross the narrow canvas

Narrow strips are stitched into a solid cloth. The width of the canvas can be made equal to the gaps between the frame racks. And you can immediately sew a very long canvas and "wrap" the frame around the perimeter. Such a web is more difficult to work, and it is uncomfortable for the framework of the trapezoidal form, but on the smooth walls there are fewer joints and the trim is easier to seal.

Broad Bottle Plastic Cloth

To overlap the roof, you can prepare "slate" from PET bottles. Preliminary preparation of containers is the same as for the cloth. At the cutting stage, the cylinder must be folded in half and cutting on the folding lines, two parts will be obtained. It is not necessary to place them under the press. Stick them into a narrow cloth in the form of a wave - one half of the arc down, the second - up, then "collect" slate sheets.

Bottle "Slate" - Production Stages

Mounting frame and wall covering

The greenhouse from the bottles is better to build at the end of summer or in the fall, so that from early spring in the room it was possible to grow seedlings and prepare the beds under the early cultures.

The design of the bottle plastic is not heavy, especially if you do a frame of wood, so it is not worth a pouring durable foundation. You can prepare a tape concrete foundation 15-20 cm deep or use old tires for the base, which need to be pulled by half around the perimeter of the frame or over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse and tightly score with gravel or a mixture of sand and clay. Under the bottom cutting of the frame you need to pave waterproofing.

Foundation from old tires

For the frame, the basic carriers are bought by the foundation. Under the bar makes pits in a depth of about half a meter, if the height of the greenhouse is planned above two meters, then it is better to increase the depth. Then the blocking, additional jumpers and wind bonds are mounted. All items can be copped with self-draws or nails. Immediately installed frames for doors and forces. After installing wooden parts, you need to impregnate with oil or paint.

Frame ready for trim

Sewing the finished frame is better together. Attach the plastic cloth to the frame using self-tapping screws and thin planks. An important detail - the trim is necessary to stretch well, but do not move so that the seams are not deformed. After the plastic is attached, the joints need to be punished with a construction tape. From above, checking around the rail, attach from the inside, and the bottom point to attach to the foundation.

Walls of greenhouses are covered with bottle plastic

The roof can be covered with the same cloth or make a "slate" from PET bottles. When the cloth is trimmed, you need to follow, so that the joints are not formed in which water can fall. Under the plastic cloth or PET onto the slate can be seal.

If the greenhouse is operated to late autumn, then it is worth her hermetically sealed with a construction tape or blend all the joints of the frames and trim.

Previous greenhouse from bottle plates

How to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles

If you think about how to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands, then you immediately need to prepare a place to store containers - because it will take about 2,000 bottles for such a building. In addition, you need to prepare wooden planks for frame and fittings (plastic, metal or wooden) for the billets. The main stages of construction are the same as in the previous version:

  • preparation of materials;
  • fill the foundation;
  • mounting frame;
  • cleaning walls and ceiling.

The difference lies in the method of plating walls and roofs. The frame can be immediately built under the frames, and the frames themselves collect and add separately, and then install. And you can immediately sew a ready frame.

Bottling Billets Bottles

The process itself looks like this:

  1. On the reinforcement to plant the first bottle (the diameter of the reinforcement is better to select such that it tightly passed through the neck, the length of the rod 10 cm is greater than the height of the frame; the center of the bottom of the bottom bottle needs to cut the hole).
  2. In the second and all subsequent bottles, cut down the bottom and tightly put on the previous one (the rod passes through all the blanks and additionally fixes the column).
  3. The upper bottle is cut differently - it is cut with a narrow part with a thread, cut the hole in the center of the bottom and dress up on the previous one.
  4. The reinforcement is consolidated from above and from the bottom on the frame by self-draws.
  5. So the rest of the workpiece are collected.
  6. Bottle columns need to tightly press each other, so it remains less cracks.

Plastic bottles are well preserved heat and skip light

The roof can also be collected from whole bottles or sew bottle plastic. Rama for the roof is easier on Earth, and then fix on the frame. For waterproofing, a layer of film can be sealed for waterproofing.

Additionally, the entire design is to cover with two rows of wire or twine - for fixing columns. From the inside all the cracks need to be sealed to protect the plants from drafts.

Additionally, the columns fix in the frame with wire or planks

Greenhouses from secondary raw materials

In addition to greenhouses in the country area, you can also build with your own hands and a greenhouse from plastic bottles. It will take less bottles for him, and the effect of its use is not worse.

Arched greenhouse from bottle plastic

Cucumbers grow well in a bottle plastic greenhouse

The easiest option is to build an arched greenhouse right on the bed and cover it with a bottle plastic.

For early cucumbers and tomatoes, it is better to combine colorless billets with brown and green, so seedlings will get enough light and the risk of sunburn will not be at risk.

The sequence of action for the installation of a greenhouse is:

  1. Prepare and reveal about 500 PET bottles.
  2. Sew a long cloth from blanks (the width of the canvas is equal to the perimeter of the arch plus 50 cm, the length of half the meter is longer than the length of the greenhouse).
  3. Prepare two canvases for the narrow sides of the greenhouse (in width and height of the side plus 20 cm for the bending).
  4. Install the arch of plastic or galvanized profile on the garden.
  5. Secure the panels on the narrow sides of the greenhouse.
  6. Cover the arches with plastic and secure the cloth on the ground on one long side (you can pour out the edge of the ground, or press the bottles filled with sand or water).

Simple mini-greenhouses from plastic bottles

In addition to large designs, summer residents are often used on a plot for growing seedlings and protecting young plants mini-greenhouses from plastic bottles. Make them very simply - enough to trim the bottom and just cover the plant with a cap. It is not necessary to throw out the cover - it serves as a kind of "window", which, as needed, open to air seedlings and hardening. For such mini-greenhouses, it is better to take a container of 3-8 liters.

Cultivation of seedlings under bottles

Also from bottles are convenient guys for growing seedlings in the apartment. Capacity is cut in half, in the lower part, several holes for drainage are drilled or burning. Then, the resulting "glass" falls asleep and seed seeds. The upper part with a thread dress from above as a cap. For venting, the cover is unscrewed, if necessary, closed.

Bottle Greenhouse on the windowsill

As you can see, plastic bottles in skillful hands can get a "second life" as a building material on dachas and gardens. Such material is practically nothing worth, and the effectiveness of greenhouses and greenhouses, built with its use, is not inferior to structures from glass and polycarbonate. The main thing is to simply collect a sufficient amount of packaging and choose a suitable design.

Modern life causes a person to be more economical, and therefore inventive. Buying ready-made greenhouses is not always profitable, it's not everyone knows how to work with different construction materials, but there are plastic bottles from everyone at hand. Make a greenhouse from this raw material is quite simple, if you follow the advice of specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottles as a material for greenhouse

This material when used it is for the greenhouse that has a huge amount of advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note the operational characteristics of the greenhouse. The air clearance, which is formed between the walls of the plastic bottle, perfectly holds heat in the room, due to which it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of heating the greenhouse in the winter.

Another important factor, which definitely goes to the structure of plastic bottles - low cost. Some components for construction can be obtained free. The only thing that you still have to spend money - materials for the framework. Ideal for this wooden timing with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm. In addition, intermediate rails will be needed, which can always be replaced by the burned wire.

Plastic container - perfect greenhouse making material

There are other advantages of a plastic bottle as a building material for a greenhouse:

  • the duration of operation: if all technologies during construction were observed, as well as the greenhouse was due to care, it will last a very long time;
  • mechanical stability: it is possible to damage the material only intentionally, atmospheric precipitates will in no case be the cause of the deformation of the walls of the greenhouse;
  • simplicity of repair: Any greenhouse segment can be replaced without harm to the entire design;
  • resistance to temperature drops: Such a greenhouse is not necessary to disassemble for the winter, it will easily endure any frost.

The only drawback of such material is to collect bottles for a long time, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

Greenhouse from plastic bottles is very reliable and cheap

Photo Gallery: Examples of greenhouses from plastic bottles

For a frame you can use a wooden foundation
Transparent bottles pass more sunlight than color As a building material, you can use whole or cut bottles. The design of the construction of plastic bottles depends only on your imagination

Preparatory work

As such a project, a greenhouse from plastic bottles does not require. It is enough to make a schematic pattern on which to designate the dimensions of the future building (wall size, floor), the frequency of the carrier, as well as the shape and dimensions of the roof. May be needed and other little things, for example, the number of bottles.

There are no special rules for selecting the size of a greenhouse. Everything makes at the discretion of the owner himself. However, there are certain values \u200b\u200bthat will allow the greenhouse not to fumble. The distance between the vertical carriers should be about 1-1.2 m. At the same time, do not forget about vertical rails (it is possible to pull the thread).

In the drawing you need to designate the size of each wall

The process of selecting bottles is no less important than designing and choosing a place to build. Experts converge in one - the bottles must be of one size and shape. An ideal for building a greenhouse is considered to be a volume of 1.5 liters. At the same time, it does not matter what color it is whether there is a transparent wall. Operational characteristics of all containers are absolutely the same. Remember that bottles must be without defects, including without holes, cuts and burns.

For the construction of a greenhouse, it is best to choose a container from under dear beer, lemonade or mineral water. These bottles are pretty thick.

Plastic bottles are distinguished by special strength and diverse colors

Calculation of the required amount of material

For the manufacture of a greenhouse from plastic packaging, you will need with your own hands:

  • plastic bottles - 600 pieces (for the south side, the greenhouse is better to take a transparent container, for the northern - dark or green);
  • wooden boards with a length of 3 m and a cross section of 10 * 7 cm - 2 pieces;
  • 4 m long boards and a cross section of 10 * 7 cm - 2 pieces;
  • length 2 m long - 1 piece;
  • installation rake (or burned wire).


The following tools are needed to work with materials for the frame and walls:

Production of a greenhouse from plastic bottles: step-by-step instruction

There are several ways to use plastic bottles for the construction of a greenhouse, however, the arrangement of the foundation and installation of the frame is absolutely identical.

Preparation of the territory

This stage is to clean the upper layer of soil from garbage and plants. There should be no extraneous subjects on the territory. After that, the site must be placed correctly. How exactly, you can learn from the compiled project.

If necessary, the site needs to be aligned or flooded with sand, if the greenhouse is not on open ground.

Seedlings in a greenhouse from plastic bottles can be planted both in open ground and in special drawers with earth

Foundation arrangement

Despite the fact that such a design does not weigh a lot, the foundation is still necessary. As a base, bricks can act, building blocks (for a greenhouse you can use a slag block - it is the cheapest), a piece of timber. The material must be put on the smooth surface of the area around the perimeter. It is necessary to admit it in such a way that the elements of the future framework are installed in the center of the foundation.

The foundation must necessarily come into contact with the soil, and the area of \u200b\u200bcontact must be maximum. To do this, you can pour sand under the foundation.

Montage Karcasa

For the frame, it is best to use a timing of 50 * 50 cm. All work assembly work occurs in several stages:

Finished work is considered only if no oscillations are detected during operation.

Production of walls

Now you can move to the most interesting and creative process of creating a greenhouse from plastic bottles - filling the walls. There are several ways to use tara for walls.

Using whole bottles:

The roof of the greenhouse can also be filled with bottles or cover with polycarbonate

The greenhouse and plastic plates will be durable. For its manufacture, you need to follow a certain plan:

Regardless of which method of making a greenhouse you choose, you need to carefully monitor the lack of a lumen between plastic layers.

Doors better to beat polyethylene

The doors and windows of the greenhouse are best made in the usual way, that is, using a polyethylene film.

Sealing greenhouses

This measure will help to exclude cold air entering the inside of the room. For this, the neighboring columns from bottles additionally can be sampled with a scotch or special sealant. Similar work must be done on the roof. However, in this case, the work can be simplified using a conventional polyethylene film that needs to be recorded with wooden planks.

Video: how to make a greenhouse do it yourself

The greenhouse from plastic bottles will be a worthy alternative expensive purchased models, since it is pretty quickly and with minimal costs. And with a high-quality assembly, such a structure will serve for a long time, regardless of climatic conditions.

Food plastic used for the manufacture of bottles in which we buy water and other drinks with you will become excellent material for the coating of the greenhouse. It is especially pleasant that such a design will almost not require financial costs.

We will provide you with interesting information on the topic of a greenhouse from plastic bottles: how to make, where to place than to cover the roof, which advantages have a design, how long it is enough.

Advantages of plastic bottles as a building material

Greenpeace is alarming, housing and communal services do not know how to dispose of plastic containers - and all this while bottle plastic is a magnificent material for on its own site.

Among the advantages of its use, such as coating for the greenhouse of any size can be distinguished:

  • saving - To build greenhouses from plastic bottles with their own hands, it is enough to separate the container itself, as well as prepare a frame, for example, from wooden bars;
  • high heat conservation indicators - with a proper structure of the structure, even early spring for growing seedlings, heating is not required (of course, depending on the region);
  • strength - plastic, in contrast to glass or film, it is almost impossible to break, pierce or break;
  • resistance to any weather conditions - the material is not afraid of neither the wind, nor the sun, no rain, no hail, no snowfall;
  • durability - A greenhouse from plastic bottles, provided that competent construction will be able to last up to 10 years;
  • small weight - for the construction of the construction does not require the construction of the foundation, and also does not matter the strength of the frame as, for example, in the case of glass use;
  • good throughputwhich does not decrease under the prolonged action of ultraviolet.

Methods of construction

Greenhouse with their own hands from plastic bottles can be built in different ways. The amount of packaging for each hotel case is individually determined by the experimental way. As a rule, 400-600 bottles are leaving for the construction of a small greenhouse.

Helpful advice!
Choose the container of one container and form - the transparent bottles of 1.5 liters are best suited for this.

Construction of whole plastic bottles

This construction method is most common among gardeners and gardeners.

Instructions, how to build a greenhouse from plastic bottles, in this case, includes several stages:

  • collect the container, wash it, clean from paper stickers with a soap solution;
  • cut the bottom - so that the cut came to the beginning of the rounding, that is, the diameter was slightly smaller than the widest place of the bottle;
  • put on the bottle on each other, making the maximum pressure for the strength of the structure - while you should get a kind of pipes in the height of the greenhouse;
  • set - you can use wooden bars, metal rails or plastic;

  • on the frame from the inner and outer side, pull the galvanized wire with an exemplary "step" at 15-20 cm (you can also use a kapron thread or a fishing line, but the service life of these materials is significantly less - up to 5 years);
  • install homemade pipes as long to each other - you can use tape for fixing.

Helpful advice!
If you make a greenhouse specifically for the cultivation of tomato, you can use a transparent and dark container.
Such a solution will ensure the most balanced lighting for seedlings.

There are several ways to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles, but it is precisely this design that is considered the warmest, which is explained by the presence of airspace in the container. Many gardeners use greenhouses even early in spring, without applying any additional heating. In winter, the greenhouse can not be disassembled - the robust design will withstand strong winds and snowfall.

The construction will be stronger if the pipes made to ride on wooden bars. The only drawback of such a solution is to reduce bandwidth.

If placing the pipes in the frame, it turns out excellent portable greenhouse from a plastic bottle. This design will be practically indispensable in your farm with sharp frosts.

Greenhouse from plates

This method is suitable for whom the price of modern polycarbonate is high, and wipe on the film, which will serve as a maximum of 1-2 years, do not want.

So, to create a durable coating of food plastic, you will need to do the following:

  • cut the bottom and the neck of the bottle, and the remaining part cut out pressure;
  • in order for both billets to dealt with, bring them out the iron through a tight paper sheet or hold under the press for several days;
  • the resulting details are sewing sewing brass;
  • the canvas from plastic blanks attach directly to the greenhouse framework from the rails with self-tapping screws or nails.

Making roof

Often, gardeners and gardeners have a question than the methods described above. The fact is that packaging, despite the good thermal insulation qualities, will not be able to protect plants from atmospheric precipitation.

There are several options for solving this issue. You can use polycarbonate sheet, film or glass. Also, as an alternative, it is allowed to cover the design of bottles of polyethylene.

In turn, we offer you to make "tiled" from food plastic:

  • transparent bottles of 2 liters must be thoroughly wash and clean from the label;
  • next, cut off the bottom and the neck of the container, and the remaining part is cut along the fifteen lines into four parts;
  • furniture pistol to bore blanks of therapy - as a result, the element in the form of a wave should be obtained;
  • having calculated the roof coverage area, make a web from such blanks.


The greenhouse of plastic bottles is an excellent solution for the gobby-amateur. It is worth noting that it is better to collect containers in advance, since it may take up to 2000 units to build a standard medium-sized design. The process of a greenhouse building is quite laborious, but manifesting diligence and diligence, you yourself will be surprised by the result. We wish you success and provide interesting information on this topic, which is contained in the video in this article.

First, we design the shape of your greenhouse, depending on what kind of railings do you have. We decided to make a sloping roof, because we needed only one chute.

After that it was necessary to arrange the columns to form a frame. And then pull the wire around them with three rows, so that after placing the bottles between them, builds the walls between the rails. The upper bottle in each column must be a whole, uncut, and the bottom - slightly recessed into the ground. So you can achieve some freedom of action, customizing the dimensions in the process.

Finally, add wire ties to tighten the supporting wire on our rows of bottles. The most recent thing was to do - the roof and the doorway, the door to which was made on the same principle as the walls.

The result of titanic labor has been happy for several years to make his creator.

In this technique, there is no description of the roof mounting, the input group, and so on, but we think that there is a patented method of building such structures, so if you want to find out in more detail and build the same greenhouse, you need to clarify this moment. Undoubtedly, the resulting savings compensates for all additional labor costs.

Full list of all crafts for giving, which can be made from plastic bottles, look at.