Which wallpaper go into the bathroom. Bold solution: choose a bathroom wallpapers

The modern interior of the bathroom does not assume the presence on wallpaper wall. But sometimes their presence turns out to be very appropriate. In the construction market there are a large number of different types of these walls. They differ in structure, color and texture of the material. What are the advantages of this type of finish, how to choose a suitable, how to stick wallpaper yourself - read below.

When there are doubts: wallpaper or ceramic tile - stop on the wallpaper After all, they have a number of advantages that are not in other types of material, namely:

  • the cost of repair will be low. For clarity, take one meter tile, which costs 3100 rubles. Dear wallpapers, designed to order, have a similar price, but the calculation is not in meters, but in rolls. To this, add the value of glue and work;
  • with a proper approach, the wallpaper can be pasted on their own, and there is a considerable experience in the stacking tiles;
  • wallpaper is quickly updated. They removed the old - stuck new. With tile, this number will not pass. If there is a tile in the bathroom, most likely, he will definitely not be updated in the next 5 years. This process is very laborious and expensive;
  • the last weighty argument for choosing wallpaper will be that their range of colors and textures are much wider than ceramic tiles.

What wallpaper to choose for the bathroom

Many glued in the bathroom ordinary wallpapers on a paper basis. But the service life of such a finish is a very underworn, therefore it is worth considering all types of this material. Here are six species that will be described in detail below.

  1. In the first place, of course waterproof wallpaper. They consist of a special coating with an upper protective layer that prevents the penetration of moisture, mold and fungus. This coating protects the wallpaper from the bundle, thus increasing the duration of the service.
  2. May be different, the main thing is that their coating can withstand deep cleaning and constant impact of moisture. Sometimes these wallpapers are called super-washable. They are the most reliable that are withstanding long-term contact with water. To remove the vinyl wallpaper, you will have to make cuts in several areas so that the liquid soap the segments is freely.
  3. It is a water-repellent film with an adhesive base, from the back side. These wallpapers have one disadvantage - a small number of colors. Very often, on such wallpaper, the drawing of various tree species mimic.

    Assortment of adhesive wallpaper

  4. Glass equipment Made from glass. They are unique in that they absolutely do not absorb moisture. There are two types of glasses: with a pattern and painting. The cost of wallpaper with a pattern is quite high, but not to doubt their quality.
  5. Photo wallpaper Can become an interesting solution for the bathroom. They do not gain moisture, serve a long period of time, and the variety of drawings will not leave anyone indifferent. However, for the premises, a large amount of material is needed, and in stores such volumes are rarely implemented, which causes buying photo wallpapers to order, and this pleasure cannot be called cheap.
  6. Liquid wallpaper - This is a kind of decorative plaster. Alone, such a coating does not work well in a room with a constant condensate. To solve this problem, after drying, the plaster is covered with a primer, then with a colorless varnish on an acrylic basis. The coating serves for quite a long time, if necessary, it is easily repaired as any standard plaster.

Types of washing wallpaper

Let's focus more on washing wallpaper. There are seven types of them.

  1. Two layers of such wallpapers consist of a cellulose base and a persistent vinyl layer. The vinyl layer makes the wallpaper long and resistant to water. The top layer of the material is impregnated with antibacterial solution, it prevents the fungus and mold. Due to the density, the vinyl wallpaper poorly passes the air, so they are undesirable to use in the rooms.
  2. Wallpaper from acryla Less reliable, but also cost the first.
  3. Very volumetric and dense. Under such wallpaper you can hide your favorite flares. The walls are not necessary to pre-prepare for pasting.
  4. Silkography It has a shiny surface. All layers are impregnated with polyvinyl chloride. They differ in a rich and beautiful pattern. Because of some roughness, sometimes difficulties occur when cleaning.
  5. The most popular and versatile remain fliselinova wallpaper. They are easy to face, and also clean well.
  6. Fabric washable wallpaper Consist of top of any material. The lower can be like flieslinic and paper. Plus such wallpapers in their environmental, strength and frequency. Recommended for bedrooms, bathrooms and children's rooms.
  7. Liquid washable wallpaper - This is a kind of water-based plaster. Previously, you need to progress the walls, after which the spatula distribute the composition.
  8. Have a wax coating. Produced from cortex cork, which makes them environmentally friendly. Such a material does not accumulate statics, do not absorb evaporation and smells, easily clean. However, the selection of colors is quite meager, and the cork coating is easily scratched. Such material is suitable for those who are inclined to manifest allergic reactions.

It is worth noting that the service life of washable wallpapers is higher than that of paper. Washing coatings are not fused on the sun, over time, their appearance is almost not changed. White wallpapers are glued on any surface: plaster, plasterboard, concrete.

When choosing one or another type of wallpaper, it is necessary to decide which amount you are ready to spend on it. For the bathroom it is worth picking washable dense wallpaper on a fliesline basis. If there is no possibility or desire to prepare the walls, you can use liquid wallpaper.

When buying wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the marking. It will prompt the degree of moisture resistance of the material. Here is the decryption of the main designations.


Starting to stick wallpaper

Pocking ordinary wallpapers is not much different from sticking washes, but there are some nuances that need to be considered.

Tools that will be needed for working with wallpaper:

  • brush for glue;
  • sponge;
  • roller;
  • roulette;
  • scotch;
  • putty knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • plumbing (it can be done independently);
  • large capacity (basic or bucket);

Calculation of the number of wallpaper

Before buying the material, carefully calculate how many rolls are needed. After counting, we take two rolls more. This will help to avoid small trouble if you suddenly end the desired color or the minor places will remain to be stuck.

Material calculation algorithmprost :

  • we learn the perimeter of the room, divide the number on the roll width. So calculate the number of cloths;
  • round length separated by the length of one canvase. Now we know, the number of cloths in the roll;
  • we consider how many rolls are necessary. The first number is divided into the second indicator.

Video - How to calculate wallpaper

Selection of glue

In addition to wallpaper, you will need glue. It needs to be chosen carefully, respectively, what wallpaper will be used. Wallpaper manufacturers usually indicate the manual, which adhesive composition is necessary. For washesy wallpapers, universal glue is not suitable. The solution must have a reinforced formula. In addition, the composition must be antibacterial substances, they do not allow to appear mold and fungi.

Dilute the composition is necessary strictly on instructions in the instructions that are always on the package.

It happens that the manufacturer does not indicate the name of the adhesive composition for wallpaper. In this case, the German Glue Methilan can be applied. Henkel produces many types of glue, it is easy to choose the necessary composition.

When wallpaper, glue and all tools at hand, you can proceed to work. All work is divided into two common tasks. The first task is to prepare the walls. The second is sticking wallpaper.

Several tips that make it easier to repair in the bathroom

When sticking the wallpapers in the bathroom, try to avoid the presence of wallpaper directly near the waterborne instruments - next to mixers and sink.

The spray is definitely applied to a spatula or a trowel on a wet wall!

The primer is applied by oscillatory movements, bottom-up. If it does not work, you can make it moving to the right and left.

The rule is sometimes forgotten. Water when repairing in such rooms, like a bathroom, you need to overlap!

During repair work on the salary of sockets, electricity is turned off. Tubes are twisted or turned off "Automatic". The covers are removed, the sheets glue over the holes. After that, make a cut crosswise, the tails are refilled inside.

Preparation of walls

Step 1. First, remove the old wallpaper or tile, if available. After that, rinse the surface of the wall with a brush dipped in warm water.

Step 2. Remove the widespread layer of plasters or plaster, each passage to clean the brush. So remove dust and dirt.

Step 3. On the main and smooth walls, make notches for better clutch of plaster and wall surface.

Step 4. Wall inspect the presence of defects. If there are irregularities, they need to be placed. The first layer will be sprinkled with a thickness of 3-9 mm, and the second is the primer. The thickness of the layer of putty should not exceed 4 mm.

Step 5.. After applying putty, align the surface of shallow emery paper.

Step 6. We wait until the surface is driving. This is a very important point! You can check the walls by sticking the adhesive tape on the wall if condensate appeared, you need to wait. Only after drying the walls you can apply primer.

Video - How to put the walls under the wallpaper

Rules for mixing glue

After preparing the walls to the salary, the glue solution is stirred. This process has its own technology, it is impossible to neglect it. For washing wallpaper, only concentrated glue is suitable. It happens in granules and in the form of a finished mixture. The finished mixture is ideal for flieslinic wallpaper.

There are adhesive compositions that are not sold ready. They need to be dissociated independently. They are considered more reliable than ready.

For dense and heavy wallpapers, as in this case, thick glue fit. Drain dry mixture.

Step 1. We pour warm water into a larger container.

The amount of water for glue (1 pack, manufacturer "Cleo")

Step 2. Open packaging, make a hole of the medium size.

Step 3.. We take a wand and make circular movements in the water until the funnel is formed.

Step 4.. In this funnel we fall asleep the mixture of a thin flowing, not stopping the water.

Step 5.. We are waiting until the makeup will not be thick, if necessary, add water.

Step 6. After 7-10 minutes, the mixture is stirred, let's take a break for about 15 minutes.

Sticking wallpaper

Before starting to work, draw the room diagram with a simple pencil on a sheet of paper.

Make sure the same rolls were purchased. Always wrap the strip of 5 cm longer, with a reserve for drying and tightening wallpaper. These precautions will help get rid of unforeseen trouble.

For the first canvase, we mark the gluing line. We use a plumb. We lower it from top to bottom, fix it, mark the line. Glue always start from the window.

Since the washable wallpaper is quite dense, you can not be afraid to break them. This makes it easy to work both professionals and beginners.

Step 1. Thoroughly wrap the canvas with glue from the inside, we try to prevent the glue to the outer side. Glue applied from the middle to the edges. Special attention is paid to the edge. We are waiting for the composition well as the canvas. Wash the wall glue.

Step 2. We apply impregnated wallpaper to the wall, we combine the edge with the line of the mark. We press a wide roller, press, getting rid of air bubbles. We raise the cloth on top and bottom, cut down a little, we stick again.

Step 3. By the same principle we stick the remaining bands. Shakes with glue, ride a narrow roller. We docile a mustache bands up to 2 cm very tight to each other. Watch that the drawing coincides.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

After the wallpaper is pasted, carefully inspect the room. It is good to hold the bands, whether there are cuts everywhere, are smoothly located canvas. We give a wallpaper for drying. You do not need any special devices for drying, it is impossible to arrange drafts. The material should evenly, slowly dry. Only so wallpapers will not be twisted in a week.

Video - how to glue the wallpaper with your own hands

Care of wallpaper

Although the wallpaper is called washable, watering their water with cleaning agents is not worth every day. It is better to wipe the surface of the coating with a wet sponge or cloth. If without chemicals, do not do, limit the weak soap solution. With the advent of modern technology, some prefer to use the washing vacuum cleaner. It is impossible to do this categorical! From wet cleaning can remain stains and heights, and the brush can damage the structure of the wallpaper.

Before you start cleaning, try to wipe the small section of the wall to make sure the integrity and safety of the wallpaper.

Video - How to gently stick fliseline and vinyl wallpaper

It is worth choosing the type of wallpaper correctly, and such a finish will bring mass of advantages:

  • saving money and timeSince any type of wallpaper will cost you much cheaper than ceramic tile, and shove wallpaper - the lesson is faster and simple than laying tiles;
  • huge range Possible drawings, colors, textures, patterns, which allows you to make a bathroom in line with the designer idea, making it a truly original;
  • wallpaper is much easier not only to mount, but also dismantle, if there is a need for this. This allows if desired easily change interior bathroom;
  • high maintainability. The damaged part of the wallpaper is easy to put down, and at the same time you do not have to change all the coating.

It is also worth noting that whatever moisture-resistant wallpaper would be better not to use them in a shower corner. In this case, the most relevant option of the bathroom will be combining two finishing materials. In all other cases, the competent selection of wallpaper will create not only high-quality finish in the bathroom, but an interesting interior.

Wallpaper for the bathroom, of course, should be moisture-proof: on the package about this quality of the material warns sign with three waves. Moreover, waterproof must be gluewhich should in addition to withstand the temperature differences, have excellent adhesion, have antifungal properties.

№2. What wallpaper fit for the bathroom?

From the above-described paper requirements, it becomes clear that the bathroom in no way fit the wallpaper on a paper basis. In such conditions you can use such wallpapers:

  • , as well as vinyl;
  • other washable wallpapers, incl. and.

Number 3. Vinyl bathroom wallpapers: Benefits and sticking

Vinyl wallpaper is one of the best wallpaper options for the bathroom. They perfectly carry contact with water vapor, temperature drops and even direct water from entering them and long-term contact with it. Perfect option for bathroom conditions. In addition, such a coating is perfectly clean, and its appearance remains unchanged for a long time: he is not even scary of straight sun rays. In addition, this type of finish is a huge variety: you can find color, shade, drawing and texture for every taste. But that's not all. Such wallpapers are even able to hide some drawbacks of walls in the bathroom, and they can be used even in new buildings, so it is an excellent replacement of ceramic tiles. This is a durable finish, the only drawback of which is not the lowest price. In addition, the material does not let air, but on sale you can find and breathable vinyl wallpaperBut they will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

Poking vinyl wallpaper should not cause special difficulties, and consists of these stages:

  • surface preparation and alignment of large defects;
  • wallpaper cutting On the bands of the required length, taking into account the allowances from above and below, as well as taking into account the pattern matching, if it is. The manufacturer specifies the necessary information on the fitting pattern on the package;
  • shears itselfMoreover, it is also necessary to look for information on the features of glue, it is also necessary on the wallpaper packaging, because some manufacturers provide for the applying of glue on the wall, others - on the wallpapers themselves. The sticking is going on, it is better to work together, starting to glue the strip from top to bottom and parallel to rolling the wallpaper with a roller to squeeze the excess glue and air bubbles;
  • wallpapers are glued at a temperature of 20-24 0 s and in the absence of drafts.

You can simplify the task when buying self-adhesive wallpaper: They are quite slightly moistened with water and grip strongly to the wall.

№4. Liquid bathroom wallpapers: features and installation

Specialists advise cover liquid wallpaper after applying a layer of protective varnishTo give them maximum resistance against moisture. In terms of application, liquid wallpapers are quite simple:

  • first you need to prepare the surface and process to. At the same time, you can begin to prepare the liquid wallpaper, adding the amount of water to the dry mixture, which is indicated in the instructions;
  • wallpapers are applied using a grater with a uniform layer with a thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • after drying, you can appreciate surface without junctions. In addition, do not forget to apply a protective layer of varnish.

№5. Gymeloboys for bathroom: features and sticking

Method of sticking The glasses are not much different from vinyl wallpaper: the sequence of actions is the same, only that is intended specifically for glasses. The paint is better to choose an acrylic or latex, but the color or their combination is already dependent on the preferences of each.

№6. What other wallpapers can be used in the bathroom?

A sufficiently brave solution will be used in the bathroom photo Wall. They are able to make the room unique, visually expanding the space, give it a distinctive atmosphere. who possess moisture-resistant propertiesWhat is indicated on the package, but even such a material is better glued on the wall that is located away from water sources. Pocking photo walls requires maximum attention, because you need to accurately compare the drawing, and for this it is better to mark the wall markup. In addition, the surface should be perfectly smooth, and the photo wallpaper is protected from above the layer of varnish.

№7. What else to consider when choosing and sticking wallpapers in the bathroom?

Although many types of wallpaper are distinguished by waterproof qualities, yet of them better not to use where they will directly contact with water: over a sink or over the bathroom, in a shower corner. It is better to use a tile in these places that just competently combine with wallpaper, and then the interior will turn out not just practical, but also stylish.

When combining materials, you need to try to create, weathered in one style, so do not use too many shades and different drawings in one room, and remember the basic properties of colors. Bright shades visually expand the room, and bright and dark act on the contrary, so the first are suitable for small bathrooms, and the second - for spacious to make them more comfortable.

Also need to take into account the selected style room. So, for the bathroom, the wallpaper is suitable with floral motifs, in the style of the classic - the wallpaper of light shades, in the interior in the style of pop art, you can combine several bright shades, and for minimalism, choose a restrained wallpaper using monochrome colors.

In conclusion

Wallpaper in the bathroom is a fairly bold solution that will create a unique interior, but it will require extreme care when choosing materials and in the organization of interior. Really high-quality materials will allow creating a unique interior, which will differ at the same time with no less practicality than bathrooms, fully decorated with ceramic tiles. And yet, once again, I would like to note that the best option will be the combination of wallpaper with tiles.

Is it possible to glue the wallpaper in the bathroom? This issue is interested in many non-professionals. Of course, wallpapers in the bathroom, as in any other room, will be appropriate. It is important to choose them to choose to ensure the maximum life.

Advantages of use

Types of wallpapers for the bathroom

In the bathroom you can glue not all canvases manufactured for pasting walls.

Is it possible to glue paper wallpapers in the bathroom? It is not desirable because they have a low density, poorly carry moisture and quickly contaminated.

Principles of sticking

  1. Follow the unity of style, it should be kept in the plumbing, tile, wallpaper.
  2. Bright wallpaper will come up for the bathroom, avoid too dark colors. You can make a contrast, the walls look good, the bottom of which is decorated in dark color, and the top is in bright. These tones must be within one colors.
  3. Use small drawings, large compositions are driving the interior and visually narrow the space.
  4. Beige, yellowish, soft-apricot, salad, blue, burgundy and white tones are suitable for bathroom.
  5. Take into account the stylistics of the room. Liquid wallpaper, light and beige tones are suitable for high-tech style, are used in classic interiors. In the festive styles, pop art and avant-garde will fit accent wall.

Which wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom, see photos.

Color solutions to shove wallpaper beautifully.

Combining Wallpaper with other materials

Wallpapers are well combined with other types of coatings:

  • ceramic tiles. Most often used to finish the wall behind the bathroom, is present as decorating elements: inserts, borders, panels. To create contrast, combine light wallpaper with a dark tile and, on the contrary. To hide the structure of materials, use ceramics, which will be 1-2 tons of darker or lighter from the walls;
  • plastic panels. They differ simplicity of installation, practicality, capable of withstanding heavy loads, do not spoil under the influence of temperature differences. Successfully look along with photo wallpapers. With the help of panels of different colors, you can create a striped decor;
  • natural materials (marble, wood, natural stone). They are environmentally friendly, beautifully look in design, but are subject to rotting, they should be treated with water-repellent means.

See how successfully the wallpaper with plastic panels in the photo are successfully combined.

Interesting combination ideas

How to shove wallpaper in the bathroom

  1. First we carry out the alignment of the walls with putty and finishing finish.
  2. We process the surface of the primer, which is necessary to improve the adhesive properties of materials, as well as the warnings of the occurrence of mold and fungus. Apply the composition using a painting roller.
  3. Cut the canvas with the required length.
  4. Preparing glue, carefully examining the instructions before this.
  5. We wash the canvas adhesive composition, press the wall, smoothing the roller or cloth.
  6. The next cloth is glued to the first. When the walls are covered with wallpaper with a pattern, follow the direction of the pattern.

Take a look like the walls of the walls of the bathroom wallpaper looks like.

Bathroom finish


For flooring use:

Ceiling design

As a rule, the ceiling is painted with waterproof paint light shade. Suspended, stitched and tensioning types are widely used. You can hide communications and electrical wiring. Using dense vinyl wallpapers will protect the room from water leakage from the upper floors.

Wallpaper in the bathroom space look beautiful and expensive, create a luxurious and rich interior. It is important that the coatings are moisture-resistant, dense, did not give in to the formation of fungi and mold. Given our advice, you can create a competent and balanced design! Create and create unique design projects! We wish you success!

Some useful information about wallpaper on the walls in the bathroom can be found in the following video:

The bathroom is a room with its own microclimate, high humidity, serious temperature differences. Therefore, thinking about the design of the bathroom, preference is often given to ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, plastic panels. But profile stores offer wallpapers for bathrooms that will not be inflamed by the main working and technical indicators to the tile. Everything is more detailed further in the article.

For premises with high humidity, liquid wallpaper is the original and justified solution. They differ in moisture resistance, the ability to absorb water pairs and high detergent. If one of the sections during operation is damaged, it can be updated for 10-20 minutes.

This is a high-quality finishing material for anyone who is interested in it is interesting to arrange a bathroom, manifesting creative abilities and non-standard thinking, without applying standard lining. Liquid wallpapers can be described by two epithets - uniqueness and exclusivity.

To embody your designer ideas, you need to buy a powder in a construction store and before applying it to breed it according to the instructions. You can use different collers, so you can combine shades (about the same as when using watercolor).

Just fine, if you know how to draw - using liquid wallpapers and calves, you can create full-fledged drawings and pictures on the walls of the room. The material is a suitable type of finish for the implementation of creative talent.

Decorative use options

An important advantage of the material is the variety of decor options offered in stores. When using standard wallpapers, the option is only one - paste what they bought. In the case of liquid material variations are limitless. You need to determine the main color or a few shades, as well as decide how to apply a new finishing material.

The most popular designer solutions are:

  • Simple and angry: We use only one shade for the design of the bathroom. The option is interesting in that in cases where the color is getting tired, you can add bright colors for several hours using a new mixture, mosaic, stickers.
  • Universally: We buy one dry composition, we create a finishing material with different shades with the help of the colors. As a result, the interior of the bathroom acquires the original appearance. Wide scope for fantasy - Do what you want!
  • Diverse: liquid wallpaper can be applied in various ways. We take a roller or any other suitable tool and smear the finishing material on the wall with strips, ornaments, patterns - how do you think! To form a complex pattern, it is recommended to pre-draw on the walls of the contours of future figures, and then paint them. If it fails to make clear contours - nothing terrible, because before the final drying, the finish can be washed with water, correcting all inaccuracies.
  • Unusually: you can use relief and structural rollers by creating a unique decor with liquid wallpapers or the effect of stucco. To do this, we must apply two layers: thin and thick (relief roller).

Manufacturers of liquid wallpaper

The bathroom is a specific room, so the finishing materials for it need to choose competently. The leader of the global market for the production of liquid wallpaper is Senideco. The company manufactures products that meet international standards, standards.

If you want to add a "highlight" to the interior, then you need to pay attention to the manufacturer from France Cotex. The company produces the finishing coating in which you can add sparkles, various grain inclusions, which gives the finish the texture. In some cases, Swarovski crystals are added to the solution.

The leading Russian manufacturer is the Stenol company. Products of the company inexpensive, high-quality (with it are well combined by different killers). Optimally for bathrooms of cottages, country houses, cottages.


When choosing a material if finance is allowed, it is possible to buy the cheapest and simple liquid wallpapers (especially if the bathroom uses high-quality plumbing and beautiful decor). Non-quality formulations will not last long (usually enough for just a few years). Also, they may contain harmful substances.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the manufacturing country, the cost of products, before buying it is necessary to study the packaging. It should be viewed by finding a line that the finishing material used is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Wallpaper and tile

The design of the bathroom with wallpaper and tiles is a reasonable solution that allows you to create an interesting, original interior. The solution is especially important if the room is not small (in small-sized apartments a variety of finishes will look ugly, Pestro).

For use in rooms with high humidity, the following types of wallpaper are optimally suitable:
  • vinyl;
  • liquid;
  • glassworks;
  • all types of washable (for example, with a metal coating, acrylic).

Tile laying options

You can put the tile using a variety of techniques - it all depends on your ideas, conceived design, tile products. Survived installation options are:

  • Traditional technique. It provides for styling of tiles with even rows with the formation of a single grid (regardless of the size of the products).
  • With displacement. Laying is performed by defrost with a shift displacement with each subsequent product.
  • Diagonally. In this case, the installation is carried out from the angle of the wall or floor. A good solution for use is a square tile of small sizes.

Experts note that there are more than 40 different options for laying tiles. To create a unique, interesting design in the bathroom, it is recommended to study different solutions. It is not recommended to independently combine the tiles of different shades and sizes (in this case it is better to seek help to the designer).

One of the solutions for a combination of tile shades is to take a black and white tile (or products of other contrasting shades). In this case, it will be possible to easily choose a suitable wallpaper (for example, beige canvas are simply ideal).

If one wall is bright and throw, then the tile and other canvases must be performed in extremely calm, simple shades. It will make it looks harmonious and beautiful. For example, a blue or blue bright finish of one wall will be perfectly combined with bedtop tones of other finishing materials.

One of the most frequent techniques in the case of use in one room tiles and wallpaper is the creation of a vertical or horizontal line. It is formed using other color tiles (they must be small). Such a solution will allow to decorate the interior (when using the vertical line, you can delimit the space on the zone).

You can decorate and unusually arrange a bathroom with alternation of tiles in a checker order. It is not necessary to choose black and white products - any kind of tiles are suitable, the colors of which are well combined. For example, it can be the following combinations: red-agricultural, blue-orange, yellow-crying.

Vinyl wallpapers

For bathrooms and kitchens vinyl wallpapers are used in many countries of the world. They are presented in the form of two-layer canvases. The stores sell canvas with different patterns and color ornaments:

  • Monophonic (red, white, gray, blue, yellow, etc.).
  • Striped.
  • Multi-torque.
  • With drawing.
  • Embedded with a pattern.

For premises with high humidity it is necessary to choose vinyl wallpapers having labeling "Kitchen Vinyl". These are special washable canvas that were created for use in the kitchens and in the bathrooms. Models are created on the basis of rubberized vinyl, which is resistant to moisture, contamination.

Often "kitchen vinyl" is used in bathrooms instead of ceramic tile or in combination with it. The material has a relatively large thickness (in comparison with other types of cloths), so externally in the room will look rude. Therefore, it is recommended to diversify suitable scenery solutions.

What types of vinyl wallpapers are suitable for the bathroom?

The top layer in the canvases of this type may be different. It defines the appearance of the coating, sound absorption, material thickness. It is customary to allocate several types:

  • Smooth. Relief high-strength models are perfectly clean. Decorated under the brick, under stone and other popular materials.
  • Solid. Resistant to various negative effects of the canvas with a dense structure. Also mimic the well-known finishing and building materials. You can choose the option under the existing design of the bathroom.
  • Silk. The canvas with a beautiful texture resembling a silk fabric. This vinyl wallpaper is manufactured using silk screen technology.
  • Relief foamed vinyl. The presence of a foamed layer allows the "breathe" the canvas. The models have a relief, clear drawing, so well suited for the design of bathrooms and kitchens (especially if there are small irregularities on the walls).

According to the idea, for premises with high humidity, you can choose any type of vinyl wallpaper, based only on preferences in appearance. Such canvas are greatly combined with ceramic tiles and other finishing materials.

Methods of seal

When choosing a cloth, it is recommended to pay attention to the technology that was used to print a pattern or pattern on the material. Manufacturers Enterprises use different printing methods for applying vinyl images. Popular ones are:

  • Normal print. It is used if you need to apply some one color or simple patterns on the web. Such model models may have traditional simple images and drawings, which are represented by patterns, figures, ornaments.
  • Photo printing. The canvas that the image is applied by the photo printing method is distinguished by a magnificent appearance. The drawing has a good detail, high clarity, saturated and bright shades. It was popular earlier, but now in bathrooms and in the kitchens this solution is used relatively rarely.

Throw and bright wallpaper can be saved two walls, continuing the composition on the ceiling. At the entrance to the room, this composition will immediately rush into the eye. It must be issued, given the existing style of the interior and the realized color gamut.

A good solution for creating an accent is a combination of vinyl photo wallpaper with wallpaper of another species. Wall mural It is recommended to glue throughout the wall. It should be traced that the color gamut of the overall composition corresponds to other finishing materials used.


Washing wallpapers were specifically created for use in various rooms with high humidity. Therefore, they are a suitable solution for kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, where the problem of high humidity is especially acute. Such canvas can be combined with plastering trim, tiled materials.

When combined, the main thing is to properly combine the shades and the texture of various finishing materials. For example, if the embossed volumetric detergents are selected, then the tile must be appropriate. Color combinations are as important, regardless of which types of finishes are combined.

In the case of the use of washable wallpapers, specialists give the following recommendations:

  • The canvas must be combined with a common style. A good exemplary option is a combination of blue and green shades that in the bathroom can create the effect of purity and harmony.
  • If the room is small in size, it is recommended to abandon the use of blue, red, black shades.
  • Bedding and bodily tones will be a good solution when implementing a classic style bathroom in the interior. When choosing a style of Provence, you can use washable wallpaper with a miniature floral print or vertical stripes.
  • If the bathroom has medium and large sizes, then the appropriate type of finishes will be the canvas of orange and yellow shades. They will be able to bring more light and energy to the room.

When choosing washabled 3D wallpapers, it is recommended to make the canvas occupy the entire walls. The image should not interfere with pipes, shelves and other plumbing and decorative elements. If the bathroom is small, the image can be represented by a small bright picture.

How to transform the room?

Stores offer a large selection of washable wallpaper, which can be represented in different shades and textures. Therefore, with their help, you can create a different interior in the bathroom and any other room. Opportunities for the implementation of ideas in the field of design are practically endless.

If the bathroom has relatively small dimensions, then bright canvases with small pattern can be used. This will allow you to visually expand the space, make the bathroom more cozy. It is possible to use in large bathrooms in combination with other finishing materials.

You can create an emphasis with the help of washable wallpaper, if there is no desire to cry out the entire room with such canvases. It is resorted to this option in cases where expensive wallpaper were purchased, with which one wall can be emphasized. The remaining surfaces can be monophonic.

If the bathroom has simple furniture and plumbing, there is a plain bath or shower, then you can risk. To do this, many home designers buy washable canvas with a rich and bright pattern. This allows you to create a brave, original, catchy design that looks very often advantageous.

A variety in the bathroom (especially if it is small) is usually superfluous. It is worth avoiding the canvases that have contrasting shades, saturated drawings, if there is a desire to keep clean, simple, calm interior. A good option for a "calm" design - the use of Provence style.


The implementation of bold ideas and original ideas is an important part of the process of creating a good design in the bathroom with washing wallpaper. Modern designers advise in this case to think about the room as a box, into which the bathroom can turn decorative elements, beautiful plumbing and finish.

What else should pay attention to?

  • For bathrooms, made in modern design, often fit the fabrics with patterns. If the drawing is repeated more often than every 30 cm, it will help to see even on small walls of a miniature bathroom several repetitions of the main motive.
  • Do not forget about the light. In the bathrooms, there are usually no natural sources of lighting, so you have to use tricks. To do this, you can buy reflective washable wallpaper in the store, when using the reflection of light from the mirrors increase.
  • Ceiling salary. Guests of your home will be clearly surprised if the ceiling will be saved by wallpaper. This trend trend is now attracting many well-known designers.

Moisture-resistant wallpaper

Wallpaper with moisture-proof properties is in demand and popular in the segment of finishing materials for kitchens and bathrooms. Such canvas today are produced with different designs:

  • Floral prints.
  • Monophonic models.
  • Striped.
  • In a cage.
  • With ethnic motifs.
  • With abstraction, with geometric shapes.

Wallpapers of this type are suitable for them to get the whole room. But we recommend using combinations of various materials. This will create a quality design of the room, as well as extend the service life of the finish.

Combine two material or more recommended only if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is more than 5-6 square meters. For small bathrooms it is worth choosing simple feature solutions without a combination of finishes and with a simple color scheme.

Where can I stick?

When creating a bathroom design, it is necessary to take into account the practicality of the use of moisture-resistant canvases. Several main sections can be distinguished:

  • The first plot is a wall surface over the bathroom, inside the shower cabin, above the sink. These zones are most susceptible to direct water, so they are trying not to glue even moisture-resistant types of finishing materials.
  • The second portion is the surface above the bathroom by 30-40 cm. It is considered suitable for the use of moisture-resistant canvases that have high strength and density.
  • The third area is a zone above 60-70 cm above the bathroom, sink, shower. These parts are considered relatively dry, so they are well suited for finishing with wallpaper of different types (but not ordinary paper).
  • The fourth plot is above 80 cm above the bathroom. Safe and suitable for salable area that can be used to combine different cavifletes.

The bathroom is a room with its special microclimate, the dominant signs of which are constant high humidity and substantial temperature differences. That is why, thinking about bathroom designMany traditionally prefer proven time solutions - tile tile. At the same time, the modern building materials market offers wallpapers, which in their characteristics are practically not inferior to Kafel.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: Weigh the shortcomings and dignity

The main disadvantages that prevent the decoration of the bathroom with wallpaper are well known. First of all, it is a hygroscopicity - the ability of the paper base to absorb (saturated) water vapors, which is why the wallpaper is started to swell, and then dug up at all. In addition, the glue itself, under the influence of temperature and moisture, loses its properties.

But if you providing all these shortcomings, correctly select materials (for example, glue with increased adhesion and anti-grapple composition), you can estimate and undoubted advantages:

  • economy - bathroom design And finishing with wallpaper will significantly reduce the cost of repair compared to laying tiles. When sticking wallpapers, the cost of 1 sq. M of the wall covering (taking into account materials and work) will be released almost an order of magnitude less than when using a tile
  • easy installation - It is quite possible to do with your own forces, in contrast to the installation plastic panels or laying tiles, not attracting specialists, which gives additional savings
  • maintainability - if necessary, wallpaper simply put down if some part moved away. If the old interior is tired, then it is enough to update it. Conducting such mini-repairs will not require large financial injections and great efforts.

Wallpaper is easy to dismantle, but with the tile will have to tinker, plus - the dismantling of the tile is very dusty. If under insufficient Ventilation On the wall covering will appear mold, the wallpaper will be easy to remove, the walls to treat the disinfectant (anti-gribank) coating and shove new wallpapers

  • decorativeness - the possibility of selection of wallpaper, diverse in drawing, coloring and texture, with no other option of wall covering can offer so wide selection of options

How to choose a bathroom wallpaper: We consider options

The main parameter on which the choice of wallpaper for the bathroom is obliged - the ability to resist moisture. Today you can choose moisture-resistant bathroom wallpapers, which are more or less complying with this requirement:

  • washable - The most affordable (at the price) option. They cause a special coating that prevents moisture penetration inside, deep into the inner layers of the canvas, thereby protecting the wallpaper from swelling and subsequent separation. They are sufficiently stable in water exposure, in addition, with the help of a sponge (damp cloth), they are well cleaned, it is easy to remove dirt, fungus or dust with them, which is especially important to maintain hygienic requirements in the bathroom
  • vinyl wallpaper is the most common solution when choosing wallpaper for the bathroom. Since they are produced on the basis of polymer, they can not only withstand a pair, temperature and moisture, but to withstand even direct contact with water. True, improving the quality led to an increase in cost, but this is quite acquitted by tangible, compared to detergent, increasing the term of use without losing decorative and operational properties. Long-term operation is additionally provided by using special adhesive glue having an increased level of adhesion.

Tip! It is worth avoiding walls of walls by wallpaper in places of direct contact with water - near sinks, above the bathroom - even with a high level of moisture resistance and thorough care, vinyl and washable wallpaper will darken and start peeling

  • self-adhesive wallpapers are a water-repellent film that does not pass moisture, on the back side of which the adhesive basis is applied, so it is not necessary to take glue separately for their sticking. Their disadvantage is a very small range that is limited to different ways to simulate natural stone or various wood species.
  • liquid wallpaper - In fact, it is rather decorative water-based plaster, which includes binding components, cotton and silk fibers, mineral additives, sequins. They are sold in the form of dry mixes.

They are applied as traditional plaster, after solidification, they become absolutely immune to moisture, and after an additional coating with acrylic varnish - actually waterproof. Aesthetically attractive coating, distinguished by the uniqueness of the pattern and the originality of the texture.

  • glass equipment - You are not able to absorb moisture at all. Fiberglass scrappers and saturated with a special composition based on modified starch. They differ in durability, strength, environmental friendliness, variety of textures. A special plus is easily repainted, such wallpapers can be repainted with water-free or latex paints.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: We select style

The use of wallpaper in the bathroom implies their combination with other surfaces - coated tiles or simply painted.

It is important to pick up the wallpaper that will coincide with style, avoid excessive sticking of textures and colors - it will create the impression of litter and chaos. Wallpapers, weathered in bright colors, will create a joyful, sunny mood, green and blue Add sensations purity.

In small bathrooms, dark colors should be avoided - they visually reduce the volume.

Neat drawing on bright wallpaper will allow not only to win the space, but also tasks the mood of the bathroom