Case How to open a business on warm floors. Business: Installation services for warm floors

Franchise "Caleo" is a wonderful opportunity to start your personal business and open a trading point for the sale of warm floors. Over the years, this company has developed and produced unique equipment, thanks to which their customers were able to create a special atmosphere of heat in their homes. It was the creation of universal and modern heating technologies that Caleo helped take the first place in the global market. Cooperation with them is a truly profitable investment.

As you know, the birthplace of infrared heating is South Korea. It was in this country that warm floors with a similar type of heating were developed and commissioned. Already in a short time, this novelty became known in our country.

Brand Caleo began its existence relatively recently. It was officially registered in 2006 and during this period was able to conquer not only the Russian market, but also many other countries.

This brand is the most recognizable in all corners of the country, because its products are famous for the following qualities:

  • easy installation;
  • fast introduction of equipment into active use;
  • a positive effect on the human body and his health in general;
  • compactness.

Important! In our country, more than 60% of the warm floors are created precisely using the thermal film from Caleo.

Over the 11 years of its existence, the owners of the firm were able to achieve great success. Among the key achievements I would like to highlight the following:

  1. Their brand has offices in more than 100 cities throughout Russia.
  2. CALEO collaborates with many foreign enterprises: South Korea (DYS Technology, GT3 Corporation), USA (3m company), China (DSG Canusa).
  3. All products of this manufacturer have not only Russian quality certificates, but also European.

Heating heating occurs due to the thin film on which heating elements are located. This method is much better than a simple convection system, because it allows you to warm up not only air, but also interior items, walls and the person himself.

Important! Installation of such a system is possible in any type of room: an apartment, house, production. Over the warm floor, you can put any kind of coating: laminate, linoleum, wood, etc.

Principles of work "Caleo"

Buying warm floors from Caleo is profitable, because its products, in comparison with many other types of heating:

  1. Economical. For the heating season, the owner of this unique product will be able to save up to 20% of electricity, which cannot be said about convection systems.
  2. Comfortable. The thickness of the film used in the manufacture of a warm floor is 0.4 mm. Thanks to this property after installation, the height of the ceilings and the size of the room will remain the same.
  3. Simple installation. To install this floor, the buyer does not need to invest in an additional screed. Only 1.5- 2 hours of work and the house will be equipped with a warm floor.
  4. Reliable. As part of a warm floor, the manufacturer uses a special antisircraft grid that protects the heating elements from possible contacts with the conductive bus.
  5. Useful. This type of heating has a positive effect on the human body, because the heating elements, warming up the building, do not overcourse the air, do not burn dust and at the same time create the optimal climate for the human body.
  6. Universal. Using the film is not limited to floors. It can be placed on the walls, mirrors, ceiling and many other surfaces.

Information card franchise

How to open a franchise?

Buy franchise of warm floors is quite simple. To do this, we must discuss cooperation with the management of the company and sign the appropriate agreement.

Caleo is open to business relationships and is ready to support novice entrepreneurs in this commercial sphere. Start cooperating with the company is quite simple. To do this, you need to make a letter addressed to the director of the company, which will indicate information about the private entrepreneur, his skills, skills, as well as the disposal for cooperation.

To get a positive answer, it is desirable that the proposed conditions and their advantages for the manufacturer can be revealed. Such a letter format will help objectively assess the benefits of cooperation with the entrepreneur.

Important! The finished document must be sent to the email address specified on the company's website. When sending a letter to email, you must specify the reason for the appeal - "franchise".

Franchise cost

In comparison with many other species, this proposal does not require enormous financial costs, and therefore will be affordable even for a novice entrepreneur. The cost of opening a business for the sale of warm floors is 500 thousand rubles.

This amount is necessary for purchasing goods, rental of premises, advertising and many other marketing needs.

Requirements for the room

Caleo Warm Franchise Franchise Franchise Conditions are quite acceptable. Strict room requirements, they do not establish, which greatly simplifies the creation of a trading point.

There are two options for organizing the room:

  1. Brand store. To do this, rent a separate room. Install the company's sign with its logo. The building size should be spacious enough for a good presentation of products.
  2. Brand zone in a shopping center or shop. This option is more economical, because it does not need to look for a separate room for him and you can rent one trading room together with another entrepreneur. However, there is a certain limitation in this method - the rack area should not be less than 15 square meters.


Of course it will be wonderful if the collected staff will be:

  • well navigate in products;
  • know components, their features;
  • own information about other types of heating and competitors companies;
  • competently speak and easily argue your allegations;
  • be able to present products and sell it.

CALEO is ready to support the entrepreneur and prepare his employees to sales. A completely free, all employees will be able to pass online training, where they will be told about the products itself, its characteristics, and will also teach the basic principles of sales.

Profit and losses

Caleo's brand for 11 years of its existence has established itself as a high-quality and conscider manufacturer, and therefore its products are particularly popular in our country. Thanks to this particular effort to create an image, it is not necessary. The main thing is to prepare high-quality advertising and consider the development strategy.

For the simplest and modest start, it will take about 500,000 rubles, but with good marketing advertising this amount will pay off for six months.

It is also important to understand that this type of product has particularly active demand in certain seasonal. People usually begin to warm their accommodation at the end of summer and in the fall, but spring and the beginning of summer are usually less in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages

The company has many advantages, but of course not to do without minus.

If objectively evaluate this type of franchise, then the franchise of the warm floors Caleo has the following advantages:

  • little start-up capital;
  • fast payback;
  • brand recognition;
  • the relevance of the product in the modern market;
  • free personnel training.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the instability of the monthly income;
  • at first it will be necessary to invest a lot of effort into the client base and the creation of the image.

Otherwise, Caleo is a very good option to start its business. Its positive reputation, popularity and high quality products conquered the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Russians. For many novice entrepreneurs, this franchise is a good start, because the requirements for cooperation is rather loyal. CALEO does not require experience, big capital and special arrangement of the premises.

Our company has been working with SKO Alpha-Neuttech for quite a long time, and during this time cooperation and interaction entered the partner level. Applications are processed quickly and the delivery of products is carried out in the shortest possible time. Gulfstream and Oasis brands have proven themselves as high quality products, but at the same time very affordable for the final buyer, which distinguishes it from the products of competitors and determines the choice of the buyer. In general, it is convenient, easy and pleasant to work! Separate thanks to a marketing and advertising specialist Darius Nekkutkin for competence, responsiveness, attention and efficiency.


For about a year, I cooperate with the company "SKO Alpha-Project", representing products in Novosibirsk. During all this time, the SKAT Alfa-Neuthet showed itself as reliable and especially important, an operational partner.

Clientnovosibirsk city

Our company has been working with SKO Alfa-Project for three years, and during this period, cooperation and interaction entered the partner level. Our orders are processed quickly, and the delivery of products is carried out in the shortest possible time. The supplied Gulfstream and Oasis brands have proven themselves as high quality products and price is very affordable for the final buyer, which consistently leads to high development dynamics of both the manufacturer and its business partners. In a word - it's nice to work!


Our company has long looked at the activities of LLC SKO Alfa-Project (since spring 2013), the final decision on cooperation was taken only in October. From the company of the company I can say that we are not disappointed by the decision, since GulfStream products (single-core sections) and self-regulating SAMREG cable showed a complete compliance with the stated technical characteristics, reliability and quality of production. The company "SKO Alfa-Project" also distinguishes the ability to keep a flexible pricing policy and a competent approach to meeting the needs of the client.


I had experience in sales of warm floors Ceilhit and Raychem, Teploux and Devi for 15 years, so I had something to compare both the quality and service and the price. Of course, the attitude of the supplier to the regional representative, I also compared. I was pleasantly surprised that our partners from Chelyabinsk very carefully and promptly respond to my wishes regarding the promotion of the Gulfstream brand in Tyumen. Powerful support from their side, the response to my ideas, a joint discussion, promotional materials - I finally saw all this in the company SKO Alfa-Project. Special thanks to Daria Neckotkina - a marketing and advertising specialist, Vladimir Kononov - our manager. As for the quality of products of the brand "Gulfstream", it is not only not inferior to famous brands, but also wins in the category of price-quality ratios. I constantly ask the masters of brigades working with various warm floors to hear their opinion as installers. Reviews are very positive, it is convenient for them to work with this product. Also, the final consumer, the client, estimating the first aesthetics, the appearance of the goods and only then practical return - heats well!, Also positively responds about the warm floors "Gulfstream"

The demand for such a service as the installation of a warm floor in residential and office premises is obvious. This is not bad for promising profitable business. There is a need to attract experienced specialists who can provide a quickly qualitative service.

Installation of warm water floors

There are different types of warm floors, but the most popular and popular - water floor. To install water floor, a concrete method is used when the system is laid as flooring. The heating floor of the pipe is poured with concrete solution, which allows heat to distribute uniformly. Starting the floor setting, it is necessary to perform zoning, which is planned to be based on the size and configuration of the room. This will allow the screed at high temperatures evenly expand and not crack. The thermal insulation layer is stacked on top of the concrete layer, which will retain heat, thanks to it the heated air will go up for the heating of the room. Any quality material is suitable for the insulating layer, it can be a foam, polysterol, penplex. The insulating layer must have a thickness of about 30 mm and good density. Ranovaya tape laid around the perimeter will not give a concrete screed to expand. At the next stage, laying of the reinforcement grid with dimensions of 150x150 mm is carried out. You can pave two layers of grids that are located on top of the pipes and under them. When choosing one layer of grid pipes are located on top.

Depending on the design solutions, the pipes can be laid in different ways. When choosing a method, the size and form of the room is taken into account, in which the installation of a warm floor is planned. The desired laying interval is selected, the step of which is 75-300 mm.

Fastening pipes to the surface of the wall is carried out using plastic clamps. At the location of the docking seam, it is closed by protective material from corrugations, which will help protect the pipe from mechanical effects.

Laying pipes, methods

Known ways of laying pipes in the form of a single or double snake, or in the form of a spiral in the usual version and with a displaced center. For a small room there will be enough laying in one loop, and for the premises of large areas to lay a double loop. For laying it is better to stop your choice on polyethylene and polybutene pipes that are transparent, differ in flexibility and resistance to corrosion phenomena. Such pipes have an acceptable price (1 m2 - up to 70 rubles). For laying on 1 m2, you will need 3 meters of pipe, the cost of laying is up to 250 rubles.

To check the heating system undergoes crimping, which will allow you to check the pipes for tightness. Such a check will help to identify all the shortcomings and damage if they have arising in the process of laying. Then, adhering to a certain temperature mode, it is necessary to pour a concrete screed, while maintaining the pressure in the system during the day at the level of 4 bars. The screed solution is prepared from a mixture of concrete or cement with sand. The height of the screed over the floor must have parameters of 30 mm. For a complete bread, the screed will be needed for several days, after which the system is filled with water, first cold, then heated.

Warm floor coating

There are many flooring options, but for a warm floor you need to choose the material suitable for it. As an outdoor coating, as the optimal option, it is better to use a tile. Choosing a parquet board or laminate, you need to take into account their properties that ensure heat conductivity.

Carrying out the installation of a warm floor, to reasonably use the services of experienced specialists. But with a limited budget, you can perform such works personally. Having accumulated sufficient experience, mounting the warm floors, you can find customers who need this, thereby ensure itself with stable work and earnings. The scope of repair will always be promising in terms of organizing a business that will always be rectic and relevant. People will always strive to upgrade or equip something, for example, to install the floor heated. To organize a homemage installation business, you need to know all the subtleties and nuances of this case to pick up an optimal installation option for the customer.

Good afternoon, colleagues,

I would like to briefly tell about the already working model of the business, which we indirectly introduced and which brings income to those who use it much higher (in percentage ratio) than to the manufacturers of the products itself. Investment is meager, and the annual profit is measured in hundreds of interest, and sometimes in thousands. The following ideas.

Yield of 300-1000% per annum. Retail sale of heating systems Semi-warm floors - through a network of building stores, through offices of construction companies, etc. With the indication of your personal data. How it works? Simply. The entrepreneur orders a stand with a beautiful poster and an active heating cable layout and puts this stand in the passage location where building materials are sold (tile tiles, laminate, etc.). Its contact details are indicated on the bench. He orders a certain number of business cards that are discount cards on this type of product. The future buyer will receive a 10% discount on this card. The store receives a 10% sales commission, without investing. The entrepreneur will receive a 10% commission from the product sold on its cards. All cards are nameable. They are written name, surname and special entrepreneur code, who is the owner of the stand.

Of course, the buyer will provide such a discount card when ordering a warm floor, as he wants to get a 10% discount. Of course, the store and entrepreneur will receive your commissions at 10%, since upon presentation of such a card by the buyer, all information is entered into a single computer and entrepreneur Instantly sees who came by his card and what amount purchased products. The cost of the stand is 100 dollars. The cost of 1000 cards are 100 dollars. Total - 200 dollars of investments. On average, out of 1000 people who wanted to be interested in the warm floor, about 30 buy. The minimum sales amount is 200 dollars, i.e. The entrepreneur will receive a minimum of $ 20 commission for each sale and, it became $ 600 for all products sold on its cards. This means that spending $ 200 by the expiry of its 1000 cards already earn at least 600 dollars.

The period of turnover may be different, some point will miss 30 sales per month - and some of the same 30 per year. But even if for the year it is 600 dollars arrived from 200 initial- And this is 300% per annum (100% investment + 200% of net profit).

If the entrepreneur can organize a small brigade of installer installers and take money for the installation of systems, then its profit will be even more. The main thing is not to buy the warm floor itself and do not sell it. Distribution of discount cards on warm floors in lively points, where the target audience comes, who needs such systems who do repair, etc. - that is the originality of this business. The buyer itself according to this card is associated with a regional dealer and within 1-3 days receives the heating system necessary for it. Everything. The working system, several such points already function in Russia.

And if the entrepreneur will buy several stands with sets of discount cards and will be placed in the most important construction centers of your city? Then, for example, 20 stands are 4,000 dollars investment - and an average of 12,000 dollars of annual income. In millionic cities Place 20 stands are not a problem.

What is the article?

Services for the installation of heated floors, both in apartments and in offices today are in demand and on this promising can be created its profitable business.

For this reason, there is a need for a large number of masters that can provide these services in a short time, but at the same time qualitatively.

Business on the installation of warm water floors

It is known that there are various varieties of such floors, but the most popular is now water.

Concrete installation of water floors

The method in which the system is laid by the flooring is called concrete.

This method is most often used when installation of water floor.

This method is based on the fact that the pipes that provide the work of the floor are poured concrete.

Due to this, you can completely remove the likelihood of the appearance of unnecessary heat distributors.

How to organize a business on the installation of warm floors

The room in which the floor will be installed should be zoning. How many zones should be?

This is individually, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

It is necessary to do this because in this way it will be possible to evenly distribute the screed expansion due to the temperature.

In this case, it is possible to avoid its cracking.

Then lay the layer of heat insulation layer. Due to this, the heat will not go to the foundation, but to rise, carrying out air heating.

Apply for these purposes any material that is used for thermal insulation. Most often, the layer is made of foam, polystyrene or inferno.

Its thickness should be over thirty millimeters, and the density rate is required for a minimum of 35 kilograms on a cubic meter.

To protect against the expansion of the screed from concrete around the perimeter, it is necessary to pave an early ribbon.

In some situations, this method is used as double reinforcement: the grid is laid not only under the pipes, but on top of them.

If the grid is placed in one layer, then the pipes are packed on top.

Based on the project, you can use various laying methods.

Most often, the method is selected in accordance with the size and shape of the room, in which the floor heated will be.

When laying can also be a different step from 75 to 300 millimeters.

Thanks to the plastic clamps, the pipes are attached to the grid. Where the seams are located, the pipe is closed using corrugated material to protect.

Thus, the pipe will be protected from various possible damage made by the mechanical method.

Methods of laying pipes

Most often use the following: snake single or double, ordinary spiral, or such where the center will be shifted.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small, up to twenty square meters, then you can do one loop.

For more spacious premises, it is better to use double loops.

Pipes are used made of polybutena or polyethylene. Both the other type of corrosion stands are transparent and bending.

On average, the price for one meter in the square will be from 60 to 70 rubles.

One square meter will need about three meters of pipes. Laying of one meter in a square will cost 200 - 250 rubles.

In this way, you can make sure that the pipes are not damaged, which could happen when styling them.

Pour tie with concrete. The temperature for this process in the room should be room, and the system itself is under pressure in 4 bars.

It should be under pressure.

The concrete tie is made from cement-sandy solution or a mixture of sand with concrete. To rise above the base of the floor, it should at least 30 millimeters.

After the bay, the screed must relax at least eight days, but it is possible and more until it does not dry.

After that, you can start filling the system with water. The first thing is served cold, and then the temperature is slightly increased.

Flooring for a warm floor

Floor covering. It is known that the types of materials there are many, but in this case the choice should be selected from those that can be used for the heated floor.

A perfectly suitable tile, moreover any. And if I want to be on the floor parquet or, then you need to focus on those types of materials that have certain indicators of heat transfer resistance.

Of course, to fulfill such work it is best to invite specialists..

But there are no free funds for such services. Therefore, it is possible to engage in this case and independently, it is desirable, however, that there was an assistant who previously performed such work.

In addition, providing such services, you can provide yourself with a stable earnings. You can search for customers by posting ads in print editions or on sites.

Step-by-step plan for opening a warm floor installation

  1. Drawing up a business plan, market analysis.
  2. Registration of IP.
  3. Acquisition of the instrument, inventory.
  4. Website creation.
  5. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  6. Taking orders and their execution.

How much can you make money on business

Business profitability depends on the concept of activities. For example, if you install the floor bought by the customer you can earn from 250 rubles. per square. M. To increase profits can be granted not only the installation service, but also selling equipment for a warm floor. For example, the installation of an infrared film in a room of 10 square meters. M is able to bring from 8 thousand rubles. In this case, the markup on the equipment is more than 200%.

Profit size depends on the number of orders made. In the first stages, you can earn from 40 thousand rubles. The income will increase with the arrival of new customers, which will attract reputation and quality of work performed.

How much money needs to start

The main advantage of this business is that it can be started almost without investments. Naturally, the registration of IP, the purchase of tools will have to spend money, but their value is not so significant. Installation of warm floor can be started, having initial capital of 20 thousand rubles. and your own vehicle. In the future, when installing its own devices, costs will increase, but the profits will also increase. The cost of the warm floor depends on its type.

How to choose a business equipment

For the installation of a warm floor installation, it is enough to have your own car (to get to the client) and tools. In the event that the installation of a warm floor implies the installation of its own equipment worth purchasing it. Buy products are easiest to have dealers.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering

  • 3 - installation of engineering equipment of buildings and structures.

What documents are needed to open

To do business, you will need to register an IP. For more extensive activities, the provision of services to large companies is advisable to issue LLC.

To legalize the business in the tax inspection, it is necessary to provide a photocopy of the passport, write a statement of the established form and pay the state duty.

When registering, LLC to the package is attached by the Charter and the decision of all founders about the opening of LLC.

What taxation system to specify

When registering, IP costs to specify a simplified taxation system.

Do I need permission to business

Installation of warm floors is not subject to licensing. Additional permissions are also required.

Business technology

When organizing a warm sex and choosing the laying technology, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the client's budget should be taken into account. For example, in the room with a low ceiling it is not recommended to pour a concrete tie. Preference should be given to the belt styling technique. To create a successful business, it is necessary to clearly understand innovative techniques, equipment. In general, to be a professional. That is why it is recommended to undergo training before granting installation services.