Tick \u200b\u200bof a linen fight against them. What is a linen tick and how to get rid of it? Fighting tick: when all the methods are good

Bed pliers are microscopic spider-shaped, which are part of home dust. Bedding, as well as old books and carpets, are the best places for life and reproduction of these animals. Often pliers cause the appearance of allergic reactions, and that the worst thing is bronchial asthma. That is why it is worth it to figure out, which is a linen tick and, as you can get rid of it.

Features of pests

Bedding ticks are considered to synantrophs, as they live only next to the person. Finding into the house with dust, the prestitresses are best feeling in rooms with high humidity and air temperature of 18-25 ° C. The life of bed mites is 2-2.5 months, for this period, the female may postpone several hundred eggs.

Ticks live in those places where a person is constantly present: in bedding, in sofas and in home shoes, and eat the extravagant epithelium.

One person per day loses about 1.5 g of the burdensome part of the skin, in particular, dandruff, that is why the favorite habitat of ticks are pillows.

Usually about 100 individuals live in 1 g of our home dust, which is considered safe for humans. Over 500 ticks per gram can cause an asthmatic attack. Picks of the number of bed mites in the house - the period from August to October.

Some people have allergies on tick feces can manifest itself in the form of scabies: redness on the skin, unbearable itching and elevated body temperature. In this case, it is recommended to appeal to the doctor immediately to start treatment, and also to cause a special service or to figure out how to get rid of bed ticks.

How to get rid of laundry ticks

The best way to combat pests is the professional processing of the surfaces of the apartment or at home. But if it is not possible to call a special service, you can find many methods, how to deal with bed ticks yourself.


Akaricidal agents are considered the most effective in the fight against lounge ticks. They do not scare the pests, but completely destroy them. These funds include "dig paramees", "Sipaz-Super" and "Acaritox".

The composition of the drug "Digal" contains a cypermethrin emulsion. For surface treatment, the concentrate in cold water should be diluted and mix. Processing should be carried out using personal protective equipment and with open windows. It is recommended to withstand composition on surfaces for 8-9 hours, after which make cleaning.

The main substance "Sipza-Super" is also cypermethrin. The drug instantly destroys ticks, as it acts on their nervous system. Before use, you need to dilute 4 g of the preparation on 1 liters of water.

The active ingredient "Acaritoxes" is 5-kindful alphabipermetrine. The drug is diluted with water and processed surfaces with open windows. The advantage of this means in the preservation of insecticidal properties within two weeks.

Pliers themselves and even their products are not harmful to humans, but the digestive enzymes contained in their excrement are dangerous for our health.

But the adult person is processed up to 20 times a day! These substances are strong allergens and contribute to the splitting of human epidermis particles. As a result of an allergic reaction on the human skin, rash and red bumps appear, which we mistakenly accept for the bits of linen ticks. In addition, the chitinosa shell of dead insects annoys the mucous respiratory tract. Sometimes allergies manifests itself in the form of scabies, with which a very strong itching of the skin is worried, red spots appear on it, and the body temperature rises.

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The listed features got a common name in medicine - tick allergies or tick-allergenam sensitivity. Thus, such a body reaction is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also is dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is necessary not to take antihistamines, but make a maximum effort to get rid of this attack.

Methods of combating pest

Noticing in the house of dust ticks, first of all, you need to conduct general cleaning, wash and disinfected all hard-to-reach places. We made a memo following which you are guaranteed to deprive the ticks of comfortable living conditions. So:

  • madely reduce the amount of upholstered furniture, a clip cloth, try partially or completely replace it with a leather;
  • get rid of all carpets and rugs with artificial, high and natural pile;
  • soft toys are also an excellent medium for habitat dust mites, so they are also not a place in your home;
  • replace down and feather bedding (pillows, mattresses, blankets) on new, but with synthetic filler;
  • restart all bed linen, bedspreads and blankets as much as possible, and then dry them outdoors and endure the iron;
  • carefully wash the floor and wipe the plinth with a solution of salt water (5-10 tablespoons of salt on the water bucket);
  • hard-to-reach places need to wipe or clean the vacuum cleaner with aquilter;
  • try to create a dry microclimate in the apartment, the humidity should not exceed 40%, air driers can help;
  • purchase air conditioners and air purifiers under the power to catch particles less than 30 microns, it will be useful to you not only in the fight against ticks, but also for permanent air purification in your home.

Beddings (Sometimes they are called lounges) are one of the important problems in any residential room.

Insects having microscopic dimensions (from 0.5 to 0.1 mm), the period of life of which lasts up to 80 days and leaving after themselves the offspring in the form of egg masonry up to 60 pieces, called mite fields.

Resize colonies: from 10 to 10 thousand insects for 1 gr. dust. Their number changes at different times of the year, especially much the number increases in August-September.

If 100 pcs will live in a gram of dust. The pests are dangerous for the human body, with a number of 500 individuals per gram - will cause an attack of asthma, if the amount exceeds 1 thousand - it will awaken allergies and chronic runny nose (especially in people who have a predisposition).

Features of bed mites

These are called synantroples due to the fact that they live only next to the person. Penetrating the residential premises together with dust, they feel comfortable enough when the temperature in the room is from 20 to 260 s, and there is an increased percentage of humidity.

The period of life is up to 2.5 months. During this time, they are able to postpone eggs a few hundred pieces. Pests live where there is a person: in bed, in domestic slippers, in upholstered furniture.

Many are mistakenly confident that pests feed on blood - this is far from the wrong, they do not bite, the red spots on the body are a sign of allergies to insect vital activity.

What are the dangerous bed ticks?

Both, the ticks carry a danger, being "padelvers", they feed rooted skin.

Harm carry the products of decay of their activities. It has been established that in the beans of the pest contains a very strong allergen, which, falling on the skin, brings it a lot of trouble. Insects are processed up to 20 times a day, so it is easy to imagine how many harmful substances can fit only on one pillow.


The pests of this type on the body do not live, therefore, and they cannot bite it. The fact is that all swelling, bumps and rash, which a person can detect on its skin - is the consequences of allergies on the insect feces.

They do not feed blood, and the red spots are complications from the respiratory parts, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sneezing;
  • cough;
  • asthma;
  • hoisters;
  • difficulty breathing.


  • Manifestation of conjunctivitis;
  • Tear;
  • Red eyes;
  • Inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane;
  • Temperature increase.

After contact with the products of pest activities, bronchial asthma often occurs, scabies, unbearable itching. If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct a survey and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of bed tick bites

In another article we answered the question about. Let's talk about bed pests. As mentioned above, the ticks have such dimensions that it is impossible to see them without additional increase.

It remains only to pay attention to the symptoms that may appear after their bite:

  • Manifestation of itching on the limbs and head after night sleep.
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction or its subspecies (if allergic history is not observed).
  • A person begins to sneeze and cough without visible causes that are not related to colds or smoking. Such symptoms occur, as a rule, more crescent.
  • With long-term depression of the house, the occurrence of allergic rhinitis. It is noteworthy that after entering the street, pass on their own. For this, there is no need to take any drugs.
  • Chronic skin diseases without any reasons reach their peak.
  • The emergence of listed symptoms (or similar) at domestic animals.

Treatment of bed clashes at home

Treat the ailment associated with allergic reactions, in conditions of the house, using various plants and useful products:

  • It is good to rinse your mouth with a naval salt solution, you can drip into the nose.
  • Before taking food, take the oil of dill, mix it with sugar and slowly dissolve.
  • Taking a bath with the addition of clay - 4 tbsp. l. dissolved in 500 ml. Clean water will help remove the allergic itch.
  • A mummy solution will be perfectly helped, you can take with honey. Previously, it should be discussed with the attending physician dosage that changes depending on the age of the patient.
  • From birch renal is made infusion and is applied in the form of compresses on damaged places. To do this, take 100 grams. Kidney and insist in vodka for 10 days. You can make an aqueous solution: 1 tbsp. l. The kidneys insist in glass of boiling water over two hours.

These and other recipes help very well, you only need to determine the way of exposure to allergic reactions and discuss it with your doctor.

How to get rid of bed ticks?

In order to save their accommodation from the presence of these pests, the best and fast way will be the challenge of the disinsection service specialists.

With the help of special preparations, they will process all the apartment, including upholstered furniture and bedding. This option is the most efficient, but quite expensive.

You can try to process your forces. To do this, you need to wash all things suitable for sleep, clothes and pillows. You can pass them into a dry cleaning, but you can wrap yourself by adding half a glass of amazing and 50 gr. household soap.

Prevention of bed ticks

Preventive work against bed ticks is the following:

As you know, bed pests are in every apartment or house. Such conditions should be created in the room at which there will be no mass increase in the amount of ticks.

Dust in the premises can accumulate for years, and this is an excellent option so that the pests feel perfectly and left behind a huge offspring. It is impossible to count the owners of the apartment with sloppy and untidy, pests may appear everywhere where the person lives.

"The fighters of the invisible front" - bedding plans refer to one of the 150 species discovered today by microscopic apartment inhabitants.

Bed tick can cause big trouble. See what a bed tick looks like - Photo

It is necessary to know everything: how dangerous home pliers

Their size (only from 0.1 to 0.23 mm) does not allow without special optical means to detect "apartments" or cockroaches that annoy their kind of households. And the harm they apply "in quiet: do not bite, blood is not sucking.

But they are allergic in people susceptible to a special type of protein isolated by ticks with feces. These allergens act not on all, but the fair concentration in home dust caused by accumulation over a certain period of time is able to cause a lot of inconvenience, cause irritation, asthmatic manifestations, dermatitis, rinitis based on allergens in people genetically predisposed to these diseases. Singing on the mucous membranes of nasopharynx, fecal formations of 10 to 40 microns are dissolved, causing allergic manifestations.

Tick, people prone to allergies can cause great harm

Attention! Despite the fact that bed tick acts selectively, i.e. It causes allergies only in predisposed people, one should not allow the concentration of arthropods in 1 g of dust exceeding 100 animals. If we consider that in the dust of the mattress they are about 50 thousand per 1 g, it becomes clear why prophylaxis should be carried out.

"Bed regimen" for ticks

There is no better habitat than a person for ticks and come up with. In the dusty, warm, wet from the sweat, the medium of feather pillows, mattresses or perin, woolen blankets passes the vital activity of these animals. Here they make masonry eggs, breed, giving life to new generations.

Tick, like a bug, feels great in bed

Clinging to the suckers on the legs to the clothes of a man, they travel with him, settled on the upholstered furniture of hotels, in laundry laundry laundry, schools, pr. Ticks are invisible in the carpet pile, on a soft toy, "dust" on the window curtains, traveling in airplanes, Trains and in public transport, feel great in other "dust collectors". The sphere of their habitat is so extensive that no one with confidence per 100% can not say: "There is no ticks in my apartment."

Blood does not drink and does not bite: what is the tick then eat?

Pliers in bed are detected in all parts of the globe. They find themselves food in the form of scales of lunned leather, dandruff. It is there that a favorable "edible" microflora is created: fungi and bacteria. An unlocked bed with dust on it, the remnants of sweat are the perfect place, challenged with ticks. Studies have shown that over the weekly interval from one person in bed there are about 1 g of dead skin particles. This is the "ration" for thousands of overgrown arthropods. In fact, the bite of the bed tick in the form of rash and redness, accompanied by itching, nothing more than the irritable reaction of the organism on the protein material in the fecal masses of arthropods.

Having a bed mite: signs

If there is no possibility to carry out laboratory studies, it is possible to determine the well-being of a person that a bed tick was swinging: the symptoms are common, typical:

  • bug sumps on the skin without a characteristic trail of the bite;
  • non-pique, but possible increase in body temperature;
  • sneezing without signs of cold;
  • breathing problems, the appearance of wheezing;
  • inflammation of the mucous eye, accompanied by tearing and redness;
  • rubble.

Tender children's skin "signals" first. Bends of bed ticks on a person - Photo

Bed tick: warning appearance

The fight against ticks at home is carried out in different ways, although it is not always possible to achieve complete getting rid of them. But if there are allergies to dust in the house, conduct preventive measures, and also use intensive methods of struggle is simply necessary.

Remember! The amount of dust is directly suspended by ticks. With a decrease in it, the population of arthropods is sharply reduced.

  • if possible, replace pile carpets with woven or household tracks;
  • remove upholstered furniture;
  • abandon draped compositions on the windows;
  • provide regular ventilating premises and withstand microclimate with relative air humidity below 40%;
  • periodically wash and combed domestic animals;
  • bed linen to boil;
  • pillows and mattresses in the winter time to endure for an hour or other frost, drying in the right sunlight.
  • use for cleaning steam and air cleaners;
  • at the first opportunity, replace the feathers on the pitipone or other, non-allergy.
  • put on the mattresses special covers;
  • it is desirable to perform a wet cleaning of 20 percent salt solid every day.

Fighting tick: when all the methods are good

You can get rid of the tick in bed can only be radical measures

  • "Acaritox": powder for further preparation of an aqueous solution based on alphabipermetrin. The effect of the drug is preserved for 14 days.
  • Spray for processing bed, furniture "Milbol". It includes medicinal oils of the plant of Nima.
  • Easy Air liquid.
  • Super Sipaz is a highly efficient means that gives almost 100% a positive result.
  • ALERGOFF: in the form of a spray or component added to the washing solution.
  • "Digalism" - a strong insectoacaricidal preparation in dry form. It is prepared before applying, according to the instructions, by breeding in water. The active phase of action is half an hour followed by re-processing.

Who belongs to beckons for chemicals, can check the action of the people's way. It lies in the manufacture of the composition of the following recipe. A quarter of a glass of liquid soap should be stirred in a liter of water. With continuous stirring, add to the solution of a half-digit of ammonia alcohol. Composition carefully stir. The resulting mixture is added to the soap solution when washing bed linen. They also process the "risk zones" in the room with the maximum population accumulation.

Hundreds of microscopic beings live in residential premises. They find fertile soil in mattresses, things, rugs, book dust, fungal disputes. The individuals multiply in geometric progression, if not to take prophylactic measures.

Exterior signs

It is impossible to see a person without a microscope. The size is less than 0.4 mm. One gram of dust contains from 400 million.

What does a bed tick look like a magnifying glass? He refers to the class of spiders, scorpions. Belleva tick has six paws with tiny suction cups. The caller is covered with water repellent structures.

They are not bloodsuckers, feed on dandruff, which rejected human skin scales, hair rescues. Tick \u200b\u200bbites are dangerous if susceptibility is present to them.

Causes of distribution

Lower tick is part of dust that filled residential premises. Bugs elect fabric things for:

  1. The inability to conduct high-quality cleaning;
  2. Rare processing of domestic things with ultraviolet rays, cold;
  3. Poor air ventilation.

Signs of allergic reactions

What does the bed tick look like? Every day, the human epidermis is updated, dead scales, picked up with small tyrants, become food for them. The bites of dust mites deliver trouble with people with increased sensitivity.

The linen pliers highlight a huge amount of tiny feces, superioring its own weight. During sleep, a person inhales the mass of the dead individuals.

In the pillows, mattresses, blankets, towels of the linen tick throws the antibodies, freeing from the chemical. Histamine causes irritation of the nasal mucosa, causing allergy symptoms, manifested:

  • itching;
  • tearing, eyewear;
  • runny nose;
  • o'clock;
  • cough, wheezing;
  • active chisan.

Bukashki can be found everywhere where are:

Allergic reaction

  • dust collectors;
  • feather poultry;
  • animal wool;
  • woven products;
  • bed attributes;
  • stuffed Toys.

The damasses of dust mites are distinguished by an irritant provoking the weakening of the protective forces of the human body.

How not to become a hostage of housing packs

The question of how to eliminate unwanted guests at home is interested in many. One of the ways of struggle - replacing blankets, mattresses. In the pillows of alien inhabitants, especially a lot.

Feathers, lay down in a tissue bag, omit into a solution of soap foam with ammonia for 3-4 hours. After rinsing, decompose the contents on the hot sun and dry.

Pliers react to salt solutions, general cleaning. When washing in water to add acaricides.

Can litter bugs

What do bedtop bites look like on the skin? Manifest themselves with red spots, swelling in the place of contact. The temperature rises, the nasal is noted, redness of the throat. Lower ticks do not bite, but bring discomfort, irritation, asthmatic signs.

Be sure to use the services of the company conducted at the professional level disinsection of housing.