Strawberry Acidness Soil. Soil for strawberry garden

The composition of the Earth with a certain ratio of trace elements and minerals is the source of nutrition of the root system and the above-ground part of strawberries. Therefore, for growing and abundant fruiting culture, it is necessary to fulfill many important requirements, one of them is properly cooked soil.

Landing site matters

Certain conditions affect the soil composition in which the culture is expected.

In this regard, it is necessary to consider in detail what section is suitable for the plant.

  1. Strawberry - a plant that loves sunlight and warm, which is why natural lighting should be present at least 8 hours a day. This will require a rather open place, which is not observed by the buildings and trees.
  2. The site on the slope located in the south-east or south-west is the most preferred landing room. In lowlands, it is impossible to place a garden, as in the spring they can be washed away with a flood.
  3. It is important to make sure that the soil waters are located quite deeply - 1-1.5 m from the surface of the Earth.
  4. For strawberries, there is a place where there are no drafts and the active movement of cold air masses - they can negatively affect the growth of berries and its yields.

Strawberry grows well only when landing after certain cultures, and this fact must be considered.It is not recommended to plant a culture if, before that, tomatoes, topinamburba, potatoes, zucchini or cabbage were grown on the beds. But useful for her preceding plants is the beans, lentils, peas, carrots, garlic and onions.

The most favorable moment to plant a culture is from August to September, and by this time the soil for the strawberry garden should already be prepared.

What soil is suitable for growing

For planting strawberries, the Earth needs a certain composition and structure.

Main requirements:

  • neutral acidity calculated by values \u200b\u200b5, 5-8 pH;
  • the soil must be in the measure moisturized, on average, the humidity is allowed in the region of 70-90%;
  • on its texture requires a loose land that uses the air well and moisture;
  • so that the fruiting has high indicators, the soil must contain a large amount of organic substances (at least 3%).

A viable berry may be on more heavy soils, but to expect abundant and high-quality crop in this case.

Therefore, such options for planting should be eliminated immediately.

  1. Clay soil - It does not spend water and air, at low temperatures freezes, keeps moisture, because of which the roots will rot.
  2. Sandy- It is too dry and scattering, its properties is rapid heating and cooling, that is, the temperature differences are unwanted for the plant. Water in it is not held long, so strawberries may suffer from lack of moisture. This kind of soil due to its features is inclined to quickly lose nutritious components for culture.
  3. Peat land It has its advantages and cons - it is characterized by good conductivity of liquid and air, but there are few really valuable substances in it for successful strawberry fruiting.

It turns out that the best option for landing is a sublinous soil, which is the most fertile, as well as the sandy, moderately loose, permanently heating, but not forming a crust on the surface that interferes with heat and fluid penetration.

Earth fertilizer before planing

The preparation of the Earth is to make various fertilizers in it, otherwise it is pointless to wait for high yields.

First of all, these are the following organic matter.

  1. Wood ashwhich can be laid in a bent, or its solution for watering the beds. On 1 m2 usually take 100 g of substance on 10 liters of water.
  2. Chicken litterit is often used to optimize the soil, since its composition includes nitrogen. It will also be necessary to dilute in water in the 1: 20 ratio.
  3. The necessary fertilizer is manure (goat, cow). In order to apply it, you should wait for it when it reproves to prevent the appearance of unwanted weeding herbs, buoy-growing in the fresh composition.
  4. For rapid growth and formation of berriesThe use of humus is required, which is a source of a large amount of nutrient elements for the plant.

Such works are carried out in the fall, after collecting berries. At first, weeds should be eliminated and check the acidity of the soil. With too acidic medium, you will need to add to the land of lime if peat prevails, you will have to make sand, lime and organic. The sandy soil is required to fertilize the largest volume of organic additives. Mineral fertilizers that are used at this time - "nitropos", "almophos", "nitroammophos", these feeders contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Frequency feeding

Strawberry must be fed throughout the year, not counting the winter period when the plant is resting.

Therefore, novice gardes make sense to navigate the following scheme:

  • the first introduction of mineral fertilizers occurs in early spring;
  • then, for stimulation of fruiting, the feeding is carried out when the oblast appears;
  • further, such work is carried out in the summer, when the first harvest is assembled;
  • after collecting berries in the fall, you also need to be made to the soil of nitrogen.

So, in addition to organic substances - manure, ash and compost, such elements such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are vital for the plant. In a small amount of strawberries, other substances are also needed. With a lack of calcium, the berries will be watery, as it is responsible for the formation of fiber. Bor is needed for the formation of the root system of seedlings and the formation of zones. Also, the culture requires iodine and manganese, the absence of which in the soil can lead to the appearance of fungus and rot. In addition, thanks to mangans, strawberry fruits have higher taste.

All these elements can be used to dilute in water and further spraying bushes.

Strawberry, especially garden, rather unpretentious plant. It is quite capable of growing and fruiting "savage" in almost any soil. Nevertheless, every gardener dreams of getting as much as possible a quality crop. And you need to start with proper soil preparation for landing.

What should be soil?

For strawberry disembarking, light soil is perfect, which passes the air quite well and does not accumulate moisture. This is very important for such a capricious plant, which does not like drought, but at the same time the roots are harmful excessive moisture.

To fit strawberries, it is necessary to prepare the soil.

Thus, it is necessary to choose not too sandy or with a small content of clay soil. It should be remembered that in such a soil very quickly useful minerals.

Preparation of land

Before fearful, the land must be switched, instead of a shovel, for better soil loosenings, the forks are perfect. To prepare the soil to plant strawberries, you need to start a few weeks, then the earth will have time to track. Otherwise, the rhizomes of strawberries are taken off, which is detrimental to the plant. If the landing is carried out early in spring, then the soil is better to simply braid in order not to affect the immense layers.

Ideally, throwing off and fertilize the soil under the landing of strawberries, you need to fall in the fall in winter so that it will be moistened with snow in winter, and in the spring it will remain only to braid the upper layer. During loosening, you need to pay attention to weeds.

Strawberry loves loose soil.

Immediately choose large roots, as well as diligently throw away all plants. You can mix the upper and lower layer of the soil so that the roots of weeds from the bottom layer are on the surface, and the upper normal bottom. However, the cultivation of strawberries on agrovolock will be a more reliable means of weed grass and does not require good physical training.

If in the last season on this soil, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes were grown, then to avoid diseases, plants need to land elsewhere. But after grain crops or in a strawberry rested, the earth will grow especially well.

Soil for planting strawberries

At the same time, do not forget about the correct alternation of the land under the landing of strawberries. In the same place, this plant can be grown not more than 4 years, otherwise the quality and number of berries will decrease.

The width of the beds under the strawberries is more convenient to do about 60 cm for one row of bushes, it will be more convenient to get to the plant. If there is little space on the plot, then you can increase to 80 cm and plant in 2 rows. This scheme is convenient for beds with open soil.

When used, the number of rows of bushes will depend on the width of the material and the alleged tracks. Optimally not more than 5 rows, depending on the variety of berries.

The cultivation of strawberries on agrovolok can contain berries clean, protect the soil from excess moisture.

An equally important point in the preparation of soil is its moisturizing. Before landing, it takes a few days to moisturize well, but without fanaticism, otherwise it will have to plant a berroda in a swamp. In the following days, the amount of irrigation should be reduced by supporting humidity until the plants come down.

For rich fruiting strawberries, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. The soil on the highlighted area under the strawberries should be fertile, contain the correct amount of nutrients. In the excess of nutrients, the strawberry berries lose decorative appearance and taste. With a lack of nutrients, the plant loses the ability to resist the diseases and the negative impact of the external environment. In the article, we will tell what should be land and soil for strawberries, consider the basic parameters.

Strawberry does not like drought and a large cluster of water in the soil. The permissible level of soil is pH from 4.5 to 5.5.

Strawberry grows well on loamy and squealed soils. Sounds with rich fruiting on fertile and well-drained soil. Poor tolerate excessive moisture in the soil and clogged areas. It grows poorly and develops in the following types of soil:

  • lime;
  • sour;
  • clay;
  • sandy;
  • dernovo-podzolic.

You can change the mechanical structure of the soil with the help of organic and mineral fertilizers. Proper fertilization makes it possible to improve the quality of non-fermentation soil by 48%.

Mechanical properties of soils and measures for improving their structure

The development and yield of strawberries depends not only on the light and nutritional mode, but also from the mechanical structure of the soil. For the right development of strawberries, the soil must be moderate - and the water permeable.

  • Sugilistic soils are optimal soils for successful strawberry growing. Contain mineral and nutrient elements. Such soils are populated by a large number of useful microorganisms. Have a high level of air and water permeability.
  • Sand soils are not suitable for planting strawberries, because such a soil does not keep water. Water and useful substances in such a soil go to deeper layers, inaccessible to strawberry roots. Moreover, due to the porous structure, the soil is quickly heated, and the moisture in it quickly evaporates, which leads to drought.
  • Clay soils contain up to 50% clay, which makes the soil dense and heavy. Such soil is difficult to handle. When planting strawberries, its root system is depressing due to the lack of free space for air and water. Strawberry on untreated clay soil is trembling or fears, the roots are most often rotated. Despite the fact that the clay soil is rich in nutrients, strawberries digested only the minimum part of the beneficial substances.
  • Lime soils are characterized as dry and quickly heated. Lime-based soil, as the sandy poorly holds moisture and nutrients. Contains a large amount of calcium, therefore it has a high alkaline reaction in the soil. When watering and precipitation, the soil crust is formed, which reduces the permeability of the soil. Organic substances quickly disintegrate, frequent feeding are required.
  • Derne-podzolic soils are distinguished by the accumulation of humus. Due to the acidic humus, the humus is converted to a form inaccessible to plants. Such soils have poor aeration and low water permeability.
  • Acid soil Depending on the level of acid reaction, they are divided into alkaline, sylnic acids and weakly acids.

How and what to improve the structure of the soil Consider in the table:

Types of Soil Ways to improve the structure of the soil
Suglinted For the purpose of ochulting, the soil requires the annual application of organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers in the form of feeding.
Sandy To improve the moisture complex to make organic fertilizers to land. To replenish nutrient reserves - bring mineral feeding. Siderates will help to prevent the washing of nutrients and add a small amount of white clay to the soil.
Clay For improving the permeability of the soil requires sand. To assimage the desired amount of minerals, the landing of the Siderates is required. Supercomposts and crushed brick or ash are entered to improve the mechanical structure.
Lime To improve the soil fertility, it is necessary to regularly enter organic and mineral fertilizers. Adding loamy soil and making potash fertilizers. To increase the moisture intensity and the development of useful microorganisms requires a sederation. To prevent the formation of soil crust, the use of mulching is necessary. Exclude calcium.
Dernovo-podzolic Determine the level of acidity and, if necessary, reduce the acidity of the method of lime. Making nitrogen-phosphorus-potash fertilizers. To exclude a podzolic horizon in deep steaming.
Sour It is possible to neutralize the soil acidity by the method of limeting or making dolomite flour and wood ash.

Siderats for improving the soil under the landing of strawberries

Siderats are sickling:

  1. Early spring before the strawberry landing.
  2. At the beginning of the summer instead of strawberries.
  3. In the autumn period after collecting strawberries.

When planting sita in sandy soil, the structure of the soil becomes more connected and fertile, which prevents the regular washout of the useful substances from the soil. Siderates improve the structure of the clay soil, make the soil more loose, moisture and breathable. Siderats due to the reproduction of useful microflora stabilize the acid and alkaline reaction to the neutral reaction.

In the table, consider the types of sita, which are characterized as good nitrogen suppliers and are characterized by the ability to quickly accumulate humic substances in the soil. As well as consider the types of plants of indicators, thanks to which you can determine the type of soil on the site:

Types of Soil Siderates to improve the soil Features of Sideratov
Clay Horned icefield, buckwheat, spring rape, alfalfa. Lucked heavy soils for a depth of more than 1 m. Increase nitrogen, phosphorus in the soil. Contribute to the accumulation of humus substances.
Sandy Donel, Facelium, Lupine, Rye. Promote the development of useful microflora, which produces binders in the soil. Inhibit weed vegetation. Enriched with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium substances.
Lime Lucerne, white mustard, buckwheat, Facelium. Reduces the level of alkali in the soil, enriched with organic substances, suppress the growth of weeds.
Dernovo-podzolic Facelium, mustard, barley, lupine and oats, buckwheat. Loose soil, improve the permeability of the soil. Contribute to the accumulation of humus substances. Enriched with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium substances.
Sour Facelium, clover, fodder beans, field peas. Reduce soil acidity. Enriched with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium substances. Contribute to the accumulation of humus substances.

The above types of siderators can be sulking before landing and after harvesting strawberries. Strawberry can be grown simultaneously with Siderats on clay and sandy soil. In this case, the seedrates are sickling with the introduction of potash-phosphoric fertilizers, and then seep between the Siderats of strawberries.

Lupine is considered the best predecessor of strawberries and strawberries.

Siderates are most often used as green fertilizer or mulch.Under the early stump of soil use green fertilizer. To protect and enrich the soil minerals, the ground part of the Siderators can be used as a mulch.

Tip # 1. Siderats need to be cropped at the stage of the bootonization, namely, not to intermittent plants.

The procedure for timely trimming of siturates will prevent the transformation of beneficial plants into coarse weed vegetation. Moreover, the young stems and the leaves of the Siderators as a green fertilizer decompose faster and allocate nitrogen.

Increase soil fertility under the landing of strawberries with mulch

For growing strawberries, heat-protected areas are selected. The beds form on the sunny side. Strawberry is poorly developed in areas with weed vegetation, as well as in the formation of a dense cortical layer, which leads to a drought and impaired soil aeration.

Mulching is necessary for detention of moisture, protection against weeds and the formation of a dense layer. Strawberry mulching spend in spring and late autumn. The first procedure during the formation of fruit bands. In order to prevent the smell of contact with soil. The second is to prevent strawberry frozen. The mulch is used:

  • Straw;
  • Sawdust;
  • Spunbond;
  • Chew;
  • Humus.

Board # 2. Mulching strawberry sawdusts are produced only in a dry form. In the fresh form, sawdust takes most of the soil nitrogen.

How to determine the acidity of the soil: Lacmus paper, plants indicators

Soil acidity level can be determined using lactium paper. This method is the most reliable. To diagnose, you need to take a handful of soil and mix with distilled water to form a thick liquid mass. In the resulting mass plunge the indicator strip. If the strip turns into a red color, then this is a high acidity indicator. If orange is an indicator of medium acidity; Yellow - neutral soil reaction; Blue or blue - an alkaline soil indicator.

The level of acidity and alkalinity of the soil can be determined using black currant leaves. Currant leaves are poured boiling water and leave it to be for 20 minutes. As soon as the infusion cools, pour 2-3 spoons of the soil. If the soil is acidic - the infusion will become red, if neutral - paints green, if alkaline - in blue color.

Plants Indicators are capable of approximately assessing the level of the acid-alkaline balance of the soil. At acidic soils, such plants grow like:

  • Highlander;
  • Veronica;
  • Buttercup;
  • Horsetail;
  • Sorrel.

In the table, we consider such plants indicators that may indicate the soil type:

Types of Soil Plants indicators
Clay Field Body, Korovyat, Dandelion, Highlander, Horsetail, Bind.
Sandy Plantain, Drying Puppet, Smolevka, Cutter.
Lime Lucerne, field mustard, sage meadow, bodian.
Dernovo-podzolic Veronica, drink, ovyug.
Sour Sorrel, Moss, Horsetail.

On alkaline soils, such plants are dominated by the indicators - poppy, bindweed, wild mint. These plants may occur on clay and severely comprehensive soils.

Complex fertilizers for strawberries, increasing resistance to diseases

Strawberry, as many berry plants are infected with fungal diseases. Protecting strawberries from pests and diseases will help complex fertilizers. Such fertilizers increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of strawberries, since they contain the necessary nutritional elements, amino acids and growth regulators.

These fertilizers include:

  • Mineral fertilizer for strawberry brand "Florovit".
  • Bio-fobties for strawberries and strawberries brand "Gera".
  • Fertilizer for strawberry brand "Buuy Fertilizers".
  • Fertilizer for strawberries and strawberries brand "Alliance".
  • Fertilizer for strawberry brand "Agricol".

The above fertilizers are designed to feed strawberries throughout the growing season. Fertilizers are suitable for growing all strawberry varieties. Contribute to early flowering and rich fruiting.

Complex fertilizers for strawberries are suitable for use on all types of soil.

Types of organic and mineral fertilizers for different types of soil

Several types of organic and mineral fertilizers are distinguished, which are able to improve the mechanical structure of the soil. Moreover, consider fertilizers that should be made to improve the physical properties of the soil as aeration, water permeability, moisture intensity.

To improve the structure of clay, sand and turf-podzolic soil, it is necessary to regularly introduce fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium substances. These fertilizers include:

  • Nitrogen fertilizers - urea, sodium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. One of the types of fertilizers in spring and autumn makes. Fertilizer consumption - 20 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Phosphoric fertilizer - double superphosphate and phosphate flour. It is recommended to contribute along with nitrogen fertilizers. Consumption - 20 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Potash fertilizers are potassium salt or potassium chloride. To feed the strawberries only in autumn. Fertilizer consumption - 15 g per 10 liters of water.

Organic fertilizers contribute mainly before landing and after harvesting strawberries. As fertilizers, use - humus or overwhelmed manure. Fertilizer consumption from 5 to 7 kg per m 2.

Frequent errors of gardens when growing strawberries

Several errors, which often allow inexperienced gardens when growing strawberries:

  1. Landing strawberries produce on clay, acidic and sandy soils
  2. Refused the procedure for mulching strawberries, which leads to the drought of the soil and the weak development of the roots.
  3. Comprehensive fertilizers do not contribute to increase strawberry immunity.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Question number 1. When and what is the last feeding of strawberries?

The final seasonal feeder is held in late autumn - at the end of September or early October. For feeding, it is best to use such organic and mineral fertilizers like liquid korovyan, nitroposk and potash fertilizers.

Question number 2. What time of year is best to feed urea strawberries?

Nitrogen substances are best to make early spring. Under each bush, it is necessary to pour no more than 500 ml of solution. To prepare a solution to mix 20-30 g of urea with 10 liters of water.

Question number 3.In which cases use the runneroid as the shelter of strawberries?

Ruberoid or spunbond should be used in the primary landing of strawberries, in subsequent years for strawberries it is enough to carry out the procedure for mulching sawdust, straw, oad needles.

Question number 4. What plants are good predecessors for strawberries?

The preceding cultures of strawberries include dill, garlic, parsley. Strawberry should not be grown after potatoes, cucumbers and cabbage.

What could be better than sweet and fragrant berries of strawberries from their own garden? The answer is obvious - many such berries! But to grow this "whim" is not easy. It plays the role of both the right choice of varieties and impeccable agrotechnology. If you carefully follow all the recommendations, then the plants will definitely please you with a delicious harvest.

The optimal selection of the site

For successful cultivation of garden strawberries (or strawberries), you should adhere to several rules for the selection of the site.

  • The most successful place for planting berries is solar and protected from drafts with loose, water and air-permeable soil.
  • It is unacceptable to place plantation in a lowland with close soil waters. Excessive humidity and stagnation of water will certainly lead to reinforcement of roots and festivals of landings.
  • Not suitable for strawberries heavy clay soils that have a bad drainage ability. It is better to choose areas with suica or loam.
  • Garden strawberry loves a large amount of organic matter, but the content of humus is above 3% for her undesirable.
  • Strawberries prefers for full development of weakness soils with a pH level in the range from 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Despite the negative attitude towards water, the culture does not tolerate drought and requires constantly high soil humidity, which is achieved by regular abundant irrigation, especially during the formation of berries.
  • The best garden strawberry is growing after grain crops, but Parenic and cabbage are not the most suitable precursors for the berries, since after them in the soil there are many pathogens of hazardous diseases and pest insects.
  • Do not grow a garden strawberry in one place for longer than four to five years, otherwise the quality and number of berries will only worsen over time.
  • Making the main amount of all necessary substances and fertilizers should be carried out immediately when preparing a bed. Subsequently, to radically improve the structure and fertility of the soil will be very difficult - you will have to limit ourselves to only supporting feeders.

How to prepare the soil

  • The right decision will begin the preparation of the site for future landings in the autumn period, since after winter the ground will be saturated with moisture and it will remain just to be exploded with the help of forks. This option is also good because it reduces the volume of the necessary spring work in the garden.
  • Pumping soil under plantation, you should carefully remove all weed plants and even their roots remaining in the ground. It is necessary to drag the beds deeply (on the bayonet shovel), then in the winter most pathogenic microorganisms and insect larvae will die from low temperatures (will get out).
  • Prepared soil will have time to settle down before landing. Then the roots of planted young bushes over time will not be offended, which negatively affects the further development of plants.
  • A significant role in the preparation of soil and further cultivation of garden strawberries plays the correct moistening. The complexity is that strawberries require a sufficiently large amount of water and does not tolerate the convergence. Before planting the plants, the prepared bed should be abundantly watered for several days, but not allow moisture stirring.
  • Young strawberry landing necessarily mulk peat or humus. Coniferous Opad is perfect for these purposes. Any mulch serves immediately several goals: protects the soil from drying, it is an additional source of nutrients and protects the root system of plants from freezing in winter.

Secrets of experienced gardeners

Suitable for strawberries loose loams or sueses are rarely present on the site already in the finished form. But if you do several manipulations, it is quite possible to get such a soil for planting strawberries. For this you need:

  • cut out the top layer of podzolic forest soils with a thickness of about 8 cm;
  • fold the layers of several layers at a height of up to 1 m and a width of up to 80 cm and richly shed every layer with water;
  • to cover the Bourge Polyethylene, leaving small "windows" for the inflow of fresh air;
  • under such conditions, the temperature in Burt increases the temperature and the brave of all plant residues, pathogenic microbes and mushrooms, larvae insect pest begins;
  • after 2-3 months, as a result of the process of organic "burning", the soil is obtained, which is most suitable in its structure and mineral composition for growing garden strawberries.

If you take into account the selected recommendations in the preparation of the site, the strawberry will not create unnecessary trouble and problems for several years. You will need only regular watering, weeding and removing dead leaves and fruits. Only on the fourth-fifth year of fruiting plants will need additional feeding.

Strawberries is one of the most common cultures and is present on many preservation areas. The plant is considered absolutely not picky, and can be grown on any soil. But when growing on depleted and heavy soils, the yield of culture is noticeably reduced, and the berries often lose their beautiful shape and lose the characteristic strawberry taste.

Requirements for soil

Ideal for growing strawberries are lightweight lungs or squealed soils with a high level of fertility and a nonclicat medium. An important requirement is considered the natural moisture content of the soil, which directly depends on the level of groundwater occurrence. So, when the strawberry beds are located in lowlands, there is a risk of excessive moisturizing the root system, which is why the berries become watery, and the plant itself may become fungal disease. The optimal level of fertility is soil, the content of humus in which is 3% or more. If this indicator is lowered, the strawberry feels not very comfortable, responding to a decrease in yield and changes in the flavor of berries.

The best yield indicators are observed on the rich humus.These substrates contain a huge number of organic compounds, which are beneficial affecting the condition of strawberries. Good results give a landing of culture on turf soils. Such soils contain a large amount of organic matter and are distinguished by low acidity. The only minus such soil is their severity.

However, this problem is easily solved by diluting the turf substrate with sawdust or sand. To prepare such a mixture, it is necessary to pre-process the sawdust of the urea and mix them with a turder in a ratio of 1: 10.

Sand for dilution of turf soils is better to choose large-scale and pre-cleaned. It is slightly dried in the sun, they produce disinfection in the oven, and then in the same proportion they are connected to the rod.

As for the use of peat, in this matter the opinions of agronomists were divided. Some agronomists strongly advise to abandon its application due to the increased level of natural acidity, while others, in contrast, insist on the mandatory addition of peat substrate into strawberry beds. Therefore, the decision on the feasibility of using peat additives is made individually and depends on the fertility of the Earth and personal preferences of the owners. In any case, before making peat, it is recommended to dilute with one glass of ash and 3 st. l. Dolomite flour taken to the peat bucket.

Strawberry does not like sandy and clay soils. The fact is that such soils dryly dry after irrigation and contain the minimum amount of nutrients. Culture, of course, will grow on them and even give a good harvest, but the taste of fruits will significantly lose the taste of berries from bushes growing on more fertile substrates. In addition, the culture should not be planted on sour, alkaline, peat (without prior dilution) and podzolic substrates, as well as in light gray soils. Optimal for cultivation is considered to be the pH level equal to 5.5-6.5 units.

In addition to the chemical composition, the physical properties of the soil affect the normal growth and high yield of strawberries. The perfect option is considered loose, water and air-permeable areas that provide good ventilation of soil and not inclined to latitude. In addition, it should be noted that the cultivation of strawberries in one place is not recommended for more than five years. Whatever fertile and perfect soil is, over time, it is depleted and inhabitated by pathogenic flora.

Therefore, it will be more expedient to transfer strawberry beds to a new place, and it will be possible to return to the old one in 5-6 years. This time is sufficient to accumulate the natural fertility of the soil and bringing its chemical composition in accordance with the natural balance.

Siderats and predecessors

Many mistakenly believe that there is no special difference between the Siderators and the predecessors, but it is not. Siderats are called plants that are intentionally planted on the beds, on which landing for strawberry seedlings is planned. Typically, the early-sighted species, which immediately after the start of flowering, are placed in the ground, are thoroughly crushed and mixed with the soil. The recommended blasting depth is 15 cm. After such events, the soil saturation is active, proteins, sugars and starch, which is beneficial to the development of crops sitting.

Wiki, oats, Facelius, Lupine and buckwheat are often used as Siderators for strawberries. Good results give a landing of white mustard, which, unlike the above plants, is produced not early in spring, and in the fall. The mustard planted, leave to winter, and after the spring plant blooms, also smeared into the ground and mix thoroughly. The selection of this or that Siderate completely depends on how the trace element must enrich the Earth. For example, lented bean plants (wiki and lupine) allows you to enrich the soil with nitrogen, and the white mustard serves as a source of phosphorus. Buckwheat will help to saturate the land of Kalaise, and RAPS can replenish the reserves of sulfur and phosphorus.

One of the extremely unwanted strawberry predecessors is potatoes. This is due to the fact that after the cultivation of the grained in the ground, there remains a large number of larvae of the Colorado beetle, which subsequently threatens the destruction of the strawberry root system and causes an imminent death of plantation.

In addition to Sideratov and Predecessors, the neighbors apply to the growth and development of strawberries. The most favorable is the neighborhood with a swamp and cabbage. These plants are mutually beneficial to each other, and contribute to the creation of a comfortable microclimate on the site.

Preparation of soil

It often happens that the soil on the summer site is far from the ideal. In such a situation, to correct the composition of the Earth and prepare the site to landing. To do this, have a number of activities that will help to return the soil to the soil of fertility in the event of its loss or enrich the depleted soil with the necessary nutrients.

  • The first stage of the preparation of land should be its dropping. And from the use of the bayonet shovel, it is better to refuse, and the pumping of the Earth is performed with the help of gardens. At the same time, weed roots are removed from the soil, large stones and mechanical trash. Drops should be carried out at a depth of 20-25 cm. This allows you to raise insect-pest insect eggs on the surface of the masonry of insect pests and pathogenic microorganisms that are freezed in winter.
  • After the land will be carefully disposable and cleared, you can proceed to fertilizer. The best time for such a procedure is autumn, and as a fertilizer you can use a reworked borot or compost. Some gardeners advise to mix them with superphosphate or potassium chloride, taken from the calculation of 60 grams of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salts by 10 kg of manure. Such a number of fertilizer will be enough for one square area, so the final number of components is calculated on the basis of the plantation area.
  • In case the soil has an increased level of acidity, which is easily determined to grow on it of white white, pupils of field and horse sorrel, it is recommended to perform it lime. For this, for several years, it is necessary to make 50 kg of lime for each weave of the Earth.
  • After instillation of the Siderats, for several days the soil follows straight abundantly, carefully tracking water absorption and not allowing it to stir.
  • After landing the earth above the roots mulch. In addition to preserving moisture in the root zone and plant protection from winter extinction, mulch is an additional source of nutrients. The optimal material for mulching strawberries is the coniferous, humid, sawdust and peat.
  • In August after trimming leaves soil fertilize ammonophos, wood ash or urea solution.

  • Experienced gardeners recommend another effective way to improve soil fertility. To do this, they remove the outer 8 cm of forest podzolic soils, form the same layers of them and put them one on the other to a height of one meter. Then the burts are abundantly shed within a few days, after which they are covered with polyethylene. To ensure full ventilation in the film, small windows are pre-triggered.

    As a result of a significant increase in temperature in a folded and covered film, the larvae of pests and fungi die, and the processes of combustion of plant residues and pathogenic microorganisms begin to occur. If all actions were carried out correctly, then after 2-3 months you can get the soil that is most suitable for growing strawberries.

    About what the soil loves strawberries and how to properly prepare it, see the next video.