Room flower Ranunculyus. Ranuncoules - brides flowers

Ranunculus (lat. Ranunculus), or asian buttercup (garden) - The plant of the family of iloko native of Malaya Asia. An ancient scientist Pliny called them so (translated from Latin Ranunkulyus means a "frog") for the fact that many types of buttercups, like all amphibians, love swampy terrain. In England from Turkey, Ranunkulyus was brought in the XVI century and immediately became a favorite of flowers, but by the end of the XIX century, his popularity was a little fed and revived only in the current century. Today, more than 600 types of Ranuncoule are known.

The balloon flower is good because it can stand in a vase with water up to two weeks. In Italy, the rods are called "gold buttons of meadows." There is a beautiful legend that buttercups are small asterisks, converted by Jesus in flowers and presented mothers as a sign of respect and love ...

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Landing and Care for Ranuncoule

  • Landing: Landing tubers at the end of April or early May, sowing seeds to seedlings - in early March.
  • Fleet: The first half of autumn.
  • Storage: In a paper pack at a temperature of 4-5 ° C and good air circulation.
  • Bloom: June August.
  • Lighting: Bright light, half day.
  • The soil: Neutral, fertile, drained and light. Suglink does not fit.
  • Watering: Moderate, regular.
  • Feeding: Only in the period of flowering 1 time in 2 weeks with potash fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: tubers, seeds.
  • Pests: Butterflies - cabbagers, web ticks, nematodes.
  • Diseases: Root rot, powdery dew, gray rot.

Read more about growing raincules Read below

Flowers Ranunculyus

Ranunculus Asian

This is a very beautiful flower. They grow it in both the garden and houses in pots, decorating them terraces, balconies and living rooms. The plant reaches a height of 20-80 cm, he has deeply dissected leaves and strong stems. Rhizomes are tubers like goose paws. And the centerast rhizome, and the leaves, and the stems of the Ranuncoule are similar to the leaves, stems and rhizomes of dahlia. Beautiful terry, semi-world and thickness inflorescences of the ranunculyus of various shades, except for blue and blue, reach 5-10 cm in diameter and sequentially bloom from May to August. When they begin to reveal, they look like roses, and when they will open, they look like terry poppies. Ranunculus white and wounded pink are very attractive for brides, with pleasure to include them in their wedding bouquet.

However, it should be remembered that sok Ranuncouleus poisonous.

In the culture, the types and varieties of the Ranunculyus Asian, having the originally two varieties are grown: Ranunculus Persian (Ranunculus Persian), whose inflorescences are similar to Rose, and Ranunculus African, or Chalm (Ranunculus Africanus), whose inflorescences resemble Peony.

Features of growing Ranunculyus

  • in order not to burn the roots, feeding the ignition, choose only those fertilizers, which include biohumus;
  • the plant does not like transplants, so it is desirable without extreme needs of the Ranunculyus not to disturb;
  • during the flowering period, the ranunculus needs potassium and limestone;
  • during flowering, move the pot with a plant into the shadow and reduce watering, then the ranunculus will bloom longer;
  • ranunculus is not frosty, so his tubers need to dig out of the ground before frosts, immediately after the leaves are rejected;
  • in one pot, you can land the ranunconsus of different colors, it will turn out a beautiful and elegant bouquet;
  • the blurred inflorescences are desirable to remove the new ones rather, and at the end of the summer the stem must be cut off to the base.

In the photo: Blossom of Ranuncouleuses together with iris

Ranuncoulyus landing in the garden

Soil preparation for landing

In the photo: the whole field of the ranunculus

When sowing the seeds of the Ranuncoule

In the middle of February, you have them in the easy fertile soil and sprinkle with a layer of soil at 1.5-2 cm. Cover the container with glass or film and keep them in a well-lit place at a temperature of 15-17 ºC. From time to time moisturize the soil. After two or three weeks, when shoots appear, the shelter is removed, and when the seedlings appear two pairs of leaves, they are diverting into separate pots and, as soon as warm weather is installed, planting into the ground. They will be blossom only next year, so the cultivation of the ignitation from seeds does not fit flowers, counting on a quick result.

In the photo: Wound seeds of different varieties

When to plan the blununcoule tubers

When the Earth warms and the risk of spring frosts will disappear (approximately, at the end of April or early May), it is time to plant the bulbs of the Ranuncouleus. Planting the flower Ranunculyus - the process is simple and easy, but there are important moments that can not be missed. To prepare the ranuncouleus tubers to landing, they are placed in a wet environment for several hours (sponge, wet sawdust or moss). You can simply soak them in cold water or a weak solution of manganese. Sometimes growth stimulator is added to the water. Since the plant does not tolerate a transplant, think good at once, how to put the Ranunculyus, that is, in what place it will be really comfortable.

How to plant a balloon? Ranuncoulyus tubers are placed in a hole to a depth of 5-8 cm "keyboard" down. The distance between the tubers is 10-15 cm. If there is a possibility of a sharp decrease in temperature, cover the flower leaf by observing material or straw. Two-three months from each club will appear a few blooms, and in time the first Ranuncouleus flowers will be revealed.

Care of Ranuncoules in the Garden

Care for wounds is completely simple.Watering Ranunculyus Need regular, but moderate so that the roots do not rot from excessive humidity. The first signs of posting are mold on the leaves and dropping buds. Remove the damaged parts of the plants, shry the soil around them, reduce watering. Delete the blurred inflorescences in time so that they do not interfere with the blooming new.

Ranuncoulyus needs B. the soil looser And organic feeding fertilizers: Feed it every two weeks with potash fertilizers (40-50 g per m 2 of the earth) during flowering period (potash salt, potassium sulfate or wood ash). Sometimes, especially in the arid summer, a web tick can be settled in the ringings. The stalks and leaves of the plant attract TRU and TRIPS, and if you notice silver or white spots on leaves, you should immediately treat the ignition insecticides.

In the photo: Blossom of wounds on the field

Ranunculyus at home

If you decide to put on the balcony of the Ranunculyus, the care of it will be no more difficult than in the garden, and, nevertheless, to successfully grow the ranunculus at home, listen to the advice of experienced flowerflowers. Home wounds are recommended to plant not a single plant, but in a group. Make yourself or buy a decorative box or a large, wide pot with drainage holes and put in it Ranunculyus.

Landing is carried out in the same soil as in the garden: to the peat-based substrate. On the eve I soak the tubers for a day in the water. At the bottom of the drawer or pots, pour the drainage layer (crushed stone, clamzit, egg shell), then layer of the substrate, place the ranuncoolus tubers and split the substrate so much so that only the top of the bulbs can be seen. If the width of the pot allows you to put several tubers in it. Pight the rununkulyus in the pot and first keep it at a temperature not higher than 12 ºC, from time to time moisturizing the soil.

In the photo: Ranunculyus decorative or buttercup Asian


When the sprouts achieved several centimeters, the temperature can be slightly increased (up to 20-22 ºC), during flowering period, it should be no lower than 18ºС, but also no more, because then the ignition will be wondering too quickly. The main thing in the care of the ranunculus indoors to fall on it shine. He feels great on Eastern and Western windows, but if there is an opportunity, put it on the south, and he will reward you with great blossom. After the onset of warm days, the pot or box can be taken to a balcony or terrace.

Water The plant must be regularly adding to the water during the growth of fertilizer. Watering is preferred top, but try the soil not to overvolt. Sometimes spray the plant with water. After wiping the Ranuncouleus watering should be reduced.

In the photo: the cultivation of the raincoolus of the Asian in the pot

Ranunculyus after flowering

Washing and storage of ringings

Autumn has come. It's time to dig a ringunkulus. The cultivation of this plant should not seem to be time consuming. The same simple will be the last stage. As soon as the leaves of the Ranuncouleus yellowed and dried, the stalks and leaves are cut and the clubs of plants are removed from the ground. It is necessary to do it very carefully, because the rhizomes at the Ranunculyus are very fragile and break from any careless movement. Actually, the rainculus plant is perennial, but it does not tolerate the temperature below -7 ºC, so it is better to overweight in a well-ventilated basement at a temperature of 4-6 ºC, wrapped in a dry moss or a paper bag.

Before placing it on winter storage, Ranuncoulyus needs to be shipped 30 minutes in the Fundazole and dry well in the shade for three days.

If your ranunculyus is a perennial and you do not have harsh winters, leave the root in the ground, just cover the husknik from the cold or palform. Even if some part of the tubers and perish, you can always buy new and suck them in the spring to the site.

In the photo: Preparation of ranunculus clubs to storage

Ranunculyus homemade after flowering

You can save a plant after flowering by placing it in a cool, shaded place where the ranunkulyus will grow for some time. Then the rest period comes, which precedes the yellowing and drying of the leaves and stems. Move the Ranunculyus to the room with a temperature of 15-18 ° C, transplanting it to a new soil. Ranuncoulyus walking period lasts no more than a month, and in April you will see new sprouts. Each tuber for the season of vegetation gives 5-7 new processes. When digging, they are carefully separated and searched or stored until spring in the basement or in the refrigerator on the shelf with vegetables. But it is worth knowing that the ranunculus, grown out of the preserved tubers, will be weaker, and the flowers will be smaller. That is why many amateur flower trees prefer to buy new tubers every year.

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Garden butterfly - beautiful flowers resembling miniature roses or poppies. They do not require much attention in care and at the same time give the flowerba originality and beautiful view. It is this combination of qualities allowed these colors to gain popularity in many flower flowers.

Plant Description

Buttercup (or Ranunculyus) is a perennial grassy plant found in the nature of Australia, Asia, North and South America, Africa, Europe. Butterfly garden appeared thanks to the work of breeders. It differs from his wild-growing relative of the flower value, variety of colors.

Garden buttercup is a low-length bushy a perennial, a height from 40 to 100 cm. Stem has a reprehensive, tube root. Flowers from 5 to 10 cm in diameter, simple, semi-grade or terry, diverse color scheme. Exception is blue and blue colors that do not yet exist.

IMPORTANT. All buttercups of poisonous, so it is not recommended to plant them in the yard, if there are children in the house.

The most popular varieties and varieties of buttercups with photos

There are two varieties of this flower. Which include several subspecies:

  • Asian (Persian) - plants with a height of about 40 cm with terry or simple flowers similar to roses.
  • African (Chalmid)- have larger leaves and petals, bent inside. This variety is more like a peony.

The following types of flower are most popular in the greatest popularity in the garden:

  • Caustic - Widespread in nature, grows on the meadows and in the forests of Asia and Europe. Has therapeutic properties. Flowers golden - yellow flowers in June. Winterhouse, can grow in a half.
  • Akonitoliste (or Boreletsel) - A bush plant up to 80 cm in height. White or yellow flowers.
  • American - low, about 30 cm, yellow-flower, less often white bed.
  • Multi-dealer - from 40 to 80 cm in height. Flowers yellow shiny. Flowers from June to August.
  • Hybrid varieties - Released from Asian species. Have a variety of color and flower shape. Even the two-color coloring.

IMPORTANT. Experienced flowers advise once in 3-4 years to change the grade of the buttercasters in their plot, acquiring new rhizomes, since over time they lose decorativeness.

Time and place for landing of the butterfly in the open soil

In the middle of May, the buttercups plant in open ground

Purchase landing material is in February-March. Before landing, keep tubers at 17 degrees of heat in a ventilated room. On seedlings, the butterciphe in early April. But at the same time, keep in mind that the transplant this flower does not like, so you need to plant it in peat pots or pills. But it is more expedient to immediately plant a flower on the street.

In the open ground, the buttercups are planted in mid-May, after the onset of real heat. This plant is thermalized and can not make even short-term frosts.

For landing, you need to choose a sunny place, but with a scattered sun or some stern. It is important to choose a place protected from drafts and wind gusts. Ideal will be the place near the bush, from which the part of the day falls the shadow, or under low, not too splashing tree.

IMPORTANT. If you put a buttercup on too light, the sunny place, then it will bloom it for a short time and is not good.

Neighborhood on flowerbed with other plants and flowers

Do not put the buttercup next to bright colors, on their background, small bushes are lost. An exception is a blue anemone, with her buttercups looks good.

IMPORTANT. Make sure how the buttercup is growing on the flowerbed. This flower is quite aggressive, and can squeeze other flowers, capturing their space with its root system.

Soil requirements

Buttercups prefer light, loose soil with neutral acidity. In addition, the Earth should be nutritious, so before landing it is recommended to make a humus.

Technology landing

Tubers before landing are soaked for 10-12 hours, so that they will have moisture. You can use a growth stimulator or a heatman solution. Swarthy flares are like spiders. As soon as it happened, you can start landing.

For landing, it is prepared by the wells, on the bottom of which the drainage is stacked. Satballs need 5 cm deep into. Between the plants leave the distance of 15-20 cm. The tubers plant down with legs. Shoots appear in 10-14 days.

IMPORTANT. If after the landing, the threat of frosts appears, buttercups need to be covered with straw or by observing material.

Flower Care Buttercup in Open Ground

Buttercup - unpretentious plant

Buttercup is a rather unpretentious plant and does not require any special attention to himself. It is enough to carry out watering, but without convergence, and loosening soil, to provide air access to the roots.

For regular blossoms, timely feeding times are important every two weeks. At the beginning of the growing season, feeding is carried out by nitrogen fertilizers. Since the beginning of the bootonization and to the end of blooms, potash-phosphorus mixtures are made.

During flowering, you need to remove all flowering and drying flowers. At the end of flowering, the frequency and abundance of irrigation sharply reduce the frequency. If this is not done, roots can bend. As soon as the foliage is beginning, watering stops.

IMPORTANT. With rainy weather, the place of landing of the bowlikov needs to be covered with a film, so that the roots are not overwhelmed.

Storage of tubers

Buttercups do not tolerate frosts, so they dig them for the winter. It is worth doing in September, after complete drying of the aboveground part. Dropsy tubers are cleaned from the ground, dried. It is recommended to store them in a dry room at a temperature of 19-21 degrees. For storage, they are wrapped in fabric. You can also place tubers in a dry peat pot.

What is sick

The plant is resistant to diseases, but after all, with incorrect care, some problems may occur. The convergence can cause root rot. You can avoid this with the help of drainage and regular irrigation. If you notice the mold on the leaves and colors, delete them and immediately stop watering. Soil boil to venture roots.

Resetting buds also testifies to excessive moisture. Sweep the soil, and the butterca will revive and continue flowering.

With cold raw weather, the plant can hit mildew ray. For prevention and treatment, use special fungicides from this disease.

Pests of Plants and Fighting

Nematode, often found pest on this plant

Frequent guest in the root system of the buttercup - nematode. If you have noticed that foliage twisted and the plant is lagging behind in development, it means it is affected by this pest. You can get rid of it, digging the bush and flushing the roots in the water temperature of 50 degrees with manganese.

The appearance on the foliage of yellow or silver spots speaks about the defeat by the bypass tick. Plant In this case, you need to process insecticide.

Methods of reproduction of Lutikov

The easiest way to reproduction is the root division. During the growth of the main tuber, many additional root kids are formed, from each of them you can get an extra flower bustard.

From seeds get new plants quite difficultbecause the germination is rather low. Sowing spend at the end of February in boxes filled with a mixture of land and peat or sand. In the soil they make grooves, lay the seeds and poured them with a layer of soil not higher than 2 cm.

The first two weeks drawers with crops are kept at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. The soil must be constantly wet, because even a slight breathing will lead to the fact that the seeds will not sprout.

After three or four weeks, the first searches appear. Boxes need to be transferred to warm, at least 20 degrees place. Sprons need the lightest place, preferably on the southern window. In cloudy weather, seedlings need backlighting with special phyto lamps. In the open soil seedlings can be planted by the end of May.

IMPORTANT. The butterca grown from the seed will bloom only for the second year.

Buttercup as a garden decoration and a nursery

Buttercup is suitable for decorating any garden

The combination of ruts of various shades can create real landscape compositions. In the flower bed, they are planted in the foreground in small groups. You can also create bright color spots on the lawn from these perennials.

Beautiful flowers in pots, vases and patio containers look great. Beautiful combinations can be achieved when boarding the buttercasters with decorative deciduous plants, for example, with hosts. It looks great on this flower on the alpine slide in combination with stones. Also, tightly planted bushes around the edge of the flower beds look also. In this case, they fulfill the role of a live border.

Features of growing in pot and home

Buttercups feel great not only on the flower bed, but also in a flower pot or a vase. For growing pots, low-grade varieties are used, up to 40 centimeters. If the plant is higher, it is necessary to use support for it, and it immediately loses decorativeness.

In the absence of a garden plot, you can grow a beautiful buttercup and on the balcony. The main condition is a sufficient amount of light and heat. Just do not allow direct sunlight on the bush.

Capacity must be selected from the calculation of 1 liter of Earth on one bush. In one container, it is permissible to have up to three copies. The pot filled with a mixture of leaf land, sand and humus (1x1x05). When growing in pots, more frequent watering is needed, since the earthen command quickly dries.

After flowering and drying the foliage, the pot with a nailstone is placed in a dark dry place for 1-2 months. This is a period of rest of the root, after which a new above-ground part will appear.

REFERENCE. Asian buttercup after foliage foliage in the open ground can be put in a pot and transfer to the house. When landing in August to November you will get a flowering bush in the apartment. Flowering buttercups, with sufficient light, will be all winter. It is necessary to have it on the southern window.

Garden buttercups can decorate any plot that is literally transformed with their appearance. Pay them a little attention, and they give you a magnificent and rather long blossom.

Ranunculus Asiaticus (Ranunculus Asiaticus) refers to a group of several hundred plants. This flower is a member of the Ranunculaceae family, which is also from the Lutikov family. Latin name Ranunculus means a "little frog". Ranuncoulyus has tuber roots and hollow stems and there are different colors, including yellow, white, red, pink, orange and copper, with dark or yellow centers. Middle East Flower Motherland, hence their alternative name "Turban Buttercup". A number of bright varieties with several layers of petals in the shape of a socket are available for landing at home. Most of the varieties of Ranuncouleus will grow about 38 cm in height. To grow beautiful Ranunculus, you will need to know how to plant them, and how to take care of them after the landing. Asiatica asian ranunculus asiaticus flower.

  1. Usually use two methods of reproduction - seeds and tubers. Choose a place for your climate based wound. Ranunculyus prefers a sunny place, but if you are in a particularly hot climate, they may suffer a little and in the shade. Ranunculyus, as a rule, does not tolerate heavy frosts, so if you plant them in a cooler climate, it is recommended to store the tubers in a warm room in winter.
  2. Find a place to land your ranuncouleus where the soil is well soaked. Ranunculyus grows well in well-drained soil and prefers rich sandy land. In such conditions, the plants feel well. Avoid landing your Ranuncouleus in areas where puddles stay long after the rain, or if you know that your soil is a heavy clay.
  3. You can determine whether your soil is predominantly clay, squeezing the handful of wet land in the palm of your hand. You can improve the drainage of the soil by mixing it with a large amount of substances such as vegetable fibers (cropping or grass trimming) or well-rotted manure. These "soil additions" will help your Ranunculyus grow.
  4. If possible, put your flower from the tuber. Tubes, as a rule, are the preferred method of growing the ignition. The tuber is similar to the root; Nelm plants look like spiders, claws or bunch of bananas. Their strange look surprises when it comes to landing. Grow the tuber with the pointed end of the "claw" or "spider legs" down. You must plant small varieties by 5 cm deep and at 5 -12 cm from other tubers. The plant of large varieties, such as Tecolote, up to 30 cm from each other. You do not need to miss them before boarding. It is best to plant parties to a dozen for maximum effect. Place as soon as the last frosts ended, usually in spring. Do not water before the appearance of shoots.
  5. Keep in mind that you can tell in advance how many colors you get, looking at the flask or the tuber. The size of potatoes will help specify the number of colors that it will produce. The jumbos tubers are the largest in diameter of approximately 7.6 cm and will produce 30-40 colors. Smaller potatoes with a diameter of about 5 cm can produce about a dozen. Different varieties of plants have different sizes.

Landing and growing of the ignition of seeds

Although most of the gardeners prefer to grow Ranunculus from the tubers that they plant them in the fall, it can also be successfully grown from seeds. Keep in mind that the seed you collect does not guarantee to generate truth, but the surprise in the garden is always pleasant. Collect seeds after drying the pods. Time landing Choose yourself. You can plant seeds right now or wait until next year. If you wait until next year, put the seeds outdoors after the whole danger of frost passed, or run them in the room six weeks earlier. Regardless of the selected method, the seeds should be planted on a rich sandy soil, slightly coated and wet. Germination takes 10-15 days. After that, the plants will develop strawberry roots, usually sold in nurseries. Retset can bloom in the first year of seeds.

Decide when planting and trying to grow rainculus from the seed, if there is no possibility to buy tubers. It is better to sow seeds in a closed room in September, since the seeds of the Ranuncoules prefer a cool temperature. For planting seeds of the Ranunculus, you need:

  1. Severe or place seeds in a pre-moistened compost, lightweight and suitable for sowing seeds.
  2. Do not cover the soil seeds. Keep the soil wet and not affected by direct sunlight.
  3. Support seeds at a temperature of about 21 ° C and a little cooler at night. Seeds should start germinate or multiply by about two or three weeks.
  4. Wait until young plants will have about half a supreme leaves before transplanted them into large pots. Explore all the items carefully to know when you can heal. Protect these young plants from frost and transfer them to the outside soil next spring, if necessary.

Room Care and Disease

ranunculyus seedlings

You have to water the tubers immediately after landing. Continue to water new plants every 10-14 days. When the first leaves appear on your plants, you must try to water them once a week. Continue to water your Chado once a week until autumn drops. In the fall, the ranunculus dies or rests, and it is not necessary to water.

If you are interested in larger flowers, select Tecolote or Jumbo Ranunculus tubers. In the cool climatic zones, it is better to grow the ranunculyus indoors. Choose healthy tubers and plant in large pots (preferably 15 cm in diameter) about 3 cm deep into the soil so that the root tips indicate down. In addition to pots, you can choose any convenient trays or containers. For growing it in warmer areas, the ranunculyus tubers are planted directly in the outer garden beds in the spring, the distance between them is 12-15 centimeters.

If you grow a plant in the sun areas lit by the sun and in the soil without problems with drainage, they will grow magnificently. When you take care of the raincoolus indoors, install a potted plant in a brightly lit place or a windowsill. If indoor plants lack energy or weakening, it may be due to insufficient light. In this case, consider the possibility of installing artificial light sources to restore normal growth. Make sure that they are located next to the windows of Western or South side. Do not get drunk too frequent air ventilation, it will also damage the plant.

The most important part of the departure for the ranunculus - watering. Yes, keep the subsoil is wet, but not wet is a trick for growing healthy plants. Too little moisture, and they will die, and the overvailing increases the rotors (plants that have been subjected to rotting). Of course, they need fertile soil and nutrients for the production of maximum flower kidney. You can use the correct doses of fertilizers during the active growth period and immediately before flowing.

After flowering, the flower care of the raincoolus plants is the same as before. Do not remove the leaves, and save the way they are. Foliage synthesizes food and prepares plants for the production of flower next year. Continue to water to promote photosynthesis. After completing the flowering season, it is summer, the leaves will become yellow. This indicates that plants enter the period of rest. At this stage, remove the dry leaves and do not loosen the tubers. They will germinate during favorable weather conditions. If your favorite is subjected to stressful states, it becomes weak, and then pests and diseases are most likely. Common ignition problems include infection with milderous dew, rust, tough, spider ticks and snails. Fundazole solution can be used very rarely, as a fight against fungal infections.

The autumn plant blooms in the spring, and the fact that it is planted in the spring, produces abundant blossoms in June and July. You can collect long stems of the Ranuncouleus for the manufacture of flower bouquets, as well as to decorate the house in the room and offices. The flowering season of the Ranuncouleus lasts 1.5 months, and the plants look amazing during this period. Many people prefer to remove consumers to preserve moisture and nutrients for developing flower kidney.

Zimovka Ranunculyus

ranunculyus in the pot

Depending on where you live and with what setting you are working, you can plant your wound in autumn or late in winter. While the spring planting of the clubnelukovitz will not be as fruitful as autumn plants, a good harvest can still be obtained. In areas with soft winter weather, the ranunculuses can be planted in autumn and successfully overwhelm outdoors with minimal protection, for example, with a low tunnel or frosty cloth. In colder areas, where the temperature drops much lower than zero over long periods of time, you can run them indoors - in trays or pots to plan later - at the very end of winter. Plants can be moved beyond the dwelling, when the threat of deep freezing passed - this is usually a month before your last spring frost.

When you unpack your wounds, you will notice that they resemble small brown octopuses. Do not worry, these strange creatures actually produce a whole abundance of beautiful, red colors! Before boarding them for 3-4 hours at room temperature with water, leaving the water turned on during the process to provide additional oxygen. Ranuncoulyus will grow, often doubles in size. After soaking, the muscles can be planted directly in the black soil. Washing tubers before planting will give plants the beginning of the jump, and you will have flowers for a few weeks earlier than in other options.

Ranunculyus usually begins bloom 90 days after landing. In the fall, sown tubers bloom in early spring and continue to grow steadily over the six-seven weeks. Late in winter, planted clubnellukovitsa will bloom to the middle of spring, and it will continue for four to six weeks. Ranuncoulyus life in a vase is outstanding, often exceeding 10 days! Cut when the buds are painted and squat like a marshmallow, but are not open in a vase. If you cut flowers and put in a vase, they will continue to stand up to the week, but they are more fragile for transportation. Never hold flowers in warm water. After all the proceedings and care, you will be happy, because you will be delighted with your most beautiful flowers your own bouquet.

Did you know?

In Asia's mythology, there is a story about the Asian Prince, who gave his name to this flower, which naturally grows in a swampy terrain. The prince loved his country and sang delightful songs in the presence of a nymph. He did not have the courage to declare his love for them, and therefore after his death he was turned into a flower with delicate fabric petals that worn his name.

Types of Garden Ranunculyus

'Purple Picotee'

'Amandine Rose'

'Rhone Pink'

'Cloni Dark Orange'

Among domestic gardeners, the plant, called the Ranunculyus or garden buttercup, is also gaining popularity. This unusual flower in an inconspicuous form is very similar to a small peony or a rose, and in the period of complete flourishing - tender poppies. A feature of the plant is the possibility of its cultivation in the garden and in pots in the premises. Let us dwell on the landing of the Ranuncouleus and the care of it under conditions of street disembarkation.

Description of the plant and its varieties

The name "Ranunculyus" is known to be a little, but under it is hiding the most ordinary garden buttercup. Wild varieties with simple, young enough yellow colors can be found almost throughout Russia. Garden varieties are distinguished by a variety of color palette, large, bold inflorescences and a gentle aroma.

Origin and Features of Ranunculus

Malaya Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the plant, from where in the XVI Art. Flowers were brought to Europe. His name from Latin means a "frog", which is associated with the love of many types of ilok and all amphibian swampy locations. In countries such as Japan, Holland, Argentina, there are whole fields for their cultivation for further cut.

Ranunculyus is a perennial herbaceous plant with simple, terry, semi-world and dense-level inflorescences of various mothers of shades, with the exception of blue and blue. The flowering period of the bowls - starting from May and ending with the latest numbers of July. If at this time there will be relatively cold and rainy weather, flowering can last to middle August.

The inflorescence of garden butterflys have a spherical shape and reach in diameter of 8-10 cm. Plant stems are short and durable with deeply dissected leaves, and the greenastic rhizome in shape resembles tubers dahlia. The height of the ranunculus is from 25 to 80 cm, depending on the variety.

It is worth remembering that garden buttercups are poisonous. The juice contains different toxic substances that can lead to severe human poisoning.

Basic Lutch Garden Lortests

Among the Ranunculyuses, 4 main groups of varieties can be distinguished:

  • asian;
  • french;
  • chalmid (African);
  • persian.

Asian buttercups reach 40 cm in height, have beautiful simple or terry inflorescences. In shape they are similar to small robes. Color of such plants can be diverse. Most of the modern Ranunculyus hybrids are represented by the Asian group. These flowers are usually used for cutting.

French wounds are replaced by breeders in the early XIX century. This is a unique beauty of plants having a wide color palette. A distinctive feature of this group is a spherical form of inflorescences with a huge number of terry or semi-world petals and a dark spexy in the middle.

African buttercups or chalmid, have larger leaves than other Ranuncoulyus groups. Their inflorescences are framed by unusual, bent into the petals, which makes them similar to peonies. African buttercups are slightly higher than French, they have terry or semi-eagle.

Persian wounds have terry or semi-grade inflorescences, resembling "Türbans" form. They are located on high stems and have a different color. This group of varieties is known since the end of the XV century in Holland, is distinguished by very early blossom.

Ranuncoulyus landing in open ground

There are 2 ways to plant garden butterms: using seeds or tubers. The seed technology of rainculyuses is usually considered prerogative breeders. And most ordinary gardeners resort to the use of tubers.

Choosing a place and soil preparation

Ranuncoolus can grow under direct sunlight, but they are more like a half. In such areas, the color of the plant will be brighter, and flowering - more than a long time. Buttercups do not carry drafts, it is better to place them in a warmth, well-protected place. Hurry up with disembarking material is not worth it, it is important to make sure that there is no freezing.

The wound ground prefers a lightweight, fertile, neutral in composition. A mixture of chernozem with humus and sand is well suited or neutralized with chalk peat. But loam for garden butterms is absolutely not suitable.

It is important that the soil absorb water well, but did not delay it for a long time. It should be provided by plants a good drainage to prevent the root system to prevent the root system. Sands are suitable for this purpose in a small amount, poured on the bottom of the landing pit. Before planting ringings, it is desirable to overcoat the land, to fit the compost and treat the Fundazola solution.

Singing technology seeds

Grow the Ranunculyus in the open soil from seeds is a very difficult task, which is associated with their low similarity. In addition, the plants will give the first buds only in a year, and often blooms one by 20 plants. For those who want to get a quick result, this method will be inappropriate.

Seeds for garden leutors can be purchased in specialized stores or assemble themselves. The planting material is evinted in the middle of February in spacious boxes / containers with prepared soil. From above, the seeds are neatly sprinkled with a layer of soil about 2 cm and covered with glass or film. Containers are stored in a well-lit room at a temperature of 15-17 ° C. It is important to periodically moisten the land.

The first shoots usually appear in 2-3 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to remove the shelter from the container. After the appearance of 2-3 wound leaves, it is necessary to dive, that is, sear in separate pots. The landing in the open ground is carried out under the condition of non-frost. It is possible to cover the plants with a small amount of sprinkle material (for example, straw) to protect them from temperature fluctuations.

Using clubs for landing

The use of tubers is considered to be the use of tubers in the soil. Landing material can be collected independently or just buy. Tubers on sale usually appear by the end of autumn, but many gardeners are recommended to acquire them in February - March. This is due to the fact that for landing it is necessary to use high-quality material. Its incorrect storage in winter will lead to non-viability of tubers or germination of the buttercups with a large delay.

If you purchase the material for planting in the spring, you can protect yourself from buying torn tubers. The plant sprouts about 2 months, so landing is produced in the middle of April, when the likelihood of strong frosts is due. Tubers are pre-prepared: they are soaked in warm water for 2 hours, after which the material is significantly increased in size. You can use a wet sponge to which the purchased tubers are laid on the same period of time.

To improve the quality of planting material in water, you can add a growth stimulator and a few drops of manganese.

In the prepared ground, recesses are made up to 5 cm, in which the tubers are rooted down. The distance between the plants is left from 10 cm. After landing, the land is desirable to pour, but not much so as not to lead to the pipelight. Flowers with this method appear after 3 months, but good care is important, without which this period can increase significantly.

Basic ways of breeding Ranuncouleus

Modifying garden buttercups can be independently assembled seeds. But this will have to tinker. Seeds are collected from chopped flowers using gauze or any other fabric. They are very small, can fall when trying to collect or carry winds. The dried flower turns around with marley / cloth, in which the material shakes for further landing.

In winter, the seeds are preserved in a dry room when the temperature is 17-22 ° C, which will ensure the better germination. The planting material is predominantly going from the first blooming flowers.

Ranunculyus is a perennial plant that flows into the hibernation and wakes up only when the temperature is raised above 20 ° C. But frosts it tolerates badly, so tubers are extracted to ensure normal wintering conditions. It is important to understand when digging the ranunculyus and how to care for it so that in the future to multiply by his tubers. In September-October, the nutics of garden stems are dry and can cut off. After that, tubers are very careful.

To avoid damage to the rhizomes, it is worth abandoning the use of a classic bayonet shovel in favor of a small garden or other devices for the safe extract of the root.

Ranunculuses are very demanding to air temperature when digging. Make the extraction of the tuber is better in the afternoon when it exceeds the level of 15 ° C. Before you send the landing material for storage, it must be carefully treated with fungicide for 15-30 minutes.

If ducklings are wet, they need to dry them in a small greenhouse from a mandatory ventilation for 3 days. Next, the rhizomes are wrapped in paper or dry moss and sent to a dark room with good ventilation. To maintain the viability of plants, the temperature regime up to 6 ° C is necessarily observed and the average humidity. Once a few days, tubers are desirable to turn over to ensure full air circulation.

For regions with warm winter, when the temperature does not fall below 7-10 ° C, the rhizer can not dig up, but simply cover it with fallen leaves or sweets.

Correct gardening of garden butter

Butterciphes - noncapercourse culture, but to ensure their health and long period of flowering, it is worth adhere to some tips on proper cultivation. Care for wounds should include:

  • The correct watering is the root plant of the plant does not endure excessive moisture and can be installed. Periodic cheer of soil is recommended: if it is dry, you can pour flower. Typically, the soil moisture frequency is every 3 days. Mustocate the buttercups from the pouring will help a good drainage of pebbles or clay, eliminated on the bottom of the landing pit. Sometimes there are also slices of birch coal. By the end of the flowering period, watering gradually decrees.
  • Control of the state of plants - about excess of moisture, you can learn from the white raid appeared on the leaf leaves and the crepe of new buds. On excessive dryness of the Earth testify red spots on the leaves, weakly open and fast-carrying flowers.
  • Deleting weeds or severe other plants - it is necessary to prevent damage to the root system and quickly fading the flower.
  • Soil loosening is carried out once a week, which ensures its permeability and allows air to circulate freely around the root system.
  • Removal of faded inflorescences - to free up space for new buds. You can use garden scissors or knife. If you do not delete faded inflorescences, the new will stop appearing, and the leaves will begin to grow. The plant will fully lose its aesthetic appearance.

Timely feeding of plants

After planting the ballots, it is advisable to periodically feed to ensure their full development and long-lasting flowering. During the period of active growth of leaves under the buttercups, special nitrogen fertilizers are made, and when the first buds appear - phosphorus-potash compositions.

Feed the plants preferably every 2 weeks. The required amount of fertilizer is determined on the basis of landing area: 1 sq. M. Consisted 50 g. Good use as feeding peat or divorced compost.

Diseases and pests of Ranuncouleus

Buttercups are characterized by high resistance to pests and various diseases. The tightening rainy season usually leads to the appearance of mildew, and the leaves can overcome cabbage. Sometimes the woven, web tick or trips, is justified on the ranuncules. Bioinsecticidal preparations are used to destroy pests.

Decorative value and application of nate garden

Ranuncoolus look advantageously both in single landings and in combination with other plants. A good neighborhood for them is Arabis, creating the necessary shadow and giving part of the nutrients. Garden buttercups are widely used in decorating, and a special place occupies in the formation of brides bouquets.

Successful Landscape Design Solution

Spectacular landing of the butterfly in the garden - group flower beds. One-color patterns or mixtures of plants of different shades are used, which allows you to create a motley live carpet. Mass landings of the ranuncoules create an original and unusual composition on flowerbeds, rockers, alpine slides. Bright plants are often used to design borders.

Often they are planted into outdoor and suspended pots or patio containers. Such a decision on the design of the landscape territory is fresh and modern. Alternating different varieties and butt colors, you can create the most unusual solutions, arrange accents, create a bright, distinguished spot.

Stock Foto Ranuncoules in landscape design

Decoration of events and drawing up bouquets

Garden buttercups are often used when places of celebrations, photographers and decorators. But they pay special attention to the creation of brides bouquets, because such plants reflect purity and tenderness. The finished bouquet looks easy, exquisite, emphasizing the slim style of the owner.

Freckled wounds can stand in water for a week, but drafts and high temperatures should be avoided. It will undesirable to place them in one vessel with daffodils, it will be destructive for the nutics.

Wound care is pretty simple and easy, although it has some features. But if it is clear to them to follow, the plant will reward the successful development and a long-string of bright colors.