Orchid roots Black spots what to do. Diseases of orchid phalaenopsis and ways to treat photos

Orchid - an insanely beautiful plant! Probably, that is why it is increasingly can be seen in homes and on the windows of large organizations. A healthy plant will complement any interior, will emphasize the taste of the owners and will become a real decoration of the room!

It happens that the leaves at the plant begin to acquire a black shade. Gradually, they are very darker and disappear. It happens that the plant itself is shortly dies. Why is it going on, in an inexperienced person it is difficult to understand how and what to do about it?

By ignorance it is difficult to see the cause of what is happening, it is in principle no! Just an orchid, like any plant, not to be too picky, it requires the right care and content for normal existence!

Causes of Furnishing Leaf Room Orchid

  • Some types of orchids after the flowering period is reset the leaves, which are pre-acquired a black shade.
  • The air in which the plant is too wet or, on the contrary, dry.
  • Watering is rarely carried out or often enough, which is not at all appropriate with the humidity of the room or this time of the year.
  • The leaves of the plant eats some tick, it is easy to see it from their reverse side.
  • The room is not a very favorable temperature for growing these thermal-loving colors.

What to do?

By purchasing this magic flower, immediately ask what kind of plant, to which family treats, and what care does he need care? If you are constantly growing the houses of orchids, it does not mean that behind this particular plant care should be identical, as well as his counterparts.

As soon as you noticed that some leaves begin to change the color, become sluggish and dry - it's time to beat the alarm! If you do not help, orchid will begin to be slowly fading and may disappear.

The first thing to do is to remove all healthy flowers from this plant that stand nearby. Neighboring plants risk infected, and then it will have to reanimate even more colors.

Carefully inspect the patient plant, remove all blackened leaves. Scissors with which the processing was performed, disinfection. Finding pests on the leaves, treat the plant with trichopol or foundazole. Preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy and use according to the instructions.

When visible reasons, but in particular pests there are no, then you need to change care. First, see, perhaps, orchid stands in a cold place and it just freezes. Pay attention to the presence of drafts and sufficient solar rays. It should be light, but not too leaves can be burned from direct solar contact.

Pay attention to what indoors in the room. If it is high, then reduce the frequency of watering. With low humidity, try as often as possible to spray the entire surface of the plant with water.

The sooner you start processing the leaves, the faster your favorite orchid will again become a healthy and beautiful plant! Singing the processing for later, you risks to destroy this gentle and unmatched a beautiful plant!

And severity. The foliage darkens everything or partially, and it is manifested in the form:

  • dark splashes, different stain diameters that are point or merging (about what to do if spots on leaves and orchid colors appeared, read);
  • in the middle of the sheet plate there is black rot;
  • neurosis of foliage;
  • milking gray or brown spots;
  • watery, rapidly darker sites;
  • sheet plate becomes brown-in-color, with the presence of black dots;
  • black at the base of the sheet, which quickly disappears;
  • the leaf faces the fungal disputes of black (about how to save orchid from mold on the roots, leaves and other parts of the plant, read).

ATTENTION: In plants with similar external signs, the root system often draws, stem, a slow growth is noticeable. Picking leaves says that the pathological process has not passed and the roots of orchid. Therefore, the treatment process should be started with them.

In detail how to increase the roots of orchids with the help of corneeling and other means, read, and how to reanimate the plant without roots, we told in.

Possible reasons

The reeling of the indoor flower is quite a lot, from a banal thermal burn to a serious infection that is not amenable to treatment. It is possible that the wines of everything is wrong:

Learn more about the types of orchid diseases, as well as see photos of the affected leaves, you can.

Consequences of the root of the plant

With visual inspection of Falleopsis, dark spots, spots, black tips or roots are noticeable - this is a signal to action. Plant requires emergency assistance. If the treatment does not sing at the right moment, then the orchid on the verge of death (about whether the orchid can be saved without roots and leaves and how to do it, we told B). It is possible that in the later stages, this defeat may cause the process of rotting orchids: Points will appear on colors and stem, gradually the whole flower will become black, and in this case, something is already meaningless.

What if there are black dots or stains?

Unfortunately, with a greater probability, dark spots are a consequence of infection of the orchid bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

At the base of the leaves, closer to the trunk

If dark rings appeared, points with convex pores. Symptoms are similar to sunburn. However, the affected areas have properties to increase in size.

Possible disease - philostose or black spot. This is an infectious disease that extends in an increased temperature and humidity.

Also similar to the symptoms of anthracnose. It occurs when water is stared in the glands of the plant, and a fairly increased moisture in the room.

Plant can be saved by conducting a number of actions:

  1. isolate a patient plant;
  2. remove patients areas;
  3. cuts to disinfect the antiseptic;
  4. the plant is treated with a solution of fungicide ("Sighter", "Topcin-M").


  • good lighting;
  • regular ventilation;
  • optimal temperature and humidity.

At the tips of the leaves

Orchids have twisted the tips and edges of the leaves - the plant, suffers from improper care. Such a problem is observed if the low humidity of the room indoors, the presence of drafts, the hypothermia of orchids, reborn fertilizers.

How to help the plant:

  1. optimization of the temperature and humidity regime;
  2. trimming damaged leaves;
  3. transfer of phalaenopsis to the room without drafts, but with good ventilating;
  4. reduce the frequency and dosage of mineral fertilizers.

Council: To avoid this, you need to create a room flower comfortable conditions as close as possible to natural parameters.

The flower is black and dry air roots. Possible causes from what the roots are black:

Help: root burn, treatment is not subject to treatment.

To reduce the level of salts in the soil follows:

  1. rinse orchid in a pot under running water for 5-10 minutes;
  2. damaged, black sections of the root system remove;
  3. cuts to handle with aqueous activated carbon;
  4. if necessary, change the soil.

To avoid disease, the flower needs prevention:

  • at first, the plant does not feed, after three months, use the low concentration of bait;
  • fertilizers to enter only in a slightly moistened soil;
  • watering water to use boiled or filtered.

Watch the video about the reasons for the blaracing of the roots of orchid and its treatment:

Plant care

Avoid such unpleasant situations is possible only with competent care for orchid:

  1. Maintain a comfortable temperature in summer: + 22-25ºС, in winter + 16-18ºС. The difference in temperature differences should not exceed 5ºС.
  2. The lighting is required scattered, with a duration of the daylight 14 hours. In the summer, intensive sunlight should be dialed.
  3. Humidity in the range of 50-60%. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room.
  4. Choose a proven, high quality substrate.
  5. Water once a week with warm, soft water. In the intervals, the soil must completely die.
  6. Feelable orchids need 2 times a month, especially during flowering. Up to use with predominant potassium and iron content.
  7. Spray phalaenopsis is better up to 5 times a day. Exclude the procedure during flowering. Be sure to ensure that the water is not stood in the sinuses of the flower.


No diseases can harm exotic beauty if there is good immunity. Therefore, it is best to strengthen the plant, creating optimal conditions than after treating treatment.

Conduct an inspection regularly and pay attention even to minor changes. After all, it may be the first signs of a starting disease that it is easier to neutralize early stage.

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When careing for orchids, it is easy to make a mistake, because this flower needs constant care, it is easier to avoid problems, to do everything in a timely manner, with diseases - orchids are restored enough long time. What problems faced most often? - Diseases may occur, even seemed because of primitive - incorrect lighting. To grow any colors, you need to adhere to the right illumination, the light mode must be moderate, in time to act in order to avoid burns that do not carry much danger, but the tracks remain long enough. In no case, can not be engaged in spraying orchids in the sun, because the dot burns are formed on the leaves. By the way, the wrong irrigation also causes trouble, the main rule is better to pour less than to overdo it, especially, it negatively affects young sprouts, the overall and stagnation of water causes infection. Be sure to support moisture, if it is not taken care of it, but just water the plant, then the result will be - fallen leaves. Bad watering also leads to falling off leaflets, their dryness, in very hot weather - use a fan to obtain fresh air. An important point for memorization is that the flower cannot be continuously and continuously in water, and if it is combined with a low temperature, he will definitely appear. In winter, watering is reduced. It is necessary to avoid water from entering leaves, it will ensure salvation from rotting and point swelling. In the cold winter time, at low temperatures - the sheets are not only covered with white spots, but sometimes they are refrigerated (frostbed sites need amputation), in the same period, it is necessary to abandon spraying, it will provoke the appearance of darkened fungal spots.

Groups of diseases:

Such diseases in orchid can be found infrequently, this is due to the fact that the cultivation of these flowers includes very scrupulously, it is possible to detect such viruses only in special conditions, or rather laboratories, and if they are detected, then all infected parts are immediately referred. At home, it is very often unreasonable panic and take the usual overvoltage for viral diseases, however, with proper care - it is extremely unlikely. An important fact is that viruses cannot be cured, but the flower does not die from them, if we provide due conditions, then Phalaenopsis will acquire a healthy look and will live, please be a long time.

A group of diseases that occur most often and sometimes even end in the death of the plant. Typically, fungus develops due to poor ventilation, overheating or overwhelming, and it develops in a fairly rapid pace. In turn, the fungal diseases include: the root rotting (the most banal and common), although the whole plant suffers, but only the root is subjected to infiltrate, all other affected parts are quiet, and sometimes: crack or change color. The fungi includes trachemicoses, this group of diseases stands out by destroying orchid - poisoning it from the inside, through the vascular system, thereby taking all the vitality and saturating toxins. This group carries an extraordinary danger due to the fact that it is difficult to identify the disease in the early deadlines, and the treatment has not make sense and the process of recovery is extremely difficult. The main signs of tracheosikosis: The lower sheets begin to fade (possibly, from some one side), begin to acquire a yellowish tint, the infection of the stalk, neck and roots begins, gradually, the roots stop growing at all. If all these symptoms are manifested at the same time, the disease to identify, suspend much easier, but it happens that they become visible in the launched stages when the flower requires urgent rehabilitation, a diligent treatment. The reasons for the appearance of spottyness is simply a lot, for example: ordinary or false torment dew, rust, rot, anthracnose, septoriasis, Stangospose, philostose, churchosposition. When any of the listed diseases are found, you need to know that any fungi is treated with the help of a chemical or biological system killing fungicide (which penetrates deep into the vascular system and is not used for ordinary prevention, but as a direct eradicator fungus).

It is necessary to meet such lesions, the cause of their origin is the depletion of the plant and the penetration of bacteria through the tissue of damaged walls. Bacterial diseases include: root rot, which quickly progresses, infects and gradually destroys the entire flower, first die roots, and later shoots, they are enough ten days for full blaming and drying, the characteristic sign of the formation of rot - a specific, terrible smell, so The same, spotting can be formed. The stains have a black and brown color, surrounded by an oily halo, their number increases with a mad speed. For treatment there are no special medicines, often tetracycline is used. Bacteriosis is seriously treated, it is difficult to talk about some comforting guarantees for sure. It happens, it is difficult to distinguish the fungal pathogen from the bacterial, therefore, in such cases, synthetic antibiotics, fungicide, begin to immediately apply synthetic antibiotics.

It is necessary to take into account that the main, most correct way to secure phalaenopsis from diseases, and after - serious treatment procedures - this is the maximum listening to all important rules regarding cultivation, if mistakes are allowed, mischievous, then the orchid weakens and thus attracts various kinds to themselves infections. Elementary tips to help warn, suspend infections, disease: clearly adhere to the best conditions of content, study the history of the flower, its needs, the new orchid should always be in strict quarantine (from two weeks to a month), for the possibility of studying all the subtleties, flower adaptation, The ability to secure others (perhaps something infected) plants. When suspected of the disease arise - just keep in dry conditions without using any feeding and stimulating agents. Even pests can appear from a bad substrate or poor-quality transplant, irregular irrigation, if the water is not suitable, the same applies to fertilizers, they should be used in moderate quantities. Orchid does not tolerate drafts and dampness, mold, excessively cold air, it is undesirable to store vegetables or fruits nearby, because their infection is not always determined immediately, and the bacteria act instantly.

Orchids are grown because of the beautiful, long, magnificent blossom, but what if everything goes not according to plan? - When the flowers are pretty enough, becomes sluggish, and then they are completely falling, the cause is likely to have a stool, poor lighting, dryness of air, drafts, low temperature or its sharp drops. The appearance of dark spots or points can contact poor ventilation, low temperatures, forming rot. If there are no blooms at all - the temperature regime is broken.

Green flag It appears due to the formation of algae and excessively elevated moisture, the disease is most common among greenhouses, winter gardens, greenhouses. To cure orchids, it is necessary to get rid of the plaque with the help of marlevary tissue, which should be lightly moistened with water, at home, a great assistant can become a mangalling or ordinary economic soap.

Cracks Appear as a result of unsafe movement to another place or transplantation.

The yellowing, withering the leaf (the top) occurs due to the fusariosis - the overaffect of moisture, watering, and most importantly - the low temperature of the habitat. In case of fusarious fading, by the way there will be a cutting of irrigation, trimming the affected parts with sterile instruments, and after - their processing "Fundazole".

The removal of bacterial rotes (depressed dark spots) is to destroy the sheets to full-fledged, not patients with tissues well sterilized tool, treatment can be carried out by fungicides.

Bacterial spot, namely, the formation of brown spots (having yellow / white bezel) on the leaves of phalaenopsis is treated by isolating, removing contaminated parts, cutting out cutting coal, gray, wood ash (by any antibacterial drug, in the process of treatment, be sure to comply with restrained contacts with water .

Viruses are rarely attack, but they are most dangerous, especially if there are a lot of colors, because they are spreading lightning, so if darkened strokes appear on the sheets, which smoothly flow into strips, then urgently need to destroy the flower.

From solar burns to protect it easily, it will be enough: to diagnose into hot seasons of the year, do not engage in spraying under the hit of straight solar races. Lying leaves are directly related to the state of the root system, it means its infection if it is timely inspecting the roots, eliminate damaged, treat with drugs against the fungus, the state is normalized and the flower will return to the brown blossom.

When the leaves are unequal, ugly with bad color, then the very time to make a question of mineral nutrition (put into the course of complex fertilizers). In case of damage or dons - air roots dry so that this is not there, you need to fill the broken particle and process it with activated carbon.

When the roots are screwed without visible, the only obvious, the problem is weak irrigation and humidity, respectively - it is necessary to increase the amount of irrigation, use the humidifier. Also, with bad irrigations, the roots may be picked up in the substrate, in this case, the container with the plant should be placed half an hour in warm water, so healthy roots are immediately soaked in moisture and acquire a pleasant green color. Nevertheless, the watering should be clearly planned and clearly realize that the excess water will lead to the rotation of the root system, initially, the roots will become spotted, in time they will begin to frown, becomes softened, brown. The right solution to the preservation of phalaenopsis is: moderate watering, timely transplant, processing.

Pests and ways of their destruction

- Completed insect, dangerous this small pest is dangerous with its columns, like a drop, color Tley: green, yellow, black.

- Miniature oblong flies with wings, spread white or transparent larvae, they spoil the youngest and unprotected orchid particles, the flower is covered with stains, stripes, jerky, and after - falls. The situation has two outputs: to apply a spraying insecticides or several times a week to use the economic soap (this will help eliminate the larvae).

- Insect, which in appearance is similar to cotton pieces, settles on the leaves and sucks juice, they become yellowish and sluggish. It will help with the treatment with vodka, alcohol and necessarily - "Aktar", the procedure of purification should be carried out a couple of times within two weeks.

- eliminate quickly, these are peculiar thighs that are characterized by stickiness are processed by vodka, alcohol, soap, if available, it is necessary to increase the humidity.

Cobed tick It has a red color, appears at low humidity, moves slowly, the fault of this pest is formed by a flaka and the sheets die. In the fight, water and acaricides will help to avoid a meeting with a tick, you need to: remove the orchid from the slightest winds, drafts, spray with heat water, new plants keep a certain period in quarantine mode.

In the 19th century, the orchids were considered a luxury available only to preferred features. Today, everyone can buy them freely. However, these flowers are not so simple in content, may be affected by diseases or just suffer from improper care. To understand what to do if the leaves are drawn, you need to figure it out a little in its features.

The appearance of diseases provoke, first of all, errors in caring for:

  1. Failure to comply with temperature regime. It is very important to follow the temperature of the substrate in the pot, you can not give it to cool. Low temperature indoors, cold windowsill, active evaporation of moisture - all this contributes to the rapid cooling of the roots and, as a result, the development of fungus and bacteria.
  2. Frequent watering. As already mentioned, the frequency of watering depends on the degree of lighting (more light - more water and vice versa). Most home orchids are epiphytes, which means their roots are adapted to obtain moisture from the ambient air. Stagnation of water in the pot and lack of oxygen will be destructive on the state of the plant. For the same reason, it is very important to provide regular ventilation flowers.
  3. Poor-quality substrate. When choosing a finished substrate or its independent preparation, you need to ensure that the polyfoam and peat content does not exceed 20%. The fact is that the development of pathogenic fungi is hampered by the useful microorganisms living in the substrate. And peat and foam - unsuitable environment for them.

If the disease appeared, operate according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, insulate the patient plant from the rest.
  • The affected place is cut to healthy fabrics, wounds disinfect. In the course of operation, the knife after each slice is also cleaning (kept above the fire or wipe with alcohol).
  • Waiting when the wound will delay (a few hours).
  • The fight against fungal diseases is carried out with the help of special (for example, Fundazole, copper-containing drugs). For development in the substrate useful microorganisms use phytosporin.
  • Bactericides or antibiotics are used against bacterial diseases.
  • There are no drugs from viral diseases of drugs. From the flower will have to get rid of.

In any case, after a treatment, a plant on quarantine should be left at a minimum of 14 days. Remember that diseases are not scary by plants with a strong immunity, and therefore the underlying condition for their prevention is the correct care and the creation of optimal conditions for growing.

More information can be found from the video:

Looking at the photo of the orchid phalaenopsis, few flowerflowers will remain indifferent to this spectacular flower. In addition, these plants are relatively unpretentious in care. However, they can be amazed by a dangerous disease or malicious insects. In this case, the life of orchids depends on the proper treatment.

What conditions are required for orchids phalaenopsis

Most often about the poor health of the orchid signals its leaves: they start yellowing, withering, dying. It does not always talk about the disease. Beginners of amateur flower facing, rather, with violation of the rules of care.

Owners of orchids must remember the natural aging of the flower. Falenopsis every year is deprived of one or two lower leaves.

Necessary level of lighting

Faleenopsis orchids do not tolerate direct sunlight, but at the same time they like good lighting. Therefore, the windowsill on the eastern or western side of the room will be the best place to accommodate them.

On the southern window, the orchid of this species must definitely be dialed, removing from the glass or covering the screen from the source of the straight light.

Do not forget that the right growth and healthy development is possible with the duration of the light day at 12-15 hours.From the middle of autumn and for all winter, install additional lighting over orchids, for example, phytolampu. This light source is the optimal option, it does not damage the leaves. The only rule - the lamp should be not closer than 20 cm from the plant.

If the leaves darkened, they became soft and elongated, then it signals a lack of light.

External factors: temperature and humidity indoors

Orchids are tropical flowers, they need heat. For phalaenopsis, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C. The minimum permissible for orchid (and then at certain cases, for example, during resting period) - not lower than 12 ° C.

The ideal level of humidity for this type of plant is 70-80%. In the whole room, it is difficult to achieve such an indicator, besides, it is not very useful for people. The optimal option will be regular ventilation of the room (but do it neatly, phalaenopsis do not tolerate cold drafts) and increasing air humidity in one of the following ways.

Right watering

For orchids, phalaenopsis is better to use water:

  • rain;
  • a standing minimum day;
  • boiled;
  • missed through a household filter.

If you wrap in the gauze 10 g of peat, omit this bag in 10 liters of water and leave for a day, it will soften the water.

Watering Rules:

If the problem clearly goes for the permissible limits, and is not associated with aging or errors in care, will have to seek the cause in the disease and the impact of pests.

Video: On the rules of care for orchids

Table: Diseases and pests characteristic of orchids Falenopsis

Name of the disease or pest External symptoms
Puffy dewThe leaves and buds are covered from the base with white raid, with time rising above.
SpottedLeaves are covered with stains in the form of mosaic, circles or stripes.
Brown GnilLight brown watery spots on young leaves and shoots.
Root rotThe leaves will raw, roots soften and rot.
Gray GnilGray fluffy raids on leaves and sprouts, brown dots and small stains on colors.
AnrazoseSmall black spots of round shape, increasing over time and merging into a large plot.
RustLight spots on the bottom of the sheet, with time covered with red raids.
Fusarious rotThe leaves are losing the tour, soften, twisted; The pink fence appears.
On flower, sprouts and on the reverse side of young leaves are visible small insects of green or black. The leaves are losing the shape, covered with sticky raid.
Bellenki.A mass of white small insects appears on the plant. The leaves are yellow and take a pedestal color. The plant quickly resets the foliage.
Leaves change color. Small dots and strokes are noticeable on the surface of the sheet plates. At all parts of the plant, a silver film appears.
ShieldThe leaves are covered with small, but well-visible growths and tubercles, under which insects live.
Thin cobweb on any part of the orchid. Yellow spots on the plant. Leaves twist and dry.
White raids, lumpy wool lumps, on leaves, substrate, roots and walls Pot.

Table: How to diagnose external features

Symptom Care errors Disease Pest
Shiny bottom leaves
  • natural aging orchid;
  • insufficient watering;
  • incorrect content during rest.
Yellow spots appear on the leaves
  • puffy dew;
  • fusarious rot.
  • web tick;
  • red flat tick;
  • bellenka.
Leaves become sluggish Bacterial spot.
  • cobbled tick.
Stains appear on the leaves Bacterial spot.
Leaves are covered with white sticky nails
  • bacterial spot;
  • puffy dew.
Leaves are covered with black spotsSpraying orchids in cold conditions and poor ventilation.Black rot.Cobbled tick.
White spots or points on the leaves
  • too low temperature in the room;
  • frostbite leaves under the influence of cold;
  • in the fall and winter orchid is placed on a cold window sill.
Puffy dew.
  • mealybug;
  • web tick;
  • tRIPS.
The sheet loses the tour (becomes soft and wrinkled)
  • insufficient watering;
  • low air humidity;
  • lack of light;
  • fine watering in the summer.
  • bacterial spot;
  • fusarious rot.
  • red flat tick;
  • bellenkles.
Leaves rot
  • too frequent or abundant watering;
  • for irrigation, cold, unearthly water is used.
Fusarious rot.
Leaves dry
  • insufficient watering;
  • low air humidity.
  • white throats;
  • shields.
Leaves are blushing
  • excess watering at low temperatures;
  • water entering the leaves at low temperatures.
Fusarious rot.
  • triples;
  • bellenkles.
Burn leaves
  • direct exposure to sunlight;
  • low air humidity indoors;
  • the room temperature is higher.
Leaves twist Fusarious rot.
  • red flat tick;
  • cobbled tick.
The edges of the leaves are black Bacterial spot.
Mold on the surface of the leavesHigh humidity in an incredible room.
  • white throats;
Silver raids on the leaves
  • low air temperature in combination with high humidity;
  • excess fertilizers containing nitrogen.
  • puffy dew;
  • gray rot.
  • web tick;
  • mealybug;
  • tRIPS.
White bugs on the leaves
  • mealybug;
  • bellenka.
Fungus on leaves
  • too frequent watering;
  • high humidity.
  • bellenka.

Fale Falenopsis Orchid Diseases

Most often, the appearance of the orchid phalaenopsis suffers because of incorrect care. If you notice this in a timely manner and start correcting the situation, the plant will quickly strengthen and take a healthy look. But if the time is lost, the fungal, viral and bacterial diseases will throw on a weakened flower, which can very quickly destroy orchid.

The consequences of violation of the rules of watering: why leaves become sluggish and fall

Falenopsis orchids are accustomed to high air humidity in the premises. Many novice flower trees are trying to compensate for the lack of moisture frequent and abundant irrigation. It is fundamentally incorrect: phalaenopsis from such a relationship the leaves lose the tour and shook.

If this happened in the hot season, do the following:

  • wait for the substrate drying and continue to water the flower every 2-3 days;
  • support the necessary air humidity;
  • in the middle of the day, use a fan by putting it in 2-3 m from plants and including low power.

In winter, water the phalaenopsis is no more than 2 times a week, but carry out the ventilation, opening the windows daily for 30 minutes. It is advisable to do it in not too windy weather.

SETUP: Why can the root system

Low room indoor, abundant watering and water from entering the leaf plate can lead to the development of the edema on the leaves of phalaenopsis. Because of this, the roots start to rot. In the cold season, remove the pots with orchids away from the windowsill, cut watering and do not forget to remove the excess water from the pallet.

The impact of low temperatures: for what reason dark spots appear

In the winter season, Faleenopsis orchids need special care, since they do not belong to cold-resistant. Provide a plant heat (at least 16 ° C) and regular ventilation, eliminate spraying. Otherwise, the leaves will capture dark spots of fungal origin.

If you bought Falenopsis orchid in the store and brought it home in the autumn-winter period, you may encounter another problem. The flower is hardly adapted in the cold time, its leaves are checked and covered with white spots. Cut the amazed areas to a healthy fabric and suck cuts with an impaired activated carbon.

Fungal diseases: why the plant appears rot or white raids

Most often by the development of fungal diseases on orchid, we are obliged to irregular watering, non-compliance with the temperature regime and excessive humidity. Most of all phalaenopsis is subject to mildew, anthraznosis, gray rot, less often - rust.

Bacterial diseases: for what reason are yellowing or dark leaves

From this type of diseases, the orchid phalaenopsis is most often amazed by brown spot. As soon as notice the yellowing, darkening or softening of the leaves, the appearance of an ulcer with sticky fluid, immediately cut the infectious areas completely. Lubricate the edges with iodine.

Viral diseases: Is it possible to save the plant

Orchids phalaenopsis are not sufficiently resistant to the effects of viruses, and if they are infected, they are very difficult to cure them. Most likely, the sick plant will have to destroy, since there are absolutely effective drugs and methods, and the virus can easily flush into adjacent flowers. If you see the spots on the leaves, similar to mosaic, circles and stripes, show orchid by a specialist who will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Photo Gallery: Diseases characteristic of orchid phalaenopsis

Burai spotting most often amazes orchids phalaenopsis
Rinel is striking roots and neck orchids
Fungal diseases are dangerous for phalaenopsis
With pulse dew sheet covers white raids

Video: Care errors causing orchid diseases

Ways to deal with pests phalaenopsis

Having acquired orchid in the store, do not rush right away to put it on the window where other flowers are already located. On the plant and in the substrate there may be insects, and often dangerous.

The pests of the orchids phalaenopsis can affect the plant itself or root system.

Trips: Who leaves light tracks

Since phalaenopsis of thermal lodge, it is most often grown in a room with high temperatures. The tiny trips (their size is not more than 2.5 mm) also love heat, so it will be happy to settle almost on all types of orchids. The problem is that it is difficult to detect insects: they usually hide in the substrate. Their presence is evidenced by black dots and silver tracks on the leaves.

TRIPS destroy the entire plant: from the leaves and stems, the juices are sucking, larvae are laid in the roots.

Having found traces of trips activities, carry out such events:

  1. Orchid, substrate and all plants located nearby, treat with a solution of accutelic or phytodeterm.
  2. Repeat processing 3 times every 7-10 days.

Shields and Slopers: Where did sticky stains come from

As soon as you will see on the stems and leaves of orchids, characteristic brown or yellowish tubercles, know: the plant is affected by the fantasticist. Such plaques are not always noticeable immediately, but they are the "house" of the adult female insect.

The larva of the funker is overwhelmed by the plant in search of a suitable place, after which it is embarrassed to it, pulling the juices, and with time is covered with a brown film-shield.

The larvae and adults are powered by the flower juices and leave behind a sticky fluid that becomes a good medium for the development of fungi and rot.

The shield is also often found on phalaenopsis. Its carciro shelter is denser than falsely, rounded-convex and covered with waxing. The impact on the plant is practically the same.

Ways to solve the problem

  • thoroughly wash the plant with soap water;
  • remove the remaining pests;
  • the plant and substrate are treated with a solution of accomplishing or phytodeterm;
  • once again spray after 7-10 days;
  • pere out the flower to the new substrate.

Mathematical Chervers: What is the cause of worst leaves

Orchids phalaenopsis can be significantly injured from the tormentary cherler, since it is not easy to detect this pest. A small white insect with an oblong body covered with a fluff, hiding in the roots, the bases of the leaves and in the places of their connection. Cherver sucks juice from the plant, leaving the pulse consistency fluid. It is possible to unambiguously notice them when the flower dries out the leaves.

What to do to get rid of mild cherry

  • fully remove dry leaves and roots with orchids;
  • carefully examine all the hidden areas of the plant, select all the pest found, using toothpicks;
  • every day, inspect the orchid for the presence of new worms;
  • regularly rub all the affected places with soapy water;
  • process the substrate 2-3 times with an interval per week by the preparation of phytodeterm;
  • all month examine orchid. If you do not find new individuals, it means that the problem is solved.

Bellen: why dried leaves

Faleenopsis orchids are harmful and tiny white butterflies themselves, and their larvae. Because of their exposure, the flower will weaken, the leaves dry. Adult individuals lay the larvae in the roots and on the leaves.

To resolve the problem, you need:

  • rinse orchid and substrate with soap solution;
  • peel the plant with a solution of phytodemer, repeat a week.

TLL: Because of whom the plant is difficult to breathe

The tiny insects themselves are not so dangerous for orchids as their excrement. Isolations cover sheet sticky layer, overlapping the respiration of the plant and becoming a convenient environment for bacteria and fungi.

The removal method is as follows:

  • rinse the plant with soap water;
  • treat the plant and substrate with phytodeterma solution.

Ticks: Who Omitted Cobed Buds

To infected orchid ticks can both at home and in the greenhouse. There are 3 varieties of web ticks. In essence, they are practically identical and affected on the plant equally: they make numerous leaf punctures through which juice sucks. These traces are well noticeable on the sheet plates that begin to dry, be white and discolored. Buds fall away.

Removal of the web tick

  • collect with the orchids of all ticks manually;
  • pretty wash the vase and the windowsill under it;
  • all orchid and substrate are treated with phytodeterm solution. Repeat processing in a week.

Nematodes: What is the reason for the growth of growth

Very small worms of nematodes in size no more than 2 mm penetrate the stems and roots of orchids, feed on it with juices and poison their livelihoods. Orchid stops growing, boosts.

Faleenopsis orchids are harmful and adults, and whiteflower larva
Traces of the tick cover the entire surface of the sheet
Mathematical Cherwell It is not easy to detect between orchid leaves
With nematode, the orchid phalaenopsis stops its height
Because of the sticky allocations of the Tlima, the breathing process is hampered by the leaves of orchids.
TRIPS suck out of orchid all juices