Who are enlightened people and how to recognize them? Enlightenment and spiritual awakening - signs and symptoms Spiritual enlightenment.

Every person who is engaged in spiritual self-development dreams of enlightenment. This is a very difficult path that everyone needs to go through in order to change their worldview, free themselves from prejudices and limits that prevent them from living a free, fulfilling life and loving this world with all their hearts.

If you decide to start this path, here are some recommendations on what to do.

Get rid of habits that interfere with spiritual development

- Resistance

It is worth starting with this bad habit. When we plan something important, and we don’t succeed, we get upset, angry, destroy everything around us - including our dreams. We resist that now might not be the right time. Thus, we send negative impulses to the Universe and program ourselves in advance for failures in the future. Here we need to remember that sometimes certain life circumstances happen that we cannot change at the moment. They are given to us so that we gain experience, realize something and rethink our lives. By breaking this habit, we learn to let go of the situation, learn to wait for the right moment and become stronger.

- Envy

This is a very common habit. Not everyone can admit that he envied a friend or colleague at least once. This is a very nasty feeling that eats us from the inside and greatly slows us down on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Learn to be happy for others and compare yourself only with your previous self, and not with someone else. Each person has his own life path, both success and failure await him. Stop thinking that "Vasya already has a mansion at 35, and I live in a rented apartment" or "Ira got married at 25, and I'm still alone." Cultivate a sense of sincere joy for other people.

— Criticism

Bad habit. Remember how often you criticized other people without really understanding the situation? It is necessary to learn to consider any situation from all angles and put yourself in the place of another person. Why did he do this and not otherwise? So there were reasons for that. Be tolerant and understanding. This is an important step on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Think about it, analyze yourself. Watch your words and actions. And then you will reach the first stage of enlightenment - this is awareness or smriti.

track states of mind

It is necessary to practice yoga and meditation in order to free your mind from restless thoughts in time, to purify it, to make it more sensitive and sensual. It is not enough to simply allow different states of mind to exist. It is necessary to analyze and observe, weed out unnecessary states and develop useful skillful states. You yourself choose what you think about and what qualities to develop in yourself in order to make yourself and the world around you better. This is the second stage of spiritual enlightenment - dharma vichaya.

Channel your energy in the right direction

If you have a lot of energy, both physically and emotionally, and you use it for unworthy purposes, this can interfere with your enlightenment. Do not direct your energy towards obtaining material benefits for yourself, let this not be your life goal. Direct your energy towards positive emotions and helping people. This is the third stage of enlightenment - Virya

Finding fullness

This is the fourth stage of enlightenment - Preity which means joy and inspiration. You don't need to do anything specific here. This state will overtake you by itself. You feel light in your soul, you love the whole world and the people around you, you feel that you have finally got rid of prejudices and bad habits. Feeling like you are floating in the air like a balloon. This feeling very often arises during meditation.

Finding Peace

prashrabdhi. Fifth step. A calm, steady feeling of pure happiness. Your mind is carefree, your soul is calm, you are happy.

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Mind training: learning to hear silence

Again, meditation and special practices will help us here. Silence also has a sound - beautiful and filled with happiness and peace. You are no longer disturbed and annoyed by extraneous sounds, you are always in a good mood. You know how to concentrate and collect thoughts together - this is called one-pointedness of the mind. One practice: focus on one thing, like when you're doing the dishes. Let go of all thoughts, think only about this action. Listen to how the water gurgles, concentrate on the movements and on the sound of the dishes.

The final step is gaining impartiality

It is called upeksha. Security, inexhaustible strength of body and spirit. You are like a rock against which the waves and the wind are beating. Whatever life period overtakes you, you do not allow it to influence you. You become unshakable.

In fact, no matter how simple these steps may seem, each of these factors can take years to achieve. But the process itself is also important here: we make ourselves better, we develop, we become strong, wise and happy.

We wish you success on this difficult, but such an exciting path!

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People living today, often and for various reasons, argue that Enlightenment is impossible to achieve in this reality of the dual world. Some of the doubting people believe that enlightenment is not achieved, but it must be earned or received. Pay money for initiation and get a chance to become enlightened.
Others believe that enlightenment simply "happens" on its own, outside of methods and practices. Still others say that everyone is already enlightened, from birth and there is nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve. Many are convinced that enlightenment is available only to Buddhas who come once in a millennium, or even less often, and mere mortals cannot see the truth...
A person approaches the concept of enlightenment seriously, however, this seriousness consists of illusory thoughts and emotions. The word "enlightenment" creates in the human imagination the idea of ​​achieving a certain state of the superhuman, our ego likes to present it in this way. And, this is just our natural natural state of feeling oneness with the Higher Self.
This is a state of wholeness, a state of being "one-in-one", and therefore a state of rest. In unity with life, in unity with the world. That is, in the unity of the individual, with his deepest "I". Enlightenment is awareness of one's true essence, it is available to those who are absolutely honest with themselves. Accepting yourself unconditionally leads to the end of a monstrous, slavish bondage, and gives incredible liberation, through the acceptance of the perfection of life, this is what enlightenment means. A distinctive feature of an enlightened person is the desire to live for the benefit of a single organism, for the benefit of one's neighbor.

In the Eastern religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, “enlightened” people are called those who managed to achieve this strange state. total - enlightenment.
Some people call enlightenment “the highest spiritual development of man” or “union with God”.

Seeing the enlightened is easier than it might seem - they always glow with happiness and joy, and their eyes shine. But only the people around cannot understand the reason for the “causeless” joy of the enlightened and often they are asked questions like: “Admit that you smoke? Where do you get this herb?"

Happiness "just like that" is a small enlightenment. When this happiness "just like that" continues 24 hours a day, and besides, 7 days a week, this is already a great enlightenment.
If you try to describe enlightenment in terms of modern psychology, then enlightenment can be called a state of ideal mental health.
In Buddhism, there is even a whole classification of enlightenment: small enlightenment, just enlightenment, full enlightenment, it is also absolute enlightenment, or final enlightenment.

A little enlightenment is called "satori". I think many inhabitants of our planet had satori. Here, try to remember the moments in your life when you felt really good, there was peace and harmony in your soul, everything around was wonderful and sweet, nothing annoyed you, the grass was green, the sky was blue, the girls were beautiful, and the food was delicious. This was satori. Satori often happens with children (with the moment of growing up less and less) and lovers. So, sincere love for a girl or a guy is already a small enlightenment - satori. Unfortunately, a little enlightenment - satori is temporary, it ends.
big enlightenment- this is love, but not only in one particular person, but love for the whole world, for all people.

It's just that enlightenment is called "samadhi". Samadhi is continuous meditation (or prayer).
People in samadhi are constantly in meditation (even when they are doing something), from which they receive endless joy and pleasure.

And finally absolute enlightenment is called "nirvana"(from Sanskrit, "nirvana" is translated as extinction, dissolution). Unlike samadhi, there is no longer a meditator in nirvana, there is only God, God is in everything, and a person in nirvana dissolves his personality in God's boundless Love. This is absolute final enlightenment.

Let's consider together what is happening in our lives with us now. What do we observe in our life? Where is our consciousness now, on the path to enlightenment?

At this point, our reality of life, the wave of evolution of human consciousness has come to a crossroads on the path of its development. What is happening on the physical plane reflects the deep internal processes of transformation of our consciousness and the entire Universe. Human development has come to a crossroads, where everyone has to make a choice and make a turn at least ninety degrees. The fork in the road of evolution became noticeable to us at the end of the last century, as a result of which the mass evolution of consciousness began, the dawn of the consciousness of mankind.

The first wave of enlightenment came in the 1985 period. The second wave came around 2000. The third wave washed over us from 2008 to 2011. Now in 2012, we are being hit by the fourth energy wave of transformation. The fourth wave will be followed by the fifth. For about 25 years, you and I have been participants in a quantum leap of consciousness, and therefore, we can easily sum up the results, because everything is in our memory.

What happens to us during the last years of life?

Humanity has consciously chosen the path of consciousness enlightenment, we are participants in the greatest events. The people living now are at the forefront of the ongoing experiment of the transformation of the Universe. This process is especially noticeable when you look at it through the eyes of personal experience gained during this period. What experience have we gained?

First wave a quantum leap of consciousness, came to planet Earth, in the form of the energy of the destruction of old paradigms, loosening of foundations, firm, unshakable beliefs. On the physical plane, this manifested itself as various forms of the redistribution of the world, in the form of the collapse of the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp, the weakening of the confrontation between the West and the East, democracy with dictatorship, the capitalist form of government with the socialist.
A mass cessation of colonial forms of government began, the destruction of monocracy. During this period, many teachings appeared, such as New Age and similar areas, teachers in the likeness of Osho became popular. Humanity froze in shock from the revealed truth and began to wake up from centuries of hibernation, with all the fibers of the soul, it reached out to the revival of spiritual values. The whole world is brightly divided into two poles, new and old energy. Awareness of one's reality and one's place in it began everywhere.
The question is, Who am I? Why am I here?

Second wave energy, brought with it many gifts and activated the mechanism of human enlightenment at the level of the mind, or rather the mind. Namely, the second wave of incoming energy was able to awaken us, enlighten our minds, helped many to see the perfection of life in simplicity. We realized that perfection is real, it is available here and now. Perfection ceased to mean ideality, it became visible in simplicity, in the bloom of lilies, in the tenderness of violets.
A person realized perfection, in a smile on his face and joy of life, a riot of nature, we realized perfection in everything. The perfection of life, expressed by beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace. This perfection arises beyond the mind, but the enlightened mind is able to observe and realize. Life is already integral, complete and perfect, we already have it, it is only necessary to track and realize it.
With enlightenment at the level of the mind, we massively and everywhere began to open the ability to heal, clairvoyance, clairvoyance. A lot of cheleners appeared on the earth, conductors of the energies of the subtle world, connecting the physical world with the multidimensional world. New trends, directions, teachings, teachers appeared. Many aspired to the knowledge of themselves and their abilities, some of us even thought that they knew the truth and could teach others.
The desire to learn and teach, contributed to the formation of groups and communities of interest and in the likeness of vibrations. This further divided the world into ours and yours, into old and new, sympathetic and denial, approving and condemning. Strong personalities of people rushed to gain the truth, to the development of abilities, to self-knowledge. Weak personalities began to search for guides who know how to do it and who have authority. Both the first and the second will inevitably come to the apogee of enlightenment at the level of the mind.
The apogee of enlightenment of the mind is the realization that any thoughts, even the brightest, most perfect and true, are an illusion of the perception of a particular person, leading him to gain experience, knowledge of his creative power of creation. Thought is illusory from the very beginning, because it can only reflect the truth. The mind is not truth, it is a display tool, just as the moon is not a source of light, it reflects the sunlight and therefore shines. The mind displays the waves of energy as thoughts and translates them into the form of words and actions.
Any display is separated from the source, it is only a hologram, which means it is not real and transient. The enlightened mind understands that the truth is only love, which everyone expresses in his own way. He understands the nature of universal love. Love strives to become for us that which is chosen by the creator man. That is, no matter what I think about, the energy of love is directed there and life forms the chosen form and confirms my truth to me. This is the truth and perfection of life, and this does not mean that I have known something. You can be a person, anyone and it will become your truth. At this moment, the second wave of enlightenment has done its job, the human collective consciousness has reached the required number of awakened people. The wave of awakening of the mind subsided and right now the third energy wave is rolling in.

third wave evolution brings enlightenment at the level of the heart and feeling. In the beginning, a person realized who he really is, understood his destiny and took responsibility for his reality. Now, we must accept the truth about the perfection of life and ourselves, literally feel it. Today there is no need to convince, prove, call to change and change. An inner acceptance and permission to be appeared, because everything is perfect and has the right to be, if it exists.
For each person, the period has come not to reason, but to be, not only to know, but to become, who he realizes himself to be. That is, to accept life as it was created by him and recognize perfection in it. Do not condemn, do not seek to change what has already been created. Accept the perfection of what is happening and gain a unique experience, use the opportunities given by life for evolution. It is time to move from discussion to becoming. Do not talk about your truth, but be it, do not repeat the truth of authorities, but become authoritative. Claim your truth and be it in everything, be a guide and a beacon.
The pioneers of the spirit were the first to feel the turn in the evolution of consciousness and stopped in their previous activities to assimilate the experience. Everywhere, at this stage, many are moving away from public life into the life of a family, a group, there is an association according to spiritual kinship and spiritual similarity. Those who vibrate with love can no longer be in the energies of separation, struggle, resistance, and are looking for similar energies of unity and cooperation for the benefit of everything. The light from people who have begun to see clearly comes out so clearly that it has become clearly noticeable and understandable without words.

fourth wave came to us in 2012, it should bring the energy of the spirit to the cellular level. That is, at the beginning of the path of enlightenment, the old paradigm of consciousness is destroyed, a place is freed up for the construction of a new one. After that, there is an awareness by the mind of its origin and a model of the idea is formed, about the true self. After that, we not only know about our divinity, but also feel like a co-creator of the reality of life.
We have to materialize all our thoughts (masculine principle) and feelings (feminine principle), at the cellular physical level (son - daughter principle). The masculine principle (information) enters and unites with the feminine (feeling) and they give birth to a new material life (child). Inevitably, every cell will vibrate with what is consciously human, plus accepted by him, both as an individual and collectively, and we will observe the materialization of our inner, in outer life.
There will be a birth from within our individual world, into a materialized outer collective form of life. The incoming energy of the spirit is multidimensional, it contains energy of different quality, that is, there is energy for any choice of a person. The uniqueness of what is happening lies in the fact that the energy of the spirit, different in quality, is immediately manifested on earth, which will allow everyone to get what they want and at the same time, we will not depend on the choice of others.
By whom, today, unity, love, life for the benefit of a single organism is chosen, tomorrow, every cell will vibrate with the harmony of unity and love. Such a person will gain unity with the world and love and will observe around him only the energies of this quality. Another that does not correspond to him, in his reality, simply will not manifest itself, although there will be many different things on earth. A person who has become love realizes that there is nothing important in this reality, except for love that fills it and allows you to gain the experience of life. A person who has love will no longer need anything. A person becomes the Creator and the question arises before him - You are the Creator, what next?

When can we expect the fifth wave of incoming energies?
It is not difficult to calculate logically, although there is no fixed date in nature, everything will depend on our inner component, on our relaxation, trust and acceptance, God's future plan for man. And yet, since today, at the point of the present moment, we are engaged in the assimilation of our experience, we can speak confidently about what has already happened and assume the future. The first wave of evolution of consciousness, through the destructive forces of energy, lasted fifteen earth years, approximately from 1985 to 2000.
The task of a person during this period is to reconsider what has already been taught by others, to look at life from a different angle, to expand the view and change the perception of what is being observed. The second wave, the energy of observation, awareness, equilibrium, lasted from 2001 to 2008, that is, for seven years already. The task during this period is to learn to control the thought process, and to become enlightened at the level of the mind. The third wave of creative energy flowed from 2009 to 2011, that is, about three years.
At this time, a person had a need to learn how to manage their emotions and become enlightened at the level of feelings. The fourth wave of enlightenment will wash over us in 2012 and 2013 and will last for about one year. Our task is to learn how to create reality by connecting conscious thoughts and feelings, to connect spirit with matter, through the soul and enlighten at the cellular level and become a creator. On the face, the presence of the acceleration of time and the speed of energies. This means that the fifth wave of ascension energies will become massively available to everyone, starting from 2014. The task of a person is to raise his vibrations and make a quantum leap of consciousness to the next level of evolution.
Everyone will have their own term and their time, no one will be deprived, it will be given to everyone, according to its correspondence. Russia and its people have especially vividly experienced and are now experiencing for themselves all periods of a leap of consciousness, which indicates that we are in the forefront of ongoing events. What speaks of the mission entrusted to us and the responsibility we have taken. No one will be able to sit it out or be dismissed, although many want to, because the state of the victim is more familiar to us.

1. Who are enlightened people?

Some of them are men and some are women. You can find them in a monastery or a suburban home, in a forest or in a small provincial town. It is true that there are not many of them, but still much more than people usually think. It's not because enlightenment is difficult. The sad truth is that most people don't want to take the trouble to pull themselves out of the swamp of ignorance and passion.

2. At first you won't notice an enlightened person in a crowd because he is rather quiet and unassuming. But when something in a situation starts to heat up, only then does it stand out. When everyone else feels rage, he will be full of love. When others are in turmoil due to some crisis, he will be as calm as he was before. In a crazy fight, when everyone wants to get as much as possible, he will stand alone in the corner with an expression of restraint on his face. He walks smoothly on hard surfaces, he is stable in the midst of shocks. He does not want to emphasize his difference, he is simply free from desires, which has made him completely self-sufficient. And although others cannot piss him off, his calm presence touches everyone. His tender, well-founded words unite the warring and bring even closer to each other those who are already united. Those who are grieving, frightened, and anxious feel better after they have spoken to him. Wild animals feel kindness in the soul of an enlightened one and are not afraid of him. Even the place where he lives, whether it be a village, a forest, a hill or a valley, seems more beautiful because he is there.

3. He does not always express his opinion or defend his point of view, in fact it seems that he does not have any opinion, so people often take him for a fool. When he doesn't get upset or retaliate or abuse or taunt, people think that something must have happened to him. But he doesn't care what they think. He appears to be mute, but that's simply because he prefers to remain silent. He acts like he was blind, but in fact he sees everything that is really happening. People think he is weak, but he is actually very strong. Despite its deceptive appearance, it is as sharp as a razor blade.

4. His face is always radiant and calm because he never worries about what happened yesterday and what might happen tomorrow. His posture and movements are graceful and dignified because he has a natural awareness of everything he does. His voice is pleasant to hear and his words are courteous, clear and to the point. He is beautiful in a way that has nothing to do with appearance and eloquence, but comes from his own inner goodness.

5. He can have his own house, but if it burns down, tomorrow he will move to another place and he will be just as comfortable. He feels at home anywhere. For those who are trying to reduce the amount of their own things, it always seems that there are still too many of them. No matter how much is given to an enlightened person, it always seems to him quite enough. Naturally, he also seeks to satisfy his vital needs, like everyone else, but he takes only what he really needs, and his needs are very small. His life is uncluttered and simple, and he is content to go his own way. The best food for him is joy, the best drink is truth, the best home is awareness.

6. Ordinary people are as noisy as the sound of streams, while enlightened people are quiet, like the depths of the ocean. He loves silence and he praises silence. But that doesn't mean he never opens his mouth. He never preaches and he does not interfere in disputes or discussions.

Spread your wings, my Beloved, and fly into the sky! You are free in your infinitely beautiful way! How beautifully the colors of sunrise play on your wings. Even the wind of the Universe, enchanted by the dance, died down... How much light, my love... How much light your Soul pours out! And in the starry spaces, the awakened me soars... We create this life, playing... from the state of Love... Take my hand, Beloved, and soar to heaven...

When invoking the Goddess, be prepared for unexpected transformations. If you turned to Her, it means that the hour of power has struck. She will come. And will deprive you of everything that you cling to, everything that hinders your spiritual ascent, everything that is not your truth... Prepare to die. Bury your old life and your old self. You may have to offer to the Altar of the Goddess not only your ego, but also your relationship. Make this sacrifice. And you will get...

From the human level of perception, many things do not appear to us as they are in their essence. Shakti will teach you this lesson. You will hit the mirror painfully and see the whole truth about your own imperfection. About your own illusions. In which you have been before... Why do you live in a false world? Let the Goddess dispel illusions and reward you with a wise vision... If before meeting Her, you did not follow your own path, even though it was simple and convenient for you, She will pull you onto your true path. To the place where you should be.

Get ready for transformation. The Goddess will expose your darkness to you so that the light will shine. She will clean out all resentment and anger from your heart so that a flower of mercy blossoms there. She will deprive you of all expectations about the ideal man, so that you learn to accept him for who he is, and not what your ideas are ... She will return your relationship or you will enter into a new union, but of a completely different quality. Now it will be a union not of weakness, but of Strength.

Having plunged to the very bottom of your pain, you will be cleansed, transformed, and return completely different. You will begin to see things without distortion. You will learn to forgive and be patient. You will know wisdom. You will become yourself. The Goddess will awaken in you...

© Maria Manisha - Atmospheric poetry
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Enlightenment is the main goal in most spiritual and esoteric teachings.

Enlightenment is the highest insight, awareness of the essence of life as such. Enlightenment eliminates ignorance, the illusions of the mind, expands consciousness, and frees from psychological suffering. A more detailed description is further discussed with examples of direct and indirect methods of achieving enlightenment.

Direct Methods for Achieving Enlightenment

These are the best, simple, instant methods. Direct methods exclude the buffer of mental understanding, reflection and theorizing. Direct methods of enlightenment are not related to learning in schools, sects, seminars, gurus, teachers and mentors. All these are mind games. Direct methods are for those who are 100% honest with themselves. Further, in order, a description of direct methods of enlightenment.

Awareness of the present
implies a direct perception of life here and now. The layman, upon becoming acquainted with this method of enlightenment, begins to imagine what he is doing or has just done. This is a deviation from the method.

Present awareness is a continuous, natural perception of what is right now. This is not a search for something, but if there is one, it is the awareness of the search as one of the lines of the drawing of the present moment. Ideally, the object of perception really becomes the present moment itself between the past and the future.

It can be conditionally said that to be in the present moment, to be present is a property of our Higher Self. If you are aware of the present, the focus of identification shifts to .

If the awareness of the present moment is continuous, life "collapses" into itself, and you see that now there is an infinite presence in a weightless eternity, where something beyond the future and the past is happening. Now there is being itself, the boundless space of consciousness. This is the primary basis of everything. This being is awareness itself and life itself. All perceived objects and forms occur in it as something deeply secondary and equivalent.

acceptance of the present- essentially the same as the awareness of the present, but with the help of a thin line of "letting in" into your consciousness what is right now. The psyche closes the mind from most of the sensations that eventually form the subconscious.

Acceptance of the present is full disclosure to everything that is here and now. At the same time, one's own consciousness is felt as a pure vessel and conductor of all phenomena. Ideally, you realize everything as a single inseparable phenomenon. And if there is resistance somewhere, it dissolves. Everything just happens.

Enlightenment is total acceptance. Even if something feels like an obstacle, it is only the form of another step on the way.

Relaxation in natural presence– essentially the same as awareness and acceptance of the present. On the other hand, this is another fine line of comprehension of life. Rejection of the present closes from the awareness of the present. This rejection arises due to tension at all levels of the psyche. Tension is relieved by relaxation. And this is not a dream, but the cessation of resistance to the present.

At the same time, all bodily sensations are perceived as seals in the emptiness of the space of consciousness. Important . Acceptance and relaxation are two facets of the same enlightenment process.

Defocusing of consciousness- another facet of enlightenment. Everyday attention is focused by the mind in tense illusions of the past and the future. The most refined focusing of the mind creates a habitual self-identification - ours. It is experienced in the back of the head, throat and at a deep level in the chest. Defocusing leads to the dissolution of these intense bundles of psychic energy. And then the painful tensions and the "malicious fidgetiness of the mind" pass.

At first, you feel how in the presence of the familiar “I” a feeling of space manifests itself, against which tensions flounder. Then, as the focus is defocused, the familiar “I”, which seemed to be something impenetrably dense and solid, begins to make a gap through which the refined energy of consciousness seeps. Total defocusing is identical to complete relaxation, acceptance, disidentification and enlightenment.

Awareness of the viewer of life
- the subtlest "movement", with which you transfer the focus of attention from the world of forms and sensations to the viewer himself, who perceives life. Being, awareness, observation, presence - all this is a description of its essence, its only property, which is expressed in limited words in many aspects.

Smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing are the instruments of perception. Who is using these tools? Where do these five threads of perception of life join? The one who looks at life right now is the eternal spectator of life. He is always there. Forms are changing. Enlightenment is the awareness of one's essence as a continuous free presence.

Exposing the Choice- another facet of enlightenment. Personality is a set of choices passing through consciousness in the present. Choice is born by rejection of the present. The personality is tense in the present, therefore it avoids it, choosing an illusory future.

dedication- another one facet of enlightenment. You give everything you have. Not in a material sense, but in an essential sense. Self-giving occurs inactively, without efforts and attempts, in relaxation. We can say that this method of enlightenment is the edge of relaxation, in which you let go of the grip on what is happening here and now.

contemplation of the present. As a rule, it begins with the concentration of attention on any object. The method differs from "awareness of the spectator of life" by the emphasis on contemplation as such. The essence of this method of enlightenment is to make the process of contemplation basic and continuous. Then the focus of self-consciousness is transferred to the Higher Self. Perception as such is a property of the Higher Self. When you contemplate what is, the higher “I” is, as it were, “activated”. Enlightenment is a manifestation of the contemplative beginning of life. This is the true one. Ideally, the contemplation of an object occurs without, as something extremely natural.

Awareness of who you are- Ramana Maharshi's method of enlightenment. At the heart of the method is the question: “Who am I?”. You ask a question once, with a clear understanding of the meaning of this question. Then you shift your attention to the feeling “I am”. If "I" is, then it can be somehow felt. What is "I"? Who am I"? A verbal answer means nothing. You have to experience who you really are. The comprehension of "I" is the comprehension of reality.

All these methods are different facets of the same process. Due to the unique experience, different passages to enlightenment open up to different people.

Indirect Methods to Achieve Enlightenment

These methods, as a rule, are associated with changes in energy, purification of the mind, preparation of the body and psyche for a clear consciousness. The division into direct and indirect methods is conditional. Sometimes direct methods become indirect, and indirect methods become direct, depending on the readiness of consciousness.

Energy uplift is the experience of awakening stagnant energy. Can be triggered by energy exercises, and in especially successful cases, removes mental blocks, clears the mind and enlightens the consciousness. This includes the practice of kriya yoga, kundalini yoga, work with energy and other esoteric practices.

Shaktipat, or diksha- spiritual initiation. Typically given by a mentor, guru, or master. In especially successful cases, it gives an instant expansion of consciousness and enlightenment. More often gives the experience of insight, which sows the "seed" of enlightenment. If the initiate conserves energy, the seed germinates and over time the lotus of consciousness opens and blossoms.

middle way. Buddha preached. In my understanding, this path to enlightenment is an intuitive, relaxed finding of balance in every new moment of life. Kastanedov's Don Juan figuratively spoke of how a man of knowledge goes through life "lightly touching everything." This path helps life. Don't stress, don't sleep, let reality happen. At the same time, paradoxically, you gain the ability to make efforts that a vain and tense mind is simply not capable of.

Not-doing- Carlos Castaneda's method of enlightenment. The perception of the world is a subtle effort in consciousness. You habitually make the world in your mind. - this is the cessation of "effort" on. Then habitual phenomena reveal their essence. You begin to feel what is happening, as a play of energy. And on a more subtle level - as pure consciousness.

Overefforts- George Gurdjieff's method of enlightenment. This is one of the most difficult methods on the verge of life and death. Gurdjieff spoke about the fact that in the human body there is something like household batteries. When their energy is used up, the person falls down. But if at this time you make a breakthrough, super-effort, then your consciousness switches to a deep, almost inexhaustible source of energy, and you continue to move.

When mortal fatigue sets in, you make another leap and from a deep source of energy, switch to a causal source. At the same time, the hypersubtle consciousness is activated. The method is extremely dangerous for independent practice.

suffering. Temper and develop the soul. Everyone knows this. Suffering is one of the main stimuli for true detachment. Detachment from transient phenomena leads to truth and enlightenment. Many saints went to conscious suffering in order to cultivate spiritual qualities.

In no case do I call for suffering. One can confine oneself to such an understanding that what has already been experienced was not useless.

Humiliation. One of the powerful incentives for the surrender of the ego and. Humiliation and pride go hand in hand. Neurotic self-identification is based on this pendulum. Again, I don’t call for humiliation - it’s enough to treat your own person easier: and not get ahead of yourself, embellishing reality.

Confession, recapitulation, journaling, psychotherapy are effective methods of clearing the mind. Secular memoirs don't count. To work for enlightenment, it is necessary to sincerely speak out all your own fears, highlight everything that has been suppressed, and.

Thinking about the beyond: about God, about eternity and infinity, about love, about the true "I" - also, it is considered one of the methods of clarifying consciousness and enlightenment. If the meditator tries to feel the theme of his thoughts, his attention breaks away from theories, and touches these deep layers of life in practice.

Karma yoga This is work without expectation of results. The mind is calculating, and if you do something for others without personal gain, the grip of the ego is loosened. Ideally, karma yoga is performed with full immersion of consciousness in the present moment, without goals in the future. Contemplation of the present is one of the direct methods of enlightenment. Contemplation in motion is the pinnacle of enlightenment practice. True karma yoga is, as Swami Vivekananda said, bringing the end and the means together.

Unconditional love considered the best method of spiritual transformation and enlightenment. This method opens, . Unconditional love knows no insincerity and deceit. It is the love of life itself. Ideally, on such a path you sink into bliss, and leaving all divisions, you surrender to this experience without a trace.


There is an opinion that enlightenment is impossible to achieve. Some say that enlightenment has to be earned, or "received" from a master. But then it comes to what methods exist for this "receiving". As a rule, it all comes down to transferring their resources and time to schools, where the suffering find themselves dependent on, having served for many years, they seem to have a chance to enlighten.

Another option is to pay a lot of money for initiation, and then, if the mind does not go beyond the mind, again, there is a chance to enlighten "for free."

Some say that enlightenment just "happens" outside of methods and practices. Of course it is. But before that, a person goes through a path. And most often it is this path that is called spiritual. No matter how, no matter in the past or present life. The path includes everything that happens.

Someone says that everyone is already enlightened: there is nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve. But what are these words worth? Why not? A righteous life, or a practical life, is no worse than ordinary life, filled with contradictions and fuss.

Others say that enlightenment is available only to Buddhas who come once in a millennium, or even less often, and mere mortals cannot see the truth. This is how the voice of doubt in oneself and one's strength sounds, the voice of the mind, which is in the fetters of concepts.

People tend to believe that the more seriously they take life, the closer that perception is to reality. However, this seriousness also consists of emotions that project the subjective pictures of the mind onto a reality that has nothing in common with these projections.

In this article, expressing a subjective opinion, I argue that enlightenment is achieved, and there are suitable methods for this. Let everything be relative and the achievement illusory. But there is nothing else to talk about.

I understand that in order to cover the stated topic, it is still necessary to be a member of the worldwide association of enlightened masters, which I am not. Therefore, here, as elsewhere, I act cunningly, and in no case do I insist on the ultimate truth of words and the effectiveness of "methods".

Let everyone believe their experience, and make sure that there is truth. Let each one personally make sure that he/she IS. Someone will need schools and teachers, someone will have enough personal diligent practice, someone - a simple acquaintance with the topic, and a direct look at what is here and now.

The information that enlightened people live among us has excited, frightened and delighted humanity for several years now. A vivid example of enlightenment is the Dalai Lama.

He, like his enlightened compatriots, differs from ordinary people in that if you look at him with the so-called “thin” (energy) vision, you can see the unusual luminosity surrounding him, not characteristic of ordinary people.

Signs of enlightenment

Enlightened people, according to esoteric researchers, have a very even and clean energy field, giving clean, direct rays (usually multi-colored). It is also known that enlightened people living in big cities have to hide their luminosity so that they are not recognized.

According to a certain group of mystics, enlightenment has nothing to do with the arguments of logic. To be enlightened means to transcend the boundaries of physical and mental possibilities. The physical body, not adapted to changes of this kind, often cannot withstand the load, and the phenomena that a person has to face are so powerful that they provoke mental and physical health disorders. Enlightenment has a particularly strong effect on the quality of sleep: a person becomes so meaningful that sleep cannot take over his body.

What is he, an enlightened person? Signs that cannot be confused with anything

In Tibet, facts of absorption by light have been recorded many times, but such cases are a common thing there. Through years of meditation, Tibetan lamas learn to separate the mind from the body. As a result, the body becomes unnecessary: ​​the mind takes it with it to eternity in the form of absolute energy.

In the 60s of the 20th century, one Tibetan lama - a man with an awakened, enlightened consciousness, turned to his relatives with a request not to disturb him and retired to his hut for a week. After this period, rainbow light “poured” from all the cracks of his house, and the lama himself disappeared without a trace.

Can "negative characters" achieve this state?

Adolf Hitler, who, according to some research groups, possessed the skills of a psychic, had no doubt that there was a place on the planet called the hollow Earth. The idea of ​​the existence of a hollow Earth inhabited by creatures that cannot be called people has indeed been discussed more than once among esotericists. This statement fully coincides with the guesses of the Russian researcher of the occult magic of the German fascists Sergei Zubkov.

The reason for the racial purges that Hitler so loved to carry out in the Third Reich, the scientist considers the attempts of the Nazis to attract the attention of the underground "masters" who were supposed to take part in the reorganization of the world familiar to us.

Did Hitler have a chance to become an enlightened person? According to authoritative esotericists, the presence of paranormal abilities is not yet enlightenment, but rather a continuation of the game invented by the mind and ego. True, sometimes the game goes to a new level, that is, it becomes more refined (but does not cease to be a game).

But this is not the peak yet - it is the mind that builds beautiful obstacles in front of the one striving for the True Reality, making him think that he is almost at the goal. But if there is no real mentor next to the “player”, there will be no one to warn him that he has played too much.

All these games and levels, stages of awakening and enlightenment from the point of view of the Unconditional Reality are the fruit of human imagination, since on the way to spiritual heights there are no players, no sleepers, no lost ones, no Absolute or relative reality. The information about the stages of enlightenment is used by the mind only to calm the ego. And the most massive ways to approach God all come down to gradual and not devoid of duality, hard daily work, the implementation of which requires many years (or lives).

Enlightenment does not guarantee physical health

How long do enlightened people live? The answer to this question has been shocking materialistic scientists for several centuries.

Some historians and psychologists who deny the existence of the True Reality admit that an enlightened person may well be socially adapted and successful in the professional and financial spheres. After all, people who are ideal in all respects cannot be unhappy in family and social life.

Most materialists consider the fact that enlightened people, who seemed to be closest to Divine miracles, to become victims of earthly diseases from which they died prematurely, as the main false argument, which does not “fit” in any way into the esoteric picture of the world.

The earthly body is a fragile thing

Indeed, many enlightened teachers have died of cancer and other incurable diseases. The Buddha, for example, died after several months of torment caused by poisoning. His many followers, watching the suffering of their Teacher, expected first a miraculous recovery, and then a resurrection from the dead. But the miracle never happened.

Krishnamurti suffered from a monstrous migraine for almost 40 years, and Ramakrishna suffered from paranoid hallucinations, but died of throat cancer when the topic was 45 years old. Swami Vivekananda was ill with diabetes and died at 38. His weight at the time of death was 120 kg.

Sri Swami Sivananda suffered from diabetes and obesity, while Sri Aurobindo suffered from tuberculosis and nephritis. Carlos Castaneda died of liver cancer when he was 73.

There are several opinions explaining the facts of the untimely departure of the great Teachers. Two explanations, which will be considered below, are considered to be the most relevant to reality.

Not warned means disarmed

Firstly, the sudden death of all great people is the result of unconditional service to other people. Giving all their strength and knowledge to the suffering, they forgot to take care of their bodies.

Secondly, none of the teachings mentions that enlightenment is a tremendous shock that pierces the brain like a bolt of lightning. Only a few enlightened people find the strength to save their brain from destruction. The “lucky ones”, as a rule, include individuals who systematically trained and used their thinking abilities: philosophers, mathematicians, physicists ...

According to statistics, an ordinary person exploits his brain to about 5% of its potential. A great person uses about 15% of the potential. And the one who uses 33%, that is, a third of the possibilities, will be able to survive enlightenment.

The unspoken statistics are no less inexorable: sudden death overtakes 90% of people who managed to survive enlightenment. And the enlightened people of our time, the survivors (their 10%) will never tell anyone anything about their experiences, because their brain is no longer subordinate to them, which means it cannot be used as a speech mechanism.

These shocking details, which have been going on for many centuries, have never been mentioned by anyone. But nobody asked...

Side effects

The “best qualities” of an enlightened person make his further stay on Earth impossible. A large number of enlightened ones die at the same moment - from the experience gained, the heart stops and the breath stops. Only a few remain alive, and almost all of them in the past were either dashing adventurers or owned life-threatening professions. Having received some doses of exciting experiences during their previous lives, they were able to cope with a stronger shock. But even if their hearts did not stop after what happened, then the bodies, having changed, will undergo suffering.

The human body can function normally when it is within its limits. But since enlightenment is going beyond, everything that is poorly developed breaks down. The body also breaks, which, fortunately, will never be useful to the enlightened.

Real Masters are silent about their achievements

Observant people have noticed that disputes about the essence of enlightenment and the methods of spiritual practices are the lot of beginners or those who have not even set foot on this path. Experienced mystics call this behavior a game of religious practicality based on the desire to show off.

What is the reason for such discussions and conflicts? Experienced esotericists argue that, consciously or not, the debaters thus express their uncertainty: "Have I chosen the right path?" Beginners, chatting about "high", do not suspect that it is their lack of experience and uncertainty about the correctness of their life choice. The eyes of an enlightened person radiate calmness and leave no doubt about the strength of his faith. As for the faith of a beginner, any example of someone else's negative experience can weaken it.

Trying to prove to others (and above all to themselves) that they are on the right path, many beginners begin to doubt even more, and this doubt gives rise to aggression first, and then fanaticism. And then what? Protecting one's faith becomes a matter of honor and requires more and more drastic measures, such as burning "heretics" and "witches", intimidation by sects, "jihad" and so on.

What does "enlightened" mean? A person who wants to find a good teacher, at least once, asked himself this question. How to distinguish a real, enlightened master? By his silence. An enlightened guru will never get involved in an argument about “whose faith is more correct,” because he knows that all paths of enlightenment lead to the same God, and therefore to the same result.

Theory and practice of enlightenment

Each of the ways of enlightenment provides for the possibility of obtaining secret signs and consists of certain stages of awakening. As for the secret signs, inexperienced students receive them from the guru, and people who have been practicing the spiritual path for a long time are guided by them to determine if they are lost in the illusory “wilds” of their mind.

The secret signs of different schools differ from each other, so it is pointless to compare them. These are just a kind of "notches", seeing which, the walker will understand that he is on the right track.

People engaged in various practices receive many different, blissful states (of which experience is formed), as well as the opportunity to see and hear what is hidden from ordinary people, go to the subtle worlds and meet saints. Many beginners are tempted to believe that they are already enlightened and get stuck at one of these stages, fascinated by their own sublime experiences and revealed abilities.

Those who know about practical and Vedanta (Vasistha) also know that a person following the path of development can reach the state of a completely Enlightened, semi-enlightened or unenlightened being.

Ordinary beings (including humans) who, in relation to Absolute Reality, are "strongly asleep" are called unenlightened.

Absolutely Enlightened Yogis are those who, based on personal experience, have known themselves as the Absolute Reality or have taken root in it, having achieved self-consciousness. People who feel themselves merged with God and see reality as it really is are called samadhis. The samadhis were Shiva, Krishna and Allah. It is to this state, indescribable by words, that all yogis aspire to.

Sahaja samadhis are people who live ordinary lives while in samadhi. Sahaja Samadha is forced to release part of the attention and direct it to the performance of daily duties and the maintenance of life in the physical body.

Perfectly enlightened people realize the Absolute Reality even during the night's sleep. In dreams filled with Divine radiance, they are able to travel through the subtle worlds inhabited by gods.

Semi-enlightened people are people who have touched the Absolute Reality for only a short moment and returned to their normal state. Some semi-enlightened ones are able to perceive and understand the Truth absolutely correctly, despite the fact that their consciousness is not yet completely cleared.

There are also such individuals who have accepted the Truth and understand its essence, but they failed to survive the necessary experience and experiences. Not knowing that the consciousness will not be purified until the mind is still, they are busy speculating on the sayings of the enlightened masters. According to some mystics, this is also a good start. By saying the correct statements an unthinkable number of times, they thereby bring the purification of consciousness and calming the mind closer.

Enlightened people of our time

Many users of the Global Network are interested in: are there enlightened people in Russia? According to the information that modern esotericists have, in the 50s of the last century, the incarnation of highly developed souls on Earth began all over the world (and therefore in Russia). The reason for the "landing" was the need to protect the independent will of enlightened earthlings. The first wave of incarnations (Indigo children) was completed in the 60s of the 20th century, the second was produced between 1980 and 1990 (Crystal children), the arrival of the third wave (the birth of Rainbow children) is currently taking place.

The last two waves are mostly the offspring of grown-up Indigo. Indigo parents create conditions for their offspring in which their innate intuitive, telepathic and develop very quickly. Many children already have the ability to psychokinesis (moving objects in close proximity) and telekinesis (moving objects far away). The next step for them will be the development of technologies of levitation, teleportation and the ability to stay in two places at the same time.

What is the difference between an enlightened person and an unenlightened one? An ordinary, unenlightened person with limited knowledge believes that the universe is infinite.

An enlightened, changed person does not see the Universe and understands the infinity of wisdom and knowledge that he saw with his inner vision. He also knows that the universe has limits and knowledge is limitless.

According to the information recorded in the Vedas, the soul of an enlightened person, having realized himself, leaves the material (no longer needed) body or burns the body in the fire of tejas (life force). According to people following this path, an enlightened person is immediately visible, because he constantly talks and writes that "awakening is beyond the mind."

According to the same source, there are other people who also talk and write a lot about their pursuits of awareness and magic... deliberately false, because they are inside the mind and are not enlightened.

How to recognize an enlightened person? Every school, as you know, has its own methods of enlightenment. But each enlightened master reveals to his students the same Absolute Reality (the highest spiritual realization), which can be achieved in different ways. Therefore, it is not possible for a master of one school to judge in absentia the degree of enlightenment of a master of another school. Only by meeting and talking (or keeping quiet) can enlightened masters answer this question.

In 2014, I suddenly realized clearly: “The truth is inside!” With this thought I woke up and fell asleep. It appeared in my head all the time, as if someone had specially broadcast it so that I would wake up. And one day, during a session with a client, we went inside. It was the first, incredible in strength and power, the moment of revealing the light from within. I worked a lot with people, and there were different states, but nothing that I had previously experienced could even be closely compared with this state.

From that moment, the path began, which led us and leads many other people, to the state that is called spiritual enlightenment or human enlightenment. For 1.5 years, we have awakened many images within ourselves, conducted many sessions, live and online TOT trainings.

Enlightenment: Five Stages of the Path to Your True Self

  • I stage. The ego is collapsing

You fought for a long time and searched a lot, went through many courses and trainings, listened to hundreds of meditations, were at two dozen festivals, visited many temples, perhaps you were in India and Tibet. You have completely run out of money, a man (woman) has left, children do not understand, acquaintances save every now and then. You honestly and a lot looked for: answers in books, from the masters - you found, rejoiced, rejoiced. Here! This is what you need. And now life is about to change.

You have eliminated thousands of limiting beliefs from yourself, but the more you found them, the more they turned out. Your joy was short-lived, the state of Love that you are so striving for (after all, now you are familiar with this state, you have felt it more than once) turned out to be short-lived - just a few days or weeks, and then again an endless search for causes and effects and it seems to have no end.

Each time a new layer rose, a new pain was discovered. You have already despaired and decided that nothing works and sometimes thought that death is the only liberation. And now you are ready to give up. You have failed in your search for answers outside.

Humility- the first step to spiritual enlightenment

To give up means to lose?! Your mind associates humility with crisis. “If you accept, then you lose,” you think, “if you retreat and leave control, everything will collapse ...” But the opposite happens! As soon as you humble yourself, really, totally, a miracle happens! You begin to act, drawn by the spirit from within. Your life starts to change.

At this stage, other information begins to come to you. Something is pushing you towards awakening-enlightenment. You meet other articles, other people. Perhaps when you hear about the enlightenment of a person, it seems to you something incredible. You think that this is available only to spiritual teachers.

You have many misconceptions about spirituality, the material world, there are still many rules inside, but it is humility, as the first step towards realizing your truth, that will help you look at your life differently.

This stage is the most difficult. Here we meet the most misconceptions and there is zero clarity here. How did you get through this stage? Or maybe you are now going through five stages of the path to your present?

Literary series? A series of articles with hints for a better understanding of yourself.

  • II stage. You realize: everything is simpler than it seems, the truth is on the surface

You, somewhere deep inside yourself, realize: everything is simpler than it seems, the truth must be somewhere on the surface.
Everything should be simpler and easier. At this stage, you still have many illusions about the rightness and wrongness of everything that is. You still believe that there is something spiritual and something non-spiritual. You still have a division into good and bad inside you.

There are many evaluations of everything and you are still comparing yourself to others and yourself to yourself at different times in your life. You know that you need to accept yourself like air. You are tired of fighting with yourself and are looking for complete total acceptance. Your body, wounded by self-judgment, needs to be accepted. Now you're starting to really think for the first time about how to accept yourself.

At this stage, you begin to accept your feelings and emotions.

You are thrown from joy and calmness to insane irritation and outbursts of anger - this is the manifestation of a part crushed over many years in its natural desire to build boundaries and declare itself. Start to really think about yourself. You have known for a long time that you create reality, learn to manage it. You begin to realize yourself as the Creator of your world.

So many years you have been working on yourself - it's time to just remember who you are and who everyone else is! You are ready! And you hear clues around, but you can't always decipher them yet. Every now and then you catch the eye of the phrase or you hear it in your head: “Things are not what they seem.”

I began to hear such prompts five years ago, and it was then that the phrase: “And you will know your truth and your truth will set you free” led to the birth. Now it has become possible to shorten the path to what you were born for at this amazing time.

  • III stage. you start to remember

You dive inside yourself and start looking for answers inside - the first victories of the spirit and a feeling of uplift. There is a first feeling that you can do everything. You remember what it means to love yourself. You are learning to make choices out of Self-Love. Perhaps these choices do not correspond to the generally accepted definition of love, but you are moving more and more out of the patterns and rules accepted in society.

You are guided by a feeling from the inside and listen to your breath - it helps you make the right choices. And you begin to understand that all the assessments and judgments on the basis of which your experience was formed are no longer needed. You choose to no longer evaluate or compare. This is what helps you move faster in knowing yourself and your world.

Your world opens up to you in completely different colors. Now you already know for sure that everything manifested is wise. You begin to realize that by judging or judging anything, you are judging and judging the god in you. For you, God is no longer a biblical character. Now you know for sure that God is you, and all others are also gods in their world.

Write in the comments how you go through your five stages of the path to yourself? What are you on now?

Stop dividing the world into good and bad

Inside you, for the first time in your entire life, an unearthly peace reigns inside. It is still unstable and, at times, you begin to react as before again. But now you have much more compassion for yourself and you allow everything to be. You become more and more free from the frames and limitations that your mind has set.

You begin to touch your strength and your power. At this stage, there are still recessions and periods when fear captures you in its sticky grip, but they, as a rule, do not last long and after the next awareness, you come to even greater expansion and awareness.

Your Ego, more and more healed and no longer feeling threatened, begins to give in, allowing more and more SPIRIT to manifest through you. You begin to feel the flow. Realize what it means to live in the flow - to humble yourself and trust the spirit. You have realized the power of humility and use it again and again. And this makes it possible to expand, each time more and more.

You do not yet know that you have many discoveries and victories ahead of you. And the mind wants to keep the state that has opened up to you, to freeze in it. But your soul has a different plan for life and it will actively move you further, however, like your whole world. And if you have the courage, you will come in this incarnation to where you have wanted to go for so many lifetimes. And your biggest fear is not the fear of life, it is the fear of not reaching again, not discovering the SOURCE OF LIFE within yourself.

  • IV stage. You feel a state in which there is no desire

Suddenly you feel a state in which you have no desires, you just feel good to BE! It seems that this is spiritual enlightenment, because you read that this is exactly how you feel when the consciousness is enlightened. You have thoughts about the meaninglessness of everything that happens. To be enlightened (the essence of enlightenment) is not wanting anything?

You continue to move through life, albeit slowly. Force yourself to do something, just to live. You think: “Has all my efforts led me to the fact that I don’t want anything? And what's next? But what about the relationship, and the house, and the money, because of which, in fact, it all started many years ago?

At this stage, you are honest enough with yourself to see what your world reflects to you. Your world still speaks of the weakness of your loved ones and the presence of impotence, it speaks of diseases, it “mirrors” to you the weakness of people and unwillingness to act. Your world shows you lack and suffering. You watch everything as if from the outside, often considering yourself enlightened, who no longer cares about worldly concerns.

You don’t have a man (woman) or everything is bad with him (her), although, perhaps, this doesn’t really bother you anymore. From within, something pushes you to continue the search. You have to think that this should not be so.

This is the decision stage.

I would say that it is at this stage that you are at a fork in the road. Before that, you prepared yourself, tested your strength, tempered yourself. Like a submariner who is preparing to dive into the Mariana Trench and its deepest point - the Challenger Abyss. You have been preparing yourself to dive into your own Abyss.

And now you have a CHOICE, however, as always on this planet:

  • You can name everything that was before a useless path and turn around again into the outside world.
  • Or stop and dive deeper into yourself, into your own Abyss. To emerge renewed (nym) and, finally, start to LIVE.

Here begins the stage when you are ready to turn around to yourself completely. Choose yourself and live within yourself.
Before that, you were just preparing for this moment. Have you reached this stage or have you reached the previous ones? How do you go through your five stages of the journey to yourself?

We live on the outer ones, but we do not use the inner ones, but this can be learned.

  • V stage. You are gradually approaching the understanding of the structure of the world

You are less resistant to external events and smoothly approach the understanding of the structure of the world. The mind is still looking for answers to questions. You begin to accept more and more everything that is inside you, if you have passed the previous stages. And, finally, they began to accept themselves with all their cockroaches, fears, you feel a surge of strength from within. You are coming to a balance. You do not strive for the light and do not run from the darkness.

You have unlocked abilities. And for you, this is a natural state. You no longer consider the ability to clairvoyant, clairvoyant, clairaudience as something special. Do not build it into a cult, because you understand that abilities, first of all, you personally need. This does not mean at all that one has to become a fortune teller or a clairvoyant with a crystal ball who broadcasts and enlightens others.

In your loved ones, these abilities also open up on their own. They didn’t even have to do anything for this, it was enough for you to understand the essence of things and accept yourself. You begin to see the truth (the one that is revealed at this stage) for what it really is. And at the same time you like it, you are interested in life. Perhaps even more interesting than before.

You rediscover the world

Enlightenment (awakening) has brought understanding, peace and wisdom into your life. You have rediscovered this world. And you have known it again and continue to know it. You accept pain and suffering because you understand the beauty of this choice. Accept cruelty and violence. And you realize it as a choice to know love in this way or to help another soul finally come to true love. And you understand that this is a necessary step. Though there was a worm of doubt in me about suffering.

You are pleased with simple things, you love what you previously condemned and rejected. You get more and more excited about the little things. You used to spend hours meditating and running away from the world. Because you decided that you were carrying out an important mission to save the lost humanity. Now you know, it's important to help wrap yourself up and go through the five stages of the journey to yourself.

Before leaving the next illusion, you resist, because it is very difficult to let go of what the whole structure of your earthly personality rested on. But, as soon as you decide to dive into the unknown, you rejoice in your courage and realize the importance of your choice. Each time another, deeper Truth is revealed to you, and with each step you take, more and more simplicity and at the same time the wisdom of the arrangement of everything is revealed.

At this stage, I clearly understood that things and people are not at all what they seem. It opened my mind and expanded my horizons. At this stage, any information is revealed as soon as you direct your attention to it. Here you need to be very careful and express the intention clearly.

We give examples with a small bonus at the end of the article, and you read and offer your options.

Be careful, you can get stuck for a long time

At this stage, you can “stick” for a very long time, because there are so many interesting things for the mind. So much is revealed to you that even five lives are not enough for others to know everything that comes to you at the speed of sound. I would say that this is the stage where it is important to separate your thoughts from the thoughts of others. You do simple actions every day that please and fill you up, slow down and no longer rush. You begin to learn to LIVE, enjoying the very process of life!

All levels are conditional and all stages are intertwined with one another. I described how I came to the state of enlightenment myself. And what I observed in personal sessions and at the THOT School. With this article, I hoped to show my five stages on the way to myself and in which direction I recommend moving on. Or explain what might be happening to you.

There are many people who have been in stage 4 for many years. They have absolutely no desire. And they think that this is how it should be, that this is the essence of enlightenment. Maybe that's what happens to you too. Or you experience the enlightenment of consciousness in a completely different way. How do you go through your five stages of the journey to yourself? I would be very happy if you share your experience in the comments.