The best dwarf varieties of apple trees. Apple trees Dwarfs best grades The most dwarf variety of apple trees

Apples grow in every garden. These are unpretentious trees, giving a rich crop of delicious fruits. Many varieties of this fruit culture are high specimens. To simplify harvesting, gardeners often grow apple trees on dwarfs. All you need to know about such trees will be described below.

Features apple trees on dwarf

Apple trees that are grown on a slurry or dwarf-cutting, have some differences from ordinary species. The distinctive ability of such varieties is low growth. Due to the fact that a small distance is observed from the roots to the top, the trees have an increase in the speed of water and nutrients in the trunk.

As a result of the vital activity of the plant, the minimum amount of energy is spent. At the same time, the "dwarfs" spend the main forces on the formation of uncertic and ripening fruit. Therefore, such varieties are characterized by high yield.

For any variety grown on dwarf, the following features are characteristic:

  • shortened intersezium;
  • large leaves;
  • formation of a large number of flowers;
  • a small amount of roots;
  • wood can accumulate a significant amount of substances of mineral and organic type. Such a feature leads to poor strength of the trunk.

Despite the presence of general features, various varieties of dwarf apple trees differ in certain parameters (maturation time, yield volumes, etc.).

Overview of the best varieties

To understand how to grow a dwarf apple tree, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its species. To select a suitable variety, you should first find out the features growing every kind of like.

The most popular varieties are:

  • Melba The tree is capable of growing up to 3 m. Summer grade. Harvesting occurs since July to August. From one tree you can collect up to 40 kg. One apple weighs about 200 g;
  • Bratchud. It is natural dwarf. The average growth is about 2 m. It has good stability in front of the cold. One plant gives up to 100 kg of harvest;
  • Sokolovskaya. Also natural dwarf. Its average height is 2 m. Yield from one tree - 65 kg.
  • Carpet. Forms a horizontal crown. The plant grows up to 2 m and gives about 60 kg of apples. It is characterized by good winter hardiness;
  • Golden Delishesise. Autumn variety. The tree has a middle height. Fruption begins on the second year;
  • Zhigulevskoe. Different with a long storage period of apples. The tree is fruit in 2-3 years after disembarking;
  • Borovinka. It is characterized by good coolness. The crop is formed for 5 years after landing.

As we see, for some varieties given above, a dwarf or semi-class dive was used. To obtain a good crop from such plants, a purchased seedlock should be put correctly.

Rules landing

Landing a variety of a dwarf apple tree can be performed as autumn and spring. The rules of landing here are similar to the requirements for ordinary varieties. However, if a dwarf diving for an apple tree is used, some subtleties should be observed when disembarking such seedlings. For example, when landing, you must pay attention to the place where the vaccine was made. This plot should not be underground. Otherwise, the tree will go into growth. Also the place of vaccination can start rotting.

When landing the dwarf seedlings in the ground should be made by humus, ash or superphosphate. The pit should not be wide and deep. The optimal depth is 60 cm. In the process of landing the roots are evenly distributed in the dug hole. The root system will fall asleep gradually. It is necessary to tackle every layer. This should be actually actively in order not to break the fragile trunk. Therefore, such a tree should be configured to the support.

Further care

After planting a seedling of a dwarf apple tree, you need to follow the rules of its cultivation. Otherwise, fruiting will be low. To achieve a good and abundant harvest, trees regularly feed.

Mineral feeding are made by 2-3 years of life. In addition, the land around the trunk should be thoroughly loosen and remove weeds. Watering is carried out regularly. It is especially important in the autumn period and when growing on loam. Be sure to pruning. Cut about ¼ branches. Only properly grown dwarf apple trees will give abundant harvest every year.

Advantages and disadvantages

Choosing dwarf and semi-darling structures for an apple tree, should be remembered about their advantages and disadvantages.

The pluses of landing such trees include the following points:

  • good yield. Peak fruction usually occurs at 10 years of age;
    rapid formation of apples;
  • fruits have excellent taste;
  • beautiful appearance of apples;
  • compact sizes that simplify harvesting;
  • branches are not affected by a strong wind;
  • simple care;
  • many varieties have high coolness;
  • small consumption of means of protecting trees from diseases and pests;
  • you can land seedlings in almost any climatic conditions.

However, despite such an impressive list of advantages, the cultivation of dwarfs has its drawbacks. These include such moments:

  • the close location of the roots to the surface of the Earth, which makes plants sensitive to cold. Therefore, such trees need additional shelter for the winter;
  • high demands of seedlings to the fertility of the soil. To this you need to be prepared and begin to make feeders for 2 years after disembarking;
  • unstable yield;
  • need for backups;
  • short fruitful period.

The cultivation of an apple tree on dwarf stock requires the knowledge of the characteristics of such plants from the gardener, as well as strict compliance with the rules of care. Only so from the planted tree you can achieve excellent fruiting.

Video "Apple tree on dwarf bed"

From this video you will learn about the features of the apple tree grown on the dwarf bed.

Dwarf apple trees, as it is clear from the name, have compact dimensions and give juicy delicious fruits. Apples collected from the dwarf species of trees are ideal for processing, the flowering time of such cultures is significant, so the garden looks very beautiful.

A dwarf apple tree is obtained by vaccinating the required trees on the clone ground. The reproduction is carried out in vegetative, and not a seed method - that is, with cuttings and decodes. All chains are part of the parent plant and have its properties by 100%. If you make a vaccination of several apple trees on one dot, fall into one garden in equal conditions, all trees will begin to be fron at one time (usually this is the third year after landing). The height will usually be the same (2 m to ten years).

Wedge-wedges are average, stripped, supercalik, but the most popular are dwarf. The natural dwarfs of the branches are directed horizontally, the soil is located close. The kidneys that are located on the side and at the top are obtained by the maximum nutrition, are well light, of which strong shoots are obtained. The germination of such kidneys is the most active. In local conditions, the bulk of the flowering kidneys is laid in early August, when the growth of shoots in length is suspended. The crop on the basis of one branch depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region. The same can be said about the length of shoots.

Main varieties

Dwarf fruit trees differ in time of maturation and come:

  • early - Summer;
  • middle - autumn;
  • latest - Winter and late winter.

Inhomogeneous crops flow - they are seed, clone, grafted. Depending on flavoring qualities, the varieties are divided into dessert, dining rooms, universal, can be acidic, sweet and have additional notes, in the degree of resistance to cold - to heat-loving and frost-resistant.


Consider popular summer species of trees:


High estimates of gardeners are given and autumn varieties. Main:

  1. Zhigulevskoye - Trees are fruit on the third year, the variety is vital, diseases and pests are practically not subject to. The fruits are actively matured at the end of September, they grow large, have orange-red peel.
  2. - The trees of this variety are afraid of frosts, so they are covered by winter. The fruits are rounded, their mass is about 200 g, the skin of the skins is saturated yellow, the taste is sweet, with sourness, bright enough. In terms of storage, the variety is unpretentious.
  3. - A kind of resistant to the paschers, low temperatures. The beginning of fruiting, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, accounts for the third year after landing, yield can reach 130 kg. Round fruits, large, with dense red-green skin. Taste with sour-sweet.
  4. Sokolovsky - Autumn grade with all the advantages of apples of this category. You can use them all year round, frost culture is not afraid, lies well. High yield, fruit trees start on the third year after landing.

Apple tree grade Zhigulevskoe.


And the latter on our list are winter varieties of dwarf apple trees:

How to distinguish a saplau of a dwarf tree from ordinary

The easiest way to grow dwarf apple trees from seedlings, which can be purchased ready in a specialized store or on the market. The main thing is not to confuse dwarfs with other varieties. Distinctive features of planting material for the cultivation of mini-trees:

So that the tree grew well, properly transport its seedling to the landing site.

We carry the planting material in wet fabric, the branches are fixed to the trunk using a twine. Try to plant a variety as quickly as possible. How to plant an apple tree will tell this.

Specificity of cultivation

So that the dwarf varieties of apple trees grow well and fruitly, they need to plant them in the prepared ground. Do it in the spring, immediately after the end of the melting of the snow. Do not forget to fit the soil - in soils with a rich composition, trees grow better. Before boarding, the seedlings are cut by forming a lower crown strap. A year, the growths are cut off. If you correctly perform procedures, the apple tree will remain young and give large fruits.

The level of groundwater occurs must be from 1.5 from the surface. The optimal distance between the trees in the garden is 3 * 3 or 2 * 3 m. The landing pit must have a depth of 50 cm and the diameter from 60 to 79 cm. The upper layer of soil, removed when the pit is discharged from the main mass separately. A hockey bucket is added to the finished pit, after which everything is thoroughly mixed with the upper ground layer.

It will be necessary to shed a soil with a bucket of water and move thoroughly again. The vaccination area has 2-3 cm from the soil level. Soil seal in a rolling circle in diameter, leaving a roller up to 10 cm. More about the cultivation of apple trees and care for them can be read.

Throughout the summer season, regularly make feeding - chicken litter, infusion of a cowboat.

In the spring with apple trees remove insulation, which was done for the winter, and perform sanitary trimming. All branches damaged by frosts are cut, the crown is carefully examined for pests. In the spring, it is sure to make feeders, remove and burn the garbage, drip the soil to 5-7 cm. Clear weather should also be carried out. To the mass awakening of insects, make water obstacles - wrap the trunks of the belts, install traps.

In the summer, carefully follow the soils around the apple tree, the state of trees. Watering should be regular and abundant, make extraxnealing feeders (mostly nitrogenous).

In the fall around the trees, the garbage is removed, which is recommended to burn - this is an effective measure of prophylaxis from rot and fungus. Make mineral fertilizers, cut the branches and damaged insects, loose the soil around the trees.

Additionally, the trunks will need to be treated from rodents and insulate rubberoid, do not forget to put bait from mice. The yield of dwarf apple trees is about the same as the usual, but they begin to be fruit later - on the third year after vaccination.

Fruit collection is carried out once per season. Collect the harvest is quite simple because of the low height of the trees, there is no need to apply complex devices to remove the extra branches. Crown Compact, the trees themselves have a little height.

Since the root system is located on the surface of the soil, the trees quickly react to watering and feeding. We need to water the garden often - the growth rate of trees depends on the amount of moisture.

You can draw attention to semi-class varieties that are more viable than ordinary dwarfs. Deep root system Even with minor sizes of wood gives an impressive yield. The life of the dwarf apple tree is twice as smaller than the period of growth and flowering of their high fellow. This has its advantages - so you can replace old varieties every 20 years to replace the oldest.

For the winter thoroughly insulate roots. The depletion of trees is the main cause of their irregular fruiting, so follow the quality of the soils used to grow landings. Too big yields are not always good, as they can have a low quality, and under heavy fruit, relatively thin and weak branches are often broken. To branches do not break, use supports.

The rate of ripening of fruits is in direct dependence on the climatic conditions of a particular region. If you believe the reviews of gardeners, the hybrids are best growing in the suburbs - it is winter, summer and autumn varieties with good indices of apples and high frost resistance. The most attractive is an apple tree at 3-3.5 m in height - inexperienced and yields.

Data varieties are perfectly combined with clone-bonds. The first harvests on semi-caric colors are collected at 3-4 years after landing, and commodity - only 4-5 years of cultivation. It is believed that the trees grown on dwarf-rods are less adapted to life.


Video about colon-shaped dwarf apple trees.


  1. Dwarf apple trees have small sizes and high yields.
  2. Planting trees is easiest than saplings.
  3. All grades presented on sale are divided into summer, autumn and winter. Also read about the dwarf apple tree.
  4. When buying a seedl, pay attention to a number of specific characteristics that distinguishes conventional seedlings from dwarf.
  5. The landing in the ground is recommended to produce in the spring so that the trees grow well, use fertile soils, regularly make feeding.

Dwarf apple trees, as a view, in fact, does not exist. For cultivation of dwarf apple trees, the vaccination method is used (ordinary apple trees are grown on dwarf flowing).

Dwarf apple trees have recently become considerable among gardeners. And it is not surprising, because dwarf apple trees have many advantages.

Advantages of dwarf apple trees:

Fruit the dwarf apple trees begin before (compared to the gravily apple trees)

Dwarf apple trees are pretty quickly increase yield

Thanks to its dimensions, dwarf apple trees occupy much less space on the plot, other plants do not shade

With dwarf apple trees much easier to collect a crop

Nutrients go into the fruit, and not in the wood

How to choose a seedling of a dwarf apple tree?

It is quite difficult to grow a sapling of a dwarf apple tree, which is why experts are engaged in breeding seedlings of dwarf apple trees. Yes, and, much easier to buy a ready-made saillery of a dwarf apple tree than grow independently.

Buying a seedling of a dwarf apple tree, worth paying attention to the following indicators:

Splits on saplings of dwarf apple trees end in large kidneys

Root system - urine

Saplings of dwarf apple trees must have elastic and fresh roots

Saplot of a dwarf apple tree should not be snakes or have injuries

Having bought a sapar of a dwarf apple tree, his roots must be wrapped with a damp cloth, and immediately upon arrival home, the sapling must be planted into the soil and pour

Dwarf apple trees: landing

Landing dwarf apple trees is better to do in autumn. Dwarf apple trees love fertile soil and sublime, protected from wind, plots. A place for landing dwarf apple trees must be a well-lit by the sun.

Saplings of dwarf apple trees need to plant at least 2 m from each other. The diameter of the landing pit is about 60-70 cm, the depth is about 50 cm. When digging a pit for a saplings of a dwarf apple tree, it is necessary to separate the upper (more fertile layer) from the lower, throwing them into different directions.

To fill the pit, only the upper (fertile layer) of the soil should be used. Supplement the pit of imported land and organic fertilizers. The best fertilizer will be compost or humus. Mineral Fertilizers can also be made to the bottom of the pit, but mixing with soil and humus.

Thickets are poured into a hole about 1.5 m high and make a mixture of organic fertilizers and land (2 buckets in one hole) and only in two weeks (when the Earth is mounted) it will be possible to plant a seedling.

Plant the right seedling of a dwarf apple tree - the task is not simple!

Saplot of a dwarf apple tree placed on the northern side of the cola (scored in advance). Such a location of a seedling will help avoid sunburn bark

It is worth adjusting the landing depth: the root cerv should be at the level of 5 cm above the soil surface

Having a seedling, it is necessary to ensure that the roots of the saplings of the dwarf apple tree are not bent up, and were neatly and evenly distributed on the ground. After fulfilling all the prescriptions, you can fall asleep the pit of the earth

Falling asleep pit, should be neatly tamped the earth, not allowing the presence of emptiness around the roots

Dwarf apple trees: Care

To care for dwarf apple trees is quite simple, because They are unpretentious in care. Caring for dwarf apple trees is watering, cropping, soil looser and feeding.

Water dwarf apple tree every week 1 bucket throughout the summer.

The soil must be exploded after each watering and after the rain.

As for feeding, it can be held 2 times in summer. An excellent feeding for dwarf apple trees will be chicken litter and a korovyat.

To create a lower crown tier, in the first year of life a dwarf apple tree, perform a small trimming of the tree. And in the future, to rejuvenate an apple tree and so that the fruits do not become smaller, the gains are cut.

The september is a kind of summer trimming of an apple tree. It suspends the growth of escape, but at the same time it enhances the growth of the apple tree. Those. Due to the september nutrients are sent to those parts of the plant that need it.

You should also not forget that it is necessary to remove all sick, dry and damaged tree branches.

As it turned out, Dwarf apple trees Have a lot of advantages, among which it includes simplicity in care (which is important). Therefore, squeeze the dwarf apple trees and do not think!

The reasons for choosing a dwarf apple showers instead of the usual gardeners are usually two: savings of the area and the ability to provide low-minded trees the most careful care, because their crown does not exceed 3 m in height.

Features of the apple tree dwarf and semi-caric

Apple trees of dwarf and semi-class varieties are obtained by vaccinating varietal cuttings on dwarf clone grounds. In other words, each tree of such a variety is not growing from the seed, and they receive only vegetative way. As a result, the young village is 100% maintaining all the signs inherent in the donor, except for one - growth.

Dwarf garden apple trees

From colonu-shaped seedlings it is easy to distinguish the root that has a non-rod shape, but urine. Dwarf climbing has no thick roots. The kidneys in dwarf varieties even at first glance is essentially larger than normal. Interesting to buy a dwarf or half-class seedling should be prepared for the fact that its price will be significantly higher than that of the usual.

Attention: Dwarf trees are perfectly adjacent to tall, if you comply with the recommended distance between them. At the same time, the shrubs are close to the attractive circle not recommended. Closely running root system does not tolerate such a neighborhood.

It was not without drawbacks, which is important to know:

  • Short life. An ordinary apple tree is capable of fruit up to 60 years, and low-grade varieties have a maximum duration of fruiting 20 years, and most of the most part is only 13-15 years. However, this can be seen in this and the positive side, since the regular renewal of the garden allows you to evaluate much more than the latest grades.
  • Low frost resistance. It is due to the low location of the root system. In severe frost, roots can freeze.
  • Requirement for soil fertility. Supporting such varieties are needed every year.
  • Too abundant flowering. Apple tree seeks to give as much fruit as possible. To obtain a high quality harvest to a quarter of the infloresception, you need to break. They are removed from them those located close to the trunk.
  • Fragile branches. Often the weight of the fruits is so large that the branches are broken without additional backups.
  • Low blend. Tall varieties are distinguished by the highest focus, a dwarf to compete with them.

Characteristics of varieties of dwarf and semi-caric apple trees

In domestic nurseries, you can find trees zoned for a particular region. Learning the description of varieties should not be neglected. Insufficient frost resistance will lead to seedlings in the first winter. Resistance to drought, diseases, the need of pollination is also important.

Dwarf varieties of apple trees for Moscow region

Cool summer and frosty winters are typical signs of the climate of the Moscow region. Not every grade can give a harvest and do not die in such conditions. The following dwarf apple trees have proven itself:

  • Melba - Summerly pollinated grade of yellow sweet apples that matches in late July. The weight of fruits fluctuates within 150-250. One tree for 3-4 years gives a harvest to 40 kg. Length: 3 months.
  • Zhigulevskaya - A large-scale autumnal dinner apple tree with golden-red apples weighing up to 350 rises at the end of September. Stored up to 3 months. Needs cross pollination. One tree can give up to 250 kg of fruits.
  • Grushevka Moscow - One of the oldest winter varieties that matches in late October. The fruits are pretty small - about 100 g, but at the same time it is perfectly stored until the summer. Differs high frost resistance and fecundity: up to 150 kg from a tree.

Moskovskaya peers

Dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

Wetlands, strong frosts, high air humidity, the proximity of the sea is all limiting factors suitable for a small amount of varieties. Practice has shown that varieties are good in the region:

  • Antea - Late-weighing autumn apple tree, distinguishing medium yield (up to 50 kg), as well as high fetus fetuses (until May). Dark red apples have a lot of about 200 g, and the first fruiting comes for 3 years. Weakly resistant to the brush, but withstands frost to -30 ° C. Actively fruits in the period 5-25 years.
  • Uslada - Very sweet, small (up to 150 g) apples, beautiful raspberry color. Trees need cross-pollination and give up to 80 kg of fruits. Resistant to drought and brighter winter-hardy grade. Already in mid-August, green apples can be assembled, characterized by a pleasant sour taste and a strong aroma, and technical ripeness occurs in mid-September.
  • Ladoga - Red sour-sweet apples weighing up to 150 perhaps in September. The tree can give up to 150 kg at an altitude of up to 3 m. The fruits are well stored until March. The first harvest is collected for 5 years.

Low apple tree for middle strip in Russia

Here you can allow much wider variety of variety, because relatively soft winters make it possible not to fear the freezing of the gardens. Warm and long summer, a large amount of precipitation, fertile soils - all this favorable factors suitable for growing apple trees as it is impossible.

The most positive gardener reviews for the following varieties:

  • Wonderful - Apple tree-dwarf with the most compact crown height in the range of 1.6-2 m. Discounting empty branches with difficulty hold green apples weighing up to 210 yields - up to 80 kg. Fruiting for 3-4 years. Maturation at the end of August. Bigness - until October.
  • Snowdrop - Very low-speed small apple tree up to 1.6 m. Fruits already for 3 years, very resistant to strong frost and drought. Apple weight up to 170 g, and yields up to 120 kg from a tree. Ripening in early September. Bigness - 4 months.
  • Imant - It is distinguished by late maturation (end of October) and a high weight of dark red fruits with a pronounced wax, reaching 250 g and more. Resistant to brishe variety, well saved until May. Sustainable frost.

Snowdrop of apple trees

Best varieties of dwarf apple trees for the Urals

Serious temperature differences from hot summer, to frosty winter require fruit trees cultivated in the Urals and drought fruit trees and drought. This fully boasts such a variety of apple trees like:

  • Souvenir Altai - It reaches no more than 3 m in height, gives small red apples weighing up to 120 perhaps at the end of summer. High yield is organically complemented by the resistance to the paschers, as well as samopiness. The tree does not need neighbors to give a high harvest year to the year.
  • Papary - An early-old variety of very bright white-green apples competing in popularity with white blossom. The weight of fruits on average 150 g, harvest is collected in the first half of August. Fruption begins for 4 years, and the increase with each subsequent year is several tens of kilograms, reaching 200 kg from the tree.
  • Bayana - plenty of fruitful variety. Yellow-green with a blush apples weighing up to 150 g mature at the beginning of autumn with the advent of a purple shade on the skin. The tree transfers frost to -35 ° C. It is characterized by self-slope, so suitable for a single landing. Fruiting comes for 4 years.

All you need to know about landing and caring for dwarf apple trees

It is very important to choose the seedling proper before buying. Since it is quite difficult to make vaccination yourself, it is much more profitable to acquire ready-made grafted plants in nurseries. At the same time, it is necessary to know signs of high-quality lead:

  • There is a well-distinguishable protrusion between the strab and root neck, pointing to the vaccination place.
  • A 2-year-old seedling should have 4 developed branches (a lot of short twigs without kidney).
  • The height of the village is up to 0.5 m.
  • The roots of the urine shape (at the diet - the rod root).

The optimal time for planting is spring, as soon as the soil hops, or autumn (the first decade of September). Place on the site is chosen as high as possible, or from the half. The depth of groundwater is ideally - 1.5 m. The ground to plant is prepared in advance, enriching it with organic fertilizers, as well as leaving and achieving a homogeneous loose structure.

Landing dwarf apple trees (scheme)

Council.The planting pit is prepared at the rate of 1.5 m between trees and a depth of 0.7 m. The first 20 cm of the surface layer of the soil is simply discarded aside, as they will be mixed with humus or overworked. Good add wood ash and 0.6 kg of superphosphate for every seedling.

On the bottom of the landing pit or trenches, pegs are set to crack the seedlings and only after that a seedling is installed on a small holly of the soil with fertilizers, gently paint its roots. Sweeping the soil is carried out in stages, richly watered every layer with water. After filling the pit, the point point should be above the ground level at a height of at least 3 cm.

Around the trunk is covered with a circle with a diameter of about 50 cm. Its edge is formed by a roller with a height of 15 cm. It will make it easier for the process of watering, as it will not give water to spread past the roots. Next, the top of the seedling is tied to the support peg, and the ground is sprinkled with a layer of mulch from sawdust, crushed grass, sunflower husk, etc.


The main calender care is to protect them from pests. The passage is the most common fungal disease, from which trees are treated with fungicides. But in addition to this, apple trees are attacked all sorts of pest insects, on which they are protected by spraying with special insecticides, as well as hanging traps, careful removal of fallen foliage.

The feeders are performed annually. The solution is perfect for a cowboy, as they can simply pour landing several times per season.

Important: Without meals, an apple tree will give zerovy, but it will not be able to crumble.

The cutting crown is produced from the first year. However, it is performed in the spring. Step-by-step manual is quite simple. After the first year, the seedlock is shortened to 50 cm. Aven a year later, its 4-5 heels up to 20 cm each. After that, every year the rustic branches are also shortened. As a result, it is formed close to the spherical crown, optimally suitable for most dwarf varieties.

In addition to the formative, sanitary trimming is carried out. It removes the broken branches, as well as incorrectly growing. In the spring, it is necessary to carefully inspect the crown and delete all the extinct and dried plots. And it is precisely dry bitch that it is important to pay particular attention, because the cause of their death is often different trees.

The first rule of gardener in leaving any variety of apple trees is not to leave a tree without care. Little just planted. The absence of trimming, annual feeding, pest treatment is practically guaranteed to lead to the death of a tree, or the absence of a crop on it.

Considering that many productive varieties require presence on the site of other apple trees, it is best to get acquainted with this immediately by taking for a guide to action. Several seedlings are selected at once, focusing on their fitness to the climatic characteristics of the region.

Apple-dwarfs are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. These trees with a height of no more than 3-3.5 meters in contrast to other apple trees are characterized by high yield and sideline.

Dwarf cultures are low, occupy a small amount of soil. Apple-dwarfs are not demanding of care, so even a beginner will be able to grow this culture and enjoy her sweet fruits.

Dwarf trees are weavorous apple trees or pears, which multiply vegetatively and are grown on low-duct. Under we win, you should understand the cuttings, to which a certain one is given.

The main advantages of dwarf apple trees:

  • Previously fruiting and high yield
  • Small root system sizes
  • Low size
  • Plain
  • High product quality
  • Weak differences in fruiting

An essential disadvantages of apple-dwarfs can be attributed to the short term of fruiting. Unlike the stronger apple trees, the length of the fruction of dwarf apple trees fluctuates an average of 12 to 20 years.

Under the weight of fruit and wind trees-dwarfs often lean down. This is due to the vaccination of trees on dwarf-wining, which have a surface root system. It is less durable compared to grazing trees. In this case, it is necessary to put special subs. Such placing roots in the soil requires special care, regular feeding and.

It should be carefully taken to buy young seedlings. Root rod dwarf wood. It is worth paying attention to the roots: they must be fresh, and not angry. Young twigs must end with the kidneys. There should be no injury or damage to seedlings.

After buying the roots of the seedling should be wrapped with a wet cloth, and at home it is desirable to immediately fit the landing.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

The dwarf apple trees Krone is the same as that of ordinary tall trees. Among the dwarf apple trees are isolated summer, winter and autumn varieties.

The most summer varieties of dwarf apple trees include the following:

  • Candy
  • Melba
  • Wonderful

Candy grade

The fruits of this apple tree of a small size light yellow color. The whole surface is covered with red strokes. Fruiting occurs after 3-4 years. This variety is sufficiently resistant to low temperatures. This variety of dwarf apple trees is good for fertile and wet soils, loves solar lighting.

Melba variety

These trees are average, have a rounded crown. The fruits of the average size, rounded shape, weakness. The pulp of apples is sour and sweet with a candy taste and aroma. The Melba grade is fast and the first fruits appear after a few years after landing.

Viicity variety

He is a late summer variety. The height of the apple tree varieties is wonderful not exceeded 1.5 meters. The fruits of apple trees are rounded and slightly flat, medium size. The color of fruits is yellowish-green, pulp juicy and has a fine-grained structure. After using the fruits of this variety, there is a pleasant aftertaste.

Apples begin to ripen in early August. After landing, the first fruits appear after 3 years.

Common winter varieties of dwarf apple trees:

  • Bogatyr
  • Borovinka
  • Pepin saffron

Grade Bogatyr

These are strong tv trees with a wide crown. Fruits elongated, with a red-yellow tint, slightly acidic taste. Apples ripen only late autumn.

Variety Borovinka

Winter-hardy variety of dwarf apple trees. This is a weak-tangible tree with a crown of spherical shape. The first fruits appear in 4-5 years after planting a tree. The fruits of the right shape, color gently red or whitish yellow. The pulp of apples is juicy, yellowish shade, sour-sweet taste.

Safrana Pepin variety

Summary winter grade. The apple tree is medium in size, in the form of rounded, the branches are omitted down. The first fruits appear for 5-6 years after landing. Apples of small conical shape, have a small ribbon. The flesh of the fruit of cream shade, they taste sweet and have a pleasant aroma.

Famous autumn varieties of slaughter apple trees:

  • Golden Delishes
  • Zhigulevskoye
  • Sokolovsky

Grade Golden Delisheshes

The trees of this variety average with a rounded crown form. Fruiting occurs after 2-3 years from the moment. Fruits rounded shape with dense skin. Yellow apples with juicy flesh of cream or green shade.

Sort Zhigulevskoye

Apple tree after planting starts fruit for 2-3 years of life. Fruits are pretty large, red-orange painting, sour and sweet taste. Completely ripen by the end of September or early October. The assembled apples can be stored for 6 months in a dark and cold room.

Sokolovsky variety

The first fruits appear late in the fall, before the first winter frosts. Apples have greenish or yellow color. Fruits juicy, with small sourness.

When buying a sapling and choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account the winter hardiness, fruiting, as well as resistance to various pests.

Features of growing apple trees on dwarf

Landing of low-spirited trees has similarity to planting on a stronger, but still has its own some features.

The reproduction of the apple tree occurs with the help of vertical or horizontal grooves, root cuttings or vaccinations. Before planting trees, it is necessary to dig a cylindrical yam, the diameter should be 80 cm, and the depth is about 60 cm. The pits preferably prepare in advance.

When filling the pit, the soil must use only its upper fertile layer. In the soil, organic or mineral fertilizers should be made. In this case, humid, wood ash or superphosphate is better fit.

Organic fertilizer will need about 2-3 buckets per pit. It is mixed with the ground, and then fall asleep into the pit. Pre-in the pit you need to drive a length of 150 cm.

Before boarding, follow the following requirements. The root cervix should be located above the soil surface in about 4-5 cm. It is important not to be confused and the root neck. Vaccinations are a few centimeters above the root neck.

The root system of dwarf trees lies shamelessly. For this reason, the roots are poorly fixed in the soil. Therefore, when landing, it should be uniformly and gently distribute them and ensure that the roots are not flex. Only after the cutting of the roots can be covered with the soil.

If the landing is made near, then this procedure is carried out on bulk hills, the height of which should be at least 50 cm, and the diameter is 1.5-2 m. For such hills, the imported soil is used.

When landing, it should be borne in mind that the bare roots apple trees should not be located on the surface. This can lead to a decrease in survival and root drying.

The landing is best to carry out early fall or spring.

Low grades should plant tight. After planting, trees should be tied to supports. To do this, you need to install supports and stretch the wire.

After the seedlings are planted, it is necessary to make holes and pour them with two or three buckets of water. So that the moisture in the ground is preserved, the soil is mulched.

Fast trimming of dwarf trees

All types of apple trees need. This is necessary for the best suspiciousness of trees, restoring the equilibrium between damaged and overhead parts and the resolution of growth force.

Like landing, pruning should be made, observing certain rules.

Crimping should be carried out only after the formation of the crown. A few years after the landing, not only the main escape will be strong and developed, but also skeleton bones. The upper branches are cut by 25-30 cm from the base, and all the remaining cutting levels.

If the krona is a Yarny type, then no more than 4 branches should be left. The remaining branches cut into the ring. It is necessary to leave strong and developed branches, weak and hanging down are subject to removal. If seedlings do not have crowns, then after landing, they are shortened by about 80 cm from the base.

An integral part of the cutting technology is pinching of escapes that must be performed in the summer. Pincation or pinching provides for the removal of young non-devented sprouts. The procedure is necessary with the help of a secaterator and only if the kidneys appear or weak, unsuccessful shoots.

The first pincation is carried out in the first days of June, next - in mid-July. If necessary, the third parting is carried out, but in this case you need to be careful: young processes may not have time to mature and at first freezes they will die.

Proper piping will help reduce the active growth of young and developing twigs.

The main way of trimming fruiting trees with annual growth is the thinning of the crown. This procedure provides triggering of broken, as well as thick sprigs. If the branches are intertwined, they are shortened.

With a weak increase in shoots, in addition to thinning, you can make a rejuvenating trimming of all branches.

How to care for dwarf apple trees

Care for apple-dwarfs is quite simple. Care is in timely irrigation, feeding, soil looser and trimming branches.

Watering must be carried out throughout the summer. On one tree will need about 4-5 buckets of water. After that, the soil should be exploded. This manipulation should also be carried out after the rain. End in August, otherwise there will be a height delay. In addition, damage to the wood by frosts is possible.

Depending on which the soil grow young trees, irrigation rate is performed. For the sudea soil, about 4 buckets of water will need, and for a sublinous soil - at least 6 buckets of water.

It is important to regularly inspect the trees for dry, damaged or sick branches and to delete them in a timely manner.

You can feed young trees in summer, but not more than 2-3 times. The best fertilizer is a korlard or chicken litter.

Trees should be protected from possible pests: hawars, fruit tick, weeving, etc. Treatment of trees from pests are not carried out during the distance of buds.

The first processing should be carried out in the spring, when the kidneys are not yet formed. For this, special chemical preparations are used, treated with a lime solution, etc.