MDF or LDSP? The dates of the kitchen service. Regulatory service life Wooden bed life of furniture from chipboard RK

The service life of the furniture is blurred and depends on the requirements for maintaining the integrity of furniture, the convenience of the subject and its appearance.

The service life of furniture depends largely on operating conditions. Obviously, the same chair will last much longer at the school of ladies' needlework than in the club "Bikers".

The performance of objects is of great importance for the durability of furniture, that is, in what material, and for what purpose was made furniture.

Elegant tea tables with thin curved legs suggest to their attitude towards themselves. The tea table will last long if it is used strictly for its intended purpose and not expose to loads. Samovarny table - has a marble countertop that prevents water from entering the tree. Marble - waterproof material, but a fragile strong blow swell, seemingly a durable countertop. Tables in public places, such as stadium bars, recreation areas during railway stations, have anti-vandal coating and design. The timing of their service with the stated type of operation is significantly higher than that of the tables in the usual design. Naturally, the service life of furniture is maintained under the condition of appropriate operation of this furniture or its storage.

In the "Repair and Upgrade Directory" Moscow. "Light Industry" 1977 is a table reflecting the service life of the furniture.

Approximate data on wear of furniture products,% per year.

How to establish the useful life of office furniture if the object falls under the criteria for attributing to the main means (paragraph 1 of Art. 257 NK, p. 4 PBU 6/01)? How is the depreciation of furniture? We'll figure it out in legislative nuances.

Duration of depreciation of furniture for office - where to take

For the recognition of the property, the main means in accounting the object should meet the requirements of paragraph 4 of PBU 6/01, that is, used for eternal for their own purposes, for a long time (over 12 months), without further resale and for the extraction of profits. The cost criterion differs and is 40,000 rubles. for accounting (p. 5 PBU 6/01) and 100 000 rubles. - for tax (p. 1 st. 257 NK).

If the organization acquires furniture, useful life is approved in the order of the head when commissioning the facility. For the correct inclusion of an asset in the depreciation group, it is necessary to explore the rules of the ruling of the Government of Russia No. 1 of 01.01.02, but the updated version of this legal document does no longer contain in the classifier of the desired name, how then determines the useful life of office furniture?

For the answer we turn to Art. 258 NK, where it is said that the sleep is established by taxpayers on their own on the basis of the requirements of the classification of the OS and the norms of Art. 258. And in paragraph 6 of Art. 258 It is determined that on objects not named in classification, the period is established on the basis of the recommendations of manufacturers or TU (technical conditions). It means that the depreciation period of furniture for the office is determined by the company, based on the specific characteristics of the acquired property - durability, reliability, etc.

Note! Before the entry into force of new OKOF codes (SNA-2008), entered into force by order of Rosstandart of Russia No. 2018-art dated 12.12.14, when the depreciation of the furniture is accrued, the use was established in 4 groups - from 5 years 1 month. up to 7 years inclusive.

Calculation of depreciation of office furniture

Considering the foregoing, it turns out that in 2017, furniture for the office can be attributed to the 4th group by classifier. How to accrue depreciation in tax and accounting?

Consider example

Suppose in August, a wholesale trade company acquired a set of leather furniture for the office of the head of 270 thousand rubles. without VAT. The property is credited as a single inventory facility in the same month on the basis of an OS-1 act. Since September, an accountant begins to accrue wear. The depreciation period of office furniture is approved in tax and accounting at 7 years or 84 months. The object is attributed to the 4 OS classifier group. Calculation of depreciation is carried out in a linear way.

Calculation formula \u003d PS x on, where (by (absorption rate) \u003d 1 / N, where N is SP (in years or months).

Depreciation per year \u003d 270 000 x (1/7) \u003d 38 571,43 rub.

Depreciation per month \u003d 270 000 x (1/84) \u003d 3214.28 rub.


  • D 08 to 60 to 270,000 rubles. - Discarded furniture.
  • D 19 to 60 by 48,600 rubles. - VAT is highlighted.
  • D 01 to 08 to 270,000 rubles. - commissioned.
  • D 44 k 02 to 3214.28 rubles. - Accrued monthly depreciation amount.

Sofa, like other things, unfortunately, can not serve indefinitely. However, it is always important to know how to extend the service life of upholstered furniture, thereby saving the home budget.

The average service life of the sofa

The service life of the sofa is associated with its operation and the rules for its use. So that the upholstered furniture pleased their owners longer, it is important to use it correctly and carefully. Sofa service life is a period of service time product that guarantees its manufacturer. The average operation of the upholstered furniture is 10-15 years old. But it all depends on the individual conditions in which it is used.

What is the service life under the law on the use of a sofa

In order to competently answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the "Rules of Trade" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection". In the first chapter, we are talking about the regulated period of the shelf life of the goods, the rights and obligations of the manufacturer, as well as the period to which the warranty applies.

According to the law, the company - the manufacturer itself regulates the period of warranty on the product. It is prescribed in the passport to the product. It can be any time set by the factory: 12, 20, 24 months or any other corresponding to GOST.

ATTENTION!It is worth remembering that there are deadlines prescribed by Gost.

So, the average service time of products in children's rooms and public spaces is equal to 18 months, and for household premises the period is increased to 24 months. The period on which the warranty obligations is subject to the purchase of goods.

How the sofa is wearing

There are many factors that can significantly reduce the service life of the furniture:

  • Impact of sun rays. The product color may eventually burn from the sun over time, the cloth becomes more faded. This is especially quickly happening on open arbors or terraces.
  • Impact of central heating. For example, if the product is close to the battery, it also reduces its wear resistance. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance, it is better to put furniture.
  • Mechanical impacts. When the thing stands in the children's room, you can immediately not count on the long service life. Of course, children will always use furniture for different games, loosening the sofa springs during jumping on it.
  • Pets. Unfortunately, this is an important factor that reduces the service life.
  • Pollution, which are difficult to wash. Spots from wine, various sauces and berries are difficult to be washed. No special stains do not do here. Therefore, if the sofa is in the kitchen, you need to choose the upholstery that you can quickly and easily wash away.

IMPORTANT!Given all these factors, it is easy to extend the period of operation of furniture on a much longer time. It is important to choose the location of the furniture correctly and understand who she will be destroyed.

What if the sofa was worn before the deadline

Unfortunately, upholstered furniture cannot serve indefinitely. But it happens so that it is wearing until the warranty expires. If the warranty continues to act, then you should contact the store. You can take a picture of the resulting defects, make a copy of the contract and check, as well as a photo of the label.

In the future, expertise will be carried out, as a result of which factors will be revealed, due to which the shelf life has decreased. To avoid unpleasant situations, you should always pay attention to the average operation period specified in the furniture passport and, of course, be guided by the relevant laws. If the marriage is really factory, the consumer has the right to carry out the following actions:

  • Requirement of goods;
  • Proportionate reduction in the price of goods, followed by compensation of funds;
  • The seller at his own expense eliminates the shortcomings of the product, conducts repair under warranty.

If the thing quickly worn out at all about the fault of the manufacturer's factory, then there are a lot of ways to update it. It all depends on the defect, which appeared over time. You can change, for example, upholstery. Now there are many different options how to do it, and the furniture will look even better. Perhaps the most frequent defects are, are: sofa sofa (in the case of a children's room) or the presence of hardwood spots.

Thus, with any kinds of defects, you can always cope with both independently and using specialists. We hope that this article will be useful and will help solve the problems that have arisen.

GOST 16371-2014

Interstate standard

General technical conditions

Furniture. General Specifications.

ISS 97.140OkP 56 0000

Date of introduction 2016-01-01


Objectives, basic principles and the main procedure for working on interstate standardization are established "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and "Interstate standardization system. Standards of interstate, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Development, adoption, applications, updates and cancellations."

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Technical Committee on Standardization of TC 135 "Furniture"

2 introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of November 14, 2014 N 72-P) For the adoption voted:

4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of June 15, 2015 N 683-ST Interstate Standard GOST 16371-2014 was enacted as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2016.

5 This standard is designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union TP TC 025/2012 "On the safety of furniture products".

6 Instead of GOST 16371-93

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly information indicator "National Standards", in case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the corresponding notification will be published in the monthly information indicator " National standards. " Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to household furniture and furniture for public premises manufactured by enterprises (organizations) of any form of ownership, as well as individual manufacturers.

Furniture types are given in Appendix A.

Requirements ensuring the safety of furniture during operation are set out in 5.2.28-5.2.32, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 9.032-74 Unified corrosion and aging protection system. Paint coatings. Groups, Technical Requirements and Designations

4 types and sizes

4.1 Functional dimensions of products are set to GOST 13025.1, GOST 13025.3, GOST 13025.4, GOST 17524.1, GOST 17524.4, GOST 17524.5, GOST 17524.8, GOST 18723, GOST 19178, GOST 19301.1, GOST 26682, GOST 26800.1, GOST 26800.4.

4.2 Functional Dimensions of products not specified by the relevant standards should be specified in the technical documentation for products.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Furniture must comply with the requirements of this standard and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 Limit deviations from the overall dimensions of unit products of furniture, as well as blockable in length and height, should not exceed 1 specified in Table 1.

Table 1
In millimeters

5.2.2 The gaps in the openings on the side, not provided for by technical documentation on the product, should not exceed:

  • 2.0 mm - for doors;
  • 1.5 mm - for outdoor boxes with front walls included in the opening.

5.2.3 The victim of the shield details of the length and (or) width of 300 mm and is less non-normalized.

The victim of the panel details in the product should not exceed:

  • for doors:
    • length and width of more than 300 mm and less than 600 mm - 0.2 mm;
    • more than 600 mm long and a width of less than 600 mm - 1.2 mm;
    • more than 600 mm long and width - 2.2 mm;
  • for tables of tables:
    • length and width of more than 300 mm and less than 600 mm - 0.3 mm;
    • more than 600 mm long, less than 600 mm wide - 1.5 mm;
    • length and width of more than 600 mm - 2.7 mm;
  • for other details:
    • length and width of more than 300 mm and less than 600 mm - 0.4 mm;
    • more than 600 mm long, less than 600 mm wide - 2.0 mm;
    • long and width of more than 600 mm - 3.5 mm.

5.2.4 Deposit and overhead elements (for example: bottom boxes, panels, glass, mirrors, decorative elements and others) must be fixed.

Transformable, retractable, sliding elements of furniture products must have a free course without jams and distortions.

5.2.5 Accessories overlooking the surface of products should not have burrs; The edges of the ends of the handling parts must be dull.

5.2.6 Locks must be motionless and firmly fixed on product details and are installed so that their easy unlocking and locking is provided.

5.2.7 Doors of products without locks should have devices or loops that prevent their spontaneous opening.

5.2.8 The nominal thickness of the glass shelves is mounted depending on their length in accordance with Table 2.

table 2
In millimeters

It is allowed to use glass with a thickness of 5 mm for shelves with a length of over 650 mm, subject to the use of intermediate supports.

The thickness of the glass doors must be installed in the technical documentation for the product. The length of the sliding doors from the glass should be at least 4 mm.

In the sliding doors of the glass, in the absence of the handles, there should be a grinding finger, the shape and dimensions of which must be installed in the technical documentation for the product.

5.2.9 The humidity of parts made of massive wood should be 8% ± 2%. Material moisture content must comply with these materials specified in the regulatory documentation.

5.2.10 The strength of the adhesive connection to the uneven separation of facing materials must comply with the standards given in Appendix B (Table B.1).

5.2.11 The norms of limiting wood vices on the surfaces of furniture parts are given in Appendix B (Table 2).

The types of surfaces of furniture products and their characteristics are given in Appendix G (Figure G.1, Tables G.1 and G.2).

5.2.12 On the facial surfaces of the product can be healthy controversy, if it does not reduce the strength of the product and is provided for by the technical documentation for the product.

5.2.13 On the front surfaces of the furniture, there can be at the same time no more than three types of normalized defects, except for increasing and allowed without the restriction given in Appendix V.

5.2.14 In thickening compounds and details with a cross section of less than 20x30 mm carrying power loads, wood defects listed in Appendix B are not allowed, except the vices specified in 3A (within the established norm), 3, 4 and 5.

5.2.15 It is recommended that the sizes of wormworch, pockets and plugs for their sealing in detail from massive wood did not exceed 1/3 of the thickness or width of the part. The rib bitches are recommended to allow only the resulting width or thickness of the part in the amount of 1/5 of the width or thickness, but not more than 10 mm.

5.2.16 Switchs of more than 15 mm in detail designed for lining or opaque finish can be chosen inserts or traffic jams, except for healthy bumps on details intended for opaque finish.

5.2.17 Inserts and plugs for seals must be made of wood of the same breed as the parts, to have the same direction of the fibers and are installed tightly on the adhesive.

5.2.18 In details of furniture made of plywood and not subject to subsequent lining, the quality of plywood should not be lower than grade II / III software and grade IIX / IIIX software for visible surfaces, not lower than grade III / IV software and LLLX / IVX varieties For invisible surfaces and no lower grade IV / IV software and grade IVX / IVX software for surfaces to be lined up and upholstery, provided that the holes from the bitch and vices on the outer layers of plywood are embedded in accordance with the requirements and.

5.2.19 In the product on facial surfaces, more than two seals are allowed. In color, sealing should correspond to the surface color on which they are located.

The size of each of the sealing should be no more than 5 cm² for lined parts and 1.5 cm² - for parts of massive wood.

On facial surfaces, lined with decorative facing material (film, plastic, etc.), seals are not allowed.

5.2.2. Facing materials and parts made of wood array for the plars of the facade and working surfaces of a single product or product products, headset and products that are blocked in length and height should be selected by the breed, texture (figure) and color.

Within one of the plastic or edge of the front surfaces, the parts of the wood array or the lined breed should be of one rock, one color and type of cut.

An artistic solution may be provided for another selection of cladding and parts from the wood massif.

5.2.21 Defects in GOST 20400 are not allowed on the visible surface of the furniture:

discrepancies of cladding strips, filadies, detachal, bubbles under cladding, glue spots, stained, rubbing, surface pollution, pulp, dents, scratches, cracks, stains, glue drips, burrs and wrinkles.

5.2.22 On the work surface of dining and kitchen tables, lined with synthetic decorative material, cladding joints are not allowed.

5.2.23 Visible surfaces of furniture made of wood and wood materials, except for the surfaces of cutting boards, outdoor side walls of boxes and semi-cakes, and external invisible horizontal surfaces of wood and wood materials, located at an altitude of 1700 mm and more, must have protective-decorative coatings that meet the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these coatings. The external invisible horizontal surfaces located at an altitude of 1700 mm and more may instead of protective and decorative coatings have a lining or a protective coating that allows wet cleaning.

The absence of a protective and decorative coating on the internal visible surfaces from solid wood-fibrous plates of groups A software in furniture products, except for kitchen, if it is provided for by the technical documentation for the product.

5.2.24 Species of protective and protective and decorative coatings for surface fittings and metal parts should be installed in the regulatory documentation for accessories and parts in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.032, GOST 9.303.

No coating is allowed if metal parts are made of special corrosion-resistant alloys (for example, stainless steel, etc.).

5.2.25 The roughness parameter visible during the operation of the surfaces of the parts of wood and wood materials RMFor which protective-decorative coatings are not provided (for example, the side surfaces of drawers, the surface of cutting boards), as well as invisible surfaces, with which people and items in the process of operation in the operation of furniture are inhibited, there must be no more than 63 microns according to GOST 7016.

It is allowed to determine the roughness of these surfaces by parameter RM Max.

5.2.27 Details and assembly units of products of collection-collapsible furniture should be made with accuracy according to the requirements - providing assembly and disassembly without additional fit.

5.2.28 During the operation of furniture, chemicals should not be released to the first hazard class, and the content of the remaining substances should not exceed the permissible levels of migration to the air environment, established in or national standards (and in their absence in national documents) containing sanitation Epidemiological and hygienic requirements for the air environment. When separating several harmful chemicals from furniture with the sum of action, the sum of the concentration ratio to their maximum permissible concentration should not exceed the unit according to GOST 12.1.007. Furniture products should not create no more than 2 points indoors.

5.2.29 Furniture used in children's, preschool, school, in medical and preventive, spa institutions should provide a wet disinfection of workers and facade surfaces to avoid the growth and development of microflora (especially pathogen). After disinfection, chemical reagents should not be visible surface changes (high-resistant surfaces) or maybe the occurrence of barely noticeable changes in the brilliance or color of the surface (resistant surfaces).

5.2.30 Controlled furniture indicators must comply with the specified in Table 3.

Table 3.

) Depending on the length of the rod - according to GOST 28102
Name of the indicatorThe value of the indicator depending on the operational purpose of the furniture
domesticfor public premisesfor theatrical and entertainment enterprises, sports facilities, vehicle waiting rooms
Cabinet furniture
Strength and deformability of the case:
loading cycles600 600 600
deformation, mm, no more3,0 3,0 3,0
Base strength, loading cycles500 500 500
The deflection of free-sided shelves per 1 m length, mm, no more5,0 5,0 5,0
Strength of the Power Supplies, Loading Cycles10 10 10
The strength of the upper and lower shields under the action of the load according to GOST 19882, h, without destruction24 24 24
with a stroke length (500 ± 50) mm2500 5000 10000
with a stroke length (250 ± 25) mm5000 10000 20000
The strength of the hull and fastening of the wall-mounted fabrics of cabinet furniture, Dan, without destructionCalculated load depending on the functional purpose of the product
Doors with vertical axis of rotation
Stiffness of fitting of doors characterized by residual deformation, mm, no more than:
deposit1,0 1,0 1,0
overhead2,0 2,0 2,0
Durability of fitting of doors:
loading cycles20000 40000 80000
residual deformation, mm, no more:
deposit1,5 1,5 1,5
overhead2,5 2,5 2,5
Doors with horizontal axis of rotation
Fastening strength:
loading cycles10 10 10
deformation under load, mm, no more50,0 50,0 50,0
20,0 20,0 20,0
5000 10000 20000
Sliding doors and horizontal shutter doors
3,0 3,0 3,0
Fastening strength3,0 4,0 4,0
Fastening durability, loading cycles10000 20000 40000
Vertical Shutter Doors
Sliding force, given, no more3,0 3,0 3,0
Strength, loading cycles20 30 40
Boxes (semi-cakes)
The effort of the extension of boxes (semi-sequers), Dan, not more5,0 5,0 5,0
The strength of the boxes (semi-sequers):
when loading the bottom of the box (semi-sequer), DanQ.+4,0 Q.+6,0 Q.+7,0
with vertical loading of the front wall of the drawer (semi-sequer), cycles10 10 10
with horizontal dynamic loading of the box (semi-sequer), cycles50 50 50
Durability of boxes (semi-sequers):
loading cycles20000 40000 80000
deformation, mm, no more2,0 2,0 2,0
Deflection of a reference stationary rod 1 meter long, mm, no more8,0 8,0 8,0
Empower advanced rods, dan, no more5,0 5,0 5,0
Durability of retractable rods:
loading cycles20000 20000 30000
in this case, the deflection, mm, no more5,0 5,0 5,0
Strength of retractable rodsQ.+5,0 Q.+5,0 Q.+5,0
Storage strength holders
Legs *
The strength of the attachment of the mounted leg is up to 170 mm long depending on the mass of the product (kg) in the loaded state, Dan, not less than **:
Up to 30 included.30
St. 30 to 60 included.50
St. 60 to 90 Enable.70
St. 90 to 300 included.90
St. 300.120
Wall products
The strength of the hull and fastening of the suspensionCalculated load according to GOST 28136, depending on the functional purpose of the product
Dining tables (except folding tables)
Sustainability, Dan, not less: Vertical load for tables Weight:
Up to 15 kg included.10,0 10,0 10,0
St. 15 kg15,0 15,0 15,0
Up to 15 kg included.3,0 3,0 3,0
St. 15 kg5,0 5,0 5,0
loading cycles10 10 10
deflection, mm, no more10,0 10,0 10,0
1,0 1,0 1,0
residual deformation, mm, no more2,0 2,0 2,0
cargo drop height, mm80,0 140,0 180,0
loading cycles10 10 10
deformation ***, mm, no more15,0 15,0 15,0
loading cycles10000 15000 30000
deformation ***, mm, no more20,0 20,0 20,0
loading cycles7500 10000 30000
deformation, mm, no more10,0 10,0 10,0
number of falls10 10 10
fall height, mm150,0 200,0 300,0
Written tables (workers)
Sustainability, Dan, not less:
15,0 15,0 15,0
5,0 5,0 5,0
on the door2,0 2,0 2,0
on the drawer4,0 4,0 4,0
Strength under the action of vertical static load:
loading cycles10 10 10
deflection, mm, no more10,0 10,0 10,0
Strength under the action of a long vertical load:
deformation under load (deflection),%, no more1,0 1,0 1,0
residual deformation, mm, no more2,0 2,0 2,0
Strength under the action of shock load:
cargo drop height, mm80,0 140,0 180,0
loading cycles10 10 10
deformation ***, mm, no more20,0 20,0 20,0
Durability under the action of horizontal load:
loading cycles10000 15000 30000
deformation ***, mm, no more25,0 25,0 25,0
Durability under the action of vertical load:
loading cycles7500 10000 30000
deformation, mm, no more5,0 5,0 5,0
number of falls10 10 10
fall height, mm150,0 200,0 300,0
Durability of rolling supports, rolling cycles:
with a stroke length (500 ± 50) mm2500 5000 10000
with a stroke length (250 ± 25) mm5000 10000 20000
Coffee tables
Sustainability, Dan, not less:
Up to 15 kg included.10,0 10,0 10,0
St. 15 kg15,0 15,0 15,0
Up to 15 kg included.1,0 1,0 1,0
St. 15 kg3,0 3,0 3,0
Strength under the action of vertical static load:
loading cycles10 10 10
deflection, mm, no more10,0 10,0 10,0
Strength under the action of a long vertical load:
deformation under load (deflection),%, no more1,0 1,0 1,0
residual deformation, mm, no more2,0 2,0 2,0
Strength under the action of shock load:
cargo drop height, mm80,0 140,0 180,0
loading cycles10 10 10
deformation ***, mm, no more15,0 15,0 15,0
Durability under the action of horizontal load:
loading cycles10000 15000 30000
deformation ***, mm, no more20,0 20,0 20,0
Durability under the action of vertical load:
loading cycles7500 10000 30000
deformation, mm, no more5,0 5,0 5,0
number of falls10 10 10
fall height, mm150,0 200,0 300,0
Durability of rolling supports, rolling cycles:
with a stroke length (500 ± 50) mm2500 5000 10000
with a stroke length (250 ± 25) mm5000 10000 20000
Children's tables
Sustainability, Dan, not less:
10,0 -
Up to 10 kg included.1,0 -
St. 10 kg3,0 -
Static strength:
deflection, mm, no more10,0 -
Strength under the action of shock load:
cargo drop height, mm80,0 -
Rigidity:5,0 -
deformation ***, mm, no more:
for rooms 0, 00, 17,5 -
for rooms 2, 3
Durability under the action of horizontal load:
loading cycles3000 5000 -
deformation ***, mm, no more:
for rooms 0, 00, 17,5 -
for rooms 2, 310,0 -
number of falls10 10 -
fall height, mm150,0 200,0 -
Toilet tables
Sustainability, Dan, not less:
10,0 10,0 -
Up to 10 kg included.1,0 1,0 -
St. 10 kg3,0 3,0 -
Strength under the action of vertical static load:
loading cycles10 10 -
deflection, mm, no more10,0 10,0 -
Strength under the action of a long vertical load:
deformation under load (deflection),%, no more1,0 1,0 -
residual deformation, mm, no more2,0 2,0 -
Strength under the action of shock load:
cargo drop height, mm80,0 140,0
loading cycles10 10 -
Durability under the action of horizontal load:
loading cycles5000 10000 -
deformation ***, mm, no more20,0 20,0 -
number of falls10 10 -
fall height, mm150,0 200,0 -
* Determined with typical tests.

** With the length of the legs, more than 170 mm fastening strength is recalculated in accordance with GOST 19194.

*** The deformation of the tables with betented supports and on metal legs, as well as tables from plastics are not rationed, the presence of defects is estimated visually.

5.2.31 Stability of housing furniture products must comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

5.2.32 The stability and strength of the tables used in the open air in campsites, household and public zones should correspond to GOST EN 581-3 and GOST EN 1730.

Table 4.

5.3 Requirements for materials and components

5.3.1 In the manufacture of furniture, materials and components, intended for its manufacture, the safety of which is confirmed in the established manner with a certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity and (or) test protocol.

5.3.2 The surface of furniture parts made of wood coil materials (plastic and edges) must have protective or protective and decorative coatings, except for invisible surfaces in the mating connections, holes in the installation places of the fittings, the edges of the shields remaining open when the rear wall of the "invoice" or "Quarter".

5.3.3 The permissible specific activity of cesium-137 in wood and wood-containing materials used for the manufacture of furniture should not exceed 300 BC / kg.

The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in mineral-based materials for the manufacture of furniture should not exceed 370 BC / kg.

5.3.4 Furniture mirrors must comply with other regulatory documentation containing requirements not lower than specified in the specified standard.

5.3.5 Furniture glassware must comply with GOST 6799 or other regulatory documentation containing requirements not lower than installed in the specified standard. For the manufacture of glass furniture products (tables, table covers, cabinet furniture) should be used injuries-safe glass: tempered, reinforced, multilayer. Romes of glassware should be treated with grinding, polishing, chamfering or faud.

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Each furniture product should be marked in Russian and (or) with another national language. Marking should be performed by typographic, lithograph or printing method on a paper label, firmly glued to the furniture product.

It is allowed to apply the labeling of the inclusive paint stamping, burning, melting, as well as to be stamped with separate details of the label with a stamp or in printed method.

The marking must be a clear and maintenance:

  • name of the product of furniture for operational and functional purpose;
  • product designation (digital, own, model, and the like);
  • trademark (logo) of the manufacturer (if available);
  • name of the manufacturer;
  • name and location of the manufacturer;
  • the name, legal and actual address of the authorized by the manufacturer of the person;
  • date of manufacture;
  • warranty period;
  • service life installed by the manufacturer;
  • a single sign of product circulation in the market of Member States of the Customs Union. Furniture products supplied in disassembled form may not have labeling with the designation of the product and the date of manufacture. In this case, the designation of the product is affixed by the manufacturer or seller during the sale of the furniture product or during its assembly of the user. The release date must be specified on the package (packages). Marking on the furniture in a disassembled form is applied to the packaging.

The marking label must be inserted into the packaging along with the assembly instruction. In the instructions, a graphic image of all the options for assembling the product with their designation should be given. A single sign of product circulation in the customs union market is afforded on one or several of these places:

  • marking each product (on a label);
  • shipping documents;
  • instructions for assembly (operation);
  • one of the packaging units of a set of furniture supplied in a disassembled form.

5.4.2 Marking should be applied: on the upper left corner of the rear wall of products intended for accommodation at the wall, on the opposite side of the table cover; On the surface, which is not visible during the operation of products that do not have the rear wall and the lid. It is not allowed to apply marking on the surface of boxes, stopped shelves, parts and components that can be replaced.

5.4.3 On the products included in the headset or set, a conditional sign or a number indicating the product belonging to the headset should be applied next to the label.

5.4.4 Caboons Collapsible furniture and sets of universal-team furniture supplied in disassembled form should be accompanied by instructions for assembly, installation scheme and a complete document. (A complete statement is allowed and the installation scheme is allowed to include in the assembly instruction). Details, products and set (headset) should be applied to each detail. Part numbers must match the numbers specified in the assembly instructions, the installation scheme and a complete document.

5.4.5 In the labeling of children's tables for public premises, additionally should be indicated: in the numerator - their growth number, in the denominator - the average growth of children.

On visible outer surfaces of the tables, a party and chairs for preschool institutions, a color marking in the form of a circle with a diameter of at least 10 mm or a horizontal strip of size of at least 10x15 mm of the following colors, depending on the growth of the furniture product is:

  • 00 - black;
  • 0 - white;
  • 1 - orange;
  • 2 - purple;
  • 3 - yellow;
  • 4 - red;
  • 5 - green;
  • 6 - blue.

The method of applying color marking should provide its long-term preservation.

It is allowed to apply a color marking made in a printed method with a self-adhesive basis.

5.4.6 To products, sets, furniture headsets should be attached instructions for use and care of furniture, which can be combined with assembly instructions.

If necessary, the manufacturer indicates the instructions for the value of permissible limit loads on the product and its functional elements (shelves, boxes, horizontal shields).

5.5 Packaging

5.5.1 Furniture must be packaged:

  • during long-distance transportation, transportation with overload on other types of transport - into a one-time or multi-turn container, ensuring the safety of furniture from damage and contamination, when performing the requirements of the manipulation signs of the software applied to the container;
  • when transporting to the regions of the Far North and equivalent to them, water transport in accordance with.

Wood moisture content packaging for furniture packaging should not exceed 22%.

5.5.2 In coordination with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of furniture products during transportation.

5.5.3 When transporting furniture by road or in universal containers, not packaging furniture in coordination with the consumer is allowed to protect it from damage, contamination, precipitation and maximum use of the capacity of the container.

5.5.4 To protect furniture from mechanical damage in places in contact with furniture products with each other, with a vehicle body, an old rigid construction and packaging materials should be applied to the auxiliary packaging means in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these funds.

5.5.5 Furniture to be packeting are transported by packages in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation that establishes methods and tools for packing furniture.

5.5.6 All removable furnishings of furniture products must be packed in the missed (sewn) package or box, is laid in one of the boxes or attached to one of the details of the furniture.

Removable accessories and components in coordination with the consumer is allowed to supply separately packed with the same game of furniture products, headset, set with appropriate instructions in transport documentation.

5.5.7 Doors and furniture boxes to prevent opening and extension during transportation should be locked on the castle or, in the absence of locks, are fixed by means that exclude furniture damage.

One of the keys from the locked section should be attached to the rear wall or other invisible when the surface of the furniture is normal.

5.5.8 Packaging, transportation and storage of glassware and furniture mirrors must comply with the requirements of software and.

5.5.9 On the packaging of furniture, including with the details of the glass, as well as to the container for parts of the glass, should be carried out transport marking and manipulation signs that have the value "fragile. Caution", "Top", "take care of moisture" by .

It is allowed in agreement with the consumer not to apply a manipulative sign: "top" on the packaging of furniture products, the design of which allows storage and transportation of them in any position, including in pairs.

5.5.10 When transporting furniture in direct railway posts by writing shipments, it is allowed to apply basic and additional inscriptions not on all freight places, but not less than four.

6 Rules acceptance

6.1 Furniture products are presented to accepting parties.

The parties consider the number of products, sets, headlights of one name, decorated by one document. The party is established in coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer.

6.2 To verify furniture for compliance with the requirements of this standard, the parameters specified in Table 5 are controlled.

Table 5.

Name of the indicatorType of testPoint number
ReceivingQualifying, periodicTypicalFor the purposes of mandatory conformity confirmationtechnical requirementsmonitoring methods
Functional dimensions *- - - - 4.1 7.1
- - - - 4.2 7.1
dimensions+ - - - 5.2.1 7.1
Sizes of gaps+ - - - 5.2.2 7.1
Applied materials *- - - - 5.3.1 7.2
- - - - 5.3.2 7.2
- - - - 5.3.3 7.2
Humidity*- - - - 5.2.9 7.3
The strength of gluing facing materials *- - + - 5.2.10 7.4
Transformation of products+ - - - 5.2.4 7.5
Requirements for accessories *+ - - - 5.2.5 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.6 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.7 7.5
- - - - 5.2.24 7.5
Requirements for glassware- - - - 5.2.8 7.5
+ - - - 5.3.5 7.5
Requirements for mirrors+ - - - 5.3.4 7.5
Appearance+ - - - 5.2.11 - 5.2.19 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.20 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.21 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.22 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.23 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.24 7.5
+ - - - 5.2.26 7.5
Roughness of the surface of the details *+ - - - 5.2.25 7.6
Completeness and ability to build without additional fitting of furniture supplied in disassembled form+ - - - 5.2.27 7.2
Stability of writing (working) table- - + + 5.2.30 7.10
Strength of written (working) table under the action of static and shock loads- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Strength of written (working) table under the action of long static load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Stiffness and durability of the written (working) table under the action of horizontal load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Durability of the written (working) table under the action of vertical load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Durability of the rolling of written (working) table- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Strength of written (working) table when falling on the floor- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Stability of cabinet furniture- - + + 5.2.31 7.9
Strength and deformability of the case- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
Base strength of cabinet furniture- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
Dogibe free-hearted shelves of cabinet furniture- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
The strength of the polktrointers of free-hearted shelves of cabinet furniture- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
The strength of the upper and lower boards of cabinet furniture- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
Durability of casual furniture rolling support- + + + 5.2.30 7.9
Strength and durability of fastening doors with vertical and horizontal axis of rotation, sliding and door-shutters- + + + 5.2.30 7.11
Door rigidity with vertical axis of rotation- + + + 5.2.30 7.11
Effort of sliding sliding doors, shutter doors and folding doors- + + + 5.2.30 7.12
The strength of the attachment of the mounted legs- - + - 5.2.30 7.14
Box nomination force (semi-sequer)- + + + 5.2.30 7.15
Strength and durability of boxes (semi-sequins)- + + + 5.2.30 7.15
Control of stationary rods- + + + 5.2.30 7.16
Structure strength holders- + + + 5.2.30 7.16
Durability of retractable rods- - + + 5.2.30 7.16
Strength of retractable rods- + + + 5.2.30 7.16
Studying force rod (initial, finite)- + + + 5.2.30 7.16
Body strength and fastening of wall-mounted hull furniture suspension (method 1 according to GOST 28136)- + + + 5.2.30 7.13
The strength of the mounting of the wall-mounted housing furniture (method 2 according to GOST 28136)- - + - 5.2.30 7.13
Stability of the coffee table- - + + 5.2.30 7.10
The strength of the coffee table under the action of static and shock loads- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
The strength of the coffee table under the action of a long vertical load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Stiffness and durability of the coffee table under the action of horizontal load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Durability of the coffee table under the action of vertical load- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Coffee table rolling support- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Coffee Tool Strength- + + + 5.2.30 7.10
Stability of dining, toilet and children's preschool tables- - + + 5.2.30 7.8
Strength of dining, toilet and children's pre-school tables under the action of static and shock loads- + + + 5.2.30 7.8
Strength of dining, toilet and children's pre-school tables under the action of a long vertical load- + + + 5.2.30 7.8
Stiffness and durability of dining, toilet and children's pre-school tables under the action of horizontal load- + + + 5.2.30 7.8
Durability of dining, toilet and children's preschool tables under the action of vertical load- + + + 5.2.30 7.8
Strength of dining, toilet and children's preschool tables.- + + + 5.2.30 7.8
Stability and strength of tables used in the open air- + + + 5.2.32 7.17
Levels of volatile chemicals that allocate during the operation of furniture in the air- - - + 5.2.28 7.18
Availability of specific odor- - - + 5.2.28 7.19
The quality of the wet disinfection of furniture used in children's, preschool, school, in therapeutic and preventive, spa institutions+ - - + 5.2.29 7.5
* Indicators are monitored in the production process.


1 Sign "+" means that this indicator is monitored, the "-" sign is not controlled.

2 With typical tests, other than the indicators marked "+", other indicators of the table may also be influenced by the change in the design, applied materials or technological processes of manufacturing the product. Terms and definitions of test types - by.

6.3 In case of receiving tests, control:

  • appearance, build quality, product transformation, quality glassware and mirrors in furniture products are tested on each product of the presented party. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results, at least one indicator, the product is not subject to further verification;
  • the verbity of the parts in the finished products is determined by 5% of the batch products, but not less than 2 and no more than 5 products;
  • the victim of the details of the collapsible furniture are determined by 3% of the batch products, but not less than 2 and no more than 10 pcs.;
  • the roughness of the surface that does not have protected-decorative coatings, completeness and ability to build without additional fitting products of collection-collapsible furniture, overall dimensions, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements set by the standard to fittings, check for 3% of the batch products, but not less than 2 And no more than 10 pcs. (products, sets, heads) selected by random selection. If at least one product does not comply with the requirements of this Standard, they reinstate the double number of products taken from the same batch in terms of which unsatisfactory results were obtained.

If, when repeatedly check, at least one product does not comply with the requirements of this standard, the batch is marked.

6.4 Furniture are subjected to acceptable, qualifying, periodic, type tests, as well as for the purposes of mandatory conformity confirmation (mandatory certification, conformity declaration).

6.4.1 Tests for confirmation of conformity, as well as qualification and periodic, products that have passed acceptance tests are subject to testing. Means for confirmation purposes is allowed to combine with acceptance, qualifications and periodic tests conducted in accredited test centers (laboratories).

6.4.2 For test tests, the number of samples specified in Table 6 is taken from a random selection.

Table 6.

Product nameThe number of products in the party, pcs.
Up to 400 included.St. 400.
Cabinet furniture, tables1 2

1 In the cabinet furniture and tables are experiencing one box (semi-silver) of the maximum size of one design of the samples selected for testing.

2 In the cabinet furniture and tables are experiencing samples of doors of each design of selected furniture products.

The number of tested doors with a vertical axis of rotation within the same design is set to graduate in height - 200 mm. In the presence of doors of several sizes in width, the door of the maximum width is experiencing.

Testing doors with a horizontal axis of rotation, sliding doors and curtain doors spend on one sample of the maximum size in length and width.

3 Of the selected samples of cabinet furniture are tested along a single row of the maximum length of each design.

4 The test of the wall-mounted furniture of the single design is carried out on one sample of the largest dimensions with the maximum functional load.

5 Testing of children's tables spend on the sample of the maximum growth number of each design.

6.4.3 When obtaining unsatisfactory results of qualifying tests, the acceptance of products at enterprises is stopped before eliminating the causes of defects and obtain positive test results.

6.4.4 When receiving unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, furniture products are represented by repeated tests.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of repeated periodic tests, the reception of products at the enterprise is stopped before eliminating the causes of defects and obtain positive test results.

Periodic tests are carried out every three years.

6.4.5 Acceptance tests are carried out when developing new furniture products according to a program that includes indicators controlled during acceptance tests and tests to confirm conformity.

6.5 According to the results of determining the levels of volatile chemicals that allocate in the operation of furniture in the air environment, the test protocol and (or) other document provided for by national sanitary and epidemiological supervisory authorities and the well-being of the population.

7 Monitoring methods

7.1 Dimensions of furniture products are verified by universal measuring instruments. In the products of furniture supplied in disassembled form, check the dimensions of parts and / or elements.

Overall and functional dimensions are measured with an error of ± 1 mm, the remaining dimensions - with an error of ± 0.1 mm.

7.2 Application of materials in the production of furniture, the completeness of the furniture products is checked by technical documentation for the product, the ability to build without additional fitting of furniture supplied in a disassembled form, - control assembly of the product.

7.3 Wood moisture define software, chipboard - according to GOST 10634; Wood-fibrous plates - according to GOST 19592, plywood, joinery, veneer - according to GOST 9621.

7.4 The strength of the adhesive connection to the uneven separation of facing materials is determined by software. The resistivity of the normal separation of the outer layer in the details of furniture from laminated plates and parts, lined with polymer films with a thickness of more than 0.4 mm, are determined according to GOST 23234.

7.5 Appearance, the presence of a protective and protective and decorative surface coating, requirements for the transformation of products, accessories and mirrors are monitored visually (product inspection), without applying instruments. Dimensions of glassware are verified by universal measuring instruments.

7.6 The roughness of the surfaces of the wood and wood materials is determined according to GOST 15612 with the following additions: to determine the surface roughness on the details of up to 0.5 m², five measurements are carried out, on the details of an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 0.5 m² - ten dimensions.

It is allowed in accordance with GOST 15612 to determine the roughness with comparison with the sample - the benchmark of the part.

7.7 The victim of parts in the product is determined according to GOST 2405. The victim of the details whose length is five or more than the width is determined by one longitudinal axis.

7.8 Strength, rigidity and durability of dining, children's and toilet tables are determined according to GOST 30099.

The stability of dining, children's and toilet tables is determined according to GOST 28793.

7.9 Stability, strength and deformability of the case, the strength of the basic functional elements, the durability of the rolling rolling products of cabinet furniture is determined according to GOST 19882.

7.10 Strength, rigidity and durability of written tables and journal are determined according to GOST 30212. Table stability - according to GOST 28793.

7.11 Stiffness, strength and durability of attachment of doors with vertical and horizontal axes of rotation are determined according to GOST 19195.

7.12 The expulsion force, strength and durability of fastening the doors of sliding, folding and doors-curtains is determined according to GOST 30209.

7.13 The strength of the housing and mounting of the wall-mounted products is determined according to GOST 28136.

7.14 The strength of the attachment of the mounted legs is determined according to GOST 19194.

7.15 The force of nomination, strength and durability of boxes (semi-sequins) of products of cabinet furniture and tables is determined according to GOST 28105. The boxes of less than 6 dm² are not tested.

7.16 Deflection of stationary rods, strength of cord holders, advancement effort, durability and strength of retractable rods are determined according to GOST 28102.

7.17 The stability and strength of the tables used in the open air in campsites, household and public zones are determined according to GOST EN 581-3.

7.18 The levels of volatile chemicals that are released during the operation of furniture in the air medium of the premises are determined according to GOST 30255 or the current national documents (methods for determining the concentration of specific chemicals) of national sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities *.

* GOST R ISO is valid in the Russian Federation 16000-6-2007 and GOST R 53485-2009.

7.19 Levels and methods for measuring the specific activity of cesium-137 radionuclides in wood and wood-containing materials used for the manufacture of furniture are determined by the current national standards *.

* GOST R 50801-95 is valid in the Russian Federation.

7.20 The levels of specific odors arising from the operation of furniture in the premises are determined by the current national regulatory documents (methods and instructions) of determining the specific odor with the organoleptic method.

8 Transportation and storage

8.1 Furniture are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles, as well as in containers.

Within one settlement, the furniture is allowed to transport open vehicles subject to protection from damage, pollution and precipitation.

8.2 Transportation is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods acting on each type of transport.

8.3 Furniture Products should be stored in the indoor premises of the sender (recipient) at a temperature not lower than + 2 ° C and relative air humidity from 45% to 70%.

9 Manufacturer's guarantees

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of furniture to the requirements of this Standard, subject to the terms of transportation, storage, assembly (furniture supplied in disassembled form), operation.

9.2 Warranty period of operation: Children and public premises - 18 months, household - 24 months.

9.3 Warranty period for retail sale through a trading network is calculated from the date of sale of furniture, with an onset distribution - from the date of receiving it by the consumer.

Appendix A (mandatory).
Types of furniture subject to the Action of this Standard

Furniture are divided into types:

    • Household furniture.
    • Special furniture.
    • Furniture for public premises:
      • administrative premises: for office (offices);
      • pharmacy;
      • library;
      • hotel;
      • preschool institutions;
      • laboratories;
      • medical (except special furniture);
      • hostels, resistant;
      • consumer services;
      • catering enterprises;
      • communication enterprises, reading rooms.
    • Furniture for sports facilities.
    • Furniture for theatrical entertainment enterprises.
    • Furniture for vehicle waiting rooms.
  • by functional purpose:
    • Furniture for work and meals (tables).
    • Storage furniture (case).
  • according to constructive technological features:
    • All types of furniture listed in GOST 20400.

Appendix B (mandatory).
The strength of the adhesive connection when lining the layers and edges of the furniture parts

Table B.1.

Thickness of facing material, mmThe strength of the adhesive compound, KN / M (kgf / cm), not less
Planed veneerLush veneerPaper-layered plastic, edge plastic, polymer edge material
0,4 1,0 1,4 - 2,0
0,55 - 1,6 2,2 -
0,6 1,4 2,0 - -
0,7 - - 1,7* 3,0
0,75 - 2,0 2,8 -
0,8 1,7 2,5 - 2,3* -
0,9 - - 2,5*
0,95 - 2,4 3,5 -
1,0 2,0 3,1 - 2,73,8
1,15 - 2,8 3,9 -
1,3 - - 3,5 4,7
1,5 - 3,4 4,8 -
1,6 - - 3,9 5,8
* Indicator of the strength of the adhesive compound when lining with import plastic.


1 In the numerator, the strength of the adhesive compound when lining the plastics, in the denominator - edges.

2 For details of furniture made of laminated plates and parts, lined with polymer films with a thickness of more than 0.4 mm, the specific resistance of the normal separation of the outer layer should be at least 0.8 MPa (for stoves A and C) and at least 0.6 MPa (for Plate brand b).

3 For facing material with a thickness of less than 0.4 mm, the strength indicator due to the low rigidity of the material is not determined. The quality of the lining should be determined by the "cutting knife" using the regulatory documentation for this material.

Appendix B (Reference).
Limitations of wood vices for surfaces of parts lined with veneer

Table B.1.

Wood vice
for transparent coatingfor opaque coatingfor lining and upholstery; invisible during operation
facade, workersother facialinternal visible
1 bitches:Allowed
10 20 30 30
Allowed in size, mm, no more:
20 30 40 40
On the part up to 1 m long inclusive in quantity, pcs:
4* 6 Without limit
On the part longer than 1 m in quantity, pcs:
8* 12 Without limit
b) healthy with cracks, partially stroked, nonsears, falling outNot allowedNot taken into account no more than 15 mmAllowed
Allowed not more than 40 mm
in the amount of no more than 2 pcs. On the detail
Holes from knots and healthy bits with cracks must be embedded in inserts or putty
2 cracksNot allowedAllowed a length of no more than 1/4 length of the part, width, mm, not more than:
2 5 6
in quantity, pcs., no more:
2 3 3
3 Wood structure vices:Allowed
a) slope fibers, swivel, curl, eyes
b) PropertyNot allowedAllowed under the condition of sealing inserts or putty
c) false coreAllowed
d) KarmushkiNot allowedAllowed under the condition of sealing inserts or putty
e) inner swamp, spottyAllowed
e) kin, craving woodNot allowedAllowed
4 Chemical colorsAllowed subject to dyeing the surfaceAllowed
5 Mushroom lesions:
Allowed subject to dyeing the surfaceAllowed
6 Biological Damage:
worm-holeNot allowedIt is allowed with a diameter of no more than 6 mm in an amount of no more than 2 pcs. on the detail, provided the inserts or putty sealAllowed
7 Mechanical damage:
a) risksNot allowedAllowed provided with puttyAllowed
b) scratches, disconse, dentsNot allowedAllowed
* For the table covers - no more than 12.

Note - Wood flavors not specified in Table B.1 are not allowed.

Table 2.

The norms of limiting wood vices for the surfaces of parts of massive wood

Wood viceThe norm of limiting vices for the surface
for transparent coatingunder an opaque coating, under the lining; invisible during operation
facialinternal visible
1 bitches:Not taken into account size, mm, no more:
a) have grown healthy bright and dark10 10 15
Allowed in size, mm, no more
15 1/3 Width or Thickness Details1/2 width or thickness parts, but not more than 50
3 pcs. On a detail up to 1 m long
5 pieces. On the detail of the length of St. 1m
Dark bitches are allowed under the condition
b) healthy with cracks, partially accused fallingNot allowedNot taken into account size, mm, no more:
5 10
Allowed in size, mm, no more than 1/3 widths or thickness parts
1 PC. On a detail up to 1 m long2 pcs. On a detail up to 1 m long
2 pcs. On the detail of the length of St. 1m3 pcs. On the detail of the length of St. 1m
2 cracksNot allowedAllowed a length of no more than 1/4 of the length of the part, a depth of no more than 3 mm and a width of up to 1.15 mm, 1 pc. On the detailAllowed by no more than 1/4 length length, a depth of no more than 3 mm and a width of up to 1.15 mm; 1 PC. On a detail up to 1 m long, 2 pcs. located sequentially, on the part of the length of St. 1m
subject to seal inserts or putty
3 Wood structure vices:
a) tilt fibersThe deviation of the fibers from the longitudinal axis of the part is not more than 7%
b) swivel, curlAllowed width no more than 1/4 thickness or width of part
c) loveAllowed
d) KarmushkiNot allowedAllowed not more than 30 mm long, no more than 2 mm wide in an amount of 1 pc. On the part up to 0.5 m long, 4 pcs. On the detail of the length of St. 0.5 m, subject to sealing traffic jams
d) false kernelAllowed
e) inner swamp, spottyAllowed subject to dyeing the surfaceAllowed
4 Mushroom lesions:
mushroom Sound Spots and Stripes, Cathedral Mushroom Coloring, PassionateAllowed subject to dyeing the surfaceAllowed
5 Biological Damage: HarveshotNot allowedThe surface with a diameter of not more than 3 mm in the amount of 1 pcs is allowed. On the detailThe surface is allowed among the accused of unreleased bitch
subject to seal corks or putty
6 Mechanical Damage: Risks, ScratchesNot allowedAllowed
7 Chemical colorsAllowed subject to dyeing the surfaceAllowed

1 The size of the bitch is determined by the distance between the tangent to the contour of the bitch, carried out parallel to the longitudinal axis of the part,

2 In the manufacture of furniture from oak on orders and samples is allowed, in coordination with the customer, the presence of a malformation of the "worm" without limiting the size and quantity and without sealing inserts and putty on any surfaces of the parts, as well as the use for the facial and internal surfaces of blanks having Healthy struck light and dark swirls with a size of no more than 1/2 widths and thickness parts without limit quantity.

Appendix M (Reference).
Types of surfaces of furniture products

Figure G.1.

Table G.1.

Type of surfaceCharacteristic
1 Visible surfacesExternal and internal surfaces visible during operation
1.1 Facial SurfacesThe outer surfaces of furniture products visible during normal operation, including in the transformed position of the product
1.1.1 Facade surfacesFront exterior vertical surfaces of hull furniture products, for example: outer plastic doors, front walls of external boxes, decorative bars
1.1.2 Working surfacesThe surfaces of furniture products designed to perform any work, for example: the top of the table cover, including the outer surfaces of the deposit and retractable dining tables, the table cabinet, the cabinet under the sink, toilet couch, the servant, the inner surfaces of the folding or retractable covers of secretaries, bars
1.1.3 Other facial surfacesFacial surfaces that are not facade and (or) working surfaces, for example: outer surfaces of the side walls, external horizontal surfaces located at an altitude of up to 1700 mm, surface of open niches (side and rear walls, partitions, shelves, horizontal shields); the inner surfaces of the compartments behind the glass doors in the cabinets, servants, couches; surfaces of bar and secret departments (except workers); door plastic facing inside; surfaces of the Tsarg and base boxes; External visible edges of the side walls, shelves, horizontal shields, doors, front walls of external drawers, outdoor visible surfaces of fir-shields of the mirrors of toilet tables, Tumb
1.2 Internal visible surfacesThe inner surfaces of the furniture products visible during operation (except for inner surfaces related to the "other facial"), for example: surfaces of separations behind doors, including the edges of the side walls, partitions, horizontal shields, shelves, boxes and semi-costers; The inner surfaces of the side walls and the inner surfaces of the boxes and semi-cakes; Edges of doors facing each other
2 Invisible surfacesExternal and internal surfaces of furniture products, not visible during operation
2.1 External invisible surfacesThe outer surfaces of products of furniture, not visible during operation, for example: the outer surfaces of the rear walls of products placed in the wall, surfaces facing the ceiling located at an altitude of more than 1,700 mm; surfaces addressed to the floor located at an altitude of no more than 650 mm; Contacting surfaces of sections that are blocked in height and width in products, sets, headsets of a certain layout; Reverse surfaces of the tables
2.2 Internal invisible surfacesThe inner surfaces of furniture products that are not visible during operation, for example: the inner surfaces of the cabinet branches, tables and stands behind drawers; The outer surfaces of the rear walls and bottom of the boxes, the inner sides of the Tsarg
3 surfaces with which people and objects are in the process of operation of furnitureThe visible and invisible surfaces of the products of furniture, with which a person and (or) objects may contact the products during the operation of products, for example: surfaces of branches (containers) for storage of items; The lower edges of the CARG or the lower plastic of the sublicty frames (shields) of dining, writing, toilet tables, located above the knees of man during the operation of furniture products


TP TC 025/2012 "On the safety of furniture products"

ISO 7170-2005 * Furniture. Storage tank. Test Methods for Strength and Durability

ISO 7171-88 * furniture, storage tank. Method for determining sustainability

ISO 7172-88 * Furniture. Tables. Methods for determining sustainability

* Originals of international standards are in FSUE "Standinform" of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

08.08.2017 Shelf life: how much modern furniture is served

This question worries every buyer, choosing furniture for the house: how long will the bed, wardrobe or sofa last? Indeed, what is the service life of modern furniture products - 5, 10, 20 or 50 years? Let's try to figure out. And let's start with the fact that we call the main factors on which the duration of operation depends.

What depends on the service life of the furniture:

    Material of manufacture

    Production technology

    Build quality

    Features of care

Now, in 2019, in Russia, the normative service life of children's furniture is regulated by GOST 16371-2014. According to this standard, it is 18 months. And yet for different materials there are features.

Iron, tree and chipboard

Baby beds are made of metal, wood massif, laminated chipboard (wood-chip), less often - from MDF (wood-fiber stove). Each material has its advantages. Metal - durable, wood - warm and environmentally friendly, LDSP - practical inexpensive solution.

Metal furniture is most reliable and durable. This is explained by the high strength of the material itself, as well as the simplicity of metal structures. Take a look, for example, on Metal bunk beds presented in our store. The service life of such products is estimated for decades.

The same can be said about wooden furniture. The array is a traditional decision known for its durability. The only thing that is afraid of the tree is water, high humidity. But in favorable conditions with low humidity and constant temperature Beds from the massif serve dozens of years.

Modern materials - chipboard and MDF - are also durable and more convenient, available. They act as an alternative to metal and wood. One of the advantages is a large selection of design options, including stylization under a natural array. The average life of such furniture is 5-10 years.

Manufacturer's warranty

The durability of products depends not only on the selected material, but also on the characteristics of production. Masters used, as well as such nuances as accessories, auxiliary materials. Depending on this, some products can faster to lose an external gloss and come into disrepair than others.

Almost all furniture factories today provide customers with a guarantee for a period of 1 to 1.5 years. For example, ours bed factory from the massif "Dream House" Provides a guarantee of 18 months to all products. Of course, the operational period is much more, but it depends on the following two factors (the quality of assembly and compliance with the rules of departure).

Build quality

Everything without exception manufacturers strongly recommend professional furniture assembly. Often, focusing errors are allowed at this stage, which subsequently reduce the service life of products. That is why you should trust the work of professional craftsmen. For example, when assembling our master in St. Petersburg, we are responsible for the quality of the assembly and eliminate the shortcomings if they arise at their own expense. There have been such cases that buyers initially refused to build by our specialist. But then, having seen all the details, called us and ordered professional assembly . Such a service is possible but only for residents of St. Petersburg and the nearest suburbs.

If you are not sure about your abilities and do not have the experience of assembling modern furniture, it is worth paying extra for the services of a professional. First, it will save your own strength and time, and most often - and nerves. Secondly, the specialist will collect furniture strictly according to technology, high quality and conscience. It became, the products will serve you faithfully as long as possible.

Remember: poor-quality assembly can lubricate the impression from buying new furniture and even lead to breakdowns!

Features of operation

Finally, the very part when it comes to the responsibility of the buyer itself - the owner of the furniture products. It has a considerable value, how you contain products and care for them. By the way, care is minimized: it is from time to time to wipe the body from dust. It is more important to provide a favorable medium for furniture content.

When a cot is in the country where the frequent drops of moisture and temperature, there is a risk of rapting furniture from LDSP. This is not a warranty case. Since this is a violation of the rules of operation of furniture.

And do not forget that the child should sleep in the children's bed, and not parents. Otherwise, this may happen.

But the furniture from LDSP can withstand even an adult person if there is a base under a mattress from a solid sheet of LDSP, such as ka in bed Kid mini.

As already mentioned, the perfect option is a constant room temperature and a low level of humidity. Do not water the design of wood and chipboard, otherwise they will lose the initial form, as well as the strength properties. In addition, soft materials are afraid of scratches and strong blows. Therefore, immediately after buying and assembling the bed, you should warn children about the rules of care. When the assembly produces our specialists in St. Petersburg, they always explain the basic rules of operation of furniture.