Furniture factory dia. Dio furniture furniture

Furniture Factory "Dia" is one of the most popular trademarks of the headcases produced by Russian enterprises. More than half of the buyers surveyed say that they specifically searched or ordered furniture of this particular enterprise, as it is one of the best options in quality and price. Proof of this is not only the demand for diamonds, but also the peculiarities of its production.

Technology and machinery

Kaliningrad furniture factory "Dia" in the production process uses the experience of the best European furniture manufacturers. The technology of the company periodically leave abroad to improve their qualifications. . The main countries of the visits are century-old legislators of furniture fashion - Spain, Italy, France.

In the process of manufacturing, the bedrooms are used by components from Italy, which immediately makes the furniture, first, environmentally friendly, and secondly, a democratic price. And the one and the other factor today are among the most important arguments when making a purchase decision.

Furniture factory "Dia" is equipped with the latest technological lines of Italian production. The influence of the human factor here is minimized. The focus of the factory guidelines pays to creative moment.

Pros of Furniture Factory "Dia"

In addition to the above merits, the Kaliningrad furniture trademark has an additional spectrum of advantages.

  1. Furniture Factory is always fashionable because manufacturers constantly control European furniture trends and immediately implement the most interesting ideas.
  2. The high quality of the headcard is explained by strict control at the same stage of production - from the supply of raw materials and components to evaluate the quality control department of each particular model.
  3. An acceptable price is explained by a well-established logistics scheme and deposited manufacturing technology, where all useless processes are excluded. In addition, a personal initiative of employees is encouraged at the factory, but this is already an internal commercial policy, which, nevertheless, significantly affects the final result. And finally, Kaliningrad, where production is located - this is a special economic zone that additionally increases the competitiveness of output products.
  4. Exclusiveness - another plus for which the Russians love Furniture Factory Dia. The essence is that the company does not work for "shaft". Each headset is a small work of art. By purchasing such furniture, the buyer understands that it becomes the owner not just a convenient headset, but really, an artistic miracle that will always admire friends and acquaintances. Agree, it is doubly pleasant when the furniture is convenient and comfortable to you, and besides, it causes a lot of positive emotions from the guests. It is "Dia" capable of presenting such pleasant moments of life.
  5. A wide range of factory furniture models Dia will satisfy the most demanding and diverse tastes of Russians. You can buy headsets in a classic, modern and even futuristic style.

This section represents the products of the Furniture factory. Production is located in the Kaliningrad region. The company has been on the furniture market for over 12 years. During this time, she managed to win the location of buyers thanks to Italian materials and fittings, elegant product design and affordable prices.

If you prefer classic style in the interior, you will fit the products of the Dia Furniture factory. Kaliningrad is known for its furniture traditions and affordable product prices.

We sell hundreds of goods factory "Dia Furniture". The official website of the company includes dozens of bedrooms and living rooms. We have chosen the best collections for you.

Living rooms


You can buy furniture "Dia Furniture" in Moscow. You can with us! A convenient electronic catalog with prices, descriptions and photos of goods is constantly updated.

We are waiting for you in our showroom in Moscow. You will find the address and phone in the "Contacts" section.

Delivery of our store works within Moscow and the Moscow region.

Classic bedrooms with complete confidence can be called a model of luxury and comfort. And the living rooms recently appeared in the arsenal of the Living Room - the present grace and perfection in detail.

High quality

Production uses excellent materials and modern machines from Italy. Therefore, bedrooms and living rooms are durable and reliable in operation. Factory products Dia Furniture was awarded in 2004 at the international exhibition in Moscow "EuroExpoEbell".

Wide model range

Especially I would like to mention sleeping and living rooms "Dia Furniture Rosa". The release of this model was started only in August 2011, but many buyers have already assessed its rich design and good quality.

Natural and eco-friendly materials

The warmth of natural wood will create a cozy atmosphere in your home.

Affordable prices

High quality does not have to cost expensive. This is easy to make sure, comparing our prices with prices of other online stores.

Want to create in the bedroom comfort? Pay attention to the finished collections of the classic European design of the production factory "Dia Furniture", located in Kaliningrad.

Bedrooms were developed by the company designers, taking into account the needs of modern users. Therefore, in the catalog on the site you will see stylish and functional kits, consisting of a bed with a carved headboard, a spacious cabinet, a chest, original bedside table, mirrors. This is standard, basic equipment. If you wish, you can remove either on the contrary to add modules (for example, add the headset to the dressing table, a banquette, puff from the desired collection).

Features of products

Furniture Furniture Furniture has achieved special success in processing technology, as well as MDF milling. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials and accessories, unique technologies, we offer consumers model of cabinets with carved facades, cornices, curly legs. It is not surprising that the products of the Dia Furniture factory are in demand, but to buy it with a profit just in our online store.

The advantages with which the prepared collections of bedrooms possess:

  • single style. You do not need to select every subject of the interior individually, because the finished headsets are made in the same stylist solution;
  • reliability and durability. Facades are made of expensive eco-friendly materials that do not lose their appearance after many years;
  • unsurpassed style;
  • high quality - the manufacturer uses modern machines from Italy, and therefore the bedrooms are reliable and durable in operation;
  • warranty for all furnishings provided by the Furniture factory and our store.

The furniture is made of MDF, LDSP, protected by the edges of the PPU, covered with safe varnishes and high-quality paints, decorated with silk-screen printing, stereography. Elegant uneven and rounded shapes, volumetric elements, lining and patterns make the products of the Dia Furniture factory so attractive to the consumer.

The company "Affordable Furniture" offers to order ready-made bedrooms at competitive prices. We deliver and professional furniture assembly. You only have to enjoy the comfortable operation of your new bedroom.