Installation of the shell on the tabletop in the kitchen. Independent installation of invoice and mortise shell in the kitchen - instruction

Required tools and materials

One of the indispensable attributes of any kitchen is washing. It is mandatory to the same degree as the stove (gas or electric). But the installation of the washing in the kitchen is done much easier than connecting the plate, if you know the basic instructions and the characteristic secrets of such a job.

1 sinks are different, washing different are important

Indeed, shells for kitchens are produced in the widest assortment, from which in a specialized plumbing store "disassembled eyes." Kitchen sinks can be distinguished at least six categories:

  • Washing mounted, mortise and overhead. Attachment is now found rarely, it is relevant more for utility apartments and state institutions than for modern repairs. But mortise and overhead shells in popularity compete with each other, their long-term reliability and aesthetic appeal are comparable;
  • Washings made of stainless steel alloys, with chrome or nickel-plated spraying, sinks from natural granite or a porrite artificial stone, from acrylic and even from glass (!). However, due to the practicality of 90% of all models, it is necessary for stainless steel and representative porcelain stoneware;
  • Corner and standard shells, round, oval, square, rectangular and curly. The intricate the shape of the washing, the harder it is to give it impeccable purity and maintain a sparkling shine in daily mode. After all, the sink is not for beauty in the living room, but for landed household needs in the kitchen;
  • The design distinguishes ordinary single sinks and washing with two bowls (one or different size, the same or different shapes, etc.). There are convenient models with overflow of water from one bowl to another;
  • By the location of the mixer - on the wall or on the sink itself (the first option is rarely found;
  • According to additional options - the ability to install a filter for water, taps for connecting a washing machine, automatic valves for draining adjustment, additional cranes for connecting garden hoses, etc.

Stainless steel shells have gained overwhelming popularity due to an acceptable price, durable functionality, compatibility with the most diverse repair of kitchen room and simplicity of sanitary processing.

Check the quality of the steel shell alloy can be directly in the store - an ordinary flat magnet will stay on it very firmly, a magnet will be "flying" with the slightest oscillation.

Granite and steel sinks are available in the overhead and mortise design, installing the sink in the kitchen with their own hands is possible for both. However, you must first take care of the furniture basis of our installation efforts.

2 How to assemble a sink in the kitchen - mount the end

Curling and overhead washes are installed in bedside tables and stands, with opening (less frequently sliding) front door and an empty opening behind. The assembly of these elements of the kitchen headset has its own characteristic features. The fact is that the internal bulkheads are not provided in them, they can interfere with the connection of sewage and water pipes. So, inside the stands there will not be additional rigidity. If an overhead is installed, there is no table top, it replaces the steel panel of the washing.

Assembling the cabinets under the sink should be much more reliable and stronger than other parts of the kitchen headset. It must be installed on special lining, because With the best tightness, water leaks are possible. The material itself does not hurt to treat water-repellent compositions. Inside the bedside tables, it is necessary to provide for fastening for tightening jumpers - they are installed after connecting the sink to communications for the strength of the entire structure. The jumpers themselves can be made of flat and thick slats, which will serve as additional mini shelves inside the cabinet.

3 How to install an overhead washing on the end - a brief instruction

The overhead version of the kitchen sink is ordinary and "valve". In the latter case, the sink itself is supplied with curved sleds with a side and facade side, special grooves are provided on the bedside table. After collecting the sink in the kitchen successfully succeeded, it remains to push the sink into these grooves, move the design to the wall - and the communications can be connected.

If the direct version of the overhead is used, you will have to seal all the joints. A high-quality waterproof sealant combines the properties of glue and protective waterproof. The upper perimeter of the open cabinet is generously disappeared by this composition, it remains accurately to plant the sink itself.

It is impossible to install a big and heavy patch wash only on the sealing glue!

Otherwise, one is not a wonderful day, it fails inside the cabinets along with the kitchenware, the sewer and breaking water hoses under pressure. Negative impressions of such an accident will be available both to you and neighbors from below. Like the elimination of plumbing collapse and repair of two rooms from the means of a personal budget. How to install a sink on the end without the danger of such ancient? With the help of auxiliary bars or internal crate.

Simple overhead shells are taken to supply additional fasteners. As such, massive bars are suitable, accurately fastened from the wrong side of the couch. It is necessary to accurately note the lower edge of the pre-installed (without glue!) The sinks and on this line to build an internal crate. Then the car wash will rely on the auxiliary bars, and not on the slim end bedside table. The operation is similar to the hidden installation of the crate, only in the final stage is complemented by adhesive sealing of the joint of the metal and wood.

Installation of washing in the kitchen with your own hands - step-by-step editing video

Installation of washing in the kitchen with your own hands is quite feasible in a few hours, and without prior experience, with the help of our video instruction

Installation of the shell in the kitchen

The sink in the kitchen has a strategically important role, so you need to choose and install it right.

Choosing a kitchen sink and preparation for its installation

Before deciding how to install washing in a tabletop, you need to decide on the choice of the product. The optimal option is to connect deep shell and not too high mixer - in this case there will be a minimum spray when washing dishes. The sink must be deep so that it is convenient to wash the overall pans or fold the plates after the family lunch.

It is important and material - it is easiest to independently connect the traditional wash from stainless steel. Enamel steel will be a good solution.

Installation of kitchen sink with their own hands requires the following tools, materials:

  • Sealant;
  • Self-tapping screws and screwdrivers;
  • Lobzik;
  • Fasteners (as a rule, they are included with the product).

Tip! Before fastening the kitchen sink, you should carefully treat all sealant sealants. This will provide high-quality waterproofing and protection of chipboard from damage due to high humidity.

Types of kitchen sinks

Installation of washing in the kitchen with your own hands can be made on various technologies. The installation method is selected depending on the type of sink design:

  1. Overhead are considered the most budget and easy-to-install. The sink is put on a separate end. Minus such an option - gaps remain between the washing and bed.

  1. Cuts are installed directly in the worktop, for which you need to cut the corresponding hole.

  1. Podstolnye shells belong to a more expensive segment, attached below the countertops, due to which they provide excellent sealing and appearance.

Montage of the overlaid of the shell

Democratic overhead (embedded) sink is made of stainless steel. It is mounted on a separate module and closes its entire top. Here is a very simple installation - for fastening, special M-shaped elements with an oblique slot are used. One sink is provided by about 4-5 such fasteners.

Tip! Connecting the mixer is carried out before the installation stage of the sink (the washing is already mounted with the installed equipment) - otherwise at the subsequent stages, all this will be inconvenient.

How to mount your own sink with your own hands:

  1. You need to attach M-shaped fasteners to the cabinet from the inside and make the mark;
  2. Fasten in marked vehicles. It is important to choose short screws 15-mm and screw them up so that 5 mm remains above, not less;
  3. The end of the box cover the sealant - it will protect the furniture and additionally glue the sink;
  4. After that, the sink is installed on the screws screwed into the tube and moves to full adjunct;
  5. Then the attachments are fixed, excess sealants are erased, you can start connecting the sink to the water supply and sewage.

Cutting type of shell - step-by-step installation

Of course, an overhead washing with your own hands is easier to install, but the mortise model provides a greater level of tightness and looks very neat on a tube with a total countertop. The question is how to embed the wash in the worktop, is solved quite simple - you only need to properly do the hole under the sink.

Installation of washing in the table top is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The tabletop find the place of installation of the sink and determine the form of the future hole. To do this, the sink is turned over and drive along the contour right on the table top or on the cardboard. If you have chosen a product of a complex shape, the finished pattern is most likely already available - this will help cut the desired hole;
  2. The finished pattern is applied to the tabletop at a distance of about 7 centimeters from the edge and begin to cut. To do this, 1.8 cm deeply retreating from the edge of the template, leaving support for sink sides;
  3. On the line cut, first make the hole with a drill, and then cut the circuit with an electroller. The lower part of the table top is fixed so that it does not fall down when drinking and did not damage the region of the remaining surface;
  4. A sealant is applied across the contour of the circuit. They are also covered by the bottoms of the sink joints;
  5. You can start mounting the sink - it is pressed into the included clamps;
  6. After the excess sealant is deleted, you can start connecting communications.

Installation of washing Vrowd or below the tabletop level. Sinks of an unusual form

Cutting washing can be attached to the evening with a tabletop - however, this is a time-consuming process requiring experience, since it implies the removal of the table top layer under the side. The depth of removal is equal to the height of the side with the layer of sealant.

If you decide to install and connect the sink so that it is lower than the table level, you will have to resort to the services of specialists. After all, this method of installation is selected for expensive structures - not from steel, but from natural, artificial stone. For fastening in this case, special tools are required - for example, a jigsaw and saws with diamond spraying. Indeed, in such shells there may not be holes for the drain of water - the full sawing of products in industrial environments is not carried out. Sinks from natural materials are fixed with special mounting glue.

As for the mines of an unusual shape, they are supplied with a paper template for which the installation opening is cut.

Want to connect the sink yourself right? Do not forget 3 more nuances:

  1. Rubber seals are better replaced by silicone sealant. Rubber will not provide dense adjacent and does not have a sufficient service life, while the sealant will fill all the gaps and cracks;
  2. Washing from natural or artificial stone better connect together to prevent falling and damage;
  3. Fastening the washing to the tabletop or module with self-draws is carried out solely manually. Using the tool can create too strong voltage, due to which the design may be damaged.

Main Connection Rules

When the installation work is completed, it is possible to connect the sink. For this, the hoses through which cold and hot water will be connected to the overall water supply system.

Tip! Connection requires the use of rubber gasket for better joint seal.

After the hoses are fixed, the connection is carried out in such a sequence:

  • The siphon release is introduced into the sink (it is better to use S-shaped structures, since the bottle is too quickly clogged);
  • Pipe (corner rigid or flexible corrugated) is added to the siphon;
  • The pipe from the siphon is displayed in the sewer pipe;
  • Verification of all compounds for leakage is carried out.

It may turn out that the diameters of the pipes from the siphon or sewer is very different. In this case, it is necessary to use the adapter - the sealing cuff. On this, the installation of kitchen sink is considered completed.

Install the sink with your own hands - instructions and video

We understand in the types of washes and installation. We establish an independent overhank sink on the tube, a mortise sink - in the worktop and below its level.

How to install sink in the kitchen: Rules for mounting mortise and separate models

Sink is not only a functional object in the kitchen, but also part of its design. We will try to figure out how to install the sink in the kitchen to comply with all the requirements, insure themselves from leaks and do everything beautifully, without violating the kitchen interior.

This will help experienced expert advice.

Types of kitchen shells

One of the key aspects in the installation is the type of shell, which implies a specific design and fastening device:

  • curling - installed in a specially prepared connector in a tabletop, carved under the sizes;
  • separate-standing (overlaid) - inexpensive and convenient models in the installation. Superimposed on a separate standby end.
  • substolted - mounted below the level of the working surface;
  • attachments are installed on attachment brackets, it is rarely used in low aesthetic.

It is also worth paying attention to the material from which a specific model is made. The cost of the product and its appearance depends on it. For the kitchen, most often choose practical variants of stainless steel, including models with chromed or nickel-plated spraying.

More expensive sinks are made of porcelain stoneware, granite, glass.

Composite washing have a spectacular view of a grainy structure that is very similar to polished stone. Such models are more expensive, but they are more fragile. If you drop something heavy in such a wash, it may appear.

Installation of mortise sinks in the kitchen

The most important part of this method of installation is not even the cutout itself and it is propyl, and the quality of the sealing of the joints between the washing and the worktop. Of course, the niche should be as smooth as possible and correspond to the sink sizes. High-quality work will save from the trouble in the future caused by the swelling of the countertops from excess moisture.

There is a direct relationship between the complexity of the installation process and sizing sizes. The greater the sizes of the bowl, the work surface and additional departments, the more difficult to manipulate the sink during the work. But with a competent approach, using the advice of professionals, you can count on an excellent result.

What will take in the process of work

Choosing an optimal sink under the kitchen interior, you can start mounting. First you need to stock all the necessary tool, including:

  • sealant (preferably with a pistol for feeding);
  • electric drill;
  • mounting knife, screwdriver and adjustable key;
  • electrolovik;
  • measurement tools (pencil, ruler and roulette).

Additionally, you will need several drills by 10-12 and a cardboard box.

How to apply marking

So, we have a clean wooden table top, in which you need to cut a niche for the sizes. We start with markup, determining the center of washing on the table top. It is necessary to identify the lines of symmetry to set the washing symmetrically the rest of the furniture objects in the kitchen.

After that, the contour of the product on the table top itself. The contour must have a perimeter, which is comparable to the widest part of the washing perfumed under the table top.

To create a contour, you can use the cardboard blank, which will serve as a lecturer for applying the contour to the worktop. This is the best option that will give high accuracy.

The cutout should be located at least 5 cm from the front edge of the table top and 2.5 cm from the rear. These recommended values \u200b\u200bmay vary in practice, but it is best to adhere to that the kitchen set does not lose its integrity and strength. This is the location of the sink conveniently and practical, as the spray of water does not fly to the floor, and the back does not get tired during washing the dishes.

How to cut a niche

Next, you need to drill 4 through holes using the drill under the size of the jigsaw cloth. The holes must be close to the cut line, but do not go beyond the perimeter. Now, on a strictly planned pencil line, cut a niche with the front side of the table top.

In the process of supplying to the obtained gap, you need to screw several screws from different sides as it cut. It will not give the inside of the table top, which can damage the coating and form long jar.

For the junction, use drilled holes. After a complete dummy, the carved array will be kept on self-drawing. It is necessary to remove the screws alternately, holding the slab from the bottom. The cut must be released from sawdust by reading it with sandpaper shallow grain.

Now you can make a trial immersion of washing in a niche. Please note that the products of the product must be close enough to the walls of the cut. A small backlash is allowed, since the washing must be free to enter the cut. Places that interfere with complete immersion must be chopped by an electrolybic. It should also be thought out in advance about how the eyeliner will be placed to the mixer, siphon and the crane itself.

Description of the installation process

First you need to install complete attachments that serve to fix the product. A layer of sealant is applied on the edges of the table top (on the cut), which will protect the wooden surface from the penetration of moisture and will not give a tree to swell. To do this, you can use a rubber spatula or smeared the adhesive ground with your finger. Squares are also wicked on plastic (table tops) around the spike.

Complete with sinks often goes a seal from foamed polyethylene, which is glued on the back side of the sink side. If, after the sickness, the sealant appeals slightly beyond the limits of the side, it is necessary to neatly cut through the sharp end of the mounting knife. If this is not done, then the discovered seal will not give fasteners well enough to press the sink to the base.

After that, you need to degrease the surface of the table top and sealing polyethylene. Use a rag impregnated with acetone or gasoline. The seal is applied with a layer of sealant in an inseparable strip, but you should not be too involved in the thickness of the strip.

Plumbing manufacturers often put double-sided adhesion, which serves as an additional gasket between two surfaces, increasing tightness. It passes along the edges of the table top, and the sealant layer is applied on top of it.

In practice, it is often capable without a seal. As a substitute, the sealant is used, which is filled by the entire space intended for foamed polyethylene. Next set the washing into a niche, tightly pressing its edges. This will allow sealant to fill all empties by creating a dense and hermetic barrier.

But this method also has its drawbacks: a large consumption of sealant (increases the time of complete drying), as well as an extremely laborious process of dismantling in case of unsuccessful installation or the need to replace the sink in the future.

How to secure the sink

The washing is inserted into a niche and aligns relative to marking. Take several fasteners (enough 2-4) and on the equidistant distance from each other begin to mount the sink, gradually tightening the screws. In the process of tightening, all the time control the position of the sink relative to the markup. It is not necessary to use the screwdriver to not disrupt plastic threads on the fasteners.

Making sure that the washing took the right position, diagonally dragged the fasteners on the screws.

So that the metal spikes of fasteners are more deeply stuck into the surface of the table top, you can pre-sharpen them, using a file, as well as lightly fit with the hammer in the process of final twisting of screws. As the car wash is tightened to the tabletop.

Relative evidence that the washing tightly pressed to the ground can serve as an extreme sealant. Its surplus, as well as the remnants of marking are removed with a dry cloth. The design must be left for a day until complete drying and crystallization of the adhesive composition. Only then you can start the installation of the mixer and connecting the sewage.

Installation of separate washing

The overhead shell mainly holds onto the end with the help of its own sideboards, which are beyond the base. These models are also distinguished by the presence of space for drying, the number of cups, sizes and shape.

Installing this type of shell in the kitchen is substantially simpler compared to the previous way. The main difference is the lack of need to make a cut, which is the most time-consuming part of the process. Several installation methods are used.

Fastening on glue. The overlaid sink is installed on a special tube, which must be less washing around the perimeter. The side of the shells must completely overlap the ribs of the cabinet. The front ends are treated with silicone-based or polypropylene sealant.

After that, the product is put on the cabinet and tightly pressed all the faces. A few days later, a fully sealed layer is created, which will not give water to leak up under the end.

Mounting on mounting brackets. In some cases, a special fastener is sold together with the sink. First, the inner walls of the cabinet are bent the screws for which the brackets are suspended. Then screws are screwed onto ¾. After that, the sink is installed in the opening with mixing on the mounting corner.

In the process of maneuvering, you need to ensure that the car wash is completely pressed against the end, and the self-tapping screw was fixed at the place of deepening corner. Then the screws are twisted until it stops.

Fastening on wooden bars. This method is used when the previous two are not suitable, for example, due to the defect of the table top or the absence of the corresponding connectors on the sink. In this case, you will need 4 wooden bars and furniture corners. Using these materials, you can make a mounting pad.

The height of the bars is selected with the meaning so that the washing is at the same level as the rest of the kitchen furniture. Under the size of the couches are cut off bars and fasten from the outer side with the help of furniture corners. The homemade design is installed on the cabinet and the corners with self-drawing from the inside, it is screwed to the walls of the podstoly.

In the last two ways you need to take care of tightness. To do this, apply a layer of sealant to the place of contact of the couch / wooden platform with a sink.

Useful installation tips

Before making installation, you need to consider several simple rules that will make the operation process more ergonomic. The kitchen interior is customary to be located in a certain order to alleviate the workflow: refrigerator, washing, dishwasher, stove and work surfaces located between them.

For convenience, the minimum distance between objects should be as follows:

  • 40 cm between the stove and refrigerator;
  • 40 cm between washing and refrigerator / stove.

Do not install the washing near the cooking surface. Water splashes can slide the flame and provoke a gas leakage. Near the sink must necessarily have a work area where you can do cutting, cutting and cleaning products. If you wear the same vegetables and fruits through several tables, then everything is splashing with drops of flowing water.

With the help of washing, the kitchen can be divided into two zones, for example, for dirty work and serving.

What to rely on when choosing washing

Pay attention to the following characteristics of the shell, the correct selection of which will make the kitchen more comfortable:

  • functionality: depends on the nature of the work in the kitchen (the number of cups and wings for drying - additional compartments allow you to spend several manipulations at the same time, which is very convenient with bulk cooking);
  • capacity: depends on the daily amount of dishes that you need to wash;
  • a combination with the interior: rarely, when an acrylic white washing fits into the kitchen design, so it is important to choose a model suitable on the texture so as not to disturb the integrity of the kitchen space.

Modern models can be equipped with velve machines for draining adjustment, as well as discharges for connecting dishwashers and washing machines.

If you install the filter block under the sink, you can pay attention to the models with an additional hole for the second crane. Of course, it can be done with a drill, drilled through a hole in the worktop.

This roller visualizes the process of installing the sink and will help see some subtleties of the process in the work of the wizard.

Installation of a mortise model:

Making a washing is a responsible task that depends on the functionality of the workspace and reliability. Incorrect installation can lead to rapid fracture of the table top if the water begins to penetrate the sink. The main thing in the installation is a high-quality sealing "sandwich" washing-countertop. Do not hoped too hope for smooth cutout and processing its end.

How to install sink in the kitchen: Mounting rules

How to set the sink in the kitchen for all the rules. Features of the installation of separate and mortise models. Professional installation recommendations.

Different ways to install kitchen sinks with their own hands

One of the main places in the design of modern cuisine is caring. Its role is to ensure the conditions for initial processing of products, cooking and washing dishes. Therefore, the installation of washing in the kitchen should be provided:

Scheme of standard car wash attachment to the tabletop below.

The choice of new kitchen sink should take into account not only an external aesthetic appearance, but also the way to install it with their own hands. There are several of them:

  • installation on brackets: by mounting to the wall with metal holders;
  • overhead: installation of the panel for a special standard without tabletop;
  • installing a mortise, integrated washing: The panel is mounted in the opening of the table top or under the stove of the table top.

Mounting will correctly help the next instruction on how to install the kitchen sink in different ways.

Preparatory work

Before performing work in the kitchen on the dismantling of the old sink and installing a new one, it is necessary to overlap the water supply from the risers of hot and cold water supply.

Remove the old sink: disconnect the fitting nut of the mixer, eyeliner, remove the mixer; Disconnect the siphon from the drain hole, then from the sewer tube, the hole of the pipe to shut up with appliances; Remove the sink.

Installation on brackets

Tools and materials that will require installation:

  • building level;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws with plastic dowels;
  • brackets for fastening washing.

Step 1. Make marking. Mark the horizontal line at a convenient height. Horizontality is checked using a construction level.

Step 2. Turn over the sink upside down, put the brackets as they will stand when the washing is installed, measure the distance between them. Made the resulting measure to the wall, mark the future location of the brackets. Brackets are applied to the wall according to the labels and mark the locations of the holes for the fastening.

Step 3. Remove holes for fastening by tags. In the holes to score a plastic dowel insert. Attach the brackets with screws.

Step 4. Install the sink, secure according to the design. Connect the mixer and siphon to the washing. The instructions for their installation are usually included. Connect to water supply and sewage. Turn on the water, check the tightness of the connections. If the leaks are detected, unreliable items to disassemble, dry and collect again, using additional sealing of silicone, carefully installing gaskets included in the kit.

Installation of the overhead panel

Schemes of the sink in the worktop.

Overhead washes are mounted in specially designed to do this for this, often without internal structures, in order to not create interference when connecting water and sewer pipes. The tabletop in such a tumba serves the washing panel. Therefore, the assembly of the cabinets should be carried out as securely as possible and correctly. Inside the cabinet, if necessary, additionally install fasteners for jumpers giving stiffness of the structure. They can be made of planks or segments of the board and use as small shelves.

Tools that will be needed for work:

  • screwdriver for assembling the couch;
  • electrolovik or hacksaw - to cut holes in the body for communications, if required;
  • entering key - for mounting eyeliner.

When choosing a place to install the stands, it may turn out that the existing conclusions of the water supply and sewage in the kitchen are located on the side of one of the sink walls, and it is impossible to carry them to the place from the rear side of the open side for some reason. In this case, the installation of the washing will require preliminary markup and cutting holes in which communication can be summed up (Fig. 1 A) and b)).

Mounting scheme of the sink.

The sink panel, which is installed on the end, can be actually overlaid or move from the front side. In the second case, there are grooves for curved "Salazok" of the panel for which it moves until it stops.

When installing the sink panel, a brief instruction will help to avoid errors to avoid the error:

  1. Mark the position of the lower edge of the sink, pre-placed on the sink panels and at the level of the label to consolidate the support bars for additional maintenance of the shell filled with water.
  2. Apply a layer of sealant on the upper perimeter of the cabinet and install the sink panel to the regular place.
  3. Installing the mixer and connect it to tap pipes with a flexible or rigid liner. Install the siphon and connect it to the sewage pipe. Check the tightness of the compounds, putting water. Review the deficiencies of the installation and eliminate the leaks.

Installation of integrated shell

The washing purchased for installation by knocking into the worktop should be selected with the template included in the kit. Otherwise, the markup and cutting of the holes under the sink can cause difficulties and be not accurate enough, which will lead to the penetration of moisture under the sink and spoil the wooden countertop.

Making holes for washing in a tabletop made of artificial stone will have to be entrusted by a specialist. It is difficult to do it enough without the presence of the necessary tool for processing such a material.

Tools for work:

  • electrolzik and drill;
  • entering or gas key - for montage of communications.
  1. Step 1. Carefully cut down the contour template for installing kitchen sink. Determine the place on the table top, where the installation of the mortise washing will not interfere with the elements located under the tabletop. Locate the template on the table top and thoroughly align it in parallel to the edge, secure and circle a pencil along the contour.
  2. Step 2. The surface of the table tops along the contour to crack painting scotch. This is done in order to protect her surfaces from damage to the jigsaw housing when drinking holes.
  3. Step 3. Drill a drill hole for the blade of an electric bissing. Cut the hole exactly along the contour. It is necessary to do this without pressure on the jigsik, otherwise it will be a blade, and the cut will be uneven or oblique, will deviate from the contour line. In any case, it will require additional refinement of the slicer with the shrybelham, a file, and the like. Cut a hole for sewer output and water pipes, if necessary.
  4. Step 4. Surface surfaces carefully treat silicone sealant. To withstand the time it is necessary. Tracing washing.
  5. Step 5. Install the siphon selected design on the sink. Install a tap for drinking water on a tabletop (if necessary). Using a template to place holes on the sink panel to install the mixer. Drill holes. Fix the mixer with a flexible liner on the car wash. Set fasteners for washing included in the product kit. With insufficient reliability of them. You can make your own hands fastening from a metal mounting tape, traveled to the holes of the mounts.
  6. Step 6. The edge of the table top is to cry the rubber seal or apply the sealant layer. Install the sink panel. On the bottom side, inside the cabinet, fasten with the tension of the mounting tape using the screws to the details of the couch. On the perimeter of the installed panel, apply a layer of transparent sealant (its excess can be cut after frozen).
  7. Step 7. Connect communications inside the cabinet.

A more complex option for installing your own car wash in the kitchen is the installation of the worktop panel. To do this, after cutting the hole by the template, an additional sample of the groove is performed around the perimeter of the cut-out from the back side of the table.

  1. Step 1. Make a template that will repeat the sizes and contour of the sink surfaces and the "wing" panels that should be open. Apply the contour by the template on the top side of the table top.
  2. Step 2. To cut the hole along the contour, handle the grungy edge of the table top with a file, polish. Turn the table top.
  3. Step 3. From the reverse side, choose a groove so that the tabletop panel is free.
  4. Step 4. In the resulting groove, apply a layer of glue from the modified silane and put the washing panel there (install the washing in the "upside down" position). Press the panel around the perimeter with hands, then through the substrate to pull the clamps in several places and leave for solidification of glue by 12-24 hours.
  5. Step 5. After soaring the shell glue is additionally fixed by a two-component epoxy resin. The composition is prepared according to the instructions and is poured into the gap between the panel and the casing of the table top. After hardened, the place of connection of the countertop and washing is sick with aluminum scotch.
  6. Step 6. Turn the table top with a kitchen sink, install on the end. Surplus glue around the shell gently cut. Water and sewage connection.

Installing miles in the kitchen is not as complicated as it may seem at the beginning. The main requirements are the accurate performance of work on the sealing of all possible places of water penetration and accurate fitting for the mounting of the mortise shell.

How to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands: Mounting of mortise, patch miles

How to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands? Properly completed installation and fastening of mortise and overhead kitchen sinks - a good barcode in the kitchen design.

Anyone who acquired a new kitchen set or decided to replace the old shell to a new one, asked - "How to fix the sink to the tabletop?". There are several fairly simple rules that will allow this work independently without resorting to the service of the wizard.

Selection of material - porcelain stoneware or metal?

If you are just planning to buy, it makes sense to carefully look at the options presented on the shelves. Kitchen sinks in the type of fastening can be overhead, mortise or mounted. The most common are the first two options. They can also be made from various materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • enamel metal;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • artificial stone;
  • acrylic;
  • glass.

The next point in the classification of kitchen sinks is their form. Today there are not only traditional rectangular sinks or washes, which are located in the corner, but also a bowl of round and more intricate form. Making a choice in favor of extravagant configuration, make sure that it does not affect the ease of care and maintain cleanliness in the kitchen. It also makes sense to determine the number of cups (they are often two), the location of the mixer and the presence of additional functions, such as the possibility of installing an additional crane for filtered water, overflow.

But if the form and availability of additional "options" is still the case of taste and comfort, then the material from which the washing is made directly affects its durability, practicality and ease of operation. Consider the two most popular options: metal and porcelain stoneware (artificial stone). Both have both their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

Metal washing - a time-tested classic, it comes to most interiors, simple and reliable in operation, it is easy to clean, withstands steep boiling water and blows (when the pan fall, for example). From disadvantages - noise that creates both water from the crane and dishes, if you move it along the bottom of the washing. It is still quite difficult to achieve initial shine: drops leave traces on the surface.

Porcelain stoneware sink looks expensive, it is durable and durable, is environmentally safe, presented in a wide variety of colors and configurations. But significantly more checketer will need to be cleaning. Well, the main argument is not in favor of this option there is a rather high price. Analogs of artificial stone are substantially democratic, but inferior to wash from stone crumbs in many respects.

Installing the shell in the kitchen - embed or impose?

Installation of the sink in the kitchen depends largely on the overhead of us design or mortise. Another recently the overwhelming majority of shells were metal and overhead, standard in size. The same dimensions were the cabinets of kitchen heads. The sink was simply imposed on the side vertical walls, and it became an upper horizontal surface. The bowls of the new generation, as already mentioned above, are diverse and in forms, and in size, therefore, for the most part, they are cut-in: in a solid and monolithic table top of the kitchen headset, the suitable hole is cut and the washing is installed.

Since due to the plumbing supply, sewer pipe and the siphon, and sometimes several siphones, the cabinet under the sink does not have the back wall and additional stiffeners, its assembly and installation should be made with special care. All open sections should be treated with water-repellent means, otherwise the material of the case is deformed, a favorable environment will appear for the development of fungi and mold.

So, to install a woven sink with your own hands, we will need:

  • sink and cabinet;
  • electric drill;
  • tree drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • silicone sealant (better transparent);
  • roulette or ruler;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • m-shaped fasteners with oblique slots.

If the washing is light, it can be fixed using one sealant alone, it will simultaneously play the role of glue and will not allow water drops to flow under the metal surface. A fastener of the washbasin will be a more reliable way with the help of self-tapping screws. It is necessary to install 4-5 special M-shaped fasteners on the collected tube, which are sold in specialized stores. To do this, secure them with self-draws in the center of each wall of the cabinet, it is possible to make 2 mounts for reliability. The main thing is to correctly calculate the length of the screws - they should not be visible outside the design. All mounts should be located at the same altitude.

It is much easier to install a sink on which the siphon and the mixer is already mounted, because after it will do inconvenient. Especially if it comes to the corner structure.

If you have not done this earlier, treat the cabinet sections with a sealant or moisture-repellent composition. After that, the washing is inserted into the cabinet, the attachments are tightened, securely fixing the design. In modern embodiments, there are even more elementary fastening, when the screws are fixed vertically in the upper sections of the wardrobe walls. The sink, which contains the corresponding holes, is put on the head of the screws and moves in a given direction. In this case, the main thing is to correctly measure the places of attachment of self-tapping screws.

How not to make a mistake when installing - do you need a partner?

If you bought a mortise sink, carefully read the instructions on how to install the sink in the kitchen. Installation of washing in the countertop involves accuracy and accuracy. Otherwise, you risk spoiling a surface that is very expensive. You will additionally need a marker, cardboard for a template, a logs in a tree or an electrolovka, a fabric or a special sponge to remove excess sealant.

You can make the markup of the hole immediately on the tabletop, but if you do not have enough experience in such work, it is better to pre-make a pattern of dense cardboard. So, thoroughly measure the inner part of the washing and transfer these measurements to the cardboard, cut out with a small margin, attach a pattern to the cup, if necessary, make adjustments. If the washing has a wing - the working surface on which you can put a wash dish, decide which side to be easier for you to position it. The template is convenient because it is easy to imagine how the installed shell will look like, where there will be a mixer, hinged cabinets will prevent.

All this needs to be clarified before creating a hole. If you are determined, fasten the pattern by painting tape, circle the marker and delete. It does not hurt to salary the tape and the perimeter of the future hole, it will save the decorative coating of the tabletop from mechanical damage. The electric drill will drill several holes close to each other. Select a convenient location, such as angle. Connect them using the chisel and start drinking the hole using a manual or electrical jig. Constantly control the correctness of the propyl line. As modern countertops are quite thick, the lobby can be broken, prepare the spare just in case.

It is advisable to take advantage of the help of a partner, which holds a canvas chopped opening from below, otherwise under its own weight it may fail, and the break will come out by curves. Observe the safety technique, do not damage the hand of the assistant. The edges of the resulting hole seal from moisture. Collect the sink, mock the siphon, mixer, install the necessary gaskets. Apply sealant throughout the perimeter of the hole in the very edge. Install the sink and press it tightly. The sealant reliably fix the bowl, its excess immediately remove a damp cloth or a special sponge.

Give the glue to "grab" and do not move the sink. Next, connect the communications and make sure the absence of leaks. Similarly, you can make the installation of stone and metal mortise shells. For metal from the inside of the kitchen table, sometimes special fasteners are used, which pressed the bowl and wing to the wooden structure. The installation of a stone washing is done without them, because heavy sink is fixed quite reliably onto the sealant.

How to install washing in the kitchen - drills a hole for the mixer

Sometimes manufacturers provide the buyer a choice, in what place and how to fix the kitchen faucet. This more often concerns my nuts from natural or artificial stone with a wing or an additional small bowl. Someone is convenient to arrange them on the right, to someone - on the left. It happens that in such sinks at the factories make two holes on both sides and put the plug for superfluous. But much more often you have to drill a hole on your own, and well, if the cutter is hidden in the sink box.

Such a mill or crown will be needed anyway. Many craftsmen, especially when working with sinks of artificial stone, fear to make a hole, are afraid that the bowl burst, or the edges will turn out inaccurate. If you comply with all the rules and not hurry, there should be no problems in such a responsible business. Burst to the tools and proceed. But first use two useful tips. Drill a hole in a ventilated room, because when the resin is heated, a sufficient sharp smell is published. And the sink itself is located in the box in which it was sold or in another suitable in size. This will help to easily save cleanliness in the house, since chips in the process turns out a great set.

  • Thoroughly measure the place of the future hole, mark it with a marker.
  • In the center drill a hole with an electric drill with. Start work slowly, on low revs so that the drill does not slip and damaged the decorative coating.
  • The opening in the center is necessary, since the cutter or crown has in the center of the tip and fixed in this way in one place.
  • Install the cutter on the drill, start driving a hole without hurrying, keep the tool strictly vertically, securely fix that there is no chipping and scratches.
  • In the case of a porcelain tag, it is necessary to further protect the eyes with points, and on the mill, which will be very hot, pour water to cool.
  • In the finished hole, place the mixer and complete the method described above.

The main thing is remember - not only the aesthetics of your kitchen, but also its durability and safety depends on the observance of elementary rules and sequence of work. And the money saved on the services can be spent on something more pleasant.

The kitchen washing is characterized by manufacturing material, dimensions, shape, design and installation method. Overhead models Against the background of a variety of trendy mortise products are considered outdated. However, they have a number of advantages for self-installation and are still used on cottages and in temporary accommodation apartments.

In this article, we consider how to install a sink of washing with your own hands that it is necessary to prepare for this and what installation methods it is better to apply. To make it easier for you to deal with the main stages of installation, we picked up visual photos and useful installation video recordings.

If you do not take into account the past washes, fastened straight to the wall on special brackets and do not require the support of the couch or countertops, all products for washing kitchenware can be divided into 2 categories: overhead and mortise.

The main difference between the two species is the installation method. The first, selected exactly in size, "wear" on the end of the end, and for the installation of the second in the table top it is necessary to cut a hole.

Hence the distinctive features expressed in the design, material, form.

Gallery of images

In modern kitchen, it is impossible to do without such equipment as a washing, because daily you have to wash and products and dishes.

Choosing it, it is necessary to pay attention not only to its aesthetic appearance, but also functionality, and practicality. In addition, it is equally important to correctly install it to ensure the most convenient use.

Find out how to install the washing of any type with your own hands in the kitchen, from this material.

Before entering the installation of washing in the kitchen, you must familiarize yourself with several basic rules:

  1. The first rule is that do not install near the gas stove. Otherwise, the spray from water can often cause the damage to the fire.
  2. No less important that the sink is together with the working area, in which the cutting, cleaning, as well as cutting products.
  3. The third rule suggests that with the help of washing you need split the working area into two subzones - For different dirty work and the necessary serving.

Installing the sink should be carefully, otherwise you can damage the surface of the kitchen countertops. For mounting special tools are used:

  • screwdriver with a small drill;
  • electric jigsaw with saws designed for tree cut;
  • cross and slotted screwdriver.

First need apply the markup on the cut surface. It is necessary to do it quite accurately so that there are no problems when sealing the surface.

Then, using a screwdriver, on the lines of the markup drill holeThat will be needed to prepare the place to insert the pubsik pylon there.

The next stage is to lobzik make a clipping There are table tops. It is worth working as carefully and very carefully, not in a hurry, and it is necessary that the junk does not twitch.

As a result, an unnecessary slight movement during operation can be made incorrect cut. In addition, on the installed headset there are little or very noticeable chips.

After completing the execution of the cut, edges need to be processed using sandpaperhaving a small fraction. Thanks to this procedure, you get rid of extra sowing, often arising in the consequence of sawing.

Usually washing is tied to the water supply, as well as to the sewage. Therefore, in most cases it is mounted either in the angular zone or near the wall that adjoins the bathroom. However, due to improved technologies and special building materials, the sink can be installed anywhere in the kitchen headset.

Installation with your own hands

To date, there are several types of washes for the kitchen. They differ in the installation method, as well as the terms of use. Highlight four varieties of shells:

  • invoice;
  • hinged;
  • podstolen;
  • curling.

Overhead washing It is the easiest and most relatively inexpensive, as for its installation. It is mounted on the principle consisting in its lining on a separate tube executing the functions of the table top.

This sink has several drawbacks, for example, a small size of the gaps between it and the surface of the headset. This may cause water flow under the working surfacethat will adversely affect its appearance.

Curvage shells Install due to the cutting surface in the kitchen headset. First of all, it is necessary to carefully treat the edges of the hole made, which will avoid possible water leaks and improve its aesthetics.

Podstolnya washingAs a rule, choose for tabletops made of stone, glass or granite. Their edges are placed slightly below the surface level headset. This allows you to get high-quality sealing, as well as avoid water penetration.

If you wash the dishes and you decided to purchase a special technique for this, it does not hurt read how to install a dishwasher with your own hands.


How to install a woven sink in the kitchen? There are several ways to install:

Take a look at the video installation of the invoice in the kitchen:

Adhering to the rules and recommendations, you can independently install washing in the kitchenwhich will serve not one year. Choosing a type of sink, you should take care that it is convenient to use it. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the size of the kitchen.

By purchasing a kitchen headset, or simply changing the old car wash on a new model, in some cases it will be necessary to independently install the sink in the kitchen. This is a pretty simple job if an overhead is used, replacing the worktop in a separate standing end. Solving how to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands in the cabinet with a tabletop from MDF or chipboard, you must be guided by the instructions for its proper installation.

Main species

Kitchen sinks are made from different materials: stainless steel, artificial and natural stone, ceramics - they are all divided by a method of installation for several types.


Overhead models are installed on top of the kitchen headset instead of a tabletop. This is the easiest installation method in the case of a modular kitchen headset - the washing has a standard vertex size of separate cabinets.

Overhead types are practically not used in furniture headsets with a solid working surface - this leads to the breaking of a single structure and the formation of the slots between the cabinets.

Curl or embedded

The most common way to install shells is equally suitable for both separate cabinets and kitchen headcases with a solid working surface. When mounting in the tabletop, the hole is cut into the sink dimensions.



In this case, the kitchen cabinet and sink are one of the whole, the option is implemented at the stage of manufacturing a kitchen headset.




The modern version of the sink is, in this case it is placed below the surface of the table top. With such a device, the end of the cut hole directly contacts with water, so the material of the countertop must be as much as possible.

Such types of finishes as laminated MDF and DSP are usually not used, preference is given to the material from natural and artificial stone, glass.

Installation process

Solving how to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that it is possible to mount only an overhead or mortise view. The integrated model is not necessary to install, and cut a flat hole with a rounded smooth end in a solid material (artificial or natural stone) for the installation of a substolete type with your own hands at home without a special tool unreal.

Before installing a kitchen sink, a siphon is mounted for draining water and the mixer - these devices must be purchased in advance.

Required tool

Determining how to install the sink properly, it should be noted that when installing the invoice model, the special tool will not need. For the insertion of it in the laminated worktop from MDF or DSP, it is necessary to prepare the following tool.

  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • pencil, ruler, roulette;
  • silicone or acrylic sealant, seal;
  • electrolovka or wooden knife.

It should be noted that the use of a tree hacksaw for drank thick countertops is a very time-consuming process that requires incredible efforts, while the quality of the propyl will be very low. If there is no other exit, it is better to use a canvas with a small tooth.

A variety of multifunctional tools will help simplify installation work.

Installation of the overhead of the shell

The most common material of the wedge washing material is stainless steel, has a sides of the sides of the sides, sometimes inserted a wooden frame that facilitates its fastener inserted into the poles.

As noted above, installing a kitchen sink with your own hands on a separate chalice of the standard size of difficulties does not cause. Before starting work on installation, the siphon and mixer with flexible hoses for water supply should be installed in the sink - it will simplify the further connection to the plumbing and sewer system. Depending on the type of shell, the installation process will differ.

Metal sink made of stainless steel on a wooden frame. Usually such models have guide pins. In this case, in the upper end of the walls of the cabinet, the installation holes are drilled and a wooden frame on the pins are planted. Additionally, to impart the strength of the structure, you can install the sink to glue or fix from the inside to metal corners using self-soles.

Depending on the shape of such a sink, additional elements may be needed.

Metal washing without a frame. Before installing the shell on the closet, you can insert on the perimeter wooden bars of the appropriate size and secure them on furniture corners, as in the previous case.

Another option is to use a special fastener of a M-shaped metal or plastic, one side of which has a bevelled slot. In this case, from the inside of the cabinet at a distance of about 1 cm. 4 Samorza is screwed from the upper end along the edges. After installing the sink, the cabinet is upset, the fastening corner is dressed on the screw through the hole in the slot, the second side falls to the bellged edge of the sink.

When the shift is fastened along the oblique slot, the upper half of the fastener is lowered down, thereby pressed the edge of the sink to the side wall of the cabinet.

When installing, it is advisable to squander the end of the Tumbus sealant, silicone, or other water-repellent material.

Some sinks have four installation holes with narrow slots in a bent of the inner end. In this case, 4 screws with a shift relative to the installation holes are screwed into the upper end end of the cabinet. After putting on through the screws of the screws, the washing shifts, tightly pressed against the tabletop.

Sometimes, if the sink material is difficult to mechanically handle, it can be simply pasted on top of the couch using the appropriate glue.

When installing heavy species, additional strengthening of the kitchen cabinet may be needed. This can be done by screwing to the back wall of the cabinet to the corner of the barn of the corresponding length or install a part of the back of the wall itself.

Installation of mortise shell

As in the previous case, before installing the sink on the end, we mount the mixer and siphon in advance. The main task when placing is to cool the hole correctly, when installing a mortise model, the procedure for performing the work will be as follows:

  • Delay the contour. Usually modern sinks have a cardboard pattern, which makes it easier to apply markup. With its absence, you can outline the contour by applying a sink to the surface of the countertop as a template. When placed, it should take into account the optimal distance of the walls from the edge of the table to 5 - 10 cm. The applied template is better to fix the scotch tape, and then applied the contour, 1.5 cm should be retreating from the conduit out of the circuit.
  • Using the electric drills, drills on the line hole 10-12 mm. The width of the electrolovka canvas is label, insert the jigsaw with a saw and cutting along the fascinated perimeter.
  • We insert the washing into the dug outline and check the correctness of its placement and installation of the siphon and the mixer.
  • With the help of sandpaper, we clean the edge of the filled hole, discharge the chips, why process them with silicone or acrylic sealant.
  • On the drunk edge with the front side, the fastener ribbon, coming in a set with a sink, with its absence we apply the corresponding layer of sealant.
  • Insert the sink and slide strongly, squeezing the excess sealant behind the walls. We attract it from below to the tabletop with special fasteners, which are coming with it in a set or "legs". Standard shells have ears for fastening, for which fastening elements are clinging in the form of the letter "S" (foot). One side of this fastener is hung on the ear, the second rests on the edge of the table top. The fastener has a screw, pulling the washing and regulating the pressure of the clamp to the tabletop.
  • A few hours after drying the sealant, we remove it excessively from the outer and the inner side, we set the cabinet to the place and connect the sink to the plumbing and sewer network.


Installation of washing in the kitchen with your own hands can be performed independently in the case of a working surface coating with MDF or chipboard. The main task is to cut the circuit of the setting hole, and the electric jigscription is an indispensable tool.