Registration of aquarium 40 liters. How to create an original aquarium design? Registration of a small aquarium

A small aquarium at home or in the office is not just a beautiful object of the interior. It requires care, care, attention. If you choose the right equipment and inhabitants, perform simple rules for the care of them, the aquarium will be quite affordable even for novice amateurs of aquariums.

There is a mistaken opinion that with small aquariums a lot of trouble. Practice proves the opposite. In a small aquarium, ensure good conditions for the inhabitants is not much more complicated than in the big one. The main thing is to provide water with sufficient amount of oxygen, good filtering, necessary lighting, optimal temperature. And yet, care for aquariums of different sizes is significantly different.

For the proper functioning of 40 liter reservoirs, a filter, compressor, thermometer, heater, lighting are needed. The choice of decoration of the aquarium is worth it very carefully. You can arrange a 40 liter aquarium in a different style - stones, snags, a bodie with plants (Vaby Kusa). If the aquarium is in the children's room - you can use toy scubaers, castle, sunken boat. The taste and preferences of the owner plays crucial in the design of the aquarium. It is important that the scenery does not occupy too much space, but left a place for fish and plants. If in the aquarium, in addition to fish, shrimp will live, then there should be no objects protruding from water, shrimps can escape on them. The soil in the aquarium herbalist is usually used two-layer. The total thickness of the soil is 7-10 centimeters.

The launch of a 40 liter aquarium is a difficult thing, especially if it is engaged in a beginner aquarist. If something is wrong is wrong, then the result may be deplorable, right up to the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium. If not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals. After all, only you depends on the happy life of the inhabitants of your aquarium.

Before choosing a design style and decoration aquarium for 40 liters - photo of samples can be viewed on our

Sometimes there is a situation when going to visit the familiar, or just going to the room, the first thing that rushes into the eyes is a magnificent aquarium and beautiful fish floating in it. It is not surprising that almost everyone has a desire to create such a work of art. But what should I do if there is enough money to aquarium with a capacity of 40 liters? Is it a lot or a little? And what fish in it settled? And this is not speaking about the subtleties associated with its arrangement. Here on these nuances and let's stop in more detail.

The first steps

To begin to embody his dream into reality, I first buy not only aquarium of 40 liters, but also auxiliary devices without which it will be very difficult to ensure the comfortable existence of its future tenants. So, to such equipment include:

  1. Filter.
  2. Compressor.
  3. Thermometer.

Consider each of them individually.


This device is rightfully considered one of the most important support for the ideal and stable state of the entire ecosystem in the aquarium. In addition, due to continuous filtration of water, you can not worry about the appearance of various dangerous microorganisms, dust or remaining feed. But, despite the seeming simplicity of the functioning of aquarium filter, there are certain safety rules that need to be steadily observed. So, they include:

  1. Avoiding the long-lasting device in the off state. If this happened, before it is turned on, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe all the device.
  2. Connecting the device only if all its parts are fully immersed in water. In case of non-compliance with this rule, there is a high probability of serious faults that the filter functioning will violate the cardinal.
  3. Careful flushing out of the purchased device before its first immersion in the aquarium.
  4. Compliance with the minimum distance from the bottom to the attached device is not less than 30-40 mm.

Remember that even the slightest negligence can seriously affect the entire microclimate in the aquarium. And this is no longer speaking about the serious danger that the fish inhabited in him is exposed.


This device in some cases can be called "heart" of any vessel. This device performs one of the most important functions to maintain life not only fish, but also vegetation. The compressor is necessary to saturate water oxygen. It is installed, as a rule, in the outer part of the aquarium both on the side and on its back. After that, it is necessary to connect a special hose to it, which is subsequently lowered to the bottom and connected to the sprayer. Compressors can be several species. Depending on the installation site: internal and external. If we talk about meals: using batteries or networks.

One of the most common errors of inexperienced aquarists includes the night shutdown of the compressor. It is this act that externally apparently logical may lead to irreparable consequences, since at night the oxygen consumption is significantly increased. Also, due to the suspension of photosynthesis processes, many plants begins using carbon dioxide.

This device is also necessary for high-quality filter operation. It should be emphasized that even the presence of a large amount of vegetation in the aquarium does not lead to the total saturation of all the inhabitants of the underwater world. And it is especially manifested when there are not only fish, but also shrimps or even crayfish as a vessel inhabitants. Also, many experienced aquarists advise before starting to establish a compressor to check its work on vegetation containers.

Important! It is necessary to constantly ensure that there is no such phenomenon as oxygen oversaturation.

Heater and thermometer

Another important attribute in supporting the normal functioning of any aquarium is the continuous maintenance of the necessary temperature regime. It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of stable temperature in the vessel, since any of its sharp change can make a serious imbalance in the size of its inhabitants. As a rule, the ideal indicators are values \u200b\u200bwithin 22-26 degrees. If a tropical fish are planned as tenants of the aquarium, it is more expedient to increase the temperature to 28-29 degrees slightly. But it is worth emphasizing that for better control for any temperature changes, it is recommended to purchase a thermometer in a pair with a heater.


The quality and level of light is quite serious to maintain comfortable livelihoods in the aquarium. Therefore, it is not surprising that for the correct flow of all the processes of life in the artificial reservoir, it is necessary to worry about the presence of artificial and high-quality light. So, in his favor, there is a reduction in the day day depending on the pore of the year.

And if in the summer time of the natural lighting can still be enough, then after a couple of months, the need for auxiliary lighting devices will completely disappear. In addition, it should be noted that the intensity and brightness of light directly affect both the growth of fish and their well-being. And this is not to mention that the visibility of what happens in the aquarium will be almost equal to 0.

How to put aquarium

It would seem that there is difficult. We buy aquarium and put on a pre-prepared place, but you should not be surprised if there will be different unpleasant situations later. And all due to the fact that during its installation, simple security rules were not met. So they include:

  1. Installation only on a flat surface.
  2. Availability near outlets. Although the aquarium for 40 liters does not boast of serious dimensions, but should not neglect its placement in an uncomfortable place, thereby complicating access to it.
  3. Use of various nutrient substrates as soil. And the thickness itself is to keep the soil in the range of 20-70 mm.

When the fish are populated

It would seem that by installing the aquarium can already be proceeding to its settlement, but it should not be in a hurry. First of all, it is necessary to place plants in it to balance the water balance and creates all the necessary conditions for its future inhabitants. As soon as the plants are planted, it must go through for a while necessary for the release of new shoots and suggestions.

It should be emphasized that during this period new microorganisms appear in the water. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a sharp change in the color of water for milk. As soon as the water becomes transparent again - it becomes a signal to the fact that the plants have taken place and the microflora of the artificial reservoir is ready for receiving new inhabitants. As soon as the fish are running, it is categorically not recommended to even slightly change the location of vegetation or touch the soil with hand.

Important! Making fish transplant from one vessel to another, it is necessary to ensure that there is no strong temperature difference in the new aquarium.

Cleaning primer

Regular cleaning of the soil - is one of the main parts of maintaining comfortable conditions for the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, it produced in time it will not only significantly increase the optimal state of the microclimate in the vessel, but also help to avoid applying irreparable harm to it. To carry out this procedure, you can use a siphon hose, and its free part is in an empty container. Next, applying a pear, we remove the water from the aquarium and begin to siffon on those sites where the dirt has accumulated. After completion of the procedure, we replenish the missing water.

What fish are populated?

First of all, settling new inhabitants in the vessel, it should be borne in mind that they need free space for a comfortable existence in it. That is why it is so important to avoid even the slightest hint of overcrowding, which can lead to the fact that the ecosystem build up with such care is simply not able to cope with the functions entrusted to it.

Therefore, it is recommended to take into account certain nuances that will help to avoid difficulties with maintaining the vital activity of the aquarium in the future. So, by planning to buy fish small sizes (neon, cardinals), then the ideal option will be the use of 1.5 liters of water by 1 individual. This proportion refers to a vessel without a filter. With it, you can reduce the ratio of up to 1 liter. Larger fish, such as guppy, cocks, are populated with a ratio of 5 l to 1 individuals without a filter, and with it 4l to 1.

Finally, very large fish will be pulled out in the ratio of 15 l 1 individuals with a filter. Without it, it is possible to reduce the proportions up to 13 l to 1.

Is it depends on the growth of fish from the size of an artificial reservoir

There is a theory that claims that the fake value directly depends on the size of the vessel. And if you are frank, then there is a grain of truth in it. If you take, for example, spacious aquariums, then the inhabitants of its fish are much faster and increased in size. If you put the same fish into a small aquarium, the process of its growth will not stop, but the speed of growing will significantly decrease. But it is worth noting that even being in a small capacity, but with proper care, you can get incredibly colorful and fascinating our appearance of the inhabitants of the underwater world.

But you should not forget that if large aquariums do not require frequent care, then the lesser vessels need much more often. Therefore, it follows several times a week not only to pour water, but also to clean it regularly.

So far, we have considered small aquariums suitable for amateur aquaries that do not have much experience in working with aquarium. And so, everything goes successfully, or you have already experienced in installing and maintaining aquarium, and you want to launch aquarium with a greater capacity: make new pets or transplant to the greater space existing.

Contrary to popular belief that the more the aquarium, the greater the hassle, we have already been convinced that everything is just the opposite. To the small aquarium, we will bring a stable life support system for its inhabitants much more difficult because of its small parameters.
You can read a huge number of articles that the first aquarium should be on a hundred liters, that on three cichlids it takes almost a whole sea of \u200b\u200bwater, and shrimps should live exclusively in huge spaces.
All this is a delusion. The main thing is if the normal supply of aquarium water with oxygen is performed, the water is well filtered, the temperature is supported in it, the temperature is optimal for a certain type, there is a necessary lighting. And yet, care for different types of aquariums is drastically different, which is connected mainly with the conditions for the content of their inhabitants. What is the feature of the aquarium for 40 liters? How to equip it and what is needed for his long existence? In all these issues, let's try to figure it out this time.


If you want to start your artificial reservoir, then it is originally necessary. Its dimensions, the form and form must correspond to the number and parameters of future residents of the underwater world. After the acquisition of the aquarium, it should be chosen and the corresponding design. must be suitable for a particular reservoir. After all, after installing it, it should remain the necessary space for the comfortable stay of your pets. What is necessary for the proper functioning of 40 liters of reservoir? A set consisting of several devices without which the full and high-quality content of the aquarium will be impossible.

So let's start familiarizing with aquarium equipment. The first thing that will be needed during the arrangement of any reservoir will be a filter. It is one of the most important elements that ensure the stable and optimal condition of the entire underwater ecosystem. Permanent filtration of water can clean it from different harmful microorganisms, dust, food productivity products and feed residues. It helps maintain optimal water parameters and not change it too often. No matter how easy the aquarium filter does not seem in the work, there are still several rules that need to be observed for safety:

  • Do not leave the filter in the off state for a long period of time, if this fails, before turning on it thoroughly wash it;
  • When the filter is turned on, all its parts must be completely immersed in water, do not allow open areas that are not under water. This is negatively displayed at the filter;
  • If your filter has not been in aquarium for a long time, it cannot be immediately installed in the reservoir. Wash it, and it is better to completely replace the filtering component;
  • New filter before use well wash, it will prevent the hitting of harmful microorganisms and dust into aquarium;
  • Break the device at a distance of 3-4 cm from the bottom.


This part of the equipment is indispensable for artificial reservoirs. The compressor helps to saturate water with oxygen, which is necessary not only to fish, but also plants. It is mounted mainly outside the aquarium and on the back or side wall, although internal compressors are used for small aquariums that are installed inside the container. A special hose is attached to it, which needs to be lowered to the bottom and connect with the sprayer. In the hose itself there is a valve, it is designed to obstruct the water to enter the compressor itself, and the sprayer, which ensures oxygen in the water. Compressors are divided into several types depending on the place of attachment - external and internal, type of food - on batteries and those that are connected to the power grid and internal device - vibration and piston. Many newcomers allow mistakes when turning off the compressor overnight. This should not be done, because at night oxygen consumption more than the day. In the dark, the process of photosynthesis is suspended, and underwater plants begin to actively use carbon dioxide. In addition, the compressor is important for full-fledged filter operation. It causes water masses to move, and the filter clears them. Even when there are many plants in your aquarium, this does not mean that the oxygen produced by them is enough to all residents of the underwater world. Especially when you live not only fish, but also shrimp or snail.

Watch that the oxygen was not too much, it is also harmful as its shortage.

Installing the compressor at all is simple. Specialists of our company recommend attaching it near the heater, so the water will be saturated with oxygen and immediately warm up, which is better for fish. During operation, the device can produce noise. Aquarists use different methods to eliminate, for example, attach a compressor to foam or put it at a high distance, and then stretch the hose. To check this equipment in action, use it to start in a reservoir with plants. The compressor from time to time needs cleaning, if not to do this, it will begin to make noise more, and the oxygen is less.

Heater and thermometer

Another indispensable element in the existence of any aquarium is maintaining a stable temperature in an artificial reservoir. This is done using a heater. The temperature in the reservoir should be stable and cannot be allowed to have sharp changes. The optimal is considered the indicator of this parameter at 22-26 ° C. In tropical water bodies, the temperature may be higher - up to 30 ° C. If the water is cooled to 15-18 ° C in aquarium, then the fish are slower and become inactive, and some types of plants may die at such a temperature. Moreover, cold water in the aquarium contributes to the supercooling of underwater inhabitants, as a result of which they can get sick.

There are several types of aquarium heaters: submersible, flow, heating cables and heating mats. In their design, they have a thermostat, it makes it possible to specify the proprietary temperature regime of water. No matter how reliable does not seem your new heater, it is better to purchase a thermometer in addition. If the equipment fails, it will help you see the changes.


Lighting plays an important role in the proper life support of the artificial reservoir. So that all the processes in this micrometer proceed correctly, only natural lighting is not enough. There will be little such quantity and intensity of light:

  • First, at different times of the year, the light day has no equal duration, and many fish and plants need light for 12 hours and longer. If in the summer with natural lighting, there will be no problems, then in the winter period, the light day is much shorter and will need to use additional lighting devices;
  • Secondly, with scarce lighting and fish, and vegetation is poorly growing and developing. Yes, and see something in such a reservoir in the usual light will be difficult, and the aquarium, among other things, is still performing a aesthetic role. A variety of all sorts of lamps for water bodies makes it possible to choose the best option for your aquarium. To select suitable lighting for the container, you need to know their main features and differences.

Choosing a reservoir for themselves, it is very often possible to see aquariums with a minimum package, which already installed lighting. Such a set greatly simplifies your participation in the selection of proper equipment. Most often in such tanks, fluorescent lamps are used as lighting devices. Their advantages include powerful light and smooth light stream. If you purchased a container without a lid, namely on it and the lamps are attached, the choice of lighting remains for you. How to properly like these lamps? You need to pay attention to several factors: power, spectrum and shape of the lamp. Power is selected relative to the volume of the reservoir. As for the spectrum, the strongest is considered red - orange, and the weakest is blue. Specialists advise choosing lamps with white light, as they are best suited for aquariums. The shape of the lamps is worth choosing such that they can highlight with reservoir. In this case, light will be enough and fish, and plants.

Energy-saving lamps

This type of lamps began to apply in the past few years and practice shows that they have proven themselves very well. They are quite economical and consume little electricity. Also, their advantages include a large light output and the ability to change, and select the perfect lighting mode. It can be used and warm and cold light, combine them and alternate among themselves, which positively affects the underwater inhabitants of the aquarium and on vegetation in it. In addition, the life of energy-saving lamps is much longer than the previous version. Energy-saving lamps are not heated and, accordingly, do not heat water, which is important to maintain its temperature in a stable state. The cost of such lighting will be low and accessible to everyone. When choosing and using data, lamps need to be careful and attentive. It is not recommended to cover your reservoir with a large amount of time. With intensive use of their use in the aquarium, green algae may appear, which are not needed at all. The optimal option will be a combination of natural light and energy-saving lamps.

This type of lighting is still new, and is only gaining popularity. If you are a novice, it is better not to start immediately from the LED tape, especially since here the intensity needs to be selected on their own. Make it without experience is quite difficult. This type of lighting is perfectly combined with energy-saving lamps, and also suitable for the backlight of the reservoir at night. LED lighting is very practical, and has a long service life (up to 5 years). It is possible to attribute almost a complete lack of heat release during operation, and the need to replace lamps over time. The design of this lighting is designed in such a way that when you fail one LED, everyone else will continue to work unchanged. In addition, the LED tape allows you to create various ways to turn on the lamp. That is, you can control the number of LEDs that work at a certain point. This type of lighting gradually displaces more familiar lamps, because it has many advantages in front of them. Many aquarists consider LEDs with a better option for artificial reservoirs. They are economical, brighter, easier and more convenient in their work, durable and their radiation spectrum is greater.


Such lighting systems are created specifically for a specific reservoir and are not suiced. Of course, they advantageously emphasize all the beauty of the capacity and its inhabitants, but for their use you need large aquariums. Special aquarium lamps are perfect for artificial reservoirs, which are installed in restaurants, salons, shops, offices, and so on. It is difficult to purchase them in the usual store, so it is better to contact our company's specialists. They will select the perfect type of aquarium lamps for your reservoir. In such cases, the ecosystem created by the glass shores will look well. The use of these aquarium lighting systems is a great opportunity to create perfect artificial reservoirs.


Where and how best to install lighting in the reservoir? Probably the most common and usual method is to install a lamp on the aquarium cover. In this form, the entire micromyr can be seen in the best way. With the right choice of lighting and fastening, the lamps will illuminate all areas of the reservoir, especially the darkened zones where the shadow falls from plants or scenery. To install, the lamp is fixed on the aquarium cover, but it is separated from the water with a coated glass. This will help to avoid evaporation of water and getting it drops to the lighting device itself. In addition, this can be prevented by popping fish during a stressful situation, for example, with a sharp turn off the light, some kinds of fish can jump out of the reservoir. If you purchase reservoir, it is better to immediately pay attention to the models with covers and built-in lighting. So you will save a lot of time to select the lighting devices and install them. Yes, and experts will make this work better and more reliable. Proper lighting contributes to the optimal development of all representatives of underwater flora and fauna in the aquarium. The light is an integral part of the flow of different biochemical processes in the reservoir ecosystem, which ensure the comfortable existence of such a closed underwater world as an aquarium.


As far as needed to include lighting in the reservoir depends on different factors. For example, in restaurants, offices or other rooms, where there is not always a lot of natural light, the lamps need to be included for a long time during the day. Optimal for aquarium is considered a day day with a duration of 10-12 hours. The specified time of obtaining daylight is also suitable for plants, and for underwater inhabitants. And, of course, it is not necessary to install the container directly near the window, although natural daylight will be much, but this will lead to the emergence and rapid breeding of green algae, which adversely affect the inhabitants of the aquarium. It is not recommended to leave the lamps in the reservoir included and continuously. For high-quality vital activity, fish requires not only daylight, but also the dark day when they can relax. On the night the light is better turned off.


This process includes many nuances that should be observed for the proper operation of the capacity in the future. Put it on a flat surface. It is also important that the rosettes were located next to the aquarium, since it will be necessary to connect electrical equipment. Although the reservoir for 40 liters is small, still it is required to be installed in a convenient location. It should be good access to him, because it needs to be cleaned, replaced water and so on. Before use, the container needs to rinse well. To do this, use new sponges and washcloths, do not use conventional detergents, it is difficult to get rid of their remnants. After cleaning the reservoir, it is necessary to pour soil. In the role of the soil it is better to choose nutritional soils. They are separated on nutritional substrates and earthlings. The first option is used as a substrate for the main ground. They have a high concentration of useful substances that can no control the appearance of algae. Nutritional substrates may have a different composition, it is selected according to the needs of the aquarium. Land or granulated substrate can be used as a single-layer soil. It also has many nutrients, but in smaller doses, which will not be the reason for the appearance of algae. The thickness of the layer can be from 2 to 7 cm, this is quite enough for planting plants and their rooting.

Plants in aquarium

Plants are an important part of aquarium ecosystem. Underwater vegetation performs many unique and vital functions in the aquarium. Plants help maintain the right balance of vital activity in the reservoir. They are saturated with oxygen and take part in different biological processes. Another important characteristic is that in the thickets of vegetation, fish find a place for spawning, and fry - shelter. But how to choose to choose representatives of underwater flora for a home reservoir? Especially this problem concerns newcomers in aquarium. All plants are different and conditions for their optimal development and growth are also different. Some species are very sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in temperature, and there are also those that will adversely affect the irregular rigidity of water or lighting. If you first acquired aquarium, then plants for disembarking in it are unpretentious, it will be easier for them and easier to care for them, and the fluctuations in water parameters they will be transferred more. Among the most popular and non-additive plants, you can allocate such:

  • Cladoft. It is a colony of nital algae, which together form a beautiful green ball. Thanks to this appearance and simple conditions of content, it is chosen for settlement in many aquariums. She looks beautiful and looks unusual. In the water bodies, it can reach the size of 6 cm. It is best suited for cold aquariums in which water does not exceed 22 ° C. With increasing temperature, after a while it begins to share and a new storage ball appears. If this plant is cut, then it will start throughout the bottom of the tank, creating a bright green rug on it;
  • Yavansky moss. It loves all the aquarists, as it is not demanding on the conditions of content, gets around in different reservoirs and saturates water with oxygen. This is an excellent option not only for aquarium, but also for a shrimp. Yavansky Moss is a kind of filter and can grow on different objects and elements of the decor in the aquarium, for example, on the stones. With it, you can create unique compositions under water;
  • Rogoltnik. It is a beautiful and practical plant for the reservoir. Its leaves are not polluted under water, it gets along with any other plants, is able to filter water and owns good decorative capabilities;
  • Yakut. This vegetation, which is capable of germinate equally and under water, and above the water. It also has other names, for example, the "monet ministers", because the leaves are like coins. Professionals recommend landing it from the side walls of the aquarium or put the pot with already planted plants for greater practicality. As well as previous plants have excellent qualities from a decorative point of view;
  • Heketman dubious. Another one of the list of noncains. Although it does not differ in external beauty, but creates beautiful thickets for fish and highlights a lot of oxygen, which is important for the underwater ecosystem.

When falling fish

For a small capacity to care more difficult. If it does not produce its purification on time, the water accumulates a lot of harmful substances and productivity products of the inhabitants of the aquarium, which affect the well-being and health of the fish. In large quantities, they can even cause fish disease. In addition, at a young age at a high concentration of nitrates, the growth of the fish is significantly slowed down, and the development worsens. With non-optimal parameters of the medium, the fish weakens and immunity, and it becomes vulnerable to different diseases and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to follow and observe the state of representatives of underwater flora and fauna. They will indicate their behavior and appearance for the presence of a problem if there are such. Aquarium microworld is quite fragile and vulnerable. He needs stability in all respects to maintain the qualitative living conditions for its underwater inhabitants.

It can be concluded that a large aquarium is better for the content of fish, it is easier to care for it and watch. If it is possible to create conditions close to ideal in water tank, then your reservoir will delight you with bright green plants, active and healthy fish and other submarine pets. The main thing is not to forget about the timely, and then no problems do not threaten your aquarium.

If you have questions about the acquisition of aquariums with the parameters you need, the equipment necessary for its service, fish, plants, you can contact our company's specialists and get comprehensive information on all issues you are interested in.

Question from Elena

Good day! My name is Elena. I had a dream in my childhood - an aquarium, and here I myself became my mother and decided to fulfill my dream, but my husband did not hurry with this question as he believes that there are other things more hard. And so my brother brought us a used aquarium - 40-45 liters approximately.

I was very happy to rinsed him, washed the sand, poured onto the bottom, and poured out the distorted water, planted the plants spiral bush and also look like a plantain and on top of floating.
They launched the guppies could not get enough after that the husband bought an external filter and catches an anzitrus, installed the lamp of daylight on 8 watts, after which I went to the market and bought to my 5 guppy and bought: 5 Guppies, 2 catches, 2 swords, and 2 neon , 2 Cockerel and 1 Guppy. I feed them 2 times a day, but I am disturbed by the dirt on algae like gunpowder, and black spots, though I spend the cleaning almost every day, and we pour water, then almost the whole I change the water ...



The dream is very good, and if you make some adjustments in the process of caring the aquarium and the content of fish, then over time you have to get better.

Let's try in order to deal with what you do.


Obviously, there are problems with the launch of the aquarium. Our site has a detailed article describing the news from scratch. On these moment, it may not be able to help you, since your aquarium is already running, but if you are going to launch one more, I advise you to familiarize yourself.

Your main mistake at the initial stage was that you launched fish in a faded biosystem, i.e., the system without the necessary biological equilibrium.

To achieve equilibrium, the first week aquarium had to stand filled with water and a soil with a launched filter - without plants and fish, the second week with plants + snails, if there are, and only after 15-20 days in an aquarium can be launched fish.


Cleaning aquarium - it is necessary to make it in a well-established aquarium once a week. You siphonite the soil, pump 20-30% of the water and tighten the remaining instead of these 20-30%.


Feed fish once a day - is always better at the same time. Especially since now there are clear problems in the aquarium, then feed better reduced portions.

What to do now?

First you need to achieve the necessary equilibrium. To do this, you need to make gradual substitutions of water in the aquarium. It is necessary to defend water in all the rules - a week, better a lot of water :). And then replace one day by 20-30% of the volume - in your case, 10-15 liters. Water is not just melted, and the siphon is a special siphon, since there is a suspicion that in the ground there is a too large amount of fish life waste. Make 4-5 substitution.

Fish feed every other day or at least once a day, I think in this mode for a week at least.

Site more plants in the ground so that they help their roots to process the remains of the organications that are going in the soil.

And of course, do not forget to ensure fish aeration - with the help of a compressor, for example.

The Aquariums "Classic" Economy Line are simple, reliable, and most importantly inexpensive aquariums manufactured by an industrial method on the automated production of the group of companies "Biodesign". This is a popular and massive series of aquariums, water volume from 20 to 55 liters, produced in rectangular shape and panoramic form (with bent front glass). The aquarium "Classic" is suitable for small fish, shrimps, racks and herbalists with a moderate need for lighting. The "Classic" Aquarium of the Economy Line series will be a great gift for children, and beginner aquarists.

Aquarium Bodisine Classic 40

  • The actual volume of the aquarium is 39 liters.
  • Dimensions 45x25x42 cm. (DHSHV).
  • The aquarium is made of glass Pilkington brand Optifloat.
  • The choice of the buyer, the aquarium is presented in five color options.
  • You can purchase aquarium with a table or without a couch.
  • Equipped with a plastic lid, pallet and a feeding hatch.
  • The lid of the aquarium has a technical hole on the rear wall, for the output of wires and hoses.
  • The aquarium cover is equipped with LED, waterproof LED lamp.
  • The aquarium is guaranteed 1 year, subject to elementary rules of operation.
  • The "Classic" Aquariums of the Economy Line series have a 2-year warranty when complying with elementary rules of operation. The warranty applies to the tightness of the glass container, subject to the lack of mechanical damage and installing aquarium on the Biodesign stand tube.

Technical features:

  • All glass aquarium details are made of top-class glass of the Optifloat ™ PilkingTon manufacturer. It has exceptional transparency and lack of any defects and uncharacteristic shades.
  • Each detail is processed around the perimeter by the "polished Eurocroma" method, which significantly increases the strength and reliability of the container.
  • When assembling aquariums, the best European innovative brands of particularly durable silicone sealants of accelerated curing with a service life of at least 15 years are applied. Such a sealant, in contrast to ordinary sealants, is not subject to loss of properties during freezing.
  • Covers and pallets are made of high-quality shockproof plastic by vacuum molding and have colored coating.
  • Color coating of covers and pallets is made using PVC, which is resistant to ultraviolet and does not lose its color over time, even when sunlight gets.
  • All covers are equipped with one LED lamp and have a quick installation system of more 2 additional lamps. With the installation of additional lighting, you can create light conditions for demanding plants and soil plants.