Transition to a new house on the lunar calendar. What days are it better to move to a new apartment? Moving and horoscope

Buying a new home and moving to it are important milestones in the life of any person, so folk signs on a new crossing exist in large quantities. Moving to a new apartment is certainly joy for the family. In order for this event is truly happiness for all family members and brought their fruits, it is worth paying attention to signs in the apartment. For example, spider as a sign means wealth, and the house in the apartment will bring harmony to the relationship of family members.

Folk signs when buying a house and moving unequivocally argue - everything that happens at the very beginning of life in a new house, imposes its imprint for the next year. Therefore, it was important at the very beginning, when moving to make so that the first days in the new house passed in happiness, prosperity and well-being.

The most common prompt for the bowl is a cat - before entering a new home, it is recommended to let the first cat. Cat has always been considered a mediator between the physical and astral world . And as soon as she entered the house, I installed an equilibrium in a new home.

Where the cat will fall, there and the bed must be put. It is believed that the cat always falls on places with negative energy. But at that moment, when the cat was the first to enter a new home, she clicked the best place. Therefore, it was there that put a bed that the dream was healthy. But when the furniture is placed, and the house is burning, the cat will begin to occupy those places that like it, that is, harmful to humans.

For guests a rich table on a housewarming - for the hosts house full bowl. A good table on a housewarming is the first step towards living in a new house for a long time and happily. But, taking guests, you need to observe a number of rules. It is not accepted to give money to the housewarming, in this case the owners will constantly live in need. But every guest, before entering the house,should throw a coin through the threshold. This is symbolizing the money rain, which should hit the owners when they live in this house.

When moving from one house to another, all the garbage must be taken with you. A man's energy also remains on the garbage, so not to get a negative from people who will touch your garbage, it is best to leave anything. There is one more sign for new buildings about this. If you take all your garbage to the new place of residence, and throw it away from the new home, you can soon wait for the addition of material wealth in this house.

Spider Pautina Splla - Welcome to the house. This sign is associated with fortune-up, which made new seals on the first night in a new house. In the room, which is given under the lounge, you need to put a tank with spider (better clay pot) brought from the old residence. In the morning you need to look into the pot and find out your future in this house - if the spider splash is a web, then in the new house the family has awaited well-being. And if the spider began to weave the web up, to the neck of the vessel, then in a short time you can expect the addition of money in this family.

In this article you will learn:

Moving to a new house is a difficult, but joyful event in the life of the family. There are many different signs and rites for housewarming. In order for the new apartment happily, it is necessary to prepare in advance and move to favorable days to move.

Preparatory procedures

So that life in a new place was happy and successful, you need to say goodbye to the old home and thank it. Before leaving him at all, it is necessary to make an exemplary order and wash the floors well, which should be glittered, as well as to boil on the stairs and the staircase. It is undesirable to leave things in the old apartment, they can be used to guide damage on the former tenants.

Before moving to a new home:

  • it is necessary to carefully examine your things and do not take torn underwear, cracked dishes, better buy a new one;
  • it is necessary to cook a pie (if life was not easy, salty, and if you are happy, then sweet) and eat the whole family before leaving.

We invite the houses

Those who believe in the house that protects them from the troubles and misfortune is the keeper of a family hearth and well-being, it is better to move to a new apartment together with his old assistant. Each of these creatures have their own character, if one is good, then other packs and twisted. In order for this keeper to defend his family and dwelling, you need to invite it to move with the owner.

Required for rite things

To hold an invitation to be prepared:

  • broom;
  • a small bag;
  • porridge or milk for treating.

Order of the invitation

When moving to a new apartment, you need to act like this:

  1. Invite the Guardian to move with the owners to a new apartment. To this end, you need to leave the cooked bag and broom for the night in the kitchen, and then offer a good creature to stay in the bag. If the house is tied to the owners and showed his love over the years, then it will definitely sit in it. The next day, a bag with houses must be taken to a new dwelling and apply a treat in the form of milk or porridge.
  2. If there was never a house in the home, but the owner wants the custodian of the hearth to settle in the apartment, then he needs to go to the nearby village and find an abandoned, but in good condition. It is necessary to leave a bag and broom in it and offer the houses to move to your accommodation. Thanks to its sociability and traction to the society of people, most likely, this is a good creature to resettle.

Suitable days to move to a new apartment

Due to changes in life, a person has to change the place of residence, it may be to go to another job, improving housing conditions or different personal reasons. In these affairs you need to be attentive and choose a good day to move, you need to plan everything in advance. Such factors affect the positive attitude of the new schools and help to avoid the harmful effects of various external forces.

A special place in ensuring a safe crossing and the subsequent happy life in a new place is occupied by the folk signs and dates of the lunar calendar, which are desirable to comply with to avoid unwanted consequences.

Folk Signals for Bowlings

The considerable part of people when moving is concerned about practical affairs related to transport, loaders and weather conditions. But first of all, in order to avoid surprises, you need to move to a new place on suitable days. In order not to worry about choosing the day of the move, you need to plan it on Tuesday. According to folk signs, moving on this day is a good time for the bowl, no obstacles arise, and all problems and troubles remain somewhere aside. This is the best time to implement important changes in a person's life.

There are signs and circumstances that better consider with housewarming:

  • the leap year should not move to a new dwelling;
  • rain is considered a favorable admission for nose, water ishes off all the negative and brings prosperity and well-being;
  • rainbow means a bright future, such a phenomenon brings happiness and prosperity in a new home;
  • if thunder thunder and sparkle with zippers, then this forerunner of the wells and discord in the new apartment, the breakdown of electronics and furniture will be frequent, such natural cataclysms can be considered.

But faith in signs should not be blind, it is more important for a person to listen to his own inner sensations.

On the lunar calendar

In order to move along the lunar calendar, it is necessary to explore special tables in which all days are painted by months and years. It is believed that moving to a new home during the new moon is neutral, and most adversely when it is carried out in full moon or during solar eclipse.

The lunar calendar suggests and a favorable season for moving. The best is the autumn period, and the most favorable - September 14, when seeds are celebrated. It is not worth noting a new apartment in the summer, it is better to suffer a little and reach the autumn.

The rite of cleansing the apartment of holy water

One of the important rites when moving to a new place of residence is the purification of housing with holy water. It is carried out immediately after settling, and this does not require special knowledge or skills. This ritual contributes to the liberation of the house from bad energy, which could stay after the departure of the previous tenants. Before it is recommended to spend good cleaning in the apartment.

To fulfill the rite, it is necessary to prepare holy water and a new candle from the temple. After that, it is required to sprinkle with holy water 3 times all the corners in the house, then light the candle and with a burning candle in the hands of three times around all rooms in the house.

Clean the apartment with salt

Salt is a magical tool for cleansing the place of residence from negative energy and cleansing the aura. It is best to use a natural salt - marine or stone - not exposed to the iodization process.

To hold the rite, it is necessary to pour salt into small plates or pots, place them at the corners of the apartment and leave for a whole week. After the expiration, it is necessary to fall asleep all the salt in the package and go to the ground away from your dwelling. This salt cannot be used in food, such actions can lead to negative consequences.

Get rid of negative in the house with the help of the power of fire

Among rituals and rituals, a special place is occupied by the purification of fire, which combines the special force of creation and destruction. Thanks to its energy, fire helps to get rid of negative and unclean forces. For cleaning, you need to prepare 12 candles that can be purchased both in the outlets and in the church.

Being in full solitude, you need to place them around, then light and read the spell: "The name of the Svarog Father, the name of Dazhbog, and the name of Perun Throughly. You, Svarog Father, separated the truth from Kryvda, you are Dazhibog, separated from the night, and you, Perun, separated from Navi. I spell (name), the power of the heavenly fire, the power of the fire, that between the sky and the earth is, the power of the fire of earth, and the underground spell. Let all the chips are burned, all the nasia, all the bonuses of Navy in the heat of the beckl. Yes will come true. Names. "

After that, you need to wait until the candles are burned. The activity of the rite begins quickly, and a person can safely live in his new home.

How to enter new housing for the first time

The very first should be the threshold of the new home of the senior family member. But, according to many folk signs, the cat is first to enter the new dwelling and spend the night there. It is believed that this beast is frightened by evil spirits, and they leave the house. The place where the first time the animal will be played, is unfavorable, it is not recommended to put electronics there or arrange a place for sleep and child games. You can put a room plant on this place.

So that life in the new apartment was happy and prosperous, it is desirable to listen to the People's Soviets:

  • to attract wealth, you need to get up in front of the threshold and quitting the silver coins before going to the first time;
  • at the entrance, the hands should not be empty, even among the smallest family members.

After the last item is listed in the apartment, but things are not yet unpacked, you need to welcome the new home sincerely. It follows this with a smile, uttering good and warm words. It is necessary to assure that ahead is a happy joint life that care for the house will be a permanent and pleasant task.

You need to thank for the reception and try to immediately get used to the thought that it is your home. After that, you need to start the unpacking of things, but it should not be perceived as a job, but as a game. It is desirable to place furniture items and things with a soul, enjoying positive emotions, anticipating a long and happy life in a new place.

Immediately after moving and completing urgent affairs on unpacking things, you need to walk around the surroundings of a new home, pay attention to beautiful, well-groomed, pleasing eyes. You should try to absorb positive emotions from this walk: Smiling people, polite staff in stores, natural landscapes. All this will help relieve stress associated with difficult trouble during the move.

Guests and gifts for housewarming

The main and obligatory tradition at the housewarming is the celebration. In former times it was believed that if you do not mention the crossing of a rich feast, then the house can unlucky new owners for their greed.

According to tradition, it is considered necessary so that in the center of the table stood a loaf. You can decorate the entrance to the house with a beautiful wreath with welcoming inscriptions, and guests to meet with bread-salt and contact the next entrance to throw a few coins inside the dwelling. It is advisable to pre-send guests invitation cards.

By tradition, guests come with gifts to the new school. It is believed that it is impossible to give money to the celebration of moving. It can call in the house.

  1. It is undesirable to bring sharp objects, clock and mirrors as a gift.
  2. The most good presents can be considered service sets, glasses, a silica kits or a saucepan, various kitchen appliances.
  3. Predated a good gift is considered a table. It can be both dining and a small magazine accessory or a table for breakfast in bed.
  4. Following the tradition, at the celebration of the newly skid as a gift is presented by Horseshoe. You can choose this mascot in the souvenir shop, where there are stylish and original products that can decorate the entrance to the dwelling.
  5. You can prevent blankets or blankets, and bedding sets should choose the owners themselves.
  6. Not bad presents are the lamps and electrical heaters, symbolizing heat and comfort in the house.

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the nature and preferences of the owners of the holiday, you can ask you in advance about what they would like to get what kind of thing is necessary for the new dwelling.

Moving is always accompanied by stress, fear something to forget, break or split. For superstitious stress, it is more doubly, because you need to consider which days to move correctly that you are going to move first and how to make life in the new apartment is still happier. That is why for a competent move to a new apartment you need to know several basic rules.

№1. Packaging.

First of all, it is necessary to decide how to pack things when moving. Cardboard boxes will be very useful for packaging things. Look for them in the garage, in the attic or at the cottage - they will definitely need. You can mark the contents on the boxes in the boxes to faster to faster on arrival in a new apartment. In a construction store you can buy a film for packaging large things, wide tape and long ropes. Do not forget about the glass packaging newspapers. For things and dishes, you can buy several shuttle bags - large checkered lightning bags that are sold on the market. First, pack those things that are not going to wear in the near future, do not forget to make a note "Winter clothes husband", "Summer shoes", etc. The dishes are also better to fold in the bags, and not to wear in boxes in front of you: the bottom of the cardboard box can be unreliable and as a result you will have to buy a new dishes ... But the books and household accessories are better to pack in the boxes, signing each of them.

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№2. Transportation.

Another important point is the transportation of household appliances. As for small household appliances (DVD players, laptop, tape recorder, etc.), it can be wrapped in a towel or covered and gently put in the bag, unless, of course, there are no "native" boxes. But it concerns large household appliances and furniture, things are more complicated here. If there is an opportunity to disassemble furniture in parts, then it is better to do so, wrapped up the soft furniture in the film. In this form, it will be much easier to transport it. Viewing furniture, mark on each part, what it is the part to make it easier to collect. Monitors and TVs are recommended to cover with a protective film and transport the screen to the back of the seat in the passenger car.

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Folk signs

For many, the rules for moving to a new apartment include not only the correct packaging of things, but also the observance of all the canons aimed at ensuring that life is happy and carefree in the new apartment.

What days to move correctly? One of the most favorable days for moving to a new dwelling is Sunday. It is believed that if you move on this day of the week, you will be accompanied by good luck. If you enter a new apartment on Thursday or Friday, love will reign in the house, and the financial situation will improve. But if you move on Saturday, the financial situation may, on the contrary, worsen and will pursue failures. Monday, as you know, the day is heavy, it is also considered an unfavorable day for moving - conceived will not be incarnate.

How to move correctly and what signs are better to observe the sin?

If you are not a superstitious person, but just in case we decided to force yourself, that is, a few simple folk adoption that will not make you cook potions and seek fabulous flowers.

One of the most famous will take a cat - a pioneer. It is believed that the house is best to run first of it. Cats are very sensitive to negative energy, so, going into the house first, they will pave you a clean and happy way to a new life.

It is believed that it is best to imply in a new home in good weather, as the rain will bring troubles and failures.

Move during the arriving moon - then there will be calm and well-being in the house.

If Kuzya's domain is not just a fairy tale and you want him to move with you, then put him a treat in a new apartment so that he will be happy to move with you.

The connection of the life of a person with planetary cycles is a rather ambiguous question. Nevertheless, many people try to adjust their plans according to the lunar calendar, selecting favorable days for the most significant events. What day can you need to move to a new home?

The history of the appearance of the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is considered to be the most popular and most ancient summer system. They used in the east, and in the West, nomads, and farmers, the rulers and priests were followed with him. The binding of earthly cycles to the lunar is related, first of all, with the fact that the satellite of our planet is an excellent object for observations. It is well distinguished at any point of the globe, and its phases are distinct and easily recognized by the naked eye.

The existed long before the emergence of modern civilizations, the lunar calendar was actively used to determine the beginning of the sowing season and harvesting, hunters and fishermen were focused on it. Even moving to a new house on the lunar calendar was chosen unmistakable. Later, science managed to confirm the effect of lunar cycles on the growth and development of plants, tides and flow and even the well-being of people. It is believed that the first moon calendar began to use Siberian Yakuts even half a million years ago. True, at that time the homeland of Yakut was the territory of modern Malaysia. Also evidence of the proliferation of popular summer, they were found in the caves of Germany and France. All of them are not less than 26 thousand years. We used the lunar calendar and ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia ...

In general, it is not so important how long the calendar has long appeared and today. It is important that by comparing its plans with the pheass of the Moon, people could avoid unpleasant consequences for themselves. Spelled to find successful moments for committing important transactions and even plan the birth of ingenious children.

Change of housing and lunar phases

The construction of capital houses with the acquisition by a person of a sedentary lifestyle was hardly the most important thing for the head of the family. It was necessary to build on the century, so that the descendants and descendants of the descendants could live under a reliable roof. Due to the fact that at the dawn of civilization seismic activity, flooding and other natural phenomena could cause significant damage to any settlement, had to coordinate all construction work with the chief "leader" of earthly weather - Moon. Of course, the days were chosen when the risk of destruction was minimal. As soon as construction was completed, and the house was strengthened, it was possible to put it.

Modern technologies make it possible not to take into account the different whims of nature, but the tradition of choosing the most favorable days of moving to a new apartment remained. Astrologers even develop an annual lunar calendar, where they are prescribed when you can, and when you should not change the place of residence.

The most successful time of year to move

Astrology helps not only predict favorable days to move, but also to determine the most appropriate season for changing the place of residence.

  • So, according to the estimates of astrologers for 2019, the best months for buying housing and, accordingly, settlement in it can be called August and September.
  • The beginning of summer carries certain risks, so in June and July is unsafe to move to a new apartment.
  • The most appropriate day for moving in 2019 can be called on September 14, that is, seeds day. One should only carefully plan expenses to make it possible to celebrate housewarming.
  • In winter, it is best to abandon the impressive spending, as the proposed options can disappoint, and hidden expenses significantly increase seemingly favorable value of the apartment.
  • As for the spring months, here the risk of raw and empty waste of money is not as large, but by itself the exit from the protracted failure can affect the rationality of solutions.

Moving and horoscope

The coming 2019 on the Eastern calendar will be the year of the yellow earthen pig. The year ending the twelve-year cycle can be safely called the year of receiving award for their works. So those who have long sought to buy new housing, should smile good luck. A kind and fair patron sieve will make sure that no one is deprived. Especially if a person deserves encouragement. Boldly plan and dream, because a year of positive change is coming, among which the place of residence is not in the last place! And now about the "recommendations" for the signs of the zodiac.

  • Fate prepared a pleasant surprise prone to adventures and reasons - boldly change the old apartment on a new and positive moments will become much more.
  • Tales and Capricorns will be able to focus on the "reboot" of that housing, which is at their disposal. To the "nest", creating comfort and harmony - not so bad. And you can move and then.
  • Cancer Favorom Luck in the shift of the roof above the head. But it is necessary to decide on the move only if the previous house could not give peace and pacification.
  • Lions it is better to look after the new housing north-west of the old one. This direction will be the first step towards finding happiness, assertists argue.
  • Virns will fully cope with relocation and alone. After all, the change in the situation will have a positive effect on their well-being, lifting the moral spirit, slightly looking at the end of the year.
  • Inquisitive weights best move to the East. You already love this direction, so why postpone the inevitable?
  • Scorpions are perhaps the only ones who have every chance to move abroad, even if they came out only until the next store for bread. Keep a passport with you and do not refuse tempting prospects.
  • The fish and thefts of the star are advised to decide on the move only when changes for the better will not cause doubts. And do not forget to look into the trap calendar!

The best days of the week for moving

The day of the week also plays an important role. From when you planned moving to a new apartment, the success of the entire enterprise depends. Connoisseurs of folk admission argue:

  • On Monday, you should not even start such an important event. Despite the fact that traditionally many of us are planning to start a new life from Monday, our ancestors perceived this day of the week as a test. Why increase difficulties?
  • Tuesday was always considered a day of travel and excellent time to start the whole new. It was on Tuesday that the success will be accompanied by success, and the change of residence will be going smoothly and without excesses.
  • The environment got the glory of the most unreliable day of the week. Having moved on this day, you risks quickly part with a new home, and guests will bypass new housing side.
  • On Thursday, Novoselov is waiting for luck. This is the day of passing winds and hopes for a cloudless future.
  • Friday - eve of the weekend. Do not plan anything serious on this day.
  • But on Saturday, the work argues, moving will be easy and simple.
  • Sunday is a rest day. And it applies to any serious business! Leave the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving to next Tuesday and how to relax.

The most favorable dates for changing housing

It is believed that the most favorable days for moving are the dates percentage of the growing moon. It is not necessary to plan a change in the full moon and the moon descending.

It is possible to radically change the address of living when the Earth's satellite is in Taurus and Aquarius. For a temporary change of residence, the days are suitable when the moon is located in the twins, a virgin, scales, firewood and fish. The rest of the time the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving is better to postpone.

In 2019, the following favorable days are relevant:

  • spring: March 31, April 7, 24 and 25;
  • summer: August 22;
  • autumn: September 14 and 19, October 8.

Combining existing calendars and signs, you can easily determine the most favorable days for moving next year. The main thing is to remember that the housewarming is a holiday at any time!

There are situations in life when you have to leave the usual place of residence and move to another. It is completely no coincidence, as each of us is looking for something better for yourself and your loved ones. In this article we will look at what days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

Most successful numbers

Every month has conversational. For example, in January, the fate promises good luck to those who decided to move 1, 2, 7, 8, 29 numbers. Such numbers in February will be 3 and 4. In March, there are also many successful days - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. A little less periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th day.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely, September days, perhaps, not the best time for change, but several successful periods still have - 3, 4 and 30 numbers. And in October, the place of residence is best of only 1, 2, 28 and 29. November days also a little - 24 and 25 numbers. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either not suitable or neutral, therefore it is not necessary to start important things regarding the move.

Change of residence per horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, because moving for them is always successful for them. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the rooster is favorable to active and purposeful. Tales love constancy, so it is undesirable to start moving in 2017. It is better to send all your efforts to create comfort in the home where you are living now. Twins do not represent their life without change, because in the new year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation of cancers can plan to change the place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects on the old one. Lions will be able to feel the completeness of Being, but only if their relocation will be carried out in the north-western direction. The Virgin in 2017 can move, if it is necessary for them to improve health. The best direction will be southern. Sighs that dreams of finding happiness in personal life should be moved to the east. This relocation will be successful, as the rooster makes it possible to tune in to the wave of love and romance without exception.

If scorpion feels in the financial sphere, you can start packing suitcases.

New perspectives will open for themselves. For this, representatives of this sign must leave their native expanses and go abroad. Capricors love stability, because moving for them, in principle, undesirable. And if you decide to leave your home, it is better to do those who are at a young age. Aquarius and fish, solved to move, will be able to feel significant changes. Their life is filled with meaningful events. It is worth saying separately about fish, since the change of residence should be connected for them with training or subsequent career development.