Defectologist's plan for the summer period. Summer wellness plan

Dear parents!

In order for our joint work over the summer not to be lost, I offer you exercises that can be performed not only at home, sitting, but also in any other environment: walking, traveling, shopping, etc.

I sincerely hope that you will keep our joint work over the summer!!!

Sound Automation Exercises

  1. Follow the set sounds, achieve the correct pronunciation, otherwise the work done in a year may go down the drain: “under-automated” sounds may “get lost” (disappear from independent speech), then it will be necessary to start working on these sounds again.
  2. Correct the child's mispronounced words. Correct your child's speech CALMLY by pronouncing the word correctly!

Exercises for the development of phonemic processes

  1. Determining the number of sounds in a word and their sequence. (How many sounds are in the word "poppy"? Which 1, 2, 3,?)
  2. Inventing words with a certain number of sounds.
  3. Recognition of words presented to the child in the form of sequentially pronounced sounds. (What word will come out of these sounds: “k-o-sh-k-a).
  4. The formation of new words with the help of “building up sounds. (What sound should be added to the “mouth” catch to get a new word? Mole grotto, steam park, Olya - Kolya, Tolya, Fields).
  5. The formation of new words by replacing the first sound in a word with some other sound. (House-catfish, scrap-com.)
  6. Select pictures or name words in the names of which we hear a certain sound.
  7. Find words in which the given sound would be at the beginning, end or middle of the word. (Fur coat, shower, cat.)

Exercises for the development of the syllabic structure of the word (syllabic analysis and synthesis)

  1. Determining the number of syllables in a word and their sequence. (How many syllables are in the word "hammer"? What is 1? 2? 3?)
  2. Child inventing words with a certain number of syllables
  3. Composing words from syllables given in a breakdown. (Syllables have lost their place, you need to help them find it: na-ro-vo, ka-sum).
  4. Recognition of words presented to the child in the form of sequentially pronounced syllables. (Which word will come from the syllables: go-lo-va).
  5. Distribution of pictures according to the number of syllables in a word. (Put the pictures whose names consist of monosyllabic words in one place, and the names of which consist of 2, 3, 4-compound words in another).
  6. Clap or tap the word by syllables and name their number.
  7. Separate vowel sounds. (As many syllables in a word as there are vowels), etc.

Exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech

  1. Exercises for learning to change words by numbers, cases (one garden, and when there are a lot of them - gardens, walked somewhere - behind the garden, many are eyes - and one ..., many are ears - and one ..., one candy - and six ... etc. .d.)
  2. Exercises for learning to form new words (diminutive, affectionate forms, etc.):
  3. - Choose a word that suits the meaning: a big garden, and a small one ..., a small doll, and a big one ...,
  4. - Finish the sentence: in the spring they plant potatoes, and in the fall ... they pour water, and salt ...
  5. - Name the cubs of animals: who is with a she-bear - cubs, with a cow - ..., with an elephant - ..., with a sheep - ..., etc.
  6. - If the boat is made of paper, then it is paper, and the coat is made of fur (what kind of coat?), etc.
  7. - A fox has a fox tail, and a hare, a dog, a cat, etc.
  8. - If the day is hot, then the day is hot, and if the frost is ..., the wind is ..., the rain is ..., etc.
  9. Play a word game. Intentionally distort the phrase, ask the child to find the mistake and together figure out how to pronounce the words. (“Mushrooms grow in the forest”, “A big cone grows on a Christmas tree”)
  10. Start a sentence, and let the child finish it himself, choosing different options.

Exercises to expand the child's vocabulary

  1. Enrich your children's vocabulary with new words.

This is facilitated by summer travels, new impressions received by children from vacation trips, trips to the forest, trips to the country, excursions to museums, going to the theater, circus. Fix in the memory of children the names of the summer months, natural phenomena (thunderstorm, fog, downpour, etc.), plants (berries, flower plants, trees, vegetables and fruits, etc.), animals.

  1. Looking at a picture, reading a book, listening to a fairy tale, pay attention to rare, new words.
  1. Compose poems, rhymes.
  2. When reading familiar verses, ask them to suggest the missing word.
  3. Word game: “name all your toys”, “think of words that mean transport”, “name the colors”, “what words can describe summer, autumn, winter, spring”, “remember words with opposite meanings that are close in meaning”
  4. Explain the figurative meanings of expressions: heart of gold, evil tongue, short memory, head on shoulders, do not touch with a finger, right hand, break firewood, etc.

Exercises for the development of coherent speech

  1. It is necessary to teach the child to give a complete answer to the question.
  2. Make him want to talk about something.
  3. Ask about important events for him.
  4. Listen carefully to your child and guide their confused story through content questions.
  5. Prompt, correct stress and pronunciation, but always give the opportunity to speak out.
  6. Exercises for the formation of coherent speech: description of objects, drawings, retelling of familiar texts, inventing stories and fairy tales, conversations, compiling and writing letters, congratulations, make sentences for given words, etc.

Children in the summer should not forget about the existence of pencils, paints, plasticine, scissors. Let the child sketch their summer impressions. Let's hatch, color the coloring pages with colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Remember that drawing, sculpting, appliqué, coloring, develops fine motor skills of the hands. And the impact on the small muscles of the hands affects the development of speech!

For the development of fine motor skills will also be useful:

  1. Fasten zippers, buttons, buttons, tie shoelaces;
  2. Collect, sort, sort berries, fruits;
  3. Lay out drawings from branches, stones, sticks, acorns, cones;
  4. Weed flower beds, beds;
  5. Screw nuts, screws (toy and real);
  6. Sculpt from clay and sand;

Continue to read fiction with your children. Remember, when listening to an adult's reading, looking at book illustrations with him, the child actively thinks, worries about the characters, anticipates events, and establishes connections between his experience and the experience of others. Reading together brings adults and children together, stimulates and fills the rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication with content, and educates a child with a kind and loving heart.

Family reading is the most important and best way of communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective!!!

Literature for reading with children 6 - 7 years old in the summer

When choosing books to read to a preschooler 6-7 years old, you need to consider what the characters are, what they aspire to, how they act, what your child can learn from them. I believe that you need to educate on good books, without terrible events, with a good ending. Below is a sample list of books, but you choose.

  1. Folk tales about animals
  2. Stories by N. Nosov. Live hat, etc.
  3. N. Sladkov. The hedgehog ran along the path.
  4. V. Bianchi. Forest houses. Whose nose is better? First hunt and other stories
  5. M. Zoshchenko. An exemplary child. Smart animals.
  6. Household fairy tales of different peoples (about ingenuity and ingenuity)
  7. Tales of Sh.Perro. Red Riding Hood. Puss in Boots.
  8. A. Barto. Poetry.
  9. V. Oseeva. Magic word.
  10. A. Tolstoy. Golden Key.
  11. Ann Hogarth. Donkey Mafia and his friends.
  12. Mr. H. Andersen. Thumbelina. Ugly duck. Flowers of little Ida, etc.
  13. D. Mamin-Sibiryak. Alyonushka's fairy tales.
  14. A. Lindgren. Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof.
  15. V. Kataev. A pipe and a jug. Semi-flower.
  16. P.Bazhov. Silver hoof.
  17. J. Rodary. Adventure Cipollino.
  18. G. Auxerre. Kitten named Woof. Tail charger. Hello monkey and others.
  19. E. Uspensky. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. Holidays in Prostokvashino. Fur Boarding…

General information about the material and technical equipment of the organization

Purpose of the object: preschool educational institution, purpose: non-residential
Ensuring access to the building for the disabled and persons with disabilities: GBDOU Kindergarten No. 23 is adapted to the conditions of unhindered access to an educational organization for children and adults with disabilities. A detailed description with a photo report is contained in the section "Accessible environment"

The two-story typical building of the first building and the three-story building of the second building of the kindergarten are located in the center of the residential area, have a landscaped area, reliably protected by a metal fence. A video surveillance system with image recording function is installed on the territory, the entrance to the building is equipped with an intercom for adults and for people with disabilities. An automatic fire alarm system, an evacuation warning and control system, a burglar alarm system, an evacuation warning and control system, a burglar alarm system, an alarm button, an internal fire water supply system have been installed.

Walking areas of each group are equipped with playground and sports equipment. With the help of teachers and parents, flower gardens were laid out and ecological corners were decorated at the sites.

The catering unit is equipped with the necessary technological equipment. Children's meals are organized in accordance with the current "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours in preschool organizations". Children receive 4 meals a day according to a ten-day menu developed by the Social Nutrition Department of St. Petersburg. -vitaminization The quality of nutrition is monitored by medical personnel.

Medical personnel also monitor the physical condition of children and employees, carry out preventive work to prevent colds and chronic diseases, carry out vaccinations according to the schedule, and prepare medical records for future first-graders. GBDOU is equipped with a medical room, a treatment room.

The institution has built a multifunctional subject-spatial developing environment in the premises of groups and in the offices of specialists. GBDOU has the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of children: group rooms, a music room, a gym, speech therapy rooms, a teacher's office - defectologist. In order to optimize joint educational activities, teachers create and use innovative educational products that are successfully used in the educational process. Kindergarten teachers actively use new technologies, share their creative potential with colleagues at open events, district and city methodological associations, seminars, conferences

Wellness plan for the summer


for 2015 – 2016 academic year

(senior group)

I . Organizational work

1. draw up an annual and long-term work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

2. select advisory materialfor parents and teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year.

3. select the relevant literature in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

4. to think over an individual educational route for working with children with disabilities for the 2016-2017 academic year

5. pick up a didactic manual for the development of children's cognitive abilities

6. systematize the material for portfolio design.

II . Work with children.


- development of cognitive abilities of children through playing and recreational activities;

- enrichment of children's vocabulary;

- development of fine and general motor skills

    cognitive development





Educational games on FEMP:

“Pick up a figure”, “Name and count”, “Tell me about your pattern”, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow”

Sensory development games:

"Find a patch", "Compare and find out", "Find a pair",

"Magic bag"

"Outfits of Mother Earth", "Life in Seeds",

"Guess the description", "The fourth extra"

"Sinking - not sinking" "Egg Submarine"

« How to get drinking water from salt water »
"Submarine made of grapes"


Educational games on FEMP:

“Is it enough?”, “Parts of the day”, “Stand in place”, “Where is the figure?”

Sensory development games:

"Name the color", "Compare objects", "Warm - cold", "Hard - soft"

Games to familiarize yourself with the world of nature:

“River fish”, “Who has whom?”, “Name it in one word”, “Flies - does not fly”

Cognitive - research activities

"Does the air get cold" , "Properties of seeded sand" , "How much does air weigh" , "Is it possible to glue paper with water"

    Speech development





Games for the development of speech:

“Pick up a sign”, “Name it affectionately”, “Recognize by description”, “Whose? Whose? Whose?"

"Sunny Bunnies", "The Sun", "The Sun Warms the Earth", "The Sun Sleeps and the Sky Sleeps".

Finger games:

« Your fingers", "That's how the fingers walk", "Hedgehog prickly", "Frogs"


"Good morning" S. Yesenin,

"Dandelion" by E. Serov,

"Sun" K. Kubilinskas


“Havroshechka”, “Winged, hairy and oily”, “Fox and jug”, “Bone” by L. Tolstoy.


Games for the development of speech:

"Which? Which? What?”, “Where is the beginning of the story?”, “Finish the sentence”, “close words”.

Coordination of speech with movement:

“A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up”, “The children became exactly in a circle”, “A flock of birds”, “Stop, car”

Finger games:

"Rain", "Orange", "Castle", "Press your finger"

Introduction to fiction


“Summer” by A. Ekimov, “Rainbow” by P. Obraztsov, “Chamomile” by E. Serov, “Aspen” by I. Tokmakov.


“The Bouncer Hare”, “Cucumbers” by N. Nosov, “The Lion and the Dog” by L. Tolstoy, “Sivka-Burka”.

III . Working with teachers


Interaction with teachers of preschool educational institutions on the cognitive development of children






"Development of creative thinking of preschoolers"

Teacher - defectologist



"Peculiarities of game activity of children of senior preschool age"

Teacher - defectologist

IV . Working with parents


Involve parents in the corrective process for the development of children





Teacher - defectologist


"Developing games and rules for their conduct"



"How to educate a child's attention, concentration, overcome absent-mindedness"

Teacher - defectologist

M ADOU "Kindergarten No. 3"

Plan of summer health work for the month of June

in the middle compensating group

orientation for children with mental retardation


I . Organizational work

1. draw up a perspective - thematic planning for the 2018 - 2019 academic year.

2. select advisory material for parents and teachers for the 2018-2019 academic year.

3. select the relevant literature in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

4. pick up a didactic manual for the development of children's cognitive abilities

5. systematize the material for portfolio design.

II. Work with children.

Purpose: development of cognitive abilities of children in various types of children's activities: (cognitive - research activities, communicative activities, game activities, elementary household work, perception of fiction and folklore, motor activity



Week 1

On the paths to visit the summer

"Red summer has come!"

Learning tasks:

Expand children's knowledge about the season - summer

Specify the characteristic signs of summer.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate respect for the environment.

Build the ability to work together

2 weeks

Where does the Motherland begin?

"My home is my family!"

Learning tasks:

To consolidate the idea of ​​​​what a family is; about family relationships: each of them is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister), etc.

To form the ability to know and name their closest relatives, the place of work of parents, and their professions, favorite activities of parents and other family members.

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop mental operations: comparisons, analysis, synthesis, grouping

Develop spatial representations, orientation in space,

Develop inter-analyzer communications,

Develop visual, auditory perception of size,

Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate respect for parents.

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher.

To form the ability not to interrupt other children during the answer.

3 week

Journey to the country of ecology

"How good - our site"

Learning tasks:

To form children's ideas that everything that surrounds us requires careful attitude and care from people.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the plants that grow on our site.

To consolidate the knowledge of children that the site is not only a place to play, but also a home for insects.

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop mental operations: comparisons, analysis, synthesis, grouping

Develop spatial representations, orientation in space,

Develop inter-analyzer communications,

Develop visual, auditory perception of size,

Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate respect for the environment.

To form the ability to take care of flowers on the site.

To form the ability to listen to the teacher and other children to the end.

Develop the ability to help other children

The work plan of the defectologist teacher

secondary school №41

G. A. Vasilkina for the 2017-2018 academic year

Target: provision of defectological assistance to children with disabilities, correction of developmental disorders in the process of correctional and developmental classes.


Conducting a primary defectological examination of the child, identifying existing violations;

Drawing up an individual comprehensive program for the development of the child in the conditions of interaction of specialists;

Conducting individual and group remedial classes, developing psychophysical functions to the required level;

· Advising teachers and parents on the development, education and upbringing of children, the choice of optimal forms, methods and techniques of education and upbringing in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child.

Main areas of work:

1. Diagnostic:

Revealing the originality of the mental development of the child, his psychological and pedagogical characteristics;

2. Corrective- implementation of individual-oriented programs for children;

3. Consultative and educational:

Providing assistance to teachers, educators, parents in matters of upbringing and education of the child; development of recommendations for parents and teachers in accordance with the individual typological characteristics of children, the state of their somatic and mental health, the preparation and inclusion of parents in the correctional and educational process;

4. Organizational and methodological: participation in the preparation and conduct of PMPK, methodological associations, pedagogical councils, registration of documentation for a teacher-defectologist;

Providing the necessary information to teachers on topics that are within the competence of a teacher-defectologist.

Work with students in the following areas:


Direction of work


The purpose of the event


Diagnostic direction

1. Studying the level of mental development

Selection of diagnostics to determine the level of intellectual development of children with intellectual disabilities.

Diagnosis of the mental development of children. Filling in defectological cards, documentation of the defectological room. Determination of the compliance of the chosen program, as well as the techniques and methods of work used in the learning process, with the real possibilities of the child.

2. Determination of the features of cognitive and educational activities

4 V, 8 B cells. (UO), 1 A, 1 B, 2 V class. children of ZPR

Determining the causes of learning difficulties; determination of individual ways of development of the child, correction and compensation of violations; planning of corrective actions. Individual lessons with children.

3.Dynamic monitoring of student development

4 V, 8 B cells. (UO), 1 A, 1 B, 2 V class. children of ZPR

Tracking the dynamics of the development of students, adjusting correctional programs, techniques and methods of work of a specialist.

november; February; May

4. Observation of students in the process of learning activities

4 V, 8 B cells. (UO), 1 A, 1 B, 2 V class. children of ZPR

Determining the characteristic features of learning activities and student behavior

During a year

5.Studying the assimilation of program knowledge, skills and abilities (in the main subjects)

4 V, 8 B cells. (UO), 1 A, 1 B, 2 V class. children of ZPR

Final diagnosis of the mental development of children. Filling out documentation.

Drawing up individual maps of the student's dynamic development based on the results of the analysis of the received data, planning of corrective measures

4 V, 8 B cells. (UO), 1 A, 1 B, 2 V class. children of ZPR

Implementation of systematic monitoring of the development of the child in the context of remedial education

November; May

Corrective direction

1. Sensory and sensorimotor development

With students enrolled

Construction of correctional programs in accordance with the structure of violations in the development of students.

Correction of existing shortcomings in the development of educational and cognitive activity of children with mental retardation

During a year

2. Mental development

During a year

3. Normalization of the student's activity

During a year

4. Formation of versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, enrichment of the dictionary, development of coherent speech

During a year

5. Formation of methods of mental activity and methods of educational work

During a year

Consultative and educational direction

1.Individual consultations for teachers

During a year

2. Speeches at parent meetings

To promote knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of children, about the techniques and methods of family education of children with developmental disabilities. To help parents understand their child's characteristics and problems.

According to the work plans of class teachers

3. Individual consultations for parents

Consideration of particular cases of family education, determination of conditions of education and development adequate to the characteristics of a particular child. Inclusion of parents in the correctional and developmental process.

During a year

Organizational and methodological direction

1. Participation in the meetings of the school PMPK

Analysis of observations and diagnostic results, tracking the dynamics of student development. Determination of the conformity of the forms of education with the level of development of the child.

During a year
