Bed backlight LED ribbon. LED backlight for Balmarco bed (111)

Horn hands make a bed - the case is not easy. But with a great desire, as well as the availability of the necessary materials and tools, it becomes real! Now we will learn how to build a bed, just not quite ordinary - in the back of the bed we will build a LED backlight, it will allow reading books before bedtime. Also on the bed will be a device for charging cell phones.

We will need:
- boards, bars (also need contrasting red boards);
- automotive USB connector;
- LED tape;
- solder, soldering iron, adapter, wiring, clamps;
- glue joiner;
- Joiner's tools;
- Boards from chargers.

Step 1
The author began with the creation of a flat bed layout. You can pounce it on a sheet of paper, marking your counts, and create a layout with a graphic program on a computer (the benefit of those on the Internet you will find a lot). In the photo you can see what the final draft of the author of this master class looks like. The legs of the book are bent outward, the low side is also present on the opposite side, there is a headboard (there will be a LED tape in it). The mattress from the author is supported by transverse beams in the box, the bed is quite high, so that under it, then you can safely make a place to store bed linen.

Just remember that the layout you must be adaptive. Some sizes may have to be corrected, the dimensions of the source materials are affected and their quantity.

Step 2.

Make a panel of red boards. Boards take the narrow, large squares for the headboard gluively. It is not necessary to do without clamps and joinery glue. The glue on the sides of the squares is applied, the board the author fastened hard, and after half an hour, he removed the spokes of glue. After that, wait for the complete drying of the glue.

Step 3.

Make the legs harder. They need to be made curved. The basis for them is the 4x4 bar. Adjust the length of the bars, taking into account the layout of your bed. Make on the one hand in the bottom of the sleeve, stick to the opposite small pieces of timber, pre-selection under the form you need. The legs fasten with glue when it dries, sanding them with emery coarse paper, then fine-grained to give the material a smoother texture.

Step 4.

Make the foundation for the headboard for the opposite side of our future bed. In appearance, they resemble rails bonded by boards (they are transverse). Fix parts with joinery glue and self-drawing.

Step 5.

For panels, the workpiece is needed more aesthetic. Cut the edges of the squares, polish. This is a very painstaking job - type patience. Prepare a layout in advance to configure the router.

Step 6.

Finished panel Insert into the frame for the headboard. All recalculations are fixed with joinery glue. Clamps are also needed, remove them only when the glue is dry.

Step 7.

Now go to the bed box. Screw the side parts with each other, prepare holes for fixing transverse beams. They must be mounted with glue and bolts.

Step 8.

Now make a barrier - it must mask the LED tape. This is a thin curly cut board, its length is equal to the headboard.

Step 9.

Cut from the side of the groove under the USB connector. Carefully insert the wires, the diagram, the adapter from the automotive USB. To cover the inserts from the boards, cut the plates with holes, insert into place.

Step 10.

Secure the tape under the top transverse board in the gap. In the photo, everything is shown.

The spectacular backlight of the bedside space is the next decorative application of the LED tape. For a double bed, it will become a kind of highlight, which will create an intimate atmosphere in the room. And so unusual decoration of a children's bed will save the child from complete darkness during sleep. I will cope with such an interesting task, and make a bed with backlit with your own hands for everyone. It takes only a few hours of free time, a small bobbin with a LED ribbon and a girlfriend tool.

Preparation and installation options

The preparatory stage calculates the size of the bed and the place to accommodate the LED tapes and. To do this, you will have to remove the mattress, find the best place to mount the LED tape so that its light is pointing down, and measure the length of all segments that will be located around the perimeter of the structure. Then you need to choose the type of light-emitting chips:

  • SMD 3528 IP20 brightness 420 lm, worth about 60 rubles / m;
  • RGBW-SMD 5060 IP33 with a brightness of 2000 lm, worth about 200 rubles / m + RGBW controller;
  • or another intermediate option.

After that, you need to purchase an LED tape and the same length. What is the cost of the profile? First, the clean and smooth surface of the LED-ribbon profile is well glued, and secondly, it will serve as a radiator, since quite powerful LED tapes are not recommended to be operated without an additional heat sink. Often the bearing part of modern double beds is made of fiberboard (MDF) or wood, which possess extremely low thermal conductivity. But even if the frame of the bed is made of steel, glue LED segments to it is not desirable. Only inside the aluminum profile of the LED tape will be reliably protected from any mechanical impact, such as:

  • vacuum cleaner tubes during cleaning;
  • children's curious hands;
  • teeth and paws of domestic animals.

You can use a cheapest option - plastic cable channel. It is an order of magnitude less and sold in every construction store. That's just done very bright and especially RGB the backlight of the bed will no longer succeed. The plastic will not be able to dissipate the heat from the radiating crystals for a long time and effectively, which will lead to their degradation for the first year of work. LED tape without silicone coating type SMD 3528 with a density of elements 30, 60 or 120 pcs / m of any color of the glow is suitable for mounting into the cable channel.

At the last stage of the preparatory work you need:

  • cut the LED tape and profile on the segments of the desired length;
  • degrease the inner surface of the profile for reliable clutch with LED segments;
  • prepare connecting wires and, if desired, switch.

Schematic scheme

The electrical circuit of the backlight bed is extremely simple and consists of all of the 2 key elements: power supply and LED tape. If the use of RGB or RGBW ribbon is used, the diagram is complemented by RGB or RGBW controller. Below is a backlight diagram using multicolor LED tape.

Build and connecting bed lighting

Depending on the type of LED tape and the location of the power source, the cable is selected by the corresponding length and the number of wires. For security reasons, as well as to ensure sufficient load capacity, it is better to use a multicore copper cable in a double insulation with a cross section of 1.0 mm 2. He is flexible, it will be good and calmly (without overheating) skips up to 6 A.

It is extremely undesirable as a feeding wire backlighting the bed. The cross section of one vein is approximately 0.2 mm 2, which means that it will be able to miss no more than 1.5 A and that with a gradual laying of insulation from overheating. So to connect powerful RGBW tapes need a more reliable option.

For the electrical connection of individual sections of the backlight, located around the perimeter of the bed, you can use special connectors with existing wires. This method will speed up the assembly process and will allow in the future to quickly disassemble the design. If this method is unacceptable, then all areas will have to be soldered together with separate wires.

Having all the necessary parts of the LED backlight for the bed, you can start assembling in the following sequence:

  • glue a led tape into the profile;
  • solder wires in compliance with polarity or copper them with connectors;
  • connect the power supply and make a trial switching on;
  • place the soldering inside the profile to pour the thermoclaim;
  • finished backlight attach to the base using standard snacks, screws or screeds, depending on the type of bed.

For a larger light effect, one of 4 LED segments are attached beyond the back of a double bed at the headboard, directing the light stream up. Open currents of the RGB controller, power supply and wires are reliably isolated to prevent fire and exclude electric shock.

The backlit bed on LEDs will be much functional if the Wi-Fi module is built into the controller. In such an embodiment, the operation of the backlight can be controlled from the smartphone, easily changing brightness and chromaticity. In addition, the program allows you to set the time for switching on / off the backlight of the bed, set the alarm clock with a smooth increase in brightness and use other useful functions.

Read the same way

Comfort in the house creates trivia, which at first glance even invisible. Cute vase on the table, family photos on the shelf, stylish chandelier in the bedroom. Without these parts, it is unlikely to make her housing cozy. Therefore, even professional designers at work pay great attention to small things in the interior.

Buyers of our online store will be able to create comfort in the house with their own hands. Here you will find everything you need for this. Today we want to offer you backlight with a motion sensor.

LED ribbon with motion sensor

Simple at first glance, but such the necessary invention quickly deserved popularity. Surely each of us from time to time you have to go up at night with bed. There may be a lot of reasons for this: a hike, the need to check whether everything is in order in the children's bedroom or just a desire before bedtime to enjoy sweets from the refrigerator. Each has its own reason.

And every time you need to get out of bed at night, it falls for some time to think about how to do it, so as not to wake a person who sleeps around. After all, it will have to include the light, and if this is not done, then the likely to face furniture objects is great and still disturbing someone's sleep.

The backlight for the bed with the motion sensor automatically turns on when you really need it. It is worth omitting your legs from the bed, how a pleasant soft light will turn on, which to light the path in the right direction and at the same time it does not disturb the sleeping.

Illumination can be installed not only on the bed. To equip with such a light wardrobe, a dressing room, a crib, a mirror and other furniture, where additional light may be needed.

LED backlight under the bed

The device is a LED tape equipped with a motion sensor and a light sensor. The device will only work, so you do not have to turn off it during the day. It is enough to install the device once, and you can use it all the time.

The backlight works from the power grid. No need to take care that the batteries can discharge. And due to the fact that the light source is LEDs, the device is completely safe. And you can safely equip them a nursery, because it is one of those places where the light may be needed at any time.

The mounting of the backlight is quite simple. The LED tape is attached to the bottom of the furniture with the help of bilateral Scotch, which you will find included. You can equip your bedroom for some time with your own hands.


  • Light source: 36 LEDs;
  • LED tape length: 120 cm;
  • The radius of the sensor: 3.5 m, the angle of 120 degrees;
  • Color temperature: 2700 - 3000 K;
  • Ability to regulate the timer of turning off the backlight: from 30 seconds to 6 minutes.


  • 2 x LED tape;
  • 2 x motion sensor;
  • 1 x connecting cable;
  • 1 x power supply.

Many dream of turning the bedroom into something extraordinary, because this is a place where it is necessary to relax and hide from around the world. We advise you to pay attention to the backlit bed capable of decoracing any interior, give him mystery, originality.

In the bedroom, the main attribute is the bed. Therefore, the lighting should mainly emphasize this piece of furniture. The best option will be the organization of the backlight in this zone. To beautifully emphasize the design, you need to pay attention to in such parts as the general contour of the bed, the decorative design of the back. It is also desirable to additionally emphasize the bed linen and covered.

When choosing lighting, you should stick to the rules:

  • eliminate the presence of bright light on a smooth glossy surface;
  • do not use green and blue color;
  • to make a white light warmer, muffled, it is worth adding a bit of a bright sister.

For the bed you can use four types of backlighting:

  • illumination from the LED tape, which can be independently attached to any piece of furniture;
  • from the LED tape with a built-in Wi-Fi module, due to which the lighting can be controlled using its own smartphone, changing the shade, brightness and many more additional functions;
  • bed lighting with motion sensor, allowing to include lighting if necessary;
  • lighting from Duralight, which is a glowing cord.

Any option has its own characteristics and advantages. Each of them can be purchased in the embedded form along with the bed or perform an independent installation.


The place of placement of the backlight for the bed depends on many factors: features of the design, interior of the bedroom and its parameters, personal wishes of the owners. We will analyze individually the features of the illumination of each part of the structure.

In the head of

The headboard is most often equipped with backlight. Lighting devices can be used here:

  • spotlights;
  • lED bulbs;
  • lED Strip Light.

It looks beautiful and modern on the direction of the direction of white light fluxes from the head of the top. If you wish to add this part of the design of beauty and functionality, you can install mirrors or small shelves.

Often, instead of the head of the bed, the bedside niche is equipped with an extra light. This uses LED backlight.


The bed equipped with backlight from below looks gorgeous. To make the interior easier and modern, you can use the so-called "steaming" bed on inconspicuous legs, which is complemented by lighting from the LED tape attached around the perimeter.

In order to connect the backlight with your own hands, you will need to perform the following actions:

  • first of all, it is necessary to secure the ribbon, putting on every end on the cap;
  • then you should put the adapters and immediately attach the forks to them;
  • check the operation of the LED backlight;
  • now you can proceed to securing the backlight. This requires special attachments that are screwed to the bed with self-draws;
  • after the tape is fully attached, you can turn on the ribbon in a pre-prepared extension cord and enjoy a beautifully highlighted bed.

If there is an electrical wiring skills, you can make everything more accurate by setting the hidden wiring with the output specifically allotted to illuminate the switch.

Podium with backlit

The bed podium looks spectacious and stylish. In addition, it helps to significantly save space. And if you add a backlight to this furniture, the "Effect of the Warning" will be created in the dark. It is also convenient, because at night the probability of falling will be excluded due to the lighting of the stage.

In order to organize lighting in this part of the design, two options are used:

  • spotlights;
  • lED Strip Light.

Often, additional storage boxes are embedded in the podium. Here it is necessary to provide lighting, which will help save the order and create comfortable conditions for the user.

Children's models

For any child, a private room is a space where you can enjoy the game, rest or own fantasies. In order to make this world more interesting for a child, it is worth thinking about the acquisition of a children's bed, designed in the form of favorite cartoon characters.

For boys, a wide variety of beds are developed, which will help the baby to present themselves as a rider. The best option will be the bed equipped with backlight. It will be very interesting to sleep in the car with luminous headlights and dimensions.

For girls, beds are also developed in a larger pink or white design. Additional lighting can be installed in the following parts:

  • headlights;
  • strategier lower backlight;
  • nizhnekontural headlights, which are cilia.

These models are equipped with a remote control that allows you to adjust lighting at a distance.

Children are often afraid of darkness, so the bed with additional lighting will become an excellent alternative to the nightlight. You can organize additional lighting in the bedroom above the bed, which will make children's sleep more calm. To do this, you can apply point lights or LED tape.

The bed is the most significant piece of furniture for any person. Therefore, it is necessary to approach it thoroughly:

  • the frame is the main part of any furniture, so it is worth picking it under the overall bedroom interior. It is also worth paying attention to the strength characteristics of this item, since it will be a heavy base for it;
  • the base provides comfortable leisure conditions, so it is worth choosing an orthopedic design made of wooden bench-type wooden lamellas;
  • the mattress should be made of natural and durable materials. He should also be comfortable;
  • the size of the bedroom also plays a very important role. When choosing it is worth paying attention to the number of people sleeping in the room, as well as their complex;
  • the backlight of the bed must be built in high quality and safely, as well as in working condition. When buying it is worth paying attention to the quality of the electrical wiring and evaluate its safety.

When purchasing furniture should pay attention only to functional models that have a certificate of quality and sanitary and hygienic conclusions. This is especially true for children's furniture. Building construction It is advisable to entrust qualified masters with good experience.

