Polycarbonate for greenhouses: We study, what polycarbonate it is better to choose? Which thickness polycarbonate is better to use for a greenhouse which polycarbonate to choose.

Each person who has a land plot, at least once, for sure, wondered to establish a greenhouse. In the process of making the framework of the masters, there are usually questions and difficulties. However, any of those proposed on the modern market cannot be selected as an injection material. This is due to the fact that the products for the construction of greenhouses are not always featured by quality, durability and reliability. That is why it is so important to seriously approach the choice so that the money is not spent in vain, like the forces applied to the installation work.

Great choice

Modern consumer increasingly selected cellular polycarbonate lately. What a manufacturer is better, you can find out with the information presented below. If you have not had the experience of building greenhouses and greenhouses, then it is better not to be guided by your own preferences. Before the acquisition, it is necessary to study the inscriptions on the protective film, from which you can find out which in front of you: lightweight or standard. The first variety will be less strong, compared with the latter, but from the acquisition of Chinese products is better to refuse. On a protective film of products of this country you will not find any information.

Selection of products by manufacturer

Visiting the stores of the Russian market, you will be able to find a lot of species described in the article. It is supplied by domestic plants and foreign manufacturers. One of the popular serves SafPlast Innovative, which produces products under the brand name Novattro. The company's products have proven themselves among consumers and enjoy sustainable demand. If you acquire a cellular polycarbonate of this company, you definitely do not regret.

Bayer Material Science products are characterized by the highest quality and has excellent performance. Specialists in carrying out work, where polycarbonate must be used, quite often use the goods of this company. If you need a cellular polycarbonate, which manufacturer is better, it is necessary to solve even before visiting the store. For consumers who prefer Russian production products, Polygal polycarbonate is suitable. The supplier works in conjunction with the Israeli plant and manufactures inexpensive, as well as durable and durable material.

Alternative solutions

Despite the fact that the Chinese production polycarbonate specialists do not advise specialists, you can still pay attention to the product Plastilux, which is low cost and popular among consumers. If you study each of the suppliers presented in more detail, we can conclude that the quality of goods is approximately at the same level. The cheapest panels are represented by Sunnex, however, when they acquired, you should not count on what they will serve for more than 4 years. But the supplier indicates that the service life is 8 years. Polycarbonate from Polygal-East will last longer, which can be used for 10 years with proper installation and neat operation. In this case, the characteristics will not be lost, and the material will show rigidity and strength. As practice shows, the panel of this plant is perfectly by mounting, and when installing, take the shape of a frame.

If you choose cellular polycarbonate, reviews about it is recommended to read. According to users, the Novattro panels serve about 8 years, and also have an acceptable cost. If the budget allows you to purchase Makrolon material, which is ready to serve for 12 years and more. Under the conditions of the middle strip, the canvas maintain basic properties and integrity during the above-mentioned life. When choosing the best cellular polycarbonate, it is recommended to pay attention to the German panels that provide the longest life. Then how to offer products, ready to serve the least. However, a low cost will have to pay for it.

Polynex Brand Polycarbonate Characteristics

If you still do not know, the goods of which manufacturer prefer, it is possible to pay attention to Polynex polycarbonate, which is characterized by high impact strength, does not form cracks in the process of transportation, storage and installation, and also refers to low flammability materials. The transparency of the polycarbonate of this company can reach 86%, and it is possible to operate it at a temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees. The service life of sheets reaches 12 years, the thickness may vary from 4 to 16 millimeters. This product refers to the average price segment, raw materials of domestic and import companies are used as the basis for production.

Characteristics of Kronos polycarbonate

Kronos polycarbonate is also quite known in the domestic market, it has a wide area of \u200b\u200buse and can be used in the implementation of roofing, as well as finishing and construction work. Thickness varies in the range from 16 to 25 millimeters, and can be operated from -50 to +120 degrees. According to the manufacturer's statements, the sheets are able to resist mechanical impacts, for example, hammer and stones. In this case, the structure will not be destroyed and will last long enough.

The use of material depending on the thickness

If you need a cellular polycarbonate to carry out any work, which manufacturer is better, you will allow you to understand the information presented above. But it is possible to make the right choice not only taking into account the reputation of the supplier company, but also guided by the parameters of the sheet that determine the scope of the material. For example, a 4 mm cell polycarbonate is used to form canopies and greenhouses. Thickness of two millimeters is more used to erect small greenhouses of small square. If you add to the aforementioned value of another 2 millimeter, then the material can be used for the construction of medium in size of greenhouses and greenhouses.

If necessary, close the large vertical surfaces, forming a solid flooring, you should use a 10-mm polycarbonate. Sheets possessing a 16-millimeter thickness can be used for large spans that are able to withstand impressive loads. Quite often, material with such parameters is used to erect large greenhouse complexes and greenhouses. Sades who want to build a greenhouse should know that the best density of the material for this will be 800 grams per square meter.

Standard leaf dimensions

As mentioned above, a 4 mm cellular polycarbonate is the material of this species with the smallest thickness. However, the remaining sizes of the sheet need to know before purchasing the master. For example, the maximum thickness is 32 millimeters, and the standard size of the canvas is 2.1x6 or 2.1x12 meters. Color polycarbonate, as a rule, is cut off and is implemented by mounted meters from 1 to 9 m in length. In this case, the width remains unchanged and is equal to 2.1 meters. If you need a segment of more than 9 meters, then it can be purchased only in the finished format of 12 meters.


If you want to choose a cheap cellular polycarbonate, which will be distinguished by high quality, then, of course, it is worth paying attention to the products of domestic companies. They do not spend funds to deliver material to the place of sale. For example, the products of domestic producers of "carborals" and "newly news" stands approximately equally. Thus, if you need a 4-mm polycarbonate, the price should be interested in it. For the sheet will have to pay 2500 rubles. But per square meter price will be 190 rubles.

Sometimes a more impressive thickness is needed, for example, 25 mm. In this case, the polycarbonate, the price of which will be 12,400 rubles., Comes with separate sheets. But for the square meter of such material to the buyer will have to pay 985 rubles. The average thickness of 10 millimeters costs 5350 rubles. Behind the sheet, the dimensions will be 2.1x6 meters.

Characteristics of cellular polycarbonate

Cellular which was mentioned above, possesses other characteristics. Among them should be highlighted with a slight proportion, the ability to undergo snow and wind loads, as well as high heat resistance. In addition, the material has ease, which reduces the cost of building supporting structures. Mesh polycarbonate is a viscous polymer whose strength is greater than 200 times. This indicates that it is almost impossible to split the panel of this material. When exposed to a strong wind and a large volume of snow, the sheets are not damaged, as a polyethylene film, so the canvas are often used in the construction of greenhouses. The properties of the coating are in no way depend on the changes that occur in the external environment. Cellular polycarbonate, the dimensions of the sheets of which you can choose when designing the greenhouse, has a low thermal conductivity, it reduces about 2 times the cost of energy that is necessary for cooling and heating the greenhouses and greenhouses.

What polycarbonate is better for greenhouses? It is such a question that the gardeners are very often asked me. Today I will try to answer and argue my answer to the question, what polycarbonate is better for greenhouses?

I hope, it is not necessary to describe in detail once again in detail what cellular polycarbonate is. After all, it is about its use for greenhouses and goes on speech. I will only say that the cellular polycarbonate is a high-tech, very strong, flexible and resistant plastic-resistant plastic, having a cellular structure and has received tremendous popularity in the construction of transparent structures in recent years.

What type of polycarbonate prefer for greenhouses

To date, it is for greenhouses that use four types of polycarbonate. These are polycarbonates of 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm. In other types, the need disappears, since large dimensions are more expensive and their use is not justified, and the smaller simply does not exist.

And so, in order, every kind and which polycarbonate is better for the greenhouses we now consider.

Polycarbonate "Four"

Polycarbonate 4 mm is often used in the manufacture of greenhouses. I would even say very often. Especially collapsible arched type greenhouses. His sales are usually associated with greenhouses, because for other purposes it is rarely applied. Polycarbonate manufacturers in turn make a special focus on the theme of greenhouses and the use of "four" for them.

From the entire spectrum of polycarbonates for greenhouses, the four-millimeter polycarbonate is the cheapest and not surprising that the potential buyer is underway to buy this particular product. But not so simple.

Taking a polycarbonate for more than 7 years, I can confidently say that this polycarbonate is not ideal for greenhouse material.

The point is that the collapsible greenhouse frames are often not intended for the fourth, they do not take into account possible wind and snow loads. In addition, they are made taking into account the savings of the material and, accordingly, the minimum consumption of metal. Plus, their doom is done for a thicker polycarbonate. Another thing if you yourself made a carcass for greenhouses, taking into account all the rules of the crate and possible loads.

But even in this case, 4 mm polycarbonate will not give a complete guarantee from such a disaster as a hail. For all the time of working with polycarbonate, I quite often met the greenhouses covered by the "four" and broken hail. At best, after hail remained serious dents, and then it was on the highest quality polycarbonate. At worst - Swelto. For this polycarbonate, determining with the question, which polycarbonate is better for greenhouses, out of 5 balls I would put 4 points and then with the stretch.

Polycarbonate "Six"

Polycarbonate 6 mm is not as often used for greenhouses, as 4 mm, but, nevertheless, not a lot inferior to the "four". Experienced gardeners put on their own greenhouses only with a cellular polycarbonate of 6 mm. In general, if we compare 4 mm and 6 mm, the advantage will definitely be on the side of the polycarbonate 6 mm. Perhaps someone will notice that its price is 10-15% higher than polycarbonate 4 mm, but I assure you, you should not pay attention to it if you take the product for 7-10 years.

If we consider the structures of these two polymers, then you will not find special differences except the thickness itself, because the distance between the cells, both at the "four" and the "six" the same. But it is the thickness that plays the very important role in the fortress of polycarbonate 6 mm. Due to this feature, both small and medium hail, the polycarbonate 6 mm can be pierced. Of course, at intensive hail on the surface there are not significant dents, but because of this, polycarbonate does not lose its abilities. Of the 5 balls that I evaluate which polycarbonates are better for greenhouses, I put this carbonate 5 balls.

Polycarbonates "Eight" and "Dozen"

The following two polycarbonate 8 mm and 10 mm I put one level, because I do not see a special difference in addition to the thickness and prices. In general, I rarely meet greenhouses from cellular polycarbonate 8 and 10 mm. Basically, it is used for the glazing of capital greenhouses and very rarely for the coating. The price of their significantly higher than their predecessors and does not justify their investments.

Experience shows that these polycarbonates are very well tolerated wind and snow loads and is not quite good hail. This is especially true of small town. I consider small degrees - it is ice granules up to 8 mm in diameter. It turns out that both in the G8 polycarbonate and the tens of polycarbonate "dozens" the distance between the cells of almost 11 mm and naturally, a grad line of this size at a free fall rate of 9.8 m / s is able to break through the intersectable panelspace. Of course, the cellular polycarbonate practically does not break through the hail, but the upper layer can be very damaging. Although this fact I noticed on 3-5 years of using greenhouses. Perhaps this is due to the fact that usually when installing the greenhouses, the ends of polycarbonate sheets are not sealed with perflectors, as a result, the panels dry faster and lose the initial properties.

Another feature of polycarbonates is 8 and 10 mm, it is impossible to make greenhouses of small size and greenhouses, since the allowable radius of their bending is quite large and should not be less than 1.5 meters. Thus, in the use of polycarbonate data for greenhouses, I put 4 out of five possible.

And yet, what polycarbonate is better for greenhouses? Summing up today's review, I confidently conclude that the best polycarbonate for the coating of greenhouses is 6 mm polycarbonate. It combines compliance with price and quality. If we talk about the preference of the manufacturer's company, then I personally give preference to Polygal polycarbonate. This is one of the most reliable and proven polycarbonates. And remember, only high-quality polycarbonate will serve you faithfully for many years.

Polycarbonate has long been a leading material for the construction of greenhouses. Many gardeners do not even consider alternatives in the form of a film and glass. Nevertheless, difficulties with the choice arise. Products are produced in a large manifold. The buyer has to be focused not only for the cost, but also to suitable parameters suitable for their needs.

Popularity Polycarbonate explained by its characteristics:

Operate with optimal properties. Plants will be able to take the light, the necessary heat, do not overheat and do not move. The design is enough just to assemble yourself. The form is changed by heat treatment - the risk of fire is minimal, since ignition occurs only at 120c. The sheet is difficult to smash, even if successful, he will not split into sharp fragments. Such a greenhouse can be left for the winter without fear of cracking, use as an additional place of storage of country accessories.

The disadvantages include:

  • ease of damage to abrasive means;
  • strain on a strong heat;
  • destruction of structure from high doses of ultraviolet.

All minuses are adjusted by the right place to install the greenhouse, gentle care, applying special films to the surface.

Polycarbonate classification

The material is made of two types:


Complete sheets of different sizes and thickness.

The monolithic option resembles a muddy glass. It has a tangible weight, aesthetic appearance, is very durable, but it is more expensive. Such polycarbonate is easy to assemble without additional frames. Meanwhile, monolithic sheets practically do not keep warm. In such a greenhouse, sensitive plants will freeze.


Two or three leaf connected by a layer of numerous ribs. The structure resembles bee honeycombs, hence the name.

Cellular cell cells better dispel light, evenly distribute the temperature inside the structure. Seedlings will not receive burns, will not suffer from overheating or supercooling. This material is much cheaper. In addition, cellular polycarbonate is more flexible. It is fixed on the frame even in the form of an archer. Lightweight series with thin ribs are produced.

For the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses, cellular polycarbonate is preferably taken.

What polycarbonate choose?


Key Polycarbonate Parameters

Both types of material are of different quality. Only a set of certain parameters can guarantee a long service life of the finished product.

Original raw materials

High-class polycarbonate are produced by Patent by Bayer. In its recipe, special plastic granules of increased strength are used. Such raw materials necessarily has a "Premium" mark.

There are also sheets of plastic recycling. They are often labeled by the Icon "Eco". The service life of such options is rarely 5 years old. But the cost of "seconders" is much lower.

Density and shape of cells

Two inseparable parameter from each other. The cells in the form of a triangle or hexagon give the highest density. Such a layer is difficult to carry even a strong gust of the wind, but it is less flexible and delays more sveta.

Square cells have average plasticity performance and weak bandwidth in terms of light.

Rectangular honeycombs have great popularity. Such sheets are quite flexible and cheaper than others. At the same time, they do not have the highest resistance to breakdowns.

The density also depends on the mass of the ribs. Optimally choosing species with an indicator of at least 800g / sq.m.

Leaf size

The monolithic polycarbonate is made in the form of sheets of 3.05 m per 2.05 m. For cellular material, a width of 2.1 m is characterized at a length of 6 or 12 m.

Specified dimensions are standard. They adhere to manufacturers of domestic and foreign brands. The unified formula for counting costs is not derived, since it all depends on the individual cutting.

Sheet thickness

The variants of this parameter in polycarbonate is much larger. And cellular and monolithic plates are produced with 4, 8, 16, 6 and 10 mm thick. Lightweight series are thinning to 3.5 and even 3 mm.

Sealing sheets within 20-32 mm are made to order. In a free sale, they are rare. Such types are used for structures where durability is particularly important.

For greenhouses and greenhouses, 4 mm thickness is most often used in summer cottages. The room will serve 3-4 years, but will cope with its functions on excellent. In harsh climatic conditions with storm gusts of the wind, the cellular polycarbonate 6 mm (less often 10) is recommended. Thicker varieties with all the strength will not pass enough light. Inside there will be a strong heat or cold, depending on the weather day. In addition, the thickness of 16 mm makes the design extremely heavy. It is necessary to strengthen the frame, and it is difficult to build it yourself quite difficult.


For greenhouses, you can choose not only colorless, but also colored polycarbonate.

Colorless is standard. It misses up to 80% of natural sunlight, evenly dispels it, suitable for all types of plants.

Painted variants reduce traffic permeability, change the spectra. Therefore, they should be taken only under certain cultures and conditions:

  • brown, red, green shades - for berries, colors and mushrooms;
  • white shades - for crops;
  • yellow shades - to avoid burns in a hot climate (passes 72% of light);
  • bronze - for shadow plants (up to 60% of light).

From turquoise, opal, blue color is better abandoned. They dissipate no more than 40% of the rays, while the most important of them do not pass through the spectrum.

If artificial lighting is in the greenhouse, you can safely take polycarbonate of any color.

Also, experts recommend carefully to textures. Matte sheets are suitable only to southern areas with abundance of the sun. They protect well from burns, passing only 65% \u200b\u200bof the rays. In the rest of the regions it is better to stop the choice on transparent polycarbonate. With a short bottom, a small number of solar clock photosynthesis should not be slowed down.

UV coat

Plastic from which polycarbonate is manufactured is subject to the destruction of ultraviolet rays. Permanent abundant impact leads to the formation of microcracks on the surface. Over time, the asteris are broken into large cobwebs. In the end, the sheet is finally breaking, the design is destroyed.

The process of photodecitstruation of polycarbonate is slowed down by a special coating. The protective function is performed by films resistant to ultraviolet. They are attached to the surface of a sheet of coextrusion technology. The bonding of the layers occurs in a liquid form, therefore the risk of separation of the coating and base during operation is minimal.

Most brands are applied on one side of the plates. Bilateral protection is rarely found or under the order. On the processed side has a label. For greenhouses, there is enough film outside, where there is direct contact with radiation.

The latest achievements of the technological process allowed the release of polycarbonate with the initial inclusion of a protective additive. The component interfere in plastic itself, so the film becomes unnecessary. The percentage of UV absorption is about 30-45%. On sheets there is an appropriate mark.

Polycarbonate without filter does not fit plants. It is suitable only for internal works, because under the sun is collapsed in less than a year.

The advice of experienced farmers will help not mistaken with the choice of plastic panels. The practical experience of a large number of people shows that you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

If you doubt the authenticity of the goods, the seller can always ask for a certificate. Documentation is always attached to the original sheets. Forgery may not be simply ineffective, but also dangerous due to the release of harmful impurities when contacting the sun.

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Construction Features

Rational use of material significantly reduces monetary and temporary costs. Specialists advise adhere to the rules:

  1. For arched structures make arcs 6 and 12 mm.
  2. All joints should come to the profile. Arcs, the frame is better to do solid to increase strength.
  3. For a double greenhouse wall and roof oriented under the size of the sheet. Each plate must be divided without residues.
  4. Between the frame and sheets make gaps about 2-3 mm. This is done for free expansion of polycarbonate when heated. For the same purposes, the bolts of the bolts make a little more declared diameter.
  5. In places of fixtures, bolts are preferably used rubber washers to mitigate when expanding. So the cracks will not go.
  6. Outdoor ribs are better to cover with a steamproof film or profile. Gives moisture protection and eliminates clogging. The inner edges leave as it is to condensate the glasses freely.

Thus achieved savings without loss of greenhouse productivity.

When transporting, the polycarbonate is placed in the body of the plastics. Location on the ribs deforms sheets. Plates up to 8 mm should be placed in a car completely in order to avoid breakdowns. Thicatles permissible to leave in the suspended state by 0.5-1 m. Thin flexible options can be collapsed into a semi-arm and fasten with scotch.

The storage of the material is carried out in a dry closed room away from the open sun. Great suarie or garage. On the street, it is better to lay down on the street without packaging (UV layer up) and hide as an awning.

For cleansing the walls of the greenhouse uses non-aggressive means. The best option for washing is a soap solution and a wet rag. After cleaning the wall wipe dry to keep the best transparency.

Competent selection and work with polycarbonate is the key to the long-term maintenance of the greenhouse, good harvest without harm to plants.

There is a lot of advantages of polycarbonate and written a lot. This light light translucent plastic actively displaces the usual glass not only from the greenhouse, but even from the field of capital construction.

The flexibility connected in this material with high strength allows you to create a design of not only straight, but also arched form.

An important advantage of cellular polycarbonate is a good turning ability, thanks to which the sun's rays do not burn young seedlings.

In addition, it plays the role of an ultraviolet filter separating from the solar radiation spectrum the most dangerous component for plants.

High mechanics and optical characteristics and versatility of polycarbonate caused an active growth of its production and an extension of the range. Therefore, the question is how to choose a polycarbonate for a greenhouse or a greenhouse, for many owners of country sites, has become very difficult.

Dozens of brands and varieties of cellular polycarbonate, the presence of frank poor-quality products and a minimum of knowledge about this material - all these factors lead to errors when buying.

As a result, instead of the expected economic benefits of the owner of the greenhouse, it lies disappointment and financial losses. In order to avoid serious problems and troubles, we will talk about the peculiarities of the choice of high-quality polycarbonate for a greenhouse or a greenhouse.

How to choose polycarbonate?

The main part of the high strength and thermal insulation characteristics of the cellular polycarbonate is enclosed in the features of its structure. The sheets of this material consist of two (or more) fine parallel plates, which are connected by vertical or inclined rigors. Thanks to this design, light plastic becomes durable, and at the expense of air, which is in honeycombs, is also quite warm.

Release cellular polycarbonate with sheets of 2.1x2 m, 2.1x6 m, 2.1x12 m, and the last two options are found more often than the first. In practical terms, the size is important because it allows you to accurately calculate the flow and minimize the loss during cutting.

Since we are interested in polycarbonate for greenhouses and greenhouses, we will not consider all the existing types of this material, the thickness of which varies in the range from 3.5 to 50 mm.

Before you start choosing a cellular polycarbonate, It is necessary to determine which thickness of the sheet fully meets the peculiarities of the built structure. Here in the foreground there are factors of snow and wind load, the shaft step and the allowable bending radius of the leaf (for round greenhouses and greenhouses).

Fortunately, to solve this issue, we do not have to sit for complex calculations, since the practice of applying this material and the manufacturers recommendations already contain an accurate answer.

Deciding which polycarbonate for greenhouses is better, It can be responsibly to declare that for a spring-autumn version of such a structure, a cellular polycarbonate is optimal with a thickness of at least 6 mm.

For winter greenhouses, it is better to buy a single-chamber sheet with a thickness of 10 mm or a two-chamber thickness of 16 mm, since the conditions of maximum energy saving are added to the requirements on snow load.

In many forums, the polycarbonate 4 mm thick is actively discussed as an inexpensive version for the greenhouses today as a cheap replacement of a thicker material. However, supporters of this option forget that under such a sheet need a frame with a more frequent step of the crate. This leads to the rise in price and complication of installation.

At the same time, some owners of greenhouses covered with 4-millimeter polycarbonate, in their reviews complain that even with a small step of a longitudinal crate (only 0.5 meters!) In the period of snowy winters, sheets are deformed.

It is also not necessary to develop yourself to the idea that making a greenhouse round, we are thereby 100% secure it from the "Snow Hap". Practice has shown that at the moment of sharp cooling after thawed, on the surface of a round greenhouse, it is formed, on which a heavy layer of ice and snow is perfectly held.

Therefore, the first principle of choosing a cellular polycarbonate is its strength, which is directly related to the sheet thickness.

Durability - an important selection criterion

Reading the advertisement of a cellular polycarbonate, may form that this material has only advantages, and there are no flaws. In fact, it is not. Any plastic is afraid of solar radiation, which gradually destroys it.

Therefore, all the leading manufacturers of cellular polycarbonate are applied to its surface a special film layer that protects it from ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is so important when installing not to confuse the surface and put the outside of the leaf side, on which there is a protective film.

Combating European and Russian manufacturers pay great attention to the protection of their product from ultraviolet. Chinese polycarbonate often goes or without protection at all or gets it only symbolically. It is not applied to it, but only injected into the raw material mass of cheap "additives" from solar radiation. As a result, such plastic stands on a greenhouse for no more than 2-3 years, after which it is muttered and begins to collapse.

Therefore, it is better to immediately buy a more expensive cellular polycarbonate for greenhouses and greenhouses under a well-known brand, the cheaper Chinese or No-Name material. The calculation here is very simple: high-quality polycarbonate will serve at least 10 years, and low-grade during the same time you have to change 2-3 times.

Polycarbonate under the brand Light - what is it?

Many of us buying polycarbonate, the main attention is paid to its price. It is correct because it is a comprehensive quality indicator. However, some unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers go to a tricky trick, offering for the price of standard "budget" lightweight and less high-quality material under LIGHT labeling.

Therefore, seeing in the designation of the sheet or in the certificate this word, know that instead of 4 mm, you buy a leaf with a thickness of 3.5 mm, and instead of 6 mm - 5.5. Accordingly, for the "eight" and "dozens" we get 7.5 mm and 9.5 mm.

It would seem that the difference is small. However, if we consider that the price is not reduced, and the life of the material is reduced for several years, then a similar purchase cannot be called profitable.

Choosing a manufacturer

Choosing a polycarbonate for winter greenhouses, the buyer has to balance the face between the savings and the quality of the goods. Therefore, we indicate which trademarks today are more often found in the market and what should be expected from them.

The domestic manufacturer of carboglass polycarbonate gives a 15-year warranty on his product, so it can be attributed to the category of quality. Prices confirm this fact. So, for a standard 6-mm leaf (2.1x6 m) of a polycarbonate of this brand you will have to pay at least 6,000 rubles.

NOVATTRO Cell Polycarbonate The Russian manufacturer gives a guarantee of 14 years and quite reasonably asks for his product from 4,600 rubles. For 1 standard sheet of 6 mm thickness.

On another popular type of cellular polycarbonate produced by the Russian concern Plastilux under the Sunnex trademark, the manufacturer's guarantee is less (8 years). The cost of a standard 6 millimeter sheet here starts from 5,000 rubles.

A trademark Vizor, who previously belonged to Chinese manufacturers, today changed registration and is produced in the Czech Republic. The quality of this material is very mediocre, which is noticeable both under warranty (5 years) and in terms of price - from 2700 rubles. For 1 sheet.

Chinese ITalon Cell Polycarbonate pleases a low price. The sheet of this material is 6 mm thick costs from 2400 rubles. However, pleasure from a profitable purchase overshadows a short period of warranty - 5 years.

We led a very short list of manufacturers and brands of cellular polycarbonate, which is implemented today in the domestic market. At the same time, the main requirements for it: strength, reliable protection against ultraviolet and the reasonable price are unchanged.