Proper care and cultivation of azalea in a pot. Azalea Room: Care at home How to grow azalea flower

Gorgeous azalea fascinates at first sight. As a true beauty, it is inherent in whims taken by conquered floweries, because spent care efforts are rewarded with the onset of pores of lush, beautiful azalea blossom.

Adjusting efforts, slap, remember the future joyful award. The flower is also called the Alpine Rose: Indeed, proud babe reminds the queen of flowers, sometimes exceeding it with his perfection.

Azalea at home after purchase

Immediately after the purchase, the seedling of Azalea needs to be in suitable land, because in the transport pots, the soil is absolutely not suitable for constant plant content. It is best to purchase land for azaleas, ideally relevant to the cultivation of capricious beauties. You need to transplant, trying not to damage the roots, since plants are restored for a very long time after this procedure.

Free the root from the pot, put in a new, more spacious pot and pour off the nutrient soil. At the bottom of the new pot you can arrange a small drainage layer to protect the plant from overflow.

How to transplant Azalia after purchase, tells the video:

Caring for Azalia Rhododendron House

Often, obtained as a gift or purchased in the store, a magnificent azalea is a long time blooms, glading eyes, and after, unfortunately, dies - the plant decide to throw out. In vain! Azalea simply passes the adaptation period to the apartment conditions. Show patience and attention: Kostik will gradually restore strength and release new leaves. Having mastered the main rules in care, you for many years make friends with a magnificent beauty that blooms the whole warm season.

Select Place, Temperature and Lighting

Azaleas need scattered lighting or a weak half with cool air, the scorching rays of the sun will kill her. It is difficult to maintain coolness in summer: put the plant in the shadow, preferably to the Western or North window, more often carry out the room.

It will be good for the summer to stick a pot with azalia in the shady garden, protecting the beauty from direct sunlight. Even if you simply put the azalia on the balcony, the summer rain will be very useful. Return the plant into the room is needed before the heating season. An ideal climate for azalea can be compared with warm misty autumn - during the day 10-14 ° C, at night 6-8 ° C in a set with high humidity. A fairly comfortable plant feels even at 18-20 ° C, if not forgeting constantly moisturize the leaves.

How to water Azalia

The fundamental requirement for azalia is to water regularly, but do not overcoat, avoid water stagnation, soil drying. The land should not be wet, but slightly wet. So that the land after watering with tap water is not lacking, alternate watering with simple water and acidified - sometimes add 2 g of citric acid per liter of water and water the flower, but not often).

With the onset of autumn, after the end of flowering, cutting a little water. If the flower in peat ground, weakly absorbing moisture when driving, sometimes lay a pot into a pelvis with water for a while up to two hours. It is important to remember that heat and dry air are detaining for the plant: Azalea will start dropping flowers and leaves.

During the heating season, constantly spray the leaves of the plant, using a fine spray from the pulvizer. You can put a pot with azalia to the pallet with a wet pebble, not allowing how to contact the pot with water. Ideally, water and spray with rain, melt or river water, but at least softened - it should be absorbed at room temperature, cold water is categorically impossible.

Transplant and feeding of Azalea Rhododendron

Azalea prefers acidic soil. The mixture is ideal for azalea, heather soil, is possible peat, good mixture of coniferous in two parts and one part of peat with a small addition of river sand, a good choice - hydroponics. In flower shops sell a special soil, intended by acidophilic plants, as appropriate azaleas. The pot is worth choosing not high, since the roots at the flower of the surface structure.

Loose the soil during flower care is strictly prohibited in order to avoid the destruction of the root system, for this reason the plant is transferred, and not transplanted. Young colors need transs only 1 time in spring, adult plants - 1 time in 2 or 3 years. Replane without disturbing an earthen coma, with the addition of a large number of new soil.

For spring-summer, use fertilizer for azaleas once a week, in the fall-winter to bookmark buds - a solution of 15 g of superphosphate on 10 liters of water every 2 weeks.

How to transplant Azalia, look at the video:

Pruning and formation of azalea crown

The pruning of azaleas can be described as shortening last year's shoots, removing weak, short-growing twigs in order to create a neat crown with a uniform arrangement of colors. For a beautiful crown it is necessary to constant and pinch. Remember, the increased branchedness of the bush may interfere with flowering.

Late varieties of azalea, removing unnecessary shoots from the beginning of May, early - in March. Paging the tops, leave 4-5 leaves on them, shoots next to flower kidneys, too, cut off. At the end of the summer, when the plant begins to lay the flower kidneys, it should be properly closed, with late Crimping the kidney is not formed. At your discretion, Azalia can be issued as a tree, bush or bonsai.

If you want Azalia to form a uniform crown without distortion, constantly turn it around the axis.

How to form bonsai from azalea?

  • For pinching azalia at the stupid stage, leaving 10-12 cm of length, side shoots place the same.
  • For at first, remove absolutely all shoots, with the exception of the central branch, growing it strong, smooth, use the support, regularly turn the flower around your axis. With the achievement of the desired size, adjust the top, which will give the beginning of the branching, the constant turning of the flower, the trimming of the side shoots will help to create a tree with a rounded form of the crown.
  • For form a central escape, then pinching - side. To give the plant a curved shape with horizontal branches, bring small loads to the twigs, or tighten them with a thick wire, wrapping it and bending at your own.

Azalea blossom

The extension of flowering contributes to the content in the coolness and regular moderate moisturizing. Remove flashing buds, seed boxes. Azalia can be calmly rotated, to transfer during the flowering period, without fearing the reset of new buds. With proper care with each new season, bloom will be luxurious.

Azalea after flowering

After flowering Rhododendron requires rest. This is the best time for trimming and transplants: Delete all the extra shoots, cut off the floral tips of the branches and gently using the transshipment method, only partially replacing the soil. Such a procedure will allow the plant to gain strength for the future season. Remember that it is possible to trim the azalia only until the end of the summer so that the plant should lay the floral buds.

When the plant accepted, watering is beginning to cut, translating Azalia into rest regime until February.

How to propagate azali cuttings

Azalea stalling reproduction is the easiest and most successful way.

  • In March, Yiyuhu cut the top 5-8 cm long cuttings with a length of 5-8 cm roof in coniferous soil, having previously treated the cutting cut in the growth stimulant, it is necessary to perplex at a depth of 1-2.5 cm.
  • Build a greenhouse with a glass jar, be sure to ventilate, irrigate, water, observe the temperature of 25 ° C.
  • When new shoots appear, it will become clear: the rooting has passed successfully. Continue watering and irrigation, do not forget about acidic water. After a couple of months, the plants will be able to drive and teach to the terms of the apartment.

With due attention, almost all seedlings are accepted.

How to shine azalia, tells the video:

Growing azaleas from seeds at home

Sowing seeds is a rather difficult method used to eliminate new varieties and not recommended for use at home. However, many enthusiasts successfully cope with the cultivation of relantradrons from seeds.

Armed with patience, start sowing the azalea seed in January-February. Farm prepared in the oven and cool down, such a procedure will protect the plants from a variety of diseases. Seeds are folded along the surface of the substrate at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, they are absorbed with water and covered with a transparent lid or a bag. The optimal temperature in germination of azalea seeds is 18-22 ° C. Containers in the first time are shared by an opaque material.

When shoots appear, they provide good lighting, but the shelter is not yet removed. Thin shoots later need to be strengthened: with a height of the leg 2-3 cm between them neatly beaten peat. So new roots will be formed, and seedlings will not be sophisticated and will not be poiladed.

With the appearance of 3-5 real leaves, the plants are searched separately on the glasses, everything is also providing greenhouse conditions (cover with packages). Only when the bushes are growing and fixed, it will be possible to deal with their independent life without a shelter, removing it first for a while, and after - comes.

Video about sowing and growing azaleas from seeds:

The successful experience of passionate flower flower confirms: to grow azalia from seeds really can, only you need to make a little more effort. The process is not complicated, but requires patience and diligence.

How to transplant Azalia and split a bush

Azalea bushes are growing over time, it becomes closely in the reserved pot. So, it's time to start selling transfers and divisions. Pour the plant and leave for a few hours. After carefully remove the pot from the earth coma and try, without damaging the roots, divide the bustard into separate parts. The roots of azaleas are superficial, fairly fragile. We try to choose a wide stable pot in which it will be spacious to the plant to grow in breadth.

Diseases and pests


Unfortunately, Azalea is prone to a variety of room colors: mildew, gray rot, rust, etc., but everything is cured with appropriate drugs that are easy to purchase in a flower shop.


Orange serving white, with a concomitant large-sage mushroom, covering leaves, virus infections coming with pest; Mute Cherver leads almost to death. Mole, caterpillars - eat leaves; Strawberry tick - leads to twisting of leaves, minor kidney; Flat red tick - coloring of leaves in brown color, foaming.

Azalea is sufficiently arrogant and troublesome in care, but having mastered the nuances, providing favorable conditions, you will receive a unique beauty plant, covered with inquiry colors. With proper care, the plant will not subjected to illness, will find a beautiful form and will be delighted with great bloom from year to year.

Types of domestic azaleas with photos and description

The Azalea Charming Azalea is a representative of the genus Rhododendron, the Merserey family, make up a group of species, which has previously been only a separate genus of plants.

Giving a flowering cold winter, filling the house with a spring mood, azalea, called the same Rhododendron - "Pink Tree", uses stunning success in flower flowering.

In the natural environment, Azalia is towers in Japan, China, in the south of Europe and North America, including in the south-east of Asia. Restable in the East as a symbol of joy and peace, is popular for compiling Bonsayev. The flowering is striking by beauty and diversity: simple or terry flowers, corrugated or fringe, white, red, all sorts of shades of pink, purple or motley. This miniature compact, well branched bush is distinguished by a period of flowering, coming sooner or later.

Two source types of home breeding azaleas were two source dilutions:

Indian Azalea or Azalea Rhododendron Sims Rhododendron Simsii

Sleeps are covered with bristles, charming flowers in a diameter of 3.5 cm of a funnel-shaped form, two-color, can be in the clip.

Japanese Azalea or Rhododendron Dumb Rhododendron Obtusum

It has glossy castings, funnel-shaped large flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm. Along with Sakura, is a national plant of Japan, constantly used by Japanese gardeners.

Two described types - dwarfs, reaching 30-50 cm, are often used not just as a room plant, of which there are popular compositions in the style of bonsai.

Azalea is one of the most beautiful dwarf species of shrubs whose height varies from thirty to fifty centimeters in height.

Evergreen plants of this kind are called Rhododendrons, those species in whom foliage periodically bends azaleas.

The main value of the plant consider his magnificent appearance and rather abundant flowering.

The leaves of the plant have an innovative, elliptical or lanceolate form. The color is dark green. Their characteristic feature is multiple brownish or gray hairs.

The flowering of this kind of shrubs is rare beauty. For the first time this happens when the plant reaches three to four years.

The birthplace of azaleas consider India, Japan and China. These are countries that possess the most favorable climate for the development of the plant, so each owner of this species must provide optimal conditions for its existence. For proper care, Azalea thanks to beautiful violent blossoms.

A wide variety of species gives freedom of choice

It is known more than three hundred and fifty types of azaleas. All of them can be divided into three groups depending on the time frame of flowering.

The progenitors of all varieties

Each group is characterized by the most popular and known varieties, but all of them are derived due to the two most common types of azaleas: Indian and Japanese.

You can select such characteristics of Azalea Indian: the plant grows in the form of a small shrub, the height of which is about fifty centimeters. Young shoots are covered with red hairs. Lickey sheets, but numerous enough.

Color color has a wide range of colors. Flower shape funnel-shaped, which represents a feature of this species. Petals can be both terry with varying degrees of terrain, and smooth. The cultivation of Azalea Indian unlike Japanese is limited only by pots.

Japanese azalea grows perfectly in the open soil. It is recommended to plant it at the end of the first flowering. A feature of this species is bright extremely abundant bloom, among which the leaves are practically not visible.

Shrub grows about eighty centimeters in height and is the most popular plant among lovers gardeners.

The first group will bloom at the beginning of winter

The first group includes azaleas, the flowering period of which falls for December-January month:

  1. Dresden. It is characterized by the average size of flowers. Their diameter is about six centimeters. The terrain of petals is average. The color is bright pink.
  2. AdventGlockhen Flowers with flowers of the bell shape, the size of which is about six centimeters. Petals are characterized by the presence of terrain on the edge. Raspberry color.
  3. Orange Boven Also blooms with beautiful pretty large flowers, a diameter of about five and a half centimeters. Color bright orange-red.
  4. Doberorm Characterized by flowers of rather large size. On average, they reach seven and a half centimeters in diameter. Petals have high terrace. The color is bright. On the edge of the petals there is a white border, which gives a flower of special uniqueness and beauty.

Photo selection of colors of azalea different types:

Nor there or here

The second group includes azals, the flowering period of which falls on January-March, that is, the average flowering:

  1. Sort Apollo Flowers large white flowers that have brick-red dots at the base of each petal. Thermostability is absent or practically not visible not by an armed eye. The edge of the petals is wavy, which gives a flower a lush beautiful view.
  2. Albert Elizabeth. It is characterized by particularly large flowers reaching eight and a half centimeters in diameter. Color pale pink with bright red border along the edge of petals.

Late Blossom

The third group includes azalsa, the flowering period of which falls in February-April, that is, later flowering:

  1. Grade Hexs It has wine flowers, the diameter of which is about five centimeters. Machiily average.
  2. Cellinum Flowers smooth flowers of bright carmine color. The diameter is about six centimeters.

Plant landing

When landing azalea, a special approach is required. The fact is that Azalea is quite capricious and demanding plants. In order for them beautifully bloody and normally grew up certain conditions.

Rhododendrons require a lot of light, but at the same time, from direct sunlight, they need to carefully protect them, since the heated thermal effect is detrimental to the plant.

From the solar beam, the sheets are frozen, and the flowers fall at all. The optimal solution for choosing the place of aging azalea is halftime, as well as multiple light.

Azalea leaf falls great and bloom among trees, where enough safe and light.

Of great importance for healthy growth and flowering plants has a soil. It should be loose, acidic with a high content of coniferous earth, sand and peat. Recommended to purchase a special finished substrate in the store.

Since these shrubs are characterized by a surface root system, then there is no need to periodically change the entire soil in which the plant grows. It can be limited to the replacement of the forty centimeter surface layer.

Selection of soil - an important point

The period of disembodies of container seedlings can last all summer. The remaining plants are planted at the beginning of spring.

For planting azaleas, it is required to make a deepening in the ground, the width of which is about seventy centimeters, and the depth is about fifty.

On the bottom it is required to arrange a drainage system. To do this, you can mix large sand and broken brick. The drainage layer should be about twenty centimeters thick.

Lached plant is required to pour well. Near the plant you need to mulch the soil. It will protect it from drying out, the growth of weeds, as well as frost.

Give her attention and she will pay you a worthy coin

Azalea, growing at home requires special care.

Since the plant blooms in the cold season, the responsible attitude towards the humidity temperature for the plant is required.

In the fall, when the kidneys of flowering in the room should be cool (5-7 degrees). During the flowering period, the air temperature should not exceed eighteen degrees. Otherwise, the plant risks to die.

In order to support optimal climatic conditions for azaleas, you can resort to light deception. For example: often spray cold water or looked ice pot. In any case, during the year, the plant should not disappear.

Water this type of shrub, you need using soft water, which is recommended to boil. The substrate for azaleas should be wet, but not wet, so it is often necessary to water and little.

If the leaves and flowers of the plant begin to fall or turn yellowing it means that moisture is missing.

Azaleas require a lot of bright scattered light. The straight sun rays are destructive for them.

Fertilize the plant needs special fertilizers. For example: in the summer are added by nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and in August until it turns out the Flood phosphorus and Kaliizi-containing.

Azalea room

Every ten days in water for watering you need to add a few drops of lemon juice.

The blooming azalea needs a cool humid climate, so during this period it should be particularly careful for it.

Flowers that finished flowering should be removed, so the plant spends additional energy to form seeds.

After the plant blends it to transplant it. Soil update favorably affects the subsequent flowering.

How to care for azalia - details in the video:

Proposition and transplant

Azaley shrubs breed through shutdown. The cuttings are harvested with pre-pinned adult plants.

Before falling into the ground, they should be placed in water with rhoin or heteroacexin for six hours. The rooting is expected sixty days later. Then the plant is planted in coniferous soil for further growth.

As the plant is grossing needs a transplant. Young azalia (up to three years) transplanted no more than once a year. Adult plant twice throughout the year.

With a very scorched root system or developed diseases, Azalia transplant as needed.

The problems that flower water may occur

Wrong care for the shrubs of azaleas causes a variety of problems and diseases in the plant:

  1. Fading, yellowed leaves that began to be down, testify to insufficient watering or excess of the sun. For the same reason, a web tick appears. The presence of a web on the stalks of the plant is direct proof. The plant needs a warm soul and spraying with a special soap solution.
  2. If a flowers do not have a decorative species, they are sluggish and quickly fallThe plant needs high-quality watering for watering, as well as feeding. Recommended to boil water for watering the plant when it is ill.
  3. Serious azalea disease is strawberry tick. He is striking all the plant, so it starts to die. It does not grow, young buds fall out, without reaching the heyday, and the sheets are twisted. There are special means against ticks that can cure flower.

Azalea drops the leaves - this is not good!

Only due to caring care, the plant blooms plentifully, does not get sick and develops perfectly.

Growing azaleas at home and care for it is not easy. This is a very whimsical plant requires a special attitude towards yourself and comply with special conditions of content. However, all your efforts will be rewarded. Flowers Azalea is very beautiful and magnificent, it is distinguished by a variety of appearance of inflorescence and wealth of paints and shades.


Azalea refers to Palic Rhododendrons. Growing at home can be produced in any part of the world, provided you care. Her homeland is considered asian countries (southeastern Asia, Japan, China), but you can meet this flower in the north of America and the south of Europe.

In Greek, Azalia means "Pink Tree". This is almost the most beautiful of all decorative indoor plants. Flowers in the period of cold and frosts when the remaining flowers rest. Flowering lush and long-term, variety of shades is impressive. Leaves rounded oblong shape. The plant looks like a small shrub, has a lot of variety.

Be careful when handling flower at home and in the garden. Keep it away from pets and young children, as Azalea is enough to poison.

Azalea cultivation is possible both on the room's window and in the country in open earth. An Indian azalea is suitable for the house, it is easier to grow here.

Beautiful flower is often bought in a flower shop in winter as a gift. But, as a rule, such a gift is not unable to decorate the house, Azalea quickly crept. Why? Not adversely maintained for the sensitive, spoiled plant.

Conditions for growing azaleas

The main rule is all the content of the capricious flower must be as close as possible to the natural conditions of life in nature. This requires special care.

In Nature, Azalia grows in a cool climate, where much light, but not under the right rays of the sun. She loves water and a constant influx of fresh wet air. Dry and heat for her are devastating.

Based on the above-mentioned natural needs of decorative culture, a number of basic conditions can be distinguished, in which Azalea will be successfully grown in the apartment.

  • Air temperature.

Ideally should be slightly lower than twenty degrees or one or two degrees above. In October, it is advisable to maintain a special temperature regime (about five degrees above zero). It is necessary that the buds of future flowers are formed. When the day of flowering approaches, lift the thermometer to +15. During the flow of flowers, install a constant temperature to +18 degrees. Creating a cold for azalea can be artificially: to fold the flower with pieces of ice, watering produce cold water, like spraying. If there are no frosts on the street, you can keep the plant at the open window or put it on a glazed loggia.

  • Watering and moisturizing air.

Moisten air and dried soil can be regular spraying and watering through the pallet (put the box in the pallet filled with water for several hours). Water will saturate the land and make the air wet, evaporated. The usual watering alternate with watering through the pallet. In the summer, in the heat, watering the azalia should be twice a day and often spray. Water for watering and spraying is recommended after rain or melting snow. It is possible to water boiled cool water, but it must be prestone. To acidify the soil (this flower likes precisely acidic soils) can sometimes water the plant with water with the addition of teaspoon of citric acid (for two liters).

  • Lighting mode.

The light should be in large quantities, but let it be not straight solar rays. Protect Azalia from the scorching sun, it will destroy her. If necessary, create an additional light source, especially in the winter months, when the sun on the street is so small.

  • Land.

It takes enough impressed, consists of a peat layer, leaf, herasskal land and land with a cheese, can be added some river sand. It is better to buy a special composite composition in the store, everything will be necessary for Azali. The bottom of the box must be with holes for the flow of excess water.

  • Podrel.

Caring for Azalia involves regular feeding. It should be carried out in two decades throughout the summer and spring with a special complex of mineral fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium associate, potassium sulfite and superphosphate). Continue until November cold weather. During the day before the formation of flowers, select phosphoric fertilizers to put into the soil (superphosphate) to improve the quality of flowering buds.

How to propagate azalia?

The cultivation can be made by seeds, with the help of cuttings, dividing bushes, as well as vaccination.

The seed method is used to excrete new subspecies, it is very laborious and is suitable only for specialists. It is necessary to plant seeds at the beginning of spring into the soil from peat substrate and the layer of fallen needles. Landing should be shallow, cover seeds with film from polyethylene. Capacity with the future seedlings put in a bright place.


  • Compliance with the purity in the planting containers is necessary. To do this, it is necessary to displaced it with chlorine or manganese.
  • The ground for landing should be disinfected on a water bath or in the oven.
  • Place the containers with seeds in the pallet with water to maintain a constant humidity.
  • You can not allow oveurgement, otherwise mold starts. To do this, check the containers with seeds.
  • After 21 days, the appeared sprouts should be filtered (a mixture of ammonium sulfate, potassium plus superphosphate).
  • Pick seedlings twice: when it goes two weeks after landing and the second time in August.
  • Care: Watering, weeding, soil looser.

At home, it is easier to breed azali cuttings. It is necessary to choose half an accelerated cutting of about 10 cm, cut it off (they do it in the middle of winter or from March to June). Next, root the process in the ground with conifer or peat ground. To root the cutting should be in heat (temperature +25) for a month. Care must be appropriate. To maintain heat, the seedlings are covered, but regularly spray and ventilated. When Azalea will grow to 4-5 cm at home, it is transplanted into coniferous soil. Three months later, the plant pinch to formed Crohn, they do not give to bloom, removing buds. With the arrival of spring, young seedlings are transplanted at a permanent place. The transplant is made by transshipment along with the land to protect the roots.

A bush of a four-year-old azalea can be divided. It is necessary to do it carefully, without damaging the root.

How to cut and transplant Azalia?

Pruning and transplant is also a plant care. To get good azalea blossom, it must be trimmed. For this, the stalks that have already been filled, cut off, and the tops of fresh shoots must be piping. A completely weakened stems are cleaned. Crop the leaves of brown color, as well as flowers that dried and did not fall after flowering.

Pruning is made after another azalea transplant. It is necessary to transplant it every year. Adult individuals at home are transplanted less often. With this procedure, it is necessary to trim too long roots. Capacity for transplant should not be deep, have drainage holes. The earth is chosen acid from peat and coniferous layer. Of course, it is necessary to continue proper care for the young transplanted azalia: to make timely watering and feeding.

Create conditions for the plant that are similar to the natural habitat, and you can get a long and colorful flowering.

If you think that Azalea is exclusively indoor or greenhouse flowers, then you are deeply mistaken. It turns out that there are winter-hardy grades of this beautiful plants that calmly maintain a minus temperature to -27 ° C. So that you can figure out which kinds of Azali can be grown in their garden, we will try to tell you in detail about landing and leaving this magnificent bush.

Landing azalea

Azalea is a capricious and demanding plant. For him, all conditions of growth are important: light, temperature, soil composition. Lights should be as much as possible, but the straight sunlight of Azalya does not tolerate - when they get into the plant, it weakens, the leaves are wrinkled, and the buds fall. Therefore, it is necessary to choose places from a half or scattered light. This applies to evergreen species of Azali (for example, Japanese azalea). Listful azaleas more like light and at the same time protected place under the trees.

The next important factor in the cultivation of azaleas is the correct selection of soil cover. The soil mixture can be chosen on their own (needed loose and acidic soil containing coniferous land, sand and peat) or acquire a soil for Azalei in stores. The root azaley surfactant system, so if necessary, it suffices to replace 40-50 cm of the upper fertile soil layer.

You can land container seedlings throughout the summer season, in other cases the landing is carried out in spring. The seedling is planted in a hole with a width of 70 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Before making fertile soil, we arrange drainage in the depths of the pit from a large sand and broken bricks. The thickness of the drainage layer should be approximately 15-20 cm if you land azalia into a deeper pit, then approximately 30-40 cm. Lighted crushed stone to use as a drainage categorically not recommended - it makes the soil less acidic, it grabs it. After planting, the seedlus is abundantly watering and necessarily mulch the soil near it, using the mulch, the moss, crushed boring and peat as a mulch. Such protection will keep moisture in the soil, it makes it difficult to grow weeds and protect the roots of azaleas from winter frosts.

Azalea reproduction

Propeliate azalia seeds and cuttings. The last way is faster, so consider it.

Azalea reproduction Cerenki

For such a method of reproduction, the tops of azaleas are chosen. Best of all, they are rooted in the spring - in March and April. Cut the cuttings from a maternal plant up to 10 cm long, while the top kidney and the undeveloped leaves should be removed. We also remove the lower sheets, the main thing is that 2-3 intact and healthy leaf remain on the cutken. The lower cutting section is made by a sharp secateur at an angle (about 45 °) and sprinkle with a stimulant (to accelerate the root formation). This is necessary to increase the number of surviving cuttings. Then the cuttings are placed in small tanks with a drain hole (for this purpose you can use a disposable cups with a capacity of 10 ml), filled with the upper peat and spray. The cutting section should be in the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm. After placing the cuttings in tanks, cover them with the film (the film should not touch the cuttings).

The rooting of cuttings depends on a number of factors. First, on temperature. The optimal air temperature for the development of the root system will be temperature at 18 ° C, for soil - 22 ° C. To comply with the optimal temperature regime, it is desirable to put the capacitance to heated from the bottom. In the future (after a week of time), there will be constant ventilation of the cuttings. Riding peat, which we used as a substrate should be wet. Behind the cuttings it will be necessary to take care of about 1.5 months, then they will root and they can be transplanted into the soil.

Azalia care

Care for garden azalia lies in timely pruning, proper watering, feeding and hiding for the winter.


Pruning is carried out after the plant will flash, approximately 2 weeks of time. When trimming, we delete faded or strongly thickening bush shoots completely, other shoots cut about a third of their lengths. So that the Kush of Garden Azalea remains lush and the next year we branched it well, we make trimming throughout the periphery of the bush. Circuit places by smearing the paint on the olife or garden harr. To bookmark a larger number of floral kidney, it is also desirable to remove the flowers with a bush.


Abundant watering and spraying garden azals love, because if you are overpowering them, it is already unlikely to save. But it is important not to overflow them! For example, abundant watering the plant is necessary when it blooms. At the same time, at the time of flowering, Azalia does not need to spray, so that its beautiful flowers are not covered with spots. In the fall, under the wet air, watering should be limited, and before the winter onset, it is necessary to water only with sustainable and dry weather.


Young garden azalea seedlings are fed by spring with a cowboat, and after flowering - a phosphorus-potash mixture of fertilizers (in a 1: 2 ratio). Adult bushes feed the early spring mixture of comprehensive long-acting fertilizers. Fertilizers when feeding are made not under the root of the bush, but at a short distance from it (about 20 cm from the center of the bush). We emphasize your attention to the fact that garden azals, like other rhododendons, do not suit the mixtures of fertilizers containing lime and chlorine.

Halfing for winter

Garden Azalea does not like a strong winter sun, which can easily destroy the roots of this plant. Therefore, any winter-hardy kinds of azaleas are necessary at the end of the autumn to pour abundantly until the earth finally freezed. Then the evergreen varieties are covered with a coniferous sweetheart, low-grade varieties can also be meditated with oak leaves. The branches of deciduous species are adjusted as close as possible to the ground so that during the winter they are under the snow.

Types and varieties of azalea

On open garden sites, Japanese Azalea Japonica and deciduous azalea - they can withstand winter frosts to -27 ° C. Most of the varieties of Indian azaleas are houseplants, our frosts in the open air they do not tolerate. Here are the most popular types of azaleas, as well as their photos:

Azalea Japanese Marushka.

Bushes grow slowly, grow up to 50 cm in height. Flowers in May, inflorescences on a juicy red plant. It is desirable to plant in the huge places, with sour and moderately wet soil.

Azalea Japanese Peticout

Like the MARUSHKA grade plant grows up to 50 cm in height and blooms in May. Flowers in pink inflorescences. Without abundant irrigation, the leaves fall out in the plant.

Azalea Japanese Ledikanense

Another variety of Japanese azalea. Growing conditions and appearance similar to previous two varieties. Flowers on a plant violet shade.

Azalea Japanese Schneeperle

This variety differs from previous varieties of white inflorescences. The bush is incredibly beautiful in May, at the time of flowering.

Azalea Japanese Geisha Orange

Petals of flowers of this grade of orange color, the bush very much does not like to cut the soil.

It grows up to 1.5 m in height, blooms up to 2 months, at the time of flowering the plant is completely supreme with flowers.

I would also like to suggest how to choose the way to choose the winter-hardy variety of azaleas when buying. In specialized stores, winter-hardy varieties are usually sold in the spring, and room (such as Indian Azalea) all year round. Also, garden varieties look like small bushes with a height of 20-25 cm, with a small amount of leaves and barely noticeable flowering kidneys. Houses Azalia go on sale already blooming, with beautiful large leaves, while the plant can reach a height of only 10 cm.

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Azalea is a decorative perennial plant that pleases with a buoy blossom, if you follow it correctly, choose a good place in the garden, to ensure the correct watering and feeding. Azalea will feel comfortable in one-sided intensity (depending on the type of plant), but it should not be a deaf solid shadow. She will hindle good blossoms. Does not like a place where there are drafts. It will not be added to the dry soil. It is necessary to choose even places on the plot where there will be no spring floods. When landing at the house, you can choose any wall except southern. Neighbor plants can be ate, as well as limes and oaks. Well, if there is a reservoir next to this plant.

The Azalea will not die on the sun, but there will be bad blossom. Straight sunlights are detrimental on good growing and flowering azalea garden.If the soil is dry, then in the period of flowering, the plant will begin with stress, and it does not make sense to wait for good results. If still this plant got such a solar and dry place, then it is necessary to moisturize the plant and the soil.

How to plant azalia

How to choose azalea seedlings

Purchase of a seedling is possible only in spring. When it is selected, you need to pay attention to the volume of the container. Better if it is large. Earth in it should be well moistened, in the required quantity (not enough). Dry land in the container is a sign of a bad, patient and weak plant. It is possible to determine the quality of a seedling with one manipulation. Seedling can be easily pulled out of the pot. If he is good and easily coming out with a lore land, then this is a bad sign - the plant has taken root badly. In the garden, such a sapling can also not take care. Plant should also look healthy and strong.

There are several types of azaleas. When buying needs to be taken into account. And to get all the information about the group to which this plant applies, and learn its characteristic. Different species can behave differently and require other approaches to care.

Cost of soil

It is necessary to take into account the type of soil on the estimated place of landing. Suglink and limestrock are bad options. The plant may simply not start or quickly die. If unsuccessful soil appeared on the plot of landing up azalea, and the place seems to you perfect, then you can replace the upper layer, given the preferences of the plant. You can buy an earthy mixture for these plant species, as well as to use special preparations. The soil should turn out loose and fertile. If the soil is alkaline, then it is necessary to make a bulk bed, use a peat or mixture for these plants. If you ignore this wish, then the plant either yellowed, or does not take it at all.

For azalea, the ideal will be acidic soil. It should not be dry, otherwise the flowers will be bad to form, and will also be quick to dry. At case the soil turned out to be such, it is necessary to ensure good moisturizing. With a lack of elements, the soil needs to be good for special means. To feed the plant it is worth using humid, peat, moss, chips.

Locking seedlings azaleas from containers occurs in spring or summer. The depth of the landing is 50 cm, the width of the pit is 70 cm. Either you can calculate the depth, based on the size of the root with an earthen room, plus centimeters 15. A drainage is needed in the pit. To this end, the use of broken brick and sand is the best option. Only you can not take limestone crushed stone.

The height of the drainage layer should reach 20 cm. A deeper pit is the thickness of the drainage layer. The next layer is peat and soil. The seedlove itself needs to be planted along with a room of the Earth, in which he grew. You can't shake the land. Root neck azalea should not be covered with soil.

Next, go to the direct planting of the saplings and its irrigation. Mulching around the plant is also necessary. For these purposes, you need to use cheva, moss, peat, crushed boring or leaves. It will give the opportunity to save moisture, which is so necessary azaleas, and also protects the roots of the plant from pests and sunlight. Such a procedure must be carried out regularly.

Azalea Garden: how to care for a flower

How to water the azalia in the garden

Azalea is a shrub that requires abundant irrigation and moisture. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the type of soil and the place where it landed. If dry earth is dry, then watering is necessary. Shrubs need to spray often, and you can also put a number of water tanks. Watering itself is possible either by the overall soil fill or spraying. During flowering, water should be poured.After the end of the flowering period, the spraying is no longer necessary. It is also necessary to reduce watering in the fall. During this period, moisture is enough. In the period before the onset of winter, it is necessary to water only in dry weather so that no rot.

Features of feeding plants

You need to feed azalea shrub already three weeks after it was planted. Next, repeat the procedure should be repeated regularly every three weeks. For good growth and flowering plants, it is necessary to use acidic water to water Azalia every month.

The feeding is conducted early in spring, during the flowering period and immediately after its completion.For this, a phosphorus-potash mixture is suitable for fertilizer. The humus is also used to power azalea. You can water the infusion of a cowboy. Thanks to this, the roots of the plant receive all the necessary substances to ensure good growth and rouse flowering of azaleas. Fertilizers need not for the root itself, and at some distance from the center. Aggressive fertilizer components will not affect the root system. During drought, the bushes need to additionally spray. Young plants require feeding with phosphoric fertilizers in the period from the beginning of the spring and until the summer.

Soil care

Soil quality is an important condition for the growth and flowering of azaleas. The best option will be acidic soil. If the ground with a donkey time, then you need to be added to it and additionally mulk. It is impossible to be made to the soil ash, as well as use fertilizers containing chlorine and lime. Around the bush can be carried away. But for this you should not use the chipset, since the root system of the plant is superficial, and it is possible to damage it. But remove weeds worth it.

Azalea Pruning Rules in the Garden

Two weeks after the end of flowering, Azalea needs cleaning from unnecessary shoots and leaves. It is necessary to cut off the shoots that have already been brought. Remove needs extra branches that strongly thickening the plant. Such shoots need to be completely completely, others for one third. Pruning is worth spending all over the bustle, then the puff of the plant is preserved. At the end of the trimming, the sections are treated with paint or garden wrair. To start developing new flowers, you need to remove old, dried.


The reproduction of this shrub occurs in the summer, and you can also do this at the beginning or middle of the spring. It is made with cuttings or seeds. To obtain good young azaleas, it is necessary to cut cuttings from the main plant (length 10 cm). They are cut by a secateur at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to connect the land with a cheese or make a mixture of land with sand and peat. In this acidic soil, the shrubs cuttings are situated, lumbering the stimulator for better growth of the plant. Locked new plants need to cover with glass. Cuttings need regular watering. For rooting, they need two months. Comfortable temperature for growth and development of young plants - 20 degrees. Air humidity - 80%. They also need ventilating. There must be a month and a half before it is possible to plant young plants in open ground.