Decide on a cold head. Why complicated solutions recommend taking with a cold head - an essay

The whole life of a person consists of a correspondence from the development: "Go to the right ..., go to the left ...". And from the adoption of the right decision, our further fate often depends, so we are so afraid of choice. But it will still have to do it, and it is better if the choice is our exactly, and not someone else. So, it is necessary to master not easy art, how to make the right decisions.

The choice is a process, and it may be easy or very difficult for you. However, it is understood that you chose the right road helps one-only factor: By making a decision, you should feel relief and joy. If there is no one or the other, it may mean that the choice was incorrect.

What must be guided by making a decision?

  1. Take the decision always yourself. There are different situations, simple and complex. Sometimes it is difficult to decide on something, and we melt, not knowing what to do. But you should not wait until everything decides itself or someone will choose for you. So you lose control over your own life.
  2. Take the solution only on the cold head. Emotions are not the best friends when you are standing before the problem of choice. Calm down, exhale, listen to your intuition - this is the only true way on the way, how to make the right decision.
  3. Decisions must be taken quickly. Laying this thing in a long box, we often only exacerbate the situation.
  4. Making a choice, start acting. Understand how to learn how to make the right decisions is not the most difficult thing. You need to learn how to quickly implement a solution to life. You clearly realized that you no longer need this work or it's time to put the point - act without delay. After all, nothing gives you away from the chosen goal as a delay and doubt.
  5. Do not change your solutions halfway to the goal. Deciding with his choice, throw doubts. Achieving any goal requires the cost of a certain amount of time and strength. And if you constantly throw out and change one solution to another, then all this will resemble a Brownian movement or an anthill, where all insects are chaotic. No result will bring your decision, but the failure will mean only one thing: the right choice you could do and could not.
  6. Having decided - do not regret it. Deciding with the choice, cut off all other options and focus on one single one - your solution. Doubts are possible only on the way, how to choose the right solution. The absence of regrets is an indicator that the choice was made right.

Often, people who stopped at some embodiment of several possible, still doubt: what if the decision was wrong. It is worth remembering that you know in advance, right or incorrectly you did, it is impossible. There are a lot of examples when the most disadvantaged solution was turned around as a result of a person. And vice versa, when the correct, at first glance, the choice, started a person as a result of a dead end.

The question of how to find and take the right decision is inextricably linked to another question - acceptance of personal responsibility for your own choice. Deciding to go on one of the many roads at the crossroads, release all doubts and regret, because the path you choose is just one of many, it is not better and no worse than all other ways in life.

Subject"Why decisions need to be taken with a cold head."
Literary works used in arguments:
- Roman in verse by A.S. Pushkin " Eugene Onegin";
- Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy " War and Peace".


In life, every person has to choose. The decision of the decision is influenced by the mood and emotion. The right choice is a whole science. We often hear that complex solutions should be taken with a "cold head", that is, abstracting from the feelings that master them at the time of choice, and guided by an exceptionally reason. I believe that following this principle can protect people from errors whose price is very high in our time.


The main heroine of Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", Young Natasha Rostov, needed love. Being in separation with his fiance, Andrei Bolkonsky, a naive girl in search of this feeling trusted to the insidious anatoly Kuragin, who did not think to tie his life with Natasha. Attempting to escape with a man of bad glory - a risky act, at which Natasha Rostov decided, relying primarily on feelings. The sad outcome of this adventure is known to everyone: the engagement of Natasha and Andrei is dissolved, the former beloved suffer, the reputation of the Rostov family shaken. If Natasha thought about the possible consequences, she would not be in this position.

But Tatyana Larina from Roman A. S. Pushkin "Yevgeny Onegin", as we know, from the young age was a very reasonable girl than Olga's sister was different from his sister. Taking decisions, the heroine relied on the mind. In relations with Evgeny Onegin, she never allowed the feelings to take over himself. Tatiana decided to confess the feelings for Eugene, writing him with a letter, but received a refusal. And after that, Larina tried to see the true essence of Onegin. It is rationality in her behavior allowed her years later to adopt the only correct decision. Yes, the feelings toward Eugene continued to live in her soul, but she was "completely given" and understood that she was not gaining happiness with Onegin. The choice made with the "Cold Head" helped Tatiana avoid suffering.


By making a choice, we often face an internal conflict between mind and feelings. Of course, listening to voice coming from the depths of the soul, you need. It is impossible to completely ignore the spiritual impulses. But it is equally important to be guided by a mind and assess the situation objectively, because our feelings are inconsistent and even can be deceptive. Following only call of the heart, we can make an act that we will regret the whole life. That is why, as I think, you need to strive for the Golden Middle to live in harmony with me.

Publication date: 12/03/2016

Example: a proven final essay on the topic "Why decisions need to be taken with a" cold head "" in the direction "Mind and feeling"

Introduction (entry)

Emotions, feelings, passion. Inexplicable, fervent, reckless. The complete opposite of the cold and reasonable mind, but nevertheless an important component of each person's inner world. They can be despised, and you can admire them. Someone they are able to break their lives, and someone can give happiness. You can relate to feelings in different ways, but only one thing with them It is impossible, they cannot be ignored. That is why every thoughtful person, one way or another, is asked how with them be. Do I need to flash feelings out or leave them somewhere in the depths of the soul, somewhere on dusty mezzanine of your consciousness? I, arguing on this topic, came to the conclusion that the work of world classical literature will help us to answer this question.

Comment:So beautifully started! As a result, distracted and the topic did not reveal ...

Your topic is an open question. To reveal it - you need to give a detailed answer.

600 words - a bit too much for an essay. Optimal volume - 350, maximum - 450. Do not borsch))

Argument (example):

Many famous Russian and foreign writers raised the problem of feelings in their works and how to treat them (But the question was in the other). Let us turn to the novel of the great domestic playwright Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children". Faboy plot becomes a struggle of world and old generations. The vivid example of "children" becomes Evgeny Bazarov. The hero denies the feeling, believes that "a decent chemist is better than any writer," but how sad to observe the appearance of love in the life of the hero. As soon as Anna Odintova appears in the fate of a young man, all his nihilistic theories disappear, feelings tear them together with the root, the hero of love loses the soil under his feet. Subsequently, he dies, but not the disease became the truth cause of his death. Bazarov died of loneliness, from love flour. On this example, it is clear that it can be with a person who is trying to deny or hide his feelings, and then simply cannot manage with them.

Comment:and in the composition persistently continue reasoning about the attitude towards feelings. Did you define the topic correctly? If the composition is given to the name "The role of feelings in a person's life", then everything written would be indisputable. But you pointed out another topic, which means the argument does not fit.

Argument (example):

This topic was raised by an equally famous Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. In the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" there are two types of heroes in front of us: Sensual Natasha Rostov, brave Andrei Bolkonsky and a worn helen and Anatole Kuragin. Many conflicts in the novel are related to the excessive manifestation of the feelings of heroes. A striking example of how impulse of feelings, oddificity, the flavacy of the character influenced fate, is the case with Natasha Rostova, because for her, having fun and young waiting for a wedding with Andrey, was unbearable for a long time. Could she subjugate suddenly breaking the feelings for an anatoly to the voice of reason? Here, a real drama appears in the soul of the heroine. Once meets him, she seems to lose his head, agrees to leave with him. Passion turned the girl head. Only an accident prevented the heroine to escape with Anatola. We cannot condemn the girl knowing her character. However, it is precisely the overaction of feelings and the inability of healthy to appreciate the situation caused this act. After time, Natasha strongly regretted him.

Comment:this is already closer to the specified theme, but a little poured water at the beginning of the argument.

Argument 3:

An example of the correct, in my opinion, approach to how to treat feelings, so as not to become their victim the heroine of the story of I.A. Bunin "Sunny Blow". This little dark woman returned with a recreation on a steamer. Her houses were waiting for her husband and children. The heroine met an officer who started acquaintance with her for fun. Probably, the woman was bored, and it opened to communicate, not knowing how it all turns. Soon on the heroine "as if I found a sun blow" and she, yielding to the temptation, agreed to get away from the steamer together with the officer. An attempt to pass the time turned the wave of feelings for both. The heroine compared it with a sun blow. Perhaps it was real and love, and the girl could go along with a young man, but the mind did not allow her to plunge into feelings with his head. Allowing yourself to be tempted once, the heroine managed to break the connection with the officer forever and continue to live on, as he understood that he had risks his family.

Directions of the final essay

New Directions 2016-2017 academic year:

    Mind and feeling
    2) Honor and dishonor
    3) Victory and defeat
    4) Experience and mistakes
    5) Friendship and feud

    Each thematic direction includes two concepts, by the benefit of polar. Such an approach allows you to create a variety of wording specific essays and expands graduates in choosing a literary material for constructing argumentation.

    In accordance with the specified thematic areas, Rosobrnadzor organizes the development of a closed list of the themes of the 2016/17 of the school year and conducts them on time zones. The kit will include 5 essays from a closed list (one topic from each common thematic direction).

    Below is a brief commentary on open thematic areas prepared by FGBNA specialists "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" and approved by the Council on issues of the final essay in graduation classes.

    1. "Mind and feeling." The direction implies meditation about the mind and feeling as the two most important components of the inner world of a person who affect his aspirations and actions. The mind and feeling can be considered both in harmonic unity and in a complex confrontation, which constitutes an internal personality conflict. The topic of the mind and feelings are interesting for writers of different cultures and epochs: the heroes of literary works are often in front of the choice between the bearer of the feeling and the prompt of the mind.

    2. "Honor and dishonor." The direction is based on polar concepts associated with the choice of man: to be a faithful voice of conscience, follow the moral principles or to go through betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused on the image of various manifestations of a person: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, right up to a deep moral decline of the person.

    3. "Victory and defeat". The direction allows you to reflect on victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral philosophical, psychological. The reasoning can be associated with both external conflict events in the life of a person, country, peace, and with the internal struggle of a person with himself, its causes and results. In literary works, the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of "victory" and "defeat" in different historical conditions and life situations are often shown.

    4. "Experience and errors".As part of the direction, reasoning is possible on the value of the spiritual and practical experience of a separate personality, the people, humanity as a whole, about the price of mistakes in the path of knowledge of the world, gaining life experience. Literature often makes you think about the relationship of experience and errors: about the experience that prevents errors, about errors, without which the movement in the life path is impossible, and the errors of irreparable, tragic.

    5. "Friendship and Enmity." The direction aims to reason about the value of human friendship, about the paths of achieving mutual understanding between individuals, their communities, and even whole nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of hostility between them. The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or dislike people, with the process of friendship in hostility or vice versa, with the image of a person who is capable of or not able to appreciate the friendship that can overcome conflicts or sowing enmity.

    When drawing up the topics for the final composition, the following requirements are followed:

    → Compliance with open thematic directions;
    → Ensuring the complete nature of the final essay (themes should not target a specific work on a literary analysis);
    → Ensuring the litertroid criticism of the final essay (themes should be given the possibility of a wide selection of literary material for argumentation);
    → The focus on the argument (the availability of a problem in the wording);
    → Compliance with the age characteristics of graduates, time to wrote an essay (3 h 55 min.);
    → Clarity, literacy and variety of wording of the compositions

2016/2017 academic year

Thematic direction "Mind and feeling"

Overalling Structure

1. Entry. Definition and formulation of the main problem that will be proved in the main part of the essay. The easiest thing is the subject of compositions to formulate in the form of a question. For example, the topic "Dark Kingdom" in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" we can reformulate as follows: "What" Dark Kingdom "in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"? " We carry out the "decoding" themes by keywords. Every keyword gives the definition. After the concepts are defined, we formulate our thesis (main idea), which will be argued in the main part of the composition.

2. The main part.The answer to the main question of the topic or consistent proof of the main thought of the essay, taking into account the problem posed in joining. The substantive content of each paragraph of the composition: thesis (thought requiring evidence), arguments (evidence), examples (using literary material), intermediate conclusions. You must prove your own thesis, attracting at least one work of domestic or world literature to argument (it is better to take two), choosing your way of using literary material. You can show different levels of comprehension of artistic text: from elements of semantic analysis (subjects, problems, plot, characters) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of the form and content and its interpretation in the aspect of the chosen topic. In the main part of the essay, the problems set in accession should be solved.

3. Conclusion.A brief and accurate answer to the question of the topic (a compressed result of the entire reasoning; a quote, containing the essence of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition; the formulation of new problems and issues in the aid themes that have yet to be solved). The conclusion of the essay should echo with accession to it and contain conclusions on the problems set in joining. A task - Take a summary of reasoning. You must summarize your conclusions using the keywords or terms that are included in the wording of the selected topic: if there were the words "problem", the "image" of etc., repeat them in the final conclusions. Remember that the conclusion and entry into a lot of content repeat each other. You only change the form - from questioning to affirmative.


    The essay will become superficial if it is overloaded with the material, which is only mentioned, but not analyzed.

    The essay will be incomplete if you choose little material.

    The work that you use as an argument is not needed. It is necessary to write its own reflections and reasoning on how this problem is disclosed in the product you specified.

If the graduate does not respond to the question of the topic, it means that he does not understand what he is asked about. In this case, the essay deserves unsatisfactory assessment ("notice").

Algorithm of Work on Writing

    Choosing and thinking about the theme of the essay.

    Detection of key words theme.

    Measurement of terms and concepts in the formulation of the topic.

    Definition of the main thought of the writings (my thesis).

    Selection of literary material.

    Determination of the basic semantic parts of the composition and their meaningful filling, drawing up the plan.

    Writing the text of the writings on the draft.

    Editing, rewriting an essay on the blank.

    Working with spelling dictionary.

Arguments for the composition

    At least one work of domestic or world literature (facts taken from literary (artistic, jewish, scientific) sources;

    facts from the biographies of writers, scientists, artists, historical and public figures;

    well-known historical facts;

    the results of comparing the facts, logical conclusions.

"The direction involves meditation about the mind and feeling of both the two most important components of the inner world of a person who affect his aspirations and actions. The mind and feeling can be considered both in harmonic unity and in a complex confrontation, which constitutes an internal personality conflict.

The topic of the mind and feelings are interesting for writers of different cultures and epochs: the heroes of literary works are often prone to choosing between the bearer of the sense and the promise of the mind. "

Possible wording

Why is it always difficult to make a choice between heart and mind?

How do the mind and feelings appear in extreme situations?

When is the mind with a heart not in Lada "? (Griboedov A.S. "Mount from Wit")

Is it possible to achieve some equilibrium (harmony) between mind and feeling?

Definition of concepts

From an intelligent dictionary

"Mind -

1. The ability to logically think, comprehending the meaning and connection of phenomena, clarify the laws of the development of peace, society and consciously find expedient ways to transform them.

2. Consciousness of something., Views, as a result of a certain world. "

"Feelings -

    the ability to perceive external impressions, feel feeling something. view, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

    A condition in which a person is able to conscious the surrounding, owns his mental and mental abilities.

    The inner, mental state of a person, what is included in the content of his mental life. "

Songs synonyms

Mind:mind, reason, intelligence, thought abilities, common sense.

Feelings:feeling, impression, spiritual impulse, passion, experience, attraction, passion.




A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Tatiana - her husband - Onegin)

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" (Pugachev-Grinev)

L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala" (Ivan Vasilyevich)

A.N. Ostrovsky "Damnant" (Larisa)

I.S.Turgenov "Fathers and Children" (Odenty)

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" (Katerina)

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Prince Andrei, Helen Kuragin)

N.S.Lonzkov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"

A.I. Kubrin "Olesya" (Ivan Timofeevich)

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Natasha Rostov)

E. Zamyatin "We" (residents of a single state)

I.A. Bunin "Light Breath" (Olga Meshcherskaya)

A.I. Kubrin "Olesya" (Olesya)

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (Margarita)

M. Mitchell "Worked Wind" (Scarlett)

Universal theses

Guys, I remind you that the quotes below you can use as epigraphs to the writing or theses to a specific topic.

Firdusi., Persian poet and philosopher: "Let your mind sending things. He does not allow your soul to evil. "

W. Shakespeare, English poet and Renaissance Renaissance: "See and feel - to be, thinking, it lives.

N. Shamform, French writer: "Our mind brings us sometimes at least grief than our passion."

G. Flaubert, French writer: "You can be the owner of your actions, but we are not free in the feelings."

L. Faierbach, german philosopher: "What are the distinctive signs of truly human in man? Mind, will and heart. Perfect man has the power of thinking, will of the will and power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will - the energy of character, the power of the feeling - love. "

A.S. Pushkin, russian poet and writer : "I want to live to think and suffer."

N.V. Gogol., Russian writer: "Mind is undoubtedly the highest ability, but it is not otherwise acquired as victory over passions."

V.G. Belinsky, The Russian literary critic of the 19th century: "Mind and feeling - two forces, equally needing in each other, are dead and insignificant they are alone without another."

L.N. Tough, Russian writer: "Each creature has organs that indicate him a place in the world. For a person, this body is a mind. "

MM Svtain, Russian writer: "Morality is the ratio of the strength of mind to the power of feeling."

MM Svtain, Russian writer: "There are feelings that fill and blasting minds, and there is a mind cooling the movement of feelings."

EM. Remark, German writer: "The mind is given to him to understand: it is impossible to live in one mind. People live feelings, and for feelings are indifferent, who is right. "

Keywords on the topic: "Inner world of man", "Harmony of mind and feelings", "Internal conflict", "moral choice".

Universal accession

Life often puts a person before choosing. We must take your decision "head" or "heart." The mind is the ability to logically think, clarify the laws of the development of the world, comprehending the meaning and connection of phenomena. Therefore, the mind as a rational component of human consciousness gives us the opportunity to think and act, relying on logic and facts. Feelings are irrational in their essence, as they are based on emotions. Famous psychologist N.I. Kozlov compared the mind with a Kucher, who sees where to go around the cart, harvested by horse-desires. If the horses run on a latter road, the entrance can be loosen. And if in front of the intersection, then you need a strong hand of a koucher. We need will.

Of course, it is an allegory. But its meaning is clear: the mind and feeling are the most important components of the inner world of a person who affect his aspirations and actions. In my opinion, A person should always strive for harmony between mind and feelings. This is the secret of real happiness. To prove your point of view, I turn to the works of Russian literature ...

Main part. Argument from literature. L.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy often puts his heroes before choosing "between the bearer of the feeling and the prompt of the mind."

According to the notable venoms-like Catherine Time, Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, "... There are only two virtues: activity and mind." In the family of Bolkonsky reigns the mind, not feelings. By sending your son to the current army, the old prince gives him a farewell: "Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will, an old man, will hurt ... And if I find out that you've noted yourself as the son of Nikolay Bolkonsky, I will be. .. shameful. " Unfortunately, N.A. Bolkonsky brings up his son in the best traditions of the Russian nobility: a person must have a sense of self-esteem, take care of an officer, be a real citizen. It's all right. But what is the path passed Andrei Bolkonsky? Was he happy? Let's remember the key episodes from the life of the Tolstsky Hero.

First - vanity, passion for the ideas of Napoleonism. Toulon is the first victory of Napoleon, the beginning of his career. And the prince Andrei dreams of his toulon: "I want glory, I want to be famous people, I want to be loved by them, I am not guilty that I want this that I live for this one." Fortunately, the hero will soon understand the falsity of his goal.

"We must live, you need to love, you have to believe," his buddy Pierre Duhov says the prince of Andrei. And the young Bolkonsky, hill this wise advice, gradually returns to life. He falls in love with the young Natasha Rostov, all coming to this new, sincere, so unusual feeling for him. Simplicity, naturalness, openness of Natasha, her desire to love and be beloved cannot but attract. But unexpectedly in the relationship of the heroes interferes with a secular sibol, Anatole Kuragin, who just like our heroine, lives "easily and confidently, with a feeling of complete freedom, not knowing the question: why?". Committing in his feelings, Natasha cannot decide who she loves truly: Bolkonsky or Kuragin. Young people in the perception of emotional Natasha merge into one way. And the heroine, trusting the feelings, and not, choose Anatol. Why? The answer is obvious: she wants to enjoy life, love now, without postponing his happiness for a year.

Later, I realized my mistake, Natasha is hotly repeated. It is important for her to hear the words of forgiveness from the groom. But we remember that the mind prevails in Blocks over the feelings. Proud and proud prince Andrei can not forgive other people's mistakes, it does not know how to be generous. In his attitude, Natasha had more egoism than love. Disappointing again in life, Blocksky deliberately suppresses in his heart, and not learned to love, good feelings. The voice of the mind makes him take such a decision.

And again a new life turn - Borodino battle. Fighting against his former idol Napoleon, Prince Andrei finally realizes that it is not necessary to strive for personal glory. The main thing for an officer, nobleman - love for Fatherland. The feeling of patriotism unites Blocks with simple soldiers, because he came to an important life conclusion: the outcome of the battle depends not on the actions of the Commander-in-Chief, but from the "Spirit of Forces". And he, the usual regimental commander, can create this martial spirit. But in battle, Prince Andrei is mortally wounded. Before death, the hero acquires some soul harmony, because he learned to love, forgive people to compare them. That is, Bolkonsky comprehends the meaning of Christian love: "Compassionation, love for brothers, to loving, love for hate us, love for enemies - yes, the love that God preached on earth ... and which I did not understand."


Let's bring the results to your reflections. Analyzing the actions of the Tolstsky Hero, we found out that a person listening only to the voice of the mind, suppresses his feelings, humbles the desire. With the same measure, he approaches others, condemning them for excessive openness, emotionality, love rushing. That is what happened with the "right hero" Andrei Bolkonsky. In my opinion, it is important not only to understand what is happening by the mind, but also to make your choice with a heart. Actions depend on the choice between a mind and feeling, relations with people, the fate of a person as a whole. Smart Bolkonsky, hero with a cold heart, understood this vital wisdom too late. That is why L.N. Tolstoy does not make prince Andrei happy, but "kills" him.


Krasovskaya S.I. The writing? Easily! Manual for students of general education organizations / series "Learn with" Enlightenment ". - M.: Enlightenment, 2015.

http.:// sochinenie.11. ru - all about the final essay;

http.:// www. aFORIZMOV.. net. - Aphorisms, statements of famous personalities;

http.:// www. fIPI. ru/ eGE- i.- gVE-11/ itogovoe.- sochinenie. - FIPI; - GMC. Methodical materials on preparation for the final composition.

Topics for new directions

List of topics for training.

Mind and feeling

What gives man happiness:

feeling or mind?

Does the victory of reason kill the feelings of humanity?

"Feeling, fire, thought - oil." VG Belinka

"The mind and feeling - two forces, equally needing in each other, the dead and insignificant one without another." V.G. Belinsky

"There are feelings that replenish and blasting minds, and there is a mind, cooling the movement of feelings." M. Svtain

Honor and dishonor

Take care of honor.

At the turns of life ... Do what should, and let it be, as it will be. Honor can not be taken away, it can be lost. A.P.chekhov

What is honor and dishonor (on the pages of literary works). My honor is my life; Both grow from one root.

Pass the honor - and my life will come to an end. W. Shakespeare

If the main goal in life is not the number of years live, but honor and dignity, then what is the difference when you die? Jooh

Trading honor, do not get rich. LD K.Vovenarg

Honor is a diamond in the hand of virtue. LD K.Vovenarg

Honest death is better than shameful life. Tacit.

Victory and defeat

Is the victory always brings happiness?

All victories begin with victory over themselves.

What is for one honor, then for another - dishonor?

There is no winner stronger who managed to defeat himself. Henry Ward Becher

Same happiness is to be a winner or defeated in the battles of love. Gelving

The victory in battles is achieved by those who believe in it. Higginson

What is a defeat? Just a school, the first step towards something more perfect. Phillips.

Not the power of the army, not the quality of weapons, and the power of the Spirit provides victory. Fichte

Experience and mistakes

Remember the mistakes not perfect in the life, and experience extracted from them. Errors not translated into experience - heavy load, and experience gives a chance to be better.

Is it possible to study on other people's mistakes?

Experience - the son of mistakes difficult ... Why do people regret the past?

Nothing she teaches how the consciousness of his mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

Experience is the best teacher, only the fee for the doctrine is too large.

Experience, in any case, takes a large fee for the doctrine, but he teaches all the teachers better. Thomas Carlel,

The error makes it possible to start everything from the beginning, only more reasonably. Henry Ford

If I had to live my life again, I would dare to make more mistakes. Nadin Huster.

Never mistaken one who does nothing. Theodore Roosevelt Errors - an ordinary bridge between experience and wisdom. Phyllis Teros Friendship and Enmity

Keep friends close, and enemies are even closer.

The enemy of my enemy is the enemy of me? Is it possible to be friends with the warring people?

Friend is needed, the enemy is obligatory

. "If a friend turned out to be suddenly not a friend, and not an enemy, and so ..." V.Vysotsky

Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Mark Tully Cicero

You can experience a friend to thirst, hunger, separation and love. But do not do this more than once. (Abu Main Nasir Hosra)

Take care of a friend to

Save yourself. (Proverb)

A wise friend will not throw a friend, despite all the deprivation. (Shota Rusta

Literary works in the direction of 2016-2017

"Mind and feeling"

V. Wespir "Romeo and Juliet". D. Austin "Pride and Prejudice" - Darcy and Elizabeth. I.Gongcharov "Oblomov". I.Thenev "Fathers and Children"; "Wounds"; "The first love". L. N. "War and Peace" - Bolkonoe - Rostov, Natasha Rostov-Princess Marya; Anna Karenina - Alexey Karenin - Anna Karenina; "After Bala" - Ivan Vasilyevich before and after Bala. N.Lazkov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"; "Fat eggs." E. Ramyatin "We", "Cave". I. Bunin "Mr. San Francisco"; "Dark alleys", "in Paris"; "Cold fall". M.Gorky "Old West Izergil"; "At the bottom". K.Pautsky "Telegram"; "Simple glue", chapter from the story "Throw to South". A. Fadeev "Roll". Ohilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray." Gi de Maupassan "Necklace". D.Kiz "Flowers for Elgernon". M. Dzhalil "Maobitskaya Notebook". In Kondratyev "Sasha". V.Resputin "Farewell to Mattera"; "Live and remember."

"Honor and dishonor »

D.Fonvizin "Lady "- Pravdin, Starodules, Sophia - Prostaki. A.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - Chatsky - Molchanin, Famusovskoe society. A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" - Grinyov - Schvabrin. M. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ..." - merchant Kalashnikov - Kiribayevich. N. Gogol "Taras Bulba". A.K. Tolstoy "Prince Silver". L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Andrei Bolkonsky - Doolohov; Old Prince Bolkonsky - Vasily Kuragin ... F.Dostoevsky "Idiot" - Prince Myshkin - Gabril Ivolgin; "Crime and Punishment". A.Kuprin "Duel". M. Bulgakov "White Guard"; "Master and Margarita". N.Dadbadze "I see the sun." N. Leskov "Man on the clock." A..kuprin "Wonderful Doctor". A.Grin "Green Lamp". M.Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", "Quiet Don". V. Besto "Obelisk"; "Sotnikov". D. Lihachyov "Letters of good and beautiful." V.Dudintsev "White Clothes". V.Resputin "Live and Remember"; "Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother."

"Victory and defeat"

"The word about the regiment of Igor." A.S. Pushkin "Poltava fight"; "Eugene Onegin". I.Thegenev "Fathers and children." F.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories"; "War and Peace"; "Anna Karenina." A.OSostrovsky "Thunderstorm". A.Kuprin "Fighting"; "Garnet bracelet"; "Olesya." M.Bulgakov "Dog's heart"; "Fat eggs"; "White Guard"; "Master and Margarita". E. Ramyatin "We"; "Cave". V. Korroskin "In war as in war." B.Vasiliev "And dawns here are quiet"; "Do not shoot in white swans." Y. Bondarev "Hot Snow"; "Battalions are asking for fire." V. Tokarev "I am. You're. He is. " M.Ageev "Roman with cocaine". N.Desbadze "I, grandmother, or Illarion". V.Dudintsev "White Clothes".

"Experience and mistakes"

"The word about the regiment of Igor." A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter"; "Evgeny Onegin". M.Lermontov "Masquerade"; "Hero of our time". I.Thenev "Fathers and Children"; "Wounds"; "Noble Nest". F.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"; "Anna Karenina"; "Resurrection". A.hekhov "Gooseberry"; "About love". I. Bunin "Mr. San Francisco"; "Dark alleys". A.Kupine "Olesya"; "Garnet bracelet". M.Bulgakov "Dog's heart"; "Fat eggs." Ohilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray." D.Kiz "Flowers for Elgernon". A. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia". B. Tychimov "Speak, Mom, Speak." L. Ilitskaya "Casus Kukotsky"; "Sincerely your shurk." "Friendship and Enmity" Shota Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure". "The word about the regiment of Igor." V. Wespir "Hamlet"; "Romeo and Juliet." A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"; "Eugene Onegin"; "Baryshnya-peasant woman"; "Captain's daughter". M.Lermonts "Hero of our time." I.Thegenev "Fathers and children." I.Gongcharov "Oblomov". L. Tolstoy "War and Peace"; "Anna Karenina." A.Kuprin "Olesya"; "Garnet bracelet"; "Duel". B. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago". M. Bulgakov "White Guard". M.Sholokhov "Silent Don". A.Grin "Scarlet Sails". N.Dadbadze "I, Grandma, Iliko and Illarion"; "I see the sun." V.Kaveryin "Two Captains". A.prETakin "Opened Tuchka Golden." Y. Bondarev "Coast". D.Grin "To blame the stars."

Where it was said about the need to train the power of the rightness (which it is necessary to bring an opinion about something before the interlocutor), here it will be about training your own sight (in terms of "skills to draw up an opinion about any phenomenon"). In project management, especially in an attempt to achieve flexibility when everything is incomprehensible and not flexible, it is quite the right task.

It would seem here in order to make an opinion about something necessary to approach the process with a "cold head" ("if you really make stupidity,").

However, from the same previous article you can find out that the brain serves emotions, correctly explaining to us that we have just decided. And in such a "cold-dust process" as the knowledge of reality, everything occurs through emotions, and not the arguments of the mind.

We continuously generate a certain context of the perception of reality - delight through the intelligence and danger, and the brain at the same time produces millions of estimated judgments, these judgments have just been occurring in the present, in a moment become part of the context specified context. Which in turn forms our desires, claims, ambitions, and the goals finally; And the mind in this process is a superstructure, which is included in the decision-making only after the emotion spawned the "long list of options" from the conditionally infinite and having completed the extra options, provided the ability to "figure out a short list."

In our current life there is quite a lot of rational (which you can not measure, you can not manage and manage). Often, all this "Number Crunching" covers our eyes, where you need an adequate feedback from the client (in the sense it is necessary to perceive, it is usually there) we are experiencing crisis phenomena in place in performance reports (more than such indicators, more than why ... And if " Square-nesting ") - In this case, the entire progressive public has recognized the financial indicators (which is usually the basis of this kind of reports) lagging indicators, things" advanced on ahead "are usually high-quality, emotional and thin.

What traps lie in the process of forming an opinion about something, "adequate picture" of the world, signal purified from noise, etc. How not to call, and how the emotions and mind are getting around in all this. I will give only a "somewhat loved ones" on which he himself was gaped more than once.

1. Player error (Gambler's Fallacy), who played necessarily came across. There is a cognitive distortion that statistically not related events are still on some invisible tight string and if for example, on a roulette, black fell black, then after that it seems that now the likelihood of red loss increases, if black once again, it seems That fate thanks to the red is even greater, although in fact the theory of probability does not have this pulling string of strength trying to balance the karma and the cold probability is always 50 to 50 (in the real casino there is no zero, but we are not about it now). Similar trends occur in the business and personal sphere on the manner "can not carry all the time and can not carry all the time" (and it must be said that this is true). Then actually what's the problem? In emotional, I would even say the "carma" pumping situation. We were not lucky three times - on the fourth "we are already relying from destiny" You can work a little worse theme. We were lucky three times, now it is definitely not lucky - we begin with "thin signals" to generate a self-safe prophecy.

2. This is partly connected by the "attribution error", we usually in the "our picture of the world" - we interfere with the external circumstances, others - their internal psychological features. Therefore, when explaining the situation, an ominous psychologism appears when analyzing and formalizing business situations (everything is bad inherited by a child from another parent. The first law of heredity). Impairly much attention to the personality features of participants, undeservedly little attention to the encouraging system mechanisms (costs and counterbalances, etc.).

3. The problem of hidden evidence (I met the first time at Talee, it is likely that the author is not) - absolutization, some properties, driving trends of people and situations. Attempting to represent some devils and those as a "philosophical stone" in pursuit of success. It is very difficult to eradicate, it is likely for all this is a popular book genre of biographies. In the caricature sense, Steve Jobs wore a black turtleneck - wearing black turtlenecks. The problem is that millions of citizens who have not achieved success, worn black turtlenecks just nothing about them. There is no magic tablet, the only right psychological feature, or behavior strategy that leads to success. Nothing bad or well, in itself, but everything, depending on the circumstances. The fact that in the same situation is the background, in another may be the foreground (signal and noise, change in places depending on the circumstances).

4. Another funny aberration of consciousness, it is possible to observe right now in the real estate market in Russia. Prices fall. The primary market is pretty quickly (however, from the last forces, developers are trying not to call it a fall in prices, but to mask some kind of twine discounts, etc.). Well, that is, an attempt to disguise a steady trend, although the strength of the trend and developers are clearly unequal (and as in the anecdote of the USSR times, about Rabinovich distributing empty leaflets on Red Square "And what to write, when everything and so understandable"). However, no matter how it was called - the primary housing market reacts and the prices here "adequate to external conditions" fall (and will most likely fall further). However, it was especially funny, the situation looked at the deepening of crisis phenomena in the secondary market (and it still looks). The secondary market, "broken, but not defeated" - up to explicit manifestations of inadequacy. The whole secret in "magic bubbles", and rather, in deep personal attitude to things that are not related to their objective value (the secondary market sells, his housing, as it were, "and the whole emotional fler associated with accommodation in the apartment - here the first time crawled, here the son from the army was met, etc.). Well, that is, an emotional approach, undermines the possibility of an objective assessment of the situation.

5. Another trap, the temptation to get into which is extremely high. It occurs when planning, in principle, at any level - whether you are building a global strategy or simply trying to assess the likelihood of completion of the project in a particular time (sex ladies, the peasant sex differs from the sexual quality). Take some simple example: you calculated the project for the receipt of the Project Product Customer, which if "not pure truth, then at least then what is not ashamed to believe" (is in a guaranteed probability interval, not lower than 85%, respectively, is indicated You, like "piece of iron"). If suddenly, this story does not happen, "hard-solid temptations" appear to revise the approach (and it is ugly, despite the fact that in your scenario there were honest 25% on the loss, but the consciousness stubbornly says, and without trying to actually understand that all the problems in the wrong initial 85%). It is good when it comes to simple one staged things, the type of project's term: missed, "rebound next time," etc. When it comes to a strategy regarding something that is well thought out (some reverse passage, it has intermediate points, correlated with the capabilities of the system, is calculated not only for the winning bun, but also in the inevitable "victory costs"). When implementing it, it will inevitably be tempted to revise it (actions of competitors, chance, etc.), against the background of the above-described mechanism (retrospective distortion). That is, it is very difficult, retrospectively considering the situation, convince yourself to take the previous position in the past (evaluate the same chances of 85 to 25), knowing about future changes (especially when "no fart"). Keep the system and understand which "percent" (85 or 25) you now arrived, this is a very correct task.

Let's try to make a couple of conclusions, on the topic that even in such a rational, to the brain of bones, the process, how to draw up an opinion about something - quite a lot of emotions, as if anyone did not seem.

A person who wants to think "that he holds a controlling stake in his fate in his hands" is very peculiar to the search for universally successful moves, axioms, psychological traits. The idea that the same action can be effective or not effective depending on the circumstances, exactly as one and the same psychological trait, be a resource in a situation, and in another problem, we are very pretty.

For the steady improvement of its abilities in the field of compiling an opinion about something (any prognostage), we will have to face our rationality that is not extended by the emotional background, feel and react the nature of the distortion and interpretations of the received signals. Make friends objective and subjective reality. Self-discipline (or the power of the will, who how to like it) allows you to put your unconscious on the service and make decisions, guided by our own interests, and not popping constantly on the surface, fears and distortions. It can be trained, well, like some kind of virtual muscle (and just like any muscle - not trying to raise the "weight more peak maximum" and change overnight, becoming hard, like Shankre flint, breaking complex tasks for small conscious steps, Having achieved small increments, not cardinal record lifts). Well, in a word, who ever trained some muscle knows. Well, for example, there is less than one donut per day, well, or not to deviate from the strategy for the siemal benefit (they decided that we play in superior quality and then it turned up the case to save cutting the angle, we are patiently investing in the scheduled key success factor). Investing immediately into all: speed, quality, assortment, the price is likely to miss or relieves, well, or to achieve the desired and lost in the host of other "average options" (in general in the "one" and on a little bit, more importantly, the sequence, not perfection in each course).

We live in the information era (so at least they say, I heard - who owns information, he owns the world and all that), here it is very dangerous to fall aside "Information, information more information is good and different." I would slightly separated one of the other from the other, without claiming the academic of interpretation: the data is all that falling out everywhere; Information is what has theoretical benefit from this; Knowledge (what we really need) is a certain correlated for the purpose of the truth, the signal is separated from noise. For example, when evaluating, some positions, it is very important to immediately decide on the allocation of current risks from the entire host of existing ones (since the "theoretical weakness" of our position, which in the established conditions the enemy will be difficult to use against us, in general it can be weak for clarity) . Accordingly, the cost of finding information about this "history" is likely to prioritize the value from it. To solve complex tasks, it is consciously worth limiting disaster scales - in order to have a chance to solve them. It is important to understand "what you look" what you are on what you have in "HD format".

Apparently the development of civilization, it is the road one way - and it will not be easier, in the sense that every day, the amount of incomprehensible will increase, and the level of uncertainty around growing. Someone from the "Patriarchs" (for some reason I want to think that it was Peters) said that one who better structures chaos would win. The strategy becomes less and less in the destination (it is clear that if it's strictly on "ITISH", as we love, then she has never been to them, the destination is a target architecture, and the strategy is to ensure how to get there, "work is not a wolf , Wolf is walking "), and more and more the totality of the principles that, in their execution, increase the likelihood of entering this cherished point (" Tactics are knowledge of what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowledge of what to do when There is nothing to do. "Tartakover).

And a bit of paradoxual finally (in line with the prevailing approach of Management by ObGectives): the number of situations in which we will act with the noise predominance in them in the data, which is most likely to grow. The only solution in such a situation is sometimes focusing on the process (with maintaining strategic, information, emotional hygiene in it ... Whatever mean), and not on the result ("we have so many medicines that no diseases are invented." The idea is that there will be such a good medicine for which the disease must appear). Iconfigure a small "platform" in the future (several hooks and support points), start moving towards her, in fact planning by acting (detailing your picture of the world as you move - what is well combined with the strategy of the Thaleb rod, when the benefits are relatively high, and the risks of failure Comparatively "digested"). It is capable of shaking well, booming to feed, analytical paralysis and procrastination

Note Silver "Signal and noise".
- Daniel Caneman. Think slowly ... decide quickly.
- Duncan Watts. Common sense is lying. Why not listen to your inner voice.
- Nasim Taleb. Antichrupiness.