Nickname Americans during the war of independence. What is "Yankees"? Civil War in the USA

Created by several generations of memoirists, professional historians and writers, the negative image of the Russian emperor Peter III turned into a rash stereotype. By a member of the expression of one of the pre-revolutionary historians, Peter Fedorovich was assigned "some exclusive privilege for meaninglessness and stupidity."

As it was not only called and still nor called (we will not give the accusations of the enemies of the royal throne and those insults that the monarch has undergone)! But, Peter Fedorovich and as an emperor, and as a person, even if you lose sight of the mandatory for all Orthodox Christians, honoring his kings, deserves an objective, not biased and one-sided assessment. Estimates based primarily on facts that, firstly, oddly enough, belong to such an affordable, valuable and non-doubt source as the "Complete Assembly of the Laws of the Russian Empire."

King killed as a king, that is, with the aim of the final exclusion of the royal power, and the fact of the violent deprivation of his life can be doubtful only the one who does not want to admit him, he became the first emperor-martyr on the Russian throne. It makes a special impression by the date of his death, precisely coinciding with the date of killing of the royal family in 1918. He was killed on 17 or 16 July (for sure until one day it is now to establish, it seems impossible, but such accuracy is irrelevant). Officially, in order to hide from the people the greatest crime of the greatness of the nobility, it was announced about his death on July 19 from the disease (it is not clear what kind of healthy 34-year-old men, and even in such a very convenient moment for his enemies!).

In many ways, Russian emperors Petr Fedorovich and Nikolai Aleksandrovich are similar to each other, but most of all amazes the similarity of them in how long they are exposed to the most vile and evil hooking. If you still take into account the murder on July 17 of the Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, recognized as the first Russian autocrat, then this date in relation to the death of Peter Fedorovich becomes defining as a sign over.

Learned, the Great Military Tsarhenavitniks launched a rumor about him as a man's little and low-fledged, which prevents the full management of the Great Country, and accused him of ignoring the interests of Russia in favor of foreign states, Russophobia, and most importantly, that one can somehow justify them Palace coup, in a disrespectful attitude to the Orthodox Church.

But as far as these perjury values \u200b\u200bdo not fit the truth, the laws adopted in his board, the historical events of his time and their consequences, as well as the facts themselves from his life and objective assessments of his personality, which his enemies could not be hidden.

Education, ability and preferences of the heir to the imperial throne

Russian Emperor Peter III Fedorovich (nee Karl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky) was born on February 10, 1728 in the city of Kiel (Holstein, Germany).

His mother (she died shortly after his appearance on the light) - Zesarean Anna Petrovna, the daughter of the Russian emperor Peter I, the father - the Duke of Holstein-Gottorpsky Karl Friedrich.

On the Father's line, he was the grandchildren's nephew of the Swedish king Charles XII and first brought up as the heir to the Swedish throne.

After the death of the Father, more precisely, in 1741, the 14-year-old Karl Peter Ulrich was invited by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to St. Petersburg. In 1742, during the celebrations on the occasion of coronation, she announces his heir to the Russian throne.

In early November 1742, Karl Peter was baptized in Orthodox rite and was emphasized in Manifesto - as the grandson of Peter the Great officially announced under the name of Peter Feodorvich by the All-Russian Grand Duke - the heir of Elizabeth Petrovna.

At the end of the same month, a Swedish embassy with a notification of the election of Peter Fedorovich Kronprinz arrived in Russia. The rejection of the rights to the Swedish Crown The heir to the Russian throne was signed in August 1743.

On May 7, 1745, the Polish king and the Saxon Kurfürst August III Friedrich as a vicar of the German Empire declared Peter Fedorovich as the ruling (master) Duke of Golsteynsky. However, the Grand Duke was not returned to his homeland, and on his behalf, the brother of his father Friedrich Augustus began to edit.

With the first meeting with his nephew, as they say, Empress Elizabeth was amazed by his "ignorance" and grieved by appearance: lean, painful, with an unhealthy face. However, it should be noted that the word "ignorance" was used in the sense of "simple, not fairly exquisite" in relation to the external manneram and styling, not determining the degree of education and intellectual development.

As the gley Gottorpian Dukes, Peter Fedorovich received quite a good education. At the age of four, when other children were still on the care of nannies, the rector of the Killeysk University was appointed for his upbringing, Professor Pastor Hosmann. When the boy became older, Pastor teacher him philosophy independently and right. For the teaching of Latin, mathematics, drawing, chemistry, French, astronomy and geography, the best professors of the Kiel University were invited.

It should be noted that Peter Fedorovich was on the Father by the representative of one of the most respected aristocratic houses of Europe. His Praprapraded, Duke Friedrich III Golstein-Gottorpsky turned his possessions to the International Scientific Center. Unlike other scientists of that time, interested in the main alchemy and theology, in the Gottorpian Castle were engaged in more useful sciences - geography and astronomy for humanity.

Given the complex political situation in which the GOTTTorship-Gollynene Duchy fell after the capture of the Denmark more than half of the possessions, including the generic castle of the Dukes in Gottornpe, the father was preparing Charles Peter to the inevitable military actions, realizing that it would be possible to decide the Gottorpian question. By the age of 12, the young man had the rank of lieutenant, was a member of the Guild of the shooters, knew fortification, in one word was a professional military commander, ready to serve his Fatherland.

In Russia, the teacher and teacher of Peter Fedorovich became Academician Jacob Schlyanin. The version that occurred in the newest literature, as if there could not find a common language with his ward, and the student was extremely stupid, based exclusively on false rumors of evil slanders. Everything was exactly the opposite. In his memoirs, Schlyanin noted the ability and excellent memory of his pupil. She, according to Schedule, was "excellent to extreme little things" (Ya.y. Schlyanin. Notes // Russian Archive. 1909, №7, p.110). True, the humanitarian sciences did not attract him especially and "he often asked him instead to give a lesson from mathematics." The favorite items of the young men were fortification and an artillery case, and "see a divorce of soldiers during the parade delivered him much more pleasure than all the ballets" (Ya.Ya. Schlyanin. Notes about Peter Third, Emperor All-Russian // Reading in the Society of History and Antiquities of Russian ., Ply.5, p. 76-77).

Not paying attention to the reproaches and instructions, the Grand Duke was more and more time to devote military exercises. He communicated with the soldiers and officers of the Holsteinsky squad caused from the keel to Russia, willingly conversation with the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky regiment, whose chef was. In the Great Circles, all this was disapproving and gave rise to a sustainable opinion on the heir as a limited and coarse soldier.

More from Kiel Peter Fedorovich had short-sighted knowledge in military engineering, which very much reminded his grandfather Peter the Great, in military sciences a very well-known. In Russia, he sought to improve his knowledge, but Schlyanin was in this field a full profan, and there were no other teachers. Therefore, Peter Fedorovich received interested information from books.

The heir of Elizabeth Petrovna was a real bookmaker. "Anyone who wants to see for this will find in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library in St. Petersburg several describing the book assembly of Peter Fedorovich, compiled by the skewers. Starting with the manuscript "The original catalog of the library in the engineering and military case of the Grand Prince Peter Fedorovich", containing 36 sheets and dated 1743, 829 descriptions of books distributed by formats entered the catalog.

His book assembly was formed by different paths. On the one hand, at the expense of books that were collected in St. Petersburg after moving here to the Golstein Prince and the heir of the Russian throne; On the other hand, due to the library of his father delivered from the keel. This meeting of books arrived at the disposal of the heir in 1746 and was completed by the description of October 5 of the same year. Until now, the library of Peter Fedorovich is truly not studied.<...> It is noteworthy that Peter Fedorovich did not limit himself only to receiving a generic library, but followed its further replenishment. "As soon as I recalled Svanen," the catalog of new books went out, he read it and noted for himself a lot of books, which made a decent library (Ya.Ya. Schlyten. Notes on Peter Third, Emperor All-Russian // Reading in the Society of History and Antiquities Russian., Ply.5, p. 71, 110). Soon on joining the throne, he appointed Ya. Schlyanin his librarian, entrusted to him to make a plan for accommodation in the newly built winter palace of the book assembly and highlighting the "annual amount of several thousand rubles" (A. Sochnikov, Peter III. Narration in documents and versions, ZhZL, M., 2002, p. 73-74).

The translations of books were rarely rare, so Peter Fedorovich read all the books in the language of the originals he owned. In Russian, he read the secret work of the "power of the empire" and - with special care - annually published "Comments of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences". Thus, during these years in-depth thoughtfulness and self-education, the heir prepared his unique reform program, the implementation of which will be devoted to its brief rule.

Many specimens from the library of Peter Fedorovich retained on the margins of the marks made by his hand. And if someday someone from historians once again tries to convince us that Peter III was a man weak, let him get acquainted with these marks.

Good king reformer

After the death of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on December 25, 1761 (January 5, 1762 for a new style), Peter Fedorovich is proclaimed by the emperor.

In its first manifest, the emperor Peter III announces that it will be "in everything to follow the footsteps of the Promoto Sovereign, the grandfather of our emperor Petra Great" (the full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire since 1649. The first series. St. Petersburg 1830, vol. 15, No. II 300 ). And, as evidenced by the nature and achievement of his short reign, he kept his promise.

It is noted that Peter Fedorovich has always been energetically and continuously engaged in state affairs ("in the morning he was in his office, where he heard reports<...>, then hurried to the Senate or College.<...> In the Senate for the most important affairs, he fell vigorously and assertive "). His policy was quite consistent; He, in imitation of grandfather Peter I, assumed a series of reforms.

The legislative activity of Peter Fedorovich was extraordinary. During the 186-day reign, judging by the official "full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire", 192 documents were adopted: manifesto, registered and Senate decrees, resolutions, etc. (they are not included in their number of awards and good production, monetary payments and about specific private issues). Obviously, Peter Fedorovich as a future emperor put out his ideas in the long years of the Oranienbaum period of his short life. The fact that not a single document written by his hand was preserved, while Oranienbaum's inhabitants saw how he worked and wrote something every morning, says that someone took care of the destruction of his archives. Since his transformations were greatly popular and characterized him as a wise and good ruler, conspirators, justifying the overthrow of the king, his dementia and the inability to manage, faced the need to explain this contradiction. So the idea arose to attribute the authorship of reforms to the secretary of the king Dmitry Volkov and other dignitaries.

The most important cases of Emperor Peter III include the abolition of the secret office (the office of secret search cases; Manifesto on February 16, 1762). Another major document of the reign of Peter Fedorovich - "Manifesto on the liberties of the nobility" (Manifesto from 18 (29) of February 1762), thanks to which the nobility became an exceptional privileged estate of the Russian Empire.

At the end of January, almost simultaneously with the preparation of these two manifestos, he told the senators about the intention to stop the persecution of the Old Believers. By decree on January 29, Senate was prescribed to develop a provision on the free return of the Old Believers who fled in former years due to religious persecution of compolatory and other countries. Returned offered at their discretion to settle in Siberia, the Barabinsk steppe and some other places. They were allowed to use the old-line books and promised "no in the content of the law on their usage of the review," (a complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire since 1649. The first series. SPb. 1830, vol. 15, No. II 420).

A number of decrees of Peter Fedorovich dedicated to a more humane treatment with serfs. So, the landlords of E. N. Holstein-Beck were taken away by the rights to estate - it was motivated by its unworthy behavior, because of which "the management of the villages in its dispositions are not beneficial, but may follow the ruin of the peasantry" (a complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire Since 1649. The first series. St. Petersburg. 1830, No. 11 419). A few days later by decree on February 7 (a complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire since 1649. The first series. St. Petersburg. 1830, №11 436) "For the innocent patience of the torture of the yard people" was tonsured in the nuns of the Zotov's landowner, and its property was confiscated to pay compensation to the victim . And the Senate Decree on February 25 (a complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire from 1649. The first series. St. Petersburg. 1830, №11 450) For bringing to the death of the yard, the Voronezh lieutenant V. Nesterov was forever to Nerchinsk. In Russian legislation, for the first time, the murder of serfs was qualified as "Tirant torment".

"We must admit: the leading trends of His (Peter Fedorovich - Ed.) Internal and Foreign Policy detect undoubted signs of" enlightened absolutism ". It is significant that the most important adopted under Peter III legislative acts were usually accompanied by the omnantic argument set out in the educational spirit and combined with patriotic state benefits.<...>

"No matter, at first glance, the difference in political systems Peter III and its succession, - wrote an outstanding Russian historian S.S. Tatishchev, - you need, however, it is aware that in a few cases it served only by the continuing of his undertakings "<...> With all its limitations, both in time and in the content of the six-month reign of Peter III in a certain sense appeared as if the preliminary sketch of measures that Catherine II was forced to implement later - gradually, in many cases with large fluctuations and reservations. And a number of undertakings of the previous reign of the Empress used to harden the image of an enlightened monarchin "(A. Sochnikov, there, with. 357).

"Almost all contemporaries are not only Schlyanin located to him, but also opponents, ill-wishers, including the Austrian Messenger F.K. Mercy Argento and A.T. Bolotov, - noted such features of the character of the emperor, as a thirst for activity, tirelessness, kindness and gullibility. And one more essential feature of Peter Fedorovich, notified by contemporaries and inherent in him both before and after the end of the throne, that is, the feature is stable: he is "the enemy of any representativeness and refinement.<...> He did not like, for example, to follow the strict rules of the court ceremony and often deliberately broke and openly ridiculed them. He did it not always to the place. And they are loved by fun, often mischievous, but in essence are innocent, shocked many at the court. Especially, of course, people with prejudice relating to the emperor "(A. Sochnikov, ibid, p. 131). Back in young years, he, according to the testimony of Saltlena, had "the ability to notice in others funny and imitate him in a mockery." It was based on the awareness of his loneliness.

Princess Ekaterina Dashkova (Peter Fedorovich was her godfather) recalled: "Once he took me aside and told me the following strange phrase, which discovers the simplicity of his mind and a good heart:" My daughter, remember that it is more prudent and safer to deal with such Space, like us, than with the great minds, who squeezed all the juice from Lemon, throw it out "(Dashkova E.R. Notes. 1743-1810gg., L., 1985, p. 15-16).

"Understanding the potential danger for yourself from the Schelissanburg prisoner who could be a toy in the hands of conspirators (this was stated in his correspondence with Friedrich II), the emperor fell as not fear or hatred for him, but a purely human compassion. Two these feelings - the state necessity and mercy - adjacent to the emperor's soul, explaining many of the steps taken by him. Some light on this shedd depetes of the Austrian Messenger Merse: He came on April 14 to Vienna that Peter III was repeatedly returned to the fate of Ivan Antonovich, did not hide that "he has an intention relative to this prince, not at all taking care of imaginary rights to the Russian throne, because that he, the emperor, will be able to make him throw away all such thoughts from the head; If it finds natural abilities in the prince named Prince, then it consumes it with the benefit of military service. " These plans began to ripen soon after the arrival of Peter III to power "(A. Sochnikov, there, p. 161).

"You start to think with sadness - wasn't the right to all the famous biron, said:" If Peter III wore, chopped heads and chaired, he would be the emperor "?<...> Neither hatred, nor contempt for their submitted emperor Peter III did not feel.

"Strange autocratic, - rightly noticed on this occasion V.P. Naumov, - turned out to be too good for his century and the role that was intended to him fate "(A. Sochnikov, ibid s. 161-162).

Saint Blessed Emperor Peter III

Not corresponded to the reality ascribed by Peter Fedorovich and the intention to carry out the reform of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Protestant Pattern (in Manifesto on June 28, 1762, Peter III was put in the guilt: "Our Greek Church is extremely exposed to the last danger of the allest of the ancient Orthodoxy and the adoption of an ancient Law "). The sole purpose of the sovereign was to weaken the political influence of the Synod and Bishops in the state, which was a serious problem for the Board of Peter the Great, through the weakening of their financial base.

"He will conceive economically reinforcing the case of the secularization of church monastic estates with the transfer of the management of them from the maintenance of Synod, as it was since 1720, in the hands of the state. At such a way, in 1701, he tried to join his grandfather, but was forced (even he!) Temporarily retreat. This question arose and at the manty Elizabeth Petrovna. In her presence, the conference approved in 1757 a new procedure for managing church estates. However, and then it was not possible to enter it. To fulfill the decision previously accepted by Peter III and intended, arguing about it in the Senate and issued a special decree on February 16.

Having ordered D. V. Volkov to prepare this legislation, the emperor accepted personal participation in its development. Later, Schlyanin recalled: "Works on the project of Peter the Great about the reflection of the monastic places and about the appointment of the special economic board to manage them ... He takes this manifesto to his office, to still consider it and complement the comments" (Ya.Ya. Schlynin. Notes about Peter Third, Emperor All-Russian // Reading in the Society of History and Antiquities of the Russian., Ply.5, p. 103). If this is not a search, then the Decree apparently Martovsky was originally expected to issue more solemnly - as a manifest. Nevertheless, the significance of the declaration was emphasized by the announcement of him in the nationwide news "(A. Mylnikov, ibid, p. 155-156).

Regarding generally the problem of the secularization of the monastery lands in the Orthodox kingdom should be noted that this happened in the history of the church long before Peter the Great and did not cause objections to the holy fathers who lived in the hostel monasteries and claimed that this does not prevent the monastic delays as such and does not prevent development Residents as spiritual centers of Orthodoxy.

"It is easy to guess that his rapid, without warning of the towers to the highest government agencies scared the secular and spiritual bureaucracy, accustomed to a calm and uncontrolled life. The temperamental expression of the extreme irritation of the emperor can serve a decree of the Synod dated March 26. The reason was the petitioner priest of the Chernihiv diocese of Borodyakovsky and Tamjnagnago Dyakon Sharshanovsky, to understand which in 1754 ordered Elizabeth Petrovna. But instead, the synodal officials were branded and returned the petitions to whom they were written.

Considering the "trap diocessed chiefs" typical for the style of Synod's work, Peter III, with all the directness, wrote that "Synod's seed point is more on the guardian of a noble clergy, rather than on a strict observer of Truth and Defender of the poor and unhappy." Saying that the reasons for such a position "seductively the case", Petr Fedorovich continued with indignation: "It seems that it is equal to themselves to judge itself, and therefore everything is very thin to themselves about yourself." Commissioning from the Synod of an immediate solution not only in this case, but also for similar complaints, he announced that "the slightest violation of the truth would punish as a worst state crime," to alert about the real decree publish "for nationwide news" (A. Sochnikov, there Same p. 101-102).

In anticipation of war with Denmark

In recent months, Elizabeth Petrovna's board aggravated the problem of possessions in Holstein, who once belonged to the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorpsky Karl-Friedrich, Father Peter Fedorovich, as a result of Holstein Denmark during the seven-year war Schlesvail. Since the duke died in 1739, the right of ownership of these territories, which was already mentioned above, passed to his son Karl Peter Ulrich. Becoming the Emperor Russian, Peter Fedorovich remained the powerful Holstein Duke and his concerns about Holstein inheritance sought to linet with the interests of Russia.

"The most fully of his point of view on this issue was set out in a letter on January 17, 1760 in the name of the Empress." In this letter "he sought to show the identity of the interests of the Holstein-Gottorpian dynasty and Russia.<...> Calling her (Empress - Ed.) The continent of Peter the Great, the Grand Duke reminded that all the thoughts of her father "always toward that, so that in the (Russian) empire to have in the Baltic Sea of \u200b\u200bProperty" (quoted. February 3, 1760 (20, No. 367). Based on this, Peter Fedorovich categorically rejected the rejection of his rights to Schleswig: "When the current misfortune war, Germany Torzing, will end then I hope I see the prosperous time of my recovery. Give God, so that It was near! "" (A. Sochnikov, ibid, p. 114).

By that time, since 1757, Russia has already fought on the side of the Coalition of Austria, France, Sweden and Saxony, having entered a seven-year war in a directed against Prussia. Shortly before that, in 1756. Elizaveta Petrovna established a conference at the highest yard - the highest advisory state body, which made military political issues, as well as all internal and international affairs. The Conference entered the Grand Duke.

"According to Ya.y. testimony. Schlyanin, in the height of the seven-year war, the Grand Duke "spoke freely that the empress is deceived in relation to the Prussian king that the Austrians bribe us, and the French are deceived (Ya.y. Schlyanin. Notes about Peter Third, the emperor of All-Russian // Reading in the Society of History and Russian antiquities., Ply.5, p. 93). He ordered D.V. Wolve say to the members of the conference "On his behalf, that in time we will repent, which entered the Union with Austria and France."

In the bibliographic literature on Peter III (V.A. Timiryazev), it is mentioned that the Sanzon Minister of Heinrich Bruel (1700-1763), the Austrian Chancellor of the Wentsell Kaunitsa (1711-1794) and Bestumeva-Ryumin, the Grand Duke considered "three of the war of war in Europe". Well, in such judgments contained grains of political realism. Seven-year war and in fact little given Russia. And the words of the heir "over time" sounded meaningfully: they mean it was time when he, Duke Golsteinsky, becoming a Russian emperor, cool will change the foreign policy course. That is, even then, in the mid-1750s, Peter Fedorovich was counting on the future assistance of Prussia in solving the Schleswig problem. And he linked her with the provision of the interests of Russia in the Baltic.

For some reason, other authors relating to this topic forget a simple circumstance: after all, the English kings of George II, who died in 1760, and inherited George III was at the same time Hannover Kurfures; Moreover, the first of them, during the lifetime of which Petr Fedorovich expressed his judgments, was interested in Hannover, much more than the management of England. With such a situation, not only Prussia, but also remote, it would seem to be england through Hannover, turned out to be the closest neighbor of Halstein, and in the geographical sense - and Russia. " (A. Sochnikov, ibid, p. 116-117).

Having received the imperial power, Peter Fedorovich immediately stopped hostilities against Prussia and concluded with Friedrich II, St. Petersburg world, returning the conquered Eastern Prussia (which for four years as was an integral part of the Russian Empire); And refusing all acquisitions during the actual seven-year war. Contemporaries condemned him for this act, arguing that the new Russian emperor donated to the interests of Russia for his German duchy and friendship with Friedrich. Prisoner on April 24, the world caused a certain part of a patriotic society perplexity and indignation, he was regarded as betrayal and national humiliation. It seemed to them that the continuous and costly war ended with nothing that Russia did not benefit any benefits from his victories. But at present, conscientious historians regard this act Peter Fedorovich otherwise, since the cessation of a seven-year war saved the winner-Russia from the financial collapse, and the Union with Prussia, both military and shopping, not only helped the decision of the Holstein problem, but would be beneficial Russia as a whole.

For the negotiations on the conclusion of the world with Prussia, Henry Leopold von Golz arrived in St. Petersburg. The opinion of Prussian Messenger Peter III valued, but the statement that he soon began to "refuel the entire foreign policy of Russia," is not true.

It should also be noted here that finally controversial lands were exempt from the control of Russian troops and given to Prussia only two years later, already in the rule of Empress Catherine II, after the new Allied Treaty concluded with Friedrich II. However, a classic story that interpreting the role of Emperor Peter III is exclusively in a key negative for Russia, attributes to the delivery of controversial lands exclusively to him.

After the conclusion of the world with Prussia, the question of returning by the Danes Schlesigna was still on the agenda and the emperor planned, if diplomatic negotiations with Denmark, appointed on August 1, 1762 in Berlin, will break, apply military strength and in alliance with Prussia oppose Denmark And he himself intended to make a campaign at the head of the army.

Compared with a completely unnecessary war with Prussia (with which Russia then did not even have a common border) of the world with Prussia and the War with Denmark, even in modern official historical science now, it is not such a frank adventure, as presented in memoirs of unfriendliers Emperor Peter III. "These on themselves (those conquered by the Dania of the Hollyteinsky lands - ed.) Were not very extensive on a Russian scale, but their value was not in size, but in a strategic location in the south of the Yutland Peninsula, on the height between the North and Baltic seas. The owner of them could lead both the Baltic and Ocean trade, and, by holding a shipping channel of only 100 km long, in general to get rid of the payout of the Zunda duty.<....> According to the general opinion, Denmark was doomed. The Kiel administration of the Duke on the eve of the inevitable occupation has already transported the archives and values \u200b\u200bof the ruling dynasty to Hamburg. Russian troops came to direct contact with the Danes, - the equestrian crossings of opponents have already met at the neutral territory. And suddenly, the main rate of K. L. Saint-Germain received a stunning message of Danish intelligence of July 17: Russians leave a field camp and marching to the east. And only some time after some time there was an explanation for this miracle, saving the country literally on the eve of death: June 23 (Art. Art.) There was a palace coup in St. Petersburg. Peter III was overthrown "(V. E. Raprin. The fate of the Schleswig-Holstein heritage of Russian emperors).

Darnity of the pollution accusations

Unfinitely Emperor Peter III in the court circles received the reputation of Russophoba, insulting the "pride of the Russian people." What is only among this kind of charges by the introduction of the military form of the Prussian sample! But few people paid attention to the fact that the light shortened Prussian cuitel could not be better consisted of the climatic conditions of both Western Europe and Turkey, where mostly the military actions of the Russian army were held. This indifference of contemporaries is quite understandable, given that most of the time the Russian army spent after all in Russia, where climatic conditions differ significantly from Turkish.

Sufficient attention and diligence was assigned to Peter Fedorovich and the study of Russian. This can be judged by the only preserved "author's text - a student essay" The brief statements about the journey of the Emperus in Kronstad. 1943. Maya months. " It was originally written in German, and then they were also translated and actually rewritten in Russian, as evidenced by the subtitle: "Translated from German to Russian Peter." Of course, the Russian language of the heir was distant from the ideal, but not forget that the first Russian people of the 18th century, including those belonged to the highest circles of society, sometimes wrote with great mistakes. But from the arrival of Peter to Russia passed a little more than a year.

Official papers are preserved that Pyotr Fedorovich personally signed as "Commander-in-Chief of the Land Shuttle Corps" in this position, he supported the sciences and scientists, among other things, having made a huge contribution to the Cartography of Russia. The expeditions of scientists and ethnographers organized by them into remote regions of a huge country formed the basis of countries.

In connection with the accusations of the Russophobia, Peter Fedorovich, the greatest interest is the most interest in the aforementioned "statement by the required cadet geographical requesting points addressed to academic". (12, l. 9-10). "A distinctive feature of this document was a direct connection between the pedagogical needs with the considerations of a patriotic nature:" ... so that young people who are brought up in the building are not a geography of the geography, which they really teach them, thoroughly knew, but also about the state of the fatherland had a clear concept " (It turned out that the Academy of Sciences of the necessary information "in the meeting does not have"). (A. Sochnikov, there, p. 122).

It should be noted in the Senate in the Senate of March 7, 1761. It is imbued with concern for training "national good masters". It reports that from the founding of the Cadet Corps in it to this day, blacksmiths, locksmiths, cakes, shoemakers, konovals, gardeners and other qualified foreigners, capable of transmitting the experience of Russian youth are working. This, however, prevents the current procedure when students are gaining from recruits, among which face illiterate or "competent, only very vicious, because no landowner will give a literate good person to recruit." To prepare really good "national masters" (characteristic terminology!), I needed, according to Peter Fedorovich, resolutely change the principles of recruitment and training. He offered to "take 150 schoolchildren from the garrison school from 13 to 15 years old," having transferred them to the department of the Cadet Corps and I am raping as necessary this contingent of "lower ranks". In the definition applied to the dontime, it was shown that with an annual issue of 30 people "such a master will be the execution of the only 200 ruble." It is said in the dontime and about items that, along with the craft, young people will be trained: diploma, arithmetic, geometry, drawing and German language. The latter is justified by the fact that, first, "good master Germans who are displeasured by the Russian language knowledgeable", and, secondly, books on a con kinder case were published in German, "but there is still no Russian language." As meaningful, this is a word: not yet. It should have to appear!<...>

No one would write out these projects in writing, the reflection of the state sympathies of Peter Fedorovich itself is undoubtedly. Didn't have it been recalling the preparation of national good masters at his initiative for several years earlier in Oranienbaum for the preparation of domestic musicians? And again from the unprivileged layers: here are the children of the "lower ranks", there are children of "gardeners and bobyl" (A. Sochnikov, ibid, p. 122-123).

It must be said here that in addition to reading and military affairs, another constant and serious passion of Peter Fedorovich was music. While the majority of children in German families limit their musical lessons with a player, young Duke chose a complex and rare tool - violin. He was five years old when he accidentally heard, as Bastian's violin plays - His father's huntsman. And from now on, he caught fire to become a real violinist. In St. Petersburg, the young man began to take the lessons of the game on a violin at the real professional. Over time, the heir to the Russian throne will turn into a real virtuoso musician.

Then the only Russian musicians were balala retreats in the markets. Italians invited for court musice. In addition, at first, all the operas - both in the metropolitan theater and Peter in Oranienbaum were performed by the Italians. The first attempt to write music directly to Russian Libretto took the court Italian composer F. Araya (Opera "Cefal and Princis"). But it was difficult to execute the vocal parties in Russian. We needed Russian singers that have not yet existed. Araya chose from the actors of the dramatic theater the most musical and forced them to sing. But the Grand Duke such a situation was not satisfied. And, here, the heir decides to create his music school and theater in Oranienbaum and starts the search for talented children (once again notice, from simple poor families). The game on the violin in this school - and it is very important! - Petr Fedorovich taught personally. One of his students is Ivan Handoshkin - it is revered from us to this day as the founder of a Russian violin tradition, although in the case of the laurel of Handoshkina should give him to the teacher Peter Fedorovich. Such was the contribution of this emperor to the development of Russian musical culture. As Specially emphasized Schlyten, the passion for the music of Peter Fedorovich contributed to the development of musical life both under the imperial courtyard and in both capitals of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In the early 1750s, the Great Prince was allowed to write down a small detachment of the Holstet soldiers (by 1758 their number is about one and a half thousand). These soldiers are some time later (by 1759-1760) amounted to the garrison of the Fortress Peterstadt, built in the residence of the Grand Duke in Oranienbaum specifically for maneuvers. The emperor was about to check his hands off her guard. The imperial guardsmen, known as their drunkenness and promiscuity, and the inclination to political adventures, did not trust Petr Fedorovich, and planned the Guards Shelves from the capital as part of its future military reforms, to deprive the privileges and subsequently into the field of hostilities as part of the regular army. The plans of the Grand Prince were not a secret for the Guards officers, most of them representatives of impoverished nobles, close to the yard, and not seeking to part with their privileges. The cracking of the conspiracy lacked only wick.

"If he (Peter Fedorovich is Ed.) And he felt largely by the German, then the German in the Russian service.<...> Those who stood in the throne, in most seriously thought about the future - not so much in Russia as their own. The French observer wrote: "Immersed in luxury and inaction, courtesy of time will be afraid when they will manage the sovereign, the same stern to itself and to others." This foreigner is voluntarily or involuntarily touched the very essence of the question: in this, and not in healing about the notorious "inability" or "hate to Russian" was the reason for the brewing conflict "(A. Sochnikov, and in the same place. 116, 128).

Peter III (Karl Peter Ulrich) - Russian Emperor. Father - Duke Karl Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky, Mother Anna Petrovna, the second daughter of Catherine I (Martha Samulovna Skavron) and Emperor Peter the Great (first). Rules by Russia from December 25, 1761 (January 5, 1762) to June 28 (July 9) of 1762

Rarely, the sovereign of contemporaries and descendants gave so contradictory ... ratings. On the one hand, the "stupid soldier", "Limited Samodor", "Holly Friedrich II", "Haters of all Russian", "Chronic drunkard", "Idiot" and "unable spouse" Catherine II. On the other hand, respectful judgments that belonged to personally knew him to prominent representatives of Russian culture - V. N. Tatishchev, M. V. Lomonosov, Ya. Ya. Shantelin. Volnodutez F. V. Krchetov, in 1793, for lifely sharpened Catherine II in Petropavlovka, intended to "explain the greatness of Peter Fedorovich,", and the poet A. F. Ways in early 1801 set the name of Peter III "beside the names of the greatest legisters" (A. S. Sochnikov "Peter III"

Brief biography of Peter Third

  • February 1728, 10 (21) February - Born in the city of Kiel (Holstein, Germany).
  • 1737, June 24 - For the purpose of the target in Ivanov, the day was awarded for this year of the Honorary title of the leader of the Holy Johann Guild in Holstein
  • 1738, February - Rule Duke Holstein-Gottorpsky Karl Friedrich appropriated the son of rank of second lieutenant
  • 1742, February 5 - arrived in St. Petersburg.
  • 1742, November - After the adoption of Orthodoxy, Karl Peter received the name Peter Fedorovich, declared the All-Russian Grand Duke and the heir to the throne.
  • 1742-1745 - Classes with teachers under the guidance of the teacher - Academician Ya. Schedune
  • 1743 - Grand Duke received from Empress Elizabeth Petrovna as a gift Oranienbaum
  • 1745, May 7 - Polish king and Saxon Kurfürst August III as a vicar of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation declared the Grand Duke as the ruling Duke of Golsteinsky
  • 1745, August 25 - marriage with the princess of Anhalt-Crembed Sophia Frederic Angular (future Catherine II)

"Description of the scene of dating Catherine with Peter in 1739. In the early editorial board of memories ("Notes Catherine II"), even before joining the throne, Catherine wrote: "Then I first saw the Grand Duke, which was really beautiful, kindly and well brought up. About the eleven-year-old boy was told by miracles. " The lighting of the same scene is determined in the last editorial board "Notes": "Here I heard that the gathered relatives were interpreted among themselves that the young Duke is tilted to drunkenness that the approximate did not allow him to get drunk at the table" (A. S. Soilnikov "Peter III ")

  • 1746 - At the request of the Grand Duke in St. Petersburg transported the library of his father Karl Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky
  • 1746-1762 - took an active part in the planning and holding of construction work in Oranienbaum, collects books, artistic and musical objects, more rarity
  • 1755 - took part in the creation of a singing and ballet school in Oranienbaum to prepare Russian artists, opened the painted house, consisting of the theater hall, art gallery, libraries and kunstkamera.
  • 1756-1757 - Member of the conference at the highest yard
  • 1759, February 12 - Elizaveta Petrovna appointed the Grand Duke Chief Director of the Ground Shuttle Corps in St. Petersburg.
  • 1759, May 5 - as the Chief Director enters the Government Senate with a petition for expanding the Corps of Publishing Corps and the use of the received profits for the needs of the printing house and library
  • 1760, December 2 - appealed to the Governing Senate with a plan for creating a geographical description of the Russian state and on the distribution of the questionnaire for this purpose.
  • 1761, March 7 - referred to the Government Senate Project Craft School for training "National Masters" personnel.
  • 1761, December 25 - Death Elizabeth Petrovna and the introduction of Peter Fedorovich to the Russian throne

"The emperor was asked usually at 7 o'clock in the morning, he listened from 8 to 10 hours. At 11 o'clock, he personally spent military exercises, and an hour in the afternoon dinner - either in his apartments, where he invited his people who were interested in the situation they were interested in, or leaving for approximate or foreign diplomats.

Evening hours were assigned to court games and entertainment (he especially loved concerts, in which he himself was playing violin himself). After a late dinner, which sometimes convened to hundreds of persons, he, together with his advisers, to a deep night again engaged in public affairs. Morning hours before Wachtparad and afternoon, he often used for inspection trips to government agencies and government institutions (for example, manufactory) "(A. S. Soilnikov)

  • 1762, March 22 - a secret trip to Schlisselburg to meet with the prisoner - an overthrown emperor Ivan Antonovich, then handed him through the adjutant General of Baron K.K. Unrgenta gifts (clothes, shoes ..)
  • 1762, June 29 - arrest, signing a renunciation from the throne, conclusion under the enhanced security in the Ropinsky Palace
  • 1762, July 3 - killed (strangled) presumably on this day. (The official date of death is considered July 6)

Government Peter III

1762, May 20 - a decree on the most approximate to the emperor: "So that many of his imper. In the benefit and the glory of the empire of him and the well-being of the faithful subjects taken by the best and rather, they could have been made in the action, they chose him imper. Was work under his own imper. In the right leadership and charity over many prior to the affairs of his Highness of the Duke of George, his lordship of Prince Hollytein-Beksky, Field Marshal General, Field Marshal General Prince Trubetsky, Chancellor Count Vorontsova, General Feldschmeister Vilboa, Lieutenan General Prince Volkomsky, Lieutenant General Melgunova and Action. Statsk, adviser to the secret secretary Volkov "

    Prince Georgy, Uncle Peter, General Prussian service, caused to Russia immediately at the end of the throne of Peter, who was attached to him: he produced him in General Field Marshals and Colonels Life Guard Equestrian Shelf
    Prince Petr-August-Friedrich Hollytein-Beksky, Uncle Peter, was made by Field Marshal, St. Petersburg Governor-General, commander over all field and garrison shelves, located in St. Petersburg, Finland, Roer, Estland and Narva
    Minih (Burhard Christophon Background Munny, 1683-1767)) - General Field Marshal, Lieutenant Colonel of Preobrazhensky Life Guard Regiment (from 1739 for the victory over Turkey)

He entered Russian history as an outstanding military and economic figure, an invincible Feldmarshal, the continuer of Peter the Great. Under the military leadership of miniha, the Russian army has always won victory, in the military history of the Feldmarshal Minich, he entered the winner of the Turks and the Crimeans.

A colossal work was carried out by the high-quality improvement of the Russian army, serfdom and rear, also a huge creative activity of minija concerned the strengthening of the state system of the Russian Empire. In 1741, with the focus of Elizabeth Petrovna, was devoted to the court, sentenced to the death penalty for false accusations in state treason, biron, as well as the Mzomphance and treasury.

    Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskaya, (1699-1767), Prince - Military and State Affairs, to the reign of Peter III, was among the "beloved court persons" and was honored to become a colonel of the Life Guard of the Transfiguration Regiment.
    Mikhail Illarionovich Vorontsov (1714-1767) - State Avestigator, diplomat, from 1744 - Vice-Chancellor, in 1758-1765 - Chancellor of the Russian Empire
    Alexander Nikitich Vilboa (1716-1781) - General Feldschmeister (Head of Artillery) of the Russian Army
    Mikhail Nikitich Volkonsky (1713-1788), Prince - Lieutenar General, in 1761 - Commander of the troops that were standing in Poland
    Alexey Petrovich Melgunov (1722-1788) - December 28, 1761 was produced in Majora General, and in February - in Lentar General; He accepted the donos "On intent on the first and second item". Participated in the preparation of the most important legislation of Peter III
    Dmitry Vasilyevich Volkov (1727-1785) - State Avestigator, Secret Counselor, Senator, under Peter III Secretary of the Special Council and the likely compiler of important decrees

The activities of the Government of Peter Third

"On January 17, the emperor arrived in the Senate, where he remained from 10 to 12 hours. Here he signed decrees of return from the reference of Mengden, Lilienfeld, minihi, Lopukhina; Then deigned to indicate: on sale the salt price to reduce and put moderate, if you can not do a completely uncommon, about the Senate to reason. The Kronstadt harbor, which is very damaged, so that with the difficulty of ships can, immediately repair, deepen it and leaving a stone. Senate to reason how to finish the Roghervitsky Harbor with free people, and religious translate to Nerchinsk.

Immediately Peter was the proposal of the deceased Count Peter Yves. Shuvalova on the water report from the Volkhov River to Fish Sloboda; The proposal said: from Slobodi fish, Borovitsky Rights, Novgorod to the new Ladoga court walks 1120 versts, and there is from Fish Slobody to the new Ladoga, a different water tract, namely: from fish rivers Volga, mogue, chaigraine, grief, Lake Somynsky , River Somino, Kolkinko's River, Lake Krupin, River Tikhvinoy, Syzyu, and from Siassi to be a canal to the Volkhov River and against the Ladoga Canal right on the seven versts; This tract is only 592 verst. The Senate reported at the same time that, for examination and describing this path, Lieutenant General Ryazanov was sent, which had already performed his order. The emperor considered plans, approved and ordered all this work to produce free people "(Solovyov" History of Russia from ancient times ")

  • 1762, January 28 - a registered decree on the dissolution of the court conference with the transfer of her affairs to the Senate and the Foreign Collegium: "From now on, there will be no particular particular advice or conference, but each college has its own business"
  • 1762, January 29 - For accelerated consideration of accumulating complaints from the previous reign and newly incoming complaints and applications, the Appeal Department and similar departments for the Justice College, the Vulture Collegium and the court order, was created, and on March 4, repeated the ban for another 1700 to file petitions and petitions Directly monarch
  • 1762, January 29 - a decree that the sovereign allows the solutions to Poland and other overseas countries to return to Russia and settle in Siberia, in the Barabinsk steppe and other similar places, and they should not make any obstacle in the content of the law on their usual and Star-line books, for "Inside the All-Russian Empire and Innoral, Yako Mohamnetan and Idolatopackers, consist, and those splitters - Christians, and sharpening in a single moisture of superstition and stubbornness consist of making it necessary to disgust them.
  • 1762, February 12 - on the personal initiative of the emperor, the European powers sent a declaration on the establishment of peace in Europe. In order to avoid the "further shedding of human blood", the parties should have ceased military actions and voluntarily abandon the territorial acquisitions taken during the seven-year war
    (Declaration on the establishment of the world was presented to foreign diplomats)
  • 1762, February 16, March 6 - Decrees aimed at strengthening the army and fleet
  • 1762, February 16, March 21 - Decrees of the secularization of land of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • 1762, February 18 - the manifesto "On the Givenity and Freedom of the Russian Nobility" announced

"All nobles, for whatever service, they are, on military or civil, could continue her or retire it; But the military could not resign and take leave during the campaign and three months before her start. The omissible nobleman could easily go abroad and join the service of foreign sovereigns, but was obliged to return with all possible speed on the first call of government.

"We hope - it was said in Manifesto, - that all the noble Russian nobility, feeling the spikes of our generotes to them and the descendants of their generous, in their universal loyalty and diligence will not be deleted below to take place from service, but with jealousy and desire to enter Entry and honest and inexistable to continue to continue, not less than their children with diligence and railing to teach the decent sciences "(Solovyov)

  • 1762, February 21 - the manifesto on the abolition of the office of secret search cases and about the transfer of her duties in the Senate

"The aforementioned secret search of the office is destroyed from now on forever, and they have things to be taken to the Senate, but for the seal to the eternal obligation to the archive. A hateful expression, namely, "Word and Case", does not fail to mean anything, and we prohibit: not to use anyone "

  • 1762, February 28, June 3 - Peter III approved reports of the first Life-Medica, Architra - Heads of the Medical Office and all medical institutions of the Russian Empire, Ya. Cantry on the reorganization of the medical service: All doctors and pharmacists in Russia received ranks that correspond to them privileges and regularly paid by the salary, retired doctors - pensions; To combat epidemics to help cities, provincial and provincial monaryers established the position of provincial and provincial doctors
  • 1762, March 5 - Decree on the ban construction of house churches

"The house church was then the last one to afford all the prosperous estate, even the urban rich yard. This custom was conducted from deep antiquity, and already in the Moscow era of the abuse, the jeques of a good church order were complained.

AVR. Palitsyn we find a description of what was the houses of the Church: a small hut, poor iconostasis, wooden utensils, canvas, and half-rolled; On the square hired to one service, or for one required, "blasphemed" pop ... The easier it was to start and the cheaper it was "your" church, the stronger and the desire was the desire to "their" church. Against this deeply brought in everyday life, Peter III became against the everyday life "(Platonov" Full course of lectures in Russian history ")

  • 1762, April 24 (May 5) - signed a peace treaty between Russia and Prussia (St. Petersburg world)

"Peter's third plan prepared by a peace treaty with Prussia received consolidation in the three secret articles of the June treatise. According to the first of them, Friedrich II recognized the validity of the claims of Peter III on Schleswig and expressed the readiness of this "indeed and all the ways to absorb."

In case further negotiations with Denmark (and they have planned at the beginning of July of the same year) will not lead to the desired goal, the king was obliged to "give the All-Russian Corps of his troops in the disposition of its imperial majesty of the All-Russian corps, consisting of 15 thousand people of infantry and in 5 thousand people cavalry ", while maintaining it for Peter III until then," while his imperial majesty is a Danish courtyard will be quite pleasant "

Two following secret articles by Friedrich II, it was obliged to support the election of the Duke Kullenandsky (instead of the odious biron) Uncle Emperor, Prince Georg Ludwig, and on the royal throne of the Commonwealth-friendly candidate "(soaps)

  • 1762, May 25 - Decree "On the establishment of the State Bank"

The decree prescribed to stop the release of copper money and limit their walking, as well as start the issue of assignments. The decree consisted of the introductory part and fourteen items, which set forth the plan for the creation and framework of the activities of the State Bank.

The bank was supposed to consist of two branches, in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, and to issue loans to the persons to all classes, for what to release their tickets "Yako the best and many in Europe examples loose tool".

Entry capital of 2 million rubles was to be allocated from the State Treasury and, moreover, gradually from the State Treasury was supposed to be made to the bank up to 3 million rubles for the formation of reserve capital; Accordingly, it was assumed to be released on "special and for the purpose of the paper made" by 5 million rubles of "banking tickets" in denominations of 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rubles, which was given the appeal "along with a coin call", for which it was allowed It was taking them when paying the filters, all sorts of government fees, without excluding customs.

In Russian history, there is no perhaps the ruler of more hoolish historians than the emperor Peter III. Even about the crazy sadist Ivan Grozny, the authors of historical Studium respond better than about the unfortunate emperor. As the epithets did not receive the historians of Peter III: "Spiritual Note", "Extension", "Drunka", "Holstetsky soldier" and so on, and the like. What is the emperor who reigned for only six months (from December 1761 to June 1762), was she kept before scientists?

Holstein Prince

The future emperor Peter III was born 10 (21 - on a new style) February 1728 in the German city of Kiel. His father was the duke of Karl Friedrich Hollytein-Gottorpsky - the ruler of the North German land of Holstein, Mother - daughter Peter I Anna Petrovna. As a child, Prince Karl Peter Ulrich Hollytein-Gottorpsky (so called Peter III) was declared the heir to the Swedish throne.

Emperor Peter III

However, at the beginning of 1742, at the request of the Russian Empress, Elizhevet Petrovna Prince was delivered to St. Petersburg. As the only descendant of Peter the Great, he was declared the heir to the Russian throne. Young Duke Hollytein-Gottorspsky accepted Orthodoxy and was inflicted by Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich.

In August 1745, the Empress married the heir to the German princess of Sofia Frederic Augustus, the daughter of Prince Anhalt-Crebstsky, held at the Military Service at the Prussian King. Having accepted Orthodoxy, Princess Anhalt-Zerbstskaya became called the Grand Duchet Catherine Alekseevna.

Great Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna - Future Empress Ekaterina II

The heir and his spouse could not endure each other. Peter Fedorovich had mistresses. The last passion was the Countess Elizaveta Vorontsov, the daughter of General-Anshuf Roman Illarionovich Vorontsov. Ekaterina Alekseevna had three permanent lovers - Count Sergey Saltykov, Count Stanislav Schnisovsky and Count Chernyshev.

Soon the Favorite of the Great Princess was the officer of the Life Guard Gregory Orlov. However, she often entertained with other guards officers.
On September 24, 1754, Catherine gave birth to the Son, who was called Paul. At the court, they rumored that the real father of the future emperor is the lover of Catherine Count Saltykov.

Petr Fedorovich himself bitterly grinned:
"God knows where my wife takes her pregnancy." I don't know too much, is it a child and should I take it to my account ...

Short reign

On December 25, 1761, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna revealed in the Bose. Peter Fedorovich entered the throne - Emperor Peter III.

First of all, the new sovereign stopped the war with Prussia and brought Russian troops from Berlin. For this, Peter hated guards officers who have thirsty of military glory and combat awards. Unhappy with the actions of the emperor and historians: scientists are neglected, which de Peter III "brought no results of Russian victories."
It would be interesting to find out which results do dear researchers mean?

As you know, the seven-year war of 1756-1763 was caused by the exacerbation of France's struggle and England for overseas colonies. For various reasons, seven other states were drawn in the war (in particular, Prussia, which conflicted with France and Austria). But what interests were pursued by the Russian Empire, speaking in this war on the side of France and Austria, is completely incomprehensible. It turned out, Russian soldiers for the right French robbing colonial peoples. Peter III stopped this senseless slaughter. For which he received a "strict reprimand with a letter" from grateful descendants.

Army Soldiers Peter III

After the end of the war, the emperor settled in Oranienbaum, where, according to historians, "indulged in drunkenness" with his Holstein companions. However, judging by the documents, from time to time Peter was engaged in state affairs. In particular, the emperor wrote and unveiled a number of manifestos about the transformation of the state system.

Here is a list of first events that Note Peter III:

First, the secret office was abolished - the famous secret state police, who visited the horror at all, without the exception of the subjects of the Empire from the prostrophin to hurriedly sponsor. For one denunciation, the agents of the secret office could grab any person, conclude it to the chamberis, to betray the most terrible torture, execute. The emperor freed the subjects from this arbitrariness. After his death, Catherine II restored the secret police - entitled "The Secret Expedition".

Secondly, Peter declared freedom of religion for all his subjects: "Let them pray to whom they want, but not to have them in the crigngement or in the curse." It was almost unthinkable for that time step. Even in enlightened Europe, there was no complete freedom of religion.

After the death of Emperor Ekaterina II, a girlfriend of French enlighteners and the "philosopher on the throne", canceled the decree on freedom of conscience.
Thirdly, Peter canceled the church supervision of the personal life of the subjects: "On the sin of adulterators not to have anyone to condemnation, because and Christ did not condemn." After the death of the king, the church espionage was revived.

Fourth, implementing the principle of freedom of conscience, Peter stopped the persecution of the Old Believers. After his death, state power resumed religious persecution.

Fifth, Peter announced the release of all monastic fortress. He submitted to the monastic estates to the civilian colleges, gave an arable land in the eternal use of the former monastery peasants and laid them only by ruble lifts. For the content of the clergy, the king appointed a "own salary".

Sixth, Peter allowed the nobles unhindered departure abroad. After his death, "Iron Giveno" was restored.

Seventh, Peter announced the introduction of a vowed court in the Russian Empire. Catherine canceled the publicity of proceedings.

In the eighth, Peter issued a decree on "non-spotry service", forbidding presenting senators and government officials with gifts with peasant souls and state lands. The signs of the promotion of higher officials were to be only orders and medals. Having joined the throne, Catherine was the first thing to do its associates and favorites with peasants and estates.

One of the manifests of Peter III

In addition, the emperor has prepared a lot of other manifestos and decrees, including the restriction of the personal dependence of the peasants from the landowners, about the optional service in the army, about the optional of respect for religious posts, etc.

And all this was done in less than six months of the reign! Knowing it, how can you believe to afford the "non-digestion" Peter III?
Obviously, the reforms that Petr intended to implement, ahead of their time for a long time. Could their author who dreamed of approving the principles of freedom and civil dignity, to be a "spiritual insignificance" and "Holstein soldier"?

So, the emperor was engaged in state affairs, in between whom, if you believe historians, smoked in Oranienbaum.
And what did the young Empress make at this time?

Ekaterina Alekseevna with his numerous lovers and halters settled in Peterhof. There she actively intrigued against her husband: collected supporters, through lovers and their companions spread rumors, attracted officers to their side. By the summer of 1762, there was a conspiracy, the soul of which became the Empress.

In conspiracy, influential dignitaries and commander were involved:

count Nikita Panin, a valid secret adviser, chamber, senator, teacher of Tsarevich Paul;
his brother Count Peter Panin, General-Annef, the hero of the seven-year war;
princess Ekaterina Dashkova, in Maiden - Countess Vorontsova, the nearest girlfriend and the companion of Catherine;

her husband is Prince Mikhail Dashkov, one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg Masonic Organization; Count Cyril Razumovsky, Marshal, Commander of the Izmailovsky Regiment, Hetman, President of the Academy of Sciences;
prince Mikhail Volkonsky, diplomat and commander of a seven-year war;
baron Corf, Head of the Petersburg Police, as well as Numerous Leib Guard officers led by the Orlov Brothers.

According to a number of historians, influential Masonic circles were involved in the storage. In the nearest environment, Catherine "Volnaya Masonicov" represented a certain mysterious "Mr. Odar". According to an eyewitness of the events of the Danish Messenger A.Suummore, under this name, the famous adventurer and adventure seeker Count Saint-Germain was hidden.

Events accelerated the arrest of one of the conspirators of the captain-lieutenant Pastec.

Count Alexey Orlov - Killer Peter III

On June 26, 1762, Orlov and their pleasures began to make soldiers of the capital garrison. For money that Catherine took from the English merchant Felten supposedly to buy decorations, more than 35 thousand Vodka buckets were purchased.

On the morning of June 28, 1762, Catherine, accompanied by Dashkova and the Orlich brothers, left Peterhof and went to the capital, where everything was ready. The dead drunk soldiers of the Guards regiments brought the oath of "Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna", a strongly drunk crowd of the townsmen welcomed the "Lack of a new reign".

Peter III with a retinue was in Oranienbaum. Upon learning of the events in Petrograd, ministers and generals betrayed the emperor and fled to the capital. With Peter, there were only old Feldmarshal Minich, General Gudovich and somewhat close.
On June 29, the emperor, struck by the betrayal of the most trusted people and not having a desire to get involved in the struggle for an impaired crown, renounced the throne. He wanted only one thing: In order for him to be released into his native hand with the mistress of Ekaterina Vorontsova and the faithful Adutanth Gudovich.

However, by order of the new government, the depth king was sent to the Palace in Ropsch. On July 6, 1762, the brother of the lover of Empress Alexei Orlov and his companion Prince Fyodor Baryatinsky strangled Peter. It was officially announced that the emperor "died of inflammation in the guts and apoplexic strike" ...

St. Petersburg poet Victor Sosna decided to figure out this problem. First of all, it was interested in the question: what sources were dragged (and they continue to draw!) Researchers dirty gossip about "dementia" and "insignificance" of the emperor?
And so it was found: it turns out to be sources of all the characteristics of Peter III, all these gossip and affection are the memoirs of the following persons:

empress Catherine II - which hated and despised her husband, who was inspiration of a conspiracy against him, which actually directed the hand of the murderers of Peter, who finally, as a result of the coup, became an autocracy government;

princess Dashkova - Girlfriend and the like-mindedness of Catherine, who still hated and despised Peter (contemporaries grew up: for the fact that Peter preferred her older sister - Catherine Vorontsov), who was the most active participant of the conspiracy, which after the coup was the "second lady of the empire" after the coup ;
count Nikita Panin - a close employee of Catherine, who was one of the leaders and the main ideologue of the conspiracy against Peter, and soon after the coup was one of the most influential ideels and was headed by the Russian diplomatic department for almost 20 years;

count Peter Panin - Brother Nikita, who was one of the active participants of the conspiracy, and then became a trusted and demanded monarch of grace by the commander (it was Peter Panin Ekaterina instructed to suppress the uprising of Pugachev, who, by the way, declared himself "Emperor Peter III").

Not even a professional historian and not being familiar with the subtleties of the sources and criticism of sources, it is possible to suggest that the person named above is unlikely to be objective in assessing the person they betrayed and killed.

The Empress and her "accomplices" had little to overthrow and kill Peter III. To justify their crimes, they had to wrap their victim!
And they diligently lied, cumbersome gossip and dirty fictions.


"Time he spent in the guys unheard of ...". "He was stubborn and quick-tempered, was weak and sophisticated."
"From the age of the last year he was addicted to drunkenness." "He manifested the neversome ...". "His mind was childish ...".
"He came to despair. It often happened to him. He was a cowardly heart and weak head. He loved oysters ..."

In his memoirs, Empress put the dead spouse with a drunkard, a buddy, a coward, a fool, a slacker, samboram, a slightly, empty, ignorant, a female ...

"What caution she wates her husband just for killed him!" - Victor Sosna exclaims.

But, oddly enough, scientists who wrote dozens of volumes of the dissertations and monographs, did not doubt the murderers of the murderers about their victim. Until now, in all textbooks and encyclopedias, you can read about the "insignificant" emperor, which "brought no results of Russian victories" in a seven-year war, and then "dried up with Holsteins in Oranienbaum."
At lies - long legs ...

Peter III Fedorovich Romanov

Peter III Fedorovich Romanov

Peter III (Petr Fedorovich RomanovBirth nameKarl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky; February 21, 1728, Kiel - July 17, 1762, Ropsha- Russian Emperor in 1761-1762, First Representative of Holstein-Gottorpskaya (Rather: Thdetnebian Dynasty, Branches Holstein -Hottorp, officially wearing the name "Imperial House of Romanov") in the Russian throne, husband Catherine II, Father Paul I

Peter III (in the Lobe Guard Mundire of the Transfiguration Regiment, 1762)

Peter III

The short Board of Peter III continued less than a year, but during this time the emperor managed to configure almost all influential forces in the Russian noble society: the courtyard, the guard, the army and the clergy.

He was born 10 (21) February 1728 in Kiel in the Duchy of Holstein (Northern Germany). German Prince Carl Peter Ulrich, who received after the adoption of Orthodoxy Name Peter Fedorovich, was the son of Duke Karl Friedrich Hollytein-Gottorpsky and the eldest daughter Peter I Anna Petrovna.

Karl Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky

Anna Petrovna

Having entered into the throne, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna caused the son of his beloved sister to Russia and appointed in 1742 by his heir. Karl Peter Ulrich was in early February 1742 brought to St. Petersburg and 15 (26) November declared its heir. Then he accepted Orthodoxy and received the name of Peter Fedorovich

Elizabeth Petrovna

As a teacher, Academician Ya. Schlyanin, who could not achieve any significant success in the formation of a prince; That fascinated only the military and the game on the violin.

Petr Fedorovich is a great prince. Work portrait

In May, 1745 prince proclaimed the ruling Duke of Holstein. In August 1745, he married a princess of Sophia Frederic Angular Anhalt Czyrch, future Catherine II.

Peter Fedorovich (Grand Duke) and Ekaterina Alekseevna (Great Princess

Cesarevich Petr Fedorovich and the Grand Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna. 1740s. Hood G.-k. GOOD.

The marriage was unsuccessful, only in 1754 they had a son Pavel, and 1756 - Anna's daughter, who deceased in 1759. He had a connection with Freilina E.R. Vorontsova, niece of Chancellor M.I. Vorontsova. Being a fan of Friedrich the Great, publicly expressed during the seven-year war 1756-1763 its proprietary sympathies. Open dislike of Peter to the whole Russian and explicit inability to state affairs, Elizabeth Petrovna was anxiety. In the court circles, the transmission projects of the Crown of the Mining Paul with the regent of Catherine or the Catherine itself were put forward.

Portrait of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich in childhood ( , )

Peter and Catherine were complained of Oranienbaum's possession near Petersburg

However, the Empress did not decide to change the order of the prestiplotia. The former duke, who from birth was preparing for the occupation of the Swedish throne, since he was also the grandson of Charles XII, she taught Swedish, Swedish legislation and Swedish history, and accustomed to Russia with prejudice from childhood. The zealous Lutheran, he could not reconcile with the fact that it was forced to change the faith, and at a convenient case tried to emphasize his contempt for the Orthodoxy, the customs and traditions of the country, which he had to be managed. Peter was neither an evil nor a cunning man, on the contrary, often showed softness and mercy. However, his extreme nervous impassment made the future of the sovereign dangerous as a person who focused in his hands absolute power over a huge empire.

Peter III Fedorovich Romanov

Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova, Favorite Peter III

After the death of Elizabeth, Petrovna with the new emperor, Peter quickly disadvalled against himself courtesy, attracting foreigners, guard, canceling Elizavtian liberty, army, concluding the world unprofitable for Russia with a defeated Prussia, and finally the clergy, ordering all the icons from churches except the most important, dye beard, remove the vestments and change clothes into the Sirtuchi on the similarity of Lutheran pastors.

Empress Ekaterina, the Great with her husband Peter III in Russia and their son, the future of Emperor Paul I

On the other hand, the emperor softened the persecution of the prostheticity, signed a decree of the union of the nobility in 1762, canceling the obligatory service for representatives of the noble class. It seemed that he could count on the support of the nobles. However, his board ended tragically.

Peter III is depicted on horseback among a soldier group. The emperor wears the orders of St. Andrew of the First and Saint Anna. Tabakerka decorated with miniatures

Many were not satisfied that the emperor concluded an alliance with Prussia: shortly before, with the late Elizabeth, Petrovna, the Russian troops won a number of victories in the war with Prussians, and the Russian Empire could count on considerable political benefits from the success achieved in the battlefields. Union with Prussia crossed all such hypodes and violated good relations with the previous allies of Russia - Austria and France. Even more discontent caused Peter III to the Russian service of numerous foreigners. With the Russian yard there was no influential forces, the support of which would ensure the sustainability of the Board to the new emperor.

Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich

Unknown Russian Artist Portrait of Emperor Peter III Last third of the XVIII century.

Taking advantage of this, a strong court party, hostile to Prussia and Peter III, in the Union with a group of Guardsmen and made a coup.

Peter Fedorovich always feared Catherine. When after the death of Empress Elizabeth, he became Russian king Peter III, the vengeous spouses did not associate anything, but it shared a lot. The rumors came to Catherine that Peter wants to get rid of her, sharpening in the monastery or depriving life, and their son Paul declare illegitimately. Catherine knew how cool was the Russian autocrats with the postal wives. But she was preparing for many years to climb the throne and was not going to give way to his man who did not love and "in the voice without thrill".

Georg Christoph's GOOD. Portrait of Grand Prince Peter Fedorovich (subsequently Emperor Peter III

Six months after January 5, 1762, Peter III entered the throne, a group of conspirators led by Ekaterina's lover Count G.G. Orlov took advantage of the lack of Peter at the courtyard and released the manifesto on behalf of the regiments of the Imperial Guard, according to which Peter was deprived of the throne, and Empress was proclaimed Catherine. She was crowned by the Bishop of Novgorod, Peter also concluded a country house in Ropsch, where he was killed in July 1762, apparently, from the knowledge of Catherine. According to the contemporary of those events, Peter III, "allowed to overthrow himself from the throne, as a child who is sent to sleep." His death soon finally freed Ekaterina the road to power.

in the winter palace, the coffin was delivered next to the coffin of Empress Catherine II (the hall was issued on the project of the Rinaldi architect)

After the official ceremonies of Pratra III and Catherine II was moved from the Winter Palace to the Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress

Petra III's exhumation is devoted to this allegorical engraving Nikolai Anselena

Peter III tombs and Catherine II in Petropavlovsky Cathedral

Hat Emperor Peter III. 1760-E.

Ruble Peter III 1762 St. Petersburg Silver

Portrait of Emperor Peter III (1728-1762) and a view of the Monument to Empress Catherine II in St. Petersburg

Unknown Northwest Cutter. A plaque with a portrait of the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. St. Petersburg (?), Ser. 19th century. Mammoth tale, relief thread, engraving, drilling Peter III, his close and his surroundings ":
Part 1 - Peter III Fedorovich Romanov