Spreading seeds of wood plants. The spread of fruits of plant seeds extends

It would seem in winter it is difficult to watch the life of plants - trees and shrubs in a deep dream, grass is hidden under the snow. However, it is in winter that we start our botanical excursions - the second half of the winter is suitable for starting to germinate on the windowsill seeds, replant the houseplants.

Let's start with dating seeds. During the walk, type faded, but preserved the inflorescences of grass and weeds, which grow in the city (wormwood, Pijm, yarrow, plantain, etc.). Immediately fold them into a plastic bag of inflorescences down. You can also disrupt the fruits of trees and bushes, which remained in the trees in winter - ash, lilacs, pots, rowan, pine cones and fir.

At home Take a white sheet of paper and shake the boxes of seeds over the sheet. Berries can be cut in half, boxes - carefully reveal.

What a variety of seeds! Consider their shape, size. You can draw inflorescences or fruits - and seeds that were in them, close-up.

The task of the plant is to provide their "children" to the Semians as comfortable conditions for growth. So, to climb seeds should as far as possible from the parent plant, so as not to interfere with each other. Therefore, all seeds in one way or another travel. Look at those seeds that you managed to find you.

Ways to spread plant seeds

If among them there are pine cones or fir, carefully discover the cones flakes. Inside hiding a small seed-winner. Throw it up - seed, circling, flies to the ground. Pine and fir seeds traveling through the air. Try to remember what other plants send their children "in flight "? (Maple, Lipa, Birch, Dandelion, Bodyak)

If you fell berries, remove the seeds from the pulp. They also travel, but in a completely different way. Rowan seeds are transferred to waist, frozards and bullfinches. Berry - Bird's bait, but the bird seeds themselves do not digest. Together with the bird litter, the seed will be in a new place. What other plants use bird love to delicious? (In winter - hawthorn, Kalina, black-free rowan. Summer - cherry, strawberry, raspberry)

By the way, with the help of birds and protein is looking for a new place to reside and oak. Oak fruits - acorns - with pleasure soak and proteins for winter. Only now they remember about their reserves not always - Coyek, for example, hides up to one hundred acorns per season, but finds no more than half. The rest of the acorns will take place in the spring in a new place . (In the forest in the same way, the Leschina - Forest Walnut).

There are plants and another way of movement in which he helps both animals and a person. Do you cane chopping from snow by the scenery of the plantain? There is a legend that in America the Indians called this plant "trail of a white man." Why? It turns out that the seeds of the plantain - sticky, they stick to the soles of shoes. On the soles of the seeds moved across the Atlantic Ocean, where they climbed along the side of the paths and roads, for which migrants from Europe traveled. By the way, the Russian name of the plantain also hints to this cunning way to move.

But in this way, not only the plantain travels - for clothes and animal wool tiny "hooks" cling Rephell and a series sticks to the soles of wormwood. Children can accurately recall the plant to whom they themselves assisted, playing it with tenacious balls - it is a bundle with his fruit fruit, which hangs so well on jackets and shirts.

In our climate, we will not find plants that use water paths to move. But there are such plants that are actively used. In Botanical Petersburg, one exhibit is stored: a huge seed. He was found in 1921 on the coast of the Ice Ocean. Seeds of this size are not growing in the harsh northern climate, so the discovery was transferred to the Botanical Museum. Here, the seed was determined - it turned out to be a giant seed of tropical plants entad, "ivory liana". The most interesting feature of these solid seeds with thick durable cover is their big buoyancy, entad seeds can swim in sea water and not sink during the whole year. Sea currents will distribute these non-visiting seeds in all tropical countries. One of these seeds and sailed to the coast of the Ice Ocean. You can try to lay on the map of its route! From the shores of tropical America through the entire Atlantic Ocean to the shores of Northern Europe passes a huge flow of Gulf Stream. The seed, obviously, began his journey somewhere on the banks of the Antille Islands, fell in the Gulf of Mexico, there it was picked up Golf Stream and carried the Florida Peninsula to the north, and then - through the Atlantic Ocean. Slowing between Iceland and Norway to the European shores, the seed fell into the cold Barents Sea. This is where in the bad weather and thrown into the sand. Coconuts can travel in the same way.

You have left seeds that you have considered. If you have the opportunity - try to put them! The pot is best to cover with a plastic bag, thus creating a small "greenhouse". You can sign the pots and carry out true scientific work - to observe which seeds will be the first, which shoots will be more.

I propose in the comments to share your observations and additions about how seeds move! Really curious! And of course I am waiting for a photo

All about everything. Volume 5 Likum Arkady

How do the grasses seeds apply?

Herbs are the most common plants in the world. There are about 7,000 species. The sea of \u200b\u200bgrass covers the fields sometimes with an area of \u200b\u200bthousands of square kilometers. They are called prairies, steppes, plains, valleys. This is South America's Pampas, Russian Steppes, South African Veldes. Many herbs are reproduced using seeds. Seeds are distributed in many ways. Some grass seeds are covered with long hairs, and wind will be spread. Some roll on the ground. Birds are spreading seeds in the beaks, because they feed them. When they fly with seeds, seeds can fall from their beaks.

Some grain seeds have sharp spines. With these spines, they trailers to an animal or a person passing by the plants, and they are "transported" on the skin or clothing. By chance during commercial expeditions, many grass seeds were transferred to huge distances around the world. For example, ships moved Melissa's grass seeds from Africa to a new light.

Plant stems were used as bed linen for slaves. When they were thrown to the floor, the seeds were poured. In this way, grass spread from Africa to North America. Some herbs live one season, then die. They need to be sowed every year. Other herbs perennial. Herbs on pastures or on your lawn at home are growing for years, their roots are well tolerated winter. In the spring of them grow young shoots.

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§ 4. Spreading fruits and seeds

Fruits I. seeds Often they can be far from the plants on which they ripe. This is explained by the fact that the fruits and seeds of some plants have devices for the spread of wind, other - animals, man, water, and seeds of some plants, such as yellow acacia and mad cucumber, scatter themselves ripe fruit 10 .

The fruit of maple disintegrates into two parts, each of which has a wonderful increase. Overding, halves of fruits quickly spin in the air, which slows down their fall to the ground; The wind they can be carried away away from the tree, on which they ripe.

Some steppes plants By the time of ripening fruits dry; The wind climbs them from the root, rolls on the ground from place to place, dissipating seeds. Such plants were called "rolling-field".

The fruits and seeds of not only aquatic, but also some land plants are applied by water. Olha often grows on the banks of the rivers; Her fruits, falling into the water, not drown. The flow carries away from maternal plants.

The fruits of coconut palms can be transferred with seedings from one island to another.

Seeds of plants with juicy fruits - rowan, elderberry, bruborries, blueberries, cherry, valley - spread animals. mostly birds. They eat these fruits and, moving from place to place, with the litter throwing intact seeds of eaten fruits.

In the Crimea and in the Caucasus on dry slopes and sea coasts you can find a weed plant. Mad cucumber. After the ripening of seeds, a mucus accumulates in its fruits, which, together with seeds, is thrown out of the fruit and sticks to the animal or to a person who touched the ripened fetus. It seems as if a mad cucumber shoots his seeds.

2. What devices have fruits or seeds distributed by man and animals?

\u003e 1. Collect seeds of trees and shrubs. In the autumn part of them at the school sector, and the rest of the other hand in the nearest forest nursery or forestry.

2. Watch how the fruits and seeds of plants growing near your home are applied.

Korchagin V. A. Biology: plants, bacteria, mushrooms, lichens: studies. for 6 cl. environments shk. - 24th ed. - M. Enlightenment, 2003. - 256 p.: Il.

Source: http://edufuture.biz/index.php?title\u003d%D0%A0%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1 % 80% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5_% D0% BF% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% BE% D0% B2_ % D0% B8_% D1% 81% D0% B5% D0% BC% D1% 8F% D0% BD

Fruits are. Fruits of plants. Fruits - Biology

Plant fruits are divided into two large groups: dry and juicy. The second, in contrast to the first, have flesh. Dry are divided into multi-free (box-shaped) and single-family (nut-shaped), juicy - on horse-on and bodies. Each of these groups combines various types of fruits. There are quite a lot of them. Thus, there are such fruits of plants as bob, pod, pod, bag, flyer, box. Walnuts are represented by a grain, a cruise, seed, nut and nut. Only juicy edging belongs to the hillock. The berryoids combine such fruits like berry, Thavina, an apple. Let's wonder each of them in more detail.

Dry boxchene

Dry nutdoor fruits

The first among them should be allocated, of course, nut.

Its main difference is a rustic outer shell. Such fruits have such plants like walnuts, peterokaria, California, black, manchurian nuts. Similar fruits forms and lencha is nuts, they are smaller and have a softer shell. Also, this group owns seeds. This fruit has a leathery pericarpium, with which the seeds are not fused. It is formed by many compact plants, the most common and widely known from which is sunflower. It is also asters, daisies, velvets, wormwood, dandelion, stabula and many others. The grain also belongs to this group of fruits. It is characteristic of the plants of the family of cereals, which combines such cultures as rye, wheat, millet, mintik, bamboo, Kovyl and others. This type of fetus is distinguished by leathery by leathery, which grows with endocarp.

Juicy berryoids

First of all, they include apples. They are characterized by film cameras, in which seeds are located, and the pulp is formed in the process of the punctuation of the tube and the stock of the flower. No, such fruits form not only an apple tree, but all the plants of the pink family: pear, rowan, hawthorn, quince and others. Also, this group includes berries that have a fleshy juicy ocoplodnik. They possess such plants: currants, blueberries, lingonberry, gooseberry, tomato, kiwi, eggplant, banana and others. Contrary to common misconception, cherry and raspberries are not berries, but busty. Litezodam can be attributed to strawberries and strawberries, as well as rosehip - this is a combination of fruit - multi-sized. In the first two real fruits (nuts) are outside this structure (white points), and the latter is inside. A combination of nuts are both birch earrings. Also, the juicy bodies belongs to Thavin. It has a juicy pulp, but rustic exocarpium. Such a fruit has a pumpkin, watermelon (the fact that the berry is also a delusion), melon, cucumber.


It is also a subgroup of juicy fruits. The only representative is Kostyanka. It is characterized by the fact that the seeds of fruits of this type are inside the bone, which is under pericarpium having a solid outer sheath and intended for additional protection. Kostyanka may contain both one and several bones. Examples of this type: plum, cherry, coconut, peach, apricot, Kalina. There are also complex fruits formed by several bones. This is raspberry, blackberry.

Under these three shells there is one or more seeds. Let's look at their structure. All flowering plants are divided into one-bedroom and dicotyathic - it depends on how much Seldol has their seeds.

The seeds of monocryon plants consist of one semi-sodly, kingdoms, a stalk, the root, of which, in fact, a new plant, endosperma and seminal peel, usually contrived with the ocopulodnik. Fruits from this type of seeds are, for example, pods and pods. It is also sometimes a box (in tulip, lilies), less often - berry.

How the fruits and seeds are applied

Ways to spread fruits and seeds

They can distribute with any "intermediary" or without it. Thus, some plants throw out their seeds from open fruit (most often beans). Also fruits can simply be imposed under the influence of the strength of attraction from their weight. But more often they are spread with wind, animals or people, as well as water. For this, the fruits often have additional devices, for example, Pappox at dandelion (guns growing from the ocoplodennik, with the help of which the wind is propagated).

Mac, Belen and some other plants during the impulse of the wind are thrown into the ground, and then with force straighten up and dispel the seeds through the holes of the boxes.

The fruits of some plants that do not have adapt to retaining can be spread with raindrops.

A considerable role in the spread of seeds belongs to ants. The smiling, violets, the seeds have chicken grubs of appendages. Such seeds of ants collectors are dragging into an anthill, but often losing on the road.

Murane seeds

Some plants have fruits and seeds have a variety of bars. They cling to animal wool and those just carry them to different distances. In this way, the fruits of a series, gravel and spiny hodgepodes are applied.

Self-discharge of seeds, balleys.

1. What methods of spreading fruits and seeds are most often in plants in nature? 2. What devices developed in plants to self-discharge seeds? 3. What contributes to the spread of dandelion fruit, bodian, poplar, birch with wind? 4. What features of the structure of fruits contribute to their spread of animals?

Find out which trees growing in your area, fruits and seeds apply with wind. What devices to such a distribution method are developed in the fruits of these trees?


Seeds apply with wind or animals, or water, or humans. And some can even self-discovery, such as fruits and seeds of mad cucumber.

Poplar seeds during ripening fall from the branches. The wind picks up and spreads on the ground. Poplar seeds covered with white fluffy hairs are reminded in flight flakes of snow. Thanks to these fluffy hairs, they can be distributed over long distances.

Similarly, the fruits of dandelion and klyon are spreading the wind.

Seeds of many weed plants, such as burdock or turns, can hurt, if they hurt them, to the animal wool or man's clothing. When they are shaken, they will fall far away from the plants on which they ripen.

There are plants, the fruits of which are not only cling, but can and glue. For example, forget-me-not fruits.

Fruits and seeds of some plants are trailed or sticking to bags and bales with a load, which are then placed in cargo compartments of cars and ships. When unloading seeds fall on a new land, where they can take care and germinate. It happened, for example, with a plantain, which was accidentally transported from Europe to America. Therefore, American Indians called the plantain "Next White Man."

Seeds and fruits of pea, beans and beans are distributed by self-discharge. Therefore, the fruits of these plants are collected, without waiting for their complete drying. Otherwise, they will open, throw seeds, and then the harvest will die. In hot weather scatters his seeds and yellow acacia.

On the coast of the countries of Southern Europe grows a mad cucumber. After the ripening of seeds, the mucus accumulates in its fruits, and if the cucumber is at this moment to touch the hand, the mucus together with the seeds with force flies out of fruits. It seems that the mad cucumber shoots its seeds who dares to touch him.

Spreading fruits and seeds

The main ways of spreading fruits and seeds in nature. One of the important properties of fruits and seeds is the resettlement of plants into new territories. Fruits and seeds apply to air and water, as well as with animals and humans. Some plants produced special adaptations to self-discharge seed. The plants of the cluster, Karagan ("Yellow Acacia"), "Mad Cucumber" as it would shoot with their seeds. Such plants are called ballistami (from lat. "Ballista" - a machine for throwing). In the notch and caragans, the seeds are scattered during cracking and twisting of the flaps of fruits. The "mad cucumber" in ripening fruits accumulates mucus. It is an animal or a person to touch the fetus, as a sticky mucus is thrown under high pressure along with seeds.

"Mad cucumber" fruits are not The spread of fruits and seeds with air. On single-ground fruits of many trees (birch, maple, ash), wings are formed, and on single-ground fruits dandelion, mother and stepmother, bodian - fluffy parachuts. With their help, the seed can fly tens and even hundreds of meters. In the same way, small seeds are applied with fluffy jokes at Poplar, Willow, Ivan Tea.

Seeds and fruits spread by the wind

The propagation of fruits and seeds with water. In plants growing in water bodies or on their shores (pita, cracks, chastuchs, ridges), fruits and seeds usually spread through water. They are not wetted with water and not drown, thanks to the existing emergence or air cavities. In some plants, fruits can float several weeks or even months (graonist, alder, essay, milestone) (Fig. 168). Coconut palm nuts travel to huge distances on salty sea water.

Seeds and fruits distributed by water

The spread of fruits and seeds with animals. Juicy fruits rowan, viburnum, cherries, raspberries eat many birds and beasts. In their digestive organs, the pulp pulp is digested, and seeds protected by dense skin, together with the litter are removed and dissipated in the surrounding space.

Animal fruits

Some birds (shit) and beasts (proteins, mice, chips) are powered by large dry fruits (nuts and acorns) and pans them for the winter. Dragging dry fruits into pantry, animals often lose them on the road and often do not find their reserves.

The minor seeds of the plantain are capable of standing down and stick to the soles of animals and human feet. Seeds of some plants apply along with the il, the crude soil particles sticking to the body of animals.

Often the involuntary carrier of fruits and seeds becomes a man.

A man as a result of economic activity together with cultural plants is often sulking and weed. In addition, some fruits and seeds can travel in transport.

Poplar seeds covered with white fluffy hairs spread wind long distances. The wind is spread and the fruits of the dandelion having parachutes.

Seeds or fruits of many plants sometimes involuntarily spread animals and people. On the ditch, the weed of a series grows near the ponds and rivers. Her fruits are seeds with spikes covered with bent cloths. The dog runs on the thickets of the turn, will pass any other animal or a person - small hipged fruits are tightly trailing to wool or clothes, so so the brush will not be patched, you have to choose them with your hands.

Fruits and seeds of some plants stick or tray to bags or bales with cargo and fall into wagons, in the trums of ships, in cars and airplanes. When unloading, the seeds fall on the ground, germinate, and the growing plants often find good conditions for life in new territories. So, from Europe in America, the plantain was delivered in America - the usual plant of paths and roads. The indigenous inhabitants of America are Indians - they call the plantain "next of the White Man."

Seed scattering can be observed in many plants. For example, in the summer in a hot, sunny day near Yellow Acacia bushes, you can hear a slight crackling - it is cracking and scattering the seeds ripened beans. Also scatter their seeds also fruits pea and beans. Therefore, the fruits of these plants are collected before their complete drying, otherwise they will throw out seeds and the harvest will die.

1. What propagation devices are fruits or seeds carrying winds?

3. What plants scatter their seeds?

4. What is the value of the spread of fruits and seeds?

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Fruits are a protective sheath for plant seeds. They can be different in color, shape, size and taste, but they all have a similar structure. Fruits are vegetables, fruits, berries, and birch earrings, and nuts. It would seem that they are completely different, but all of them have a lot in common.


Fruits are different


The next type is pods and pods. These are the fruits of the vegetable family of cruciferous, to which the cabbage, mustard, salad, tour, horseradish and others belong to the cabbage, mustard and others. It differs from the previous one that is a cough, possesses two fruitlessness. Box - Also dry boxective fruit. In it, as a rule, a very large number of small seeds are placed. Such a fruit is formed by the following plants: Mac, Belen, Carnation, Duram. Its structure can have one or more rests. By way of revealing the boxes can also vary. In the poppies, for example, the boxes have holes, whites have lids, in Durman - the sash, the cloves are cloves.

What protects pericarpsy?

Seeds of dietary plants are distinguished by the presence of two seeds. Also, their structure is different from the previous ones that their seed peel almost never grows with the sparklery. These seeds can be located in the fruits of this type as the kitchen, apple, bob, seed and others.

Winter botanical excursion

Equipment. For an excursion, each student requires packages or box for collecting material and notebook for entries. In addition to the usual handle, there must be a simple pencil - most pastes freezes in the cold or does not fall on wet paper; In addition, the handles quickly refuse to work with the vertical position of the notebook. Mittens are mandatory even at the positive temperature - they will need after the collection of seeds in the snow. It is also desirable to have a seven-time magnifying glass (one for two possible), binoculars (1 per group), tweezers, scissors or a secateur.

And one more indispensable condition for a successful winter excursion: it should be planned so as not to stand in one place, but all the time to move. This is important even in relatively warm weather.

Travel of excursion

Teacher. What trees and shrubs are preserved before the end of winter?

Most likely to find the fruits of the maple of the ostolist ( Acer. platanoides. ) and ashenisate ( A. . negundo. ), ash ( Fraxinus. excelsior. ), Birch bearded ( Betula. verrucosa. ), Linden hearts ( Tilia. I. cORDDTA. ) and european (T. europaea. ) - They are now easy to distinguish PB j. Fruits: Linden Calcalized (Tilia Cordata) and European (T. europaea) - they are now easily distinguished by the fruits: they are smooth, 3-4 mm with a diameter of 3-4 mm, and the European - ended, ribbed and larger - up to 1 cm . From shrubs, the fruits of the Kizilnik are preserved ( Cotoneaster melanoc. but rPA ), Barbarisa ( Berberis vulgaris ), Representative (Rod PhysoCarpus. ), Spirei (Rod Spiraea. ), Lilacs (R. Syringa. ), Rosehip (ROSA).

Why are all the fruits preserved on lilacs, and there are many empty fruits on maple?

Student. The fruits of maple, linden, birch and many other trees are adapted to the spread of the wind. They have a wonder-shaped increase, which increases their area, therefore, as soon as the fruit dries and becomes fragile, the wind takes place.

Teacher. Then why little fruit preserved on a rowan and hawthorn? After all, they, like lilac, there are no increases?

Student. Juicy, nutritional rowan fruits eat birds - Drozda, Snegirius.

Teacher. Watch out how different birds feed the fruits in the winter.

Drozd swallows the whole berries. The pulp is digested, and the seeds along with excrement will go there where the thrush will rest after lunch. Thus, they will not only move away from the parent plant, but also will be "pre-free preparation" (the shell will be processed by the enzymes of the bird's digestive tract) and a certain supply of nutrients will receive at first in the form of bird litter. But bullfight, on the contrary, rip the berries with a strong beak, spin the flesh and eat seeds.

Is it possible to say that bullfiner contributes to the spread of rowan?

Student. Only in the event that the bird drops an abdicted berry. True, it, as a rule, turns out to be under the parent plant, where it might fall and without bullfding ...

Teacher. Watch, the seeds of some plants feed on bullfinch. Is it possible to say that bullfinch does not spread plant seeds, but only eats them? For example, on ash.

Student. In addition to rowan, bullfinches feed, for example, on ash. Bird tears the fruit of the fruit and removes the seed. But far from all the fruits manage to keep in the beak, they will slip them and worn by the wind. If it were not for the bullfight, it would be possible, these fruits would be kept until spring, because when the leaves unfold, the transfer distance of them will be reduced significantly.

Teacher. Find young plants in the cracks of buildings, you grew up from seeds abandoned wind back. What kinds were able to survive in the cracks of stone walls? (On a spring excursion, it will be possible to compare the resulting list with the one, which will be taken into account by the trees in all other conditions, for example, near the fence where the seed drives the wind. The garbage is accumulated there and a powerful nutrient layer is formed, and a lot of snow is collected.)

Trees able to exist, pleaseing the minimum

food and water - it is mostly birch beard and fluffy, rowan, Maple is an assent. There may be other species, but the number of their seedlings will be much smaller, and the state is worse. What process model do we observe here?

Student. Settlement by plants - pioneers of a fruitless heater substrate and subsequent biological weathelation with the formation of the soil.

Teacher. Please note that in the bare crack, trees seeds, if they germinate, then quickly die. In order for the plant to live at least a few years, the soil should already be in the crack - they form lichens and mosses, settled here earlier. They accumulate atmospheric moisture. The roots of the seedlings of trees are even more destroying the stone, expand the cracks in which water and dust, fragments, dead plants fall.

On the roofs, where for many years they do not remove the foliage caused by the wind, such a number of fertile soil may form that spruce will be able to settle. Unlike pine, it has a surface root system, and despite the fact that the spruce is more demanding to moisture, in the conditions of "artificial rocks", its seedlings develop more successfully.

We collect samples: the fruits of linden, maple, ash - as an example of adaptation to propagation with wind; Rowan or Kizilnika - as one of the characteristic types of the fetus of the family of rustic - an apple (it was previously called a complex fruit); bubbaris or viburnum bubbles; Berries of a snowy year; Lilac boxes.

Now, if you can, move into the forest or in the park. Here we will be able to see the plants that are not in street landings or who are poorly fruit in the conditions of the city. First of all, these are vicious: spruce, pine, fir. Juniper, who poorly tolerate the atmosphere of the city. We draw attention to the fact that the morphologically bump is not considered a fruit - this is a shoot, on the "leaves" of which is open ("Golo") seeds, hence the name "vote". To explore, the location of cones on pines and seals may need binoculars. We find and consider a bump and seeds. Why are cones located mainly on the upper branches?

Student. This part of the crown is better illuminated, and it produces more nutrients that are necessary for the development of seeds. In addition, for a wind-pouring plant, the seeds of which are spread by the wind, it is important that the fruitless shoots are located on the highest possible space - and in the forest it is the top of the crown.

Teacher. We draw attention to the fact that the seeds of ate and pine shallow, have thin light wings. Compare these seeds with maple wings. What is due to the difference in size?

Student. Maple - Plant Falls, inhabitant of deciduous deciduous forests. The winters are spread by the wind among the naked branches, meeting the minimum of resistance. Spruce and pine - evergreen plants, with thick and dense at any time of the year the crown. To penetrate her, the seed should be small, and the ward - easily rolled, otherwise the seed will get stuck on the branch. In fact, even under these conditions, the mass of seeds can be found on the branches, in the needles, but the likelihood of them to earth is still greater than large.

Teacher. We draw attention to the fact that the birch is a leaf fall tree, but the frequent inhabitant of mixed forests with a fir - small seeds. We observe how the seeds of ate, pine and birchs are spread by the wind, as they slide in an imagination and fall into the holes of the traces. We collect cones and seeds. We draw attention to the cones, seeds of which are eaten by various animals: a bare rod with a small tassel of empty scales on the top of the top is the work of proteins. The disheveled bump, clamped in the fork of wood, - the woodpecker was fed. Is it possible to say that the seeds of ate, in addition to the wind, are applied by animals?

Student. Directly at eating - unlikely. Seeds were chosen carefully, only empty and underdeveloped, most likely, nonsense. But the proteins often poison the food to the future, driving it in the recesses between the roots, hiding under the vangules. In such a "storeroom" seeds, for some reason not eaten in winter, can germinate.

Teacher. We pay attention to the Christmas tree growing right from under the roots of Berez. How did the seeds come here? I buried the protein or still brought the wind? What is more likely?

Student. Seeds ate more often tolerate wind. But here is a juniper - he also grows in the deepening between the roots of a large tree. And here's another one! Binding juniper - round and pretty heavy - hardly transferred to the wind. Here is more likely to spread animals.

Teacher. The brightest example among the vote domestic flora, which do not have adapt to the transfer of seeds by the wind, is a cedar pine, which is often washed (from the point of view of nerds, incorrectly) cedar. Having a wing of sufficient size to plan in the air flow, the cedar nuts simply would not make their way through a dense thick crown. Cedar Pine Seeds spread animals that make stocks, - chipmunks, squirrels, jokes, cedings. Not all such storerooms will be in demand, and those nuts that will fly up to spring, will safely warm. Cedar pine has adapted so much to such a "sowing" of seeds, that seedlings who have grown apart, grow and develop worse those that "in cramped, and not in the offense"! Over time, competition will select from 20-30 seedlings of 5-6 young plants that can grow trunks and form one powerful multiple tree, which is not terrible either winds or snowstorms.

Walking through the Winter Forest, we notice suddenly against the background of the gray mesh branches of bright red borders of rowan or viburnum or rosehip fruits. What is the importance of bright coloring of the fruits of these plants?

Student. Rowan seeds, as we remember, distributed mainly by birds. Bright coloring attracts birds - they see a delicacy from afar. Kalina also spreads birds. Applying to the closer, we see the proof - whole berries, damaged by inaccurate stuffing, and empty shells - the remains of the dinner of felts.

Teacher. We collect rosehip fruits. This is another common type of fetal family of rosetic - cynarodius (A variant of a multi-sized juicy sheath). Rosehip cells contain many carotene, and large red-orange chromoplasts are clearly visible under a microscope.

We consider the branches of Rowan. Under the woods, they are thin, and you can carefully tilt a young tree without damaging it. We draw attention to the fact that brush berries are located on specialized short sprigs - flushed. Footpasses are visible traces from the inflorescence of past years - in contrast to the semi-lunged leafy traces they are round. For several years in a row, flower kidneys are formed for several years in a row - they are larger and thicker leafy, but a large harvest is approximately once every four years.

Offer your explanation that the rowan is not fruit plenty every year.

Student. One of the versions of such frequency of fruiting is that lovers of winter rowan, thrushes, in the harvest years they damage fragile herrifers, and for the development of new two years. Another reason is possible (they can "work" together) - freezing during the period of renal disclosure.

Teacher. We go to the edge and see sticking. The scent of the snow is dry grass - umbrellas of the batup, manner, dyagil. This plant family is called - umbrella (relatives of dill, parsley, cumin and other famous spicy aromatic herbs). Some still preserved seeds. Consider them closer. Such a fruit is called blinding - Mature, he disintegrates two halves, which hang on both sides of the central axis. It is worth the wind, the beast or bird shake the umbrella - and seeds fell. Small, flat, smooth - they slipgage between blades to the earth. And those that have kept the whole winter and did not go to the feed birds, will fall into the spring streams, and the ringing flow will take them to a new place. We draw attention to the size of umbrella herbs.

What other grassy plants are visible from under the snow?

Student. In addition to umbrellas, you can now see the plants of the family of comprehensible (relatives of chamomile and sunflower) - wormwood, buoyat, burdock, pyrhy.

Teacher. Birds were fought from the thickets of the Pijmas - they fed her satisfying seeds containing a lot of vegetable oil. Seeds of these plants are collecting lovers of manual birds and add to food - they are needed by grainyons: caners, shcheglands, chcheles, readings. Part of the seeds (more precisely, the fruit seeds) crumbled and worn by the wind on smooth influence. And the bodian seeds are equipped with a hokholk. For wormies (look in the magnifying glass) - also a hokholki, but smaller. How do bodian seeds and wormwood apply?

Student. Seeds of these plants are transferred to the wind. In good dry weather, the wrapper of the inflorescence - baskets is open, and the flushed ski workers catch the air flow. A, in the rain; 'or Basket blizzard closes.

Teacher. Wrappers wrapper baskets are completed with tenacious hooks clinging for everything that falls in the field of their action. How do the seeds of this plant apply? Well, of course, animals! And by us, people!

By throwing "repiges", we draw attention to the baskets are open, and the seeds are freely poured. We remember that the misappropriate baskets were tightly compressed. The fact is that many of the complex color of nutrients in the tissues of the basket is enough in order for most of the seeds to dive, if even the basket is torn off from the stem. But moisture reserves are desirable to spend economically - here is the green inflorescence and is not disclosed, clutching on wool or trousers. The disadvantaged and discharged basket will most likely dare. Now the fruits of the seed are ripe and therefore freely suede; On the entire path following the "victim".

Lopuha has the largest seeds from the plants we encountered. We take a few baskets for studying chain hooks and seeds under a magnifying glass.

On the wetland, the pond can be found Often it is incorrectly called reed. His dark velvet cobs brew the winter wind, and shreds of a yellowish fluff fly over the swamp. The seeds of Rhoze are very small, especially compared to a huge hohol, and fly unusually far away, overcoming tens of tens of kilometers.

Why does the Rogoz forms so many seeds?

Student. Places suitable for the settlement of the seedlings of Rhoze, - weaving and at that same time free from soil competitors. Ideally, it is revealed reservoir. Even with the condition that small seeds can overcome huge distances, the likelihood of such a place is very small.

A large number of seeds allows Rogoz to settle all suitable habitats - there are cases when it germinates in an existing age of a few months on the asphalt right in the middle of the city!

Teacher. Leaving the reservoir coast to go home, we find seeds of another zoohorea for yourself - a series . What device allows a series of moving with animals?

Student. Its fruit seeds ends with two jeed outgrowths.

Teacher. The fruits of the series also take to study under the magnifying glass - they are quite large to consider not only the adaptation to zoohoria, but also the internal structure of the seed.

In addition to the fruits of the listed types on excursions, others can meet. They can also be collected and used as a demonstration material when studying the topic.

For plants, it is important to spread their seeds. The farther from the parent plant will grow a subsidiary, the less they will compete among themselves for the resources. For example, if the young sharp trees appears under the maternal tree, then it will most likely die due to lack of sunlight. Therefore, plants were important to develop a device for the effective distribution of seeds. And this adaptation has a coated fruit. Thus, speaking about the distribution of seeds of coated bridges, it is possible to keep in mind the spread of their fruits.

Since fruits are distributed in different ways, they look different. Each type of flowering plant has a fruit feature. With all this there are four basic ways to spread fruits. This propagation with 1) animals (including birds and humans), 2) wind, 3) water, 4) self-religion. It happens that in nature the fruits of the same plants are distributed in several ways, but they are mainly adapted to one.

Spreading fruits of animals

There are two main options, as an animal can spread seeds. If the fruits are dry and have different minor hooks, hooks, spines, they can be attached to the wool or skin of animals. Later, their animal drops in another place. If the fruits are juicy, then animals eat them. However, in their digestive tracts, the fruit seeds are not digested and outward, and surrounded by fertilizer.

Examples of plants that apply with the help of hooks are a series, burdock, strain. Examples of plants that apply due to eating their animals are all that form juicy fruits (berries, apples, cherries, etc.). Especially many plants spread poultry (Rowan, Buzina, etc.)

However, there is still a third option of distribution. Nuts eat many rodents (for example, proteins, mice). At the same time, they eat and, of course, digest the seed. Nothing remains from him. But rodents often hide the reserves of nuts and acorns, and then they do not find them. Thus, due to their forgetfulness, the fruits of plants and apply.

It should be noted the role of a person in the spread of fruits and seeds. A man moves over long distances, transports numerous cargoes. Often, the seeds and minor fruits of plants are accidentally transported with them. As a result, plants may appear on one continent, which is a completely different continent.

The spread of fruit wind

To spread the wind, the fruits should be light to fly as long as possible in the wind. This is achieved not only by reducing the mass of seed and fetus, but also at the expense of various formations that increase the fetal area. After all, the more the surface and less weight, the easier it is to fly.

You can select two main types of fixtures for wind propagation. it pilot and wolfish. The beneficials include fruit with various fluffy formations (poplar, Iva, Cyprus, cotton) or parachutes (dandelion). The winners have fairly large widths (maple, ash, birch). Usually such a fruit is in the trees. The winters are broken away from the branches after the dedication of foliage so that it does not interfere with fly.

Spreading fruit water

Water spreads the fruits of water covered bridges, as well as many of those that grow along the shores.

The adaptation of the fetus to the propagation of water is to increase its buoyancy. This is achieved by the formation of air cavities inside the fetus. So, for example, the fetal of coconut is a fibrous pulp, there is a lot of air in it. Therefore, the coconuts are not drown and sail away, reaching the neighboring islands. The jugs seeds are surrounded by spongy fruit, which also does not give them the opportunity to drown.

With the help of water, the fruits of alder, sources are distributed.

Self-discharge of seeds of fruits

At the same time, the method of spreading the fruit is arranged in such a way that running around when ripening, he himself ensures the scatter of seeds. In some cases, the wind is used for this, and then the seeds are small. In others, the seeds of the fetus are pushed with force.

With the help of wind, seeds enclosed in the fruit box are spread. Proward, the box is open and in the wind pegs, seeds (poppy) are hung in different directions. It can be said that this is propagation with the help of wind, and not self-discharge. However, the wind only moves the seeds, and not the fruit. The fruit itself is a box - remains on the plant, and it is it that is adapted for self-discharge.

Another example of self-discharge is the fruit of Bob. During the ripening of the sash, the bob dried, twisted in different directions, the fruit cracks along the seam, and the seeds are scattered, sometimes with force (beans, peas).