Carved doors with their own hands. Carved wooden doors

Often people cannot choose a suitable door from the existing range. Some buy what is, and others decide to do everything yourself. To make wooden doors with their own hands, it will take some special equipment for woodworking, tools and, of course, it is better to have carpentry skills. But still, if there is no available in the presence, then you can improvise and achieve the necessary success. In addition, readers find out how to choose and dry the boards for the future door.

Material for door

Usually for the manufacture of wooden doors, pine is used, less often fir. It is bad to use for products, because in its wood there are many borties that make it difficult to work significantly. In addition, the structure of the fiber is inhomogeneous and often strates. For these reasons, the optimal breed of wood to make wooden doors with their own hands, is pine.

Choose the boards

To make the door to be beautiful and smooth, you need to carefully choose the boards. They must be without flaws, do not have large borties, as well as that the structure of the fibers was even. If Sinev is visible on the surface, it means that storage technology has been broken and the material began to hide. It is better not to use such wood, because it will begin to rot in the future.

Drying bought boards

In any case, to completely be confident in the material, it must be dried. Even if he seems to be ready for use, it is better to be restred, before making wooden doors with their own hands. Each board needs to be put on pads that will not allow the tree to touch with each other. It is necessary so that the moisture containing inside the fibers could freely go out. If this is not done, mold will form, which will spoil the material.

The place where wood will be dried must be well ventilated and, it is desirable that the temperature be above 25 ° C. This process takes from a month to two.

The tree can be dried and faster by placing it in a special camera for this. It creates a temperature of not more than 50 ° C. If you make it higher, then the resin can find out, and it bonds the fibers. In order for the manufacturer's wooden entrance door with their own hands, it was durable and served for a long time, you should not hurry in this process.

The drying chamber can be made in the garage, the desired booth, or the automotive body. The boards are stacked as when drying outdoors, jamming them with gaskets.

Materials and tools to create doors

  • boards;
  • insulation;
  • glue - carpentry;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • mill;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • loops;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • sandpaper.

Good with his own hands should qualitatively protect the dwelling not only from intruders, but also from the cold, as well as noise. Therefore, one side is made absolutely even and glucuate the Fiberboard, which then the insulation is put on.

By internal install the dimensions of the door itself. In addition, you need to decide on the gaps and lower lumen. When everything is ready, you can cut a rectangle from the WCP sheet, which will exactly repeat the shape and size of the door. It is worth a particularly careful referring to the markup and drinking the corners. All of them must be 90 °.

So, we oversleep two boards, making them 5 cm thick, and a width of 11 cm. We will create wooden doors with your own hands for a standard box 200 * 90 cm. In order for the canvas not over the surface, and it also freely opened and closed, it needs its dimensions a bit reduce. Therefore, the doors will be 192 * 82.

Before designing and assembling the door, you need to check the geometry of the box so that its angles are clearly 90 °. For the entrance doors most often made five fillers. Such a solution allows them to be made from whole segments of the material. So, you need to fool two boards in length 192 cm, and four to 72 cm, it is taking into account the studs of 5 cm on each side.

Fillinka is better to have symmetrically, but if it is required to achieve an asymmetric form, you can fix them as necessary, it will not affect the functionality. It is worth remembering the grooves of 5 cm.

When everything is ready, the wooden entrance door is going to do it with your own hands and whether everything is checked. At the same time, it is monitoring that there are no cracks in the groats, and at the same time spit came free. If everything is fine, then the door is disassembled, after which they collect back, but already with glue. Since this is the entrance door, the external environment will be affected by it. For this reason, it is better to strengthen the design to be further strengthened. They are 1 cm wide. Then we take the drill of the same diameter, and drill holes on the joints. They must pass through the spike. After that, the specks are failed with glue and drive.

When everything dried, you can end the joints and stream the protruding parts of the wanks so that the surface is absolutely smooth.

Choose grooves

Now, to make a wooden door with your own hands, you will have to work the cutter. We put on the so-called window milling mill. It needs to choose a material on half of the thickness of the canvas, for installation in these grooves. Corners will turn out rounded, so they will need to refine the chisel.

Making Filöns

They are pulled out from the solid parts of the tree, they must be tightly enter into the grooves without cracks. One side of the Filine is made flat, and on the other you can even cut the pattern, everything is on the discretion of the wizard. Further, this part of the door is polished for the easiest collection of all components of the canvas. Fillycasts should be closed with a surface. It is impossible for any part of them to perform, this in the subsequent can lead to deformation of the List DVP, which the door will be turned into.

When everything is placed perfectly, you can fix the Filotinki by self-drawing. They need to be screwed at an angle from the other side where the Feds will be. And, of course, no self-tapping screws should get out on the front part. Therefore, their size must be carefully chosen. Now it remains to nail the Fiberboard sheet and can be covered with a verse or varnish, who wants. It describes in detail the manufacture of wooden doors with their own hands, step-by-step instructions.

Installation of wooden door

Originally decide how the door will be attached to the door. Then it is carefully placed so that everything comes to, and with the help of self-samples, hinges are fixed on the canvas and the box. Then to check how it opens and closes. If everything is done correctly, then, being completely open, the door will be in the same position as it was left. If there is the slightest break, it will open or close. Adjusting and installing wooden doors with your own hands can be a painstaking process, but it needs to be done perfectly, because it depends on the comfortable stay in the house.

Warming wooden door

So that the external noises are not disturbed, and the cold could not pass through the cloth, it must be insulated. After all, if you cover the protective layer only a wooden door, it will be good to perform its functions only in warm season. Yes, and the sounds of the street will pass more. To improve the door, it is worth insulationing it.


To insulate the wooden door with their own hands, you need to push the foam into the tu of half, which is covered by Fiberboard. It is necessary to do it so that one centimeter free from the insulation of the insulation is needed to leave around the edge of the canvas. On him later we will nourish the external material. In the event that however, the foam rubber got out of the framework, it needs to be cut with a sharp knife.

Material for upholstery can be different, usually choose leatherette, less often fabric. To make everything better, it is better to use the services of an assistant. So the insulation of the wooden door will be with their own hands much faster and, most importantly, better. It is necessary to fix the material using a plot of a centimeter wide, which we did not stick to the foam rubber. When the end is fixed, the material is spilled, and then continue to work. The tension must be uniform to avoid folds.

When one part is made, go to the one that opposite. For this, one employee pulls out the material, and the other is fixed by the same stapler. When the work is done, on the perimeter of the canvas, you need to navigate the rollers, which will not give cold air and outsiders from outside to enter the dwelling.

We make rollers for doors

From the material that the door is turned around, rollers roll, they should be around a centimeter in thickness. Then they are nailed along the edges of the door with the help of construction nails.

Material for upholstery is better to buy more, because it will be tightened to the foam rubber. And also it will be needed to make rollers, so it is necessary to calculate everything carefully.

Now everything that concerns the question of how to make wooden doors with their own hands, drawings, schemes and subtleties in work, we considered. On the images it is easy to understand the whole principle from which parts consists of a canvas. It is not necessary to make the door of those sizes as in the drawings, because the pasumes and the box are different. However, it will be much easier on them to create your own project.


To the door served for a long time, you need to choose the right loops on which it will be attached. They have a lot of species, but the most common is half-hearted. Their design is simple, and if necessary, the owner can easily remove the door by lifting it up in the open position.

You can also hang the cloth with hinge loops. They are similar to the first, only the axis is twisted in them. This door can not just raise to remove.

Although in modern times there are many varieties of doors, yet the use of wooden is considered a classic. They are used both for the arrangement of country houses, baths and urban apartments. Since such structures are rightfully considered the most environmentally friendly and have an attractive appearance.

A wood carving allows you to create unusual products that will attract views with their uniqueness.
Wooden carved doors can be considered real works of art, since each element or item has their own unique history.

The advantages of carved doors

The main and main advantage of the use of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness:

  1. Such doors are strong enough. Made of high-quality woods, they can serve quite a long time, in the presence of timely care.
  2. Fitness to repair. Products made of wood can be modified, and attaching efforts, a completely new product can be created from obsolete doors.
  3. Simple processing. The tree has a very pliable structure, so on its surface can be realized any designer fantasy.
  4. Wooden doors are very well preserved warm. And when using additional insulation materials, they can conquer the championship among other door canvases.
  5. Creating a comfortable microclimate. The tree perfectly supports the necessary moisture content indoors, thereby creating optimal conditions for living.
  6. A variety of choice. Here each consumer will be able to choose the appropriate option, depending on the budget and personal preferences.
  7. Aesthetic appearance. Any surfaces decorated with carvings acquire a special highlight and uniqueness.

But with all the advantages, such structures exist, inherent in the material, disadvantages:

  • When using a solid wooden array, the weight of such a door will be significant. This fact complicates its installation.
  • Mandatory processing. Since the tree is a living material, it is amenable to rotting and molding. To avoid the effects of malicious microorganisms, as well as the conditions of the external environment, wood requires pre-processing with special means of protection.
  • Maintaining appearance. Such products require regular care. After a certain time, it is necessary to update their paintwork so that the canvas does not lose their attractiveness.
  • Not every consumer can afford to purchase such a wooden structure, since the price of it will be high.

Choosing wood

From the selected variety of wood will depend, first of all, operational performance indicators.

Each breed of wood will be different with its peculiarities, price, as well as appearance:

  • Oak. It is one of the most expensive breeds, but at the same time, the quality will also be the best. The high strength of the material provides him with endurance to the drops of humidity and temperatures. More complex treatment due to the characteristics of the wood structure, but also the appearance of such doors will be luxurious.
  • Beech. The appearance of the material is not much inferior to the oak, but the characteristics of the wood are a little worse. When using appropriate processing, they minimize.
  • Maple. The price of such products is significantly lower, but the material is sufficiently durable, does not succumb to cracks.
  • Alder. Lower material processing and affordable price. Well confronts moisture and is not amenable to deformities.
  • Ash. It has a very strong structure, superior to even oak. It suffers enough tolerate temperature differences and humidity.
  • Pine. The most fiscal option is therefore the term of its operation will be the smallest. It is easy to process, but is influenced by humidity.

Production rules

Major Thread Methods:

  1. Overhead. Carved parts are fixed to the canvas. Transform this way can any door. There are places such as in the center and in the corners of the door.
  2. Carving on the canvas.

Cost from 80,000 rubles.

The design of the house involves the implementation of ideas. If you have your ideas, fill the dwelling interior items for individual orders. And as a functional entrance to the entrance, stop at elite expensive doors.

Elite interior doors

Luxurious doors have their own characteristics that win them among other goods:

  • high cost - sets taking into account the procurement value of materials;
  • excellent quality - and the initial raw materials, and decor, and the work itself;
  • exclusive appearance;
  • unique tree processing methods;
  • original designs.

The combination of all these qualities determines the functionality and aesthetic attractiveness of these interior items. The advantages of such a product - the reason to buy it and decorate your home, every room.

In order for the design of the room is solid, do not do without decor of receptions, which are also an element of the room. The selection of the elements of the carving over the photo will allow you to quickly and just cope with this task.

Arched interior doors

With the help of elite arched interior doors, the interior gives special chic, charm, originality and elegance. A new vision of the design of the opening, although based on centuries-old traditions, it looks fresh and visually changes the perception of the room. It is possible to produce elite products to order, which means:

  • Dimensions perfectly relevant to the dimensions of the input opening;
  • The design consisting of the elements you choose;
  • Design, as the implementation of your ideas and tips of designers;
  • A unique combination of materials (wood, glass, etc.);
  • Harmonious color solution for products from a wood array.

For such products, a special style and appearance. They bring to the premises of the comfort, make a stay in the room comfortable, create a unique atmosphere in its kind. At the same time look neat and interesting.

Elite doors from oak to order

If you want to forget about the design of openings once and forever, there is no better solution than buying elite oak doors. The advantages of such acquisition are obvious:

  • For elite VIP-doors, excellent quality and exclusive design;
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, it has a special energy, with it warm and cozy in the room;
  • Oak, as one of the most popular noble breeds, is characterized by a long service life, resistance to rotting and deformations, attractive appearance. Excellent safety margin is an excellent advantage.

If you are interested in the proposal, you can buy products. The choice is large - the range is diverse. For this product category, expensive models with a unique design - a common phenomenon. They are high quality and original. Successfully combined with other materials.

One of the most spectacular and impressive elements of the interior is the decor used for both interroom and entry. Carved decorations made of noble tree species and successfully used in decorating are an important activity of our company.

Decor, distinguished by high quality, manages to get due to the qualifications and practical experience of artists, sculptors and carvers on the tree of our company. Also an important factor predetermining high quality, we use exclusively high-quality source material. An array of such valuable rocks as oak, ash and beech we get from the best suppliers, cooperation with which lasts for years and is distinguished by respectable in business relationships.

We can offer door decoration by a carved wood decor as ready-made samples of our catalog, and according to your sketches in any historical style to order. For the practical implementation of your projects, you need to contact representatives of the sculptor collective and carvers of our company, for example, using the site. These experts will be provided with comprehensive support for your project. If necessary, they will be able to make the necessary adjustments to it relating mainly to the nuances of historical style and scaling. We work with any media information on individual projects of decors, be it video footage, photos, sketches, drawings or computer models. Project correction is carried out in online mode, which significantly reduces the process of developing and implementing into production. The carved decor of the platbands from the company "Stavros" is carried out in the shortest possible time and is delivered by courier delivery to anywhere in Russia. The convenience of service inexpensive, accurate and fast delivery has already been able to appreciate the numerous partners of the company who do not have to "break" their own business schedule for an independent delivery organization.

Stavros is sincerely interested in developing long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation with serial consumers of a high-quality interior decor.

Carved wood doors

Carved doors made of wood will turn your home into a real palace! Like any detail of the interior, they can play not only an important functional role, but also to be a unique stroke decor. Here the main thing is not to get lost in the abundance of all sorts of techniques and options.

Medieval motifs in the modern interior

When it comes to wooden interroom or entrance doors, it is useful to remember that the elegant handmade carving can give the product a completely new exclusive appearance. This is one of the oldest crafts and an important part of the culture of any people. And at all does not mean that such a decor is only suitable for the classic interior.

Here are the stunning examples of modern carved doors as samples of the unity of aesthetics and functionality.

Entrance carved doors

If you live in a country or in the private sector and want your home to be spectacle to stand out among many others, entrance doors decorated with a beautiful carved pattern will solve the problem. They will not only increase the attractiveness of the entrance, but also emphasize the unique style of the entire interior.

Complete carving in the form of flying ducks

Slide drawing on sliding entrance doors revitalizes charming Indian motifs. Guests will passionately consider the intricate drawing of an impressive wide door and will not notice possible flaws in the garden or courtyard layout.

Huge sliding door with aztec pattern and glass walls on the sides

The most popular for wooden doors are themes of nature and history. It is closely related to the inner furnishings of the room. Nature images are used for houses in Eco or rustic style. Historical motifs at the entrance door hide the classic interior.

Carved composition "Bears in the forest"

All of the above applies to the decor of interior carved doors of the most diverse design - two-dimensional, sliding, on wheels. Doors in the basement can be a real work of art. Designers use massive chains or door hammers to immerse you into the mysterious atmosphere of medieval romanticism.

Despite the technical progress and the abundance of synthetic analogues, a person continues to be beautiful to the beautiful interior objects made of wood array. Not exception are carved doors. Although wooden doors from the massif have passed a little their former position among cheaper imitation, they still find their connoisseurs, thanks to their natural beauty and environmental friendliness.

So the carved wooden doors with an overhead pattern look like

The main and indisputable advantage of wooden doors is the one hundred percent environmental friendliness of the material. Although one should not forget about other positive characteristics of natural wood:

Disadvantages of carved doors

Without appropriate care and protection, the main advantage of the tree is its natural origin, can turn into a disadvantage. Wood is prone to rotting, the appearance of wormochin, fungus, mold and insect damage. Especially rapidly such biological processes are developing in a wet environment.
Among other operational deficiencies should also be noted:

Types of carved doors

The classification of wooden doors is carried out according to the following criteria.

Depending on the installation site

This classification involves the separation of doors by the type of premises:

  • interroom;
  • entrance;
  • kitchen;
  • living rooms, etc.

By way opening

Depending on the tree of wood

From the variety of wood, much depends on the appearance, operational characteristics and prices for a carved door. Each breed of wood has its own characteristics, both positive and negative.

Carved doors can also be made of an array of exotic overseas trees: sequoah, mahagony, wenge, bamboo. Such options can be made under the order, often at a well-known price.

Making carved doors

Carved doors with their own hands can be performed in the following options:

  1. Schedule decorating method. It is that the carved elements are screwed or glued to the door canvase. The advantage of this option is that you can even decorate the old door, without removing it from the loops. Cutting decor can be made with your own hands or purchased in the finished form.
  2. Carving directly on a wooden door canvas. This method is more complicated and time consuming. But on the door you can create whole pictures.

Wooden doors can be performed in the following thread techniques:

Features of the finished canvase

In addition to the web itself, when installing the door, you need to purchase the following enough items: Door Box, Threshold, Loops and other fastening details. Often the cost of these component parts is approaching the price of the door of the door.

Conduct measurements

Before purchasing the door, the door frame should be measured. All calculations are desirable to produce after laying outdoor coating. To choose the right door you need to know the following parameters:

At the measurement stage, it should also be declared whether the door threshold will be installed or not.

Door installation

Installation of the carved door with their own hands requires professional knowledge and special equipment. Special difficulty and jewelry accuracy must be observed when installing loops and locks. Subsequently, the mistakes allowed to correct will be difficult or completely impossible.

Scheme for installing carved doors

Although there are sets completely ready for installation and they only need to install in the opening.
With your own hands, install a carved door made of wood in two ways:

First option

Second option

  1. The door frame is installed in the opening with the help of self-tapping and struts.
  2. The clearance is filled with foam, the installation is suspended until the foam is complete.
  3. Mounted loops on the installed door frame.
  4. The door canvas is hung.

This option is more suitable for doors made of light wood. It will be more difficult to keep the heavy canvas and mount on the weight. The platbands are installed after all other manipulations. Docking can be carried out at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. For fixing, nails without hats are used.
Important! The doors made of solid massif due to significant weight require fastenings on three loops - from below, in the middle and on top.